ECO styles and materials in construction: new products, ideas, personal experience. Ecology at home

The fashion for ecological construction has reached our country. Disappointing data on the level of environmental pollution suggest the need for maximum protection and environmental cleanliness in own home. And if not everyone is “lucky” to purchase a building plot outside the city, in a forested area, then at least I want to choose the most environmentally friendly materials from which the house will be built.

The most natural building material – clay – has been known since ancient times. If you dilute it with water in a special pit, knead it, add chopped straw for rigidity, sand to reduce shrinkage, lime to increase moisture resistance, form all this into blocks and dry, you will get the most environmentally friendly building material - adobe brick. Preservation of heat in the cold season and coolness in the summer in such a house is guaranteed. The relatively low cost of a house made of adobe is accompanied by high sound insulation and fire safety characteristics. The complete environmental friendliness of any home is completed by the same exterior and interior decoration, roofing materials and furniture inside the house.

Another environmentally friendly material that has long been used in construction is wood. What could be better than hand-hewn logs, laid in a log house, caulked with natural tow or moss, not painted or finished on the inside! Modern technologies make it possible to use rounded logs, profiled and laminated timber for the construction of houses. Any option will be more environmentally friendly than even natural stone, since wood “breathes” through its pores, carrying out constant air exchange and maintaining acceptable humidity in the room. When talking about the use of laminated veneer lumber, one remembers the composition of the glue used. Usually these are components that do not have a toxic effect on the human body, and if you consider that the timber is located outside, then it has virtually no effect on the environmental component of the inside of the house.

Sometimes environmentally friendly wooden houses They are also questioned because to protect against moisture, fungus, rodents and fires, all structures are impregnated with special solutions. But they are also non-toxic substances whose presence must be tolerated in order for them to fulfill their intended purpose.

Houses made of gas and foam concrete are quite environmentally friendly, since these building materials consist of water, cement, sand, lime, hardener and foaming chemical. These building materials also allow the house to “breathe” and have high performance heat-saving, resistant to dampness and do not burn.

The materials used as insulation and for interior decoration. The most natural ones are wood (except plywood and chipboard), brick, ceramics, tuff, sand, and clay. Chemical impurities are contained in cement, concrete, mineral wool, DSP panels, etc., but without them such materials simply would not exist. Will reduce to “zero” all efforts to create environmentally friendly clean home finishing materials produced during the processing of petroleum products (including plastic). Polyurethane ceiling moldings, vinyl and self-leveling floors are not environmentally friendly.

To all that has been said, we add that constant access must be provided in the premises of an environmentally friendly house fresh air. Then, excess moisture will not form on the walls, floors, ceilings and furniture, no matter what material they are made of, and pathogenic bacteria will not appear.

In our age of ever-increasing energy prices, calls for home insulation are increasingly heard, since traditionally used materials for enclosing structures (prefabricated reinforced concrete panels, blocks) have proven unable to retain heat.

It's time to look for new solutions, new materials and technologies.

Residents of Moscow and the Moscow region are lucky: in this region you can build housing made from completely unusual materials, while being environmentally friendly.

"Living House" company

The specialty of this company is the construction of houses from straw blocks. The basic principle is the construction of frame or non-frame frame houses, in which the walls are lined with blocks of pressed straw.

The company's designers are offered a choice of designs: single- and round and rectangular, framed and frameless. And if you still want something completely atypical, then an individual project will be completed.

Let's consider the option small house.

Standard project “SZD Frameless 6 x 9” – thatched residential building from the company “Zhivoy Dom”

Since the wall material is very small specific gravity, good savings come from zero-cycle simplification.

Instead of a massive slab or strip foundation, the specialists of the design bureau calculated and used a screw foundation pile foundation, connected, which easily bears the load from walls made of high-density straw blocks with a thickness of 80 cm.

The attic floor is insulated with straw, the roof is not insulated. The outside walls are sheathed with CSP (cement particle boards) painted with water-based compositions. The floors are plank, insulated.

These are the main design characteristics. The inside can be lined with clapboard. The ceiling is hemmed with boards.

Advantages straw house:

  • environmental friendliness;
  • 12 times warmer than brick;
  • availability of materials;
  • durability about 100 years;
  • excellent sound insulation;
  • construction speed (maximum – a week);
  • you can easily make a house of any shape;
  • ease of construction and no need for heavy construction equipment;
  • low price.

Like every material, straw blocks also have disadvantages:

  • the blocks must be made of completely dry straw; if it is straw with the addition of clay (such as adobe), then the finished blocks should be dried perfectly;
  • the need for protection from rodents, which can be solved by thick plaster metal mesh or DSP cladding;
  • During the work, precautions must be taken fire safety;
  • to maintain clear vertical and horizontal lines the straw should be well compacted and carefully tied.

As a comparison of all the pros and cons of thatched buildings shows, the disadvantages can be dealt with without much difficulty.

Details and cost of turnkey construction of houses this moment You can find out more on the company’s website


The secret of this company’s technology is in the use of panels self-made during the construction of frame houses Canadian technology.

On the lines of the Avangard plant, with high dimensional accuracy, panels are produced from outer layers of OSB (oriented strand boards) and with an inner insulating layer of polystyrene foam, or expanded polystyrene.

Standard project of a house "Prague" from the company "CANADIAN ECOHOUSE" LLC

Area 135 sq. m cannot be called small - it is quite suitable for a comfortable stay for a middle-sized family.

The small mass of the structures, which does not create special loads on the foundation, makes it possible to construct lightweight screw pile or strip foundations with shallow depth, which are quite capable of bearing the weight of two or three floors.

The walls, partitions, and ceilings are made of the same panels. Solid concrete slab weak layer, on which the same panels are laid, create an insulated floor structure.

Expanded polystyrene, which is not a natural material, is at the same time quite environmentally friendly: it does not cause allergies, is odorless and is recognized by sanitary services as a harmless material. OSB boards are prepared from wood waste.

pros similar houses in the following:

  • light weight;
  • strength;
  • high moisture resistance;
  • retain heat well;
  • ease of installation;
  • the deadlines for completing the work are as short as possible;
  • fire resistance;
  • durability (approximately 80 years);
  • stability (seismic resistance within 9 points);
  • low price.

The disadvantages include the fact that polystyrene foam is not a natural material, although it has excellent characteristics. Another minus is the use of this company OSB boards made in Germany, which negatively affects the cost.

Internal and exterior decoration- at the choice of the owners.

The cost of building a turnkey house can be found on the website

Company "ASD-Arbolit"

Eco-houses of this company are built from blocks, the basis of which is wood waste in the form of chips. A mixture of concrete with woodchip aggregate produces a material with excellent qualities.

The thickness of the block walls is 300 mm and can withstand both heat and cold. The porosity of the structures allows the building to “breathe” – there is no blockage effect.

“Economy: turnkey” series from the company “ASD-Arbolit”

The construction of a house in this series promises the owner to soon have comfortable, warm and relatively inexpensive housing with an area of ​​about 100 square meters. m.

Monolithic reinforced concrete foundations bear the load from the walls and wooden floor; roofs made of timber covered with metal tiles.

The walls are finished with plaster and siding.

The advantages of a house of this configuration can be presented as a list of convincing arguments:

  • environmental friendliness (chips make up 80% of wood concrete);
  • excellent heat and sound insulation;
  • availability of raw materials;
  • high strength;
  • resistance to rotting, fungi;
  • good sound insulation;
  • short term construction;
  • affordable price.

There are also disadvantages:

  • during construction two-story house the floor must be solid - made from prefabricated floor slabs, therefore the arbolite blocks must have a thickness of 400 mm and higher density;
  • to securely support the slabs and tie the blocks into a more rigid structure, a device is needed along the top of the walls monolithic belt;
    This technology requires the use of blocks without chips and unevenness.

More information about the cost of wood concrete houses can be found on the website

Any of the companies can link their favorite standard residential building design to the topography of your site or design a dwelling individually.

New materials with energy-saving properties will save owners money not only at the construction stage, but also during operation.



    I'm interested in the project, Prague. Everything seems to be quite good: environmentally friendly, warm, and light. But there are several questions. By saving money on a shallow foundation, won't the owner of the house encounter the problem of walking on heaving soils in winter and spring? Expanded polystyrene seems to be sanitary approved, but it’s still somehow scary to live in a house made of panels of this type. Certain stereotypes come into play: they say it’s harmful, doesn’t breathe, and has low fire resistance. And another question: since production is not in Russia, wouldn’t such a house be more expensive than a golden palace?

    My husband and I are looking at “ thatched house" They look very nice. The technology is new, and there are not many reviews about them on the Internet yet. The price, the construction time, and the opportunity to design the house yourself are captivating. But one thing stops me. How are such structures in terms of fire safety? After all, straw is a flammable material and will burst into flames from any spark.

In foreign countries, in particular in the Scandinavian countries, ecological housing has become a common option for a private home. Eco-houses are comfortable for residents and safe for the environment. The own heating system operates without the use of fuel, and organic waste is recycled naturally and become fertilizer for personal plot. Let's take a closer look at what non-traditional technologies can be used in your home to make it environmentally friendly.

Features of insulation and heat supply

Typically, the heating system of a house operates by burning organic fuel: fuel oil, coal, gas and even firewood. During the combustion process, the air enters a large number of waste products. How to avoid this? Firstly, the house should be insulated as much as possible, and secondly, it is worth considering alternative sources energy. Heat pump or solar panels require considerable initial investment, and the use of a cavitator is a fairly economical option, although not familiar to most owners.

Oddly enough, houses made of clay, sand and straw have gained enormous popularity. buildings round shape retain heat perfectly in southern regions, but for northern latitudes They are not suitable for harsh winters

Arrangement of an eco-house during construction

Ecological materials for building a house are considered to be any natural resources - wood, stone, brick, as you know, made from clay, clay itself, straw blocks.

In northern and temperate latitudes they prefer wooden buildings– warm, “breathable”, most suitable for a changing climate. Depending on the type of soil, a pile or strip foundation, a log house is installed on it, for the construction of which wood can be used in any of its manifestations: round wood, laminated veneer lumber, rounded logs.

Sheathing is done wood board, clapboard, block house. Between the walls of the log house and the cladding is laid thermal insulation mats with vapor protection. Optimal material for windows - three-layer laminated timber, which has the thermal conductivity of wood, but is more durable. The foundation is decorated with stone or ceramics, which not only serve as an element of decoration, but also protect bottom part buildings from moisture and wind. Thus, the house turned out to be environmentally friendly. How can you arrange a heating system so that it does not contradict the general trend?

Veneer from coniferous species wood, which is the basis of laminated veneer lumber, gives the structure extraordinary strength and wear resistance. In addition, log houses do not require additional finishing works, because they look quite presentable

Hydrodynamic fuel-free heat generator

The operation of the heat generator with a cavitator is ensured by connection to an electrical source, without which the operation of the pump motor is impossible. The principle of cavitation is based on the fact that the liquid, circulating in a closed circuit, gradually heats up, that is, it does not require additional heating by the boiler, as a result of which scale usually forms. Modern equipment is equipped with a cavitator installed in the circuit. It plays no role in heating the liquid, but the main transformation kinetic energy thermal damage occurs precisely in it, in addition, it serves to protect the pump from premature wear.

The heat generator circuit diagram includes: 1 - main pump; 2 - cavitator; 3 - circulation pump; 4 - electric/magnetic valve; 5 - valve; 6 - expansion tank; 7 - radiator.

The efficiency of a fuel-free heat generator can be increased by using an additional storage tank and a “warm floor” heating system. To ensure sufficient quantity hot water connect the boiler indirect heating. Spare, and in summer season and the main source of heating can be solar collector. Thanks to solar systems, the heat generator is completely turned off in the summer.

To connect the heat generator, just connect it to the power cable and two pipes heating system: entry and exit. As you can see, it takes up little space

The use of cavitation in water supply

Cavitation turns out to be very useful if the eco-house is located far from civilization, and water from nearby sources needs to be disinfected. Let's consider first traditional methods water purification, and make sure that hydrodynamic technology has undeniable advantages.

Traditional water disinfection technologies

Some of these techniques are used everywhere, others - occasionally, but they are known to everyone who studied physics and chemistry courses at school:

  • chlorination;
  • ultraviolet irradiation;
  • ozonation;
  • iodization;
  • ultrasonic disinfection.

The most popular method of chlorination has as many benefits as harm. Not only does chlorine not destroy all bacteria, it is involved in the synthesis of new substances that are toxic and hazardous to health. Of course, the environmental friendliness of chlorinating water for home use is out of the question.

Ultraviolet radiation is useless for neutralizing water with turbidity and the presence of suspended matter, therefore this method good only for clear liquids. Ozone does an excellent job of cleaning water, but its production requires high voltage and a large amount of electricity, and the substance itself is toxic and explosive. Ultrasound technologies are not sufficiently developed; the main development has so far been found only in medicine - for the disinfection of instruments. There is also little use of iodine, which is only in demand for cleaning swimming pools.

Ecological hydrodynamic method

This technology is so effective that it allows water purification on an industrial scale, that is, one installation is enough for 2-3 houses (if the productivity is 500 l/hour). The only condition for complete disinfection is the absence of suspension. To accomplish this, water intake occurs from upper layers source (river or lake), and then the water is further filtered and settled in a special tank. After cleaning by cavitation, even domestic wastewater that has passed through a deeply purified septic tank becomes potable.

The operating principle of the cavitation unit is simple. The water passes through the filter, then the heat exchanger and enters hydrodynamic system, where it is processed by cavitation. Then it returns to the heat exchanger for cooling, from there to the cooling condenser and reaches the final stage - additional filtration. You can use several filters with carbon or carbon-silver cartridges. With the help of cavitation, water purity reaches 100%, and energy consumption is reduced by 40-50%.

This illustration confirms the flawless operation of the water disinfection installation. One of the containers contains dirty sewage water, the other contains water that has already been purified using the cavitation method.

For uninterrupted operation of the water disinfection installation, a voltage of 380 V, a power consumption of 7.5 kW, and a power supply frequency of 50 Hz are required.

Household waste disposal

The issue of disposal is the most pressing, since it is household waste that pollutes huge areas of land. Some materials take decades to decompose, others release substances hazardous to nature, and as a result, animals and vegetable world, and with them the man himself. It turns out that in a private home it is possible to install equipment for processing both solid and liquid waste.

Application of biogas plant

A biogas plant is necessary to process solid waste and provide buildings with heat, gas and even electricity. Inside the installation there is a fermenter in which waste rots. The result of decay is biogas, consisting of carbon dioxide, methane and some other substances.

For storage, biogas is pumped into cylinders. The decomposition process occurs more efficiently at a temperature of +35°C and stirring approximately 6 times a day. It is better if the raw materials do not contain substances that interfere with the development of bacteria. These include detergents, washing powder, soap, antibiotics. To increase productivity, warm water is added to solid waste in small portions.

Industrial biogas plants are successfully used on farms. The productivity of biogas production is so high that its quantity is enough to heat greenhouses, nearby farms, and private houses

Septic tank for waste treatment

Liquid waste is processed using septic tanks. This technology is already quite developed, and many domestic companies are engaged in the manufacture of complex equipment for the treatment of household wastewater. The most famous are products under the names "", "", "", "".

Liquid waste from the house goes into a large tank, divided into several reservoirs. The suspension settles to the bottom, where it is subjected to anaerobic action. The purified liquid is discharged to the filtration field, and from there it is used for the needs of the garden plot. After the procedure, the water becomes 97-98% purified.

Thus, using modern technologies in water supply, heating and sewer system, you can build an eco-house that is absolutely safe for the surrounding nature, nevertheless, quite comfortable and cozy.

Modern living conditions in polluted cities, surrounded by polymers and synthetics, make us think about our health and the health of loved ones, the future of our children and their full development. When leaving the city and solving the issue of environmental ecology, the issue of environmental friendliness remains no less important. country house, since a person spends most of his life in his home. In this regard, the term eco-house (environmentally friendly house) has become widespread today. For many, this is a house built from natural, environmentally friendly and safe natural materials. But these days, the concept of eco-house has a broader meaning. This is a whole concept that includes a good ecology of the location of the house, environmentally friendly construction and production, excluding the use of synthetic and chemical substances harmful to health, design features buildings that provide a connection with nature and the surrounding landscape. In addition, thanks to high-quality materials, special architectural and planning solutions, energy efficient technologies Construction and assembly in an ecological house retains heat much longer and uses energy more efficiently. Therefore, an eco-house, being an environmentally friendly and safe space for human life, also contributes to the conservation natural resources, does not harm the environment.

Finnish ecological houses Rovaniemi

Rovaniemi, a supplier of authentic Finnish houses, pays great attention to the environmental friendliness of each house. Modern eco-houses made of wood are produced in Finland, a country that sets a high bar in environmental issues and the application of “green standards” in construction. In addition, Finns highly value comfort and reliability and have high demands on the quality and safety of housing. Therefore, Rovaniemi ecological houses have gained great popularity among people who care about their health and rely on a high quality of life.

When developing projects, producing and constructing Rovaniemi eco-houses, all the main parameters that make up the environmental friendliness of a house are taken into account. These parameters include:

  • ecologically clean materials for building a house;
  • eco-house projects (design features, architectural and planning solutions);
  • environmentally friendly production and construction technologies.

Materials for the construction of eco-houses

Wood is rightfully considered one of the most environmentally friendly materials for building a house and has occupied a leading position in the building materials market for decades. And when the question arises about choosing a material for building an eco-friendly house, then wood is beyond competition. Rovaniemi eco-friendly wooden houses are made from laminated veneer lumber, made from unique Lapland pine, which grows in the Finnish Arctic.

Lapland pine is an excellent ecological building material with unique properties such as air disinfection, the ability to maintain optimal humidity and oxygen balance. In addition, due to the harsh climatic conditions and low temperatures in which pine grows, the wood has a high density and resistance to environmental influences. Therefore this perfect material for the construction of eco-houses, which are also distinguished by their durability and strength.

Pine from Lapland serves as material for the production of Finnish laminated timber, from which Rovaniemi eco-friendly houses are made. Finnish laminated veneer lumber is produced using safe one-component glue Purbond HB 230. It is odorless and does not contain formaldehyde or toxic substances. Therefore, Rovaniemi laminated timber allows you to create comfortable and at the same time environmentally friendly safe houses, long years pleasing the owners with an aesthetic appearance and a good microclimate. In addition, modern, beautiful and practically free of defects material allows you to build a turnkey ecological house in a short time (up to 12 months) and successfully implement architectural projects of varying complexity.

Green house projects Rovaniemi

Ready-made standard or individual designs of Finnish Rovaniemi houses are unity with nature combined with comfort, style, and functionality. Eco-house projects are developed taking into account the requirements for eco-friendly housing, are distinguished by well-thought-out architectural and planning solutions, which also ensures good tightness of buildings.

A special feature of the projects of Rovaniemi eco-houses and cottages are constructive, façade and planning solutions that bring houses closer to nature:

  • aesthetic facades of wooden eco-houses;
  • a large number of windows, panoramic glazing;
  • spacious terraces that serve as a continuation of the house beyond its main structure, a kind of organic transition from home to nature;
  • natural beauty natural shades finishing materials;
  • interesting and functional planning solutions that expand boundaries usable space, letting light, air, and nature itself into the house.

Each Rovaniemi eco-house project has its own character and style. Eg, eco-friendly house from modern materials“Flagship”, similar to a beautiful ship, has an expressive continuous glazing of the main facade, which allows you to fill the room with light and become more nature-friendly. Or the no less charismatic project of an eco-friendly house “Villa Lappi” with an area of ​​236 square meters. m. with a protruding glazed bay window of a two-level dining room, containing many functionally located rooms and an open terrace for relaxing, creating and enjoying the surrounding landscape.

Production and construction technologies

Thanks to the special production technology of Rovaniemi houses, which increases thermal insulation properties materials, Finnish eco-houses retain heat much longer, and therefore to maintain comfortable temperature the house requires less energy resources. This technology involves the use of unique locks for connecting the crowns, which makes it possible to increase the density of the connection of parts in the structure and ensure reliable protection from blowing and freezing of the most vulnerable places of the house - its corners.

Of no small importance in ensuring effective thermal insulation of Finnish eco-friendly Rovaniemi houses are the properties of the material itself and the high quality of construction and installation work, eliminating the possibility of deformations, cracking, crevices and gaps.

Advantages of Finnish wooden eco-houses

Due to compliance with the basic criteria of environmental friendliness, Finnish ecological houses Rovaniemi have a number of advantages:

  • a comfortable microclimate in the house that promotes good health;
  • absolute safety and health benefits for homeowners;
  • harmony with nature and absence of negative impact on environment;
  • efficient use of energy, and as a result, lower costs for operating the house

The ecology of the house in our time leaves much to be desired. After all, many finishing materials contain toxic substances. Components harmful to humans are added to dishes, household chemicals, and fabrics. In addition, household appliances emit negative radiation, and the air is polluted with all kinds of gases. How to create a healthy atmosphere in your home? This is exactly what will be discussed further.

Ecology at home

At home modern man spends most of his time. Therefore, everyone wants their home to be not only comfortable, but also safe. As studies have shown, in many apartments air environment much more polluted than outside the window. In order to reduce the content of harmful substances in the air, doctors advise ventilating your living space at least twice a day.

The ecology of a home depends not only on the air, but also on finishing materials, the raw materials from which furniture is made, radiation from household appliances and many other factors. Mold and mildew under wall decoration, as well as dust, contain large numbers of harmful bacteria. Wiring done incorrectly, along with big amount household appliances form electromagnetic radiation, which is many times greater than permissible. Many surrounding objects can serve as sources of radiation. Yes and tap water is not different high quality. Contains harmful elements such as iron, chlorine and mineral salts.

The ecology of the home requires materials that do not contain toxic substances. Furniture made from natural raw materials, without chemical impurities. From old furniture need to get rid of it. It can serve as a source of bacteriological contamination.

To create a safe home, it is important to use air and water purifiers. They will help you put your house in order. The problem of the ecology of a residential premises also depends on the area where it is located. Housing must have a good sound insulation and noise absorption system. An environmentally friendly home environment has a positive effect on the health of the entire family.

Safe materials for construction

Materials are very important to create a safe home. Today's market offers a huge selection building materials, which are divided into two groups. This:

  • completely environmentally friendly;
  • environmentally friendly conditionally.

Environmentally friendly materials include wood, cork, stone, natural drying oil, leather, bamboo, straw, etc. If natural raw materials are mixed with non-natural substances, then it is considered that it has partially or completely lost its properties.

Wood is a natural material. Houses made from such raw materials have a special microclimate and a wonderful aroma. But the tree is often subject to rot and pests. Moss, fungus or mold may appear on it. Therefore, wood cannot be used to build a house without special treatment that will protect it from biological destruction. After processing, it will become conditionally environmentally friendly.

Stone is the most durable and reliable material. Despite this, it is capable of accumulating radiation. It should be tested for background radiation before use.

Conditionally environmentally friendly raw materials are produced from natural materials. It is characterized by high technical performance and does not cause harm to health. This ceramic blocks and brick, as well as These materials are made from clay without the use of chemical components. They are durable and highly resistant to negative environmental influences.

Aerated concrete block is a type cellular concrete. It is a stone made of cement. On the outside it has evenly distributed pores. The material is light and durable. Has good soundproofing abilities.

Another conditional environmentally friendly material is the tile. It is made of clay. Natural. It is a very expensive and heavy building material. Its installation requires special skill.

Environmentally friendly materials, of course, are important for building a house, but do not forget about the finishing of the premises. Here you also need to use natural building materials.

Safe floors

Floors in the house are not always safe for health. They can be made of low-quality material that releases toxic elements. Floors in the house should be made of:

  • wood;
  • traffic jams;
  • laminate class E1;
  • linoleum from natural raw materials;
  • parquet

As a rule, despite the naturalness of the material, wood or parquet is often varnished so that the floor has a beautiful appearance and is durable. You should not save money here, but choose high-quality varnish from well-known manufacturers.

If for flooring If linoleum is used, it must have a certificate of hygienic compliance, which indicates the emission class and material. E1 class has a minimum amount of formaldehyde and is the safest. Classes of linoleum E2 and E3 are used only in non-residential premises.

Laminate can be used to cover the floor. It is made from 80% paper and wood chips. The remainder consists of synthetic resins. Despite the natural raw materials, the laminate is coated with resins containing formaldehyde. Coating with acrylic resins. Formaldehyde in the laminate should not exceed 0.12 mg per 1 m3.

Wall decoration

For wall decoration, ordinary paper or non-woven wallpaper made from pressed paper are considered the safest. Vinyl wallpapers are considered toxic. They are not recommended for use in residential premises.

If you use paint to decorate the walls, then you should not buy the first one you come across. The product intended for surface painting may contain hazardous substances, lead pigments, and highly volatile solvents. Inhaling these substances is hazardous to health. Harmful to humans and they contain volatile compounds. Alkyd paints are considered the most harmful.

Wall insulation

Besides decorative finishing walls, important role plays insulation inside the house. Expanded polystyrene in this case is unsafe. Releases carcinogenic substances - styrene.

The safest are insulation made from fiberglass, polyurethane foam, ecowool, cotton, flax, moss and other natural materials. They have excellent penetration, heat and sound insulation.

Which windows should you choose?

Despite the fact that many manufacturers indicate the safety of plastic windows, some residents report a deterioration in their health after their installation. The harm of plastic windows is obvious, because the polyvinyl chloride from which they are made is a toxic component. During the manufacturing process, polyvinyl chloride is mixed with harmless chemicals, as a result of which it loses its activity and the toxicity of windows becomes minimal. There is also lead in the windows, but in minimal quantities.

Plastic double-glazed windows have a negative effect on air exchange. Their tightness increases the dust content in the house and prevents vapors from escaping. In the summer, for the same reason, a musty smell may form in the room.

Experts note that negative impact only windows have an effect on the body Bad quality, made of cheap plastic. Well-known companies are constantly improving their products, so their double-glazed windows are practically safe for health.

The best option for the ecology of the house are windows with wooden frames. They are environmentally friendly. They do not emit harmful substances and are durable.

in the house

Home ecology is impossible without cleansing the airspace. Plants help purify the air and improve the energy of living spaces. In this situation, they are indispensable houseplants. Absorbing carbon dioxide, they enrich the air with oxygen. Such plants include chlorophytum, sansevieria, ivy, pelargonium, dracaena, ficus, anthurium and others. They are more efficient than many household appliances. For 10 meters of area use one large plant, for five square meters one small one.

There are plants that not only purify the air, but also disinfect it, since their leaves contain essential oils(geranium, myrtle, bay tree, lemon).

You can use an air purifier to clean the air. It cleans the air of dust and toxic substances, disinfects and ionizes it.

Household chemicals

Safety household chemicals plays an important role in the ecology of a residential building. Most products used for home cleaning are unsafe for health and contain cationic and anionic surfactants. They are often used in detergents, therefore, preference should be given to nonionic surfactants. The percentage of cationic or anionic surfactants should not exceed five.

If environmental friendliness comes first in the house, then when purchasing household chemicals, pay attention to products containing natural substances. You can also wash dishes with natural soap, soda or mustard.

Washing powders should be chosen that are phosphate-free and contain zeolites, which have replaced phosphates and are considered harmless. Enzymes and polymers are also added to environmentally friendly powders. They are used to get rid of stains on clothes.

Equipment in everyday life

Complete ecology in everyday life cannot be achieved until electromagnetic waves that negatively affect health are neutralized. They destroy cell structure, affect the nervous system and muscle tissue, cause insomnia, disruption of the gastrointestinal system.

As a rule, most electrical appliances are located in the kitchen. Many of them emit electromagnetic radiation. These are microwave ovens, electric stoves, refrigerators that do not create frost. To prevent radiation from having a negative impact on people, it is necessary to place household appliances in the right way. Their impact should not affect areas where people spend a lot of time.

It is recommended to place sockets as close to the floor as possible. Warm electric floors should not be used in the nursery or under the bed. Household appliances must be unplugged from the outlet, as even in standby mode they emit electromagnetic waves.

What can be said about such a phenomenon as the dangers of microwave ovens? Myth or reality negative impact per person? Experts say that the microwave oven emits non-ionizing waves that do not have a radioactive effect. Magnetic radiation from a microwave is indeed present, and quite strong, but during cooking. It is believed that at this moment you should be at arm's length from the device. Then the radiation will not have a negative effect.

When cooking does it matter whether microwave ovens are harmful? Myth or reality is their harmful effect on food? Scientific studies have shown that microwave does not change the structure of foods and does not make dishes carcinogenic. After all, it allows you to cook unfried food without the use of oil. Dishes in microwave oven cook quickly, therefore require less cooking and retain more useful substances. Danger of this device more a myth than a reality.

In addition to the microwave oven, they often use an electric kettle, a multicooker, a TV, a toaster, a computer, a coffee maker and other appliances. When they are turned on simultaneously, there is a possibility of one electrostatic magnetic field to another. If it is impossible to completely abandon household appliances, then their use should be reduced to a minimum. It is necessary to promptly change the filters on the air conditioner, otherwise it can be hazardous to health and release toxins and serve as a source of various infections.

TV is a gift from civilization. But in addition to the pleasure of watching it, you can also get magnetic radiation. To mix Negative influence device to a minimum, you need to spend no more than three hours in front of the screen and be at a safe distance from it.

Do not place household appliances in places where you sleep and rest. You should not sleep next to equipment; the distance to it should be at least three meters. There is no need to allow one magnetic field to overlap another, since in these places the radiation will be twice as strong.

Rules of ecological life

When creating a safe home, you should not skimp on repairs. As a rule, cheap materials for finishing a room often contain toxic substances. Wallpaper, like other materials, must be of high quality and meet safety standards. They must have special markings indicating that the product has been certified.

For your home you need to choose furniture from natural wood, since plastic, chipboard and synthetics are often distinguished harmful substances. You shouldn't skimp on household appliances. Large manufacturers They take care that their equipment is safe and does not cause harm to health.

To make your home environmentally friendly, you need to carry out wet cleaning often. A lot of dust accumulates in living spaces. Wet cleaning cleans the air and prevents the proliferation of dust mites and mold spores.

Humidifiers and ionizers should be used to purify the air. In summer, when the air conditioner is running, and in winter, with central heating, the air in the house becomes dry. These devices humidify the air space and create a healthy atmosphere.

All household appliances must be unplugged. You should not place equipment in places where you sleep and rest, and its use should be kept to a minimum.

To make a safe home, you need to carry out environmental assessment housing. It will detect not only fungus, but also radiation, electromagnetic radiation, and the presence of toxic gases.

An eco-friendly residential building is one where people are attentive to their health, try to minimize the presence of negative factors and improve the quality of their life.

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