Hibiscus is the flower of death, why do they think so and is it necessary to believe it? Hibiscus "flower of death" - why is it called that? Hibiscus flower male heart.

The Chinese rose is a fairly popular and well-known houseplant. Also, many people know him by another name: hibiscus. AT wild environment this rose bush is quite large and favorable conditions reaches 3 meters. To grow this flower at home, a stunted variety was specially cultivated.

Good omens associated with growing Chinese rose at home

Now Chinese rose convenient in keeping with its unpretentiousness, due to which it is often found in public institutions. Chinese rose decorates schools, hospitals and, accordingly, their own homes. And do not forget that every flower that grows in your house carries information. And it can both help you and harm your life or health. There are many signs associated with the Chinese rose, of which it is worth highlighting not only positive, but also negative predictions and warnings.

  1. One of positive qualities Chinese roses have something that moves. After all, initially hibiscus is a plant of the sign of Leo. Refers to this sign because of the love of bright lighting and the possession of beautiful flowers. The flower has a strong masculine character. According to the teachings of astrology, fire bears the masculine principle. Fire is an expression of activity.
  2. The Chinese rose absorbs the destructive energy of laziness and transforms it into creative energy. It is good to grow a Chinese rose at home for those people who have heart disease or low blood pressure. It is recommended to keep the plant in a passive and sluggish host, the plant will actively feed.
  3. Hibiscus energy spirals from bottom to top. Movement from the roots of the Chinese rose to the stem and further in a spiral to the tips of the petals and leaves. It is generally believed that this plant restores the fading flame of love between spouses who have lived together for a long time.

Bad omens associated with the Chinese rose in the house

Along with positive signs, there are also negative ones that are directly related to a beautiful flower. Hibiscus is a kind of beacon family happiness and health.

Thus, if you saw that the flower of the Chinese rose became without apparent reason to wither or its petals fall off, this indicates an approaching illness, or one of your household members is already sick in a latent form. It is better to consult a doctor for an examination, it will not be superfluous, and perhaps you will prevent trouble.

There are many contradictions in the signs associated with the Chinese rose. This flower is considered to be a flower of passion and love, they say that if you grow hibiscus and take care of a rose at home, the hostess will not end up with men. And there is an alternative to this sign. Hibiscus is considered a "husband". As quickly as a Chinese rose can attract fans, it can also make them cool in an instant towards the owner of the flower.

At home, the situation is even worse. With the appearance of a Chinese rose, quarrels, disputes can begin, and in the end it is not excluded - a break in relations. And all because of the beautiful and so dangerous flower!

The flower of the Chinese rose usually pleases with its color in the warm season, mainly in spring, summer and early autumn. But the flowering of this plant does not always portend something good. If the hibiscus wished to bloom at the wrong time, this means that great misfortune is coming. It may even be a warning of your impending death. blood relative or loved one. This can be avoided by getting rid of the flower. It may be a pity to part with such a beautiful plant, but the price at stake is too high.


Many owners of the Chinese rose live happily and admire the flower every day. But do not forget that signs are not born from empty fictions and there is some truth in these superstitions.

So only you have to decide whether to believe in these signs or not. For each person, only his mood, emotions and general energy play a role, whether he will be happy, or misfortune awaits him. Everyone determines his own destiny. Of course, it is still worth keeping a close eye on all signs and superstitions. After all, they didn't come out of nowhere. folk wisdom, observing and analyzing what is happening for centuries, has built certain analogies and connections, when one thing happens, another happens, so listen to the signs.

Chinese rose - very beautiful flower Malvaceae family, but at the same time it is rarely seen in modern apartments. The main reason for the dislike of housewives for this plant is the second name of hibiscus - “flower of death”. Why this flower is so called is described below.

People say that the flowering of the Chinese rose is a very dangerous period for the inhabitants of the house. It is believed that simultaneously with the appearance of bright buds on the plant, one of the household members is overtaken by a dangerous disease or even death.

Another version suggests that death awaits the home if the Chinese rose blooms at the wrong time of the year. For example, in hot summer or at the very end of winter. Hibiscus usually blooms from late spring to the last month of autumn. Less often - at the beginning of winter.

Also, many "experts" are sure that the blackening of the leaves of the plant under discussion promises serious illness to one of the family members. After such a phenomenon, all the inhabitants of the house urgently need to visit a doctor.

Signs and superstitions

Understanding why hibiscus is called the "flower of death", you will be able to get acquainted with so many signs and superstitions associated with this plant.

The most famous among them are the following:

  • If a flower appears at a girl’s house, then her marriage with any man will be short-lived, and love relationship- unhappy.
  • During flowering, the Chinese rose impregnates the whole house with negative energy, “sucks” from its owners positive emotions and may even lead them to depression.
  • In thematic books on Feng Shui, it is noted that hibiscus is able to kindle passion between spouses and generally strengthen marriage. For this, a plant with bright red flowers is located in the bedroom near the couple's bed.
  • If a woman takes good care of the Chinese rose and selects for her the best place in the house, she will soon become very popular among the opposite sex.
  • Such flowers take root perfectly in hospitals, as they feed negative emotions and experiences of patients.

As you can see, the signs and superstitions regarding the flower under discussion are very diverse. Some of them even radically contradict each other.

Can you stay at home or not?

First of all, it should be noted that all of the listed signs are based solely on the conjectures of people. Not a single assumption about the "bloodthirstiness" of hibiscus is scientifically confirmed.

For example, in hospital rooms, it grows best simply because frequent ventilation and a lot of light in the corridors of clinics is ideal conditions for comfortable life Chinese rose. In this way, all existing assumptions can be refuted.

If we talk from the point of view of floriculture, then growing such a plant at home is a pleasant and interesting process. Hibiscus is unpretentious. To grow well, enough daylight and a small amount filtered water. At the same time, watering the flower daily is not required at all. On any botanical site, the user will be able to find the optimal scheme for watering a plant.

If you regularly spray the Chinese rose clean water and cut from time to time, then a tree of amazing beauty will appear on the window of the hostess. The buds of its stunning flowers appear regularly and linger for 2-3 days.

Among the minuses of the plant can be noted high cost his cuttings, "love" for him of various pests and active growth. Therefore, it is better to immediately allocate more space for the hibiscus with a sufficient flow of light.

Myths and truth about hibiscus

It is believed that hibiscus in a person's room causes him a constant feeling of melancholy and anxiety. Actually this is a myth. Maybe, unpleasant emotions when such a plant appears in the house, there really is. But, most likely, because most people today are familiar with the eerie signs associated with the Chinese rose. Further, self-hypnosis already operates.

But the information that such a plant is present on the coat of arms of Malaysia is true. In this place, hibiscus is loved and revered. There is even a separate park in the capital of the country, in which more than 2 thousand copies of the flower grow. It often hosts wedding ceremonies.

In the people, the Chinese rose is called the "husband flower." It is believed that the presence of such a plant in an apartment by all possible ways expels the representatives of the stronger sex from it. But it is very easy to disprove this myth. After all, there are thousands of examples when happy wives admire this flower in their home every day.

Useful properties of hibiscus for humans

Few people know that hibiscus is not only very beautiful plant but also beneficial to humans. The main thing is to use it correctly and study the list of contraindications in advance.

It is from the flowers of the Chinese rose that delicious red tea is brewed. Hibiscus drink perfectly quenches thirst even on the hottest days, and, in addition, invigorates and energizes. If a person regularly consumes such tea, then he is much less tired. The Egyptians are sure that this drink also preserves youth, beauty, and sexuality.

The Chinese rose is very useful for men and women of any age who are faced with diseases of the heart and blood vessels. Decoctions and teas from the petals of the plant help to normalize blood pressure, clean the vessels and strengthen their walls. If we talk more about blood pressure, then cold tea from hibiscus lowers it, and warm tea, on the contrary, raises it.

You can apply various parts of the Chinese rose and externally. For example, fresh flowers are crushed and applied to damaged skin that has boils or ulcers. This tool speeds up the healing of burns.

If crushed flowers and leaves are used together, even malignant ulcers can be cured with the resulting mixture. This natural medicine becomes part of complex therapy and significantly speeds up the healing process.

In many countries of the world, a strikingly beautiful plant, the hibiscus, is well known. It has many varieties and names - hibiscus, red mallow, red rose, Jamaican rose, Chinese rose, Syrian rose (ketmiya), rosan, red sorrel, okra, kenaf, rose of sharon, red rose of Sudan, mallow of Venice, flower of love .. .

The homeland of hibiscus is considered South East Asia, but they grow freely in Africa and America. In America, they form entire thickets on wet floodplain meadows, lushly covered with flowers. For their great love for moisture, they are called “marsh mallow” there.

Hibiscus - "flower of love" and health

According to feng shui, hibiscus is a fire plant. It is believed that it strengthens marriage and helps to establish contacts in business. blooming hibiscus fills the house with vivacity energy, helps to cope with depression.

Even in the recent past in China, a dye was made from hibiscus flowers, leaves and stems were used to produce ropes and ropes, and medicinal properties roots, leaves and flowers of hibiscus are repeatedly mentioned in treatises on traditional medicine.

And hibiscus is good for health. Tea from flowers (hibiscus) and hibiscus flowers themselves have many beneficial health effects.

Chinese hibiscus well cleans and heals indoor air, and also has a very life-giving effect on weak plants - next to it, sick plants come to life, strengthen and grow.

"Princess Earrings"

Hibiscus - national flower Malaysia. Its five petals symbolize the five commandments of Islam. The flower is revered not only by the Muslim Malays, but also by the pagan Dayaks, and the Chinese, and the Hindus. And in Hawaii, hibiscus is considered the national plant. They call it a flower beautiful women. Local beauties often adorn themselves with it bright colors, which contrast very effectively with their black curls - you can imagine how this sight attracts the eyes of temperamental Hawaiians. In Brazil, the dissected hibiscus grows, called "Princess Earrings". It has split petals and a long pedicel, on which it gracefully sways, really resembling an exquisite earring. Hibiscus flowers are also called the "flower of love", in India they are woven into wedding wreaths.

Hibiscus in their places of growth serve not only in decorative purposes. As a vegetable spicy plant, okra is grown. This is also a hibiscus. Young leaves and shoots of hibiscus are eaten as vegetables. Seeds, leaves, fruits, roots are used in medicine. Necklaces are made from seeds. The flowers are used to make black hair dye and purple for Food Industry. Dried hibiscus petals are brewed as a tea.

indoor hibiscus

Hibiscus grows in open field in the Caucasus, in Moldova, in the south of Ukraine, in the Crimea, in the Kuban. There is evidence that it can withstand frosts down to -10 ° C even in snowless winters. In more northern regions, it is covered for the winter or removed to the basement, for cold veranda. In colder places, hibiscus can only grow in rooms. Already at the beginning of the XVIII century. hibiscus adorned botanical gardens Europe, conquering visitors with their lush bloom. After seeing such a miracle, who would not want to have it at home? And it is still one of the most popular and popular indoor plants.

It is a strongly branching shrub or tree 2-4.5 m high. The leaves are dark green, shiny, oblong-oval or oblong-ovate, serrated along the edge, large (up to 15 cm), arranged alternately on the stem. The flowers are large (from 8 to 16 cm in diameter), five-petalled, with varying degrees of doubleness. The stamens fused into a tube protrude strongly, giving some piquancy - especially not terry, but simple flowers. The color spectrum is the most diverse, except for blue and black. The hibiscus flower stays on the stem for only one day, but new buds open to replace it, delighting us with its flowering for several months.

Healing properties of hibiscus

In folk medicine, hibiscus flowers are used as an anticonvulsant, bactericidal, diuretic, choleretic agent. When cut, they are used to stop bleeding. Lotions from soaked flowers treat skin inflammation, weeping eczema.

Fresh leaves and flowers, pounded into a homogeneous mass, are applied to boils, abscesses, swelling in endemic mumps (mumps), and even to malignant tumors. It is also very effective remedy to get rid of juvenile acne.

Hibiscus flowers contain a large number of fruit acids, and due to the content of ascorbic and citric acid Hibiscus tea helps a lot with elevated temperature. At the same time, there is no oxalic acid in this drink, so it can be consumed with a tendency to form kidney stones.

Drink from hibiscus flowers relieves nervous tension, helps to resist neuropsychic overload, overcome chronic fatigue. Hibiscus tea is especially recommended to reduce the effects of a hangover.

Temperature. Chinese hibiscus is a fairly thermophilic houseplant. In summer, it should be kept at 20-25 ° C, and in winter - 15-20 ° C. Minimum allowable temperature in winter time 13 °C.

Lighting. Chinese rose is a light-loving houseplant. Prefers bright, but diffused light, with a small amount of sunlight. In winter, hibiscus need a fairly bright room. East or west windows are the best place for it. And on the south window in the hottest hours of the day you will need shading from direct sunlight.

Watering. From spring to autumn, hibiscus needs abundant watering. The soil must be kept moist at all times. In winter, watering is moderate. Avoid overdrying the earthy coma or waterlogging. Never water your hibiscus with cold water!

Fertilizer. Chinese rose from April to August, every three weeks, is fed with special fertilizers for flowering plants.

Air humidity. Hibiscus needs regular spraying.

Transfer. The Chinese rose is transplanted in March-April.

Soil composition: 1 part of peat land; 1 part leaf ground; 1 part sod land; 1 part sand.

After transplantation, the houseplant is cut off, and in the summer, if desired and necessary, you can pinch it repeatedly. Dishes for Chinese roses are preferably spacious. In the spring, the hibiscus is shortened, and then transplanted into a larger pot (if necessary) and into fresh soil.

Reproduction. Hibiscus is propagated by cuttings. It is best to root them in July-August. cut green apical cuttings with 2-3 internodes, plant them in pots and cover with jars. A month later, the cuttings take root. In the spring, young plants are transplanted into large pots with a nutrient mixture consisting of turf (4 parts), leaf (3 parts) earth, humus (1 part) and river sand(1 part). So that young plants do not stretch and develop side shoots, they are cut off. Flower buds are mainly laid on shoots of the 3rd-4th order of branching, therefore, pinching and pruning of the main and side shoots are started when they reach 8-10 cm in length. From the moment of pruning and pinching to flowering, 3-3.5 months pass.

When the earthen coma dries out or is over-watered, the hibiscus leaves wither and turn yellow, and buds and flowers may also fall off.

During flowering and budding, hibiscus should not be moved, rotated or rearranged, as this will lead to the fall of flowers and buds.

The beginning of flowering hibiscus accelerates its pruning. In the middle of spring, all dried, lost leaves and stretched shoots should be cut off. Healthy shoots need to be shortened by a third of the length or half.

China rose or hibiscus- a fairly well-known and popular houseplant, despite the fact that various mystical properties. Many signs and superstitions are associated with hibiscus, but it also has useful properties.

Did you know? The red Hibiscus flower appears on the coat of arms of Malaysia, and in its capital there is a beautiful Hibiscus Park, in which more than 2 thousand specimens of the plant grow.

Description of hibiscus

Hibiscus, or Chinese rose, belongs to the family mallow. In nature, there are more than two hundred species this plant. Hibiscus is mainly distributed in South and West Asia, China, on the islands of Polynesia and in other regions with a tropical climate. Hibiscus flowers are bright, graceful, large (they can reach the size of a soccer ball), the leaves are curly, petiolate, and the fruits are five-winged boxes with seeds. Some species differ significantly in shape, color, size of the plant and flower. Hibiscus can be presented in life form shrub, semi-shrub, herbaceous plant and even trees. Today, apart from garden species hibiscus, there are about five hundred varieties and forms of the plant. Hibiscus blooms from April to October. The life expectancy of this plant is at least twenty years.

Interesting fact!In the city of Suva on about. Fiji holds the Hibiscus Festival every year, which lasts a week, and the festival program includes various concerts, talent shows, parades, circus shows.

Bad omens associated with hibiscus

There are many bad omens why you can’t keep a Chinese rose at home, but they believe in them only in Eastern Europe, and in all other countries there are no claims to the plant.

Here are some of the clues:

Important!Feng Shui teaches that hibiscus preserves feelings, strengthens marriage and kindles fading passion. It is recommended to put hibiscus with red and pink flowers. According to feng shui, the Chinese rose with white flowers promotes the renewal of qi energy, which is closely related to human health, and it is advised to grow it for those people who find it difficult to find contact with others, as it helps to be self-confident and show their emotions and feelings.

Useful properties of hibiscus

Hibiscus is rich in vitamin C, fruit acids, flavonoids.

Chinese rose has such useful properties:

The beauty and benefits of hibiscus will delight you for years to come.

Cannot be kept at home, very common. It is connected primarily with signs and beliefs, and not with any specific facts. Some call this plant bloody: they say that it is fueled by negative energy and causes unpleasant emotions in those living in the house. This is explained by the fact that hibiscus grows well in the corridors of hospitals and clinics, where many people suffer.

In fact, in hospitals, Chinese roses take root well, most likely because in spacious halls through big windows a lot of light penetrates, and hibiscus is a very light-loving plant.

There is also a belief that hibiscus begins to bloom beautifully when it anticipates someone's death. This myth is easy to refute: for many indoor plant lovers, the Chinese rose blooms for several years, and no one during this time. At proper care flowers appear on the plant all year round.

Sensitive people call hibiscus a source of fear and longing, but most likely their feelings are associated with a strengthened opinion that the Chinese rose is dangerous.

There are also opposites. So, it is believed that hibiscus can attract love to the house: single women are often advised to grow this plant. The Chinese rose is responsible for passion and passionate relationships, it can return former spouses who have lived together for many years.

To believe or not to believe this is a person's choice. But there are studies that prove that signs work only because a person believes in them: growing hibiscus at home and being afraid of its insidiousness, you can constantly monitor misfortunes and blame the plant for every trouble.

Growing hibiscus at home

And from the point of view of botany and floriculture, growing hibiscus at home is a pleasure. This is very unpretentious plant, which grows well in the light and does not require frequent watering. And if you spray it every day and cut it periodically, then an amazingly beautiful tree will grow. The main advantage of the Chinese rose is its incredibly beautiful flowers. They do not last long - about two days, but with proper care, new buds appear constantly.

Hibiscus also has a few disadvantages: the plant can grow quite large, so you need to find a place to place it. These are quite expensive indoor flowers: even a small cutting can cost several hundred rubles. In addition, the Chinese rose is often exposed to pests.

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