Superphosphate fertilizer - features of the mineral product and instructions for use. How superphosphate is used in agriculture

Everyone involved in growing plants knows that without top dressing there will be no harvest of either edible or ornamental crops. Plants lack the nutrients found in the soil, in addition, not all soils are nutritious, so crops need to be helped with fertilizers. In this article, we'll talk about superphosphate, its application and properties.

The role of phosphorus in plant development: how to determine the lack of phosphorus

Role phosphate fertilizers for plants cannot be overestimated: thanks to this element, the root system of plants develops and strengthens, taste characteristics increase, fruiting increases and oxidative reactions in plant tissues decrease. When a plant is sufficiently provided with phosphorus, it consumes moisture more economically, the amount of useful sugars in the tissues increases, the tillering of plants increases, flowering becomes more abundant and fruitful. With an abundance of phosphorus, active fruiting is ensured, accelerated maturation, high yield. Thanks to phosphorus, the resistance of plants to diseases, to changes increases. weather conditions, as well as taste qualities fruits.

Phosphorus for plantsit is a stimulant, it induces the plant to transition from a period of growth to flowering, then to fruiting, activating all the necessary vital processes. The lack of phosphorus reduces the processes of protein synthesis and increases the level of nitrates in plant tissues. The lack of the required amount of the element slows down growth, the deciduous mass of the plant changes color. With a lack of phosphorus, the plant becomes more susceptible to fungal and viral infections.

What is superphosphate

Consider what phosphate fertilizers are. This is a complex balanced composition in the form of powder or granules, used to provide the grown crops with all the necessary nutrients. By composition, the fertilizer is divided into groups: simple, double, granular and ammoniated. Superphosphate fertilizer contains phosphorus, nitrogen, potassium, magnesium, calcium and sulfur.

When and why superphosphate is used

Phosphorus, one of the main active elements, is involved in all life phases of the plant, in metabolic processes in plant tissues, in photosynthesis, in strengthening immunity and nourishing plant cells. In the soil, even in the most nutritious, there is no more than 1% of phosphorus, there are even fewer compounds with this element, so it is extremely important to make up for this deficiency with the help of mineral superphosphate. The use of superphosphate fertilizer becomes mandatory if you notice that the deciduous mass has darkened, turned blue or rusty. These are signs of a lack of phosphorus, most often it manifests itself in seedlings.

Important! During the hardening period, there may be a reaction to a decrease in temperature, while the root system of the plant is not able to absorb right amount phosphorus from the soil. Seedlings are fed with phosphorus, and the processes of growth and development are restored.

Types of superphosphates

Superphosphate has many types, some compounds are enriched with magnesium, boron, molybdenum and other elements. Let's take a closer look at the most used of them.

Did you know? Phosphorus is one of essential elements life of plants, animals, humans and the Earth as a whole. The content of this element in the composition earth's crust equal to 0.09% of its mass, its content in sea ​​waters- 0.07 mg per liter. Phosphorus is present in the composition of 190 minerals, in the tissues of animals and humans, in all tissues and fruits of plants, in organic compounds DNA.

Simple superphosphate fertilizer, or monophosphate, is a powder gray color containing up to 20% phosphorus in the composition. The powder does not cake. However, compared to more advanced types, it is less effective. Due to the low price, it is widely used by farmers and in the industrial agriculture. This fertilizer is applied during deep digging in spring and autumn, 50 g per square meter, combining with potash and nitrogen fertilizers. When planting fruit trees, 500 g is applied per hole, on the trunk circle of a growing tree - from 40 to 70 g. For vegetable crops application rate of 20 g per square meter.


Double superphosphate is distinguished by the content of calcium phosphate, which is highly soluble in water. This fertilizer contains up to 50% phosphorus, 6% sulfur and 2% nitrogen. The composition is granular, there is no gypsum in the content. Let's apply on all types of soil and for all cultures. Apply fertilizer in early spring or in autumn. Applying this composition, you will improve the quality and quantity of the crop, reduce the ripening period of fruits and berries. In industrial agriculture, double superphosphate is used to increase protein in grain crops, and fat in oilseeds. Fertilizer is applied both in spring and autumn in advance, so that phosphorus disperses in the soil before planting or sowing. Plants that have slowed down and weakened are recommended to be watered with a liquid solution of double superphosphate. Apply this composition to all crops and on all types of soil.


Granular phosphate is produced industrial method, rolling into easy-to-use granules, moisturizing the powder composition. The dosage of phosphorus in granulated superphosphate is up to 50%, the content of calcium sulfate is 30%. Cruciferous plants respond particularly well to granulated superphosphate. Granular superphosphate is well stored, because it does not cake, and when applied, it dissipates well. Another advantage: it is poorly fixed in soil layers, which is especially valuable on acidic soils with an increased amount of aluminum and iron. In acidic soils, fertilizer is applied by mixing with chalk, increasing its effectiveness. Most often, granular superphosphate is used on large agricultural areas.


The main advantage of ammoniated superphosphate is that it does not contain gypsum, which is poorly soluble in water. In the composition of the ammoniated fertilizer, in addition to phosphorus (32%), nitrogen (10%) and calcium (14%), there is 12% sulfur, up to 55% potassium sulfate. This superphosphate is valuable for oilseeds and cruciferous crops, they have the greatest need for sulfur. This fertilizer is used if necessary to normalize the indicators of salts and alkali in soils. The main advantage of the ammoniated composition is that it does not oxidize the soil, because the acid reaction is neutralized by ammonia. The effectiveness of this fertilizer is 10% higher than other formulations.

Compatibility with other fertilizers

Best conditions to convert superphosphate into forms accessible to plants - soil acidity indicators of 6.2-7.5 pH and a temperature of at least 15 degrees Celsius. To ensure these conditions and the availability of phosphorus to plants, preliminary deoxidation of the soil is carried out. Superphosphate interacts well with lime, wood ash and dolomite flour.

Attention! Deacidify the soil in advance: a month before the proposed introduction of superphosphate.

Increases the absorption of phosphorus combined with organic fertilizers: humus, manure and bird droppings.

Instructions for use of superphosphate

The use of superphosphate for plants is recommended in the form of application to the soil when digging in the fall or when sowing crops. It is also used as a top dressing during cultivation. horticultural crops, fruit trees and shrubs.

  • in early spring or autumn, when digging, they add from 40 to 50 g per square meter;
  • when planting seedlings - 3 g in each hole;
  • as a dry dressing per square meter - 15-20 g;
  • for fruit trees - from 40 to 60 g per square meter trunk circle.

As is known, as the main dressings of cultivated plants on various stages their development uses nitrogen, potash and phosphorus fertilizers. Among the latter, superphosphate is especially well known.

Description and characteristics

Superphosphate - is one of the most popular mineral phosphate fertilizers among gardeners. Phosphorus is contained in it mainly in two forms: phosphoric acid HPO3 and monocalcium phosphate Ca(H2PO4)2. Also in the composition there is gypsum, aluminum and iron phosphates, silicon dioxide, various connections fluorine.

The main advantage of superphosphate is the phosphorus oxide present in its composition. His water solution easily and quickly absorbed by various cultivated plants. The absorption of this component deteriorates at low temperatures.

Manufacturers additionally add compounds of nitrogen, sulfur, calcium, boron and molybdenum to the composition of superphosphate. Fertilizer is produced from phosphorites of natural and artificial origin.

Phosphorus is responsible for energy exchange cellular level. With a lack of phosphorus, the plant begins to absorb other micro and macro elements obtained from the earth worse.

Phosphorus deficiency symptoms:

  • plant leaves turn blue (may be purple, green or yellow tint);
  • appear on the lower leaves dark spots irregular shape copper or purple hues;
  • leaf petioles turn purple;
  • the affected leaves curl, dry up and fall off;
  • overall growth stops.

Very often, young seedlings suffer from a lack of phosphorus (especially those planted in the winter months). In this situation, in small concentrations, top dressing with superphosphate is performed already 10 days after picking.

The effect of phosphorus on plants:

  • the functioning of the root system as a whole improves;
  • the growing season increases (plants age more slowly);
  • culture begins to bear fruit earlier;
  • the duration of the fruiting period increases;
  • the quality of the harvest is noticeably better.

Today on the market you can find superphosphate in various forms.

Simple superphosphate (monophosphate)

Practically non-caking gray powder with a pronounced acid odor. It contains:

  • phosphorus compounds - up to 20%;
  • nitrogenous compounds - up to 8%;
  • sulfur compounds - up to 10%;
  • calcium sulfate (in the form of gypsum).

This is the most ineffective variety of superphosphate. However, due to low cost and better water solubility, this mineral supplement still quite popular.

Often, monophosphate is used to improve vegetable top dressings and composts.

Granular superphosphate

This variety is made from simple superphosphate, which is pre-moistened, pressed and rolled into small granules up to 4 mm. The proportion of phosphorus compounds can reach up to 50%, calcium sulfate - up to 30%.

Granular superphosphate is better stored and more convenient to use. Granules dissolve more slowly in the soil, so their action is more prolonged (up to 2-3 months).

This top dressing is most good for bulbs, legumes, cereals and cruciferous crops.

Double superphosphate

This fertilizer is more concentrated (the proportion of phosphorus compounds is up to 50%), which means that it contains fewer additional impurities. In addition, the proportion of nitrogen in its composition is increased to 15%.

Double superphosphate is produced in granules. Fertilizer is applied to the soil either in the fall when digging, or in early spring. Also, a solution based on it in different time feed crops experiencing phosphorus starvation.

It can be applied to all types of plants and on any soil. Good compatibility with potassium supplements.


The most important component of success is the choice of the correct dosage. Before use, carefully read the instructions on the back of the package.

Application rates of double superphosphate
culture Priority deposit Application rules

During autumn or spring digging:

  • cultivated soils - from 35 to 45 g per 1 m2;
  • uncultivated soils - from 50 to 60 g per 1 m2;
  • in greenhouses and greenhouses - from 70 to 90 g per 1 m2 (to be applied together with nitrogen and potash fertilizers).
5 g per hole when planting and 15-20 g per 1 m2 when top dressing.
Vegetables 10 g per line m. in rows when sowing or 5 g per hole when planting seedlings; 15-20 g per 1 m2 when feeding.
Fruit trees 300 to 500 g per landing pit put when planting a seedling; 40-60 g is applied to the region of the near-stem circle in the spring; 40-60 g in the area of ​​the near-stem circle after flowering.
berry bushes From 80 to 180 g are placed in the planting hole when planting a seedling; 20-30 g is applied to the region of the near-stem circle in the spring; 20-30 g in the area of ​​the near-stem circle after flowering.
Strawberry wild-strawberry
Flowers 5 g per hole when planting seedlings and 5 g under a bush or 10-15 g per 1 m2 when feeding.

For a balanced nutrition of vegetables and leafy greens during autumn or spring digging, the following are introduced into the soil:

  • monophosphate - from 60 to 80 g;
  • double superphosphate - from 30 to 40 g.

In greenhouses and greenhouses, it is preferable to use double superphosphate. Be sure to add 3-4 g of powder to the planting holes when planting seedlings.

To prepare a working solution of 100 g of dry fertilizer, pour 1 liter of water and put on fire for half an hour. When the composition has cooled, strain it through cheesecloth. Dissolve 100 ml of the resulting solution in 10 liters of water (this amount is enough to feed 1 m2 in a greenhouse or on a plot).

It is worth noting that superphosphate reveals all its effectiveness only on neutral and alkaline soils. In acidic soil, phosphorus actively combines with aluminum and iron. Plants cannot absorb such compounds.

The mineral fertilizer obtained as a result of the decomposition of natural phosphates is called superphosphate (CaH2PO4) 2 x H2O + 2CaSO4 x 2H2O.

The main component of the formula is phosphorus which is reflected in the title. It can be contained in this fat from 20 to 50% of the total volume. It is very important that phosphorus oxide (P2O5) is present in this compound in a water-soluble form. This property makes it possible to bring the main component to the roots of plants much faster in order to provide its full nutrition. This macronutrient has a number of useful and vital properties:

  • Helps the plant to enter the fruiting period faster;
  • Improves the taste of fruits and berries;
  • Slows down the aging of plants;
  • It has a positive effect on the development of the root system and tubers;
  • It is an important component for plant nutrition.

When is superphosphate used?

This fertilizer has a long aftereffect. If applied in large quantities, it will work on the principle of a multi-day bird feeder - the chicken pecks grain from it, and it is all poured and poured until it runs out.

So is phosphorus - plants take it from the soil as much as they need at this stage, not a drop more. And this "feeder" can work for several years, until the stocks run out.

Experienced gardeners calculate the amount of this fertilizer and its duration in advance, and make new portions when the period ends. And it will be useful for beginners to know what signs may indicate the need to use superphosphate. If plants have garden plot the leaves become dark green, or even blue, a rusty tint appears on them, then all this indicates a lack of phosphorus. Sometimes only the reverse side of the leaf changes color, becoming purple. Often such signs appear during a sudden cold snap, or when hardening seedlings. The fact is that at low temperatures, the roots do not absorb phosphorus well, and when it rises, the situation should return to normal, and the leaves should acquire green coloring. If this did not happen, the plants are fed with superphosphate.

What soils to use?

Superphosphate is used on various types soils. Phosphorus from this fertilizer is not fixed in the soil-absorbing complex, and plants can receive it in the required amount.

This fat is especially effective in alkaline and neutral reactions of fertile soil. But when applied to acidic soils may have problems.

Manufacturers producing inexpensive fertilizers do not use pure raw materials for superphosphates. This does not affect the quality of the impact of this agrochemical on any type of soil, except for acidic ones. Here in this case it is necessary to use superphosphate High Quality, since during an acid reaction it will not turn into iron and aluminum phosphates, which are not available for plant nutrition.

With noticeable signs of a lack of phosphorus, it is best to use the more expensive soluble monophosphates of potassium and sodium. If preventive feeding is planned, then you can not stand on ceremony, and use any kind of superphosphate. Then next year you will not have to feed vegetables and fruits with this element.

Instructions for use


Simple superphosphate is applied to the soil, both in spring and autumn. Consumption rates are the same, regardless of the season– 40-50 g/m² for cultivated lands, and 55-70 g/m² for those already participating in the crop rotation. These doses are recommended for continuous application.

When feeding fruit trees, when planting, about 500 g per pit is poured under each. If fertilizer is applied under a growing tree, then it is recommended to use it after flowering, at the rate of 40-70 g per trunk circle.

For tomatoes and potatoes, with continuous application, it is necessary to take about 20 g / m².

Application with other fertilizers

Simple superphosphate can be used together with nitrogen fertilizers. Double and granular can be used simultaneously with potash top dressing.

But together with ammonium nitrate, chalk and, in accordance with the official instructions for use, it is impossible to fertilize plants with this agrochemical. Between their introduction it is necessary to withstand at least a week.

Types of superphosphates

To expand the scope, several types of this fat were developed:

  • Simple (monophosphate). gray powder, at observance of the recommended level of humidity almost does not cake. Contains up to 20% phosphorus oxide (Р2О5). It has limited effectiveness compared to newer types. But you can buy it much cheaper, so it is still very popular in industrial agriculture.
  • Granular superphosphate(Ca(H2PO4)2-H2O + H3PO4+2 CaS04). Obtained from simple, moistening the fraction and rolling into granules industrial way. This is done for ease of use. The content of phosphorus oxide in this fertilizer reaches 50%, and calcium sulfate - 30%. It is a very valuable top dressing for cruciferous crops.
  • Double.Ca(H2PO4)2H2O. Contains water-soluble calcium monophosphate. AT liquid state goes badly. Double superphosphate has few ballast substances in its composition, which makes its use cost-effective.
  • Ammoniated(NH4H2PO4+ Ca (H2PO4)2 x H2O + CaSO4+ H3PO4). Contains a large number of sulfur (12%), and potassium sulfate (40-55%). It dissolves well in water. Used for oilseeds, cruciferous crops that need sulfur.

There are also many other types of superphosphates, for example, magnesian, boric, molybdenum, which provide plants not only with phosphorus, but also with various trace elements.

Extract from superphosphate

Phosphorus is difficult to dissolve in water. But in liquid form, it quickly penetrates to the roots of plants. Gardeners came up with a simple and affordable way transfer this substance from one state of aggregation to another.

To dissolve superphosphate in water, it is necessary to provide a high reaction temperature. To do this, the granules are poured with boiling water. Phosphorus retains its beneficial features, at the same time it passes into an easily digestible dispersed form. To prepare a suspension, the container with the solution must be placed in a warm place, and stirred as often as possible. Then complete dissolution will occur quickly, in about a day. Externally, the resulting suspension looks like cow's milk with a high percentage of fat.

The recommended ratio is 20 tablespoons per 3 liters. water. This is a working solution, which, in turn, is used to prepare the main fertilizer. At 10 l. water add 150 ml. working solution (suspension of superphosphate), 20 nitrogen fertilizer and 0.5 liters. It is imperative to use nitrogen fertilizer as a component of the irrigation solution, since phosphorus without it is poorly absorbed by plants.

Dissolving superphosphate in water, do not be too zealous, trying to convert it into a completely liquid state of aggregation. It's impossible. But it is quite possible to achieve grinding of phosphorus granules to the size of the smallest particles.

Phosphorus-nitrogen fertilizer is used in the spring, for root dressing, since during the period active growth plants are in dire need of nitrogen, which easily passes from the soil to the roots. Phosphorus comes from the soil gradually, and acts for several months, and even several years. Even in an easily accessible form, this chemical element is not absorbed immediately in full. Superphosphate extract is an ideal top dressing for horticultural and horticultural crops with a long aftereffect.

Another way to dissolve superphosphate in water is to use live biobacteria. To do this, the agrochemical is composted with various solutions of phytosporins, with Humate, for example. After the process is completed, the resulting mixture is diluted in water. room temperature, and, stirring, stand for a day. After that, it is possible to use this solution for root and foliar feeding various garden and garden plants under the root.

The use of superphosphate for private plants


This fertilizer is quite versatile, but the greatest effect from its use should be expected in the garden. It can be applied to almost all crops, but it will be especially grateful for phosphorus top dressing.

Superphosphate can be applied as a spring application to each well, about 3-4g. A granular chemical will be very handy for this type of use. It allows you to more accurately dose the rate for each bush.

Since the most valuable part of the potato is tubers, in order to increase the yield, it is necessary to strengthen root system plants. Phosphorus is the main nutrient responsible for its qualitative development and regeneration.

If the entire plot is fertilized, then about 20 g of superphosphate is taken per square meter. This dosage is applicable for most vegetable crops.


Phosphorites are introduced during the planting of nightshade, about 20 g per plant. It is not necessary to deepen the fertilizer strongly; good nutrition for the plant will be provided if top dressing is evenly placed under a loose layer of earth at the level of the plant roots. More than 95% of phosphorus is used by a tomato to form fruits. Therefore, the use of superphosphate is not limited to spring feeding. It must also be applied during the flowering period of tomatoes.

If there is a lot of potassium superphosphate in the fertilizer, then it is great for tomatoes that “love” this chemical element and respond to its use with sweeter fruits.

Mature plants with a well-developed root system are much better at absorbing useful material. Young - on the contrary, poorly consume phosphorus. Therefore, in order to save money, during the planting of seedlings in the ground, they are fed with granular superphosphate, which is better absorbed, and when feeding adult plants, a simple form of this fat can also be used.

Video: preparing plants for winter using superphosphate

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good growth the plant is provided with the necessary good nutrition, and it is impossible without phosphorus and its components. The earth does not have the amount of phosphorus necessary for planting, which is why it is so important to make phosphate supplements in order to grow tasty, juicy, healthy vegetables, fruits, flowers and berries on your loved ones. summer cottages. The most popular and effective fertilizer containing phosphorus is superphosphate.

What is superphosphate and the effects of its plant

Being a mineral fertilizer, it contains the most valuable elements, phosphorus and nitrogen. His chemical formula has a number of microelements, invaluable for each plant, such as potassium, which is also part of its composition, calcium (acid neutralizer in the soil), magnesium (of particular value for potato plantations), sulfur (feeding the soil where legumes, grains are grown, as well as oil crops) and others.

The composition of this widely demanded additive includes natural minerals, their origin is the mineralized bones of dead animals, slag from steel production. It is obtained through numerous chemical reactions, and is available in powder or granular form.

Powdered superphosphate fertilizer, more convenient for application to the soil, it instantly dissolves in it, begins to interact with the root systems of plants, nourishing them and enriching them with minerals. And for the bookmark compost pit, better fit granular version.

Superphosphate application and formulations

Simple superphosphate (powder) is a white powder with a slightly gray tint, and contains about 20% phosphorus oxide. Moisture powder has the property of clumping and caking, therefore, it is advisable to store it in a dry place. This type of additive has a narrower application, in relation to new products, although it is still not replaceable in the open spaces of agricultural land, since it is quite cheap.

Simple superphosphate (granulated) is obtained from monophosphate, by granulation, it already contains a higher percentage of phosphorus oxide, about 50%, and 30% calcium sulfate has been added to it. Granules are convenient to store and use them. Provides plants with the nutrition they need.

Double superphosphate, this is a high concentration composition. Easily and instantly soluble in water, economical. It has found great application in household plots and on farms.

There is also a composition with potassium sulfate and sulfur. Well soluble in water.

Molybdenum, boric and other types.

In order to calculate the correct dose of application, not to harm the soil and plants, you need to clearly understand for which specific task you take it. It is important to read the instructions for the use of superphosphate and only after that start feeding.

Superphosphate, broad spectrum fertilizer

  • Accelerates the development of roots and tubers, as well as the growth of cultivated plants.
  • It has a positive effect on the formation of ovaries, prolongs flowering and fruiting.
  • Restores disturbed metabolism.
  • It is a protection against many diseases.
  • It inhibits the processes of oxidation in the soil.
  • Improves taste fruit plants, increases productivity.

Signs of a lack of phosphorus in crops

Often, we observe certain changes on vegetables, the leaves suddenly become either “rusty” or blue, a purple coating may appear with reverse side leaf, this is a lack of phosphorus. So you need to immediately correct the situation by fertilizing.

How to apply superphosphate

  • Surface spreading method.
  • Can be applied to holes or rows before planting.
  • Dig up the soil, applying fertilizer.
  • The method of liquid top dressing.
  • Apply in laying the compost pit.

Fertilizer dissolution can be applied on different types soil. The best effect is achieved on neutral and alkaline. If the earth is too acidic, lime or ash treatment is necessary. The process of soil deoxidation usually takes place within a month, then you can safely make mineral additives. Usually, the soil is deoxidized in the fall, after harvest, or when autumn digging land, in this case, by spring it will be ready to accept phosphate fertilizers. It is impossible to add superphosphate in the fall simultaneously with deoxidation, a reaction occurs, as a result of which one neutralizes the other, since these chemicals have one basis.

In early spring, potassium superphosphate will be an excellent help for the soil. Scatter it under bushes, fruit trees, slightly loosen the ground, after spring rains, all important nutrients, reach the root system of plants, and they will receive an excellent "treat".

Superphosphate - fertilizer, instructions for use

This "magic" composition introduced into the soil has long terms nutritional process. The plant is not in a hurry, and takes the necessary dose for nutrition, in small portions, gradually "digesting" phosphorus. Therefore, do not rush to make the next portion, an overdose can adversely affect the culture. Double superphosphate should be consumed in smaller quantities, as it is concentrated.

Simple superphosphate can be applied in spring and autumn. Norm, 50 grams per 1 sq.m, this is done by scattering over the site. For especially poor lands, it is worth increasing the additive by 30%.

  • for a young seedling of any of fruit bushes and trees, add 500 grams to the soil.
  • for an already tall and mature tree 50 grams,
  • for digging a greenhouse, make 90 grams per 1 sq.m.,
  • for one dose for potatoes, use 20 grams per 1 sq.m.,
  • for all vegetables at one time, take 70 grams per 1 sq.m.

Double has in its composition more nitrogen (15%) and phosphorus (50%). It can easily dissolve in soil and water. For him, there are the main terms for making double superphosphate: early spring, after thawing and warming up of the earth, and autumn, after harvesting. Spring fertilization is considered to be the main one, since the soil is still wet after the snow has melted and under the influence of spring rains, therefore its easily soluble composition immediately begins to work. Double superphosphate will be many times more useful if you add a potash mixture to the ground along with it.

  • for seedlings, leafy greens and young vegetables take 40 grams per 1 sq. m.,
  • for potatoes, put 4 grams of fertilizer into the hole,
  • for root crops, you need to take 20 grams per 1 sq.m.,
  • for vegetables in greenhouses, 80 grams per 1 sq.m.

fertilizer solution

Why dilute it in water? When all its elements are dissolved in water, it is absorbed by the roots faster, which means that the process of delivery to the plant will be accelerated, and the assimilation of nutrition will immediately begin. For this reason, late spring and summer top dressing vegetables, flowers and berry bushes.

How to dissolve superphosphate in water

  • To quickly dissolve phosphorus, water should be boiled.
  • take 20 tablespoons of granular superphosphate and pour 3 liters of boiling water,
  • the resulting solution, it is considered basic, should be left somewhere closer to heat,
  • for the preparation of the main nutrient mixture, should be diluted, in 10 liters of water, 150 ml of the base mixture,
  • Add to ready solution half liter wood ash and 20 ml of nitrogen mixture in liquid form,
  • then, cooked mash is poured over vegetables, tomatoes during flowering, etc.

Superphosphate fertilizer: instructions for use

Phosphorus is stored and nourishes the plants for several more months, and nitrogen is instantly taken up by the plant culture and absorbed. This so-called superphosphate extract is the most the best top dressing for vegetables, flowers, bushes and fruit plants of your site.

There is another way to dissolve this mineral supplement in water using live bacteria. For this method, Humate or phytosporin liquids are used, this mixture is composted, keeping for a day, and sometimes stirring. This fertilizer is also good for decorative plantings.

Superphosphate, fertilizer with instructions for use, individual portions for various vegetables. The terms of feeding are also different, so follow the rules for using it, according to what is written.

Modern household farming, it is unthinkable to imagine without use, as an additional soil nutrition, chemical fertilizers. Many gardeners, nevertheless, refuse chemistry, and try to replace it with environmentally friendly top dressing, in the form of infusions from fermented herbs, with the addition of modern humatized additives. But, this is not enough to preserve the fertility of the soil. The advantages of superphosphate, which contains components that are essential for vegetable nutrition, are obvious, it is long-acting, versatile in composition, economical and not expensive. The use of this fertilizer will help you grow a wonderful crop on your site.

Nutrients are necessary for normal vegetation of fruit and ornamental crops. One of the main ones is phosphorus. Academician A.E. Fersman in his scientific work equated the microelement with the biogenic mechanism of life and thought. However, in nature, the substance practically does not occur in free form, therefore, mineral fertilizers, for example, superphosphate, are used to enrich the soil. Before using it, be sure to read the instructions.

Superphosphate is familiar to almost all gardeners and gardeners. Many observed a picture on the site when the plants started to wither. One of the methods of resuscitation is the timely introduction of the nutrient mixture.

Apart from phosphorus The complex also includes other mineral supplements:

  • magnesium;
  • calcium;
  • sulfur;
  • fluorine;
  • manganese;
  • silica;
  • iron and other substances.

Superphosphate has an effect on plant growth and development beneficial effect:

  • improves metabolism;
  • promotes the development and strengthening of the root system;
  • accelerates the period of flowering and fruiting;
  • improves the quality and quantity of the crop.

In general, mineral fertilizers increase culture immunity, thereby increasing resistance to various diseases and insect attacks. The use of the product is not limited to pre-sowing enrichment of the soil with nutrients. The composition is also used as top dressing.

Superphosphate is suitable for all types of soil, however, the greatest efficiency is observed on alkaline and neutral soils.

When applying the product to the ground with an acidic environment, it is recommended to mix the product with limestone, phosphate rock, chalk.


Superphosphate is available in several varieties, which simplifies the use of fertilizer for certain cultures. Distinctive feature compositions is, first of all, the amount of phosphorus and the addition of other trace elements.

simple variety mineral fertilizers contains:

  • phosphorus - 10-20%;
  • nitrogen - about 8%;
  • sulfur - up to 10%, and other substances.

The product is a simple gray powder with a strong acid odor. Retains properties and qualities long time with humidity not exceeding the average.


The raw material for the manufacture of the granulated product is monophosphate. It is moistened during the production process, put under pressure, and then rolled up in the form of granules. As a result, phosphorus increases. up to 50%, calcium sulfate - up to 30%.

The advantage of a granular product is in more convenient application and long-term action trace elements. This is due to the slow dissolution of the granules during humid environment, thereby increasing the efficiency of feeding.

The tool contains 43-46% phosphorus in a form easily absorbed by the plant. AT small quantities also present: monomagnesium sulfate, aluminum and iron phosphates, calcium sulfate. The product is used for enrichment any type of soil, where it is introduced when growing different plants.

Double superphosphate is applied to the soil during digging in autumn or early spring. A feature of the product is considered to be a high nitrogen content (up to 20%) and a slight addition of sulfur (up to 6%).


There are other varieties that are enriched with boron, magnesium, molybdenum and other trace elements useful for plants.

Advantages and disadvantages of using compared to other means

To form an opinion about superphosphate and its qualities, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the advantageous characteristics.

The main ones include:

  • security for human and plant health;
  • the ability to dissolve top dressing in water, which eliminates clogging of the soil;
  • affordable price, convenient packaging;
  • convenient application, taking into account the choice of a more suitable type;
  • provides the necessary supply of trace elements necessary for the development and growth of crops.

One of the advantages of superphosphate is the price and various options packaging

When using superphosphate, it is worth considering its disadvantages:

  • if used incorrectly, to acidify or saline the soil;
  • give quick effect, but soon enough the soil is depleted again;
  • an excess amount of funds Negative influence on vegetation.

Instructions for use

Before using superphosphate, it is necessary test the soil for acidity, if necessary, carry out deoxidation with dolomite flour or lime. Use fertilizer after preventive measures recommended after a month, otherwise the nutrient mixture will lose its nutritional value.

Dosage of the drug for application to different crops

Every crop needs phosphorus, but a certain amount, so it is important to know the dosage for each species in the garden.


Phosphates are used during autumn or spring preparatory work. The granular form of fertilizer release is considered more effective.

Granules are added to each well 3-4 grams. It can also be applied loosely on the soil at the rate of 20 gr. per 1 m2.


A bed for tomatoes is prepared in a similar way: superphosphate is scattered over the soil or introduced into the hole. The dose is 15-20 gr. per 1 m2.


When fertilizing the soil before planting, the land is enriched with minerals at the rate of 30 gr. per 1 m2. At the stage of active development of young shoots, double superphosphate is used, which is previously diluted in water. The solution should not fall on the greens during processing.

Trees and berry plants

For spring top dressing prepare a solution 15-20 gr. funds for a bucket of water. About 6 liters of liquid are poured under each bush. It is also allowed to apply fertilizer in dry form at the rate of 1-2 tablespoons for 1 unit.


To prepare the solution, take superphosphate and water in equal proportions and add liquid between the rows. In autumn or early spring, humus or bird droppings can be added to the mixture.

The dosage is: 60 gr. mineral complex, 5 kg humus, 15 gr. potassium salt per 1 m2.

Preparation of working solution

Most often, gardeners apply fertilizer along with watering. So the tool works faster, and therefore more efficiently. Fertilizers with phosphorus are considered water soluble, but when used cold water active substances decompose weakly. Therefore, hot water is used to prepare the working solution.

Exist 2 ways to dilute the composition: the first involves pouring the powder or granules with boiling water, the second - slightly warm water with the subsequent installation of the container in a sunny place. High temperatures do not change chemical composition fertilizers.

For the preparation of a concentrated liquid 300 gr. means pour 3 liters of boiling water and insist with occasional stirring. It should be noted that the crystals do not completely dissolve, but visually decrease in size.

The concentrate (100 ml) is diluted in a bucket of water before fertilizing the soil. When conducting spring dressings wood ash (500 g) and nitrogen substances (20 mg) can be added to the solution.

Terms and methods of treatment of plants with the drug

Superphosphate can be used several times per season:

  • during preparatory work (in autumn or spring);
  • for feeding seedlings;
  • 2 weeks after planting seedlings;
  • in case of yellowing of the leaves on young shoots.

It is better to apply fertilizer at the stage of soil preparation dry using a seeder or by hand. For top dressing choose liquid form(solution). It is poured under the root of the plants.

per season mineral complex used thrice:

  • in the phase of formation of 1-3 leaflets;
  • 15-21 days after the first feeding;
  • 20-25 days after the 2nd procedure.

Safety measures when working with the tool

Subject to storage rules, superphosphate non-flammable and explosive. Do not smoke, drink food or water while using the fertilizer. After completing the work, hands and others open areas skin should be washed well with soap.

If a little of the working solution gets into the eyes or on the skin, you need to immediately rinse the affected area under running water. The container in which the solution was diluted is thoroughly cleaned using detergents.

Keep superphosphate out of the reach of children and animals.

Compatibility with other drugs

Superphosphate shows the highest efficiency when applied on neutral soils(indicator 6.2-7.5 pH). If the acidity is increased, then you need to supplement the fertilizer with dolomite flour or lime. These components do not interfere with each other's action.

When determining a companion for a phosphorus composition, the type of product is taken into account:

  • monophosphate goes well with nitrogen substances;
  • granular and double look are supplemented with potassium fats.

Combine mineral complex permitted with organics: chicken manure, humus, compost.

It is forbidden use superphosphate together with ammonium nitrate, urea, chalk. The interval between the introduction of these substances should be at least a week.

Storage conditions and shelf life

A heated room is more suitable for storing fertilizers, where a stable temperature regime. In dilapidated utility rooms, not only temperature jumps are observed, but also high humidity, which terminates the remedy into a porridge. Optimal indicator must not exceed 50%.

Opened bags should be closed in an airtight container or poured into a container with a locking lid. Prepared solutions are used immediately or disposed of.

The shelf life of phosphate fertilizers is not limited to a certain period.

The main indicator of the quality of a product is its appearance, which should not differ from what the powder or granules were after opening a new pack.

Mineral fertilizers are beneficial only if they are used correctly. Therefore, before enriching the soil in the beds with a nutrient mixture, it is recommended that you read the instructions and advice from experienced gardeners.

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