Persimmon varieties with names, photos and descriptions. The best varieties of persimmon

Among the huge number of tropical fruits, persimmon is far from the last. This tart, incredibly sweet and fragrant fruit is a favorite of all gourmets. It is included in many gourmet dishes, although it can be eaten without additives and seasonings, this will not make the taste worse. Exist various varieties persimmons, which differ from each other in taste, origin and other parameters. Consider which of them are the most popular, the sweetest.

Some varieties of persimmons get their names because of their appearance or taste. Among those there is also a variety of kinglet, or chocolate persimmon. It is believed that the fruits of such a tree are the most delicious, the sweetest. It grows mainly in subtropical and tropical regions, bears fruit several times a year. A dark brown flesh shows through the dark orange skin of a ripe persimmon. It has a very sweet taste, which at the same time does not have cloying. They say that such juicy varieties of persimmons are created in order to get drunk with them. These fruits contain the maximum amount of water.

This variety is followed by tangerine, or, as it is also called, Such fruits small size, their skin has When the fruit is fully ripe, it becomes very soft, to the point that it spreads in the hands. Honey persimmon has such a name because it has an incredibly sweet taste, up to cloying.

An analogue of tangerine persimmon is tomato, which is sometimes called a bull's heart. Its fruits are large and juicy, after full ripening they retain their bright orange color. The pulp becomes soft, sweet and literally spreads in the hands. That is why these fruits are not transported, but eaten directly in the places where they grow.

Now let's talk about hard varieties of persimmon, among which there is Egyptian, elongated. Such fruits are considered one of the most beautiful, they are often used for serving luxurious tables. However, lovers of sweet fruits dislike the Egyptian variety because of its hardness and astringency. Elongated persimmons are often cut into salads, baked with meat.

Hard, tart and Chinese persimmon, which also has a specific shape. Unfortunately, in our regions, such fruits are not so common. In the original, this fruit is light- orange color, inside which is a hard pulp. Also, the “Chinese woman” has notes of astringency in its taste, like all hard varieties of persimmon. Photos of these oriental berries clearly demonstrate the originality of their shape.

Among the hard varieties, it is also worth mentioning the "Russian", which grows both in the tropics and in the southern part of temperate latitudes. Berries have a tart taste with hints of sweetness, the flesh is soft if the fruit is fully ripe. The Russian persimmon variety is late, the berries are ripe by November, and after that they can be transported to any corner of the planet. This variety is considered one of the most common, since the tree itself is unpretentious, and the fruits are tasty and beautiful.

Varieties of persimmon with a photo: the most delicious and sweet, for growing in the Russian Federation

Persimmon (lat. Diōspyros) has been known to man for over 2000 years. For a unique taste with many various shades it is also called the "Plum of the Gods". Due to the rather low calorie content (from 60 to 120 calories depending on the variety) and the high content of vitamins and microelements, this product is indispensable in the diet of every person, especially in winter.

Application and main characteristics of persimmon

We are accustomed to using persimmon fruits only in fresh, enjoying the juicy and slightly tart pulp. But this fruit is also widely used to make compote, delicious marmalade, jam, preserves and even wine. Wonderful dried fruits are made from it, and a special kind of coffee is obtained from the grains of the seeds. The wood of this tree is highly valued and is called "black". It is used for the manufacture of furniture, parquet and sports equipment.

Tropics and subtropics are considered homeland. This plant is a huge sprawling tree up to 30 m high, but there are also dwarf varieties for growing at home. In early summer, it is covered with many fragrant flowers of red, yellow or white color, and by the end of autumn, amazing sunny fruits ripen on it. Their size and color may vary depending on the variety.

Currently, there are more than 300 varieties of this plant. The taste of fruits is different - from tart to sugary sweet. The ripe flesh becomes like a jelly that can be eaten with a spoon, while some varieties remain firm even at the end of the ripening period.

How to choose sweet fruits that do not knit your mouth

Many people know that persimmon "knits the mouth", but not everyone knows why this happens and how to choose the right fruits. It’s worth mentioning right away that not all varieties have such a property, mainly Eastern varieties and frost-resistant varieties (grown in the territory of the Russian Federation). Such as Shokoladnitsa and Sharon do not have astringency even in the unripe form, only if they are consumed completely green (seen by color).

Varieties of persimmons that do not knit your mouth: Chocolate

The sensation of viscosity in the mouth appears due to the tart taste of unripe fruits. Some varieties are visually almost impossible to distinguish, since they are orange in color even in an unripe form.

When buying an Eastern or local persimmon, you should pay attention to the softness of the fruit: the peel should not look like a film, but it should be easy to squeeze through with a little pressure with your finger. The color of the persimmon, if it is not a Chocolate Girl variety, may be dark orange, but not brown. The darkened fruits will not “knit your mouth”, but their taste will also be similar to porridge.

If you bought a tart, unripe persimmon, this is not a problem. Put it in the fridge or even better in the freezer. After 3-4 hours, the astringency will disappear, and the pulp will become very sweet and will not turn into jelly (due to this quality, many people prefer to buy unripe persimmons and freeze them).

What varieties of persimmon are the most delicious winter variety persimmons: Asterisk

Weather conditions greatly affect the taste and quality of the fruit. Transportation is also an important factor: if the persimmon ripens completely on the tree, then it will be much tastier than the one that ripened during transportation or storage.

Persimmon Korolkovaya

Among the many varieties of this fruit, the most delicious and affordable varieties in the regions of Russia are distinguished. Korolkovy persimmon, which is deservedly considered the sweetest, is especially popular. It should be noted that what more seeds in fruits - the tastier they are. The most popular varieties of this group include Hyakume, Zenji-Maru, Gately.

Persimmon varieties Korolek or Hyakume


Hyakume persimmon is the most common of the Korolkov family, it gives large fruits elongated shape and weighing up to 250 grams, for which it received the name Korolek. Their color can vary from honey yellow to dark brown. It is thanks to the color and unique taste that the variety is often called "Chocolate", but you should not confuse it with Zenji-Maru (popularly Chocolate).

Fruits differ in good transportability. Their skin is smooth and dense, which allows the fruit to maintain its presentation for a long time. The pulp has a sweet, delicate taste. Even unripe fruits have a honey aroma and are completely intolerant. A young tree begins to bear fruit already 4-5 years after planting, and the yield can reach 200 kg per unit. but this species not resistant to severe frosts and requires good shelter at temperatures below -18ºС.

Chocolate Girl or Zenji Maru

In terms of characteristics and appearance, it practically does not differ from Hyakume. It has a slightly darker flesh, and a more sugary aftertaste. It is generally accepted that the more seeds in the fruit, the higher its taste. Trees of this variety also produce excellent harvest, but thermophilic, they are recommended to be grown in areas where the temperature does not fall below 15.

Persimmon Apple or Sharon

Persimmon varieties "apple" are in high demand. They got their name due to the crossing of this fruit with an apple tree. Among the most popular subspecies, Sharon can be distinguished, which has an amazing delicate aroma reminiscent of quince and apricot.

Hybrid persimmon Sharon

Large juicy fruits have no seeds and astringent taste. Even when ripe, the flesh remains firm, like an apple, and has a bright orange color. Sharon is unpretentious in cultivation and is well transported, but it is not adapted to the northern climate.


Varieties of Eastern or Japanese persimmon are considered the largest:

  • The weight of one fruit can reach 0.5 kg;
  • The tree is able to bring up to 500 kg of quality crop per year;
  • The flowers are self-fertile and do not require pollination;
  • The tree reaches up to 10 meters in height, which greatly facilitates harvesting;
  • Frost resistance is moderate: it withstands frosts down to -18ºС and requires thorough shelter for the winter.

Frost-resistant varieties persimmons for cultivation in Russia

Varieties of persimmons can be conditionally classified according to the ripening time:

  • Early - begins to bear fruit in early October. These include: Sidlis and Goshoaki;
  • Medium - the fruits ripen in early November (Hiakume, Zenji-Maru);
  • Late - the harvest period begins only in December (Nakhodka, Asterisk).

For gardeners in Russia, persimmon varieties of early ripening and high frost resistance are most interesting. Because there is nothing nicer than to have on a festive New Year's table these exotic fruits grown in own garden.

The following persimmon varieties are most suitable for growing in Russia:

  • Virgin;
  • Russian woman;
  • Mount Goverla;
  • Mount Roman-Kosh.


Virgin persimmon tree

Persimmon Virgin (or American) is a huge tree up to 25 meters in height, rather undemanding to soil and moisture. The plant is able to withstand frosts and -35ºС without shelter for the winter. Due to its high frost resistance, this is the only variety suitable for central Russia.

It is preferable to plant in open areas, as this subspecies requires a lot of light. Persimmon variety Virginskaya has small fruits, their diameter is 2-6 cm, and the pulp is sweet and nutritious.

Russian woman

Persimmon fruits of the Rossiyanka variety

This variety was bred by breeders of Nikitsky botanical garden in Crimea and has the following characteristics:

  • The height of the tree reaches 4-4.5 m;
  • The fruits are small, weighing up to 70 gr;
  • The shape is rounded flattened;
  • The surface has a white wax coating;
  • The ripening period begins at the end of October, and in November the fruits reach full softening;
  • During the season, the tree produces up to 80 kg of fruit;
  • Unripe persimmon has a tart taste, but when fully ripe, it becomes very sweet, and the pulp acquires the consistency of jam;
  • Shelf life is not long: until December;
  • The Rossiyanka persimmon tree can withstand short frosts down to -30ºС.

Mount Goverla

Persimmon Mount Hoverla

This is one of best hybrids, the weight of the fruits of which reaches 270 gr. The pulp of the fruit has burgundy color and has excellent taste. Their ripening period begins at the end of October. Persimmon varieties Mount Goverla is quite frost-resistant and can withstand up to -24ºС.

Mount Roman-Kosh

Large persimmon Mountain Roman-Kosh

The Mountain Roman-Kosh tree has good frost resistance down to -25 degrees. But to get bountiful harvest pollination is required. The fruits are yellow in color and begin to ripen in early November. They are stored for a long time and can lie until January.


If you decide to grow persimmons in your own garden, then when choosing a variety, you must give preference to frost-resistant ones. By observing the correct and timely care, as well as providing high-quality shelter for the winter, after 3-4 years you will be able to enjoy excellent and very beneficial fruits, as well as the view beautiful tree, which will decorate any site.

Persimmon is a plant of the ebony family. Exists a large number of types of this representative. However, the following varieties are most interesting for our country: “Eastern”, “Caucasian”, “Virginskaya”. Let us dwell in more detail on each of them and find out what features of growing this plant exist.

Caucasian persimmon

Persimmon, the varieties of which we have listed, grows on trees. Some reach a height of more than 25 meters. The fruits of the plant weigh an average of 20 g. The taste is tart. They contain 4 seeds inside, before ripening, the persimmon of the “Caucasian” variety has a black color.

Growing features

Grow "Caucasian" persimmon by planting seedlings. They tolerate various weather, climate change and soil condition. The seedlings are drought tolerant and do not produce shoots in the garden.

Virgin persimmon. How to grow?

Virgin persimmon is a medium-sized tree from North America that can withstand temperature extremes down to -20 degrees Celsius. The plant reaches a height of 20 meters.

Seedlings are used as rootstock to promote cultivated plant species. Persimmon loves clay, waterlogged soil.

Eastern persimmon

This type of plant was brought to us from China. There are various varieties, most often they are able to withstand severe frosts. In our country, this plant has taken root since the days of the USSR. Persimmon varieties "Russian" is an interspecific hybrid of "Eastern" and "Virgin" persimmons.

Constant varieties

All types of persimmons are divided into some groups. Those that do not change the color of the pulp when ripe, and also regardless of the method of pollination, are called constant. Persimmon constant is divided into two types:

  • sweet;
  • tart.

The first does not become soft even with a long lying down. Varietal color does not change after removal from the tree. The tart type of persimmon loses its taste after a long maturation and gradually softens.

Some gardeners distinguish another plant variety - varying. Such persimmons change the color of the pulp and taste depending on pollination / propagation method.

Ripening terms

Depending on the period of fruit removal, persimmon is divided into three subgroups:

  1. Early. These include persimmon growing in the Crimea. Varieties grown in the south ripen much earlier - in mid-September.
  2. Mid-season. These plants bear fruit a little later - from mid-October.
  3. Late. Persimmon of this subgroup ripens by the beginning of December.

The most popular persimmon varieties in Russia

On the shelves of domestic stores you can see different varieties of persimmon. The most popular in Russia are:

  • persimmon variety "Korolek", otherwise it is called "chocolate";
  • "tangerine" / "honey";
  • "large kinglet";
  • "bull's heart" / "tomato";
  • "Chinese";
  • "chamomile";
  • "Egyptian".

"Korolek" - persimmon, which is considered the most delicious. She has round shape. Chocolate pulp is visible through the orange skin, hence its second name. The darker the pulp, the sweeter the fruit. Persimmon has up to 10 seeds. The taste characteristics of this fruit do not change even after a long maturation, the persimmon does not knit, it is always sweet and juicy.

"Mandarin" in shape resembles this variety of citrus fruits. Some call it honey because it tastes very sweet. She is the most sugary of all varieties, she never has seeds. When the fruit is fully ripe, the orange pulp turns into a liquid jelly. During this period, it cannot be transported. To bring a ripe khurah from the store home safe and sound, you need to be extremely careful.

"Large kinglet" - the same as the usual one, but the size of the fruit is much larger. The persimmon pulp of this variety is less dark, it tastes a little knit.

Some are very fond of "bull's heart" or "tomato". Persimmon, the description of the variety of which determines its name. Outwardly, the fruits resemble a bull's heart tomato. Persimmon of this variety is very large, it has no seeds. Orange flesh is always juicy, does not darken. Delicate ripe fruits are also very difficult to transport, as well as "honey". However, unlike it, persimmon varieties "tomato" has a less sugary taste.

"Chinese" persimmon has unusual shape, all the fruits of the plant grow with a strip. Compared to the above varieties, "Chinese" lacks sweetness. The fruits have a thick skin.

"Chamomile" or "fig" persimmon - the most early variety of all. Its flesh turns dark when ripe. Inside the fruit there are several long seeds.

"Egyptian" differs from all in its elongated shape. The taste of the fruit is average, the persimmon is not cloying, slightly knits.

How does reproduction/pollination take place?

Experienced gardeners often use the budding method for propagation. In this case, this process is difficult to implement due to the high content of tannins in persimmon tissues. Tanids prevent the fusion of the stock with the scion. Trees are propagated in the spring, during the sap flow of the plant.

At the end of winter, cuttings or budding wood are cut. Raw materials are stored in a refrigerator at a temperature of -2 to 0 degrees Celsius. Using this method reproduction, the survival rate of the eyes is 95%. Persimmon is formed according to a sparse tiered system. Some use change-leader and non-tiered. Trees are usually pruned in spring, many also do pruning at harvest time.

Growing features

persimmon trees bear fruit long years, most often this period reaches a value of 60 years. You can get the first harvest two years after planting the seedlings. Full fruiting in trees appears after ten years. Usually persimmons are grown in large plantations. When laying, it should be borne in mind that for 100 seedlings of one variety, 10 seedlings are needed, which will pollinate the plants.

Persimmon does not require high humidity air and high rainfall. The minimum quantity is 900 mm per year. It is better to grow trees in fertile loamy soil. Plants can feel bad on sandy and pebbly lands.

Despite the rather demanding attitude to the soil, the trees are absolutely unpretentious in their care. They almost never require pruning. Persimmon copes well with severe frosts and long sub-zero temperatures. Trees are less prone to decay than others, they resist diseases and pests well.

Young shoots are fertilized with organic and mineral substances. This is usually done in early spring or mid-summer. Mature trees should be watered at least
7-8 times a year.

The fruits begin to be harvested in mid-October. The ripening period of persimmon lasts about two months. With some varieties, fruits can be removed until the second half of December. But usually persimmon ripens after the last leaf fall.

How to store persimmon?

This fruit must be stored properly. The fruits will not spoil in the cooling chambers. Favorable storage temperature - 0 degrees. If the air humidity does not exceed 90%, then the persimmon can lie in storage for about 3 months. At lower humidity (up to 85%), fruits wither and lose their shape. If the humidity level is more than 90%, then the fruits rot, and the persimmon becomes moldy. Subject to temperature conditions You can speed up or slow down the maturation process. Many use the technology of artificial fruit ripening. The use of ethylene gas allows persimmons to ripen faster than their natural time. After chemical processing fruits ripen already on the 4th day, while naturally the fruits would need 25-30 days.

Sweet persimmon Korolek with soft flesh of dark orange color is known, perhaps, to everyone. It is she who is most often found on store shelves in the autumn. Other varieties are not so popular in our area, but meanwhile in the world there are more than 450 species of this crop alone, and there are several times more varieties! True, not all are suitable for food: some have an exclusively decorative or technical value.

Three main types of persimmon

Do you want to learn how to identify the most delicious orange fruits of the varieties presented in the store? Or maybe you intend to grow persimmons at home? In this case, it will be useful to start by understanding the most known species of this culture.

  • Persimmon virgin or American persimmon grows mainly in the western United States, but is sometimes found on the Mediterranean coast and in Ukraine. The fruits of this species are of medium size - from 2 to 6 cm in diameter, but they are of high nutritional value, and the sugar content in them is about 45%.

Video about persimmon

mature tree can reach a height of 25 meters, the flowers on it are unisexual, appear in June, the fruits begin to sing in September. The virgin species grows well on different types soil, not afraid of close occurrence ground water, not too picky about the humidity of air and soil. The only requirement is that the landing site should be well lit by the sun. In domestic gardens, this species can be grown without shelter for the winter due to its high frost resistance (but only under the condition of short-term frosts not lower than -35 degrees).

  • From Spain to Japan, Caucasian persimmon grows in subtropical regions (it is sold on the market and in stores as “ordinary”). Her fruits are very small - up to 2.5 cm, have a tart taste, saturated with sugars and vitamins. On adult trees up to 30 m high, female white-green and male red-yellow flowers bloom at the end of May. Fruit ripening occurs in October-November. The Caucasian species cannot boast of high frost resistance: the most resistant varieties can withstand short frosts down to -25 degrees, so plantings need good shelter for the winter.
  • Japanese persimmon (another name is oriental) is found not only in Japan, but also in the USA, Spain, Israel, Korea, and China. Domestic amateur gardeners also grow it, although this species is afraid of frosts below -18 degrees and requires mandatory shelter before the onset of winter. The mature tree is different compact size- up to 10 meters in height. The flowers on it are female, male and mixed, flowering begins in May-June.

Some varieties of the Japanese variety have a tart taste even when ripe, there are pitted fruits.

Depending on the variety, fruit ripening takes place from October to early December. Some varieties of the Japanese variety have a tart taste even when ripe, and seedless fruits are found. Oriental persimmon has the largest size (the weight of one fruit can reach 0.5 kg). Additional plus - high yield, up to 500 kg per tree.

The most popular and sweet varieties

The very first on sale is fig persimmon, which is also called Chamomile because in the context it resembles a flower. The sweet taste is similar to Kinglet, but the flesh of Chamomile remains orange and does not darken at all.

Chocolate persimmon, which is often confused with the "Korolok" among the people, is actually an oriental variety of Zenji-Maru. Medium sized trees big amount male flowers, so Zenji Maru can be a good pollinator. Seed fruits are brown-orange in color, weighing up to 150 g, with dark, very sweet and juicy pulp. There are fruits without seeds, they can be distinguished by the bright orange color of the skin. The harvest starts in October. In winter, the Chocolate Girl needs shelter in frosts below -18 degrees.

The well-known Kinglet also belongs to the eastern species, its true name is Hyakume. This is a self-fertile variety with round fruits weighing up to 250 g. The color of the skin varies from light orange (in seedless specimens) to dark red.

This is a self-fertile variety with round fruits weighing up to 250 g.

The advantages include not only a sweet delicate taste, without cloying, but also excellent transportability. The smooth skin retains its integrity for a long time, and the flesh does not knit even in an unripe state, since there are very few tannins in Korolka. Hyakume is considered one of the most productive varieties growing in domestic gardens. On average, 100-200 kg can be collected from one tree. However, in winter, when frosts are below -18 degrees, planting must be carefully covered.

For all its merits, Hyakume has a serious drawback: weak resistance to disease.

The eastern group also includes persimmon bull heart(or Hachia), which really resembles the tomatoes of the same name in shape and size. Large orange fruits weighing up to 250 g are seedless. When fully ripe, the pulp is tender, sweet, reminiscent of jelly in texture, the color remains bright, does not darken. The immature Khachia knits a little. Fruiting occurs without pollination.

The so-called "apple" persimmon Sharon deserves special attention, since this is a separate hybrid obtained by crossing an apple tree and Japanese look persimmons. In its amazing sweet taste, you can catch notes of quince and apricot, astringent astringency is practically absent, there are no seeds. Bright orange flesh, even when ripe, remains firm like an apple. The advantages of Sharon include good transportation and unpretentiousness of the plant during cultivation.

Persimmon Rossiyanka and other interspecific hybrids

No matter how tasty Sharon, Shokoladnitsa and Korolek are, it is not so easy to grow them in Russian climatic conditions. It is still safer to choose more unpretentious, frost-resistant hybrids bred by domestic breeders.

In the immature state, the pulp of the Russian woman has astringency, after ripening, the pulp turns into a “jam” and becomes very sweet.

Pay your attention to the Russian woman received in the Nikitsky Botanical Garden. It is she who is currently used to obtain new varieties of persimmons suitable for our climate. The tree grows up to 4.5 m in height, the fruits turn yellow by November, and reach full softening by the end of November. Annually from one tree it is possible to get up to 80 kg of crop. True, the fruits are no different large sizes- their weight is about 50-70 g.

In the immature state, the pulp of the Russian woman has astringency, after ripening, the pulp turns into “jam” and becomes very sweet, with a subtle pleasant aroma. Persimmon retains transportability and good keeping quality until December.

The Russian woman is able to withstand frosts down to -27-30 degrees. In addition, pests and diseases do not damage it, which means that it will not be necessary to treat plantings with chemicals.

Video about delicious persimmon

Popular among our gardeners are such interspecific hybrids as:

  • Nikitskaya burgundy - fruits of a burgundy hue, weighing up to 150 g, are not inferior in taste to the oriental look, but have tart notes. A pollinator is required for fruiting.
  • Mount Goverla - burgundy persimmon with excellent taste, up to 270 g in weight. It ripens towards the end of October, is able to tolerate short frosts down to -24 degrees. It is considered one of the best hybrids.
  • Mountain Roman-Kosh - fruits up to 250 g, yellow, ripen at the very beginning of November and are well stored until January. Frost resistance is average (up to -24 degrees), a pollinator is needed.

Now that you know the most popular persimmon varieties

Persimmon (Diospiros L.) is a member of the ebony family. It unites almost 300 species, of which for our climate zone Three are of most interest: Caucasian persimmon(D.lotus), persimmon virginiana(D. virginiana), kaki(D.kaki) and artificially obtained hybrid forms with increased frost resistance.

Caucasian persimmon

The natural habitat is the Caucasus. The trees are vigorous, reaching a height of 30 meters. Frost resistance of the aerial part is about 22 - 24 degrees, and the roots - about 10 - 12 degrees. Fruits up to 20 grams in weight, tart on ripening, almost black in color, with small seeds up to 4 pieces.

Seedlings of this species are used as a base for cultivars . root system their branched, fibrous. Seedlings tolerate transplantation well, grow on almost any soil, are quite drought-resistant, do not give shoots in the garden. There are no cultivars.

Persimmon virgin

Persimmon virginiana comes from North America. The trees are medium-sized, up to 20 meters in height, with frost resistance up to -35 degrees. The root system withstands soil freezing down to -15 degrees and therefore seedlings of this species are recommended to be used as a stock to promote cultivated varieties to more northern regions. Other valuable quality as a rootstock is that it withstands and grows well on heavy clay waterlogged soils, and also has a longer period of natural winter dormancy, which does not provoke premature sap flow of the cultivar due to long winter thaws. It should be borne in mind that cultivars grafted on Virginia persimmon tolerate transplantation worse due to the peculiarity of having weakly branched tap roots, are more moisture-loving, develop more slowly, are less productive and less durable. There are cultivars called in America persimons.

Eastern persimmon

Kaki has originated in China. To date, more than a thousand varieties with different biological and commercial characteristics are known. We are interested in varieties with frost resistance of at least minus 17 degrees, some of which are listed above.

In the USSR, in the State Nikitsky Botanical Garden, by means of directed selection in the post-war years, for the first time in the world, the breeder Pasenkov A.K. was received interspecific hybrid of eastern and virgin persimmon , from among the seedlings of which the best was chosen, later called Russian woman. Its frost resistance is minus 26 degrees. Subsequently, Alexander Naumovich, an employee of the GNBS Kazas, obtained the variety Nikitskaya burgundy, which, when tested for freezing, showed even higher frost resistance. The taste of Nikitsky burgundy is beyond praise.

According to foreign classification, persimmon varieties are divided into two groups: varying And constant.


Varieties are those varieties whose fruits, depending on how they were formed - after fertilization or parthenocarpically, have different consumer qualities. Fruits formed parthenocarpically and not containing seeds do not change the color of the pulp upon ripening, and lose astringency only after maturation. The fruits of the same varieties, even on the same tree, but formed after fertilization and having seeds, have intolerant pulp already at harvest, and the color of the pulp changes to darker, to brown.

Constant varieties

TO constant include varieties, the fruits of which, regardless of pollination and seed formation, the color of the pulp do not change. They are divided into two subgroups: tart And sweet.

  • TO tart constant varieties include varieties: Khachia, Tanenashi, Gosho, Soyo.Sidles, Tsuru, Costata, Adreula, Emon, Aizu-Mishirazu, Mechta, Rossiyanka, Novinka, Nikitskaya burgundy, Mider, John Rick, Weber. Astringency in their fruits disappears only after full biological maturation in the process of maturation and softening of the pulp.
  • TO sweet constant varieties include: Dzhiro, Krymchanka 55, Nakhodka, Kiara, Meotse saukune, Mishirazu, Fuyu, Twentieth century - the fruits of these varieties, regardless of the presence of seeds in them, are sweet already after they have acquired a characteristic varietal color even during removal, even hard, without softening in lying down

In the USSR, they adhered to a slightly different classification and divided all varieties into three groups: tannin(or constant), which corresponded to constant tart; tanninless(or sweet), which corresponded to constant sweets; varying(or korolkovye, or chocolate). The same alignment is currently followed in Ukraine.

Among the introduced and obtained by domestic breeders of Ukraine, Russia, there are the following varieties and forms of oriental persimmon:

  • Seedles- constant, mid-season, fruits are round-quadrangular, red-orange, very sweet, weighing 90-150 grams.
  • Aizu Mishirazu- constant, late-ripening, fruits are flat-round, orange, weighing 60-140 grams.
  • Tanenashi- constant, mid-season, fruits are round-conical, yellow-orange, weighing 80-260 grams.
  • Hachia- constant, late-ripening, cone-shaped fruits with a black dot on the tip, orange, very sweet, weighing 60-200 grams.

  • Costata- constant, very late ripening, fruits are conical-ribbed, orange, weighing 40-120 grams.
  • Tsuru-gaki- constant, very late ripening, cylindrical fruits with a conical tip, orange, weighing 50-130 grams.
  • big tamopan- constant, very late ripening, fruits are flat with constriction, dark orange, weighing 150-270 grams.
  • Dream 459 (Kuro-kuma x Fuyu) - constant, mid-season, fruits are round-flat, red-orange, weighing 45-200 grams. Monoecious.
  • Satellite- constant, mid-season, fruits are round-ribbed, orange, weighing 40-100 grams. Monoecious is a good pollinator for eastern persimmons.
  • zenji maru- variable, mid-season, fruits are round, orange, weighing 20-100 grams. Monoecious is a good pollinator for eastern persimmons.
  • kuro-kuma- variable, mid-season, fruits are flat-round, orange, weighing 40-70 grams.
  • Hyakume - variable, late-ripening, orange fruits, weighing 60-220 grams. Often, without pollination, it completely discards the ovary.
  • Yankin-tsuru- variable, late ripening, fruits are cylindrical or oval, orange, weighing 50-90 grams.
  • Shagotsu-gaki- variable, late ripening, fruits are wide-conical, dark orange, weighing 80-210 grams.
  • Ukrainian- variable, early ripening, fruits are cylindrical, orange, very sweet, weighing 40-100 grams. Single variety.
  • Dawn 187- variable, mid-season, fruits are round-flat, sometimes ribbed, orange, weighing 50-200 grams.
  • Chocolate 326- variable, mid-season, fruits are round-conical, orange, weighing 45-150 grams.
  • Daughter of Saburose- variable, mid-season, fruits are oval-ovoid, orange-red, weighing 35-90 grams.
  • Star- variable, late ripening, fruits are round, orange, weighing 60-120 grams. Male flowers are formed in a year.
  • Excellent (Chinebuli, Giro, Delicious)- intolerant, late-ripening, fruits are flat-oval, quadrangular, orange, weighing 60-220 grams. Male flowers are formed in a year.
  • Fuyu- intolerant, late-ripening, fruits are round-flat, red-orange, weighing 30-110 grams. Single variety.

  • Ishi kick her jiro- a clone of the Excellent. The fruits are larger, intolerant.
  • Crimean 55- intolerant, mid-season, fruits are round, dark orange, weighing 60-120 grams, very sweet.
  • Nakhodka- intolerant, late-ripening, fruits are round, yellow-orange, weighing 30-150 grams. Single variety.
  • virgin persimmon
  • Mider- constant, very early ripening, fruits are flat-round, dark orange, fragrant, weighing 30-50 (very rarely up to 100) grams.
  • John Rick- constant, early ripening, fruits are flat-round, orange-dark red, small.
  • Weber- constant, early ripening, fruits are round, dark, small.

Hybrid varieties of Nikitsky Botanical Garden

  • Russian woman 18- constant, mid-season, fruits are flat-round, orange, very sweet fragrant, weighing 45-60 grams.
  • Nikitskaya burgundy- constant, mid-season, fruits are flat-round, reddish-burgundy, sweet fragrant, weighing 50-150 grams.
  • Mount Goverla- constant, mid-season, fruits are flat-round, orange, pleasant peculiar texture, weighing 60-300 grams.
  • Mount Roman Kosh- constant, mid-season, fruits are flat-round, orange, weighing 70-200 grams.
  • Mount Rogers- constant, mid-season, fruits are flat-round, orange, weighing 40-150 grams.
  • New- constant, mid-season, medium-sized fruits. Monoecious variety, good pollinator for all persimmon varieties.

Ripening terms

According to the timing of ripening, or rather the removal of fruits, persimmon is divided into three groups of varieties:

  1. early filmed (in the south) mid-September to mid-October;
  2. mid-season- from October to the beginning of November;
  3. late- ripening from the second half to the beginning of December.

The timing of maturation is significantly affected by weather conditions. Fruits can be harvested a little earlier the right time, they can mature somewhat in the prone, but then the quality will be worse.


Persimmon is characterized by the fact that its plants form three types of flowers: female, men's and very rarely bisexual.
Other varieties form only female flowers, these are Hyakume, Aizu Mishirazu, Seedles, Gosho gaki, Hachia, Tanenashi, Tamopan, Tsuru, Meotse saukune, Emon, Tsurunoko, Costata, Rossiyanka, Nikitskaya burgundy and others of which, under favorable agrotechnical conditions, some can form fruits without fertilization.

Other varieties except for women form and male flowers annually and in large numbers, these are: Shagotsu gaki, Nakhodka, Gailey, Zenji maru, Dream, Novelty, Sputnik.

There are varieties that form along with female and male flowers, but periodically, after 1-2 years: this is Asterisk, Fuyu, Jiro, Pretty.

It should be borne in mind that pollination significantly affects the consistency of the fruit pulp and its taste. Fruits containing seeds are always tastier than seedless ones.. Interestingly, even in the same fruit with 1-2 seeds, the pulp surrounding the seeds is always softer and tastier than the part where there are no seeds.

Most varieties require pollination of the female flowers to obtain a higher yield of high quality fruit. However, there are varieties that bear fruit well without fertilization, forming seedless fruits. On this basis, persimmon varieties can be divided into three groups:

  1. Varieties requiring pollination: Hiakume, Gosho gaki, Zenji maru, Chiedimon, Aman kaki, Trakta kaki, Huro kuma, Tsurunoko, Kaki mela, Yankin tsuru, Step otsu gaki, Gaily, Maru, Ezo ichi;
  2. Varieties that bear fruit without pollination: Seedles, Tamopan big, Tanenashi, Gosho, Costata.
  3. Varieties included in the intermediate group: Hachia, Adreula, Jiro, Aizu Mishirazu, Emon, Soyo, Nikitskaya Burgundy, Rossiyanka and others.

Trees of the intermediate group of varieties produce fruits without fertilization, but in order to increase the yield, as well as increase the size of the fruits, improve their taste, pollination is required. Varieties such as Hachia, Aizu-mishirazu, after pollination of flowers, form seed fruits with sweeter pulp than seedless fruits. Under the influence of pollination, the color of the pulp changes, in some varieties it takes on a dark brown color either around the seeds (Hachia, Aizu-mishirazu) or throughout the fruit (Zenji maru); in the 20th century and Fuyu varieties, only small brown dots, and the main color of the pulp remains orange.

It has been noted that in fruits with immature seeds, the color of the pulp does not change, and only as the fruits and seeds ripen, it gradually begins to darken.

All in all, not only the yield, but also the quality of the fruit depends on the fertilization of persimmon flowers, therefore, when laying a persimmon garden, it is recommended to plant one pollinator tree for every 8-9 trees with functionally female flowers. If it is not possible to plant a pollinator, processing of persimmon flowers will be required, and then the set fruits, if they begin to drop, an aqueous solution of gibberellin. The concentration of the solution should be selected empirically, primarily due to the quality of the gibberellin being marketed. With irregular soil moisture, gibbellellin treatment is required.

Choosing a place for planting persimmons

When choosing a place for planting persimmons, you must be guided by the following conditions:

  • The best soils for persimmons are alluvial loamy or sandy loam, quite fertile, with a depth of groundwater not closer than 0.75 meters from the surface of the earth - the bulk of the roots is located in a layer of 0.1-0.5 meters.
  • Plant nutrition area -25 sq. m for low-growing varieties and before 64 sq. m for vigorous, with possible compaction by plantings of short-lived fruit, for example, columnar forms or peaches.
  • The place must be sheltered from the winter's drying winds.
  • Persimmon is photophilous, in a shaded place its leaves are deformed, the shoots acquire signs of etiolation, the fruits fall off.
  • Irrigation should be considered, but waterlogging will be harmful - an increased growth of shoots will begin to the detriment of the nutrition of the fruits, which will begin to fall off.

In more northern latitudes, unusual for persimmons, you can try to grow persimmons in wall formation by planting on the south side of a heated building, but not an insulated wall; can also be formed in a creeping form.

Selection and planting of seedlings

You need to purchase seedlings from the manufacturer. Some addresses are given in the appendix. Remember: only the manufacturer can give you his address and guarantee! When buying from resellers in the market, you can not even buy persimmon at all, but if persimmon, then wild. Even at the exhibition, the acquired seedling may not correspond to the named variety, it may not be frost-resistant enough for your climatic zone, that is, it will freeze out in the very first winter.

Persimmon seedlings with open root system should be purchased autumn, and the less time has passed since digging, the better. In persimmons, with proper digging, thin branched roots should be preserved, which are very sensitive both to drying (they die in 1-2 hours) and to waterlogging. If the fibrous roots still died, but the taproots are healthy, then the seedling is quite suitable for planting, but it will begin vegetation in the spring with a delay, maybe even in July.

In the southern regions on the permanent place can be planted until November, but it is better earlier, while the earth is warm, the root takes root in the soil. In more northern regions, and in the south, if they could not plant within the specified time, it is advisable to postpone planting until the spring after the threat of severe frost has passed.

Landing be sure to install a support stake. The grafting site, if it is done on the root collar, should be buried 5-10 cm below ground level. landing pit, and place it against the wall, spreading the roots along it, which are pressed with soil. Right after autumn planting spud the stem with earth, and when frost sets in, put a box and fill it with insulating material, you can even soil. In subsequent years of growth in winter, insulate the trunk and skeletal branches, and apply a reflective layer on top. In the southern regions, you can limit yourself to whitewashing lime mortar, but it should be noted that after a long warm period at the beginning of winter, followed by a sharp cold snap, even very frost-resistant varieties of virgin persimmon have stem damage in the form of bark peeling from wood with the cambium dying within 20 cm above and below the snow cover. trunk circle insulate by mulching with improvised material, this is especially important if Caucasian persimmon serves as a stock.

Persimmon is a very fast-growing culture: Caucasian persimmon grafted on a rootstock can begin fruiting in the second year after planting in a permanent place, and on a H. virgin rootstock - for 3-4 years. The Nikitskaya burgundy is distinguished by a special precocity.

crown formation

But do not flatter yourself and get carried away with the primary harvest, it is more important form a crown, otherwise the trees will have an untidy appearance, fruiting will move to the periphery and up, the branches will begin to break off.

Experts recommend the main shape of the crown changed leadership, which is characterized by strength, good illumination and a small height of trees. The interval between skeletal branches in such a crown is 20-40 cm, the number of which can be 4-6 pieces.

In the spring of the first year of growth, the seedling is pruned at a height of about 80 cm, by autumn a shoot of continuation of the central conductor grows from the upper bud, and from the lateral buds two radially located ones are left to grow, one at the height of the trunk (about 50 cm), the other at 20 - 40 cm above it, the shoots from the remaining buds must be constantly pinched or simply removed. In the spring of next year, the central conductor is cut at a height of about 1.5 m, and the side branches are cut off leaving 40 - 50 cm each, so that the semi-skeletal branches are located as close to the trunk as possible. In summer, the development of a pair of oppositely located skeletal branches is stimulated, which should be perpendicular to the plane of the lower two branches. In the same way, another tier is formed, then the central leader is removed with a transfer to the side branch.

Omarov M.D. (All-Russian Research Institute of Floriculture and Subtropical Crops, Sochi) recommends forming a crown palmette which will greatly increase the yield. Such a crown is required in wall cultivation.

Most experts agree that a cultivar grafted on a high, over 1 m, virgin persimmon stem is more resistant to low temperatures in winter and avoids frost damage to the stem. For industrial plantations, this may be true, but in home gardens, under close attention gardener, there is always the possibility of protecting the trunk and skeletal branches at critically low temperatures. Moreover, if a cold winter happens, a high trunk will not save the cultivar, it may also suffer, but if the seedling is planted with a deepening of the grafting site, then new shoots will grow from the dormant buds located in the underground part, from which it will be possible to form a new one. crown.

Features of persimmon care

The main criteria for success are agricultural technology, freedom from diseases and pests. A prerequisite is preparation for wintering, such as: stopping watering 1-1.5 months before the end of the growing season, so that the shoots ripen. Good aging of wood is facilitated by phosphorus and potash fertilizers, which in high doses should be applied in the second half of summer. Especially effective foliar top dressing 0.5-1.5% 1-3-day water extract of superphosphate with 0.5% potassium sulfate with the addition of potassium permanganate 0.02-0.05% or potassium iodide 0.02%. Spraying begins with lower concentrations at the end of summer, weekly, gradually increasing the concentration of the working solution to maximum values.

Persimmon plants are able to accumulate in fruits iodine. If in coastal regions the absorption of iodine comes from air saturated with it, then in continental regions the addition of potassium iodide to the solution for foliar feeding more than desirable.

Regarding frost resistance persimmon, there are different opinions, moreover, the difference sometimes reaches 3 - 5 degrees. Indeed, even identical trees growing side by side often differ in frost resistance.

With good preparation for wintering, the frost resistance of a persimmon plant can be 2-3 degrees higher. In the northern regions, where there are no thaws, you can experiment with late autumn treatment of trees with available cryoprotectants, such as: a solution of 0.2% dimethyl sulfoxide, 0.05% glycerin, Mars preparations (or Vympel). By the way, processing with Vympel accelerates the ripening of fruits, increases sugar content, and increases their size.

In areas with drying winter winds, you can try to treat trees after leaf fall with solutions of latex or PVA glue at a dose of 30-50 ml per 10 liters of water.

Persimmon bears fruit on the shoots of the current year, in last year's buds (as in grape buds) all the information for the future branch with leaves and flowers is laid. Flowers will only be from well-executed buds located at the end and middle of the future shoot. pledge good harvest is to obtain strong annual growth. Which in turn depends on the availability of trees nutrients, water and from pruning.

Strong pruning is used only when forming a crown. In the fruiting period, they are limited to thinning, removal of damaged, drying branches. Branches are shortened only with a length of more than 50 cm and branches with numerous short (less than 10 cm) shoots. In addition, it should be noted that heavy pruning after the laying of the crown skeleton adversely affects the durability of the trees.

The vegetative bud is laid in September-October of the year preceding flowering, by the end of winter the vegetative bud becomes cone-shaped, two outer scales cover it by 2/3 of its length. The two inner ones are densely pubescent. Rudimentary leaves up to 18. In early spring in the axils of these rudimentary leaves, the formation and development of flower buds begins. For your information: you can try to stimulate an increase in the number of flowers by treating trees with an aqueous solution of caffeine, for this purpose you can use pharmaceutical tablets of caffeine-sodium benzoate.

Bloom comes in May-June, less often - in July and lasts 1 - 1.5 months. Lifespan male flower 1 - 2 days, they are small, 2 - 4 pieces in a bundle. female flowers larger in size, they are pitcher-shaped, four-petal, pale green in color, solitary and capable of fertilization within 3-4 days.
The size of the fruit is highly dependent on the growing conditions, for example, the fruits of the Nikitskaya burgundy can weigh both 130 and 30 grams.

yield at different varieties different, there is a dependence on the formation, and on nutrition, and on the fertilization of flowers. At 4 years of age, it is possible to obtain about 10 kg of fruit, at 10 years of age up to 200 kg, followed by a constant increase in yield. With a plentiful harvest, a chatalovka is used.

When the growth of shoots decreases and fruiting stops, a good effect is given anti-aging pruning. In the year of such pruning, the trees do not produce a crop, but the next year they bear fruit along with the unrejuvenated ones, and then increase the yield.

soil in the garden recommend keeping under black steam with sowing green manure in autumn, which are plowed in April-May of the next year or mowed and crushed into mulch. At the age of the garden 8-10 years, it is recommended to make mineral fertilizers based on the active substance: nitrogen and phosphorus 1.5 kg each, potassium 0.5 kg per one hundred square meters.

Pest and disease control is not usually carried out, since we did not notice any serious damage to them. Although in fairness it should be noted that persimmon can be affected by scab, gray rot, fomopsis, from which it is enough to spray twice (before and after flowering) Bordeaux mixture or better with systemic drugs, at least Ridomil. Of the pests, they can definitely be damaged by the California scale insect, mites, leaves can be eaten by some types of caterpillars. The root system of the Caucasian persimmon can be affected by root cancer.

Harvest and storage

Cleaning is carried out from stairs, stands, carefully, without damaging the skin of the fetus, cutting off the stem closer to the fruit with a pruner. They are placed for storage in boxes on a layer of loose material (sawdust, chaff, shavings) with the stalk down close to each other; the next layer is laid with the stalk up; these two layers are poured with packaging material on the layer, which is again laid with the fruit stalk down, the third layer, the fourth layer - stalk up, then the layer of packaging material and so on.

It is possible to store packaged fruits at a temperature of 0-+1 degrees and an air humidity of 80-90% for two or more months.
If it is necessary to urgently consume tart fruits that have not reached consumer standards, they can simply be frozen in the freezer, after thawing they lose their astringency. Strongly immature fruits should not be frozen - the taste will turn out to be unimportant.

It also accelerates the ripening of fruits by piercing them in 10-12 places and rubbing them ethyl alcohol. Joint storage of persimmon fruits and apples in hermetically sealed bags accelerates the loss of astringency due to the release of ethylene by apples.

Heating the fruits of tart constant varieties (even those that have lost astringency after softening) to 50 - 60 degrees (during drying or canning) returns them to their former astringency.


Addresses of some scientific institutions, experimental farms, amateur gardeners, where you can buy a small amount of varietal planting material:

  • Trading House at the Nikitsky Botanical Garden, Nikita village, Yalta city, Ukraine, 98648. tel. +380654-335597.
  • All-Russian Research Institute of Floriculture and Subtropical Crops, Fabritsius str., 2/28, Sochi, Krasnodar Territory, Russia, 354002.
  • Bogdanovsky Yuri Evlampievich, Panova St., 59, Feodosia, Crimea, Ukraine. Tel.
  • Gerasimov Gennady Kornilovich, Fontannaya street, 45; settlement of Nizhnegorsky, Autonomous Republic of Crimea, Ukraine, 97100. tel.; +380973576249; +380631145970; +380669968914. +79788443893 (MTS of Russia)

The most common fruit in the world. First among the best. Information about the sweetness, tenderness and benefits of persimmon came to contemporaries from ancient times.

Tree of seven virtues

There are over 300 varieties of this plant. Judging by the artifacts, the area of ​​distribution of various types of persimmon covers the whole of Asia and both Americas. In the languages ​​of many peoples of the world there is a concept denoting this unique fruit.

  1. Black date - this is the exact translation of the concept from Arabic.
  2. The tree of seven virtues is a Chinese proverb.
  3. Kaki or the fruit of the fruit - the Japanese say about the berry.
  4. Totolcuitlatzaputl, black sapote or chocolate berry - called the Aztecs.
  5. There is also a Philippine variety of persimmon - mabolo, velvet apple.

Drawings depicting a red-orange fleshy fruit are found throughout Southeast Asia. Images of persimmons are immortalized in ancient Chinese and Japanese engravings. Persimmon is dedicated to one of the famous haiku of the brilliant Basho.

In the East, this most valuable fruit and economic culture has been valued since ancient times. For the inhabitants of Asia and Oceania, the indigenous inhabitants of America, persimmon is the same symbol of the harvest as grapes are for Italians. Marshmallow, wine, ink are made from fruits. The bark, saturated with tannins, is used for leather dressing. Wood, with a strong and beautiful structure, belongs to valuable species and is used for the manufacture of furniture, dishes, and jewelry.

Persimmon: a gift from the gods

In Europe, the plant is known thanks to travelers who have rediscovered the persimmon several times throughout the history of Europe. The first mention of the miraculous fruit is found in the poems of Homer, created about three thousand years ago. Herodotus, based on travel notes, compiled his descriptions, permeated with admiration. The Swedish naturalist-researcher Thunberg described this plant in the 18th century as the original Japanese one. A funny historical anecdote is known about how the North American Indians taught missionaries to eat persimmons: “To assess the maturity of the fruit,” they revealed the secret, “it should be cut off after the leaves have completely fallen off.”

But when the Europeans figured it out, they appreciated the persimmon at its true worth. Only invented names are worth something:

  1. Persimon - such an expressive name was given to the fruit by the North Americans.
  2. Sharon is a modern Israeli variety, a selection of persimmon and apple.
  3. The Swedish biologist, who first described the berry, gave the culture the term "Diospyros" - a gift from the gods.

Cultural persimmon: varieties and types

The problem was that at first exotic beauty refused to grow even in the sunny Iberian Peninsula. A lot of work went into adapting the chocolate date to harsh conditions.

Today's persimmon - almost all - are cultivated species. Only in the middle of the 19th century was it possible to develop varieties that bear fruit in the Mediterranean. At the turn of the 20th century, this culture came to gardens on the northern coast of the Black Sea - to the Crimea and Abkhazia. Today there are hybrids that are able to bear fruit in temperate latitudes.

Persimmon fruits - large berries, weighing up to 600 g. The pulp of black dates is rich in fiber, sugars, pectins, minerals, proteins and vitamins. Consumers distinguish between two types of persimmon:

  • chocolate - nectar-jelly and sweet,
  • fiery carmine color - tart, flowing juice.

Both types of fruits can hang not only on one tree - even on one branch.

The most early persimmon ripens in the southern regions by the end of September. However, the most delicious ripens by December.

What determines the taste of persimmon

The taste of the fruit depends on many factors - the type of tree, the quality of the soil, the amount sunny days. However, most of all, the consumer qualities of berries depend on the type of pollination of flowers.

Among the many varieties, and there are more than a thousand of them in the world, there are constant and variable plants.

  1. The first group includes varieties that lay asexual ovary. Fruits reach full maturity only after maturing or freezing.
  2. Pollinated species belong to the second. The fact that flowers are pollinated affects the sweetness and astringency of the fruit pulp. Fruits with seeds - they are usually called kinglets - are always sweeter than ordinary persimmons. Interestingly, in pollinated fruits, the pulp surrounding the seeds is much sweeter than the pulp located closer to the edge.

How to choose a variety for growing in the garden

Today, scientists have received the results of new selections. These plants are predominantly hybrid type. Gardeners, including Russian and Ukrainian, have bred seedless varieties that form delicious sweet berries.

In total, three groups of varieties are cultivated on the continent. Each group is based on American, Chinese or Caucasian selection.

  1. The rootstocks of the virgin (North American) selection are distinguished by relatively small growth and good frost resistance. The height of the branches reaches 5 m. The root system withstands a cold of the order of -11 ° C (degrees of frost). Trees on such rootstocks in middle lane best grown in tubs.
  2. Eastern or Chinese persimmon is more hardened: the branches withstand frosts of 23o C, and the roots - up to 18o.
  3. The most frost-resistant are Caucasian varieties. However, for breeding in home gardens they are rarely used: the crowns of trees are a bit tall - up to 30 m, and the fruits are small - 30 g each.

Most suitable varieties for cultivation in a continental climate, these are Rossiyanka and Korolek. Both varieties are bred by breeders of the Crimea.

Russian woman is a constant variety. It is based on crossing the American and Chinese varieties of trees. Differs in high frost resistance. Fruits after removal must be kept for another couple of weeks. Their flesh is sweet and aromatic.

Kinglet belongs to the group of variable plants. The variety is derived from various types of Virginia persimmon. The plant withstands colds up to 30 ° C. The berries are dark brown with many seeds. Delicious immediately after removal.

Persimmon cultivation technology in the middle lane

Varieties based on oriental selection are often grown in tubs. In summer, trees are taken out into the garden, and in winter they are hidden in the cellar. For heat-loving plants, this option is optimal.

American persimmon hybrids in private gardens in the northern regions are grown in open field at the south wall of the house. For the landing to be successful, the rule must be observed - the wall must radiate heat, that is, it should not be insulated.

How to increase the frost resistance of persimmons

The ability of trees to resist frost largely depends on the actions of the gardener. In order for the wood to mature, summer growth should be limited within reasonable limits. Too bountiful harvest can also weaken the branches: part of the ovary must be removed immediately upon formation.

Mandatory activities include summer top dressing potassium salts and phosphates. There are recommendations for the plan:

  • if winters are accompanied by an even constant temperature, the protection of branches can be increased by treatment with cryoprotectants;
  • in conditions of frequent thaws and strong winds try spraying the plants with a PVA solution in the proportion of 50 mg per 10 liters of water in the fall.

If all activities are carried out on time and carefully, the trees are guaranteed to survive the winter of moderate intensity. Modern varieties and hybrids are quite capable of wintering in the middle zone of the country. And, perhaps, soon enough, it will also be possible to say about our dachas in the words of Basho: the branches are decorated with scarlet persimmons at each house.

The persimmon genus has hundreds of varieties growing on all continents of the planet. Although China is considered the birthplace of the plant, which today grows and sells products more than all countries combined. The fruit is used mainly for food, and therefore cultivated for this purpose. But some endemic representatives are bred for valuable wood, which is called black ebony. It is used in the furniture industry.

Description of persimmon varieties

Systematize the plant by species depending on the region of growth. It is most widespread in the Indomalayan subtropical zone, covering vast territory from East and South-East Asia including Australia, India. Of the 1500 species, 725 varieties are described, the most famous and used by humans. For example, persimmon:

  • low;
  • black;
  • opposite leaf;
  • Hawaiian;
  • eastern (Japan and China);
  • Caucasian;
  • virginian;
  • Sharon (Israel);
  • multi-colored;
  • Ceylon (ebony);
  • medlar (African);
  • mexican;
  • peruvian.

Some varieties popular among sellers have common name- king.

The note! In 1959, in the USSR, Crimean breeders bred hybrid persimmon varieties - Rossiyanka, Gora Goverla, Gora Rogers, Novinka. They are obtained by crossing virgin and oriental species. Photos of persimmon varieties with the name and description can be seen below.

Persimmon Nikitskaya burgundy: variety description

The plant is a constant mid-season varieties. The berries are round-flat, weighing from 50 to 150 g. The color of the fruit is reddish-burgundy, the taste is sweet.

Persimmon varieties Rossiyanka

"Rossiyanka" bears fruit annually. The fruits appear on a tree of small height. Its originality lies in the fact that it forms inflorescences only female. Pollination is not required for fruiting. The berries are yellow with an orange tinge. Up to 80 kg of crop is harvested from one tree at the end of autumn. Each fruit weighs about 100 g.

Remove the berries from the tree when they are still firm and tart. Ripening occurs during storage. Ripe fruit contains an increased amount of fructose, has an original flavor. Small trees are planted in the ground in spring and autumn. The main thing in describing the characteristics of the Rossiyanka persimmon variety is the ability of the tree to withstand temperatures as low as -35 ° C.

Look at the photo of the Rossiyanka persimmon variety:

Beneficial features plants are associated with the content in it of a large amount of β-carotene, a precursor of micronutrient A, hallmark which is orange, like a carrot. The use of persimmon helps to increase immune defense, resist cancerous growths. A significant content of the trace element Fe improves hematopoietic reactions, and vitamin C helps to cope with colds.

Important! hallmark fruit is a reduced amount of tannin and tannic components. This makes it possible for people with disorders to use it. digestive system. The calorie content of the product is 70 kcal per 100 g of mass.

Persimmon variety "Virginskaya"

The tree has taken root perfectly in the southern regions of Russia - Krasnodar Territory, Volgograd region, in the Caucasus. Near Sochi, it blooms until mid-June and manages to produce ripe fruits. To get a good harvest from a medium-sized tree (up to 10 m), you need to form a crown. Fruit ripening does not occur simultaneously, but is stretched from mid-October to mid-December. The weight of one berry is from 30 to 45 g. The taste of the fruit is sweet, in quality it is better than oriental persimmons, the amount of sugars is twice as much.

Pests for a tree are Japanese false scale insects, and from diseases it is dangerous gray rot. It affects flowers, ovaries, berries and even young shoots. Get rid of it by processing the Bordeaux mixture in April, before flowering and after. The tree is protected from larvae and adults by false scale insects with a special tool.

Persimmon virgin large-fruited

A hybrid of the virgin persimmon comes from America. Tree of medium height. Very frost resistant. Withstands frosts down to -37°C. It tolerates dry periods well. It resists pests and diseases on its own. Fruit ripening time is October. Berries of medium size and weight - up to 70 g. The peel is yellow-brown, and the flesh is darker with a marmalade texture. It is stored for a long time and ripens in the process of lying.

Wild persimmon Caucasian

Grows in the Caucasus. The trees are tall up to 30 m. The frost resistance of the crown is up to -24°С, the root system is -12°С. Fruits are small, weighing up to 20 g. The taste is tart. After maturation, they acquire a dark blue color. Seeds in a berry - 4 pieces. The seedlings are used as rootstock for cultivars. They take root well after transplantation. The root has a fibrous and branched structure. The tree grows in any soil. Tolerates drought well.

The medicinal properties of the wild persimmon "Caucasian" are used by consuming not only the fruits, but also the leaves, the bark of the branches. Micronutrient C strengthens the immune system, which makes it possible to resist viruses. Berry juice is useful for vitamin deficiencies, during the period of convalescence after serious illnesses. To enhance expectoration of sputum in case of inflammation of the upper respiratory organs, berries are used in the form of puree. They are also useful for healing wounds after boils. Pectins in the composition of the fruit regulate the digestive system, if consumed in moderation.

The formula of the connective fibers of the bark and leaves includes:

  • triterpenoid substances;
  • useful organic acids;
  • tannin components;
  • myricetin compounds;
  • quinone.
The note! Caucasian persimmon is used in raw and processed form. One of the raw materials for activated carbon and caffeine surrogates are the seeds of the plant.

Persimmon God's gift

Seedlings are planted at the age of 3 years. Fruits weighing up to 120 g ripen early, in early October. For fruiting, the tree does not need a pollinator, as it is itself a pollinator for the Chinese and Japanese varieties, virgin and hybrid persimmons. A low-growing tree grows up to 3.5 m in height. The first crop gives in 2-3 years. Fruit color ranges from bright yellow to burgundy. Weight of berries - 120 g maximum. Seeds are few. Frost resistance of the crown up to -35°C. Taste qualities are much better than "Rossiyanka".

The variety is disease resistant and harmful insects. When transplanting, absolute survival is obtained as a result of processing the root system with sticky rooters:

  • "Kornevin Novofert";
  • "Rooter Green Guy";
  • "Fertilizer for the roots";
  • root growth stimulant.
Important! In the spring, to support the plant and stimulate growth, it must be fed with urea, ammonium nitrate, ammonium sulfate.

Persimmon Mountain Roman-Kosh

Frost resistance of branches - up to -25 ° С. Ripening occurs by early November. This is one of the largest varieties in size with a weight of one berry up to 250 g. The color is yellow. Keeps well until January next year. Produces high yield but requires pollination. A tree at the age of 5 years gives up to 15 kg of fruit.

Variety John Rick

Hybrid of virgin persimon. The ovary is formed without a pollinator. The tree is frost-resistant. Withstands air temperature drops down to -30°С. The fruit ripens in mid-autumn and weighs up to 80 g. The aroma resembles the smell of rum. According to taste data, it has 4 points out of 5.

persimmon mider

Is an self-fertile variety virginian type. The tree is tall and productive. Tolerates frost down to -20°C. Ripening occurs by the end of September - beginning of October. The weight of rounded berries reaches 70 g. They break off the branches easily and at the same time do not crumble. Flesh without astringency. When fully ripe, the fruit is sweet, with a fragrant taste. It does not need a pollinator, so the fruits do not form stones.

The planting site should be well lit by the sun from sunrise to sunset. When transplanting seedlings, full survival is observed after the root system has been treated with rooters. To enhance the taste characteristics of berries and from drying out during the dry period, a hydrogel is used. It is introduced in the fall during the digging of the soil. Before winter, top dressing is carried out, introducing phosphate rock, superphosphate in granules or powder into the soil.

Persimmon Chatyr Dag: variety description

Plant of medium height. The crown is even and compact. Fruits amicably and plentifully. The fruit ripens by mid-October. Responds well to watering. It tolerates drought, although the yield falls. The fruits grow large, weighing up to 160 g. Peel burgundy-yellow. The pulp is firm, juicy and sweet. Color is pure orange. Has good keeping quality.

Persimmon Sharon

It is a hybrid of Japanese persimmon and apple. Released in Israel. It has a less astringent taste due to the low level of tannin, since ripening occurs in the presence of carbon monoxide. It also does not contain seeds, like the oriental variety. Ripening begins in October. Due to crossing with an apple, the fruit has a thin skin and firm flesh. But in taste it resembles apricot, quince and apple.

The note! The berry tolerates transportation well. It gets even sweeter in the cold. If an unripe persimmon is placed along with bananas, then the very next day it acquires its color - orange. It confirms the presence of a large amount of carotene in the fruit, which is a strong antioxidant.

Dietary fiber and potassium have a beneficial effect on the activity of the vascular system and the conductivity of the heart muscle. The beneficial properties of this variety are to relax the nervous structures. Therefore, it is recommended to people whose profession is associated with frequent stressful situations. Berries are advised for thyroid diseases and atherosclerosis.

Persimmon variety Korolek: description

Tall plant with long leaves. The dark red color is pollinated by bees. In July, the first ovaries appear, which are enlarged to the size of an apple. The fruit of the ebony tree in a ripe state acquires brown shade. Therefore, it is also called black persimmon. The inhabitants of the Antilles, thanks to this color and creamy pulp, gave the berry an offensive name, which translates as chicken droppings.

But the taste qualities were deservedly appreciated by the Europeans, who called the fruit "chocolate persimmon". Until now, however, they argue about what type of persimmon the Kinglet belongs to. But the main thing is that the demand for it is always high. Because the sweetness of the berry is higher than that of other varieties. Unripe fruit has a strong astringent and bitter taste. But after ripening, this deficiency completely disappears. The same effect is observed after freezing.

The note! Use the fruit in raw, dried, boiled form. Alcoholic beverages are made from it, and a coffee substitute is made from seeds.

How persimmon grows, where it comes from, what happens, whether it can grow in our gardens - let's look at it in order, let's see the photo. Sweet juicy, bright yellow or orange fruits are the harbingers of the New Year, because they appear on store shelves shortly before the winter holidays.

What is persimmon, its features

It is also called persimon - this synonym comes from English-speaking countries. Persimmon is remarkable in that it is absolutely unique, unlike any other fruit. The size, shape, color, taste of fruits vary - it depends on the variety. It can be yellow, orange, red, brown, even green with completely black sweet flesh.

The tree on which the persimmon grows can reach 25-30 meters in height, there are also low, dwarf varieties. The taste of fruits varies from astringent tart to rich sweet. Well-ripened pulp can be eaten with a spoon, but there are some that remain firm even after ripening. There are about 300 species.

Quite often on the forums you can find the question - what is the name of the tree on which the persimmon grows? The answer is expected and prosaic - persimmon! Both the tree and the fruit are called by the same word.

Persimon belongs to the Eben family, the wood of any variety is distinguished by its density, dark color. Parquet, furniture, parts for billiards, sports accessories, musical instruments, dishes are made from it. The leaves are used to make teas such as Gamipcha or Nokchawon.

People often ask the question - what is a persimmon, is it a fruit or a berry? Opinions are often divided, because the large size of the fruit, as well as the size of the tree, hint at a fruity origin. However, juiciness, the presence of multiple large seeds tells us that this is a berry.

Fruits on a tree, photo:

According to the botanical definition, persimon is still considered a berry, however, many people refer to it as a fruit. This is not such a serious misconception, after all, the fruits grow on a large tree, so both definitions have a right to exist. These sweet berries are consumed fresh or dried. They make jam, sauces, confectionery, compotes, marmalades, even alcoholic beverages.

How persimmon blooms

This is a dioecious culture, its flowers can be male and female. There are both self-fertile and parthenocarpic varieties that do not need pollination. The flowers are quite inconspicuous, often have a yellowish-green hue, hiding in the axils of the leaves.

How persimmon blooms, photo:


In nature, there are both edible and inedible varieties. It is quite unpretentious, frost-resistant, despite the fact that it comes from countries with a warm climate. It is worth noting that some varieties can easily tolerate a drop in temperature to -20ºС and below. If we compare this culture with other fruit representatives, then it begins to bloom later than all the others, and only with the advent of late autumn does it bear fruit.

It is not only tasty, but healthy, contains vitamins, proteins, glucose, fructose, carotene, iron. Persimon is low-calorie, therefore it is an excellent dietary product.

Many of us at least once asked the question: why persimmon knits the mouth? The cell juice of this fruit contains a large amount of tannic compounds - tannins, which are characterized by a pronounced astringent aftertaste. By the way, it is unripe or unripe fruits that contain tannin; this taste is absent in well-ripened fruits. Some varieties, such as the kinglet, contain practically no tannins. If you come across an astringent fruit, place it for a couple of days in freezer compartment refrigerator - its taste will improve significantly, the characteristic aftertaste will go away.

Where does persimmon grow, in what countries?

Persimon grows mainly in warm regions - India, Italy, Spain, Georgia, Tajikistan, China, France, Turkey, Africa, and other countries. It is cultivated in Brazil, Algeria, Palestine, Afghanistan, Australia, Israel, Indonesia, Korea, Japan, Vietnam, USA.

the birthplace of this solar fruit considered to be China. But he won the hearts of our compatriots. On the territory of the former post-Soviet space, persimmon is also grown and cultivated. Today, we most often sell those fruits that were brought from Abkhazia, North Ossetia, Crimea, Georgia, and the Caucasus.

Where does persimmon grow in Russia? It grows mainly in the Krasnodar Territory, the Volgograd Region, North Ossetia, the Crimea, and the southern part of Dagestan.

Despite the fact that on Black Sea coast cold snaps also occur, this only improves the taste of the fruit. In our country, mainly frost-resistant varieties are grown. They can withstand very low temperatures(-25..-30 °C), of course, if these cold snaps are short-lived.

The taste characteristics of persimon depend not only on the variety, but also on the place of growth, soil type, humidity level and, of course, temperature indicators in the region.

Photo - how persimmon grows:

The very first frost-resistant variety was bred by scientists from the Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Nikitsky Botanical Garden). Breeders crossed two varieties (Eastern with Virginia), thereby creating a productive, frost-resistant variety, which they called "Rossiyanka".

The second brainchild was the Nikitsky variety, which was also resistant to cold, gave juicy, sweet fruits of a bright burgundy hue.

persimmon varieties

They differ not only in shades of taste, but appearance: rounded, elongated, flattened like a pumpkin, similar to a heart, and some of them are so tiny that they resemble cherries in size. Fruits can be bright yellow, orange, brown, red, brown, even green.

Eastern persimmon

It is also called: kaki, Japanese persimon, Chinese persimmon - this is the most common type, it is most often sold on store shelves, markets. This example is a decorative deciduous tree which can reach ten meters in height. The fruits are removed at the stage of coloring in yellow, at room temperature they can reach the state of full maturation. The weight of the fruit is approximately 50-100 g. Oriental Persimon can be frozen and stored for quite a long time (approximately 6-7 months).

Eastern persimmon, photo:


Oriental delicacy - dried persimmon is most often made from this variety. The bark, foliage, as well as fruits can be used in medicinal purposes. This is a frost-resistant crop that can easily survive temperatures down to -17°C, but dies at -23..-25°C. It is not capricious to the ground, loves moisture (but not waterlogging, for example, marshy soils). The tree blooms around May or early summer, bears fruit in autumn - by September-November.

Velvet persimmon

It is called the velvet apple or mabolo. The fruits look very attractive, unusual - their skin is covered with velvet villi. On the initial stage ripening, the color of the fruit has a brown color, and then becomes bright red. The flesh is pink, juicy, sweet, but the taste itself is a little specific, with a cheesy tinge. The weight of the fetus varies from 80 to 500 g. Bad smell can be removed by removing the velvety skin and then placing the fruit in freezer(for 3-5 hours). This variety is often used for making sauces, salads, stewing with various types meat. The tree can reach 20 meters in height, very productive in terms of fruiting. It is also often used as an element of landscape decoration.

Variety Velvet, photo:

Velvet (Mabolo)

Mabolo is grown in industrial scale, his homeland is the Philippines, in Taiwan, Malaysia, he is widely cultivated.

Persimmon virgin

Wild representatives of this species grow in North America. The tree is similar in size oriental variety, but the fruits are slightly smaller (30-50 g), but twice as sweet. The taste is sweet, juicy, characterized by a spicy rum shade. In its native open spaces, this cultivar can withstand short-term temperature drops to -27..-30°C. Virginian persimon cuttings are often used as rootstock.

Variety Virginsky, photo:


This species is considered the most frost-resistant.

Caucasian persimmon

This is the smallest persimmon, its fruits resemble grapes or cherries in size. It grows on the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus, in Azerbaijan, Crimea, Central Asia. It blooms by May, and by the end of September-beginning of October it is already bearing fruit. Small berries repeat their Eastern counterpart in everything, the difference is only in size, but it is significant. The fruit contains many seeds, tastes somewhat like a date (at the stage of full ripening).

Variety Caucasian, photo:


It is often used as the rootstock of the Eastern Persimon, after which the trees become hardy, more durable.

Persimmon Rossiyanka

This is a hybrid variety - the brainchild of the Nikitsky Botanical Garden, very frost-resistant. An adult representative can withstand temperatures down to -27..-32 °C. In our open spaces, the tree grows up to 4 meters in height, gives rather large yellow-orange fruits (100-140 g), begins to bear fruit in the third year of life. This is a hardy, "hardened" variety, resistant to many diseases. A feature is the ability to bear fruit without pollination, since the flowers of the Russian woman are exclusively female. The tree loves moisture, needs frequent watering, produces a crop around the end of November.

Variety Rossiyanka, photo:

Russian woman

The fruits are harvested hard, their ripening occurs during further storage, then the fruits become especially sweet. This variety has three varieties - the first one has no seeds, and the flesh has a light color. The second subspecies has rather small grains, the third one grows in the Crimea, it has no seeds, and the peel has a reddish tint. Russian woman took best qualities from its ancestors, becoming one of the most popular and leading representatives of modern breeding.

Persimmon Korolek

This cute name combines several persimon varieties that are similar to each other. It has a mild sweet taste, almost no astringent effect. Fruits with a brownish color of the skin and pulp are called "chocolate kinglets", but there is a yellow variety of them - Honey Kinglet. Fruits ripen by October, their shape can be round, slightly flattened or resemble a heart in shape.

Persimmon variety Korolek in the photo:


While the fruit is not ripe, it contains a lot of tannin, but as it ripens, this feature disappears. The kinglet is very tasty, it is used to prepare various sweets, as well as alcoholic beverages. Dried, finely ground grains successfully replace coffee, which has a spicy taste, plus it is also healthy.

Korolek Chocolate - a variety of chocolate color

This is Chocolate Kinglet, with a pronounced dark brown color of the pulp, it is noteworthy that the darker the shade, the sweeter its taste. According to most, this variety is considered the sweetest of all. existing species. This persimon has a lot of seeds, the skin is thin, orange, through which you can see the dark flesh. Fruits grow to size big apple, their weight can reach 600-800 g. Feature lies in the color of the fruit itself - if it has been pollinated, then the fruits will be distinguished by sweetness, the presence of seeds. If pollination did not occur, then the persimon will have more light shade, some viscosity in taste, it will not have seeds. Such different specimens may well coexist on the same tree.

Kaki chocolate color, a photo:

Korolek Chocolate

Harvest ripens by October or early November. This variety is grown in the warm regions of Ukraine, Russia, in the Crimea, in the Caucasus.

Black Persimmon or Black Sapota

We used to call the brown king chocolate variety, but in nature there is another species that is worthy of attention. This exotic species deserves the name "chocolate" more than anyone else. We are talking about the Black Sapote variety, which in the Russian-language version is called Black Persimmon, Black Apple, Black Sapote. It is also called chocolate pudding, because its pulp tastes really very similar to this dessert.

Black Sapota, photo:

Black Sapoto

It comes from Mexico, where it is also cultivated. Today it is grown in the Philippines, Hawaii, Antilles (Antilles), Mauritius. The skin of the fruit has a rich green color and the flesh is completely black.

This or that variety is, as it were, calling card countries where persimmon grows. Thus, the Russians can be proud of the Rossiyanka and Nikitskaya varieties, the Ukrainians of the Roman Kosh and Mider varieties, the Filipinos of Mabola (or Velvet).

If you set out to plant persimon in your home, then it is better to opt for frost-resistant varieties. If you know how persimmon grows, what care it requires, how to cover it during the winter, then the likelihood of growing sweet sunny fruits becomes quite real.

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