Rare wild plants. The rarest flowers in the world: description, characteristics and features

Found in Gibraltar. Campion has been considered extinct in the scientific community since 1992, since all traces of the existence of this plant have disappeared. Then in 1994, one specimen was discovered by a climber while hiking on the high cliffs of Gibraltar.

Subsequently, the distribution of seeds and samples to the botanical gardens of Gibraltar, as well as the Royal Botanic Gardens in London, took place. But somewhere on the lonely rocks of Gibraltar, rare flowers still grow. Campion is one of the 10 rare flowers in the world.

Jade Vine, a flower known for stunning blue-green, claw-shaped flowers, forms pendulous buds, a color rarely found among other flowers. The flower is pollinated by bats, which have to hang upside down in the air to drink the nectar. Rare flowers can now be found in the wild.

They are believed to be endangered due to deforestation in their natural habitat in the Philippines. Due to their beauty, the flowers are attractive to botanists and bats. Jade Vine is in 9th place among the rare flowers of the world.

8. Parrot beak (Lotus with berthelotii) Parrots beak

Since 1884 it has been classified as an extremely rare flower. The parrot's beak is considered extinct in the wild, although some scientists believe it may still be found in hard-to-reach places natural habitat. The plant grows in the Canary Islands.

It is assumed that it was originally pollinated by sunbirds, which have long since died out. Experiments were conducted to find new pollinators. Since 2008, these experiments have been very successful. For all the efforts made by mankind for the purpose of " domesticate a flower", the parrot's beak is at number 8 on the list of the rarest flowers.

7. Chocolate Cosmos (Cosmos atrosanguineus) Chocolate Cosmos

The flowers are native to Mexico and have been extinct in the wild for over 100 years. The flower is a clone created in 1902 by artificial reproduction. The flowers are a rich dark brown color and reach about 3-4 cm in diameter. As the name suggests, chocolate cosmos exudes a vanilla scent in the summertime. The smell of the flower makes you want to taste the flower, it tastes like chocolate.

Another rare flower from trees in Hawaii. Discovered in 1860, Koki etoo proved difficult to propagate and was declared extinct in 1950. However, 20 years later, the only surviving flower was found, but by a fatal coincidence, it was on the verge of destruction during a fire in 1978. But one of the specimens was saved and inoculated at 23 different trees in different places in Hawaii. The tree grows up to 10-11 meters tall and has hundreds of bright, red flowers.

5. Kadupal flower (Epiphyllum oxypetalum) Kadupal Flower

The flower is easy to grow, but blooms extremely rarely. Found in Sri Lanka in the wild and has spiritual significance for Buddhists. When the flowers bloom, and they bloom only at night and then mysteriously wither at dawn, according to the Buddhists, it is the Nagas (semi-mythical tribes of Sri Lanka) who descend from the heavenly abodes and present the flowers as a gift to the Buddha. The flowers are very fragrant and produce delicate, white flowers. The flower has a rich history in Japan, where the name can be translated as “ beauty under the moon.”

4. Ghost orchid (Epipogium/Dendrophylax lindenii) Ghost orchid

Not only rare but also fascinating, the Ghost Orchid has been thought to be extinct for 20 years and has only recently been discovered. The plant is so unique that it is almost impossible to propagate. It has no leaves and does not use photosynthesis to produce life-sustaining products. The need of this flower is close contact with the root system of other plants for nutrition.

The ghost orchid can live underground for many years and is only found in forests in Cuba and Florida. Flowers exude magical scents and bloom from June to August. They can only be pollinated by moths, provided that the seeds have landed on certain moss. The flower is very selective to the conditions of existence. The ghost orchid is number 4 on the list of rare flowers.

3. Venus slipper (calceolus) lady slippers

Rare wild orchid. Found in Europe. The lady's slipper now grows in the UK, but only in one specific place: on the golf course. Protected by the police since 1917 in order to keep people away. One copy can sell for $5,000. The seeds of the flower provide nourishment for the growing plants and therefore the flower lives in symbiosis with the specific type of fungus that feeds it. For its rarity and symbiosis with fungi, the yellow-purple lady's slipper is on the list at number 3.

2. Youtan Poluo

Discovered by a Chinese farmer named Mr. Dean. He found it growing in steel pipe, and then a Chinese monk named Lushan discovered this flower growing under washing machine. Mysterious Youtan Poluo has a scientific name which consists of 28 letters. White fragrant flowers have a size of 1mm.

The flower is mentioned in Indian mythology and it is believed that it blooms when the sage-king makes a visit to our world. In Sanskrit, the name means " auspicious flower from heaven". The flower is mentioned in Buddhist scriptures. Botanical experts say the flower only blooms once every 3,000 years. Youtan Poluo- quite interesting. It is number 2 in the list of rare flowers.

1. Rafflesia (Amorphophallus titanic) corpseflower

Native to Sumatra, the rare and striking plant has flowers that reach 2m in height and a meter in diameter. The flower is found in tropical forests in Indonesia. Another name - Corpse flower. It emits a pungent smell of rotten flesh, which attracts flies and beetles for subsequent pollination. The flower blooms for about a week.

The flora of Russia, for many reasons, is getting poorer every year. Fortunately, there are various botanical gardens, arboretums, nature reserves and reserves. In total, there are more than 300 of them on the territory of the Russian Federation, and all of them are different in area - from several hectares to several hundred thousand hectares. What plants are the rarest in Russia and require such careful protection?

Fine-leaved peony

This flower is significantly different from all the usual garden species. The plant has leaves strongly divided into needle-shaped lobes. The flowering period begins in May, lasts no more than ten days. But even after that, the plant retains the freshness of its foliage until the end of summer.

Rhodiola rosea

Rhodiola rosea (also known as golden root or rose root) - perennial herbaceous plant fat family. Included in the Red Book of the Russian Federation. The plant received the name "golden root" by the rhizome, which has the color of bronze or old gilding with a mother-of-pearl sheen.

Anemonastrum permian

Perm anemonastrum or Perm anemone is a plant species listed in the Red Book of the Middle Urals. The genus name comes from Greek word anemos - "wind". Herbaceous perennial plant of the buttercup family, up to 65 cm tall. The stems, like the leaves, are covered with dense, horizontally protruding, slightly downwardly deviated hairs. Flowers 2-3 cm in diameter, tepals elliptical, white. The fruits are about 7 mm long.

yellow water lily

The yellow water lily got its name from its closest relative, the white water lily. It grows in water, in shallow water, and its leaves are both on the surface and under water. Officially, a yellow water lily is called a capsule for its fruit. The capsule blooms from the last days of May until August with large, yellow, almost spherical flowers. The flower is plucked both for bouquets (but in vain - the flower does not stand in a vase), and as medicinal product(The properties of the capsule are also recognized by official medicine).

lily saranka

Lily saranka (curly, badun, oil, royal curls) - lovely snow-white, lilac or pink, with dark dots, flowers with beautifully curved petals, blooming in June-July. The steppes and forest-steppes of Siberia are considered the birthplace of this variety of lily. There is a legend that the flower gives the warriors strength of mind, courage, courage and stamina. It is beautiful in bouquets, and its tubers are considered edible. Besides beauty, it also has many medicinal properties.

Dolomite bell

Dolomite bell is a flower that grows only in Russia, in Kabardino-Balkaria, Ingushetia, Dagestan, North Ossetia, Chechen Republic. It has very beautiful white flowers, up to 4 cm, located on long peduncles. The dolomite bell is torn off because of its decorative appearance, and its number is also sharply reduced due to the laying of roads and other construction works at the place of its growth.

Dactylorhiza spotted

Dactylorhiza spotted (or speckled) - belongs to the orchid family, is found on the territory of Russia in the European part, but very rarely. In May-June bloom on racemose inflorescences purple flowers surrounded by spotty leaves. Powder from dried tubers has an anti-inflammatory, enveloping, tonic and softening effect.

Iris yellow

Iris yellow (false calamus, marsh, water) - grows in the European part of Russia, along the damp banks of lakes and rivers, in swampy meadows. On a branched stem, light yellow flowers with an orange center grow in bunches of 3-8 pieces. Essential oil is produced from yellow iris, which is used in perfumery, and dried rhizomes, which have a pleasant violet aroma, are used in confectionery, in the production of wines, liqueurs and other drinks.

Gastrodia high (pot-bellied)

This is an extremely rare perennial plant from the orchid genus. Gastrodia is on the verge of extinction, therefore it has long been listed in the Red Book. It is interesting for its unusual appearance: its stems reach 1 meter, while they do not have leaves. It blooms with beautiful large flowers collected in brushes, the length of which reaches 15-20 cm. In autumn, fruits appear - boxes filled with seeds.

Slipper large-flowered

Lady's slipper, lady's slipper, lady's slipper - all these are the names of one plant. This orchid can still be found in Siberia, in not dense coniferous or birch forests. The flowers are very attractive. Locals collect them for bouquets, dig up roots for further cultivation in their areas.

Krasodnev yellow

Krasodnev yellow blooms with large bright yellow fragrant flowers, shaped like a funnel. Because of attractive appearance flowers and healing properties, it is actively harvested by digging up the roots. Traditional medicine uses the plant to treat heart disease and liver disease. An infusion of roots will help get rid of pain in the epigastric region. Taken with fever, rheumatism, jaundice. From the roots, medicines are prepared for the treatment of gynecological diseases. Compresses are made from the decoction for the treatment of abscesses and tumors.

Kandyk Siberian

beautifully blooming bulbous plant. From mid-spring, April-May, drooping, pink-purple bells appear on its stems. It grows in the Siberian region of Russia. Its bulbs are edible and can be eaten raw or fried, or baked over a fire like a potato. In addition to nutritional properties, the plant is medicinal. A decoction of it is used as a tonic, stimulant. Compresses from fresh leaves treat tumors and ulcers. Also, traditional medicine uses it as an emetic or antidote.

Violet incised

One of the most beautiful flowering plants. This violet with beautiful flowers that adorn purple corollas grows in meadows and coniferous edges. It can also be found on the banks of rivers or rocky slopes. This flower is propagated by seeds that do not ripen every season. Therefore, the plant has become very rare and is listed in the Red Book of Russia.

Incredible Facts

How many rare, disappearing and disappeared beautiful wild flowers in the world. The reason why these flowers bear such a title is that a person often cannot live in complete harmony with nature.

For example, he builds dams, dams that impede the movement of a particular river.

As a result, specific frogs or fish species are also limited in movement, as a result of which a particular bird species does not get the food it needs in the right amount and does not pollinate desired flower which eventually leads to the extinction of the plant.

This is just one of the scenarios for the development of events, of which there are actually many, since history is filled with hundreds of similar cases. Regardless of what makes them a rare species, the plants below are extremely rare, so not everyone gets the chance to see them.

10. Emerald Vine Flower (Strongylodon macrobotrys)

The emerald vine flower is a rare species of woody vine native to the native rainforests of the Philippines. This plant belongs to the legume family. The flowers of the plant are collected in large brushes, hanging from vines, which can reach a length of about three meters. The color of the flower can vary from blue-green to bright saturated green. They are usually pollinated the bats however, it has proven to be very difficult for the species to reproduce due to habitat destruction and a decline in natural pollinators.

9. "Corpse" flower

8. Smolevka (Silene Tomentosa)

This plant is especially rare and is found only on the high cliffs of Gibraltar. The flower was considered extinct by the entire scientific community back in the 1980s, however, specialists from the Gibraltar Botanical Reserve found out that several specimens still live in nature. Unfortunately, by 1992 all traces of the plant had disappeared and it was declared extinct. In 1994, one specimen was discovered by a climber on inaccessible rocks and the species was brought back to life. It has been "propagated" in the laboratory and the seeds have been planted in the Gibraltar Botanical Gardens as well as the Royal Botanic Gardens in London.

7. Franklin Tree (Franklinia alatamaha)

This tree is part of the "tea" family, however, it is the only representative of its kind, as well as a very rare flowering plant. The tree was native to the Altamaha River Valley in Georgia, however, since the early 19th century it has been declared extinct in the wild. In fact, today we only know about this tree thanks to the Bartram family, who were avid gardeners and grew it to extinction in the wild. A miniature tree plant that blooms with white flowers and whose leaves turn bright red in autumn, is currently a popular ornamental plant. All "examples" of the tree that exist today come from one of the plants grown by the Bartram family.

6 Pigeon Beak (Lotus berthelotii)

This beautiful flower It received endangered status in 1884. It is believed that in the wild it has completely disappeared, however, it is possible that a few individuals still survived. This amazing plant grew in the Canary Islands, and was originally pollinated by insects that have long since died out. This probably explains the rarity of this plant. Experiments have been carried out to find new pollinators for the plant, but since 2008, not a single new flower has appeared in the wild. The pigeon's beak, however, is grown by gardeners, so if desired, anyone can take possession of this beautiful plant.

5. Cosmos "chocolate" (Cosmos atrosanguineus)

This Cosmos plant, which ranges in color from red to brown, is native to Mexico. Unfortunately, it was thought to be extinct in the wild for over a hundred years. Today, the species survives in the form of one infertile "clone", which appeared in 1902 as a result of vegetative propagation. The flowers of the plant grow to about 3-4 cm in diameter and have a color from dark red to brown. IN summer period they smell like vanillin, which also makes it a wonderful ornamental plant.

4. Koki (Kokai cookei)

This is very rare tree living in Hawaii. It was discovered in 1860, since then only three of its specimens have been found in the wild. It was very difficult for the tree to spread, and by 1950, after the death of the last tree, it was considered extinct. In 1970, the only specimen left in the wild was discovered, which, unfortunately, burned down in 1978. But, fortunately, one of the branches of the tree was saved, which was grafted and from which 23 trees planted in different places in Hawaii have now been able to grow. Koki is a small tree that grows to a height of 10-11 meters, its peculiarity lies in the fact that hundreds of bright red flowers grow on an adult tree every year.

3. Yellow and purple lady's slipper (Cypripedium calceolus)

This is an extremely rare type of wild orchid found in Europe. The only specimen of this orchid in the UK, which was previously very common, has now been under strict protection since 1917. The cuttings of this orchid sell for $5,000, however, the plant is extremely difficult to propagate. Its seeds cannot feed on their own, so they often live in symbiosis with a certain type of fungus that provides it with the nutrition it needs until the leaves of the plant are able to feed themselves. There are many types of Venus slipper which are very rare. This particular type has dark purple or red stamens surrounded by bright yellow colored petals.

2. Spirit Orchid (Epipogium aphyllum)

The spirit orchid is a very rare plant that was considered extinct for almost 20 years, only recently "raised its head" again. The plant is so rare, mainly because it is extremely difficult for it to reproduce. The plant does not have leaves, it does not depend on photosynthesis, it does not feed itself. As with the lady's slipper, this orchid needs close contact with the root system of a special fungus to nourish it. The orchid spirit never grows leaves, so it is dependent on the fungus throughout its life. This plant can grow underground for years without showing any "signs of life", and will bloom only when all conditions are created for this. This explains why some enthusiasts have been looking for this flower for many years.

1. Middlemist red (Middlemist camellia)

This is the rarest flower in the world. To date, only two specimens of this plant have survived. One of them is in a garden in New Zealand, the other is in a greenhouse in the UK. The plant was originally brought to Britain from China by John Middlemist in 1804. Since then, it has not been found anywhere else in China. In Great Britain the flower remained barren for many years, and only in Lately flowers appeared. The flowers have a bright pink color and are very similar to roses.

There are a number of unique and rare flowers in the world, scattered throughout the world, which have managed to attract the interest of both gardeners and botanists. These exotic and expensive flowers include all kinds of flora, revealing to our eyes how diverse and different evolutionary paths can be from each other. The unusual flowers that we will tell you about below are sure to intrigue you and may even help you reconsider how well aware you are of the mysteries and oddities of the natural world. From Tacca Chantrier to Kokii Kuki, below are twenty-five rare flowers whose beauty is astonishing.

25. Youtan Poluo

It is believed that the Yutan Poluo flower blooms every three thousand years and is directly associated with Buddhism. However, researchers have questioned the authenticity of this claim. According to the myth, every three thousand years the heyday of Yutang Poluo marks the birth of a future king or the reincarnation of the Buddha. Be that as it may, Yutan Poluo is extremely a rare flower.

24. White Lotus (White Lotus)

The white lotus is also called the Egyptian white water lily or tiger lotus. This representative of the Kuvshinkov family grows in various parts South-East Asia and East Africa. float on the water with the support of large floating sheets. The white lotus is also a popular flower for ponds and aquariums.

23. Snowdonia Hawkweed

One of the world's rarest flowers, the Snowdon hawkweed was rediscovered in 2002 on a mountainside in Wales, decades after botanists thought it had disappeared. This unique flower was last seen in 1953. Since then, it was believed that these flowers were destroyed by sheep. Fortunately, this turned out not to be the case.

22. Shenzhen Nongke Orchid

The Shenzhen Nongke orchid is a flower that has been completely bred by man. It got its name from the group that conducted the experiment. It took researchers eight years to grow and observe this flower. These flowers are sold for very high price, approximately 170,000 euros. The price is determined not only by the rarity of this flower, the complexity of its cultivation and its history, but also by its appearance. This orchid blooms every four to five years and, in addition to its beautiful appearance also has a pleasant taste.

21. Asian Barringtonia (Sea Poison Tree)

Barringtonia asiatica is a large tree that grows on sandy and rocky shores and has large leaves that grow like roses at the ends of the branches. Young leaves have a beautiful bronze color with pinkish veins. Older leaves turn yellowish. The flowers are delightful fluffy balls of white stamens tipped with pink. They open at night and attract large moths and bats feeding on nectar with their rich smell.

20. Nepentes Attenborough (Attenborough's Pitcher Plant)

This rare flower, which can be seen in the Philippines, has a very interesting history his discoveries. It was discovered during a two-month expedition to the heart of the jungle on several islands. It was opened by Stewart McPherson, Volker Heinrich and Alastair Robinson. This discovery was an astonishing find, as the purpose of the expedition was to compile a list of various plants of the Nepentaceae family endemic to the Philippines, to which Nepenthes Attenborough now belongs. The flower was named after British broadcaster and naturalist Sir David Attenborough. In view of his fascination with various representatives of the Nepentovs, this tribute certainly hit the mark.

18. Night Blooming Cereus

The night blooming Echinocereus, one of the strangest flowers in the desert, is a member of the cactus family that looks like nothing more than a withered bush for much of the year. It is very difficult to see it in the wild due to its inconspicuousness. However, every year, at midnight on one of the summer nights, this delicately scented flower opens and then closes forever at the first rays of the sun.

17. Middlemist Red (Middlemist Red)

Middlemist red, which was brought to the UK two hundred years ago from China when flowers were a luxury in Europe, is one of the rarest flowers in the world. It grows in only two places - in a greenhouse in the UK and in one garden in New Zealand.

16. Eustoma (Lisianthus)

Eustomas are large, gentian-like flowers that are shaped like bells. They have a purple color and are found exclusively in the southern United States, Mexico, the Caribbean and the northern part of South America. They bloom in summer from the upper leaf axils and come in a variety of colors including white, various shades pink, lavender, dark purple. They can also be two-tone, such as violet-blue.

15. Orchid lady's slipper (Lady's Slipper Orchid)

The lady's slipper orchid is characterized by slipper-shaped pockets on the flower itself, which serve as a way to catch insects that have to crawl over the stamens located behind, collecting or leaving behind pollen and thus pollinating the flower. Today, this orchid is considered the rarest orchid in the UK, as well as the most expensive flower in this region.

14. Kokia Cookei

Kokia Kuka is considered to be one of the rarest endangered flowers in the world. It was discovered in the 1860s in the western part of Molokai by Mr. Meyer. In 1970, one plant of this species was found in his residence on Molokai. It was thought to be the surviving remnant of a previously cultivated plant. However, in 1978, a fire destroyed the last remaining root of the Kokii Kuki plant. Fortunately, before the fire engulfed the plant, a branch was taken from it, from which it was later taken similar view Waimea Arboretum (Waimea Arboretum). To date, Kokiya Kuka exists in the form of approximately twenty-three grafted plants.

13. Kadupul Flower

Another rare and beautiful flower called Kadupul is found in Sri Lanka. This is a white-yellow flower, the diameter of which ranges from ten to thirty centimeters. The flower exudes a very pleasant aroma. Kadupul is a member of the cactus family and its scientific name is Epiphyllum oxypetalum.

12. Large-handed Strongylodon (Jade Vine)

Westerners first saw Strongylodon largecarpus in 1854. It was discovered by botanists who were members of the US Wilkes Exploring Expedition. They were exploring a dipterocarp forest near Mount Makiling on Luzon, the largest and northernmost island in the Philippines, when they spotted Strongylodon large. Today, this flower is considered one of the rarest in the world.

11. Hydrangea (Hydrangea)

There are hydrangeas different types- blooming in the daytime and blooming at night. They are huge bouquets of clusters of flowers, varying in shape from globular inflorescences to flat inflorescences known as lace cap. These plants bloom all summer and fall. Types of hydrangeas vary in size and shape of flowers, as well as in color and flowering period. The only problem is that they are too expensive for the average person who has to pay a bunch of bills.

10. Golden Parrot's Beak Lotus

Lotus vine or "Golden Parrot's Beak" is drooping, tender perennial plant from the Canary Islands, which is most often grown as an annual plant. The flower is famous for its bright golden yellow flowers with orange or red tips. They bloom from late spring to early summer and sometimes again in early autumn when temperatures are cooler than in summer.

9. Gold of Kinabalu Orchid

Orchid "Gold Kinabalu" is also known as Rothschild's Slipper (P. rothschildianum). This type of orchid is endangered. It can take up to fifteen years for it to bloom. This rare orchid can be identified by the petals it holds horizontally in the form of six large flowers. This orchid is considered the most expensive in the world.

8. Gibraltar Campion

This magnificent flower is considered one of the rarest in the world and is found on the high cliffs of Gibraltar. The plant was thought to be extinct outside of Gibraltar starting in the late 1970s, and by 1992 all traces of it had disappeared and it was officially declared extinct. However, in 1994, hikers on the rocks of Gibraltar found a single specimen and its egg was donated and propagated at the Millennium Seed Bank. Now this plant grows in botanical gardens Alameda of Gibraltar and the Royal Botanic Gardens in London.

7Ghost Orchid

The ghost orchid is quite possibly the most revered orchid in the US, if not the world. Its habitats and the stories surrounding it are shrouded in mystery. The ghost orchid was discovered by Jean Jules Linden in Cuba in 1844. Fifty years later, the same plant was discovered on the subtropical peninsula of Florida.

6. Gloriosa (Flame lily)

Gloriosa, also known as Gloriosa superba, is climbing plant with stunning red and yellow flowers. However, it is worth remembering that all parts of the flower, especially the tubers, are very poisonous and can lead to death if eaten.

5. Amorphophallus titanic (Corpse Flower)

Amorphophallus titanic is a flower that exudes the smell of rotting flesh, hence its alternative name "corpse flower". Amorphophallus titanic attracts mainly pollinators such as scavenger flies and gravedigger beetles. Some species may temporarily hold insects to allow the collection and transfer of pollen.

4. Chocolate Cosmos

Believe it or not, this one is exactly what its name implies - a chocolate-scented flower. Chocolate cosmos is a very rare and delicate tuber-rooted perennial plant that is endemic to Mexico.

3. Saffron (Saffron Crocus)

Saffron, unknown in the wild, comes from the plant Crocus cartwrightianus, which is native to Crete in Greece. Saffron is an extremely rare flower that produces an even rarer (and more expensive) spice of the same name. Although the plant is cultivated in Greece, the spice gradually gained popularity throughout Eurasia and was even introduced to parts of North Africa, North America and Oceania.

2. Tacca Chantrier (Black Bat Flower)

Tacca Chantrier is a species of flowering plant in the Dioscoreaceae family. This plant is unusual in that its flowers are black in color. These flowers are shaped like bats. Their diameter is approximately 30 centimeters and they have long "antennae", the length of which can reach 70 centimeters. These are rumored to be Batman's favorite flowers. Liked the post? Share with your friends! :)

There are hundreds of thousands of species on Earth variety of plants. Some of them are found everywhere, some are common in a certain climate zone, but there are also those that are a great success to find. In this article, we will talk about the rarest flowers in the world.

Lychnis of Gibraltar

Surprisingly, not even all the inhabitants of Gibraltar knew about this plant until 1994. Even science community other countries considered it extinct. The Gibraltar Volunteer Botanical Society saw it in 1985, but by 1992 it was also declared extinct. However, in 1994 Lychnis was again found in nature. In addition to being of great importance to preserve its population, it was an ideal opportunity for the development of the community. The discovery of a "possibly extinct" flower has been made public. The cuttings were sent to Kew for cloning.

As a rule, such discoveries do not go to the general public, they receive a maximum of notes in a scientific journal. But a fuss immediately arose around Lychnis, everyone wrote about him without exception printed editions. The nerds have been interviewed on television and radio; directors made documentaries. Soon these rare flowers became famous all over the world. It is noted that nowhere else in the world could one find cuttings of Lychnis of Gibraltar.

Even a sophisticated plant specialist cannot but be struck by this miracle of nature - a flower belonging to the legume family and growing mainly in the tropics (Hawaii, Philippines). Also, the plant can be found in some greenhouses or botanical gardens. The first thing that catches your eye when looking at it is the delightfully beautiful inflorescences of a bluish-green hue, like that of a jade stone.

The plant is a large vine up to twenty meters high.

The most amazing feature of the Jade Brush is that its flowers glow in the dark. This has a practical purpose - it attracts bats, the main pollinators of the vine. Inside the flower there is a "box" with delicate seeds, but not every gardener will be able to grow an exotic handsome man in his area, since the seeds lose their germination very quickly. If you still managed to do this, you need to provide the Jade brush with proper care - a large number of bright light and plenty of moisture.

lady's slipper

According to legend, the goddess of beauty Venus once walked through the northern forests. Tired of walking, she sat down to rest and took off her shoes, and then forgot them in the clearing. These shoes became a flower called the lady's slipper. Indeed, this beautiful color resembles shoes in shape, and two long petals are silk ribbons. This plant has more than a hundred species, they are all similar in shape, but may differ in color - from green to purple.

The Slipper is protected from herbivores by burning juice - however, this liquid is not dangerous for humans at all, on the contrary, it is used for medical purposes. On the territory of Russia, this plant cannot be found; it grows in the mountainous parts of China, Mongolia, and South America. Recently, the flower can be called cultural, people were finally able to grow it on their own. The main thing is that the place is protected from aggressive sunlight and strong winds, well-fertilized soil containing charcoal, moss and other components.

Bright inflorescences always attract a lot of bees

This is one of the most mysterious representatives of the Orchid family, as well as one of the rarest flowers on Earth. It is believed that it comes from Africa, but somehow got into North America and took root there.

The name "ghost" is due to the fact that the flower is very difficult to notice in the jungle: it is a plexus of thin long petals and roots of white, almost transparent color.

The orchid does not begin to bloom until a few years after the seed has germinated: by then the size of the roots will have increased enough to nourish the flower. At the end of winter or with the onset of spring, thin, wire-like flower stalks begin to appear from a short stem.

They are very durable, and reach a length of 25 centimeters. With the advent of a flower, they begin to bend beautifully under its weight. When all the flowers bloom at the same time, the plant looks incredibly spectacular.

Rafflesia grows on the island of Sumatra and looks quite impressive: fleshy bright red petals covered with raised spots. However, the plant blooms for only a couple of days and dies if it is not properly pollinated during this period. Otherwise, a large and hard fruit is formed, tightly stuffed with tiny seeds. Further, the fruits are crushed by large animals (usually elephants) and carried on their feet around the neighborhood.

Rafflesia is remarkable in size: the diameter can reach a meter, and the weight is seven kilograms.

It's amazingly beautiful exotic plant belongs to the tea shrub family. The flower has dense leathery leaves and rather large round inflorescences. In the wild, specimens of this camellia can be found in Malaysia and Japan, so this variety is also called Japanese camellia. Petals can be not only red, but also other shades, as well as terry to the touch. In Chinese traditional medicine Camellia flowers are used to prevent cancer. The plant also has tonic and astringent properties.

Flowering usually occurs from October to March, resulting in the formation of fruits in the form of boxes.

Basically, this unusual plant can be found in the Canary Islands. According to the name, its shape strongly resembles the shape of a parrot's beak. Since 1884, the flower has been extremely rare, even considered extinct for some time, although many scientists disagreed with this.
To date, the plant is bred only in artificial conditions. Previously, it was pollinated by nectary birds, which also disappeared from the face of the Earth. This led to a reduction in the flower population. Experiments were carried out to find another pollinator, but so far it has not been found.

Botanists tried to return the Parrot's Beak to the open spaces wildlife but nothing came of it

This rare tree with beautiful flowers is found only in the Hawaiian Islands. By the time it was discovered in 1860, only three units remained. It's all about the whimsicalness of Kokyo and the difficulty of its distribution. In 1950 academia recognized the flower as extinct, since the last copy died in the greenhouse. By a lucky chance, we managed to save one branch of the plant, which was brought to Hawaii and planted. So now Koki is growing there, although not very actively.

See beautiful view a tree showered with bright red flowers is available only to a select few

There are more than ninety species of insectivorous plants in the sundew order, of which the Cape sundew is the rarest. It has many beautiful and attractive flowers for insects, and the leaves are quite large, narrow and reminiscent of a cobweb. The liquid secreted by the plant is capable of digesting many protein compounds, leaving only chitinous shells from flying victims. Sundew receives many useful substances from insects - phosphorus, magnesium, nitrogen.

The need to feed on insects is associated with growing on fairly poor soil.

Franklin flower

This plant from the tea family, originally from the US state of Georgia, is known for its delightful white flowers with an enchanting aroma. It was discovered in 1765 by American scientists. Twenty years later the flower was described as the new kind, referred to as "Alatamaha Franklinia". Even then, he was declared endangered.

All specimens that exist today are derived from a single plant found by pioneer scientists. As you can see, even in such developed countries as the United States, the plant and animal world is sometimes oppressed, albeit unconsciously.

Plant named after Benjamin Franklin

Such an unusual name is herbaceous flower growing in Mexico and Latin America. At the very beginning of the 1990s, it was considered irretrievably lost, but in 1902, a few seeds were still obtained, as a result of which the plant became widespread over time, especially among gardeners. However, the seeds will have to pay a considerable amount. The most striking thing about these flowers is the strong distinct aroma of vanilla and chocolate. It was he who almost killed the plant when everyone who was not lazy began to pluck it.

In addition, chocolate space is quite whimsical, it reacts especially badly to temperature changes and has a low percentage of germination.

In Mexico, you can find cultivated plantings of flowers, but there are no more wild-growing specimens

But this plant, on the contrary, is so unpretentious that it can take root almost anywhere. It was first discovered by a Chinese farmer inside water pipe which he cleared. In fact, this flower does not require soil at all, as long as it is solid and relatively Smooth surface. Now Yutan Poluo is considered important element Buddhism.

Yutan Poluo blooms only once every three thousand years

There is an expression: flowers are what is left of paradise on Earth. Indeed, these beautiful plants seem to be born in the Gardens of Eden to please the eye. The only sad thing is that sometimes rare plants are due to human error.

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