What to do with midges on cucumbers? Miners or mining flies. Punctures, whitish dots

Leaf miners - methods of protection.

These pests can be destroyed in many ways, and vegetable actions will lead to victory over the miners.

Damage to plant leaves is caused by mining flies and moths. Female pests are armed with a proboscis, with which they pierce plant tissues in order to suck out food or lay eggs. The pests themselves are yellowish-white or brown larvae 2-3 mm long. These larvae gnaw typical mined passages in the leaves for several days, and then they pupate inside the leaves or on their surface. The pupal stage lasts from 8 to 14 days, then adult insects hatch. In total, the development of an adult insect from an egg takes only three weeks. Female miners, piercing the epidermis of the leaf, are able to carry pathogens of plant diseases, for example, mosaic viruses of soybean, tobacco, celery and watermelon. Depending on the type of miners, the passages gnawed by the larvae can be found on the lower or upper side of the leaves. Most species specialize in certain plants, others mine various plants. They strike ornamental plants, vegetables and shrubs. The first sign of damage are small pits on the leaves left by the females. Methods of dealing with mining flies and moths on different stages development of these insects are different.

Eggs are destroyed with paraffin-containing products. The larvae have many natural enemies. These are, first of all, riders, laying their eggs in miner larvae. However, they can only be used accurately and purposefully in greenhouses. Effective and reusable spraying of plants with products containing pyrethrum. Imago (adult insects) miners can be caught with sticky boards or products containing pyrethrum. Miners quickly become resistant to all pesticides.

The main advice in the fight is weeding, because some types of mining flies infect them too. Those mining flies that infect zinnias and chrysanthemums love to feast on wild lettuce and snapdragon. Spinach leafminers often eat psyllium and chickweed. Make sure that these host plants do not grow in your garden, and regularly check for plant infestation.

From natural methods of struggle, I would like to note the following:

Removal of affected leaves. We check if there are any gnawed passages and traces of punctures on the plants. Leaves are cut and destroyed.

Cover with non-woven fabric. We grow vegetables and flowers under non-woven fabric so that miners cannot lay their eggs on them.

Spray with spring oil. Oil can only be used for plants with strong leaves.

We let riders into the greenhouse. They can be purchased at specialized stores for gardeners or we plant dill or kupyr.

If a mining fly or moth is found, insecticides should not be applied immediately. We use them only in case of a particularly strong defeat. Sprays containing pyrethrum are effective. However, it should be sprayed many times in a row. We spray five to six times with an interval of three to five days. Flies and moths die after one single spraying. However, their larvae are more hardy. Insecticides often have no effect on pupae at all, because in some species the pupation phase occurs in the ground. A certain success with very strong lesions brings watering the soil with products containing pyrethrum.

Pyrethrum-based insecticides are very harmful to health. When working with them, we put on gloves and masks to protect the face. We spray either in the morning or in the evening, when such biological enemies as ladybugs or the riders are not active. Do not approach bodies of water.

Affected plants:

Fruit trees:

Cherry - mining flies and moths leave gnawed passages on the leaves from light beige to Brown. Remove the affected leaves. We hang yellow boards for catching miners.

Apple tree - mining flies and moths leave behind gnawed passages on the leaves of a serpentine, rounded and bubbly shape. Remove the affected leaves. We hang yellow boards for catching miners.

Pear - mining flies and moths leave gnawed passages on the leaves from light beige to brown. Remove the affected leaves. We hang yellow boards for catching miners.


- rhododendron - traces of abrasion of leaves by yellowish-green caterpillars of the azalea moth, reaching 1 mm in length. Remove the affected leaves. Spray with pyrethrum. We hang yellow boards.

- holly holly - leaf mining flies leave puncture points in the leaves. Mined passages left by larvae. Remove the affected leaves. Spray with spring oil. We hang yellow boards.

- rose - light dots from piercings and winding gnawed passages left in the leaves by a pink mining moth. We regularly remove the affected leaves, spray with pyrethrum and hang yellow signs.

Zinnia - leaf mining flies leave light beige gnawed passages or spots on the leaves. The affected leaves are regularly removed, sprayed with a preparation containing pyrethrum.

- chrysanthemum - leaf mining flies leave light, strongly winding, gnawed passages in the leaves. Affected leaves are regularly removed. Spray with a preparation containing pyrethrum.

Violets - whitish dots and gnawed passages appear on the leaves. Affected leaves are regularly removed. Spray with a preparation containing pyrethrum.

Lettuce - whitish dots from punctures and gnawed passages appear on the leaves, which arose when struck by mining flies. We let riders into the greenhouse or hang yellow planks.

Cucumber - white dots appear on the leaves from punctures and traces of biting by mining flies that look like moves. We let riders into the greenhouse and hang yellow signs.

Tomato - whitish dots and gnawed passages appear on the leaves. We let riders into the greenhouse and hang yellow signs.

I think you can do it, good luck.

Gardeners in Russia and neighboring countries grow cabbage with pleasure and quite successfully. But the "set" is usually limited to varieties white cabbage different term ripening, broccoli and cauliflower. Meanwhile, we already have popular types of cabbage that ripen earlier, and bring less trouble when growing. In this article, we bring to your attention 5 types of cabbage that you may not have heard of yet, but which are definitely worth growing.

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Among the variety of tomato varieties, as a rule, only two groups are distinguished: indeterminate and determinant. But the tomato world is divided into more diverse “clans”, which are not only interesting to know about, but also useful. Tomatoes are divided according to the method of cultivation, by ripening time, by leaf shape, by fruit shape, by size, by color ... Today I want to talk about the varieties that form the most colorful group under beautiful name"Bi-color" (Bi-Colour).

Charming April, with its delicate flowering and the first dazzling greenery, is a very capricious and changeable month. Sometimes he unpleasantly surprises with a winter atmosphere, and sometimes pleases with unexpected warmth. In April, work starts on the beds, and a full season begins in the greenhouse. Sowing and planting in open ground should not interfere with the care of seedlings, because the quality of the crop depends on its quality. Moon calendar useful plants especially favorable at the beginning of the month.

Spring sanitary pruning allows you to shape beautiful crown, stimulates the formation high yield. Trees easily tolerate it, recovery is very fast, wounds heal well. The main goal is the formation of the crown, the removal of broken and dried branches during the winter. Winter pruning is especially necessary in the first four years after planting, when skeletal branches are laid. Optimal time spring pruning from the beginning of winter to the beginning of spring.

extreme sensitivity to low temperatures makes zinnias flyers, which are usually grown through seedlings. But on the other hand, in sowing, and growing young zinnias, there is nothing complicated. It is hardy and does not require special care plants that are easy to grow from seed. And if you collect more own seeds, then you get one of the most “economical” flyers in your collection. Bright baskets of inflorescences color the garden with a special cheerful canvas.

Presented on the domestic market a large assortment cucumber hybrid seeds. Which varieties to choose to get the maximum yield? We defined the best hybrids, according to buyers of seeds "Agrosuccess". They were Meringue, Zozulya, Masha and Director. In this article, we will tell you about their advantages. Since absolutely all hybrids of cucumbers do not have flaws: they do not turn yellow, they have many ovaries, the fruits are not large, they are resistant to diseases.

Eggplant - tall upright plants with broad, dark green leaves large fruits- create a special mood in the beds. And in the kitchen, they are a popular product for a wide variety of dishes: eggplants are fried, stewed and canned. Of course, to grow a decent crop in middle lane and to the north is not an easy task. But subject to the agrotechnical rules of cultivation, it is quite accessible even to beginners. Especially if you grow eggplant in a greenhouse.

Lenten charlotte with apples and cinnamon on vegetable cream - a simple pie that is suitable for fasting people, this pastry can also be included in vegetarian menu. There are situations when dairy products need to be replaced with vegetable ones, then vegetable cream prepared on the basis of vegetable fats comes to the aid of housewives. The taste of cream goes well with apples and cinnamon, the baking powder makes the dough fluffy and airy, the cake is simply delicious.

Buying blooming orchid, lovers exotic plants they wonder - will it bloom just as well at home and is it worth waiting for it to bloom again? Everything will be - and grow, and bloom, and delight long years, but on one condition. As for any indoor plants, for an orchid, initially you need to try to create conditions acceptable for growth and development. Sufficient lighting, humidity and air temperature, a special substrate are the main points.

noble lush greenery, unpretentiousness, the ability to purify the air from dust and pathogens make nephrolepis one of the most popular indoor ferns. There are many types of nephrolepis, but any of them can become a real decoration of the room, and it doesn’t matter if it’s an apartment, Vacation home or office. But only healthy well-groomed plants can decorate the room, so the creation suitable conditions and proper care- the main task of flower growers.

The right herring under a fur coat - layers in turn, the order of which depends on the taste of the dish. It is important not only to put the fish and vegetables in a certain sequence. Great importance has also the preparation of products. Never boil vegetables for this snack the day before, they will lose some of their taste in the refrigerator overnight, they will become insipid. Boil vegetables 2-3 hours before cooking and cool them until room temperature. You can also bake carrots, beets and potatoes in the oven in foil.

In the garden first-aid kit of experienced gardeners, there is always crystalline iron sulfate, or ferrous sulfate. Like many other chemicals, it has properties that protect horticultural crops from numerous diseases and insect pests. In this article, we will talk about the features of using iron sulphate for the treatment of garden plants from diseases and pests and other options for its use on the site.

Many people cannot imagine their diet without ripe tasty tomatoes. Moreover, the variety of varieties allows you to choose the one that is most to your taste. There are varieties that are called salad, that is, it is better to use them in fresh. These include the Honey tomato, whose name speaks for itself. In 2007, the Honey variety was included in the State Register of the Russian Federation. "Agrosuccess" offers seeds from the best breeders in the world that have passed additional testing

retaining walls- the main tool for working with complex terrain on the site. With their help, not only create terraces or play with planes and leveling, but also emphasize the beauty of the rockery landscape, the change in height, the style of the garden, its character. Retaining walls allow you to play with raised and lowered platforms and hidden areas. Modern dry or more solid walls help to turn the disadvantages of the garden into its main advantages.

Mining flies (lat. Agromyzidae) are a whole family of two-winged insects. Their larvae do great harm cultivated plants, gnawing in the leaves (or other parts of the plant) moves.

Since in the old days the word "mine" meant digging, the insects living inside the plants were called miners.

In Russia, there are about 100 species of mining flies, which are agricultural pests.

Description of the insect

This is small flies with a wide abdomen, short legs and transparent wings. They are usually painted in a uniform brownish color. They are armed with a proboscis, with which they make punctures in the tissues of the plant in order to suck out the juice of the plant or lay eggs at the puncture site.

The larvae of mining flies, emerging from the egg, bite into the tissue of the plant and eat through the passages there. different shapes. These moves are called minami. The larvae are very small, their length is only 1-3 mm. The development of the larva lasts 8-14 days, and the entire life cycle mining flies usually takes only three to five weeks!

In some species, pupation occurs directly in the leaf, while in others it occurs in the soil.

The danger is not only the larvae. Adult flies also cause damage to plants, as they make punctures and feed on plant juices.


Mining flies are distinguished by a rather high food specialization, that is, larvae different types feed on certain tissues specific types plants. In most species of miner flies, the larvae eat leaves, but there are species whose larvae feed on fruits, roots, inflorescences, or bulbs. For example, the larvae damage garlic and onion bulbs, which become soft and rot.


Beet-mining flies cause great harm. Their larvae feed on the leaves of beets, spinach, and other nightshade species. In addition, they can eat wild haze and nightshade. Adults reach 6-8 mm in length. The flies lay their eggs on the underside of the leaf. Several eggs are laid at a time; in her life, one female can lay up to 100 eggs. After four or five days, fly larvae emerge from the eggs, which make moves in the leaf (in other words, mine them). On the surface of the leaf, these mines are visible as dirty yellow swellings. Having settled on young beet plants, the larvae of mining flies often lead to the death of seedlings. At later stages of development, infection with mining flies leads to a decrease in the mass of root crops. At favorable conditions three generations of beet flies can change over the summer. Flies pupate in the ground, and in the ground they winter in the form of pupae (fly pupae are also called false cocoons).


The so-called nightshade miners are tiny flies only 2-2.5 mm long. These insects damage cucumbers, tomatoes, cabbage, lettuce, parsley, celery and gourds. Females of the first generation lay their eggs in cotyledons or young leaves. The larvae that appeared in early spring sometimes cause death of young plants. When flies lay their eggs on leaves, this is noticeable by yellow footprints punctures.

Hatching larvae form clearly visible passages, or mines, in the leaves. Inside the mines, a dark trail of larval excrement can be seen. About three weeks after birth, the larva gnaws its way out, falls to the ground, burrows into the soil and forms a chrysalis there, from which an adult fly emerges a few days later. Breeding in in large numbers, miners retard the growth of plants, and the affected leaves dry up and fall off. But even a small number of miners reduces the productivity of crops.

Ways to fight

Since the pupae of mining flies hibernate in the soil, they dig deep to fight them. ground, due to which the pupae go deeper into the ground and die.

Various insecticides are also used. You can use seed treatment before sowing. For example, in the fight against the beet miner, the treatment of beet seeds with the drug "Taboo" is effective. It makes sense to use the preparations of the group only for soil application.

With the advent of the first spring days, land owners plant cucumber seeds. Despite all efforts, the harvest may not be. This is due to the fact that midges appear on plants. In order to prevent insects from destroying cucumbers in a greenhouse or on a plot, it is necessary to get rid of them. In the article, we will consider the types of midges that live on the plant, as well as ways to fight.

In fact, cucumbers can be attacked by several types of flies, namely:

  1. Whiteflies. The insect is white. Body size - 1.5 mm. Mostly penetrates into greenhouses. Able to completely destroy the culture, if nothing is done.
  2. Mining flies. Insects got their name because of the principle of their nutrition. Body length - 2 mm. It feeds on plant sap. Characteristic paths of white color appear on the leaves.
  3. Black midges. They have a dark green color. Insects do not exceed 2 mm. The pest settles in a colony on the lower leaves of cucumbers.

Important: if you do not get rid of the flies in a timely manner, the plant will be completely destroyed.

The above pests appear in April-May. Therefore, it is recommended to inspect the plant every few days.

How to deal with a pest

It is necessary to destroy pests immediately after their discovery. Nowadays, you can fight cucumber flies with the help of:

  • chemicals;
  • biological preparations;
  • folk ways.

The choice of means depends on the personal preference of the gardener.


If a huge number of pests appeared on the site, it is recommended to use drugs:

  • "Aktara";
  • "Fufanon";
  • "Akarin";
  • "Inta-Vir".

Careless handling of drugs can cause poisoning or serious illness.

Biological agents

Many gardeners and gardeners do not trust chemicals, because they believe that they are able not only to eliminate the flies, but also to destroy the plant. Therefore, they choose biological drugs:

  • "Bitoxibacillin";
  • "Biotlin";
  • "Fitoverm";
  • Aktofit.

Important: you can eat cucumbers after using the drug in a few days.

Before using biological pesticides, you need to carefully read the instructions. Otherwise, you can harm the plant.

Folk recipes

Sometimes it is not possible to go to the store for chemicals. How, then, to deal with two-winged pests in this case? It's simple, you just need to use folk recipes. The best way to eliminate cucumber flies allows you to:

  1. Dandelion infusion. For its preparation, you will need 20 g of rhizome and 40 g of leaves. Plants are crushed and then filled with 1 liter warm water. The product should be infused for 2-3 hours. Cucumbers should be processed once a week.
  2. tobacco solution. To prepare the remedy, tobacco should be removed from a pack of any cigarettes. The material is poured in a liter boiled water. The mixture is infused for 72 hours. After that, it can be applied. Spraying is done every 2-3 days.
  3. Infusion of garlic. A folk remedy allows you to get rid of any kind of cucumber midges. For tincture, you need 200 g of garlic, which are poured with a liter of water. The solution should be infused for 5 days. After that, the resulting mixture is diluted with water at the rate of 1 to 20. Cucumber bushes are sprayed once a week.
  4. Infusion of yarrow. To prepare the remedy, pour 100 g of the plant with a liter of water. The solution needs to be infused for 4-5 days. The product is sprayed on the leaves every other day for a week.
  5. Red pepper. Works great with whiteflies. For 10 liters of water, 200 g of tobacco and 30 g of hot red pepper are added. The solution must be infused for 24 hours. When the product is ready, you need to add a spoonful of chopped laundry soap and 3 spoons tree resin. Spraying is carried out 2 times with an interval of 7 days.

Important: if the processing has been done folk remedies no need to use chemicals.


Getting rid of pests is not difficult, but it is best to prevent them from appearing. For this:

  1. Before planting seeds in the greenhouse, tillage. It is best to use "Tsedis", "Karbofos", "Metaphos".
  2. The seeds used must be of high quality, so you need to buy them from trusted suppliers.
  3. When watering, observe the measure, as excessive moisture attracts pests.
  4. Remove even small weeds.
  5. It is strongly not recommended to plant cucumbers next to zucchini, pumpkin and carrots.

Compliance preventive measures even if it does not protect against the pest, then reduce the likelihood of their occurrence.


Flies that appear on cucumbers can cause a lot of trouble. Therefore, you should get rid of them as soon as possible. As for the choice of means, it is best to pay attention to biological drugs or people's councils, especially if cucumbers have already appeared on the bushes.

Miner flies are, first of all, garden pests, sometimes by chance, falling on indoor flowers. In central Russia, there are several types of mining flies: polyphagous and polyphagous miner, strawberry, chrysanthemum and nightshade miners, and others - flies of the Agromizid family. Among the agromysid flies there are also gall flies, but miners include flies of the genus Phytomyza Phytomyza and Liriomyza Liriomyza.

Agromizides have a peculiarity - they are specific for certain plant crops, i.e. each type of fly prefers certain plants. Perhaps this is what saves our indoor flowers. Otherwise, the threat would be too serious - some species of miner flies are quarantine species in many countries (Liriomyza sativae - tomato leaf miner, not found in Russia). Miner flies can get to indoor flowers with purchased flowers, especially potted ones (chrysanthemums, gerberas), with bulbs and industrial soil, with seeds, and become infected if the flowers are exposed in the summer on outdoor balcony or to the garden.

Outwardly, miner flies are small, about 2-3 mm long, with transparent gray wings. They lay whitish or yellowish translucent eggs on reverse side leaves. The duration of development of one generation (from an egg to an adult fly) is approximately 20-35 days. Adult insects harm the plant by piercing tissues and sucking cell sap. Miner larvae are very small, 1-3 mm, hatch from eggs on the 5-8th day and penetrate into leaf tissues. They eat away the plant from the inside, gnawing through entire networks of passages - mines. Outwardly, this can be seen from the light necrotic stripes and irregularly shaped spots. Gradually, the leaf dries, turns yellow, deforms and dies. The rate of spread and consumption is very high, so plants lose decorative look very fast.

Mining fly - how to fight

It is necessary to remove the affected leaves, on which traces of the miner are visible. It is worth hanging tape-traps for flies. AT garden plots it is advisable to apply glue belts on tree trunks - larvae and adult flies overwinter in cracks in the bark, and secluded places on trees and shrubs (including leaf litter). Gardeners use hanging traps painted in yellow- you can use pieces of linoleum, plywood and other material. The plate is lubricated with sticky adhesive solution and hung in greenhouses at the level of leaf growth.

The use of chemicals makes sense at home if pests reappear on flowers. In this case, you can spray the plants from the mining fly with drugs: actellik, karbofos, aktara, tanrek, apache or confidor. Also, organophosphorus insecticides (Zolon, BI-58 new) are used to protect against agromizides, treatments are carried out in the fall, before the pest hides for the winter (goes into diapause) - by spraying tree trunks. Preparations of the neonicotinoids class - Confidor Maxi, Aktara, Mospilan - by watering the soil around small plants or flowers, watering around trees and shrubs unreasonably - too high flow expensive drugs.

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