How to recognize depression in children. Hidden depression in preschoolers

Not blues, but depression

Depression affects adolescents much more often than is commonly thought, despite the fact that adolescence psychologists already consider the most difficult and vulnerable in life. According to statistics, every fifth teenager suffered from depression between the ages of 12 and 18, and this happens to girls 2 times more often than to boys. Depression responds well to treatment, but many children never see a specialist and therefore do not get help. Adolescence is characterized by mood swings, depression and dissatisfaction with oneself, but depression is something else.

Clinical psychologist Elena Busel I am sure: “Depression is not just a difficult condition, but a real illness, and it is important to pay attention to it in time, otherwise the consequences will be very serious, and the main one is the risk of suicide. Any disease must be treated. When we experience physical pain, we go to the doctor and take medication, mental pain is no exception. Adolescent depression has certain specifics and is complicated by both external conditions (a teenager enters adulthood, this is stress) and internal factors - hormonal changes, emotional overload.

All this can significantly worsen the quality of life of the teenager himself and the whole family as a whole, so seeking help from specialists will help to cope with this difficult period.” Depression can be caused both by external factors, traumatic events, and occur without a visible external cause - doctors call such depression endogenous.

There is a difference

Depression in adolescents is different from "adult" depression. If adults more often notice depression, the disappearance of pleasure from life, longing and a feeling of loneliness, these conditions are already characteristic of adolescence. More obvious signs are irritability and aggression, a sharp inability to learn, assimilate information, "the brain is in a fog."

Signs of depression

    Sadness, sadness. The child is often in a depressed state, complains of a bad mood, boredom.

    Irritability, anger or hostility. He "explodes" in response to harmless words or requests, reacts aggressively, conflicts with loved ones have become more frequent.

    Tearfulness. The child often cries, including for no reason.

    Separation from friends or family. He began to communicate less with friends, to be at home more often - but he prefers not to leave his room, does not join family entertainment, avoids communication.

    Acute reaction to criticism. The child is completely unprepared to hear that he is doing something wrong, he feels worthlessness and vulnerability, he reacts hard to failures and failures - this is especially dangerous for "chronic excellent students" and children from whom consistently high results are expected.

    Loss of interest. The child is no longer interested in sports, hobbies, books or movies - what attracted before.

    Performance has worsened. Grades have deteriorated, teachers complain that the child is lazy, inattentive in class, and does not complete assignments.

    Changes in eating and sleeping habits. A teenager refuses to eat or empties the refrigerator, falls asleep with difficulty and complains of insomnia, or, conversely, constantly looks sleepy.

    Anxiety. His thoughts are occupied with real or imaginary problems, even small difficulties cause anxiety, dejection.

    Guilt. The child often experiences feelings of guilt and shame - for the fact that he is "not like that", behaves in a wrong way or for no reason at all.

    Fatigue, lack of energy. The teenager is lethargic, often complains of fatigue for no reason.

    Difficulties with concentration. It is difficult for him to concentrate and think.

    Unexplained pain. He complains that his head, stomach, lower back hurt. At the same time, doctors do not find obvious violations that affect well-being, or make a diagnosis of VVD.

    Self harm. Cuts, bruises, or burns (which the child then hides under clothing) can be a way to relieve stress, relieve mental pain, or "revenge" yourself.

Causes of depression

Study-related stress. Many teenagers are not just worried about their studies, grades and exams, but they experience serious stress. How much anxiety is associated with preparing for exams, tutors and olympiads, choosing a university. Especially if the parents broadcast to the teenager their high expectations of his success, they put pressure on him.

"Social" anxiety. One of the main tasks of a teenager is to explore the world around him and take his place in it, to understand how social interaction works. Popularity is important to most children, and not being recognized by peers can be very hurtful. Peer pressure can also influence: if it is customary in a company to drink alcohol, drugs, go against the law, and your child does not like all this, by refusing to be “like everyone else”, he is afraid of harming his reputation and being left without friends.

Romantic issues. First love, unrequited love, relationships with the opposite sex, quarrels and separations, the beginning of sexual activity - all this becomes a very important part of a child's life.

traumatic events. The death of a loved one, incidents of abuse, or other traumatic things in a child's life or environment can lead to anxiety and depression.

Separation or divorce of parents. Sometimes it seems that a teenager is so immersed in himself that he simply does not pay attention to how the relationship between his parents develops. But this is not so: he, of course, notices conflicts and tension and reacts to them, and the separation of mom and dad significantly affects his emotional well-being.

Heredity. Some people are genetically prone to depression. If a parent or close relative has problems with depression, the teenager may be more susceptible to this disorder.

Financial difficulties in the family. Of course, the child is not responsible for the family budget, but if the situation is unstable and the parents are clearly worried, this may affect his condition. A sharp drop in living standards, the loss of a parent's job, anxiety about money - all this can provoke depression.

Physical or emotional neglect. A teenager may seem incredibly independent and independent (or fiercely demand independence and self-reliance) and proclaim that he does not need anything from his parents, but, of course, this is not really the case. Lack of parental attention at any level, regular dissatisfaction of emotional and physical needs are dangerous for the psyche.

Low self-esteem. It is unlikely that you will meet at least one teenager who will be pleased with himself, but for some, constant doubts, shyness, self-doubt lead to depression.

Feeling of helplessness. It seems to a teenager that he can’t cope with anything, he can’t control anything, he is a completely useless and useless creature.

Danger signs

Elena Busel: “It is difficult for a child to cope with a painful condition, I want to stop suffering by any means. For example, boys are more prone to rebellious behavior, may associate with bad company, "run" into drugs and alcohol. Girls are more inclined to immerse themselves in themselves, they are not yet able to assess their significance and place in life, so they may look for evidence of their worth, for example, through promiscuous sex. None of these methods can improve the condition of the child, rather, on the contrary.

How to help?

Do not panic. Feeling fearful in an unfamiliar situation is normal, but dealing with depression often leaves parents confused. We understand that something serious is happening, and we are afraid that we will not cope, we do not have the tools for this - but this is also a normal reaction. We will have to admit: yes, this situation has happened, we do not yet know how to deal with it, but we will find a way to do it and turn to specialists. Of course, you don’t need to run to the doctor with any blues, but if in doubt, it’s enough to turn to a psychologist, including a school psychologist, who will surely notice important signs.

Support without judgment or evaluation. Of course, it's not easy. Fear and excitement are a natural reaction of parents, but if the child sees that you are not scared, you know what to do and how to help, you are optimistic, it will be easier for him to cope. If a child suddenly started talking about suicide, don't say something like: "Yes, it's all your social networks to blame - what did you pick up there." This does not contribute to mutual understanding at all.

Be honest. Do not pretend that everything is in order, do not lie about the diagnosis, on the contrary, involvement will help the teenager control his health and learn to cope with possible relapses. Listen. Avoid lectures and “lectures” - instead, let your child know that you are always ready to listen to him, and do it. Do not criticize, do not evaluate, do not offer ready-made solutions - listen. Acknowledge his feelings. Do not try to say that what is happening is normal or “nonsense”, even if his feelings or problems seem far-fetched or unimportant to you. Good attempts to explain why "it's not so bad" can be perceived by the child as if you do not take his emotions seriously.

Avoid social isolation. Don't encourage your child to want to be alone all the time! Let relatives be near him more often, encourage him to communicate with friends, to do what brings joy.

Watch your food and sleep. Full regular nutrition and sleep for at least 9-10 hours are necessary conditions for the psychological state of the child to stabilize.

See a clinical psychologist or psychiatrist. Depression is a disease that needs treatment. Seeing a psychiatrist will not affect the future life of the child and, for example, will not prevent him from getting a driver's license (provided that it is depression and not symptoms of other mental illnesses). Do not be afraid if the doctor prescribes antidepressants: they are not harmful, they are not addictive, as parents sometimes think, they only improve the biochemical processes in the child's body and help him cope with his condition. In addition, the specialist will offer personal, group or family therapy. The problem of a child is, as a rule, the problem of the whole family, a clear indicator that not everything is in order in the relationship, and joint work will be important.

Everything will work out!

Elena Busel: “According to WHO, 80% of adolescents completely overcome depression without any consequences for the future. A depressive episode can become a serious health disorder only if it drags on, if measures were not taken in time. But most often, depression occurs in mild and moderate forms, which are well affected and pass without a trace. Today, there are effective treatments for depression. In the initial stages, psychosocial support for the child is quite enough - it can be group trainings for teenagers, individual or family meetings with a psychologist. Prevention is also very important! We all come from childhood, and most often children copy the behavior patterns of their parents, look at the world through the prism of parental perception, so one of the ways to prevent is your behavior. Show your child that there are no hopeless situations, that a positive attitude will help to cope with any problem, that you are always ready to support the child and be close to him.

Yes, yes, yes, you were not mistaken - a depressive ... a child, not an adult, although we all believe that depression is only the lot of adults. There is no reason for depression in childhood. However, our opinion is wrong. Yes, and there are plenty of reasons for depression in our children, and especially lately, when moms and dads are in endless time pressure - you can’t find even a minute to communicate with a child who also has a temporary deficit. It is difficult for him to keep up with the necessary, to try everything, to cope with everything, to understand everything, to know everything and to succeed in everything ... And at the same time he still feels that his parents are not up to him.

Strictly speaking, the lack of time, and parental affection, tenderness and love - this is also one of the main causes of childhood depression, as well as many other problems of the child.

The very word "depression" comes from the Latin word depressio - suppression, oppression. Indeed, by depression we usually mean a state of intense melancholy and deep sadness, prolonged anxiety, sadness, boredom, and even suddenly piercing hopelessness. But isn't that typical of a child? Even the fabulous donkey Eeyore, an old friend of Winnie the Pooh, was constantly sad and saw everything only in gray tones.

However, our negative experiences do not always mean depression. Sometimes this is just a short-term change in mood for some adequate situation, for example, unforeseen troubles. But when we are talking about obvious depression, short-term can turn into long-term and despondency will turn into your child's calling card. And despondency is the standard of hopeless sadness. Hopeless sadness? Who has a child? A child who lives only in hopes and is our hope. There is definitely something wrong here. It's too early, doesn't it seem, we're making this diagnosis. Even if not a diagnosis, but simply a state of mind of a child.

Nevertheless, all kinds of depression have recently been diagnosed more and more often not only in people with a mature psyche and a formed ego, but also in infants. Nonsense... But not really.

Experts are now even diagnosing depression that develops in a child after his mother was forced to wean him from the breast and stopped breastfeeding, long before the celebration in his family.

  • Symptoms of childhood depression
  • Treatment of childhood depression

We are used to using the word depression in relation to adults (we have already written about how to deal with depression). However, in a sense, it can also be used when talking about children. How can adults understand what is going on in the soul of a baby? Sometimes it is much more difficult for children to experience personal grief: they cannot tell what exactly is happening to them.

Depression in children is not at all “just a bad mood” and not the usual outburst of emotions characteristic of childhood. If the child is sad for a long period, or aggression is noticed in his condition, this is suspicious. If other negative factors suddenly begin to appear that affect his communication, interests, studies (crying, "withdrawal into himself", loss of appetite) - all this is likely to be signs of incipient depression, and you should definitely consult a child psychologist about this. .

Depression is a problem that needs to be corrected. But the result of consultations, in the overwhelming majority of cases, is favorable. According to doctors, children whose parents also suffer from this disease are most susceptible to depression. At risk are children from dysfunctional families, such as those where parents are too busy and do not devote time to their children.

Childhood depression can also be caused by increased sensitivity to seasonal climate fluctuations. Such types of it are easily recognized by both the parents themselves and the doctors. They are treated with a change in the regimen of medication and drugs that strengthen the body.

Sometimes depression is caused by certain life factors, a disease, or a genetic predisposition.

Case Study

The grandmother of 6-year-old Katya came to see a psychologist. Grandmother complained that Katya was sad all the time. The girl played little with her peers. The psychologist asked her to draw her family. The girl depicted herself in one corner of the sheet, and her parents in the other. Grandmother explained: the parents are businessmen, they do not have time to mess with the child. The psychologist had a long conversation with the parents, as a result it turned out that they did not understand what was happening with the child.

American medical statistics claims that 2.5% of children suffer from depression, and at a younger age, up to 10 years, boys are much more likely to get sick, and after 16 years - girls.

Symptoms of childhood depression

The main manifestations of depression in a child are considered to be:

  • fears that arise for no apparent reason;
  • feeling of helplessness;
  • abrupt mood swings;
  • sleep problems such as insomnia, constant sleepiness, or constant nightmares;
  • feeling tired;
  • problems with concentration;
  • severe anxious thoughts.

Another group of symptoms of depression is its somatic manifestations: complaints of headaches or pain in the abdomen, which do not go away when taking appropriate medications. Dangerous and panic manifestations with dizziness, chills, palpitations, often accompanied by intense fear.

Most often, such manifestations are accompanied by apathy or constant increased anxiety.

Parents and adults also note non-standard behavior that was not previously characteristic of the child: refusal of favorite games, irritability, aggressiveness, manifestations of anxiety, aggravated in the evening and at night.

In younger children, motor activity disorders, complaints of poor health, and frequent crying are more pronounced. At an older age, irritability, absent-mindedness and lethargy are added to tearfulness and sadness.

Case Study

The mother of a 10-year-old schoolgirl, Anya, turned to a psychologist. She said that Anya was not interested in anything, she stopped doing homework, often cries at home, does not answer questions. The psychologist asked Anya to mold what she dreams of. She began to sculpt figurines of gadgets: tablet, smartphone, computer. It turns out that the girl was very jealous of her classmates: they had "cool" gadgets, which she was deprived of. However, the mother did not want to talk to the girl about this topic and could not explain everything to her in such a way that the girl would calm down. But classmates teased Anya with pleasure, calling her a "beggar", which offended the girl very much.

The soul hurts both adults and children

It is quite difficult to identify signs of depression in a child, firstly, because they appear less clearly, and, secondly, it is difficult for a child to tell in detail about his experiences. Therefore, childhood depression is almost always disguised.

What adults responsible for the child should always remember is that depression in childhood is always accompanied by complaints of poor health: pain, lethargy, change in appearance. This leads to the fact that the child is shown to a pediatrician or surgeon, they try to identify the cause, and only after it turns out that there is no physical nature of the ailments, the child is sent for a consultation with a psychologist.

Often depression is expressed in the form of so-called "hypochondriac disorders": when a child complains that he has a serious fatal illness, and uses frightening medical terms that he accidentally heard somewhere, for example, AIDS, cancer, when describing his condition. Often, children have manifestations of anxiety, and if at first the anxiety is pointless, later the child begins to worry and be afraid of certain and specific things: to get lost, to lose his mother, that his mother will not come to the garden for him, that a flood or war will begin.

The most pronounced symptoms of depression in adolescents, most often manifested in thoughts about their own lack of interest and inferiority. Apathy and loss of will are noticeable when a teenager is not capable of vigorous activity and “kills” time with activities unusual for his age, for example, senseless rolling of a toy car. The child cannot start doing homework in any way, while scolding himself for being lazy and lacking willpower. The teenager starts skipping some unpleasant lessons, and later may completely abandon school.

Adults responsible for the child most often interpret such changes in his character and behavior as laziness or the influence of bad company and apply disciplinary measures, to which the teenager most often reacts with aggression.

Case Study

The father of 13-year-old Danila turned to a psychologist because his boy was often bored at home. The man raised his son alone, the mother went abroad with her new husband. It seemed to the father that if he bought a lot of ultra-modern gadgets, then this would be enough for the boy. However, in a conversation with a psychologist, it turned out that the boy suffered from a lack of emotional ties with relatives: no one was interested in him ...

Treatment of childhood depression

The state of mind of the child should be treated with increased sensitivity, frankly, but calmly talking with him about what worries him. If disturbing symptoms last more than 2-3 weeks, you need to see a doctor. For diagnosis, methods such as personal interviews are very useful - both with the child himself and with his parents.

Psychological sessions are the main treatment for childhood depression; if depression lasts for a long time, antidepressants may be prescribed. In this, the methods of treating depression in adults and in children do not differ. However, a child psychiatrist for the treatment of depression will first of all prescribe psychotherapeutic sessions, or, for example, play therapy for babies. And only after making sure that it does not bring a sufficient effect, he prescribes antidepressants. The risk of childhood depression is significantly lower in families with a calm environment, those where the child, his moods and desires are respected. Influencing a depressed child requires perseverance, and, at the same time, the utmost correctness, as well as emotional empathy.

Psychologist's advice on how to help a child cope with depression?

Adults are not always able to clearly understand how serious the child's condition is, since they tend to look at children's problems from their "adult" point of view. However, the percentage of children who find it difficult to cope with the most common stresses is not so small. Even if it seems to an adult that the problems of a child are insignificant, they may seem insurmountable to the child himself. Do not assume that you understand exactly what the child is feeling at the moment, take his fears seriously:

  1. It is important to be able manage your own emotions and behavior. Since the reasons are not always clear to parents, they can feel guilty about the state of a child suffering from depression, and, not wanting it themselves, transmit - “broadcast” such a state to the child. As a result, he will feel that he is not understood. Indeed, it is very difficult to communicate with a child in this state, so it is recommended to take a course of family therapy.
  2. Spend some alone time with your child every day, the child should understand that you are always ready to listen to him without judgment.
  3. Sports will improve health, not only physical, but also mental. If the child is weak, you can start with walks in the park or pool. According to modern research, the best remedy for childhood depression is aerobics. It is at the same time - vigorous music, various movements and a fast rhythm. All this will help the child overcome depression.
  4. Diet plays an important role. Bright vegetables and fruits, such as oranges and carrots, are a good help in the fight against depression. An "antidepressive" diet should include bananas and chocolate, which contain endorphins, as well as foods containing thiamine: buckwheat, nuts, and legumes. In winter, sunbathing and multivitamin intake are necessary.
  5. The family should be happy. You can give each other gifts, arrange joint games or playful contests, invite guests, fool around with cheerful music. Do you know what one of the famous doctors of the past said? When a circus comes to town, it is as important for the health of its residents as opening a few pharmacies: give the child fun.
  6. You should carefully monitor what exactly your child reads and limit the viewing of aggressive TV shows. It is recommended to make changes in the interior of the child's room, making it brighter and more joyful.
  7. An effective way to combat depression is sand therapy.
  8. The Japanese are constantly smiling - this habit is developed in Japanese babies from early childhood. Scientists have proven that not only joy and fun cause smiles, but the smile itself leads to an improvement in mood - reflexively. Teach your kids to smile.

Case Study

Little Zhenya was brought to a psychologist because the boy was very annoyed. The parents said they were going to get divorced - and the boy found out about it. The psychologist asked 11-year-old Zhenya to draw his family. It turned out that the dad for the boy in the picture is definitely “black”. The child adopted the mother's negative view of the man in the family and was very upset. The psychologist helped to carry out the divorce procedure in the family so that Zhenya would have a positive attitude towards both parents.

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Considering the issue of depression in a child becomes strange. Childhood is considered to be the most carefree and pleasant period of life. In fact, there are many situations that confirm the presence of childhood depression. There are many causes, as well as treatments that help in eliminating the symptoms and signs of the disease.

In rare cases, we are talking about the genetic predisposition of the child to depression. Often, a depressed mood is a consequence of some factors that are noted in the life of a child. This allows you to quickly cure children from a depressive disorder, which negatively affects their academic performance, mental development, formation, etc.

Parents play the most important role in treating children for depression. In most cases, psychologists note an error in parenting or behavior, which leads to a child. Since babies are not able to resist their mothers and fathers, it is adults who must take responsibility for creating comfortable conditions for their children.

A favorable environment in the family is the key to the healthy development of the child, despite the fact that dangers and unpleasant situations will lie in wait for him in the big world.

What is depression in a child?

Regardless of what is considered a disorder that manifests itself in children, it is the same mental disorder as in adults. What is depression in a child? This is a psychological disorder that manifests itself in the form of emotional disturbances. Inattentive parents and teachers may mistake depression for laziness, selfishness, bad temper, or pessimism. In fact, what others see is only a symptom of unrecognized depression.

Depression is not understood by the child himself. He is not yet familiar with it and cannot independently understand what harm it causes him. That is why the responsibility for identifying and seeking psychological help is shifted to parents and teachers / caregivers. These are adults who are constantly in contact with the child, should recognize depression in his bad mood.

The sooner childhood depression is treated, the sooner the child will return to a healthy mental state. The process is reversible. And it happens as quickly as soon as the parents provided the child with psychological help. Parents can get preliminary advice on recognition and support on the website of the psychological help website. In some cases, parents can provide the child with the very support that will be enough for the recovery of the child.

To date, psychotherapists have numerous methods for ridding a child of depression. In most cases, only psychotherapy without medication is prescribed.

Many readers may not believe that children develop depressive disorders. This misconception puts their children in a dangerous position, because the kids themselves are not able to understand what is happening to them and ask for help, and adults do not believe in the depressive state that the child develops. Inappropriate behavior of parents allows depression to worsen, which soon results in such natural symptoms as:

  1. Yearning.
  2. Decreased activity.
  3. Contact avoidance.
  4. Lethargy.
  5. Sadness.
  6. Weakening of interests.

The older the child gets, the more he masks his depression in various ways, because adults do not perceive it adequately and can even punish for it. Developing here:

  • Failure at school.
  • Aggressive behavior.
  • Closure.
  • Anxiety.
  • Broken relationships with peers.
  • Various fears and complexes.

Causes of depression in a child

Parents may be interested in the question of why a child develops depression. Let's try to identify common reasons:

  1. An unfavorable family environment in which the baby cannot fully develop: an incomplete family, conflicts in the family, authoritarian upbringing or overprotection, a complete lack of parental attention and sexual education. For example, a child cannot express himself because he is constantly limited in everything, cannot discuss his puberty, or does not have the opportunity to receive support from adults.
  2. Genetic or congenital pathologies: encephalopathy, brain damage at birth, fetal hypoxia during the prenatal period, intrauterine infections, birth asphyxia, etc.
  3. Physiological and hormonal changes. We are talking about adolescence, when girls begin menstruation, and guys have nocturnal emissions. Hormones make children more aggressive. This is where the team becomes important. If a child does not develop relationships with peers, this makes him think about his own inferiority.
  4. Failure at school. Children still care about the area to which they devote a lot of time.
  5. Frequent moves. This can lead to a lack of friends in the child.
  6. Narrowing of interests and communication to sitting at the computer. The Internet provides many opportunities where the child can be whoever he wants. However, this significantly limits his physical and mental development, when he has little real communication with people, does not know the world around him, etc.
  7. Seasonality of mood. Children may also experience autumn or spring depression, which can be associated with unpleasant events that occur during this period in their lives.
  8. Stress. Children face many stressful situations that are different from adults. These include divorce of parents, conflicts in the family, death of a loved one, betrayal of a friend, etc.
  9. The collapse of illusions and ideals. Often parents surround the child with various false ideas about the world, for example, they talk about the existence of Santa Claus. If a child is faced with a situation where his beliefs do not work, he may become depressed. The stress of shattering ideals and illusions is shocking.
  10. genetic predisposition. It is noted in families where parents suffer from deep depressive disorders.
  11. Mental injury or stress.
  12. Physiological causes: headaches, metabolic disorders, allergies, improper sugar intake, malnutrition, diseases of the stomach or thyroid gland, mononucleosis.

Symptoms of depression in children

Depression in children is manifested by the same triad of symptoms as in adults:

  • Little activity.
  • Decreased thinking.
  • Depressed mood.

You should be attentive to the behavior of your child. Any changes should be noted. If you experience symptoms of depression, seek help immediately. Pay attention to the following:

  1. The child is rapidly gaining or losing weight.
  2. The child is in a depressed mood for most of the day, yearns, is depressed, feels empty.
  3. In the behavior of the child, lethargy or agitation is noted.
  4. The child has ceased to be interested in previous activities and hobbies.
  5. The child has a sleep disorder: he either cannot fall asleep for a long time, or falls asleep quickly, but often wakes up.
  6. The child seems tired and powerless.
  7. The child does not touch the food, which is noted in several episodes.
  8. The child looks preoccupied, guilty, bashful.
  9. The child becomes inattentive, absent-minded, "tight" thinks.
  10. The child loses the desire to communicate.
  11. Ideas and themes about suicide, death, etc. arise when communicating with the child.

In the morning, the child can feel good and cheerful. However, during the day the mood falls, which is very noticeable in the evening hours. The child complains about various problems in relations with classmates, friends, school performance, etc. He may talk about the presence of headaches. If his mood rises, it does not last long.

The child's mobility also decreases. He prefers to lie or sit in one position. His speech becomes quiet, short, without the use of a variety of words. It is difficult for him to answer questions, to think, even to fantasize.

Thoughts of suicide occur only after a long time since the onset of depression. The danger lies in the fact that the child may try to carry out his idea, especially if some traumatic event occurs in his life, which will become a trigger.

Signs of depression in children

  • Difficulties in communicating with other children and loved ones.
  • Changing eating and sleeping habits.
  • Difficulties in performing duties and daily activities.
  • Difficulty communicating with elders.
  • The appearance of low self-esteem.
  • Poor academic performance and absenteeism from school.
  • Irritation and anger.
  • Forgetfulness and inattention.
  • Addiction to alcohol or drugs.
  • Loss of interest in previous hobbies and socializing with friends.
  • Feelings of guilt and self-doubt.
  • Pessimism and constant sadness.
  • Lethargy, lack of enthusiasm.
  • inadequate response to criticism.
  • The appearance of a toothache or headache.
  • The appearance of hopelessness, depression, helplessness, anxiety.

The appearance of panic attacks and hallucinations against the background of insomnia can lead to the last stage of depression - suicide. If the child does not get help, then irreparable things can happen. Parents should be aware of the following:

  1. The risk group includes adolescents from 15 to 24 years old and children from 5 to 14 years old.
  2. In a state of depression, the occurrence of thoughts of suicide increases 30 times.
  3. Before committing suicide, a person suddenly becomes very cheerful: this indicates that the decision to kill himself has already been made, which relieves stress.
  4. Adolescents who use alcohol and drugs are more likely to commit suicide.

In addition to signs of depression, parents should pay attention to communication with the child. This can significantly reduce depression and its manifestations. If you need help, you can start by contacting a school psychologist. Otherwise, you will need specialized psychiatric help.

Treating Depression in Children

Severe depressive states are treated exclusively in a stationary mode under the supervision of a psychiatrist. Only mild forms of depression in children can be treated at home. How exactly this will happen should be controlled by a child psychologist who can prescribe Adaptol, a mood-improving drug that relieves drowsiness, increases appetite and mood, and relieves somatic symptoms.

Other medicines can be:

  • Tenoten is a homeopathic medicine.
  • Antidepressants that are prescribed only by a doctor.

The child continues to lead a normal life, while undergoing treatment. He goes to school, to the store for shopping, does household chores, etc. The most important thing here is the behavior of the parents, who should create favorable conditions for the child in their family?

  1. Accept the needs and opinions of the child.
  2. Raise his self-esteem.
  3. Allow your feelings to be expressed.
  4. Learn how to solve difficult problems.
  5. Learn how to deal constructively with difficult situations.
  6. Do not overwork with various tasks and work.
  7. Allow to rest.
  8. Allow to walk outdoors.

Together with a psychologist, the child learns to solve his problems that bother him. His emotional background and general mood are restored due to various methods: art therapy, music therapy, role-playing games, etc. It will be useful to take group classes, where the psychologist will work with his parents together with the child.


Childhood depression is no less dangerous than an adult. The result can be sad if parents ignore the condition of their child - we are talking about suicide. In order not to lead to a fatal ending, attention should be paid to communication and activities with the child.

Parents should be aware that one in 33 children develops depression. Children who are in a traumatic situation, under psychological pressure or have an attention disorder become prone to it. After recovering from a deep depression, the child can again fall into it if an appropriate stressful situation arises within 5 years.

Unfortunately, not all parents know.

Childhood depression is especially insidious, because many of its signs are often mistaken for capriciousness, spoiledness, an age crisis in children, and even laziness. How to understand that a child has depression and help him in time - read in our material.

Main symptoms of depression

A decrease in the tone of the body, a desire to move away from people, inhibited reactions, a feeling of longing and sadness, a weakening of interests - these are the main signs of the disease.

Often these symptoms are mild in children, besides, kids can not always tell about their feelings and sensations.

Depression in a child gives a deterioration in health. Most often this can be:

  • dizziness;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • nausea;
  • weakness;
  • lethargy;

Often, adults turn to doctors with a child, thinking that the cause of ailments is health problems . But doctors do not find any diseases of internal organs and violations of body systems, since the whole point is depression which is difficult to diagnose.

Causes of Depression in Children

: “In most cases, mental disorders in children cannot appear just like that. They are transmitted genetically, appear as a result of improper upbringing or the negative influence of the outside world.

Among the most frequently encountered causes of depression experts distinguish the following:

  • (study is not given,);
  • problems in relationships with peers ((, rejection, quarrel, loss of a friend, personal problems);
  • difficulties in (misunderstanding, lack of warmth, quarrels of parents,);
  • weather change (lack of sunlight and vitamins);
  • exposure to new technologies (excessive time at the TV screen, computer, smartphone, and uncontrolled information from the Internet);
  • (the need to be popular, slim, rich, fashionable, etc.).

Signs of depression in children of different ages

Like adults, children have temporary, chronic and, and at different ages it manifests itself in different ways:

  • age 1-3 years: decreased appetite, weight, the child becomes capricious, tearful, slow;
  • age 3-6 years: decreased activity and interest in others, sadness, mean facial expressions, senile gait;
  • : melancholy, indifference, isolation, lack of energy, interest in games with peers, schoolwork;
  • age 10-14 years: difficulties with memorizing and comprehending educational material, slowness, awkwardness, clumsiness, lethargy, rejection of sections and circles;
  • age 15-17 years: low self-esteem, self-doubt, loss of interest in previously favorite activities, the appearance of guilt, hopelessness, unwillingness to communicate, frequent talk about illness or death, hostility and aggressiveness.

Psychologist Ilona Senevskaya tells: “A depressed child cries for any reason: a remark, encouragement, resentment, and even a joyful event. Usually, children consider their bad mood to be the fault of their parents. And with chronic depression, getting older, they can defiantly threaten to commit suicide.

Treating Depression in Children

Depression does not go away on its own, neither in adults nor in children. Its a must need to be treated. And the sooner depression is recognized, the sooner the child will return to normal.

If you notice signs of depression in your child, consult a psychologist, psychotherapist or psychiatrist. The specialist will help to identify the cause of the depression and prescribe the appropriate treatment.

It doesn’t have to be medication, children with depression are usually treated with psychotherapy:

  • play therapy relaxes, distracts, reflects internal problems;
  • with art therapy it will be easier to find the cause of depression;
  • with the help of playing with dolls, the child will live out his problem situations;
  • creativity will help to open up;
  • a full 10-hour sleep is required in a calm environment, in the dark;
  • daily outdoor walks
  • physical activity.

If depression has become chronic, the child may be prescribed antidepressants as treatment.

In order for the child to recover as soon as possible, it is important for parents:

  • give him as much attention as possible
  • sympathize
  • empathize,
  • distract from dark thoughts,
  • to be with him more often among people,
  • talk more so that he does not keep feelings in himself.

And yet - according to Canadian researchers.

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