Island hidden under water. Secrets of the deep sea

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The oceans are full of mysteries, and this gives us the opportunity to dream and fantasize. It takes about 70 % our planet, and only 5 % body of water have been studied. This means that many secrets are hidden under the water shell of the Earth, which have not yet been discovered.

website collected 10 amazing objects found underwater. But this is just a drop in the ocean. We cannot even imagine what awaits us in the water depths.

Great Blue Hole, Belize

In recent years, as a result of the movement of the North American and Eurasian tectonic plates, the distance between them has increased significantly. This impressive phenomenon can be seen both on land and diving deep under water. The phenomenon has been captured by several underwater photographers.

marine biologist Alexander Mustard noted that visitors can be very surprised by the crystal clear water and enchanting views. The plate movement speed is about 2.5 cm per year.

Ancient city of Heraklion, Egypt

Once upon a time in Zhejiang Province, there was a mysterious city called Shichen. His mystery was that one day he simply disappeared. As it turned out later, the valley in which the city was located was turned into an artificial reservoir for the construction of a new hydroelectric power station. The government had to relocate 290 thousand people. A dam was built on the territory of the city, as a result of which Shichen ended up at the bottom of the lake.

It's hard to believe, but after more than half a century, the wooden beams and stairs of the city are in good condition, as if time flows in it somehow differently.

Underwater sculpture park

The unique museum was created by an English sculptor Jason Taylor. It is located at the bottom of the Caribbean Sea, not far from the coast of Grenada. The first exhibits were sunk to the seabed in 2006.

To date, the museum has more than 65 exhibits, the collection of which is replenished annually. This project benefits not only as a cultural site, but also as an important part of the wildlife ecosystem.

"Black smokers" at the bottom of the ocean

Photos from open sources

The secrets that the ocean keeps in its depths are unlikely to ever be solved by us to the end. In its entire history, mankind has managed to explore only 5 percent of the depths of the sea, and therefore it is not surprising that at the bottom of gloomy depressions and in the failures of dark caves, amazing creatures that have never been seen before are hidden and sunken ancient cities sleep in eternal sleep... (website)

The sea brings back the drowned

A few years ago, the inhabitants of the Channel Island of Guernsey experienced a real horror: for three days in a row, the ocean brought drowned people to the shore, and “fresh” ones at that. More than forty dead bodies were found, but the police are not able to explain where they came from, since there were no shipwrecks or storms in the area at that time. Further investigations conducted with the participation of Interpol yielded nothing, identification of dead people by fingerprints - as well.

Photos from open sources

The locals had their own, mostly mystical, versions. So, independent researchers believe that the ocean, most likely, "gathered" corpses from different layers of time or from parallel worlds. However, in this case, it remains a mystery why the ocean did this and why it chose the island of Guernsey for its purpose ...

Unidentified object at the bottom of the sea

A strange and very mysterious structure was once discovered at the bottom of the Baltic Sea by a team of Swedish divers. Later, the Ocean X Team even managed to film the object on video, make at least some measurements, but experienced specialists could not establish what it was. The design resembles either a sunken ship of an alien mind, or some ancient altar, and next to it any equipment fails, even a flashlight goes out.

Photos from open sources

Analysis of samples of the material from which the object was made showed that it is of extraterrestrial origin. Swedish divers are planning to return to their unique find and at the same time are perplexed: why is it of no interest to anyone but them? Moreover, orthodox scientists claim that this is just a stone formation of the pre-Ice Age, without even bothering to go down under the water and explore this “formation” ...

Lost underwater city

Not far from the coast of India, archaeologists recently discovered the remains of an ancient city. Well, what's so amazing, you ask. And the fact that experts estimate the age of those city buildings at 9,500 - 10,000 years, which means that our civilization is much older than is commonly believed.

Photos from open sources

Can you imagine how many interesting things such underwater ruins can tell people?! Yes, but the trouble is, we ignore everything on land that does not fit into the generally accepted history, or even destroy it. Why do we need underwater artifacts and even entire cities? Therefore, orthodox science is not only in no hurry to explore the remains of the ancient settlement, but also hinders its study in every possible way ...

Photos from open sources

Voice of the Depths

In 1997 NOAA (National Oceanic Administration) hydrophones recorded a sound called Bloop. Sea explorers have never heard such a loud and unusual “voice of the depths” at all: it turns out that in nature (in their opinion) there are simply no marine animals capable of screaming so loudly and terribly. Or do they still exist? This question is of great concern to independent researchers, who fully admit that animals unknown to us live in the depths of the ocean, perhaps even intelligent ones.

How do they manage to keep people out of sight? Firstly, the World Ocean is huge: even in area it is several times larger than land, not to mention its depth, which makes this world truly immense. Secondly, as some researchers believe, the World Ocean is connected to the deep underground water "reservoirs" of the planet, which can be many times larger than it in volume. In this case, the water element can hide in itself any conceivable and inconceivable forms of life ...

Photos from open sources

It is no coincidence that there is even an opinion that we have studied the cosmos much better than the ocean depths. And although there is a clear exaggeration in this statement, it accurately conveys the main thing - the water element of the Earth, which is practically at our fingertips, for some reason we cannot study, despite all attempts, from ancient times to the present day. Maybe someone is stopping people from doing this? For example, they are not particularly willing to enter into contacts with us, and even more so to reveal to us the secrets of the deep sea ...

Reading time: 4 min

In the entire history of civilization, the World Ocean has been explored by a maximum of 5%. We know less about the processes taking place in the vast expanses and in the water column below them than about the far side of the Moon. LifeGid tells about the amazing secrets of the inner life of the ocean and the power of the elements.

Alas, there is a possibility that we will never know much of what is happening in the oceans. The planet is undergoing rapid large-scale changes: the temperature of the atmosphere is rising, the polar caps are melting. Due to reckless economic activity, the ocean is exposed to colossal pollution with plastic waste. Coral reefs and many species of ocean life are under the threat of extinction.

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The ocean is a creative murk

Back in the 19th century telegraph cables were laid along the bottom of the oceans. It soon turned out that an unknown force from time to time easily tears thick wire harnesses. Cases were noted when several telegraph lines went out of order at once, and they were broken in a clear straight line.

It is now known that most often this natural phenomenon occurs in underwater canyons located at the confluence of large rivers into the ocean. The study of such accidents made it possible to learn about the existence of the so-called turbidity flows. We are talking about huge flows of silt and turbidity that break from shallow water over steep underwater slopes.

As it moves downward, the flow captures more and more masses of bottom sediments. Finally, he reaches the bottom of the slope, his energy dries up, and the brought material is laid down in a thin layer. Over millions of years, sedimentary layers of impressive thickness and characteristic structure form at the bottom. Geologists even gave them a special name - turbidites.

Below is a video with a laboratory simulation of a turbidite flow.

It is quite possible that this phenomenon would have remained known only to a narrow circle of people associated with marine geology and oceanology.

But nature allowed itself an unexpected "advertising move". At some point in history, turbidites accumulated at the bottom of the present-day Bay of Biscay were compressed, crushed, and raised above sea level. This is how the famous beaches of the Basque Country arose. The coasts, dotted with countless rows of stone battlements, attract photographers, and even became the setting for one of the episodes of Game of Thrones.

The surface of Saconeta Beach in the Basque Country was formed by turbidite flows millions of years ago (flickr photo)

Alien ecosystem and "smokers" of the ocean

In the last quarter of the 20th century, an important discovery took place: in the zones of the mid-ocean ridges (rifts), powerful streams of mineralized boiling water are beating from the bowels! Above the vents from which these fountains burst out, black clouds of sulfur compounds rise, for which they were nicknamed "black smokers".

An incredible, as for the Earth, ecosystem has formed around them. The place of photosynthesis in it was taken by the oxidation of inorganic substances. Therefore, around the "smokers" settled numerous little world of creatures that do not need either light or oxygen. They thrive in the dark and in a soup of substances that are poisonous to other organisms. Huge pressure is also nothing to them.

And one more important nuance. The sea gave a chance in the future to discover similar life at the bottom of the oceans on the satellites of Jupiter and Saturn.

Ocean and flowers from the snow queen

Global warming is causing significant changes in the atmosphere and surface waters in the polar regions. And it gives rise to previously unprecedented natural phenomena. For example - the so-called "frosty flowers".

A field of "frozen flowers" in the Canadian Arctic (photo by Matthias Wietz)

Interestingly, you will not find any mention of this phenomenon in the diaries and descriptions of researchers from the beginning of the 20th century. It is doubtful that they did not notice such a phenomenon. But in the last couple of decades, reports of "frost flowers" have become commonplace. It is about the following. Sometimes the air temperature over the sea, covered with young thin ice, quickly drops below -20 °C. At the same time, the temperature of water and ice remains around 0 °C.

Under such conditions, a layer saturated with water vapor appears near the ice surface. If calm weather persists at this moment, then water vapor, in contact with frosty air, settles on the sea surface in the form of numerous ice crystals several centimeters in size. Immediately after the formation of crystals, salt aerosols begin to settle on them. Therefore, "frosty flowers" are much saltier than the underlying ice.

Fields of frost flowers are short-lived. It is enough for the ice to become thicker and colder, to blow out the wind, and the unusual sight disappears before our eyes.

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fingers of death

This phenomenon became famous five years ago thanks to the filming of the BBC. Although it was first described back in 1974. They called it brine (English brine - strong pickle, brine and icicle - icicle).

When salty sea water turns into fresh ice in Antarctica, the saturated salt solution accumulates in cavities in the ice. It has an extremely low temperature. When the ice moves, the supercooled brine goes down, and in the course of its movement, an ice tube is formed, inside which is a very cold, concentrated solution.

At birth, the tube is fragile, with thin walls. But the flow of cold brine contributes to their thickening and growth. When such an ice pipe reaches the bottom, it freezes all living things that it manages to touch. Sedentary marine organisms are doomed to die in a collision with brinicles.

Spectacular Atmospheric Quirk

A green ray is a short bright flash that appears at the moment when the disk of the sun finally disappears below the horizon. Or vice versa - it just rises above the sea in the morning. Perhaps this is the most romantic of all the natural phenomena mentioned in this publication that can be seen in the sea.

It is rare, but not unique. Navigators have always been a somewhat superstitious people, but they were not afraid of the green ray: it was believed that seeing it was good luck. Jules Verne, Anton Chekhov, science fiction writers Strugatsky mention the green ray in their works. He also appears in the third part of "Pirates of the Caribbean".

Although the phenomenon is called a ray, in reality it can look different: like the green edge of the solar disk, or just like a green segment. But the classic still remains the green flame rising from the sea.

The appearance of the green beam is caused by the refraction of light in very transparent air. That is why this optical effect is extremely rare on land.

underwater waterfalls

There are also waterfalls in the oceans: denser water rolls down the slopes at the bottom. Moreover, these waterfalls are in many ways superior to their land counterparts. The largest of those discovered in the sea is in the Denmark Strait separating Greenland and Iceland, its height is about 4000 m (for comparison: Angel, the record holder among land-based waterfalls is 970 m).

While many people look into space in awe, they forget that incredible vistas of unexplored wonders may be much closer - in the earth's oceans. As technology improves, the ocean continues to reveal more and more secrets.

1. Large amorphous creature

Recently, a video was posted online showing a giant amorphous blob-like creature swimming near a deep sea drilling rig. The creature pulsed near the underwater cameras for long enough to draw attention to itself. Luminous from the inside, an incredibly huge being constantly fluctuated and changed its shape.

Some suggested that it was a completely unknown creature from the depths of the ocean. Others thought it might be evidence of some kind of alien presence at a depth where humans cannot reach. Most of the researchers said that this is a giant jellyfish that was disturbed by a drilling rig.

2. Crystal pyramid in the depths of the ocean

There are many stories about strange crystal pyramids that were found deep in the ocean, presumably not far from the Bermuda Triangle. Those who insist on the existence of such artifacts claim that most scientists know about them, but deny everything for conspiratorial reasons.

However, the vast majority of researchers insist that these tales of crystal pyramids under the ocean are misleading. Similar stories allegedly began to appear after the scammers announced that they had found a broken piece of crystal, which allegedly had magical properties, near the top of one of these pyramids.

3. The secret of immortality

Benjamin Button's Jellyfish has an incredibly unique feature. If they face serious injury or simply reach a respectable age, then these jellyfish can reverse the aging process and turn back into a polyp, starting the life cycle again. This allows them to heal from injuries and live essentially forever, which is currently a great threat to the world's oceans.

Button's jellyfish begin to populate parts of the oceans, breaking the entire balance of marine life. Although many scientists doubt that people can find the reason for the true immortality of jellyfish today, others argue that in the future this will become possible for people. At the very least, this could be a cure for cancer.

4. Atlantis - reality or fiction

Many theories about the lost city of Atlantis are completely wild and fantastic. Some say that Atlantis is located in the Bermuda Triangle, although the legends never mention its presence in that area. Others believe that the domed cities of Atlantis are still preserved deep underwater.

A historian named Bettany Hughes studied the ancient myth of Atlantis and realized that Plato, probably under the guise of Atlantis, allegorically described the island of Santorini, located near ancient Greece. The people who lived in Thera, a city on this island, were very skilled merchants and merchants who benefited from a strategic position between three continents. This allowed them to become very wealthy and lead Feret to prosperity.

Unfortunately, the inhabitants of the island had no idea that they were actually living right on top of the volcano. In 1620 BC the volcano literally exploded with an eruption, and the explosion was so huge that it affected almost the entire world. Plato had almost certainly heard of him. The remains of There are perfectly preserved, like the famous city of Pompeii, which also died from a volcanic eruption.

5. Intelligent life could be much closer

The scientific explanation for the mermaid legend implies that sailors were often at sea for long periods without women and drinking frequently, so it is not surprising that they experienced visual hallucinations mistaking manatees for mermaids. However, the ocean is a very large place and mostly unexplored. Nobody knows what's going on in the depths. Humans are always looking for intelligent life that looks like humans, but it can look and behave very differently.

6. The main enemy is pressure

Many people are surprised at the incredible amount of money being spent on space exploration when the ocean is right next to it and is still largely unexplored. They cite for comparison the colossal costs of spacecraft and space stations, believing that the cost of studying the ocean could be ten times less.

In fact, in many ways the problem of studying the ocean is much larger. After all, at a depth of only a couple of kilometers, the pressure becomes simply unimaginable, which is why a completely scanty amount of the deep part of the ocean has been explored so far. If new technologies do not appear at the root, then people will not soon know what is hidden in the oceans of the Earth.

7. The largest earthly creature

Many people have speculated about what kind of sea monsters might be lurking at depths where humans can't reach. Giant squids, which were previously considered a myth, have already been found, which can really reach incredible sizes. In fact, even many normal fish can grow to nightmarishly large sizes under the right conditions in the deep ocean.

It is not surprising that people have been thinking for a long time, what is the biggest and most terrible thing that can live in the depths. Even if you remember the time of the dinosaurs, the largest creature did not exceed the size of the modern blue whale. However, much of the ocean remains unexplored, especially in deeper areas, so no one knows what monstrously huge creatures lurk almost next to people.

8. The ocean is 95 percent unexplored

Some may have heard that the ocean is "95 percent unexplored". Marine biologists consider this to be a very gross oversimplification. Scientists today, using satellites, radar and mathematical calculations, have created a map of the ocean floor with a maximum resolution of 5 kilometers. While these are still very rough sketches, marine biologists have a pretty good idea of ​​where depressions and mountain ranges are in the ocean.

However, marine biologist John Copley, while pointing out the fallacy of the meme, also admitted to Scientific American that humans have actually explored far less than 5 percent of the ocean.

9. Methane hydrate - a new source of energy

Methane hydrate - strange crystalline structures of water and methane frozen together. Ever since the discovery of gas hydrate deposits decades ago, governments have begun to seriously explore hydrates as a form of alternative energy.

Methane hydrates are certainly very useful in case of a shortage of other natural gases, but there are certain problems. First, as with any subsea exploration, commercial production will be very expensive. And secondly, environmentalists fear that underwater drilling can lead to real disasters.

10. Unraveling the sound of "Bloop"

Back in 1997, people were baffled by sound recorded underwater near South America. It was loud enough to be clearly picked up by two different stations a few kilometers apart, and many people thought it was the sound of a colossal deep sea creature.

Some people have even suggested that this is the notorious Cthulhu, whose mythical place of imprisonment (the underwater city of R'Lieh) is supposedly located a couple of thousand kilometers from the stations that picked up the sound. In the end, scientists came to the conclusion that the sounds were just the crackling of ice shelves cracking underwater.

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