How to grow peas at home. Growing green peas

Sugar peas are special peas. Everything is edible and tender, there is no waste left. The shells of its beans do not contain the coarse parchment layer found in regular shelled peas.

Sugar peas are highly respected abroad. This is an extremely nutritious vegetable, it has a lot of everything useful and rejuvenating. Anyone who has tried sugar peas at least once will strive to plant it in their beds. But there are some difficulties here. Firstly, the pulp of its pods is extremely tender, so it is easily eaten by slugs. Do not refuse to eat it and earwigs that like to climb inside the pods. And, secondly, in a wet summer, sugar peas are attacked by all sorts of fungal and bacterial diseases - powdery mildew, rot.

Until recently, I had to use most often foreign planting material, which often did not even have names. It was simply indicated on the bag that it was sugar peas, and the parameters of the bush. There are varieties that are very early and undersized - bushes 20–25 cm tall. The harvest ripened almost simultaneously with our early-ripening peeling variety Alpha. There are varieties with a height of bushes from 60 cm to 2 m with wide fleshy pods, but also without a name. Their pods go for a very tasty side dish. There are varieties with increased tenderness of the pulp of the valves - they melt in your mouth. This is written on the bags, although often it is just advertising.

In recent years, our domestic breeders have also been successfully working on breeding new disease-resistant varieties. Dreams - early ripe variety, 50–60 cm high, bean length - 7–8 cm. Beans are shoulder blades, tender and juicy, especially valuable during milky and milky-wax ripeness (however, this applies to all sugar peas). Grasshopper - early ripe variety(49–57 days before the first harvest), plant height - 75–80 cm. Beans 7–9 cm long, medium width, 9–10 peas in a bean, aligned in size. Suitable for freezing. Medovik is an early ripe variety (42–45 days before harvesting), plant height is 90–120 cm. All varieties yield a harvest together. Of the old varieties are good: mid-early Inexhaustible-195; Zhegalova-112 - mid-late variety. Plant height - about 120 cm.

sowing peas

I am a big fan of sugar peas, I have been growing them for many years, trying new varieties, looking for new ways to plant. And I have some observations.

So, seeds sold in bags almost always have low quality, they have a lot of mechanical damage; a lot of feeble and therefore non-sprouting seeds. If the seeds are not treated with some highly poisonous drug (the treated seeds are pink in color, and there is a warning about this), then they are damaged by the caryopsis. Therefore, you should not sow them dry into the ground, so as not to breed on the site of this dangerous pest. It is advisable to first germinate the seeds on a saucer with a damp cloth, as our grandmothers did, in a warm place. Just don't wait for the roots to grow. It is enough for the white sprouts to tear the peel. So there is less chance of damaging them during sowing.

AT last years seeds not treated with pesticides before sowing, I pour very hot water, almost boiling water, and leave for 20-30 minutes. At the same time, their peel swells a little, becomes translucent. Through the peel on the peas, the grain beetles, hidden under the peel, become clearly visible. They sit in depressions in the pulp. Such peas must be destroyed, they still will not sprout. Do soaking in hot water there is another plus - harmful bacteria die, and peas are less likely to rot in the soil after sowing. If the seeds have been in hot water for 20 minutes, you can immediately sow them on permanent place without pre-germination.

Sowing time for peas

sugar peas must be sown in the garden later than ordinary grain peas, because it requires more heat. I never sow sugar peas in the snow, as I usually do with grain peas. I tried, but it didn't work. It is better to sow in the soil, immediately after the onset of warm weather, good term sowing of peas - the beginning of May. More late crops peas, more than two weeks late, often fail. The hot June sun quickly dries up the soil, and putrefactive bacteria work more actively in the heat. As a result, seedlings are very rare. And such peas grow very badly. He seems to feel that he will not have time to ripen before the end of summer. This feeling I got after numerous failures with belated crops of sugar peas.

It is convenient to sow on a bed about 1 m wide, always in rows. So it is easier to care for, loosen the soil, feed. And the plants get more light and air. Between rows I always leave 15–20 cm, between peas - 8–10 cm for tall varieties and 5 cm for short ones. With more dense plantings, plants get sick more often. I water the rows before sowing warm water, lay out the seeds and press them into the earthen gruel to a depth of half a finger. I always cover the crops with a film, under the film I put a newspaper on the crops for shading so that the grains do not burn out in the ground. During the day, crops must be ventilated for at least half an hour, otherwise the seeds may rot. As soon as green spouts come out of the ground, the shelter must be removed. Lay bare branches of shrubs or a layer of thin lutrasil on seedlings - this is from cats, as well as from sparrows, crows and other lovers of spring vitamins. Until seedlings appear, do not allow the soil to dry out. When the seedlings grow to 5 cm, the branches and lutrasil must be removed, and then the twigs should be inserted, for which the seedlings will cling. Later, to tall bushes, it is necessary to put stronger supports.

It is advisable to grow several bushes in the first year, leaving part of the crop for seeds. Their seeds next year will sprout perfectly, they will hurt a little, and even then only in a very damp summer. And the yield from their seeds is much higher.

A good harvest of sugar peas is obtained only on a fertile soil. acidic soil. On lean and acidic soil, all kinds of diseases are intensified. In addition, nitrogen-fixing bacteria are very inactive on such soils. For digging in the spring, it is useful to add 1-2 buckets of well-rotted compost or humus and a glass of ash per 1 sq.m of area. The sowing place should be sunny.

Care is essential. Be sure to water in dry weather, loosen the ground between rows, weed. Before flowering, you can give foliar top dressing potassium permanganate (1 g per 10 l). Pods should be plucked for seeds, when they are poured, their peel becomes thin and begins to turn pale, turn yellow. Seeds must be immediately husked and laid out to dry in one layer, otherwise they will quickly deteriorate.

The harvest of sugar peas is also very dependent on the weather. In warm dry summers good watering it turns out high, in cold summer - low.

Of all the varieties that I tested, the German variety Ambrosia proved to be the most resistant to diseases, early ripening, fruitful, tasty. Bushes up to 60 cm high, abundantly strewn with pods with 10–11 sweet grains. They get sick very rarely. Pods without coarse fibers and without a parchment layer, although not very fleshy. This variety has been in my garden for over 15 years. The remaining varieties can be grown with some difficulty, mainly due to diseases.

In general, the pattern is as follows: the meatier and juicier the sash, than sweeter variety, the more difficult it is to grow, especially in wet summers. Tall varieties go easier than short ones.

Lyubov Bobrovskaya

Peas, delicious product, most loved by children and adults at the time of its milky maturity, can be easily grown on own site without spending a lot of time and effort. Many inexperienced vegetable growers do not know how to properly plant peas and what care details you should know in order to get a tasty and high yield. people have been engaged for a long time, it has been and remains one of the most popular leguminous crops used in food and medicinal purposes. In cooking, peas are an integral component of the first, second courses and the basis of a delicious filling for pies; pea flour has healing properties (for boils and abscesses) and pea decoction (for urolithiasis).

Green peas: growing secrets

How to grow peas at home? There is nothing complicated in this agricultural operation: it is important timely watering, periodic weeding and, of course, correct selection seed material, of which sugar and peeling varieties are the most optimal in terms of their taste and technical qualities. Sugar peas are characterized by a pleasant taste, shelling - by hardness and unpretentiousness in cultivation.

Any agricultural process has its beginning; the same applies to planting peas: it is only important to decide on necessary material, which is peas. How to grow legumes is a secondary issue; they need to be planted first. To do this, you need seeds and landing capacity, under which you can apply Plastic container or wooden box. The soil composition should consist of a third of loosening materials ( sawdust, humus or straw). Planting soil can also be enriched with mineral fertilizers dissolved in water.

Peas: how to grow from seeds

Fruiting of peas lasts for 2 months; collection of ripe pods should be done in the morning. One shoot is able to give about half a kilogram of juicy peas. At the end of fruiting, the legumes are cut.

Peas: how to grow greens

This crop is grown not only for the sake of obtaining beans; juicy greens can replace lettuce leaves, because it contains a sufficient amount beneficial vitamins and biologically active substances. For example, in 100 grams of young peas there is a daily dose of useful for human body vitamin C.

With peas, it is preferable to opt for low-growing varieties that have more juicy leaves compared to cereals. To obtain constantly fresh greens, peas need to be sown in several stages. The coarsened stems are cut, the leaves break off, the plant gives new shoots.

How to grow peas outdoors

Growing peas in open ground similar to home care, the difference is only on a territorial scale, many times greater than the "balcony" option. Seeds are planted in open ground in April-early May (when the ground is still quite wet), seedlings - in late spring. Peas are an excellent predecessor of all, since their roots contain nitrogen enriching the soil.

The seeds are planted in the soil to a depth of 3-4 cm, otherwise the birds will treat themselves with pleasure to the grains. Watering plants should be regular; with a lack of moisture, ovaries and flowers may fall off. Harvesting of peas for grain is carried out once, when the crop is 70% ripe. If the culture is used in fresh or intended for canning, it can be collected many times, every 2-3 days.

Before growing peas in the country, it is better to germinate its seeds, after soaking them for 12-18 hours with a regular change of water every 3-4 hours. You can place the legumes in a damp cloth for several days, which will ensure that the sprouts sprout faster. For suburban or garden plots, you can use tall varieties by adapting supports for them.

There is a little-known tricky agricultural technique that tells you how to grow peas using its combination with other crops. mutually beneficial joint landing plants, in which each of them creates optimal conditions for the qualitative growth of another and obtaining the maximum high yield, is increasingly used by many vegetable growers. So, peas, which enrich the soil with nitrogen, go well with corn, carrots, without competing with them for nutrients from the soil for a reason different terms maturation.

As the saying goes, "What you sow, you will reap." In this article, we will analyze the basis of agricultural technology when sowing peas.

This culture must be sown as early as possible. This old rule, which has been tested over the years, suggests: you need to start with peas (unless, of course, it is included in -:)). Delay in sowing by one day from the optimal (early) period leads to a decrease in the yield of cultivated peas by an average of 1 c/ha, and when sowing late spring and in dry summers - by 1.5-2 c/ha. At the same time, not only the grain yield decreases, but also its quality worsens, the accumulation of protein in the seeds decreases (up to 4%) and, as a result, sharp per hectare of sowing.

Sowing of peas is carried out in 2-4 days. Early and short sowing dates make it possible to more fully use the moisture accumulated in the soil during the autumn-winter season for favorable and plant growth at the beginning of the growing season.

In many regions of the Volga region, 1.0-1.2 million pieces are recommended. seed material per 1 ha. The recommended row spacing for peas is 15 cm. Table 1 shows the seeding rate per 1 running meter to obtain the desired density.

The depth of planting pea seeds in the soil is 6-8 cm. Planting seeds to a depth of more than 10 cm leads to a delay in germination by 1-2 days. With shallow placement of seeds, a significant part of them is placed in the surface, quickly drying up soil layer.

Seedlings, especially during early spring drought, are sparse, and only after past rains do shoots appear from the seeds of the surface layers.

Such crops ripen unevenly, which makes them unsuitable for direct combine harvesting.

Planting seeds when sowing at the recommended depth better provides seedlings with water, and in later phases (3-5 leaves), especially after rainfall, it contributes to the formation of secondary (additional) roots in plants in the area of ​​the supercotyledon (ecotyl).

According to the results of a study by the State Scientific Institution Samara Research Institute of Agriculture of the Russian Agricultural Academy, it was proved that they play a significant role in the formation of the crop, increasing it up to 30%. Finally, it should be added to this that the use of harrowing of pea crops without the risk of damage is possible only if the seeds are planted in the soil at least 5 cm deep.

Combined unit AUP - 18

When using SZ-3.6 seeders for sowing, the operating speed of the unit should be no more than 6 km / h. With an increase in speed, the incorporation of seeds deteriorates significantly, some of them (up to 30%) are carried into the upper layers of the soil. After completion of the sowing of peas, rolling should be carried out. This technique ensures the greatest contact of seeds with moist soil, which ensures friendly and early shoots.

In recent years, at the Samara Research Institute of Agriculture, peas have been sown with a combined unit AUP-18.04, which simultaneously performs pre-sowing cultivation and broadcast sowing with the introduction of starting doses of fertilizers, rolling and leveling the soil surface.

More on the topic:

Botanical characteristics and biological features peas Secrets of growing potatoes from seeds The value of peas as a leguminous crop Peculiarities of cultivation and use in animal feeding of white lupine Agricultural technology for the cultivation of winter rye

Green pods, densely packed with juicy and sweet peas, always attract the eye and whet the appetite. Knowing how to plant peas, you can enjoy plenty of your favorite delicacy from childhood, plucked straight from the beds. Even the absence land plot won't be a problem. The culture is able to grow and bear fruit at home: on the windowsill, glazed loggia or balcony. The technology of its cultivation is quite simple, but it is still necessary to provide certain conditions for its bushes.

Soil and lighting

Peas are a hardy plant. Thanks to minimum requirements culture to the quality, structure and type of soil, it can be successfully bred in almost any garden. Only soils with high level acidity and those that contain a lot of salts. It is sown in such land only after preliminary liming. The right technology cultivation of culture, leading to its high yield, provides for compliance with crop rotation.

Peas develop well in the areas where last season were placed:

  • cucumbers;
  • tomatoes;
  • pumpkins;
  • cabbage;
  • potato;
  • perennial grasses or fodder grasses.

The worst predecessors for it will be plants from the legume family. From the moment of their harvesting, 4 years must pass, only then it will be possible to sow peas in this place.

Fertile loose soils of loamy or sandy loamy type are preferred for cultivation. But even in not very nutritious soil, growing peas will bear fruit if you make a little effort and prepare it for planting. Do it during autumn digging, in front of which superphosphate is scattered over the site. By the time sowing begins, the fertilizer will be distributed in the soil and decomposed into compounds that will be easily absorbed by the pea roots.

It is permissible to transfer the preparation of the site to the spring. But in this case it is better to enrich the soil with organic compounds:

  • humus;
  • rotted manure;
  • mullein;
  • infusion of bird droppings.

It is not necessary to bring fresh manure to the beds in the spring. It is rich in urea, and with an excess of nitrogen in the soil, pea bushes will be powerful and densely leafy, but few flowers and ovaries form on them.

Experienced gardeners advise in the spring, during sowing, to fertilize the beds with mineral preparations, which contain trace elements: copper, boron, molybdenum. Peas can also be soaked in their solution before being placed in the soil. The roots of the plant are powerful, their length reaches 1 m. Therefore, when cultivating a crop on a balcony, planting should be carried out in deep pots. If a ground water located close to the surface of the site, growing peas on it will be difficult. We'll have to pour high ridges for him.

For the landings to bring good harvest they need a lot of light. In dense shade, both on the street and on the balcony, peas will wither, so it is better to choose the sunniest place for it. The beds can be made separate or mixed. In the first case, it will be more convenient to place them along garden paths. This will make harvesting easier. When organizing mixed beds, it is important to remember that peas should not be planted next to others. legumes, as well as with onions, cabbage, tomatoes, potatoes. Many summer residents prefer to sow it near the walls of various buildings or fences. With this method of placing peas, you will not need to worry about supports.

Sowing time

The timing of planting crops in open ground depends on the climate of the area and on when it is planned to harvest. Most early sowing held in the second half of April. By this time, in most regions, the snow is already melting, and the earth dries out and warms up. Pea shoots are not afraid of cold. They calmly endure spring frosts if the temperature does not fall below -6°C. In order for the pea pods to ripen in June or early July, after 15-20 days, the seeds are sown again. And if you make a third landing in last days May, it will be possible to feast on juicy fruits in the middle of summer.

The ideal timing for sowing the crop will help identify daffodils. If they bloom, the time has come.

In the spring, it is better not to be late with planting seeds. If the earth dries out, it will be difficult for seedlings to break through it, they will be weak and uneven. practiced and summer planting peas. It is carried out in June, and if you choose an early ripe variety, then the sowing time will last until July 10.

It is advisable to germinate the seeds before placing them in the ground. They are placed in a cloth, and the resulting bundle is placed in water. After a couple of hours, they take it out and leave the peas to peck. They need 3 to 5 days for this. Moisturize the fabric as it dries. Some gardeners prefer to soak the seeds by pouring water over them. room temperature. It must cover them completely. are holding planting material in liquid 12-18 hours. Water is often changed (every 2-3 hours). There is a faster and less laborious way to prepare seeds - to soak the peas in a solution of a special preparation that stimulates the growth of seedlings. It is enough to keep them in it for 2-3 hours.

Dry planting material is also used. But the result will be better if it is prepared first. The technology is very simple. To process seeds, you need only two components:

  • boric acid;
  • water heated to 40°C.

Peas are dipped into the prepared solution and kept in it for 5 minutes. This procedure is a good prevention against nodule weevil, whose larvae often damage tender seedlings in spring. If the seeds did not germinate, they need to be planted in moist soil. Then the young sprouts will appear from the soil in a week. Dried soil will need to be thoroughly moistened.

Landing features

The sowing scheme depends on how the peas are planted - in rows or along fences. In the first case, the seeds are laid out at intervals of 5-7 cm. Optimal Width row spacing is 15-20 cm. If the peas grow near the fence, it is better to plant it in 2 rows. Between them leave 10-12 cm of free space. Seeds are placed in the ground at a distance of 5 cm from each other. Planting depth should not be large, it is enough to cover the peas with a 2–2.5 cm layer of soil.

Complete sowing by mulching the beds. A layer of compost or dry foliage will protect the seedlings that have not yet grown strong from pests and retain the moisture in the soil necessary for seed germination. Supports for pea bushes are best installed in the spring. Its lashes develop rapidly, and if they have nothing to cling to, the plantings will turn into a continuous carpet that cannot be untangled without damaging the shoots, or will braid neighboring plants. They do not need too high supports, meter ones are enough.

If peas grow at home, on the balcony, a mesh with large cells will provide support. It should be hung over the seedlings when they reach a height of 15-20 cm.

You can grow peas on an insulated balcony all year round. They plant it not only for the sake of fruits. The tops of young plants are rich in vitamins and are added to salads. To obtain it, it is better to purchase seeds undersized varieties crops, their greens are more juicy. Sow them on the balcony little by little, with an interval of 4-5 days. Thanks to this landing fresh herbs in the diet will be constantly. There is another secret. When the main stem of a bush growing on a balcony becomes coarse, it is shortened and the leaves are completely cut off. After a while, young and juicy shoots will appear on it.

Fundamentals of agricultural technology

Growing peas in the country is a fascinating process and not at all complicated. After planting, you need to take care of him minimally:

  • weed;
  • water;
  • loosen;
  • protect from pests.

Young shoots of peas are a delicacy for birds. You can protect plantings from ruin by covering the beds with a fishing net. Peas do not like heat. If the summer turned out to be dry, you will have to moisten the plantings often and abundantly. It is correct to spend 9-10 liters of water per 1 m² of the surface of the beds. Simultaneously with irrigation, top dressing is also carried out, diluting 1 tbsp. l. . After moistening the planting, the soil is mulched.

The friability of the soil determines how much the crop will bring peas. Its roots love to "breathe". It is especially important to get a constant supply of oxygen to young plants. The soil under them is periodically loosened, preventing the formation of a crust, and the bushes can also be spudded. In dense soil, their growth and development slow down. When breeding peas on a balcony, loosening is also indispensable. It will be correct to carry them out after each watering.

On any site, peas, planting and caring for which will allow you to collect useful harvest, will come in handy. It is unpretentious and grows quickly. While others vegetable crops only form ovaries, its ripe pods are already delighting both adults and children with their sweet seeds. After peas, you can plant any plants, on soil enriched with nitrogen, they will be powerful and will bring many fruits.

The technology of its cultivation has been known to mankind since ancient times. Landing will benefit even when the last pods are collected from them. After cutting the tops of peas, they are sent to compost, and the roots extracted from the ground are finely chopped and buried. So it turns out natural and effective fertilizer, which also improves the structure of the soil.

Peas are considered one of the favorite crops grown in the country. He is loved by children and adults. In the open field, with early sowing, spatulas of peas begin to appear soon after radishes, when there are so few vitamins. Peas are a supplier of vegetable protein, and every student knows about it.

In order to classify the numerous forms of this beloved plant, let's try to make a structural classification:

  • appearance;
  • maturation time;
  • agricultural requirements.

by the most unpretentious varieties peas are round small peas, which are called garden, siliculose, round, smooth, peeling by different authors. It is these seeds that are planted first in the cold ground and receive the first harvest. But they will have time to give a delicacy when grown by sowing in mid-July. These varieties are used in industrial production. Rolled up in banks canned peas this is garden peas.

Large peas in the shoulder blades, reaching 12 cm of various, straight, curved, saber-shaped forms, are the face of this culture. True, their cultivation lasts a long time, the most early ripening ones, up to a green shoulder blade, are poured for almost three months, but the taste of peas does not allow anyone to pass by the garden without picking off a few shoulder blades of goodies in passing.

Basic requirement when maintaining this culture, the plant is grown in one place for a season and subsequently returned to this place after 4 years. There is only one reason, not only people love peas, but insects and diseases.

Second requirement spring planting is the development of plants to fruiting at lower temperatures in spring. Peas should be planted 4-6 weeks before the last frost in your area.

Never thicken plantings. The single-row planting scheme indicated in all manuals with seed depth below 3 cm should be observed, otherwise diseases and pests will destroy the crop.

A bed with peas should be located in an open place in the sun without shading. loose earth weed free and plentiful, but no frills, watering will allow you to rejoice in success.

Preparing seeds for sowing

Regardless of whether own seeds are collected or purchased varietal planting material should be carried out pre-sowing treatment. First, we do flotation and separate the damaged peas. One tablespoon table salt dissolve in a glass with a slide cold water if there are few seeds, and we lower the seed. damaged peas pop up, and the rest, healthy seeds, take out and rinse from salt. In the future, they can be treated with a preparation with trace elements, nitrogen and a little, overnight, kept wet for swelling.

If the cultivation of peas in open ground takes place on a country or suburban area the best way to obtain healthy products will be the use of only plant-based biopreparations or the EM-1 Baikal preparation on any crop. Maintaining a garden on biological products throughout the entire period and refusing to mineral fertilizers will make any product from the garden as useful as possible. Productivity is achieved by the absence of diseases, pests and the improvement of the soil, which has everything necessary elements to feed plants without chemical additives.

In case of use in agricultural technology EM-1, except for the separation of benign seed material and swelling during humid environment overnight, no processing is required.

Soil preparation for early sowing

In the cold spring soil goes on with its own life. Almost imperceptible nematodes, larvae of overwintered insects, fleas, have already begun their development, and they want fresh food, which can be a pea that cannot fend for itself. Let's help!

The day before, in the bed prepared since autumn, which is already filled with the necessary compost processed with the help of EM-1, and therefore thawed much earlier than that of the neighbors, we loosen, deepen the grooves to 6 cm and spill hot concentrated solution of potassium permanganate earth. The next day we spread the seeds in loose soil. We fall asleep a groove, mulch to preserve moisture and warming from the nightly cooling of the soil and wait for seedlings.

For a long-term supply of goodies on dinner table sowing is carried out every week until the end of May, one line, only after the first sowing vegetable variety, then you need to sow brain or wrinkled varieties, they are much more productive and taste better than garden peas.

Pea care

Landing Care is regular watering and a garter to a support, although the tendrils of peas themselves do a good job of this task, if they are not thickened and do not cling to each other, falling with their whole mass onto a ridge, where they will surely get sick from the contact of the stems with moist soil.

If the culture is carried out with biological preparations, then once every two weeks the garden should be sprayed from the sprayer in the required dosage. Plants will be healthy. If traditional cultivation, then top dressing with phosphorite flour and potash preparations on lean land will increase the yield. Fat land for peas does not require additional dressings.

Pest control

If, nevertheless, dark or light spots, or a powdery coating appear on the leaves and stems, fungicides will be used, this is a drug that suppresses putrefactive processes that are associated with fungal diseases. And it doesn't matter what it's called. Dampness, dense plantings, prolonged cooling or cold dews are the reason.

If caterpillars appeared in peas, aphids on back side leaves or a weevil bug eats the crop in a race with you, Inta-vir or fitoverm will be used. But also for those who tend the garden traditional way there is bitoxicillin, the processing of which is harmless to humans, and the effect is that females sterilized and do not produce offspring. Use chemicals, and then eating shoulder blades is hardly useful.


As they mature, the pea crop is used at various stages of ripeness:

  • peas per shoulder;
  • technical and milky ripeness;
  • after biological maturation.

At the same time, varieties are used on the shoulder blade that do not have a hard parchment layer in the structure of the pod. When such a blade reaches 5 cm, with undeveloped seeds, peas are suitable for cooking.

Technical and milky ripeness suggests a developed scapula Green colour and poured, closely lying peas. This vit of a commercial product is used both in home cooking and in industrial ways canning and freezing peas. At home, shovels are harvested every four days, in agro-industrial companies, one-time harvesting, after reaching the technical ripeness of 70% of the crop.

Product storage

For winter use a common way is to store the method of conservation of grain of technical ripeness, drying for use as legume ingredients in cooking for making cereals and side dishes. Full set useful elements preserves green peas during storage deep freezing method.

Nodule bacteria

In the process of growing, peas absorb nitrogen from the air and accumulate it in their root part. Therefore, it has a beneficial effect on the restoration of soil fertility. The roots of peas go shallow into the ground and the nodules are visible when the plant is dug up. Phosphorus ions are well absorbed by them from phosphorus flour, and they have this property rare plants. Using pea stalks, if healthy, as compost material is helpful. Saturation of the earth necessary elements does more productive planting other plants in this place in the future.

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