Peas sugar planting and care. Ways to control pests and diseases

It's hard to find a plot these days that doesn't grow peas. about taste and beneficial features Everyone knows this culture, which is why adults and children love it so much. Also, like beef, it contains a huge amount of vegetable protein, which is much easier to digest. Fresh, green peas includes vitamins of groups B, PP, C, carotene, phosphorus, iron, and lysine. For people who suffer from cardiovascular diseases, eating peas is a must, especially since this plant does not require much space to grow (it can also be planted along the fence). This article presents the basic rules for the care and planting of peas in open ground.

Peas: characteristics of culture

Many people are still wondering: are peas legumes or not? It really belongs to the legume family, other information is erroneous. The branching stems of the plant reach 250 cm. The stem is hollow, and the leaves are pinnate, compound. Petioles, on which there are antennae, cling to the support, and thus keep the culture in vertical position. Pea root has a deep structure. Flowers are usually white color, but there are also purple ones. Due to the ability to self-pollinate, they bloom 45-55 days after sowing. In early varieties of peas, at the first flowering, you can see 7-8 leaves from the sinus, and up to 24 leaves - in late varieties.

New flower stalks appear every two days. The characteristic of peas cannot do without a description of the fruit. They are beans, and depending on the plant variety, they have different shape and color. The beans contain up to 10 wrinkled or smooth seeds and are the same color as the skin of the pod. During the growth of the plant, beneficial bacteria develop on its roots, and nitrogen appears, which the pea absorbs from the atmosphere (this is how it nourishes the soil).

Choosing a place for planting peas in the garden

Peas are picky about the planting site, so the cultivation of this crop should begin with its choice. When choosing a site, you should pay attention to the soil, plant neighbors, lighting, heat, and climatic conditions.

Climatic conditions for growing peas

In order for the sowing pea to develop well, it is important to create suitable conditions for it. The plant loves moisture very much, therefore, in order for the seeds to swell evenly and friendly shoots appear, peas must be planted early in moist soil. Thanks to a large number precipitation, the plant grows faster and yields increase. During the period of bud ripening and flowering, moisture is especially needed. If there is not enough water, the plant drops ovaries and flowers.

However, peas do not like it if the groundwater is too high. It is ready to endure a short drought, as the pea's strong root system uses moisture from deep soil layers. Peas are unpretentious to heat and seeds germinate at a temperature of +5°C. Seedlings are able to tolerate frosts down to -6°C, and the optimum temperature for the formation of plant ovaries is +13...+15°C, for the growth of beans - from +17 to +22°C.

What kind of soil do peas like

Peas love when the soil is well-cultivated and sufficiently moist. If the selected soil for planting is acidic, then it must first be limed. This will require 300 g of slaked lime or 400 g of dolomite flour per 1 m². An ideal planting site would be humus-rich loam, as well as well-fertilized, moist soil.

Best Pea Neighbors

Before planting pea seeds, keep in mind that previous plants that grew in the same place have a rather strong effect on the yield. It is best to plant the described crop after potatoes, carrots, beets, cucumbers, tomatoes, pumpkins.

Important! After other legumes, such as beans, lentils, soybeans, peanuts, planting peas in this area is not worth it.

You should not return peas to the place where they grew last year, as there is a high probability of damage to the plant by diseases and pests, therefore possible dates planting peas in the same area - not earlier than in 3-4 years.

Features of planting peas at their summer cottage

To properly plant peas, and he brought big harvest, first you need to preparatory work. They consist of soil preparation, seed preparation and planting itself.

How to prepare the soil for planting peas

When preparing the soil, it should first be leveled and watered well, and before direct landing peas - moisten again. Further, in the soil it is necessary to make grooves 6 cm deep, keeping the distance between the beds at least 20 cm.

Important! The time for planting peas does not have strict restrictions, but experienced gardeners recommend planting a crop when the weather is warm, that is, closer to May.

Preparing peas for planting

Before planting a plant, you also need to know how to choose the right pea seeds. Please note that only high-quality, healthy seeds are required for planting. Frail, diseased and infected with pea weevil specimens should not be planted.

Did you know? For the convenience of selecting high-quality seeds, they can be placed in a saline solution and only those that have sunk to the bottom are selected. saline solution it is done quite simply: 1 tablespoon of salt per 1 liter of water.

Since you need to germinate pea seeds before planting, you will need to follow a few more simple steps. After selecting the seeds, they should be soaked in warm water and leave to swell for 16 hours, changing the water every three hours. After soaking the seed material, it is dried to a loose state.

How to sow peas

Peas do not require the use of any special agricultural techniques and the planting scheme is quite simple. Before placing the seed material in the ground, furrows 6-7 cm deep should be made in the beds. The distance between them should be 45-55 cm. A mixture of compost and ash is placed in each furrow, then all this is sprinkled with earth, but so that the depth of the pit remains 2-3 cm. For one meter of furrow, 17-18 seeds are required, so the distance between pea seeds will be up to 6-7 cm. Next, the seed pit must be tightly sprinkled with earth, which will help retain moisture.

Did you know? You will not see how pea seeds germinate, but the first shoots will appear in 7-10 days.

Pea cultivation technology, plant care features

Proper care of peas is no less important than proper fit. Watering, loosening the soil, fertilizing, tying bushes - all this undoubtedly affects the yield of the crop.

First steps after sowing

On what day the first stalk of peas appears, first of all, depends on the regularity of applying liquid to the soil. Proper and plentiful watering is the main plant care. After sowing, you need to carefully monitor that the peas have enough moisture. If it is not enough, then the plant will die without having time to show the first sprouts. While fruits ripen in the lower part, peas bloom in the middle part, and the top is still growing and forming buds, watering is especially relevant for the normal development of the plant.

Important! Too much watering - also not very good , especially when beans are formed. This can lead to the spread of diseases.

soil care

During the period active growth peas, must be drawn Special attention for loosening the soil between rows.Just so the roots and nodule bacteria can get the oxygen they need. At the first shoots, reaching a height of up to 6 cm and forming 4-5 leaves, the beds will need to be harrowed, but this should be done at a time when the ground is dry. This is necessary so as not to damage root system. Despite the soil compaction and weed regrowth during the growing season, loosening between rows should be carried out up to 3 times (to a depth of up to 7 cm).

Features of feeding peas

Fertilizer must be applied under peas to increase the yield, stimulate the flowering of the plant and to set the beans. At the first emergence of seedlings, peas should be fed with weed infusion. This is necessary when the work of nodule bacteria is still too weak and the plant lacks nitrogen. Fertilizing with mineral fertilizers during fruit set and before flowering will be very useful. In the first case, it is recommended to water the plants with a solution complex fertilizer(3 g per 1 liter of water). It is necessary to water between the rows, without falling on the leaves of the plant. Before flowering, it is better to feed peas with dry fertilizer, at the rate of 25 g per 1 m².

Bush garter

Since the stalks of peas are rather weak, and at the first appearance of fruits, the plant falls from gravity, it needs to tie the bushes to a support. Metal rods or wooden pegs are used as a support, which must be stuck along the row, at a distance of 1.5 meters from each other. On pegs or rods, you need to pull the rope or wire in a horizontal direction. Shoots with antennae are supported on a rope. This is necessary so that the peas are ventilated and warmed up.

The main diseases and pests of peas

The most common pests of peas are leafworm, garden and cabbage scoop, as well as pea codling moth. Leaf rollers and scoops lay eggs on pea leaves. Scoop caterpillars, even those that have just hatched, eat the ground part of the plant. Leafworm larvae wrap themselves in leaves to feed on them. But the pea butterfly - codling moth, lays eggs on leaves and fruits. After a week, they become food for the larvae. The main diseases that peas can get sick with include powdery mildew and mosaic.

Green pods, densely packed with juicy and sweet peas, always attract the eye and whet the appetite. Knowing how to plant peas, you can enjoy plenty of your favorite delicacy from childhood, plucked straight from the beds. Even the absence land plot won't be a problem. The culture is able to grow and bear fruit at home: on the windowsill, glazed loggia or balcony. The technology of its cultivation is quite simple, but it is still necessary to provide certain conditions for its bushes.

Soil and lighting

Peas are a hardy plant. Thanks to minimum requirements culture to the quality, structure and type of soil, it can be successfully bred in almost any garden. Only soils with high level acidity and those that contain a lot of salts. It is sown in such land only after preliminary liming. The right technology cultivation of a crop, leading to its high yield, provides for the observance of crop rotation.

Peas develop well in the areas where last season were placed:

  • cucumbers;
  • tomatoes;
  • pumpkins;
  • cabbage;
  • potato;
  • perennial grasses or fodder grasses.

The worst predecessors for it will be plants from the legume family. From the moment of their harvesting, 4 years must pass, only then it will be possible to sow peas in this place.

Fertile loose soils of loamy or sandy loamy type are preferred for cultivation. But even in not very nutritious soil, growing peas will bear fruit if you make a little effort and prepare it for planting. Do it during autumn digging, in front of which superphosphate is scattered over the site. By the time sowing begins, the fertilizer will be distributed in the soil and decomposed into compounds that will be easily absorbed by the pea roots.

It is permissible to transfer the preparation of the site to the spring. But in this case it is better to enrich the soil with organic compounds:

  • humus;
  • rotted manure;
  • mullein;
  • infusion of bird droppings.

It is not necessary to bring fresh manure to the beds in the spring. It is rich in urea, and with an excess of nitrogen in the soil, pea bushes will be powerful and densely leafy, but few flowers and ovaries form on them.

Experienced gardeners it is advised in the spring, during sowing, to fertilize the beds with mineral preparations, which contain trace elements: copper, boron, molybdenum. Peas can also be soaked in their solution before being placed in the soil. The roots of the plant are powerful, their length reaches 1 m. Therefore, when cultivating a crop on a balcony, planting should be carried out in deep pots. If groundwater is located close to the surface of the site, growing peas on it will be difficult. We'll have to pour high ridges for him.

In order for plantings to bring a good harvest, they will need a lot of light. In dense shade, both on the street and on the balcony, peas will wither, so it is better to choose the sunniest place for it. The beds can be made separate or mixed. In the first case, it will be more convenient to place them along garden paths. This will make harvesting easier. Organizing mixed beds, it is important to remember that peas should not be planted next to other legumes, as well as with onions, cabbage, tomatoes, potatoes. Many summer residents prefer to sow it near the walls of various buildings or fences. With this method of placing peas, you will not need to worry about supports.

Sowing time

The timing of planting crops in open ground depends on the climate of the area and on when it is planned to harvest. Most early sowing held in the second half of April. By this time, in most regions, the snow is already melting, and the earth dries out and warms up. Pea shoots are not afraid of cold. They calmly endure spring frosts if the temperature does not fall below -6°C. In order for the pea pods to ripen in June or early July, after 15-20 days, the seeds are sown again. And if you make a third landing in last days May, it will be possible to feast on juicy fruits in the middle of summer.

The ideal timing for sowing the crop will help identify daffodils. If they bloom, the time has come.

In the spring, it is better not to be late with planting seeds. If the earth dries out, it will be difficult for seedlings to break through it, they will be weak and uneven. practiced and summer planting peas. It is held in June, and if you choose early ripe variety, then the sowing period will last until July 10.

It is advisable to germinate the seeds before placing them in the ground. They are placed in a cloth, and the resulting bundle is placed in water. After a couple of hours, they take it out and leave the peas to peck. They need 3 to 5 days for this. Moisturize the fabric as it dries. Some gardeners prefer to soak the seeds by pouring water over them. room temperature. It must cover them completely. are holding planting material in liquid 12-18 hours. Water is often changed (every 2-3 hours). There is a faster and less laborious way to prepare seeds - to soak the peas in a solution of a special preparation that stimulates the growth of seedlings. It is enough to keep them in it for 2-3 hours.

Dry planting material is also used. But the result will be better if it is prepared first. The technology is very simple. To process seeds, you need only two components:

  • boric acid;
  • water heated to 40°C.

Peas are dipped into the prepared solution and kept in it for 5 minutes. This procedure is a good prevention against nodule weevil, whose larvae often damage tender seedlings in spring. If the seeds did not germinate, they need to be planted in moist soil. Then the young sprouts will appear from the soil in a week. Dried soil will need to be thoroughly moistened.

Landing Features

The sowing scheme depends on how the peas are planted - in rows or along fences. In the first case, the seeds are laid out at intervals of 5-7 cm. Optimal Width row spacing is 15-20 cm. If the peas will grow near the fence, it is better to plant it in 2 rows. Between them leave 10-12 cm of free space. Seeds are placed in the ground at a distance of 5 cm from each other. Planting depth should not be large, it is enough to cover the peas with a 2–2.5 cm layer of soil.

Complete sowing by mulching the beds. A layer of compost or dry foliage will protect the seedlings that have not yet grown strong from pests and retain the moisture in the soil necessary for seed germination. Supports for pea bushes are best installed in the spring. Its lashes develop rapidly, and if they have nothing to cling to, the plantings will turn into a continuous carpet that cannot be untangled without damaging the shoots, or will braid neighboring plants. They do not need too high supports, meter ones are enough.

If peas grow at home, on the balcony, a mesh with large cells will provide support. It should be hung over the seedlings when they reach a height of 15-20 cm.

You can grow peas on an insulated balcony all year round. They plant it not only for the sake of fruits. The tops of young plants are rich in vitamins and are added to salads. To obtain it, it is better to purchase seeds of low-growing varieties of crops, their greens are more juicy. Sow them on the balcony little by little, with an interval of 4-5 days. Thanks to this landing fresh herbs in the diet will be constantly. There is another secret. When the main stem of a bush growing on a balcony becomes coarse, it is shortened, and the leaves are completely cut off. After a while, young and juicy shoots will appear on it.

Fundamentals of agricultural technology

Growing peas in the country is a fascinating process and not at all complicated. After planting, you need to take care of him minimally:

  • weed;
  • water;
  • loosen;
  • protect from pests.

Young shoots of peas are a delicacy for birds. You can protect plantings from ruin by covering the beds with a fishing net. Peas do not like heat. If the summer turned out to be dry, you will have to moisten the plantings often and abundantly. It is correct to spend 9-10 liters of water per 1 m² of the surface of the beds. Simultaneously with irrigation, top dressing is also carried out, diluting 1 tbsp. l. . After moistening the planting, the soil is mulched.

The friability of the soil determines how much the crop will bring peas. Its roots love to "breathe". It is especially important to get a constant supply of oxygen to young plants. The soil under them is periodically loosened, preventing the formation of a crust, and the bushes can also be spudded. In dense soil, their growth and development slow down. When breeding peas on a balcony, loosening is also indispensable. It will be correct to carry them out after each watering.

On any site, peas, planting and caring for which will allow you to collect useful harvest, will come in handy. It is unpretentious and grows quickly. While others vegetable crops only form ovaries, its ripe pods are already delighting both adults and children with their sweet seeds. After peas, you can plant any plants, on soil enriched with nitrogen, they will be powerful and will bring many fruits.

The technology of its cultivation has been known to mankind since ancient times. Landing will benefit even when the last pods are collected from them. After cutting the tops of peas, they are sent to compost, and the roots extracted from the ground are finely chopped and buried. So it turns out natural and effective fertilizer, which also improves the structure of the soil.

Peas were grown in Russia hundreds of years ago. This culture is cold-resistant and rather unpretentious, a lot has been written about the nutritional properties of peas. scientific papers, green pea simply delicious fresh and canned. This ensured its popularity and demand in summer cottages and household plots still.

To get a good harvest of peas, you need to follow some rules, for example, it cannot be sown on acidic soils. If there is no way out, then fertilize the earth with lime.

No special skills and experience growing peas on suburban area does not require. The most basic thing to know is the needs of the plant in terms of light, soil and watering.

Before sowing, it is important to select healthy, full-fledged pea seeds from frail and affected by pests.

Doing it by hand would suit Cinderella, and modern man, who values ​​his time, will use the flotation method: the seeds are placed in strong solution table salt. For preparation, take 300-350 g of salt per 1 liter of water, completely dissolve it and pour a small batch of seeds into the prepared cold solution. At the same time, light seeds affected by pests float to the top. Drowned are considered full-weight and suitable for landing.

Growing and caring for peas in the open field

To have a harvest of green peas during the summer, experienced gardeners It is recommended to pinch a part of plants planted in spring. This will slow down their growth and delay the appearance of fruits. It is also possible to grow different varieties with ripeness from 60 to 120 days.

Agrotechnics for growing peas implies that the soil on the site should be light and fertile, with a neutral or alkaline reaction. If the soil in the area is acidic, it must be limed by adding chalk, lime at the rate of 350-400 g per 1 m² or 600-800 g of ash per 1 m².

Exist the following types peas according to the degree of ripening: early, mid-season and late ripening peas.

In soils poor in humus, they contribute (per 1 m²):

  • 5-6 kg of rotted last year's manure;
  • 10-15 g of potassium chloride;
  • 30-40 g of superphosphate;
  • 10 g ammonium nitrate.

The soil is dug up on a shovel bayonet, clods are broken and leveled. It is ideal to prepare the soil in the fall, but if necessary, fertilize and lime the area for planting peas in the spring.

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Let's throw seeds into the ground

For sowing in the beds, furrows are made 2-3 cm deep, peas are placed in them at the rate of 25 g per 1 sq.m. When growing peas in a country house along a fence or wall, sowing is done in one row at the required length of the plot.

Growing from seeds can be done with two-row tapes. The distance between the rows in the tape is 15-20 cm, between the peas in the row is 5-8 cm. A minimum of 50 cm is left between the tapes. This will ensure uniform lighting and facilitate the care of the pea plantation.

Sugar peas should be harvested when the pods are still green with juicy shoulder blades.

To receive early harvest in early summer, peas are sown at the end of April, before the onset of hot and dry weather in May. For germination, seeds need a lot of moisture and low soil temperature - about + 5 ° C. Pea seedlings are able to withstand short-term frosts down to -7°C.

When sowing at the beginning of summer, the pea harvest may not be expected, or it will be extremely low: peas cannot tolerate heat. To receive good harvest green peas in the second half of summer, you can sow peas in August, when the nights become cool. He manages to form shoulder blades before the end of the season.

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plant care

The main care is timely watering, installation of supports, loosening and weeding.

  1. Pea is a moisture-loving crop throughout the growing season. Too much waterlogging and drying out of the soil reduces the yield of peas. Maintaining the soil in a moderately moist state can be considered optimal. Watering should be increased when hot and dry weather sets in, not allowing the soil to dry out.
  2. Growing peas of tall varieties requires the mandatory installation of supports. If this is neglected, the pea lashes will be on the ground, intertwining, creating an air-tight mass of stems and leaves, which in wet weather can provoke rotting and disease of the plant. Care and harvesting on such a ridge will be difficult. Therefore, for tall varieties of peas, stakes and stamens are installed on which it can strengthen and grow vertically. To use pea plantings as a backstage for heat-loving plants, trellises can be installed. Supports for peas should be installed when the stems reach a height of 10 cm. Undersized varieties peas do not need support.
  3. Loosening is carried out after the emergence of seedlings in the aisles of the tapes. Weeds must be carefully removed to avoid thickening and shading of pea plantings.

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How to grow peas in a greenhouse?

Harvesting is carried out 35-70 days after sowing, it all depends on the variety.

You can sow peas in a greenhouse to get an early harvest of green peas. To do this, use varieties intended for growing on a green shoulder - sugar. Their beans are devoid of the inner hard layer of the sash and can be consumed whole.

Sowing in this case is carried out in February and March in a heated greenhouse at the rate of 120 peas per 1 m². With proper care, this amount can bring 3-5 kg ​​of blades.

Peas in the greenhouse more often than in open field, is affected by powdery mildew. You can fight it by ventilating the greenhouse and reducing air humidity. Otherwise, the cultivation of peas in a greenhouse is similar to the instructions for growing in open ground.

Growing peas in open ground is not too difficult. The main thing is to have an idea about the varieties and reproduction of the culture, as well as follow the elementary rules of care.

The popularity of peas

Peas are a frequent visitor to most vegetable gardens. Why? It's simple: it is tasty, healthy and high-calorie, growing it is quite simple. This wonderful culture is not only loyal to the composition of the soil - where it is planted, it will grow there - but it also enriches the earth with nitrogen with the help of accumulations of tuberous bacteria on the roots, and it does not need special care.

In order to successfully grow peas in the garden, it is most important to know what time it is best to plant them in open ground. Because this green vegetable is not grown with seedlings.

Varieties of peas

There is one more nuance in growing peas - a large number of varieties. To navigate the seed market well, you need to know their features.

sugar peas

  • Sugar peas. This type of pea can eat both peas and the pod where they “sit”. For this property, peas of sugar varieties are especially appreciated by specialists. There is no rigid permanent layer in the pod flaps. When the seeds ripen, they become slightly wrinkled, because they contain a lot of moisture. Sugar peas are more "finicky" in relation to the ideal land (its moisture and fertility) than shelling peas; loves warmth, is more susceptible to various ailments and pests. It boils for a very long time, so sugar peas are used for industrial preservation. It also freezes well.

Attention! When to sow peas in open ground is indicated on the seed package!

  • Shelling peas. The species of this group, unlike sugar ones, are enclosed in a hard pod with a thick permanent layer. Only the seeds are good for food. Ripe peas contain a large amount of starch, which is why they boil incredibly quickly. In this regard, shelling peas are often put in soups. For canning and freezing, only the peas that are harvested at the onset of technical maturity are used.

Pea varieties

The most common sugar varieties of peas are:

  • "Ambrosia" and "Oregon", "The Miracle of Kelvedon" and "Children's Sugar" will sing early;
  • "Moscow delicacy" and "Zhegalova 112" - they sing medium;
  • "Inexhaustible 195" is a late variety.

Variety "Children's sugar"

Among the peeling varieties, the most common are:

  • Early ripe - "Sphere" and "Faith", "Hizban" and "Misty";
  • Mid-season - Sherwood and Asana, Ashton and Abador;
  • Later - "Era" and "Nicholas", "Twin", "Matrona" and "Pekan".

The approximate time of planting this type of legume in open ground is almost one hundred percent dependent on the selected crop variety. And in the meantime, many new varieties appear on the market every year. A photo will help to distinguish one variety from another with confidence. That is why it is important to read the instructions for the seeds and understand their diversity.

Planting and propagation of a plant

The process of planting pea seeds in open ground begins with soil preparation. And the first thing to do is to choose the right place for the future beds. Peas love the warmth and light of the sun, they cannot stand strong winds and drafts. It is not worth “feeding” the soil with fertilizers on the eve of planting - the peas will not like this either.

In the case when the place for planting peas is determined ahead of time, it is good to apply organic and mineral fertilizers either in the fall or seven days before the date of sowing the crop into the ground. If the soil is loamy or sandy, it is advisable to first add compost or humus (5-6 kg per 1 m2) to it, and then dig it up.

Planting peas

When the preparation of the soil from the fall is completed, you should begin to prepare the seeds for sowing. Peas reproduce in this way. Peas are sown in two ways: dry or after soaking for a while. First of all, before planting, the seeds should be sorted out, dry, broken and spoiled should be removed. Then the solution is prepared boric acid(1 g per 5 liters of water). The seeds selected for planting are soaked in a solution heated to 40 degrees for 5-8 minutes. This method of treatment prevents damage to the roots of the plant by the larvae of the nodule weevil. After the lapse of time, the seeds should be collected on a paper napkin, slightly dried - and planted.

The dry landing method is distinguished by two points:

  1. Before sowing seeds, the soil must be watered.
  2. At the end of it, the bed should be covered with specialized material.

It is necessary to plant a crop in soil warmed up to optimal temperature. Peas sprout already at 2-3 degrees Celsius and can even withstand light frosts in the spring. However, its roots need warm soil. There can be no unequivocal answer to the question of specific landing dates: Russia is big, spring is in different regions comes in different time, and sometimes delayed or behind schedule. Peas planted in the soil must be covered to retain moisture and protect against birds.

Landing pattern

Most gardeners know what "predecessors" are. These are plants that were planted on the selected plot of land in the past season. Peas should be sown in areas where the predecessors were plants from the gourd or nightshade family (eggplants, tomatoes, potatoes).

The bed does not need to be done very high altitude, about 15-20 cm. Before planting, the earth should be carefully dug up, watered and leveled. Further, furrows are made every 20-25 cm. Seeds are sown dry, with an interval of about 10 cm. Embedding to a depth of 2.5-3 cm additionally protects against bird attacks.

Advice. Seedlings usually break through in 5-7 days. After a while, when the seedlings grow up, the soil needs to be slightly loosened (very carefully so as not to harm the young plants).

Pea care in summer

Caring for shoots during the growing season is easy. 14 days after the germination of seedlings, they need to be loosened again and spud a little. It is also necessary to establish in advance the supports for the garter of growing plants, otherwise they have reached big size pea shoots will fall to the ground - especially from rain and strong wind. Plants that have fallen without care will grow more slowly and bloom later. And this means that the harvest will appear late, and it will be problematic to collect it.

The garter is made quite simply: you need to set pegs near the plants and tie up the green shoots as they grow. For a more detailed description of the process, you can find photos on the Internet.
Another important for the business of growing peas on open ground detail is watering, frequent and plentiful: per 1 sq. m. should go near a bucket of water. By the way, a drip irrigation system is ideal for peas. This representative of the legume should be watered under the root due to its natural fragility.

Peas in the open field do not require complex care

The pods can be harvested 14 days after the end of the flowering period. To increase the yield, it is better to harvest peas every day during ripening. Plucking pods from the bushes must be carefully selected and with great care. Dried pods for crop care must be removed in time.

How to properly fertilize and feed the crop

In the process of growing peas, it is necessary to periodically fertilize with a combination of phosphorus and potassium mineral fertilizers. It is best to do this when the culture is in bloom: dilute 1 tbsp. l. nitrophoska per 10 liters of water and water the plants with this (about 5 liters are consumed per 1 sq. M).

Diseases and pests

The main enemy of peas is leafworm larvae. They gnaw greens faster than fast, they can damage the pods. To avoid this scourge, pea beds are treated with infusion of tobacco, garlic, tomato tops or celandine.

Powdery mildew of peas

Of the ailments of a fungal nature, powdery mildew is the most dangerous for this representative of legumes. To cure the beds from this ailment, it is not necessary to use chemicals - natural folk remedies nothing worse. The best cure for powdery mildew– aged 8-10 hours infusion field thistle. You need to spray peas twice with a break of seven days.

Peas are a plant that is uniquely unpretentious and at the same time useful both for a person and for his garden. It goes well with other cultures. Having grown a crop of peas in the garden, next year you can plant any vegetables there - and this will have a beneficial effect on their growth rate and the number of fruits.

Growing peas: video

Growing peas in open ground: photo

Peas are common legume, which has a high nutritional value. He is especially appreciated for increased content protein (from 26 to 30%). In this regard, it can be compared with meat, only vegetable protein is digested human body it is better. In addition, peas are rich in carbohydrates, vitamins (groups B, C, A, PP) and trace elements (phosphorus, potassium, manganese, iron).

Peas are unpretentious, bear fruit under almost any conditions. But to get a rich harvest, you need to know how peas grow and what are the features of its cultivation.

Peas: characteristics of culture

Peas (Pisum) - annual herbaceous plant legume families (Fabaceae) with a weak rounded-faceted decumbent creeping stem, growing in length from 0.2 to 2.5 m. There are stem varieties in which a strongly thickened stem does not branch or lodge. The branched root system of this crop has a rod type and goes deep into the soil. Beneficial nodule bacteria develop on the roots and in their immediate vicinity, which absorb and accumulate nitrogen from the air, thereby enriching the soil with it.

Complex pinnate leaves consist of 2-3 pairs of small elongated gray-green sheet plates. The petiole of each leaf ends in a branched thin mustache, with the help of which the pea clings to a support or neighboring plants. White, pink or purple flowers moth type are located in the axils of the leaves 1 or 2 each. early maturing varieties the peduncle appears after 6-7 leaves, in the later ones - after 12-23 (depends on the time it takes to reach maturity).

The culture is self-pollinating, a pod develops in place of the flower. A straight or curved cylindrical bean consists of 2 wings, between which smooth or wrinkled peas are placed in 1 row (from 3 to 10 pieces). The timing of pea ripening can be different (from 55 to 100 days from the date of planting).

All varieties of this culture are divided into 3 groups:

  1. Shelling. The sashes are covered with a dense parchment layer from the inside and are not eaten. Only green, smooth, shiny peas are used, which are used for canning. The most popular varieties are: Alpha, Early 301, Atlant, Vera, Viola, Emerald and others.
  2. Sugar (pods). Delicate flaps break easily, because they do not have an inner leathery-fibrous layer. The beans are juicy, tasty and meaty. The entire pod is used for food. Varieties: Sugar brain 6, Inexhaustible 195, Sugar, De Grasse 68-28, Zhegalova 112 and others.
  3. Semi-sugar. At first, the pods are tender and crispy, young beans are used together with the wings. With age, a hard parchment layer appears in the places where the halves are fastened together. On the territory of Russia, the variety Karaganda 1053 is grown.

Growing peas of all varieties occurs according to one technology and is not particularly difficult. But there are several important points that need to be taken into account.

Choosing a place for planting peas in the garden

For peas, a sunny, well-lit area, calm and quiet, is selected. Strong gusts of wind can break fragile stems. This culture can be placed along the fence or near the wall of the house, along which the stems will climb up. The plant tolerates light partial shade, but bears fruit better and more abundantly when all the foliage is well lit by the sun.

Some vegetable growers practice sowing peas in trunk circles major fruit trees(apple trees, pears and others), where nutrient soil mixture is first poured from fertile garden soil and humus with a layer of at least 10-15 cm. Growing peas in the country, in the garden or in the garden is within the power of any novice gardener, subject to simple rules.

Climatic conditions for growing peas

To get an early and abundant harvest, you need to try to create optimal conditions for growing peas. The culture loves good moisture, therefore, for the appearance of friendly seedlings, the seeds are planted in moist soil. Good and regular watering will allow the plant to develop quickly and increase yields. Constant moderate humidity is especially necessary during the period of budding, flowering and fruit set. With a lack of moisture, the pea bush drops buds and ovaries.

Peas can tolerate short-term drought because the long taproot draws moisture from deep soil layers (more than 1 m). But he does not like the proximity of cold ground water, as the root system can rot.

This legume is cold-resistant, its seeds germinate already at +5 °C. Seedlings can survive short-term frosts down to -6 ... -4 ° С. During the formation of the ovary, the optimal temperature should be within +13 ... +15 ° С, for the rapid growth of beans, a temperature of at least + 17 ... +22 ° С is required.

What kind of soil do peas like?

Peas are undemanding to the composition of the soil, but it will develop better and bear fruit more abundantly on loose, moderately moist loams and sandstones with a sufficient content of phosphorus and potassium. In clay heavy soil, it is recommended to add large grains when digging. river sand and humus (1 bucket per 1 m²). In sandy soil, which does not retain moisture and fertilizers well, clay must be added to increase the moisture capacity (1 bucket per 1 m²).

The culture prefers soils with a neutral or slightly alkaline reaction, therefore acidic soils be sure to deoxidize with fluff or dolomite flour(300-400 g per 1 m²). Too rich and fertilized soils are also harmful to peas, because an excess of nutrients provokes fast growth tops. In this case, the pods will be small and few. For specimens from which seeds for propagation will be collected, the soil is prepared especially carefully.

Best Pea Neighbors

The yield of a crop is strongly influenced by which plants were cultivated in that place in the previous year. Peas grow well after early potato, pumpkin (zucchini, pumpkin, cucumbers), cabbage, tomatoes. He will feel great in the garden next to corn, nightshade (potatoes), cruciferous (cabbage, radish). Other legumes (beans, chickpeas, soybeans, lentils and others) will be bad predecessors for this crop. With proper crop rotation, peas are planted in the same area no earlier than 3-4 years later.

Features of planting peas at their summer cottage

Industrially, peas are cultivated in large volumes in many regions of the Russian Federation; they are grown in Russia, India, Greece, America, Japan, Ukraine and other countries. In the past few years, our country has taken the 1st place in the export of this crop.

However, when planting this plant on garden plot or in the garden you need to take into account a number of important points and pay special attention proper preparation soil in the garden and pretreatment seed material.

How to prepare the soil for planting peas?

In order for peas to grow faster and begin to bear fruit, experienced vegetable growers recommend preparing a bed for planting peas in advance in the fall. When digging the site, it is necessary to add potassium salt (30-40 g per 1 m²) and superphosphate (50-60 g per 1 m²). The plant responds well to soil fertilization with compost or rotted manure (4-5 kg ​​per 1 m²).

This crop does not tolerate fresh manure, but grows well in the place that was fertilized in the previous year under its predecessors.

Peas need small doses of nitrogenous fertilizers; in the spring, just before planting, 2-3 g of ammonium nitrate per 1 m² are added to the ground. Sowing can be done with dry and hatched seeds. With pre-germination, germination will be much higher.

Preparing peas for planting

Preliminary preparation and processing of pea seeds before planting consists of the following manipulations:

  • the seed material is sorted out, leaving only the highest quality and healthy ones (all damaged ones are thrown out);
  • seeds are soaked in warm water for 16-20 hours to swell, the liquid is changed every 4-5 hours;
  • the water is drained, the seeds are wrapped in a damp cloth and left for 2-3 days until hatching (the cloth is periodically moistened, drying should not be allowed);
  • to accelerate the appearance of sprouts, you can treat the seeds with any growth stimulator (Epin, Novosil and others).

Before sowing, dry peas are recommended to be warmed up a little in a warm (+40 ... + 45 ° С) solution of boric acid (1 g per 5 l of water) for 5-7 minutes. At industrial way In the cultivation of peas, the seed material is not soaked, but is treated with pesticides (pickled) and microelements to increase resistance to diseases and accelerate the emergence of seedlings.

How to sow peas?

The correct technology for the cultivation of peas provides for the following actions when sowing it:

  • on the prepared bed, several furrows are made 7-9 cm deep at a distance of 15-20 cm from each other (for tall varieties, the distance between rows is about 30-35 cm);
  • at the bottom of each furrow pour a little mixture of humus with wood ash, then sprinkled with soil;
  • furrows are abundantly watered;
  • seeds are placed in the furrows to a depth of 5-6 cm, leaving 5-7 cm between them (in heavy, moist soils, the embedment depth is about 3-4 cm);
  • covered with earth and lightly compacted.

Pea cultivation technology, plant care features

Peas, the cultivation and care of which after sowing is especially important, will bear fruit better if all the rules of agricultural technology are observed. The timing of ripening and crop yield is affected by the correct irrigation regime, loosening the soil, removing weeds, as well as tying bushes to a trellis or support.

First steps after sowing

The technology for growing peas involves planting them in moist soil, since the plant will quickly die with a lack of moisture, even without having time to sprout. In the first time after sowing, it is necessary to carefully monitor the regularity and timeliness of watering. Prior to budding, it is watered once a week; during flowering and fruiting, watering is carried out at least 2 times in 5-7 days. In dry times, the amount of watering is increased.

Further outdoor care for this legume is to provide it with a sufficient amount of moisture. This is important throughout the growing season as fruits appear unevenly. When pods are already ripening in the lower part of the plant, its top continues to grow and form buds. But excessive moisture is also harmful, as it can provoke the development of fungal diseases.

soil care

The soil under peas must always be kept in a loose state, since only in this case will the roots receive right amount oxygen (with its deficiency, nodule bacteria develop poorly). During a period of active growth close attention given to loosening row spacing. The first time this procedure is carried out 10-14 days after planting, when young plants reach a height of 6-7 cm and form 5-6 leaves.

The soil between the rows is loosened (harrowed) to a depth of 7-8 cm and the plants are slightly spudded. In order not to damage the fragile root system of pea bushes, it is recommended to do this before watering, while the ground is still dry. Simultaneously with loosening, weeding is carried out so that weeds do not take away nutrients from the peas. In order to avoid the formation of a dense earthen crust after watering, the plantings must be loosened and mulched with humus, straw, sawdust or peat.

Features of feeding peas

To increase yields, stimulate flowering and better education ovaries of planting peas must be fertilized. Shoots that have just appeared, while nitrogen-fixing bacteria still do not work well, are fed with infusion of weeds (1 kg of any grass per 1 bucket of water) so that the plants do not suffer from a lack of nitrogen. For the same purpose, plantings are watered with a solution of mullein (1:10) with the addition of nitrophoska (1 tablespoon per 10 liters of water).

During the formation of buds and the setting of pods, the culture is fertilized with any mineral complex(30 g per 10 l). When the plant blooms profusely, it is recommended to feed the peas with dry granules (25 g per 1 m²). With the industrial method of cultivating this crop, when it is grown large areas, varieties that are undemanding to nutrition are used, which do not need top dressing.

Bush garter

The procedure for tying bushes is included in the list of mandatory measures for the care of pea crops. If this is not done in time, then weak stems will fall to the ground from the weight of the fruit and their own weight. Lying whips are not ventilated and can rot, moreover, much less ovaries are formed on them. When placed vertically, the ground part of the culture warms up well and is blown by the wind, which avoids a large number diseases.

After the appearance of the first whiskers, when the seedlings reach a height of 7-10 cm, it is necessary to tie up young plants. There are several ways to install the support:

  1. Wooden stakes, metal rods or just branches are stuck along the row at a distance of 1-1.5 m from each other. Between the stakes, a rope or wire is stretched horizontally, on which the whips are placed. The rope is stretched along the entire perimeter in several tiers at different heights.
  2. Between 2 adjacent rows, a plastic mesh is installed, clinging to which the peas will stretch up.
  3. Seeds are sown along the perimeter of the hole, in the center of which a support rod is then placed.
  4. Supports (sticks, rods, branches) are simply stuck along the furrows.

The main diseases and pests of peas

Growing peas in open ground is sometimes accompanied by damage to plantings by various diseases and pests.

Most often, the culture is exposed to such diseases:

  1. Powdery mildew. It develops due to the strong thickening of crops and excessive moisture. Loose white spots form on the upper part of the leaf plates, spores are located on the underside. The plaque covers the entire green mass, then the stems and leaves die. For treatment, use an infusion of thistle field (0.3 kg per 10 liters of water, insist 8-10 hours). Sprayed twice with a break of 5-7 days.
  2. Mosaic. The plant develops poorly, the leaves become jagged and curly. An incurable disease, all affected bushes are immediately destroyed.
  3. Ascochitosis. It appears as dark brown bordered spots on the leaves. The plant dies. Fruits that have ripened are unsuitable for food.
  4. Rust. From above on the surface of the sheet appear yellow spots, below - a characteristic yellow, loose coating containing spores. The bush grows poorly, dies over time. For the fight, spraying with Bordeaux liquid (1%) or sulfur-containing preparations is used.
  5. Nodule weevil. The insect eats away the growth point (top), the larvae eat the roots and pods. Landings are sprinkled with wood ash and tobacco.
  6. Aphid pea. Sucks juice from all parts of the plant. The stems wither, the flowers fall off. The bushes are washed soapy water(250-300 g per 1 bucket of water), treated with acaricidal preparations (Iskra, Fastak, Fitoverm and others).
  7. Pea grain. The larva of the black beetle bruchus winters in seed material, then gnaws through the pods and eats the peas. The fight against it is early landing and in the careful selection of seeds, which are dressed before sowing in a solution of table salt (3%). Floating specimens are thrown away.

In case of severe damage, special systemic preparations (fungicides and insecticides) are used. As a preventive measure, it is recommended: crop rotation, deep autumn plowing, thorough destruction plant residues and good care for landings.

Peas: how to get a rich harvest

In order to enjoy a bountiful harvest as long as possible, peas must be harvested in a timely manner. If you do not collect ripe pods on time, then the next fruits will ripen later. Regular constant collection stimulates fruiting.

The first milky pods are harvested approximately 21-25 days after flowering. Timing is determined by variety. sugar varieties, which are eaten along with the shoulder blades, are plucked 12-15 days after mass flowering. Green fresh peas of brain varieties are ready in 18-23 days. The bottom pods ripen first.

It is better to harvest in the morning, when the air is still cool, then the beans will not wither. Cleaning is done 1 time in 2-3 days in good warm weather and 1 time in 4-5 days in cool and cloudy weather. Experienced gardeners practice sowing peas with different periods maturation and phased planting of seeds in the ground with an interval of 15-20 days. The earlier the planting was made, the earlier the harvest can be obtained.

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