Garlic turns yellow what to do. Increased soil acidity

Yellowing of garlic leaves is the most common problem encountered when growing a crop.

Diagnosis of garlic

To accurately determine the cause of yellowing of the leaves, plant diagnostics are carried out.

  1. It is necessary to determine the phase of culture development (shoots, regrowth of tops, formation and growth of arrows, maturation of heads). The size of the plants should correspond to the development phase.
  2. visual inspection. In addition to yellowing, pay attention to the presence of damage to the leaves, the presence of insects on them (aphids, small worms).
  3. Inspection of the underground part of the plant. Pull out 2-3 yellowed specimens and inspect the bulb and roots for damage, pests, rot.

Diagnosis in most cases allows you to determine the cause of the yellowing of garlic leaves.

Causes of yellowing garlic leaves

Any problems that arise with the growth of garlic are reflected in the leaves. The main causes of yellowing are:

  • autumn germination winter garlic;
  • freezing;
  • soaking;
  • lack of nitrogen;
  • defeat by a stem nematode;
  • rust;
  • false powdery mildew;
  • Donets rot (fusarium);
  • acidic soil;
  • yellow dwarf virus.

Timely measures taken in most cases can minimize the risk of crop decline or loss.

Autumn germination of winter garlic

Causes. Too early planted winter garlic sprouts, and when cold weather sets in, it can freeze. Low temperatures in the absence of snow, both the aerial parts of plants and cloves are damaged.

Signs of damage. Shoots in the spring are yellow, stunted, practically do not grow, the roots are partially damaged.

Solution. If the loss of plants is small, then you can try to save them by watering with a solution of growth stimulants (Kornevin, Heteroauxin). If most of the landings are damaged, it makes no sense to save them. In order not to be left without a crop at all, spring garlic can be planted in place of winter.

Early planted winter garlic sprouted in autumn.


Causes. Occurs in the spring with return spring frosts. Seedlings of garlic well withstand a short-term temperature drop to -2-3°C. If the frosts are strong and prolonged, then the leaves freeze slightly. In addition, garlic is very sensitive to sudden changes in temperature. The tops can freeze when the difference between day and night temperatures is more than 14-15 ° C. Frosts damage plants in the germination phase and on initial stage regrowth of tops.

Signs of damage. The leaves turn yellow, lose elasticity, droop. If the stem is frozen by frost, it acquires a yellow-green color, the outer tissues, together with the lower leaves, gradually dry out.

Solution. The plants themselves are gradually restored. To accelerate the formation of new leaves, garlic is sprayed with growth stimulants: Zircon (0.3-0.5 ml per 3 liters of water), Gibbersib.

soaking out

Causes. Wetting of the crop can occur in very damp rainy summers, as well as in areas where water constantly stagnates. The soil oversaturated with moisture does not allow air to reach the roots, as a result, the plants begin to experience oxygen starvation. The roots suffocate and die, and then die and above-ground part. Soaking garlic occurs more often in the spring and at the end of the growing season.

Signs of damage. Plants turn yellow and lie down, the stem is easily separated from the bulb. The clove (or head) itself is almost completely decomposed.

Solution. With constant stagnation of water on the site, the crop is grown in high ridges or ridges. If during the growing season of plants the soil is oversaturated with moisture, then loosening is carried out: the earth is slightly raked from the tops of the bulbs, thereby facilitating the flow of oxygen to the roots.

So that the garlic does not get wet, it is planted on high beds.

nitrogen deficiency

Causes. The shortage of the element is observed in the spring when high humidity soil, as well as during prolonged cold weather. Winter garlic is very sensitive to nitrogen deficiency. Spring varieties almost never experience nitrogen starvation.

Description. Insufficiency of nitrogen nutrition is manifested in the spring during the growth of tops. Plants become pale green, leaves begin to turn yellow. First, the old lower leaves turn yellow, then the younger middle leaves. Plant growth slows down.

Solution. Do a single top dressing with nitrogen. On very poor soils in rainy weather, it is permissible to re-fertilize after 14 days. Seedlings are watered with a solution of urea (1 tablespoon per 10 liters of water), the consumption of the solution is 3 l / m2. At high soil moisture, dry top dressing is carried out: grooves are made along the rows of garlic, into which urea (2 g / m2) is embedded.

Stem nematode infestation

A very dangerous disease of garlic, the causative agent of which is microscopic worms - nematodes. Their sizes are very small (up to 2 mm). They infect the stem and leaves, feeding on the juice of living cells. They overwinter in seeds and leaf debris. The life span of worms is 50-60 days, 3-5 generations of pests appear per season.

Head of garlic affected by a nematode

Signs of defeat.

  1. White dots remain on the bulb at the points of penetration of the worms.
  2. Yellow-white stripes appear on the leaves, then the leaves turn yellow, curl and dry.
  3. The head becomes loose, the bottom becomes rotten, the roots die off.
  4. There is a specific unpleasant odor.
  5. During storage, the teeth at the base of the bottom turn yellow and soften.

Control measures only preventive.

  • Since the spread of the pest occurs mainly with seed material, the main method of control is careful sorting. seed material. If infested cloves are found, or even if nematode infestation is only suspected, discard the entire head.
  • Disinfection of cloves before planting by soaking in water heated to 45 ° C for 10-15 minutes.
  • Since some of the pests remain in the soil, it is necessary to plant garlic in the same place no earlier than after 5 years.
  • Placement around the perimeter of ridges with garlic marigolds. Their roots secrete substances that repel nematodes.
  • Removal of affected plants from the garden.
  • Timely weeding.

To combat pests remaining in the soil, Akarin or Fitoverma powder is used. The drug is evenly scattered over the surface of the earth and buried to a depth of 2-10 cm.
Nematicides, previously used to control the stem nematode, are now banned due to high toxicity.


The causative agent is pathogenic fungi. Winters as spores on plant remains. It affects the leaves, which leads to a significant decrease in the yield of garlic.

Garlic rust.

  1. Signs of defeat. The disease can manifest itself in 2 variants.
    At the beginning of infection, yellow-brown stripes and strokes are visible on the leaves. With the progression of the disease, they grow, the leaves turn yellow and dry.
  2. Small ones appear on the leaves. yellow spots which subsequently turn brown.

Control measures consist in spraying plants with fungicides: Fitosporin-M, Bordeaux mixture, Ridomil Gold.
If onion plantings are infected with rust, then preventive spraying of garlic every 2 weeks is carried out with the same preparations.

Downy mildew or downy mildew

A disease caused by pathogenic fungi - peronospores. The disease is especially widespread in rainy summers. In hot summers, peronosporosis practically does not appear.

Signs of defeat.

  1. It usually starts from the tops of the leaves, spreading gradually over the entire leaf.
  2. Yellow-brown spots appear on the upper side of the leaves, on the lower side they are covered with a whitish-gray bloom.
  3. The affected areas are deformed and gradually dry out.
  4. Plants are stunted.

Control measures consist in spraying with copper-containing preparations (HOM, Bordeaux mixture, blue vitriol), drugs Ridomil gold, Quadris or Fitosporin M. The solution is prepared in accordance with the instructions in the instructions.

Donets rot (fusarium)

Garlic disease caused by pathogenic fungi. The source of infection is soil or seed material. Warm and humid weather is especially favorable for the development of Fusarium.

Signs of defeat. The disease affects the bottom of the bulb, then spreading to the aerial part.

  1. A white coating appears on the bottom and between the scales of the bulb.
  2. The heads soften, the roots rot.
  3. Brown streaks appear on the stems.
  4. In the axils of the leaves, a bloom of white, light pink, pink-purple or crimson appears.
  5. The leaves turn yellow from the tips to the base, then turn pinkish brown and die off.

Control measures.

  • Good results when the first signs of the disease appear are given by watering with Fitosporin-M (the solution is prepared according to the instructions). Garlic is sprayed with the same preparation when plaque and strokes appear on the leaves.
  • When plaque appears on the leaves, they are sprayed with Quadris. The procedure is repeated after 10-14 days.
  • To prevent fusarium are required preventive actions: sorting of seed material, dressing of cloves before planting, observing crop rotation, destruction of plant residues.

Donets rot is more susceptible to winter garlic than spring garlic.

Soil acidity.

If from year to year garlic seedlings turn yellow without visible reasons, then it is necessary to check the acidity (pH) of the soil. Plants grow well on neutral or, in extreme cases, slightly acidic (pH 5.5-6.5) soils.


  1. If the soil is acidic, the roots cannot absorb enough nutrients. Shoots turn yellow, plants acquire a yellowish-green color, but do not die.
  2. Garlic growth slows down.
  3. The heads are formed small and loose.


First you need to determine the acidity of the soil. Stores sell special instruments or litmus paper with a color scale. To determine the pH, follow the directions in the instructions. An indirect indicator that the earth is acidic is the growth on the site of such plants as plantain, sorrel, wood lice, horsetail.

If the pH is below 6.3, then liming is carried out. Doses of lime depend on the acidity of the soil, its mechanical composition and the applied lime material.

Doses of lime for various soils (kg/100 m²)

Lime fertilizers are applied in autumn for digging. Limestone and dolomite flour can be used together with organic fertilizers, they deoxidize the soil within 3-5 years. Garlic is planted 2 years after the application of these fertilizers.

The fluff must not be applied together with manure, since as a result of their interaction a significant amount of nitrogen is released, which prevents the heads of garlic from setting. After making the fluff, you can immediately plant winter garlic. But it should be remembered that the duration of the fertilizer is only 1 year.

yellow dwarf virus

The causative agent of the disease is a virus that lives only in living plant cells. Its spread is facilitated by aphids attacking garlic. Bulbs are not affected by the virus and healthy seed material can be renewed from them.

yellow dwarf virus

Signs of infection.

  1. Affected plants are very stunted and look like dwarfs.
  2. Leaves are gaining yellow and loses elasticity.
  3. Longitudinal folds form along the entire length of the leaves.
  4. Arrow straightening does not occur.
  5. The number of bulbs in the inflorescence is significantly reduced.

Is it worth salting the garlic?

When the leaves turn yellow, many water the ridges with garlic solution table salt. Salt itself (NaCl) does not contain the necessary nutrients for garlic and does not protect plants from diseases. But such watering is not without some sense.

Salt helps to raise some nitrogen into the upper layers of the soil (the soil solution moves from a less concentrated environment to a more concentrated one), and also repels the onion fly, which sometimes infects garlic.

But this effect is very short-lived. After rain or watering concentration saline solution in the soil decreases and the garlic continues to turn yellow.

When garlic leaves turn yellow, it is necessary to use time-tested and experienced means that reliably protect plants from adverse effects.

Why can garlic leaves turn yellow video:

Garlic roots can be affected by bacterial rot, fungal diseases. So that garlic is not for this reason, the seeds for disinfection before planting should be soaked for 20 minutes in a weak solution of potassium permanganate or use Fitosporin, Maxim for this. In addition, crop rotation must be observed. The source of diseases of winter garlic can be fresh manure used for top dressing.

Downy mildew infects garlic leaves, pale spots appear on them, then gray coating. As a result, garlic leaves turn yellow and die, and the infection penetrates the heads and overwinters safely. You can defeat this disease if the garlic is well warmed up before planting and before storing.

Garlic loves neutral soil, so ash should be applied before planting or liming should be done to reduce acidity. The lack of nitrogen can be filled with urea or nitrogenous fertilizers.

The yellow color of the leaves of garlic may be the result of non-compliance with the planting dates. To garlic, winter varieties need to be planted between mid-September and early October. In this case, the sprouts will not have time to hatch before the first frost, and planting material overwinter well in the ground.

If spring frosts grabbed winter garlic, then it must be treated with a solution of Epin, Zircon, HB-101. This will prevent yellowing at the tips of the leaves.

Despite the pungent smell, the onion fly eats garlic with pleasure. Because of this pest, the plant turns yellow and dies. To prevent the garlic from turning yellow, you need to use folk remedy: Sprinkle the bed with a mixture of tobacco dust and wood ash. Carrots will be of great help in the fight against onion fly if planted in the neighborhood. A duet of smells will scare away the pest.

If there is a well on the site, ice water will help to overcome pests. You need to water the bed with it or put ice around the plant.

Timely top dressing with potassium sulfate will help the leaves to maintain a healthy appearance. To do this, you need to loosen the bed, lay complex mineral fertilizer or urea in shallow grooves. Then fill the granules with earth, water well and mulch with compost or dry earth so that the moisture remains in the soil for as long as possible.

To prevent the garlic from turning yellow, you can spray it with a weak solution. ammonia(5 tablespoons per bucket of water).

Improper watering can also be the reason why the garlic turns yellow. If the plant does not have enough moisture, it begins to wither and turn yellow. To prevent the garlic from turning yellow, you need to adjust the frequency of watering. It will be useful to loosen the soil around each head, then the roots will get required amount air and moisture. However in early spring garlic should not be watered, because there is a lot of moisture in the ground due to.

Kira Stoletova

Gardeners often encounter the problem of yellowing garlic leaves. Consider how and how to water the garlic when it turns yellow.

Causes of yellowing

Garlic begins to turn yellow from the tips, then gradually changes color completely. There is a halt in development, and the garlic does not grow until the right sizes and sometimes stop growing altogether.

Reasons for this problem:

  • the presence of pests;
  • plant damage by diseases;
  • non-compliance with irrigation (water regime);
  • a lack of nutrients;
  • weather(freezing);
  • lack of nitrogen, magnesium and potassium in the soil;
  • violation of the correct landing;

How to identify the cause

If there are no signs of disease and pests, then it is a lack of nutrients in the garlic, and the soil does not receive the right amount trace elements. This may be the result of slight frosts, because in cold weather it is difficult for garlic to take substances for growth from the ground, because of this, its immunity decreases, and it begins to turn yellow. Therefore, it is necessary to additionally feed the soil.

How to fix the problem

Consider what to do and how to water garlic when the source of the problem is identified.

The plant needs feeding. It can be humus or nitrogenous fertilizer diluted in water. If you are sure that the yellowing was caused by frost, then use any growth stimulants for garlic. Do not be afraid to overdo it with the dose of stimulants, because the plant will take as many substances as it needs.

  • Dilute the solution with any stimulant first warm water, and then pour into a ten-liter bucket of water and water, you can also spray.
  • A weak solution of potassium permanganate will also serve a good remedy, since potassium permanganate has disinfectant properties. Dilute in a bucket of water until you get color pink and water.
  • 12 gr ammonium nitrate, 12 grams of potassium and 20 grams of superphosphate, dilute in 20 liters of water and water at the rate (20 liters of water per 2.5 sq.m.). If you need to repeat the procedure, then not earlier than after 30 days.
  • Preparation of top dressing from urea will help get rid of the yellowness of garlic (30 g. Per 10 liters of water). Watering ready solution before plant recovery.

Water the vegetable in time so that it does not turn yellow. The settled water is ideal for watering this plant. Especially in the months of vegetable formation, it is necessary to loosen the soil more often and water it abundantly.

Garlic leaves turned yellow ... Why does garlic turn yellow in spring? What to do? How to prevent this phenomenon? Maybe it's a disease? Then what to process? Or maybe he is missing something? How and what to feed? This phenomenon is not uncommon in our gardens. We usually see that garlic leaves begin to turn yellow from the tips. Then this yellowing increases, respectively, the development of the plant is delayed, the bulbs are formed smaller. The reasons may be different.

The main causes of yellowing of garlic leaves in spring

First, the leaves of winter garlic turn yellow in early spring, after it falls under a hard frost. This is one of the reasons.

Secondly, this can happen if the bulb is infected with some kind of fungal disease.

These are just two reasons. They are, as it were, obvious, we ourselves can determine the cause of the yellowing of garlic leaves. In the morning we woke up, and there was frost on the grass, puddles covered with thin ice. Or they pulled out the bulb and saw that on the bottom, the roots turned black, mold appeared.

What to do after spring frosts? If the garlic caught a light frost, there was a frost, then it is advisable to immediately process it, spray the leaves with a solution of any stimulant - HB-101, Epin, Zircon and others.

Diseases of garlic

At the very beginning, I talked about the fact that garlic can turn yellow from fungal diseases. They can cause yellow leaves. It is difficult to treat fusarium, bacterial rot - it is easier to prevent. What to do? Before planting, the teeth had to be disinfected - pour a weak pink solution of potassium permanganate, or the Maxim preparation, or the Fitosporin preparation for 15-25 minutes. If you did not do this before planting, then you can water the beds with these solutions for prevention.

But sometimes these obvious signs cause of yellowing is not observed. There were no frosts, the spine on the bulb was clean. What is going on? What to do? What to process? Maybe you need to feed?

How to feed garlic in spring

One of the reasons why the leaves of garlic planted before winter turn yellow is the lack of nutrients. Most often, he lacks nitrogen or potassium. What to do? For top dressing, you can use mineral or organic fertilizers.

Loosen the row spacing carefully. Make a shallow (1-2 cm) groove. Pour (sow) granular fertilizers there, for example, urea (carbamide) or some kind of complex mineral fertilizer. Sprinkle the granules with earth. After that, water the entire bed with plenty of water between the rows so that the fertilizer dissolves, since any plants absorb nutrients only in dissolved form. After that, you can mulch the wet bed with dry earth or compost so that the soil remains moist as long as possible.

This is one way to use mineral fertilizer.

Second option. Dissolve first dry mineral fertilizer in water (1 tablespoon of urea or Fertiki Lux per 10 liters of water), pour. Consumption - 10 liters of solution per 1 sq. m. This option is even preferable, since liquid fertilizer immediately gets to the roots of plants.

What else can be done? You can do foliar top dressing. It is especially useful for young plants. Can be fed complex mineral fertilizer or potassium sulfate, which is also often lacking in garlic. The norm of potassium sulfate is 1 teaspoon per 1 liter of water. Set your sprayer to fine spray and spray liberally on all leaves. This should be done in the evening in dry, calm weather, so that droplets of the nutrient solution fall on the leaves, do not dry out in the wind, but are completely absorbed.

From organic fertilizers for top dressing, I use an infusion of cut green grass or weeds, with the addition of wood ash. How to do this green manure, I described in detail in the article. A solution of this liquid "green manure" can be used to water plants under the root or make foliar top dressing.

Planting dates for garlic

There is another reason for the appearance of yellow leaves on garlic. This is a delay in landing. Beginning gardeners plant garlic in early autumn, for example, in early September. And you need to plant it about two to three weeks before the onset of stable cold weather. For Krasnodar Territory it's November for middle lane end of September-October. Why is that? It should only have time to take root, but not to grow. If we plant it early in the fall, then in the spring, after the snow melts, they will appear yellow leaves on too early risen garlic. They just got cold.

Garlic pests: onion fly, onion stem nematode

Pests can cause yellowing of garlic leaves. Examine the plants carefully. You noticed small worms at the base of the leaves. These are onion fly larvae. What to process? You can get rid of them with a saline solution. To do this, take 200 g of table salt, dilute it in 10 liters of water. We spray with this solution. The worms will disappear.

The reason that the garlic leaves turned yellow may be a stem onion nematode. This is perhaps the biggest annoyance. It's useless to fight her. Can live in soil, without water, food for 8-10 years.

What does an infected plant look like? The plant starts to wither. The leaves lighten, curl, the bulb with cracks begins to rot. Dig out one head with yellowed twisted leaves. If it is damaged by a nematode, then there will be rotten roots and a white or pinkish coating on the bottom of the bulb - these are small worms that can only be seen through a magnifying glass with a 10-20x magnification - they are 1.5 mm long and 0.5 mm thick. A white or pinkish coating on the bottom of the bulb is a pest accumulation. What to do? Such plants will have to be destroyed. Next year, plant garlic, onions in another garden bed.

What to process? Currently no effective means nematode control. Before planting, it is recommended to soak the garlic cloves in hot (40-45°C) water for at least 2 hours or in a 3% sodium chloride solution for 25-30 minutes at a temperature of 20-22°C. Such treatment will not completely destroy the nematode, but it will significantly reduce its number and restrain the spread of the pest. In the future, be more careful about the selection of planting material.

Nematode loves acidic soils. Therefore, deoxidize the infected area with lime or dolomite flour. The nematode lives in plant debris, lumps of earth. Sow marigolds and calendula (marigolds) on infected areas. Marigolds and calendula attract the nematode with their smell; it goes to this smell, sticks to the roots, and the juice of these plants is poisonous to it and it dies.

Let's now summarize, briefly list the reasons why garlic can turn yellow.

  • Seedlings were frozen.
  • The soil lacks the main nutrients - nitrogen, potassium.
  • Planted too early - it began to grow before the onset of cold weather.
  • Planting material or soil is infected with spores of pathogenic fungi or stem onion nematodes.
  • Onion fly larvae damaged.
  • Drought, insufficient watering, dense soil can also cause yellowing.

Having determined the reason why your garlic turns yellow, you will be able to answer the questions yourself - what to do, how to process and feed.

Summer residents involved in the cultivation of vegetables periodically encounter the fact that the garlic begins to turn yellow. This article explores the reasons why garlic turns yellow in spring how to take care of it to avoid it.

The main cause of yellowing is a violation. But it is necessary to be more specific about the reasons why garlic turns yellow, than to water and feed it to reap a healthy harvest.

Why does garlic turn yellow in spring?

In order to prevent this problem in the future, it is necessary to arm yourself with knowledge of the cause of what is happening in order to be able to correctly determine it. There may be several main reasons:

  • Unfavorable weather conditions and frosts;
  • Poor quality material that was planted;
  • Landing deadlines are violated;
  • Harmful insects or plant diseases;
  • Excess or lack of moisture in the soil;
  • Increasing the acidity of the soil;
  • Lack of macro- and microelements in the soil.

Unfavorable weather conditions and frosts

This is the first and most common cause of yellowing. There are options here.

Dropped off too early

When planting garlic, like any other plant, it is important to choose correct term. If you plant it early, it can not only take root, but also put out the first leaves. Because of this, the leaves will definitely turn yellow in spring, because they will be damaged by frost.

  • For the middle lane right time for planting garlic - October;
  • For the southern regions - you can plant in November.

Watch the video! Garlic turns yellow, what is the reason. Save the harvest

Severe frosts in winter and frosts in spring

Unfortunately, no one can change this factor, because a person cannot influence the weather conditions. Green, first, not yet strong leaves of young winter garlic may turn yellow due to spring frosts. In addition, due to severe frosts in winter, the roots can freeze completely.

Not deep enough - common cause the fact that the garlic leaves are already growing yellow or their tips are turning yellow. Optimum planting depth: 4-6 cm.

Advice! To avoid the consequences of severe frosts, it is recommended to mulch the garlic with dry leaves and grass. Then it will be easier for him to survive during a severe frost.

If the plant has already been exposed to too low a temperature, it will be necessary to use special biological products that will help to cope with the consequences.

Such funds stimulate growth, restore the culture in case of damage.

soil moisture

The top and bottom garlic leaves may dry out and high humidity, and during drought, because there is a violation of the air-water balance. Garlic must be watered, but know the measure. It is especially worth paying attention to watering in May and June. Do not forget to regularly loosen the soil so that the roots receive enough air.

Worth remembering! Garlic suffers more from an excess of moisture than from insufficient watering. Therefore, mulched beds are watered as needed:

  • A couple of times a month in the spring;
  • If the spring is dry, then it is necessary to do this more often;
  • If the spring is rainy, then you can not water it additionally at all;
  • A month before harvesting, garlic does not need to be watered at all.

Diseases and pests

People often use beneficial features garlic to fight diseases or pests. But he also has his enemies, due to damage to which the leaves of the vegetable turn yellow. Garlic often suffers from:

  • downy mildew;
  • rot;
  • mold;
  • rust;
  • moths;
  • onion fly;
  • nematodes;
  • chlorosis;
  • tick.

How to determine the cause of the defeat? It is necessary to dig up the head of a plant whose leaves have turned yellow. The condition of the bulb and its base should be studied. If there are rotten roots, mold, pink bloom or larvae, this is the cause of yellowing.

Chlorosis is a process when the leaves begin to turn yellow from the tips, then the yellowness passes to the entire leaf. The bulb, accordingly, does not grow to the desired size or dries out completely.

How to process garlic in the spring

To fight with various diseases fungicides help. The leaves are sprayed with a solution of these agents.

To prevent the onion fly from multiplying, it is necessary to plant garlic next to other crops. But, unfortunately, there are no effective recipes for the nematode.

  • for 10 liters of water;
  • 200 g of salt.

Pour one glass of the solution on each plant. Must be washed clean water plants the next day.

In the same way, a weak solution of potassium permanganate can be used. But in the case of disease and pest control the best remedy is prevention.

A few tips from experts:

  • Use crop rotation for garlic, changing its place every year;
  • Treat the cloves with fungicides immediately before planting;
  • The material used for planting is recommended to be changed every 4 years;
  • Plant calendula, coriander, marigolds and mint near garlic so that nematodes do not develop, because the roots of these plants are poison for them;
  • Do not use fresh manure for fertilizer.

Increased soil acidity

Garlic loves neutral soil acidity. If it is increased, lime is used. Add the required amount directly to the soil when digging.

It is important to know! Restoring the level of acidity will eliminate another problem - nematodes. After all, they develop in an acidic environment.

If you need to restore the balance of the soil, it is recommended to use on a hundred square meters of land:

  • 60 kg of lime with high acidity;
  • 45kg - with medium acidity;
  • up to 30 kg of lime - with low acidity.

Lack of micro- and macroelements in the soil

If none of the above reasons are suitable (there are no diseases and pests, soil with normal acidity, not waterlogged or overdried, warm weather persists), and yellowing still occurs, then this can only occur due to a lack of micro or macro elements.

It is important to know! If only the lower leaves turn yellow, it means that they give their nutrients to the growth of garlic heads.

Most often in the soil there is a lack of magnesium, potassium or nitrogen. This can only be corrected with fertilizers:

  • in early spring - lack of nutrition (roots grow slowly, magnesium is supplied in insufficient quantities);
  • at other times - lack of nitrogen;
  • on poor soils, a lack of potassium is possible.

How to feed and water garlic in spring

Most often, garlic is fed once and this is enough. This is done in early spring, when the soil is not completely thawed, so that later there is no lack of nutrients.

There is a certain recipe:

  • for 10 liters of water;
  • 6 g of ammonium nitrate;
  • 10 g of superphosphate;
  • 6 g potassium sulfate.

On the square meter 10 liters of solution are used. If necessary, you can repeat the procedure after a month.


If used in its pure form, then per square meter is Matchbox urea.


  • urea matchbox
  • for 10 liters of water.

Watering is carried out at 3 liters per square meter.

It is necessary to loosen the soil between the rows and make small grooves. After feeding with urea, the garlic is watered, covered with humus or compost, after 2 weeks it is necessary to repeat the feeding and add complex fertilizer there.

Possible and foliar top dressing. You need 30 g of urea per 10 liters of water.

Alternatively, you can take special agent for garlic, for example, Agricola 2, Kemiru Fertik or use potassium sulfate.

Folk remedies

There are recipes for those who prefer folk remedies.

Mulching with humus

Can be mulched chicken manure that has been aged for over 2 years. You can also add any organic matter.

Herbal infusions

The simplest preparation of the infusion is to pour mowed grass with water into any large capacity. You can use weeds or nettles. It is also recommended to add wood ash and leave for 3-5 days to infuse. This solution is also suitable for watering under the root or foliar top dressing.


All bulbous ash will benefit. It is also used as a foliar top dressing and is added to the soil when digging.

To use foliar top dressing:

  • Boil 0.3 kg of ash in 1 liter of boiling water for 20 minutes;
  • strain and stir in 10 liters of water;
  • can be added to the solution of 1 tbsp. l. liquid soap for better adhesion.

Plants whose leaves have already turned yellow can also be fed and sprayed. complex fertilizers(nitroammophoska, nitrofoska 1 tablespoon per 10 liters of water). But the main thing in this business is a sense of proportion.

Watch the video! What to do if the garlic turns yellow

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