How to grow green onions at home. We grow green onions at home in large quantities

When planning to master the cultivation of greens on the windowsill in winter, autumn and spring, lovers of indoor beds consider three undeniable leaders: dill, parsley and green onion.

These plants are suitable as seasonings for many dishes. They gained their popularity due to ease of care, versatility and taste features. How to grow popular and not very hackneyed spices in the kitchen with your own hands, what to pay attention to so that the harvest pleases the eye and taste?

On the windowsill in the apartment you can grow almost any greenery. The main thing is to choose right sort and comply with the plant's requirements for soil composition, air humidity, watering, temperature conditions.


  • Choose unpretentious varieties, a better hybrids specially designed for room conditions. This will simplify care and increase the chances of a harvest. If you are not confident in your abilities and want to get a quick result, buy not seeds, but ready seedlings in pots.
  • Practical pots for greenery on the windowsill should have rectangular shape. Take a wide and shallow dish. Quite fit plastic containers They are lightweight and easy to care for. Ideal for multiple use. Learn more about choosing containers.
  • Buy light and well-drained soil for greenery. You can prepare a mixture of biohumus with coconut fiber. The proportion should be 1:2. At the bottom of the pot, be sure to pour a layer of small stones, expanded clay, crushed polystyrene, or make other drainage.
  • If the window is cool or windy, use plastic caps to create mini-greenhouses. You can buy ready-made or make your own from a package.
  • The optimal daylight hours for green pets are 10-13 hours. In winter, there is not enough light, especially on the north side. To illuminate the greenery on the windowsill, install lamps, it is better to buy fluorescent or special fitolamps. Ordinary lamps will not work.

  • Do not neglect top dressing, pick up complexes of mineral fertilizers for irrigation every 2-3 weeks. But make the solution less concentrated than for open ground.
  • Spray green pets every other day or more often with a fine spray, especially if the air in the apartment is dry.
  • Do not be lazy to turn the pots on different sides to the light so that the plant develops evenly.
  • For growing greenery to the apartment, it is better to take the window sill in the kitchen. The bedroom is not the best the best place for frequent watering, spraying and applying fertilizers. In the bathroom, the herbs will look ridiculous; for her gardening, they are more appropriate.

If you don't want to limit yourself to just greens, then check out our tips for organizing and decorating and find out what else you can grow in a city apartment. all year round. However, it is best for beginners start with herbs and . Difficult-to-cultivate plants can disappoint and discourage the process.

Requirements of different greens

Before heading to the store for seeds or seedlings, learn how to grow different types of greens on the windowsill, and stop at the easiest and most affordable option for you.

How to grow parsley on a window

To grow parsley in pots, you need a mixture of one part of peat, the same amount of humus and twice as much. garden soil, disinfected with a solution of potassium permanganate. But it’s easier to buy ready-made universal primer.

When choosing seeds, give preference to early, fast-maturing varieties. This information is indicated on the packaging. Low-grade species look beautiful and curly parsley. It is important that the variety you choose can easily tolerate frequent pruning, because you will constantly pluck leaves to decorate dishes.

Optimal varieties for room conditions:

  • Appetizing;
  • Vorozhey;
  • Aster;
  • Gloria;
  • Nastenka;
  • Wagon;
  • Russian feast.

To increase the germination of parsley, experienced gardeners it is advised to keep the seeds warm in a damp cloth for two or three days. Then you need to squeeze out excess water, place a cloth with seeds in a bag and put in the refrigerator for several days.

Basic rules for growing parsley on the windowsill:

  1. Choose containers for planting at least 15 cm high.
  2. During planting, be sure to keep a distance of at least 5 cm between the holes.
  3. Deepen the seeds to a depth of 0.7-1.4 mm.
  4. Immediately after sowing, cover the pot with a film or a special polyethylene greenhouse and place it on a lighted windowsill.
  5. Provide a temperature of 17-21 degrees.
  6. Moisten crops, but not abundantly, otherwise mold will form. Remove the film every day, providing air access.
  7. At proper care parsley seedlings will appear in one and a half to two weeks. The film can be removed.
  8. Water your greens two to three times a week. Provide extra food once a month.
  9. Optimal temperature regime for room parsley - 15-18 ° C during the day and 10-12 ° C at night.
  10. Make sure that the greens are not attacked by pests. Often a spider mite passes from other plants to parsley.

When harvesting, try not to pick the tops, but thin out the ranks. So you will improve the conditions for further growth.

Features of growing dill in an apartment

When choosing what greens can be grown on the windowsill in winter, pay attention to dill - the second most popular spice in the kitchen.

To enjoy the summer aroma in a month, buy varieties with rapid maturation: Gribovsky, Carousel, Early miracle, Aurora, Grenadier. You can plant varieties with different ripening periods on the same windowsill in order to first use the early ones, and then switch to the later ones, which will just have time to grow up.

  1. For selection good seeds, soak them in warm water for two days, every 12 hours changing the water to fresh. Everything that pops up, ruthlessly discard, and use the rest of the material for planting.
  2. Moisten the soil in the pots and make holes 1-1.5 cm deep, leaving gaps of about 4 cm.
  3. Cover with soil, sprinkle with water and cover with polyethylene as described above for parsley.
  4. Place in a warm (18 to 20 degrees) and protected from sunlight place for a week.
  5. When shoots appear, remove the film and place the pot of greens on the windowsill. If it seems that there are a lot of sprouts, thin out, leaving a space of about 3 cm around each shoot.
  6. Water as the soil dries out. It is better to take a spray gun as an assistant so as not to damage young shoots.
  7. Turn the pot on opposite sides to the sun so that the dill grows evenly.
  8. Fertilize once every 30-45 days.

Fragrant basil on the window

Basil is another popular choice for growing fresh herbs on a windowsill in a city apartment setting. There are a lot of varieties of basil in nature, but only a few dozen are suitable for eating. In cooking, the leaves of the plant are used, they are ideal for salads, and for meat dishes, and for marinades.

The best varieties for the room are:

  • Marquis - is compact and beautiful shape ball;
  • Dwarf - a low bush, there are species with greenery of a purple tint;
  • Clove - attracts with a pleasant aroma and high decorative effect.
  • Lemon - delicate aroma of lemon and crown with beautiful light green leaves.
  • Violet - bright bush with large leaves.

Basil seeds are different long germination. To speed up the process, keep the seed in a warm place for 10-14 days, then soak in warm water for a day. Throw away the pop-up copies.

  1. Make holes in the soil and plant the seeds at a distance of about 3 cm from each other. It is unnecessary to make large gaps, since not all crops will sprout.
  2. To speed up seedlings, make a plastic greenhouse. The plant loves light and heat - provide a temperature of 25 ° C.
  3. Moisturize the mini-bed as it dries.
  4. When the basil has grown, thin out the excess to leave 2 inches of free space around each plant.
  5. Put on a well-lit window sill and take care of the plantings regularly - water, turn, fertilize, loosen the soil. Water for irrigation is heated to 30 ° C.
  6. Basil loves light, so be sure to install a light bulb on the windowsill and provide at least 15 hours of daylight.

For culinary purposes pluck the leaves from the tops of the bush. This will prevent flowering, which makes the grass unfit to eat.

The ideal lettuce variety for growing at home

If you are going to plant greens on the windowsill for the first time, pay attention to watercress. This is one of the most unpretentious and fastest growing plants. Watercress seeds do not require long soaking, and seedlings are resistant to temperature fluctuations and light. The best varieties: Pepper, Ordinary, Broadleaf, Curly.

  1. To obtain bountiful harvest, soak watercress seeds in a weak solution of potassium permanganate for a couple of hours.
  2. Do good drainage at the bottom of the pot and fill it with flower soil from the bag or a mixture of two parts of coconut fiber and one biohumus.
  3. Prepare holes with a depth of 5-10 mm, sow basil and sprinkle the depressions with soil. Moisten and cover with foil.
  4. The first micro-greens on the windowsill will appear in a week. Keep the pot at a temperature of 17-20 degrees.
  5. The higher the temperature, the more abundant the watering should be.

Watercress is one of the most unpretentious plants, it can be grown without land at all. Someone does it right in the water, and someone on the foam rubber. But in a pot on the kitchen windowsill, greens look more attractive.

How to quickly get onion greens in winter

To grow onion greens at home on the windowsill, you can use two options - in soil in a pot and in water. The second method is characterized by high speed and is well known to everyone since childhood. You just need to fill the glasses with water and place the bulbs in them. It is better to take those that have already begun to germinate.

The nuances of growing l uka in the water:

  1. The water should be warm - about 40 degrees.
  2. If the bulb has not yet begun to germinate, it is recommended to cut off the top by 1.5 cm.
  3. Only the roots should be in the water, the bulb should not be immersed by more than one third.

By the way, you can similarly grow it at home and get a beautiful tree.

Instead of jars, it is convenient to use egg packs or special pots for growing onions at home. This is a container with holes for bulbs. Looks neat and beautiful on the windowsill.

Growing green onions in the ground is longer and more difficult. Use bulbs for planting, as you can not wait for the harvest from seeds at all.

The process of planting bulbs on greens in a bottle, see the video.

Fragrant mint in the home kitchen

A wonderful choice for the home - mint with a wonderful aroma. Mint - perennial plant, which is easy to grow on the windowsill using root cuttings or seeds. The second method will take more time, but it will also bring more pleasure.

Peat or loose humus soil with an acidity of no more than 5-6 pH is suitable for growing mint. Feel free to buy universal soil in the store and do not worry. The ideal temperature is 18-25 degrees. plant good lighting required.

  1. It is necessary to divide the bush in the fall after the completion of the growing season. Carefully divide the rhizomes so that each portion has shoots with dormant buds.
  2. Fill the pots two-thirds full with potting soil.
  3. Carefully distribute the seedlings and sprinkle them with soil.
  4. Pour warm water.

The first leaves should appear in about two weeks.

If you bought a bunch of fresh mint, then try to get planting material method cuttings. Just put a few branches in the water, dipping them in a root formation stimulator (Kornevin). Roots will appear in 8-14 days. It remains only to plant seedlings in pots.

  1. It is better to sow mint seeds for growing on a windowsill in mid-spring.
  2. Fill the pot with soil, prepare holes 0.5 cm deep and moisten the soil.
  3. Sow the seeds and sprinkle on top a small amount the same soil.
  4. Cover with foil greenhouse.
  5. At a temperature of 19-25 degrees, seedlings will appear a couple of weeks after sowing.
  6. Control soil moisture, avoid drying out and excessive moisture. Water with a spray method so as not to wash out the crops.

When growing mint in winter, do not abuse watering. Let the soil dry out a little. Avoid drafts. In the summer, water more abundantly, but protect fresh herbs from excess direct sunlight. If conditions permit, use mint to create a fragrant atmosphere in your home.

What else can be grown on the windowsill in the apartment

If you are going to grow greens on the windowsill in winter, you can choose almost any type of fast-growing spicy herbaceous plants. Oregano and sage honor themselves well in the apartment, they are not picky about light and withstand partial shade.

Little trouble delivers unpretentious fragrant melissa. Lemon balm seeds just need to be sown in the soil to a depth of 0.5 cm without pre-soaking, watered and moistened regularly. The greens will hatch in a few days. Melissa loves light, its lack reduces the production of essential oils that give fragrance to the leaves.

It will require care, but it looks very original on the window celery. The easiest way to get celery greens is in water. Just cut off the root part from the stem and leave it in a container of water in a sunny place. After a few days, new sprouts and roots will appear. You can transplant the plant into soil or leave it in water. Cut green leaves as needed and care for your pet if transplanted.

Green seeds cost a penny. Try, experiment and with different types and landing options. Create your own spicy mini-garden to please yourself and the envy of passers-by looking through the windows. And for greater effect decorate pots with your own hands, using . So you will be able to significantly save on the purchase of containers.

Having made it your hobby to grow greens on the windowsill at home, you will enjoy, decorate the kitchen and always have spicy herbs on hand for salads and soups. This hobby is ideal for sharing leisure time with children and husband. good harvest you all year round!

Helpful Hints

edible greens- a wonderful and very useful food supplement to which we are all accustomed: parsley, dill, basil, cilantro, celery and other herbs give a unique aroma and taste to our usual daily dishes. It turns out that they can be grown on the windowsill all year round, if you know some secrets which I would like to talk about today.

When choosing dishes, it is better to pay attention to plastic containers, wooden boxes often flow. One long container can be used for different kind herbs, however, it should be remembered that some herbs do not go well with each other, as they require more or less watering.

In a wide bowl with soil, you can plant immediately several types of greenery, but it is better if southern herbs such as marjoram, oregano or thyme, will grow in a separate bowl. Parsley, dill, celery quite get along side by side in one pot.

Grass soil should be earth, peat, river sand and sawdust in equal proportions. Expanded clay or stones should be placed at the bottom of the dishes as drainage.

How to grow onions for greens?

Easiest to grow on a windowsill green onion: for it can be used water, not soil. Pour settled water into a jar, place an onion previously scalded with boiling water on top. Make sure only the roots touch the water.

Through a short time the bulb will shoot green arrows which should be trimmed as needed. The arrows will continue to grow until the bulb shriveles. Remember to change the water regularly.

It is not necessary to use the usual glass jars. Some housewives adapted as containers juice packaging:

Or plastic egg packaging:

Or plastic bottle with cut holes:

Green onions grow well in soil-deep containers. from 7 centimeters and more. Onions love light, so it's best to place containers in a bright south window. If you have dark apartment, you will have to install additional lighting. In poor light, a finished bow will not have a rich taste and will not contain those useful material which must have.

Small onion bulbs about 2 centimeters in diameter can be used for forcing on a pen. They can be bought ready-made, or assembled on own site summer. It is good to water the earth in containers, and then lower the bulbs into it at a distance 2 centimeters apart so that half of the bulb is in the ground.

The first onion feathers should appear pretty soon. Should water the earth so that it doesn't dry out. You can start the first cut of the onion in 3 weeks after landing.

Greens at home: how to grow dill and parsley at home?

Dill very unpretentious and easy to grow, however, in order for the herb to be ready for use, it will take about 1.5 months. In order for the harvest to be good, it is necessary to water the grass a lot and provide it with good lighting. AT winter time you may need additional daylight lamp. It is also good to feed the plants mineral fertilizers for indoor plants.

Parsley also grows well on the windowsill, but before sowing, the seeds should leave in water for a day. This is necessary so that everyone essential oils, interfering with the rapid emergence, have evaporated. After that, you need to sow the seeds to a depth of about 0.5 centimeters. Until the first sprouts appear from the ground, leave the dish with the seeds in a dark place.

Plants need to be watered every day. So that the shoots do not interfere with each other's growth, they need to be thinned out. After the first harvest, parsley should be fed with mineral fertilizers.

Homemade greens: how to grow lettuce on the windowsill?

Watercress grows very fast already on the 5th day after sowing shoots can be seen. This plant is very unpretentious and can grow even without soil: on wet sawdust, napkins or cloth. You can already harvest 2-3 weeks after sowing.

Seeds are planted at a depth of about 0.5 centimeters rows, the distance between which is about 10 centimeters, they are immediately watered and placed in a dark place. After the emergence of shoots, you need to put the salad on the windowsill. Salad loves spraying, ventilated area, good watering. You also need to make sure that the soil was loose all the time if lettuce grows in the ground.

How to grow herbs on the windowsill: basil

Basil- a very fragrant herb that is widely used in Mediterranean cuisine. The plant is very thermophilic and photophilous. If you grow basil in winter, it will need additional lighting. This grass is also very fond of moisture, so it needs to be watered every day and only in the morning.

You can sow seeds in pots for ordinary flowers. After seed germination, it is better to feed the plant complex fertilizers . So that the sprouts do not interfere with each other, it is better to plant them. If the basil starts to bloom, remove the peduncle to prolong the life of the plant.

Moon Tips: When growing herbs at home, remember to follow the lunar rhythms. Since we eat leaves, we should definitely sow herbs on the growing moon so that they gain strength and the energy goes into the growth of shoots. In order for herbs to sprout quickly, it is better to sow them in days of Fire (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius), as well as in days of Water (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces).

Avoid watering plants days of Air (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius). If the grass does not require daily watering, choose water days when the moon is in signs of Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces.

Good days for planting herbs at home this summer: June 10-14, June 19-22, July 9-11, July 17-20, August 3-5, August 13-16, 2013

Lucky days for harvesting herbs from the windowsill this summer: June 9-11, June 19-21, July 16-18, August 13-14, 2013

All lunar calendars for plants with detailed description for each day can be found in the section Helpful Hints. We print them monthly for each subsequent month.

Greens are the source beneficial vitamins, excellent tool to maintain immunity, and just delicious seasoning for cold and hot dishes. In summer there is no shortage of it, but in cold weather it is quite expensive.

Therefore, there is an alternative, also very simple. From this article, you will learn how to grow greens at home on any kind of windowsill at any time of the year.

You can get almost any spices at home - feather onions, leaf varieties salads, lemon balm, mint, dill, mustard.

Greenery on the windowsill can be grown from seeds, cuttings, roots, tubers - it all depends on how much you need it, how interested you are in the process of organizing a mini-garden. But it's better to choose undersized varieties, bushy and early maturing.

Important! If you want a stable growth of greenery at home, for example, you plan to sell it, then it is better to use methods with seeds. Such plants will yield more abundantly and for a long time.

When to grow?

Planting greenery on the window can be done at any time of the year. Only in the summer will be enough natural conditions light and heat. But in the autumn-winter season, when growing some crops, you will have to additionally take care of effective lighting with the help of special lamps and devices to maintain a stable level of temperature and humidity.

What do you need to grow herbs at home?

In order for all the efforts and time spent to give their results, you need to be puzzled by 2 points:

  • necessary set of tools and devices;
  • microclimate conditions.

Important! As for growing technologies, some varieties of greens can be planted not in the ground, but used hydroponic systems, or for the smallest volumes, even ordinary jars of 100-200 ml of water.

Equipment for planting greenery:

  • Pots or containers of the appropriate volume - they should not be very deep and wide;
  • High-quality soil for planting - a universal purchase option based on coconut fiber and biohumus or flavored ash solution and superphosphate land from your garden;
  • Pebbles or expanded clay to create a drainage layer;
  • PVC bags or caps;
  • Spray;
  • Phytolamps or fluorescent, LED systems for lighting in winter.

Growing conditions

Each culture has its own specific requirements regarding environmental conditions.

But in general, there are several general points for growing greens on the windowsill at home:

  1. Lighting. In winter, you will have to use auxiliary lighting sources, and it is better if they are equipped with auto-off timers. So you have to spend less time caring for a mini-garden.
  2. The soil. Regardless of whether you plan to use the land from your garden or use the purchased one, it must be disinfected before planting the greenery. For this, you can use the most different ways- calcination in the oven, evaporation on the stove, steaming in the microwave, watering with a solution of potassium permanganate (in this case, take 3-5 g of powder per 10 liters of water).
  3. Drainage. Be sure to lay a layer of drainage material at the bottom of the containers to prevent soil rotting. An excellent alternative to drainage material is hydrogel, which will either release moisture when it is deficient or absorb excess.
  4. Watering. If you plan to grow greens in pots in the ground, be sure to follow the watering rules recommended for your chosen crop. Otherwise, a lack of moisture, like an excess, may not affect the most in the best way How on appearance plants, as well as on their palatability- they will either be insipid or start to taste bitter.

Since there are a lot of options for greens that can be easily grown at home, let's take a closer look at some of the most popular types.

Bow on feather

Let's start with the simplest and most popular - the bow. Even schoolchildren are growing it as practical tasks in biology.


  1. In water. Here they use jars of water, special hydroponic systems, egg containers. The main thing is that only the lowest part of the bulb should be in the liquid, ideally the root system.
  2. In the ground They use peat pots, special containers, boxes knocked together from wooden planks, even plastic bottles of 5 liters. The planting depth should be minimal, since only the root part of the bulb is also in the ground itself. Bulbs are placed as close to each other as possible.


  1. All bulbs should be firm, without signs of rot, with a shiny husk.
    It is better to choose the same size - 2-4 cm in diameter.
  2. Before boarding lower part cut off a little along the bottom, the bulb is placed in water for a day or two, so that it takes root.

Important! The following varieties of green onions showed themselves best when grown at home:

  • Timiryazevsky;
  • Spassky;
  • Pogarsky
  • Arzamas;
  • Strigunovsky;
  • Union.

Landing and care rules:

  1. First you need to put the containers with onions in a cool and dark place - this is necessary for the development of the root system.
  2. Next - rearrange the greens for growing on the windowsill, but make sure that the temperature is within 18-24C.
  3. It is undesirable to place containers too close to heating radiators.
  4. When grown in water, you can add ash in the amount of 50 g per 10 liters or a couple of tablets activated carbon to prevent rotting of water and planting material. Water is taken only settled, the same is added as needed.
  5. Water green onions in the ground - 1 time in 2-4 days.
  6. The first harvest is not harvested with the appearance of the initial feathers, but after 2-3 weeks.

Important! To ensure a continuous onion harvest, you can make several plantings of greens at home with an interval of 10-12 days.


Chives have a milder, more delicate flavor than regular greens, and are a great option if you're wondering what kind of greens you can grow on your windowsill at home.

Important! A good selection of varieties - Bohemia, Albion, Chemal. Usually at home, a crop from one plant can be obtained twice, after which the planting material is depleted.

Planting material will need to be prepared in advance - in the fall. For this:

  1. You can dig up a few bulbs and immediately place them in boxes with earth, leaving them in a cold place.
  2. You can take chisels, which are also then driven out onto a pen.
  3. You can plant seeds, but it will take longer to grow greens at home than in the previous 2 options.

Important! Planting and care are similar to growing ordinary green onions in the ground, only shoots usually come earlier.

Parsley and celery

Parsley and celery are the next most popular crops for growing herbs at home. Important conditions for these plants - good lighting and soil with high fertile properties.

Growing methods and choice of materials:

  1. Seeds. In this case, first, the planting material is wrapped in clean gauze, kept for half an hour in running water, then left in this form in a cool place (possibly in the refrigerator) for a day. You can additionally disinfect the seeds in a solution of potassium permanganate - a standard proportion of 3-5 g of powder per 10 liters of water is used.
  2. Planting root crops. For planting parsley, roots are chosen about 5 cm long and 2 cm in diameter. It is very desirable that an apical bud be formed.

The same requirements for celery - the roots should be thick, but not long.

Important! The best varieties of parsley to grow at home are:

  • Harvest;
  • Aster;
  • Beads;
  • Sugar;
  • Vorozhey;
  • Emerald lace;
  • Fitness;
  • Borodino.

Planting seeds:

  1. The soil must be used with drainage.
  2. When planting seeds, they are buried by 0.5 cm.
  3. Until the first sprouts appear, they keep boxes in a dark place and water every other day.
  4. After the germination of greenery at home, the plants are thinned out, maintaining an interval of 4 cm.
  5. The crop is harvested when the seedlings grow by 10-12 cm - usually it is 1-1.5 months.

Growing Parsley and Celery from Root Vegetables:

  1. Containers and soil are disinfected with potassium permanganate.
  2. A layer of drainage is laid at the bottom.
  3. The distances between seedlings are 2-3 cm, between rows - 4-5 cm, deepening into the soil is done at such a level that there is still about 2 cm of earth left on top.
  4. First put the boxes in a cool and dark place. Water moderately.
    Greens are transferred to the windowsill after shoots have appeared.
  5. The first harvest is harvested after 3-4 weeks.

Care rules:

  1. Every day, the containers are rotated 180 degrees so that all plants receive even sunlight.
  2. Temperature regime - 15-20C.


Lettuce is demanding on growing conditions, especially with regard to lighting and air humidity. Therefore, when growing greenery on the windowsill in winter, you will definitely have to consider the arrangement of additional fitolamps.

Important! The best varieties for growing at home:

  • Zorepad;
  • Emerald lace;
  • Snowflake;
  • Vitamin;
  • Crimson and Golden Ball;
  • New Year;
  • Lollo Rossa and Lollo Bionda.

Landing rules:

  1. Choose containers with a depth of at least 20 cm.
  2. If you use the land from your garden, then dilute it with peat and rotted manure equal parts. Also add for each bucket of soil 1 kg of sand, 1 kg of ash, 1 tbsp. urea and 1 tbsp. Nitrofoski. Mix everything thoroughly.
  3. The seeding depth is 1 cm, the distance between the grooves is 15 cm.
  4. When growing such greens on the windowsill, it is very important to create the effect of a greenhouse after planting. To do this, put on the container plastic bag or a special cap.
  5. A week after planting, the seedlings are thinned out, maintaining a distance of 1-2 cm.
  6. The second time thinning is necessary after 2-3 leaves are formed on each plant, while the distance is increased to 4 cm.


  1. The leaves are sprayed daily with warm settled water.
  2. Once a week, water with a solution of 1 part of fermented cow dung and 10 parts of water.


Watercress is somewhat more interesting if you're deciding which greens to grow on your windowsill at home. Harvest can be obtained as early as 2 weeks after germination, and care for this crop is similar to that of green onion, that is, extremely simple and not burdensome. Planting is carried out in the same way as leaf lettuce.


  1. Temperature regime - 15-18C.
  2. Special lamps can not be connected, as the culture is not very demanding on light.
  3. Moisturize Special attention is a fundamentally important point.


Sorrel is famous for actively releasing oxygen, so growing such greens on the windowsill is useful not only as a food product, but also for normalizing the microclimate.


  1. From seed. Before planting, the seeds are soaked in water on a plate and left for 2 days in a warm place. Germinated seeds are planted at a distance of 6-7 cm.
  2. From the roots. For this purpose, take 3-year-old plants. The roots are shortened by 15 cm, planted in a container, where there is first a layer of drainage, then a layer of sand, then a layer of fertile soil. The distance should be minimal so that the development of the plant goes into the green, and not into the root system.

The first harvest is harvested in a month.


  1. The first week after planting, they are placed in a cold place with a temperature of about 10C, then they are transferred to a window sill in a room where 20C is stably maintained.
  2. Fertilizer can be used coffee grounds or a decoction of onion peel.
  3. There should be a lot of lighting.


Spinach is a very valuable crop, and if you decide to buy it in the winter in a store, it will cost a lot. But planting and growing such greens on the windowsill is very simple.

How to plant correctly:

  1. Drawers should be 15 cm deep.
  2. Before planting, the seeds are soaked in water at night and then treated with a solution of potassium permanganate.
  3. The best soil is one that is intended for ornamental houseplants.
  4. The distance between the grooves is 6 cm, the sowing depth is 1.5-2 cm, the distance between the seeds is 4 cm.

The crop is harvested after 3-4 weeks.


  1. Watering after germination is plentiful and regular.
  2. The temperature is from 15 to 18C, a decrease is not critical, but an increase should be avoided.
  3. A month after the emergence of seedlings, add another 2-3 cm of earth.


Dill, in terms of popularity, is on a par with parsley and onions.

Important! For planting at home, varieties are best suited:

  • Grenadier;
  • Gribovsky;
  • Armenian-269;
  • Kaskelnsky;
  • Uzbek-243.

Landing rules:

  1. The soil is saturated with peat.
  2. Before planting, the seeds are soaked for a day, the water is changed every 4-6 hours, and at the end they are disinfected with potassium permanganate.
  3. The distance between the grooves is 15 cm, the sowing depth is 1-2 cm.
  4. After sowing, the containers are covered with a film, which is removed after 1-1.5 weeks.
  5. Harvest is obtained in 4-5 weeks.


  1. Temperature - 18C.
  2. Every day the pots are turned 180 degrees.
  3. Fertilizers - you can apply the Rainbow solution once every 2 weeks according to the instructions.


Basil is a very specific spice that all lovers of delicacies and unusual tastes will surely appreciate.

Growing methods:

  1. Seeds. They are soaked in water for 2 days, changing it every 6 hours, after sowing they are covered with a film and immediately placed on the windowsill on the south side. The process of growing until the first harvest will be longer.
  2. Stems - they are kept for 5 days in water, and after the formation of roots they are planted in the ground. Harvest can be harvested after 2 weeks.


  1. When 5-6 leaves are formed, the plants are pinched to increase tillering.
  2. Nitrogen fertilizers are used for top dressing.
  3. The buds are cut immediately.
  4. Temperature - 20-25C, not lower.
  5. Watering - every morning, additional spraying can be included.
  6. Loosening - every 3 days.


Cilantro is an unpretentious plant with an original and rather strong smell, somewhat reminiscent of parsley.

Important! For growing greens on the windowsill at home, it is better to use the following varieties:

  • Change;
  • Amber.

Landing rules:

  1. Seeds are first germinated by placing them in wet sawdust at a temperature of 17-20C.
  2. The sowing depth in the ground is 2 cm, the distance between the seeds is 5-10 cm.
  3. After sowing, the container is covered with a film and placed in a well-lit place.
  4. The film is lifted briefly every day to ensure air flow.
  5. The first harvest is taken one month after germination. In this case, it is better to pinch off the leaves, and not cut the stems.


  1. Daily watering and spraying.
  2. Temperature - 10-12C.
  3. For top dressing, you can use a Flora fertilizer solution - 3-5 ml is diluted per 1 liter of water.


Exquisite, with a very delicate aroma plant. Growing such greens on the windowsill is quite difficult, but if you like such a spice, then all the effort expended is worth it.

Important! Of the species, only Fragrant is suitable.

Landing rules:

  1. The pots must be spacious so that the roots develop well.
  2. The soil is slightly alkaline, at the bottom there must be an expanded clay pillow.
  3. Seeds before planting 2 days germinate in wet gauze.
  4. After planting, the container is covered with a film, making several punctures in it.
  5. Shoots appear only after 2-4 weeks.
  6. When the plant grows up to 9 cm and gives 3-5 leaves, make a pick.


  1. The light must be intense.
  2. Watering is moderate. It is important that there is no excess moisture, a small deficiency is better.
  3. Temperature - 10-15C.


Thyme is very good for planting on the windowsill. If you choose this type of greenery, follow these rules:

  1. Drainage layer - 2 cm.
  2. Soil - the one that is used for planting vegetables.
  3. Seed deepening - 1.5-2 cm.
  4. Moisten the soil with a sprayer.
  5. The location of the pots is bright, but not in direct sunlight.
  6. In winter, you can make additional lighting with special lamps.


Melissa is good not only as an edible green, but also as medicinal plant. To grow it at home:

  1. Dig up a bush in the fall and plant it in a pot.
  2. Use cuttings or cuttings for planting in a container.
  3. You can also grow such greens on the windowsill from seeds, but it will be quite a long time. Before planting, they are soaked and disinfected. Deepen by 1.5 cm, cover the container with a film.
  4. The soil is a mixture of humus and coconut fiber.
  5. Watering should be regular, you can additionally spray the leaves.
  6. The temperature is not critical, as is the access of light - a shady place is also suitable for growing.


When planting sage at home on the windowsill, the following rules are observed:

  1. The soil is fertile and loose.
  2. Pots are bulky.
  3. Drainage layer - 2 cm.
  4. Deepening of seeds - by 0.5-1 cm.
  5. Place for growing - better shaded.
  6. Watering - not frequent, but plentiful.


Oregano, another name is oregano, is great for growing on the windowsill at home:

  1. The plant is very picky - any soil will do, but it is better to take separate pots.
  2. The location is well lit, in winter additional lighting with special lamps is required.
  3. The seeds are deepened when planting by 0.5 cm, moistened from the sprayer, covered with a film with an air hole.
  4. Shoots will appear in 2-3 weeks.

Cultivation of greenery on the windowsill ordinary apartment allows you to easily provide its inhabitants with fresh vitamins all year round. Many housewives are fond of growing greenery on the windowsill. If it is not possible to harvest from a summer cottage, this gardening method may well help out lovers of fresh parsley and dill.

Juicy onion on the windowsill

Growing onions on a windowsill is extremely easy. Experienced gardeners do it in two ways:

  • traditionally in the ground;
  • hydroponic method.

Owners of small window sills, planting bulbs in the ground, can wisely use the space by arranging vertical beds. To do this, you need to take an empty plastic bottle from under the water and cut holes in it in a circle. Next, you need to fill the bottle with earth in layers and lay out the bulbs in rows so that their heads stick out of the holes made. If the earth in such a structure is replaced mineral wool, then the beds will turn from traditional to hydroponic. When working with mineral wool, do not forget about rubber gloves that will help protect your hands during planting.

How to grow green onions on a windowsill. A photo

How to choose a bow on the windowsill

Starting planting, it is necessary to carefully select planting material. bulbs should be tight round shape, with a shiny husk and no signs of decay. Their root bowl should be well developed. It is better to give preference to bulbs that have begun to germinate.

If sprouted bulbs could not be found, experts recommend making a neat incision in the top of the bulb parallel to the root cup. Before planting in the ground, the bulb can be briefly soaked in water.

Care rules

Growing onions on a windowsill requires knowing some little secrets. Onions produce green feathers well when temperature 18 to 20 degrees above zero. Increasing the temperature to 24 degrees will speed up this process, and if it reaches a level of 30 degrees, the growth of greenery will stop.

Growing onions on the windowsill for greens. A photo

With the method of growing with hydroponics when the bulbs are in the water, care must be taken that they do not start to rot. To do this, you can lift the body of the bulb above the liquid using a cardboard or plastic circle with a hole in the center. In addition, to prevent the development of a putrefactive process, a 4% solution can be periodically added to the water. hydrogen peroxide or slightly pink solution manganese.

Contrary to popular belief, you should not put the bow on the window closer to the light immediately after planting. The first 10 days it should be in a dark, cool place. During this period, the formation of the root system occurs. In the following time, the bow gratefully accepts a large number of Sveta. If a natural light not enough, you can use backlight, having built it from fluorescent lamps.

Juicy onions on the greens on the windowsill. A photo

Green salad on the windowsill

Juicy green lettuce leaves are an indispensable addition to many vegetable and meat dishes. This plant is popular with lovers of delicious and wholesome food. That is why many gardeners are wondering how to grow lettuce on the windowsill of their apartment. Experts recommend using for this purpose such varieties of lettuce as Odessa, Rand Credo, Lol Rossa.

Growing lettuce on a windowsill. A photo

You can grow this plant in a pot with soil throughout the year. Lettuce gives lush greens, but quickly departs, releasing arrows. Having harvested once, the bush must be destroyed, and a new plant should be planted in its place.

Landing and care secrets

Before planting, lettuce seeds should be kept in a slightly pink solution for several hours. potassium permanganate. After that, they need to be planted half a centimeter in the ground. It is better to immediately use a large enough container, because the salad does not like transplanting. But what he really loves is a lot of light and moisture. In conditions of excessive dryness and poor lighting, the leaves of the plant become weak and pale. Lettuce should not only be watered, but also generously sprayed. AT winter period the plant needs light.

Having planted the seeds in the ground, the container must be closed with cellophane and not opened until the sprouts hatch. This usually happens within 3-4 days. Optimum temperature for plant growth is 18-20 degrees Celsius. The heat has a negative effect on the yield, as it accelerates the release of arrows by the plant.

Parsley on the windowsill. cultivation

It is hard to imagine what plant could compete with parsley in popularity. Almost no dish of Russian cuisine can do without this greenery. Knowing how to grow parsley on the windowsill, you can have fresh sprigs of this useful plant on the table all year round.

Parsley on the greens on the windowsill. A photo

How to plant

Growing parsley at home is not difficult. This plant is very grateful and very picky. You can plant it:

  • seeds in spring;
  • root crops throughout the year.

Planting parsley roots

The roots of the plant should be planted in a container at a distance of at least a centimeter from each other. At the same time, they need to be covered with earth in such a way that the tops stick out on the surface. Drainage with such a landing, it is not necessary to use. The earth must be well crushed and plentiful water.

Parsley greens on the windowsill. A photo

Green shoots will appear within a couple of days after planting. From this point on, the plant needs to be provided with enough light. The first harvest can be harvested in about two weeks. Experts recommend periodically turning the container with the plant around its axis so that the growing bush forms symmetrically.

Planting parsley seeds

Unlike growing with root crops, the seeds will germinate and give the first crop no earlier than a month after planting. However, to please its owner lush greenery such a plant will be much longer.

Caring for parsley on the windowsill

Optimal for growing greens temperature are 12-18 degrees Celsius, but parsley easily tolerates significant drops to 5 degrees Celsius and even lower. The heat causes the plant to stretch upwards, and its leaves become lighter in color.

Growing parsley on a windowsill. A photo

Parsley, as a moisture-loving plant, needs to be generously water water room temperature. However, in winter, the abundance of watering should be reduced. To maintain a high yield of bushes, it is recommended to fertilize them once every 2-3 weeks. A teaspoon is suitable as a top dressing agrolife or one cap Rosstorm into two parts of water.

Dill on the windowsill

Growing dill on the windowsill can be done all year round. True, depending on the landing time, it requires a different intensity of care. The greens grown between May and September deliver the least clap. At this time of the year, dill receives a sufficient amount of light and heat. But in winter, the delicate greenery of this plant must be carefully illuminated and kept at a comfortable temperature.

Growing dill on a windowsill. A photo

Planting dill seeds

Any gardener knows how to grow dill on a windowsill. Before planting, the seeds must be kept in an intense pink solution of potassium permanganate in order to awaken in them vitality. Dill, like parsley, can be planted with pick and without it. At the bottom of the container, be sure to pour a layer drainage. After planting the seeds in the ground, it is recommended to cover the container with a film to create a greenhouse effect and accelerate the emergence of seedlings.

Dill crops grow best when temperature 15-18 degrees of heat, but they are not afraid of lowering the temperature to 8 degrees, so they grow well in winter on glazed loggias.

Dill loves moisture, so it needs to be watered abundantly in the summer, during the period high temperatures. In winter, the intensity of watering should be reduced.

The first harvest can be harvested a month and a half after planting.

Sorrel on the windowsill

Growing sorrel at home is not only easy, but also very useful, since this plant actively releases oxygen. Sorrel is a very popular herb with housewives, so many of them know how to grow sorrel on a windowsill.

How to plant

How to care for sorrel on the windowsill

The first week the plant is recommended to withstand at temperature+ 10 degrees, then it can be increased to 20. Immediately after planting, the ground must be thoroughly moistened, as the greenery grows, watering should be done as needed.

As fertilizer when growing sorrel, you can use a decoction of onion peels, coffee grounds or sleeping tea.

Greenery on the windowsill. A photo

At an early stage of maturation, sorrel needs a lot of light. An adult plant calmly tolerates dark places. The first harvest can be harvested in a month. Experienced gardeners claim that with quality care between December and April, they harvest three crops in a row.

Growing basil on a windowsill

Any variety of this plant is great for growing basil in pots on a windowsill. The keys to success are:

  • sunny place;
  • warmly;
  • fertile soil;
  • abundant watering;
  • presence of drainage.

Growing greenery on the windowsill. A photo

Rules for planting basil

Many housewives, deprived of household plots, would like to know how to grow basil on the windowsill. own apartment. This extremely useful plant reproduces in two ways:

  • seeds;
  • vegetatively, using cuttings.

Basil, planted seeds, will require more effort, but it will also please the owner much longer than plants grown from cuttings.

To propagate basil vegetatively, you need to take a few of its branches, bought in a store or on the market, and put them into the water. After 7-10 days, they will give roots, after which the shoots can be planted in the ground. Two weeks after planting, the plant will be suitable for consumption.

When planting seeds, you should:

Care rules

  1. Basil is very sensitive to light, so you need to find the brightest place for it.
  2. This plant feels good at a temperature of 20-25 degrees Celsius and hardly tolerates any, even a slight, decrease in temperature.
  3. Basil needs regular watering. In addition, he loves daily spraying with water.

When harvesting, you must first cut off side shoots. In this case, the plant will grow vigorously.

Rosemary on the windowsill

Rosemary is loved by gardeners for its beauty and benefits. It is an exquisite spice, delicate fragrant ornamental plant, as well as raw materials for the preparation of medicines.

Rosemary is not easy to grow on a windowsill, but the result is well worth the effort. In order to successfully cope with this task, you need to follow the recommendations of experts explaining how to grow rosemary on a regular windowsill.

Despite the wide variety of varieties of rosemary, it is possible to grow at home only fragrant rosemary.

Rosemary on the greens on the windowsill. A photo

landing conditions

  1. It is recommended to grow rosemary in spacious pots, as this plant has an extensive root system.
  2. Planting rules require expanded clay cushion and slightly alkaline soils.
  3. Rosemary needs constant feeding. The soil must be fertilized every 14 days in summer and at least once in winter.
  4. The plant needs to provide enough light and comfortable temperature air.
  5. The plant does not tolerate excessive moisture, so it is better to underfill it than to fill it. With a lack of moisture, rosemary leaves turn yellow, and with an excess of it, the roots begin to rot.

Growing rosemary from seeds on a windowsill

Rosemary can be grown from seeds, but it is not easy to do this, since the seeds of this plant are not very good for germination. Spring or autumn are suitable for planting seeds. Seeds should be wrapped in wet gauze and leave for a couple of days. After that, they must be placed in well-moistened soil and covered with a film of polyethylene by making a few holes in it.

You will have to wait for seedlings from two to four weeks, regularly watering soil. If after a month the seedlings do not germinate, you need to repeat the planting procedure again. When the seedlings reach about 9 centimeters in height and acquire three leaves, you can make a pick. During the entire period of growth of the plant, it must be transplanted into ever larger pots.

Reproduction by cuttings

cutting off mature plant, you can get shoots for its further reproduction. In this case, you need to cut the shoots from the top of the rosemary and make sure that they have a woody stem structure.

Remove the lower leaves from the cuttings and place them in a container with a wet mixture of peat and sand, or simply in water. After the formation of roots, the sprouts can be transplanted into ceramic flowerpots.

rosemary flowers

In order for the plant to bloom, it must be placed in a colder environment. The air temperature can be about 10-15 degrees Celsius. During this period, the plant does not need to be watered and cut off the leaves from it.

Flowers and upper part annual plants can be used for food.

Spinach on the windowsill. Cultivation and care

Growing spinach on a windowsill is easy. This is annual plant is very popular with chefs. Its juicy leaves are added to salads, first and second courses.

Many housewives know how to grow spinach on the windowsill. This plant is very unpretentious and lends itself well to breeding throughout the year.

Growing greenery on the windowsill. A photo

sowing spinach

Growing spinach from seeds. Before planting, they must be placed overnight in a container of warm water to soak the hard shell, and then put into the solution. potassium permanganate for a few hours.

Spinach on the windowsill. Cultivation and care

When planting in a pot, you need to fill up a layer on its bottom expanded clay, then put a layer of earth. Seeds can be planted up to a depth of one and a half centimeters. Waiting for the emergence of seedlings, the pot should be covered with cellophane.

Features of caring for spinach on the windowsill

The first greens after sowing can be harvested around the end of 3 or 4 weeks. But after a month and a half, the plant becomes unusable.

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Victoria Solup November 10, 2015 | 7552

Growing your own herbs at home is pretty easy. Follow our advice - and fragrant freshly cut greens will be on your table all year round.

Many types of greens do not require special care, additional lighting and top dressing. So why not wisely use the free space on the windowsill?

What do you need to grow herbs at home?

You will need pots, bowls, plastic cups, boxes or any plastic containers. The main thing is that they have holes for draining excess water. At the bottom of the tank, it is desirable to pour a small layer of drainage (5 cm is enough).

Also very useful is a plastic film or a cap made of plastic bottle. They will help create required level humidity so that the seeds germinate faster.

In addition, to grow greens, you will need quality seeds and fertile soil. A mixture of compost, peat and sod works best.

What can be grown in winter?

If you create a special environment for plants (for example, use the hydroponics method), then you can grow anything at home: not only greens, but also tomatoes, cucumbers, beets, turnips, beans, purslane. But a beginner better go over simple way- start by growing unpretentious and popular green crops.

This plant prefers shady places, so choose a window sill that is located on the north or northeast side for cultivation. In a container with fertile soil, sow the seeds to a depth of 0.7-1 cm and water well. After a week, shoots should appear, and after another 1-2 weeks it will be possible to feast on the first freshly cut leaves.

To consistently harvest watercress, sowing should be repeated every 10-12 days.


You probably know that if the bulb is simply placed in a glass of water, green feathers will soon grow out of it. But from one onion head big harvest you can’t collect, so it’s better to plant several bulbs in the soil at once.

Cut off the top from them to speed up germination, and plant them close to each other (the distance between them should be no more than 1 cm). Moisten the soil periodically with warm water and make sure that the plant receives enough light.

In the same way, you can grow garlic on a feather at home.

Parsley seeds are first soaked, germinated, and only after that they are sown in fertile soil. After the appearance of the first shoots, the seedlings are thinned out, leaving the strongest plants at a distance of 3-4 cm from each other.

If you create favorable conditions(parsley loves light very much) and do not forget to water it, the harvest can be obtained in 1.5-2 months. But keep in mind that only half of the leaves should be plucked from the plant. Otherwise, it will not be able to recover.

This herb is easy to grow. Sow dill seeds in pots with other plants on your windowsill and lightly cover the crops with earth. Already after 3-4 weeks you will be able to harvest the first crop of fragrant and very healthy greens.


Spinach is recommended to grow on the south or west side. The seeds are pre-soaked, dried and sown in January-February, almost without deepening into the soil. The most favorable temperature for growing is 16-18°C.

Spinach needs moderate watering, good lighting and fresh air. Under such conditions, the harvest can be obtained after 1-1.5 months.

Borago or borage

The leaves of this unpretentious culture smell like cucumber. Sow borage seeds to a depth of 2 cm, water - and after 8-10 days shoots will appear. The plant is undemanding to lighting, you can put it in any corner of the house.

Leaf salad

Sow the seeds in a container in a row way, moisten the soil with a spray bottle and stretch the plastic wrap. Spray the crops daily and top up the container with water from a watering can if necessary. When shoots appear, remove the polyethylene and thin out the plants.

Lettuce seedlings grow best in good light and adequate watering.


This unpretentious plant amazing spicy taste and bright aroma, thanks to which salads with the addition of arugula turn out to be very unusual.

Growing arugula on a windowsill is fairly easy. On loose and well-moistened soil, spread the seeds in rows at a distance of 3 cm from each other. Powder them thin layer dry earth, then spray with warm water using a spray bottle.

Cover the seed container plastic wrap and put in a warm but not dark place.

If arugula grows poorly, use additional lighting, especially if cloudy weather continues throughout the day.

Air and water the plant daily. When shoots appear (usually 5-7 days after sowing), remove the polyethylene. Now arugula care will consist only in regular watering (at least every other day).

As you can see, growing herbs on a windowsill is pretty easy. Since autumn, stock up on the seeds of these useful plants- and in the cold season you can enjoy their amazing taste.

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