Cornflower flowers - a description of famous species and use for medicinal purposes. Blue cornflower and its properties

Cornflower blue - Centaurea cyanus L. " style="border-style:solid;border-width:6px;border-color:#ffcc66;" width="250" height="334">
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Other names: Cornflower field.

Diseases and effects: diseases of the kidneys and bladder, colds, malaria, conjunctivitis.

Active substances: chicorin, centaurin, pelargonin, cyanine, anicyans, bitter substances, tannins, proteins, saponins, mineral salts.

Plant collection and preparation time: June August.

Botanical description of blue cornflower

Herbaceous biennial or annual grayish-green fluffy plant up to 50-100 cm high, family Asteraceae - Compositae (aster - Asteraceae). Sometimes (most often in some regions of Ukraine) a small periwinkle is called a cornflower.

Stem straight or branched. Branches from the middle. The branches are thin, long, directed obliquely upwards.

Leaves lanceolate, lower - cuttings entire or pinnately lobed, upper - sessile entire. Basal leaves die off by the time of flowering.

flowers collected in inflorescences-baskets on long stalks. Flower baskets solitary, with ovoid or oblong involucre. Median flowers are small, tubular, blue-violet, five-toothed, with a stamen and pistil; marginal - larger, funnel-shaped, blue, unevenly five-toothed.

Fetus- a smooth achene with a tuft - a short bunch of strong hairs.

Blooms from May to August. The fruit ripens in August.

Distribution and habitat of blue cornflower

It grows on sandy and sandy loamy soils, as a weed among crops of rye, wheat, flax, less often on fallow fields.

Distribution areas - almost the entire territory of the CIS, except for arid regions and the Far North. Collected and harvested mainly in Ukraine, Belarus, Krasnodar Territory, Western Siberia.

Harvesting blue cornflower

Cornflower flowers are used to make medicines. They are harvested in July-August - mature bright blue marginal leuco-like (funnel-shaped) flowers.

First, whole flower baskets are torn off, and then the corollas of the extreme blue flowers are pulled out of the baskets, trying not to touch the inner tubular flowers (the latter are not allowed in the raw materials). Faded corollas are discarded.

The collected raw materials are immediately dried in a warm, shaded room, which is well ventilated, scattered in a thin layer on paper or a clean canvas, often shaking in order to preserve natural color. Dried flowers are stored in a tightly sealed container in a dark, dry place.

The chemical composition of blue cornflower

Cornflower flowers contain glycosides tsikorin, centaurin, dyes (cyanine), coloring flowers blue, pelargonin. In addition, bitter substances, tannins and protein substances, saponins and mineral salts were found in them.

Pharmacological properties of blue cornflower

Galenic preparations of cornflower flowers have diuretic properties. These properties are due to the anicyans contained in the flowers of the plant, which are easily soluble in water. Alcoholic galenic forms of this effect in the experiment do not have. In addition, cornflower flowers have anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and minor choleretic properties.

The use of blue cornflower in medicine

Infusions and decoctions of cornflower flowers are used in complex therapy for chronic inflammatory diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract. The drugs are effective for edema associated with kidney disease and the cardiovascular system. The flowers of the plant are prescribed as part of diuretic preparations for urolithiasis, pyelitis, cystitis, urethritis, nephrosis and other diseases.

The anti-inflammatory and disinfectant properties of the flowers of the plant are also used for conjunctivitis, blepharitis, and increased fatigue of the visual apparatus. Clinical data indicate the possibility of using cornflower flowers in diseases of the liver and biliary tract, accompanied by a violation of bile secretion. In this regard, cornflower are part of various fees used for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

AT traditional medicine an infusion of cornflower flowers is sometimes used in the treatment of diseases of the kidneys and bladder, with colds (as an antipyretic), malaria. There is evidence of its use also as a mild laxative.

Dosage forms, method of administration and doses

Infusion of blue cornflower flowers(Infusum florum Centaureae cyani L.): 1 tablespoon of raw materials is placed in an enamel bowl, pour 200 ml (1 glass) of hot boiled water, close the lid and heat in boiling water (in a water bath) for 15 minutes. Cool down at room temperature for 45 minutes, filter, the remaining raw material is squeezed out. The volume of the resulting infusion is adjusted with boiled water to 200 ml. The prepared infusion is stored in a cool place for no more than 2 days.

It is taken orally in a warm form, 1 tablespoon 3 times a day as a mild diuretic, choleretic and antimicrobial agent.

Blue cornflower flowers are available in packs of 100 g. Store in a dry, cool place.

Cornflower in myths and legends

Cornflower came to us from ancient times. During the excavations of the tomb of Tutankhamun, many items made of precious stones and gold were found, but no less surprising was the fact that, along with all these treasures, archaeologists discovered a small wreath of cornflowers in the tomb of the pharaoh. The flowers dried up, but retained their color and shape.

According to Greek mythology, the cornflower was discovered by the centaur Chiron, who healed his wounds inflicted by Hercules with cornflower juice.

But the ancient Roman tradition claims that this flower got its name "cyanus" after the name of a beautiful young man who was so fascinated by the beauty of the cornflower that he devoted all his time to weaving garlands of wreaths from it. The young man did not leave the fields until at least one cornflower remained on them. And he always dressed in a blue dress. Subsequently, the young man was found dead in a grain field surrounded by cornflowers. Then Flora (the Roman goddess of flowering), who was his favorite goddess, for such constancy and as a sign of his special disposition, turned the body of the young man into a cornflower, and since then all cornflowers have been called cyanus.

The Slavic name of this flower, according to legend, came from the name young guy Vasil, the only son of his mother, bewitched and ruined by a mermaid. Once a mermaid fell in love with a young plowman Vasil. Every day she timidly from afar, hiding behind the reeds, from the very morning she watched him intently. And then one day, when Vasil, having finished his work, went to the river to wash himself, the mermaid could not stand it and appeared before him in all her glory. They loved each other. In everything they had complete agreement, only they could not agree on where it would be better for them to live together. The mermaid called Vasil to her native water element, and he offered to settle near the arable land. They argued for a long time, but could not find an agreement. Realizing that the uncompromising Vasil would never submit to persuasion, the mermaid decided on the last extreme: she turned him into a modest blue flower. More than once, looking at how raindrops gathering in streams merge into rivers, she hoped that the blue flower - Vasil - would eventually come to her house, but her expectations were not justified - the cornflower clings tightly to its native arable land.

About it beautiful flower there is another beautiful and lyrical Russian legend.

One day the sky said to the field: “Everything that inhabits the earth thanks me. Birds send me singing, flowers - fragrance and color, the forest - the noise of oak forests, and only you do not express gratitude, although no one else, namely, I fill the roots of your cereals with rainwater and make the ears ripen.

Niva began to object to the reproach of the sky that she was also grateful to him: “I decorate the arable land with ever-wavering greenery, and in autumn I cover it with gold. And, of course, I would like to rise to you and shower you with caresses and words of love, but you know that I can’t.

And the sky decided that if the field cannot rise to him, then he, so be it, will descend to her.

And as soon as the sky said these words, a miracle immediately happened - magnificent ears grew among the ears of corn. blue flowers, similar in color to the sultry sky. Since then, the ears of cereals, with every breath of the wind, bow to the messengers of heaven - cornflowers and whisper tender words to them.

This legend explains the fact that the cornflower has always been a constant companion of the rye field. True, now, fighting weeds, they are weeded out, while modern science It has been proven that if one cornflower seed is added to a hundred rye seeds, the rye will grow better.

The first was celebrated when ears appeared on the field. During this holiday, young girls and boys gathered on the outskirts of the village, stood in two rows opposite each other, held hands, and a girl adorned with cornflowers and ribbons walked along her hands, like on a bridge. The couples moved from the last rows to the first until the girl walked along their hands to the field. At the field, she descended to the ground, plucked several ears of corn and ran with them to the village, where her parents were waiting for her.

The second holiday - "birthday sheaf" was held at the end of summer, before the harvest. Women-hostesses went out with bread and salt to reap the fields. They knitted the first sheaf, decorated it with cornflowers and placed it in the red corner of the house. The first sheaf bore the name of the birthday man.

The same great popularity was enjoyed by the cornflower among the Germans. Some hundred years ago, at the most magnificent feasts, among other flowers, a cornflower must have been present.

The use of cornflower in magic

The main magical property of cornflower is protection from evil spirits. For many folk beliefs cornflower drives out demons and evil spirits. A feature of this plant in terms of protective properties is that it is used only when it is known for sure that evil spirits, an evil spirit, a demon, and the like, have started up in one place or another. That is, using a cornflower "just in case" is not recommended, since it has a very strong energy field, which, so to speak, is unidirectional. Therefore, this plant is rarely used as a talisman, but most often as a specific measure of cleansing space from harmful vibrations. For example, cornflower flowers are left overnight in a room in which evil spirits are supposedly wound up. In the morning, the flowers are removed.

Often, cornflowers are used in agricultural magic to protect a wheat field from spoiling it. And also so that during the field work neither the sorcerer nor the witch could jinx the worker or cause any other harm. To do this, cornflowers are planted in the corners of the field.

Cornflower in dreams

Cornflower is ornamental plant from the Compositae family. Many people compare cornflower flowers exclusively with blue color, however, modern flower growers have bred dozens of varieties with a wide variety of shades - white, pink, red and blue. Many in childhood drew this familiar flower, which is considered an ordinary weed, but for flower growers, this is another group of plants. This flower is annual or perennial, its stem is up to 80 cm in height, the leaves are narrow, and the inflorescences are semi-double or double, their diameter is up to 5 cm.

Cornflower is a beautiful meadow plant. It has a rough stem, a powerful, taproot, elongated lanceolate leaves and bright flowers, collected in large, single baskets, there are several buds on one branch. The color and structure of the cornflower are different, for example, the shades start from bright blue and end with lilac, after flowering, a seed-fruit is formed. The flowering of the plant lasts all summer, and by autumn it bears fruit. If you look at what a cornflower looks like, you will notice that it is a weed plant, but it happens that it is cultivated on household plots as a decoration for a flower bed.

Given the country of growth, the description of the flower changes, the cornflower grows in Russia, Transcaucasia, Ukraine and throughout Europe. The flower is unpretentious, but it loves moist soil, it is found in potato, rye and wheat fields. Even in ancient writings, the healing properties of cornflower are mentioned, it has magical properties, use it to remove spoilage and in the rites of arable farming. Check out the article:.

Cornflower flowers: cultivation

Since the flower is annual plant, then it can be planted by the seedless method, that is, the seeds are sown directly into the ground. They land in late April or early May, choosing well-lit, sunny places. The flower prefers non-acidic, loose, sandy loamy soil, where there will be enough light and good watering. If an alkaline soil is used, then the cultivation of plants will be more intensive, and the flowers themselves will become bright and large. If on site clay soil, then it is desirable to add sand to it, which will make it more loose. Acidic soil is mixed with lime, which must be done before the first frost.

Before you grow cornflowers in the garden from seeds, you need to prepare the beds in advance. First, two kilograms of peat and humus are mixed and a little ash and nitrophoska are added. Then the beds are carefully dug up and the soil is leveled, after which it is necessary to make small grooves for planting seeds. From above, the beds are sprinkled with a thin layer of earth and watered abundantly. After that, the soil is gently tamped, and the bed itself is covered with a cloth to create the effect of a greenhouse. While creating flower arrangement the beds are formed in such a way that there is no shadow from the flowers on smaller plants.

When planting cornflower flowers: growing them involves abundant watering, especially in hot summers. The distance between the bushes should be about 40 cm. The sown seeds are watered every 2-3 days. On average for one square meter land consumes about 2 liters of water. Cornflowers sprout within one to two weeks after planting the seeds. In order for the plants to be healthy and strong, they are thinned out, leaving at least 10 cm between young bushes. Plants are grown in beds, pots or fields, as medicinal properties cornflower flowers are used in medicine and cosmetology. Planting material retains germination for 2-3 years.

Known varieties of cornflowers and their description

A well-known wild flower cornflower is a plant that does not need special care and has a lot of useful qualities.

It is biennial, perennial, and annual, and comes in a variety of colors: purple, blue, pink, yellow, and white. The shade depends on the place where the flower grows, for example, the white garden cornflower grows in Europe and is listed in the Red Book, as it is an endangered species. Ordinary field cornflowers are perennial weeds, so they are trying to be destroyed in rye fields.

Cornflower meadow

Meadow cornflower belongs to the group of Compositae. It is a herbaceous perennial that reaches a height of 1.2 meters, has a rough, erect stem. Its leaves are elongated, alternate, slightly pointed, entire and slightly pubescent. The shape of the leaves is different, for example, ovate, elliptical or lanceolate. The meadow cornflower blooms with pink, white and purple inflorescences. In one inflorescence there are two types of flowers - these are funnel-shaped and asexual, extreme, and there are also bisexual and tubular flowers, which after flowering form a seed box.

Cornflower blooms almost all summer, until late autumn. It often grows on roadsides, in bushes, in clearings and meadows, as well as in the steppe, forest and forest-steppe surroundings. This type of plant is used only in traditional medicine, due to which they obtain effective medicines. Tinctures and decoctions of dry cornflower have a good choleretic, diuretic, anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect.

Cornflower terry

If we compare the flowers of cornflowers in the field and terry varieties, then their cultivation from seeds is practically no different from other varieties. After all, each flower is unique and has its own qualities. All of them have a strong flower basket that holds the peduncle and protects it from wind and rain. Each flower is closely adjacent to the other, which provides doubleness to this variety. However, on one branch there can be a terry and ordinary cornflower. Therefore, before planting seeds, it is necessary to study in more detail the characteristics of each variety.

For example, an ordinary field cornflower can reach a height of one meter, but cultivated varieties will be lower, so this factor must be taken into account when planting. At correct design flower beds high grades have flower beds in the background, and lower ones in the middle or near the fences.

Cornflower - blue flower

The most famous is the blue cornflower. This variety grows well in our strip, choosing sunny, spacious glades. It was from this variety that breeders began to breed other varieties of colors - pink, snow-white, blue and purple. For example, the flowers and grass of the cornflower in the blue variety are low - only 20-25 cm. This cornflower-blue flower is annual, has narrow leaves and a wide stem up to 80 cm in height. The inflorescences of the plant are terry and semi-double, 4-5 cm in diameter.

There are also blue perennial cornflowers, they have big leaves and large inflorescences. The flowering of the plant is long, begins in June and ends in September. If high varieties are planted, then they are suitable for cutting, but low ones will decorate flower beds and rabatkas. Cornflowers propagate by seeds that are planted in the ground in April or May, they can also be planted before winter. The first sprouts will appear on the 7-8th day, when planting, the distance between the bushes is 10-12 cm.

white flower cornflower

In nature, the white color of cornflower can be found only in the highlands of Northern Iran and the Caucasus. If the plant is grown in culture, then it is able to form a powerful bush, which reaches a height of up to 55 cm. Its leaves are on the underside on long petioles, strongly dissected. With outer side The leaves are dark green and white on the underside. in diameter White flower cornflower no more than 4 cm and differs from other varieties in single inflorescences. There is a variety that has large inflorescences white color with pink edges. The plant blooms from July to September.

The use of cornflower flowers

What are the benefits of flowers? To extract all the beneficial properties of cornflowers, it is necessary to collect flowers at a certain time - this is at the end of July and before the beginning of August. First, flower baskets are carefully cut, and then thin petals are removed from them. All cut heads of cornflower should be laid out on paper for further drying. Carry out this procedure in a dark room, where everything is ventilated. It is very important to protect the crop from direct sun, as it will lose its medicinal properties by 50%, its color will also change. From time to time, dry flowers are stirred so that they dry on all sides. Next, the crop is placed in a dry, glass jar and then in fabric pouch. Very often they use cornflowers for the eyes, making tinctures and decoctions from them.

Dried cornflowers are widely used in modern medicine for example, they help soothe coughs, improve digestive processes, dull menstrual pain, fight colds and flu. And the use of cornflower flowers gives a positive result in food poisoning, blindness, skin disease, colic, gout, jaundice.

Cornflower flower oil

In its composition, cornflower has coloring substances that are a natural antioxidant, and cornflower oil and infusions have a beneficial effect on the human body, and are also suitable for children. Even flower oil strengthens the cardiovascular and nervous system, improves skin tone, has an antibacterial effect, prevents the development of cancer, removes inflammation and slows down aging.

Using cornflower flowers: its use can be very different. For example, it can be used to lower blood pressure, improve blood circulation, fight colds, anemia, cleanse the body of harmful products. The finished oil is obtained by rubbing and pressing, at home it is mixed with olive oil and used as a medicinal or cosmetic product.

Cornflower tincture

Ready-made cornflower tincture can be purchased at a pharmacy at the lowest price, but if desired, it is made at home. For example, for abscesses or eye diseases, a decoction is prepared, which will require: a teaspoon of dried cornflower flowers and a glass of boiling water, everything is mixed and infused for 30 minutes. Then the broth is filtered and taken in the third part of a glass on an empty stomach once a day. And also such an aqueous infusion of cornflower is used externally, that is, they prepare lotions for the eyes or sore joints.

Apart from self use, cornflower flowers are part of the healing fees, which includes several plants at once. For example, for the treatment of acne, a herbal collection is prepared, which includes: dried leaves walnut, cornflower flowers, string, horsetail, nettle, veronica and pansies. All herbs are mixed, take 4 tablespoons of the collection and pour a liter of boiling water. It takes 10-12 hours for the cornflower tincture to be ready, after which it is filtered and taken as a lotion.

Cornflower flowers: contraindications

When taking decoctions and tinctures, it is important to know that there are contraindications for cornflower flowers that must be considered even before treatment.

For example, it is never necessary to exclude individual intolerance to the components of the product, because some components of the plant are considered quite toxic. The most dangerous are the cyanic substances of the flower, which are contained in a small amount, but can also harm the body.

Infusion of cornflower flowers: one l. Dried cornflower flowers are poured into a glass of boiling water, insisted without boiling for 30 minutes, cooled, filtered. Apply 2 tbsp. 3 times a day 15-20 minutes before meals with cough, whooping cough, used as an antipyretic for acute respiratory infections, fevers, headaches, diseases of the kidneys, liver, bladder, biliary tract, pancreas, gastritis, colitis with constipation, palpitations, to stimulate appetite and improve digestion.
Cornflower decoction: brew 1 liter of boiling water, 5 g of grass with a root, boil until half of the original volume remains in the bowl. After that, strain the broth and take 1/2 cup 3 times a day before eating (drink warm). The course of treatment is 5-6 weeks.
For eye diseases.
Infusion of cornflower flowers: brew 200 ml of boiling water 1-2 liters. Flowers (dry or fresh), leave for 1 hour, then strain and use as a lotion 6-8 times a day for inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eyes.
Treatment will be more successful if 3 times a day, 15-20 minutes after meals, drink 50 g of infusion of flowers.
The same infusion can be used to treat "night blindness" - a disease associated with impaired twilight vision. Use as a lotion for conjunctivitis.
With inflammation of the eyes, the following collection taken in equal parts herbs: cornflower (flowers), Snapdragon(flowers), eyebright (herb), elderberry (flowers). From this mixture it is necessary to prepare an infusion: pour 2 tbsp. Collect 200 ml of boiling water and infuse in a thermos 6-8 Use for instillation into the eyes and lotions. The course of treatment is several months.
For conjunctivitis, mix: cornflower (flowers) - 2 parts; wild rose (flowers) - 1 part; chamomile officinalis (flowers) - 1 part; large plantain (leaves) - 1 part; elderberry herbaceous (flowers) - 1 part. Pour 3 tbsp. This mixture is 200 ml of boiling water, insist until cool and strain through gauze and cotton wool. Instill 3 drops in both eyes once a day.
With lacrimation, pour 1 tbsp. Cornflower flowers 400 ml of boiling water, leave for 1 hour, then strain. Use this infusion for lotions.
You can make lotions on sore eyes from the broth of cornflower flowers, brew 200 ml of boiling water for 1 liter. Flowers and insist in a thermos 6-8 The same broth, filtered through cotton wool, instill eyes (4-5 drops).
Infusion of cornflower flowers: 1 l. Flowers 200 ml of boiling water, insist 30 minutes and filter. Take 50-100 ml 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals as a diuretic for edema of renal and cardiac origin, as well as inflammation of the bladder and kidneys.
With edema due to heart failure, an infusion of a mixture of herbs is used as a diuretic: cornflower (flowers) - 10 g; beans (sashes) - 15 g birch (buds) - 15 g; corn (stigmas) - 15 g; bearberry (leaves) - 15 g; hernia (grass) - 10 g; horsetail (grass) - 10 g. Pour 4 tbsp. This mixture is 1 liter warm water, insist 12 hours, boil for 10 minutes and filter. Drink warm 100 ml 4 times a day 1 hour after meals.
With dropsy, an infusion of cornflower flowers is recommended, which is prepared in the following way: pour 1-2 liters. Flowers 200 ml of boiling water, insist 1 hour and filter. Drink 50 ml 3 times a day 10-15 minutes before meals.
In diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract, an infusion of herbs is used as a diuretic: cornflower (flowers) - 15 g; bearberry (leaves) -45 g; juniper (berries) - 15 g. Pour 1 tbsp. This mixture is 200 ml of boiling water, infused for 20 minutes and filtered. Take 1 tbsp. 3-4 times a day.
With urinary retention due to inflammatory processes in the genitourinary organs, it is recommended to use a hot decoction from the following mixture of herbs: cornflower petals (10 g); grassy elder root (15 g); corn stigmas (10 g); bearberry leaves (15 g); horsetail herbs (5 g); herbs hernia (10 g); birch buds (15 g).
Pour 4 tbsp. (with top) of this mixture 1 l cold water, insist during the night, and in the morning boil for 5-7 minutes. The whole broth is drunk per day in 5 doses.
With urolithiasis in folk medicine, cornflower is used in the following collection of herbs: cornflower (flowers) - 15 g; walnut (leaves) - 10 g; stinging nettle (leaves) - 10 g; calendula (flowers) - 10 g; horsetail (grass) - 10 g; tricolor violet.
(grass) -20g; string (grass) -15 g; veronica (grass) - 10 g. Pour 4 tbsp. (with top) mixtures 1 l raw water, insist 8-10 hours, then boil for 5-7 minutes and filter. Drink per day in 5 doses.
Cornflower for cardiovascular diseases With hypertension, traditional medicine recommends the following collection: cornflower (flowers) - 15 g; hawthorn (fruits) - 15 g; chokeberry (fruits) - 15 g; horsetail (grass) - 15 g; yarrow (grass) - 15 g; white mistletoe (leaves) - 15 g; valerian (root) - 15 g. Pour 1 tbsp. This mixture is 200 ml of boiling water, infused for 30 minutes and filtered. Take 70 g 3 times a day after meals.
Cornflower for diseases of the liver and biliary tract With stones in the liver, traditional medicine uses cornflowers as part of the following collection: cornflower (flowers) - 20 g; medicinal dandelion (root) - 10 g; nettle (root) - 10 g; calendula (flowers) - 40 g; sweet clover (grass) - 30 g. Pour 1 tbsp. This mixture 1 liter of boiling water, put 4-5 pieces of sugar, stir and insist 1 Take 200 ml 4-5 times a day before meals.
For diseases of the liver and biliary tract, a tincture of cornflower flowers is used. For its preparation, insist 30 g of cornflower flowers per 300 ml of 40% alcohol or vodka in a dark place for 10 days. Take 30 drops 3 times a day 15-20 minutes before meals.
Cornflower for wounds and fractures.
Juice and essence from the blue cornflower stem has a wound healing effect. Cornflower leaf powder is also an effective wound healing agent.
In case of bone fractures, grass and cornflower flowers are finely ground and mixed with blackthorn juice. Take in the morning on an empty stomach, 1-2 tbsp. within 8 days.
Cornflower at skin diseases.
To purify the blood in case of skin diseases, abscesses and furunculosis, the following collection of herbs is used: cornflower (flowers) - 15 g; calendula (flowers) - 10 g; walnut (leaves) - South; nettle (leaves) - 10 g; horsetail (grass) - 10 g; tricolor violet (grass) - 20 g; string (grass) - 15 g; veronica (grass) - 10 g. Pour 4 tbsp. This mixture is 1 liter of water, insist overnight, boil for 5-7 minutes in the morning and filter. Drink the entire dose per day in 5 doses. The course of treatment is 6 weeks.
Cornflower is also used in the form of infusions and liquid extracts in 40% alcohol 1:10.
If you throw a flower into the fire and then look at the sky, it will begin to seem that the stars are moving. Inhalation of smoke from a burnt cornflower causes fear.

The content of the article:

Nature has given us a lot of beauty that can not only please the eye, but also take our breath away. The animal world attracts with its beauty and diversity, and the plant world never leaves anyone indifferent. Most people, he forces to hold their breath at the sight of its originality and powerful beauty.

Our planet is rich in so many plants that it is simply not possible to remember them all. the beauty flora, these are, first of all, a variety of flowers that can amaze not only with their beauty, but also with useful properties. One of these refined, delicate, useful flowers is cornflower.

blue cornflower("Voloshka", "bluish", "rye patchwork", "blue") - weed meadow flower, is a bright representative of the Compositae family, with a delicate aroma and useful healing properties. Known to a large number of people as a magical plant from various fairy tales and ancient legends. Today, many people know about it as a meadow weed, which few people grow on purpose. But if we talk about the purposeful cultivation of hair, then first of all it is used for making medicines, and decorative finishes holidays.

The healing properties of cornflower

With the help of cornflowers, you can get rid of a huge number of ailments. Due to its unique composition, cornflower is well deserved, it can be called a medicinal plant.

The composition of the field cornflower includes:

  • glycosides;
  • flavonoids;
  • vitamins, in particular vitamin C;
  • tannins;
  • mineral salts;
  • alkaloids;
  • dyes;
  • essential and fatty oils.
Thanks to this composition and healing properties, cornflower is widely used in folk medicine. Folk remedies from cyanosis have found application in the fight against various ailments and even serious diseases, such as:
  • eye diseases;
  • antiviral and anti-influenza agent;
  • analgesic and wound healing;
  • antispasmodic pain - relieves sharp and severe spasms during menstruation in women;
  • antioxidant and antimicrobial;
  • diuretic and pathogenic effects - removal of excess fluid from the body;
  • choleretic action.
Volochka flowers are part of herbal gastric preparations, increase appetite, significantly improve digestion and are an indispensable remedy for intestinal disease and indigestion. As a result of the clinical trials It has been proven that cornflower flowers can be used for diseases of the biliary tract and liver. They are a sedative and healing agent for eye fatigue, conjunctivitis and other eye problems.

The use and benefits of cornflower

If you want to get the maximum benefit from a medicinal plant, you must:
  • Make a collection of flowers in a clear set time year (for cornflower this is the end of July, the beginning of August).
  • First, carefully cut off the whole flower baskets, and only then pull out the marginal flowers from them.
  • Spread the cut hairs on clean paper, at least 2 centimeters thick.
  • It is necessary to dry the plant in a well-checked and dark room.
  • Keep cornflowers out of direct sunlight. Because of which they lose not only their blue color, but also more than 50% of their healing properties.
  • Periodically stir the plant so that it dries well on all sides.
  • When the cornflowers dry, they must be folded into a glass and dry container, or into fabric bags.
Dried cornflowers in modern medicine have found a wide range of applications. Very often they are used to soothe coughs, dull menstrual pain, and have a positive effect on the body so that it quickly beats a cold or GRVI. Food poisoning, skin disease, blindness, gout, colic, fever or jaundice are all under the power of such a small and delicate plant. With the help of hair you can relieve headaches and severe toothache, as well as conduct a general cleansing of the blood.

Traditional medicine and the result of some clinical studies have long identified ailments and health troubles, where cornflower becomes an indispensable remedy.

When and how can medicinal cornflower be used?

As a diuretic, antibacterial or cholagogue. Infusions of a flower, one of its most frequent uses: 1 tbsp. l. voloshki flowers are placed in a glass or enameled vessel, pour 250 ml. boiling water, cover tightly with a lid, and heat for 15 minutes in a water bath. When the infusion has cooled to room temperature, it is filtered, the raw materials are squeezed out, the pre-prepared and already cooled boiling water is added to make the broth again 250 ml. It is necessary to drink a decoction in warm form, 3 times a day, 1 tbsp. l., 15-20 minutes before meals. The infusion should be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 2 days.

Inflammatory diseases of the bladder, prostatitis and urethritis. To prevent these diseases, it is necessary to prepare a tincture of cornflowers in the following proportions: Pour 2 tsp with 1 cup of boiling water. voloshki flowers, for an hour it should be infused. Take strained broth 3 times a day, 1-2 tbsp. l.

Urinary retention, kidney and bladder problems. If you are faced with such problems, you do not need to be upset, and immediately despair. You need to prepare such a collection:

  • 10 g of herb grass, corn stigmas and field hair flowers;
  • 15 g each of bearberry leaves, elderberry root and birch buds;
  • 5 g of herb horsetail.
Mix all herbs well and pour over cold water in the ratio of 1 tbsp. l. herbs in a glass of water, everything is left for 8–10 hours, then it is necessary to boil the future broth for 5 minutes. Herbs need to be infused for an hour, then they are drunk per day (1 liter in 5 doses, 200 ml at a time).

Cornflower is also used if they are disturbed

  • Toxicosis, a frequent manifestation during the bearing of the baby. An infusion of voloshka flowers is used for toxicosis, but only in the second half of pregnancy, in the first it is strictly prohibited. Cornflowers - able to dull nausea, gag reflex and eliminate frequent headache. In addition, during lactation, in order to produce more milk, experts advise drinking tea from cornflowers.
  • Poisoning and heaviness in the stomach. To speed up the recovery process, after poisoning, you need to drink cornflower tea several times a day, its ability to quickly remove toxins from the body will greatly speed up your recovery.
  • Diabetes. People who have struggled with this disease quite often begin to take Butamid. "Butamid" - a drug for lowering blood sugar levels, and reducing its excretion from the body along with urine, even despite a large number of the side effects they cause. We must not forget about nature, because in the preparations of blue cornflower the hypoglycemic effect is much more pronounced than in Butamide, and there are much fewer side effects. Just do not forget that all drugs should be prescribed by your doctor.
  • External use of cornflowers: neurodermatitis, exudative diathesis, allergic dermatosis, rash, boils and terrible blisters.
  • Eye diseases. Irritation, conjunctivitis, swelling of the eyes, non-healing wounds, all this is easy to eliminate with the help of cornflowers. 30 grams of bluish, it is necessary to pour 250 grams of boiling water, leave for 1 hour, strain and make lotions.
  • Baldness problem 1 st. l. pour bruises with 1 cup of boiling water, and immediately after 2-3 minutes of infusion, rub the scalp with hot.
  • The problem of hypertension. Herbal collection: we take cornflower flowers, valerian root, yarrow grass, chokeberry berries, snow-white mistletoe leaves, horsetail grass and hawthorn fruit - 15 g in total. Then at 1 tbsp. l. herbal collection, 200 ml. hot boiling water, leave to infuse for 30 minutes. After the specified time, the purchased product must be filtered. For 70 mg. every time after eating this remedy, and you will forever forget about hypertension.
You can also make excellent facial tonics and lotions from cornflowers, which will first of all remove oily sheen and cleanse problem skin of acne and blackheads.

Harm and contraindications of cornflower

As with almost all medicinal plants, first of all, it is necessary to pay attention to the possibility of individual intolerance to this medicinal flower. It is impossible not to mention the fact that cornflowers are slightly poisonous plants, and active compounds with cyanic components make them potentially dangerous for the human body.

But besides the fact that this plant is toxic, it does more good than harm. The main thing is to take cornflowers strictly according to the doctor's prescription and do not increase the dose on your own.

Contraindications to the use of bluish:

  • women with diseases of the reproductive system and a predisposition to uterine bleeding;
  • pregnant women in the 1st trimester and breastfeeding;
  • too long a course of taking this plant;
  • a significant and independent excess of the dosage, which can provoke poisoning.
You can not be indifferent to yourself and your health. Do not believe in advertised drugs and chemicals offered by pharmacies. Look around you, because what nature has given us is the most useful and harmless to the body. Medicinal plants are a salvation from all diseases, you just need to know how and in what quantity to take them. bright representative natural and effective natural remedies is precisely the blue cornflower.

On the healing properties of blue cornflower, see this video:

Hello dear reader!

Cornflowers are known to all. But there are some nuances that require clarification. Cornflower blue (field) is sometimes called meadow. But these are two different plants! And with the "harm" of the blue cornflower, it would also be nice to figure it out. reminder about useful properties field cornflower, I think, will also not be superfluous.

I can’t say anything about the origin of the Russian name - I don’t know. There is no desire to retell the “legends”, or invent them yourself. In Latin, the plant is called Centaurea cyanus L. The genus of cornflowers was named Centaurea by Carl Linnaeus in honor of the famous mythical centaur Chiron, who allegedly treated the sick with flowers. And cyanus means blue.

Cornflower blue, or field

annual herbaceous plant with a taproot branching root, rough gray-green stem and large, very beautiful single flower baskets, incorrectly called "flowers", most often found in fields, especially sown with cereals. The stem can grow 50 - 70 cm, but usually less. The lower leaves are lobed, petiolate, located above - sessile, linear.

The basket is cylindrical, its base is surrounded by a wrapper of scaly leaves. Marginal flowers - blue or blue, funnel-shaped, barren. Sometimes they are almost white or pinkish. In the center of the inflorescence tubular bisexual flowers, usually blue-violet.

Blue cornflower blooms from June to September. Since August, its fruits ripen. These are achenes with a short hard tuft. Like the fruits of many Compositae, the achenes are not able to fly away in the wind - the tuft is short. And the fruits just fall near the mother plant. But it turns out that they are still able to move. Not knowing how to fly, they ... crawl!

One end of the achene that has fallen to the ground is raised; it rests on stiff, splayed bristles. By night, with dew (or rain), the bristles absorb water and become soft. The fruit then falls to the ground. The peeping sun drained them - the bristles straighten and push the achene forward. One step, one more step ... Not the fastest, but still a movement!

Blue cornflower is widely distributed throughout Europe, in European Russia found everywhere except the Far North. Penetrated into Siberia and Far East. In the resettlement of the blue cornflower on the planet, first of all, man is “guilty”.

This is a weed, a constant companion of our cereals - rye, wheat, barley. At the same time, it is one of the most beloved plants among the people. Contradiction? What more! and creeping wheatgrass - too beneficial weeds, but they are deprived of “popular love”.

Of course, blue cornflower inflorescences are very suitable for weaving wreaths, and girls have long loved to decorate themselves with them. But there was something else, long forgotten. Ethnographers in the 19th century described, for example, the ritual of "driving an ear", which was held around Trinity Day, at the beginning of the earing of rye.

Girls and boys became pairs, crossing their arms. A little girl, adorned with cornflowers, ran along their arms towards the rye field. Having missed her, the couples from the end of the procession had to quickly run forward and put their hands up again. In such a "brook" everyone moved to the field. The girl plucked several spikelets and carried them to the church. The ceremony was accompanied by a song.

And in some provinces of Russia, cornflowers were decorated with a “birthday” rye sheaf at the beginning of the harvest. So it's not all that simple. Cornflower blue definitely occupied not the last place in the mythology of our ancestors.

Now about the "harm" of cornflower in crops. Of course, I am not an agronomist - just a villager. Therefore, the assertions that the cornflower drowns out the rye crops cannot cause me anything but a smile.

Those who wrote and rewrite it probably never saw either plant, except as in the pictures. Imagine - cornflower (even half a meter) drowns out rye, rapidly growing one and a half meters! About the same as if a ten-year-old boy beat a two-meter tall man ...

Yes, rye itself suppresses most of the weeds. If you want to reduce the number of weeds in your garden, use this cereal in a crop rotation. Wheat, of course, does not grow so high, but it is also problematic to drown out its cornflower.

An annual plant that reproduces exclusively by seeds, and even by those that are "born only to crawl", by virtue of their biological features cannot be a "malicious weed". Rather, the sight of a wheat or rye field without blue cornflowers should alert - probably, zealous "plant defenders" did not spare pesticides. That's how bread will be born to us for health!

Of course, if the fields cease to be sown (in order to ensure the sale of products to farmers from friendly countries), then not only cornflowers but also Christmas trees will grow in them. And grow...

The use of blue cornflower

Field blue cornflower - recognized medicinal plant. It has antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, diuretic, laxative, choleretic, analgesic effect.

Collected in June - July inflorescences-baskets of blue cornflower, and used in medicinal purposes only marginal funnel-shaped flowers. They are plucked and dried necessarily in the shade, or in dryers at a temperature of 40 - 50 °. Dried flowers retain a bright blue color and a bitter taste.

The main remedy from blue cornflower flowers is an aqueous infusion. It is used for colds, coughs, edema of cardiac and renal origin, for inflammatory diseases of the kidneys and bladder, for stomach pain, constipation.

Pour 1 teaspoon of dried blue cornflower flowers with a glass of boiling water. Insist 1 hour, filter. Drink from two tablespoons to a third of a glass three times a day before meals.

Lotions from such an infusion are made for eye diseases: inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eye, with conjunctivitis, " night blindness". At the same time, it is advised to take the infusion inside a quarter cup.

Blue cornflower is included in many "eye" collections - with elderberry, herbaceous chamomile, rose hips and other herbs. It is also used in collections for the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the kidneys and bladder.

All recipes on the blog are provided only to familiarize yourself with the properties of plants. During treatment various diseases please follow the doctor's recommendations.

Blue cornflower is a good honey plant. And from its flowers once received a resistant blue dye for dyeing fabrics. It is also very beautiful plant decorating our gardens. Ornamental varieties have also been developed.

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