How and what to feed tomatoes in the open field. Top dressing of tomatoes in the open field

Each gardener eventually develops his own scheme for top dressing tomatoes in the open field. It must be periodically reviewed and changed even when it justifies itself and there is no reason to complain about the harvest. New types of complex fertilizers appear, tomato lovers share their experience, I want to try everything on their beds.

Types of fertilizers

Big choice fertilizer for tomatoes in the open field does not mean that you need to buy everything. They should be used only when they are really needed by the plant. At each stage of growth, tomatoes require different combination nutrient elements. Making the right menu for the summer for your tomatoes is the main task of the gardener. All fertilizers for tomatoes grown in open ground should be divided into 2 groups:

  • organic;
  • chemical (mineral).

In order to prevent the accumulation of harmful substances (nitrates) in tomatoes, it is necessary to alternate these types of fertilizers when fertilizing tomatoes growing in open ground. You should not give up growth stimulants (natural, synthetic), they are needed all the time, starting from the day of sowing tomato seeds.


Organic contains shock doses of nutrients. Organic fertilizers include:

  • peat;
  • humus;
  • manure;
  • compost;
  • chicken, pigeon litter.

Many gardeners harm their vegetables by applying large doses of these fertilizers. With the help of compost, humus and peat, they improve the structure and restore soil fertility in the area for tomatoes, from manure and bird droppings prepare an infusion for top dressing during the growing season.


Everything is called chemistry mineral fertilizers produced by the chemical industry. During the growth period, tomatoes need nitrogen (N), potassium (K), phosphorus (P) and other trace elements. Urea is used as a source of nitrogen in the cultivation of tomatoes.

Top dressing of tomatoes in the ground with urea activates growth, improves the taste of the tomato. With its help, you can quickly rid the plant of nitrogen starvation. Potassium is needed by tomatoes during fruit ripening. When it is not enough, you can understand by their appearance.

In a tomato, the area near the stalk does not fully ripen (remains green). This is especially noticeable in long-fruited (pepper-shaped) varieties of tomato. Potash top dressing of tomatoes in the open field is carried out using potassium sulfate, potassium nitrate.

Important! Potassium sulfate should be used on alkaline soils.

It is not recommended to use potassium chloride as top dressing for open ground tomatoes. Chlorine, even in minimal doses, has a bad effect on the taste and quality of fruits. To provide plants with phosphorus, it is recommended to use water-soluble fertilizers: simple superphosphate, double superphosphate.

Complex fertilizers

Mineral fertilizers alone for tomatoes in the open field are not enough for their full development. To replenish the required doses of such trace elements as boron, magnesium, zinc, multicomponent complex microfertilizers are used:

  • Kimira Lux;
  • Solution A;
  • Crystal;
  • Master.

In the summer, top dressing of tomatoes in the open field can be carried out using nitrophoska. It is a kind of complex mineral fertilizer containing necessary set phosphorus, sodium, potassium. It is easy to use as it dissolves well in water. On any soil, diammophos can be applied under tomatoes, it has a neutral pH, contains N, P, K.


Stimulants contain synthetic or natural phytohormones, which, when released into tomatoes, help develop, bloom, and bear fruit. Plants are easier to tolerate stress from transplantation, temperature fluctuations, prolonged bad weather.

Important! The result from the use of stimulants is only with strict adherence to the instructions. This is the exact dosage a certain amount of processing.

During flowering, tomato bushes can be sprayed with gibberellins:

  • Gibbersib;
  • Ovary;
  • Tomaton.

Phytohormones, which are part of these stimulants, have a positive effect on flowering and fruiting. Epin helps to transfer stress. "Athlete" will regulate the growth of tomato seedlings, eliminate its stretching. "Zircon" is necessary to support immunity during outbreaks of late blight and other fungal diseases.

Tomato has a problem

Problems of tomatoes with external similarity of symptoms (discoloration of the leaves, their twisting, spots different color on tops and fruits) have different nature, eliminate them from a tomato in the open field with the help of top dressing and proper care.

Not enough nutrients

The lack of nutrients instantly affects the state of the aerial parts. Knowing the signs of deficiency, you can quickly take correct solution: carry out top dressing of tomatoes in open ground folk remedies or using store-bought fertilizers.


For example, the following symptoms indicate a lack of nitrogen:

  • lignified shoots;
  • light green, yellow leaves;
  • small, fast ripening fruits.

In the spring, when preparing the soil for planting, in order to avoid nitrogen starvation during fruiting, add urea (3 g) to each well, mixing it with the soil, or from 5 to 12 g per square meter. m ridge. On poor soils with a small amount of nitrogen, top dressing of tomatoes in the open field with urea can be carried out up to 3 times before the plants enter the flowering (budding) phase.

At obvious signs lack of nitrogen, prepare a slightly concentrated solution of carbamide (urea): for 10 liters of water, only 1 tbsp. l. Improvement comes quickly, after a few days the bushes turn green, give new shoots.

Comment! When root dressing, the liquid consumption per bush is 1 liter, when processing on a sheet per 100 m 2, 3 liters are consumed.

How and when to conduct urea correct root top dressing tomatoes in open ground and when growing seedlings, see the table.

The combination of urea with superphosphate helps to normalize the acidity of the soil. When fertilizing, the following rules apply:

  • during foliar feeding there should be no sun;
  • the soil for root dressing must be pre-watered.

Simple measures prevent leaf and root scorch.


They learn about the lack of phosphorus in the soil by the strange color of the stems. Your soil is depleted, there is not enough phosphorus in it for normal plant growth, if your tomatoes have stems that are not green, but blue-green or green with a clear purple tint. At the same time, the leaves curl up, the roots do not develop, the stems become brittle.

In this situation, top dressing of tomatoes in the open field with phosphorus-containing fertilizers is needed, superphosphate helps. It dissolves in water for a long time, therefore, first pour 1 cup of fertilizer into 1 liter of boiling water and insist overnight. To obtain a working solution, dilute the concentrate with 10 liters of water. For one diseased bush, 0.5 liters of top dressing is required.


Only the leaves that appeared twisted into a tube, the old ones turned yellow, dry at the edges - the main signs of potassium deficiency in tomatoes. The lack of potassium during fruiting affects the quality of the fruit: taste, appearance.

Urgent help to a starving plant can be provided with potassium nitrate, its aqueous solution:

  • take 10 liters of settled water;
  • dissolve 1 tbsp. l potassium nitrate;
  • pour 1/2 liter under each starving bush.

The need for potash fertilizers for tomatoes is difficult to overestimate. Potassium is essential for fruit formation. With signs of its deficiency, emergency foliar top dressing of tomatoes in the soil, dissolved in water with potassium nitrate (10 g per bucket of water), helps.

Ash is a good folk remedy for feeding tomatoes in the open field. It contains potash - potassium carbonate. Prepare the infusion: a bucket of water, ash 2 tbsp. Most potassium in the ashes obtained by burning sunflower and buckwheat straw (30%), birch firewood is in second place.

Important! The ash obtained from the combustion of firewood deoxidizes the soil.

Sifted ash can be used to dust the soil under tomato bushes, it can be applied to the soil when planting (2-3 cups / m 2). In addition to potassium, the ash contains calcium and phosphorus in a form that is absorbed faster by tomatoes.


The end of June, July - crumbled tomato flowers planted in open ground on the ground, there are few ovaries, the tops of the bushes are deformed (twisted), slightly colored, the central veins on the leaves are dark. Too many stepchildren are formed, the growth point dies off. All of these symptoms indicate a lack of boron.

From the lack of boron, the fruits deteriorate, their surface becomes covered with brown spots, the tissue under them dies. Boric acid is considered the best remedy to eliminate the deficit. The solution is prepared for processing the bushes on the sheet. Foliar top dressing of tomatoes in the ground can be carried out during the fruiting period, there will be no harm to health.

Dissolves white crystalline powder only in warm water. For 1 liter it needs 1 g. It is necessary to spray all parts of the plant:

  • flowers;
  • fruit;
  • leaves.

Important! Treat with boric acid at a time when most of the bushes bloom.

10 ml of solution is spent on young bushes, the dose is increased by 1.5 times as they grow.


Have to throw away part of the crop due to brown spots at the top of the fruit. Blossom end rot most often occurs due to calcium deficiency. Its lack is noticeable by the state of the leaves, their tips turn brown as if they were burned.

Calcium deficiency affects the whole plant:

  • root development stops;
  • shoots grow slowly;
  • buds fall;
  • growing point dies.

Calcium is needed for photosynthesis, to neutralize harmful metals in the soil.

Comment! Top rot most often affects cream tomatoes, which have an elongated, plum-shaped shape.

They solve the problem of calcium deficiency with the help of foliar top dressing of tomatoes in open ground with fertilizers containing calcium. Gardeners prefer a fertilizer that is highly soluble in water - calcium nitrate. After its application, note:

  • accelerated growth;
  • increase in productivity;
  • resistance to temperature fluctuations;
  • bushes get sick less often and suffer less from the invasion of pests.

The first feeding with calcium is carried out 2 weeks after picking. Processing steps:

  1. Take a bucket of water.
  2. Pour 100 g of ash into the water.
  3. Put calcium nitrate 20 g.
  4. At the very end, 10 g of urea is added.

During the preparation of the ridge, 20 g of calcium nitrate is poured into the soil of each hole. The dose of fertilizer in solution for foliar feeding is 100 g per 10 liters. For plants, it is easier to absorb the chelate form of calcium; you can find this type of fertilizer on sale:

  • WUXAL calcium.

Folk recipes

Do not forget about feeding tomatoes in the open field with folk remedies. There are recipes that can easily restore calcium levels. Ash is used first. At proper storage it contains 25-40% Ca. To prepare natural fertilizer for open ground, you need a glass of ash and a bucket of water.

Water the bushes after the ash has dissolved. You can insist during the day. Consumption per plant 2 liters. Foliar top dressing with ashes of tomatoes in the open field is carried out differently:

  • pour 3 liters of water into 300 g of ash;
  • boil for at least 30 minutes;
  • leave for 5 hours to insist;
  • strain, add the resulting volume to 10 l;
  • add grated soap;
  • in the evening, spray all the tomato bushes in the open field.

During the winter, you can dig up the egg shells, and in the summer prepare an infusion for spraying from it. In 1 liter, it is enough to infuse the crushed shells of 3 eggs. The infusion is prepared for three days. Readiness can be recognized by the unpleasant smell of hydrogen sulfide.

The bush is sick

Most tomato crop losses occur from outbreaks of late blight. The disease strikes one bush after another with lightning speed. brown spots first appear on the leaves, then move to the stems, the fruits suffer last.

The entire crop can be lost from the fungus within a week. It is extremely difficult to stop the outbreak of the disease, it is easier to prevent. On sale to choose from 2 types of means to combat phytophthora: chemical, biological. These drugs are called fungicides. Less dangerous to humans and animals biological methods fight against late blight: "Fitosporin" (for 10 l 5 g), "Ekosil" (for 3 l 15 drops). Chemicals for processing bushes from phytophthora a lot, the most famous:

  • Tattoo;
  • Ridomil;
  • Bordeaux liquid.

When using chemistry, you need to study the instructions for the drug. Each fungicide has its own withdrawal period harmful substances from fruits. There are tomatoes after processing chemicals only possible at the end.

Safe Recipes

Good results against phytophthora are given by top dressing of tomatoes in the open field with folk remedies. Milk whey is in first place in terms of performance. It contains lactic acid and beneficial lactic acid bacteria. Both that, and another oppresses activity of fungi, stops their reproduction.

Important! Preventive spraying with serum gives a positive effect if they are carried out once a week.

According to gardeners, they forgot about phytophthora after they began to process tomatoes with whey. It is diluted with water 1:3 or 1:1 if it has a high percentage of fat content. The measure is mandatory because a large number of milk fat can clog pores, impair breathing. A store-bought product with 1% fat does not need to be diluted.

Serum with iodine

Iodine is needed for better fertilization. It is added to the serum and 2 birds with one stone are killed: they protect against phytophthora, increase the number of fruits. For 1 liter of serum, only 1 drop of iodine is needed. This treatment only needs to be done twice. First, spray the grown seedlings, the second time - when the bushes bloom.

How to save the fruits

With a large percentage of damage to the bushes, plucked tomatoes will get sick during storage. To avoid this, use a folk recipe using table salt. It should be noted right away that this measure is extreme. A solution with a high salt concentration is prepared, dissolve 1 kg in 10 liters of water.

The fruits are sprayed, but the liquid gets on the leaves and destroys them. Both sick and healthy specimens die, but the fruits remain healthy and ripen in a plucked form. In this way, it is possible to preserve the fruits that have begun at that time.

Rules for caring for tomatoes

Experienced gardeners they competently organize outdoor care for tomatoes, do not forget about top dressing, thanks to this they manage to get good yields and avoid outbreaks of diseases.

Here are their helpful tips:

  1. When choosing a variety, preference is given to phytophthora-resistant tomatoes.
  2. Observe crop rotation. Do not plant tomato bushes after potatoes, peppers, eggplants, tomatoes. The return of culture to its original place can be carried out for 3 years.
  3. Do not plant vegetables prone to late blight on neighboring ridges.
  4. Stick to the landing pattern undersized tomatoes 30x70 cm, indeterminate varieties - 40x70 cm.
  5. Tomato seeds should be dressed before sowing seedlings.
  6. In the rainy season, do not forget about the processing of tomato bushes from late blight.
  7. Keep the aisles clean, mulch the ridge with straw.
  8. Do not forget that for tomatoes in the open field, mineral fertilizers are needed.

Three important supplements

During the season, it is necessary to feed tomatoes at least 3 times under the root. This scheme is standard, it is used by everyone who cares about the tomato crop:

  1. Fertilize seedlings 2 weeks after transplanting into the ground. Take nitrophoska (15 g), mullein infusion (1/2 l), dilute with water (10 l). For one plant, spend 1.2 liters of solution.
  2. When the first buds appear, carry out the second feeding. Take simple superphosphate (1 tbsp. L), potassium sulfate (1 tsp. L), water (10 l), stir until dissolved, pour a liter of solution under each bush.
  3. Pour with potassium humate, adding nitrophoska. The interval between the second and third feeding is 2 weeks.

If necessary, you can feed tomatoes in the open field with superphosphate 2 weeks after the 3rd top dressing. Fertilizer concentration 1 tbsp. l per bucket of water, consumption 10 l / m 2.


Systematic feeding and proper care for tomatoes growing in the open field, they can prevent diseases, increase yields, and improve the quality of fruits. A large selection of funds gives reason for reflection. When choosing any of them, it is important to evaluate the soil structure, variety and weather conditions.

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When growing tomatoes in open ground, it is very important to pay Special attention top dressing. has several distinctive features. Proper feeding performed with a certain frequency and certain substances. In this article, we will cover in detail the topic of feeding tomatoes that grow in open ground. Full article - .

Proper top dressing of tomatoes in the open field is the key to getting a good harvest - the fruits will be juicy and tasty. Fertilizer is a very important factor in growing tomatoes, but many gardeners neglect it and thus become dissatisfied with their crop.

The mistake of many vegetable growers is that they do not know what this or that top dressing is for. But sometimes it happens that in some conditions top dressing is even harmful.

There are a lot of opinions about feeding tomatoes, so it’s very easy to get confused and make right choice specifically for yourself.

Tomatoes should be fed only in the morning or evening hours. You can't do it during the day.

As a rule, 4-6 top dressings are produced per season. different time and various substances. This is explained by the fact that tomatoes in different periods need different substances for growth.

First dressing of tomatoes after landing in open ground must be accompanied nitrogen fertilizers. Nitrogen is needed so that the green mass of the tomato immediately begins to grow. The term of the first feeding is determined only on the basis of your conditions and the condition of your seedlings. Many believe that the first top dressing should be done no earlier than 3 weeks after planting in open ground. And if the seedlings are too bad and are already starting to turn yellow? What to expect 3 weeks? Of course not! It is advisable to pour it with a solution of urea after 3-4 days. To do this, 1 tablespoon of urea is diluted in one bucket of water and the plants are watered under the root. However, if your seedlings are in excellent condition, then feeding them immediately with nitrogen is highly discouraged. This is due to the fact that the green mass will grow even more, and there will be very few ovaries - the tomatoes will simply “get fat”.

3 weeks after planting the tomatoes in open ground, the tomatoes are fed with a solution of mullein and chicken manure. To do this, add 0.5 liters of liquid manure to 10 liters of water. It is also recommended to add 1 tablespoon of urea to these 10 liters of water, since nitrogen is also needed by tomatoes during this period.

Second dressing of tomatoes should be accompanied by the beginning of flowering. Top dressing is carried out with the beginning of flowering of the very first brush. At this time, tomatoes need potassium. Potassium promotes the formation of fruits. Wood ash is very suitable as a fertilizer. For top dressing, shallow grooves are dug along the ridges of plants, ash is poured there and buried. However, feeding with ashes is considered insufficient. It is also recommended to pour a solution of chicken manure. To do this, stir 0.5 liters of litter in 10 liters of water and water 1 liter for each plant.

Third top dressing in the open field produced during the blooming of the second and third brushes of inflorescences. Feed with potassium humate. 1 tablespoon of potassium humate is diluted in 10 liters of water and watered at the rate of 5 liters per 1 square meter.

Fourth top dressing produced 12-14 days after the third with superphosphate (1 tablespoon per 10 liters of water). 1 square meter is watered with 10 liters of this solution.

All these four top dressings of tomatoes are mandatory. The fifth and sixth feedings are carried out during active growth and fruit ripening, in most cases they are not needed.

Also look very helpful videos on the topic of top dressing tomatoes in the open field. Opinions of various bloggers.

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So, two weeks have passed since you planted tomato seedlings in a greenhouse or open ground. It's time to feed the plants. Top dressing of tomatoes in open ground or greenhouse - is there a difference? What types of top dressings are there? Last years gardeners (those I know) prefer organic, trying to use less mineral fertilizers. Home-made cheap, but very effective "green manure" is very popular. But about him, a little lower.

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Types of dressings of tomatoes

There are two types of supplements. Root and non-root.


Root top dressing is used by most gardeners. She nourishes the plants root system, that is, it is watering with nutritious mineral or organic solution under the root.


Many people know about foliar, but they use it less often, but in vain.

Foliar is when we apply the same nutrient solution directly to the leaves of plants. This type of top dressing of tomatoes with mineral or organic fertilizers has several advantages. First, it allows you to save fertilizer. Because when we apply them under plants, a significant part of the nutrients is washed out with irrigation, during rain, not all nutrients get to the plant.

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And when we bring the solution to the surface of the leaf, then all the nutrients pass through the leaf into the plant. And it happens very quickly. Therefore, foliar dressing acts much faster than root dressing. Secondly, it is used to quickly help a plant suffering from a lack of one or another trace element. I try to use foliar dressing more often for seedlings, for plants recently planted in open ground or a greenhouse, that is, for younger seedlings.



For foliar top dressing, lower concentrations of the solution are used than for root top dressing, so as not to cause leaf burn. For it, fertilizers are used that completely dissolve without sediment, which do not contain chlorine. Usually this liquid forms fertilizer mixtures, no matter what they are - mineral or organic. Try to use non-chlorinated water for the preparation of nutrient solutions - rain or at least settled tap water.

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Both root and foliar top dressing are equally useful, both for tomatoes that grow in open ground and for greenhouse ones. In the first half of the growing season, it is better to alternate the plants. In the second - go to root top dressing. A greenhouse with high humidity should be ventilated more often, especially after spraying. In order for the plant to get the maximum benefit from any top dressing, you need to know when - in the morning, afternoon, evening - they are best done.



When to Feed Your Tomatoes

Highly important point: if you are doing foliar feeding or root feeding, then this should be done in the morning or in the evening. Why is that? If we are talking about foliar, then the nutrient solution should be on the surface of the leaves for as long as possible so that it can be absorbed. And in bright sunshine, spraying the leaves can cause a burn. This is first. And secondly, the sun will quickly dry up the droplets of the nutrient solution, it will not have time to be completely absorbed into the leaves. When foliar top dressing, you should ensure that the solution gets not only on the outside of the leaf, but also on the inside.

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Under the root, watering the plants with a mineral or organic solution is also necessary early in the morning or in the evening. I prefer evening watering, and my dacha neighbor waters his cucumbers, tomatoes in a greenhouse or open field only early in the morning. The reasons also seem to be clear: water or a nutrient solution that has fallen on the leaves during the day can cause sunburn foliage. You should not force the plant to spend energy on repairing or healing wounds.

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How often should you fertilize

Usually they ask the question, how often should I fertilize tomatoes with mineral or organic fertilizers? The short answer is not very often. And, to be more precise, I spend them, both root and foliar, in 10-15 days. That is, about 2-3 times a month. I alternate them. Once - foliar top dressing, the next time - I feed my tomatoes under the root.

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Foliar top dressing(spraying) I do in the first half of the growing season, that is, as soon as I noticed that the first fruits have poured, they began to turn white, I stop feeding. And I continue to do the root throughout the entire growing season (development) of tomatoes.

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The first time you should feed the tomatoes 10-12 days after planting the seedlings. When the flowering of tomatoes begins, do not miss the deadlines - the number of ovaries and the harvest will depend on this.



In a greenhouse or open ground, top dressing is carried out as follows. Each plant needs to be fed individually. If the soil under the plants is dry, then before feeding it is necessary to slightly moisten the soil. Watering the tomatoes clean water, the temperature of which is not lower than 20-22ºС. When watering in a greenhouse, try not to get water on the leaves - excess moisture is useless there. Water in the morning - after that, be sure to ventilate the greenhouse. And after watering, pour half a liter of nutrient solution under each tomato bush.

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I try to do foliar feeding of tomatoes in the greenhouse in the morning so that the nutrient solution is absorbed by the evening. Plants should be dry at night.

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How to feed tomatoes in a greenhouse or open field

For the first top dressing after transplanting seedlings, I use liquid fertilizer based on humates.


This year it is GUMI Kuznetsova (natural fertility elixir). For 10 liters of water - 2 tablespoons of the elixir.

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But you can start from the assortment of your stores for gardeners and gardeners. Not bad to use Gumat-80, Gumat+7, Gumat-Universal, Emerald, Ideal. For 10 liters of water, 1-2 tablespoons of fertilizer is enough. Here, add 1 tablespoon of instant mineral fertilizer (for example, Fertika Universal).


For each plant, 0.5 liters of solution is sufficient.


Tomatoes in the open field or greenhouse are better to underfeed than overfeed. Therefore, when planting seedlings from mineral fertilizers, I use only ash and compost. After planting - fertilizer based on humates with Fertika Universal. And that's it. The following top dressings are only organic.

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How to make your own organic "green manure"

I really like the positive reaction of my tomatoes to the "green manure". How do I prepare it? Very simple. There are a lot of recipes for such a "green manure". Its basis is mowed green weed grass.



I have an old metal 200 liter barrel. But it is not advised to use a metal barrel for the preparation of this fertilizer, apparently, the process of metal oxidation adversely affects the quality. I don't have a plastic barrel. You know yourself hopeless situations almost never happens. I bought huge 300-liter plastic bags. I put one bag into another (for strength), placed them inside the barrel. Filled 1/3 with water to straighten them. The polyethylene warmed up a little by the sun, became elastic, stretched, the bags were tightly dressed outside on the edge of the barrel. I got it metal barrel with plastic insert.

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So, I already had a little water in the barrel, I add mowed grass there. Experienced gardeners advise filling the barrel with cut nettles. But I didn’t have so many nettles, so I sketched an almost full (2/3) barrel of various weeds, nettles were also there.

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I threw about 1 kg from above wood ash, half a bucket chicken manure, added 2 liters of milk "store" whey (natural, they say, 1 liter is enough), a pack of baker's yeast (100 g). I added water almost to the top.

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This recipe was taken long ago from the book “Smart Farming” by Yu.I. Sweetie. He calls this solution an infusion of microbial organisms. The author recommends adding mash instead of yeast - 3 liters of non-chlorinated water, 150 g of sugar, leave for 2-3 days.



The solution in the barrel ferments very actively and the stench, sorry for the details, is not the most pleasant. And you need to mix the fertilizer at least once a day. All this is infused for 1.5-2 weeks. Then I take out the fermented grass. When it dries up, I put it under the zucchini. Why under the zucchini - I do not know. It's been like that from the very beginning. The zucchini are very grateful.

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You can try using this mulch on other plants.


A little more than half of the nutritious infusion in a barrel is obtained. I top up the barrel. I take a ready-made infusion (500 ml), add it to a watering can with water (6 liters), pour tomatoes, cucumbers, eggplants, pumpkins - half a liter of solution per bush. Yes, I almost forgot. The effect will be better if the soil under the plants is moist. That is, before root dressing, be sure to water the tomatoes in the open field or in the greenhouse.



I really like the result of such organic feeding - the plants are always green, they look healthy, they tolerate bad weather well, they grow very quickly, a lot of fruits are tied and, it seems to me, they began to get sick less, that is, their immunity has increased.


This solution can be carried out root and foliar top dressing. I usually spend foliar on young plants planted in open ground or in a greenhouse. Watering under the root - every 10-12 days.

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I have enough of this solution for a long time. But everything, of course, depends on the number of plants planted. If I feel that there is not enough “green manure”, then after less than half of it remains in the barrel, I fill the barrel with new grass. I don't add anything else but water. I wait 10-15 days - a new nutrient solution is ready.

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This "green manure" works well against late blight. At least, it seems to me that after I started using it, there were almost no cases of phytophthora on leaves, fruits. Last year (2013), only a few tomato fruits (5 pieces) growing in open ground were thrown out from one bush. On the rest of the bushes, I did not notice any signs of phytophthora.



But this garden year(2014) started with rainy weather. Humidity, both in the greenhouse and in the garden, is high. I, to prevent the appearance of late blight on tomatoes, mealy or false powdery mildew on cucumbers, zucchini, I additionally treat the plants with a solution of whey (1 liter per 10 liters of water), to which I add 10 drops of iodine. This solution is especially beneficial for tomatoes. Iodine helps to increase the number of ovaries, and whey has a depressing effect on pathogenic fungi.

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For the prevention of late blight on tomatoes, I alternate treatments. Once with a solution of whey, and the other with a solution of Fitosporin. This drug not only protects tomatoes from the development of late blight, it also nourishes the plants with bioactivated microelements, especially its new modification - Fitosporin-M. Sometimes I skip lactic acid treatment, but I definitely replace it with a Fitosporin solution, which well suppresses the development of fungal and bacterial diseases on plants.


Do not forget that moisture, high humidity in greenhouses or in the garden during the rainy season - have a beneficial effect on the development of phytophthora, other fungal, bacterial diseases. Be sure to treat your seedlings, do not wait for the first signs of the disease to appear. If the disease began to manifest itself, then it is too late to fight it and it is practically useless.

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So, the answer to the main question. What fertilizers, what top dressings are the best for tomatoes? Mineral or organic? I would answer like this. For tomatoes, it is best to use natural mineral fertilizers (ash, compost) and organic (based on humates, "green fertilizer"). In order not to overfeed the plants, fertilizing is carried out infrequently - 2-3 times a month - more often in the first half of the growing season, and less often in the second.

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Natalia Mirgorodskaya


Fertilizers for outdoor tomatoes must be applied regularly, even if the soil is considered fertile. Only in this case will it be possible to remove big number delicious tomatoes. But feeding with nutrients must be carried out according to certain rules, otherwise you can harm the vegetable garden.

Top dressing of tomatoes in the open field should be carried out at least three times during the entire growing season, but if the soil is not fertile, then much more often. In open beds, tomatoes are more likely to face adverse factors, so you need to help them resist diseases, cold snaps, and winds. Besides the fact that fertilizers increase the resistance of plants to various bad conditions, they also help to improve the quality and quantity of the crop.

If tomato bushes lack some element, then you can determine this by appearance. How to fertilize tomatoes will tell the color of the leaves of tomato bushes.

  1. From an excess of nitrogen, the plant begins to "fatten". The greenery is dense, the stems and branches are thick. With a lack of this element, the leaves, on the contrary, become pale with a grayish tint. Flowering and fruit formation is delayed.
  2. Phosphorus deficiency can be recognized by the purple color of the leaves. If there is a lot of phosphorus in the soil, then the leaves begin to turn yellow, dry and fall off.
  3. The plant can also dry out with a lack of potassium. If formed on the stem and leaves white coating, then you need to reduce its introduction.
  4. Phosphates should be eliminated when the leaves curl and dry. An excess of potassium and nitrogen leads to similar problems.

Thus, before applying fertilizer, you need to make the right choice. Minerals can be used organic compounds. Widely used natural products, which are able to compensate for the lack of nutrients in the soil. Various ingredients can be used: eggshell, banana peel, yeast, wood ash.

How to feed tomatoes after planting in the ground, there are many recipes for self cooking composition, you can also buy a finished product.

After the seedlings are planted, it must be left alone for 7-10 days. During this time, the bushes adapt to a new place and take root. Do not worry if it was noticed that in the early days the bushes are sluggish and do not develop. The fertilizers laid down during the preparatory work will soon give strength, and in a few days the sprouts will begin to straighten out.

If the leaves on the planted bushes have not recovered, the stem looks sluggish even after 15 days, then the first feeding is carried out. Then top dressing is carried out every 2.5 weeks. Especially in dire need of additional elements vegetable crop during flowering and fruiting. Foliar top dressing in the form of spraying can be carried out more often.

Preparatory work on the site

In order for the growing process to bring pleasure, and there are no problems, you must first choose a suitable place for the beds. The site should receive enough light for at least 6 hours per knock, there should not be constant through winds.

Tomatoes feel good in the beds where cucumbers, cabbage, legume. You can not plant for about three years on the land where the nightshade crop was harvested, for example, eggplant, potatoes. These vegetable crops are subject to the same infections and pests.

Before planting seedlings prepare the soil. Preparatory work they begin in the fall, when the entire crop is harvested and the tops of old plants are removed. The soil is recommended to be dug up and mixed with organic fertilizers. Ideal for manure, compost, peat.

When hyperacidity soil, it is necessary to add lime chalk. It is not difficult to measure the indicators, it is enough to buy a litmus strip in a specialized store and lower it into the ground.

If the fall failed to hold all preparatory activities, then it is not too late to do this in the spring. An infusion based on organic components, manure or humus is added to the dug up earth.

The last step is the preparation of holes for planting bushes. The distance between the recesses depends on the variety of tomato. If tall varieties are selected, then the distance should be at least 50 cm. For undersized plants the interval can be reduced to 35 cm.

Planting sprouts should be preceded by fertilizing directly into the wells themselves. The day before transplantation, the wells are filled with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. Then you can fill them with wood ash, eggshell or pour pre-prepared yeast infusion.

Characterization of organic components

How to feed tomatoes in the open field depends on the composition of the soil, weather conditions, the state of tomato bushes and the stage of their development.

most popular organic fertilizer not only for open beds, and for greenhouse tomatoes, is considered a mullein.

Such top dressing can be used at any stage before flowering. Based on it, a liquid infusion is made. Can't be fresh cow dung apply to the soil, as this can lead to a burn of the root system and the plant will die. Fresh manure is poured with water and left to infuse in a warm place for a couple of days. During this time, the nitrogen will have time to decompose and will not harm the vegetables. The finished solution is once again diluted with water and poured under the root.

During flowering, the need for nitrogen decreases, but the need for phosphorus and potash fertilizers. At this time, you can use complex formulations based on mullein. You can combine mullein with nitrophoska, boric acid and potassium sulfate or with wood ash. The selected components are filled with water, thoroughly mixed and applied directly under the root.

Outdoor care for tomato beds is not complete without bird droppings. It contains a large amount of nitrogen. AT fresh it is also forbidden to apply to the beds. An infusion is made from it. Chicken manure is filled with water. Leave to infuse for 2-3 days. Before watering, the solution must be diluted with water.

During the formation of ovaries and fruiting, it is useful to feed tomatoes with a composition based on mixing chicken manure with superphosphate and potassium sulfate.

Many experienced vegetable growers make a composition of manure, bird droppings and mineral components at the same time. Organic components are poured with water and infused. After that, potassium sulfate and boric acid are added to the infusion. Before use ready solution diluted with water.

Compost is an infusion based on crushed grass. But you can use a more nutritious composition. Lime, wood ash and a little urea are added to a bucket of chopped grass. All components are poured with water and left to infuse.

Herbal infusion is very popular. You can grind any meadow grasses, but nettle, dandelion, quinoa, chamomile have the greatest nutritional value. You can take a few herbs for the infusion. The selected greens are filled with water and left to infuse for 7 days. During this time, the contents should ferment. Then the solution must be filtered and diluted with water.

Ordinary dry or live yeast can be used to prepare nutrient formulations. Thanks to such top dressing, the plant will develop better, form more ovaries, reduce the risk of developing diseases and pest attacks. You can water the plants only when the earth warms up well. Yeast is poured with water and left to infuse.

Root watering should be done in the evening, when there is no rain and sun. After fertilizing, you need to water the beds with ordinary settled water.

Mineral fertilizers

Fertilizers can also be purchased at the store. There are verified and effective drugs which protect the plant from adverse factors and contribute to its accelerated development.

Top dressing of tomatoes in the open field and in the greenhouse by experienced vegetable growers is most often carried out by the following complex compositions.

Nitroammophoska in its granules contains a large number of trace elements. The granules can simply be scattered between the tomato rows, or you can make a liquid solution. Dissolve 50 g of granules in a bucket of water. As soon as they dissolve, you can start watering. One bush should take about a liter of solution.

Kemira Lux is rich in trace elements that begin to act immediately after they enter the soil. Available in liquid form or in granules. The composition promotes the colonization of beneficial bacteria, improves resistance to infections, and increases productivity.

Tomatoes after planting in the ground can be fertilized with Mortar. The drug is allowed to be used for foliar or root top dressing. Only 15-20 g of the substance needs to be dissolved in 10 liters of water. For a certain growing season, you can choose a separate series. If the seedlings do not develop well after planting, then it is better to choose Mortar brand A, during the fruiting period, brand B will benefit. During the period of fruit formation, top dressing is carried out every week.

Agricola-3 is rich in three main components necessary for growth, development and fruiting - nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. Magnesium is an additional component. In one liter of water, 2.5 g of the substance must be diluted. It is necessary to apply fertilizer only under the root.

You can independently prepare mineral fertilizers for tomatoes based on folk recipes.

  • Top dressing with a high nitrogen content can be prepared from ammonium nitrate.
  • Nitrophoska and sodium humate will be useful during the formation of ovaries and fruiting.
  • Phosphorus and potassium cannot be dispensed with during the ripening of tomatoes. For cooking, you need potassium chloride and superphosphate.

Each store drug can be found detailed instructions for use and breeding, which must be strictly adhered to. Not only a lack, but also an overabundance of trace elements can adversely affect the development vegetable crop.

Foliar feeding

In addition to root dressing of tomatoes after planting in the ground, it is also useful to carry out foliar spraying with nutrients. If root top dressing for the entire growing season needs to be applied 3-4 times, then foliar spraying with nutrients can be carried out at intervals of 10 days.

  1. Before the flowering period begins, the leaves can be treated with a urea-based solution.
  2. During flowering and the formation of ovaries, it is useful to treat with a solution of superphosphate.
  3. Useful composition of boric acid, blue vitriol and urea. All components are taken in equal quantities and filled with water.
  4. You can spray the plant with a solution based on only one boric acid.
  5. Many gardeners use a recipe based on milk and iodine for processing. Milk and a few drops of iodine are added to a bucket of water. This composition is able to saturate the plant with microelements and protect against the penetration of pathogenic bacteria.
  6. You can prepare a solution from wood ash, which will replace any other complex fertilizers. The ash is poured with water and boiled for 30 minutes. After the solution has cooled, it is diluted with water, crushed soap is added and the green part of the plant is sprayed.
  7. To process greens, you can mix Fitosporin and Zdraven.

Phytosporin is a biological product that enhances plant immunity, promotes its recovery in case of damage, accelerates growth and improves development. Phytosporin can be used as preventive measures every 10 days. Dissolve 5 g of powder in a bucket of water.

Fertilizer Zdraven helps to strengthen the root system of vegetable crops, reduces the formation of barren flowers, improves taste qualities fruits, increases disease resistance. On the 14th day after transplanting the seedlings, a solution can be prepared. On a bucket of water you need to take 15 g of the substance.

Foliar nutrition will help not only make up for the lack of any substances, but also protect against diseases and pests.

Foliar treatment should be carried out before 10 am in dry, calm weather. It is recommended to combine foliar fertilizer with treatment from pests and diseases.

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