When to sow snapdragon flowers for seedlings. Growing Snapdragon from Seeds and When to Plant

- perennial herbaceous plant with large green stems of the Plantain family, which we grow as an annual. The plant forms many stems. Snapdragon stems are straight, branched, of various heights: yes undersized varieties, only about 20 cm, and there are tall, up to one meter high, form pyramidal bushes during the growing season. Snapdragon leaves are elongated, lanceolate or slightly oval green in color, pubescent with thin villi.

Flowers at snapdragon large, irregular shape, two-lipped, resembling a gaping lion's mouth, pubescent on the outside. There are varieties with simple and double flowers. The flowers are collected in racemose inflorescences. Coloring of snapdragon flowers will be able to please you with a wide colors: they are white, pink, yellow and two-tone. AT wild nature there are species of snapdragon with yellow, blue, purple flowers.

The plant is native to North America. In Russia, snapdragons have long been popular and are very common. garden plant decorating flower beds and flower beds. Snapdragon- a beautiful sunny annual, will fill your garden with pleasant fragrant aroma, will attract not only bees, but also butterflies.

Growing snapdragons from seeds

Sowing snapdragon seeds for seedlings can be done from the end of February, in March, to the beginning of April. snapdragon seeds when sowing, lightly sprinkle with earth. The first shoots begin to appear after ten days, however, the germination of snapdragon seeds can take up to a whole month. For better germination, cover the container with snapdragon seeds with a glass or plastic bag. As soon as shoots begin to appear, the film or glass must be removed. For better germination, keep a container with snapdragon seeds at an air temperature of at least +18 ° C. Snapdragon seeds can be sown immediately in open ground in May, covering the bed with a film or agrospan.

For the first time after the germination of the snapdragon, monitor soil moisture: overdrying, as well as severe waterlogging of the soil, can lead to the death of seedlings. Transplantation of snapdragon seedlings do not put it off for a long time: it must be carried out at the stage of the first two or three true leaves. When the snapdragon seedlings grow to 4-6 pairs of true leaves, the tops of the plants should be pinched to form additional stems.

Care of snapdragons in the open field

In open ground snapdragon seedlings planted already partially blooming in late May - early June, when the threat of frost has passed, leaving 30 cm between plants. Snapdragon grows best in open sunny places. If you have no open sunny places left at all, snapdragons can be planted in partial shade. Only the flowering will be a little delayed, it will not be too abundant, the color of the flowers will be softer, and not as bright as in the open sun.

Soil for snapdragons should be well fertilized. If you have on the site clay soil, add more organic matter, peat, peat, sand to it, in order to make the soil looser and eliminate the stagnation of excess moisture. If your site has sandy soil, add black soil, rotted organic matter, leafy soil, try to improve the soil structure so that it can retain water and stay moist longer.

Don't forget to water the snapdragon. The next watering should not be done before it dries out. upper layer soil. To preserve precious moisture, mulch the snapdragon plantings with a layer of freshly cut grass, humus, and rotted sawdust. With strong waterlogging, snapdragons are prone to various rots, including root rot.

First snapdragon nutrition after transplanting into open ground - not earlier than in two to three weeks, so as not to burn the roots of the plant damaged by transplantation. That's when the plant is fully adapted to the open air, new leaves will grow, then you can carry out the first fertilizing with mineral fertilizers. It is desirable that fertilizers have full formula NPK, additional content of trace elements is only welcome. Especially the plant needs top dressing during the flowering period. And a strong healthy plant is able to resist diseases and pest attacks.

Snapdragon when grown through seedlings blooms in June and continues to bloom until frost. Try to remove faded inflorescences in time. This procedure greatly prolongs the flowering period of all plants.

Healing properties of snapdragon

In addition to being very decorative, snapdragon flowers can be used in folk medicine. An infusion of snapdragon flowers is drunk with intestinal swelling, it can be used as additional remedy in some liver diseases. A mixture of snapdragon flowers, helichrysum and corn stigmas is especially good during the recovery period after hepatitis. Infusions and decoctions of snapdragon flowers are used for severe headaches, dropsy and shortness of breath. When used externally, infusions and decoctions of snapdragons help with hemorrhoids, open skin ulcers, and boils.

Snapdragon will not only decorate your flower beds and flower beds. It can be used for growing on balconies, terraces, window decoration from the outside. Snapdragon flowers are great for cutting.

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Nowadays, more and more people show a craving for nature, working with the earth, planting and caring for plants. First of all, each person seeks to surround himself with fresh flowers. They bring comfort, warmth and tranquility into our lives. Each housewife determines the choice of certain types of plants for herself, depending on her tastes and preferences. Undoubtedly, it will not go unnoticed among amateur flower growers of such amazing flower like antirrinum (snapdragon). It will worthily take its place among such annual flowers as petunias, marigolds, nasturtiums, marigolds, zinnias and others.

Snapdragon (antirrinum) - description

Snapdragon is a plant of the plantain family, we grow it as an annual, but, in fact, it is perennial flower. Today, there are over 1000 varieties and varieties in the world. this plant. By nature, the flowers of antirrinum are large, new-like, bright saturated and even combined colors. They begin to bloom already in the first year, forming a chic bush with powerful roots. Since the flowers are unpretentious in care, they are grown both in flower beds on summer cottages, and on balconies in large cities.

Growing snapdragon seedlings

Sowing snapdragon for seedlings

Most flower growers choose a seedling method of growing snapdragons. This process does not take much time and effort, and the result pleases already in the first half of summer. Sow seeds from the beginning of March to April in any containers with drainage holes, at least 10-12 cm deep. Ideal ground is compost and sand in equal proportions. After sowing the antirrinum seeds, the soil is abundantly moistened and covered with a film or glass. Optimum temperature for seed germination - it is 23-250 C. Seeds love heat, abundant moisture, regular airing and watering. Overdrying of the soil is not allowed.

Care of snapdragon seedlings

Grow snapdragon sprouts in almost the same way as all annuals. They do not require special care. After sprouts appear, seedlings need good lighting, otherwise the plants will begin to stretch. Watering during this period is limited, there is a risk of a black leg. In this case, the soil must be immediately treated with crushed coal or ash.

Antirrinum has a very strong root system, therefore, the seedlings are necessarily subjected to picking at the stage of the appearance of several leaves in deeper containers, plastic glasses or containers will serve as an excellent option. Plants quickly take root in a new place, with virtually no complications and diseases. After the appearance of 5 leaves, pinching is performed to obtain voluminous inflorescences.

Transplantation of snapdragons in open ground

In early June, antirrinum seedlings are planted in open ground, the composition of which contains sand, peat and compost in equal proportions. The site should be protected from the wind, well lit. Depending on the snapdragon variety, they are planted at a distance of 20-50 cm. After planting, regular watering and loosening of the soil are carried out.

Growing snapdragons in the garden

Snapdragon Care

Snapdragon does not need special care. All that is needed is to moisten and loosen the soil, and, of course, periodically feed the plants with an interval of 2-3 weeks with any complex organic fertilizer destined for blooming annual plants. They also make sure that there are no weeds and wilted flowers, which are removed so that the plant does not lose its appearance and did not waste their energy on them.

Protecting snapdragons from diseases

Like any living organism, snapdragons can be affected by all sorts of pests and diseases (black leg, gray rot, septoria, caterpillar butterfly larvae, etc.). Treatment begins with the removal of flowers that have already become infected, then the entire land is treated with special antifungal drugs, which are now sold in any specialized store. Experienced flower growers prevent the development of the disease by taking preventive measures to combat pathogens: timely removal of infected inflorescences, moderate watering of the antirrinum under the root, and not on the plant itself, removal of settled insects in flowers.

snapdragon flower

The snapdragon flower has a variety of undeniable merits. First of all, it is unpretentiousness and bright, long flowering from mid-summer to late autumn. You can grow it not only in flower beds and slides, but also on loggias in pots and hanging baskets.

Snapdragon flower (Antirrinum) - but it blooms and produces seeds in the first year. That is why it is mainly grown as an annual. This flower can form a powerful shrub with a well-developed root system. Such bushes are able to safely winter even in the middle lane.

Thanks to the work of breeders, flower growers can grow hundreds of varieties of Antirrinum. Exist dwarf varieties(15 - 20 cm), medium-sized (40 - 50 cm) and tall (90 - 100 cm). In addition, ampelous forms of snapdragons with drooping shoots have recently appeared, the length of such shoots reaches 1 meter.

Snapdragon ampelous.

Growing snapdragons from seeds

When to sow.

When growing snapdragons, seeds should be sown in early March.

Substrate for seed germination.

The flower does not like to grow on peat soils. For seed germination, it is better to use soil from compost heap and river sand in a one to one ratio.

How to sow the seeds of Antirrinum.

Growing snapdragons from seeds is conveniently carried out in plastic containers with tight fitting lids. You can sow the seeds immediately in cups, and several seeds in one cup. If 3-4 seeds germinate, then there is no need to thin them out, let them continue to grow in one bush.

Before sowing, the container or cup is filled with soil, the soil is leveled and abundantly moistened. Snapdragon seeds are very small, for convenience, snow is poured on top of the substrate and the seeds are sown in the snow, then they are clearly visible. It is only necessary to take into account that the snow in the room melts quickly. You can mix the seeds with sand, this also greatly simplifies the sowing process.

Seedling care.

After the seeds are sown, they are sprinkled thin layer soil, moisten again from dewdrops and cover with a lid or film. Seeds need to germinate high humidity and a temperature of 23 - 25 degrees. Keep an eye on soil moisture; when the substrate dries, it must be moistened periodically.

young seedlings

With proper care, the seeds will germinate in 10-15 days. After the appearance of young sprouts, the seedling container is transferred to a well-lit place. Otherwise, with a lack of lighting, the seedlings will quickly stretch. The film can be removed a few days after seed germination.

Young plants grow slowly at first, this should not disturb you. At this time, Antirrinum seedlings should be watered very sparingly. If signs appear, immediately remove all affected seedlings, and sprinkle the soil with ash or crushed activated carbon.

As you probably already noticed, there is nothing unusual in growing snapdragons from seeds, and all other flowers are grown from seeds in much the same way.

Seedling picking.

When the seedlings have a second pair of true leaves, you can start diving seedlings. At Antirrinum, a powerful root system grows already in the seedling period, so plants should be dived into large cups with a volume of 0.5 liters.

Antirrinum seedlings after picking.

If the seedlings grew densely, then sometimes the roots of neighboring plants grow together. In such cases, do not try to separate them, just plant a few in cups.

Snapdragon easily tolerates a pick and is quickly accepted in a new place. But while the seedlings have not started to grow, they must be kept in the shade, and taken out in the sun a few days after transplantation.

Pinching seedlings.

Do not grow this flower in one stem. The plant looks much more attractive when it grows into a bush. To do this, pinch the shoot over the fifth leaf. If they start growing fast side shoots, then it is better to pinch them too. As a result, a powerful beautiful bush snapdragon.

Growing from seeds in open ground

You can also grow snapdragons from seeds in open ground. You just have to say right away that these flowers will bloom only at the end of July or at the beginning of August, but they will bloom until frost.

Antirrinum grown from seeds.

It is customary to sow snapdragons into the ground in so-called curtains. Curtains are formed about 40 by 40 cm in size. 4-5 Antirrinum bushes are grown in one curtain, but much more seeds need to be sown there. Excess seedlings can later be pulled through.

Sow seeds in the ground in late April, early May. Insofar as spring frosts can destroy seedlings, curtains are covered with some kind of covering material.

Growing and caring for Antirrinum

Flower growers rarely plant snapdragons in the foreground, considering this flower not to be spectacular enough. But this is because few people know how to properly grow this flower. Most often it is grown in one stem, and even varieties are selected with a height of 30 - 40 cm.

Antirrinum should be grown in bushes. To do this, just cut off the top of the plant. Cutting down upper part escape is possible both in seedlings and in adults, and even flowering plants. After a while, it will grow not one, but as many as 8 - 12 shoots.

When growing tall varieties, the height of which reaches one meter, a huge flowering bush. Fading shoots should also be removed and then new, young stems will grow again instead of them.

Snapdragon can grow in the sun, in partial shade and on almost any soil. It is grown in mixborders, discounts and separate curtains. Ampel hybrids are good for planting in hanging baskets.

Wintering snapdragons in the open field

Antirrinum perennial which can winter in conditions middle lane. It is prepared for winter in the same way as most perennial flowers. In autumn, all shoots are cut off, and the roots are covered with leaves, grass, peat. After a successful wintering, many shoots grow from the roots, which can be dug up and used to decorate the site.

Snapdragon diseases

In cold rainy weather, red spots may appear on the leaves of Antirrinum. If this happens, treat the flowers with Zircon (5 drops per 1 liter of water). Plants can also be treated with the same preparation for prevention, only in smaller doses (2 drops per 1 liter of water).

For preventive purposes, snapdragons are sprayed when planting seedlings in the ground and before flowering. Heavily affected plants are best removed from the garden immediately.

Marvelous unpretentious plant with unusual skewers of flower stalks - snapdragons, growing from seeds, when to plant seeds, what conditions are required for the further growth of seedlings - it is important to know this information in order to admire its luxurious flowering to its fullest. Snapdragon is a perennial plant, but in the northern regions it is grown as an annual.

There is probably no person who would not meet this flower - snapdragon. Planting and caring for it are not particularly difficult, the plant is not too capricious, it strikes with a variety of colors and looks wonderful both when decorating flower beds and as an ampelous one, in hanging pots and balcony boxes. Snapdragon, growing from seeds, when to plant, if you sow seeds directly into open ground and when to plant seedlings in the garden depends on the climatic zone in which the site is located, and spring weather should not be overlooked.

How to plant snapdragon for seedlings?

Gardeners prefer to cultivate snapdragons seedling way. Sowing seeds for seedlings is carried out as traditional way- in prepared seedling boxes or pots, and more advanced methods, for example, growing planting material anthurium in, cigarette rolls and snails. If you feel insecure or afraid to fail using untested methods, then plant some of the seeds in the traditional way - in boxes, and some in new ones and compare the result.

Due to very small size seeds sowing snapdragon in a snail is distinguished by some features. To awaken such seeds, light and moisture are needed, so they are not sprinkled with earth on top. How to avoid mistakes when sowing anthurium seeds in a snail:

  1. The height of the snail is 7-8 cm, the length depends on the number of seeds intended for planting. You should not make the snail too long, it will be inconvenient to work with it.
  2. Before planting, the ground should be slightly damp, but not damp. Its surface in the coils of the cochlea should be slightly compacted with your fingers. Where the earth turned out to be less or it woke up - add and then compact.
  3. Seeds are scattered over the surface of each turn of the snail (as if they are “salting” the ground with seeds) and carefully irrigated with water.
  4. A transparent cover (for example, a bag) is put on the snail. Ventilate daily by removing the cover for 10-15 minutes. As soon as the seedlings get stronger, remove the shelter.
  5. After the emergence of seedlings, sprinkle with a thin layer of earth to the cotyledon leaves.
  6. Watering the snail is carried out in the pan on which it is located
  7. Snails with planted seeds need to be illuminated with phytolamps.

Choose small, thick coated tablets nonwoven fabric with a closed bottom so that the tablet does not collapse. Before planting in the ground, this material must be removed, because the roots do not grow well through it. Planting snapdragons for seedlings in peat tablets:

  1. Prepare the tablets for planting seeds according to the instructions on the package.
  2. Pour the seeds on a saucer and with a toothpick dipped in water, carefully transfer a small amount of seeds into the notch on the tablet.
  3. Set the tablets in a warm, bright place and cover with a transparent cover, which is removed as soon as the sprouts get stronger.
  4. It is necessary to water the tablets as they dry out, pouring water into the pan on which they are installed.

When to plant snapdragon for seedlings?

Having made the decision to plant snapdragons, start growing from seedlings: when to plant seeds - around the month of March. For the northern regions, sowing seeds for seedlings is carried out a little later, for the southern regions - earlier. More accurately, you can calculate the timing of planting snapdragons for seedlings, knowing the characteristics of the flower variety and taking into account climate zone your region:

  • tall variety a - the third decade of February;
  • short and medium height- in March;
  • dwarf varieties- until 15 April.

The snapdragon has risen what to do next

Despite the undemanding snapdragon to get healthy seedlings, the cultivation of young seedlings should be carried out at good lighting avoiding irregular watering. A week after - feed with nitroammophos. When 4-5 pairs of true leaves appear on the plants, pinch them so that the side shoots grow. It is possible to carry out a circular pinching when three pairs of leaves grow on the side shoots. This will make the bush lush and enhance flowering.

How to dive snapdragons

Do not rush to pick, let the plants get stronger and form a root system, but you do not need to tighten it too much. Determining when to dive snapdragons after germination is quite simple: as soon as two true leaves have appeared on the plants, you can start picking. It is better to dive snapdragons, especially in hot sunny weather, in the evening so that the plant adapts after stress overnight.

You can generally do without diving seedlings, but simply immediately plant the plants in the beds. But it is better to pick snapdragons 2-3 plants in one cup, then to transplant it to permanent place into the garden with a lump of earth, without injuring the formed roots. Water the container with sprouts generously before picking. It is preferable to prepare the soil in advance and use the same composition for both sowing seeds and picking seedlings. After picking, carefully water the glass with seedlings without pouring too much water.

Snapdragon when planted in open ground

Snapdragon seedlings have grown when planted in open ground: as a rule, already well-established seedlings are planted when the threat of a return of frost has passed, in late spring and early summer. So that the root system does not overheat, and the bush looks more magnificent, it is better to plant plants 2-3 in one hole. For planting, choose bright places, in extreme cases - partial shade (in partial shade, flowering will be poorer).

You learned what conditions snapdragon prefers for growth, growing from seed, when to plant and how to care for plantings. Having received this information, any, even an inexperienced florist, will cope with these tasks without much difficulty and grow a chic flower garden. By the way, snapdragons are loved by bumblebees, which will be interesting to watch on a beautiful summer day.

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