To grow cucumbers better. Cucumbers started, but do not grow: What do they lack? How to feed cucumbers for good growth

By the end of summer, cucumber lashes turn yellow. Fertility is on the decline. Ogorodnikov upsets small harvest, they want to pamper their family with fresh cucumbers. But to be satisfied with the abundance of cucumbers, it is enough to feed the plant with an infusion of onion peel.
Fill a quarter of a ten-liter bucket with onion peel. Heat the water to 90 degrees (do not boil) and fill the husk to a full bucket. Put the bucket in the shade for a day.

The contents must be constantly stirred. For example, you walk along the path, you see a bucket - mix it. Sat down in the shade to rest - stir. When the day has passed, squeeze the husk, put it in the holes of the cucumbers. Pour a liter of infusion into another bucket and add water to it at the temperature of fresh milk. Water not only the holes, but the entire ridge with the culture. Perform this procedure once a week. In addition, a diluted infusion saves plants from diseases. We saw that the plant was sick, pour it over with diluted. However, you can water the bushes with such an infusion to prevent diseases.

Cucumbers need moisture and warmth. Water the plants only warm water. Tanks with water on a sunny day are heated by the sun, when it is not there, then the water should be heated. Cold water contributes to the appearance of hook-shaped greens, and the fruits become bitter.

To increase the humidity in greenhouses and greenhouses, place water containers. In the heat, you can water the paths between the ridges. Roots exposed after watering are constantly sprinkled with earth.
Follow temperature regime. Do not allow the temperature to drop below fourteen degrees. If the temperature drops, put heaters or guns in there. And on hot days, open doors, windows, remove frames or film from the greenhouse. Closer to autumn, when the nights become cool, return the film and frames to their place. Close windows and doors at night in greenhouses.

About receiving good harvest you need to think even when planting cucumbers. Because you can plant seeds at intervals of three weeks. When some plants bear fruit, others will still delight with cucumbers.
With the help of such simple work, a good harvest of sweet cucumbers is obtained even in mid-September.

A simple and affordable secret of growing big harvest CUCUMBERS.

The ovary of a cucumber grows very quickly, about a week. This means that if dozens of ovaries ripen on a plot at the same time, and when you remove them, the next ones begin to ripen, then such a plot consumes a lot of food.
If you don’t feed it, the initial supply of fertilizer in the soil will end, and “crooked” cucumbers will go: imbalance of nutrients affects the shape of the fruit.
The secret of feeding cucumbers:

To get a rich harvest of cucumbers, you need to feed them regularly! Bread sourdough - the best fertilizer. It's very easy to prepare! We fill the bucket with 2/3 crusts of black bread, fill it with water and press it with something heavy so that the contents do not float up. We put the bucket for a week for fermentation in a warm place. We dilute the resulting sourdough with water (1: 3) and water the cucumbers under the root - 0.5 liters per bush. Cucumbers are starting to grow by leaps and bounds! Flowering and ovaries increase, cucumbers ripen faster and turn yellow less!
Cucumbers grow envy beautiful, dense, juicy and smelly!

Try it!

And more about feeding cucumbers:
To maintain the production of even greens, very little cucumber dressing is required. A brown compost mash, or a greenish herbal fertilizer solution, will suffice. The more nitrogen you estimate in your feed, the more it needs to be diluted. (Lots of nitrogen where faeces or fresh manure got into the raw materials).
Feed once a week at the rate of a feeding bucket per square meter. You can also use a mash of ash - 0.5-1 glass per bucket of water per 2 square meters.

How to water cucumbers? The answer worries many gardeners and gardeners, since watering these vegetables is key point competent cultivation. These whimsical plants are ready to give excellent harvest only with proper care. When you need to water them, what kind of water it can be done, how exactly and what are the watering rates - read here.

Cucumbers need to create a humid microclimate of air and soil so that they can fully develop. Do not forget that this type of vegetable is as much as 95% water.

To decide when it is necessary to carry out the next watering of cucumbers is realistic for a number of reasons. The soil near the base of the stem should be dry, and in the lower layer - well moistened. So you can prevent rotting of the roots and the development of diseases.

It is better to plan watering cucumbers in the early morning or evening. If you water crops in the morning, you should see if the water has dried on the surface of the leaves before the sun starts to bake. If not, the plant may get burned. In the evening, plantings are watered so that the liquid has time to be absorbed before the onset of cold weather. Otherwise, the roots may begin to rot. On especially hot days, watering cucumbers can be done both in the morning and in the evening. This should be done according to the principle of sprinkling.

During rains, it is better to stop watering. Since we are dealing with a tropical plant that has root system located as close as possible to the surface of the earth, cucumbers do not tolerate waterlogging. Unlike relatives grown in the garden, greenhouse cucumbers in the heat like abundant watering with water, therefore, when leaving, they are recommended to be poured over more often. During the beginning of flowering, watering is stopped for several weeks.

How often to water cucumbers? Usually this is done 6-7 times a week.

How to water

Caring for plants involves watering them with water of a certain temperature. To prevent the occurrence of diseases, it is unacceptable to use cold water, the temperature of which is less than 12 degrees. With cold watering, instead of a good harvest, you can get a lot of problems.

The optimum temperature that vegetables love is from 20 to 25 degrees Celsius. Some sources advise watering plantings with warm water, the temperature of which is 23–25 degrees. In the presence of cool weather without precipitation, vegetables love watering. hot water, the temperature of which is about 55 degrees. Proper care in this case involves watering directly under the bush. Do not allow the liquid to be on top of the foliage.

For watering vegetables in a greenhouse, you can get a non-cold liquid by standing it in a special barrel. Such a container is filled and placed in a sunny place of the site. During the day, it will warm up normally, and you will get an excellent watering liquid.

When watering your favorite vegetables not with cold, but with warm liquid, you are guaranteed to get a good harvest of non-bitter cucumbers.

In addition to watering with plain water, cucumbers respond well to spraying with potassium permanganate, which is also called potassium permanganate. The composition of this simple and accessible to everyone means includes manganese, which is indispensable for the normal development of vegetable crops. Top dressing with potassium permanganate comprehensive care should be carried out in the spring, when the seedlings have already been placed in a permanent "place of residence". The joint feeding of potassium permanganate with boric acid is also practiced. Such manipulations will protect plants from various diseases.

How to water correctly

We have already figured out how to water, now an important question arises - how to properly water cucumbers. To make everything safe for the culture, you need to irrigate with a watering can through a sprayer. So it will always be possible to avoid exposing the root system and compacting the top layer of soil. If this did not work out, the bush should be hilled, filling the base up to the cotyledon leaves. If you do not have a sprayer, you need to control that the jet does not hit the very root. It is also permissible to water in special grooves between the beds, which after that must be mulched.

Watering plants with normal care is carried out regularly and plentifully, with exceptionally warm liquid. If the leaves begin to wither, you should immediately proceed to the next watering. Do not water cucumbers with a strong jet, as it will wash the ground around the roots. In the garden, it is better to water vegetables from a watering can directly into the holes.

The system has proven itself in the open field drip irrigation. You can even make it yourself. It is carried out using two-liter plastic bottles. Holes are made in them with a hot nail, then they are buried in the ground with the neck down. Make sure that there is always liquid in the bottles.

Rules for watering cucumbers in a greenhouse proper care are also simple. The earth must be kept fluffy so that the root system receives enough oxygen and does not protrude. Several times during the season, new layers of soil are poured. If the earth sank slightly, you can only loosen the soil with a rake or pitchfork. Just do it carefully so as not to damage the roots.

Do not overmoisten the soil for cucumbers grown in a greenhouse. Uneven watering is also unacceptable. If for some reason you were unable to carry out a couple of waterings, then take less for the third ordinary norm liquids.

The practice of many gardeners shows that it is necessary to dry the soil at the beginning of the fruiting period. This will limit the growth of leaves, and the culture will direct all its forces to the development of buds, and then fruits. They return to the usual watering schedule at a time when plants can be seen a large number of flowers. As a result, you will get crispy and juicy cucumbers.

As with outdoor cultivation, the greenhouse uses a system drip irrigation. This is an imitation of natural precipitation. Irrigation requires leaves, stems and fruits. When watering is carried out, watering cans, sprayers, hoses are used. It is realistic to buy an irrigation system in a store or make it yourself. To do this, a series of holes are made in the hose, a canister with a tap is filled with liquid. A hose is attached to the canister, which is pulled through all the beds.

Watering rates

To stimulate the ovaries before the flowering period, cucumbers are watered in an amount of 3-4 liters of liquid per square meter. Such manipulations are required every 5-7 days. During the important period of flowering and fruiting, the frequency of watering with proper care is 6–12 liters per 1 m 2 every 2–3 days.

Irrigate the crops personal plot required as the top layer of the earth dries up. That is, every 5 days, 8-9 liters per square meter.

After flowers appear on your bushes, the frequency of watering is 1 time per week. At the time of ovary formation and fruiting, cucumbers require watering every few days in the amount of 25 liters of liquid per 1 m 2.

How much liquid do your favorite vegetables need in the heat? In the aisles, it is advised to place containers with water or refresh the surface of the leaves with a watering can. If it rains, watering the vegetables at this time is not required.

When growing vegetables in a greenhouse, the amount of liquid for young cucumbers is 4–5 liters per 1 m 2 of area, taking into account the drying of the soil. At the time of flowering, moisten the ground every few days. Then watering is carried out every other day, using 9-12 liters per square meter. If there are hot days outside, it is recommended to carry out additional evening sprinkling. The rate of fluid with it decreases by 2-3 times.

Cucumber is one of the most difficult crops to grow. He needs frequent watering, constant fertilization and protection from diseases and pests. Is it possible to achieve a good harvest only with the help of organic matter and trace elements?

It is difficult to find a person who would not like fresh or pickled cucumbers. But in order to grow them on your site, you should make a lot of effort, since this pumpkin culture is quite picky about the composition of the soil and top dressing. A lot of problems are added by the poor digestibility of fertilizers by cucumbers, so you need to constantly monitor the composition and amount of microelements introduced and, if necessary, increase or reduce the dosage. What recipes will help you get a guaranteed harvest?

How to feed cucumbers after germination

The first feeding of seedlings should be carried out no later than 10-14 days after germination (when two true leaves are formed). To do this, young plants are watered with a solution of mullein mixed with warm settled water in a ratio of 1:10 or a solution chicken manure(in proportion with water 1:12).

You can also prepare a nutrient mixture from the following ingredients: in 10 liters of water, add 10 g ammonium nitrate, 10 g of potassium salt and 10 g of superphosphate. This amount of the composition should be evenly distributed over 10-15 plants. After another 14 days, a second top dressing should be carried out, doubling the amount of dissolved fertilizers. In this case, the solution should not fall on the green parts of the plants.

How to feed cucumber seedlings after planting

Moving to a new "place of residence" is associated with a new portion of stress for seedlings of cucumbers, so she will again need additional feeding. Use preparations of Kemira Universal, Aquarin (at the rate of 5-7 g per 10 liters of water) or nitrophoska at the rate of 30 g per 1 sq.m. 5 days after transplanting, water the bed with a pink solution of potassium permanganate.

Before planting seedlings, rotted manure is added to the ground at the rate of 6-8 kg per 1 sq.m.

Every 10-15 days after planting cucumbers in open ground, add mullein (in a ratio of 1:10) or bird droppings (1:20). Periodically water the cucumbers with a solution of ash (2 cups per 10 liters of water). For 1 sq.m of plantings, add 5 liters of top dressing.

Two or three times per season, you can feed the cucumbers with Agricola 5 for cucumber (add 1 tablespoon of the drug to 10 liters of water). For 1 sq.m, 4 liters of the resulting solution will be required. Also use Effecton O (for 10 liters of water you need 2 tablespoons of the drug, consumption - 4 liters per 1 sq.m).

How to feed cucumbers for good growth

By the beginning of flowering, such a set should be provided nutrients, which will allow cucumbers to accelerate growth and fruiting. To do this, add microfertilizers containing boron to the mullein solution (1 granule per 1 liter of water). A good top dressing will also be a solution consisting of 10 liters of water, 0.5 g of boric acid, 0.4 g of manganese sulfate and 0.1 g of zinc sulfate.

From the moment the buds are formed, cucumbers will need the maximum set of trace elements. To do this, for every 10 liters of mullein solution, add 40 g of superphosphate, 10 g of potassium sulfate or 20 g of potassium magnesia. For each plant, 200-250 ml of the composition is required.

It is better to fertilize in the summer at the same time as abundant watering.

Additionally, you can add 20 g of potassium nitrate, 30 g of ammonium nitrate and 40 g of superphosphate. For foliar top dressing, use one of the following compositions to choose from:

  • 1 tsp boric acid and 10-12 crystals of potassium permanganate per 1 liter of water;
  • 35 g of superphosphate per 10 liters of water.

How to feed cucumbers during fruiting

It would seem that if fruiting has begun, then the cares of the gardener can be considered complete. This is not entirely true, because the plant spends on this "operation" most of their strength. Therefore, it must be supported.

Feed cucumbers with infusion of green grass mixed with water in a ratio of 1:5. From mineral fertilizers, use potassium nitrate (25-30 g per 10 liters of water), urea (50 g per 10 liters of water), ash (1 cup per 10 liters of water). For foliar feeding, use 10-12 g of urea dissolved in 10 liters of water.

How to feed cucumbers that do not grow well

Even if, at first glance, you did everything right and fed and watered cucumbers in a timely manner, they can still slow down growth. And a big mistake at this time would be to refuse to fertilize. On the contrary, in order to "charge" drooping plants with "vigor", something from organic matter should be added.

For example, take onion skins and fill a 3 liter container with it. Then fill it with boiling water (temperature 80-90 ° C) and leave for a day, stirring occasionally. When the infusion is ready, dilute it in a ratio of 1:10 with plain water and start watering the cucumbers. Such a "potion" should stimulate the growth and fruiting of plants.

How to feed cucumbers in June

In June, you should continue to saturate the cucumbers with nutrients. Complex fertilizers can be prepared according to one of the following recipes. Add 25 g of nitroammophoska and Stimulus 1 or 30 g of any garden fertilizer with microelements per 10 l of mullein solution (1 liter of the composition should be enough for 4-5 plants).

Growth slowdown indicates unfavorable conditions environment and nutrient deficiencies

Nettle infusion will also benefit cucumbers - prepare about 5 liters of chopped nettles and put it in a 10-liter container of water. Let it brew for 5 days. Dilute the finished preparation with water in a ratio of 1:10 and pour cucumbers under the root (consumption - 1 liter per bush).

A good stimulant is top dressing based on fresh yeast. Use 100 g of yeast per 10 liters of water, let it brew for a day and water the beds at the rate of 0.5 liters per bush.

How to feed cucumbers if the leaves turn yellow

Another problem that gardeners often face is yellowing of the leaves. This may be due to an excess of light, improper watering or pest activity. With a lack of potassium and magnesium, the edges of the sheet turn yellow and dry. Yellowing of the upper leaves means a lack of copper, and green veins in the background yellow leaf indicate iron deficiency. Therefore, it is necessary to apply fertilizers rich in those substances that the plant lacks the most.

The simplest recipe is a collection of several herbs: horsetail, nettle, chamomile, tansy. As an additive, ordinary grass is also suitable. The crushed grass should be placed in a ceramic container and filled with ¾ of it with warm water, then covered with a lid and left in the light for 3-4 days so that the mixture ferments. Dilute the finished infusion with water in a ratio of 1: 9 and add a handful of ash. Under the bush, you can make up to 1 liter of the composition.

A preparation based on kefir will help return the cucumbers to their former freshness: mix 2 liters of the product with 10 liters of water. After mixing, sprinkle cucumbers evenly.

To prevent late blight and eliminate signs of yellowing of the leaves, you can use an iodine solution or a solution of fermented milk. Mix sour milk (kefir) and water in a ratio of 1:10 and add a few drops of iodine. Under the bush, add about 1 liter of solution.

How to feed pale cucumbers

Sometimes yellowness from the leaves is quickly transferred to the fruits. First of all, this indicates a lack of nitrogen. "Quick" dressing consists in the introduction of urea - 1 tbsp. per 10 liters of water and watering at the rate of 3-5 liters per plant. You can also use ammonium sulphate (with a nitrogen content of 20-21%), the application rate is 25-40 g per 1 sq.m.

How to feed cucumbers after the cold

The weather sometimes makes its own adjustments to the cultivation of cucumbers, and sudden cold weather can seriously harm this crop. To prevent this from happening, after cool weather, cucumbers must be protected from possible consequences.

Nitrogen top dressing does not stop even after harvest

First of all, it is necessary to prevent the occurrence of powdery and false powdery mildew. To begin with, stop watering and fertilizing for a week. Then spray the bushes with a solution consisting of 3 liters of whey, 7 liters of water and 1 tsp. copper sulfate.

For prevention, use Fitosporin-M (10 g per 5 liters of water), spraying three times with an interval of 10-15 days. Ecosil is also suitable (30-40 drops per 3 liters of water), spray twice with an interval of 10-14 days.

How often do you need to feed cucumbers in the ground

As you have already seen, cucumbers, especially those growing in open ground, need regular feeding. In some cases, the number of dressings can reach 5-6 per season:

  • the first top dressing - during the appearance of 2-3 true leaves;
  • the second top dressing - immediately after transplantation;
  • the third dressing - during budding;
  • the fourth dressing - during the flowering period;
  • fifth dressing - during fruiting.

Now you know everything about fertilizers and top dressings, it remains only to put in a little work and patience to get an excellent harvest of crispy, delicious cucumbers.

Any experienced gardener knows that to get an excellent harvest, it is not enough to sow seeds and occasionally water the plant. This requires creating ideal conditions for growth and fruiting. In addition to watering, loosening and weeding, top dressing can also be attributed to them.

The need for top dressing is due to the poverty of garden soils. After all, every year we plant various vegetable crops, and the soil cover is gradually depleted. Cucumbers are demanding in terms of nutrition - they need both mineral and organic fertilizers. So, let's find out how you can feed cucumbers in the garden or in the greenhouse and how to do it right.

First, let's figure out when is the best time to fertilize. This is usually done in the spring, refueling upper layer manure soil. Thus the garden bed in the period active growth plants will be heated from the inside. In addition, there are two main types of top dressing - these are root and foliar. The former are suitable for warm weather, they are usually carried out after abundant watering in the evening or after rain.

If the summer is damp and cold, then the root system of the plant may not be able to cope with root dressing - in this case, it is better to spray on the leaves.

In order for fruiting to be plentiful, it is necessary to adhere to the timing of fertilization. So, the first feeding is usually done 2 weeks after planting, the second - at the very beginning of flowering, the third - when the cucumbers begin to bear fruit, and the fourth - a little later, since its purpose is to extend this period.

In addition to the traditional agriculture fertilizers (manure, wood ash, chicken droppings), there are also special preparations for a good harvest of cucumbers and tomatoes. These are superphosphate, urea, ammonia and potassium and others.

And now let's figure out how exactly cucumbers should be watered to get a good harvest in each of the four dressings per season: From organic matter, it is better to use fresh chicken manure diluted in a concentration of 1:15 with water, slurry (1:8) or an infusion of green grass (1:5). Mineral fertilizers for the first top dressing are ammophos, which is embedded in the ground by loosening, a mixture of ammonium nitrate with superphosphate and potassium salt, or urea.

When flowers appear on the plant, we add an infusion of green grass, dry or diluted ash. For foliar top dressing we use superphosphate and boric acid with sugar dissolved in hot water.

Mature plants no longer need such an abundance of nutrients, it is only necessary to maintain their content at the proper level. To do this, we still make green and mineral fertilizers- potassium nitrate, urea, diluted in water,.

Toward the end of fruiting, to prolong it, feed the cucumbers with a two-day infusion of rotten hay or divorced baking soda. foliar top dressing at this time should consist of 15 g of urea dissolved in 10 liters of water.

Also keep in mind that the cucumber harvest will be good only when the crop rotation rules are followed on the site. This means that plants such as cabbage, beans, potatoes, celery or tomatoes must be the precursors of cucumbers. And of course, you should not plant cucumbers in one place for several years in a row - this will reduce their yield and harm the vegetables that will grow here in subsequent years. If you have a relatively small space allotted for a vegetable garden, then sideration can be a way out - planting so-called green fertilizers that will heal the soil, loosen it and saturate it with nutrients.

Even on a site filled with organic matter since autumn, top dressing is needed during the period of active fruiting. However, it is important to know how to feed cucumbers in July for the future harvest, so as not to get an undesirable effect.

Vegetable crops are conditionally divided into 2 groups: those that do not need summer dressings, and those that must be fed to form a high yield. Cucumber belongs to the second group.

Cucumbers are responsive to fertilizer, but overfeeding can provoke the development of diseases and deterioration in fruit quality. We will understand in detail what, in what doses and at what intervals cucumbers should be fed in July in the open field and in the greenhouse.

Signs of a Nutrient Deficiency

Early July ground cucumbers enter the phase of mass fruiting. Gardeners harvest every 2 to 3 days. If there are favorable weather, then the cucumber bed will produce fresh fruits in early autumn (in the practice of summer residents, fruiting is observed up to light frosts). The formation of such a crop requires a lot of nutrients. If you want to get a high yield of marketable fruits and extend the fruiting period, then carry out regular top dressing.

Plants forgotten by the gardener themselves signal problems with nutrition. The first sign is drying and falling of the ovaries. Cucumber thus "corrects" its yield. The appearance of cucumbers should alert irregular shape. Potassium deficiency in the soil is indicated by fruits with a thin tail extended to the tip. Fruits with a wide base and a narrow nose are formed with a lack of nitrogen. In open ground, such problems on cucumbers often appear towards the end of the growing season. Bringing to the obvious symptoms of starvation is not recommended. There is also a less noticeable signal - the formed crop is below the potential yield.

AT greenhouse conditions chlorosis can also be observed on cucumbers: lightening of the leaf blade between the veins or the appearance of spots.

This indicates a micronutrient deficiency. Will help universal complex fertilizer. Trace elements will not harm in the open field for the purpose of prevention.

What fertilizers can be used in July

The rule does not apply to cucumbers: the exclusion of nitrogen in the second half of summer. However, the predominance of nitrogen should not be allowed. Fertilizer should contain more potassium. This ratio makes the advantage in favor of fruiting and does not allow cucumbers to fatten, increasing lashes with large leaves.

For July top dressing, summer residents use the following fertilizers.

Ash is a source of essential macro- and microelements

The most harmless fertilizer, which is difficult to overfeed cucumbers. It is more useful to take ash after burning meadow grasses and weeds. In such ashes, potassium predominates, which is necessary for the harvest of sweet cucumbers.

To prepare a working solution for processing, take liter jar ash, dilute it in a bucket of water and insist for 24 hours. Root top dressing is carried out at a dose of 0.5 liters of concentrate per 1 plant. The concentrate before watering is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:2.

Cucumber also responds well to dusting the leaves with ash. This procedure helps protect the leaves from aphids, and young greens from naked slug.

Nitroammophoska is a universal mineral complex

This fertilizer contains the same amount of the main macronutrients: nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. This top dressing helps replenish the supply of nutrients in the soil. It is especially useful for cucumbers in the second half of July.

Irrigation solution is prepared from 1 tablespoon of nitroammophoska and 10 liters of water. The consumption of fertilizer solution is no more than 1 liter per plant. During the fruiting period, use only root top dressing. Spraying a cucumber on a leaf will burn the ovaries.

The note! You can feed with urea as a replacement for nitroammophoska, but it is better to do this at the beginning of the growing season, since an excess of nitrogen in the middle of summer will provoke an excessive growth of the vegetative mass to the detriment of the formation of fruits.

Iron chelates - an organic compound of a microelement

Iron supplementation is required for greenhouse cucumbers. In conditions open ground Plants are rarely deficient in this micronutrient. In a greenhouse, young leaves may develop interveinal chlorosis. So cucumbers signal the need for a trace element.

The concentration of the working solution and the dose depend on the selected drug. More often summer residents use foliar application, as a more efficient and economical way.

Mullein solution - traditional organic fertilizer

Residents can purchase finished fertilizer based cow dung at a gardening store. It is sold as a concentrated solution in containers with a capacity of 1 to 5 liters. It is very convenient to fertilize cucumbers with such a preparation, but you need to carefully study the instructions.

Dry mullein during the fruiting period is used only in the form of a fermented infusion. To do this, the existing volume of manure is poured with water in a ratio of 1: 4 and left for a week under the sun. If used immediately, the uric acid will burn the roots. The resulting concentrate is diluted 4 times before watering. Approximate consumption fertilizers per 1 sq. m (or one hole) - a 10-liter bucket.

It is better to feed not with pure mullein, but with the addition of potassium sulfate. Such top dressing is more beneficial for the crop.

Bird droppings - available organic matter during the growing season

Infusion bird droppings has the most balanced composition of macro- and microelements. At the same time, their shape and concentration favorably affect the yield.

To prepare a working solution, a bucket of manure is poured with 5 buckets of water and left for several days. The resulting infusion is diluted five times before watering the cucumbers, obtaining a concentration of 1:10. Watered under the root at the rate of 0.5 liters per 1 plant.

Compost fertilizer is a gentle way to increase fertility

Compost is distinguished by the presence of microorganisms useful for maintaining the natural fertility of the soil. This is a live top dressing with a lasting effect. You can water with fresh compost solution or apply compost to the holes during loosening. You can do this twice in July.

Bread yeast - an effective folk method

Growers when growing cucumbers to get high yield, apply and unconventional ways. To obtain a nutrient solution, a package of baker's yeast is dissolved in a bucket of water and left in a warm place for 3 days to ferment. The resulting solution is watered with cucumbers at the rate of 0.5 liters per 1 plant. Judging by the reviews of gardeners, such food will not be slow to please with a rich harvest.

Instead of yeast in July, you can also use bread crusts. A bucket of water will take about 400 g. Bread is soaked for 7 days under closed lid. The finished product is diluted 3 times before watering the cucumbers.

Cucumber is a demanding and sensitive crop. When working with fertilizers, you must follow the rule: often, but in small doses. If there is good black soil on the site, then completely refuse to make mineral complexes and reduce the dose of organics.

During the period of active fruiting, feed at intervals of 10 days, alternating mineral and organic complexes. Fruiting cucumbers are fertilized at the root, they rarely work on the leaf due to the risk of burns.

Before top dressing, cucumbers must be watered (half of the irrigation rate), which protects the roots from burns and improves the mobility of the elements. It is better to carry out the procedure in the evening.

A lot depends on the condition of the soil. You can only feed twice a month and get excellent result, but you can exhaust yourself with top dressing, but you can’t get enough of cucumbers. It is important to remember that the above types of nutritional formulations should be processed cucumbers only once a month.

Approximate scheme of July dressings:

  • the beginning of the month (the first fruits appear): nitroammofoska (nitrofoska) + ash;
  • second decade (active fruiting): a solution of chicken manure or mullein;
  • third decade (peak fruiting): yeast infusion to stimulate the second wave;
  • according to the condition of the plants: composting in the intervals between the main procedures.

With proper care, cucumbers bear fruit until the cold weather, without showing symptoms of aging.

Features of top dressing in the greenhouse

Greenhouse cucumber is especially picky about top dressing in July. Getting good yields in a greenhouse is simply unthinkable without artificial nutrition, which is carried out according to a clear pattern every 7 days.

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