Do-it-yourself solution against ticks. Additional measures for the treatment of ticks

If you are faced with the problem of the appearance of ticks on the site, you need to start taking measures to destroy these dangerous arachnids as soon as possible. Now there are many different means - acaricides. These drugs effectively fight ticks, allowing you to get rid of them for a long time.

Many specialized companies offer their services for this business, but you can process the site yourself. In this article, we will find out what you need to know for this, and which drugs should be used.

How to treat the area from ticks yourself?

All drugs can be divided into three main groups:

  • Phosphorus organic agents - perfectly destroy ticks in large areas, disintegrate rather quickly in the soil, but you need to be careful when using them, since they can be dangerous for the mucous membranes and skin.
  • Pyrethrin preparations are the safest option. Pyrethrin is a substance found in some varieties of chamomile. It does not harm the soil, but it does not have such an intense effect as other types of products.
  • DDT is the most harsh preparations, which, although they can very effectively treat a summer cottage from ticks, dissolve very slowly in the soil, thereby harming your site.

Among the most effective and popular drugs, we can distinguish the following:

  • Sipaz is great. This drug is almost odorless, does not leave marks on the surface, and also has excellent insecticidal activity. Spending on square meter is about 50-100 ml.
  • Tsifox. Great for processing garden plots. This drug is available as a concentrated emulsion. Protection of the site from ticks is maintained for 1.5 months. Consumption: half a liter per hectare.
  • Ram. The tool has a powerful effect on wood tick. Product consumption: 100 ml per hectare. Before use, the product must be diluted at the rate of 1 mm per liter of water.

Fighting ticks at their summer cottage: processing rules

If you decide to do all the work yourself, you need to remember some rules in order to get the desired effect and harm yourself, other people and animals on the site:

  • Treat the area only in protective clothing: prepare a gown, cover your head, use a respirator and rubber gloves. Avoid getting drugs on the body.
  • Processing will be effective only if you carry it out in dry weather without wind. Also check the weather forecast and make sure there are no rain forecasts for the next 3 days.
  • If vegetables and fruits grow on the site, you need to think in advance about the time of the procedure. Between processing and harvesting should take at least 1.5 months.
  • If you have an area small size You can use a handheld garden sprayer to kill the mites. For large territories better to use a motor.
  • Some places on the site deserve especially careful treatment. These are rest areas and perimeter garden paths- places where you often stay and move, so they must be safe. You also need to process thickets of shrubs and grasses, since these are the places that usually become the habitat of ticks.
  • If you have pets, read the instructions for the selected drug especially carefully. The standard rule is the following: the animal can be allowed to the treated area only after the preparation has completely dried. But for different manufacturers, this point may vary.
  • The destruction of ticks on the site is best done in the spring, when they are just starting to become more active. The second treatment is usually carried out in late August - early September.
  • If the site has a reservoir with inhabitants, do not allow the drug to enter, as this can cause fish poisoning.

Do not forget that before starting processing, you need to carefully study the instructions for the tool. Do not violate the rules of application and dosage, and you can quickly get rid of ticks on the site without harming people, animals and nature.

It is this method of prevention as spraying is considered the most effective. It is a poisonous liquid solution that a short time kills all ticks. The procedure for such treatment must be strictly followed, as the product is toxic and can be harmful to health. It is important to use gloves, a mask, a respirator and even protective clothing - all this is very serious. Everything must be done slowly and evenly, you can not quickly move from one place to another. It is important to spray the solution on the surface of the earth, on trees, on grass, bushes, flowers. If ticks are right near the house, then do not be afraid to direct the solution to walls, doors and utility rooms. The garden is not recommended to be processed, since the entire crop may simply die, it will become unusable. It should also be removed away from the water, which is watered by all plants and vegetables. After such a thorough prevention, it is necessary to leave the summer cottage for two full days.

Known sprays


  • Solution white color, emulsion.
  • The active substance is zetacipermethrin 10%.
  • Before processing, it is important to dilute Taran in plain water exactly the same way as it is written in the instructions. The consumption of the product itself depends on the size of the site and dense vegetation. So, approximately 100 liters of Taran solution will be needed to spray 1 ha.
  • Be sure to purchase a special spray gun or pump sprayer. The advantage of the substance is that it is not so toxic to human health. The best time for processing by Taran - the beginning of spring, while ticks are not yet active.
  • The approximate price of the product is 1900 rubles.


  • Another unique tool that is ready to help in the persecution of ticks at their summer cottage. It is an emulsion that must be diluted with water before processing.
  • After prevention, you can not appear at your summer cottage for a whole week - this is extremely important.
  • If in the first couple of days after prevention there is no rain, hail and other precipitation, then you can come to the site in 3-4 days. Also, there is a residual effect after spraying, which lasts about a month.
  • The consumption of the emulsion depends on the area. The instructions describe in detail the proportions of mixing the solution with water. Don't forget to wear gloves and take a sprayer, it will be much more convenient to work with.
  • The average price of the drug is 2350 rubles.



  • This solution is best diluted with filtered water.
  • The emulsion should be applied immediately after adding water to it. To do this, immediately take a spray bottle, pour the resulting substance into it and start spraying all shrubs, grass, trees. Do not forget about the precautions: in the place where Tsifox is common, you can not smoke, drink alcohol and eat.
  • The drug very quickly settles on everything and enters the body, which is dangerous for human health and life.
  • Half an hour after spraying with Tsifox, the ticks die immediately. The effect of the solution is very long, so re-treatment suburban area is unlikely to be needed.
  • The cost of Tsifox is 900 rubles per 500 ml.


Super Sipaz

  • A good tool, which is not as widely known as the above. The effectiveness of Super Sipaz is that the solution fights against ticks of any type.
  • The result from the drug lasts almost 5 full weeks. Everything is written in the instructions about the exact proportions in which it is necessary to mix the drug with ordinary water. After preparing the toxic solution, pour it into a spray bottle or pump and spread it evenly over the entire area.
  • The active substance is cypermethrin 25%. This is a poisonous toxic substance with a 3rd class of danger to the body.
  • Therefore, you should wear a mask or respirator to breathe well, and gloves.
  • The average price of Super Sipaz for 1 liter is 2250 rubles.


“Despite the fact that the tool is expensive, I still bought it. Processing did not last long, about 2 hours. Super Sipaz helped me get rid of all the ticks that lived on my site before prevention. It is also interesting that the neighbors are full of ticks, which they cannot get rid of for a long time. I was very lucky, because in a matter of days I was able to eradicate all the ticks from my own summer cottage. Now, I can work calmly and not worry that these blood-sucking insects will bite me. I think it's time to recommend this super tool to all the neighbors!

Be sure to think about how you will work on the site when the heat comes. With blood-sucking insects, jokes are bad. It’s better to worry about your safety in advance than to come to the country with fear and work faster, just not to be bitten. Moreover, everyone knows how dangerous an insect bite is for a person. Take advantage of all of the above. These are the best sprayers.

How the professionals do it:

Means "Sipaz Super"

An expensive, but strong universal remedy will help in fleas, cockroaches, ants, etc. It is distinguished by high intexid activity, after treatment there are no traces and odors. Consumption - per 1 sq. m 50-100 ml of solution.

A drug "Cifox"

An affordable drug, the price for 0.5 liters of funds ranges from 600-650 rubles. This volume will be enough to remove ticks not only in the summer cottage, but also in 1 hectare.

Means "Titan"

The powerful effect of the drug will ensure safety for a long period. 1 liter costs around 1300 rubles. When used, it is diluted in a ratio of 1 ml per 1 liter of water. For the treatment of 1 ha, only 100 ml of concentrated formulation is required.

How to get rid of ticks in a summer cottage, having such means available:

Special clothing is required that completely covers all exposed parts of the body;
- the treatment should be carried out in calm, dry weather, rains can wash the drug off the plants, which reduces the effectiveness;
- use a sprayer in the work, due to which there is a uniform distribution of intex substances;
- Special attention when spraying the product, it is necessary to give a recreation area and vegetation along garden paths;
- spraying garden trees and it must be taken into account that at least 1.5 months must remain before the harvest ripens;
- Care must be taken if there are animals in the house. Information about the harmful effects is contained on the label, a careful study of which will save you from problems;
- Be sure to wash your hands with soap after work.

It is advisable to carry out chemical treatments twice a year: in spring and autumn. And the tips given in the article on how to get rid of ticks in your summer cottage will help you in this matter.

Irrigation of parks, squares and gardens of the capital with insecticides last years became traditional. With the first warming, Rospotrebnadzor sends dozens of professional teams of exterminators to the main recreational areas of Moscow. The number of requests for the destruction of insects from cafes and restaurants with outdoor terraces is growing. For owners country houses and dachas in stores are sold a variety of chemicals to control any pests. It is easy to get confused in all this abundance.

How to reduce the risk of unwanted guests in the garden? How to choose the best drug for ticks on the site? What is the advantage professional processing territory compared to the independent?

The substance gradually accumulated in the fat cells of humans and animals, which over time could lead to poisoning and lethal outcome. That is why the selection the right remedy from ticks is so important. When choosing how to treat the area from ticks, pay special attention to the composition, precautions when working with the essence and strict adherence to the instructions for use and dosage of the acaricide. Do not be too lazy to learn more about the active ingredients of the product you want to purchase before buying. So self processing an area against mites is more likely not to turn your garden into a lifeless desert.

Treatment of the site from ticks, buy

Thanks to science, every year the number of drugs with increased efficiency and a gentle effect on environment. Buying an insecticide necessary equipment in a store or by contacting a health service for help, you have the right to see certificates for all products, equipment and services. When it is necessary to treat the area from ticks, buy a bottle of acaricide or turn to professionals, of course, you decide. Often it is cheaper to process the territory on your own, but nothing and no one in this case will guarantee a positive result and safety for you, your children and pets.

A suburban area, especially near a forest area, will always be a potentially habitable place for ticks. These small blood-sucking insects can not only spoil good mood to the owners of the dacha, but can also harm their health. Often people do not know how to treat the area where ticks have settled. There are several ways to get rid of these arachnids in a summer cottage, and with your own hands.

How to find ticks in the country

In the period from April to September, summer residents are at risk of being bitten by ticks in their own summer cottage. To reduce this risk, it is important to be prepared for it, namely:

  1. Regularly conduct white flag tests to know for sure if there are ticks in the area.
  2. Protect your domestic cats and dogs with special collars, periodically inspect them for a stuck tick.
  3. In potentially dangerous times of the year, you need to wear tight clothes, leaving no access to the body (for example, tucking trousers into socks);
  4. Use repellents.

"White flag" is easy to make yourself. To do this, you need to attach a panel of white (light), preferably napped fabric, to a long stick. Ticks do not crawl up trees, they should be looked for in dense tall grass and bushes. It is enough to walk slowly with an impromptu flag so that the flag touches the grass and bushes. And if there are ticks, then they can be found on the fabric of the cloth.

Even if ticks were not found for the first time, they can still appear on the site. They can be carried by mice, rats, cats, dogs, pets.

Periodic repetition of the “white flag” test will give a clear understanding of whether there are ticks in the summer cottage at the moment.

What to do if ticks settled nearby

If it turns out that ticks live in the neighborhood, urgent measures must be taken to eliminate uninvited guests. The simplest thing you can do in your dacha is to physically collect them with the help of a “white flag” and burn them.

Catching ticks with the help of the "white flag"

Unfortunately, the collection method does not fully guarantee the absence of ticks on the site, but it clearly reduces their population.

You can reduce the risk of ticks by eliminating comfortable environment habitat for them: remove tall grass and bushy plants in the summer cottage.

You can pay attention to the natural enemies of ticks that feed on them - birds and ants. If you equip birdhouses at your summer cottage, feed birds and do not remove anthills, then the chances of getting rid of ticks will increase, but still will not be 100%.

The most reliable way to get rid of the unpleasant neighborhood with ticks will be chemical treatment suburban area.

Attention! It is very difficult to crush a tick; burning is the most reliable way of destruction.

The choice of means for treating the territory from ticks

Chemical agents used against ticks are conventionally divided into three groups:

  • repellents (contain deterrent substances);
  • acaricides (contain agents that kill ticks);
  • group of mixed funds.

Doesn't exist at all safe means, which would act exclusively on ticks. All chemically active substances of repellents and acaricides affect all living things in a negative way. It is important to minimize the risks when it comes to a summer cottage where edible plants are grown.

There are drugs that can be used to treat a summer cottage from ticks. Their main active ingredients are cypermethrin and fenthion. The main difference is the concentration of active substances.

Cypermethrin belongs to the chemical class of pyrethroids. Pyrethroids do not pose a particular danger to many animals and humans, provided that the dosage of the treatment is observed. In the fight against ticks, they occupy the first place.

Persian chamomile - a natural barrier against ticks

List of chemicals that can be used to treat a summer cottage against ticks:

  • "Akoratsid" (fenthion 40%, cypermethrin 10%), Russia;
  • Force Site (cypermethrin 25%), Russia;
  • "Cifox" (cypermethrin 25%), Russia;
  • "Taran" (zeta-cypermethrin 10%), Russia;
  • "Samarovka-insecticide" (cypermethrin 25%), Russia;
  • Breeze (cypermethrin 25%), Russia;
  • Medilis-Ziper (cypermethrin 25%), Russia;
  • "Akaritoks" (alpha-cypermethrin 5%), India;
  • "Sipaz super" (cypermethrin 25%). Netherlands;
  • Baitex (fenthion 40%), Germany.

With all the variety of products suitable for treating sites from ticks, not everything can be purchased at retail and in a small volume. The most safe, but also the most "weak" drug can be considered the drug "Taran" due to its water base.

The concentration of the active substance in the preparation should be chosen based on the presence, number and type of ticks living in the summer cottage.

Advice. Persian, Caucasian and Dalmatian chamomile contain the natural insecticide pyrethrin. If you plant these types of daisies in your summer cottage, you get a beautiful natural barrier against ticks.

Rules for processing cottages from ticks with your own hands

You can treat the summer cottage from ticks yourself. For this you need:

  • protective suit and mask;
  • preparation for processing with instructions for it;
  • spray device.

During the treatment period and 3 days after it, it is desirable to exclude the presence of people in the area to be cleaned. The main components of successful processing of a summer cottage will be:

  1. Carrying out in dry and calm weather.
  2. Strict adherence to concentration in the preparation of the working solution.
  3. Repeat treatment every 4-6 weeks (expiry of the chemical).
  4. The most carefully should be the processing of the perimeter of the suburban area.

The advantages of cypermethrin products are that their period of action is relatively short, after which they break down into safe components. However, you can not process beds with vegetables and herbs, berry bushes, as well as places for children's games: playgrounds, sandboxes.

After processing the area of ​​​​the site, you need to use soap and wash your hands and face.

Attention! The treatment process should be taken seriously, because, despite the relative harmlessness, cypermethrin-based products are toxic to cats and fish and kill beneficial insects.

Regular processing of a summer cottage with your own hands will allow you to forget about ticks, this is the most economical way to enjoy fresh air and good weather without the presence of unpleasant insects.

Fighting ticks in the country - video

Fighting ticks in the country - photo

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