What to do if there is a white coating on the leaves of Kalanchoe? Pests and diseases of Kalanchoe, methods of treatment with photos and flower care at home.

Photo and description of Kalanchoe leaf diseases, yellowing of leaves, spots on leaves, gray rot, powdery mildew, mealybugs.

Kalanchoe, blooming in winter may suffer from diseases associated with improper care or attack by pathogens. Main problems, yellow leaves, plant-disfiguring spots or white coating covering various parts of the plant. Learn how to deal with Kalanchoe diseases, what to look for when caring for plants, what to do to make Kalanchoe look beautiful again.

Yellow leaves

Yellowing of Kalanchoe leaves - more often the cause over watering leading to root flooding. In this case, watering should be limited, especially in winter, to allow the earth to dry out. Kalanchoe does not require a lot of water. It is enough to moisten the earth every 10-14 days. Remove the water accumulated in the pan after 15 minutes so that the plant does not stand in the water. Do not water Kalanchoe when the leaves are drooping, this means that the ground is too wet, not dry, as many people mistakenly think.

It is necessary to provide adequate drainage in the pot. A layer of pebbles, expanded clay or crushed ceramics 2 cm thick is poured onto the bottom of the tank. Drainage will facilitate the outflow of water, while preventing water from entering the root area.

Uneven watering, long periods of drought, then abundant watering leads to yellowing of the leaves of Kalanchoe. If you do not provide regular watering, you need to choose hydroponic cultivation. Special pots are placed in a water tank, which the plant uses as needed. Installed water level indicators will let you know when you need to replenish its level.

Another reason for the yellowing of Kalanchoe leaves may be effects of ethylene on plants. Ethylene is a gas found in cigarette smoke and car exhaust, also emitted by ripening fruits (especially apples). The solution is to move the pot out of the room where cigarettes are smoked or the kitchen where fruit is kept.

The lack of minerals in the soil is manifested by yellowing of leaf blades. The flower is sensitive to zinc deficiency in the soil. When there is not enough zinc, the leaves between the veins turn yellow, lose their tone and become deformed. To prevent zinc deficiency, Kalanchoe should be grown in a substrate with a pH of 6.0-6.5, rich in peat and perlite. AT flower shops Suitable substrate mixes are available for growing cacti and succulents.

Spots on the leaves

  1. Brown crusts on leaves (dropsy)

Convex, light brown spots on the underside of the leaves indicate a physiological disease - dropsy. Dropsy is the result of growing a flower in a high temperature environment (25 ° C or more) and high humidity air. Under such conditions, the flower retains water in its tissues and limits evaporation (the removal of water vapor through the stomata). Tissue cells fill with water and swell. After some time, the water-saturated cell explodes, causing the formation of numerous, raised, yellow-brown spots on the underside of the leaves. dropsy has no negative impact on plant health, significantly reduces attractiveness.

To prevent the occurrence of damage, fogging of the plant is not allowed. In summer, the premises in which Kalanchoe is grown are well ventilated. On the windowsill, leaves are not allowed to come into contact with neighboring plants, especially sprayed and frequently watered ones, such as Spathiphyllum or Aglaonema.

  1. leaf spot

If numerous small ones (1-3 mm) appear on both sides of the leaves, first yellow spots turn brown over time leaf spot, fungal disease caused by the fungus Stemphylium bolickii.

Spots are seen long time not increasing in size. Sometimes the spots merge with each other, cover a significant part of the surface of the upper and lower sides of the sheet. Infected leaves gradually turn yellow and fall off. On fallen leaves, the fungus continues to develop. In places of brown spots, spores develop, which are carried by drops of water (during irrigation) or insects to neighboring plants.

Moisture contributes to the development of leaf spot, so wetting Kalanchoe during watering should be avoided. Drops of water left on the plant must be removed using a dry cloth. A flower pot is installed in a ventilated place. Fallen parts of the plant with signs of disease must be removed and destroyed. Spray the remaining parts of the plant 1-2 times with biological products. In case of severe damage, spraying is carried out with stronger chemicals.

Gray mold, caused by the fungus Botrytis cinerea, is one of the most common fungal diseases on plants. It affects all parts of the plant. Weakened or fertilized plants are especially susceptible to gray mold damage.

The most characteristic symptom is a dusty grayish coating of mycelium and spores that appear on the dying parts of Kalanchoe. Before the appearance of plaque from the mycelium, watery brown spots form near the base of the shoots. Part of the shoot above the site of infection dies.

Gray mold develops where there is high humidity air. Avoid wetting the flower when watering. Fallen parts of the plant should be regularly removed from the surface of the earth in a pot, especially if the earth is constantly wet. It is those that decompose into humid environment, plant remains are the source of infection. Watering Kalanchoe should be limited, especially in winter - up to once every 2 weeks. AT winter period it is recommended to water in the morning, so that during the day, the parts of the plant moistened during watering have time to dry. This is important as the fungus develops at night.

For the treatment of gray mold, Kalanchoe is sprayed twice (with an interval of 10 days), using drugs: Teldor 500 SC (0.25 ml / 250 ml of water), Miedzian 50 WP (0.6 g / 250 ml of water) or Biosept (0. 1 ml/200 ml water).

White bloom on leaves

  1. Powdery mildew

Powdery mildew- is a common fungal disease of many plants grown in warm (21°C) and humid conditions. A symptom of powdery mildew is a white, powdery coating that covers the leaves and twigs of Kalanchoe. After decreasing humidity and temperature below 20 ° C, the white mycelium disappears, brown spots of dead tissue appear in place of powdery mildew. Kalanchoe leaves curl, dry and die. Flowers are distorted or the plant does not bloom at all. fungal disease can be transferred to other plants growing nearby, by wind or water sprayed during careless watering.

prevent powdery mildew You can, taking care that no water remains on the flower. Watering is done directly on the ground, without soaking the leaves and stems. It is necessary to ensure a good exchange of air between plants and avoid accumulation, for example, on the windowsill, so that the wet parts of Kalanchoe can dry quickly. When symptoms of powdery mildew are present, Kalanchoe is treated by spraying 3-4 times every 7-10 days with alternating fungicides. Alternatively, biopreparations Biosept (0.1 ml/200 ml water) and Bioczos (5 ml/250 ml water) are used for spraying.

Mealybugs are common pests indoor plants. The most common is citrus mealybug(Planococcus citri), which has a wide range of plant hosts. It happens that it settles on Kalanchoe.

Mealybugs are small (2-5 mm) insects with a flat, oval and soft body. The body is divided into segments and covered with white waxy scales. They feed on shoots and undersides of Kalanchoe leaves. Cause weakening of plants, yellowing of leaves, growth retardation and dwarfing of shoots. Feeding mealybugs pollute the leaves with a white, woolly or powdery coating that looks like tufts of cotton wool. Like aphids and whiteflies, mealybugs produce nectar that becomes a breeding ground for fungi.

The fight against mealybugs on Kalanchoe is not difficult. The worms are removed mechanically with a brush moistened with denatured alcohol or a toothbrush, then wipe the leaves and shoots of Kalanchoe with a cotton swab moistened with water and laundry soap. Another way to treat and get rid of mealybugs is to make a spray from rapeseed oil. The drug can be prepared for own kitchen: 5 ml of rapeseed oil, diluted with 250 ml of water (1 cup), add 2 drops of household liquid soap so that the drug is better kept on the surface of the leaves and does not drain quickly. Spraying is carried out 3 times with an interval of 1-2 days.

Important! After spraying, set the pot with Kalanchoe in a ventilated place so that the leaves dry faster.

White plaque on Kalanchoe: what is it and how to fight

If a white coating appears on Kalanchoe, then the plant is affected by the fungal disease "powdery mildew". It is recommended to treat the flower immediately. The disease can kill Kalanchoe.

White plaque on Kalanchoe: what to do

Source: Depositphotos

White plaque indicates the disease "powdery mildew"

Spores of pathogenic fungi are found in the soil and appear only if the rules for caring for the plant are not followed. Fungal disease occurs:

    • in case of violation temperature regime. Cool air, humidity are favorable for the development of spores;
    • an excess of nitrogen in the soil;
    • irregular watering. The top layer of soil should dry out slightly before irrigation is carried out. If it dries up or, conversely, does not have time to dry before the next moistening, the fungus is activated.

The land in the pot is infected by air and through watering if the water is infected. Also, the fungus is transmitted through human hands. After touching one plant, do not touch another unless your hands are thoroughly washed.

Powdery mildew control

To combat white plaque, complex treatment is used. Organized first of all proper care for Kalanchoe. It includes watering, no spraying, removal of old foliage and sunbathing for Kalanchoe. Fertilizers are not applied to the soil, nitrogen fertilizing is excluded.

To cure Kalanchoe and get rid of spores, you need:

    • remove the affected parts of the flower;
    • spray the flower chemical preparation- fungicide or prepared folk remedy, for example, mustard solution. Or dip the plant in a basin of solution. The medicinal liquid should abundantly moisten the surface of the aerial part of the plant.

After processing Kalanchoe, start processing the soil, the walls of the pot, and the pallet with the same tool.

It is worth noting that folk remedies should be used for preventive purposes and in the early stages of infection. If struck big square flower, use purchased chemicals.

A bloom on a flower is a sign of a serious illness. Start treatment as soon as possible to save the flower.

Kalanchoe blooming today is very popular with lovers of decorative succulents, which are also useful. The juice from the leaves of the plant has healing properties for human health. Kalanchoe care at home is not difficult, it is important to know the features of its cultivation.

Types and varieties of Kalanchoe

Exist a large number of species and varieties of Kalanchoe. Only a few of them are grown at home. Of particular interest are several plant varieties.

  • Kalanchoe Blossfeld is the most common type, which is presented in most flower shops.
  • Dergemona is a plant that is demanding on the conditions of detention, which is more suitable experienced florist. It is often referred to as "room ginseng".
  • Rosalina is an elegant terry variety, characterized by unpretentiousness. To form new buds, wilted flowers must be removed from the peduncles.
  • Kalandiva - the variety has a very rapid flowering, not even when ideal conditions. Despite the high decorativeness, the plant is very unpretentious.

Whatever variety of Kalanchoe is chosen, you need to create a flower the necessary conditions growth, which will allow him to remain in good condition for a long time. Even unpretentious varieties quality life must be ensured.

Basic requirements for growing Kalanchoe

In general, there is nothing complicated in growing Kalanchoe. In order for a flower to grow successfully, it needs a regular change of pot as it grows, timely watering and care. Do not expose the plant to extreme lows and highs in temperature. For a flower, the usual is optimal. room temperature, but just do not put it near the battery and on a cold windowsill.

In winter, the temperature should not be below 12-15 degrees. Not being too picky about light, Kalanchoe can grow well even in rooms that are not suitable for other plants due to their shading. The flower does not need sunlight, and it feels great even when ordinary lamp daylight, delighting with rapid flowering.

Almost all diseases in Kalanchoe appear due to violations of the conditions of detention. It is worth noting that this plant loves diffused lighting and moderate watering. By giving him necessary care, you will achieve both proper development and flowering. But if the plant began to hurt, its leaves became stained, and you found small insects on the flowers and trunk, urgent action must be taken. Let's try to save the "green doctor" from problems together. In this article, we will tell you what pests can infect Kalanchoe and how you can deal with them.

Aphids on Kalanchoe

Aphid - the most dangerous enemy kalanchoe. It appears mainly in the spring. If urgent measures are not taken to get rid of it, aphids can also occupy neighboring plants, as a result of which they will harm all your flowers. If you find small green or black insects on the leaves and trunk of Kalanchoe, know that your plant is suffering from aphids.

She takes the juice from Kalanchoe and poisons it with constant injections of her own poison. But that's not all - the affected leaves and stem are covered with a sticky substance that prevents the flower from "breathing deeply". Most often, this insect can be found on young shoots or on inflorescences.

Signs of aphids

The frequent use of nitrogenous fertilizers stimulates the appearance of aphids. It has already been noticed that aphids multiply very quickly on well-fed flowers. Aphids can get into the house on newly purchased plants or even on cut bouquets. Therefore, it is important to keep all newly arrived flowers in the so-called quarantine zone, in other words, in another room.

On the initial stage Infestation, it is quite difficult to notice any signs of aphids infestation. The insects themselves are quite small and, given that aphids settle on reverse side leaf, then rather inconspicuous. You can detect a colony as it grows - due to an obviously unhealthy appearance plants. It gets dirty and deformed. The leaves begin to turn yellow and fall off, the buds no longer bloom, and the existing flowers fall off. The terrible thing is that aphids carry more than 100 types of viruses, and its liquid sugary secretions become a breeding ground for fungi.

How to get rid of aphids?

by the most in a radical way is to cut off the affected areas and burn them. The remaining plant is treated with an appropriate houseplant insecticide. Repeat the treatment once a week for a month.

Of the harmless preparations, green potassium soap can be recommended. It must be diluted in water (20 grams of soap will be needed per liter) and the plant should be washed with this solution, after wrapping the soil with polyethylene. If it is difficult to get such a drug, you can use laundry soap, it is also detrimental to aphids, albeit to a lesser extent.

Shield and false shield

Scale insects belong to the coccid suborder and are insects with an oblong two-millimeter body, which is covered with a wax shield from above. Females are much larger than males and have neither wings nor legs. They sit motionless, covering their eggs. A plant affected by scale insects is covered with a kind of plaque from a cluster of insects.

The leaves begin to turn yellow and fall off, the growth of Kalanchoe slows down, flowering stops. The condition of the plant is deteriorating due to additional damage. soot fungus, which multiplies in the sticky secretion secreted by scale insects. Pests are kept mainly on the underside of the leaves. Only young larvae are able to move, adults are motionless.

To prevent this disease, the plant must be regularly and carefully examined. And at the end of winter and at the beginning of spring, make sure that Kalanchoe is in a well-ventilated area. If the air temperature allows, spray the plant with water more often - scale insects do not like a humid environment.

Ways to deal with the shield

Insects must be collected from the leaves, and then the flower should be washed soapy water. To make scale insects easier to remove, they are pre-treated with alcohol. There are no special insecticides for controlling scale insects, so you can use any preparation intended for indoor plants.

Can be used to control pests and folk remedies- regularly (3-4 times a week) wipe the plant with a cotton swab dipped in vodka or diluted alcohol. Remove the scale insects with an old toothbrush. You can also wash the plant with an infusion of garlic. In a mortar, grind 5-6 cloves of garlic and pour a glass of water. Insist the resulting mixture in a dark place for several hours, filter it and spray the plant.

Why do leaves fall on Kalanchoe?

All flower growers want Kalanchoe to always please the eye with green leaves. But it happens that the stem of the plant is stretched, and the lower leaves begin to turn yellow and fall off. This behavior indicates improper lighting - it simply does not have enough sunlight. Sometimes this trouble occurs after flowering: growth stops, the flower begins to lose leaves. All this happens when Kalanchoe is depleted. He urgently needs a transplant or good feeding.

The leaves die off in the cold season. This is due to the proximity to central heating. Most likely, the plant is on the windowsill near the battery, and the air around it is too dry. Move the flower to a room with a lower temperature. The optimum temperature at this time of the year is about 13-15 degrees, then Kalanchoe will overwinter without loss of green mass. The main thing is that at a low temperature there should be no excess moisture, otherwise the plant will have to be treated for mold, which manifests itself in the form of black or brown spots.

In general, when caring for Kalanchoe, it is important to prune old shoots in time, then it will delight you for a long time. beautiful shape and profuse flowering.

Other diseases of Kalanchoe

  • Phytophototic rot
Signs of this disease are dead brown spots in the branching of Kalanchoe. Many factors provoke rot, such as excessive watering or poor ventilation. Possible excess fertilizer in the soil or too heat content. If this disease is detected, watering is stopped and the plant is provided with a partial change of soil. In the future, some kalanchoe time must be watered with fungicides.
  • powdery mildew
Signs of the disease: on the leaves of the plant, specific spots with a white coating of the fungus can be found. Depending on the development of the disease, the leaves die off. The danger is that the fungus that causes powdery mildew is easily airborne and can infect neighboring plants. The disease develops in dry air and elevated temperature. Regular watering (but not frequent!) And spraying with fungicides is necessary for the fight.
  • Gray rot
Accompanied by education aboveground parts weeping plants gray spots. If you do not take action, the spots grow, turning into a mushy mass, and the plant dies. Mushroom, disease-causing, remains in the soil for another two years. To activate it requires excessive moisture, lack of lighting and poor ventilation. If a disease is detected, it is urgent to change the conditions of detention and take care of sufficient lighting and soil replacement. And also treat the plant with systemic fungicides.

As you can see, all diseases inherent in Kalanchoe are curable. The main thing is to detect them in time and take appropriate measures.

Not only decorates the interior, but also acts as an effective cure for most ailments and injuries. However, this unusual plant he is also sick, and therefore he needs care and proper care. If parasites appear on your pet, it is urgent to take action.

The main diseases of Kalanchoe, treatment at home

main reason the onset of the disease is improper care and poor conditions for the plant. Spots, mold, plaque, small organisms, etc. may appear on the leaves and stems. You may not even suspect why Kalanchoe leaves fall. What are the leaf diseases of Kalanchoe and what else can cause improper care, we will consider in more detail.

Insects love to breed in rich. If you notice that Kalanchoe is crumbling, carefully inspect the stems and leaves. If bugs are found, remove them with a paper towel and then discard. Also don't forget to check the plant for grubs - they look like cotton balls. And in order not to appear, wipe the Kalanchoe with a delicate detergent.

Shchitovka does not like moisture, so spray your favorite home plant few times a week. And if the bugs still appear, remove them and wipe the surface of the leaves with alcohol. After that, gently wash the plant with a solution of soap and treat with a special one. Simple and regular procedures will be enough to smell.

Did you know?AT kalanchoe leaves contains juice that can heal cuts, as well as eliminate burns. In addition, the plant cleanses problem skin well if you prepare a mask from Kalanchoe.


In addition, the leaves begin to harden, bend, a brown scab forms.

Measures to combat mites are quite simple: treat the flower with soapy water or mineral oil. If the plant is running, Akarin, "" or "Vertimek" will do.

These small insects often found on Kalanchoe plants because it flies in from the street through the window. She is attracted, oversaturated and. Small black or green aphids love inside leaves, stem and flower stem.

The bugs suck out the juice, covering the plant with a sticky substance that prevents Kalanchoe from breathing. In this case, the aphid injects poison inside and poisons the plant.

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