How negative emotions affect the human body. How do emotions affect health? How frequent anxiety affects human health

Illness is a deviation from normal life. But they get sick, even those people who lead healthy lifestyle life and take care of your body.

Where do diseases come from? A person associates his illnesses with the influence of the external environment. This is partly true. But internal state also renders Negative influence for well-being. The internal state is the emotions of a person, his psyche.

Negative emotions can be expressed physically - this is a "chill" in the stomach, pain in the heart, tinnitus, muscle tension and much more. These sensations disturb, cause stress.

The main variants of the occurrence of negative emotions can be distributed in the following way:

Some emotions are inevitable and, unfortunately, inevitable (the death of loved ones and relatives). Some emotions are hard to prevent. These are natural disasters and events related to them. And the largest share falls on sources that are not only prevented, but also depend on the person himself and his behavior. We can get such emotions absolutely everywhere. They were rude in the store, quarreled with relatives. Negative emotions are accumulated grievances, stupid quarrels. And avoiding these negative emotions is so simple, but at the same time, difficult. Do not let a rude word fly off your lips, keep silent. Smile and be polite in response to rudeness. And one less unnecessary negative emotion. This behavior needs to be learned.

"Bad" emotions

Scientists dealing with human diseases have found that 90 percent of diseases begin with emotional disorders.

"Bad" emotions negative impact on health.

Negative emotions may not immediately manifest themselves in the form of neuroses. They gradually accumulate in the cerebral cortex and only then appear as nervous breakdowns. Negative emotions accumulated over a long period lead to changes in the functioning of all systems human body.

The first thing that is affected by the disease is the cardiovascular system. A person cannot influence the functioning of his physiological system She works beyond his will. Therefore, failures in the normal functioning of the human body under the influence of negative emotional outbursts occur against our will. It is often quite enough just to mention the events that cause negative emotions, and the disease process starts.

Most people underestimate the role of emotions. But it is emotions that increase the heartbeat. Following the heartbeat, blood pressure changes, arrhythmia and other cardiovascular diseases develop.

Emotional stresses cause diseases and other organs. So, to functional disorders, and then to irreversible changes, negative emotions lead to the urinary system, respiratory organs, the entire gastrointestinal tract and endocrine glands.

Depressive states, oncology, autoimmune diseases - all these diseases originate in "bad" emotions. The human body weakens resistance to disease.

Positive emotions

Repairing broken relationships, eliminating anxieties, finding the positive, taking care of other people are the sources of positivity and positive emotions.

Positivity and health stimulate the formation of endorphins in the brain, which have a beneficial effect on the immune system. This hormone helps fight disease. Positively affects the emotional mood balanced diet, adequate fluid intake and regular exercise.

Getting rid of negative emotions

Negative emotions can be controlled. If you learn to do this, you can cope with a negative life situation and find optimal solution Problems.
Negative emotions come from negative thoughts. If you feel that negative emotions are overwhelming you, then try to find out their cause. The reason is not always on the surface. But it's in your interest to find out.

Did you find out? We change to positive.

Difficult? But it's in your best interest. Change your attitude to the situation, to the person.

The human brain is not a switch, it is difficult to turn an emotion on and off. So let's turn our attention to something else. An object that causes appreciation, gratitude, a feeling of joy and happiness.

The most creative emotion is gratitude, it is the carrier of positive energy. And not only. It is believed that the feeling of gratitude that a person feels for the world, for the people around him, can attract positive emotions and the corresponding energy.

So, having learned to “switch” emotions, we will learn to receive positive energy, which will favorably affect our physical condition.

A person's behavior throughout the day, like a rainbow, changes from bursts of joy to unreasonable sadness. All his actions and deeds are controlled by many factors. It can be a change of weather, and the specifics of the situation, and just good or not good news. These factors cause a person to have certain emotions, a specific attitude to a particular event. They are the main lever in the formation of behavior.

Depending on which emotions prevail in this moment over a person, the behavior may be adequate and correct, or it may be illogical for the situation.

The famous psychologist K. Izard suggested that 10 emotions be singled out as fundamental ones. According to his theory, interest, fear, joy, surprise, anger, suffering, disgust, contempt, shame and embarrassment are of decisive importance in a person's life, his activities and behavior.

Behavior, in turn, is of great importance for a person in terms of survival. By changing behavioral responses, a person avoids dangerous situations and adapts to changing external environment. For example, a person under the influence of the emotion of fear is not sure and is very tense. All his actions come down to trying to get away from a frightening situation. A person can do reckless things. In most cases, actions are performed automatically, unconsciously. Visually, the person appears tense and cowering. The pupils dilate and the skin becomes pale. Sweating increases. hallmark a person in a state of fear is a change in voice associated with difficulty breathing.

Interest satisfaction is important need In human life. Thanks to the feeling of emotion of interest, a person gets to know the world around him more deeply, gets acquainted with new facts and objects, deriving personal benefit from this. The thoughts and attention of an interested person are directed to the subject of knowledge. He looks and hears carefully. All internal forces aimed at the process of touching and understanding the object of interest.

joyful person gesticulates intensively, makes quick and energetic movements. He feels light and cheerful. Blood flow to the brain activates mental activity. A person who feels the emotion of joy speaks animatedly and thinks quickly. Work productivity is greatly increased. With joyful experiences, the body temperature rises, the eyes shine, the face shines. The activity of the organs of external secretion intensifies - tears appear, salivation increases.

The emotion of surprise easiest to recognize. It occurs in response to any unexpected event or action. The surprised person is tense, opens his eyes wide, wrinkles his forehead and raises his eyebrows. Surprise is temporary.

It is difficult to confuse a person with someone in anger. All his actions and even facial expressions show aggression. The person becomes tense and impulsive. His movements become more active, and self-confidence appears. Thinking, memory, imagination do not function as they should. The face takes on a reddish tint and a stone appearance.

During the experience suffering, a person experiences physical and mental discomfort, pain or even anguish. This state is extremely unpleasant for him, as evidenced by external manifestations in behavior. Motor activity is reduced, may develop into a complete lack of movement. Thinking and attention are significantly reduced. The person is apathetic and unable to adequately assess the situation.

Emotions of disgust arise when a person observes a phenomenon or process that is unacceptable and unpleasant for him. There are no generally accepted criteria for determining what is ugly and unpleasant. One person is disgusted by looking at an insect or a rat, while another is disgusted by a certain food product. All actions of a person, his facial expressions and gestures are aimed at avoiding contact with the object of disgust. The facial expressions are dominated by wrinkling of the nose and eyebrows, lowering of the corners of the mouth.

Contempt in its manifestation similar to disgust. They differ only in the object of hostility. So disgust can be experienced exclusively for objects or phenomena, and contempt applies exclusively to people. In addition to the main manifestations, contempt is characterized by the presence of sarcasm and irony in words, as well as a demonstration of superiority over the opponent.

Emotion of shame arises as a result of their own actions that do not meet generally accepted standards and stereotypes. A person experiencing shame is tense, silent. His movements are stiff. The face turns red, the look is lost and sinks to the bottom. The mental activity of the brain is activated.

Embarrassment, emotion is similar in its manifestations to a sense of shame, but does not have a clear negative color.

Depending on what effect emotions produce on the body, they are sthenic and asthenic. Sthenic emotions are strong feelings that bring all the resources of the body into a state of mobilization. They stimulate human activity. Asthenic emotions, on the contrary, suppress the vital processes of the body.

It should be remembered that no matter what emotion a person experiences, serious physiological changes occur in the body. The significance of such processes for the body cannot be underestimated and ignored. Long-term exposure to emotion forms a certain mood of a person. And if it has a negative connotation, such an impact can lead to mental and physical disorders.

Emotions have a generalized influence, and each of them affects differently. human behavior depends on emotions that activate and organize perception, thinking, imagination. Emotions can cloud the perception of the world or paint it with bright colors.


What we think and feel directly affects how we live. Our health is linked to our lifestyle, genetics and disease susceptibility. But beyond that, there is a strong relationship between your emotional state and your health.

Coping with emotions, especially negative ones, is important part our vitality. The emotions we keep inside can one day explode and become a real disaster. for ourselves. That's why it's important to release them.

Strong emotional health is quite rare these days. Negative emotions such as anxiety, stress, fear, anger, jealousy, hatred, doubt and irritability can significantly affect our health.

Layoffs, marital turmoil, financial hardship, and the death of loved ones can be detrimental to our mental health and affect our health.

Here's how emotions can destroy our health.

The impact of emotions on health

1. Anger: heart and liver

Anger is a strong emotion that arises in response to despair, pain, disappointment and threat. If you take action right away and express it properly, anger can be good for your health. But in most cases, anger destroys our health.

In particular, anger affects our logical abilities and increases the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Anger leads to constriction of blood vessels, increased heart rate, blood pressure, and rapid breathing. If this happens frequently, it leads to wear and tear of the walls of the arteries.

A 2015 study found that the risk of a heart attack increases 8.5 times two hours after an outburst of intense anger.

Anger also raises levels of cytokines (molecules that cause inflammation), which increases the risk of developing arthritis, diabetes and cancer.

To better manage your anger, get regular physical activity, learn relaxation techniques, or see a therapist.

2. Anxiety: stomach and spleen

Chronic anxiety can lead to a range of health problems. It affects spleen and weakens the stomach. When we worry a lot, our body is attacked chemical substances, which make you react with a sick or weak stomach.

Anxiety or fixation on something can lead to problems such as nausea, diarrhea, stomach problems and other chronic disorders.

Excessive anxiety is associated with chest pain, high blood pressure, weakened immune system, and premature aging.

Severe anxiety also harms our personal relationships, disrupts sleep, and can make us distracted and inattentive to our health.

3. Sadness or grief: lungs

Of the many emotions we experience in life, sadness is the longest lasting emotion.

Sadness or longing weakens the lungs, causing fatigue and difficulty in breathing.

It disrupts the natural flow of breathing by constricting the lungs and bronchi. When you are overwhelmed with grief or sadness, air can no longer flow easily in and out of your lungs, which can lead to asthma attacks and bronchial diseases.

Depression and melancholy also spoil the skin, cause constipation and low oxygen levels in the blood. People suffering from depression tend to gain or lose weight and are easily addicted to drugs and other harmful substances.

If you are sad, you don't need to hold back your tears, because that way you will be able to release those emotions.

4. Stress: heart and brain

Each person experiences and reacts to stress differently. A little stress is good for your health and can help you get through your daily tasks.

However, if the stress becomes too much, it can lead to high blood pressure, asthma, stomach ulcers and irritable bowel syndrome.

As you know, stress is one of the main culprits in the occurrence of heart disease. It raises blood pressure and cholesterol levels, and also serves as an impetus for bad habits such as smoking, lack of physical activity and overeating. All these factors can damage the walls of blood vessels and lead to heart disease.

Stress can also lead to a number of diseases such as:

Asthmatic disorders

· Hair loss

Mouth ulcers and excessive dryness

Mental problems: insomnia, headaches, irritability

Cardiovascular disease and hypertension

Neck and shoulder pain, musculoskeletal pain, lower back pain, nervous tics

Skin rashes, psoriasis and eczema

· Disorders reproductive system: menstrual disorders, recurrence of genital infections in women and impotence and premature ejaculation in men.

Diseases digestive system: gastritis, gastric and duodenal ulcer, ulcerative colitis and irritable bowel

Connection between emotions and organs

5. Loneliness: heart

Loneliness is a condition that makes a person cry and fall into deep melancholy.

Loneliness is a serious health hazard. When we're lonely, our brains release more stress hormones like cortisol, which cause depression. This in turn affects blood pressure and sleep quality.

Studies have shown that loneliness increases the chances of having mental illness and is also a risk factor for coronary heart disease and stroke.

In addition, loneliness has a negative effect on the immune system. Lonely people are more likely to develop inflammation in response to stress, which can weaken the immune system.

6. Fear: adrenal glands and kidneys

Fear leads to anxiety, which wears us down. kidneys, adrenal glands and reproductive system.

The situation when fear arises leads to a decrease in the flow of energy in the body and makes it defend itself. This leads to a slowing of the breathing rate and circulation of the blood, which causes a state of stagnation, due to which our limbs almost freeze with fear.

Most of all, fear affects the kidneys, and this leads to frequent urination and other kidney problems.

Fear also causes the adrenal glands to produce more stress hormones, which have a devastating effect on the body.

Strong fear can cause pain and disease of the adrenal glands, kidneys and lower back and urinary tract diseases. In children, this emotion can be expressed through urinary incontinence which is closely related to anxiety and self-doubt.

7. Shock: kidneys and heart

Shock is a manifestation of trauma caused by an unexpected situation that knocks you down.

A sudden shock can upset the balance in the body, causing overexcitation and fear.

A strong shock can undermine our health, especially the kidneys and heart. The traumatic reaction leads to the production a large number adrenaline, which is deposited in the kidneys. This leads to heart palpitations, insomnia, stress and anxiety. The shock can even change the structure of the brain, affecting areas of emotion and survival.

The physical consequences of emotional trauma or shock are often low energy, pale skin, difficulty breathing, palpitations, sleep and digestive disturbances, sexual dysfunction, and chronic pain.

8. Irritability and hatred: liver and heart

Emotions of hate and irritability can affect gut and heart health, leading to chest pain, hypertension and heart palpitations.

Both of these emotions increase the risk of high blood pressure. Irritable people are also more prone to cellular aging than good-natured people.

Irritability is also bad for the liver. When verbally expressing hatred, a person exhales condensed molecules containing toxins that damage the liver and gallbladder.

9. Jealousy and envy: the brain, gallbladder and liver

Jealousy, despair and envy directly affect our brain, gallbladder and liver.

As you know, jealousy leads to slow thinking and impairs the ability to see clearly.

In addition, jealousy causes symptoms of stress, anxiety and depression, which leads to excessive production of adrenaline and norepinephrine in the blood.

Jealousy has a negative effect on the gallbladder and leads to stagnation of blood in the liver. This causes a weakened immune system, insomnia, increased blood pressure, palpitations, high level cholesterol and poor digestion.

10. Anxiety: stomach, spleen, pancreas

Anxiety is a normal part of life. Anxiety can increase breathing and heart rate, increase concentration and increase blood flow to the brain, which can be beneficial to health.

However, when anxiety becomes a part of life, it has a devastating effects on physical and mental health.

Gastrointestinal diseases are often closely associated with anxiety. It affects the stomach, spleen, and pancreas, which can lead to problems such as indigestion, constipation, ulcerative colitis.

Anxiety disorders are often a risk factor for the development of a number of chronic diseases, such as coronary heart disease.

Human behavior is largely dependent on his emotions, and different emotions affect behavior in different ways. There are so-called sthenic emotions that increase the activity of all processes in the body, and asthenic emotions that slow them down. Sthenic, as a rule, are positive emotions: satisfaction (pleasure), joy, happiness, and asthenic - negative: displeasure, grief, sadness. Let's look at each type of emotion in more detail, including mood, affect, feeling, passion, and stress, in their effect on human behavior.

The mood creates a certain tone of the body, i.e. its general mood (hence the name "mood") for activity. The productivity and quality of labor of a person in a good, optimistic mood is always higher than that of a person in a pessimistic mood. A person who is optimistic is always outwardly more attractive to others than one who constantly Bad mood. With a kindly smiling person, those around them enter into communication with a greater desire than with a person who has an unkind face.

Affects play a different role in people's lives. They are able to instantly mobilize the energy and resources of the body to solve a sudden problem or overcome an unexpected obstacle. This is the basic vital role of affects. In an appropriate emotional state, a person sometimes does things that he is usually not capable of. The mother, saving the child, does not feel pain, does not think about the danger to her own life. She is in a state of passion. At such a moment, a lot of energy is expended, and very uneconomical, and therefore, in order to continue normal activity, the body definitely needs rest. Affects often play a negative role, making a person's behavior uncontrollable and even dangerous for others.

Even more significant than that of moods and affects is the vital role of feelings. They characterize a person as a person, are quite stable and have an independent motivating force. Feelings determine the attitude of a person to the world around him, they also become moral regulators of actions and relationships between people. The upbringing of a person from a psychological point of view is to a large extent the process of forming his noble feelings, which include sympathy, kindness, and others. Human feelings, unfortunately, can be base, such as feelings of envy, anger, hatred. Aesthetic feelings are distinguished into a special class, which determine the attitude of a person to the world of beauty. The richness and variety of human feelings is a good indicator of the level of his psychological development.

Passions and stresses, unlike moods, affects and feelings, play a mostly negative role in life. A strong passion suppresses other feelings, needs and interests of a person, makes him one-sidedly limited in his aspirations, and stress in general has a destructive effect on psychology and behavior, on the state of health. Over the past few decades, a lot of convincing evidence has been obtained for this. Famous American practical psychologist D. Carnegie, in his very popular book How to Stop Worrying and Start Living, writes that according to modern medical statistics, more than half of all hospital beds are occupied by people suffering from emotional disorders, that three-quarters of patients with cardiovascular, gastric and endocrine diseases could well cure themselves if they learned to control their emotions.

Emotions accompany us from birth to death, but few people realize how important emotions are. What are emotions? Emotions are the attitude of a person to various events taking place in his life. It should be noted that emotions have been studied by scientists very poorly. Therefore, the opinions of the authors regarding such a concept as human emotions are very different.

In order to understand what emotions are, it is necessary to draw a general conclusion based on all opinions. Emotions are a person's reaction to ongoing events. They render big influence on human activities, and in most cases are responsible for his actions.

This means that thanks to emotions, a person is able to experience such feelings as fear, joy, anger, pleasure, hatred and others.

Emotions are not the cause of feelings. They only regulate human activities.

Emotions have accompanied mankind since ancient times. They have gone through a long period of evolution, and have changed a lot since the dawn of life. At first, emotions could be called the primitive instincts of a person, for example, movement and other actions inherent in man by nature. In the process of evolution, they developed, acquiring an emotional character and lost the instinctive one. Thus, the instincts acquired individuality, and allowed a person to assess the current situation, as well as take part in it at his own discretion.

The role of emotions in life

The role of emotions is very great. They are the foundation human existence. For example, thanks to various emotions, such as joy, hatred or fear, people are able to communicate their feelings and experiences to each other. Emotional outbursts usually accompanied by active gestures, changes in tone or even skin color, such as redness.

It is difficult to imagine a person without emotion. In some situations, people are able to restrain their impulses, but in most cases this is very difficult for them. A person who looks at life with an empty look ceases to see any interest in it and completely loses his further goal. Any actions do not bring him the desired satisfaction. An apathetic state can cause deep depression. However, often a person finds a way to return to his former life again.

Emotions can be perceived as signals sent to a person by the body. For example, if a person's emotions are positive, it means that he is happy with everything and is in harmony with the world around him. If a person shows negative emotions, then something bothers him a lot.

Emotions have a significant impact on a person's life. They have a direct bearing on how people perceive the world around them. A person who experiences positive emotions, such as joy and happiness, looks at the world and the people around him in a positive way. A person suffering from difficult experiences and negative emotions, evaluates the environment only in dark colors.

It is also worth noting that emotions have a strong influence on mental processes and human performance. Being in a negative state, a person almost never can perform hard work. His brain cannot concentrate on a specific task.

In some cases, the reasons for poor and low-quality work may depend on personal perception, which is responsible for emotions. If a person absolutely does not like the work that he is forced to do, then in most cases he will not be able to do the work quickly and efficiently.

Strong emotional impulses can lead to unexpected consequences. For example, being in a person is capable of a terrible act, for which he will not be able to answer later if he is in a state of strong emotional shock. Being in a state of passion, people often commit monstrous acts.


People can be very different from each other. They can live in different countries, brought up according to different customs, but in most cases their emotions are similar to each other. Animals have a unique ability to understand human emotions. For example, a cat or dog perfectly feel the mood of the owner. If a person is in good location spirit, the animal will surely come to him. Feeling the slightest sign of anger and aggression, the pet will try to stay away from the person.

Scientists are not yet able to fully formulate the definition of this phenomenon. It is not clear exactly how animals feel the hatred or joy emanating from a person. However, almost everyone can confirm this phenomenon.

Emotions are different and are divided into several types. They have the ability to quickly replace each other. A person can be depressed, and suddenly gain vitality. An unusual surge of strength can also be replaced by apathy, and a desire to hide from the world. Being sad and sad, a person can suddenly become cheerful and joyful.

It's hard for people to hide their emotions. Often they are immediately reflected on the face of a person, and in order to avoid this, you need to have incredible control over yourself.

Trying to hide their true feelings, they can give themselves away with gestures, facial expressions, or even voice.

In general, emotions can be divided into three main groups.

  • positive;
  • Negative;
  • Neutral;

Positive emotions include joy, laughter, happiness, pleasure, love, sympathy, admiration, bliss and others. They bring a person only positive feelings, and make his life much better.

Negative emotions usually include envy, anger, hatred, resentment, fear, disgust, regret, and others. Such emotions drive a person into depression and significantly worsen his life.

Neutral emotions include amazement, curiosity, and indifference. Often such emotions do not carry a special subtext, and are not of significant interest to a person.


As mentioned above, emotions have a great influence on a person's life. Some people don't tend to get emotional. They experience them, but they cannot fully feel them. Such people can be called impassive and cold. They are unable to properly assess their own feelings.

Human emotions really have not only a moral, but also a physical impact on a person. For example, if a person experiences severe fear, he is unable to think or make sudden movements. The body of a person experiencing fear can become numb, and in some cases he wants to run without looking back.

Being sad, a person is not able to take an active part in society. He wants to quickly hide from the outside world, does not want to keep up the conversation and prefers loneliness.

Joy also changes a person's life. Positive emotions contribute to the production of the hormone of happiness. A person feels an unexpected surge of strength, and readily embarks on new achievements.

Prolonged stress can have a serious impact on human health. Negative emotions contribute to the deterioration of the cardiovascular system. Violation of the heart, can lead to serious consequences. Incessant negative emotions have a detrimental effect on the human body.

It is also worth noting a separate group of human emotions. Affects are called very powerful emotions person. In this state, a person can commit an unexpected, unusual act. In some cases, it is hatred, fear, or a desire to protect oneself.

human feelings

Emotions and feelings of a person are closely related to his personality. They point to the inner experiences of a person, his desires and secret fears. Most people cannot fully express their emotions, are afraid of it and try to hide their true feelings. In this case, you should seriously think about the reason for this behavior. People who are unable to express their feelings can face serious problems. In the future, they won't be able to judge correctly life situation and deal with difficulties. Many people never find the strength to confess their true feelings and experiences.

If a person is absolutely healthy, he will definitely experience feelings and emotions. The world has a permanent effect on him. Emotions and feelings are a direct response to such influences. Alexithymia is a disease in which a person is unable to experience feelings.

Such people do not really know what feelings and emotions are. Often their problems come from early childhood. This behavior is blamed on adults who failed to give children proper attention. Alexithymics prefer to search for the meaning of life, develop as a person and consider emotions to be a waste of time. They claim they don't feel anything. In fact, such people are simply not able to cope with feelings. It is easier for them not to pay attention to them than to admit their presence.

There is a type of people who are able to consciously erase emotions from life. They prefer not to feel anything, and not to burden themselves with unnecessary experiences. Having experienced many life upheavals, they come to the conclusion that feelings and emotions do not lead to good things. However, it should be remembered that it is very difficult to live without emotions. Such an existence will not bring joy to a person. It is important to understand that even negative emotions can become a certain lesson in life for a person. You should not turn off your emotions, and harden against the whole world.

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