Treatment of fruit trees with copper sulphate before winter. Potassium permanganate for plant health - reliable and irreplaceable

The pre-winter preparation of the garden should be treated with special attention, because it depends on how the plants will be ready for spring. Autumn processing of the garden from pests is aimed at combating the following factors:

    insect pests;

    microorganisms - causative agents of diseases;

  • frost action.

Artificially bred plant cultures are more in need of care than wild ones. Garden processing in the fall from pests includes the following activities:

Plant pruning

When summer is already over, it is necessary to do preventive pruning. Diseased shoots, branches located at an acute angle and growing deep into the crown are removed. Autumn can drag on and cause plant growth due to warm weather. There are many tops that must be removed.

For the southern regions, autumn and winter full pruning is suitable, but in the northern regions it is undesirable to do it. The cut may begin to dry out, or the bark freezes around it. This is especially true for young trees. Seedlings are cut only if the branch interferes with others.

It is important to form trees in tiers and leave the lower branches thicker than the upper ones. If one of the shoots begins to stand out among the others, it is shortened by a third more.

Tree whitewashing. Training

Processing the garden for the winter by whitewashing tree trunks is necessary step preparation for the cold.

They are cleaned of old bark and moss with a scraper and an iron brush. To prevent pests from falling to the ground, a cloth or film should be laid under the tree. Cracks in the bark must be repaired with garden pitch. Whitewash mixes are sold ready-made. You can use homemade ingredients.

Ingredients for whitewashing

The ratio of the components of the mixture for whitewashing:

    slaked lime - 3 kg;

    copper sulfate - 450 g;

    casein glue - 80 g;

    water - until the consistency of sour cream is reached.

Another old and reliable recipe:

    slaked lime - 2 kg;

    copper sulfate - 250 g;

    clay - 1 kg;

    cow dung - 1 kg.

The presence of lime and clay in the suspension makes the coating gas-permeable. You can also use acrylic and water-based paints.

positive action

When cleaning the bark and applying a protective layer, it will be reliably cleared of harmful insects and microorganisms. Autumn processing of the garden from pests allows you to burn insect eggs on the trunks. Efficiency is increased by the addition of copper or iron sulphate and insecticides, such as karbofos. Glue or clay can be used as a binder. By adding a tablespoon of carbolic acid to the suspension, you can be sure that mice and hares will not approach the trees.

Whitewashing in the fall protects the trunks from frost, preventing pests and fungi from penetrating into them. All resulting waste must be incinerated. Vegetation remains should not be left on the ground. This helps to destroy insect pests and disease-causing organisms.

Gardening in September includes digging up the soil.

In this case, the weed should be removed and buried in. Then the spores of clusterosporiosis and coccomycosis will be destroyed.

Spraying plants from diseases and pests

Most of the pests and disease sources in the garden are picked up at the time of maturation and harvest. Chemical agents during this period are prohibited.


After harvesting, trees and shrubs are sprayed with a solution of urea (5%), which protects them from scab. They process the trunks and branches of plants, as well as the soil under them. The area under the tree must be sprayed. Carbamide activates vegetative processes in plants, saturating them with nitrogen. This can adversely affect plants that do not have time to adapt to the cold. Autumn processing of the garden from pests by spraying should be carried out no later than a month before the onset of frost. The garden must be fully prepared for winter.

Before you start spraying plants, you need to provide yourself with a respirator, gloves, goggles and tight clothing. Dry and calm weather is chosen for work.

blue vitriol

From the scab powdery mildew, coccomycosis and other diseases, the processing of the garden, in particular stone fruit and pome crops, as well as currants, grapes, and gooseberries, helps.

To increase efficiency, lime is added to the solution (Bordeaux mixture). In autumn, spraying will be more effective, because the concentration can be increased up to 3%. In the spring, such a solution can destroy or damage the leaves. everywhere is on sale, and you can make it yourself if you dilute 400 g and 300 g of copper sulfate in 20 liters of water. Instead, you can use the Burgundy mixture, replacing the lime with 250 g of soda ash. For better adhesion, a soap solution is added to it. It should not be introduced into the Bordeaux liquid due to folding into insoluble lumps. This spraying is the last of the season. Too early to produce it is not worth it, as the leaves will get burned and fall off the trees. ahead of schedule. by the most the right time is November.


Autumn processing of the garden (5-7%) makes it possible to get rid of moss and lichen. To do this, they spray old trees.

Autumn treatment with iron sulphate allows you to better prepare plants for winter. Unlike Bordeaux liquid, lime cannot be added to it. Spraying them has the same effect as gardening blue vitriol, but at the same time, plants are saturated with iron, which has a positive effect on oxidative processes in stone fruit and pome crops. To completely get rid of certain diseases, it should be used in combination with by special means. Insecticides are added to copper or iron sulfate to increase the effectiveness of the solution in controlling insects.

Tying trees for the winter

For the winter, tree trunks are tied with branches of spruce, juniper, raspberry, roofing material, film, metal mesh. At the same time, earth should be poured on the side so that rodents do not crawl from below.

The binding also protects the bark from sunburn. As snow falls, it is additionally poured to the trunks. Mice love to winter in plant remains which should be removed and not left on the ground. In places where rodents may live, poison baits should be laid out. The snow around the tree trunks is trampled down so that the mice do not get through the dense layer. Fences around the site help to protect against hares.

In April, the strapping is removed. It is advisable to do this on cloudy days so that the plants adapt to the sun's rays.

Thus, the autumn processing of the garden from pests in the form of the above activities allows you to protect the trees and increase their productivity.

The end of harvesting in the garden is no reason to rest. On the contrary, autumn is the most auspicious time to clean, heal trees and shrubs, while they have not yet entered a state of rest. For protective treatment from pests and infections, it is important to observe the optimal timing and adhere to the correct technology.

Harvesting - the beginning of preparation for winter

The health of any garden starts with cleanliness and order. If you do not clutter up the site with garbage, remove the carrion in time, follow the rules for placing plants, then the risk of their infection with pests or fungus will be significantly reduced. Preventive treatment of shrubs and trees from popular ailments will further strengthen the garden. The best time for the application of any methods and means - autumn. But do not rush to go to the store for organic or chemicals for processing. First prepare the garden.

Process it immediately after the end of active fruiting:

Advice. Preparatory treatment after harvest is best done in wet weather.

Shrub processing: how to prune branches

Healing pruning of shoots and branches - main part autumn processing of shrubs. It is especially important for fruit-bearing crops, since in spring they start growing earlier than others. If you shorten such a plant in the spring, then there is a high risk of losing nutrient juices and reducing yields. The same ornamental shrubs can be pruned at any time, as long as the growth points are at rest.

Pruning can be:

  • sanitary;
  • thinning;
  • rejuvenating.

When rejuvenating shrubs, it is important to consider the type of plant and age features branches. Your task is to prune those that bear little or no fruit at all. Removing old branches means making room for young shoots. Cultures that have color on 1-year-old shoots are rejuvenated in the fall. Those that form color on 2-3-year-old shoots - immediately after flowering.

Foliage harvesting

Sanitary pruning is the simplest procedure. Such treatment involves the removal of all shoots that have dried out, are damaged or infested with pests. Thinning branches for berry growers is done annually in the fall. The thickening of the bush should not be allowed, as this will negatively affect the access of sunlight to the foliage and the overall yield. Cut off any branches that grow inside the bush.

Advice. Thinning treatment is better to do it every year, removing 2-3 branches, than once every few years, stressing the plant by losing a lot of shoots.

Whitewashing and spraying shrubs: the basics of technology

Whitewashing will additionally protect plantings from pests, as well as provide them with timely protection from temperature extremes, intense sunlight. Processing must be carried out in dry weather on pre-cleaned and prepared trunks. Optimal timing- October-November at positive temperature. Gardeners are advised to take a special acrylic paint. It is much more effective than traditional lime, although somewhat more expensive.

If you still chose a lime mortar, then use the following recipes for processing:

  1. Mix 1 kg of dry lime with the same amount of manure, add 0.2 kg of copper sulfate and pour the mixture into 8 liters of water. Stir. Apply for treatment after 3 hours of infusion.
  2. Mix 2 kg of slaked lime, 1 kg of oily clay and mullein, 0.25 kg of copper sulfate. Fill with water (10 l) and mix. insist 3 hours.

Attention! It is important that the solution turns out to be exactly white at the exit, to reflect the sun's rays. The consistency should not be thick or lumpy. To improve adhesion, add a little PVA glue to the finished solution.

The final stage of processing shrubs - spraying:

  1. A solution of urea (5%), sprayed on plants and soil around, helps protect against scab. Urea saturates the tissues of the bush with nitrogen. Spraying should be carried out no later than 1 month. before the onset of frost.
  2. Copper sulfate protects against scab, rot, powdery mildew. Bordeaux mixture can be used. The recommended processing time is November.
  3. Iron sulfate helps remove lichen and moss. It does little to help against pests and diseases, but it saturates plants with iron. You can not apply the mixture on whitewash.

When spraying in the garden, wear protective clothing, goggles and a respirator. Choose a quiet, dry day. The quantity and quality of the harvest of the next season depends on the correctness and timeliness of autumn processing.

Pruning shrubs: video

First of all, spraying is carried out to protect fruit trees from beetles, butterflies, aphids and caterpillars.

For example, when spraying an apple tree, you can protect this tree from aphids that form nodules on the bark. And in cases where the aphids are not stopped in time, in addition to the apple tree, it will also begin to infect pear, plum, cherry plum and apricot.

That is, in these trees, at first the leaves will begin to curl, after which they will also fall off.

The plum is also sprayed to protect against the May beetle, which is engaged in eating the ovaries of fruits and leaves.

In cases with a young garden, the larvae this insect also damage the roots. This can result in the death of the entire plant.

Apple, plum, pear and cherry, thanks to spraying, from caterpillars and butterflies, can save not only their leaves, but also their fruits, including during the ripening period.

How to spray trees in autumn and spring?

There are a lot of tools that can be used to cultivate a garden. They can be used as in spring, as well as in autumn.

But we will now analyze the most popular preparations for spraying trees. :

1) Copper sulfate. During the summer season, this drug is recommended to be used twice. The first time - at the beginning of spring, while the leaves have not yet appeared on the trees, since when it is diluted in the recommended proportions, it can damage young leaves.

The second time in the fall - after the period of leaf fall.

Copper sulphate is also used as a disinfectant for plant wounds.

Usually this drug is used when processing plums, apple trees (in autumn - at the end of October, in spring - at the beginning of March).

Spray fruit trees best in the morning or evening, in calm weather, at a temperature of +5 to +30 °C.

The consumption rate for one fruit-bearing tree is about 10 liters already ready solution, and for a seedling about 2 liters.

Copper sulfate is considered a very aggressive drug, and therefore it is best to breed it away from people and animals.

It is also necessary to take care that its remains do not fall into the well or other sources of water.

2) Carbamide (urea). Trees are sprayed with carbamide a week after flowering, and when preparing trees for winter period.

With the help of a urea solution of a weaker concentration (per 10 liters of water 50 g), it will be possible to spray Orchard one week after flowering. Thus, you can protect fruit trees from leafworm caterpillars, suckers, flower beetles, aphids, etc.

In autumn, trees are sprayed with urea after more than 40-50% of the foliage has fallen. In this case, the solution should be stronger than during the flowering period (500 g per 10 liters of water).

But you can also wait until the trees are completely shedding their leaves and apply a solution of more concentrated urea (7-10%), thereby preparing your garden plot for the next season.

In this case, you are spraying not only trunks and branches, but also the soil, and therefore this solution will serve you as a fungicide and fertilizer.

But if you hurry up and apply this high concentration agent earlier, it is possible that the leaves of the trees may get burned, and therefore they will fall off ahead of schedule.

And this means that the trees will not have time to get in the right amount nutrients, so necessary for her in preparation for the winter period.

3) Iron vitriol. This drug is used twice a year (in autumn and spring), when the plants begin to turn green and when they are preparing for the winter period.

When spraying plants with copper sulphate, two problems are simultaneously solved, that is, the trees receive the iron they need, which plays an important role in the respiration of plantings, but also this drug is an excellent protection against pests.

If your garden is already old, that is, the trees (pear, apple, plum, etc.) are already old, then in without fail spray this product in early spring and in the fall, which can help you not only in pest control, but also in the destruction of lichen, cytosporosis, moss, septoria, black cancer.

And thanks to this, your trees in the coming year will be able to accelerate the growth rate and increase yields.

4) Preparation 30. This drug is used when spraying apple trees, plums, pears, etc.

It is advisable to use it in early spring and late autumn(for 10 liters of water 200 g).

Thanks to the treatment of trees with “Preparation 30”, you can get rid of whiteflies, leafworms, moths, aphids, scale insects, suckers, red and brown fruit mites, which have wintered on the bark all this time.

But besides this, this remedy can help you in the fight against larvae in the summer.

According to the manufacturer, this drug is absolutely safe for the tree itself, since not various substances are used in pest control, but a thin film formed after processing on the bark of the tree.

That is, in pests (in the stage of larvae or eggs) that fall under treatment, the water balance and gas exchange are disturbed, thereby creating unfavorable conditions for their existence, which leads to their death.

5) Diesel fuel. Solar oil can also be used, as with spring processing, thai and in autumn. But it must be used very carefully. Since with improper spraying, burns may appear on the trees or, even worse, die.

And therefore to this method processing must be treated with great responsibility.

In the spring, it is best to treat the trees with diesel fuel before the formation of leaves and buds, and in the fall, wait until all the leaves have fallen.

For spraying trees with diesel fuel in pure form cannot be applied. It adds a large number of water and other substances that can reduce its destructive activity.

How to spray trees in autumn?

Autumn spraying of trees is an important part of closing the season and preparing garden plot to the winter period. It will be possible to start this procedure in October - November, that is, when the trees shed their leaves, and therefore the possibility of damaging them with chemicals is excluded.

In preparation for processing, we remove lichens and old bark from trees over 6 years old. By themselves, the old bark and lichens cannot harm plants, but pathogens of various diseases and pests can overwinter there.

The latest processing is carried out after the first frosts, but before that we still need to remove foliage, weeds and fallen branches from the site, that is, everything that has managed to accumulate during the season.

When and how to spray fruit trees in the fall before wintering

What and when about sprinkle fruit trees in the garden in autumn? Quite often the reader asks this question.

In order for the wintering of trees to be successful, the gardener will need to protect his fruit trees. trees from pests and diseases.Spraying the trees autumn, you will provide them with a healthy and blooming view throughout the next season.

autumn tree spraying- an important factor in the care of the garden.fruit processing trees carried out with the help of spray guns, while observing all safety rules, since later spraying carried out with pesticides. In view of this, each gardener needs to have a set of clothes for this procedure: gloves, a protective gown and, of course, a respirator.Spray preparationfruit trees in the fall, you need to select based on the existing diseases and pests, as well as whether this treatment is early or late. Since late autumn is usually rainy, it is necessary to wait for dry weather, in no case spray plantings before rain, otherwise the rain will wash away the substance and the garden will remain unprotected or will not bring sufficient effect. The weather should be dry and calm.

spraying trees in late autumn, they are performed just before the onset of winter. Of course, if there are plantings in the garden that are sick, the procedure is carried out outside the schedule.

With the onset of early autumn, the garden is especially in need of care and attention. In order for fruit trees to be resistant to winter and cold, in late November spraying they are also fertilized with potash and phosphate fertilizers.

For autumn spraying fruit trees it is good to use a solution of urea, with the calculation: for 10 liters of water 500-700 grams of urea. Interestingly, when spraying, it is necessary to treat both the tree itself and the area under it so that the entire infection is killed. Spraying should be dusty, fine. This procedure will reduce the risk of disease in the garden next year.

However, many gardeners are in a hurry and make a serious mistake when cultivating their garden. early autumn when the trees have not yet lost all their leaves. Spray with such a solution, a garden can only achieve a burn and an untimely fall of foliage. In this case, no effect will be achieved. As a result, the gardener will end up with a weakened, nutrient-starved garden that can hardly survive the winter. A solution of this concentration is much more prudent to use in late autumn - in November.

In mid-autumn, in October, the bases of the branches and stems must be whitened lime mortar, having previously cleaned them of dead bark. As for young plantations, they are covered with a solution of chalk. Apple and pear trees protect against the invasion of rodents by tying boles and bases of skeletal branches. You can tie fruit trees with matting or burlap with the help of young cherry or walnut branches. Some use stockings.

Preparations for tree spraying .

inkstone it is applied for spraying plants and soil under them before the start of the growing season or in autumn after the leaves fall, in order to combat diseases of pome and stone fruit fruit crops and berries (diseases of the trunk and branches, moniliosis, scab and other spotting), grapes (anthracnose, bacterial cancer, spotted necrosis, mildew).

Urea is an effective measure for the destruction of leafworm caterpillars, aphids, suckers and apple beetles. The effect of nitrogen spraying lasts about 2 weeks, so after a while, it is recommended to repeat the spraying procedure.

Autumn treatment with a nitrogen solution should also take place with the participation of some kind of fungicide and include spraying not only the trees themselves, but also the soil under them. Fallen leaves should be subject to mandatory processing if they are not planned to be removed.

Carbamide can spray your garden, both in spring and autumn. Only in autumn it is important not to rush. If we start doing this before trees lose all their foliage, we run the risk of slowing down their growth, as a result of which they are more likely to freeze in winter. The concentration - 700 grams of the substance per 10 liters of water - is optimal for both spring and autumn spraying. Spraying with carbamide will protect the trees from aphids.

spraying trees diesel fuel helps to achieve the complete destruction of the larvae due to the fact that the solution sprayed on the surface of the bark forms a uniform oily film on the surface of the branches and the pillar, which does not allow the larvae to breathe, as a result of which they as soon as possible after processing, suffocation occurs.

Since this oil product is not a fungicide, it can be spray not only in early spring and late autumn, but throughout the entire flowering period of the fruit tree. Usually, it is bred according to one of the following recipes:

    To 10 parts of water add 1 part of ferrous sulfate, then 10 parts of 10% milk of lime and only then 20 parts of diesel fuel. The resulting mixture will have a 50% concentration and is recommended for use before bud formation and after leaf fall.

    5 parts of clay and 5 parts of water are mixed with 20 parts of fuel. The resulting solution has the same concentration as the previous one, but does not contain a fungicide and can be used during the fruiting period.

    Another option for obtaining a 50% solution for spraying- this is 9 parts of water mixed with 1 part laundry soap and 10 parts of diesel fuel.

Each owner of a summer house or a private house needs to prepare for the winter period. Your future arrangement of affairs in the spring depends on this preparation. Treating the garden in the fall from various diseases and pests, you direct your efforts at least to clean up pests and fight against harmful insects, various microorganisms, stimulating all kinds of diseases, rodents and influence weather conditions. Autumn processing of trees is carried out in order to combat fungal and bacterial diseases as well as some pests. This event is considered preventive. Various infections that have been preserved since autumn will reactivate with the onset of warm days, so caring gardeners are carefully studying how to treat the garden in the fall with urea and iron sulfate from diseases and pests.

Terms of spraying fruit trees

Autumn spraying should be done immediately before the onset of winter, when all the leaves have already fallen. More early processing can lead to negative consequences, such as leaf burn and untimely fall.

This will not only not bring a positive result, but will also lead to a weakening of the garden, which did not have time to get all the nutrients and properly prepare for winter.

You need to start spraying in November, when there is no longer any danger of damaging the leaves with chemicals. Before starting treatment, old trees need to remove lichens and old bark with a metal brush.

How to spray bushes and trees in autumn

Among gardeners, the most popular treatment of plants after harvesting is 1% Bordeaux liquid. This tool helps to destroy dangerous fungi- pathogens of scab, powdery mildew, rot and other diseases. Using a special pressure bottle or spray gun, all fruit trees, berry bushes (including strawberries), as well as perennial ornamental crops, are carefully sprayed.

After leaf fall, but no later than the end of October, the crown of bushes and trees and the soil under them are sprayed with a solution of urea (urea). This is an excellent prevention of scab and spotting.

Autumn processing of the garden with iron sulphate

Iron vitriol is an antiseptic, fungicidal agent that allows you to fight rot, mold, and fungal diseases of plants. This preparation is the only fertilizer containing iron available to plants. With insufficient intake of such a microelement, premature yellowing and death of young shoots occurs. Most of all, fruit trees suffer from a lack of iron: pears, apple trees, plums, cherries and others. Peaches, roses, raspberry bushes react sensitively to the lack of ferrous sulfate, as well as vegetable crops- cabbage, tomato, potatoes.

If the plantings are old and they are concerned about such problems as the presence of moss and lichen, then the autumn treatment of the garden with iron sulfate at a concentration of 5-7% will help get rid of them. The main difference between autumn processing with iron sulphate and processing Bordeaux mixture- Do not add lime.

The effect of the treatment with iron sulphate is much less than that of the previous methods, but there are also advantages - this is the saturation of trees with iron, and a distinctive effect on oxidation processes.

For the prevention and treatment of certain plant diseases, it is used together with others. chemicals for complex therapy of plantings. Insecticides can be added to the solution, which will repel unwanted harmful insects.

Autumn processing of the garden with copper sulphate

Autumn spraying with copper sulphate has preventive goals. By the time the buds begin to bloom, the trees will already be protected from diseases. A solution of copper sulfate will help prevent the occurrence of fruit rot, powdery mildew and scab.

The drug is considered a fungicide to combat diseases of berry, fruit (pome and stone fruit), ornamental crops. It is a good prophylactic various kinds fungal diseases on plants. The concentration of copper sulfate is chosen depending on the type of plant. So, for spraying apple and pear trees, as well as quince, it is necessary to make a concentration at the rate of 100 g of the drug per 10 liters of water. And for stone fruit crops, like plums, cherries, cherries, as well as peaches and apricots, use a different concentration - 50-75 g per 10 liters of water. The same concentration is used for spraying berry bushes. Spraying with copper sulphate is best done in the fall, as in the spring a highly concentrated solution will harm young foliage. But this can be done not earlier than November, since a chemical burn is possible when processing the leaves.

Garden treatment in autumn with urea

This is a highly effective granulating fertilizer containing in an assimilable form the nutrient element nitrogen necessary for the growth and development of plants. Mass fraction in fertilizer it is 46%. Urea is the most popular spray. It can be used both in autumn and spring. AT autumn period the concentration is taken at the rate of 500-700 grams per 10 liters of water.

At the same time, it burns out many fungal diseases, even some of the pests that are trying to winter on fruit trees. Processing the garden in autumn with urea is chemical treatment rather than fertilizing trees. It is carried out over the entire crown of a tree or berry bush, and the surrounding land around the tree is necessarily sprayed nearby. Spray with urea almost all pome and stone fruits, as well as berry bushes.

What you need to know when treating the garden with urea in the autumn

When working with urea in the fall, remember:

  • urea is organic fertilizers, but their composition is determined by mineral nitrogen-containing components;
  • it is a fast-acting concentrate, the properties of which remain for a long period;
  • fertilizer quickly disappears, therefore, it requires irrigation of the soil directly, including greenhouse and greenhouse;
  • the connection is effective in waterlogged areas;
  • biologically active soil retains more nitrogen than alkaline or neutral soil media;
  • nitrogen-containing dressings are more effective and safe for the garden in the autumn, when the foliage does not burn when the concentration is violated;
  • urea slows down vegetation, delaying flowering from fatal to the ovary spring frosts. This will have a positive effect on the preservation early ripe varieties plums, peach and apricot, and the fruit trees themselves retain the emerging buds;
  • after spraying in the fall die garden pests, as well as eliminate various diseases garden crops;
  • after connecting with the ground, carbamide turns into ammonium carbonate;
  • nitrogen-containing compounds do not accept compounds with chalk, lime and simple superphosphates;
  • urea helps to get rid of old stumps, provokes their rapid decay;
  • autumn treatment of the garden with nitrogen concentrate protects garden plants from early frosts.

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