Diseases of cherries and sweet cherries. Measures to combat them

The cherry blossoms are blooming with lush snow-white flowers. The fruits have poured, and the gardener would rejoice, enjoy the fruits of his labors, if not for the insidious fungal diseases that so often harm horticultural crops. One of the common problems is black dots on cherries. Why they appear and how to deal with this scourge - we will figure it out.

Through research reference literature and Internet blogs were able to identify three reasons for the appearance of black dots on the cherry:

Coccomycosis on cherry

Cherry coccomycosis is a fungal disease. The reason for its occurrence is a fungus that “sleeps” in fallen leaves and plant debris in winter, and is activated in spring. That's why it's so important to clean everything. plant remains from the site. Cleanliness is the key to health!

Signs: Black spots appear on the berries. Cherry leaves turn yellow early and fall off.

Control measures:

  • Spray the soil under the tree and the plant itself with products containing copper: copper sulphate, Bordeaux liquid, hom, oxych, polych. It is necessary to prepare a 1% solution based on one of the listed products (2 tablespoons per 5 liters of water). Spraying is carried out every spring and summer after picking berries. Only regular processing will help prolong the life of the fruit tree. Unfortunately, it is impossible to completely cure it.
  • Another option: spraying with Zircon. This is a modern biopreparation. A highly concentrated solution is prepared: 1 capsule of Zircon per 2 liters of water. Spray the soil and the plant itself several times a year: when the buds open, when the buds open, after fruiting.
  • Fitosporin can also be used. This is also one of the modern biological products. Prepare the solution according to the instructions. Spraying is carried out repeatedly and regularly: every 2-3 weeks throughout the growing season.

Moniliosis (gray rot) on cherry

Cherry moniliosis is a fungal disease, another name is gray rot. The reason for its occurrence is weather conditions favorable for the spread of the fungus, in particular, damp, cool, protracted spring.

Signs: in spring, during the flowering period, the leaves and young shoots suddenly darken, then they rapidly wither and dry out. It happens literally in a few days, the tree seems to burn down. Then the branches are again overgrown with foliage and everything seems to be fine. But in the summer the pattern repeats itself again. Young shoots become infected from those affected in the spring, the fungus penetrates into the deep layers of wood, and the bark is damaged. But most importantly, black and gray dots and spots appear on the cherries. The fruits often crack and rot, it becomes impossible to eat them.

How to treat:

It is believed that it is impossible to save an infected tree, you can only prolong its life. The annual complex treatment with special preparations will help the tree:

  • Spring and early summer- spraying with "Zircon". Prepare a solution: 10 drops are dissolved in 1 liter of water. Dosage is increased if required large quantity solution. Plants are sprayed during bud break, during budding before flowering, after flowering and after fruit picking. IN spring time it is good to combine Zircon with Epin-extra.
  • In August - dry branches are removed and sprayed Cherry tree copper-containing preparations (copper sulfate, Bordeaux mixture, hom, oxychom, polychum).

It is important to carry out these activities every year, otherwise the tree will die.

weevil on cherry

Signs: black dots and holes in the berry, to the very bone. Insects damage the leaves, and then the flowers and fruits of the cherry.

What to do?

  • Dig up the soil under the cherry in autumn, then the larvae will mostly die. Indeed, together with fallen fruits, they fall to the ground in order to climb into it and spend the winter.
  • Remove from the site and burn all fallen fruits, because they are sitting harmful insects. It is better to do this not even in the fall, do not wait until they fall, but try to remove the damaged fruits from the tree.
  • Traps. In early spring beetles become active, crawl out of the soil and rush to the cherry to eat and breed their offspring in the fruits. It is important to get ahead of the pests, to catch them before they get to their target. Under the tree, straw is tightly laid out around the trunk, as a result of which insects cannot get to the trunk. The beetles become entangled in the straw, and it is burned with them. The second way: if the weevils have already crawled onto the cherry, they are simply shaken off, prudently spreading a film under the tree. It is recommended to carry out such a procedure at temperatures up to 10 degrees Celsius. During the spring season, shaking should be done three times, then this will give a result.
  • Treatment with the biological product "Akarin", according to the instructions.

Having planted cherries in your area, you should not relax. The tree, although it easily takes root in our latitudes, is very susceptible to various diseases and pests. Sooner or later, every gardener faces them, because it is impossible to protect her from these misfortunes. Their occurrence is influenced by both predictable factors (weather, agricultural technology) and unpredictable ones (accidental damage to branches, etc.). Therefore, trees must be constantly examined for diseases, as well as various preventive measures. This article discusses typical diseases cherries and the fight against them.

Did you know? Cherry (Prunus subg. Cerasus) belongs to the genus of plums of the Rosaceae family. The very name of the tree is associated with the Latin word viscum, which means bird glue, and the German Weichsel, which is called sweet cherry. Therefore, cherries are often called sticky sap cherries.

Major leaf diseases

As with any other fruit tree, various fungal diseases occur on cherries. Some of them are amazing separate part tree, others settle on the bark, branches, leaves, fruits. How to determine the type of cherry diseases and their treatment?

rust on leaves

The manifestation of this disease can be detected in the month of July, when rust-like spots appear on the upper side of the leaves. The affected area is constantly expanding, and as a result, the leaves fall prematurely. Because of this, the trees themselves become weaker, they endure heat and frost worse. The likelihood that cherries will not bear fruit next year greatly increases.

To defeat this disease, it is necessary to collect all the affected leaves that have fallen to the ground and destroy them. Even before flowering, the tree must be treated with copper chloride at the rate of 40 g per 5 liters of water. The same is recommended after flowering. When the berries are harvested, the affected tree must be treated with 1% Bordeaux mixture.

Did you know? In our latitudes, the tree has been growing since time immemorial and today it has a huge number of species. alone cultivars there are at least 150. The most popular are varieties such as Chernokorka, Shokoladnitsa, Shpanka and others. As a rule, trees are resistant to frost, drought, unpretentious. Fruiting begins after 3-4 years of life.

This is a fungal disease that affects not only the leaves of the culture, but also its fruits. The leaves are characterized by pale or bright red spots on the outside and white-pink pads (spores of the fungus) on the underside. Such leaves quickly turn yellow and fall off, and the fruits are delayed in development and also crumble.

Infection with the disease occurs at the beginning of the flowering of a tree, when a fungus living in fallen leaves throws out spores, which, when high humidity leaves are affected. Over time, the tree loses winter hardiness and may even die.

Accordingly, to combat the scourge, it is necessary to remove and burn fallen leaves, as well as dig up the ground under the tree. The tree is also sprayed: during the period when green buds stand out, then immediately after flowering and after harvesting. The mixture used is the same as in the case of rust on the leaves.

Important! Some experts believe that it is pointless to fight coccomycosis and moniliosis, since they still reappear on the tree. It is more reliable to get and plant young trees that are resistant to these diseases.

This is also a fungal disease, but it primarily affects the berries themselves. It is characterized by depressed purple spots that gradually grow and protrude outwards. Over time, gum begins to ooze out of them. However, if the fruits were infected late, the spots may not protrude. In these places, the berry dries to the bone.

The fungus can also settle on shoots, which are first covered with round and then elongated spots, which soon crack, releasing gum. The buds affected by it turn black and fall off, the flowers simply crumble.

It is difficult to fight the fungus, as it easily tolerates frost in fallen leaves or wounds on a tree. In the spring, speaking on the surface of the bark, it is carried by insects, wind, and rain. The tree weakens, bears less fruit. Therefore, for prevention, diseased branches and fallen leaves are cut and burned. The tree is sprayed with the above mixtures or Topsin-M 70% after flowering. The procedure must be repeated after two weeks.

The disease appears on the leaves as olive-brown spots or cracks on ripe berries. The fight against the disease begins with the removal of the affected fruit and spraying with any fungicide during the opening of the leaves, then three weeks later, then after harvesting the berries and, if necessary, again after two weeks. As a preventive measure, the near-trunk circle of the tree is sprayed with nitrafen before the buds bloom on it.

What are the diseases of cherry fruits and bark

Cherries are affected by diseases not only in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe leaves. The fruits and bark of the tree also suffer from various misfortunes, which can either reduce yields or completely destroy the tree. Therefore, it is important to identify the disease in time and choose the right treatment for it.

fungal disease, manifested by dull spots on the berries, which then transform into dull tubercles with a pink coating. When the disease completely affects the fetus, it mummifies. During a wet summer, the disease can affect up to 80% of the crop.

They fight this fungus with a solution of 20 g of Polyram in a bucket of water (10 l). They spray the tree immediately before flowering, then immediately after and then another two weeks later.

It is also called gum production - flowing out and solidifying in the form of transparent drops from the trunk and branches of gum. It is typical for frozen or overly fertilized trees. If the disease is not dealt with, it will lead to the death of the tree.

In order to fight, they will intensify efforts to process cherries in the spring from pests and diseases. All wounds on the tree are quickly treated with garden pitch or a 1% solution of copper sulfate, and then covered with petralatum. If the branch is severely affected, it is better to cut it off.

Before deciding how to deal with moniliosis, you need to understand the nature of the disease and the extent of its damage. Due to a monilial burn, both individual cherry branches and the entire tree can dry out. In this case, the affected areas look as if they were struck by fire. This usually happens after flowering. Then gray growths form on the bark, the fruits rot and fall off, the branches crack, releasing gum.

To fight, the affected branches are cut off, capturing a few healthy areas, and burned. The same is carried out with the fruits, fallen leaves. The tree is treated with a fungicide: "Kuprozan", "Kaptan", "Oleokuprit" or others. Moreover, they will have to process a tree more than once. Therefore, in order to prevent cherry moniliosis and not worry about how to treat it, it is better to take preventive measures in advance.

Important! Characteristic features diseases do not always appear immediately. Usually they are noticed when the disease is already actively progressing. Therefore, you should definitely be alerted by the untimely fall of leaves, its yellowing, wilting, and other changes on leaves, fruits, and bark. Carefully inspect the tree, find the cause of the lesions and select an effective remedy.

How to deal with cherry pests

In addition to diseases, various pests lie in wait for cherries. different insects can harm not only the leaves, but also the fruits of the tree, nullifying the entire crop. Next, consider what are the pests of cherries and what should be the fight against them.

The pest most often infects tree seedlings in early spring. Small larvae appear on the shoots and leaves of the tree, forming extensive colonies. Settler females have wings and, flying throughout the garden, carry aphids to other plants.

You can fight aphids by spraying the trees with Oleocuprite or Nitrafen as soon as the larvae appear. It is important that the air temperature is not lower than 5 ºC. A little later, the tree is treated with "Phosfamide", "Metaphos" or "Karbofos", but before flowering. If necessary, in the summer you can repeat the treatment with insecticides.

This insect has a black shiny color and loves to settle on fruit bushes and trees. It got its name because the greenish comma-shaped larva is covered with black mucus. It hibernates in the nest at a depth of 5–15 cm, depending on the warmth of the climate. In spring, it pupates and emerges as adult insects. They lay their eggs in upper part leaves of trees and shrubs, which the larvae then eat, and in early September descend and burrow into the ground.

Accordingly, it is possible to deal with them by autumn loosening of the soil. If the invasion is massive, the soil is sprayed with 10% Trichlormetafos, 10% Karbofos, 3.8% Chlorophos. If chemicals come across in granules, it is necessary to dissolve 15-20 g of the substance in a bucket of water.

A large butterfly, which has a white color and veiny wings, loves not only cherries, but also others. fruit crops. During the day, she flies near flowers and water. Its caterpillar is 45 mm long, with soft hair gray color on the sides and belly with yellow and black stripes on the back. Insect pupa 2 cm long, gray with black spots.

Caterpillars create nests in dry fallen leaves of a tree. In the spring, they climb it and eat the buds after flowering. Then they pupate on branches or fences, and in June the first adults fly out, laying eggs on the front side of the leaves. Caterpillars eat this particular part of the foliage.

You can fight them by removing leaves from under the tree for the winter, removing nests, laying eggs. In late April or early May, when the pests leave their winter nests, spraying is carried out. When deciding how to spray cherries in the spring, pay attention to the special preparations Actellik, Corsair, Ambush at a concentration of 0.1%.

A small shiny insect of dark brown color with yellow longitudinal stripes on the back, an average of 4 mm in length. It has transparent wings with four dark stripes across the wing. Her eyes are green rear part heads and thighs are yellow, the rest of the body is black. For the winter, she wraps herself in a cocoon dirty yellow color and barrel-shaped top layer soil (up to 13 cm).

In the spring, after emergence, the fly feeds on the secretions of cherry aphids, and when the fruits ripen, on their juice. Eggs are laid in not yet ripe fruits, piercing them. Larvae develop for about 20 days, feeding on the pulp of berries around the stone. When the time comes, they crawl out of them and fall to the ground, burrowing and twisting into cocoons for the winter. Eaten fruits rot and fall off.

To get rid of the fly, try to plant early varieties cherries and cherries, during the entire warm period of the year, loosen the soil around the trunk, spray it with insecticides at least twice a season. The second spraying should be done no later than two weeks before harvesting. They spray not only the crown of the tree, but also the soil around it. early spring and late autumn dig the ground near the tree trunk to a depth of at least 20 cm.

Beetle 9 mm in length, golden-green color, crimson hue. Burrows into the soil for the winter, and in the spring it comes to the surface and feeds on young foliage and flowers. When the fruits ripen, the female makes her way inside to the very bone, gnaws it and lays her eggs there. The caterpillar feeds on the pulp of the stone, and after the fruits fall, it descends to the ground, burrows into it and pupates. During the winter, it turns into a beetle, which in the spring comes to the surface.

Accordingly, you can fight it by digging or plowing the soil around shrubs and trees. In the spring, during the period when the leaves bloom, trapping belts are installed on the trees, which are constantly cleaned of beetles, shaken off polyethylene film, spread out below the tree. 11 days after the end of flowering, it is necessary to treat the tree or bush with a 0.3% solution of Karbofos.

Preventive measures, how to protect cherries from diseases and pests

Preventive methods begin with pruning cherries, treating wounds with a solution of copper sulfate and garden pitch, whitewashing skeletal branches and trunks with lime. This should be started when the juice in the cherry has not yet begun to actively arrive.

Next stage - spraying near-stem circles with a solution of 700 g of urea in a bucket of water. It will not only destroy pests and fungal spores that have wintered in the bark and soil, but also saturate the tree with nitrogen, which is necessary for the formation of juicy foliage. It is important to do this before the kidneys swell, otherwise they may get burned. If you did not have time to do this on time, use the drugs Agravertin, Akarin, Fitaverm, Nitrafen. It is also worth using "Ekoberin" or "Zircon", which will help increase the resistance of the tree. weather conditions and sickness.

After dropping foliage in autumn, the tree must be cut, having processed the places of cuts blue vitriol and garden pitch. All cut branches and collected leaves must be burned. As soon as the first frosts pass, it is worth treating the soil around the cherry and the tree itself with a solution of urea (5%).

As for the prevention of diseases, at the very beginning of the appearance of buds, a tree or bush is treated with a 1% solution of Bordeaux liquid or a solution of 35 g of a suspension of copper oxychloride per 10 liters of water. The second treatment with these substances comes immediately after flowering. If you did not have time to catch this moment and the leaves have already appeared, so as not to burn them, it is better to use drugs such as Kaptan, Ftalan, Kuprozan. It is also necessary to carry out two more treatments with the indicated solutions - three weeks before the removal of the berries and immediately after it.

The second insect treatment is carried out before the buds swell. Often it is combined with preventive spraying for diseases, adding 60 g of "Benzophosphate" or 80 g of "Karbofos" to a bucket of water in a solution. Then the same treatment is carried out three weeks before harvest and immediately after.

As you can see, the popular and beloved by all cherries are subject to many diseases and pests. But if preventive measures are taken in time, the harvest can be saved.

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112 times already

Fungal diseases are a serious problem for any gardener. An infected cherry not only withers quickly, but also becomes a source of infection itself. Coccomycosis, anthracnose, moniliosis - it turns out that they can be avoided.

In the past few decades, gardeners have been actively fighting against fungal garden diseases. There are a huge number of ailments, the provocateur of which is one or another fungus. It is difficult to cope with the infection, meanwhile, the disease can cause enormous damage. Yields are falling, and trees are on the verge of death.

Therefore, one of the topics discussed is fungal diseases cherries. Knowing the "enemies" in person and the ability to deal with them is a big part of success.

A bit of history

Almost until the middle of the last century, serious problems on this basis did not arise. Although cherries were already grown throughout the territory of the current Soviet Union. The varieties common at that time were very different from those with which we are dealing now. These were old proven varieties of trees - centenarians. Cherry fruited regularly and abundantly, although its berries were not as large and sweet as those of the modern miracle of selection.

But already in the 60s, in some parts of the country, by the middle of summer, the cherry was almost naked, and it brought less and less fruit. The reason for this was a fungal disease accidentally brought from Europe - coccomycosis. After thirty years, he was accompanied by another serious disease, the cause of which was a fungus - moniliosis. Today, these are two main, but not the only, problems for stone fruit gardeners.

Cherries, which grow in the North-West of our territory and the Non-Black Earth Region, suffer the most from diseases. Plants living in dry, warm climates are more lucky. But they also need prevention and careful care.

How to avoid adversity

Gardening is not for the lazy. We all know how important it is to take care of trees, investing time and effort in this matter. Cherry does not apply capricious plants. In most cases, it is enough to follow the elementary rules of agricultural technology in order to protect The Cherry Orchard from serious illnesses.

This means that the tree needs: timely pruning, feeding and watering.

There are also factors that do not depend on the efforts of the gardener, but have a significant impact on the health of plantings: climate, weather (temperature fluctuations, excessive humidity, drought, frost, winters without snow), mechanical damage, pests and diseases “arrived” from trees growing in the neighborhood.

But even in the event of a sudden change in the weather, proper care will help minimize the consequences.

cherry anthracnose

Anthracnose is a disease caused by a fungus. Cherries and cherries most often suffer from the disease. The fruits are affected. The people have the name "bitter rot", which very well reflects the symptoms of the disease. The fungus is spread by spores that overwinter in fallen fruit.

The disease is difficult to detect in the early stages. Anthracnose causes the appearance of light spots on the berries, which eventually turn into bumps with bloom Pink colour. In dry weather, the fruits dry out quickly. If disease strikes a tree warm rainy summer, there is a strong possibility that anthracnose will mow down the entire cherry crop.

Treatment and prevention of anthracnose

For prevention purposes, whitewashing of trees is carried out special formulations. Not only cherries are processed, but also all other trees in the garden, because. the disease is highly contagious.

Fallen leaves and berries should be regularly removed, as well as digging up the soil in the near-trunk circle in the fall. If for some reason the cherry has received mechanical damage, you need to clean the place of breakage and treat it with garden pitch. The same treatment is carried out after regular pruning. Remember to disinfect instruments before use.

Remember that cherries need good nutrition. Before blooming leaves, you should feed the tree with a solution of potassium sulfate (3 tablespoons per 10 liters of water). This will help keep the plant healthy.

Alas, if the disease has already entered into force, then prevention will not help. The fight against the disease can drag on for a long time. It is necessary to choose the maximum effective treatment. You can use the drug "Polyram". Cherry is sprayed with it three times (20 g per 10 liters of water). The first treatment is carried out before flowering. The second time - when the cherry has faded. After two weeks, you can process a third time.

Cure anthracnose cherries is difficult, but possible.

Mycosis (coccomycosis) of cherry

Cherry mycosis is a whole group of ailments that have a fungal pathogen. The word "mycosis" is translated as mushroom. The most common disease from this group is coccomycosis.

The disease came to us from Scandinavia. The cherry grown on our territory was not at all ready for this. Unfortunately, breeders have not yet managed to develop a variety for which the mushroom would not pose any threat. On the this moment immunity to coccomycosis is only felt cherry, as well as a hybrid of bird cherry and cherry.

The disease first affects the leaves of the plant. At first, red dots appear on them, which eventually develop into spots. On the underside of the leaf, you can see the fungus itself, or rather its spores. They look like a pinkish bloom. Soon after the disease manifests itself, the cherry begins to shed its leaves. This greatly affects the winter hardiness of the tree. In fact, the disease deprives the plant of natural protection, and during the first cold weather, the cherry freezes. Over several seasons, the condition of the tree deteriorates greatly. The cherry may even die.

Sometimes the disease affects the fruit. They become ugly. In this case, the cherry crop is no longer edible.

Treatment and prevention of coccomycosis

Since the disease is spread by spores that usually overwinter in fallen plant parts, regular cleaning should be done. trunk circle. Everything that has fallen and accumulated under the tree must be collected and disposed of by burning it. The soil surrounding the cherry trunk should be dug up in spring and autumn.

The fight against coccomycosis at the prevention stage also includes wood processing. In the spring, when the cherry is just beginning to open its leaves, the crown should be treated with Bordeaux liquid (3%). The next treatment is carried out after the flowers fall. Copper oxychloride (0.4%) is used for it. You can also fight the disease with the help of Topsin-M (0.1%) and Skor. They are also effective in the second treatment. The third time the cherry is processed after harvest. This is done with Bordeaux liquid (1%) or copper oxychloride (0.4%).

Before flowering, you can additionally spray the tree with Skor.

It is very important not to skip processing. If you miss the moment, the fungus will penetrate deep into the plant, and it will be very difficult to fight it. Spraying branches that have already been affected by the disease is useless. They will have to be removed.

Some gardeners recommend for reliability to enter additional processing. In addition to all of the above, the cherry is sprayed a week after flowering with the same Bordeaux liquid (1%) and in early October with a solution of urea (4%). At the same time, fallen leaves are collected and burned, in which a fungal pathogen could lurk.

The fight against an ailment that has already settled in a plant includes pruning and treating the tree with fungicides. Cherries are sprayed according to the above scheme. Bordeaux liquid can be replaced by means: Topaz (40 g per 10 l of water), Horus (2 g per 10 l of water), Skor (the same proportions as for Horus), Fundazol (10 g per 10 l of water), Hom ( 40 g per 10 liters of water). A mixture of colloidal sulfur and lime is also suitable (100 g of each substance per 10 liters of water).

When the cherry has shed its foliage, the near-stem circle should be shed with a solution of urea (5%). This will serve as a natural fertilizer, and will also help destroy pests and pathogens lurking in the ground.

If you are just planning to plant a cherry orchard, try to choose varieties that are less prone to coccomycosis. These include early Orlovskaya cherry, Zarya Tatarii, Gorkovskaya, Octava. Slightly more often, but still quite rarely, Molodezhnaya, Beauty of Tataria, Zhukovskaya, Uralskaya ruby, Rastunya, Zagoryevskaya cherries suffer.

The disease most often affects varieties: Malinovka, Nezyabkaya, Vladimirskaya, Shakirovskaya, Dessert Volga, Tenkovskaya.

The most important

The fight against any ailments of fungal origin comes down to a few simple rules. And these rules are universal for almost all plants, be it cherry or apricot.

First, the disease is easier to prevent than to cure. A tree, in this case a cherry, has certain requirements for soil, climate and care. Therefore, the first measures are taken even at the stage when the cherry orchard is just being laid: zoned varieties that are least susceptible to infection are selected. Cherries should be planted in a dry, ventilated place with suitable soil. We all know that any disease that has a fungal pathogen spreads rapidly in conditions of increased dampness.

Good care is half the battle. Cherries need regular pruning. A thickened crown is a lack of light, dampness, decay, and, consequently, a fungus. Whitewash - another necessary measure, a layer of special paint clogs small cracks and protects the tree from diseases and pests. In addition, in order to defend against any infection, the cherry has a natural immunity. You can support it with regular top dressing. Cherry also needs regular treatment with special preparations.

Secondly: if the fungus has already penetrated the tree, the affected branches will have to be cut off. Even if in this way the cherry loses half of the crown, this measure is necessary. Sanitation must be carried out strictly following the technology.

Thirdly: fallen branches, leaves, fruits are a potential source of infection. They need to be collected and burned away from the garden. Otherwise, the fight against the disease does not make sense - re-infection cannot be avoided.

We hope these simple rules will help you save the cherry orchard from fungal infections.

Any gardener takes care of his trees and worries when cherry diseases occur. Sometimes regardless of proper care trees are affected by serious diseases or pests. Cherries can be subject to such problems, so you need to know how to get rid of them.

In order to identify the disease, it is necessary to conduct a daily inspection of the trees. Because very often diseases and pests affect the crown, trunk, leaves, even berries. It is much easier to avoid such a problem than to deal with it later.

Be sure to constantly carry out prevention in your garden or garden. Used for this as medications, as well as methods traditional medicine. Each medicine for a tree must be used strictly following the instructions, otherwise you can simply destroy the tree.

Types of diseases

There are a wide variety of cherry diseases. Sooner or later, any gardener will encounter them.

Diseases in cherries can occur from both fungi and bacteria. Each requires a specific approach.

fungal diseases

  • Moniliosis - a disease that develops stone fruits due to a certain type of fungus. For a cherry tree, this ailment is bad because it affects the leaves, they begin to crumble, the flowers dry out, rot appears in the fruit. Gray sprouts appear on the berries. The berries are slowly falling off the tree, and those that remain turn black. The following year, spores remain, infecting the next crop.

The fight against diseases requires the need to constantly cut branches, rotten berries and leaves; constantly fight pests, such as caterpillars or codling moths; harvest carefully so as not to damage the berries.

  • coccomycosis - this disease is distinguished by the appearance of red spots, which become gray over time. The part of the leaf on which the red spot has formed falls off and forms a hole. Such a disease can occur from too frequent rains or heavy dew.

Advice. In the fight against this disease, you need to quickly resort to help. chemicals such as Topaz. To prevent the product from being washed away by rain, it must be mixed with laundry soap. Processing should be carried out after the color of the tree.

Rot and clasterosporiasis - how to fight

  • Clusterosporiasis - differ in appearance brown spots on leaves that have a red tint along the edge. After a while, holes appear. In this case, the entire tree is completely affected. The leaves crumble, spots appear on the fruits, and eventually corrodes to the bone. The bark of the tree is also affected. This disease can appear from rain, wind or insects.

For the fight, the removal of diseased branches or berries is used. Then it is necessary to treat with a chemical solution Horus. Treatment with copper sulphate or Nitrofen is also ideal. Folk remedy is a decoction of sorrel, which must be insisted and treated with a tree.

  • Cherry rot - the most common tree disease. It applies to everything fruit trees. It is distinguished by the appearance of brownish spots on the berries. Over time, gray mold appears.

It is necessary to fight such an ailment from the spring. Those berries that have been damaged by hail or strong wind. All spoiled fruits must be removed.

Powdery mildew and cytosporosis - treatment and prevention

powdery mildew
- this cherry disease must be feared when planting, because tree seedlings are affected. When this disease appears, the tree grows slowly, the leaves crumble.

Advice. In the fight against this disease, chemical solutions such as Topaz or Strobi should be used.

Cytosporosis - differs in the defeat of the stem, shoots of a tree, very rarely even the roots can suffer. When this disease appears, all young trees die. The bark becomes brittle, acquires a brown color. By spring, the tree is completely dry.

To prevent this disease, it is necessary not to allow various insects to corrode the bark. Pruning should be carried out very carefully, without damaging the tree.

Spotting, rot and other infestations

  • brown spot - characterized by brown spots. Over time, the spots turn black, and the leaves begin to dry out and fall off.

In this case, it is necessary to burn the damaged foliage. handle wood Bordeaux mixture, nitrafen, copper sulfate. If the infection is very strong, treat it again in the fall.

Important! Do not forget that processing, especially with chemicals, must be done following safety precautions. Be sure to use gloves, a mask and goggles. Never inhale chemicals.

In order to completely get rid of the fungus, it is necessary to burn all the foliage, remove rotten berries, and dig up the ground.

It is difficult to overcome such a disease. You will have to completely get rid of the tree by burning. Or constantly remove emerging growths. Then clean the bark, treat with vitriol.

  • Sulfur yellow tinder fungus - gray rot appears on the bark of a tree, which grows into a bright yellow mycelium. The wood from it becomes fragile, begins to crumble.

In the spring, you need to feed the tree. Be sure to whitewash the trunk. If, nevertheless, cracks from frost appeared on the bark, then you need to clean them, then process and cover them up.

  • Gum treatment is one of the most common diseases. Gum begins to drip from the tree, this is due to infection with some kind of disease.

To avoid such a manifestation, it is necessary to protect the tree from frost in winter, properly insulate it, fertilize it. Frost cracks must be cleaned and treated.

  • Scab - Another common cherry disease. It is characterized by the appearance of brown spots. The leaves eventually curl up into a tube and fall off. Green fruits also suffer.

In order to avoid it is necessary to get rid of infected leaves and fruits, to produce constant spraying.

Bacterial diseases

In addition to fungal diseases, there are such diseases:

  • bacteriosis - has another name - cherry cancer. Already old trees that are more than five years old are susceptible to infection. The appearance of black or brown spots, ulcers characterizes this particular disease. She appears in the wet spring.

It can be avoided by good watering.

  • Mosaic ringing - different yellowish pattern on the leaves. The leaves dry up and slowly fall off the tree. After that, the growth of the tree slows down.

It is impossible to get rid of such a disease. It is necessary to burn the trees and treat the soil with potassium permanganate.

  • verticillium wilt - characterized poor growth buds and buds. To avoid such a disease, it is necessary to plant cherries farther from strawberries or nightshades. You also need to treat the tree with urea.

Pest control

Disease is not the only thing that can ruin a crop. These are cherry pests.

It is very important to get rid of unexpected guests, otherwise, in just an hour, the harvest of “bird cherries” will disappear from the garden. It is necessary to install various scarers on trees and in the garden: stuffed animals, mirrors, garlands - everything that will scare away birds. But this is a temporary salvation, the birds will return. Only a fine mesh thrown over a tree can really help.

We get rid of aphids, moths and flies

cherry aphid
- This is a black, shiny pest. Their eggs remain on young shoots. In spring, they hatch, while occupying the tops, leaves and pedicels, from where they suck out all the juice. The leaves turn black, dry and crumble. In order to get rid of this pest, you need to use a decoction tree resin. It is also great to use pesticides. Spraying should be done immediately after the appearance of the first insects.

cherry shoot moth - This is a very small pest that is difficult to find on a tree. It hibernates in the bark. Due to the appearance of this pest, the tree grows slowly and slowly dies.

In order to avoid the cherry moth, you need to dig up the soil, pull out all the caterpillars. Then treat with Karbofos and Spark solution.

cherry fly - is found in absolutely all regions and can destroy almost the entire crop.

For prevention, it is necessary to bury all spoiled berries deeply. You also need to distract the flies with sweet ribbons so that they do not reach the sweet cherry. Still need to be treated with insecticides.

Weevil and moth - dangerous pests

little pest which is considered very dangerous. It eats away the bud, which leads to damage to the berry. To avoid the consequences, it is necessary to dig up the soil in the fall, get rid of rotten fruits, and fertilize in time. Be sure to collect bugs and burn them. Should be treated with an insecticide.

winter moth - This is a pest that flies from the forest. These are yellow-green caterpillars that feed on both leaves and other parts of the cherry. Most importantly, butterflies appear from them, which are resistant to frost.

In autumn, it is advisable to dig up the soil in order to get rid of butterflies and caterpillars, the bark must be cleaned of moss.

Every garden must be protected from any influence of pests or diseases. Best spent in the garden preventive actions then there will be no need to deal with diseases or pests. It is impossible to feel sorry for already dying trees; if necessary, it is necessary to uproot them and burn them. Otherwise, you risk healthy cherries and cherries.

Having safely planted a cherry seedling on the site, and already looking forward to a rich harvest in the future, you should not forget that cherry diseases and their treatment are quite a common occurrence that you will most likely have to face sooner or later. It is almost impossible to protect cherries from all diseases and pests, because their distribution is affected not only by agricultural technology, but also by weather patterns, accidental damage to branches and other unpredictable factors.

How and how to treat cherry diseases

Therefore, you must not only take the time preventive measures, but also regularly inspect the trees, so that at the first sign of cherry disease or insect damage, start treating the tree. And before planting a cherry, check if you are going to use the scion from a diseased tree?

Below are diseases and pests of cherries that can cause great damage to the berry crop, and to the trees themselves. special attention deserve such dangerous fungal diseases as coccomycosis, leading to premature leaf fall, and cherry moniliosis, from which the berries rot and mummify. It is impossible to fight these diseases without spraying trees with fungicides, so it is better to initially plant cherry varieties that are resistant to moniliosis and coccomycosis.

It is almost impossible to protect cherries from all diseases and pests.


Video about cherry diseases

The fungus primarily affects cherry leaves, appearing on them in the form of brownish red dots that turn into spots. On the underside of the leaves, you can see the spores of the fungus in the form of a white-pink bloom. Soon after infection, the leaves fall off, as a result, the cherry leaves unprepared for frost in the winter. For several seasons, the tree completely weakens and dies in one of the frosty winters. Cherry coccomycosis can also affect the fruits - in this case, they are deformed and become unfit for food.

The causative agent of coccomycosis for wintering is hidden in fallen leaves, and therefore, first of all, it is necessary to immediately destroy all plant residues under the tree, digging up the soil in spring and autumn. In the spring, the first spraying is carried out on the blossoming leaves with Bordeaux liquid (3%). The second time, the treatment is carried out immediately after the flowers fall off with copper oxychloride (0.4%), or Topsin-M solution (0.1%), the drug Skor is also effective. The third time the cherries are sprayed with Bordeaux liquid (1%), or copper oxychloride (0.4%) after harvest. Additionally, you can treat cherries with Skor even before flowering.

Cherry coccomycosis


It is no coincidence that the disease is called a monilial burn, because the affected branches and leaves of the cherry look like they were burned. As the fungal disease develops, the bark of the tree becomes covered with small growths of a gray hue, the same growths appear in a chaotic manner on the fruits, causing them to rot. Cracks form on old affected branches, gum protrudes, and gradually the branches die. Most of berries are mummified and fall off, some berries can sag until spring.

Since the fungus overwinters in the affected parts of the plants, it is very important to regularly remove and burn all the affected fruits, and cut the branches, capturing healthy tissue by 10 cm. Before the fresh buds bloom, the cherry and the soil around it are sprayed with Bordeaux liquid or iron vitriol 3%. Copper sulphate, nitrafen and oleocuprite are also suitable for processing. You can also spray the trees after flowering using 1% Bordeaux mixture or fungicides (phthalan, cuprosan, cineb, captan). It is important to regularly carry out preventive pest control and try to harvest as carefully as possible so as not to damage the cherries.

Moniliosis in cherries

perforated spotting

At high humidity in warm weather, cherry leaves may appear brown spots with a dark border, instead of which soon formed through holes. Spots of red-brown color also appear on the fruits, due to which the shape of the cherries is deformed and the fruits dry out. The bark on the shoots cracks, gum is released from it.

The mushroom picker hibernates on branches and annual growths of cherries, and therefore diseased branches must be cut out, and cracks with gum disease should be carefully cleaned and treated with garden pitch. Fallen fruits and leaves are cleaned and burned. Spraying is carried out in the same way as with moniliosis.


Increasingly, anthracnose is found on cherry trees, which mainly affects the fruits. At first, dull spots form on the cherries, after which small tubercles form and a pinkish coating appears. In dry weather, cherries begin to dry out, mummifying in the sun. If the summer is wet, rainy, anthracnose can destroy up to 80% of the crop.

gray rot in cherries

Helps to cope with anthracnose three times spraying cherries chemical preparation Polyram: before the flowers appear, immediately after they wither and after another two weeks. All diseased fruit should be collected and destroyed immediately.

Gum treatment

Damage to cherries by perforated spotting, moniliosis, sunburn or frost often leads to a disease such as gum disease of cherries. Isolation of transparent hardening drops, gums from the branches and trunk, is also possible with excessive fertilization or watering of the soil. Seemingly harmless at first glance, cherry gum can eventually lead to the complete death of a tree.

In order to prevent gum disease, cherries must be carefully looked after, protecting them from diseases with preventive treatment with copper sulphate, and from sunburn and frost damage - with the help of whitewashing with lime. Thoroughly clean any wounds that appear on the cherry and cover it immediately with garden pitch or petralatum. Those branches that have already been badly damaged should be destroyed.

Cherry care video

Control of the main pests of cherries

Insects can leave you without a cherry crop with no less success than the listed diseases. Therefore, be sure to take the time to inspect the trees in order to identify pests. What the main pests of cherries look like, you can look at the pictures on the Internet, here you will find out what harm they cause to cherries, and how you can get rid of them.

  • Cherry aphid, sucking the juice from plants, leads to drying of the leaves and to the deformation of the shoots. To prevent the appearance of aphids on the cherry, you need to destroy the root shoots and weeds around the tree. If there are a lot of aphids, evening spraying of trees with pesticides will help (Spark, Inta-Vir).
  • The cherry weevil eats the buds of cherries, as well as flowers and ovaries. In addition, in summer, females lay eggs on the stones of still green fruits, and the emerging larvae eat away the kernels of the stones. The weevil can completely destroy the cherry crop. To combat the beetle, the soil under the cherries is loosened in the fall, and in the spring the beetles are shaken off the branches and destroyed. At in large numbers weevils, it is necessary to spray cherries with karbofos, kinmiks or Inta-Vir after flowering.

Fruit damage by cherry weevil

  • In the summer, the slimy sawfly lays larvae in the pulp of the leaves, which subsequently strongly eat the leaves. It helps to get rid of the sawfly by spraying cherries with Iskra or Inta-Vir after harvesting.
  • The shoot moth is dangerous because its caterpillars bite into fresh buds in the spring, causing them to dry out, eat young leaves, buds and ovaries. As control measures, loosening of the near-stem circle is carried out in early June and spraying of cherries during swelling of the kidneys with preparations of decis, actara, Inta-Vir.

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