Charm flowers: the magical properties of plants for good luck, love and money. magical plants

Each houseplant has its own energy, which affects a person in different ways. For example, it is believed that a fat woman attracts money, and a cactus scares off robbers and bad people.

An ordinary flower can be an excellent talisman of protection and a talisman of good luck. The main thing is to know which plant will help solve a particular problem.

The magical properties of amulets

From problems in personal life. There are few suitors around or relations with men do not reach beyond the first date? Esotericists recommend having oxalis or hibiscus in the bedroom - flowers that attract love and passion. For sexual emancipation, it is recommended to plant an avocado seed.

From gossip and imaginary friends. Tradescantia will help get rid of conversations behind your back and drive away people who bring only grief.

From quarrels in the house. If scandals often arise in the house, get a violet in the house and put it in the room where the showdown most often occurs. This indoor amulet flower will absorb all the negativity.

From evil spirits in the house. If you often wake up on your nose from strange sounds, it seems to you that someone is rattling dishes in the kitchen, and indeed, you are sure that someone from an unknown world lives in the house, start a fern.

To attract money and success. In addition to the well-known fat woman, luck and money are attracted to the house by dracaena, bamboo and palm trees.

From change. A rose will save you from adultery. This flower has always been considered a symbol of fidelity and purity.

You need to monitor your flower-amulet and provide proper care. By the way, do not be afraid that those plants that are designed to protect may wither. This means that they have taken trouble away from your home. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

04.02.2015 09:02

The rose has always been considered a noble, royal flower. She personified beauty, tenderness, femininity and love. But her beautiful view and aroma...

Personal life is not going well, there is always not enough money, insomnia and Bad mood? Reasons for everything...

home wizards

Indoor flowers are old and beloved inhabitants of our apartments. However, not everyone grows equally well. In some houses, flowers grow luxuriantly, while in others they do not take root. Do you know why? Because flowers are living beings, like everything in nature, created by God.

Flowers do not like dull, indifferent people who are indifferent to them. And it has long been noticed that if they swear in the house, then the flowers die.

Another thing is when a person loves them! That's when the flowers, responding to you in return, grow luxuriantly, bloom and ... protect your home.

Yes, they protect, because indoor plants are able not only to purify the air in the room, they also neutralize the bad energy of the different origin, for example, the one that comes from a computer and other household appliances.

It has now been proven that plants also react to unfavorable places in the apartment. Therefore, it is recommended to put a well-growing flower for a month near the bed or desk and monitor its condition. If, with the same care and amount of light, it begins to wither, then you most spend time in the unfavorable zone. It makes sense to think about it and, perhaps, rearrange the bed to another place.

Magic and sorcery can be treated differently, but the fact that flowers in the house give joy and improve health is undeniable.

Ficus, geranium, Japanese maple, tradescantia and many other plants have healing abilities. We will now recall some of them.

But first, let's give a conspiracy aimed at ensuring that your pets do not die. They say it when watering flowers:

“My garden of paradise is small before God, so that with God's help it will not be lost. Amen".


Azalea is one of the most beautiful indoor plants. She has the ability to feel the energy of the owners and adapt to it. If you are tired, it will energize you, and if you are tired or irritated, it will remove excess energy and allow you to dump it on yourself.


Ficus - best helper in strengthening the family, it promotes the conception and birth of children. Apparently, it was not in vain earlier, before the ficus was for some reason declared a bourgeois flower, these varnished beauties stood in almost every apartment.

Ficus, absorbing adverse radiation, is able to maintain a stable atmosphere in the family, prevents irritability. Just do not put it in the sun, he likes shaded corners more.

Here we note that when planting a flower in the house, pay less attention to the opinions of other people. Do not keep plants that you dislike, no matter how beneficial they may be. And, conversely, if you like the plant, feel free to bring it home.


It is believed that the cactus is able to neutralize bad energy, including computer radiation.

It is quite possible, because holly and thorny plants are the most resistant to any adverse effects. In any case, cacti feel great near the computer.

Someone even calculated that next to the computer there should be not a lot, not a little, but 30 pieces of thorny plants.

Only by deciding to decorate your computer desk cacti, keep in mind that they should be small (they can be placed all together in a special box).

Large cacti should not be planted. Esotericists argue that in old, decent-sized cacti, the inhabitants of subtle planes, who need to be fed with someone else's bioenergy, are very fond of settling.

By the way, the same invisible essence can also settle in the Mexican palm - yucca, a fairly common indoor plant today.

If you really like palm trees, get some traditional look, it’s even good to have them in the house - just like in nature, they will give you vitality.


In what house will you not see a winding branch of Tradescantia? This is unpretentious plant brings great benefits to its owners.

From the presence of this simple flower, a person’s well-being improves, they even say that tradescantia protects against cancer. The plant with large and thick glossy green leaves has the greatest strength.

In addition, tradescantia is a wonderful indicator of the situation in your home. If suddenly, with good care, the plant withered, its leaves began to grow smaller and turn yellow, then a vampiric energy essence appeared in the house, the source of which must be found and neutralized.



Also unpretentious, accessible and very harmonious from an energy point of view, the long-term residents of our apartments are chlorophytum and asparagus.

fat girl

The fat woman is also called money tree She brings wealth to the house. The flower must be planted in beautiful pot, put in the sunniest place and take good care of it, because the more magnificent your fat woman grows, the more income will be.

There are many types of fat women - any will do. All of them belong to the genus of succulents, i.e. to plants with fleshy leaves and stems that can store moisture. Caring for fat women is simple, nothing will happen to them if you forget about them for a while or treat them incorrectly.

And yet remember that fat women love the light and Fresh air. Water them as the soil dries up; in winter, watering is reduced to a minimum. Crassula propagate by cuttings and even leaves.


Some indoor plants have amazing properties to wither and even die if an unfavorable situation develops in the family. Such a barometer of trouble is a popular flower in Bulgaria, the name of which speaks for itself.

If not everything is in order in relations between people, health begins to fade quickly. If peace and harmony reign between households, it grows wildly, and in the spring it blooms with small dense crimson flowers.


It’s ridiculous to talk about the benefits of geranium, who doesn’t know that there is no better medicine for ear pain? But geranium is good not only for its anesthetic properties. It perfectly collects energy dirt and cleanses it. It gives off good energy worse, but its use as a filter is fully justified.

Pink geranium promotes love, white - the birth of children. But red has a special power blooming geranium. Its vibrant flowers radiate vitality and strength to help you when you feel unwell. Therefore, during illness, keep geraniums in your room.


The rose is considered to be the queen of flowers. All roses are endowed with the ability to excite love, create harmony in personal relationships, but this is especially characteristic of pink and red flowers.

It is very good when a real rose grows in the house. But only one. And not just in the bedroom. Because many roses give an ocean of sweet fragrance that can turn into dope, destructive to humans. It is known that medieval beauties committed suicide by placing baskets of roses in their bedroom at night. Rosaries are good only in the open air.

In a city apartment, dwarf varieties of roses take root perfectly, in no way inferior to garden ones.

But it’s not very good to keep a Chinese rose in the house - it can “pull” energy from a person. They say that if a Chinese rose appeared in the apartment, expect trouble.

(Well, well! And in another place I read that this is a flower of love and passion!)

The main rule: pay less attention to the opinions of other people. Do not keep plants that you dislike, no matter how beneficial they may be. And, conversely, if you like the plant, feel free to bring it home.


Peperomia, like tradescantia, protects residents of the house from cancer. No wonder this plant has become a favorite in many homes.

The action of piperomia is stronger, the larger the specimen, therefore, erect varieties are most effective.


Cyclamen is an energetically very strong flower. In the old days, cyclamen was called "moth" in honor of Moliona - one of the ancient goddesses of the moon. And the moth flower was a sure remedy against lunar magic. Even the charms of the sorceress Circe, who tried to enchant Odysseus, turned out to be powerless against the moth.

Cyclamen takes away negative energy and transforms it into positive, thus harmonizing the bioenergetic atmosphere in the house.

This flower is an ancient remedy against the evil eye and slander. A love drink is prepared from it. They say that it enhances potency in men. And flowering specimens of cyclamen will help get rid of nightmares, obsessive fears and insomnia.


This very gentle, delicate, scrupulous plant is an indicator of the situation in the house.

In an atmosphere of scandals, and sometimes simply from rude words, the violet dies. Therefore, in the house of nervous, rude, careless people, it will be very difficult for her.


The fern is one of the most amazing plants. This is a real energy vampire, because for his existence he needs a lot of energy.

He is able to live even on TV. And, in general, there it belongs: by absorbing the radiation of the TV, the fern removes some of the energy harmful to humans.

in different folk traditions and various authors attribute to the fern either light or dark witchcraft powers.

There are people who believe that the appearance of a fern in the house can bring bad luck. But in fact, his power helps people get rid of inner evil.

It perfectly protects the house from evil spirits. Therefore, another ideal place for a fern is a hall, where it will control the energy of those who enter and will not let evil spirits into the housing.


Rosemary is a frivolous plant with a faint scent of needles. Its aroma calms the quick-tempered, relieves fear, anxiety, and helps with insomnia.

Rosemary is good for all people, so it can be grown in every home.


This plant with sharp-smelling leaves emits essential oils and no worse than garlic protects the house from evil spirits.

So the window sill or balcony is immersed in bright colors chrysanthemums are not just a pleasant sight, but also a reliable barrier for intruders.

In addition, chrysanthemums prolong feelings and prevent unhappiness in love. Therefore, as soon as there is new hero your dreams, invite him into the house and drink tea in which chrysanthemum petals will float. And then only happy moments will stop for you.

All of the above, of course, also applies to chrysanthemums growing in your garden.


Astrologers call the arrowroot the green talisman of Aquarius. This exquisite plant is said to stimulate people to seek new, unconventional solutions.

The magical properties of arrowroot also include a beneficial effect on the atmosphere of the house, the emotional state of the residents, and their health. It, as it were, absorbs the energy of aggression and prevents the pollution of housing with negative energy. Maranta calms the nerves, relieves stress, overwork, insomnia.

In addition, the arrowroot is very beautiful, but you should not put it in direct sunlight, but you need to spray it more often.

monstera philodendron

These rather large and very spectacular climbing plants are considered by some authors to be real energy vampires, capable of pumping life energy out of their owners. Their energy cycle is based on daytime absorption of bad information and nightly cleansing - the release of negative energy, coupled with large quantity carbon dioxide, which can result in a complete breakdown and weakening of cardiac activity.

Other experts, on the contrary, believe that monsters and philodendrons do not accumulate the collected energy clots in themselves, but transform them and give energy favorable to humans into space.

Ivy and passionflower

Ivy, especially wax, and passionflower also have their fans and their opponents. Someone thinks wax ivy a "graveyard" flower and a vampire, while others argue that, like other creepers, it protects well from the evil eye, since it is "fueled" with easily accessible excesses of rough energy. Non-material gross entities will become the prey of ivy and passionflower and will not be able to enter your house.


Scindapus (pothos) is one of the most common indoor plants. This vine with heart-shaped green leaves in yellow spots often called "devil's ivy", for which they treat her with suspicion.

Cypress and thuja

Cypress symbolizes sadness, sorrow, and in Ancient Greece was a symbol of death due to the dark color of the leaves. Cypress was depicted on the graves of both pagans and Christians because of the idea that it protects the body from decay.

Therefore, cypress is considered a plant dangerous for the home. It brings heavy energy into the house and in no case should it be placed in the bedroom or in the living room.

Similarly, another tree dedicated to death, thuja, affects us. And it should also not be arranged in places where you rest, eat and sleep.

Of course, everything that you have just read is only generalized information. And, perhaps, only one conclusion can be drawn here: only your attitude to the plant should influence the decision which flower to plant at home.

Never keep a flower in your apartment that you dislike, no matter how beneficial it may be. And if you feel good next to a fern, dracaena or monstera, feel free to go to a flower shop!

Magic properties of pansies

According to the ancient language of flowers, pansies evoke peace and tranquility. Apparently, it is no coincidence that many people call this flower a "flower dead souls". Places where pansies grew have long been considered in Western countries a haven for the soul of the deceased. This opinion subsequently spread to Russia. Therefore, they began to grow them mainly in cemeteries. According to Russian folk belief, if you want it to rain, pick a bunch of pansies on a warm sunny day and put them in the water. In the evening or the next day, it will certainly rain.

The magical properties of pine

Pine loves people and wishes them well. In addition, this tree very subtly senses the accumulating evil and throws all its considerable strength to dispel it. That is why pine trees survive with great difficulty in cities - there is too much bad energy there, and this tree always "takes fire on itself." If you have the opportunity, always choose pine. Pine boards, pine furniture (even haphazardly crafted in a factory) will always be a good defense against evil forces. And pine branches with cones should decorate any home, especially at that time of the year when the night is longer than the day and the weakened winter sun does not have time to drive away the creatures of darkness from human dwellings. Pine especially patronizes the Lions.

Razluchnik lily of the valley

Lily of the valley is the keeper of fidelity and purity, but in evil hands it can become a lover. These flowers cannot be collected, bought or given on the eve of the new moon, when their fragrance, according to legend, awakens lust and throws women into the arms of sin. Lily of the valley berries, used by a homegrown magician, can make him a victim of creatures from the subtle world, eager to master someone's will. Lily of the valley flowers, plucked in the morning on a full moon, on the contrary, contribute to high romantic love, make the loss of virginity less painful. It is believed that a man becomes more gentle and careful, and a woman more passionate, if there is a bunch of lilies of the valley at the head of the bed, collected during the growing moon.

magical plants. Sedge

Sedge (some argue that the famous "gap-grass" is akin to this marsh plant) protects against love and love spells. If you begin to suspect that they are trying to bewitch you, scatter fresh sedge on the floor (and be sure to put it in bed) at home. Sedge root, carried with you, - good protection from impure thoughts on the part of the stronger sex. Flowers, on the other hand, help drive away love obsession, showing the chosen one as he really is.

The magical properties of nettle

Nettles were placed under the soles of the shoes or boots of the bewitched, so that evil spirits could not drag him into the underworld. It is said that the autumn nettle can name the name of an enemy plotting against you. To do this, in late autumn, you need to find thickets of nettles that have lost their summer “anger” and run an unprotected palm along its stems from the bottom up, listing people who may wish you harm. When you name the name of the enemy, it will burn your hand. A prerequisite experiment should be a preliminary "check" nettle. Force yourself to think about something pleasant, at worst, sing a song to yourself. If, sorting through the nettle, you do not feel a burn, then the bush is already so wise and calm that it can give advice.

The magical properties of garlic

Protects from vampires and other otherworldly predators. The flowers of this plant are especially good. Sometimes one bouquet is enough to remove the ineptly imposed damage. Garlic flowers and some love spells are removed (in particular, those that arouse lust and desire in a person to immediately and at any cost to possess the one who cast the spell). A wreath of woven garlic at the doors and windows will not allow uninvited "guests" from the subtle world to get into the house. The Spaniards believe that garlic stew will indicate an envious person - he will smell several times stronger than others who have tasted the same dish. Garlic juice will not allow the sentry to fall asleep at the post, even if they try to "bewitch" him (which is why garlic is traditionally included in the guards' menu). And, among other things, this vegetable is extremely useful.

The magical properties of spruce

In some countries of Western Europe, it was believed that spruce has the ability to bring good luck to hunters and fishermen. Therefore, very often, going for another booty in the forest, men stuffed their pockets with fir cones plucked from a tree before dawn. In addition, there was an opinion that a spruce cone buried in the courtyard of a house or in a garden would save the hunter from hunting accidents and fierce death from an attack. wild beast. Freshly cut branches of a spruce tree were also used by healers in their healing practice. Spruce needles were cured of diseases associated with damage to the joints, rheumatism and pain in the bones and muscles. Spruce paws were laid out around the sick man's house, under the windows and behind the door, and the disease was spoken.

The magical properties of thistle

If we translate the name of this plant into modern Russian, we get “frightening devils”, which is consistent with the abilities of this herb. To keep out of the home evil spirit, this plant was hung at the entrance to the house. He was planted on the graves of sorcerers and damned people to prevent the devil from dragging their souls into hell. Thistle grows in bad places, protecting our world from evil. They said that where the thistle settled, either people are evil, or the place is not good; Either way, it's best to stay away from him. The thistle reaches its greatest strength when its flowers bloom.

The magical properties of wormwood

A very strong anti-demonic herb, which is now rarely used. The smell of wormwood can drive almost any evil spirits out of the house. To protect against the machinations of evil spirits, wormwood was hung in houses, and bonfires were burned near the houses with the addition of wormwood. A safe method of applying wormwood is to hang a small bunch of this herb around the house (preferably in the bedroom or hallway). The buds, not the stems, have the greatest strength in this plant, so when you collect wormwood, do not cut it to the very root, take only the top. In addition, in this way you save the plant, since wormwood grows slowly and does not germinate well from seeds.

The magical properties of asters

Asters embody the principles of Faith (scarlet and purple), Hope (pink, lilac, lemon), divine Love (white) and Wisdom-Sophia (lilac). These flowers keep from bad thoughts, strengthen the soul in trials, and alleviate moral suffering. A dream about asters promises happiness and good luck. If you dream of blooming asters, then a certain person will make you an interesting offer that will touch the secret strings of your consciousness. Do not believe this man and his promises, because they will never come true. The dream predicts to you that your diligence will help you become a real ace in your business.

The magical properties of willow

Many traditional Russian rituals were associated with this plant. The ancient healers attributed rare magical and healing powers to the buds hatched on willow branches. Peasants associated their hopes for a future rich harvest with Palm Sunday. There is still a sign: if the weather is clear and warm on Palm Sunday, then you should expect good harvest bread and vegetables. Willow twigs, which are placed in the room, bring good health to all the inhabitants of the house, take away misfortunes, evil eye and damage from them. Seeing a willow branch in a dream or holding it in your hands is a sign of success in business and honor.

The magical properties of the water lily

Water lilies (water lilies) are very beautiful, but it is dangerous to take them in your hands. These flowers are under the special patronage of water spirits, who are very jealous of their property. By picking a water lily, you run the risk of incurring the wrath of the "owner", who will begin to harm you to the best of his ability. You should not buy them either, these flowers are able to take on other people's troubles and transfer them to a new owner. If you still really want a water lily, throw a few coins to the water lily and pick no more than two flowers.

The magical properties of white lily

One of the most mysterious plants. What kind of properties it is not endowed with! This is the "flower of death" and a symbol of the Annunciation, a sign of oblivion and fidelity, a symbol of purity and debauchery. Lily is a strong talisman, the properties of which depend on the circumstances and the desire of the person. The buds of white lilies, given at sunrise, are able to engender a bright feeling in a young girl, and blooming Flowers at sunset or at night with their aroma plunge the most virtuous into sin. A branch of lilies, from which one flower is cut, presented as a sign of farewell, softens the pain of separation.

The magical properties of cherries

This is common in our gardens. fruit tree carries a huge supply of positive energy. In past centuries in European countries it was considered a symbol of fertility and prosperity. In Russian villages, young girls, guessing by cherry stones, tried to find out their fate: will they get married? For this cherry pits, remaining on the plate, counted, putting one aside, and sentenced: "This year, next year, not soon, never." If the last bone foreshadowed an imminent marriage, that is, it turned out to be fifth in a row, the girl threw it over the threshold into the courtyard, repeating three times: “The fifth bone, bring a rich groom.”

The magical properties of the plant Laurel

The laurel tree was especially revered during Roman times. He was credited with the magical power to protect a person from death. The ancient Romans considered this plant a symbol of immortality and took laurel leaves with them on harsh military campaigns and bloody battles. With the help of a sprig of laurel, people also tried to protect themselves from accidents associated with natural disasters: it was believed that laurel protects houses from lightning strikes and floods. A bad omen was the sudden twisting or falling of leaves from a bay tree growing in the yard. This meant the announcement of the imminent death of someone living in the house. Traditional healers advised putting a sprig of bay tree in the bed of a person exhausted by long insomnia or nervous disorders. The smell of laurel leaves should bring calmness to the patient and restore normal sound sleep.

The magical properties of the poppy plant

Poppy flowers and seeds have been widely used in witchcraft since time immemorial. According to rumors, if you pour a few poppy seeds into the ears of a person when he is fast asleep, and then utter a special spell, then you can bring misfortune and illness on him in this way. If the red poppy petals are placed on the eyelids of a sleeping enemy, then he will go blind, and therefore become weak and helpless. To save a woman from infertility, healers poured poppy seeds into women's boots, and scattered the petals in the attic of the house in which the barren woman lived. Poppy petals had to be kept under the roof of the house for as many days as the patient had been barren for years. After that, the dried petals were collected and thrown into the oven. It was believed that in this way the disease leaves the house of a sick woman through the chimney.

The magical properties of sunflower

The well-known sunflower has the strongest protective property. Even sunflower oil and seeds are a good help against evil forces. If you go to a hostile society and are afraid of encountering energy vampires, or even the danger of the evil eye, lightly touch with dipped in sunflower oil fingers of the temples, bridge of the nose, dimples at the base of the thumbs and a point in the middle between the chest and the navel. Unroasted sunflower seeds, sprinkled at the threshold, will prevent the "induced" evil from crossing over it, and sunflower flowers in a vase are not only very effective, but also help cleanse the house of negative energy. If you plant sunflowers under the windows, the number of small annoying troubles that happen through no fault of yours will decline.

The magical properties of wild rose

Rosehip removes the barriers erected by social conventions, money, difference in position and age, momentarily making the impossible possible. A branch of white rosehip is able to rekindle the love of the queen for the page, and the king for the shepherdess. If blood “mixes” on a rosehip branch (both the one who plucked the branch and the one to whom it was intended were scratched on the thorns of the rosehip), fatal passion may arise. Rose hips are one of the important ingredients of the love potion, dry branches of rose hips, harvested in November under the full moon, protect against evil forces and, along with garlic and aspen stakes, are weapons against vampires. Moreover, what is especially valuable, energy vampires.

The magical properties of physalis

It helps individuals whose horoscope is dominated by the elements of fire and air (heat and dryness). This plant increases vitality, eases the course of the disease and protects against bad thoughts.

Dry physalis flowers placed on the windowsills or hung over the door protect the house from the penetration of various entities from the subtle world, both malevolent and, unfortunately, good.

In addition, it is believed that these flowers make it difficult to conceive.

The magical properties of cyclamen (alpine violet)

Flower of pride and self-respect. White and light pink cyclamen strengthens the spirit of a person during business turmoil. It has been noticed that if cyclamens grow in the windows of an institution, then (especially at the time of their flowering) subordinates put the presumptuous bosses in their place. Purple and scarlet cyclamens help keep your face in love. If you understand that slavish obedience to your beloved will not lead to good, and you don’t have enough strength to “endure character”, make the window sill bloom with scarlet cyclamens.

What to plant for good luck

If you want to restore your physical strength, then plant a noble laurel, ordinary celery, honeysuckle, calendula, roses or thyme. Blooming in the garden, these plants will help you and your home adjust to change. In addition, the flowers, leaves and seeds of these plants can be used in magical rites to enhance their effect. Those who want harmony in the house can plant such common plants and flowers as garden primrose, mint, tomato, tricolor violet, pansies, jasmine and catnip. So that there is always happiness in the house, put pots with hyacinths, lavender, oregano, catnip and morning glory on the windowsill.

If you have money problems, you should choose mint, onion, Snapdragon, Japanese camellia, noble navel, clover, dill, basil, and possibly sow a strip of wheat. Pine, oak, ash and apple tree, banana tree planted next to the house will also protect your home.

To keep thieves away from home, be sure to plant garlic, cumin, a thistle bush, a cactus, or a juniper bush. Myrtle in boxes on the window, planted by a woman, also brings good luck.

Today we will talk about plants in the rituals of magic. Since ancient times, flowers and herbs have been widely used in witchcraft. Magicians, using their properties, do both rites aimed at protection and positive, and rituals of a destructive purpose. What kind of corruption can be through plants, and how can corruption be done with the help of flowers? There is a powerful ritual called Growing Corruption. It is not for beginners, but I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, will introduce you to it. In addition, let's talk about herbs that remove damage. And in particular, about the beneficial magical properties of such a seemingly simple herb as wormwood.

Grass wormwood from the evil eye and energy negativity

The ordinary-looking herb has been used, and certainly is still used today, for a variety of sorcery purposes. It is used to summon and hold Dark spirits, to protect against curses and black sorcery. This herb can be found in the compositions of amulets to protect against the evil eye, damage and negative ones that are hostile to you.

Wormwood grass serves as a talisman for children, mothers and fathers. More about the magical properties of wormwood, as a talisman against the evil eye and damage, I, the magician Sergey Artgrom will tell a little later. And now about magical effect through a flower, about what it is in general - growing damage.

How they can make damage on flowers and herbs - growing damage

Growing corruption is old rite based on natural laws. Any influences associated with the dark energy of demons are fleeting. The black corruption made by the power of the world of the dead lasts longer, but also once the power of the given program weakens. But, in the growing damage, the algorithm of natural reproduction is taken as the basis - natural, powerful and irreversible. This principle works like strongdamage to flowersand herbs, and protection. These rituals have been developed over the centuries.

Growing is one of the most dangerous types of damage to human health.

It is difficult to clean, and, moreover, it tends to recover. Sometimes it is called "weed". They independently make damage through grass seeds. Such an effect justifies its name. The only time the sorcerer's hand on the waning moon will take the seed, the only time during full moon will plant weeds with a conspiracy, with witchcraft words, and it will be made corruption with the help of flowers and witchcraft herbs.

The object of influence will begin to change life. If the damned was rich, he will become poor. If he had a sharp mind, he would become feeble-minded. If he had good health, he would know what the painful ones are. If he was lucky and successful, he will become an outsider. By blood, this black corruption passes to other generations. As grass grows in the field from year to year, so the descendants of the one who was originally its victim suffer from black corruption.

The sorcerer, in order to make damage through a flower and grass, does not just throw seeds, and not just any. Seeds are taken depending on the task. They are soaked with the bindings of the victim, planted in the ground, watered, cared for. Then grown, strengthened, strong seedlings, charged with black energy of damage, are planted closer to the enemy. If, thus, personal witchcraft protection is made, then the magician plants grass from the evil eye and damage near his house. But, there are other conspiracies.

In the same way, you can damage indoor flowers and give a flower in a pot to your offender. You need to know what seeds to take into work. Because the grass is different from the grass. If health is cursed, seeds will do poisonous plants such as hogweed, hemlock.

To ruin the enemy and bring disaster, it would be good to take quinoa seeds. Suitable fescue, as well as the seeds of ambrosia wormwood. This grass is incredibly tenacious, it is not afraid of either drought or frost, it is a ubiquitous, indestructible weed. Thus, damage itself resumes, and after removal it grows and manifests itself again and again.

Seeds for spoilage are taken on a waning moon or on a full moon. Soaking the seeds of flowers, they are spoken. Conspiracies independently read different, in accordance with the meaning and task of damage. And read into the water. Water stores information and will transfer it to grass sprouts. In order to induce powerful damage to flowers and herbs, the bindings of the victim are placed in the water. On the day that the magician chooses, he plants the sprouts in the ground. And at this stage, when transplanting plants, land taken from special places is added.
So, if they cause damage to diseases, they conspire to take land from a hospital, for example, from an oncology clinic. If the magician sets a goal to make damage to flowers, and induce such damage to disasters, madness or death, then they add land from the cemetery intersection, or from the place of massacres. They pay for the land taken from such places - they give a blood sacrifice. And part of the sacrificial blood, together with the earth, into the same soil, along with the plant, which brings terror, disease, and destruction to the enemy.

Thus, the spirits of an extreme, dangerous place, a place of Power, are bound through the earth. And in the same soil, together with the weed - the binding of the object. According to this algorithm and principle of operation, it is possible to induce a growing damage to indoor flowers as a gift to the enemy. Such things are not for beginners, that's what you need to understand! A beginner will not cope with such a thing, definitely, he will harm himself and that's it. If we are talking about the protective resources of the "growing" method described by me, the magician Sergei Artgrom, then we should take such herbs as St. John's wort, basil, elderberry, verbena, elecampane.

What flowers help from the evil eye - plants of protection from negative energies

Each plant has a unique energy. If the energy of some plants is good for inducing disease and devastation, then other plants come to the defense of man.

About home flowers protecting from the evil eye and energy negativity.

  • Cactus. standing by front door, cactus guards the house from damage, gossip, envious slander. This plant protects the house and its inhabitants from the evil eye, blocking the negative, preventing it from penetrating and spreading into the home.
  • Tradescantia. This unpretentious plant will also drive away imaginary friends, protect you from evil tongues and malicious intent of enemies. In addition, tradescantia cleans and renews the energy of the house. This one is best flower from the evil eye keep in the kitchen or living room.
  • Geranium. One of the most powerful amulets against the evil eye and ritual damage. Neutralizes negative impacts aimed at home and family. In general, any indoor flower blooming with red flowers can save you from the evil eye.
  • Roses. They create an atmosphere of well-being and love. The rose has a strong energy, it is a very useful functional flower from the evil eye and damage. But, a beautiful rose also has thorns - a formidable weapon against evil words and harmful actions of ill-wishers.
  • Ficus. It is recommended to have at home - this is a plant from the evil eye. It neutralizes adverse radiation, cleanses the aura of the house.

All plants are sensitive to energies - negative and positive. Can a houseplant protect a person from the evil eye and damage? Of course, maybe, otherwise, what would be the basis of plant magic, which has existed for so many centuries?

ATTENTION IMPORTANT: I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, recommend everyone to wear a proven Talisman to attract the energy of money and luck. This powerful amulet attracts good luck and wealth. MONEY AMULET is made strictly individually, under the name of a specific person and his date of birth. The main thing is to immediately correctly adjust it to yourself in accordance with the instructions sent, it is equally well suited for people of any religion

Removing damage with the help of magical herbs

In witchcraft rituals, there are many effective cleansing rites that are widely used by magicians. Plants from the evil eye and spoilage have long been used in rural witchcraft. And, I must say, with great efficiency. But all cleansing is so individual that each practicing magician has to choose his own methods.

It is necessary to take into account the nature of the negative, the character traits and energy of the client from whom the negative is being removed. And many more nuances. I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, in my practice use different rituals to cleanse a person from the evil eye and black negativity. They are effective, but for everyone special occasion. In one case, I, Sergey Artgrom, use spoilage herbs, in another I remove black energy with wax, in other cases I use knives, water, I do annealing with fire.

In witchcraft, everything is very individual. There are real magicians who have been pouring only wax for many years. And with this material they have such a close and strong connection that they even cast. But, after all, wax is not a panacea, although the method itself is very good. Each practicing magician has his own experience and preferences. And if you use herbs for spoilage, and get the desired result, then such techniques are well suited to you.

Grass Wormwood will protect from damage - a magical crown for the king

Wormwood is the herb from the evil eye number one. To remove the negative energy that came from people, you need to wash yourself with a decoction of wormwood. You can add it to your bath. Well, this method of flushing is suitable for children. In the people, wormwood is called the crown for the king. Main magical properties Wormwood plants - foresight, protection of a person from evil forces. This herb is used in incense that promotes clairvoyance, as well as in mixtures for cleansing and protection from Dark spirits.

Wormwood herb helps against spoilage, but it can be used with success in order to restore personal energy, vitality and physical health. So, a warm bath with wormwood relieves fatigue from the body, restores lost strength. Perfectly washes away the negative accumulated during the day. However, in water this spoilage herb, loses some of its magical power, and therefore magicians often use it in the form of incense.

Great way to get back healthy sleep, completely getting rid of insomnia - stuff a pillow with dry Wormwood, and sleep on it. I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, will notice that, in this way, you can not only normalize sleep, but also get rid of nightmares. And with proper practice, you can see prophetic dreams.

Wormwood grass is one of the best remedies for protection from the evil eye, energy negativity of envy and evil of people aimed at the destruction of the family nest, on illness and loneliness. Its smell drives out evil spirits from the house, keeps a person from accidents and other serious and not very serious troubles. Small twigs and dry flowers of wormwood in a bag, worn at the level of the solar plexus, will be your shield against any negative energies.


A strong energetic, protector, clears the astral plane. Removes local inflammatory processes, resolves inflammation foci both externally on the skin and internally. Not excretory, but extinguishing, absorbing, crushing antiseptic. Softens, resolves inflammatory processes, at the same time disinfects, kills pathogenic microbes.

Asparagus pinnate

Radiates not dissipating energy, not relaxing, but concentrating. Therefore, asparagus is not recommended to be kept in places of rest and in bedrooms. Good for workplaces and offices.


This is an amazing plant. Has magical powers. Casts out evil spirits, cleanses the astral from low entities. Can be grown in a pot in the kitchen or on the balcony.


Begonia, standing in partial shade, or after flowering, partially loses its reddish color. Begonia is not used for medicinal purposes. Its vibrations do not heal, but influence.

Activates the human hematopoietic system, its work internal organs, normalizes the energy potential of a person. Activates intuitive abilities, inclines to memories of the past of the family, about ancestors, connects with the karma of the family, which enhances the protective forces and gives a clue to the family on an intuitive level. This is the magical power of begonias.

It is useful for begonia to be in offices where creative, scientific, research work. Begonia will help to catch the hint on an intuitive level, to find the information you need.


This plant is not magical and not medicinal, but resting in its radiations and surprisingly beautiful. Its soft vibrations are conducive to relaxation and good mood.

Softens, relaxes a person, removes from him nervous tension working day, leads away from heavy thoughts, inclines to rest. And for active rest. Creates an atmosphere of healthy energy in your home. That is, under the influence of Vallota, a person can usefully do any business. For example, while relaxing in a chair, knit socks or an openwork napkin at the same time. In addition, resting, a person gradually gains strength. Vallota charges him with healthy vitality and readiness to continue working.


This plant is medicinal and protective. Phytoncides secreted by geraniums kill pathogenic microbes in the room, it drives away moths. Geranium tinctures are used against fungi on the feet.

Petals are used to fumigate the room for a good mood. Soothes, soothes, relieves stress.

It is useful for weak, weak-willed, inert people to grow in their apartment our beloved fragrant geranium. Her energies will awaken a person to action, drive away melancholy and despondency, give a good mood and optimism.


It is good to rest under these plants, and not passively, but mentally. It is good to sit under a rose, think, read a book or a newspaper, solve crossword puzzles. When you rest, you gain strength at the same time. These plants are good energy drinks.


This lily is distinguished by beauty and lightness, it gives a feeling of maternal touch. Conducive to rest. Therefore, the lily is good in bedrooms, in places of rest, in a children's room. The contemplation of blooming lilies, for example, hymenocallis, their beautiful snow-white flowers will give you a feeling of lightness and relaxation.


Hippeastrum disposes a person to dreams and fantasies, often illusory. However, it is useful to keep a flower on the desktop for poets and science fiction writers, for whom a flight of fancy is simply necessary because of their kind. professional activity.

This flower is very useful in kindergartens or in your child's nursery, where the baby plays and sleeps. The vibrations of this lily will help little children develop their creative and artistic thinking when drawing or modeling in kindergarten groups. If the plant is in your home in your child's room, a toddler can successfully build a magnificent palace for Cinderella with blocks or color a beautiful outfit for a cardboard Barbie with crayons. In an ordinary coloring book, with the help of colored pencils, your little dreamer can turn an ordinary Ryaba chicken into a beautiful Firebird. Moreover, without much difficulty, calling on his violent imagination to help, in one fell swoop he will paint Ryaba's tail in blue, and his wings in red. And immediately the chicken will turn into an unusual fairy-tale bird.

This plant is not magical, but is curative for psychological deviations of a person. Therefore, it is a good idea to place it on the windowsills of clinics and other places of isolation and imprisonment: hospitals, prisons, and also in places of rest.

In your home, the hippeastrum is well placed near the chairs where your family rest, where you need to relax after a busy day. Therefore, this flower is also useful in the bedroom. It is easier for a person who suffers from insomnia to fall asleep with the help of soft, relaxing, enveloping calm vibrations of this plant.

But it is strongly not recommended to keep it in offices, commercial or other industrial organizations.

The only exception is if you work, for example, as a fashion designer and your office is filled with samples of your models of clothes, shoes or hats. When your work is connected with creative fantasy, then the beautiful hippeastrum flower will be your friend.


Hypoestes will push a person to work, and not just to ordinary work, but to creative work. Stimulates a person to a poetic perception of beauty, to artistic creativity, artistic perception, to the ability to say beautifully, beautifully present the word, beautifully convey beauty itself.

A talented, creative person: a poet, writer, musician, actor, sculptor, etc., i.e. For a person of a creative profession, plant selections allow you to notice the beautiful in life and beautifully, correctly convey this beauty, for example, the beauty of nature, the beauty of human relationships in the form of poetry, drawing or painting.

A person who does not possess any of the listed artistic talents is inclined, under the influence of hypoesthesia vibrations, to romanticism, dreaminess. Such a person suddenly wants to read poetry, enjoy a beautiful picture, or, without leaving his apartment in a city high-rise building, just admire the sunset, or maybe the flowering chestnut trees growing along the alley near his house.

A young man in love, under the influence of this elegant plant, will suddenly take, and compose poems for his beloved, which will surprise him a lot. After a hearty dinner, the elderly head of the family will sit in an armchair to relax and read a newspaper, admire the hypoesthesia growing nearby, its spotty elegant leaves, and, unexpectedly for himself, will be moved and explain his tender feelings to his wife, also surprised at the unexpectedly similar youthful impulse. But how many pleasant minutes will his graying wife, who has long forgotten the tender words of love, get.

I will not argue that it will be so, but still I will not deny that hypoesthesia is really an amazing plant if it is capable of evoking good poetic emotions in a person.

Therefore, it is useful to keep it on the desktop for people of creative professions or in any other place in the office, at home, but not where a person is resting.

Hypoesthesia vibrations are not conducive to rest, therefore it is not recommended to keep it in the children's room and bedroom. Well, except that in exceptional cases it can be placed for a while near the bed of the newlyweds.


A good energy drink fills a person with strength and energy, keeps these energies in a person, and does not allow them to be wasted. Inclined to pleasant, friendly conversations. There is a desire to express their feelings, to declare their love.


Unique ampelous plant, which can be grown in any room: in the bedroom, in the study, in the children's room, in the lobby. Zebrina improves mood, softens aggression, relaxes, helps relieve tension, gives rest to a tired body.

In occult studies, it can affect the increase in intuitive insight, the receipt of information on an intuitive level. Charges with strength and energy.

In the office, zebrina is especially useful for people engaged in mental work. Stimulates mental and intellectual activity, sets up for friendly communication, for a pleasant conversation.


Zephyranthes is conducive to relaxation, helps to relax, relieve stress and fall asleep easier. You can keep this lily everywhere, but it is best to place pots with this plant in the bedroom, in places of rest, in the children's room.


A versatile plant. Protective plant, a good energy drink. It is good to meditate with him. Directs meditation in the right direction, helps to keep the image. Zygocactus is unique in that it fits everywhere, you can grow it in any room.

Echinopsis cactus

It breaks the energies of hostility of family members to each other, quarrels, envy, torn dirty energies left over from alcohol, etc. And also destroys harmful radiation coming from the TV and computer.


This plant is successfully used for medicinal purposes. When instilled, it strongly “pulls” in the nose, which allows you to knock out all the muck from the nose, clean the maxillary sinuses.

All types of Kalanchoe are used in inhalations where mucus needs to be removed. Kalanchoe juice well lubricate abrasions, cracks in the skin, burrs. A live rumpled leaf can be applied to festering wounds. Kalanchoe is also used as a cosmetic. Its fresh juice removes pimples on the face.

You can keep Kalanchoe indoors everywhere except for the bedroom and children's room, as its vibrations will excite nervous system.


It inclines to reflection, to solitary work. Collects, concentrates the strength of a person, adjusts to the beautiful. Strict, solemn beauty. It has the magical power to help with meditation, collects, deepens intuition, which is not scattered and ultimately gives results. Such intuitive concentration can give insight.


It's not only beautiful plant, which pleases us with bright orange and red gramophones of wonderful flowers, but it also has a kind and soft character.

This plant, ranging from long belt-like leaves to a delicate scarlet petal, radiates love, inclines to love, to love, light, pleasant, not attached.

Love and kindness - this is clivia.

It is easy to relax next to her. At the same time, being distracted from heavy thoughts and oppressive life problems, you are saturated with vibrations of kindness. Therefore, this plant can essentially be kept everywhere, but it is best, of course, in bedrooms, children's rooms and recreation areas.

In the office, clivia may not always be useful. It can incline an employee not to fulfill the production plan, not to dip into the atmosphere of a business environment, but, on the contrary, to incline to light love flirting. Imagine the head of an institution, furnished on all sides with pots of clivia. Of course, a frivolous and pretty secretary should appear nearby, shooting with her eyes.

One comforts. Since the clivia is not energetically strong, therefore, its influence on the boss will not be so significant and dangerous for work, as well as for his family relationships.


Coleus gives energy, but weak. It disposes to benevolence, but sluggishly. Can be placed anywhere.

Laurel noble

Great energy plant. It gives a person a great energy potential, charges with strength and health. Laurel symbolizes achievements and victory. Laurel wreaths adorned the heads of victorious warriors, favorite poets and songwriters, delighting the ears of the rich nobility.


The plant is tenacious; where there is a fern, nothing grows there, it crushes other plants with its strong vibrations.

But the fern is good for a business environment: it gives working activity, perseverance in achieving, makes it possible to remember and perform a large amount of work. It is good to have a fern in the study, in the office.

In a residential area, you can grow when a person lives alone or works at home. The plant is useful for stimulating business activity, not for recreation. Therefore, the fern should not be kept in the bedroom. At worst, a fern pot can be placed in the kitchen.


Poisonous. However, oleander is a protective plant. Oleander - heavy plant. Nothing grows next to it. Therefore, it must be placed separately from other plants.

In bedrooms, children's rooms, in places of rest, oleander cannot be placed. This plant looks good in the office, in the corner of the room, especially in the accounting department, that is, where a lot of small routine work is required.


Activates to work. It is good to keep the plant in work and play areas, in offices, shops, banks. That is, where the vibrations of this plant will stimulate a person to be active, composure, vigilance, attentiveness.

Do not keep in children's rooms, bedrooms, recreation areas.

Pandanus cannot persuade his mistress to a romantic relationship, but he is able to give her the strength to work, fight off the negative energies that have accumulated in the house, and protect her from witchcraft.

Later you will understand why the pandanus has such properties when you study its vibrations and find out which planets in this plant are in an active state.

It is useful for weak, weak-willed, inert people to grow a pandanus in their apartment, the vibrations of which will awaken a person to action, drive away melancholy and despondency, give a good mood and optimism.


If you put a pot of pedilanthus on your desk at work, you have a lot of professional worries and business activity.


Protects from aggression, beats off dirty vibrations. This plant is good to keep on the desktop, it is indispensable at work. Relieves stress. It can be used in places of rest, where there is an opportunity to actively relax mentally, distract from the main work, read magazines, newspapers, solve crossword puzzles. Stimulates mental activity.


This charming plant can be kept in the bedroom or in any lounge area. Relaxes, inclines to a pleasant conversation, charges with optimism, fills the resting body with strength and health. Where ivy grows, you can have a good rest and gain strength. I want to lie down on the ivy carpet. Therefore, pots with this plant can be placed in rooms intended for relaxation, in the foyer, in the bedroom and in the nursery. Helps with meditation, it is easier to relax and get the right information.


Guardian and protector. But, in addition, it activates mental activity and business activity. If you are tired or discouraged - put a pot with this plant by the window - and you will have a working mood.

It can be placed in the bedroom of the newlyweds to stimulate them to mutual communication. Reo is also suitable for gaming and office space. It is not recommended to place in children's rooms.


It does not take root well, but can grow in partial shade. Loves space, curls.

The plant is neutral, creates a light, not disturbing environment, inclines to an easy perception of each other. Therefore, roycissus is good for both home and office space.


This is a social plant. She cannot grow in the country. Rose, like a coquettish beauty, will wither away without admirers. She must be where there are many people, she needs love, admiration; in human care and protection.

And for this, as a token of gratitude, the rose gives people wonderful flowers.

If the rose is not well-groomed, it can begin to degenerate, run wild. Rosehip branches appear instead of rose shoots.

Ruellia is beautiful

Good in places of rest, in the bedroom, in the children's room. The person next to her is comfortable and easy.

Friendly plant, cozy and comfortable. Velvety leaves to the touch resemble the softness of a sofa cushion.


It restrains emotions, does not allow them to splash out, gives hidden sympathies, so it is quite difficult to express your love. Only when feelings are already defined, this combination strengthens love and sympathy.

A versatile plant. You can keep it everywhere. Well - at work, if there are secret feelings, then they will be kept secret from everyone and not appear outwardly.

Saintpaulia (Uzumbar violet)

A kind, sweet plant that everyone loves. Therefore, you can place it absolutely everywhere: in bedrooms, in children's rooms, kitchens, workrooms.

Netcreasia purpurea

This plant can be bred in workrooms and offices where frequent scandals occur.


It is good to place in bedrooms, in places of rest. A resting plant, relaxes, leads away from heavy thoughts, creates peace in the soul, goodwill, disposes to daydreaming, romanticism.


Plant-indicator. This amazing and dangerous creeper is able to accumulate both negative and positive energy in itself and live with it for a long time. At a certain moment, this energy is ejected into space, and several times stronger.

If there was a quarrel in the family and the liana absorbed its negative energy, then it will throw out 20 times more negative than it took.

If there is a quick-tempered husband in the family, these vibrations will linger in the house for a long time, which does not bring anything good. If there is peace and prosperity in the family, the liana activates good energies and contributes to further prosperity.

Therefore, the liana can be bred either in a prosperous family, or in institutions, away from workplaces: in the lobby, in the hall, where they do not linger for a long time. It is better to keep at home in the kitchen and away from the bedroom, nursery and places of rest. In the hall you can, but not near the sofa or armchairs.

An exception may be the premises of the church, places near the icons where a person prays, as well as an apartment where a spiritually aspiring person lives.

But do not overestimate yourself: it is not only envy and anger that causes negative energies. Despondency, a feeling of loneliness, melancholy, grief, resentment, laziness - also carry negative energies. If a person is lazy, let him not increase in himself even greater laziness by means of this plant. Etc.

Fat woman (money tree)

Crassula-crassula, which is popularly called both the "money tree" and the "tree of happiness", has a protective power.

Can be used for medical purposes for external use. Crassula juice is good for rubbing tired legs, cracked, sore soles.

Good to keep in the apartment on the window. For the house, it will be a protector tree.

It softens the atmosphere in the family, stabilizes emotions, relieves aggression, tension, normalizes family relations, calms nerves, activates mental activity, and encourages friendly business contacts.

A pot with a fat woman can be successfully placed in the office near the desktop. The fat woman in the bedroom will not interfere, it will calm the nervous system, emotions will lead to normal condition, induces restful sleep.

Fat girl not only good defender at home, not only knows how to relieve the fatigue of the past day, but also arranges all family members in a friendly way.


Ficus usually likes, causes a desire to have this plant. The plant is not aggressive, has a beautiful shape that attracts a person.

Ficus should not be placed in the bedroom, as it causes heavy sleep, headache, and a state of fatigue. Vibrations crush him, do not let him relax.

Ficus should not be placed near a coffee table, near a bed, in any place intended for relaxation.

You can not place the plant at the desktop. The plant causes outbursts of emotions, aggression, although it extinguishes these outbursts, and the person keeps the aggression that has not been thrown out.

It is best to keep the ficus in the foyer, where you looked at the plant and passed by. Or in a room, or in a workroom in a corner where no one is.


The plant is not magical, but no less useful for that. nice flower good natured and attractive appearance.

Admiring the charming blooming fuchsia, you are involuntarily charged with a sense of joy.

It charges a person with optimism, gives rise Have a good mood, vitality and a feeling of joy. Joy, in turn, gives rise to sublime feelings, which are already manifested in combination.

It can cause a person to have some grandiloquence in explanations, but this is very good when a person composes poetry or reads them in front of an audience.

This combination is especially useful for actors, politicians, lawyers, when you need to brilliantly deliver a speech in public and make a favorable impression on it.

For medical purposes, fuchsia is not used as a medicinal plant, except for the healing power of its vibrations for the emotional state of a person. The bright cheerful radiations of the flower will help a person to overcome fatigue more easily, get out of the inhibited state faster, recharge with joyful strength, the desire to live and create.

This plant can be kept everywhere, it is equally useful both on the desktop and in the children's room.

Everyone: both a serious scientist, busy with important research problems, and a small child, busy with no less important things in understanding the world, it will bring satisfaction from its activities.


Protective plant. Energy plant. Gives your positive energy environment.

Haworthia not only protects and guards the good vibrations in the house, but also enhances them and does not allow energy to be scattered.

If such a plant grows poorly, then it gives a large flow of energy to fight against negative influences. These bad energies can be emitted by the person himself, his silent envy, fear, hostility, and also accumulate in the process of open struggle, conflicts, quarrels that can occur in the family or in the work team.

The plant does not have enough strength for its own growth. This amazing plant shows a prime example selfless self-sacrifice for the sake of others. Haworthia is good to put on the desktop, in the kitchen. It gives strength and energy, working and mental activity. A person works easily and productively both at the desktop and in the kitchen. Do not place haworthia in the bedroom and children's room.


The plant is not magical, but a strong energetic. Next to him you are saturated with energy, you feel more confident and stronger, you get a charge of vivacity and optimism. Therefore, you can keep it wherever energy costs are required: at any workplace, in offices, in the kitchen. In bedrooms - not recommended.


The plant is not magical and, one might say, not medicinal. Although one can argue about this, since its strong radiations can successfully raise a person’s vitality, bestow favorable energy on him, and make communication between family members pleasant.

But it does not activate the mental activity of a person, although it can give him the joy of creative work, a good potential for a healthy mood, and work will undoubtedly give a person great pleasure.

Spreading life force around itself, this small plant brings a person the joy of being. It is joy, which is the healing power of this plant. Therefore, the main purpose of this beautiful flower is to bring JOY to a person.

Therefore, it is very useful to keep an epistle in your office and on any desktop.

Perfectly it fits our cramped kitchen facilities, where the hostess will happily cook pies and cook delicious meals for the general pleasure of her family.

A good epic for a hall where family members and their guests will find communication with each other pleasant.

You can place this plant in the bedroom, where the relationship of the spouses will become mutually attractive.

This flower is useful in the children's room. The kid, perceiving his good vibrations, will undoubtedly become more cheerful and cheerful. Although during sleep, the epistle can be removed from the nursery.


Magic plant. Plant-energetic and protector. Enhances activity. Keep in work areas. It is impossible - in places of rest, in bedrooms.


The slogan of this plant, wherever it grows, is comfort and coziness. It attracts attention, creates a cozy, friendly atmosphere at home and at work, softens, defuses a tense atmosphere in the team and family, gives you the opportunity to relax, keeps this comfortable state and does not allow you to completely relax, inclines to hard work. Develops intuitive perception in a person. Therefore, eucharis is indispensable both at home and at work. You can keep it everywhere: in the bedroom, in the office, etc.

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