How to feed roses before the second flowering. Top dressing for lush flowering of roses with fertilizers in spring and summer

Feeding of any kind garden roses at all stages of vegetation is the key to abundant and long flowering and is included in the main care for decorative culture. You can feed the rose bush when growing in the country as already ready-made formulations, so use folk remedies, represented by mullein, wood ash, as well as yeast and other organics.

Features of rose root dressing

Root top dressings are the most simple option fertilizer application under the root system of the plant. For root dressing, organic and mineral fertilizers can be used, applied in liquid or solid form.

Liquid organic top dressing is represented by slurry, which can be applied no later than mid-summer. Fresh slurry must be diluted several times with water before application. Top dressing with the resulting solution should be carried out before rain or abundant irrigation measures, in the phase of intensive growth and development of flowering ornamental crops.

Foliar top dressing of ornamental culture

Foliar feeding is represented by the introduction of nutrients through the foliage or trunk. With this method of feeding, all the nutrients used as quickly as possible enter the plant. Despite the fact that the main top dressing is represented by root fertilization, additional top dressing are also very important and most often I suggest the use of microfertilizers.

When carrying out foliar feeding above-ground part ornamental crops are best sprayed with nutrient compounds in the early morning or in the evening. In cloudy weather, top dressing can be done during the day. It is very important that the feeding scheme and the concentration of the solution are strictly observed. Too much strong solution able to burn the foliage of a rose bush. From nitrogen-containing fertilizers, preference should be given to top dressing with urea diluted at the rate of 15 g per 5 liters of water or top dressing with ammonium nitrate.

Now for foliar feeding rose bushes more and more gentle compositions are being used more and more often:

  • sodium humate, diluted at the rate of 3 g per liter of water, after which the composition must be diluted another ten times;
  • superphosphate, diluted at the rate of 25 g per 500 ml hot water, followed by complete dissolution in 5 liters of water;
  • wood ash, two glasses of which you need to fill with a liter of water, insist and dilute in a bucket of warm water, then strain.

Roses: effective top dressing (video)

Fertilizers at planting

Along with most ornamental crops, roses need to be planted and grown in areas with fertile soil characterized by high content humus and mineral components in the nutrition zone of the root system of the plant.

When landing on the bottom landing pit be sure to pour a layer of high-quality humus, as well as soil with the addition of 20-25 g of superphosphate and 15-20 g of potassium salt. If necessary, adjust the acidity of the soil, bringing them to optimal level.

Types of nutritional components

  • nitrogen-containing fertilizers are necessary to create an abundant vegetative mass and allow you to get strong and powerful shoots. However, an excess of nitrogen can kill plants, and the flowers will be small and in small numbers;
  • phosphorus-containing fertilizers are involved in the formation of flower stalks, improve the laying of flower buds, and have a positive effect on the formation of flowers and stems. good action possess only in complex with potassium;
  • magnesium is quickly washed out by rains and melt waters, therefore, higher doses are especially necessary when laying buds;
  • insufficient amount of iron often causes chlorosis.

By type, all mineral fertilizers can be:

  • granulated;
  • in the form of dry powders;
  • tableted, for dissolution in water and use for foliar top dressing;
  • in a liquid solution.

Before feeding a rose, it is very important to get acquainted with the composition of the fertilizer, and follow the scheme according to the technology of growing an ornamental crop.

Spring top dressing

spring processing rose bushes should be produced as early as possible. As a rule, the main feeding measures are carried out even before the start of activation of the growth of buds and shoots, but after the establishment of positive temperature indicators. The right fertilizer for spring period can be entered in a variety of ways.

Terms of application Means Application technology
April A solution based on the preparation "Kristallin" or "Kemira wagon", diluted at the rate of a tablespoon per bucket of warm water Root top dressing watering in the evening or morning
First half of May Half a bucket of rotted manure for one ornamental plant Apply organic fertilizer to a sufficient depth around the rose bushes
Mid May A tablespoon of ammonium nitrate or urea per rose bush Mineral complexes should be applied dry, only in well-moistened soil, followed by abundant watering

A good result is the organic mulching of the soil around the rose bush with dry manure or garden compost, which will not only feed the plant, but also serve as a good protection for the soil from drying out. It is very important before the stage of active flowering to reduce the amount of nitrogen-containing fertilizers and increase the dose of potassium-phosphorus top dressing applied in the form aqueous solution under the root or along the leaf. Newly planted plants with proper filling of the planting pit do not need to be fed with organic fertilizers.

Top dressing in summer

summer top dressing very important for rose bushes and allows you to maintain the plant at a high productive level long time. Lack of nutrition can adversely affect the flowering and immune status of ornamental crops. The best combination fertilizer for ornamental culture is the use of mineral and organic fertilizers. However, it is important to note that it is not recommended to feed rose bushes at the stage of active flowering.

Terms of application Means Application technology
At the stage of active budding A solution based on calcium nitrate, diluted at the rate of a tablespoon per bucket of warm water After fertilizing, shed the soil with a solution of albumin at the rate of a tablespoon in a bucket of warm water or herbal nettle infusion
Before the first flowering phase In a bucket of water, dilute 30 g of potassium sulfate; 10 g
magnesium sulfate; pill
trace elements or a tablespoon of potassium magnesia
potash fertilizer applied at intervals of two weeks, at the rate of three to four liters for each productive bush
After the first bloom High-quality complex fertilizer "Kemira-universal" or "Kristallin", diluted at the rate of a tablespoon per bucket of water with the addition of a microelement tablet After making the prepared dressing solution, the rose bushes should be shed with manure-based liquid organic fertilizers, bird droppings, compost or nettle infusion

Fertilizing in preparation for winter

Starting from the second half of summer, it is necessary to give preference to potash-phosphorus fertilizers. It is very important to completely exclude nitrogen from fertilizing in August, an excess of which provokes a violent growth of green mass. The shoots formed at the end of summer do not have time to fully mature and it is enough to prepare for the winter.

potash- phosphate fertilizers on the contrary, they increase the indicators of winter hardiness and plant resistance to fungal diseases, promote the growth of the root system, and also contribute to the full maturation of shoots by winter. It is necessary to feed roses until the last decade of August, fertilizing once every two weeks.

Signs of Malnutrition Roses

Most experienced amateur flower growers are fairly easy to determine by appearance rose bush lack of trace elements or nutrients:

  • yellowing of leaves, pallor of shoots and loss of leaf mass is the main sign of nitrogen starvation, therefore, root or foliar top dressing with a solution of urea should be carried out;
  • brown color on the edge sheet plate and drying out - an insufficient amount of potassium, which can be replenished with a solution of potassium magnesia or an infusion based on wood ash;
  • pronounced yellowing of the leaf blade between the veins that have retained green coloring is a lack of iron or manganese.

It is important to note that excessive fertilization often causes white spots on the foliage and inhibition of rose bush growth. That's why experienced growers It is recommended to choose the most resistant species and varieties, to select optimal location for planting and growing, as well as comply with the full range of agrotechnical measures, including correct top dressing.

How to plant and care for a rose (video)

Regular and high-quality top dressing is a key step in caring for a garden rose. Proper nutrition has a beneficial effect on the rapid and correct development of the root system and the aerial part, and also stimulates the timely and abundant flowering.

Roses are demanding and capricious plants, so the soil for them must contain a high amount of nutrients. Properly selected top dressing provides plants with accelerated growth and development, as well as violent and long flowering.

Considering biological features garden roses and different vegetative periods of their development, you should be especially careful about the choice and application of fertilizers during planting.

The bushes take root well and provide long flowering in neutral soil. In the first year of planting open ground bushes are recommended to be fertilized 2-3 times throughout the summer period. From the second year of growth - in accordance with the norms established for this type of plant.

Basic fertilizers, their influence

Nutrient deficiencies can lead to diseases, insufficient flowering, poor growth and development of the root system and shoots. Important elements are:

We are constantly getting letters in which amateur gardeners are worried that due to the cold summer this year, a poor harvest of potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers, and other vegetables. Last year we published TIPS about this. But unfortunately, many did not listen, but some still applied. Here is a report from our reader, we want to advise plant growth biostimulantswhich will help increase the yield by up to 50-70%.


Types of mineral and organic fertilizers

For garden plants mineral and organic fertilizers are used. Mineral preparations are presented: granules and dry powders, tablets, liquid solutions.
For garden roses, it is better to choose a complex mineral mixture, which includes the main elements - phosphorus, potassium and nitrogen. At the same time, phosphorus should be twice as much as other elements, because it is he who provides timely and abundant flowering, as well as the accelerated growth of young shoots.

Useful organic substances include wood ash, compost, manure and manure. It should be remembered that manure and litter are used only in a diluted form to prevent the formation of burns and yellowing of plants. To prepare a healthy nutritional formula organic basis dried for 2 weeks, then diluted with water (ratio 1 to 4) and left to infuse for 3-4 days.

How to take care of garden flowers?

Root top dressing during the growth and flowering phases

Top dressing with fertilizers various types carried out in accordance with the established schedule.

For garden plants, mulching is useful, which is done in the fall with the help of manure, litter and vegetable humus. It is they who are the best sources humus. In early spring, humus provides fast growth root system and the accelerated development of the whole plant, it is also effective when planting bushes for the first time. Organic fertilizers are used exclusively in liquid form after the main watering of plants.

Correct use fertilizers when growing roses is the key to their successful development and flowering. A competent approach to this process will allow you to get a guaranteed high result.

A blooming rose bush on the site is the dream of any summer resident. Despite the capricious disposition and sharp thorns, the rose was and remains the queen among all flowers. But in order for the plant to please the eye with lush flowers, it needs proper care. Along with the right location and timely watering great importance has top dressing of roses in the spring, during the budding period. Fertilizers are either organic or inorganic. Before proceeding with the procedure, it is necessary to figure out when and how to properly feed these delicate flowers.

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    Inorganic (mineral) fertilizers

    Basically, inorganic fertilizers include salts of various metals. They enrich the soil with microelements, which favorably affects both flowering and general development plants. The lack of certain substances leads to a slowdown in growth, a small number of buds. The following substances play the greatest role for roses:

    1. 1. Phosphorus. The most important micronutrient The number and size of buds and the development of the root system directly depend on its amount in the soil. Phosphate fertilizers can be applied all year round, but in the spring, during the formation of buds, this must be done.
    2. 2. Potassium. Like phosphorus, this metal affects the number of buds.
    3. 3. Magnesium. It is brought in in the spring at the time of tying the buds. Directly affects the brightness of future petals.
    4. 4. Nitrogen. Promotes the formation and development of green mass. With a lack of nitrogen, the rose will have strong shoots, but few flowers and leaves. You have to be careful with this stuff. Fertilize them with roses better in spring, as plants saturated with nitrogen become too sensitive to cold weather. An excess of nitrogen is harmful: the resistance of the crop to pests and diseases decreases, and the flowering time is delayed. Therefore, nitrogen-containing top dressing is done only twice: in spring and summer, but in no case later than the first half of August.
    5. 5. Iron. Serves for the prevention of chlorosis in flowers. You can apply iron-containing top dressing throughout the year.

    It is advisable to feed young plants more with organic matter, while mature bushes need mineral supplements.

    The names of the most commonly used fertilizers in cottages or gardens:

    1. 1. Carbamide (urea). source of nitrogen. Apply in a diluted form, pouring rose bushes with a solution.
    2. 2. Potassium nitrate (potassium nitrate). Source of potassium and nitrogen. To prepare the solution, you need 10 g of fertilizer per bucket of water.
    3. 3. Ammonium nitrate (ammonium nitrate). The most popular nitrogen-containing fertilizer. It is highly soluble in water, so it is advisable to prepare a nutrient solution and water the flowers with it.
    4. 4. Nitrophoska. Source of phosphorus, potassium and nitrogen. It is used in dissolved form: 10 g of top dressing per bucket of water.
    5. 5. Azofoska. Like the previous version, a source of potassium, phosphorus and nitrogen, but in slightly different concentrations of active ingredients. To feed the roses, you will need to prepare a solution.
    6. 6. Nitroammophoska. A source of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, an improved formula of nitrophoska or azofoska. In this fertilizer nutrients presented in the most digestible forms. Top dressing should be applied dry to the soil before the snow melts.
    7. 7. Superphosphate. source of phosphorus. It is used diluted (10 g per 10 liters of water).
    8. 8. Potassium sulfate. Source of potassium.

    As an additional source of iron, it was previously recommended to use inkstone. But in it, the metal very quickly passes into a form that is not absorbed by roses. Therefore, it is best to use a complex fertilizer containing iron in its composition. The same applies to magnesium. The lack of these trace elements can be seen in the condition of the leaves: they become thin and turn yellow.

    organic fertilizers

    Often gardeners get too carried away complex top dressing forgetting about folk remedies. However, it is organic fertilizers that most fully enrich the soil, acting much softer. Organics reduce the number of weeds and attract earthworms, which loosen the soil and enrich it with oxygen.

    The best effect is achieved by the simultaneous use of organic and inorganic fertilizers. Mineral supplements- this is the main food, organic matter helps them to be absorbed. Experienced gardeners first, mineral fertilizers are applied, and then watered with organic ones.


    1. 1. Chicken manure. This top dressing is recommended twice a year: in early spring, during the period of active development, and during flowering. Chicken manure can burn the roots, so do not exceed the dosage or apply pure manure to the soil. To prepare a nutrient solution, you need to dilute fresh litter with water in a ratio of 1:20, and rotted - 1:10 and leave to infuse for five days. The resulting infusion is again mixed with water in a ratio of 1:3.
    2. 2. Cow dung. To prepare the solution, pour it with water in a ratio of 1:10. Leave for a week to infuse, and then dilute again with water in a ratio of 1: 2. It is better to start feeding roses when it is already warm. In cold weather useful material are poorly digested.
    3. 3. Infusion of weeds. Such fertilizers can be used as an additional source of organic matter. Fill a bucket or any other container with 75% finely chopped tops, cut weeds or any other greens. Add two to three tablespoons of soda ash and pour into a container of water: 2/3 of the total volume. Leave for at least a week until the infusion ferments well. Strain and dilute with water in a ratio of 3:10. Spray the rose bushes with the resulting liquid. The infusion should not be prepared during the insemination of weeds.
    4. 4. Peat and humus. Top dressing with peat or compost is done in the fall, before covering the plants for the winter. Spread organic matter around the bushes, this will speed up the development of the root system for the next year.

    Cow and chicken droppings will be especially useful for young plants: root system will develop faster.

    rose feeding schedule

    For lush flowering top dressing should be carried out at least twice a year: in spring, during active growth, and in the fall to recuperate and enrich the soil for the next year. Roses can be fed more often, especially with solutions containing phosphorus.

    An approximate fertilizer application schedule is shown in the table:

    Feeding time Fertilizer
    Early spring, just after the snow has meltedFor the first spring feeding young plant you need to take organic matter, for example, chicken manure or cow dung. Adult bushes will be useful ammonium nitrate(20-30 g per 1 square meter soil)
    MayFertilizers with phosphorus and potassium, for example, superphosphate and potassium sulfate (10 g of each substance per 10 liters of water). You need to make it under the root, you can together, you can separately. Needed to ensure abundant flowering
    JuneRepeat feeding with potassium and phosphorus
    JulyRepeat potash and phosphorus top dressing, plus you can add organics to it: 500 g chicken manure. Useful in July will be fertilizer nitrophoska (nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus) - 10 g per 10 liters of water
    JulyTo normalize the acidity of the soil, it will be useful to add wood ash (a source of potassium): 100 g per 10 liters of water for root dressing and 200 g per 10 liters for spraying. Top dressing with ashes can be carried out only in the second year from the moment of transplantation.

    Mineral fertilizers can not be dissolved in water, but scattered around the bush on the soil in a dry form. After that, you need to slightly loosen the earth with a chopper.

    Pruning and feeding clematis in spring - how to care for a plant after winter?

    Application methods

    There are two main ways to apply fertilizer:

    • foliar;
    • root.

    Foliar top dressing is carried out by spraying the leaves of the plant. The effect of it is achieved almost immediately, since the fertilizer is absorbed very quickly. Both organic and inorganic fertilizers can be applied in this way. Spray the rose with a nutrient solution in the morning or early evening, when the sun has not yet set. During the day, at night or at dusk, moisture on the leaves is undesirable. The droplets of water remaining overnight will not have time to evaporate and provoke infection with a fungus. In the scorching sun, the plant will get burned when the rays pass through the water.

    But the most effective are basal top dressing, that is, the application of fertilizers directly to the soil. There are several ways:

    1. 1. Watering the bush with a fertilizer solution.
    2. 2. Application of dry fertilizer under the bush.
    3. 3. Fertilizing the soil around the plant. To do this, a shallow groove is dug around the stem in the form of a circle with a radius of 15 cm. Fertilizers mixed with black soil must be placed in it and sprinkled with earth. During rain or watering, fertilizers will dissolve, gradually enriching the soil with nutrients.

    Fertilizers should not be applied to dry soil, since there is a high risk of burning the root system.

    Feeding roses in autumn

    Abundant flowering takes a lot of strength and nutrients from the rose bush. To restore them, you need autumn dressing at the end of flowering. Then the next year the plant will delight with beautiful, lush flowers.


    1. 1. Phosphorus fertilizer. Prepare a mixture of 16 g of monophosphate and 15 g of superphosphate and dissolve in 10 liters of water.
    2. 2. Potassium-phosphorus fertilizer. In 10 liters of water, dissolve one tablespoon of superphosphate and potassium sulfate.
    3. 3. Yeast top dressing. For 10 l warm water take two tablespoons of sugar and 10 g of dry yeast. After two hours, add another 50 liters of water and water the roses.

    Starting from August-September, you should not apply nitrogen-containing fertilizers. They will increase the amount of greenery, and the rose will not have time to prepare for wintering. But phosphorus and potassium can even be added twice, in October and November.

    Yeast leaches potassium from the soil, so after fertilizing with yeast, you need to sprinkle the ground around the bush with ash or water the plant with a solution of ash.

    Complex preparations

    The undoubted advantage of complex fertilizers is their ease of use and the fact that all necessary for the plant substances.

    Most Popular ready-made fertilizers for roses and features of their application are presented in the table:

    Regardless of what fertilizer is used, the measure must be observed. Too much abundant top dressing can degrade the composition of the soil and cause a burn of the plant. Restoring the properties of soil spoiled by fertilizers will take a lot of time and effort.

By right, the rose is called the queen of the garden. From May, all summer until late autumn, they fascinate with their beauty and diversity. But it should be rightly noted that this culture is quite difficult to grow in the garden and requires constant care and attention. Abundant summer flowering of roses largely depends on how well it was organized spring care, in particular, how roses are fed in spring.

Fertilizer: necessary nutrition for the plant

For good growth maintaining proper metabolism flowering plants need a lot of nutrients, respectively, which they take mainly from the soil. But, unfortunately, the reserves of nutrients in the soil are limited, by growing plants annually, harvesting, removing unnecessary plants from flower beds, we completely remove the nutrients contained in the earth. Therefore, the reserves of soil nutrients should be systematically replenished by fertilizing with fertilizers.

Plants need three essential nutrients substances - nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus. IN small quantities plants need magnesium, calcium, sulfur, iron, zinc and manganese.

First dressing

How to feed roses after winter?

In the spring at the end of March or early April, when the frosty days are over, it's time gradually open the bushes. If they had frame shelters with paper or film, we first carry out ventilation. With the onset of the first warm days, we remove shelters with partial shading, otherwise burns may occur on tender stems that are accustomed to wet air environment. After about a week, the plant can be opened completely. If the bushes in the country house were covered with spruce branches in winter, it is advisable to lift it first in the spring, then remove it partially, leaving a couple of branches for shading, remove it completely after a few days.

Next stage need to shovel the peat or the ground which was covered with roses. This is necessary in order to accelerate the thawing of the earth. If this is not done, physiological drought will immediately begin, with this process due to high temperatures living buds of plants begin to grow, and the roots located in the frozen earth do not fulfill their functions, do not supply water to the parts of the plant that need it. The consequence of which will be blackening and dying off of the branches of the plant that came out green after the winter.

If all of the above was done correctly, literally in a day or two upper layer the ground has thawed, we will carry out the first top dressing. For this first feeding no expensive fertilizers needed for roses in spring, we feed with wood ash. The advantage is given to summer residents who have a bathhouse, for winter period collect burnt ash in paper bags, it will come in handy in the spring.

The procedure for feeding roses is simple:

That's all, not difficult manipulations of feeding roses, but how grateful you will be for waking up after hibernation plants.

Second top dressing

Next top dressing carried out after spring pruning , two or three weeks after the first feeding, in May.

Pruning allows not only to contain our ornamental shrubs in the country in the form, very often it is also an important event that helps to maintain the ability to bloom. Cultivated and wild roses, as well as dwarf roses, are pruned in mid or late April, when severe frosts have already passed.

Various varieties and varieties of roses cut differently. But for each plant, it is obligatory to cut out blackened, frozen, shrunken, weak and injured sections of shoots to the first live, safely overwintered bud on the lower part of the green shoot.

Feeding rose bushes after pruning

After trimming feed the roses under the bush:

  • ammonium nitrate - 2-3 g.
  • superphosphate - 3-5 g.
  • potassium salt - 1-2 g.

Top dressing is best done immediately after pruning, before the procedure for hilling roses.

Preventive spraying

After spring pruning to prevent various diseases roses we carry out preventive spraying, which is strictly carried out before bud break. We will treat the shrubs with a two or three percent solution of nitrafen at the rate of one liter per bucket, by spraying. This solution is enough to treat twenty rose bushes.

Feeding roses in the summer

For lush and long flowering, rose bushes must be fed and summer period. Experienced lovers of rose breeding fertilize the bushes in the summer once a month. It is worth noting that from August we stop fertilizing roses nitrogen fertilizers, these measures are necessary so that there is no incentive for them to grow and stop the formation of tender tissue susceptible to frost.

What fertilizer is best?

In modern floriculture, primarily complex or combined fertilizers are used, which contain many nutrients that are very important for plants in a properly balanced form. Often has common sense contribute and special fertilizers, the composition of which is designed and intended for specific types plants, in this case a nutrient mixture for roses.

In general, fertilizers are distinguished:

organic fertilizers, in which organic substances are bound directly in organic compounds and benefit the plant cells gradually. Synthesis depends on many factors, such as moisture and temperature of the soil, the activity of microorganisms in it. Organic fertilizers contain higher concentrations of nutrients than natural fertilizers, such as regular compost, it also belongs to the category of organic fertilizers.

Mineral fertilizers contain nutrients consisting of more easily soluble compounds, which give significantly quick effect. It is worth noting that the risk of overdose in this case is significantly higher than that of organic fertilizers, and washing out of nutrient particles is also possible.

When and how to feed?

When fertilizing in the summer, follow the instructions on the manufacturer's packaging. In the absence of instructions or doubt when feeding, it is better to apply a smaller amount of fertilizer than to apply too much. For example, an excess of nitrogen negatively affects the tissue, weak and porous tissue cannot protect the plant, its resistance decreases, and the living organism of the plant is defenseless against various fungal diseases or pest attacks.

Solid mineral fertilizers scattered evenly under the rose bushes and raked into the soil. Liquid fertilizers applied during watering with a watering can.

It is desirable to fertilize in moist soil and, if possible, feed in cloudy weather.

In conclusion, I would like to say that the correct care for roses, namely sufficient watering, proper fertilization, proper pruning and formation of bushes, the systematic removal of faded flowers, the removal of wild shoots will bring lush flowering until the frost. The variety and abundance of flowers will delight you and your family and surprise your guests with their fragrance.

Properly fertilized roses bloom profusely, practically do not get sick and tolerate harsh winters well. Every real rose grower develops his own original scheme top dressing perennial beautiful bushes, but they all rely on general schemes plant fertilizers. This means that absolutely all feeding of roses must be carried out at a strictly defined time of plant development. It is also worth combining organic and mineral fertilizers. Organic is easy to make at home, mineral will have to be bought at the store.

How many times to feed roses per season

FROM middle lane In the country, the pink season begins in early April (buds begin to wake up in roses) and ends at the end of October (whips of roses at this time are slightly shortened and the bushes take cover for the winter). In every different region The length of this season may vary, but general principles feeding roses must be strictly observed. Conventionally, the pink season can be divided into three main groups: spring, summer and autumn.

  • Since the beginning of spring, the rose has been actively growing shoots, on which flowers bloom already in early to mid-June. Rose fertilizers at this time will help grow powerful shoots and lay large numbers buds.
  • In the middle of summer (July), most roses stop flowering for a while and the bush rests a little to gain strength for the second wave of flowering. Fertilizers at this time will restore the strength of the flowering bush, give rise to the laying of new buds and the beginning of the ripening of the shoots.
  • In late summer - early autumn, during the second wave of flowering, roses do not bloom very much. The bush at this time begins to save strength in order to calmly winter under cover. In August-September, fertilizer for roses helps the high-quality ripening of shoots that will go into winter.

During these three periods of the life of rose bushes, they need to be fertilized several times.

How to fertilize roses in early summer

  1. In early April, when the rose bushes are already open and you have done a formative pruning, fertilize the plants with any nitrogen fertilizers. You can buy special spring fertilizer specifically for roses and use it according to the attached instructions. In addition, urea, saltpeter or universal fertilizer"Kemira spring". Read the concentration of the solution on the package, but usually it is 1 tablespoon per 10 liters of water. Pour from three to five liters of solution under each plant (depending on the size of the bush).
  2. In mid-April, treat your pets to organics. To do this, take well-rotted and dried chicken, cow or horse manure. Make deep grooves around the bushes at a distance of 15-20 cm from the neck. Put 100-300 g of fertilizer into the grooves and sprinkle it with earth.
  3. In early May, if for some reason you missed top dressing in early April, fertilize the roses with nitrogen-containing preparations. Read about it in point #1.
  4. Feed the roses in mid-May organic fertilizer from grass. To do this, collect any grass from the site in a tank and fill it with water. Keep the tank in the sun for 7-10 days. Before watering the roses, dilute the fermented brown water from the tank (1 liter) with ordinary water (10 liters).
  5. In early June, apply organic again, but already animal. A month before feeding, ferment dry chicken manure in a barrel (get "chicken") or dry cow patties(get "mullein"). Strain the resulting infusion before use and dilute with plain water at a concentration of 1/15 (infusion / water). Pour the same amount of fertilizer under each bush as you poured in early April.

How to fertilize roses in the middle of summer

  1. After the first wave of flowering, and it ends around July, fertilize your roses with any mineral fertilizer with a predominance of potassium and phosphorus. Best suited: ammophoska, superphosphate or double superphosphate. They can be diluted in water (1 tablespoon of fertilizer + 10 liters of liquid) or sprinkled directly under the bush, but so that the powder does not come into contact with the stems and leaves. It is better to put the powder into the ground, and put no more than a third of a teaspoon under each bush. Instead of the described fertilizers, you can use "Universal Kemira".
  2. 10-12 days after the previous feeding, water your roses with an infusion of chicken or cow droppings. If you don't have one, use an infusion of the herb. Do not forget to dilute the infusions with water.

How to fertilize roses in autumn

  1. In mid-August, when the roses are still in bloom, fertilize them with a phosphate fertilizer. “Autumn Kemira” or, in extreme cases, “Universal Kemira” is best suited. Instead, you can buy other similar compounds in the store, but always with a predominance of phosphorus. Dilute all fertilizers strictly according to the instructions.
  2. In early September, when the roses are no longer blooming profusely, water them with fertilizers with the following minerals: potassium and magnesium. It is they who will help the shoots become strong and not freeze out in the harsh winter. The well-known and fairly common “Potassium-magnesia” is well suited to everyone. It is better not to lay it out under the bushes, but breed it strictly according to the attached instructions.

How to fertilize roses throughout the season

Many rose growers, in parallel with root dressings, also use the so-called foliar top dressings (they are also called “on the leaf”). It is believed that spraying roses with beneficial solutions has a faster feeding effect than if this fertilizer is absorbed by the roots.

For foliar top dressing, use the same fertilizer that you prepare for watering the bushes. Dilute them with water according to the instructions, but take a third more liquid. The same applies to infusions of mullein or chicken manure, as well as herbal infusions. Do foliar top dressing at the same time as the root ones, but be sure to check the weather forecast. When it rains, do not spray the roses - the rain will wash away all the useful substances from the leaves.

Basic rules for fertilizing roses

  • Be sure to alternate mineral and organic top dressing.
  • Fertilize roses in the evening and after heavy watering or rain.
  • the first spring top dressing do roses only after the formative pruning of the bush.

The rose feeding scheme described in this article is quite laborious, but at the same time very effective and quite budgetary. You can buy the described mineral fertilizers at any garden store and they are quite inexpensive. Organic fertilizers can be made by any gardener on their own. If you are not ready to infuse herbs, make mullein or chicken and stock up on different mineral fertilizers, then buy in the store special complex fertilizers for roses.

Please note that there are three types of top dressing: for spring, for summer and for autumn. If you don’t find any, then use any universal fertilizer for roses. Each manufacturer of such universal ones recommends the timing of fertilizing, which is written on a pack of fertilizer for roses.

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