Characteristics of the zodiac sign Taurus: the inviolability of the Earth and the inner strength of the bull. ♉ Zodiac sign Taurus

Characteristics of the sign

The English name Taurus comes from the Greek tauros, "bull"
According to mythology, Zeus took the form of a snow-white bull when he kidnapped Europa, the princess of Phoenicia.
The symbol is a simplified depiction of the head and horns of a bull. It is sometimes claimed that the image represents the endocrine organs in the throat, which the sign has an effect on (as well as on the entire neck).
Possession, determination, practicality. A sign of expedient decisiveness of strength. Being a sign of the Earth, he is called to deal with material affairs. He tries to master the practical aspects of life, seeks to take possession of material values. Appreciates convenience, contentment, pleasure; He seeks to satisfy his needs without sparing his energy. Make sure nothing gets in his way.

He needs money, not for the sake of money itself, but for the pleasures that flow from the possession of it. Knows how to appreciate beautiful forms and things. A lover of beautiful clothes, his well-being is greatly influenced by his own appearance. A large role in the life of Taurus is played by emotional and material reliability. Taurus may not make contact without making sure that this person will be useful to him.
Often he does not understand the motives of his behavior, he is simply not very interested in knowing himself. He plans his life for many years ahead, and, as a rule, his efforts are not in vain. He does not like interference with his affairs, does not like attempts to influence them.

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Children's horoscope

You got a wonderful child - stubborn, persistent, cheerful, benevolent. He is not indifferent to art, especially to music, and at the same time practical. But get ready for unexpected difficulties. It's not easy at all - to be the parents of a child born under the sign of Taurus. You will rejoice at how your child achieves his goal: building a house, learning to write a difficult letter. But sooner or later he will show such perseverance in achieving a goal that, from your point of view, is completely unsympathetic and even harmful. For example, one day he may declare that he does not want to go to kindergarten because he does not like it there. And it won't. And if you drag him there by force, he will behave in such a way that you still have to take him out of there.

If you think that it is enough to shout at him, to threaten with punishment, then very soon you will see that all standard parenting techniques are useless or, much worse, achieve the opposite result. If he decides that he does not need it, he will show his characteristic stubbornness, which you will call stubbornness in your hearts (and you will be right). Do not waste your energy on the fight "who wins", it's better to stop. You will have to spend a lot of time and mental effort to convince your child why you need to do this and not otherwise: why you need to go to kindergarten, why he needs to learn this or that subject at school, why you can’t beat the neighbor boy who broke his favorite toy. Strain your intellect: find arguments that are convincing not only for you, but also for your child, appeal to his sense of justice, which is very developed in him. Your efforts will be rewarded. If you find the right argument, you won't have to repeat every day. The nature of your child is such that, having once made a decision, he will persistently carry it out.

Your child has another feature that can annoy parents and teachers. Taurus children are slow and even slow compared to other children. It will seem to you that the child is digging too long, switching to another action for too long. But this slowness is not from "harmfulness". The fact is that Taurus are solid people, they do everything carefully (as well as everyone born under the earth signs - Virgo and Capricorn), they simply do not know how to rush. Get used to this feature, although it can be difficult to get used to such a slow pace, especially if you yourself are a fire or air "sign". Do not push the child, do not rush, do not create stressful situations. If you get nervous and shout endlessly: “Faster, faster, what are you doing there?”, you will only make it worse: the child will also start to get nervous, and everything will fall out of his hands. It is better to calculate everything in advance, give the child as much time as he needs to feel comfortable.

These children (just like Virgo and Capricorn) do not tolerate changes in their lives. They are very attached to their home, parents, relatives, comrades. For any child, a change of scenery is a stressful situation, but for yours it is doubly so. It is very difficult for children born under the sign of Taurus to get used to a new routine, a new home, a new class, new comrades. Even as adults, they continue to adhere to the principle of "better familiar old than unfamiliar new." They love to travel, but only if they know that a warm and loving home awaits them. Unlike fire signs, they rarely act impulsively and almost always consider their actions, taking into account, first of all, such a category as justice.

Take the time and money to give your child a good education, introduce him to the culture. First of all, Taurus, a child or an adult, wants to enjoy life. The more educated your child is, the happier life he will live. He will then be able to receive not only primitive pleasures - from food, drink, beautiful and comfortable things, but also to experience more subtle feelings - the joy of music, books, successful work, communication with highly intelligent people.

What can hurt your child? First of all, any diseases associated with the throat and neck: tonsillitis, laryngitis, pharyngitis. In addition, there may be consequences of gluttony, diseases associated with blood pollution, abscesses. The viability of children of this type is high.
How should you treat your child in order to achieve what you want without disturbing his inner balance?

Don't rush him or push him.
Never order him without explaining why you need to do this and not otherwise.
Do not undermine the foundations of his security, never, even in jest, tell him: "Get out of the house, since you are so bad." He also should not have two houses, because, from his point of view, two houses are the same as not one.
What does your child need?

In a peaceful and friendly environment. He, like no one else, must be sure that his house is his fortress. In a good education.
He likes art, especially music. Calm music works well on his nervous system. Give him the opportunity to express himself in art. He has a rare gift - to combine beauty and usefulness in the right proportion.

Temperament and character

The dual influence of Venus and the Moon causes sensitivity and sentimentality, which gives Taurus a calm and confident taste. He likes discreet, but well-tailored clothes, rich silks and wool, leaving the right to extravagance for Aries, does not like necklaces, stiff collars and ties, loves perfumes with a delicate smell. Keeps clothes short, reverts to the same style if he thinks it suits him.
Usually Taurus are peaceful and patient. The need for harmony makes them put up with a lot, but it's terrible when their patience comes to an end. Taurus do not like disputes, especially in a raised tone and cannot stand a disharmonic life.
They trust their perception, an inner conviction based more on feelings than on inference. Cautious observers who prefer to look ahead one more time before drawing conclusions.
For Taurus, objectivity is important, they do not like to think, they are less religious than other signs of the Zodiac, they have an excellent memory, they keep their word. They annoy themselves and others with their indecision, unwillingness to deal with a variable situation.

They should overcome the idea that the whole world revolves around them, they should learn loyalty.
They are secretive when it comes to their private affairs, even if they are talkative. Generous, but at the same time greedy, owners. It is necessary to learn the right balance: "give - take."
Taurus is characterized by common sense, simplicity, pragmatic intelligence. Feelings in Taurus are sharper than in other signs.

Psychosexual characteristic

Taurus is perhaps the most sensitive sign of the zodiac. People ruled by Venus love to caress, but they prefer to be caressed, they stretch out the time of caresses. What characterizes Taurus on the positive side is that they are usually good spouses. Women of this sign are usually sincere and faithful wives and they know how to create an atmosphere of peace and harmony in their home. Most Taureans work well when they have a cozy home and family where they can relax and re-energize. Taurus wives often complain that their husbands are not demonstrative in sexual relations. They take on a passive role, expecting the wife to be active. If not, then the husband will readily find another woman.

Because Taurus rules the house of money, his financial affairs strongly influence the sexual area of ​​his life. When Taurus is solvent, he does not look at a beautiful female figure, but when things go wrong, sex becomes his belief.
When he succeeds easily, he can become greedy for money. But he loves to spend and spends.
Taurus women should sweeten their Venus nature with various luxury items: expensive jewelry, clothes, cars - all in order to flatter the goddess of love and beauty and arouse admiration from Mars. When admired, the daughter of Venus becomes completely indifferent to sex, while the Taurus man is rarely so indifferent: he will not deny it.

Both men and women are quite unrestrained. During intercourse, they often act on impulse and being a physically strong sign, they often find it insufficient to have one intercourse. Taurus often likes the looks of the two Mercury-ruled signs, Virgo and Gemini, who are also able to offer a varied sexual repertoire. Both men and women Taurus are usually endowed with beauty, more than one movie star was born under the sign of Taurus.

Non-sexual maneuvers
Venus often acts on her subjects in such a way that they become aggressive and when they take this position, they become dexterous and get what they want through non-sexual maneuvers. Taurus take a significant place in the list of famous "dear mistresses". They love to be admired and pampered, and in this way they achieve expensive gifts.

Taurus is an earth sign, he is able to practically use his charms. They say that for any worthwhile thing in the world it is worth and work hard.
Because they believe in fair play - they are bad deal makers and businessmen and therefore must avoid economic areas that require brashness and resourcefulness, otherwise they will not stand up to the competition. In general, non-sexual Taurus maneuvers work better not in business and society, but in personal life.

How to Satisfy a Taurus
Taurus' attitude towards sex can easily become too prosaic both when he is not connected with a partner with a deep feeling and when he simply gets tired of him. Taurus will not hesitate to ask them for the phone number of any other suitable partners.

Positive features
Taurus is a peace-loving person and in our time, when everyone strives to manifest their desires in a frantic manner, Taurus is an example of virtue. Thanks to the strength and ability to concentrate energy on one thing, success comes easily to him. They excel in activities that require time and perseverance. They often come up with some kind of commercial ideas that at first seem insignificant, and later turn into objects of a national scale. Remember, Taurus rules the house of money and he already knows how to shake gold out of other people's wallets.

Once married, he rarely divorces. They are faithful to the end, if not sexually, then spiritually. Men can safely marry a Taurus woman, because. she is a strong, noble wife, supporting her husband's affairs with practical advice.
If anyone wants a relationship that would float on the smooth waves of Venus, board the Taurus steamer - no restless waves. Venus, the goddess who makes young girls fall in love and young boys climb onto moonlit balconies and sing passionate serenades, makes people born under the sign of Taurus the most suitable for romance and marriage. They are in high demand in this area.

Negative features
Stubbornness, indifference, selfishness - that's where to start, but the main drawback of Taurus is self-indulgence, self-indulgence. Another drawback is overcaution. If he does not succeed in something, then this is due to his insecurity and inability to take advantage of the opportunity. In personal relationships, Taurus fails to connect sex and emotions. They should at least invent a spiritual life, pretend, if not for themselves, then for their partner, if they want to keep the peace. Women love to talk and men should occasionally listen. Taurus men love flattery and their partners must force themselves to say something that pleases their ears. The sexual impulses of Taurus are closely related to the stomach and eating habits, and they must remember that excess weight comes from gluttony.

Economy of love
Taurus wants to have everything and happily enter the game of "economy of love." They usually exalt the golden calf and are extremely skilled in using money for personal purposes, especially sexual ones. Taurus attracts many, but he himself often wants the unattainable - a person who succumbs to his charms at a high price. Then, one person is enough for him: he needs not only quality, but also quantity. He needs two cars, two houses, and if not two wives, then at least a mistress. And the Taurus woman is not shy about using money to lure the most handsome man. Positive Taurus types can be generous with money. Loving art, they promote it in their sexual life. But they rarely take under their protection a person who does not have beauty and talent: Venus endowed them with a subtle feeling regarding these two qualities.

Taurus always manages to save money for a rainy day. These are the people who survive national financial ups and downs by smartly buying things that always hold value, such as estates or jewelry. In short, no one knows the art of money manipulation as well as the owners of the house of money.

Most suitable partners
Up to 29.5 years, the most suitable partners are people zn. Capricorn and Virgo. All three are earth signs and until age 29.5 they are all looking for casual, slightly passive sensual connections. But if Taurus chooses Virgo, he must keep in mind that she is beautiful, but cold, and if Capricorn - that he is a good partner and spouse, but later he will not be able to satisfy him sexually.
After 29.5 - Taurus begins to grow spiritually and can find a suitable partner among Gemini and Aries. Gemini will increase his intelligence, and Aries - fire and energy. Aries and Gemini are quite intelligent signs and, like Taurus, don't have their heads high in the clouds. Sometimes it is useful to lower him to the ground so that he can take a good look at his life and subsequently change his future.
After 41.5 years, when Taurus has already acquired the long-awaited well-being, he is ready for a deeper, idealistic, spiritual relationship. Here it can be compatible with Scorpio.

Fidelity score
In general - always "good". A solid sign, Taurus doesn't like change. In their younger years, Taurus are especially loyal to their friends and relatives. In marriage, their fidelity is constant and dependent.

Questions for Taurus
Why do you not want to achieve spirituality, having 95 percent of all other virtues, which will make you a more active sign of the Zodiac?
When will you learn to take part in a two-way conversation?
When will you give other people the opportunity to speak?
When will you stop depending on circumstances?
And, finally, why did Venus leave her precious box with poetic, intellectual values ​​to Libra and only then came to you?

Erotic horoscope

Born under this sign is charming and refined, capricious and sensual. She strives to surround herself with beautiful things and brilliant men. Perfectly understanding her character, men, nevertheless, achieve intimacy with her, as she is an excellent partner, capable of giving refined sensual pleasure. The Epicurean perception of life helps her avoid many serious problems and painful relationships. The joy from the fullness of sensations is transmitted to her chosen one. However, his joy is short-lived. After a short time, he finds his epicurean in the arms of another. She is sincere in eroticism and gives herself up to her attraction recklessly, trying to draw in a new partner an unexplored pleasure. It must be admitted that for men it is as attractive and alluring as it is ruinous. Her married life is often chaotic and unstable.

The male
Women seek marriage with him. They are conquered by his self-confidence, self-esteem, correct and respectful attitude towards his partner. You cannot call him a sophisticated and refined lover, but his passion is strong and exciting for women. In closeness, he is prone to equality and does not seek to suppress his partner with sensuality. He is open in all manifestations of intimacy and suggests the presence of the same openness in a woman. Jealous, but considers it his weakness. In the choice of women, as in everything else, he is absolutely independent and relies only on his own experience. It is almost impossible to "seduce" him with all sorts of female tricks. To do this, he is smart and insightful enough. Retains excellent physical shape until old age. His marriage is long and happy, although he does not make any special efforts to this.


In youth, they think a lot about choosing a profession, they want to be sure that they will succeed and be able to do everything well, earn a lot. They do not mind a certain routine, a certain repetitiveness that gives the impression of stability. Committed to following the rules and love success. No sign spends so much energy on trifles.
Since biblical times, the sign of Taurus has been associated with wealth, money that Taurus attracts to itself and which eludes the losers, because they spend too much.

Taurus usually have good hands. Taurus writers prefer a pen to a typewriter, and if they type, then only themselves. The best use of Taurus is everything that provides reward, satisfaction of the senses - from farming to cultivating flowers, animal husbandry, cooking, baking, restaurant business (famous chefs are mostly Taurus).
They show themselves well in that they love comfort in the house: architecture, interior design, construction in general, are disposed towards fashion, concern for beauty. They are capable of poetry, pedagogy (especially teaching languages), painting, music, economics, stock exchange business. As a rule, they are apolitical (further than economics, sociology, biology, anthropology, acquaintance with politics does not go).


In their youth, they are dreamy, fall in love long before the appearance of the first object of love. When this happens, they need time to wake up, to open up to reality, to the other person, until their person becomes the object of love.
Passion, even in more mature years, does not arise suddenly, but grows slowly and imperceptibly, but when feelings speak, there is no more sensual sign. He does not deviate from his choice.
For Taurus, feelings and desires are one and the same. Taurus' passion is complete: he goes to the end, regardless of whether this end is sweet or bitter. In love, Taurus cannot be stopped by criticism, inconvenience, or discomfort, although in other respects Taurus is practical.

The sensitivity of Taurus is higher than sexual desire, it is visible in everything that relates to a loved one: clothing, complexion, smell, tone of voice. The love of Taurus is fraught with the intimacy and isolation of a deserted island in the sunshine, the mystique of a warm and dark cave. It is deeply touching, tender, uncomplicated and long lasting.
Taurus wants to own their beloved (s) and belong to them to the end.
If reality does not correspond to the ideal, Taurus goes through the hell of jealousy, despondency, does not want any reconciliation and distraction, sometimes he can even die because of a broken heart. They may fall into other extremes - "Don Juan", alcoholism, gluttony, but this is relatively rare.

Taurus women make the most terrible old maids, Taurus men are generally warmer, more thoughtful, they are devoted lovers, although they are owners, they are pleased to satisfy all the needs of their chosen ones and even surround them with luxury. But they do not compete with other men for affection for their beloved, do not share it with others, do not compromise, do not forget and do not forgive betrayals and deceptions.
Taurus women want worship and expect their loved ones to prove their feelings. Having made sure of this, they become balanced, affectionate and lively. Usually they know how to keep men.
Communication with Taurus is entanglement, drawing sometimes into a predicament. Marriage with Taurus discounts the possibility of divorce and is designed for harmony.

From Taurus gentle parents are obtained, taking care of their children with pleasure. Physically and psychologically, they cannot tolerate the emotional attachment of a partner to children.
Taurus succeed in the harmony of family life, can not stand quarrels, can be a little dictatorial in relation to children.
Sentimental Taurus and Scorpio are two opposites to each other. Not always a favorable union of Taurus with Virgo, Capricorn, Aquarius, Leo (for love and friendship). Pisces, Cancer should be avoided.


A Taurus is born with a strong constitution and can live to an advanced age without any disease. Does not know where and when to stop, tends to work too much, drink, smoke, love. When sick, it takes too long to recover. Most diseases are due to excess, despondency, boredom, and discouragement are inherent.
Major diseases: obesity, diabetes, hepatitis, rashes, allergies, coughs, brain diseases, fatigue, schizophrenia, depression.
Most Taurus love to smoke (more than other signs) and it is difficult to wean from smoking (other signs are allergic to smoking), homosexuals are more common than other signs.
Relationship with Scorpio often causes infection of the genitals, especially if Taurus is a woman. Men should watch their throats.
Precautions: keep feet warm and dry, avoid drafts, regular but not too long sleep and rest, regular stools.
Taurus dislikes exercise, diet, physical exertion, and any restriction.

Gastronomic horoscope

A sign of order and wisdom. In life, he is not petty, but very rational. These positive qualities of his often fail when it comes to the table. In TAURUS, who loves to eat deliciously, the processes of assimilation are very pronounced and therefore the danger of being overweight is real. Therefore, constant control in food is the main concern of TAURUS.
Recommendations. Avoid flour, starchy foods, strong coffee, alcohol and nicotine. Beets, carrots, green vegetables, fruits containing potassium, especially apricots, bananas and dried apricots are useful for TAURUS.


Color - white, pink, yellow, red-brown, brick and cherry red, rarely green or blue.
Mineral - fine-grained translucent quartzite with the inclusion of mica or other minerals, giving the stone a shimmering sheen with golden, red, green "sparks".
Correspondence to the sign of the Zodiac - Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn.
It is recommended to wear during one lunar phase, because. subsequently changes the energy.
It is recommended to purchase on the twelfth and sixteenth days of the lunar month.

Stone properties. Helps to maintain a happy, joyful mood, good spirits and clarity of mind. The Avestan school of astrology considers it a stone of "pure love", which helps to sharpen all feelings and emotions, as well as increase optimism and self-confidence.

From the history of stone. The stone got its name from the Italian "per avventura" - "accidentally". According to legend, in the sixteenth century, Venetian glassblowers accidentally obtained a glass imitation of this stone. In fact, the ancient Egyptians knew how to make adventurous glass, unfortunately their recipe was hopelessly lost. In Russia, 18-19 centuries. the most beautiful samples of aventurine were used for inserts in women's jewelry. Candlesticks, handles of forks, knives, vases, seals were also made from it. Unique vase made of light aventurine 146cm high. and bowl width 246cm. exhibited in the Hermitage.


Color - alternation of gray-blue and white layers. If layers of yellow, red, brown, black or another color alternate with white layers, then this variety may have its own name.
The mineral is a cryptocrystalline variety of silicon oxide, mainly fine-fibered chalcedony. Jewelers call chalcedony agate without obvious layering, but with various inclusions that create a specific pattern - moss agate, star agate, etc.
Correspondence to the sign of the Zodiac - Taurus.

Stone properties. Casts out sorcerers and vampires, promotes kindness, gentleness, calmness and self-confidence. Gives strength to the owner, attracts the sympathy of others. Sharpens eyesight, saves from poisons.
From the history of stone. Since ancient times, it has been used for making jewelry, seals, vessels, and also as a material for carving images. Processed in the form of an eye, agate was placed in the eye sockets of statues and served to scare away black forces. In the Middle Ages, agate ground with water was used in the form of lotions for snake and scorpion bites. During the Renaissance in Italy, it was considered a talisman by the masters. The largest piece of agate is kept in one of the museums in Vienna - it is an almost flat dish with a diameter of 75 cm, carved from a single stone.


Color - iridescent golden-brown, brown, brown.
The mineral is translucent quartz or chalcedony.
Correspondence to the sign of the Zodiac - Capricorn, Taurus, Virgo.
Stone properties. Helps in economic activities, extinguishes anger, brings good luck to kind and sincere people, sharpens intuition, heals unreasonable jealousy.


Color - varied, the most famous are red and green varieties, the color can be variegated, striped, spotted, etc.
The mineral is a siliceous rock, opaque, colored by iron and manganese oxides in various colors.
Correspondence to the sign of the zodiac - Taurus, Virgo.
It is recommended to purchase on the twenty-second day of the lunar month.

Stone properties. Jasper, set in silver, has the best properties, it saves from colds, fever and dropsy, and facilitates childbirth. Green jasper scares away ghosts, drives away hallucinations. Red jasper stops bleeding and helps with women's diseases, improves relations with superiors. A cold-coloured jasper talisman grants the power of foresight and reveals the invisible to the eye.

From the history of stone. Known to man since the Paleolithic era, when weapons and tools were made from it. Later, various ornaments and talismans began to be carved from jasper. In the countries of the East, jasper was considered a symbol of beauty, grace and wealth. In ancient Greece, the stone served as a talisman against the evil eye of young mothers and babies. Hippocrates treated fever and epilepsy with jasper. With the spread of Christianity, they began to believe that jasper, consecrated in the church, has magical properties. A.S. Pushkin wore a bracelet with green jasper, considering it an assistant in love affairs.

Taurus is the second sign of the zodiac. Its symbol is the horned head of a bull. This sign represents willpower, patience and diligence.

Element: Earth

Planet: Venus

A rock: jadeite, agate

Mascot: owl, golden calf

Colour: red, orange

Characteristics of the sign

Taurus has a huge supply of inner strength. It manifests itself in increased efficiency, patience and independence of representatives of this zodiac sign. Taurus looks solid, he has a strong physique and excellent health.

People around love him for his optimism and goodwill. Taurus is hard to piss off, because he perfectly knows how to control himself. This helps him to keep his presence of mind in unforeseen situations. But if “the cup is overflowing”, and his patience has come to an end, he turns from a peaceful, good-natured calf into an angry bull.

The main negative character traits of the representatives of this zodiac sign are slowness, stubbornness and passivity.

Taurus Woman

The characteristic features of the Taurus woman are perseverance, diligence, patience. She is calm and reserved, knows how to listen. It's nice to talk to her. She doesn't like objections. Acts as a good housewife and caring mother. He likes to create comfort in the house, to work with children. Recognizes the primacy of the husband in the family. Economical and hospitable. In bed, sensual and tender.

Taurus Man

Distinctive character traits of the Taurus man are slowness, stubbornness and practicality. He knows what he wants and knows how to achieve his goals. This is a romantic and sentimental nature. In family life, he acts as a model of an ideal spouse and father - a devoted, caring and economic man, the head of the family. He loves coziness, comfort and order in everything. In bed, gentle and passionate.

Love and family

Taurus rarely falls in love. He prefers to take a closer look at the character traits of his chosen one, and only then decides on the choice. At the same time, it is important for him to take the first step first. He does not like to be the passive "object" of the relationship.

As partners in life, he chooses people who are similar to him in character. Appreciates the calm atmosphere and comfort in the house. She loves hearty food and loves to cook. Soul does not cherish in children, often pampers them. Family life with a representative of this zodiac sign becomes happy if you show him due respect and do not infringe on his freedom.


Taurus gets along well with a representative of his zodiac sign, with Capricorn, Cancer, Virgo. Low compatibility with Leo, Sagittarius.

Career and profession

Taurus is a great worker. He works slowly, but qualitatively. With his characteristic constancy and great capacity for work, he can cope with virtually any task. True, for a job well done, he expects an appropriate reward and recognition of his work.

The practicality and thoughtfulness of actions makes Taurus an excellent boss. He is fair with his subordinates and tries to create the most comfortable working conditions for them. Expects from them discipline and work "for the result."

Representatives of this zodiac sign are suitable for scrupulous work that requires practicality. Taurus makes excellent doctors, engineers, journalists. In his business, a representative of this zodiac sign gravitates towards large-scale projects and easily outperforms competitors.


Taurus is naturally in good health. He rarely gets sick. He likes to eat tasty and satisfying food, so he is inclined to be overweight. For him, the diet is a real torment. To keep in shape, it is important for him to sometimes arrange fasting days and “sit” on fruits and vegetables.

Taurus, by nature, has a slow reaction, which increases the risk of injury. He is not recommended to engage in extreme sports - skiing, snowboarding, rollerblading.

His passivity can lead to prolonged depression. Therefore, it is important for him to be able to be distracted and change the situation with a prolonged decline in spirit.

Representatives of this zodiac sign are careless about visiting doctors, so they drag out the disease to a neglected state. They need to remember that health needs to be monitored constantly. At the first sign of discomfort, you should contact a specialist. Weaknesses of Taurus - throat, nose, ears, tonsils, thyroid gland.

Those born under the Taurus zodiac sign are strongly influenced by Venus and the Moon, so the basis and driving force of Taurus is love in the broadest sense of the word. Taurus strive to completely take possession of the desired object.

If necessary, they are ready to imprison a loved one in a dungeon, just not to part with him for a second and hide him from the annoying influence of the outside world. If you try to deceive Taurus, then it is better to do it for sure, because if the deception is revealed, the anger and rage of Taurus will be impossible to describe.

Taurus are usually strong and tough people. Their element is the earth, from which they take courage, firmness and rare integrity of character. But this inner wholeness is often accompanied by gullibility and childish naivety.

People of the zodiac sign Taurus are incredibly stubborn and go ahead to the desired goal. If you don’t hurt him, he is a sweet and pleasant person, but it’s better not to stand in the way of the offended Taurus.

They are distinguished by a rare vindictiveness and cruelty, which is so often found in people who are deeply decent, but not very smart, and therefore require too much from the people around them.

Tauruses are not prone to adventures, but prefer to take care of everything in advance and like to reap the fruits of what they have sown before.

Zodiac sign Taurus: character by decades

Taurus of the first decade

Those born from April 20 to May 1 are under the influence of Mercury. They are more melancholic, but extremely practical and effective. They have a firm, quick mind and a pronounced propensity for commercial activities.

Taurus-Mercurians will never get down to business, not being sure of its profitability and expediency. Such Taurus are patient, persistent, but for a long time they cannot decide on any act. However, if they have already made the right decision, there is no such force that would force them to change it.

In friendship and love, Taurus - Mercurians - the embodiment of devotion and nobility. Such Tauruses have a well-developed sense of ownership. They love to collect, but mostly valuable items that can be sold at a profit over time.

Taurus of the second decade

From May 2 to May 11, lunar Taurus are born. They are less determined than their indestructible counterparts, prone to daydreaming and prone to bouts of black melancholy. However, this does not prevent them from looking at things realistically.

Outstanding politicians and writers come out of the lunar Taurus, as they feel they have enough strength in themselves to control the events of the world around them. Taurus born at this time are trusting, sincere and instinctively live, obeying the basic laws of nature. They are distinguished by some lethargy, slowness, they do not know how to rest and always work to the point of complete exhaustion.

Taurus of the third decade

Under the influence of gloomy Saturn are Taurus, born from May 12 to 20. They are unsociable, pessimistic, slowly adapt to unfamiliar conditions and painfully experience the most trifling episodes from their past.

They love to be in nature, but they prefer loneliness to everything in the world. The company of any animal is dearer to them than the closest and most sincere relations with people. The sexual power of Taurus in Saturnians turns almost into a desire for perversion.

All people of the zodiac sign Taurus do not like noise, disputes, unnecessary fuss. The company prefers the role of an outside observer, and if they decide to speak out, they do it deliberately and without tolerating any objections. They are used to trusting themselves in everything, but some slow-wittedness often prevents them from choosing the right decision.

Often communication with Taurus is hindered by their well-developed megalomania. Taurus are simply sure that they are the only and motionless center of the Universe, and they are terribly surprised to find that someone does not want to revolve around them.

Taurus is not too religious, very practical and does not like miracles, which cause them instinctive distrust, bordering on disgust. Taurus is irritated by things that they are not able to explain to themselves.

Zodiac sign Taurus: material level

Since ancient times, the zodiac sign Taurus has been associated with wealth, fame, material well-being, which Taurus, like a magnet, attracts to itself. They, like no other sign, know how to spend money in such a way that the income item invariably exceeds the expense item in their budget.

Taurus traditionally have golden hands, they know how to do everything themselves - especially cooking. The most famous cooks and cooks are most often born under this sign. Especially successful for Taurus are activities related to land and agriculture. They are excellent farmers, gardeners, livestock breeders.

The Earth loves them and willingly shares her generosity and strength with them. Despite all the practicality, Taurus have a delicate taste and a penchant for literature, painting, music and economics.

Taurus always make the best, patient, seasoned teachers. Politics is of little interest to them, since Taurus in the depths of their souls consider it a dirty and obscene business, which natural disgust prevents them from doing.

Zodiac sign Taurus in love

They fall in love passionately and, for the most part, forever, and their passion only grows stronger over the years. Taurus are very sensual, mystical and love everything in a partner, including flaws. I must say that the only area where Taurus completely lose their vaunted practicality is love.

Here they are the very devotion, generosity, disinterestedness and tenderness. They usually terribly idealize the object of worship and remain love-blind for a very long time.

But once seeing and realizing that the partner does not correspond to the high pedestal on which he was placed, Taurus is able to go crazy with despair and disappointment. Unhappy love can drive Taurus to suicide.

Sometimes disappointment can turn into the exact opposite: then Taurus can fall into drunkenness and debauchery, but, fortunately, this happens quite rarely.

Taurus men are wonderful lovers, enthusiastically fulfilling the craziest whims of their chosen ones, but they will never tolerate deceit and infidelity. Taurus women love to be worshiped and love recognition and compliments.

People of the zodiac sign Taurus are excellent parents, but sometimes they exaggerate the importance of their authority and risk breaking good relations with their own children, who rarely put up with parental dictates.

Zodiac sign Taurus health

The symbol of Taurus, of course, is a bull or, in extreme cases, a cow. The weak point is the neck and throat. They sometimes tend to be overweight, suffer from diabetes, numerous allergies and nervous diseases.

Among Taurus, unbalanced types are often found, prone to schizophrenia. The main vice of Taurus is an irresistible craving for smoking. Most of them start smoking at an innocent age, and it can be unbearably difficult for them to give up this habit.

Taurus do not like to do sports, as it is associated with physical stress and the need to limit oneself in many ways. Oddly enough, homosexuals are very common among Taurus men. But, in principle, Taurus is a fairly healthy sign and many of them live to a ripe old age in a strong mind and good health.

Zodiac sign Taurus stones and talismans

People of the zodiac sign Taurus love bright spring colors: yellow, blue, orange, green. The red color of Taurus is annoying, because the symbol of this sign is a bull. They prefer clothes that are not very extravagant, but well-tailored.

Once and for all, having chosen a certain style, they are extremely reluctant to change it. Male Taurus can not stand tight ties and tightly buttoned collars, and women are reserved about chains and necklaces, apparently because the weak point of all Taurus is the neck and throat.

The metal of Taurus is copper, but as a talisman it’s nice to have a small, but always golden calf or a symbolic image of an owl. Stones are expensive: sapphire, emerald, esmerald.

For those who are not able to afford such a luxury, we offer more modest opals, agates and turquoise. If all this is not at hand, then erect yourself a small monument of green marble. He also brings good luck to Taurus. You shouldn't get down to business on Tuesday, but Monday and Friday are definitely your days.

Taurus have a noble and independent character. Having power, they, oddly enough, are in no hurry to use it, waiting for the most favorable opportunity, but often missing it. Hard work, not luck, constancy, not impulse - this is the key to the success of Taurus in life.

In decisions, as in actions, Taurus is usually leisurely. It’s good if they have the opportunity to think alone - people of this sign seem not to be amenable to direct extraneous influence, but sometimes they take other people’s thoughts for their own.

Taurus are usually kind, but in manifestations of their kindness they are awkward, moreover, they are overly persistent. In addition, they sometimes impose their opinions on others too stubbornly, urge them to follow their example, and do not neglect other ways of influencing people. Lies Taurus hate, but sometimes they still resort to it, and, as a rule, their words inspire confidence.

Taurus strive to earn the respect and admiration of others, therefore, they are attentive to their clothes, they strive to look as successful as possible, although they may not be.

In their goals and affections, Taurus is constant. They are able to postpone the implementation of their plans, but as if they never forget about their plans. Taurus usually win friends in their youth, when their character is especially flexible, but they keep it for life.

Taurus is usually not characterized by cruelty and a thirst for revenge, but they do not forgive deceit and betrayal, long and painfully experiencing resentment.

Taurus women are extremely strong in spirit, but behave gently; they are characterized by gentle perseverance, and not aggressive stubbornness. They will not prove their superiority, even if they feel it: full confidence that the moment will come when this will become obvious helps them to wait patiently - sometimes, all their lives.

Taurus men in an incomprehensible way combine their calmness and prudence with romance and sentimentality. They tend to dominate the family, and, calmly obeying the demands of the boss at work, will ignore the requests of the wife with their usual stubbornness.


Shakyamuni Buddha, Vladimir Lenin, Vladimir Zhirinovsky, Saddam Hussein, Oliver Cromwell, Immanuel Kant, Karl Marx, Valeria Novodvorskaya, Galina Starovoitova, Tony Blair, Dante Alighieri, Honore Balzac, Yaroslav Gashek, William Shakespeare, Roger Zelazny, Mikhail Bulgakov, Boris Akunin , Leonardo Da Vinci , Tatiana Tolstaya, Sigmund Freud , Sergei Prokofiev, Pyotr Tchaikovsky, Duke Ellington, Rick Wakeman, Bulat Okudzhava, Philip Kirkorov, Nikolai Fomenko, Barbara Streisand, Jean-Paul Gaultier, Enrique Iglesias, Mikhail Shemyakin, Eugene Delacroix, Thomas Gainsborough, Salvador Dali, Linda Evangelista, George Lucas, Jean Gabin, Donatas Banionis, Henry Reznik, Ella Fitzgerald, Joe Cocker, Jack Nicholson, Andre Agassi, Uma Thurman, Pierce Brosnan, Yuri Shevchuk, Larisa Udovichenko, Irina Saltykova, Masha Rasputina, Cher, David Beckham, Alina Kabaeva.

Horoscope of compatibility: what does the zodiac sign of Taurus mean - the most complete description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

You may not know that a person's zodiac sign determines the Sun. What does the zodiac sign Taurus mean? This means that the Sun at the time of your birth was in the sign of Taurus, which gave your character a strong coloring of the ruler of this sign, Venus.

Taurus zodiac sign - what does it mean

The name Venus means the grace of the gods. Being the embodiment of beauty and prosperity, it is designed to instill in a person the desire for material and spiritual growth. It is thanks to her that you love comfort, solidity, reliability, stability, and, because of this, most likely, you are distinguished by a calm, balanced character.

Living on the earth, in dreams you are also quite mundane, and therefore somewhat inert. What does the sign of the zodiac Taurus mean - a sign of creation, firmly standing on the earth transformed by a plow. It is his main quality - diligence - that nourishes the roots of the sacred ashoka tree, under which, according to one legend, the Buddha was born.

However, life is by no means perceived by you as work for its own sake, you are always focused on the result, having reached which you can fully relax and enjoy life. Moreover, rest for you is usually no less fruitful than work. The power of desire and taste for life, instilled by the goddess Venus, allow you to enjoy contemplating the priceless creations of the material world.

And no matter what you are currently passionate about: music, art or collecting valuables, you tend to consider any hobby only from realistic positions.

The character of a person whose zodiac sign is Taurus

A practical view of the world is more important for you than lofty theories about society, family or nature. Knowing the world of things and forms, you are called upon to experience that the beauty of things is just a part of the overall harmony of the universe.

Realizing this, you will also consistently and steadily be able to rise to the heights of thought and spirit, as you previously conquered the material world. You are peaceful by nature, you can carry a heavy psychological burden for a long time so that it will be completely imperceptible to others. Like a hospitable host seeking to create comfort for his guests, you are always ready to create comfortable living conditions for everyone around you.

However, when your life comfort is destroyed, an amazing transformation of an affectionate calf into an angry bull takes place. Anger does not suit you at all, especially since it is sometimes more destructive than that of representatives of the most ruthless sign - Scorpio. True, it is not easy to get you out of yourself.

Perhaps the most risky means of influencing you is irony, you perceive it as an outright mockery. Having accumulated a dozen undeserved grievances in your soul, you explode and then do not notice the barriers and conventions of behavior.

Taurus, soft and gentle, love nature very much and want, like their patroness Venus, to fully enjoy life. The desire for comfort is the main driving force of Taurus. If not for this, Taurus could become the laziest sign of the Zodiac. It is the desire for all sorts of amenities that make life easier that makes Taurus work tirelessly.

Taurus cannot be called workaholics, work for them is not an end in itself, but an opportunity to provide themselves and their families with a comfortable existence. Taurus are materialists, they value money very much and know the price of everything, but both money and luxury goods for them are only a means for getting pleasure. Taurus love and know how to enjoy beauty in all its manifestations. The zodiac sign Taurus numbers serve as a talisman and protect all life.

Zodiac sign Taurus and his abilities

Beautiful works of art, architecture and design, good music, stylish clothes, the perfection of the human body - all this attracts a born aesthete - Taurus. The practicality of Taurus is manifested in the fact that he does not just admire beauty, but he definitely wants to have it all with him. The motto of this sign is: "I want", and he knows how to achieve his desires.

Taurus are very stubborn and therefore sometimes do not want to understand other people. But they cannot be called egoists, they try to fully satisfy their desires, but they recognize the right of other people to have their own desires. People born under this sign know how to enjoy someone else's joy, so they are surprisingly generous with gifts. For their relatives and friends, Taurus will spare nothing and will do everything to help them.

Family and home of a person whose zodiac sign is Taurus

Family and home for Taurus is his fortress. Here he rests his soul from the excitement of external life. Despite all their strength, Taurus often experiences self-doubt and needs care and attention, a warm and affectionate word of approval and support. If he gets it at home, the loyalty and devotion of this sign to his family is limitless.

Even with a failed family life, Taurus is reluctant to divorce. They are very patient and able to endure a lot. They are peaceful and do not like scandals, it is difficult to piss them off, but if they succeed, their anger is terrible and has great destructive power.

Taurus women are unhurried, lazy-graceful and self-confident. They love to be pampered and know a lot about sensual pleasures. They love the subtle scents of perfumes, the touch of soft fabrics, they hate spiky sweaters and untidy clothes.

Zodiac sign Taurus

TAURUS (20.04-20.05) - ZODIAC SIGN

Characteristics of the zodiac sign TAURUS

You can always distinguish him from the crowd by his strong silent behavior. Until you get to know each other better, he will give the impression of a silent person. His movements, manner of speaking are measured, they are not wordy. Few disturb his peace. His decisions are immutable. Taurus rarely get into a rage, they want to be left alone. Don't push him or he will become stubborn. If you go too far, he will become angry. He can show amazing self-control for months and years, ignoring everything that can cause a nervous breakdown in others. And then all of a sudden he starts digging the ground. Get out of his way as soon as possible in this case. His temperament is rarely impulsive, but when he is irritated, he can crush everything in his path. Sorry, "crush" is not the right word, "demoralize" - that's a better way to say it. But fortunately, this rarely happens. It is better to remember that Taurus is not a little annoyed, most likely he just falls into a rage.

Taurus is very attracted to the opposite sex, but it is not in their nature to aggressively pursue their chosen one. He prefers to attract people to him. His typical behavior is passivity. Taurus are rather hospitable hosts than lovers of visiting. They themselves do not seek popularity. He can pick up the idea of ​​friendship or romance and always knows what to do with it, which is not given to many other people. Taurus are rarely in a restless state, they are almost never nervous. Basically, they are solid. They accept things as they are. As a rule, these are people at home. They are very fond of their home, their comfortable chair, familiar surroundings. Changes in the environment make them discouraged. They always dream of their own home. They are very close to the earth, love nature, flowers. The fast rhythm of modern life tires them, so he must definitely leave the city.

Usually, Taurus are remarkably healthy, although if they get sick, they slowly recover, due to their stubborn unwillingness to obey doctors. One of his characteristic features is disbelief in optimism, which also does not contribute to a quick recovery. The most sensitive areas for diseases are the throat, neck, legs, and back. Any colds often turn into sore throats. They often have poor circulation, resulting in diseased veins and other chronic diseases. However, most May people remain healthier than the rest. But if he gets fat, he may lose his health. One of the main reasons for his illnesses is the lack of fresh air and movement.

Speaking of stubbornness, it is useless to talk about this. They believe that all they have to do is be patient and firm. But they are really stubborn to the extent that it is even possible. However, we must pay tribute, the Taurus has an exceptionally lot of patience. They can carry the physical and emotional burden for years, silently, without complaining, and without anyone blaming it. And the more trouble Taurus has, the more strength they find to endure them. Their loyalty and devotion to family and friends is often beyond comprehension. They deserve a gold medal for the courage that they show under the blows of fate and which would have broken other signs long ago. Their humor is warm and earthy. They are rarely cruel or vindictive.

Now as to money. Taurus and money always go together. Among the unemployed you will not meet Taurus. They are building their empire slowly but surely. Always start with a solid foundation, building your business floor by floor. They like to accumulate power just like money, but usually for the pleasure of possessing it. They often allow their subordinates to act. The mere consciousness that power and money are in their hands completely satisfies them. Let Capricorns and Cancers work, and he will sniff the forget-me-not and look into the eyes of a beautiful woman. Sooner or later money will come to Taurus. He is proud of his property, but not greedy.

Taurus excites painting and music. His thoughts are always reasonable and clear. There is nothing petty about them, including their capacity for lasting love. They are full of love for luxury, for what they have. But money is not wasted. His home is his castle. They are as patient as time itself. You can always rely on their strength, but they are very stubborn, do not be surprised that I repeat this so often: this is their main character trait.


Characteristics of the zodiac sign

This is an earthly sensual person. You can also note his slowness and caution. But for all that, this is a rather romantic sign. It takes him a long time for you to become his wife or just a woman. He doesn't want to dive into the pool of romance and discover along the way that they forgot to fill it with water.

But if he decided that you suit him and decided to conquer you, then he will surpass any man. This is a sensitive, practical, slow person, able to send you flowers until he gets his way, i.e. you. He can be very gentle and considerate. It will react to your perfume, the smoothness of your skin, the softness of your hair. He may not speak openly to you, but he will find a way to show that he notes it all. He has developed a sense of touch and touch. But he is full of contradictions in love. He likes to see you beautifully dressed, he reacts very easily to music, it gives him a loving mood. He probably has a favorite song that reminds him of you. A typical Taurus will give you gifts, may offer a walk in the moonlight and others.

As a father, Taurus is perfection itself. He treats his daughters with special tenderness. He is firm in discipline. Generously treats the whims of his wife, gives her the opportunity not to deny herself expensive things: perfume and other little things that are important for a woman. He rarely spares money and yet always thinks about tomorrow. He works a lot, so he needs rest. Being tired, he can be unbearable. At home, he is lazy, do not scold him for this. It cannot be pushed or rushed.

Taurus prefers large companies of acquaintances, very hospitable. His house should be calm, comfortable, quiet. Be his woman and you will find a better man. His love is simple and honest. His loving nature and attention will give you loyalty. Indeed, he is stubborn, but it can also be called patience. Take care of him and everything will be fine.

When he is courting you, he will not look around. He will not forget the day you met or your other anniversary. But he will not promise you castles in the air. Most likely, he will immediately bring the project of the house, where he will introduce you as a hostess. This man is the epitome of a businessman. When Taurus brings you into the house, you can be sure that he has the opportunity to feed you. This man is for a woman who appreciates true values.

This is a calm, stable nature. He always plans for tomorrow. As a rule, this is a business person who knows how to make money. But Taurus has flaws. First of all, you need to polish your behavior as a woman. Not one Taurus will not reconcile with a woman who has a loud voice or a woman who resembles a man in her manners. If you have an opinion on something, do not try to hammer it into Taurus in public. Deep inside, he respects a woman with intelligence, although he puts simple common sense first. But at the same time, you are better off leaving it in bright light and not overshadowing it. An emancipated woman does not suit him, he can have two reactions to such women: a primitive Taurus (and there are many of them, by the way) can shake you up and hit you, a more wise Taurus will simply object to you in front of everyone and become a stone block, spoiling the rest of the evening. Your friends will also be in a difficult position, this situation cannot be corrected until the Taurus "walks away" on its own. If you want to return it to normal, leave it alone. He can be brought to anger if you try to calm him down. But for all that, Taurus will never leave a woman alone, no matter how angry he is. I advise you to apologize to him. I do not advise you to complain about it.

A woman should always calm the Taurus man and keep her mouth shut. He should not be humiliated or jokes addressed to him. He is extremely patient, but he can't stand it. But you don't have to stick to it like a grapevine. He is too practical and loves his freedom to allow a woman to encroach on him. He does not object to the female individuality, but he is intrigued and balanced by his own stability of nature. No one can be kinder, gentler and more tolerant than Taurus when his manhood is safe. He does everything for the woman he loves. Except for one thing, he wouldn't let her act like a man. Taurus will look at you for a very long time. With a swoop, he will never begin a serious courtship. It may be surprising: too long courtship and no action. He needs time to understand that he needs you.

The typical Taurus is usually blind to any warnings about the incompatibility of characters, and the more friends tell him about it, the more he resists. Consequently, Taurus often make mistakes in their choice of a partner. But they go through a divorce for a long time and hard, and even longer they are looking for a new girlfriend.

The financial side of life with a Taurus is excellent. He loves the countryside, fishing, nature. He prefers to read books about the heroes of the past, biographies of great people. The Taurus man embodies masculine qualities more than others. Therefore, it must be fed hearty, at home.


Characteristics of the zodiac sign

This is a sublime woman. She is the salt of the earth, a combination of all the wonderful qualities that a man seeks and rarely finds. She can infuriate and scare even the strongest man. But she does this only when she has enough reason. She is usually calm and surprisingly reserved. Her honesty is combined with the usual female whims and tears. The Taurus woman has more emotional courage than the man. But at the same time, she feels like a woman to the extent that you also feel like a man. If you are not strong enough, then she can take the lead in her own hands. But she didn't want it to be the other way around. She needs a real man, although she is a real woman and proud of it. It doesn't take you long to realize that she has a mind of her own, strong enough to resort to flirtatiousness to achieve her goal. It has a lot of self-control, a lot of hidden will. Men usually appreciate her tendency to take people for who they are.

She equally easily feels with different people. If she does not like someone, she does not offend him, but will simply avoid him. The Taurus woman shows complete indifference to her enemies, but if you are her friend, she is always faithful to you, but she expects the same good attitude from you. As for jealousy, it manifests itself in a peculiar way. Unlike Lioness and Aries, she will not blush with anger if you admire someone in front of her. In order to arouse her jealousy, you must transgress the permitted limits of courtship. And you must test her patience for a long time. She is not interested in abstract thinking. Practical common sense is what matters to her. This is not a very intellectual sign, her practical mind does not strive for mental pursuits. She stands firmly on the ground, she has no wings.

She is rarely restless, her head is always in order, her goals remain direct and clear. She has pronounced physical interests, not intellectual ones. She should always feel satisfied, no matter what she does, no matter what she does. You rarely see dried or artificial flowers in her vases, she is very responsive to good smells: the smell of fresh bread, cut grass. You should use a good cologne and aftershave.

She has a good sense of harmony in everything. She cooks well - a real trap for men. She is talented in art appreciation. A rare Taurus woman does not like the village, the earth attracts her. She can tell you that your sweater is prickly: fabrics should not irritate her, they should be soft.

She prefers sportswear, without finesse, dresses comfortably, she is a very strong woman who is rarely demanding. The exception is the requirement of your loyalty. People tend to like her directness. Communication with her gives you a feeling of relaxation in a warm bath. She does not like being objected to, especially in front of strangers, but why do this? The Taurus woman likes to do everything slowly, you can’t push her, but you shouldn’t influence her.

She is very good at motherhood. She can be strict with teenagers, requires strict discipline, does not tolerate disobedience and sloppiness. This drives her crazy. She is more of a friend to her children than a mother.

This woman rarely complains, she will always support her husband, especially during financial crises. She is not lazy, although she needs periods of rest. She rarely tries to surpass a man in something.

The Taurus woman does not like weakness in any form. Her tolerance for pain and emotional stress is simply magical. She is not weepy.

The Taurus woman likes to make a good impression on people, she is very hospitable. She is always a good friend to her husband, reliable in everything, she is really a great woman.

what does taurus zodiac sign mean

School of Conceptual Astrology "Light of the Stars"

Part II. Zodiac signs


The sign of Taurus is the 11th step in the duodecimal Cycle of Life. Just because the bulk of modern (European society) has rather unpretentious life goals and tends to seek solace in material prosperity and sensual pleasures, the sign of Taurus in the minds of astrologers and, as a result, many people interested in astrology has acquired completely distorted features. Strong materialistic life position. The desire for harmony and comfort, for peace and prosperity. Economy, proportion, lazy strength. Patience and endurance. Above all this, the myth of the natural harmony of Taurus and their famous satisfaction of sensuality hovers. All this is nothing more than features of the average character of a person in the conditions of Kali Yuga.

A bull grazing on a lush lawn, thinking only about his stomach and, on occasion, resolutely sweeping away, everyone who dared to disturb their measured existence - is this really all that a Man is capable of?

The Taurus sign carries completely different cosmological contexts.

Taurus is the apotheosis of earthly life, meaning by this all its diversity, and not only and not so much the earthiness of existence. Here the maturity of man reaches its maximum, giving everyone the opportunity to realize their own aspirations. In Taurus, the values ​​accumulated in the previous phases become the property of those who are lucky enough to be born under this sign. You can designate the mission of Taurus as follows - the final realization of all life values accumulated by other signs. Here is the triumph of life and the place of the most ebullient creativity. The foundations have been laid, the choice has been made, the laws have been created, the zero cycle has been passed - finally, in Taurus, life takes on the most capacious outlines.

In the body, the main aspects of life in matter are realized to the greatest extent. Mission - creativity, freedom, development, joy, strength. Perhaps, the Dendera Taurus best meets this characteristic. His head, unlike the modern image, is turned back, which symbolizes, on the one hand, gratitude to all those who created opportunities for him, on the other hand, Taurus, as it were, casts a farewell glance back, where all the problems remained.

And yet there are problems - Taurus jumps, not seeing what lies ahead for him. In the sign of Taurus, the spirit is most tempted by matter. Matter is attractive and can absorb a person's spirit irrevocably. Despite the fact that in ancient times the Bull (Taurus) was revered as a sacred animal, there are many legends that tell about the unbridled rage of this creature (the killing of the primeval bull by Ahriman in Iranian mythology; the Cretan Minotaur by Theseus in Greek myth; the victory of Gilgamesh over the bull among the Sumerians; Skanda , killing the buffalo spirit in the Mahabharata, etc.). The image of the "Golden Calf" - the god of modernity - is not accidental.

It is worth paying attention to the ancient inscription of this astrological symbol (on the left),

in which crescent-shaped horns are located above the circle, which can be interpreted both as a bowl of the gifts of the Absolute, and as the supremacy of the Moon over the Sun. The Moon Trail may be of particular interest in connection with temptations. This is a complex and confusing story (we will describe it in detail later when we analyze the Moon), but for now we will only say that civilizations unfriendly to humanity are based on the far (dark) side of the Moon, whose goals are quite aggressive. It is they who inspire the semantics of unrestrained industrialization, which in turn forms consumerism and the lack of will of the human spirit.

Only by knowing the function of the space of the zodiacal Taurus in the Cycle of Life, it is possible to correctly interpret the properties of the Sun, planets and fictitious points located in this sign, as well as to understand the properties of the second house of the horoscope.

Taurus. Characteristics of the zodiac sign Taurus

Zodiac sign Taurus

Taurus Planet

Taurus is ruled by Venus, the goddess of love, beauty and pleasure. Taurus love everything beautiful, no matter where they find it: at home, in a museum or on stage.

Taurus Element

Taurus is an earth sign he is firmly on the ground. This element gives Taurus a tendency to conservatism, practicality and thoroughness, as well as reliability and endurance in feelings. It is believed that the simultaneous influence of the planet Venus and the earth element gives Taurus a love for sensual pleasures, in particular for delicious food.

The most characteristic features of Taurus are laconic and unhurried. Taurus is solid and stable, like a rock, and if he does not want, nothing can bring him out of balance. You can stomp your feet and throw your fists, but if Taurus has decided something for himself, he won’t even raise an eyebrow.

Until you get to know each other better, he will give the impression of a silent person. The look is clear, calm, firm. The movements are slow, in women they are gracefully lazy, but hidden strength is felt in them. Usually, Taurus well built, though overweight.

Few things disturb the calmness of Taurus. His decisions are immutable. He does not like disputes, especially in raised tones, and cannot stand disharmony in life. Trusts his perception, an inner conviction based more on feelings than on inference.

Do not pressure him, otherwise he will demonstrate stubbornness. And if you go too far, he will become furious. He can show amazing self-control for months and years, ignoring everything that causes a nervous breakdown in other people. And then, all of a sudden, he bursts into rage. In that case, get out of his way as soon as possible. But many Taurus are so well in control of themselves that such attacks of rage happen to them only once or twice in their lives.

The dual influence of Venus and the Moon determines the sensitivity and sentimentality of Taurus. He is very attracted to the opposite sex, but it is not in his nature to aggressively pursue his chosen one. He prefers to attract people to himself.

As a rule, these are people at home. They are very fond of their home, their comfortable chair, familiar surroundings. Changes in the environment make them discouraged. They always dream of their own home. People born under the sign of Taurus love the peace and quiet of their home, preferring them to noisy gatherings. Their home is their castle. If the situation at home is unfavorable for Taurus, he grabs a fishing rod and hurries to go fishing, closer to nature.

These are, as a rule, healthy, strong people, they are said to have a large margin of safety. Taurus can live to old age without any disease. But he does not know where and when to stop, he tends to work too much, drink, smoke, love. And if he gets sick, he does not recover for a very long time.

Major Diseases of Taurus Key words: obesity, diabetes, hepatitis, rashes, allergies, cough, brain diseases, overwork, schizophrenia, depression. The most sensitive areas are throat, neck, legs, back. Any colds often turn into sore throats. Poor circulation leads to varicose veins, obesity and other chronic diseases.

For the most part, Taurus can boast of good health. But the tendency to devote themselves entirely to work gives rise to the main cause of their illnesses - the lack of fresh air and movement.

At their core, Taurus are stoic and accept things as they are. Taurus is extremely patient. They can carry the physical and emotional burden for years, silently, without complaining or blaming anyone. And the more troubles, the more strength they find in themselves to endure them. Physically, Taurus has great vitality and endurance, but its energy does not arise on its own, as in representatives of the constellations of Fire and Water. It requires stimulus from outside.

Taurus deserve the highest award for the courage they show under the blows of fate and which would have broken the representatives of other signs long ago, and their loyalty and devotion to family and friends often surpasses all understanding.

Their humor is warm, and they are rarely cruel or vindictive.

Taurus and money always go together, because Venus is a planet not only of harmony and love, but also of money. Among the unemployed, you will not meet Taurus. They are building their empire slowly but on a grand scale. They always start with a solid foundation, building their business floor by floor. Taurus make good engineers, designers, doctors, teachers, builders, livestock breeders, gardeners, as well as accountants and financiers. In the financial sector, which can cause confusion and headaches for representatives of other signs, Taurus swim like a fish in water.

It is believed that Venus also helps people of this sign realize their potential in the profession of an architect, designer, singer, artist, cook. But in any work, the element of creativity is not alien to Taurus.

However, no matter where Taurus works and whoever they are, they treat the matter with a heightened sense of responsibility. Having found their place in life, Taurus is not looking for change, especially if the job is promising.

They like to accumulate power just like money, but usually for the pleasure of possessing it. They often allow their subordinates to act. The consciousness that power and money are in their hands fully satisfies all their ambitions.

Let Capricorns and Cancers work, and he will sniff the forget-me-not and look into the eyes of a beautiful woman. Sooner or later money will come to Taurus. When working under a Taurus leader, learn one golden rule - never test his patience. Avoiding this is difficult, as Taurus' patience seems to be inexhaustible. Today he didn't pay attention to the sloppy typed document, he didn't attach any importance to the confusion in the numbers in the annual report, he didn't scold you for the extra half hour taken to the lunch break. Tomorrow you will continue your careless attitude to your duties, you will be late not for half an hour, but for an hour, and there, you see, you will be fired with a bang, it would seem, for no reason at all.

Feelings in Taurus are sharper than in other signs. They are interested in painting and music. They are full of love for luxury, for what they have, but they do not waste money in vain.

The greatest virtues of Taurus are stability, fidelity and a firm sense of purpose. They strive to do a better job and always get their way.

taurus man

The Taurus man is reasonable, calm, practical, "grounded". But if you think that he is devoid of romanticism, then this is not true. It should not be forgotten that Taurus is under the rule of Venus, the goddess of love and peace, the patroness of the arts. They can be very gentle and attentive.

Well, if Taurus decided that you are suitable for him, and decided to conquer you, then he will surpass any man. Taurus knows how to take care of all the rules, inviting a lady to the best theaters and restaurants, never forgetting her birthday or some other important date for her. Taurus' passion is complete: they go to the end, regardless of whether this end is sweet or bitter. In love, Taurus cannot be stopped by criticism, inconvenience, or discomfort, although in other respects he is very practical.

Taurus often make mistakes in choosing a partner. The typical Taurus is usually blind to any warnings about the incompatibility of characters, and the more friends tell him about it, the more he resists. But they are going through a divorce for a long time and hard, and even longer they are looking for a new girlfriend, because Taurus has been looking closely for a very long time.

In marriage, intimacy is very important for Taurus, not only physical, but also spiritual. He really does not like to change, so he is always worried about how others perceive his appearance. Any conflicts expose the inner content of a person. And the opening of this secret for Taurus is similar to death.

As a father, Taurus is perfection itself, with special tenderness he treats his daughters.

Generously, he refers to the whims of his wife. Rarely spares money, but nevertheless always thinks about tomorrow.

As a rule, Taurus people know how to make money. Men whose Sun is in the constellation Taurus can boast of common sense. They are not afraid of hard work, stable and constructive. Obstacles only increase their perseverance. Faced with a problem, they look for a direct solution. Taurus can overcome anything. His great advantage is strength. If he sometimes lacks imagination, then he compensates for this with his ability to go forward.

Taurus works hard, so he needs rest. Being tired, he can be unbearable. At home, he is lazy, do not scold him for this. In addition, men of this sign are somewhat slow. But they should not be pushed or rushed. This does not lead to good. Yes, they are stubborn, but perhaps because of this, they are patient.

Taurus prefers large companies of familiar people, he is very hospitable. But the house should be calm, comfortable, quiet. For love and family, you are unlikely to find a better man.

His love is simple and honest. He is attentive and faithful. Take care of him and everything will be fine.

The Taurus man embodies masculine qualities more than others. Therefore, it must be fed hearty, at home. He loves to eat and drink. What-what, but the lack of appetite Taurus does not suffer. A true gourmet, he does not eat simply because he is hungry, and he does not drink because he is only thirsty. He knows what to choose. Taurus loves to indulge in passions in comfort. He surrounds himself with beautiful things, furniture, paintings, he wants to have all the best. This is a real man, standing firmly on the ground. This is partly the result of his conviction of his own sexuality. He does not need to prove anything to himself, as many men do.

But Taurus also has its drawbacks. First of all, you need to polish your own behavior. Not a single Taurus will reconcile with a woman who loves scandals or resembles a man with her manners.

If you have your own opinion, do not try to drum it into Taurus in public. He can be quickly pissed off if you publicly humiliate or make jokes about him. He is extremely patient, but cannot stand humiliation. No one can be kinder, gentler and more tolerant than a Taurus when his ego is safe. He does everything for the woman he loves. Except for one thing: he won't let her act like a man.

The male Taurus is usually well physically developed, this is part of his charm. This is an earthly, strong, sensitive and sensual nature. However, despite the look of full health, if a Taurus man gets sick, he recovers very slowly and for a long time. On the other hand, he tends to take better care of himself than men of other signs. Instinctively he feels that he must preserve his health.

The Taurus man is the owner. He wants everything he owns to be his only, and he hates to part with anything, unless it has lost its value in his eyes. If your connection is over, he will try to maintain friendly relations.

The Taurus man, born during the last two weeks of the sign, tends to live at random, making false attacks to confuse the enemy. His path is less direct, more zigzag, and does not always lead to the goal.

No one can be kinder, more gentle and more tolerant than Taurus when he feels like a master in the house, and he will not allow his wife to rule there. Taurus is happy when peace and harmony reign in his family. He is not open to change and innovation.

Taurus Woman

Taurus women have a subtle intuition. They are very neat, elegant, look great. Their ruler is Venus, so they know all the tricks of seduction from birth.

The Taurus woman is a combination of all the wonderful qualities that a man looks for in a woman and so rarely finds.

In many ways, she relies on her emotions. People sometimes make the mistake of underestimating her intelligence, as she is not inclined to show her wit in society. She has a rare form of intelligence - she knows that in order to realize the truth, you need to trust your intuition. And with this, she can infuriate and scare even the strongest man.

The Taurus woman tends to be calm and surprisingly reserved. She is very affectionate, but has innate common sense. Quickly detects deceit, but also instinctively reciprocates the partner's sincerity.

Her honesty is combined with the usual female whims and tears. The Taurus woman has more emotional courage than the man. But at the same time, she feels feminine just as much as a Taurus man feels like a man. If her half is not strong enough, then she can take the reins of power into her own hands. But she wouldn't want that. She needs a real man, because she is a real woman and is proud of it.

Being sensual, she is incomparable in the art of attracting men. But in calling on many, he chooses only a few.

It doesn't take long for you to realize that she's smart enough to resort to flirtatiousness to achieve her goal. It has a lot of self-control, a lot of hidden will. Although she has strong emotional reactions, her self-control is still stronger. She never shows her feelings in public and is able to restrain her desires for as long as common sense requires.

She equally easily feels with different people. If she does not like someone, she, without offending, will simply avoid him. The Taurus woman shows complete indifference to her enemies, but she is always faithful to her friends and expects the same loyalty from them.

She is quite sentimental and directly declares her rights. Love with her will not flow smoothly. She is jealous from birth and is capable of making rowdy scenes. But jealousy flares up in her not immediately. Unlike Lioness and Aries, she will not blush with anger if you dare to admire someone in front of her. In order to arouse her jealousy, you must cross the legal limits of courtship.

She stands firmly on the ground and does not hover in the clouds. She is rarely restless, her head is always in order, her goals remain direct and clear. If she achieves something, then she goes ahead to the goal, even if this requires resorting to tears, threats or breaking dishes. If you're involved with a Taurus woman, be prepared to either give in or quit the game.

The Taurus woman is a demanding lover. When one way or another you get into bed, the partner will leave you breathless. In the end, on this site, she performs better than anyone.

If she is self-confident and with you it is easy and good for her, she becomes lazy, dresses sloppy, late for dates. Since she, like the male Taurus, is a lover of food and drink, she can get fat. No wonder they say that inside every thin Taurus woman there is a plump woman trying to get out.

She does not like being objected to, especially in front of strangers, but why do this? The Taurus woman likes to do everything slowly, thoroughly, you should not push her.

The Taurus woman may look fragile and helpless, but she is not. She is always stubborn and persistent. In the family, the Taurus woman has more fortitude than the strongest man, but prefers not to demonstrate this quality. She is a true woman and therefore loves only real men. Among her friends you will never meet someone fake or insincere, and if such a person appears, she will simply bypass him.

Taurus women want worship and expect their loved ones to prove their feelings. Having made sure of this, they become balanced, affectionate and lively. Usually they know how to keep men. Marriage with Taurus discounts the possibility of divorce and is designed for harmony. She has a good sense of harmony in everything. She cooks well. Well versed in art. A rare Taurus woman does not like the village, the earth attracts her.

A wonderful mistress, she can become a good wife. This is a devoted and loving nature. She loves to mess around with kids, but as they grow up, she becomes overly strict and demanding. Such a mother will not tolerate laziness, carelessness and disobedience. Her children should get used to keeping their belongings in order, otherwise the unexpected wrath of the parent may fall on their heads. Nevertheless, she always remains a good mother and over the years becomes a close friend of her sons and daughters.

This woman rarely complains. The husband can be sure that she will always be his moral support in the sea of ​​\u200b\u200bworldly storms. She will not whine and complain if there is not enough money in the house, but she will calmly find a job for herself. She is not lazy, although she needs periods of rest. At the same time, he rarely tries to surpass a man in something.

The Taurus woman is very hospitable. She is reliable in everything, this is really a great woman.

Mutual Compatibility

These are two different personalities. Taurus does not like to be rushed, and will cool the enthusiasm of Aries, who are prone to more impulsive actions. In marriage, Taurus must learn sometimes not to notice the infidelity of Aries.

They are not always sexually compatible. The Taurus woman is sentimental in love, the man has a more earthy nature. The Taurus woman cannot stand deceit or inattention to herself. One can only guess about the fate of marriage.

The dual, changeable, multifaceted Gemini is the opposite of the permanent Taurus. Taurus is attracted to Gemini's artistry and imagination. But Gemini is annoyed by the slow reaction of Taurus. Not the best prospects for marriage.

Cancer seems romantic to Taurus. Both have a strong need for an emotional life. If the connection physically satisfies them, then it will be an acceptable union and a successful marriage.

Taurus will have to put up with Leo's grandeur complex. Leo is cheerful and sympathetic; Taurus is prone to restraint and selfishness. This can complicate communication, in the long run an unimportant combination.

Taurus has a highly developed sensuality, and the puritanical inclinations of the Virgin can irritate him.

Virgo prefers simple ways and avoids excesses whenever possible. A successful marriage is possible, but it requires a compromise in the field of sex.

Libra will bring to life a large share of the emotional warmth and understanding necessary to analyze and solve all problems. Taurus can play a leading role. A good, lasting union is possible.

None of them feel the need for extraneous connections. But in irritation, Taurus can be stubborn, and the wrath of Scorpio, if angry, should be feared by all signs of the zodiac. A relationship full of storms is expected, and marriage is possible only with the extraordinary tolerance of both parties.

The danger lies in the fact that Taurus will try to "put on a short leash" freedom-loving Sagittarius. This will not lead to good results. They will be fine together, but the carefree Sagittarius is usually a frivolous spouse.

Taurus will not like Capricorn's innate tendency to hide their expectations. Accordingly, Capricorn will react negatively to the attempts of Taurus to insist on his own. There will be no romance in their relationship, but they are capable of a good, long-term partnership.

Aquarius prefers intellectual communication. Taurus will be presented to Aquarius as too demanding. A casual relationship is possible, but marriage is unpromising.

Pisces has a lively, unpredictable temperament. It can be difficult for a Taurus to deal with it.

Good prospects for an ardent relationship and for a satisfactory marriage.

Those born under the sign of Taurus

Honore de Balzac, Adolf Hitler, Salvador Dali, Catherine II, Elizabeth II, Oliver Cromwell, Sigmund Freud, William Shakespeare, Karl Marx, Robespierre, Harry Truman, Vladimir Lenin, Pyotr Tchaikovsky.

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