Persimmon what varieties. The earliest varieties

Heart apple tree, winter cherry, gourmet choice, Chinese peach, divine plum - it's all about her, about persimmon. It appears on store shelves and markets in October and remains a very useful delicacy until the end of winter, which helps to cope with winter beriberi.

To get the most out of eating persimmons, you need to choose the right variety. And also be able to cook from it right dish. After all, this fruit can be consumed not only raw, but also in many other forms.

Beneficial features

Persimmon is a storehouse of vitamins A and C, natural sugars - fructose and glucose, fruit acids - malic and citric. It contains quite a lot of manganese, potassium, copper and iron.

So this fruit powerful weapon against winter beriberi. It quickly satisfies hunger and at the same time is low-calorie (62 calories per 100 g), strengthens the immune system, helps overcome depression and insomnia, “fixes” the intestines in case of digestive disorders, and normalizes blood pressure.

Doctors say that daily eating 100 g of persimmon (1 medium-sized or 2 small fruits) will help to avoid atherosclerosis. CAUTION: DO NO HARM! But there is also a flip side to the coin. Due to the abundance of sugars, persimmon is contraindicated for diabetics and those suffering from obesity.

Persimmon is contraindicated for children under 3 years of age. The fact is that persimmon contains special substances - tannins, which, interacting with gastric juice, form a viscous mixture.

As a result, in the child's stomach, pieces of persimmon are combined into one lump, which greatly complicates the process of digestion and can cause unwanted reactions.

Where does the astringent taste of persimmons come from?

This berry has an astringent taste. It's all about the tannins. But, as soon as the persimmon ripens, these substances disappear and the berry becomes sweet.

Conclusion: it is necessary to eat only ripe fruits, especially since there are unripe fruits - it is dangerous for health. But what if you bought a persimmon, and she knits?

Do not rush to send it to the bin - under the right storage conditions, the fruit may ripen.


Persimmon has about 500 varieties. The love and respect of Russians earned about a dozen of them.

chocolate kinglet

Round dark orange, sometimes to brownish hues, with chocolate pulp - a juicy, delicious fruit. Moreover, the darker the pulp and the more seeds, the sweeter the kinglet.

And what is characteristic, even the unripe fruit does not have a hint of astringent taste. It remains sweet under any circumstances.

Tangerine persimmon (or honey)

The shape resembles a tangerine, the taste is honey, for which it got its name. Seedless. The pulp is always bright orange, and in a mature fruit it is soft, close to jelly in consistency.

Chinese persimmon

It is also called oriental or Japanese. The most common variety. It is easy to recognize this variety: a shallow groove runs along the entire length of the fruit.

The taste is very specific: astringency is present regardless of the degree of ripeness of the fruit, so the Chinese persimmon is necessarily tart and astringent in taste, it lacks sweetness.

But if you hold it for a short time in the freezer, the viscosity and astringency will go away. True, it still does not become sweeter.


This is not even a variety, but a hybrid - the result of crossing a persimmon and an apple. Fiery orange fruits taste at the same time reminiscent of quince, persimmon, apricot and apple.

A hybrid was bred in Israel in the Saron Valley, from where it got its name. There are no seeds or seeds in the fruits. Both ripe and unripe fruits are sweet.

In addition to the Israelis, Azerbaijan and Spain are engaged in breeding Sharon. Azerbaijani fruits are pointed at the end, Spanish ones have grooves in the form of a small cross in the same place.

Russian woman

Yellow-orange fruits weigh no more than 100 g, ripen in late November. But they are removed from the tree much earlier, so they reach the desired condition as they are stored. The fruits are sweet, can be both with and without seeds, the pulp is light.

Chamomile (fig persimmon)

Another name for this variety is Fuyu. By appearance reminiscent of figs - these are flat brownish fruits with or without stones, sweet enough, without cloying.

Seedless fruits are viscous in taste, with stones they are tastier, the taste largely depends on the climate of the producing country: the further south, the sweeter. So feel free to ask where the persimmon comes from. HOW TO CHOOSE? Choose round, bright, rich color fruit. The peel should be smooth and shiny, without damage. If it has dark spots and stripes - the persimmon began to deteriorate.

Ripe persimmons have dry and dark stalk and leaves. Feel the fruit. Soft - means ripe, will not knit. You can eat. Fruits that are firm to the touch most often require ripening.

How to store?

Unripe persimmons can be put for some time in freezer. Thawed fruits become tastier and sweeter.

Unripe fruits can also be kept for 10-12 hours in warm water for them to mature. Persimmons and apples with tomatoes also help to reach the desired condition.

Put them in one bag with persimmons: ethylene, which is released by the listed vegetables and fruits, accelerates ripening. By the way, persimmons can be canned and dried. After drying, persimmon becomes a real oriental sweet.

Choose hard, pitted fruits, peel, cut into pieces - and into the oven, temperature 40-45 ° C. Make sure that the fruits do not darken.

persimmon dishes

You can use persimmon as an independent product, and add it to salads, prepare drinks, desserts from it, cook jam, jelly.

Cut into saladshurma along with tomatoes, onions, walnuts and sprinkle with fresh ginger root and basil herbs.

Persimmon chutney seasoning (for poultry)

Fry 1 onion in oil, add the pulp of 7 persimmon fruits, 1 sprig of thyme, 1 Bay leaf, 1 tsp wine vinegar, 1 tbsp. l. honey. Mix and simmer for 15 minutes, then add 25 g of roasted pine nuts.

Mascarpone and persimmon mousse

Peel 4 ripe persimmons and grind them into a puree. Mix 100 g mascarpone, 125 ml whipped cream and 4 tbsp. l. sugar, add egg whites with a little sugar and vanilla. Mix gently and refrigerate. Serve in glasses.

Indian chutney sauce

Mix persimmon puree and yogurt in a ratio of 1:2, sprinkle with sesame seeds, garnish with a mint leaf.

Persimmon is one of my family's favorite fruits. It is adored by both children and adults, not only for its honey taste, but also for the storehouse of vitamins and elements that are most beneficial for the body. We usually purchase it during the winter months. The problem is that they do not always sell exactly the variety that you ask for.

We decided that if we master this first serious acquaintance, then we will definitely try to plant this wonderful fruit tree in our country house.

This amazing fruit came from China, translated from Greek means "food of the gods" or "divine fire". From the Caucasian persimmon, another meaning came - “date plum”, because the dried fruit tastes like a date.

A tree or shrub lives for about 50 - 60 years, bears fruit with orange juicy fruits - berries that have from 1 to 10 seeds or without them at all. The leaves grow alternately and have a simple shape.

Due to the unusual taste qualities, persimmon is distributed almost throughout Europe and Asia, America and Australia. Entire fruit farms are being created, supplying these fruits, which have completely different taste qualities and different in appearance.

Persimmon fruits range from a bright carroty hue to rich orange and chocolate. Viscosity disappears at the end of maturation. To remove the viscosity from the fruit, the persimmon is determined in a cold place or left to ripen in a warm place. Then the persimmon will have the desired jelly-like consistency.

In total, there are about 720 species of this tree. Korolki is not a separate fruit, but a kind of persimmon. It has a divine sweet taste. Very popular.

The tree is grown in countries with a warm climate. Along with the traditional ones, there are also exotic hybrid varieties. Let's take a look at the most famous ones.

Classification of the main types of persimmon

There is a classification according to various characteristics and features of this fruit:

The method of pollination divides all varieties into several subgroups:

  • Self-pollinated.
  • Partially fertile.
  • Self-infertile (cannot set fruit without pollination).

By taste:

  • Tart (the property disappears only when the fruit is fully ripe).
  • Persimmon is sweet and dense in texture.
  • The third variety is korolkovye, whose taste and astringency depend directly on the pollination process.

Classification according to the maturity of the fetus:

  • Early (ready for use in September).
  • Mid-season (mid-October).
  • Late (late October to mid or late November).

Division according to the area from which the species and varieties originated:

  • Eastern (or Japanese), its homeland is Asia. The trees are small, but the fruit itself is quite large - up to 500 gr.
  • Caucasian (ordinary) has very small berries with a tart taste with a diameter of about 2 - 3 cm, originally from the Caucasus and Central Asia.
  • Virginia (American) is distinguished by juicy medium size fruits up to 6 - 7 cm in diameter. Trees are medium in size and are resistant to cold.

Such a classification will help to most accurately determine the type and variety of the fruit, which means the degree of its ripeness and taste.

Popular persimmon varieties

Consider those types that we can freely purchase in the store and are the most famous in terms of taste.

Korolek Chocolate

Also called " chocolate persimmon", "chocolate pudding" and Hyakume. Now it grows in the southern regions of Russia, Ukraine, the Caucasus, Central Asia and South Africa.

Brief description of the variety:

  • The tree belongs to the genus ebony.
  • It has one feature that distinguishes it from all other types of persimmon. If the beetle has passed the stage of pollination, then the fruits will be with seeds and dark orange in color, with a rich and sweet taste, and if pollination has not occurred, then the color will be light with a reddish tinge, and the flesh tastes viscous.
  • The fruit has an orange skin and dark chocolate flesh. The riper the fruit, the darker its contents. The big plus is that he never "knits". And if not quite ripe, then just more solid in structure and not so sweet. The mass of one fruit reaches the size of a large apple.
  • The tree begins to bloom in May. In early July, the ovary is formed and the fruits ripen, gaining juiciness until October. That's when it's harvest time. The pulp should already be dark - chocolate and creamy. The shape of the beetle is round or slightly flattened and heart-shaped. It speaks of full maturity.

This variety is low-calorie (only 53 kcal per 100 g) and is ideal for sweet lovers and those who are on a diet. Kinglet contains a lot of useful substances: vitamin A and C, potassium, magnesium, iron, pectin, phosphorus and calcium.

Kinglet Honey Early

Fruits before the chocolate king. Does not have such dark pulp, on the contrary light color. It is also very sweet and tasty fruit.

The flesh is tender and softer in texture. No wonder they call this variety honey, because the taste is really so unusual and with hints of honey. The variety is considered early.

Persimmon large type kinglet

The variety is similar to the chocolate king, only its flesh is not brown - chocolate color, red-orange. The fruits are larger than other species of this variety. Has a slightly nutty flavor. Extraordinarily original and useful fruit and divinely delicious.

When the fruit is not quite ripe, it knits a little. This deficiency completely disappears when the persimmon is fully ripe.

Fig persimmon

One of the most famous varieties. The name is given according to the principle of similarity with the oriental fruit - figs.

Description and characteristics of this variety:

Most early variety. It is also called Chamomile or Fuyu unpollinated seedless. Appears on sale at the beginning of winter.

  • When the berry is fully ripe it has a brownish tint and may contain seeds. If an unpollinated fruit, then it is much lighter and pitted. The pulp resembles marmalade.
  • The fruit has flat shape. Not overly sweet and often viscous. The peel is thin, tends to crack.
  • It is believed that a fruit with a bone is much tastier, but it also depends on the place of growth.
  • The first fig persimmon appears only in the third year and can bear fruit up to 60 years.
  • It withstands both hot climates and frosts down to -20 degrees.

In this fruit, there are much less sugar-containing substances and the calorie content is very small.

Also fig persimmon is rich in fats, proteins and carbohydrates, tannin, vitamin A, PP, beta-carotene, minerals and organic acids.

Persimmon Chocolate (Zenji-maru)

It is an excellent pollinator. This variety was grafted on virgin persimmon. Very sweet beautiful fruit.

  • The tree is medium. Flowers in this variety are both female and male.
  • The fruit is round, sometimes slightly oblong. Fruit small size. Weight approximately 100 gr.
  • dark fruit in the middle Brown color. The taste is juicy and quite sweet. Dense in structure.
  • Pollination is not necessary, as it produces many male inflorescences every year.
  • The fruit ripens in mid-autumn.

Withstands frosts down to -20 and can be planted in unheated greenhouses or on the south side of the site, always covering for the winter.

Persimmon Sharon

It is a hybrid of oriental persimmon and apple. Israel and its Sargon Valley or the Sharon Valley are considered to be their homeland. The taste of this fruit is very unusual - it combines notes of apricot, quince, apple and a little honey taste.

Variety description:

  • A distinctive feature of these fruits is the absolute absence of viscosity, because the tannin, which contributes to the formation of astringency, through the use of chemical maturation, has been removed.
  • This fruit does not have seeds either. This is the main difference from the eastern persimmon.
  • Sharon light - orange color with thin and shiny skin.
  • The pulp is of a dense consistency, the structure resembles a soft apple. You can bite off or cut into slices.
  • Has the taste filled with different fruit notes.
  • Ripens by mid-autumn. Interestingly, the sweetness of the fruit directly depends on the duration of its stay in the cold.

This variety is rich in beta-carotene and contains valuable dietary fiber, magnesium, iron and vitamins A, B, and C. One of the few persimmon varieties that withstands transportation excellently, therefore it is supplied to many countries.

Video about the variety Rossiyanka:

persimmon tomato

Sometimes called Bull's Heart, because it resembles the shape of tomatoes of this variety.

Brief description of the variety:

  • There are no seeds in this fruit.
  • This variety has a rich orange color.
  • When the berries ripen, they become even sweeter and juicier, and the color remains the same.
  • Viscosity is only in unripe fruits, which are plucked ahead of time so as not to be damaged during transportation.
  • The weight of the fetus is up to 0.5 kg, and the diameter is more than 8 cm.

Fruit is grown only in the southern regions, and tomato persimmon ripens later than all varieties, so we enjoy it the very last.

Here is the shortest list of the main varieties, but we hope it will help to understand the variety a little and choose the most juicy and delicious fruits. In winter, it is not only a divine delicacy, but also an invaluable source of the most important vitamins and elements for maintaining the body.

- Don't buy a persimmon, buy a kinglet - it's sweeter! This phrase can often be heard at the stalls with bright orange autumn fruits. In fact, the kinglet is just a persimmon variety, and when we buy the kinglet, we are, in fact, buying a persimmon.

China is considered the birthplace of persimmon, where it has been grown for a long time. Persimmon came to Europe only in the middle of the 18th century. Gradually took root there and spread. Now persimmon is grown in Egypt, Italy and Spain, in Turkey, the USA and Israel, in Central Asia and on the Black Sea coast.

Where did the name persimmon come from?

In ancient Greek, persimmon is called Diospyros, which means "food of the gods." Russian name“Persimmon” is a derivative of the Latin “hormalu” - date plum, since dried persimmon is very similar to dried dates.

persimmon varieties

Here we come to the most interesting. There are about 2000 varieties of persimmon in the world, 200 of them are cultivated. The most famous are the following:
- Persimmon "Ordinary" (Tamopan variety). This large fruits orange in color, tart even when fully ripe. To get rid of astringency, this persimmon must be frozen, and then eaten.
- Persimmon "Korolek" (Hiakume variety). This is the sweetest persimmon. The chocolate kinglet is dark brown in color, and its pulp is chocolate-colored, contains 4-12 seeds, is very sweet, does not knit even when unripe.
- Persimmon "Fig" (Fuyu variety). It is also called "Chamomile", because if you look from above, you can see that the fruit is divided into several segments, resembling the petals of a chamomile flower, only, of course, not so elongated. The peel is orange, inside it resembles a chocolate kinglet. Sweet, with moderate astringency when unripe.
- Persimmon "Tangerine" (Giro variety). The second name is honey. The honey beetle is bright orange on the outside and inside, very sweet, without tart notes, even when unripe. It is shaped like a tangerine.
- Persimmon "Tomato". The second title bull heart". This is a very large persimmon in appearance resembling tomatoes of the same name. One fruit can weigh 500 grams. It is very sweet, orange in color, with transverse rings on a delicate peel. In a ripe form, it is difficult to transport even within the same settlement - it immediately loses its presentation: it crumples, spreads.
- Persimmon "Sharon". Very sweet, delicate, orange. Doesn't handle transportation well. It can be distinguished by its pointed tip. If it exists, it is an Azerbaijani sharon, and if instead of it there is an indented “cross”, it is Spanish.
- Persimmon "Chinese". Yellow color, not large, resembles an acorn in shape, as it has a characteristic transverse strip, as if dividing the persimmon into two parts: a hat and a body. Less sweet compared to other varieties, but without astringency. The length is twice the width. The color is orange, typical of persimmon, but the taste is less sweet.
- Persimmon "Egyptian". You can recognize it by its shape - it is elongated:
- Persimmon "Rossiyanka". Bred by Russian breeders. Grows on the coast of the Black Sea. It is smaller than imported counterparts, but very sweet. It tolerates transportation quite well. Astringency is very moderate and only in unripe fruits.

The benefits of persimmon

Regardless of the variety, persimmon is very useful, as it contains a lot of vitamins, trace elements and other substances necessary for the human body. Persimmon is especially rich in vitamin C, carotene and potassium. Persimmon improves immunity, improves eyesight, heals the heart and blood vessels. Persimmon is rich in carbohydrates, and therefore quickly saturates.

Harm persimmon

Persimmon is dangerous for people who are obese or diabetic. They should not consume more than a quarter of the fruit per day.
- Tart persimmon can cause spasm of the esophagus or intestines, so you need to use it carefully and do not drink milk or cold water.
- Persimmon should not be given to children under 3 years old, due to the danger of an allergic reaction (our children, for whom persimmon is an exotic fruit).

Persimmon - magnificent, beautiful, useful plant, but whether to have it in your backyard is up to you

Certainly, persimmon - southern tree. But increasingly, nurseries and garden centers offer us grow hardy persimmons and fruitful even in the suburbs. After digging on the Internet, visiting several summer cottage forums, you are convinced - yes, it grows and bears fruit, and even sometimes in the Moscow region.

But the most literate amateur gardeners want more information, they know what can be hidden behind promotional offers. But this information is not easy to get. Even for an experienced person, it is difficult to quickly find grains of truth behind understatement and omissions.

This article will not describe rules of care and features of persimmon wintering in conditions middle lane You can easily find this information on websites and forums. We will give you information, guided by which you can determine whether you need it on the site southern guest- persimmon, can you create it suitable conditions and whether it will bear fruit. And will it not be necessary, in the end, with a lot of effort to remove the tree from the site.

Let's make a reservation right away that this article is not intended for gardeners in those regions where the temperature in winter does not drop below 0 degrees - persimmon grows there anyway, and for gardeners in the northern regions. The Moscow region is an extreme case, apparently, persimmons were grown there by enthusiasts, for whom persimmon, if not the meaning of life, then certainly the light in the window, for sure. Don't worry, the selection continues, apparently very successfully.

Very briefly consider persimmon varieties, suitable for growing in cold regions(for persimmons wherever the temperature can drop below 0 degrees cold).

Korolkovye varieties and varieties of Eastern persimmon, the most familiar to us, fruits reach 250 g for Korolkovy varieties and 500 g for Eastern. Only for southern latitudes, they require solid shelter. Even an episodic drop in temperature to -15 degrees can cause the death of the plant. They are of little interest to us.

Persimmon virginskaya (Virginskaya) - the most winter-hardy. Withstands frost down to -30, in some places up to 37 degrees below zero.The plant is dioecious (some specimens are monoecious), the fruits are very small (diameter 2-6 cm), the height of the tree is up to 25 meters. Considering that persimmon is a sprawling tree, imagine that you have planted a virgin persimmon on your site. It is not used for cultural use, but is both a rootstock for seedlings and a starting material for cultivar breeding.

Russian woman- height 4-4.5 m, fruits up to 70 g, dioecious (rarely monoecious), fruits up to 70 g, winter hardiness up to -30 degrees.

Mount Goverla- height 4-4.5 m, dioecious (rarely monoecious), fruits - up to 270 g, winter hardiness up to -24 degrees.

Mount Roman-Kosh - height 4-4.5 m, requires pollination, dioecious, fruits - up to 250 g, can withstand short-term frosts down to -27 degrees.

John Rick- height 3.5-4 m, self-fertile, fruits - 70-150 g, winter hardiness up to -27 degrees.

Mider- height 3.5-4 m, self-fertile, fruits - up to 80 g, winter hardiness up to -30 degrees.

  • Height. Height is average. Actually, rather mature plant will be higher. The crown is spreading.
  • fruit weight- be prepared that the fruits will be smaller.
  • Frost resistance. These varieties are hardy, but only under certain conditions, namely:

– Sunny sheltered place. If you have a place on the site that is both sunny and protected (necessarily !!!) from the winds for a plant with a height of 4 meters, do not waste your time, nerves and money. The persimmon will die.

- Regular watering. Persimmon should be constantly moist, if you add to this that the soil must be drained, be prepared to water the plant throughout the season every day, in the summer - early in the morning. Moreover, for watering an adult plant, several buckets of water will be required daily. If you do not have such an opportunity, you can forget about growing persimmons.

  • Dioeciousness. Here begins the most interesting. Self-fertile varieties for our latitudes there are only two - Mider and John Rick. The rest are dioecious plants. It is unlikely that merchants will inform you that there are female and male specimens, most likely they will say that "the plant can bear fruit without pollination." And they will tell the truth. It may or may not bear fruit.

Those members of the forum who write how wonderfully a single copy of the Russian woman or Mount Goverla bears fruit in them are lucky. Yes, there are plants of these varieties monoecious, but rarely. Are you sure that you will be lucky personally? In addition, monoecious specimens of these varieties can produce only female flowers one year, male flowers the other, and very few female flowers the third. So you, even if you are lucky, may not have a crop at all, or several fruits will hang on a huge tree, or maybe the tree will break from persimmons.

Actually for one male plant(non-fruitful) you can plant at least 4 female (fruit-bearing). Do you have a place on the site that is sunny and protected from the wind, at least for two plants 4 meters high and with a spreading crown, and one of them will not bear fruit? Maybe it's better to buy persimmons in the store?

About the variety Gora Roman-Kosh, at least they tell the truth - "requires pollination."

A little more negativity. You can simply be deceived when buying a seedling - they sell the wrong variety, perhaps even Eastern persimmons, which will not even winter with you for one winter.

You will have to cover the persimmon for the first years. It's easy to do, you can read on any site.

Persimmon will most likely begin to bear fruit 4-6 years after planting. If it blooms the next year after planting, you will have to pick the flowers yourself. In subsequent years, she herself will shed flowers, bringing more and more crops every year. The first harvest can be 10% of flowering. In a few years, everything will be fine. For persimmons, this is normal.

And now some pluses.. A persimmon that can bear fruit in your area will most likely be small-fruited. Let it not scare you, it has more useful substances, it is tasty, the truth will be different from the usual Kinglet, and you will be sure that it has not been stuffed with all sorts of filth to increase the size of the fruit.

If you have a large unplanted area, feel free to plant any of the above varieties. Even if you don't get fruit, you won't be disappointed. Persimmon is very decorative all year round and practically does not get sick. In 6-7 years you will get a beautiful tree that does not require, except for abundant watering, care, under which it is good to relax in the summer.

And the last tip . If you still decided to grow persimmons, find out where the nearest nurseries for growing seedlings of this plant are located. If all of them are located south of your site, it is better to refuse the purchase and pay attention to another plant. If there is a nursery located very close or to the north, try it. For successful cultivation persimmon (and not only) should move from north to south, and not vice versa. Do not buy seedlings either from hand or at exhibitions - there you can only get to know people, and then come to the nursery, make sure that the seedlings grow exactly where you were told and buy on the spot. If you cannot check the origin of seedlings in an online store or garden center, refuse to buy. Yes, the procedure is boring and inconvenient, but there is a high probability that you will not experience disappointment. Ask what the seedling is grafted on - this is also essential.

Persimmon is a magnificent, beautiful, useful plant, but it is up to you to decide whether to have it in your backyard.

Fine( 35 ) Badly( 0 )

(Diospyros) is a member of the Eben family. It unites almost 300 species, of which for our climate zone of greatest interest Caucasian persimmon, persimmon virginiana, kaki and artificially obtained hybrid forms with increased frost resistance.

Types of persimmon

Caucasian persimmon (Diospyros lotus)

The natural habitat is the Caucasus. The trees are vigorous, reaching a height of 30 m.

The frost resistance of the ground part is about -22...-24°C, and the roots - about -10...-12°C. Fruits up to 20 g in weight, tart, ripening - almost black in color, with small seeds up to 4 pcs.

Seedlings of this species are used as cultivars. root system their branched, fibrous. Seedlings tolerate transplantation well, grow on almost any, are quite drought-resistant, do not give shoots in the garden. There are no cultivars.

Virgin persimmon (Diospyros virginiana)

Persimmon virginian (or Virginian) comes from North America. The trees are medium-sized, up to 20 m tall, with frost resistance down to -35°C. The root system can withstand soil freezing down to -15°C, so it is recommended to use seedlings of this species as a rootstock to promote cultivars to more northerly areas.

Other valuable quality Persimmon virginskaya as a rootstock is that it grows well on heavy clay waterlogged soils, and also has a longer period of natural winter dormancy, which does not provoke a premature start of sap flow of the cultivar due to long winter thaws.

It should be borne in mind that the cultivars grafted onto it:

  • they tolerate transplantation worse (due to the peculiarity of forming weakly branched taproots),
  • more hygrophilous
  • develop more slowly
  • less productive
  • less durable.
There are cultivars called in America persimons(English persimmon - persimmon).

Eastern persimmon (Diospyros kaki)

Kaki began to spread from China. By now known over a thousand varieties with different biological and commodity characteristics. We are interested in varieties with frost resistance of at least -17°C, some of which are listed below.

In the post-war years in the USSR in the State Nikitsky Botanical Garden, by directed selection, for the first time in the world, interspecific hybrid of eastern and virgin persimmon , and from his seedlings the best one was chosen, later called " Russian woman". Its frost resistance is -26°C.

Left: fruits of the "Rossiyanka" variety. Right: "Nikitskaya Burgundy". Photo:

Subsequently, the GNBS employee Alexander Naumovich Kazas obtained the Nikitskaya Bordovaya variety, which, when tested for freezing, showed even higher frost resistance. The taste of "Nikitskaya burgundy" is beyond praise.

persimmon varieties

According to foreign classification, persimmon varieties are divided into two groups: varying And constant.


Varying those varieties are called, the fruits of which, depending on how they were formed - after fertilization or parthenocarpic, - have different consumer qualities:
  • Fruits formed parthenocarpic and not containing seeds, when ripe the color of the pulp does not change, and the astringency is lost only after maturation;
  • Fruits of the same varieties, even on the same tree, but formed after fertilization and having seeds, already at harvest have intolerant pulp, and its color changes to darker, to brown.

Constant varieties

TO constant include varieties whose fruits, regardless of pollination and seed formation, pulp color do not change. They are divided into two subgroups: tart And sweet.

TO tart

  • "Hachiya" ("Hachia")
  • "Tanenashi" ("Tanenashi")
  • "Gosh" ("Gosho")
  • "Saijo" ("Soyo")
  • "Seedless" ("Seedles")
  • "Tsuru" ("Tsuru")
  • "Costata"("Costata")
  • "Yemon" ("Yemon")
  • "Aizumishirazu" ("Aizumishirazu")
  • "Dream"
  • "Rossiyanka"
  • "New"
  • "Nikitskaya burgundy"
  • "Mider"
  • "John Rick" ("John Rick")
  • "Weber" ("Weber")
Astringency in their fruits disappears only after full biological ripening in the process of maturation and softening of the pulp.

TO sweet constant varieties include:

  • "Jiro" ("Jiro")
  • "Krymchanka 55"
  • "Nakhodka"
  • "Kiara"
  • "Meotse Saukune"
  • "Mishirazu" ("Mishirazu")
  • "Fuyu" ("Fuyu")
  • "The twentieth century"
The fruits of these varieties, regardless of the presence of seeds in them, become sweet already after they have acquired a characteristic varietal color: already at the time of removal, even hard, without softening in the maturation.

Persimmon oriental variety and Jiro. Photo from

In the USSR, they adhered to a slightly different classification and divided all varieties into 3 groups:

  1. tannin(or constant), which corresponded to constant tart;
  2. tanninless(or sweet), which corresponded to constant sweets;
  3. varying(or korolkovye, or chocolate).

Varieties and forms of eastern persimmon

Among the introduced and obtained by breeders, the following can be distinguished varieties and forms of oriental persimmon:
  • "Seedless" ("Seedles")- constant, mid-season, fruits are round-quadrangular, red-orange, very sweet, weighing 90-150 g.
  • "Aizumishirazu" ("Aizumishirazu")- constant, late-ripening, fruits are flat-round, orange, weighing 60-140 g.
  • "Tanenashi" ("Tanenashi")- constant, mid-season, fruits are round-conical, yellow-orange, weighing 80-260 g.
  • "Hachiya" ("Hachia")- constant, late ripening, cone-shaped fruits with a black dot on the tip, orange, very sweet, weighing 60-200 g.

Persimmon oriental, variety "Khachia"
  • "Costata" ("Costata")- constant, very late ripening, fruits are conical-ribbed, orange, weighing 40-120 g.
  • "Tsuru-gaki"- constant, very late ripening, cylindrical fruits with a conical tip, orange, weighing 50-130 g.
  • "Tamopan big"- constant, very late ripening, fruits are flat with constriction, dark orange, weighing 150-270 g.
  • "Dream 459" ("Kuro-kuma" x "Fuyu") - constant, mid-season, fruits are round-flat, red-orange, weighing 45-200 g. Monoecious.
  • "Satellite"- constant, mid-season, fruits are round-ribbed, orange, weighing 40-100 g. Monoecious - a good pollinator for eastern persimmon.
  • "Zenji-maru"- variable, mid-season, fruits are round, orange, weighing 20-100 g. Monoecious - a good pollinator for oriental persimmon.
  • "Kuro-kuma"- variable, mid-season, fruits are flat-round, orange, weighing 40-70 g.
  • "Hyakume" - variable, late-ripening, orange fruits, weighing 60-220 g. Often, without pollination, completely sheds the ovary.
  • "Yankin-tsuru"- variable, late ripening, fruits are cylindrical or oval, orange, weighing 50-90 g.
  • "Shagotsu-gaki"- variable, late ripening, fruits are wide-conical, dark orange, weighing 80-210 g.
  • "Ukrainian"- variable, early ripening, fruits are cylindrical, orange, very sweet, weighing 40-100 g. Monoecious variety.
  • "Dawn 187"- variable, mid-season, fruits are round-flat, sometimes ribbed, orange, weighing 50-200 g.
  • "Chocolate 326"- variable, mid-season, fruits are round-conical, orange, weighing 45-150 g.
  • "Daughter of Saburose"- variable, mid-season, fruits are oval-ovoid, orange-red, weighing 35-90 g.
  • "Star"- variable, late ripening, fruits are round, orange, weighing 60-120 g. Male flowers are formed in a year.
  • "Excellent"("Chinebuli", "Jiro" ("Jiro"), "Delicious" ("Delicious") - intolerant, late ripening, fruits are flat-oval quadrangular, orange, weighing 60-220 g. Male flowers are formed in a year.
  • "Fuyu" ("Fuyu")- intolerant, late-ripening, fruits are round-flat, red-orange, weighing 30-110 g. Monoecious variety.

Persimmon oriental, grade "Fuyu"
  • "Ishi Kick E Jiro"- a clone of "Excellent". The fruits are larger, intolerant.
  • "Krymchanka 55"- intolerant, mid-season, fruits are round, dark orange, weighing 60-120 g, very sweet.
  • "Nakhodka"- intolerant, late ripening, fruits are round, yellow-orange, weighing 30-150 g. Monoecious variety.

Varieties of persimmon virgin

  • "Mider"- constant, very early ripening, fruits are flat-round, dark orange, fragrant, weighing 30-50 (very rarely up to 100) g.
  • "John Rick"- constant, early ripening, fruits are flat-round, orange-dark red, small.
  • "Weber"- constant, early ripening, fruits are round, dark, small.

Hybrid varieties of Nikitsky Botanical Garden

  • "Rossiyanka 18"- constant, mid-season, fruits are flat-round, orange, very sweet fragrant, weighing 45-60 g.
  • "Nikitskaya burgundy"- constant, mid-season, fruits are flat-round, reddish-burgundy, sweet fragrant, weighing 50-150 g.
  • "Goverla Mountain"- constant, mid-season, fruits are flat-round, orange, pleasant peculiar texture, weighing 60-300 g.
  • "Mount Roman Kosh"- constant, mid-season, fruits are flat-round, orange, weighing 70-200 g.
  • "Mount Rogers"- constant, mid-season, fruits are flat-round, orange, weighing 40-150 g.
  • "New"- constant, mid-season, medium-sized fruits. Monoecious variety, good pollinator for all persimmon varieties.

Ripening terms

According to the timing of ripening, or rather the removal of fruits, persimmon is divided into three groups of varieties:
  1. early, filmed (in the south) from mid-September to mid-October;
  2. mid-season- from October to the beginning of November;
  3. late- ripening from the second half to the beginning of December.

The maturation time is significantly affected weather. Fruits can be harvested a little earlier the right time, they can finish maturing in prone, but then the quality will be worse.


Persimmon is characterized by the fact that its plants form three types of flowers: female, men's and (very rare) bisexual.

Other varieties form only female flowers, these are: "Hiakume", "Aizumishirazu", "Seedles", "Gosho gaki", "Hachia", "Tanenashi", "Tamopan" ("Tamopan"), "Tsuru", "Meotse saukune", "Emon", "Tsurunoko", "Costata", "Rossiyanka", "Nikitskaya Burgundy" and others. Some of them, under favorable agrotechnical conditions, can form fruits without fertilization.

Other varieties in addition to female form and male flowers - annually and in in large numbers: "Shagotsu gaki", "Nakhodka", "Gailey", "Zenji maru", "Dream", "New", "Sputnik".

There are varieties that form along with female and male flowers, but periodically, after 1-2 years: "Asterisk", "Fuyu", "Jiro", "Pretty".

It should be borne in mind that pollination significantly affects the consistency of the fruit pulp and its taste. Fruits containing seeds are always tastier than seedless ones.. Interestingly, even in the same fruit with 1-2 seeds, the pulp surrounding the seeds is always softer and tastier than in the part where there are no seeds.

For more yield and high quality fruits most varieties need pollination of female flowers. However, there are varieties that bear fruit well without fertilization, forming seedless fruits. On this basis, persimmon varieties can be divided into three groups:

  1. Varieties requiring pollination: Hyakume, Gosho Gaki, Zenji Maru, Chiedimon, Aman Kaki, Kaki Tract, Huro Kuma, Tsurunoko, Kaki Mela, Yankin Tsuru, Otsu Step gaki", "Gailey", "Maru", "Ezo ichi";
  2. Varieties that bear fruit without pollination:"Seedles", "Tamopan big", "Tanenashi", "Gosho", "Costata".
  3. Varieties included in the intermediate group: "Hachia", "Adreula", "Jiro", "Aizumishirazu", "Emon", "Soyo", "Nikitskaya Burgundy", "Rossiyanka" and others.
Trees of the intermediate group of varieties bear fruit even without fertilization. But in order to increase the yield, as well as increase the size of the fruits and improve their palatability, pollination required. Varieties such as "Hachia", "Aizumishirazu", after pollination of flowers, form seed fruits with sweeter flesh than seedless fruits.

Under the influence of pollination pulp color changes, in some varieties it takes on a dark brown color: either around the seeds ("Hachia", "Aizumishirazu"), or throughout the fruit ("Zengi" - synonyms for "Zengimaru", "Zenjimaru"). The varieties "Twentieth Century" and "Fuyu" appear around only small brown dots, and the main color of the pulp remains orange.

It is noted that in fruits with immature seeds, the color of the pulp does not change, and only as the fruits and seeds ripen, it gradually begins to darken.

All in all, not only the yield, but also the quality of the fruit depends on the fertilization of persimmon flowers, therefore, when laying a persimmon garden, it is recommended to plant one pollinator tree for every 8-9 trees with functionally female flowers. If it is not possible to plant a pollinator, it will be necessary to process persimmon flowers, and then the set fruits (if they start dropping) an aqueous solution of gibberellin.

The concentration of the solution will have to be selected empirically, primarily due to the quality of the phytohormone being marketed. With irregular soil moisture, gibberellin treatment is required.

Choosing a place for planting persimmons

When choosing a place for planting persimmons, you must be guided by the following conditions:
  • The best soils for persimmons - alluvial loamy or sandy loam, quite fertile, with depth ground water no closer than 0.75 m from the ground surface: the bulk of the roots is located in a layer of 0.1-0.5 m.
  • Plant nutrition area -25 m² for low-growing varieties and before 64 m²- for vigorous, with possible compaction by planting short-lived fruit, for example, columnar forms or.
  • There must be a place.
  • Persimmon is photophilous, in a shaded place its leaves are deformed, the shoots acquire signs of etiolation, the fruits fall off.
  • should be considered, but overwatering will be harmful- an increased growth of shoots will begin to the detriment of the nutrition of the fruits, which will begin to fall off.

In more northern latitudes unusual for persimmon, you can try to grow it in wall formation, planting at the south side of the heated building, but not at the insulated wall. It is possible to form a persimmon in a creeping form.

Selection and planting of seedlings

You need to purchase seedlings from the manufacturer. Some addresses are given in the appendix. Remember: only the manufacturer can give you his address and guarantee! When buying from resellers in the market, you can buy not even persimmon at all, but if persimmon, then wild. Even a seedling purchased at the exhibition may not correspond to the named variety and may not be frost-resistant enough for your climatic zone, that is, it will freeze out in the very first winter.

Persimmon seedlings with open root system should be purchased autumn, and the less time has passed since digging, the better. In persimmons, with proper digging, thin branched roots should be preserved, which are very sensitive both to drying (they die in 1-2 hours) and to waterlogging. If the fibrous roots still died, but the taproots are healthy, then the seedling is quite suitable for planting, but it will start the vegetation in the spring with a delay, maybe even in July.

In the southern regions on the permanent place can be planted until November, but it is better earlier, while the earth is warm, the root takes root in the soil.

In more northern areas(and in the south, if they could not be planted within the specified time frame), it is advisable to postpone planting until the spring after the threat of the strong has passed.

Rules for planting persimmon seedlings

  1. When planting, be sure to install a support stake.
  2. Place, if it is made on the root neck, deepen below ground level by 5-10 cm.
  3. To avoid breakage of fibrous small roots during soil compaction, the seedling should not be planted in the center when planting. landing pit, and place it against the wall, spreading the roots along it, which need to be pressed with soil.
  4. Right after autumn planting spud the stem, and when frost sets in, put a box and fill it with insulating material, you can even use earth.
  5. In subsequent years of growth in winter, insulate the trunk and skeletal branches, and apply a reflective layer on top. In the southern regions can be limited lime mortar, but it should be noted that after a long warm period at the beginning of winter, followed by a sharp cooling, even in very frost-resistant varieties Virginia persimmon damages the trunk in the form of exfoliation of the bark from the wood with the death of the cambium within 20 cm above and below the level of the snow cover.
  6. Insulate the trunk circle with improvised material. This is especially important if the Caucasian persimmon serves as a rootstock.
Persimmon is a very fast-growing culture: Caucasian persimmon grafted on a rootstock can begin fruiting in the second year after planting in a permanent place, and virgin persimmon on a rootstock - for 3-4 years. "Nikitskaya burgundy" is especially precocious.

crown formation

But do not flatter yourself and get carried away with the primary harvest, it is more important form a crown, otherwise the trees will look untidy, fruiting will move to the periphery and up, and the branches will begin to break off.

As the main form of the crown, experts recommend changed leadership, which is characterized by strength, good illumination and a small height of trees. The interval between skeletal branches in such a crown is 20-40 cm. Their number can be 4-6 pieces.

Most experts agree that cultivar, grafted on a high (over 1 m) virgin persimmon stem, is more resistant to low temperatures in winter and avoids damage to the stem by frost. For industrial plantations, this may be true, but in home gardens, under close attention gardener, there is always the possibility of protecting the trunk and skeletal branches during critical low temperatures. Moreover, if a cold winter happens, a tall stem will not save the cultivar, and it may even suffer. But if the seedling is planted with the grafting site deepened, then new shoots will grow from the dormant buds located in the underground part, from which it will be possible to form a new crown.

Features of persimmon care

The main criteria for success are agricultural technology, protection against diseases and pests.

A prerequisite is preparation for wintering, like so:

  • Cessation of watering 1-1.5 months before the end of the growing season, so that the shoots ripen;
  • and, which contribute to the good maturation of wood. They need to be given in high doses. in the second half of summer. Especially effective foliar top dressing 0.5-1.5% 1-3-day water extract with 0.5% potassium sulfate with the addition of potassium permanganate (0.02-0.05%) or potassium iodide (0.02%). Spraying begins with lower concentrations at the end of summer and is carried out weekly, gradually increasing the concentration of the working solution to maximum values.
Persimmon plants are able to accumulate in fruits iodine. If in coastal areas the absorption of iodine comes from air saturated with it, then in continental areas the addition of potassium iodide to the solution for foliar feeding more than desirable.

Regarding frost resistance persimmons, there are different opinions, and the difference sometimes reaches 3-5 ° C. And indeed: even identical trees growing side by side often differ in frost resistance.

With good preparation for wintering, the frost resistance of the plant can be 2-3 ° C higher. In the northern regions, where there are no thaws, you can experiment with late autumn treatment of trees with available cryoprotectants: a solution of 0.2% dimethyl sulfoxide, 0.05% glycerin, preparations "Mars" or "Vympel". By the way, Vympel processing accelerates the ripening of fruits, increases their size, and increases sugar content.

In areas with drying winter winds, you can try to treat trees after leaf fall with solutions of latex or PVA glue at a dose of 30-50 ml per 10 liters of water.

Persimmon bears fruit on the shoots of the current year, in last year's buds (as in grape buds), all the information for the future branch with leaves and flowers is laid. Flowers will only be from well-executed buds located at the end and in the middle of the future shoot. pledge good harvest is getting strong annual growth. Which, in turn, depends on the provision of trees nutrients and water and from .

Strong pruning is used only when forming a crown. In the fruiting period, they are limited to thinning, removal of damaged and drying branches. Only branches longer than 50 cm and branches with numerous short (less than 10 cm) shoots are shortened. In addition, it should be taken into account that heavy pruning after the laying of the crown skeleton adversely affects the longevity of the trees.

The vegetative bud is laid in September-October of the year preceding flowering, by the end of winter it acquires a conical shape. Two outer scales cover it for 2/3 of its length, two inner ones are densely pubescent. Rudimentary leaves - up to 18. In early spring in the axils of these leaflets, the formation and development of flower buds begins.

For your information: you can try to stimulate an increase in the number of flowers by treating the trees with an aqueous solution of caffeine. For this purpose, you can use pharmacy tablets of caffeine-sodium benzoate.

Bloom comes in May-June, less often - in July and lasts 1-1.5 months. Lifespan male flower 1-2 days, they are small, 2-4 pcs. in a bundle. female flowers larger, jug-shaped. They are four-petalled, pale green in color, solitary and capable of fertilization within 3-4 days.

Fruit size is highly dependent on growing conditions. For example, the fruits of "Nikitskaya burgundy" can weigh both 130 and 30 g.

yield at different varieties different, there is a dependence on the formation, and on nutrition, and on the fertilization of flowers. At the age of four, a tree can produce about 10 kg of fruit, at the age of ten - up to 200 kg, followed by a constant increase in yield. At bountiful harvest apply chatalovka(installation of supports).

When the growth of shoots decreases and fruiting stops, a good effect is given anti-aging pruning. In the year of such pruning, the trees do not give a harvest, but the next year they bear fruit along with the unrejuvenated ones, and then increase the yield.

soil in the garden recommend keeping under black steam with autumn sowing, which are plowed in April-May of the next year or mowed and chopped into mulch. When the garden reaches the age of 8-10 years, it is recommended to apply per active substance: nitrogen and phosphorus - 1.5 kg each, potassium - 0.5 kg per one hundred square meters.

Pest and disease control is not usually carried out, since we did not notice any serious damage to them. Although in fairness it should be noted that persimmon can be affected, and phomopsis, from which it is enough to spray twice (before and after flowering), and better with systemic preparations - at least Ridomil.

Of the persimmon, the California scale insect and ticks can definitely harm, the leaves can be eaten by some types of caterpillars. The root system of the Caucasian persimmon can be affected by root cancer.

Harvest and storage

Cleaning is done from ladders or stands. Carefully, without damaging the skin of the fetus, cut off the stem closer to the fruit with a pruner.

They are placed for storage in boxes on a layer of loose material (sawdust, chaff, shavings) with the stalk down close to each other; the next layer is laid with the stalk up. These two layers are poured with packaging material, on the layer of which the fruits are again laid with the stalk down (third layer), stalk up (fourth layer), then again a layer of packaging material - and so on.

It is possible to store packaged fruits at a temperature of 0...+1°C and an air humidity of 80-90% for two or more months.

If you need urgent consumption of tart fruits that have not reached consumer standards, they can simply be frozen in the freezer. After thawing, they lose their astringency. Strongly immature fruits should not be frozen - the taste will turn out to be unimportant.

Accelerates the ripening of fruits also pricking in 10-12 places and rubbing them ethyl alcohol.

Joint storage of persimmon fruits in hermetically sealed bags accelerates the loss of astringency due to the release of ethylene by apples.

heating fruits tart constant varieties (even those that have lost their astringency after softening) up to +50...+60°C (during drying or canning) restores their former astringency.


Addresses of some scientific institutions, experimental farms, amateur gardeners, where you can buy a small amount of varietal planting material:
  • Trading House at Nikitsky botanical garden, Nikita village, Yalta city, Republic of Crimea. Tel.: +380654-335597.
  • All-Russian Research Institute of Floriculture and Subtropical Crops, Fabritsius St., 2/28, Sochi, Krasnodar region, Russia, 354002.
  • Bogdanovsky Yuri Evlampievich, st. Panova, 59, city of Feodosia, Republic of Crimea.
  • Gerasimov Gennady Kornilovich, st. Fontannaya, 45; Nizhnegorsky village, Republic of Crimea. Tel.: +380973576249; +380631145970; +380669968914. +79788443893 (MTS of Russia)
Compiled from available publications and own experience Gerasimov Gennady Kornilovich in 2002 with additional study on July 15, 2012.

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