Myths and mysteries, who built Petra, the lost city of stone? Who built ancient cities on artificially created islands in the middle of the Pacific Ocean? It turns out that a non-Russian head in the form of Pet.

"Emperor Peter I and St. Isaac's Cathedral", St. Petersburg, painting by artist Maxim Vorobyov, 1844

The first person to read this article asked me a question: "What is the practical meaning of this work?" As an answer to this question, I will cite the words of Pyotr Stolypin (1862-1911), who was killed in Kyiv and who, in the last years of his life, held the position of Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Russian Empire. He said this:

"A people that does not know its history is manure on which other peoples grow."

In order for us to stop being manure for someone, we need to finally find out our true history and reveal one secret carefully hidden from century to century, connected with Peter I and the city on the Neva - St. Petersburg.

I will say right away that the first Russian emperor Peter I (1672-1725) did not just appear on the historical stage as Russian reformer and it was no coincidence that even during his lifetime, many in Russia were talking about the substitution of one Peter (the son of the second Russian tsar from the Romanov family) for another Peter, foreign, from an unknown family.

By the way, disputes about the tribal origin of the "other" Peter I, who entered the history of Russia as great reformer and the builder of the city of St. Petersburg, do not subside until now, because it is really incomprehensible whose blood flowed in his veins. Judging by his lifetime portraits and portraits of his family, Russian by blood, Peter I was not uniquely!

Portraits of the first Russian Emperor Peter I, his second wife Catherine I and daughters Elizabeth and Anna:

These portraits were painted by different artists and at different times, while the persons depicted in these portraits have the same "national" signs! Russ, Slavs, with such faces, as we see in these portraits, does not happen! Whose bloodlines were Peter I, his second wife Catherine the First and their daughters? This question remains open to this day.

As for the stormy reform activities of Peter I, today we know for sure only one thing: Peter I was literally replaced by another person or his "as if changed"(understand the meanings of the words of the Russian language!) after his stay abroad from March 1697 to August 1698.

Contemporaries noted who saw and knew Peter I before that he had changed a lot externally, but even more, beyond recognition, he had changed internally.

Even before returning to Moscow from a trip abroad, directly from London, the 26-year-old Tsar of All Russia gave a written order to imprison his legal wife Evdokia Lopukhina, Russian by birth, in the Suzdal Intercession Monastery, whom he married at the age of 16.

Regarding the first wife of Peter I, there is interesting information: Evdokia Lopukhina went down in history as last Russian wife Russian tsar. And all subsequent Russian emperors also took only foreign women as their wives, why in the veins of their heirs it became less and less Russian blood" . .

A very curious touch in the history of the Russian state, isn't it?

Now let's move on to the most interesting cases of Peter and the history of St. Petersburg.

It is known that on July 31, 1698, while in Rava (Russian), Peter I met with the king of the Commonwealth Augustus II. "The communication between the two monarchs, who were almost the same age, lasted for three days. As a result, a personal friendship arose and there was a creation of an alliance against Sweden. Finally secret treaty with the Saxon elector and the Polish king was concluded on November 1, 1699. According to him, Augustus II was to start a war against Sweden by invading Livonia". (Encyclopedic article "Great Embassy".).

Reference: for the first time in the documents, Rava-Russkaya is mentioned in the 15th century. In 1455, the Belzian and Mazovian prince Vladislav named a small settlement on the Rata River after his Mazovian possession, with the addition of the word "Russian" to distinguish it from Rawa-Mazowiecka, now located on the territory of Poland. .

In other words, during that meeting with Augustus II, Peter I concluded a secret agreement with him, according to which, upon the return of the Tsar of All Russia to Moscow, they would jointly start a war against Sweden, in order to achieve some of their interests in this war.

And shortly before that, on July 14, 1698, the 26-year-old Peter I met with the 58-year-old Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation (also the ruler of Austria) Leopold I (from the Habsburg family). We can only guess about the details of that meeting, but the political steps taken by the young Tsar of All Russia upon his return to Moscow are interesting.

On the collage: Leopold I & Peter I (in their youth they looked like brothers) and the emblem of the Holy Roman Empire, which later became the emblem of the Russian Empire too.

So, returning to Moscow from a foreign embassy, ​​Peter I considered it important for himself to immediately deal a crushing blow to everything Russian, especially Russian history and tradition.

Why and why?

Well, Peter I did not like Russians, and therefore he wanted to turn Russia into a semblance of a European state, and most of all, into a semblance of the Holy Roman Empire. In addition, during a foreign tour of Europe, 26-year-old Peter I was explained (most likely this was done by Leopold I) that he has every chance of turning from the "king of all Russia" into the "emperor of the Russian Empire" if he takes a number of correct steps.

Peter I, presumably, this was explained.

By that time, on the shores of the Gulf of Finland, on the territory controlled by the 18-year-old Swedish King Charles XII, there was already a small ancient city with stone buildings, partially half-flooded by icy waters, the very fact of whose existence haunted the powers that be.

For world history, this ancient city, first swallowed up by water and then liberated, was the same artifact that could not be hidden anywhere, like the ancient Egyptian pyramids. Most of all, the "powerful of this world" were worried that he stood on primordially Russian soil! It was an ancient city built by Russians! And by its existence, it proved the centuries-old, and perhaps many thousands of years of Russian history!

These two-century-old drawings show part of the territory Vasilyevsky Island, adjacent to the embankment of the Bolshaya Neva (emb. Lieutenant Schmidt) between the 25th and 19th lines. Apparently, the draftsman documented not Peter's new buildings, but the remains of an ancient stone city, where, along with collapsed buildings, there were relatively intact ones.

This engraving by Zubov Alexei Fedorovich (1682 - 1751), a Petrine artist, depicts the entry of Swedish ships into the Neva on September 9, 1714 after the victory at Gangut. The inscription on the engraving "Vasilyevsky Island at St. Petersburg". The artist painted in detail on the engraving the stone embankment and numerous multi-storey buildings. At the same time, official history claims that only 11 years ago there was nothing at this place! This, they say, was built by Peter I, who had only 40,000 troops for the war with Sweden ...

And in this century-old photograph, the building of the Hermitage is captured, the first floor of which, despite the fact that this building, as historians assure, is quite recent, turned out to be deep underground!

Hermitage building.

These "powerful ones", interested in ensuring that all such artifacts never speak, were visited by the 26-year-old Russian Tsar Peter I on his foreign tour.

"An interesting fact is the composition of the Russian embassy that went to Europe. The number of those accompanying the tsar was 20 people, while the embassy was headed by Alexander Menshikov. And the returning embassy consisted, with the exception of Menshikov, only of the subjects of Holland! two weeks, as expected, and returned only after a year or more ...

Streltsy - the guards and the elite of the Russian tsarist army - suspected something was wrong. The streltsy rebellion that had begun was brutally suppressed by Peter. But the archers were the most advanced and combat-ready military formations that faithfully served the Russian tsars. Sagittarius became by inheritance, which indicates the highest level of these units.

It is characteristic that the scale of the destruction of archers was more global than according to official sources. At that time, the number of archers reached 20 thousand people, and after the pacification of the streltsy rebellion by the government of Peter I, the Russian army was left without infantry, after which a new set of recruits was made and the army was completely reorganized. A noteworthy fact is that in honor of the suppression of the Streltsy rebellion, a commemorative medal was issued with inscriptions on Latin, which had never before been used in the minting of coins and medals in Russia, but was used in the Holy Roman Empire".

On the left is the medal of Peter I "Suppression of the Streltsy rebellion, 1698", on the right, for comparison, the medal of Leopold I.

By the way, one more interesting detail to the story of the rebellion of the archers.

"In March 1698, 175 archers from 4 archery regiments who participated in the Azov campaigns of Peter I in 1695-1696 appeared in Moscow urgently summoned by Tsarevna Sofya Alekseevna (sister of Peter I and daughter of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich). Sofya Alekseevna claimed that Peter I is not her brother...

On April 4, 1698, the soldiers of the Semyonovsky regiment were sent against the archers, who, with the assistance of the townspeople, “knocked out” the rebellious archers from the capital. The archers returned to their regiments, in which fermentation began.

On June 6, the archers displaced their chiefs, elected 4 elected representatives in each regiment, and headed for Moscow. The rebels (2200 people) intended to enthrone Princess Sophia or, in case of her refusal, V.V. Golitsyn, who was in exile.

The government sent Preobrazhensky, Semyonovsky, Lefortovsky and Butyrsky regiments (about 4000 people) and noble cavalry under the command of A.S. Shein, General P. Gordon and Lieutenant General Prince I.M. Koltsov-Mosalsky against the archers.

On June 14, after a review on the Khodynka River, the regiments set out from Moscow. On June 17, ahead of the archers, A.I. Repnin occupied the New Jerusalem (Resurrection) Monastery. On June 18, 40 miles west of Moscow, the rebels were defeated.

In the battle near the Resurrection Monastery on the part of the Government participated:

Butyrsky regiment - general P. Gordon

"Battalion" of the Preobrazhensky Regiment - Major Nicholas von Salm

"Battalion" (6 companies) of the Semyonovsky regiment - lieutenant colonel I. I. Angler

Lefortovo Regiment - Colonel Y. S. Lim

Artillery commanded by Colonel de Grage (Grange)" . .

As you can see, the names of the commanders of government troops are clearly not Russian.

It turns out that a non-Russian head in the form of Peter I and foreigners loyal to him was put on the body of the state-forming Russian people ...

After the suppression of the rebellion of the archers, Peter I considered it important to reform the Russian calendar, which resulted in the fact that the Slavs had 5508 years of their history cut off and the next 7208 summer became the year 1700.

Peter I also replaced the Slavic word "New Year" with the "New Year" he invented ("Happy New Year!"), And the ancient Russian holiday "Christmas of the Sun", celebrated for centuries in Russia on December 25, 3 days after winter solstice , he replaced it with the Nativity of Christ holiday.

If you think about the words "Happy New Year!", then these words of congratulations (and the spelling of the word "Year" with a capital letter) are nothing more than the blasphemous congratulations "HAPPY NEW GOD!" invented especially for the Slavs by Peter I! God in German is Gott, in English God is God, and so is it in a number of other languages. So it turns out that the now widely known expression "Happy New Year!" was originally invested blasphemous meaning - "With the New God!" (instead of the old god, Slavic - Yarila!). That's why this word "Year" was written with a capital letter!

The logic of such a mockery of the consciousness of a Russian person is also curious. Original winter Russian holiday "Christmas Sun"(born from Virgin-Heaven And Holy Spirit according to ancient Slavic mythology), celebrated in Russia from time immemorial on December 25, was replaced by "The Nativity of Christ"(born from Jewish Virgin Mary And "Holy Spirit" in the form of a dove, according to Jewish legend).

The reformer or reformers (perhaps Peter I took this step not alone, but with the "patriarch of all Russia"), were guided by the following considerations: “We will assume that the legendary Christ was also born on December 25, just on the day when the Slavs celebrate the holiday "Christmas Sun" but on that day he was not yet circumcised according to the Jewish tradition as befits a Jew! Jews are circumcised on the 8th day of birth. So, to December 25 you need to add another 7 days, and then a birthday god-man Christ it turns out exactly - January 1st!" .

8 days: December - 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, January - 1. The Jews think so. December 25 is considered the first day, January 1 - the 8th day.

And it became like this after Peter's reform:

And so it was (testimony of 1865):

Almost simultaneously with these steps, Peter I, returning from the "Great Embassy", began to prepare for war with Sweden. It was necessary to fight both for Russia's access to the Baltic Sea, and for the future title of Emperor of the Russian Empire, which Peter I acquired in 1721 upon completion of the 21-year "Northern War" with Sweden, begun in 1700.

History reference: "In 1699, the "Northern Union" was created against the Swedish king Charles XII, which, in addition to Russia, included Denmark, Saxony and the Commonwealth, headed by the Saxon elector and the Polish king August II. The driving force behind the union was the desire of August II to take away Livonia from Sweden. For help, he promised Russia the return of lands, formerly owned by Russians(Ingria, which was located within the borders of today's Leningrad region, and Karelia)". .

The last one is an important fact!

In other words, during a long trip abroad, Peter I had an idea (a friend threw it in, just which one, August II or Leopold I?) to take by force from the young 18-year-old Swedish king Charles XII that part of the land that once upon a time, belonged to the Russians.

Modern geographical map showing the border of Russia:

And when this historically Russian land was conquered by Peter I from the Swedish king Charles XII, he laid the foundation in 1703 on the shores of the Gulf of Finland, allegedly from scratch, the new city of Sankt Petersburg.

Here is how many historians, including Wikipedia, talk about it:

"For Russia to enter the war, it was necessary to make peace with the Ottoman Empire. After reaching a truce with the Turkish Sultan for a period of 30 years, Russia on August 19 (30), 1700 declared war on Sweden under the pretext of avenging the insult shown to Tsar Peter I in Riga ...

The beginning of the war for Peter I was discouraging: the newly recruited army (after the rebellion of the archers), handed over to the Saxon field marshal Duke de Croa, was defeated near Narva on November 19 (30), 1700.

Considering that Russia was sufficiently weakened, Charles XII left with his troops for Livonia in order to direct all his forces against Augustus II.

However, Peter I, continuing the reforms of the army according to the European model, resumed hostilities. Already in the autumn of 1702, the Russian army, in the presence of the tsar, captured the Noteburg fortress (renamed Shlisselburg), in the spring of 1703, the Nienschanz fortress at the mouth of the Neva. Here, on May 16 (27), 1703, the construction of St. Petersburg began, and on the island of Kotlin the base of the Russian fleet was located - the fortress of Kronshlot (later Kronstadt)". .

Now I propose to delve deeper into the description of the "Northern War" that Peter I waged against Sweden for as long as 21 years, and perhaps then the reader will understand that historians are simply fooling him with their words ...

Battle of Narva

"On August 18, 1700, Peter received news of the conclusion of the Constantinople peace treaty with the Turks, and on August 19 (30), not yet knowing about Denmark's withdrawal from the war, he declared war on Sweden, and on August 24 (September 3), Russian troops launched an offensive campaign. According Ingermanlandia (otherwise "Swedish Ingria") - the territory approximately corresponding to the current Leningrad region. On the border between Ingermanlandia and Estlandia, there was a large city and the largest Swedish fortress in the region - Narva, which became the main target of Russian commanders .

The campaign to Narva was organized unsuccessfully, in the fall: the soldiers were systematically malnourished, the horses carrying equipment were fed so badly that by the end of the campaign they began to die, and besides, due to the onset of rains and the poor condition of the roads, carts regularly broke down at the convoy. Peter I planned to concentrate over 60 thousand soldiers near Narva, but the slow pace of the advance of the troops to Narva frustrated the timing and plans of the king. In the end, the siege of Narva began only on October 14 (25), with forces, according to various estimates, from 34 thousand to 40 thousand soldiers.

The siege of Narva was also poorly organized. The shelling of the city from cannons turned out to be ineffective due to the fact that the Russian army used too light guns, moreover, the ammunition was enough for only two weeks. Narva was actually a double fortress along with the neighboring Ivangorod , and Peter I, who personally planned the siege, was forced to greatly stretch the Russian troops, surrounding both fortresses at the same time. This unfortunate disposition of the Russian troops subsequently had a negative effect on their combat effectiveness during the subsequent Battle of Narva.

Meanwhile, Augustus II, having learned about the imminent withdrawal of Denmark from the war, lifted the siege of Riga and retreated to Courland, which allowed Charles XII to transfer part of his troops by sea to Pernov (Pärnu). Having landed there on October 6, he headed for Narva, which was besieged by Russian troops. Peter I, together with Field Marshal Count Golovin, left the army on the night of November 18 and went to Novgorod. The supreme command of the army was entrusted by the king to the eldest in rank - a foreigner, the Duke de Croix.

On November 19 (30), 1700, the army of Charles XII, numbering 25 thousand people, inflicted a heavy defeat on the Russian army, according to various estimates, from 34 to 40 thousand people in the battle of Narva. Duke de Croix, with his staff, also consisting of foreigners, surrendered to Charles XII even before the decisive moment of the battle.

By November 21 (December 2), the main part of the Russian army, which after all the losses still outnumbered the Swedish, capitulated on the orders of the Duke de Croix. The Life Guards Preobrazhensky and the Life Guards Semyonovsky regiments steadfastly defended themselves from the Swedes, who not only managed to avoid shameful surrender, but also covered the withdrawal of part of the Russian army, thereby saving it from complete defeat. For the courage shown in this battle, the soldiers of the regiment in 1700-1740. wore red stockings (in memory of the fact that "in this battle they stood knee-deep in blood").

The results of the campaign for the Russian side were catastrophic: the loss of killed, mortally wounded, drowned, deserted and died of starvation and frost amounted to from 8 thousand to 10 thousand people, 700 people, including 10 generals and 56 officers, were captured, were lost 179 out of 184 guns.

Among the reasons for the defeat of the Russian army are the following: poor preparedness for war (the Russian army was in the process of reorganization) with a strong enemy; the troops did not know how to fight according to the rules of linear tactics, conduct reconnaissance, were poorly armed; artillery was outdated and multi-caliber (at that time there were more than 25 different calibers in artillery, which made it difficult to supply artillery with ammunition) and most importantly, the Russian army did not have its own national command staff, foreign officers were in all major command positions.

After this defeat, for several years in Europe, the opinion was established that the Russian army was completely incompetent, and Charles XII received the nickname of the Swedish “Alexander of Macedon”. After the defeat near Narva, Peter I limited the number of foreign officers in the troops. They could make up only 1/3 of the total number of unit officers.

The defeat near Narva played a huge role in the development of the Russian army and the history of the country. As the historian M.N. Pokrovsky pointed out, all the interests of Russia in the war were reduced to trade, to gaining access to the sea and gaining control over commercial ports in the Baltic. Therefore, from the very beginning of the war, Peter took the Baltic ports of Narva and Riga under special scope, but having suffered a crushing defeat near Narva and being driven back to the area of ​​\u200b\u200bpresent St. Petersburg, he decided to build a new port and city at the mouth of the Neva - the future capital of the Russian Empire ". .

So, not knowing how to fight properly, having at that time only 40 thousandth army (and what is 40 thousand people for the Tsar of All Russia?), Not even managing to recapture from the Swedes Ivangorod , founded in the spring of 1492 by Moscow Prince Ivan III Vasilyevich just so that Russia would have its own seaport in the Baltic, Peter I eagerly starts laying a new city from scratch and after 8 years declares it the capital of Russia!

Don't you think this is at least strange?

Don't you think that in this intention of Peter the Great to build a new capital of Russia on the shores of the Gulf of Finland there is some "second bottom", "some secret" about which the official history is silent...

Plan of the new city of St. Petersburg, drawn up in 1717 in Paris.

And what is the secret?

Suppose Peter I wanted Russia to have access to the Baltic Sea, and therefore he deposed the status of the capital from Moscow and assigned this status to the newly built city.

Agree, somehow frivolous. Well, if it were just a port city, like Ivangorod, why did the capital have to be moved ?!

There is only one explanation for this phenomenon: the "powerful ones" whom the Russian tsar visited during his foreign tour or who (according to another version) replaced the son of Alexei Mikhailovich Romanov - Peter I - with their man, inspired him that he could one day become great emperor, similar to the mighty emperor of the Holy Roman Empire, but for this you need to do one little business connected with the "northern capital of Russia": everyone must believe that the "king of all Russia" built a new stone city with complex architecture practically from scratch!

Panorama of the city, compiled from photographs taken in 1861. Clickable!!!

As a result, through the efforts of Peter I, and his followers of emperors and empresses, and Western historians who served them and wrote the history of the Russian State for us, RUSSIAN HISTORY WAS DISTORTED AND ISOLGAN, as the first Russian academician Mikhail Lomonosov later wrote and said, for which nearly paid with his life.

Article: "Why was the outstanding Russian scientist Mikhailo Lomonosov sentenced to death?"

Well, Peter I, for his great zeal, received the title of "Emperor of All Russia" in 1721, as the engraving of the court artist Fyodor Zubov eloquently testifies to us:

It is not difficult to guess who Peter I's "godfather" was, looking at this engraving, where the Roman commander places the imperial crown on the head of Peter I. This "godfather" could only be the emperor of the Holy Roman Empire Leopold I, whose coat of arms was copied for Russia by "Peter the Great", changing only the attributes of power on the image of the Russian coat of arms:

Coat of arms of the Holy Roman Empire and its ruler Leopold I.

The opinion of an independent historian and just a very observant person Andrei Kadykchansky:

"Peter. For me, it is mysterious not so much by its appearance as by inexplicable oblivion. It is quite obvious that it is the same antediluvian, ancient city, like all those cities that Europe ascribes to the achievements of their own ancestors. It is incomprehensible how they managed to inspire the whole world, that the entire Mediterranean is antiquity, the cradle of world civilization, and Petersburg is only some three hundred years old?

Historians argue that Peter I thus introduced "wild, dark, uneducated, downtrodden" Russia to the achievements of the "great Western civilization." But we now know that Russians did not always sigh with reverence at Snickers and Marlboro. This model of behavior was introduced into the mass consciousness during the years of Khrushchev’s wrecking rule, aggravated during the Brezhnev’s decay caused by a well-fed, carefree life, taking on especially ugly caricature forms under Gorbachev, and reaching its peak during the shameful period of “reigning”, the eternally drunk EBN.

Therefore, we can say with confidence that the explanation is simple - like a faceted glass: it's all about the spirituality of the Russian people. In his naive faith in justice, and in his own modesty.

It never occurred to us that someone could be so impudent that they would attribute to themselves such global achievements as ancient architecture and sculpture. Because it is by nature absolutely unnatural for us. We readily believe in the brilliant achievements of Western civilization, whose representatives only grit their teeth from the fact that St. Petersburg is not on their territory.

Meanwhile, upon closer examination, everyone who believes his own eyes is convinced that the "ancient" Greece with Rome and the North-West of Russia is one civilization, one culture, and ... not ours.

Anton Blagin:

And now let's remember the "Masonic symbols" of St. Petersburg, which are very common in the architecture of buildings.

Do you see a triangle with rays emanating from it?

Do you really think this "masonic symbol"?

Here is the same symbol on the shield attached to the chest of an angel, installed on the roof of St. Isaac's Cathedral. In the triangle, from which rays emanate in all directions, the "God's eye" is also clearly visible.

The most amazing thing in our history is that a Masonic lodge called "Freemasons" someone had to create and officially register (so that everyone knows that there are such guys!) just because the city on the Neva River, St. Petersburg, with its amazingly rich architecture, appeared on all maps of the world!

History reference: "The modern Order of Freemasons took organizational shape at the beginning of the 18th century. On the day of the birth of St. John the Baptist June 24, 1717 in the London tavern "Goose and Spit" the world's first "Grand Lodge" was established, uniting the four "Small Lodges" that had previously met in other city taverns. Thus, the Masonic organization of the new time was created, which laid the foundation for the institution of modern Freemasonry, which spread a couple of decades later throughout the European continent.

In 1723 the "Book of Constitutions" by James Anderson (1680-1739) was published under the title "Constitutions of Freemasons, containing the history, duties and rules of this ancient and highly respected brotherhood", which was approved and adopted as the basic law by the Freemasons. The Constitutions, among other things, contained the mythical history of Freemasonry from the Garden of Eden to 1717. The purpose of the union of Freemasons was designated as the desire for moral self-improvement, knowledge of the Truth and oneself, as well as love for one's neighbor.

The main version of the origin of Freemasonry is the version of the origin of the medieval building associations. Freemasonry is now spread all over the world and is represented in various organizational forms - lodges, grand lodges, supreme councils, chapters, areopagus, consistories, federations and confederations. The total number of freemasons in the world is estimated at 4,000,000 people". .

Well, who else, besides these mysterious "free masons" could have mastered the amazing secrets of artistic stone processing and create such beauty?! This question is, of course, sarcasm on my part.

Here is an example of a strikingly beautiful stone processing used during the construction of St. Petersburg:

The figures are stone, but the impression is that they are cast in the same mold! And they seem to be actually cast! Using this technology (or something like this), stone sinks for kitchens are made today!


"Dopetrovsky Peter":


Anton Blagin: I will now give two old drawings made by court artists, which were supposed to convince everyone who showed interest in the technique and technology of building the city of Peter with the help of painting (alas, there was no cinematography yet!) That the granite columns of St. Isaac's Cathedral are perfectly round in diameter and careful grinding, made in the local quarry by bast men with the help of simple iron axes!

"Puterlaks quarry near Vyborg, property of the landowner von Exparre".

Well, it is very convincingly drawn, as it was! Well, right for the underage, who didn’t even hold a hammer in their hands! Like, the men knocked with axes on a granite block and it, (oh, a miracle!), Became an impeccably even cylindrical shape! Even from the side that lay on the ground!!!

It is on such a lie, oriented to people who cannot think, that our unfortunate historians are pierced! If they were silent, the people would simply be lost in conjecture! And now, after such a lie, everything, pipes! It is already clear that the "Isa-Kiev Cathedral" was built in a completely different way and by the wrong people! And at a completely different time!

So who built St. Petersburg? And what do the Masons have to do with it, despite the fact that the city on the Neva is literally stuffed with mysterious symbols, which many consider Masonic?

Below I want to bring it in full, because it is just a continuation of this topic, it was just written a little earlier.


Do you know, reader, what is this red line passing through the globe of the Earth?

Officially, this is the so-called "Pulkovo Meridian". Recently, many fascinating stories have been written about him by various historians, filled, as a rule, with various conjectures that do not reveal the truth, but only hide it even more ...

"Pulkovo Meridian" (in short and literally) is a conditional line oriented strictly in the North-South direction and passing through the center of the hall of the main building of the Pulkovo Observatory, built on the outskirts of St. Petersburg in 1839.

And unofficially (and this information is not widely promoted), this red line on the world map shows how from north to south several millennia ago (or maybe several tens of millennia!) There was a movement of the most mysterious people on earth, whose representatives the ancient Greeks called Hyperboreans("who lived beyond Boreas"), and the Indians called arias, arias, which translates into Russian as "noble".

Peter I, apparently, introduced imitation the once existing Hyperborean classification of those initiated into the mysteries of fire, stone and spirit! They were called aryas - noble ones.

When in Russia and the world at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries there was a boom in enthusiasm for the Aryan theme and Aryan symbols(the main Aryan symbol is the well-known sign of the swastika - a cross with curved ends, and another symbol is an "eye in a triangle"), the French philosopher and writer Eduard Schure wrote the following lines in his book about the arias: “If the black race matured under the scorching sun of Africa, the flowering of the white race took place under the icy breath of the North Pole. Greek mythology calls whites Hyperboreans. These red-haired, blue-eyed people came from the north through forests illuminated by northern lights, accompanied by dogs and deer, led by bold leaders, compelled by the gift of clairvoyance of their women. The gold of the hair and the azure of the eyes are predestined colors. This race was assigned to create a solar cult of the sacred fire and bring to the world longing for the heavenly Motherland.…» (E. Shure. "Great Initiates" , Printing house of the Provincial Zemstvo Council, 1914).

Another writer is B.G. Tilak, who is of Indo-Aryan origin (he is from the genus of Brahmins), wrote and published the book "Arctic Homeland in the Vedas" around the same time. In the modern edition of the book by B.G. Tilak, in the annotation to it, literally the following is written: "The reader gets acquainted with the translation of the famous book of the famous Indian scientist B.G. Tilak (1856-1920), in which he claims, analyzing the most ancient literary monuments, Vedas and Avesta ancestral home of the Aryans existed in the Arctic region, and the last glaciation supplanted the Aryan races from North to the lands of Europe. The Indian scientist saw in ancient texts an accurate reflection of not only historical, astronomical, but also geophysical realities associated with the Arctic. This discovery allowed Tilak to be decades ahead of the findings of archaeologists, philologists, physicists and astronomers and contribute to the general progress of knowledge about the original history of the human race and the history of the planet inhabited by this race "().

From these points of view (official and unofficial), let's now look at the "Pulkovo Meridian", which until 1884 served as the "Russian axis of the world" for Russian navigators and cartographers. And, perhaps, we will be lucky together to find and comprehend the historical truth still hidden from the common people.

So, what is the so-called "Pulkovo meridian"?

Encyclopedic reference: "Pulkovo meridian passing through the center of the observatory's main building and located 30°19.6" east of Greenwich, previously was a reference point for all geographic maps of Russia. All Russian ships counted their longitude from the Pulkovo meridian, until in 1884 the meridian passing through the axis of the passage instrument of the Greenwich Observatory (zero or Greenwich meridian) was taken as the zero point for the reference of longitudes on the entire globe. .

In other words, today (and for the past 132 years) the "Pulkovo meridian" is located at 30 ° 19.6 "east longitude. And earlier, for almost 50 years, the "Pulkovo meridian" was at the zero degree of geographic longitudes and served for all Russian navigators and cartographers literally "Russian axis of the world" until the "mistress of the seas" power-hungry England seized the initiative.

Now is the time to ask questions:

Was it by chance that in 1827 the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences (with the approval of Tsar Nicholas I) decided to create a new, Pulkovo, observatory?

Is it by chance that the Pulkovo observatory and the city of St. Petersburg itself were on the same line with such holy cities like Kyiv, Constantinople (now Istanbul) and Alexandria?

According to the same encyclopedia, "The appointed special commission opted for the top of Pulkovo Mountain, indicated by Emperor Nicholas I and lying south of the capital, 14 versts from the Moscow Gate, at an altitude of 248 feet (75 meters) above sea level. To develop a detailed project for a new observatory in 1833 a committee was formed of academicians Vishnevsky, Parrot, Struve and Fuss, chaired by Admiral A. S. Greig, who had already built an observatory in Nikolaev a few years earlier. The design of the building and its very implementation were entrusted to the architect A. P. Bryullov, and the instruments were simultaneously ordered in Munich to Ertel, Reichenbach and Merz and Mahler, in Hamburg to the Repsold brothers.The laying of the observatory took place on June 21 (July 3), 1835, and the solemn consecration of the completed buildings took place on August 7 (19), 1839. The total cost of the construction reached 2,100,500 rubles in banknotes , including here 40,000 rubles in banknotes issued to state peasants who had their own estates in the teaching alienated for the observatory a stack of 20 acres. Initially, an observatory building with three towers and 2 houses for astronomers to live was built ... " .

After these words, it is reasonable to be puzzled by two questions: "Why did the Russian emperor Nicholas I indicate to the Russian scientists the place, and not vice versa, did they indicate to him the place where the new observatory should be built? And why did Nicholas I choose the place indicated by him for the observatory, and not some other?"

The answer to both of these questions can be found in the antique map below, compiled more than two thousand years ago by Hipparchus, on which the division of the Earth into West and East passed through the ancient Egyptian "academic town" - Alexandria, famous for a long time for its richest scientific library .

Here is a map of the world compiled by Hipparchus around 150 BC. The axis of the world on this map is the Alexandrian meridian.

The Russian Emperor Nicholas I, being a highly educated person and initiated into some secrets, of course, knew that St. Petersburg was located just on the line of the Alexandria meridian. In addition, he knew that on this line is the greatest shrine of Egypt - the great pyramid of Cheops.

And we, in turn, need to know and take into account that after 1812, the memorable year of the Patriotic War of Russia with Napoleon Bonaparte, who led a huge coalition army that invaded the territory of the Russian Empire, the Russian emperors developed a special love for Ancient Egypt and attachment. (I will talk about this later).

It is for these reasons that the Russian emperor Nicholas I indicated to Russian scientists where the new Russian observatory should be built. The Russian emperor decided thereby to fix for posterity direct historical connection between St. Petersburg, Alexandria and the ancient Egyptian pyramids.

And now, to clarify the above, I will talk a little about what no one has written about before.

Let's ask ourselves a question: why did Napoleon Bonaparte, Emperor of France, before attacking the Russian Empire in 1812, decide to make a difficult and very risky military campaign in Egypt?

The official point of view on these events is as follows: "The Egyptian campaign or Egyptian expedition (fr. expdition d'Egypte) is a campaign undertaken in 1798-1801 on the initiative and under the direct leadership of Napoleon Bonaparte, the main goal of which was an attempt to conquer Egypt.

The ensuing lull after the brilliant successes of the Italian campaign of 1796-1797 did not correspond to the political plans of General Bonaparte. After the first victories, Napoleon began to claim an independent role. He needed a series of victorious events that would capture the imagination of the nation and make him the favorite hero of the army. He worked out a plan for an expedition to occupy Egypt in order to stand on the communications of England with India, and easily convinced the Directory of the need for France to have a colony on the Red Sea, from where India could be reached by the shortest route. The government of the Directory, fearing the popularity of Bonaparte, decided by the way to get rid of his presence in Paris and put the Italian army and navy at his disposal. The idea of ​​the expedition was connected with the desire of the French bourgeoisie to compete with the British, which actively asserted its influence in Asia and North Africa....

Cut off from France, the struggle of the local population, which perceived the French as invaders, put the French corps in a hopeless situation. After the destruction of the French fleet by the British at the Battle of Aboukir, the surrender of the French corps in Egypt was only a matter of time. Bonaparte, who understood the true state of affairs, at first tried with the brilliance of his victories to disguise the hopelessness of the situation and the size of the strategic mistake imposed on France, but at the first opportunity left his army, without waiting for the sad denouement. Operations such as the Egyptian Expedition must be classified as adventurous.

Nevertheless, Napoleon's Egyptian expedition led to a growing interest in the ancient history of Egypt. As a result of the expedition, a huge number of historical monuments were collected and taken to Europe. In 1798, the Institute of Egypt (Institut d "Egypte) was created, which marked the beginning of a large-scale rescue and study of the heritage of ancient Egypt ..."().

This was the official point of view of historians (so to speak, information to fill the vacuum in the minds of ordinary people who are simply not supposed to know much, according to those in power).

The unofficial point of view closest to the truth is this:

Napoleon Bonaparte was looking for in that Egyptian campaign not glory, not more love and respect for himself by the French and the army, as written above, but the source of superpower and superpower itself, which he hoped to find and gain in the ancient Pyramids of Egypt.

Word "pyramid"- two-root, it is composed of two Greek words "Fire" And "middle", and means "fire in the middle".

Why did Napoleon need to look for superpower?

Think for yourself. Napoleon was already nurturing the idea of ​​making the great "Drang nach Osten", a campaign against the Russian East. And how could it be possible without gaining superpower to hope for the subsequent conquest of the Russian Empire, inhabited by numerous descendants of the ancient Aryans-Hyperboreans, who gave the Egyptian pharaohs an idea of ​​the "Holy Spirit", which is the true Creator of the World, and taught the pharaohs to build majestic pyramids, in which the action of the "Holy Spirit" acquired special power and produced a magical effect on people entering the center of the pyramid.

(By the way, where did the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe "eye in the pyramid" symbol come from! Not in a triangle, but in a pyramid!)

Bonaparte in front of the Sphinx. Jean-Leon Gerome

1899 painting by Maurice Orange. "Napoleon at the Pyramids".

If it seems to you, the reader, that what I wrote is something incredible, some kind of conjecture of the author, I will modestly note that the initiator of the Second World War of 1939-1945, Adolf Hitler, before treacherously attacking Russia on June 22, 1941, also spent a lot time and effort to search for the source of superpower - a certain Shambhala.

But neither Napoleon nor Hitler could find and acquire what they wanted, and the military invasion of Russia ended ingloriously for both aggressors. At the same time, the Egyptian campaign of Napoleon and the artifacts obtained by his team helped the autocrats of the Russian Empire to open their eyes wide to ancient history, to religion and to the idea of ​​God Almighty, about which all religions of the world speak in different ways.

Judge for yourself: here is the medal "In memory of the Patriotic War of 1812", issued in 1813-1814. It depicts an ancient Egyptian pyramid with the all-seeing eye of the Almighty inside and the "Holy Spirit" emanating from the Almighty (from the center of the pyramid). Of particular importance to us are the words engraved on the reverse side of the medal: "Not to us, not to us, but to Your name" .

In other words, for the Russian Emperor Alexander I at that time it was no longer a secret that the Pyramids in Egypt are sacred places of worship that, like the domes of Christian churches, can concentrate the special life-giving power of the Creator in their focus and exude invisible grace. For this purpose, the pyramids themselves were built by the pharaohs according to the recipe of the Aryan Hyperboreans, who knew many secrets of the "Holy Spirit" and knew how to use His special power for the benefit, which is why they received the nickname "noble" - "Aryans" in India.

And here is the official information that was published in the appendix to this medal. And in it, I note, not a single word explains why the medal has such a drawing and such an inscription.

This phenomenon can be explained in one sentence: "What is supposed to know the emperor, who has power from God, no one needs to know!"

As the chronicles testify, on February 5, 1813, a decree was issued to award the participants in the liberation of the Russian land from the invasion of Napoleon with an award medal "In memory of the Patriotic War of 1812", where Emperor Alexander I wrote:

"Warriors! glorious and memorable year, in which in an unheard-of and exemplary way you struck and punished your fierce and strong enemy, who dared to enter the Fatherland, this glorious year has passed, but the high-profile deeds and your deeds done in it will not pass and will not cease: you saved the Fatherland with your blood from many peoples and kingdoms united against him. Through your labors, patience and wounds, you have gained gratitude from your own and respect from alien Powers. With your courage and bravery, you showed the world that where God and faith are in the hearts of the people, even if the enemy forces were like the waves of Okiyana, but all of them, like a solid, unshakable mountain, will crumble and be crushed. Of all their fury and ferocity, only the groan and the noise of death will remain. Warriors! In commemoration of these unforgettable deeds of yours, We commanded to knock out and consecrate a silver medal, which, with the inscription on it of the past, so memorable year 1812, should adorn your breast with an irresistible shield of the Fatherland, on a blue ribbon. Each of you is worthy to wear this memorable sign, this evidence of labor, courage and participation in glory; for you all bore the same burden and breathed with unanimous courage. You can rightly be proud of this sign. He reveals in you the God-blessed true sons of the Fatherland. Your enemies, seeing him on your chest, may they tremble, knowing that under him courage burns, not based on fear or greed, but on love for faith and the Fatherland and, therefore, invincible in any way ". .

Around the same time, new Christian churches began to be rebuilt or built in St. Petersburg, outside and inside of which was placed the same symbol that was on the commemorative medal for the war of 1812 - the Egyptian pyramid with the all-seeing eye of the Most High inside and the radiant radiance of the "Holy Spirit" emanating from the Almighty.

The last photo shows the interior decoration of the Kazan Church built in St. Petersburg. As we can see, in the place where it was customary to depict the symbolic “all-seeing eye” on the Egyptian pyramid, the priests literally wrote in clear text (so that it was impossible not to understand) the word “GOD” for all believers.

For me personally, this is amazing, because the Orthodox priests of the Russian Empire, thus, with the help of such temple images, openly testified that it was not Jesus Christ who gave the world an idea of ​​the "Holy Spirit"!

By this, the Orthodox priests of the Russian Empire testified that information about the God-Spirit thousands of years before the birth of Christ was revealed to the Egyptian pharaohs by the Hyperborean-Aryans, according to whose project the great pyramids in Giza were built. And only then, after many, many centuries, Jesus Christ, who lived for some time again in Egypt, came to "to the lost sheep of the house of Israel" to reveal to them the mystery of the "Holy Spirit" and to reveal His power.

Thanks to Napoleon Bonaparte, who was looking for a source of superpower in Ancient Egypt, and after getting acquainted with some secret knowledge of Ancient Egypt, which directly indicated that the roots of Christianity do not come from ancient Israel, but from Ancient Egypt, Russian autocrats arose a special interest in the idea "chosen by God" and to the "Holy Spirit", without which, of course, there can be no "chosenness of God".

We can judge the special interest of the crowned persons of the Russian Empire in this subject by a number of artifacts:

Medal for the capture of Paris on March 19, 1814 by the Russian army under the command of Alexander I. The Russian emperor is depicted literally bathing in the glow of the "Holy Spirit" emanating from the pyramid.

A memorial sign in honor of the coronation of Emperor Nicholas I of All Russia. The imperial crown is literally bathed in the "Holy Spirit" emanating from the center of the pyramid with the all-seeing eye inside.

Depicted on the last commemorative sign Nicholas I(his years of life 1796-1855) and was the founder of "Pulkovo Meridian", which has become for half a century for Russian sailors and cartographers literally "Russian axis of the world".

To this it must be added that it was under Nicholas I that it became widely known that Palestine, located near the "Pulkovo meridian", was founded in the distant past by the Proto-Slavic tribes, all the same Aryan Hyperboreans or their descendants.

A little later, in 1866, after the death of Nicholas I, he mentioned this in his book "On the language of the Jews who lived in ancient times in Russia and on the Slavic words found in Jewish writers" Avraam Yakovlevich Garkavi, Russian orientalist and Hebraist, State Councilor of the Russian Empire.

Compare with the information that is being circulated today: "Christianity originated in the 1st century in Palestine, among the Jews in the context of the messianic movements of Old Testament Judaism". .

So where did Christianity really originate?

It would be correct to write like this: "Christianity originated in the Jewish environment, in the ancient Slavic land of Palestine, which Jewish writers call Canaan" .

That's actually why Nicholas I believed false history written by the Jews to zombify the Slavs "Old Testament", and that is why in 1825 he severely suppressed the attempt of Judaizing preachers to spread it in the Russian Empire.

And that's why "in 1847, Nicholas I issued the Highest Decree on the creation of the Russian Ecclesiastical Mission in Jerusalem. This mission had the right to acquire land plots and build on purchased plots". (A source ).

Why did Nicholas I take this step?

And to make it even clearer "Russian axis of the world" dividing the Earth into West and East.

Now I just have to touch on the fact that "Russian axis of the world"("Pulkovo meridian") also passes through the great city of Constantinople (now Istanbul), which used to be the capital of the Byzantine Empire. (I’ll just note: you also need to look for the “Russian trace” there too!) I will only briefly mention that the city of Constantinople was the capital of the Byzantine Empire in the period from 395 to 1204 and from 1261 to 1453, and in 1054 it became the center of Orthodoxy.

Official information about this city: "During the Middle Ages, Constantinople was the largest and richest city in Europe. Among the names of the city are Byzantium (Greek Βυζάντιον, Latin Byzantium), New Rome (Greek Νέα Ῥώμη, Latin Nova Roma) ( included in the title of patriarch), Constantinople, Constantinople (among the Slavs; the translation of the Greek name "Royal City" - Βασιλεύουσα Πόλις - Vasilevus Polis, the city of Basil) and Istanbul. The name "Constantinople" (Κωνσταντινούπολη) is preserved in modern Greek, "Tsargrad" in South Slavic. In the 9th-12th centuries, the magnificent name "Byzantida" (Greek Βυζαντις) was also used. The city was officially renamed Istanbul in 1930 during Atatürk's reforms.. ().

Now listen from the lips of the current head of the "Russian Orthodox Church" to important information for us regarding the "Pulkovo meridian" and the "Russian axis of the world":

"Hyperborea is everything north of Byzantium!" (C) Patriarch Kirill.

Did you understand well what the head of the Russian Orthodox Church said?

Everything north of Byzantium, whose capital was Constantinople (now Istanbul), through which the "Pulkovo meridian" passes, is Hyperborea, which official historians are looking for and cannot find, lamenting, where is it? Where?!

How do you, the reader, such information about "Russian axis of the world"?!

But about the "Pulkovo Meridian", especially about the fact that "to the north of Byzantium", you can learn a lot more interesting things ...

"Emperor Peter I and St. Isaac's Cathedral", St. Petersburg, painting by artist Maxim Vorobyov, 1844

The first person to read this article asked me a question: "What is the practical meaning of this work?" As an answer to this question, I will cite the words of Pyotr Stolypin (1862-1911), who was killed in Kyiv and who, in the last years of his life, held the position of Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Russian Empire. He said this:

"A people that does not know its history is manure on which other peoples grow."

In order for us to stop being manure for someone, we need to finally find out our true history and reveal one secret carefully hidden from century to century, connected with Peter I and the city on the Neva - St. Petersburg.

I will say right away that the first Russian emperor Peter I (1672-1725) did not just appear on the historical stage as Russian reformer and it was no coincidence that even during his lifetime, many in Russia were talking about the substitution of one Peter (the son of the second Russian tsar from the Romanov family) for another Peter, foreign, from an unknown family.

By the way, disputes about the tribal origin of the "other" Peter I, who entered the history of Russia as great reformer and the builder of the city of St. Petersburg, do not subside until now, because it is really incomprehensible whose blood flowed in his veins. Judging by his lifetime portraits and portraits of his family, Russian by blood, Peter I was not uniquely!

Portraits of the first Russian Emperor Peter I, his second wife Catherine I and daughters Elizabeth and Anna:

Russ, Slavs, with such faces, as we see in these portraits, does not happen! Whose bloodlines were Peter I, his second wife Catherine the First and their daughters? This question remains open to this day.

As for the stormy reform activities of Peter I, today we know for sure only one thing: Peter I was literally replaced by another person or his "as if changed"(understand the meanings of the words of the Russian language!) after his stay abroad from March 1697 to August 1698.

Contemporaries noted who saw and knew Peter I before that he had changed a lot externally, but even more, beyond recognition, he had changed internally.

Even before returning to Moscow from a trip abroad, directly from London, the 26-year-old Tsar of All Russia gave a written order to imprison his legal wife Evdokia Lopukhina, Russian by birth, in the Suzdal Intercession Monastery, whom he married at the age of 16.

Regarding the first wife of Peter I, there is interesting information: Evdokia Lopukhina went down in history as last Russian wife Russian tsar. And all subsequent Russian emperors also took only foreign women as their wives, why in the veins of their heirs it became less and less Russian blood" . .

A very curious touch in the history of the Russian state, isn't it?

Now let's move on to the most interesting cases of Peter and the history of St. Petersburg.

It is known that on July 31, 1698, while in Rava (Russian), Peter I met with the king of the Commonwealth Augustus II. "The communication between the two monarchs, who were almost the same age, lasted for three days. As a result, a personal friendship arose and there was a creation of an alliance against Sweden. Finally secret treaty with the Saxon elector and the Polish king was concluded on November 1, 1699. According to him, Augustus II was to start a war against Sweden by invading Livonia". (Encyclopedic article "Great Embassy". ).

Reference: for the first time in the documents, Rava-Russkaya is mentioned in the 15th century. In 1455, the Belzian and Mazovian prince Vladislav named a small settlement on the Rata River after his Mazovian possession, with the addition of the word "Russian" to distinguish it from Rawa-Mazowiecka, now located on the territory of Poland. .

In other words, during that meeting with Augustus II, Peter I concluded a secret agreement with him, according to which, upon the return of the Tsar of All Russia to Moscow, they would jointly start a war against Sweden, in order to achieve some of their interests in this war.

And shortly before that, on July 14, 1698, the 26-year-old Peter I met with the 58-year-old Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation (also the ruler of Austria) Leopold I (from the Habsburg family). We can only guess about the details of that meeting, but the political steps taken by the young Tsar of All Russia upon his return to Moscow are interesting.

On the collage: Leopold I & Peter I (in their youth they looked like brothers) and the emblem of the Holy Roman Empire, which later became the emblem of the Russian Empire too.

So, returning to Moscow from a foreign embassy, ​​Peter I considered it important for himself to immediately deal a crushing blow to everything Russian, especially Russian history and tradition.

Why and why?

Well, Peter I did not like Russians, and therefore he wanted to turn Russia into a semblance of a European state, and most of all, into a semblance of the Holy Roman Empire. In addition, during a foreign tour of Europe, 26-year-old Peter I was explained (most likely this was done by Leopold I) that he has every chance of turning from the "king of all Russia" into the "emperor of the Russian Empire" if he takes a number of correct steps.


Peter I, presumably, this was explained.

By that time, on the shores of the Gulf of Finland, on the territory controlled by the 18-year-old Swedish King Charles XII, there was already a small ancient city with stone buildings, partially half-flooded by icy waters, the very fact of whose existence haunted the powers that be.

For world history, this ancient city, first swallowed up by water and then liberated, was the same artifact that could not be hidden anywhere, like the ancient Egyptian pyramids. Most of all, the "powerful of this world" were worried that he stood on primordially Russian soil! It was an ancient city built by Russians! And by its existence, it proved the centuries-old, and perhaps many thousands of years of Russian history!

These two-century-old drawings show part of the territory Vasilyevsky Island, adjacent to the embankment of the Bolshaya Neva (emb. Lieutenant Schmidt) between the 25th and 19th lines. Apparently, the draftsman documented not Peter's new buildings, but the remains of an ancient stone city, where, along with collapsed buildings, there were relatively intact ones.

This engraving by Zubov Alexei Fedorovich (1682 - 1751), a Petrine artist, depicts the entry of Swedish ships into the Neva on September 9, 1714 after the victory at Gangut. The inscription on the engraving "Vasilyevsky Island at St. Petersburg". The artist painted in detail on the engraving the stone embankment and numerous multi-storey buildings. At the same time, official history claims that only 11 years ago there was nothing at this place! This, they say, was built by Peter I, who had only 40,000 troops for the war with Sweden ...

And in this century-old photograph, the building of the Hermitage is captured, the first floor of which, despite the fact that this building, as historians assure, is quite recent, turned out to be deep underground!

Hermitage building.

These "powerful ones", interested in ensuring that all such artifacts never speak, were visited by the 26-year-old Russian Tsar Peter I on his foreign tour.

"An interesting fact is the composition of the Russian embassy that went to Europe. The number of those accompanying the tsar was 20 people, while the embassy was headed by Alexander Menshikov. And the returning embassy consisted, with the exception of Menshikov, only of the subjects of Holland! two weeks, as expected, and returned only after a year or more ...

Sagittarius - the guards and the elite of the Russian tsarist army - suspected something was wrong. The streltsy rebellion that had begun was brutally suppressed by Peter. But the archers were the most advanced and combat-ready military formations that faithfully served the Russian tsars. Sagittarius became by inheritance, which indicates the highest level of these units.

It is characteristic that the scale of the destruction of archers was more global than according to official sources. At that time, the number of archers reached 20 thousand people, and after the pacification of the streltsy rebellion by the government of Peter I, the Russian army was left without infantry, after which a new set of recruits was made and the army was completely reorganized. A noteworthy fact is that in honor of the suppression of the Streltsy rebellion, a commemorative medal was issued with inscriptions on Latin, which had never before been used in the minting of coins and medals in Russia, but was used in the Holy Roman Empire".

On the left is the medal of Peter I "Suppression of the Streltsy rebellion, 1698", on the right, for comparison, the medal of Leopold I.

By the way, one more interesting detail to the story of the rebellion of the archers.

"In March 1698, 175 archers from 4 archery regiments who participated in the Azov campaigns of Peter I in 1695-1696 appeared in Moscow urgently summoned by Tsarevna Sofya Alekseevna (sister of Peter I and daughter of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich). Sofya Alekseevna claimed that Peter I is not her brother...

On April 4, 1698, the soldiers of the Semyonovsky regiment were sent against the archers, who, with the assistance of the townspeople, “knocked out” the rebellious archers from the capital. The archers returned to their regiments, in which fermentation began.

On June 6, the archers displaced their chiefs, elected 4 elected representatives in each regiment, and headed for Moscow. The rebels (2200 people) intended to enthrone Princess Sophia or, in case of her refusal, V.V. Golitsyn, who was in exile.

The government sent Preobrazhensky, Semyonovsky, Lefortovsky and Butyrsky regiments (about 4000 people) and noble cavalry under the command of A.S. Shein, General P. Gordon and Lieutenant General Prince I.M. Koltsov-Mosalsky against the archers.

On June 14, after a review on the Khodynka River, the regiments set out from Moscow. On June 17, ahead of the archers, A.I. Repnin occupied the New Jerusalem (Resurrection) Monastery. On June 18, 40 miles west of Moscow, the rebels were defeated.

In the battle near the Resurrection Monastery on the part of the Government participated:

Butyrsky regiment - general P. Gordon

"Battalion" of the Preobrazhensky Regiment - Major Nicholas von Salm

"Battalion" (6 companies) of the Semyonovsky regiment - lieutenant colonel I. I. Angler

Lefortovo Regiment - Colonel Y. S. Lim

As you can see, the names of the commanders of government troops are clearly not Russian.

It turns out that a non-Russian head in the form of Peter I and foreigners loyal to him was put on the body of the state-forming Russian people ...

After the suppression of the rebellion of the archers, Peter I considered it important to reform the Russian calendar, which resulted in the fact that the Slavs had 5508 years of their history cut off and the next 7208 summer became the year 1700.

Peter I also replaced the Slavic word "New Year" with the "New Year" he invented ("Happy New Year!"), And the ancient Russian holiday "Christmas of the Sun", celebrated for centuries in Russia on December 25, 3 days after winter solstice , he replaced it with the Nativity of Christ holiday.

If you think about the words "Happy New Year!", then these words of congratulations (and the spelling of the word "Year" with a capital letter) are nothing more than the blasphemous congratulations "HAPPY NEW GOD!" invented especially for the Slavs by Peter I! God in German is Gott, in English God is God, and so is it in a number of other languages. So it turns out that the now widely known expression "Happy New Year!" was originally invested blasphemous meaning - "With the New God!" (instead of the old god, Slavic - Yarila!). That's why this word "Year" was written with a capital letter!

The logic of such a mockery of the consciousness of a Russian person is also curious. Original winter Russian holiday "Christmas Sun"(born from Virgin-Heaven And Holy Spirit according to ancient Slavic mythology), celebrated in Russia from time immemorial on December 25, was replaced by "The Nativity of Christ"(born from Jewish Virgin Mary And "Holy Spirit" in the form of a dove, according to Jewish legend).

The reformer or reformers (perhaps Peter I took this step not alone, but with the "patriarch of all Russia"), were guided by the following considerations: “We will assume that the legendary Christ was also born on December 25, just on the day when the Slavs celebrate the holiday "Christmas Sun" but on that day he was not yet circumcised according to the Jewish tradition as befits a Jew! Jews are circumcised on the 8th day of birth. So, to December 25 you need to add another 7 days, and then a birthday god-man Christ it turns out exactly - January 1st!" .

8 days: December - 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, January - 1. The Jews think so. December 25 is considered the first day, January 1 - the 8th day.

And it became like this after Peter's reform:

And so it was (testimony of 1865):

Almost simultaneously with these steps, Peter I, returning from the "Great Embassy", began to prepare for war with Sweden. It was necessary to fight both for Russia's access to the Baltic Sea, and for the future title of Emperor of the Russian Empire, which Peter I acquired in 1721 upon completion of the 21-year "Northern War" with Sweden, begun in 1700.

History reference: "In 1699, the "Northern Union" was created against the Swedish king Charles XII, which, in addition to Russia, included Denmark, Saxony and the Commonwealth, headed by the Saxon elector and the Polish king August II. The driving force behind the union was the desire of August II to take away Livonia from Sweden. For help, he promised Russia the return of lands, formerly owned by Russians(Ingria, which was located within the borders of today's Leningrad region, and Karelia)". .

The last one is an important fact!

In other words, during a long trip abroad, Peter I had an idea (a friend threw it in, just which one, August II or Leopold I?) to take by force from the young 18-year-old Swedish king Charles XII that part of the land that once upon a time, belonged to the Russians.

Modern geographical map showing the border of Russia:

And when this historically Russian land was conquered by Peter I from the Swedish king Charles XII, he laid the foundation in 1703 on the shores of the Gulf of Finland, allegedly from scratch, the new city of Sankt Petersburg.

Here is how many historians, including Wikipedia, talk about it:

"For Russia to enter the war, it was necessary to make peace with the Ottoman Empire. After reaching a truce with the Turkish Sultan for a period of 30 years, Russia on August 19 (30), 1700 declared war on Sweden under the pretext of avenging the insult shown to Tsar Peter I in Riga ...

The beginning of the war for Peter I was discouraging: the newly recruited army (after the rebellion of the archers), handed over to the Saxon field marshal Duke de Croa, was defeated near Narva on November 19 (30), 1700.

Considering that Russia was sufficiently weakened, Charles XII left with his troops for Livonia in order to direct all his forces against Augustus II.

However, Peter I, continuing the reforms of the army according to the European model, resumed hostilities. Already in the autumn of 1702, the Russian army, in the presence of the tsar, captured the Noteburg fortress (renamed Shlisselburg), in the spring of 1703, the Nienschanz fortress at the mouth of the Neva. Here, on May 16 (27), 1703, the construction of St. Petersburg began, and on the island of Kotlin the base of the Russian fleet was located - the fortress of Kronshlot (later Kronstadt)". .

Now I propose to delve deeper into the description of the "Northern War" that Peter I waged against Sweden for as long as 21 years, and perhaps then the reader will understand that historians are simply fooling him with their words ...

Battle of Narva

"On August 18, 1700, Peter received news of the conclusion of the Constantinople peace treaty with the Turks, and on August 19 (30), not yet knowing about Denmark's withdrawal from the war, he declared war on Sweden, and on August 24 (September 3), Russian troops launched an offensive campaign. According Ingermanlandia (otherwise "Swedish Ingria") - the territory approximately corresponding to the current Leningrad region. On the border between Ingermanlandia and Estlandia, there was a large city and the largest Swedish fortress in the region - Narva, which became the main target of Russian commanders .

The campaign to Narva was organized unsuccessfully, in the fall: the soldiers were systematically malnourished, the horses carrying equipment were fed so badly that by the end of the campaign they began to die, and besides, due to the onset of rains and the poor condition of the roads, carts regularly broke down at the convoy. Peter I planned to concentrate over 60 thousand soldiers near Narva, but the slow pace of the advance of the troops to Narva frustrated the timing and plans of the king. In the end, the siege of Narva began only on October 14 (25), with forces, according to various estimates, from 34 thousand to 40 thousand soldiers.

The siege of Narva was also poorly organized. The shelling of the city from cannons turned out to be ineffective due to the fact that the Russian army used too light guns, moreover, the ammunition was enough for only two weeks. Narva was actually a double fortress along with the neighboring Ivangorod , and Peter I, who personally planned the siege, was forced to greatly stretch the Russian troops, surrounding both fortresses at the same time. This unfortunate disposition of the Russian troops subsequently had a negative effect on their combat effectiveness during the subsequent Battle of Narva.

Meanwhile, Augustus II, having learned about the imminent withdrawal of Denmark from the war, lifted the siege of Riga and retreated to Courland, which allowed Charles XII to transfer part of his troops by sea to Pernov (Pärnu). Having landed there on October 6, he headed for Narva, which was besieged by Russian troops. Peter I, together with Field Marshal Count Golovin, left the army on the night of November 18 and went to Novgorod. The supreme command of the army was entrusted by the king to the eldest in rank - a foreigner, the Duke de Croix.

On November 19 (30), 1700, the army of Charles XII, numbering 25 thousand people, inflicted a heavy defeat on the Russian army, according to various estimates, from 34 to 40 thousand people in the battle of Narva. Duke de Croix, with his staff, also consisting of foreigners, surrendered to Charles XII even before the decisive moment of the battle.

By November 21 (December 2), the main part of the Russian army, which after all the losses still outnumbered the Swedish, capitulated on the orders of the Duke de Croix. The Life Guards Preobrazhensky and the Life Guards Semyonovsky regiments steadfastly defended themselves from the Swedes, who not only managed to avoid shameful surrender, but also covered the withdrawal of part of the Russian army, thereby saving it from complete defeat. For the courage shown in this battle, the soldiers of the regiment in 1700-1740. wore red stockings (in memory of the fact that "in this battle they stood knee-deep in blood").

The results of the campaign for the Russian side were catastrophic: the loss of killed, mortally wounded, drowned, deserted and died of starvation and frost amounted to from 8 thousand to 10 thousand people, 700 people, including 10 generals and 56 officers, were captured, were lost 179 out of 184 guns.

Among the reasons for the defeat of the Russian army are the following: poor preparedness for war (the Russian army was in the process of reorganization) with a strong enemy; the troops did not know how to fight according to the rules of linear tactics, conduct reconnaissance, were poorly armed; artillery was outdated and multi-caliber (at that time there were more than 25 different calibers in artillery, which made it difficult to supply artillery with ammunition) and most importantly, the Russian army did not have its own national command staff, foreign officers were in all major command positions.

After this defeat, for several years in Europe, the opinion was established that the Russian army was completely incompetent, and Charles XII received the nickname of the Swedish “Alexander of Macedon”. After the defeat near Narva, Peter I limited the number of foreign officers in the troops. They could make up only 1/3 of the total number of unit officers.

The defeat near Narva played a huge role in the development of the Russian army and the history of the country. As the historian M.N. Pokrovsky pointed out, all the interests of Russia in the war were reduced to trade, to gaining access to the sea and gaining control over commercial ports in the Baltic. Therefore, from the very beginning of the war, Peter took the Baltic ports of Narva and Riga under special scope, but having suffered a crushing defeat near Narva and being driven back to the area of ​​\u200b\u200bpresent St. Petersburg, he decided to build a new port and city at the mouth of the Neva - the future capital of the Russian Empire ". .

So, not knowing how to fight properly, having at that time only 40 thousandth army (and what is 40 thousand people for the Tsar of All Russia?), Not even managing to recapture from the Swedes Ivangorod , founded in the spring of 1492 by Moscow Prince Ivan III Vasilyevich just so that Russia would have its own seaport in the Baltic, Peter I eagerly starts laying a new city from scratch and after 8 years declares it the capital of Russia!

Don't you think this is at least strange?

Don't you think that in this intention of Peter the Great to build a new capital of Russia on the shores of the Gulf of Finland there is some "second bottom", "some secret" about which the official history is silent...

Plan of the new city of St. Petersburg, drawn up in 1717 in Paris.

And what is the secret?

Suppose Peter I wanted Russia to have access to the Baltic Sea, and therefore he deposed the status of the capital from Moscow and assigned this status to the newly built city.

Agree, somehow frivolous. Well, if it were just a port city, like Ivangorod, why did the capital have to be moved ?!

There is only one explanation for this phenomenon: the "powerful ones" whom the Russian tsar visited during his foreign tour or who (according to another version) replaced the son of Alexei Mikhailovich Romanov - Peter I - with their man, inspired him that he could one day become great emperor, similar to the mighty emperor of the Holy Roman Empire, but for this you need to do one little business connected with the "northern capital of Russia": everyone must believe that the "king of all Russia" built a new stone city with complex architecture practically from scratch!

Panorama of the city, compiled from photographs taken in 1861. Clickable!!!

As a result, through the efforts of Peter I, and his followers of emperors and empresses, and Western historians who served them and wrote the history of the Russian State for us, RUSSIAN HISTORY WAS DISTORTED AND ISOLGAN, as the first Russian academician Mikhail Lomonosov later wrote and said, for which nearly paid with his life.

Well, Peter I, for his great zeal, received the title of "Emperor of All Russia" in 1721, as the engraving of the court artist Fyodor Zubov eloquently testifies to us:

It is not difficult to guess who Peter I's "godfather" was, looking at this engraving, where the Roman commander places the imperial crown on the head of Peter I. This "godfather" could only be the emperor of the Holy Roman Empire Leopold I, whose coat of arms was copied for Russia by "Peter the Great", changing only the attributes of power on the image of the Russian coat of arms:

Coat of arms of the Holy Roman Empire and its ruler Leopold I.

The opinion of an independent historian and just a very observant person Andrei Kadykchansky:

"Peter. For me, it is mysterious not so much by its appearance as by inexplicable oblivion. It is quite obvious that it is the same antediluvian, ancient city, like all those cities that Europe ascribes to the achievements of their own ancestors. It is incomprehensible how they managed to inspire the whole world, that the entire Mediterranean is antiquity, the cradle of world civilization, and Petersburg is only some three hundred years old?

Historians argue that Peter I thus introduced "wild, dark, uneducated, downtrodden" Russia to the achievements of the "great Western civilization." But we now know that Russians did not always sigh with reverence at Snickers and Marlboro. This model of behavior was introduced into the mass consciousness during the years of Khrushchev’s wrecking rule, aggravated during the Brezhnev’s decay caused by a well-fed, carefree life, taking on especially ugly caricature forms under Gorbachev, and reaching its peak during the shameful period of “reigning”, the eternally drunk EBN.

Therefore, we can say with confidence that the explanation is simple - like a faceted glass: it's all about the spirituality of the Russian people. In his naive faith in justice, and in his own modesty.

It never occurred to us that someone could be so impudent that they would attribute to themselves such global achievements as ancient architecture and sculpture. Because it is by nature absolutely unnatural for us. We readily believe in the brilliant achievements of Western civilization, whose representatives only grit their teeth from the fact that St. Petersburg is not on their territory.

Meanwhile, upon closer examination, everyone who believes his own eyes is convinced that the "ancient" Greece with Rome and the North-West of Russia is one civilization, one culture, and ... not ours.

Anton Blagin:

And now let's remember the "Masonic symbols" of St. Petersburg, which are very common in the architecture of buildings.

Do you see a triangle with rays emanating from it?

Do you really think this "masonic symbol"?

Here is the same symbol on the shield attached to the chest of an angel, installed on the roof of St. Isaac's Cathedral. In the triangle, from which rays emanate in all directions, the "God's eye" is also clearly visible.

The most amazing thing in our history is that a Masonic lodge called "Freemasons" someone had to create and officially register (so that everyone knows that there are such guys!) just because the city on the Neva River, St. Petersburg, with its amazingly rich architecture, appeared on all maps of the world!

History reference: "The modern Order of Freemasons took organizational shape at the beginning of the 18th century. On the day of the birth of St. John the Baptist June 24, 1717 in the London tavern "Goose and Spit" the world's first "Grand Lodge" was established, uniting the four "Small Lodges" that had previously met in other city taverns. Thus, the Masonic organization of the new time was created, which laid the foundation for the institution of modern Freemasonry, which spread a couple of decades later throughout the European continent.

In 1723 the "Book of Constitutions" by James Anderson (1680-1739) was published under the title "Constitutions of Freemasons, containing the history, duties and rules of this ancient and highly respected brotherhood", which was approved and adopted as the basic law by the Freemasons. The Constitutions, among other things, contained the mythical history of Freemasonry from the Garden of Eden to 1717. The purpose of the union of Freemasons was designated as the desire for moral self-improvement, knowledge of the Truth and oneself, as well as love for one's neighbor.

The main version of the origin of Freemasonry is the version of the origin of the medieval building associations. Freemasonry is now spread all over the world and is represented in various organizational forms - lodges, grand lodges, supreme councils, chapters, areopagus, consistories, federations and confederations. The total number of freemasons in the world is estimated at 4,000,000 people". .

Well, who else, besides these mysterious "free masons" could have mastered the amazing secrets of artistic stone processing and create such beauty?! This question is, of course, sarcasm on my part.

Here is an example of a strikingly beautiful stone processing used during the construction of St. Petersburg:

The figures are stone, but the impression is that they are cast in the same mold! And they seem to be actually cast! Using this technology (or something like this), stone sinks for kitchens are made today!


"Dopetrovsky Peter":


Anton Blagin: I will now give two old drawings made by court artists, which were supposed to convince everyone who showed interest in the technique and technology of building the city of Peter with the help of painting (alas, there was no cinematography yet!) That the granite columns of St. Isaac's Cathedral are perfectly round in diameter and careful grinding, made in the local quarry by bast men with the help of simple iron axes!

"Puterlaks quarry near Vyborg, property of the landowner von Exparre".

Well, it is very convincingly drawn, as it was! Well, right for the underage, who didn’t even hold a hammer in their hands! Like, the men knocked with axes on a granite block and it, (oh, a miracle!), Became an impeccably even cylindrical shape! Even from the side that lay on the ground!!!

It is on such a lie, oriented to people who cannot think, that our unfortunate historians are pierced! If they were silent, the people would simply be lost in conjecture! And now, after such a lie, everything, pipes! It is already clear that the "Isa-Kiev Cathedral" was built in a completely different way and by the wrong people! And at a completely different time!

So who built St. Petersburg? And what do the Masons have to do with it, despite the fact that the city on the Neva is literally stuffed with mysterious symbols, which many consider Masonic?

Not so long ago, maybe a month ago, I published an article "The Russian Axis of the World".

Below I want to bring it in full, because it is just a continuation of this topic, it was just written a little earlier.


Do you know, reader, what is this red line passing through the globe of the Earth?

Officially, this is the so-called "Pulkovo Meridian". Recently, many fascinating stories have been written about him by various historians, filled, as a rule, with various conjectures that do not reveal the truth, but only hide it even more ...

"Pulkovo Meridian" (in short and literally) is a conditional line oriented strictly in the North-South direction and passing through the center of the hall of the main building of the Pulkovo Observatory, built on the outskirts of St. Petersburg in 1839.

And unofficially (and this information is not widely promoted), this red line on the world map shows how from north to south several millennia ago (or maybe several tens of millennia!) There was a movement of the most mysterious people on earth, whose representatives the ancient Greeks called Hyperboreans("who lived beyond Boreas"), and the Indians called arias, arias, which translates into Russian as "noble".

Peter I, apparently, introduced imitation the once existing Hyperborean classification of those initiated into the mysteries of fire, stone and spirit! They were called aryas - noble ones.

When in Russia and the world at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries there was a boom in enthusiasm for the Aryan theme and Aryan symbols(the main Aryan symbol is the well-known sign of the swastika - a cross with curved ends, and another symbol is an "eye in a triangle"), the French philosopher and writer Eduard Schure wrote the following lines in his book about the arias: “If the black race matured under the scorching sun of Africa, the flowering of the white race took place under the icy breath of the North Pole. Greek mythology calls whites Hyperboreans. These red-haired, blue-eyed people came from the north through forests illuminated by northern lights, accompanied by dogs and deer, led by bold leaders, compelled by the gift of clairvoyance of their women. The gold of the hair and the azure of the eyes are predestined colors. This race was assigned to create a solar cult of the sacred fire and bring to the world longing for the heavenly Motherland.…» (E. Shure. "Great Initiates" , Printing house of the Provincial Zemstvo Council, 1914).

Another writer is B.G. Tilak, who is of Indo-Aryan origin (he is from the genus of Brahmins), wrote and published the book "Arctic Homeland in the Vedas" around the same time. In the modern edition of the book by B.G. Tilak, in the annotation to it, literally the following is written: "The reader gets acquainted with the translation of the famous book of the famous Indian scientist B.G. Tilak (1856-1920), in which he claims, analyzing the most ancient literary monuments, Vedas and Avesta ancestral home of the Aryans existed in the Arctic region, and the last glaciation supplanted the Aryan races from North to the lands of Europe. The Indian scientist saw in ancient texts an accurate reflection of not only historical, astronomical, but also geophysical realities associated with the Arctic. This discovery allowed Tilak to be decades ahead of the findings of archaeologists, philologists, physicists and astronomers and contribute to the general progress of knowledge about the original history of the human race and the history of the planet inhabited by this race "().

From these points of view (official and unofficial), let's now look at the "Pulkovo Meridian", which until 1884 served as the "Russian axis of the world" for Russian navigators and cartographers. And, perhaps, we will be lucky together to find and comprehend the historical truth still hidden from the common people.

So, what is the so-called "Pulkovo meridian"?

Encyclopedic reference: "Pulkovo meridian passing through the center of the observatory's main building and located 30°19.6" east of Greenwich, previously was a reference point for all geographic maps of Russia. All Russian ships counted their longitude from the Pulkovo meridian, until in 1884 the meridian passing through the axis of the passage instrument of the Greenwich Observatory (zero or Greenwich meridian) was taken as the zero point for the reference of longitudes on the entire globe. .

In other words, today (and for the past 132 years) the "Pulkovo meridian" is located at 30 ° 19.6 "east longitude. And earlier, for almost 50 years, the "Pulkovo meridian" was at the zero degree of geographic longitudes and served for all Russian navigators and cartographers literally "Russian axis of the world" until the "mistress of the seas" power-hungry England seized the initiative.

Now is the time to ask questions:

Was it by chance that in 1827 the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences (with the approval of Tsar Nicholas I) decided to create a new, Pulkovo, observatory?

Is it by chance that the Pulkovo observatory and the city of St. Petersburg itself were on the same line with such holy cities like Kyiv, Constantinople (now Istanbul) and Alexandria?

According to the same encyclopedia, "The appointed special commission opted for the top of Pulkovo Mountain, indicated by Emperor Nicholas I and lying south of the capital, 14 versts from the Moscow Gate, at an altitude of 248 feet (75 meters) above sea level. To develop a detailed project for a new observatory in 1833 a committee was formed of academicians Vishnevsky, Parrot, Struve and Fuss, chaired by Admiral A. S. Greig, who had already built an observatory in Nikolaev a few years earlier. The design of the building and its very implementation were entrusted to the architect A. P. Bryullov, and the instruments were simultaneously ordered in Munich to Ertel, Reichenbach and Merz and Mahler, in Hamburg to the Repsold brothers.The laying of the observatory took place on June 21 (July 3), 1835, and the solemn consecration of the completed buildings took place on August 7 (19), 1839. The total cost of the construction reached 2,100,500 rubles in banknotes , including here 40,000 rubles in banknotes issued to state peasants who had their own estates in the teaching alienated for the observatory a stack of 20 acres. Initially, an observatory building with three towers and 2 houses for astronomers to live was built ... " .

After these words, it is reasonable to be puzzled by two questions: "Why did the Russian emperor Nicholas I indicate to the Russian scientists the place, and not vice versa, did they indicate to him the place where the new observatory should be built? And why did Nicholas I choose the place indicated by him for the observatory, and not some other?"

The answer to both of these questions can be found in the antique map below, compiled more than two thousand years ago by Hipparchus, on which the division of the Earth into West and East passed through the ancient Egyptian "academic town" - Alexandria, famous for a long time for its richest scientific library .

Here is a map of the world compiled by Hipparchus around 150 BC. The axis of the world on this map is the Alexandrian meridian.

The Russian Emperor Nicholas I, being a highly educated person and initiated into some secrets, of course, knew that St. Petersburg was located just on the line of the Alexandria meridian. In addition, he knew that on this line is the greatest shrine of Egypt - the great pyramid of Cheops.

And we, in turn, need to know and take into account that after 1812, the memorable year of the Patriotic War of Russia with Napoleon Bonaparte, who led a huge coalition army that invaded the territory of the Russian Empire, the Russian emperors developed a special love for Ancient Egypt and attachment. (I will talk about this later).

It is for these reasons that the Russian emperor Nicholas I indicated to Russian scientists where the new Russian observatory should be built. The Russian emperor decided thereby to fix for posterity direct historical connection between St. Petersburg, Alexandria and the ancient Egyptian pyramids.

And now, to clarify the above, I will talk a little about what no one has written about before.

Let's ask ourselves a question: why did Napoleon Bonaparte, Emperor of France, before attacking the Russian Empire in 1812, decide to make a difficult and very risky military campaign in Egypt?

The official point of view on these events is as follows: "The Egyptian campaign or Egyptian expedition (fr. expdition d'Egypte) is a campaign undertaken in 1798-1801 on the initiative and under the direct leadership of Napoleon Bonaparte, the main goal of which was an attempt to conquer Egypt.

The ensuing lull after the brilliant successes of the Italian campaign of 1796-1797 did not correspond to the political plans of General Bonaparte. After the first victories, Napoleon began to claim an independent role. He needed a series of victorious events that would capture the imagination of the nation and make him the favorite hero of the army. He worked out a plan for an expedition to occupy Egypt in order to stand on the communications of England with India, and easily convinced the Directory of the need for France to have a colony on the Red Sea, from where India could be reached by the shortest route. The government of the Directory, fearing the popularity of Bonaparte, decided by the way to get rid of his presence in Paris and put the Italian army and navy at his disposal. The idea of ​​the expedition was connected with the desire of the French bourgeoisie to compete with the British, which actively asserted its influence in Asia and North Africa....

Cut off from France, the struggle of the local population, which perceived the French as invaders, put the French corps in a hopeless situation. After the destruction of the French fleet by the British at the Battle of Aboukir, the surrender of the French corps in Egypt was only a matter of time. Bonaparte, who understood the true state of affairs, at first tried with the brilliance of his victories to disguise the hopelessness of the situation and the size of the strategic mistake imposed on France, but at the first opportunity left his army, without waiting for the sad denouement. Operations such as the Egyptian Expedition must be classified as adventurous.

Nevertheless, Napoleon's Egyptian expedition led to a growing interest in the ancient history of Egypt. As a result of the expedition, a huge number of historical monuments were collected and taken to Europe. In 1798, the Institute of Egypt (Institut d "Egypte) was created, which marked the beginning of a large-scale rescue and study of the heritage of ancient Egypt ..."().

The unofficial point of view closest to the truth is this:

Napoleon Bonaparte was looking for in that Egyptian campaign not glory, not more love and respect for himself by the French and the army, as written above, but the source of superpower and superpower itself, which he hoped to find and gain in the ancient Pyramids of Egypt.

Word "pyramid"- two-root, it is composed of two Greek words "Fire" And "middle", and means "fire in the middle".

Why did Napoleon need to look for superpower?

Think for yourself. Napoleon was already nurturing the idea of ​​making the great "Drang nach Osten", a campaign against the Russian East. And how could it be possible without gaining superpower to hope for the subsequent conquest of the Russian Empire, inhabited by numerous descendants of the ancient Aryans-Hyperboreans, who gave the Egyptian pharaohs an idea of ​​the "Holy Spirit", which is the true Creator of the World, and taught the pharaohs to build majestic pyramids, in which the action of the "Holy Spirit" acquired special power and produced a magical effect on people entering the center of the pyramid. Bonaparte in front of the Sphinx. Jean-Leon Gerome

1899 painting by Maurice Orange. "Napoleon at the Pyramids".

If it seems to you, the reader, that what I wrote is something incredible, some kind of conjecture of the author, I will modestly note that the initiator of the Second World War of 1939-1945, Adolf Hitler, before treacherously attacking Russia on June 22, 1941, also spent a lot time and effort to search for the source of superpower - a certain Shambhala.

But neither Napoleon nor Hitler could find and acquire what they wanted, and the military invasion of Russia ended ingloriously for both aggressors. At the same time, the Egyptian campaign of Napoleon and the artifacts obtained by his team helped the autocrats of the Russian Empire to open their eyes wide to ancient history, to religion and to the idea of ​​God Almighty, about which all religions of the world speak in different ways.

Judge for yourself: here is the medal "In memory of the Patriotic War of 1812", issued in 1813-1814. It depicts an ancient Egyptian pyramid with the all-seeing eye of the Almighty inside and the "Holy Spirit" emanating from the Almighty (from the center of the pyramid). Of particular importance to us are the words engraved on the reverse side of the medal: "Not to us, not to us, but to Your name" .

In other words, for the Russian Emperor Alexander I at that time it was no longer a secret that the Pyramids in Egypt are sacred places of worship that, like the domes of Christian churches, can concentrate the special life-giving power of the Creator in their focus and exude invisible grace. For this purpose, the pyramids themselves were built by the pharaohs according to the recipe of the Aryan Hyperboreans, who knew many secrets of the "Holy Spirit" and knew how to use His special power for the benefit, which is why they received the nickname "noble" - "Aryans" in India.

And here is the official information that was published in the appendix to this medal. And in it, I note, not a single word explains why the medal has such a drawing and such an inscription.

This phenomenon can be explained in one sentence: "What is supposed to know the emperor, who has power from God, no one needs to know!"

As the chronicles testify, on February 5, 1813, a decree was issued to award the participants in the liberation of the Russian land from the invasion of Napoleon with an award medal "In memory of the Patriotic War of 1812", where Emperor Alexander I wrote:

"Warriors! glorious and memorable year, in which in an unheard-of and exemplary way you struck and punished your fierce and strong enemy, who dared to enter the Fatherland, this glorious year has passed, but the high-profile deeds and your deeds done in it will not pass and will not cease: you saved the Fatherland with your blood from many peoples and kingdoms united against him. Through your labors, patience and wounds, you have gained gratitude from your own and respect from alien Powers. With your courage and bravery, you showed the world that where God and faith are in the hearts of the people, even if the enemy forces were like the waves of Okiyana, but all of them, like a solid, unshakable mountain, will crumble and be crushed. Of all their fury and ferocity, only the groan and the noise of death will remain. Warriors! In commemoration of these unforgettable deeds of yours, We commanded to knock out and consecrate a silver medal, which, with the inscription on it of the past, so memorable year 1812, should adorn your breast with an irresistible shield of the Fatherland, on a blue ribbon. Each of you is worthy to wear this memorable sign, this evidence of labor, courage and participation in glory; for you all bore the same burden and breathed with unanimous courage. You can rightly be proud of this sign. He reveals in you the God-blessed true sons of the Fatherland. Your enemies, seeing him on your chest, may they tremble, knowing that under him courage burns, not based on fear or greed, but on love for faith and the Fatherland and, therefore, invincible in any way ".

The last photo shows the interior decoration of the Kazan Church built in St. Petersburg. As we can see, in the place where it was customary to depict the symbolic “all-seeing eye” on the Egyptian pyramid, the priests literally wrote in clear text (so that it was impossible not to understand) the word “GOD” for all believers.

For me personally, this is amazing, because the Orthodox priests of the Russian Empire, thus, with the help of such temple images, openly testified that it was not Jesus Christ who gave the world an idea of ​​the "Holy Spirit"!

By this, the Orthodox priests of the Russian Empire testified that information about the God-Spirit thousands of years before the birth of Christ was revealed to the Egyptian pharaohs by the Hyperborean-Aryans, according to whose project the great pyramids in Giza were built. And only then, after many, many centuries, Jesus Christ, who lived for some time again in Egypt, came to "to the lost sheep of the house of Israel" to reveal to them the mystery of the "Holy Spirit" and to reveal His power.

Thanks to Napoleon Bonaparte, who was looking for a source of superpower in Ancient Egypt, and after getting acquainted with some secret knowledge of Ancient Egypt, which directly indicated that the roots of Christianity do not come from ancient Israel, but from Ancient Egypt, Russian autocrats arose a special interest in the idea "chosen by God" and to the "Holy Spirit", without which, of course, there can be no "chosenness of God".

We can judge the special interest of the crowned persons of the Russian Empire in this subject by a number of artifacts:

A memorial sign in honor of the coronation of Emperor Nicholas I of All Russia. The imperial crown is literally bathed in the "Holy Spirit" emanating from the center of the pyramid with the all-seeing eye inside.

Depicted on the last commemorative sign Nicholas I(his years of life 1796-1855) and was the founder of "Pulkovo Meridian", which has become for half a century for Russian sailors and cartographers literally "Russian axis of the world".

To this it must be added that it was under Nicholas I that it became widely known that Palestine, located near the "Pulkovo meridian", was founded in the distant past by the Proto-Slavic tribes, all the same Aryan Hyperboreans or their descendants.

A little later, in 1866, after the death of Nicholas I, he mentioned this in his book "On the language of the Jews who lived in ancient times in Russia and on the Slavic words found in Jewish writers" Avraam Yakovlevich Garkavi, Russian orientalist and Hebraist, State Councilor of the Russian Empire.

Compare with the information that is being circulated today: "Christianity originated in the 1st century in Palestine, among the Jews in the context of the messianic movements of the Old Testament Judaism" "Old Testament" Why did Nicholas I take this step?

And to make it even clearer "Russian axis of the world" dividing the Earth into West and East.

Now I just have to touch on the fact that "Russian axis of the world"("Pulkovo meridian") also passes through the great city of Constantinople (now Istanbul), which used to be the capital of the Byzantine Empire. (I’ll just note: you also need to look for the “Russian trace” there too!) I will only briefly mention that the city of Constantinople was the capital of the Byzantine Empire in the period from 395 to 1204 and from 1261 to 1453, and in 1054 it became the center of Orthodoxy.

Official information about this city: "During the Middle Ages, Constantinople was the largest and richest city in Europe. Among the names of the city are Byzantium (Greek Βυζάντιον, Latin Byzantium), New Rome (Greek Νέα Ῥώμη, Latin Nova Roma) ( included in the title of patriarch), Constantinople, Constantinople (among the Slavs; the translation of the Greek name "Royal City" - Βασιλεύουσα Πόλις - Vasilevus Polis, the city of Basil) and Istanbul. The name "Constantinople" (Κωνσταντινούπολη) is preserved in modern Greek, "Tsargrad" in South Slavic. In the 9th-12th centuries, the magnificent name "Byzantida" (Greek Βυζαντις) was also used. The city was officially renamed Istanbul in 1930 during Atatürk's reforms.. ().

Now listen from the lips of the current head of the "Russian Orthodox Church" to important information for us regarding the "Pulkovo meridian" and the "Russian axis of the world":

"Hyperborea is everything north of Byzantium!" (C) Patriarch Kirill.

Did you understand well what the head of the Russian Orthodox Church said?

Everything north of Byzantium, whose capital was Constantinople (now Istanbul), through which the "Pulkovo meridian" passes, is Hyperborea, which official historians are looking for and cannot find, lamenting, where is it? Where?!

How do you, the reader, such information about "Russian axis of the world"?!

But about the "Pulkovo Meridian", especially about the fact that "to the north of Byzantium", you can learn a lot more interesting things ...

Forty kilometers northwest of Cusco, in the Sacred Valley of the Incas, is located town of Ollantaytambo. Ancient stone buildings are well preserved in it, despite the past centuries (modern science has not been able to date the time of construction of the object).

The ruins of the town attract historians, lovers of antiquity and of course tourists. The construction of this valley is attributed to Lemurians and aliens. And people attribute its destruction to the global flood. According to the official version, it was built Pachacuti and destroyed by the Spaniards.

The most interesting building in the city "temple hill" located on the outskirts, a wide staircase leads there. The buildings are made of raw, stone blocks.

Except the temple "Ten Niches", it consists of various stones, and the far wall ends with a step of granaries. Behind is a platform in open space, there is a carved throne and two unfinished monumental walls.

Centre temple hill- these are the remains of a huge building on a rock, it was called - "Temple of the Sun". This structure, like many others, has been destroyed, only the front wall, made of six huge vertically elongated monoliths, has survived. They are about four meters high. Stone inserts are made between the blocks, which close the gaps between them; this technology is not found anywhere else among the Incas.

city ​​blocks Ollantaytambo fitted with amazing accuracy, even a sheet of paper cannot be inserted between them. Also in the center there are fountains and several buildings. Many structures are unfinished or dismantled for rebuilding, so huge stones are scattered here and there in disorder.

Close to Temple of Ten Niches Terraces are located. They are surrounded by higher walls. On the stone blocks of the terraces there are dot-shaped ledges. They were built like this in case of an attack by the Spaniards. The terraces were used for agricultural purposes and were built from hewn stones, and not from raw stones, like other structures.

The ancient Incas did not provide stairs to this structure, apparently getting into it in some other way. Several granaries are located on the hills around. Stocks in them were well preserved due to excellent ventilation. On the rocks around, traces of cut stones are clearly visible, it was from here that the builders took the material for the structures. as such there are no quarries in Ollantaytambo. There are slopes around which stones were cut down for the construction of the city. You can see how huge the blocks were carved from the rock.

Who built the city

Ollantaytambo considered a marvel of engineering and architecture. How it was built is still unknown. Mankind is not familiar with such construction methods that have been used.

Painted stones are also of interest, these are several stones in different parts of the city. It seems as if they could not be brought to the construction site or did not have time for some reason.

Ollantaytambo shrouded in mystery, saturated with the energy of the ancient Incas and dusted with modernity. For many years, scientists have been arguing about construction technology and the cause of such large-scale destruction. Many believe that it was impossible in those days to move and install multi-ton megaliths. This means that someone brought or teleported them. Maybe they did it aliens.

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