Where to get strength and energy for life? Life force. Human energy

It is known that everything rests on energy. Our vitality, the ability to act and think soberly is the level of free energy in the body. So how to influence this level?

The classic answer of experts: water, breathing, nutrition and regular exercise.

We are required to do the right thing (drink more, eat well, breathe deeply and play sports), and the body will “see the light”, giving us a powerful surge of inner strength and the desire to move mountains.

So, I responsibly declare that the practitioner is n-e-d-o-s-t-a-t-o-h-n-o. This is an important part of life to feel better and start the process of change. This is a step towards a healthier standard of living, but the key to the source of inner strength and drive lies elsewhere.

A colossal reserve of inner power is hidden in a person, but many of us will never even touch it.

For a long time now, I somehow studied different approaches and practices in increasing energy. I can’t say that I personally tried a lot, but I have some experience. Plus, what always distinguishes me is active surveillance. Style templates a person has been practicing for a year or twenty, whether he has an education or not, whether he has achieved something in the conventional sense or is still ahead - all this is of less interest to me, and what really attracts is the brilliance in eyes here and now, inner drive, charge from within. There are people who shine. You are drawn to them. And you can be moderately healthy, look good, but at the same time remain absolutely wooden inside. No power, no strength, no lift from such eyes does not shine through.

With curiosity and pleasure, I actively observed both practitioners (yoga, energy practices, raw food, vegetarianism, meditation, doing nothing on the islands) and creators (business, projects, creativity, teaching (of the same yoga, practitioners, etc.), and behind myself at different periods of life, and you know, I want to shout this conclusion so that you will surely hear:


Once this simple, but not so obvious answer literally stunned me with its presence.

Until you have something to spend power on, you will not gain it.

It even seems to me that this is a protective function of the body. Where will you apply a strong charge? On self-immolation from their own doubts? Strength (or a higher level of energy) needs application output.

The larger the scale of seeing yourself and your contribution to the world, the more energy.

There are people who are generally far from ways to increase energy and who have not wasted their vital enthusiasm and enthusiasm, have you noticed? The point is not so much in the practices (which are very good, but, I repeat, insufficient), but in the regular use of the energy received.

Let's be honest: why do you need strength, tone, energy, drive, enthusiasm?

There is a good analogy from Indian sages:

A man stands before life, as before a boundless ocean, but in his hands he only has a teaspoon.

Energy to a fig, but that's just the requests we have are ridiculous. As much as they could, so much they took away.

Why do you need strength? Where will you apply them? How to spend?

Our goals determine our strengths, whether we like it or not.

If you want to feel cheerful and energetic and for this you start doing special practices, but at the same time you don’t really know why you need all this, then you will have the strength to do these practices. Good too. But the words "power" and "drive" are from another opera. I am writing this specifically for those who can feel.

If you are engaged in increasing energy for the sake of increasing energy, it will be kept at a mediocre level, sufficient to maintain current life activity (including these activities). Breakthrough forces, enthusiasm and thirst for life appear at the moment when a person finds his goal and begins to move towards it.

Strength is given to work.

In other words, when you make a firm decision to move mountains, you suddenly find that you are capable of it. Not first strength, power and drive with the help of practices, and then “I’ll think about what to do with such a resource”, but exactly the opposite – first a person decides to change everything, decides in which direction to move and where, and with each a step taken in the chosen direction, he begins to feel the rise from within.

But this is not about superficial dreams, which in the era of the Internet have already spread through the mind like a virus: I read the article, caught fire and forgot in a matter of minutes, but about a serious intention, a plan of action and a conscious movement, including patience follow this path to the end. Here, energy practices can help, as an excellent tool for recharging batteries, but the main source of energy lies elsewhere ...

Let's be direct: when in life, it is extremely difficult to start this process. Breaking out of hell is much easier if you suddenly flew into it, no matter how absurd it may sound. A very serious intention is needed to become a person who realizes his potential to the fullest. No fear of setting big goals. It's impudent to dream big, and most importantly, you need to stop saving your strength and not be afraid to surrender to the process of moving with your head. And then there is a chance in practice to find out the answer to the question: “Who am I?”

Man is a creature with limitless possibilities and colossal power, having everything necessary for self-healing and self-fulfillment, capable of changing any circumstances and skillfully creating his own experience, while receiving great pleasure and sharing it with others.

Work, household chores, raising children - all this every day takes a huge amount of time and effort. At the end of the day, you feel like a squeezed lemon. And the forces for your favorite activities, creativity and outdoor activities simply do not remain. Why is this happening and where can I get the energy to do everything and enjoy life? Good question!

Everything is energy

First you need to remember that everything around us is energy, including ourselves. Word is energy, action is energy, thought is energy. Energy is everywhere: the whole world is an endless source of energy. Why then do we miss it so much?

It turns out that the quantity and quality of our internal forces depends on how open and developed our ability to draw energy "out of thin air". In the article Chakras: what are they and what are they for? we talked about the fact that a person receives energy from space with the help of energy centers - chakras. They, like small whirlwinds, perceive energy from outside and transmit the internal energy of a person into space. But the problem is that not everyone's chakras are open and work in a balanced way, which is caused by internal conflicts, complexes, negative attitudes. For this reason, each of us has our own level of "energy conduction".

If you conventionally compare yourself with an adapter or transformer, it turns out that someone passes energy of 20 volts through himself, someone - 10, and someone - 40. And if one has enough strength only to clean the apartment and hike to a store, then another - simultaneously running several creative projects in different cities and building a business around the world!

Where does the energy go?

Watch what you spend your energy on. At the same time, pay attention not to physical actions, but to thoughts and words. What do your thoughts usually revolve around? If you criticize, condemn, blame everyone around or yourself, the amount of your vitality drops significantly. If you constantly think about work, about your boss, about your colleagues, you give your energy to them, depriving yourself of it. If you cannot forgive someone and carry a grudge in your heart like a burden, you feed it with yourself, grow and nurture, instead of freeing yourself and leaving the burden of grudges behind. Get rid of everything superfluous, become free like a bird, spread your wings and soar! From above, you will see how small and absurd those things below are, to which you paid so much attention and gave all your strength.

How to increase your own energy level?

The ability to draw energy from outside must be developed gradually, using the principle of the physical development of the body. When we start to give the body loads, it does not become perfect in one day, only regular exercises lead to the desired result. Therefore, start gradually introducing meditations, energy practices (for example, Reiki or yoga) into your life, work on yourself, get rid of fears and complexes. Be sure to study the system of chakras and start developing them. You can read about how to do this in a series of articles devoted to each chakra separately, as well as in articles on complex work with chakras: Balancing the chakras using Reiki energy, How to work with the chakras: a method of color meditation.

Where can you get strength?

1. Strength can be drawn from those activities that we like. Note that when you work on something that captures, then the work goes faster and there are more and more forces. So do what you like! If you like to draw - write pictures, if you like to write - create texts, if you like to observe - contemplate the beautiful, if you like to grow flowers - grow them.

2. Relax! Do not accumulate tension in yourself, learn to get rid of it and be sure to practice relaxation techniques. For information on how to relax properly, read the articles The Art of Relaxation, Learning to Relax. Savasana.

3. Draw strength from love - live in love, stay in love, look out of love.

4. A good way to feed on strength is creativity. The process of transforming one into another, creating something new and unique is a very interesting activity, which sometimes gives meaning to life. Right now, look at any object near you and find 10 non-standard ways to use it. So you activate your creative energy, the desire to search and inspiration.

5. Eat right, eat more vegetables, fruits, nuts - this is a storehouse of "live energy"!

6. Chat with someone you like. Communication with like-minded people charges and gives strength. You can read about this in the article Why is it so important to surround yourself with like-minded people?

7. Learn to give: new comes only where there is space. Therefore, part with unnecessary things, free your space from all that is superfluous, get rid of the habit of hoarding. And be sure to open your heart - happiness will not enter a closed door. The more you give, the more you receive.

And the most important advice: feel like the sun. Look at yourself in the mirror and say: "I am the sun!". Tell it to the sky, to the stream, to the violet. Remember that the sun is what gives light, warmth, good mood. The sun has a lot of energy, and it manages to send its rays to every corner of the earth. But the sun also needs to rest. So get up at sunrise and rest at sunset. And you will see - there will be more strength.

Many people live boring and gray lives. Why? It is believed that society, upbringing, banal laziness and unwillingness to take life into their own hands are to blame for this. Yes, it is true, but there is also something else. If you observe, you can see that people often simply do not have enough energy. Maybe that woman would be happy to take up dancing, maybe this man would like to learn how to ride a skateboard or at least learn Japanese - but no, after work, there is only enough strength to crawl to the bed and collapse on it without strength ! Therefore, do not rush to accuse yourself of laziness and inertia - maybe you, too, simply need energy.

About "batteries"

People with a good "battery", that is, energetic people, manage to do more in a day than the average person. And when the “battery” runs out, sometimes you would be glad to do something, but you don’t have time to cope even with the necessary minimum.

Where can I get a "battery" for a person?

Well, for example, everything is clear with watches: if their battery runs out, you just need to go to the store and buy a new one. There is nothing complicated here, just see which element powers your watch. But a person is not an alarm clock, he is much more complicated. Therefore, human "batteries" are not a small round or square thing, but a whole range of various measures aimed at increasing energy and vigor.

If you think logically, it will become clear that the simplest batteries for people are food. Without food, a person will not live long, this is understandable. In addition, a person needs water and air - perhaps, sometimes even more than food. And finally, everyone knows that a person, no matter how he eats, cannot live without rest and sleep. So, water, food, air and sleep are the main elements for human batteries.


As you know from a biology textbook, a person is mostly water - about three-quarters. You need to drink water so that all the chemical reactions that together make up our existence proceed correctly.

If there is not enough water, then the body is ready for exploits only in the morning. In the afternoon, with a lack of water, you feel lethargic, and sometimes even drowsy. Your case? Drink more water. At least 1.5 liters per day, as science advises.

To paraphrase a slogan from one commercial, not all food is created equal. Some types of food contain substances that are absolutely useless for our body. That is, such food does not give energy. If we draw an analogy with an electronic watch, then this is a plasticine battery - although it looks like a real one in shape, it does not do any good except for harm (contact clogging). We will not list for a long and tedious list what refers to junk food - it’s better to immediately talk about what is useful!

Food is healthy

Let's start with the fact that the benefits are not only in the food itself, but also in the mode of eating. Many people, rushing to work in the morning, skip breakfast - and they are completely wrong! Breakfast is the most important meal of the day in terms of energy. Lunch, dinner and snacks during the day are less important. At the same time, it is better to eat the most energetically valuable foods for breakfast.

Physiologists and nutritionists, having conducted more than one hundred experiments, found out which food is the best “battery” for a person. And it is these "energy" that should be eaten for breakfast. So what is it? Foods that are very accessible and familiar to us from childhood: porridge (especially oatmeal, millet and buckwheat), sour-milk products (cottage cheese, kefir), sweet fruits and dried fruits (bananas, apples, citrus fruits, dried apricots), vegetables (especially green ones), low-fat fish and meat, and from drinks - hot chocolate and green tea. Some people like to cook scrambled eggs in the morning.

In short, in the morning you need to eat normally so that you have enough energy until lunch, especially if during this period you are very active at work. At the same time, it is not at all necessary to overeat in the morning, this is also important, otherwise, without really waking up, you will immediately “nod”, because all the forces of the body will be spent on digesting an exorbitant amount of food that suddenly fell into the stomach right in the morning.

Air and breath

You probably thought that you need only fresh country air to breathe. You are right, but only half. The fact is that modern people not only breathe dirty air, but, in fact, they don’t know how to breathe!

Focus on your breathing, observe how others breathe. Do you feel? Breathing is superficial, shallow, often even uneven. But proper breathing is not only energy, but also the health of the whole body. If you breathe correctly, with a full chest, including the front wall of the abdominal cavity in the breathing process, you will not only get a boost of energy, but also improve the functioning of internal organs (proper breathing replaces massage), and besides, your voice will be deeper and more expressive!

Learning how to breathe properly after so many years is not easy, but you can speed up this process with one of the simple exercises of classical yoga. Although, about simplicity - this is very subjective, to be honest :) The exercise is called "Salutation to the Sun." Stand up, put your feet comfortably. While inhaling, raise your hands and stretch up, and as you exhale, bow to the sun, touching the ground with your palms (yes, not everyone can do this, but whoever can’t, let him strive for this!). Now the next phase: while inhaling, still touching the floor with your hands, take a step back first with one, then with the second leg. As you exhale, try to bring this figure into balance - the ground, straight legs and a straight back should form a beautiful and even triangle. The last phase: while inhaling, lower the body down and lie on your stomach (still keeping your hands on the ground). Rise on your hands, resting your feet on the ground, bend, stretch your head up, like a turtle. It's quite difficult at first, but after a few days you'll get hooked. Well, or just decide that it is absolutely not necessary to scoff at yourself like that.


Scientists have proven that in a dream, all the information we have learned during the day is systematized, analyzed, dispersed through the piggy banks of our experience and logical chains. If a person did not sleep, he would not have logic, and he would remain stupid, he could not learn anything. During sleep, however, not only units of analytical information are assimilated - our body remembers and assimilates new movements, is actively engaged in cell renewal and the assimilation of necessary substances. Sleep is the time of active recharging. That is why, without getting enough sleep, even with proper nutrition and breathing, we feel overwhelmed and sick.

Sleep has two important rules. Only when these rules are followed, sleep becomes an energy drink. First, sleep must be sufficient. Not in fits and starts, not at random, but it should be enough for you to have a good sleep. Everyone has a different number of hours of sleep - someone has enough to sleep well, and six hours, and someone needs nine. Secondly, never jump out of bed when you wake up. It takes about 10-15 minutes for the body to “turn on” to work. Lie down, lie down, stretch, do a simple morning massage to feel cheerful all day. The main thing during this period is not to fall asleep again, otherwise you can oversleep for work or miss the plane.

Physical activity

Sufficient and feasible regular physical activity is also perfectly charged with vitality, keeping the body in good shape. For those who move little at work, fitness classes, swimming, cycling, or at least long walks in the fresh air are mandatory.

A few words about heredity

Another important factor in our vitality is the level of "charge" given to each by nature. It is not for nothing that such terms as choleric and phlegmatic were coined. Heredity determines a lot, but not everything. Therefore, if someone by nature "does not have enough charge", then you just need to minimize the extra energy consumption, having figured out for this exactly where it happens.

If you think a little, it is not difficult to understand in which cases the energy of the body flows, as they say, into the pipe. A person can lose energy in vain, for example, when he swears and argues, when he worries too much, etc. Bad habits also eat up vitality, such as smoking, alcohol abuse and regular overeating.

What is the result?

At the end of this article, let's sum up all this large number of letters: “the moral of this fable is such that in order to achieve our goals, we need not only motivation, but also energy. The conclusion turns out strange - in order for dreams to come true, we need to drink enough, eat right, sleep enough, breathe right and move more. But this is true - these elements of energy recharging will help us achieve more than if we neglect them.

P.S. Humor and positive emotions also charge!

Probably everyone knows the advertising of batteries, where a peppy bunny knocks on a drum. So, as a very appropriate touch that complements this article, we offer you a funny video about a drummer who trains at home on special low-noise simulators. Look, it's really fun :)

All good mood and more energy!

Have you ever wondered why some people's energy is in full swing, they are full of health and happiness, their performance is off scale, while for others life is filled with gray incessant everyday life and illnesses from which they cannot get out? Where can you find the strength to make positive changes in your life?

First you need to look at yourself and try to figure out where the life forces go.

  • negative emotions
    Life energy is everything around us, including ourselves, our thoughts and words. Often criticizing, condemning, blaming everyone around, accumulating insults, we reduce the level of our vitality by several times. Constant thoughts about work, boss, colleagues, "scrolling" in the head of various conflict situations also release our energy from us, like air from a balloon.
  • Overload
    It happens that the general tension of the body is accompanied by a refusal to sleep, and, being in a stressful state, it begins to absorb all energy reserves.
  • Lack of favorite things
    If a person does not have a favorite pastime, an outlet that brings pleasure, he loses the opportunity to draw vitality from himself even in difficult moments.

At the same time, there are a lot of sources from which a person can draw his life energy and share it with others.

  • On the physical level these are the foundations of all the basics: healthy sleep, proper nutrition, exercise, giving up bad habits. Proper use of each source solves half the problems and creates the basis for positive changes.
  • On a spiritual and emotional level this is work with thoughts, feelings, emotions, because mental energy has an order of magnitude higher power than physical energy. To support her:

1. Connect with like-minded people

Communication with like-minded people charges and gives strength. Sometimes you can even just be silent with such people and still feel how they give a good mood.

2. Bring creativity into your life

Everything that you put a particle of your soul into has a colossal energy charge. Even if you don't seem to be a creative person, try to start small - "visualize the good": hang a motivating picture above your workplace that will inspire you every day.

3. Learn to relax

Do not accumulate stress in yourself, learn to get rid of it. Meditations, spiritual practices are designed to give strength to a person and help him find himself.

4. Study yourself

Ask yourself some questions, such as: what do I want, what do I like, what will I leave behind, what do I have, what am I proud of. Even the questions themselves change a person's consciousness in the right direction. New knowledge about oneself can give impetus to positive changes.

In this topic, we touched on the basic knowledge that is known to almost every person. But knowing is not enough, you must be able to apply this knowledge and do it every day, regularly, even if a little bit, but move towards replenishing your vital energy.

If the masculine energy is the energy of chaos, which serves as the basis for wars and revolutions, the purpose of which is to destroy the old in favor of the new, the tasks of the female energy are radically different. A woman was born to bring peace and tranquility, to preserve traditions, and her ideal state is peace, love and inspiration. As soon as a woman betrays her nature, choosing the male path of self-realization, she becomes aggressive and irritable, capricious and picky, dissatisfied and depressed, in other words, unhappy. Can you bring yourself back?

We present 10 sources of female power that will fill you with natural energy, returning the taste for life! What should a woman do to instill harmony in herself?

1. Ask for help

The principle of "I myself" makes her a fighter, her own boyfriend, a strong and independent being, but not a woman. Give up the habit of putting all the work on your fragile shoulders, learn to ask for support, take care, and you will be surprised how much easier and more pleasant life will become!

2. Show care

The second main principle is not only to take, but also to give. A woman greatly enhances her energy if she takes care of someone: her favorite flowers, animals, children, her parents, a man and, of course, herself!

3. Get Stroked

A woman looks pathetic and devastated, whom no one touches, whom no one strokes, hugs, in other words, does not love. Ask your loved ones to hug you and stroke your head. If you are alone, sign up for a massage, just do not stagnate energy in your body!

4. Exchange energy

If a woman stops giving way to her emotions, she will enter a state of stagnation, which will instantly affect her health and relationships with men. It is extremely important to have at least a couple of girlfriends with whom you could laugh or chat “about women”, exchanging feelings and experiences. It will boost your energy!

5. Connect with realized women

How to acquire the qualities that are lacking? Chat with the fair sex who have what you dream of. Do you want to get pregnant? Make friends with new moms. Do you want happiness in your personal life? Start chatting with happy married friends. It really works!

6. Take care of yourself

Delicious-smelling bath foam, body milk, various masks and scrubs attract a woman for a reason. By taking care of ourselves, maintaining the beauty and purity of our body, we nourish ourselves with energy. Hair care, manicure, makeup has an effect akin to magic, making us many times more confident and happier.

7. Go shopping

Why do men feel exhausted after shopping, while women shine their best? Endless fittings and pleasant purchases really give new life, they breathe renewal and strength into your energy.

8. Dance

Oriental, Latin American, classical - any dance (even at the stove with a ladle) can release in you what you have been hiding behind seven seals. When you dance, you are not only liberated and aware of your sexuality, but open the 3rd and 5th chakras, prolonging youth and enhancing femininity.

9. Communicate with nature

Despite the fact that a woman is by definition the keeper of the hearth, she should not spend all the time locked up or in isolation from nature. Try to arrange forays into the forest more often, walk barefoot on the ground, hug your tree of power. Communicate with nature, because it is the earth that feeds you with energy!

10. Practice meditation

A woman should strive to be relaxed and peaceful. Stress, fears, doubts, uncertainties - all this destroys, depriving you of strength and energy. Practicing meditation will reduce stress, smooth out corners, make the world a little safer and more pleasant. Meditations are especially good before going to bed and after waking up.

And finally, remember: a man is an actively realizing side, while a woman is a passive accepting one. She must be able to see the depth, learn to accept all aspects of life. If a man sets a global direction, then a woman fills this direction with her energy and content. She should not take over the male function, walking with the flag ahead of the rest. She highlights the best that her partner creates and preserves it for future generations. Her strength lies in her calmness, her beauty lies in her content, and her energy...she is everywhere.

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