Green onion seeds for sale. Conditions for growing onions on the windowsill

In the article we talk about onions on the windowsill. We will consider the features of preparing and planting a plant, caring for and harvesting. You will learn which varieties are suitable for growing onions on the windowsill. Following our tips, you will learn how to grow greens at home in water and soil.

Varieties of onions for growing on the windowsill

For growing onions on the windowsill, ordinary onions are used. If desired, at home, you can grow shallots, chives, or batun. In this article we will tell you how to plant onions at home.

At any time of the year, you can eat fresh herbs if you plant onions on the windowsill.

To get a fertile onion crop in winter on the windowsill, it is better to choose multi-bearing varieties.. For example, Chernigov, Rostov, Soyuz, Bessonovsky, Timiryazevsky, Spassky. The bulbs of these varieties have several nests inside, which, when germinated, give a lot of green feathers.

Preparing bulbs for planting

Before planting onions on greens on the windowsill, you need to choose a quality planting material. Turnips should be healthy, without traces of decay, onion peels should be shiny.

To grow faster green onion on the windowsill, the tops of the turnips must be cut off. Deep cross-shaped incisions at the top of the bulb up to a third of its height can accelerate the appearance of greenery.

Onions for greens on the windowsill can be grown from already sprouted onions. So green feathers will appear much faster.

Before growing onions on the windowsill, turnips are soaked in a weak solution of potassium permanganate for 20 minutes. The temperature of the liquid for soaking is 50-52 degrees. The bulbs are then washed cold water and cleared of husks.

Soil preparation

Before you grow green onions on the windowsill, you need to decide on the capacity for planting. When deciding what to plant onions on the windowsill, one should proceed from its size and the amount of planting material. More often, onions are planted in pots, and if space allows - in boxes.

After you have decided what to plant onions on the windowsill in, the container must be disinfected. For this, a weak solution of potassium permanganate is suitable.

For rapid growth the plant needs drainage, so before planting the onion on the greenery of the house, pieces of expanded clay or brick are placed on the bottom of the container. A mixture of seven parts of peat, two parts of humus and one part of earth is poured on top.

To increase the yield of green onions in winter, use on the windowsill phosphate fertilizers. They are also applied to the soil before planting.

Bulb Planting Scheme

For growing onions at home, the bridge planting method is most often used. With this method, turnips are planted tightly to each other. The bulbs are sprinkled with earth, but not completely buried. Half or ⅔ of the turnip should remain on the surface.

In order to save space, a 5 liter container can be used as a container for growing onions on the windowsill. plastic bottle. Holes are made in it different levels around the entire circumference. A layer of soil is poured into the container, then bulbs are inserted into the holes, covered with a layer of earth and continue to alternate layers until the bottle is full. The tails of turnips with such a landing should be outside.

This is what the design looks like

In order for green onions on the windowsill to ripen throughout the winter, they are planted in different containers every 10-12 days. With this planting interval, you will always have fresh greens on your table.

Growing conditions

Onions are not picky about growing conditions. Despite this, it is possible to significantly increase the fertility of the plant. Let's talk about them in more detail.


Within 10 days after planting, the onion container must be kept away from direct sunlight in a cool, ventilated place. This will allow the onion to form a strong root system.

After 10-12 days, the container with onions is transferred to a windowsill or a covered balcony. For growing juicy greens, you need good lighting. If the plant does not have enough sun, it withers. LED panels or special lamps will help compensate for the solar heat.


Onions on greens germinate well in winter at a temperature of 18 to 20 degrees. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that the plant does not overheat from batteries or the sun.


When growing green onions on the windowsill, it must be watered. warm water once every 2-3 days. To make green feathers more juicy, they are sprayed with water daily.


The first harvest can be harvested within 2-3 weeks after planting. At the same time, the first leaves are not touched, so as not to stop the growth of greenery. Feathers cut off sharp knife or scissors at the base.

Growing green onions in water

To plant a plant on greens, you can do without soil and grow onions in water on a windowsill. To do this, just place the onion in a glass or jar of liquid. At the same time, only the roots of the turnip should be in the water, and not the entire bulb, otherwise it will rot.

If you can’t find a container with the desired diameter, you can use improvised means. For example, a piece of cardboard with holes suitable for the bulb or an empty egg carton. Look at the photo to see how this design looks like.

Growing onions in water is easy and convenient in egg containers

To make it, you need to divide the egg tray into two parts. The lid serves as a tray, and the lower part with cells serves as a stand for the bulbs, which is placed on the tray. Holes are made in each cell for free access of water.

During the first week, the fluid in the sump should be changed daily. After that, it is enough to renew the water once every 2-3 days.

To increase fertility when growing onions in water, top dressing is added to the liquid. Dissolve 5 g in a liter of water. wood ash and pour this liquid into the pan. You can feed onions after the appearance of the first leaves. Harvest can be harvested in 1.5-2 weeks.

For more information on how to grow onions, see the video:

You have learned how to grow onions in water and soil on a windowsill. Let's summarize.

What to remember

  1. Before planting onions on the windowsill, it is necessary to sort out the bulbs and soak healthy turnips in hot water.
  2. At home, onions for greens can be grown in water or soil.
  3. Before you grow onions on the windowsill, you need to decide on the capacity for planting and prepare the soil mixture.
  4. After planting, the onion container is kept away from direct sunlight in a cool, ventilated place for 10 days.

14.10.2015 16 460

Growing green onions - which variety is better to choose and how to grow?

Growing green onions is traditional way obtaining fresh herbs not only in spring and summer in the beds, but also in winter time years at home. Many appreciate green onions for their spicy taste, as they are a great addition to kitchen dishes, and also contain quite a large number of microelements and phytoncides.

Onions for greens - varieties and species that give thick and juicy feathers

To get good and tasty greens, you need to take care of right choice planting material. Onions for greens can of course be obtained from leftovers onion, which is available, but in this case, the greens themselves will not be of excellent quality. Cultivation of green onions is usually produced from multi-grain varieties of onions, since all the rudiments individually give from three to five leaves of good greens.

Starting in October, you can already plant early maturing varieties onions, as well as mid-season: Strigunovsky, Myachkovsky, Spassky, Mstersky, Timiryazevsky, Shetana MS, Red Baron, Bamberger, Stardust, De Barletta, Baia Verde, Green Arrow, Kaigaro and others. And with the onset of November, you can plant varieties with more long term growing season: Lugansky, Pogarsky, Mercato, Boyarin, Soyuz, Bessonovsky. When green onions are grown at home, preference is given to such varieties as Siberian yellow, Off-season, Sprint.

If the goal is to get good greens for a fairly long period of time, then you should pay attention to the above varieties. Do not forget that not all onion varieties produce new feathers, so you will have to plant onions in several stages one after another.

Growing Green Onions - Highlights

To grow onions for greens, select only good and healthy bulbs with a diameter of at least three centimeters. Need to plant onions late autumn, a week before the arrival of frost, or in early spring.

In order for the bulbs to start growing faster, its upper part is usually cut off or cuts can be made with a knife crosswise. Next, the bulbs are allowed to dry for a day, or they are kept in a weak solution of the potassium salt of manganese acid (in potassium permanganate), so the planting bulbs are warmed up and disinfected. As a result of such activities, onions grow faster on greens, and their yield increases by at least 40-50%.

in the photo - the tape method of planting green onions

Growing onions on a feather is carried out both in a tape way and in a bridge. The tape method consists in planting bulbs between rows, the distance in this case is 2-3 centimeters from each other and 15-20 centimeters in rows. With the bridge method of growing, the bulbs are planted close, that is, the bulb to the bulb. Bulbs should not be planted too deep into the ground, as the greens will sprout worse, sprinkle a little soil on top, but in no case press or tamp the ground, otherwise there is a risk of rotting of the bulbs.

in the photo - green onions in a bridge way

Be sure to pay attention to the fact that when growing onions for greens, winter plantings in unheated greenhouses can freeze slightly or completely freeze out. And here, spring plantings here you can start much earlier in comparison with planting onions in open ground.

Green onions at home

Many people prefer to grow green onions at home, since almost every housewife wants to have fresh greens grown by her own hands on the table. For the convenience of planting onions, you can use any containers and boxes in which there must be openings for water (holes).

At the bottom of the prepared container, put not too small expanded clay chips, a layer of one centimeter, and pour soil on top. The layer of earth must be at least five centimeters so that the roots of the bulbs have room to grow. The soil needs to be moistened and the bulbs planted, planting them about a third deep. Then you put the boxes with plantings in a warm place that will be well lit.

in the photo - green onions grown at home

If the lighting in the apartment is not enough, then in this case you should do additional lighting. It is desirable to place lamps for lighting at a height of 50-60 centimeters from landings. The temperature regime should be maintained within the range of 24-26 ° C. Under these conditions, green onions at home will already please you with the first greens in about 16-20 days. Watering should be moderate, make sure that the soil is not wet and heavy, but just wet. At improper watering bulbs may rot.

Grown green onion feathers are best cut with scissors. As the greens are harvested, the bulbs begin to wrinkle or rot, in which case it is necessary to remove the bad bulb and plant a new one in its place. Similarly, green onions at home will grow continuously.

Green onions are a product that is extremely in demand in cooking. Delicate feathers with a pleasant bitterness are used to prepare all kinds of salads and as a spicy seasoning for soups, side dishes, meat and fish dishes. Unfortunately, the timing of the presence of high-quality green onions in the diet is limited to the season of its cultivation on country beds, and by the end of summer, only shapeless bunches of greens from the supermarket shelves remain at the disposal of the hostesses. Therefore, admirers of a savory product are left with two options - to wait for a new harvest or to equip an onion bed on a home windowsill and get a fresh vitamin pen to the table, regardless of the season.

Selection and preparation of planting material

As seed material for distillation, healthy, undamaged heads of turnips with a diameter of at least 2 cm are selected. For this purpose, family multi-germ onions of such varieties as Spassky, Strigunovsky, Danilovsky, Timiryazevsky, Arzamassky, Soyuz ". Such material gives a large high-quality pen for quite a long time.

If not too much of your onion turnip was born and you don’t want to spend it on forcing, an onion set of a large fraction - samples can serve as an alternative. The feather from it grows tender with a mild taste, and when planting sets, it takes much less space. However, there is a drawback - such bulbs are quickly depleted and you will have to update the home garden more often.

Onion bulbs purchased in the vegetable department "for food" are also suitable for planting. However, store onions are often treated with preparations that slow down germination before sale, so it is recommended to soak purchased bulbs for 20–30 minutes in hot (but not boiling) water before forcing.

Also suitable for growing on the windowsill are chives, batun onions, slime onions and multi-tiered onions.

The heads selected for planting are freed from dry scales and the tops are cut off, leaving a stump about 1 cm high. Bulbs without signs of germination are placed for several hours in a weak solution of potassium permanganate, and then left overnight in a cool place. During this time, the place of the cut will have time to dry out, and small tubercles will appear on the bottom - the beginnings of the future root system.

Growing green onions in the ground

  • The nutrient substrate is poured into a container, leveled, and then poured abundantly with warm water.
  • Bulbs without strong penetration are planted in the ground close to each other.
  • The container is placed on a warm, bright windowsill.

For the rapid growth of the feather, plantings need to ensure regular watering (even short-term drying of the soil should not be allowed) and optimal temperature regime(from +22° to +26°). Do not use fertilizer! Subject to necessary conditions homemade onions do fine without additional nutrition, and fertilizing can provoke the accumulation of nitrates in the leaf mass. To speed up the growth of the feather, you can use for watering ash solution(1 tsp / 5 liters of water).

distillation in water

Compared to other methods, growing feather onions in water is considered the most economical. For him, you do not need to purchase a nutrient substrate or worry about special dishes. Planting containers can be glass jars or plastic cups from food products. In this case, the nutrient medium for germination is the usual tap water, which is recommended to be preliminarily defended before planting in order to reduce the concentration of chlorine. The landing procedure itself will take a few minutes:

  • Pour a little settled water into the planting cup. If desired, a little mineral fertilizer can be added to the water.
  • The bulb is placed in such a way that only the bottom is in the water. This is easy to do by picking up the dishes right size, in which the bulb will get stuck and “hang” above the water without falling to the bottom.
  • Until the roots grow back, the plantings are kept in a dark, cool place, after which they are put on the windowsill. For ease of movement, individual containers are recommended to be placed in a common pallet.

In the first 2-3 days, the water in the cups should be changed daily, later - once every 7-10 days, regularly topped up as it evaporates to the previous level. It is also necessary to systematically check the condition of the bulbs themselves and remove rotten or diseased specimens in a timely manner. The simplicity of the method allows you to involve younger family members in such an exciting process to get the first skills in crop production.

Of the shortcomings this method less intense coloration and excessive fragility of the growing feather can be noted. In addition, the bulbs on the water quite often rot, exuding a characteristic, not the most pleasant "aroma".

hydroponic onion garden

For admirers modern technologies you will definitely like a hydroponic plant for growing greenery, equipped with an aerator and special phytolamps. The principle of growing onions for greens in such a device is quite simple:

  • The bulbs are planted in special perforated cups filled with expanded clay.
  • The glasses are inserted into the holes intended for them in the lid, which covers the common container with water. Bottom part glasses are immersed in water.
  • When the unit is turned on, the compressor pumps air into the water, enriching it with oxygen.
  • Due to the active consumption of oxygen supplied to the roots through technological holes in the bottom of the glasses, the onion grows much faster, and the feather is healthy and of high quality.

If desired, such a device is easy to make on your own - equip a suitable container with an aquarium compressor, cut holes for glasses on the lid, and perforate the glasses themselves along the bottom with a hot nail or a clerical knife. The location of the hydroponic beds is recommended to be equipped with lamps for additional illumination of plantings. More expensive industrial installations are additionally equipped with water drain / top up systems, which allows you to fully automate the process.

Many vegetable and ornamental crops (except root crops) can be grown in hydroponics, but the highest productivity was observed in onions.


A crop from a soil bed is usually ready for harvest in 16-20 days, from a "water" one - 3-4 earlier. Feathers are plucked one at a time as they grow or the entire bunch is cut off at once, but you should not tighten it too much with cleaning - it’s too long leaves(more than 25–30 cm) the tops begin to dry out. To ensure the uninterrupted supply of fresh onion feathers to the table, it is recommended to equip several home beds and plant at intervals of 10–15 days. After the complete depletion of the bulbs, as evidenced by their complete softening and low yields, the old plantings are disposed of, making room for new ones.

Green onions are very useful view greens, which is an integral part of the diet of many families. It is used to make salads, soups, pizza and more. There is a constant demand for this product. First, it is worth distinguishing different approaches to making money on green onions. So let's say, if you decide to breed this greenery at home, then you should not count on big profits from small volumes.

If we talk about this direction, namely as a business, then you will need to summer season plant onions in open field, at least 10 hundredths of a garden, and in winter it will be necessary to equip insulated greenhouses. A serious approach requires certain financial investments. Starting from the purchase of planting material, fertilizers, equipment for irrigation systems and, if necessary, heating and lighting, as well as transportation costs, and ending with hiring workers to care for onions and harvest. In this article, we will try to consider the main points of the green onion business and indicate both the pros and cons in this line of business.

Technologies for growing green onions

Many farmers who work in this direction will tell you that there are two main directions for growing these greens: from seeds and from bulbs. Both of these methods have both pros and cons, which we will talk about.

Seed use

With this approach, the entrepreneur buys the seeds of the required onion variety and plants them in a nursery, it can be a small greenhouse. Buying more seeds cheap option start, as the bulbs are more expensive, but at the same time, there is more trouble with caring for the plants. Firstly, if you use seeds, then the period for obtaining a crop increases significantly, and due to climate instability, the chances of losing the crop increase. Secondly, when plants ascend, onion bushes need to be thinned out, and not all seeds come down. On the other hand, you have big choice different varieties seeds at a low price, and this is a definite plus for a beginner. The best seeds Dutch and Japanese varieties of onions are considered. The average cost of such planting material is about $2 - $4 per 1 kg.

from bulbs

If you plant ready-made bulbs, then you can more short term get a harvest. Plus, the loss of the crop itself is also reduced due to the higher resistance of plants, as weather conditions as well as various diseases. But at the same time, if you buy seed in the form of bulbs, then you will definitely need to invest more money into your business.

Before planting, the bulbs undergo a special treatment to protect against diseases and pests.

Features of growing onions on a feather

In order to grow onions specifically for feathers for sale, for your business you will need to purchase a special variety of this greenery. Andreyka, Afonya, Onion-slizun, Leader, Broad-leaved, Green, Dwarf, Belarusian. Usually such onions are sold in large volumes in early spring, when there is a big demand and people buy them for salads. It is popular due to the vitamin composition.

Now let's discuss a little in what conditions it is most profitable to grow green onions and what in each case you will need to buy or equip for this.

in the greenhouse

Growing and producing green onions in a greenhouse is one of the options for year-round profit in this direction. The greenhouse equipment itself costs money. They are usually made of glass or polycarbonate. In this case, it is necessary to immediately mount the heating, irrigation and lighting system. Usually in such greenhouses they equip drip system watering, and use lighting daylight. So, as in the absence of light rays, you will not get the desired crop. If you live in a very cold climate, then building greenhouses for the winter season is not very profitable, since the payment utilities for light and heating, they reduce the profitability of the business to 10% - 15%, and with such labor costs and expenses, this becomes unprofitable for the entrepreneur. Bulbs are mainly planted in greenhouses, this approach allows you to reduce the growing season up to 3 times. The harvest is good palatability and trade dress.

Loose fertile soil is used as soil in greenhouses, it is prepared with fertilizers, both manure and potash and phosphate additives. Mandatory constant watering and connection of lighting if necessary.

Also, with the greenhouse approach of green onion feather breeding, you can implement aeroponics technology that will help make the green onion business even more efficient in winter. The essence of this method is as follows, it helps to reduce the ripening period of this green from 21 days by almost half, but at the same time it also requires financial investments. Thus, the cost of launching this technology ranges from $15 to $65 per 1 sq.m. in a greenhouse. The payback of this approach is on average about 3 years, but it is more profitable for large greenhouse farms, and for small-scale production, its use will not be rational. If, for example, water is used as a substrate in hydroponics, then in aeroponics, plants are fixed on special stands (the roots are in the air), and their roots are regularly treated with a saturated aerosol. beneficial substances necessary for specific greens. This is a technology without land, and with its approach it eliminates all onion diseases associated with the soil and accelerates the ripening of the crop.

As you can see, it is quite realistic to start growing green onions in winter, but at the same time, you need to correctly calculate costs and profits so as not to work at zero or in the red.

In the open ground

The second option is the most massive, as it does not require huge investments. General costs on an area of ​​100 sq.m. will be about $1000 - $1500. This is for the purchase of seeds, fertilizers and provision of an irrigation system.

In the fall, in the area that you plan to plant with onions, you will need to make organic fertilizers in the form of manure, and in early spring, apply other fertilizers and recharges.

The planting technology is as follows, the greens are planted at a distance of 1.5 - 2 cm from each other in the garden, and the distance between the rows is usually about 5 - 7 cm. Before planting the seeds, they are usually soaked in water. After the onion ascends, you will need to weed, removing weeds, and break through the green bushes themselves, leaving the strongest feathers. Yield losses during cultivation in the open field are 20% - 30%, they are mainly associated with diseases and pests, as well as drought. Watering should be provided on an ongoing basis, and surface loosening of the soil should also be carried out. For onions, the ideal temperature for growth is 20 - 25 degrees. It is desirable to warm water for irrigation in the sun up to 18 - 20 degrees.

At home

This is the most not suitable look earnings, since the volumes in this format are very limited. Many businessmen grow onions not only on window sills in trays, but also use areas in the basement, in the garage or in the apartment, for example, in pantries, but in such cases it is necessary to ensure the appropriate temperature regime, and constant lighting and watering. You won’t earn a lot of money growing green onions at home, but as additional income it is quite realistic to master such a business, especially if you yourself can sell products at a retail price in the market or for friends. Rather, this method is more suitable for producing greens for oneself rather than for sale.

in sawdust

The technology for growing onions on sawdust is as follows. Boxes are taken, either plastic or wooden, the bottom of which is covered with a substrate, it can be an ordinary film. Next, a 3–4 cm layer of sawdust is laid out on it and abundantly wetted with thermal water.

For 2 - 5 days, a box with onions on sawdust should be kept in a cool room, if it is an apartment or a house, then you can put it on the floor, this is done in order to form the horse system of the plant.

In the bottle

The technology of growing onions in a bottle is based precisely on saving space for planting. Usually 5 are used for this. liter bottle, in which they cut round holes under bulbs. Next, gradually falling asleep the substrate for seedlings, which can be bought at any agro store, soak the ground and insert the bulbs in all holes to the top of the bottle in stages. On top of the cut bottle, we set the bulbs close to each other. Don't forget to water the soil. This method has a good aesthetic appearance, and may well be suitable for an apartment or a private house in the winter.

In a package without land

This method is related to the sawdust fondant method, but has its own characteristics. So, the package should be tight, food bags are perfect and whole. It is placed in it a small amount of sawdust or toilet paper and wet thoroughly. Next, they take an onion, cut it off from above and plant it on sawdust close to each other. After that, the bag is inflated and tied with an elastic band or cord. It is placed in a dark cool space for several days, during this period it begins to form root system, and then exposed to sunlight, as an option on the windowsill.

We dismantled various methods and technologies for growing green onions for sale, which one to apply for your business is up to you.

Profitability and sales markets

When compiling a business plan, you will first need to focus on sales markets - this is the most important point in this business. So, retail sales are good, but if you work with large volumes, then you cannot do without searching for wholesale buyers. Therefore, you need to look for customers among the owners grocery stores and shops, or greenery buyers. Onions are a rapidly perishable product, so the issue of its sale must be addressed in advance. If we talk about profitability, then in summer it ranges from 50% to 80%, and in winter due to high costs for heating does not exceed 30%.

On an area of ​​about 70 sq.m. it is possible to grow about 400 kg of onion feathers, with the cost of 1 kg of production from $0.5 to $3, depending on the season and technology.

Most high price on green onions from April to June. Then it goes downhill. Bulk prices for onions in the summer, about $0.8 - $1, and in winter, the price rises to $1.6 - $2 per 1 kg.

Small entrepreneurs sell about 1,500 kg of onions per month on average.

Subsequently, the assortment can be expanded with other herbs: dill, parsley, lettuce and others.

Conclusions. Growing green onions as a business is a very profitable occupation, having mastered the technology and finding wholesale buyers, you can reach a good profit.

The business is attractive due to the fertility of the plant, modest start-up investments, as well as great demand. all year round. If you master all the intricacies of growing green onions and the features of its marketing, you can build a profitable business on this.

How to grow green onions

If your plan includes growing green onions industrial scale get ready to do it all year round. IN summer period it is cultivated in the fields, and in winter - in a greenhouse with heating. Please note that it is expensive to install and maintain a greenhouse yourself. It is easier to rent specially equipped premises from farms and factories, or equip it yourself. Profitability in winter is about 30%, since a lot of money is spent on heating in the greenhouse and rent. In summer it reaches 50%. Although in practice it is sometimes possible to achieve an indicator of 200%.

You can grow green onions at home only for a small part-time job. If you are planning to organize a separate business, you need to purchase or rent a plot of approximately 25-30 acres. Growing green onions begins with planting seeds after the last frost. It is better to take seeds from Japan or Holland. Bulbs are planted in a greenhouse before winter.

Whichever method you choose, you need to take care of preparing the beds and fertilizing them. For a greenhouse, you will need loose soil and superphosphate at the rate of 30 g per 1 sq. m. Before planting, onion seeds must first be soaked. Onions are planted in a greenhouse or on open ground with ribbons at a distance of about 5 cm from each other and between rows. Green onions require a lot of light frequent watering and surface loosening of the soil. This work plan must be carried out regularly and with great care.

If you decide to grow green onions at home, the bulbs must be soaked overnight in warm water, and then planted in boxes about 10 cm high. To increase the growth rate of a green plant, it should be watered with warm water at least 20 ° C, and the air temperature should be kept at about 18-22 ° C.

The plant reaches its marketable appearance in about 20 days. But with the use of aeroponics technology, this time can be reduced. This system helps to eliminate the disposal of substrates and other waste during cultivation, but the savings are tangible only in the greenhouse on large areas. The cost of such a system is 1-4 thousand rubles. on the square meter. The plan for the payback period is 2-3 years.

What to grow green goods for sale

No matter where you decide to start the production of green goods - in the field, greenhouse or at home - you can do this in three ways: growing from seeds, small bulbs (sevka) or large ones. The fastest way to get a result from a green business is from sevka, if before planting it was carefully sorted out, processed and properly cared for. The main problem in growing this plant is diseases and premature shooting. Therefore, the place of growth should be well blown and illuminated. In addition, the cost plan should include the purchase of chemicals for the treatment of plants. Without them in artificial conditions growing greens will become unprofitable - most of crops will simply die.

Growing from seeds requires three times less planting material, four times less area. True, for better productivity during growth, seedlings must be thinned out, which increases the losses of green business. Moreover, not every seed will germinate. But this kind green plant practically does not shoot, ripens quickly and does not rot for a long time, which facilitates its storage, allowing you to earn extra money on bulbs.

Expenditure part of green business

The main funds will be spent on planting material, care, fertilizers, and transport. This will be about 30% of the costs. Entrance to the business costs about 150 thousand rubles, if you have own site with its water supply. If you are planning to grow for sale in large quantities, it is worth worrying about the certification of a green product.

It is best to organize a business in the fall. First, you need to conduct a market assessment to get an idea of ​​the volume of demand. Based on these data, determine a plan for growing a green plant. If it is difficult to determine how much product will be able to sell for sale, it is better to grow less than the estimated sales volume. You can always increase production.

From 10 acres of land, the production of this green product will bring 30-90 thousand rubles per month. Additional cultivation of other popular green raw materials will help to increase the sale of feathers:

  • dill;
  • parsley;
  • basilica;
  • arugula;
  • mint;
  • lettuce;
  • cilantro.

It is difficult to say how much money it will take to open a business. It all depends on the type and scale of cultivation. If your plan involves the cultivation of a product in a greenhouse, a significant amount will be spent on its arrangement. You can reduce costs if you close it not with glass, but with polycarbonate. This material better maintains the desired temperature in the greenhouse in winter.

The plan for organizing a major business must include the purchase or lease of premises or fields. Many entrepreneurs who decide to cultivate a vegetable in a greenhouse rent industrial premises at the factories. Of these, about half are determined for the harvest, and the rest - storage and household premises. In this area are installed:

  • instantaneous water heaters;
  • lifts;
  • stoves for heating water;
  • ultraviolet lamps and fluorescent lamps.

For a month from 70 sq. m. You can remove an average of 400 kilograms of feathers. Depending on the season, the cost of a kilogram of greens will be 10-160 rubles.

Sales and risks

Sales depend on production volumes. You can organize it in two ways: through wholesalers or directly at retail - shops, supermarkets, stalls, markets, catering establishments, etc. The packaging of goods also depends on the type of sales. If this is a retail sale, it is worth considering special packaging and related equipment. In the summer, wholesalers buy goods for 30-50 rubles. per kilogram, in winter this figure rises to 100. The sale of goods by medium-sized enterprises is approximately 1.5 kg of goods per month.

The main risks come from the floating price of the commodity. Over the course of a year, it rises and falls at times. In addition, feathers are a perishable commodity. Therefore, if you do not have a marketing plan prepared in advance, you can lose a lot of money.

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