How to grow bashful mimosa from seeds - we create favorable conditions for growing. How to grow a mimosa bashful

Characteristics plants, origin of the name, tips for caring for mimosa indoor cultivation, breeding technology, pest and disease control, curious notes, species.

The content of the article:

Mimosa (Mimosa), like acacia, is part of the vast legume family (Fabaceae), all because the fruit is a pod, which is often referred to as a bean. However, a little earlier, such a plant was assigned to the Mimosaceae family (Mimosaceae), which later became a subfamily. The genus includes representatives of the flora with herbaceous, shrubby and tree-like forms of life, although the height of the latter is average. There are up to 350-400 varieties. Mimosa can rightfully consider territories to be its homeland. South America, the land of the Australian continent and the island of Tasmania. However, thanks to natural forces and to man, this delicate plant has spread to almost all continents, and now you can admire its flowering on the southern European coast, in Africa and the USA, it is not uncommon in our latitudes (the Black Sea and the Caucasus).

The scientific name mimosa is due to "mimes" or "mimic actors" - from the French word "mime" or "mimus". Apparently, scientists of botanists in the interval of the 16th-17th centuries were prompted to this idea by the peculiarity of the plant to bring its leaves into intermittent movement, with any touch or too strong a gust of wind.

Mimosa practically does not lose foliage all year round, but its growth rate is low, and even if it is a tree, its height does not exceed 10–12 meters, however, there is evidence that mimosa can grow up to 45 meters in its native lands of growth and in its native climate. On the trunk, you can see multiple thorns, which makes the plant very similar to its “relative” acacia. You can even hear how mimosa is called Silver Acacia or Whitened Acacia (Acasia dealbata). The surface of the branches and trunk, except for the spines, is smooth, its color is dark gray.

Sheet plates mimosa bipinnate form with a silvery-green color, somewhat resembling fern fronds. The length of the leaf does not exceed 30 cm, and the entire surface of individual leaf lobes is pubescent with sensitive hairs. It is because of them that the foliage reacts so sharply to any irritants and begins to fold or tremble.

It is flowering that makes mimosa so beloved by gardeners, and indeed by many people, because as soon as the snow melts and spring begins, the plant pleases with its fluffy flowers, which are painted in yellow, cream and pink colors. But they enjoy flowering in different regions different time - from one and a half to two months. There are usually four parts in a flower, but rarely three or two pairs. Stamens are formed as much or twice as many. The fluffiness of the flower is explained by the fact that the stamens strongly protrude from the corolla, and give it a spherical shape. Inflorescences collected from such flowers look like compacted heads or tassels. In diameter, such an inflorescence can measure from five to 20 cm. Mimosa during flowering pleases with a unique and very delicate aroma.

With the advent of autumn in the northern regions of the growth of this representative of the flora, fruit ripening begins. It is clear that they are beans, with flattened sides and a slight curvature. Their length is 7–9 cm. Black seeds are formed inside such a bean. Their shape is flat, hardness is high, and the length is 3–4 mm.

Mimosa indoor care

  1. Lighting. For normal growth and flowering, you need a lot of sun, but with shading from direct rays. An east, west and south window will do (here curtains are needed at noon).
  2. Content temperature. From spring to mid-autumn, it is important for a plant to maintain a temperature within 20–24 degrees, in winter it is better to arrange a cool content, at which the thermometer readings will be 15–18 units, but not lower.
  3. Humidity. For mimosa, it is important that the humidity indicators are about 60%. But due to the fact that the foliage is pubescent, spraying is not recommended, so it’s worth raising the humidity in any other way: put humidifiers, water vessels nearby, spray the air around the mimosa, or place the plant pot on wet expanded clay in a deep pan.
  4. Watering. When caring for mimosa, it is advised to pay attention to upper layer soil in a pot: if it is dry, then it should be watered. At the same time, from the beginning of spring to the end of September, the plant is abundantly moistened, from October they begin to gradually reduce the amount of water used for irrigation, bringing them to moderate in the winter months. The bay of the substrate or its complete drying negatively affect the mimosa, in the first case the root system will begin to rot, and in the second, the leaves will turn yellow and wither. Water is used only well-settled, for at least a day. You can use river or rain.
  5. Fertilizers for mimosa. In order for the plant to feel normal, it is recommended to fertilize during the period of vegetative activity and during flowering - from early spring to August. The frequency of use of the drug will be once every 10-14 days. Use funds for flowering plants in liquid form.
  6. Mimosa transplantation and substrate selection. If the plant is grown as an annual, then transplantation is usually not carried out. But otherwise, the change of the pot and the soil in it is carried out as necessary every 2-3 years. In this case, the size of the container should be gradually increased by 3–4 cm until its diameter becomes 60 cm. Transplantation must be carried out by transshipment so that the earthen ball does not collapse and the roots are not injured. Be sure to lay a drainage layer on the bottom of the new pot, which is expanded clay, pebbles or small pieces of broken brick.
Usually the soil for mimosa is needed with medium acidity or slightly acidic. It is mixed on the basis of a universal purchased soil or made up of:
  • river sand, turf, leaf humus and peat, the proportions of the components are taken equal;
  • clay-turf substrate, hardwood, river sand and peat (in a ratio of 2: 1: 1: 0.5).

Reproduction of mimosa when grown indoors

It is possible to obtain a new plant by cuttings or planting. seed material.

Already in the first year of its life, mimosa can make happy with the appearance of bean fruits, while such homemade mimosa can be grown annually. Sowing of seed material is possible from March to the end of April days, but some flower growers recommend the time from January to March. In order for the seeds to germinate as soon as possible, it is recommended to soak them for two days in a very hot water: at first with a temperature of about 60 degrees, and then, the remaining time, the water is maintained at 40 degrees. Another method of scarification is to douse the seeds with boiling water and then cut the tough skin with nail clippers or rub it with sandpaper. But in this case, it is necessary to try not to damage the inner layer.

The container into which the landing is carried out should not be large, its diameter is usually 15 cm. Then, during transplants, the diameter can gradually be increased.

To do this, a universal soil or a peat-sand mixture is poured into the container, that is, the acidity of the substrate must be neutral or slightly acidic. Often, flower growers prefer to make it on their own from light soddy soil, coarse-grained sand and high-moor peat (in a ratio of 3: 1: 2). Before sowing the seeds, the soil is thoroughly mixed and moistened. The temperature during germination is maintained at 25 degrees. To do this, the container with seedlings should not be installed on the windowsill, it may be too hot there, but choose a place nearby, for example, on a table not far from the battery central heating. But in this case, the question becomes with the humidity parameters - they must be at least 60%. In this case, it is recommended to place a vessel with water or an air humidifier nearby, or periodically spray the air nearby.

Also, to create conditions with high humidity, you can cover the seed pot with polyethylene or put a piece of glass on top. But then the owner will have to carry out daily ventilation to remove accumulated drops of condensate and monitor the condition of the soil in the pot - if it starts to dry out, then it is moistened from a fine spray gun.
When the first sprouts appear, young mimosa begin to accustom to room conditions, gradually increasing the airing time. But if a pair of true leaves unfold on the seedling, then a transplant can be carried out. In this case, the diameter of the pot is selected no more than 7 cm. 2-3 seedlings are placed in such a container, so that later a more lush bush is obtained. Mimosas, which will appear from seeds, will delight in flowering for 2-3 years from the moment of planting.

The method of cuttings is often used. Cut blanks for this with a length of about 5–10 cm from adult specimens from mid to late summer. Sometimes, in the maternal mimosa, young growth can be seen near the trunk, which can also serve as material for grafting. Such offspring are cut off with a sharp knife. Then the sections of the cuttings are treated with a means of stimulating the growth of roots and planted in pots filled with a peat-sand substrate. You can wrap the cuttings transparent plastic bag or put under cut plastic bottle. But it is important not to forget then to ventilate the seedlings daily and, if necessary, moisten the soil in the pot. Such branches take root over a 2-3 month period. After that, you can carry out seating according to large pots with more fertile soil.

Diseases and pests of the mimosa plant when grown in rooms

Of the pests that infect the plant, aphids and spider mites are isolated if the cultivation rules are violated indoors. These harmful insects, settling on mimosa, suck from leaves and stems nutrients, depriving the plant vitality. Therefore, the leaf plates begin to turn yellow, new ones grow deformed and quickly fly off. Signs of pests are small green or black bugs, a thin cobweb on reverse side leaf lobes and in internodes, as well as parts of the plant, can be covered with a sugary sticky coating.

When signs of pests are detected, they are treated with insecticidal preparations, such as Actellik, Aktara or Fitoverm.

The following troubles are also possible when growing at home:

  1. Yellowing and wilting of leaves occurs due to insufficient soil moisture and low humidity. The solution is regular watering and increasing the level of humidity around the mimosa by all available methods.
  2. With stretching shoots, the plant signals an insufficient level of lighting.
  3. If moisture stagnation occurs in the soil, then the leaf lobes take on a yellow color and they do not open in the daytime.
  4. At low temperatures and low light, mimosa will not bloom. It is recommended to move the plant closer to the light source and raise the heat indicators.

Curious Notes on Mimosa

It should be borne in mind that pollen from mimosa flowers negatively affects people who are sensitive to allergens. Interestingly, in 2017, "Mimosa hostilis" was included in the list of plants that have narcotic and psychotropic effects, but such a plant has nothing to do with ordinary Mimosa shy, as it has never been grown as an ornamental crop.

On the territory of France and Montenegro, such an unpretentious plant as Mimosa is given a day on which the whole country honors delicate flowers with a fragrant smell.

It is because of the sensitive hairs on the foliage that the plant responds to any mechanical impact. From any touch or even a gust of wind, the mimosa leaves fold up, and the branches, as if frightened, fall down. After about half an hour, they again take their former position.

The same reaction goes to the change of time of day - the plant folds the leaflets at night, but with the first rays of the sun the leaves are again “in the ranks”. But still, you should not often irritate the mimosa with touches, because due to your efforts, the plant very quickly becomes severely exhausted.

Types of mimosa for home cultivation

Of the many varieties indoors, it is customary to grow only a few, while it is clear that the species should not be large in size and are mainly herbs, shrubs or shrubs.
  1. Mimosa bashful (Mimosa pudica). It can equally take the form of grass, shrubs or semi-shrubs. Homeland are areas of South America with a tropical climate. Worldwide, this variety is most popular as an ornamental crop. In rare cases, the shoots of the plant reach one and a half meters in height, most often this value ranges from 30–70 cm. The foliage has a bipinnate outline and the entire surface is pubescent with sensitive hairs. Pubescence is present in straight branches, but on the trunk you can see multiple spines. The inflorescence combines a large number of flowers, yellow or purple-pink color scheme. The shape of the inflorescence is racemose or capitate, dense. The flower seems fluffy because of the too long stamens that protrude from the corolla. Most flowers originate from the leaf axils. flowering homemade mimosa will delight all summer months. But here it is already grown in rooms annual plant. This variety can be pollinated by insects, the wind or the host. After this, the bean ripens, filled with black, flattened seeds. There can be from two to eight of them.
  2. Mimosa lazy (Mimosa pigra) it is also a perennial in nature, but in rooms its life span is greatly reduced (up to a year), which is very sad, since the variety has a great decorative effect. The branches of the plant reach half a meter in height. The color of the flowers is snow-white and from them a large number inflorescences are formed in the form of a head with spherical outlines. The leaf blades, due to their bipinnate dissection, strongly resemble fern leaves. The leaf lobes have pubescence with hairs that allow them to respond to any contact, be it a person or nature. The foliage oscillates and folds, and then returns to its original shape for a very long time.
  3. Mimosa cat (Mimosa aculeaticarpa) differs in the shrub form of growth, reaching with its shoots up to a meter height. But in some areas, these parameters can double. On the shoots there is a hairy pubescence, with spikes of backward-protruding outlines. The foliage is bipinnately divided, the shape of the leaf lobes is oblong, the size is small. When flowering, snow-white or whitish-pink flowers are formed, from which a spherical inflorescence with a head shape is collected. The fruits are pods (beans), with flattening on the sides. Their length does not exceed 4 cm, between the seeds of the beans the parts are closer together and when fully ripe they split. The native habitat is in the lands of central and southern Arizona, New Mexico (its southern region), Texas (west and center), Mexico (northern regions).

Very original plant, which deserved the love of flower growers with its beauty and as if with living, moving leaves, is a bashful mimosa. As early as 1729, the astronomer de Meyron suggested that the movements of the leaves of a plant have something in common with the rhythm of the life of the human body.

plant description

Mimosa belongs to herbaceous plants. This culture is both medicinal and decorative. It reaches a height of 70 cm, has complex leaves, very sensitive to touch - they fold, creating the illusion that the plant is ashamed. For this amazing feature, the flower is called bashful.

On the stems of the flower are thorns, bent down. Flowers are like small balls of tender, color pink. Mimosa blooms are very graceful. Mimosa fruit is a bean.

Features of growing shy mimosa

Mimosa pudica is enough unpretentious plant despite its exotic origin. Caring for a flower at home is not as complicated as it might seem to an inexperienced grower at first glance.

The main feature when growing a flower is that it does not tolerate cigarette smoke at all, and can immediately shed its leaves.

The plant loves heat very much and starting from early spring and until late autumn grows well only at a temperature of +24 ºС. In winter, the flower needs a decrease in temperature to +16 ºС.

Plant care at home

Growing a plant does not cause much trouble, however, this green "pet" still requires the implementation of certain care rules.

Optimal growing conditions

The bashful mimosa flower loves bright light very much. It is great if the flowerpot will stand on the south window, as this plant prefers direct sunlight. But on hot days, when the sun is too active, it is better to shade the flower at noon. We must also take into account the fact that in winter it is photophilous plant does not like artificial lighting.

The culture does not tolerate drafts and wind at all, so you can not open a window in a room.

Watering and spraying

The mimosa bush is very fond of moisture, but it must be watered carefully. AT summer period the flower is watered abundantly, but the drained water from the pan must be drained. In cold weather, watering is reduced, but they make sure that the earthen ball does not dry out too much in the flowerpot. Due to waterlogging of the soil in the cold season, the flower can get sick and lose its decorative effect.

A delicate, vulnerable plant, the “princess and the pea” is a bashful mimosa. It can be called a flower for true connoisseurs indoor plants. This herbaceous annual plant up to 30-40 cm high (in vivo- up to 1.5 m), with very sensitive leaves. Mimosa is native to the tropics and subtropics of South America, Africa and Asia. It belongs to the mimosa family and, according to various sources, has from 300 to 450 species.

Description of the mimosa flower bashful and photo

Mimosa bashful is a semi-shrub with small spherical flowers and two-pinnate leaves resembling fern leaves. Mimosa flowers are small fluffy balls of lilac shades. The flowering period is up to 4 months. Under natural conditions, it is a perennial, but in culture it usually dies in winter.

Mimosa got its name - "shameful" - due to the property of the leaves to droop and curl up even from a light touch. She also reacts to a breath of wind, shaking or a change in temperature.

Flower studies have shown that mimosa has its own life rhythm, similar to our daily alternation of sleep and wakefulness. At a certain time, she folds and unfolds her leaves. The time interval between these movements is 22-23 hours. And it does not depend on daylight hours.

It is her property to respond to the environment and touch that attracts some flower growers. It seems that the flower is alive. The drooping leaves usually straighten out in 20-30 minutes.

Care for shy mimosa at home

Mimosa plant care is very simple.

Despite the seeming capriciousness of mimosa, caring for it is simple. As a native tropical inhabitant, she needs similar environmental conditions, then she will delight you with her delicate flowering for a long time.

Required location and illumination for the plant

Mimosa bashful loves light and tolerates even direct sunlight well. AT temperate climate a southern exposure is quite suitable for her. In regions with a hot climate, it is better to place it on the southeast side. If this is not possible, you can put a flower pot on the western or eastern window. On the south side, on hot days, she needs to create partial shade for 2-3 hours at noon.

If you bought a mimosa recently or sunny weather came after a long cloudy period, you need to accustom it to bright light gradually so that there are no burns on the leaves.

It is important to arrange the flower so that small children cannot reach it. They really like that she reacts to touch, and they can turn it into fun. Frequent touches are very harmful for mimosa, because it spends a lot of energy on folding leaves, quickly depletes, begins to wither and may die.

When choosing a place, you need to take into account that mimosa absolutely does not tolerate smoke, so places where people smoke or may have cooking fumes are not suitable for it. Mimosa does not like drafts.

What should be the temperature and humidity for homemade mimosa

For 8 months - from March to October - this is the period active growth and mimosa blossoms. Comfortable for her air temperature at this time is 20-24 ° C. In winter, the temperature is reduced to 16-18°C.

A photo. Mimosa bashful

Humidity in a room with mimosa should be high - not lower than 70%. Ways to humidify the air - spraying (NOT on the flower), containers with water, a tray with permanent wet pebbles or sphagnum. There should always be water in the pan, but the bottom of the pot should not touch its surface.


During flowering, mimosa is watered often - every other day, early in the morning or in the evening. You can focus on a slightly dried topsoil. In winter, reduce watering and just make sure that the substrate is always slightly damp.

Important! For irrigation use only soft or distilled water.

Soil and fertilizer requirements

Mimosa loves breathable soil

Mimosa bashful loves light moisture and breathable soil. The best composition there will be a mixture of turf and leaf ground with sand and peat - all in equal parts. Expanded clay is used as drainage. Perlite can be added to make the substrate lighter.

During the growing season, mimosa should be fed with ordinary mineral fertilizers for flowering plants. The solution must be diluted by half. Top dressing is done 2 times a month.

Mimosa bashful transplant at home

At home, mimosa is grown as an annual plant, so it does not require a transplant. But it happens that it is possible to preserve its tender branches even in winter. Then you need to transplant the mimosa very carefully, without touching the earthen ball, but transferring the plant with it to the pot bigger size. A transplant after buying a mimosa is not required.


It is necessary in order to grow mimosa seeds. In nature, it is pollinated by insects or wind. At home, there is neither one nor the other. Therefore, you will have to pick up a soft brush and gently transfer the pollen from one flower to another. Or you can gently rub them against each other.

Mimosa bashful breeding methods

If you want a gentle mimosa to please you all the time, the process of its reproduction will have to be repeated annually. It is possible in two ways - seeds and cuttings.

Planting flower seeds

Seeds of shy mimosa sprout on the 20-25th day

Seeds can be grown by yourself or bought in a store. Self-grown fruits are a pod with 6-10 peas. It is considered ripe when the shell is completely dry. The pods are harvested and placed in the refrigerator until spring. In March, before planting, the pods are opened and the seeds are prepared for planting. Preparation consists in soaking the seeds in warm water for 20-30 minutes.

For sowing seeds, you can use the usual purchased universal soil. Not recommended as a planting substrate garden soil due to the presence of microbes harmful to seedlings.

You can take a small container for planting, always with a drainage hole. A layer of expanded clay is laid out at the bottom, and then a substrate. It is well moistened, seeds are laid out on its surface and sprinkled on top with a 1-centimeter layer of soil. Cover with foil and place in a mini-greenhouse or just in a warm place.

Further supported heat(25-30°C) and humidity. The film is removed from time to time for ventilation and watering. Watering is done through a sprayer.

Seeds germinate in 20-25 days. The bowls with sprouts are exposed to a bright place (direct sunlight is excluded) and continue to maintain a temperature of at least 24 ° C.

The grown seedlings with 3 leaves are transplanted into separate pots, using the substrate, as for an adult plant. When diving, take care of the tender roots of the sprouts.

Important! Young plants should not be placed immediately in bright sunlight.

Cutting mimosa shy at home

Florists practically do not use this method, because it is inefficient. Cuttings are very difficult to root. But if you want to try it, you can do it in water or in a mixture of peat and sand.

Problems, diseases and pests

  • Folding of leaves is possible from the fact that the mimosa is in a smoky room;
  • wilting and yellowing of leaves. The humidity in the room is low or the flower does not have enough water. For the same reasons, a flower can drop leaves;
  • leaves do not open during the day. Perhaps you poured the plant or the temperature regime was violated;
  • stretched stems indicate a lack of light for mimosa. Move it to a brighter place or extend daylight hours with artificial lighting;
  • lack of flowering occurs if the temperature of the plant is below 16-18 °.

Of the pests, mimosa can affect spider mite and aphids. Signs of damage will be slow growth and deformation of the leaves.

At home, bashful mimosa is grown infrequently. It's all about the difficult nature of the plant, the rather difficult care of it and the toxicity of the leaves. However, nothing is impossible - and armed simple advice, anyone can grow such a miracle on their windowsill. In the article, we will consider the features of caring for bashful mimosa at home.

Shy or shy mimosa is a shrub of small height: in natural conditions it reaches one and a half meters, at home in a pot only 30-40 cm.

The buds of the plant are small, have the shape of a ball, the petals are unusual, pink-lilac. Mimosa blooms for a long time: from about June to September, you can admire cute ball buds. The foliage has a bipinnate structure, the stem is straight, strewn with a few thorns. The whole plant has a light pubescence from top to bottom (see photo).

In nature, it is a perennial, but when grown in a pot, only a one-year development cycle is usually taken into account.

The name "shameful" mimosa received for its unique ability to move feathery leaves when touched. Note that even a draft blowing from the window can make the plant fold the leaves along the central vein. And even if there are no external irritants, every 22-23 hours the mimosa folds the leaves, then straightens them again.

Growing conditions

We will find out what conditions it is necessary to provide mimosa bashful for her excellent health and good growth.

Location and lighting

Mimosa needs abundant lighting: the plant has an exotic, tropical origin. Shading is not required: even if the plant is exposed to direct midday sun, it will not get burned. If there is not enough light, mimosa can quickly lose its beauty, visual appeal.


The plant needs a warm microclimate. From March to November, while the period of active vegetation lasts, it is recommended to keep it at a temperature of + 20-24 degrees. In winter, during the dormant period, keep mimosa at a temperature of + 16-18 degrees.


The plant needs quite high level air humidity: optimally 70%. Under dry conditions, bashful mimosa is not grown, since such conditions lead directly to its rapid death.

To achieve optimal humidity in the conditions of our average city apartment, you should spray the plant, use special humidifiers. Also, flower growers put the pot on a pallet with wet filler: expanded clay, pebbles, sand.

Skvoznyakov indoor beauty does not love. Wind blows cause the leaves to shrink, which greatly depletes the plant. In addition to drafts, the following irritants have a similar negative effect on the flower:

  • tobacco smoke;
  • mechanical touch;
  • fumes from the kitchen from the food being prepared.


To use for growing this plant you need loose soil, which has excellent throughput. The best option- a simple equivalent mixture of soddy soil (garden), sand and peat. Be sure to need drainage - use pebbles or medium-sized expanded clay.

In order not to bother with the preparation of the substrate, you can simply buy ready ground with large quantity peat in the composition. Please note that the finished substrate must be designed for indoor flowers. It is not recommended to fertilize the soil before planting the seeds of the plant.

How to care

Let's find out what kind of care is required for bashful mimosa when growing a house on a windowsill.


The plant should be watered without fanaticism, only when the topsoil dries out. In the summer, the average frequency of moisturizing procedures is once every two days. It is best to water in the morning using settled water of warm temperature.

During the dormant period, the soil in the pot should also be moist, but moderately. It is impossible to allow drought at this time, but it should be watered less often than in summer.

top dressing

Fertilizers need to be applied every 15 days: if we are talking about the period of active vegetation. You can use mineral complexes intended for indoor plants: it is recommended to reduce the concentration by half.

Pinching, trimming

The procedure is usually needed only for mimosa, which has been growing for more than a year. Pinching helps the bush become more lush, branched, and prevents ugly stretching. Pinching should be done in the spring, around April - when the next growing season begins.

Overly elongated apical shoots should be shortened during the procedure. When the plant stops flowering, re-pinching is recommended to actively form young side shoots in the next growing season. Strongly shorten the shoots is not worth it - if you overdo it with this, the plant may even die during the winter.

If mimosa is cultivated as an annual, pinching is also possible. In this case, the procedure is carried out at the seedling stage and is aimed at more active formation of lateral shoots, giving the bush a compact shape.


The procedure is rarely carried out, since bashful mimosa is often grown at home, as an annual. But sometimes a bashful mimosa is grown in a pot at home and how perennial flower. In this case, when growing out of the old small pot a transplant may be required. Perform this procedure carefully, trying to minimally touch the earthen ball with roots.


Often, during the winter, the flower dies even in a pot, which is why many flower growers practice growing bashful mimosa at home only as an annual, sowing seeds again every spring. perennial cultivation more practiced in special nurseries and greenhouses.

So, new plants are obtained at home, usually by seed propagation. It is best to sow the seeds fresh, just harvested - thus, the germination percentage will be much higher. Of course, their own seeds can only be harvested when mimosa is already growing at home. The first time you have to make a purchase in the store.


  1. Planting seeds is in March. Before sowing, they are soaked for swelling in warm water for half an hour or an hour. It is recommended to pour the soil with an antiseptic - for example, Fitosporin or potassium permanganate.
  2. It is most convenient to plant seeds in general containers: containers or boxes. If you want to avoid subsequent picking and funds allow, plant immediately in separate pots.
  3. close up planting material to a depth of about 1 cm, sprinkle a little soil on top without compaction.
  4. After sowing, it is necessary to cover the container from above with polyethylene to create special semi-tropical conditions inside, favorable for germination.
  5. The container must be kept at a temperature of + 25-30 degrees, regularly lifting the film for ventilation. Watering is done by spraying from a spray bottle. After about 3-4 weeks, with proper care, the seeds hatch.
  6. When shoots have appeared, the film should be removed. This measure will prevent the disease of sprouts with a black leg - a dangerous fungus.
  7. If the landing was carried out in a common container, a pick will be required. The procedure is carried out at the stage of the appearance of 3 true leaves.
  8. After picking, it is necessary to lower the temperature of the content, but gradually.


Theoretically, this variant of mimosa propagation is also possible, however, it is fraught with difficulties: the percentage of failure is higher than with the seed method. A cutting suitable for propagation is obtained only from the top of the main shoot. Rooting it is worth a lot of work: experienced growers cope with the problem, but a beginner may not succeed.

Growing problems, pests

Mimosa shy is a capricious and tender flower. Often, various problems arise when growing it, however, most of the difficulties are easily resolved with proper maintenance and care. Next, we will get acquainted with the most common plant ailments, find out how to deal with them.

Leaves are curling up

Since mimosa is bashful - a plant in which leaf folding is a natural process, all possible external stimuli will have to be minimized. Frequent folding of the leaves weakens the flower, depletes it, so it is important to warn this process. Choose a secluded place for the plant where it will not be disturbed by drafts, mechanical irritants like pets, curtains.

Leaves turn yellow, wither

The problem occurs due to too dry air in the room. To eliminate the cause, humidify the air more often, spray, put the pot on a pallet with wet expanded clay.

Leaves closed permanently

This also happens - a problem arises due to waterlogging of the soil, too much heat or cold in the room. You can help the leaves open up by normalizing the level of moisture, as well as creating optimal temperature conditions.

Stretched stems

This happens due to lack of lighting. If the room is dark, the windows face north, take care of additional lighting. And periodically unfold the pot so that the stem grows evenly.

No flowering

Most often, mimosa does not want to bloom due to too low air temperature. Keep in mind that flowering will not occur if the plant is kept at a temperature of +16 degrees and below. How to deal with the problem in this case is clear: you just need to move the plant to a warmer room.


Fortunately for flower growers, mimosa is not so often affected by pests at home. However, if infection does occur, the flower can die very quickly. To prevent the appearance of pests, it is recommended to periodically carry out preventive spraying with a solution of insecticides and Fitosporin. You should also inspect other plants in the house, and destroy the pests that appear immediately.

spider mite

This pest most often attacks mimosa at home. But you should know that a tick usually appears only in dry air conditions. You can understand that mimosa is affected by its depressed state and small whitish cobwebs on the leaves. If the lesion is severe, the foliage begins to fall off, sometimes the flower even dies.

Treatment of mimosa should be started as soon as you find the first signs of a problem on it. If the mite did not have time to multiply strongly, treatment of the plant can help. soapy water with alcohol. Insecticides will help get rid of severe damage by spider mites:

  • Sunmite;
  • Actellik;
  • Omite, etc.

Tip: If possible, use class 4 insecticides when fighting pests at home - these drugs are the safest for people and animals.


If there are few insects yet, treat the mimosa with a soap solution. If the colony has managed to multiply, spraying with an insecticidal agent containing permethrin will help.

So, we learned how to grow bashful mimosa at home. Although the flower is rather capricious and fastidious, with its unusualness and exotic beauty, it is able to decorate any room. And with proper care and maintenance, there will be no special problems with it.

Mimosa is one of the most mysterious and unusual plants. Flower growers grow mimosa not only because of its tenderness - it is known for being able to move the leaves, fold and unfold them. Children especially love to watch the spectacle.

Moreover, the plant pleases the eye with fluffy and touching inflorescences. They decorate any room or greenhouse. Mimosa is famous for the fact that it looks favorably against the background of white materials or light flower arrangements. Growing a miracle of nature is easy. However, for this it is necessary to create certain conditions. The information will help the grower to properly prepare the soil for the plant and successfully grow the touchy mimosa.

Mimosa is often confused with silver acacia - these are the branches that are usually given to women on March 8th. However, real mimosa has nothing to do with acacia and looks completely different. The plant is native to South America, Brazil, East Asia and Africa. Mimosa grows on sunny hills in the humid tropics. She envelops pretty large areas growing in wild places.

Mimosa is a shrub, tree or herbaceous plants depending on the species and place of growth.

Belongs to the subfamily Mimosa. There are about 500 species. It is grown as an annual plant, as it loses its decorative effect over time.

Features of the structure of mimosa:

  • Greens form two-pinnate leaves, the surface of which is equipped with receptors. Thanks to them, the plant feels danger and folds the leaves - they close.
  • Mimosa blooms in small inflorescences, collected in ears or a bunch, a head.
  • The color of the flowers is often pale purple with a pinkish tinge.
  • In height, mimosa can reach one meter, some species stretch even higher.

Mimosa loves sunny color and high humidity air. The cultivated plant species is Mimosa Shy - it is she who is grown everywhere at home or in open ground if climatic conditions permit.

The ability of leaves to respond to changes in environment was the number one reason for growing mimosa. It is interesting to watch how the leaf quickly folds and also quickly unfolds. However, if the plant lives for more than a year, this ability is gradually lost, the response process slows down.

We create growing conditions

Since the plant is native to the rainforests of South America, it needs similar growing conditions. Mimosa loves high humidity, warmth and sunlight. It is not recommended to breed a plant in open ground even in the south of Russia. Therefore, mimosa is often grown at home.

In the room where it is planned to place a flowerpot with mimosa, sunlight should be constantly present. The plant can easily tolerate direct sunlight. However, young sprouts are accustomed to this gradually. If there is not enough light in the room, the mimosa will not grow, shed its foliage and die. Choose a room south or east.

The room must constantly maintain high humidity with regular sprinkling and.

Dry air can kill the touchy. Must be placed in pots good drainage, a layer of expanded clay can be laid on the pallet, which will retain moisture. Many people place a pot of mimosa in moist peat for the same purpose - to retain moisture.

The temperature regime for the plant must be strictly observed, otherwise it will drop foliage and will not grow. In summer, the air temperature should be 22 ° -26 °, in winter minimum score 15° and maximum 22°. In case of non-compliance temperature regime mimosa can get sick and die. To grow a plant, all conditions must be met, otherwise bashful beauty will not please with flowering.

  • For planting seeds, use small containers with a diameter of 9 cm.
  • Fill them with substrate equal parts leafy earth, humus, soddy soil and a little sand - half of one part.
  • The substrate should preferably be disinfected. Spill the soil with a solution of potassium permanganate.
  • Lay drainage at the bottom of the container.
  • Seeds are usually not buried, but pressed down to the substrate.
  • The container is covered with foil and placed in a warm room.

It is necessary to monitor the appearance of sprouts under the film. As soon as they appear, it is advisable to ventilate the container, that is, open it for about half an hour. The measure will prevent the appearance of a black leg, which loves young shoots so much.

Seeds germinate in about 7-8 days.

Mimosa has a high germination rate. It is rare that inoculum fails to produce results. This usually happens when the seeds are wrong. When two full-fledged leaves are tied on a sprout, it can be placed in a permanent flowerpot with the same composition of the substrate. Only the components should already be in equal proportions. To sunlight sprouts accustom gradually. Exposed to open rays for a certain period of time and again removed to a shaded place. Be careful not to burn the leaves. Mimosa grows quite quickly, it needs to create all the conditions for this, in particular, proper care.

After planting a mimosa in a permanent pot, you should feed the plant. A complex for flowering plants is used. Dilute it twice as much as the dose indicated on the package. Before fertilizing, be sure to moisten the soil, otherwise it may get burned. The first feeding is carried out immediately after planting, the second and further every 2-3 weeks until August.

Watering mimosa:

  • Throughout the growing season, mimosa should be watered abundantly, but not flooded. Excessive watering, as well as drying out an earthen coma, will lead to the death of the plant.
  • carried out as the top layer of the substrate dries.
  • In addition to timely soil moistening, mimosa welcomes sprinkling procedures. They are held once a day in the summer.
  • For irrigation and use only settled water at room temperature.

Mimosa does not like drafts and temperature changes. The plant can get sick and lose foliage. Do not overdo it with leaf twisting games. If you imitate a danger to a plant very often, it will weaken, grow and develop poorly. It is also necessary to monitor faded inflorescences and fallen leaves. The fact is that during flowering a lot of garbage is formed - pollen, flowers, leaves. All this can provoke an allergic reaction, if there is a tendency to this. Therefore, clean up the garbage after the beauty, so as not to start sneezing and crying from the abundance of pollen.

Mimosa is propagated by seeds or. The first method is the most common, since the plant easily produces seeds. It remains only to collect them at the end of summer or autumn. Reproduction by cuttings occurs less frequently, as they sometimes do not take root. It is more expedient to purchase seeds or collect them from an already adult plant.

Store seed all winter until April - the time of planting mimosa. The collected material is disinfected with a solution of potassium permanganate, dried and cleaned in a dark place for. Before planting, many flower growers soak the seeds. So they grow faster and better. Cuttings are cut from an adult plant - its upper shoots. They do it in the summer. Usually such a procedure is welcomed in the case of growing a plant in greenhouses, where growing conditions for mimosas are constantly maintained.

At home, the method of propagation by seeds is more often used.

If the plant is purchased already in the form of a young sprout, do not rush it. It must adapt to the temperature and humidity of the air. Planting an already germinated cutting is carried out in April or May. For the substrate, a mixture of sheet, sod land, peat and sand in equal proportions. The sprout is transplanted by transshipment, so as not to damage the tender root system. Growing a touchy is quite simple if all growing conditions are met.

More information can be found in the video:

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