Tomato seedlings have pale leaves what to do. Sunburn on young seedlings

Kira Stoletova

Some vegetable growers are faced with the fact that tomatoes stop growing, shed their ovaries, and do not produce a crop. Pale tomato seedlings are also one of the serious problems that indicate the improper development of the bush. In most cases, the culture can be saved if changes are noticed in time.


Before trying to get rid of the problem of pale leaves, you need to find out the reasons for this phenomenon. Gardeners identify several factors that affect the color change of the green mass of a tomato:

  • the plant receives excess moisture;
  • tomatoes do not receive enough heat;
  • tomatoes feel a lack of oxygen;
  • culture grows in a poorly lit area;
  • plantings of tomatoes are thickened;
  • damaged root system culture;
  • tomatoes feel a lack of nutrients.

Retreating back when identifying any of the reasons is not worth it. It is necessary to take measures to eliminate them.

Excess moisture

Tomatoes love moisture. But waterlogging of the soil under the seedlings should not be allowed, and therefore it is recommended to water every 3 days. This may be due to frequent watering or high humidity air in the room.

An excess of moisture leads to the fact that the root system vegetable crop starts to rot. This is followed by the gradual death of the sprouts. The foliage turns pale and takes on a lifeless appearance. To prevent the death of the plant, it is necessary to adjust the frequency of watering the seedlings. The signal for watering tomatoes is slightly dried soil.

You can get rid of an excess of moisture by organizing periodic ventilation of the premises with seedlings. In this case, take care of the absence of drafts.


For comfortable growth of tomatoes, a temperature ranging from 22 to 27 ° C is required. Nighttime thermometer readings should be at least 16°C. The difference between day and night temperatures can be no more than five degrees.

Tomatoes can easily endure heat at 40 ° C for only two days. After that, the culture stops the process of photosynthesis.

Abundant morning watering will help plants to transfer the intense heat without damage. The root zone should be watered, try to prevent moisture from getting on the foliage of tomatoes.


The lack of illumination of tomato beds adversely affects the culture. thin stems and pale leaves this is just the beginning of the trouble. If you do not respond to these signals, then the volume of the crop will be small. Rules to be adhered to when growing a crop:

  1. To protect tomato seedlings from such problems, use as much as possible daylight. When building a greenhouse, use fewer ceilings, wipe the windows periodically.
  2. For a tomato daylight hours can last from 14 to 16 hours. If the tomatoes are in the light large quantity time, then the leaves of the culture are covered with whitish spots.
  3. When growing seedlings in winter period it is worth taking care of additional lighting of the sprouts. For this, ultraviolet lamps are suitable. They are installed so that the tomatoes receive direct light.
  4. On the open beds tomato leaves become colorless due to burns. This phenomenon can be observed during summer periods when the air temperature is too high. In this case, you should take care of an artificial shading structure.
  5. If the seedlings are burned, then the damaged leaves are removed, and the rest of the plant is treated with Epin. This will help the healthy part of the tomatoes cope with the effects of excessive light.

Thickened beds

Each gardener himself chooses the width of the tomato beds, the distance between the seedlings. When planting seedlings in open ground remember that plants planted too close in tomato beds will constantly stretch upwards. The sprouts will become tall and thin. The green leaves will turn white.

Why do the leaves of tomato seedlings turn yellow

When correct organized care the root system of the culture will grow rapidly, the plant will get stronger, young green leaves will replace the pale foliage.

nitrogen deficiency

Pale tomato seedlings can also be from a lack of nitrogen. To solve the problem, a urea solution prepared at the rate of 40 grams of dry fertilizer per 10 liters of water is suitable. This top dressing is used instead of watering the root zone.

When something is wrong with seedlings or adult plants of tomatoes (tomatoes), the summer resident is inclined to blame diseases and pests for all troubles. However, in some cases, a stunted appearance, unusual color of the leaves and dryness of their edges are symptoms of a lack of certain nutrients in the soil.

Therefore, before starting a holy war for the crop with microbes and bugs, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the reference table “Nutritional Deficiencies in Tomatoes”. For clarity, the table is provided with photographs, as well as detailed descriptions external signs plant starvation.

Reference table "Nutritional deficiencies in tomatoes"

Item and photo Signs of deficiency How to eliminate

Tomatoes burn around the edges, turn yellow and old leaves fall off. The plants are elongated, look stunted, the leaves become smaller, acquire a light green color with a yellowish tinge, the stem becomes soft. The veins on the underside of the leaf are reddish-bluish in color. Feed the tomatoes nitrogen fertilizer, for example, urea (1 tablespoon per 10 liters of water).

The leaves and stems of tomatoes darken to dark green with a blue tint, the lower part of the old leaves becomes purple hue. The leaves curl inward, the stem becomes hard and brittle, the roots wither. Leaves and stem may turn purple. The leaves rise up and press against the stem. Feed the tomatoes with a phosphorus-containing fertilizer. To prepare top dressing, pour 1 cup of superphosphate with 1 liter of boiling water and leave to infuse for 8-12 hours. Dilute the resulting infusion in 10 liters of water and pour half a liter of top dressing under each bush.

Young leaves of tomatoes are wrapped inside with a tube - they curl, and the old leaves turn yellow, dry out at the edges. First, the leaves darken, then yellow-brown spots appear along the edges, which gradually grow, forming a border. Top dressing with potassium nitrate (1 tablespoon of fertilizer per 10 liters of water), half a liter of solution under a bush, spraying the leaves with a solution of potassium chloride (1 teaspoon per 1 liter of water).

Magnesium deficiency (Mg)

The leaves of tomatoes are bent up and begin to turn yellow between the veins. Foliar top dressing (spraying on the leaves) with a solution of magnesium nitrate (1 teaspoon per 10 liters of water) helps well, or Epsom salt diluted in the same proportion.

Zinc deficiency (Zn)

Gray-brown spots appear on tomato leaves different size, the veins fall into spots, the edges of the leaves twist up, the leaves begin to dry out and die. Newly formed leaves become unnaturally small, may be covered with yellow specks. Apply foliar top dressing with a solution of zinc sulfate (5 grams per 10 liters of water).

Molybdenum deficiency (Mo)

The leaves lighten, turn yellow, the edges curl up. Yellow specks appear between the veins of the leaf, the veins themselves are not affected. Molybdenum deficiency is rare. But if all the signs point to it, you can feed the tomatoes with a 0.02% solution of ammonium molybdate (2 grams per 10 liters of water).

Lack of calcium (Ca)

Young leaves seem to be singed at the tips, light yellow spots appear on them. The color of old leaves, on the contrary, becomes dark green. Top rot appears on the fruits - the top turns black and dries up. Recommended foliar top dressing calcium nitrate (20 grams per 10 liters of water).

Flowers fall without fruit formation. The tops of the plants curl down upper leaves become light green, twist from the tip to the base. The main veins of the leaves darken. The leaf becomes brittle. Many stepchildren are formed, and the main growth point dies off. Most often, the lack of boron is manifested in the inability of the plant to set fruit. Therefore, during flowering, it is recommended to spray the leaves with a solution boric acid(5 grams per 10 liters of water).

Signs of sulfur deficiency are similar to the symptoms of nitrogen starvation: pale green leaves with a transition to yellow, red-blue streaks. But sulfur deficiency will first appear on young leaves (with nitrogen, the opposite is true). The stem of the plant also becomes thinner - it becomes fragile, brittle, stiff. Foliar top dressing with magnesium sulfate (1 gram per 1 liter of water) helps.

Iron deficiency (Fe)

Leaves turn green-yellow, lemon-yellow, yellow or even White color starting from the base. Veins remain green. The top of the plant turns yellow. The bush slows down growth. Top dressing recommended iron vitriol(5 grams per 10 liters of water).

Copper deficiency (Cu)

The leaves look sluggish, twist inward into a tube, turn white at the tips. Young leaves become smaller, acquire a blue-green hue. Shoots become weak, flowers are shed. Spray the leaves with a solution blue vitriol(1-2 grams per 10 liters of water).

Manganese (Mn) deficiency

Young leaves begin to turn yellow from the base, while the veins have a heterogeneous color. The sheet becomes motley, mosaic. Eliminated by foliar top dressing with a solution of manganese sulfate at the rate of 5 grams per 10 liters of water.

Lack of chlorine (Cl)

Young leaves are underdeveloped irregular shape, with yellow spots between the veins. Wilting of the upper leaves may be observed. The lack of chlorine in tomatoes is quite rare and is eliminated by spraying the leaves with a solution of potassium chloride (1 teaspoon per 1 liter of water).

It is important to know that the deficiency of elements such as nitrogen, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium and zinc first manifests itself on the formed lower leaves of the bush, and the lack of all other trace elements is most noticeable on young apical leaves and escapes.

If you do not want to use mineral fertilizers when growing tomatoes, then take note:

  • mullein infusion, chicken manure infusion, granulated biohumus and compost can be used as nitrogen supplements;
  • to provide plants with potassium and phosphorus, root and foliar top dressing with wood ash, as well as fertilizers based on humates, can be carried out;
  • to increase the amount of calcium in the soil, crushed eggshells must be added to the ground;
  • if there is a shortage of copper, you can stick a piece of copper wire next to the tomato bush.

We wish you success and great harvests!

» Tomatoes (tomatoes)

Experienced gardeners claim that tomatoes are a strong and sustainable crop. Caring for them is quite simple, and the harvest almost always pleases the owner of the site. However, not every newcomer achieves good yields. Either pests spoil seedlings, then diseases appear, then the leaves of plants turn white. In order to save a vegetable crop in time, you need to have basic skills in caring for an annual plant.

There are several reasons why the leaves of seedlings may turn white and then dry out. Very often the problem occurs due to sunburn on young plants. The first step to confirm the cause is to inspect the greenery. Sunburn affects partially or everywhere the leaves and they can become covered with white spots, begin to thin out. White dots can appear not only from exposure to the sun when transplanted into open ground, but also while on the windowsill, living in cups, and even in a greenhouse.

What can you do to avoid sunburn? Is it possible to reanimate landings? Compliance simple rules will allow gardeners to prevent the occurrence of this trouble:

Close-up of tomato seedling
  • In no case should you immediately plant seedlings from a shaded place under the open sun. It is necessary to gradually accustom the green shoots to the sun's rays, otherwise the tomatoes will dry even more. To do this, cups with seedlings should be taken out daily for 20-30 minutes. Gradually, the time spent in the air increases and as soon as the time is right, the tomatoes can be transplanted into open ground.
  • Not less often, chemical burns become the cause of the appearance of white spots on the foliage of tomatoes. They appear due to an increase in the recommended dosage of chemical fertilizer during the preparation of the solution. Excessive density of the solution, hitting the plants, provokes the appearance of white spots on the foliage. Gradually, the affected greens die off.
  • There are times when green leaves are covered with white spots due to the manifestation of various diseases.

Some chemical preparations can be used only in cloudy weather, so as not to provoke a decrease in the degree of natural protection of plants from sunlight. Very often, ignoring these rules leads to the death of seedlings.

Diseases of adult plants in the greenhouse and open field

Low yields are provided to gardeners who believe that tomatoes do not require care and fertilization. Only proper care of the vegetable crop will make it possible to form weighty fruits that will delight the owner of the tomatoes. When there are white spots on the green growth, it is necessary to identify the cause of their appearance. Not only pests, but also unpleasant diseases, such as:

  • brown spotting;
  • white rot;
  • powdery mildew;
  • septoria;
  • late blight.

brown spot

With the appearance of brown spotting, tomato leaves turn white. In addition, seedlings are subject to a number of concomitant diseases. Basically, this disease affects greenhouse annual plants.

With brown spotting, spots from white become dark

The main signs of brown spotting include:

  • the appearance of a white fluff on internal parts sheet plates tomatoes;
  • gradual modification colors plaque, a smooth transition from white to dark brown;
  • the appearance of yellowness on the outer part of the foliage.

The development of the disease can be stopped at the initial stages. If you ignore the symptoms, then the foliage of tomatoes will gradually curl, and the plant will soon die. To prevent brown spotting, seedlings should be provided with regular ventilation and a decrease in the degree of humidity. Such methods will help prevent the consequences of a devastating scourge.

The occurrence of white rot negatively affects the leaves and stems of vegetable crops. The vegetative part of the seedlings is covered with white spots, the stems become soft and a plaque forms on them, resembling a mucous membrane.

To prevent the death of the bushes, urgent therapy is necessary. To do this, you need to strictly adhere to the advice of experts:

  • First of all, we eliminate the infected part of the seedlings.
  • We treat the cut points with a solution of copper sulphate.

As a preventive measure against white rot, you can use a universal remedy called Bordeaux liquid. Spraying seedlings will save tomatoes from an unpleasant disease.

Powdery mildew of tomatoes

The light foliage of tomatoes can signal the appearance of powdery mildew. The main signs of misfortune are:

  • a grayish-white coating on the lower part of the foliage;
  • yellowness from the upper side of the foliage.

The disease develops quite rapidly. Leaves dry out quickly annual plant dies. It is very important to pay attention to the affected tomatoes in a timely manner and carry out proper treatment. win powdery mildew incredibly difficult.

It is best to take preventive measures in advance. High level air humidity and frequent fluctuations in the degree of moisture become ideal conditions for the appearance of an unpleasant disease.

During periods of high humidity, experts recommend treating the bushes with special means, namely:

  • Fundazol;
  • Topaz;
  • Previcur;
  • Vitaros.

Septoria no less than other diseases destroys tomato seedlings. fungal infection spreads quickly enough through the greenery of tomatoes and forms many yellow-brown spots.

Elimination of manifestations this fungus possible in two stages:

  • cutting off the affected vegetation of the bush;
  • treatment of plantings with fungicidal agents like Bordeaux liquid, Baktofit.

The appearance of late blight

Almost every experienced gardener has encountered late blight, which destroys not only tomatoes, but also potatoes. The primary signs of phytophthora are:

  • the appearance of spots of brown-brown shades with a white edging along the extreme parts of the leaf plate;
  • rapid increase in spots;
  • the appearance of a light coating resembling a cobweb on the lower part of the foliage;
  • yellowing of the leaves, their further folding and drying.

The stems of the plant gradually turn into dust, break and the seedlings die. Only timely processing will prevent the death of the bushes.

How to deal with white spots on tomato leaves

Carrying out the treatment of leaves affected by white bloom is not always effective. That is why it is better to take care of preventive measures, which will save the bushes from pests and various infections. Experienced gardeners believe that it is important to plant seedlings correctly, which also affects the stability of a vegetable crop.

To prevent the appearance of white spots on the foliage, it is necessary to reasonably select a site for planting seedlings. Plants should receive a sufficient amount of sunlight, which will not make it possible to provoke excessive effeminacy of the shoots.

In the case when the seedlings were in the shade for a long time, and then were planted in open ground on sunny side, most of the bushes soon became covered with white spots from sunburn and died. Even when the seedlings are barely visible from the ground in a cup, they must be systematically taken out into sunlight so that they get used to such an environment.

Do not abruptly transfer tomatoes from the shade to the sun. The transition must be gradual

It is equally important to take care in advance of protecting the bushes from the occurrence of various diseases. For this you need:

  • pre-select and prepare the soil for planting tomatoes;
  • to introduce fertilizers recommended by specialists into the soil, which will increase the ability of plants to counteract diseases of various types.

When spraying seedlings using chemicals, the instructions should be followed exactly. This will avoid chemical burns and further death of plants.

Proper care for seedlings of tomatoes will help to avoid problems in the future

In cases where white spots from sunburn appeared on the foliage of tomatoes, return green color already impossible. However, using special means you can help the bushes recover, and grow with a new green mass.

After sunset, you can process tomatoes using Espin. Similar procedures should be carried out every 6-7 days for 3 weeks. These activities will provide the plants with a sufficient amount of nutrients.

If the seedlings still received sunburn, then its fruiting will be delayed by 7-14 days, unlike healthy bushes.

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If the seedlings immediately stretched out without having time to grow normally, then you can save it. There can be several reasons for pulling seedlings. First of all, this is very heat, which happens in our apartments, is more than 20 degrees, it is necessary to lower it, you can remove the second frames, cover the batteries central heating, open the window. The second reason is the lack of lighting, you can put a fluorescent lamp on the window and illuminate the seedlings in the morning and evening. Do not sow seeds early when there is not enough light, stick to optimal timing sowing. To save the seedlings, we need to thread them, we often grow more seedlings than necessary, then add earth. The second option is to cut the stem, the incision is made above the fifth leaf. The top needs to be put in water and when roots appear in a week, you can plant them like ordinary seedlings in the ground. On the second part of the seedlings, shoots will appear, we leave only a couple of the top ones, and cut off the rest, you need to do this 20-25 days before planting.

Plant in the OG, they will quickly catch up with their own, and in pots they will suffer. Cover with jars, film, covering, if you are so afraid.

Stretch prevention

Good luck to you. For the first time, seedlings should be fed 10 days after germination with a solution of nitrophoska (a pinch per 1 liter of water). Useful for the human body

Dilute one tablespoon of urea into ten liters of water and the liquid that turned out to be poured over the tomatoes on the windowsill. No need to be greedy when planting tomatoes in boxes. Shouldn't be stuffed a large number of tomato in one box. Better smaller bushes, but healthy and strong. The seedlings will then bear more fruit than the feeble sprouts that have grown in crowded conditions. It is more convenient to take care of twenty bushes than fifty bushes that give the same amount of harvest.In 3 weeks

One of the most important problems in growing tomatoes is pulling seedlings. Seedlings grow, leaves touch neighboring plants and a struggle for living space and light begins to take place. This is a natural reaction of seedlings going through all stages of growth to produce seeds. To complete life cycle the plant reaches for the streams of light, because the process of photosynthesis depends on it. The stems do not become thicker, quickly turn yellow and old leaves begin to fall off at the bottom.

Why are tomato seedlings stretched?

If the tomato seedlings are very stretched, then you need:

Such pictures can be observed in most lovers of self-growing seedlings. What to do so that the seedlings do not stretch? What is the way out, and is there any at all? Why is this happening? Of course, there is a way out. Required dive it, that is, tear it off lower part(long root) and plant again); To slow down the growth of seedlings upwards and vice versa, to strengthen the growth of roots and strengthen the trunk, you need:

although this is not a problem at all. So the solution

    Apparently, you did not grow seedlings correctly: the soil is very poor in nutrients, there is little light, and the room is excessively warm. Accordingly, it is necessary to correct it - to feed (Athlete was correctly advised, but you can use mineral water or organic diluted in water), more light (lateral), cooler ambient temperature. And they plant elongated seedlings at an angle of 45 degrees. - and new roots are formed and the height of the seedlings will not affect its stability. Choose the right soil next time.​

    I do not agree with the Dachnitsa that top dressing should be started 10 days after germination (!?). The root system is just being formed, top dressing is not needed, in worst case just dangerous. Then a pick, the soil is usually filled with fertilizers. And 10-14 days after picking, it is already necessary to look at the state of the seedlings. If the leaves turn pale (become light green), you can feed with saltpeter or urea (half a teaspoon per 1 liter of water) and increase the lighting. Can be in sunny days take out to the glazed balcony. If there is an effect of nitrogen fertilization, then the seedlings really do not have enough nutrition; then after two weeks feed her with Kemira or any ud-eat for seedlings.

​If available bird droppings 15 parts of water are taken for one part of it and mineral fertilizers are not added to the resulting solution. Everyone who wants to enjoy the taste of tomatoes picked on their own in their own garden faces many difficulties, because growing tomatoes at home requires a lot of effort and patience. To receive good harvest tomato, it is necessary to grow very capricious and constantly requiring care and attention seedlings. If you do not take into account all the rules, it is unlikely that she will live to the moment when you need to plant her in the ground. Move to a cool place

Innovative solution

Watered and fertilized abundantly When planting tomato seedlings in the ground, it is imperative to deepen the stems. There is no need to make the holes very deep, because after the winter, the earth does not have time to warm up, it is enough to be able to plant on a slope. First you need to form grooves, they should be eight or ten centimeters deep, pour water and wait until complete absorption occurs. After that, you need to spread the tomatoes along the grooves, the tops of the bush should not be closer than fifty centimeters to each other. It is better to lay the roots to the south so that the plant straightens up, reaching for the sun.Create good conditions

Move to a more lit and cool place;

1) rearrange the seedlings to a more lit place, even better on a balcony. This is a pick Elena Smirnova answered very reasonably, seedlings - into the ground and cover for the first time with improvised materials: where with a film, where with lutrasil, where with a newspaper or a can. If you live in a country house, you can just close it with leaky buckets at night, as our grandmothers did.

Tomatoes still have a lot of time. they will increase theirs. I experimented this year too. I have half of the tomato seedlings that came out like this. I planted. but I was already mentally prepared to throw them away. they stayed for 10 days. and then they started chasing good seedlings. haven’t caught up yet, but I don’t call them slugs anymore

The leaves of the tomato seedlings have turned pale. What should I do?


The second time to feed 10 days after the first feeding. Very good with Effekton fertilizer (1 tbsp per bucket of water).

Feed, but don't overdo it. Carry out any top dressing 1 time in 7-10 days.

Where the temperature will be about ten degrees and wait until the color returns to normal, then return the seedlings to their original place. As a result, not only the color is restored, but growth also stops a little.

they begin to grow rapidly and stretch upward. Seedlings need to be watered only when the ground becomes dry.

Main reasons:

for seedlings. You need to treat this very responsibly.

summer resident

ventilate the room more often;
2) find a cooler place for the seedlings than where it is now.
When planted in the ground, they will become normal. I landed my most frail ones in the OG under agrospan. Now they have a stalk - with a little finger thick. 10-12 degrees at night for tomatoes is normal, you can plant already.
Buy at the kiosk, there are tomatoes that you need ... and throw out your own, they are spoiled
Good growth of tomato seedlings is observed when it is fed with wood ash, which contains a lot of potassium, phosphorus and various trace elements. For 1 liter of water, take 6-8 g of ash and add 1.5-2 g of ammonium nitrate. Such top dressing of tomato seedlings is usually done 10-12 days after the first.
Top dressings are root - when the solution flows into the soil under the plants and foliar - the plants are sprayed with a solution over the leaves. Also, top dressing is divided into mineral and organic. Mineral fertilizers - ammonium nitrate, urea, Kemira-lux, Aelita, Polifid, Agricola, Zdraven and others, as well as wood ash. From organic dressings apply - chicken manure, mullein manure, liquid fertilizers"Ideal", "Chippolino", etc.

​Jacob Mittlider came up with an amazing solution to prevent seedlings from stretching out: regular leaf trimming. Tomato seedlings are thus introduced into a state of shock. As soon as the tomato leaves come into contact with a neighboring plant, you need to immediately trim one or two lower leaves. Having experienced a shock, a plant in a week
The temperature should be twenty-five degrees. Sometimes tomato seedlings change color and become pale green. This means that tomatoes

Zoya Alexandrovna

This may happen due to

Gene Abos

When the tomato seedlings are stretched out, the stems weaken, become thin and appear bad smell from tomato. Most people immediately throw out tomato seedlings and buy another, however, do not rush, there is a way to save young plant. What needs to be done so that the seedlings do not stretch out?
If possible, take the seedlings to a heated greenhouse;


Of course, you don’t need to rearrange the seedlings abruptly from a warm place to a very cold one, the degree should be reduced gradually.

Elena Akentieva

Elongated tomato seedlings lend themselves perfectly to picking! Since the tomatoes are planted during the picking process, which we do, we put the long stems of the tomatoes into the ground and a new powerful root system grows on them, which is very good for the subsequent growth of tomatoes.

Tomato seedlings failed. Pale, thin. Packed into cups. How can I help you?


For the second time in my life I grew tomato seedlings. Nothing came up that year. This time I sowed often, and they all, damn it, took and rose. There was nothing to dive into, it’s a pity to tear out the extra ones. In general, they grew dead-dead. My husband said - throw it out, buy normal seedlings from the collective farmers, but I did not succumb to provocations. We decided that if they die, we will buy normal ones and plant them - after all, they sell seedlings until mid-June. I brought it to the dacha, planted this dead meat, covered it with spunbond, three weeks passed - they are so strong, large, buds have already appeared on early varieties. Try to land - suddenly everything will work out for you. If they don’t take root, buy on the market.​


Yes, this is not yet a collapse of your tomatoes ... do top dressing, they will take strength.

Antonina Yakovleva

The last time they feed is 10 days before planting tomato seedlings in open ground with a solution of superphosphate (a pinch per 1 liter of water).


​Organic and mineral supplements should be alternated. Mineral fertilizers in a small package (10 g) are supplied with detailed instructions according to the application, which you follow. organic fertilizers dilute so that the solution is yellow color. Use the ash as follows: 1 tbsp. stir a spoonful of sifted ash in 2 liters of water and leave for at least a day. Then drain the clean solution, discard the ashes, feed with this infusion.

always smart

stops growing tall

Boris Stepanov

not enough nitrogen

Elena Smirnova

not enough good lighting
If the tomato seedlings stretched out very much, you need
While there is snow, and I pour seedlings on them, I begin to harden gradually from 0, 2 mm of a layer of snow, I bring it up to 1 cm. The roots of the tomato become thick and purple. Such a plant is no longer afraid of light frosts (up to -2 degrees) and it can be planted earlier in open ground or an unheated greenhouse.

Evgeny Kondr

Since it will become lighter and cooler, the seedlings will stop reaching for the light, i.e. up, and will become stronger at the root and strengthen the trunk of the plant.

Tatiana Harsh

Therefore, if your seedlings stretched out immediately after germination, this is not a big problem. But if tomato seedlings are pulled out after diving, then this can complicate transplanting into the ground, especially if you need to transport seedlings.

Ludmila Gushchina

They need to be planted, 10 grams at night - normal - nothing will happen to them. We have the same temperature at night. , and in the afternoon 20-22 ---- I planted everything in the OG, the tomatoes were already sipping - they were blooming, the eggplants had begun to turn green, otherwise they had already turned yellow in the cups, like chlorotic ones, I planted them before everyone else, so as not to suffer, first under the film , as the frosts ended, then the film was removed.


Plant lying down! And they will grow up and be strong, do not chew!

Irina Shabalina

Whatever you choose to feed, do not forget to wash off the solution from the leaves so as not to burn them.


After any top dressing, water everything a little. clean water. If you exceed the concentration of the solution, this watering will correct your mistake.​

What to do if tomato seedlings are very stretched immediately after germination?



Beautiful glade

. In nature, everything is thought out: if there is not enough light, you need to reach for it. In winter, daylight hours are reduced, respectively, plants need additional lighting. cut into two pieces Your seedlings are stretched out because they do not have enough light, you need to illuminate them with a fluorescent lamp. If it is stretched out too much, throw it away, it will no longer be of any use. When you plant the next one, feed it with special fertilizer for seedlings, it does not allow it to stretch. I don’t remember the name of the fertilizer, ask in stores where the seeds are sold, tell me what you need for seedlings so that they don’t stretch out. glazed balcony and it is warm enough to take out seedlings. a balcony door do not close the room. You still need not to chase early varieties and grow seedlings to suit your climate.​ ​Of course the best place for growing seedlings, these are windows to the south, because it is necessary for seedlings to provide maximum daylight hours, plus add lighting with a lamp after dark.

plant immediately. But I would not water with an athlete, a tomato is like a weed, if you plant it lying down, it will quickly give lateral roots and catch up with its own. Just fertilize the bed, not sparing, with humus.

Well, if there is enough sun, let them harden! I live in Vladimir, 170 km east of Moscow. For a month now, tomatoes have been standing on the street under a car shed, slowly transporting them to the dacha, burying my neck there. Even the weak are so strong! They stand gray with emerald leaves and gain color! Eh! it was necessary to listen to the Legend and even then landed on the dacha! Simply stupid! He probably cracks salads in St. Petersburg!))) So plant a couple of bushes of your tomato lying down (I dug the first flower brush) and they will gain strength from you, releasing a new root system. And if the cold comes, so what? We live in a zone of risky agriculture! Moreover, something incomprehensible is happening with the climate and ecology! Good luck!)))​

While writing, I learned about the explosions in Moscow. Lord, when will this end?


To make the seedlings stretch less, add soil and pinch a couple of lower leaves.

The stem thickens when the plant stops growing in height, which is exactly what is needed in order to grow powerful, stocky seedlings. You need to understand that this operation is carried out when at least one leaf has formed at the points of growth. Repeated pruning will improve the result and tomato seedlings with strong and thick stems will surprise everyone. Even cotyledon leaves are often cut off and this always leads to an exclusively positive result.

Methods for preparing top dressing for tomatoes:

Feride 333

each stalk of a tomato. The cut should be done after the fifth leaflet. top plants need to be put in a jar of water, for the formation of roots, this happens within one week. After the root system has appeared, the upper parts of the tomato must be placed in pots for seedlings. The result is another seedling of tomato and it can also be grown outdoors.

In such cases, I do not throw away the seedlings, I let it grow further. When planting in the ground on the street, I break off the lower leaves, let them dry for about 10 minutes, then plant them lying down, sprinkling the stem with the torn leaves off the ground. A tomato planted in this way acquires new roots and becomes stronger.

Seedlings are stretched out due to lack of light. If stretched out, sprinkle and illuminate. Additional lighting it is better to carry out with LED lamps. They have an efficiency of up to 90%. it slows down growth and contributes to the thickening of the stem.

Of course, in the best case, you need to prevent pulling seedlings, but if it really happened, then there are several options to deal with this problem.

I think that you did not mean fertilizers, but retardants that inhibit plant growth, for example, "Athlete". - over a year ago


Sprinkle Athlete - you will see how in 5 days the seedlings will get stronger. Instructions for use and doses on the package. The method has been proven repeatedly.


Feed with iron - ferovit for example


Illumination is of no small importance for the development of seedlings. The farther your seedlings are from the light source, the more they stretch. And the closer your seedlings stand on the windowsill, the more it stretches. Do not worry if the neighbors have seedlings of 10-15 cm, and your tomatoes have just sprouted. There's still a month and a half to go. During this time, you can grow a healthy strong seedlings. After all, you probably planted early ripe varieties.


Tomatoes are the most common vegetable plants in the world. There is very little information about their origin, many scientists believe that the birthplace of this fruit is Peru and the mountainous regions of Ecuador. Tomatoes are very


  1. too much density of plants
  2. After a while, small stepchildren and shoots begin to appear near the axils of the leaves. It is necessary to wait until the upper shoots reach five centimeters in length, after which it is necessary to remove the lower stems. This must be done
  3. You don't need to throw it away. It must be sprinkled with earth so that it does not break and it will continue to grow. We also have little light in the apartment. But of course, look for a place to have more light.​
  4. If stretched out, immediately pour in the earth to hide the "long trunks", it is advisable to put it on the windowsill (in a bright place). it is better to grow seedlings at temperatures below room temperature (it also climbs from heat)
  5. The first option involves drowning the stem into the ground, if the seedlings grow on the street, then the earth has not yet warmed up much, so it is better to plant the plant in a slope.


There may be the following reasons: little light and a lot of heat. Most likely your seedlings are standing in warm room on the windowsill. And under the windowsill there is a radiator battery, from which it's warm. With an excess of heat, the seedlings will grow faster upwards, and with a lack of light, this growth will be unhealthy - the sprouts will be thin, pale and weak. This can also happen if the plants are planted very close to each other. Therefore, seedlings must either be planted less often, or thinned out on time, leaving the most strong plants. Keep in a place where it is light, but not very warm. If necessary, illuminate with fluorescent lamps.​

Many diseases can damage tomatoes, leaves turn white or, for example, small dots of light gray appear, which means that not everything is in order with the plants and they need urgent help. By understanding why the leaves turn white, you can take measures to eliminate the existing disease or imbalance. nutrients. In fact, the appearance of white spots on the leaves can be observed during the cultivation of seedlings, and immediately after planting the plants in open ground or in the final place in the greenhouse.

Leaves of seedlings can turn white different ways, because in some cases there is a gradual lightening and the acquisition of a white color by the surface, while in other cases, small white dots or a characteristic plaque may appear on the leaves light color. If the leaves of tomatoes turn white, there can be an extremely large number of reasons for the appearance of such a condition.

Common problems and diseases that can cause white spots include:

  • sunburn;
  • chemical burns;
  • septoria;
  • white spotting.

Among other things, often the appearance of white patches is associated with a lack of nutrients. This usually happens when tomato seedlings have been grown in one place for many years and the site owners do not fertilize and do not properly disinfect the soil.

It is worth noting that the wilting of the leaves and the appearance of white patches on them, oddly enough, can also be associated with an excess chemical fertilizers, which is especially often observed in cases where gardeners do not follow the sequence and schedule for applying potash and nitrogen fertilizers.

Before taking specific actions to treat seedlings, you should figure out in advance why the leaves of tomatoes turn white.

Diseases of tomatoes and ways to deal with them (video)

How to deal with whitening of tomato leaves

The appearance of white spots on tomatoes is possible when growing plants both in a greenhouse and in open ground. If the tomatoes are grown in a greenhouse and you see completely white leaves appearing on top of the plants, sunburn is most likely the problem. The thing is that if the owners of the greenhouse do not open the windows in it or simply do not lift the covering material during the hottest hours, there may be an increase in the temperature in the greenhouse to critical levels.

In order to stabilize the condition of the seedlings, it is very important to ventilate the greenhouse in a timely manner and monitor the temperature in it. Among other things, it is very important in this case to observe the mode of watering plants. If the weather is hot, it is worth watering only in the evening to prevent excessive evaporation from appearing inside the greenhouse during daylight hours. The thing is that heated water vapor emanating from the soil can adversely affect the condition of tomato seedlings.

After planting in open ground, seedlings grown in a greenhouse may develop white sunburn.

To prevent the development of sunburn and in this case is a very real task. If transplanting seedlings is done when the weather is hot, it is very important to shade the plants for 2 weeks until they take root and get stronger. Among other things, in some way, evening watering can save seedlings planted in open ground from sunburn.

Chemical burns can appear on tomato seedlings due to the excess dosage of chemical fertilizers in the manufacture of the solution. When such a too thick solution gets on plants, even in small quantities, this may first provoke the appearance of an extensive white spot, and then the death of the damaged leaf. In addition, a number chemicals, used to prevent certain diseases of tomatoes, can only be used in cloudy weather, as they reduce the natural protection of plants from sunlight, which can cause severe burns, and sometimes death of plants.

When white spots appear due to fungal diseases such as septoria or white spot, additional symptoms of existing diseases will certainly be present. Such additional symptoms may include wilting and curling of the leaves, and in addition, their premature death. In case of detection of signs of fungal diseases of tomatoes, it is very important to treat the plants with special chemicals containing copper. Timely targeted treatment of tomatoes from the fungus will save the future crop.

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