The most effective remedy for moths. Effective moth remedies

Periodically, even good housewives in the house may have a mole. Since the moth is an unwanted guest, as it can spoil both clothes and food, it is necessary to get rid of it. But first, it’s worth determining what kind of moth has settled in your home. Then the fight against it will be more effective. Our article will help you understand the types of moths and the means of dealing with it.

The main thing in the article

Where does the mole come from in the apartment and house?

One of the main reasons for the appearance of moths in an apartment and a house is the availability of food for it:

  • Clothes moth can be brought into your home when buying fur or woolen items. You will not be able to see the moth itself on them, since the larvae of this insect were brought into the room. Also, clothes moth, or rather its larvae, enter the room with the purchase of furniture (especially second-hand). If there are pets in the house, they can also bring moth larvae on their fur. This method is rare, but it happens.
  • Food moth appears in a dwelling with food. If the manufacturer has leaky packed cereals or flour, then a pest can get there. Those who live in an apartment can receive moths as a gift from their neighbors. She calmly knows how to move through the ventilation system, so do not be surprised if you saw a mole at your neighbors, and then noticed it in your house.

Unlucky residents of high-rise buildings in which the house grocery store. After all, where cereals and flour are stored, moths also multiply. Often the moth flies with landing into the apartment, so when you enter the house, quickly close the door.

Types of domestic moth

There are several types of moths:

How to get rid of moths in an apartment: safe and effective methods

Exist various methods small pest control

  • Chemical insecticides- they are presented in the form of various fumigators, special sections and sprayed aerosols.
  • Plants- the moth does not tolerate the smell of special plants, so they are placed in places where the pest accumulates. Lavender and geranium are good moth killers.
  • Temperature- For moths, temperatures below -5 degrees are unbearable. In the cold season, ventilate the room more often.
  • Shaking things out- this way you can get rid of the larvae that settled in the clothes.
  • Revisiting groats- all cereals where larvae are present must be discarded.

How to get rid of food moth?

Food moth is difficult to remove, but possible. For this you have to do general cleaning on the kitchen.

  1. Carefully sort through all the cereals
    If you notice croup with larvae, then it must be thrown away. It is undesirable to eat such products, since feces and decay products of moths are present there. A person can get intoxicated by tasting a contaminated product. If the hand does not rise to throw away, then in this case it is necessary to thoroughly rinse the cereal, then dry it well in the oven at a temperature of more than 70 ° C.
  2. Wash your kitchen cabinets well
    Kitchen cabinets should be rinsed with a vinegar solution, then rinsed again with water. Frequent airing of kitchen furniture is highly desirable.
  3. Purchase a dedicated storage container
    Bulk products should be stored in a special container. These are either linen bags that can be tightly closed, or glass jars on which the lids close well.

Food moth: how to get rid of folk remedies?

Folk remedies always come to the rescue, because everything you need is usually present in the house of the hostess.

  • Bay leaf- the mole does not tolerate the smell of bay leaf. It can be poured both near cereals and put in a jar with them.
  • Garlic- garlic cloves will save the cereal from harmful larvae.
  • Vinegar- Periodically wipe kitchen cabinets with it.
  • Citrus and lavender- lay the dried citrus peels in the cabinet where you store the cereal. Dried lavender will fill your home with fragrance and save your kitchen cabinet from moth infestations.
  • Tobacco: enough effective method moth control - tobacco leaves laid out on the shelves.

Processing kitchen furniture to get rid of moths

Kitchen furniture should only be treated after you have disposed of the infected cereals.

  • Vacuum the kitchen cabinets inside.
  • Then treat it with a solution of laundry soap with a ratio of 1: 6, or a solution of vinegar.
  • Heat the container in which the infected cereal was stored in the oven at a temperature above 70 degrees. Then arrange in cabinets. special means from the moth.

Prevention of the appearance of food moths

After getting rid of an unpleasant neighbor, you probably don't want the moth to come back again. Therefore, preventive measures are necessary:

  • Do not purchase contaminated products. After purchasing the cereal in the store, sift it. Pay attention to whether there are larvae in it.
  • Ventilate periodically kitchen furniture and the room itself.
  • Store cereals in a specialized container with strong lids where moths cannot penetrate.
  • Use folk methods for prevention. Arrange citrus peels in a closet, or hang a bunch of dried lavender.

How to remove moths in the closet?

Moth prefers to lead a nocturnal lifestyle, so she is comfortable in cabinets and boxes with things.

  1. A thorough cleaning and washing of things will help to remove the mole.
  2. Insecticides in the form of aerosols and sprays, moth traps will also save the situation.
  3. Temperature exposure will help evict moths from your closet.

Removal of clothes moth mechanically

The easiest way is to bring out the mole mechanically by slapping her with her hands or with a newspaper. However, it is not entirely effective, since you will not spend the whole day chasing moths, and you can only slam an adult, and caterpillars spoil things.

Caterpillars are easy to get rid of by rubbing things well. To do this, you need to go outside or onto a balcony. Caterpillars are weak on clothes, therefore, they will easily fall off.

Chemical remedies for clothes moth


If you decide to fight moths choose chemical method, then you can purchase special sections. They are sold in the form of thin plates with a special substance inside. Due to the evaporation of essential oils, the sections repel moths. Keep in mind that sections only scare off adults. Small caterpillars will remain on clothes, continuing to absorb products.

Spray can

Quite effective in pest control and aerosol. The jet should be sprayed on internal surfaces closet and clothes. The aerosolized substance is harmful to humans. Take care of respiratory protection in advance.


Fumigators are another chemical agent against the moth. There are two types:

  • electric - look like a box with a plate inside and work from an outlet;
  • pyrotechnic - they look like a spiral that needs to be set on fire. Smoke repels moths.

Aerosols against moths in the closet: a list of effective remedies

  • Armol- especially effective against fur coat moth. Leaves no marks on clothes, has a delicate lavender scent. Destroys both moths and caterpillars.
  • Raptor "Moth Protection"- removes clothes moth after several applications. It's easy to find on sale.
  • Mosquitall Moth Protection- Spray on clothing. With a pleasant lavender scent.
  • Extramit- within a couple of hours, the moth destroys.

Fumigators from domestic moth

The fumigator is excellent tool for those who do not want to use an aerosol and spray a stream on clothes and a closet. For people, the fumigator is not harmful, since the concentration of the toxic substance is too low for a person, but just right for a moth. It is quite difficult to find an outlet in the closet, so the fumigator should be connected to an extension cord there. Among the fumigators are quite effective:

  • Raid- a fumigator working on plates.
  • Mosquitall- fights moths within a radius of 30 square meters.

How to remove clothes moth folk remedies?

Folk remedies for moths may not be very effective, but they are worth using.

  • Soap- Arrange scented soap in the closet. Moths don't really like its smell.
  • Oils Soak cotton pads with aromatic oils. Lavender, orange or geranium oil will remove a harmful neighbor from the closet.
  • Lavender- dried lavender must be laid out on shelves or hung in a closet.
  • Tobacco- it should be laid out in places where moths accumulate.
  • Dried orange peels- put them in the closet.
  • Geranium- the moth cannot stand its smell and will not fly into a room with blooming geraniums.

How to get rid of moth larvae?

  1. Remove all clothing from a closet infested with larvae.
  2. Vacuum the closet thoroughly. Do not skip the corners, shelves.
  3. Rinse the shelves and the cabinet itself inside hot water with laundry soap.
  4. Spray the cabinet with an aerosol.
  5. Wash all clothes in hot water, preferably above 50°C for at least 30 minutes. If the clothes cannot be washed in hot water, place them in plastic bag and send it to the freezer for a day. After the time has passed, wash it at an acceptable temperature.

Top best anti-moth drugs



  • DiK - 3
  • Mosquitol


  • Mosquitol
  • raptor

Video: the most reliable home moth remedies

If the moth has already wound up in your home, then you can and should fight it. To get started, try folk remedies, they are always at hand. If they don't help, move on to others. The main thing is not to start the process of struggle, because the sooner you start, the faster you will destroy. Protect your belongings and products from moths, do not live side by side with a pest.

Insects in living quarters are always unpleasant, no matter how safe they may seem at first glance. One of these pests is moth, which is not so easy to get rid of at home. To help you solve this problem, let's first consider what harm this moth can do and how to find out that it has settled in your apartment?

Determining whether this pest is in your home is quite simple. Once you see a moth fluttering around the room, you can be sure that somewhere in a wardrobe or in kitchen drawer for food stocks, uninvited guests appeared.

To make sure of this, for sure, carefully examine all the cracks and corners in the cabinets. There may be pupae, remains of cocoons, caterpillars and adults. Another sign that it's time to look for the answer to the question: how to get rid of moths folk ways, are:

  • Holes in woolen clothes;
  • Tracks of worn out fur on hats and collars;
  • Insect excrement under damaged wardrobe items.

And if on initial stage the appearance of cereals can still be sorted out, then if the butterflies have spent more than one day there, then cocoons and larvae will be signs of their presence. And you are unlikely to want to use such products for food.

The main damage is caused by larvae, they have adapted to the diet - clothes, carpets, furniture upholstery.

What harm can a mole do in an apartment?

You should not expect pleasant things from this small moth. Although it looks quite harmless, it can cause a lot of harm, including:

  • Corroded items made of wool and fur;
  • Pulverized feather fillings in pillows;
  • Spoiled foods, not only cereals, but also sweets, nuts;
  • Contamination of furniture and utensils, which can lead to the spread of diseases.

Here are the main reasons why moth control should be carried out using folk methods or with the use of insecticides - it is up to the owner of the home to decide.

Food moth is found in many foods. This is especially true for bulk products.

But remember that the latter are also unsafe for humans if used incorrectly. Therefore, before choosing a specific method, find out all the pros and cons of each of them.

Food moth feeds on groceries and flour products

Fighting moth folk remedies

When choosing one or another drug, keep in mind that, according to experts, today it is almost impossible to find a substance that would quickly and effectively destroy both moths and their offspring. Possessing excellent adaptability, this insect no longer responds to most existing means, and the most effective at this stage is the call of exterminators.

However, not only the insect, but also the residents will suffer from this method. They will have to leave their apartment for at least a few hours, and possibly for a day. Therefore, many prefer to use folk remedies against moths. We'll tell you more about what they are and how they work.

Among the products and plants present in every home, the most effective are:

It would seem that what can a butterfly not like in this product? After all, it is practically odorless, but still effective. The way to use it is extremely simple. By spreading pieces of laundry soap in the closet between clothes, you can protect it from pests.

Due to its safety for humans, it is detergent can also be used to combat kitchen views moth. Its smell is not pleasant for the insect and will scare away adults, as well as limit the movement of caterpillars. Its advantages include: availability, ease of use and low cost.

It is best to use orange - a fairly popular folk remedy for moths. Their rich aroma is pleasant to humans, but repels butterflies. Therefore, by laying them out in bedside tables and cabinets, you will reliably protect your belongings and products from pests. However, in the fight against larvae, orange peels are not effective.

Essential oils

Moths are usually placed in open bottles, so it will scare away butterflies and will not leave greasy spots on your clothes. To combat food species, such drugs should not be used.

Having a sharp specific smell is not to the liking of many, including people. It is usually used for moths in the kitchen, as a fairly well-known folk remedy.

Used to repel pests, there are two varieties: regular or smoking and fragrant. The first is used in dry form, for this it is crushed and laid out in fabric bags- this is the best remedy for moths in the closet. The second is simply grown in an apartment, like a houseplant, and butterflies also do not like it.

Pelargonium or geranium has similar properties. The pungent smell of its foliage repels insects.

Dry herbs and wood chips used against moths

Traditional remedies for pests are dried flowers and leaves of a wide variety of flower crops growing in your garden. One of the most effective among them is lavender, from moths they use its dry flowers, which have a strong smell. They can be replaced with lavender fragrance or oil, but it will be more expensive.

Plants are used to repel the pest: wormwood, chamomile, marigolds, cloves, valerian, tansy.

In addition to it, plants such as:

  • wild rosemary
  • Sagebrush
  • Tansy
  • Chamomile.

They are poisonous and perfectly fight any household pests.

In addition to flowers and grass leaves, you can use pine chips, walnut or chestnut sprigs from moths. The pungent odor they emit is unpleasant to insects, and they will leave as far as possible from its source.

Effectively fight butterflies and means such as vinegar, Bay leaf. Periodically wiping all the shelves in the closet with a sponge dipped in a solution of table vinegar, you will protect your belongings and products from being destroyed by this omnivorous moth.

Video: How to get rid of moths folk remedies

Even today it is not so easy to find the most effective moth remedy, although in modern stores there are a huge amount on the shelves household chemicals from various manufacturers. But both clothes moth and food moth can cause considerable damage.

It is enough just to recall the statistics that were published in England in the early 2000s, where, according to researchers, it turned out that on average during the year this insect eats about 3.5 thousand tons in the whole country. wool fabric. So how to get rid of moths so that they do not damage food or clothes?

From the life of a moth

There are several tens of thousands of moth species in the world. Fortunately, not all of them pose a threat to products or things.

Domestic moth can be of several types. Sometimes it is divided into furniture, clothes and fur coats, but in fact this is a conditional division.

After all, clothes moth can eat fur with the same success, and furniture moth can settle in a closet with clothes. Separately, a food moth is isolated, which feeds on grains and cereals. She, however, lives not only at home, but also in warehouses and granaries, where she always has a rich food supply.

Moth butterflies are harmless, only larvae spoil food and things

Interestingly, the moth butterflies themselves are relatively harmless and cannot spoil anything, because they don’t even have a mouth as such. Moth caterpillars, which are quite voracious, are causing damage, and they are interested in things that are absolutely inedible at first glance (feathers, wool, even Genuine Leather), because they have bacteria in their bodies that promote the absorption of dead proteins contained in such material.

There are cases when these pests even fed on book bindings and dried snake venom.

The processes of evolution lead to the fact that insects are forced to adapt to new conditions. And therefore, the moth does not disdain synthetic fibers or cotton, although initially they do not contain protein. The thing is that skin particles often remain on clothes, traces of sweat and sebum, that is, some minimal amounts of protein that attract moths remain. That's why it's so important to clean all your clothes so that pests don't take an interest in them.

How do moths get into houses?

It all depends on what variety we are talking about.

Most often, food moths enter the house along with contaminated groceries.

The risk is especially high for those people who buy cereals in loose form in the markets. There is much lower hygiene requirements, and storage conditions do not always correspond to GOSTs.

Food moth enters the house with various kinds groceries

If there is a grocery store in the house on the first floor, then this also inevitably provokes the appearance of food moths, even if they try to comply with storage conditions there. An adult insect is a butterfly, it flies beautifully, so ventilation ducts can move into an apartment from such a store. In addition, if the neighbors took up the fight against moths, then through the same channels the moth can move to neighboring apartments. That's why at chemical treatment rooms, there is always a chance that some of the insects will fly to the neighbors.

But if you agree with other residents and carry out processing at the same time, it is possible that the surviving insects will simply fly out into the street.

Can a clothes or food moth appear in an apartment literally from the street? Theoretically, they can fly through open door but the chances of that happening are very small.

Moth larvae are not found on animals, but adult butterflies can travel on dogs with fairly long and shaggy hair (for example, on South Russian Shepherd Dogs).

By the way, running around the rooms after flying moths is a completely pointless exercise! Efficiency tends to zero, unless the owner receives psychological satisfaction. Since in this way it is possible to catch and destroy only flying males, which somewhat lose speed and strength after mating with a female, so they have already completed their task.

What is the mole afraid of?

It is important to understand that there are antimoles that destroy insects, and there are those that only scare away unwanted guests. To achieve a greater effect, you need to apply both of them at the same time.

Of course, you can do the mechanical destruction of insects. How to get rid of clothes moth in this way? From both fur and synthetic items, moth eggs and larvae can be knocked out or combed out with a brush, which will have to be thrown away after use. If the wool or fur is matted, they are manually sorted out and combed with a fine comb. Since indoor moths can leave their cocoons away from their feeding places, it is worth checking ceilings, walls, carpets, and vacuuming all these surfaces thoroughly. But this does not eliminate the need for chemical treatment.

All anti-moth remedies have their own advantages. The best of them are represented by insecticidal preparations. They are produced on the basis of synthetic substances - these are permethrin, alphamethrin, deltamethrin and a number of others.

They do not cause any harm to humans and domestic animals, since they contain poisons that affect insects, but not warm-blooded ones. Nevertheless, you cannot call them useful, so you need to read the manufacturer's instructions very carefully and follow all its requirements. Otherwise, allergies may occur.

Aerosol allows you to get to hard-to-reach places

All effective moth remedies are aerosols or sprays, that is, cylinders from which such an insecticide is sprayed on the surface of the walls and shelves of the cabinet and even directly on the clothes themselves. These remedies are also effective against food moths. But products cannot be processed with them, only kitchen cabinets freed from all contents in advance.

These funds include Raid, Raptor, Antimol, Kombat, etc. As a rule, one use of such a tool is not enough.

It is necessary to repeat the surface treatment approximately 7 to 10 days after the first application. All of these drugs are fairly concentrated aerosols. When using them, it is recommended to use personal protection, that is, wear a mask, goggles and gloves, because the insecticides are strong enough. Sometimes they are even called by professional means. However, you can get rid of moths in the closet with a less concentrated preparation.

How to get rid of moths with fumigators? First you need to choose the right electronic device, to which, if necessary, it will be possible to buy spare capsules with insecticidal liquid, these are more practical models. Fumigators are connected to electrical network, they heat up certain elements, which leads to the evaporation of insecticidal compounds.

For a person, their concentration is too small, but the mole can really kill.

How to get rid of moths without the use of chemicals? It is worth remembering that, like many other insects, the moth has a low resistance to high temperatures. The upper limit at which its larvae survive is 40 - 50 ° C. That is, when washing clothes in washing machine insects themselves, and eggs, and larvae must die. However, not every item can be washed at this temperature.

Washing clothes helps get rid of the larvae

Thinking about how to get rid of moths, many people remember the old folk remedy - to take out all the clothes in winter outdoor balcony to kill the moth. In fact, this is nothing more than a myth. Yes, the moth is afraid of frost, looking for warmer rooms.

But do not forget that in wild nature she lives in middle lane Russia, winters well on the ground, under a layer of fallen leaves and, in principle, can adapt to frosts down to -10 ° C.

At this temperature, the eggs she lays die. So, one should not place special hopes on such a method as freezing.

How to scare away moths?

The rest of the moth remedies in the apartment serve mainly to repel insects. Although they are quite effective - they prevent the reproduction of moths in kitchen and wardrobes. The best remedy for moths from this group is sections, that is, plates made of cellulose or other similar components.

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They are impregnated with a composition based on essential oils (the most popular option is lavender, but other means are also used).

As a rule, sections are hung in cabinets after insecticide treatment has been carried out. Thus, they help to scare away the surviving butterflies. This is an excellent prophylactic against those insects that conduct "reconnaissance". Housewives love moth-plate sections because they allow you not to waste time on self-cooking essential oil solution.

Between products made different brands, the difference is minimal - except in the method of attachment. The validity period for all is approximately the same - up to 6 months.

Not always in such plates that protect clothes from moths, natural substances are used. Today, to reduce costs, synthetic fragrances are often made with the smell of cinnamon or lavender essential oil, with paradichlorobenzene. The disadvantage of this remedy is a very strong smell, which can cause headaches or even cause a severe allergic reaction.

A less popular remedy for moths is traps. It is believed that adults can be caught in this way (this, of course, will not destroy the larvae). As a rule, traps are plates or boxes with a substance containing pheromones. A person almost does not feel their smell. At the same time, it is attractive to moth butterflies, because they take it as a mating signal and fly to the trap themselves and sit on a sticky substance containing an insecticide. The duration of the traps is about the same as that of the sections.

Traps will only get rid of adult butterflies

There are also moth pills. However, they function exactly the same as sections. They are usually wrapped in several pieces at once in a piece of gauze and laid out on shelves in cabinets.

They differ from the sections described above only in the form of release and sometimes in the concentration of the active substance.

Interestingly, factory-made moth repellents have been used for over 100 years. From a historical point of view, the first of them was naphthalene, which appeared back in 1887. But today, his pills do not protect against these insects. Behind long years coexistence with it, the pests acquired a strong immunity to naphthalene.

Folk recipes for moths

One of the most popular recipes is laundry soap. Only the classic, the simplest, modern versions with pleasant fragrances will not have any effect.

With larvae, such soap, even if it is spread out on all available surfaces in the closet, will not do anything.

But adult butterflies will be scared away. You can also put soap bars in your pockets outerwear. But this option has its drawback - because of this, the clothes will smell like such soap. However, things can always be aired.

A good remedy for moths is citrus fruits. For a person, the smell of orange or lemon peels is very pleasant. But the moth does not like him. It is best to use fresh peels for this, in which the content of essential oils is higher. Such crusts can be kept in kitchen cabinets They won't harm the product. You can also leave them in a wardrobe. The smell of citrus from clothes can not be called a disadvantage. But, like other deterrents, citrus peel larvae do not fight.

Today it is believed that the most effective remedy in this category of deterrent methods is essential oils. They are even used in factory products. The best choice experts consider oils of lavender, cloves, peppermint and eucalyptus.

Although each of these oils is quite effective, over time it can become addictive in insects.

So the aroma in the cabinets will have to be changed regularly, moving in a circle. Drip oil directly on the shelf is not worth it. There are special ceramic infusors for this. In addition, you can just keep an open bottle of oil.

The traditional remedy for moths at home is garlic, the peeled slices of which are usually laid out on shelves in kitchen cabinets. For clothes, this option is not very suitable, since it will be very difficult to get rid of the smell later.

The remedy for moths in the apartment, used since Soviet times, is tobacco and fresh newspapers. With regard to the latter, it was once believed that moths were repelled by the smell of printing ink. However, printing technology have changed since then, which means that tobacco remains. And this does not mean that you need to buy a pack of cigarettes and pour tobacco out of them on a saucer. You can grow a houseplant of the same name, which repels insects with much greater efficiency.

Help and houseplants. Classic variant- geranium with its rather strong smell, due to the high content of essential oils. This plant is effective both in the fight against clothes moth and against food pests.

A whole set of dry herbs helps against moths. Some of them contain the same essential oils, which have already been mentioned above.

These are lavender, mint, cloves, to which you need to add medicinal chamomile, and thyme, and St. John's wort, and wormwood with its strong bitter smell, repelling any insects. Medicinal herbs collected in bundles, wrapped in natural fabric or placed in a linen bag like a sachet, and then simply placed on a cabinet shelf. This tool will act as long as the smell is felt, and then it will need to be replaced with a new sachet, and this happens quite often.

The strong smell of the essential oil repels insects well

Another remedy for moths in the apartment is chestnut and walnut twigs, resinous pine cones. Their smell can also repel pests. Although keeping branches and cones in the closet is still not very convenient.

Preventive measures against food moth

How to protect your kitchen from food moths? First, you need to carefully inspect all food before buying.

You should never shop for groceries with torn packaging, as this is one of the most common ways pests enter your home.

Secondly, the best preventive measure against food moths is the timely cleaning of kitchen cabinets and airing them, because the moth does not like Fresh air. Thirdly, you need to wash the sink more often and in no case leave drinking water open. For more information about food pest control, see this video:

Finally, fourthly, you should not store groceries in plastic bags. Such food films for moths are not an obstacle. But the insect will not be able to gnaw through metal and glass, so it is better to pour cereals and pasta into specially designed jars with a hermetically screwed lid.

As you know, food moths can enter the premises both from the street and from neighbors.

Usually the windows are closed mosquito net which reliably protects from any insects. However, care must be taken to protect the ventilation openings. They are also additionally covered with mesh material.

Preventive measures against clothes moth

It is very important to protect clothes from clothes moths, and for this you need to store them properly. Moths are attracted mainly by woolen and fur products.

For the summer, such clothes are put away in the closet, so you need to carefully inspect, clean and remove pollution. ammonia when it comes to outerwear.

If this is a regular wool knit, it should be washed in the washing machine and dried properly. Then the woolen things are folded into plastic bags so that they can be sealed.

Line your clothes with lavender bags

Moth does not like ultra-violet rays. Under their influence, protein coagulation is disturbed in her body. Therefore, when airing, it is best to dry things in the sun. In addition, if there are houses quartz lamp, you can process things with it.

Ironing with a hot iron also helps.

But fur products cannot be kept in polyethylene that does not allow air to pass through, otherwise they will lose their properties. Therefore, for such clothes, linen or cellulose bags are needed (they are sold in hardware stores and supermarkets). Additionally, in such cases, you can put something from repellents.

The sight of a moth can terrify any hostess. A small butterfly can cause great harm. What moth remedy should you have in the house to fight it and its larvae? The tool should not be very expensive, but effective. Let's get acquainted with some of them.

The type of moth can terrify any hostess

Any good remedy from moth belongs to the group:

  • aerosols;
  • fumigators;
  • sections;
  • folk remedies;
  • traps.

Aerosol preparations quickly destroy moths, but have some disadvantages. Fumigators are used to control mosquitoes and moths. They work slowly but surely. Sections are able to scare away insects. Any folk remedy against moths is very effective when used simultaneously with other drugs. Traps effectively fight butterflies. If the moth wound up in the wardrobe, you need to deal with it immediately. It is best to use aerosol preparations. This is a very effective remedy for moths. If you do not fight insects, clothes can very quickly turn into a pile of leaky trash. For the complete destruction of insects and their larvae, just a few hours are enough.

Any aerosol remedy for moths in an apartment destroys insects quickly, but it also requires a lot of work. Yes, and for some time you will have to breathe poisonous fumes. This is especially harmful for allergy-prone family members. Fumigators work for several weeks. Using them is extremely simple: you just need to plug the device into a power outlet. Insecticides will be released into the air, but in much smaller quantities.

The fight against domestic insects in the apartment: means and methods

Aerosol preparations quickly destroy moths

Folk remedies and sections can only scare away butterflies, but they are completely useless in the fight against larvae. The same applies to traps.

Thus, for the destruction of moths and their larvae, aerosols may be the best means. The agent enters the respiratory system and causes poisoning of insects. Antimoles in aerosol packaging can be of contact action. This drug penetrates even through the chitinous shell of larvae and butterflies. Most aerosol preparations have practically no effect on human health. But with an excess amount of insecticides in the air, you can get the effect of dizziness, nausea. To prevent such manifestations, all precautions must be observed. They are the following:

  • both the surface of the cabinet and its contents are processed;
  • upholstery and carpets are sprayed along with clothes;
  • after a few hours, the room is cleaned;
  • things need to be washed or aired.

Aerosols should not be used to process food in which moths have started. Only the inner walls of the cabinets are processed. They may contain small larvae.

How to get rid of moths (video)

Overview of some tools

Previously, it was believed that the best remedy is naphthalene. The destruction of moths was carried out only with his help. Today, a sufficient number of all kinds of drugs are sold in stores. One of them is Armol aerosol. Its use is recommended for fighting moths that eat fur coats, coats, woolen and fur products. The drug smells pleasantly of lavender. Leaves no marks on clothes and upholstery. It can be used on carpets, curtains, leather things, bed linen. It destroys not only moths, but also kozheedov. The option called Armol Expert is recommended for use in showrooms and shops, as it has no smell. Moth sprays are very effective at killing insects.

What is the most effective cockroach remedy?

The moth protection raptor smells like lavender and destroys all insects on different stages development. Quite widely sold in many stores. The drug retains its protective effect throughout the year or until the next wash.

Mosquitall protects against moths with the same effectiveness as Armol. It is intended for processing of clothes. Aerosol preparation Clean House is a very effective remedy. Has a herbal smell. One can is enough for double treatment of clothes, carpets, upholstery.

Extramit is an analogue of Armol. In a few minutes, it is able to destroy all insects. Efficiency keeps within half a year.

Fumigators are rarer means of killing moths. They work for quite a long time. It takes up to 2 weeks to wait for the death of all butterflies and larvae. How the fumigator works:

  • the plate is inserted into the device;
  • the device is plugged into an outlet;
  • the plate heats up, and toxic substances from it fill the room or closet;
  • the amount of poison is very small for a person, but it is enough to kill moths.

Instead of a plate, a small bottle of liquid is sometimes inserted into the fumigator. The moth preparation is quite good and easy to use, but requires an indoor outlet or an extension cord.

DiK-3 is a small format device. Its dimensions are 95x60x50 mm. Plates or liquid are filled into it. It plugs into an outlet. Power consumption - about 4.5 watts. Designed originally for mosquito control. If you fill it in another way, by inserting moth tablets, it also destroys these pests. The service life of the device is very long.

Karbofos preparation: instructions for use

For the destruction of moths and their larvae, aerosols can be the best means.

Raid is a device reminiscent of DiK-3. Its price is slightly higher due to the popularity of the brand. The package contains 10 plates. Some housewives think the best remedy from the moth section. They do not contain chemicals that are found in fumigators and moth aerosols. The sections are based on harmless essential oils. They smell good. Butterflies, these devices only scare away, and the larvae continue to eat things. A little later, new butterflies will hatch from them, on which the frightening smell will no longer act.

How to get rid of moths folk remedies (video)

Folk remedies

Folk remedies are not highly effective. They work in much the same way as sections. Butterflies they scare away, but do not destroy. Naphthalene is forbidden to use today, although earlier it was practically the only means of killing moths. Butterfly moths do not tolerate the smell of lavender. Dried flowers are placed in bags and hung in cabinets or laid out in chests of drawers. Only naphthalene has an insecticidal effect. Butterflies don't like smell smoking tobacco. It can be spread out in the pockets of clothing to repel insects. You can just put a pot in the room in which it grows fragrant tobacco. It repels moths well.

The appearance of moths in an apartment is almost a natural disaster. It infects food, spoils expensive carpets and clothes. Her larvae love to feast on woolen and fur things. It won't pass and three days how a remarkable perforated pattern will appear on your favorite pullover, and some items of clothing will simply turn into dust. Using special chemicals, you can quickly get rid of this scourge.

The main types of chemicals against moths

Moth is a common pest, so the range of means to combat it is quite wide. On the shelves of stores you can find:

  • sprays and aerosols;
  • fumigators;
  • plates;
  • flavored tablets and balls;
  • sticky traps and tapes.

Consider the scale of the disaster when choosing chemicals. Do not spray cabinet shelves unless there are signs of pest infestation. For safety, use pills. If moths are visible, you will need an anti-moth spray. In case of a serious defeat, take several types of preparations into service with a rhinestone. First treat infested items with an insecticide spray, lay out sticky traps for control, and use repellant (in tablet or sachet form) to maintain the effect of the chemical.

Repellents are odorous substances that repel insects. Insecticides are chemical compounds that have a toxic poisoning effect.

Moth aerosols: an overview of well-known brands

This is the most common form of release, because it is convenient to spray the insecticide, and the result is visible instantly due to the high concentration of active substances. Moths, falling into the cloud of the drug, die on the spot. Aerosols have a powerful effect on insect larvae. Most sprays contain pyrethroid insecticides.

Synthetic pyrethroids are an analogue of natural pyrethrins, which are contained in pyrethrum powder - dried and crushed Dalmatian chamomile flowers. The substance is characterized by selective action, low toxicity. Under the action of light and water, pyrethroids decompose, forming non-toxic products. They have the third class of danger for humans and domestic animals (moderately hazardous) and the second (highly hazardous substances) for bees.

When working with aerosols, observe the following precautions:

  • use protective equipment- gloves and mask;
  • do not inhale chemicals;
  • give the treated clothes to dry cleaning before wearing, because it is possible to develop an allergy to the components of the drug;
  • after spraying the product on the surface of the cabinet shelves, temporarily leave the room;
  • for the next three days after treatment, ventilate the rooms regularly.


This name is understood as preparations based on organophosphorus compounds. They have been known and widely used for decades. main reason popularity - versatility: chemical components kill both creeping and flying insects. average price- 150-200 rubles. Famous brands:

To kill moth butterflies in wardrobes, the agent is sprayed for a certain time, taking into account approximate consumption: two seconds per 1 m2 area. The active phase of action occurs after 15 minutes. The drug is aggressive: even updated formulas are highly toxic and can harm a person. Therefore, use it when clearly necessary - if there are a lot of pests, and other means do not work.

Do not spray Dichlorvos on bedding, surfaces and cabinets where food, medicines, hygiene products and cosmetics are stored.

Mosquitall (Mosquitall) from moths

This effective remedy based on permethrin, designed to kill moths and moth larvae. It is also effective in the fight against skin beetles. Any clothing is treated with an aerosol, regardless of the type of fabric, as well as carpets and furniture upholstery. The volume of the bottle is small - 150 ml, its cost is about 150 rubles. When used correctly, it lasts a long time. The effect of using the aerosol lasts up to six months.

The unique combination of ingredients gives good result: Mosquitol has already saved a single fur coat


In the composition of the funds are the same chemical substances tetramethrin and permethrin. The manufacturer of the product claims that the aerosol can be sprayed on all fabrics, including fur and leather. It leaves no traces after processing, has a lemon smell, but the aroma is very caustic, chemical and not very similar to natural. Therefore, when choosing this aerosol, take care of safety equipment. In order not to inhale harmful fumes, it is better to leave the treated area immediately after spraying. Estimated protective effect - 12 months.

Aerosol Raptor - a powerful remedy for moths, but has a pungent odor, albeit with hints of lemon


In this preparation, one active chemical component is permethrin. As with other aerosols, the instructions indicate the possibility of using it to treat any fabric. Guaranteed protection is 6 months. Smell is lavender disgusting. When processing, it does not leave streaks, it is economical: the cylinder is enough to make two treatments of the entire wardrobe. The price of the drug is about 100 rubles for 140 ml of the product.

The smell of Armol aerosol is really lavender

Use of fumigators

This device can help in the fight against not only mosquitoes and flies. Well-known manufacturers do not produce special plates and liquids from moths and larvae, but anti-mosquito tablets are made on the basis of the same chemical as many moth remedies - Vaportrin.

Vaportrin (empentrin) is an insecticide that is part of tablets and liquids for electric fumigators, as well as plates designed to protect fur and wool products from insect damage.

As a result of heating, the chemical impregnation of the plate is released or the liquid evaporates from the vial. The content of toxic components in this case is less than in aerosols and sprays, so the method is safer for humans. But its effectiveness is doubtful, because when using electric fumigators, compliance with the rules is required:

  • the maximum duration of the device - no more than 8 hours a day;
  • the need for an open window in the room for the entire time it is turned on.

Perhaps this will scare away the moths, but to combat the larvae, the action of the substance must take place in a closed chamber space - a closet, a drawer. In the fight against moths, thermal fumigation is more effective.

Electric fumigators are not the most effective way moth control

Heat fumigator Raptor (Express moth elimination system)

The principle of operation is based on the slow thermal evaporation of the active substance - transfluthrin - an insecticide of contact and inhalation activity. Due to its high volatility and penetrating power, adult insects and larvae are destroyed 10 times faster than with other pyrethroid products. For heating, a special heating pad is used. In five minutes of contact with air, it heats up to 65 ° C, the substance evaporates, the molecules settle on clothes, effectively protecting against moth larvae and egg laying on any fabrics. The duration of the effect is at least four months. The price of the product is about 250 rubles.

The heat fumigator Raptor, installed in the cabinet, provides quick and long-term protection against moths at all stages of its development.

Moth pills and balls

This form of repellent from larvae and butterflies is quite common. They are available in eucalyptus, lavender and lemon scents. Packaging on average costs up to 50 rubles, and the method of use cannot be easier to imagine: just put a few pills and balls on the shelves of cabinets, in the pockets of clothes.

Naphthalene balls

This is a "grandmother's" remedy, proven over the years, effective and inexpensive. But the effect of using naphthalene tablets is extremely preventive. The active substance - a solid aromatic hydrocarbon from oil and coke - does not destroy either clothes moth moths with larvae, or eggs. In addition to balls, manufacturers offer other forms of release - briquettes and plastic sections with clamps.

Studies have proven the carcinogenic properties of naphthalene: the substance is harmful to humans and pets.

Photo gallery: naphthalene-based products

To protect against moths, naphthalene in the form of briquettes is laid out on shelves in a wardrobe. Pendants with naphthalene are easy to use and repel moths well. Naphthalene in tablets is a classic version

Tablets Greenfield (Greenfield)

They are produced in the form of balls of talc with special impregnation from essential lavender oil with the addition of synthetic substances. Standard application: several tablets are laid out on sections and shelves of cabinets. You can also put a couple of pieces in the pockets of your clothes. The deterrent effect from the use of the drug lasts up to 6 months. A bag weighing 100 g costs about 30-50 rubles. This amount is enough to protect against moths large closet. Some do not like too strong a smell that takes a long time to disappear. Others note that it is relatively pleasant and does not soak into clothing.

Greenfield tablets - a remedy that moth is afraid of

Balls Clean house

The drug provides reliable protection things made from natural fibers from moths and its larvae, as well as from the skin beetle. The method of application does not differ from other products of this type:

  1. Open the bag and take out the balls.
  2. Arrange them among things prepared for storage (woolen wardrobe items, fur products). Consumption: 2–3 pcs. per shelf, drawer, box or section.
  3. Replace balls after six months of use.

The tool does the job. But many are repelled by the strong chemical smell of mothballs.

Moth balls often have an unpleasant odor for humans, but they repel moths well

Moth plates

These are chemically impregnated cartons. They are like mosquito repellent tablets for fumigators. They are laid out in places attractive to insects. The plates protect against moth larvae, preventing the reproduction of adults. Unlike balls, they are not subject to destruction, which makes it easier to use. The tool is safer than many drugs from moths and cheap.

  1. Armol. There are 10 plates in one package. The impregnation contains the insecticide empentrin (a pyrethroid). The drug has a pronounced aroma of lavender, is used indoors - places where clothes made of fur and wool are stored. It is better to lay out the records in upper parts furniture - drawers, mezzanines: the spread of odor and the evaporation of chemical impregnation occurs from top to bottom. Consumption: no more than 2 packs per 15 m 2 . If there are a lot of larvae, more pieces will be required to deal with them, since the range of the plates is small. The price is about 30–50 rubles per box.
    To protect one large item, at least two Armol plates should be used.
  2. Glorus. Israeli remedy for moths and its larvae. It does not contain chemicals, so it is safe for humans. Do not use in large quantities, it is necessary to ventilate the room well, especially if people who are prone to allergic reactions live in the house. The plates have a pleasant citrus aroma, as they are saturated with orange essential oil. There is a product with aroma of a lavender. There is no insecticide in the composition, so it is rather a means of preventing the appearance of moths in the closet. The price of a pack of 10 pcs. - 40–70 rubles.
    Safe remedy from moths - Antimol plates impregnated essential oils lavender or orange
  3. Dr. Klaus. The plates are available in two versions: with a lavender scent and BIO (odorless). The active substance of the impregnation is Vaportrin in high concentration (4%). It acts on the pest, destroying the larvae. The effect is fast and lasts for at least 6 months. Thanks to its convenient form, the tool is easy to use in any furniture. It does not leave stains on clothes. Suitable as budget option: a package (10 pcs.) will cost about 30-50 rubles.
    Moth preparation Dr. Klaus contains a large number of insecticide, but odorless
  4. Raid paper pendants. It's a cross between plates and hook sections. The peculiarity lies in the fact that the cardboard plates contain round holes, with which they are fixed on clothes hangers. Impregnation insecticide - transfluthrin. Several pieces are strung on a hanger of expensive fur coats and cashmere coats. The product has a floral aroma, but quite sharp. The promised effect from the use of paper pendants: 3 months. Cost: 150 rubles per pack (12 pendants).

    Raid scented paper pendants spring flowers used to protect the most valuable wardrobe items

Anti-moth sections: compact and safe

The action of the product is similar to balls and plates. The difference lies in the method of application and installation. Sections are the same records, but placed in plastic case with a hook or with adhesive tape at the base for attaching to the cabinet wall, skirting boards. Their advantage is the reduction of direct contact of a person and his things with the repellent during use.

Sticky Moth Remedies

Sticky traps and tapes are non-toxic. They lure small moth butterflies. When the pest flies up, it sticks to the sticky substance. Traps work according to this principle, for example, Swissinno or Aeroxon. They stick to any surface. Recently, a special anti-moth tape has appeared - Ferokap (Ferokap). The sticky substance contains pheromones that attract males. But the action applies only to the food moth:

  • grain;
  • mill;
  • dried fruit;
  • barn.

The trap limits the reproduction of pests and prevents the appearance of larvae in food products. Its effect on clothes moth was not revealed.

There are four entry holes in the trap body for pest access.

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