Beet varieties with photos and descriptions. Top best beet varieties with photos and descriptions

The task of every farmer is not only to achieve good yields from plants, but also to know how to sell the products without destroying the remains.

To do this, you need to know which varieties of beets are suitable for winter storage, what conditions are needed for this, and how the delicate fruits are stored.

It is grown in every garden due to the usefulness of its root crops and the edibility of even the tops. Depending on the region, the variety of plants is selected so that they can withstand natural conditions, grew full-fledged and remained for a long time after the autumn harvest.

The important advantages of each vegetable, except its taste qualities, is their suitability for long-term storage, high yield, the rest depends on the person - what conditions he will create for this.

Root vegetables of the following varieties, without internal light stripes, have gained popularity among the population:

  • “Hybrid Pablo” is characterized by ripening after 90 days; inside the fruit there is tender red pulp without unpleasant coarse fibers.
  • “Detroy round” ripens at the same time, they are used more in canned form in winter, and have a small green crown of leaves.
  • These fruits are called “incomparable”; they have dark circles around the base. , grown from these seeds, is famous for its sweetness, is considered the best for planting in open ground, requires additional fertilizing. The plant received its unusual name due to its taste and appearance root crops, characterized by evenness and beauty of shape.
  • Due to its unusual configuration for beets, it received the name “Cylinder”. The grown crop of this grade is suitable for preservation; it can be stored in fresh until spring. In addition, the fruits are very juicy and cook quickly.
  • "Bon Bons" are stored for a long time only if you observe the time for correct sowing, it is carried out in the second half of June.

The next generation of vegetable products matures three months after sowing the seeds. They withstand the dry season, the fruits do not give up all their beneficial qualities to the stem, but their main advantage is their taste and ability to be well preserved until the next harvest.

Bordeaux beetroot

These vegetables include:

  • Egyptian flat
  • Bordeaux
  • Atamans

For Siberia, the best varieties of beets are considered to be stored for the winter and have early ripeness and resistance to cold:

  • Siberian flat
  • Cold-resistant
  • Incomparable
  • Bordeaux
  • Pablo

In the middle zone the following are selected for long-term storage:

  • Egyptian flat
  • Red balls
  • Borscht
  • Renova
  • Atamans
  • Cylinders
  • Detroit round

The crops of these species are characterized by low demands on climatic conditions and the ability to retain their beneficial qualities well for a long period.

Preparing fruits for storage

They share the nuances and features of the methods.

The most commonly used are the following:

  • Positive results have been noticed when beet tubers are placed on top of potato tubers. During its stay in a secluded place, it gives up its excess moisture, which is so necessary for beets.
  • Many types of vegetables are sprinkled with sand for the winter; this method is also good for preserving beets. The sand must be pre-treated by drying or additional calcination. The fruits are placed, keeping them in touch with each other; the height of the top sand layer should be at least 2-3 centimeters.
  • To sprinkle vegetables use and table salt, sometimes they even use wet processing, using a saline solution, then the vegetables are dried.
  • Pre-sifted wood ash is suitable for pouring.
  • If the owner has fern leaves, they can be used to transfer plant tubers.
  • Before moving root vegetables into containers, they are dusted with ash or powdered chalk.
  • When scattered on the floor surface of the basement, it is done on a covering made of wooden lattice, which ensures circulation on the floor. air flow. Make holes on the sides.
  • Separate large vegetables from small ones.

Several months will prolong the plants’ full condition even apartment method storage

To do this you need:

  • Equip a balcony or loggia so that they are protected from the penetration of cold weather, and the thermometer does not drop below zero. Vegetables are placed in a container, sprinkled with the selected ingredient, and the top can be covered with a blanket, old fur coats or a mattress.
  • Home craftsmen make original balcony tiles. The boxes with vegetables are insulated with polystyrene foam and heated with light bulbs.
  • Keep the material chosen for filling the box completely dry.
  • Root vegetables are stored under beds in dark closets if the containers with them are placed far from heat sources and sprinkled with dry sawdust or other materials suitable for such purposes.

If you have large refrigerators, by wrapping each fruit in parchment or food foil, you can place it where it will not wither and retain its beneficial properties.

What causes blackness to appear on the surfaces of the peel?

Many have observed black roots with petrified heads.

This misfortune is accompanied by infection of plants with dry rot or Phoma.

The causative agents are infiltrated microbes from previous generations of seed composition, which were also able to infect the soil.

This disease is clearly visible during the active growth of roots in the beds; their leaves become covered with peculiar spots; this phenomenon is mainly noticed in acidic and heavy soil in summer cottage.

When fruits are stored, their middle is affected by blackness, and not just the surface. Such signs may accompany plantings carried out at inopportune times, after rains.

To avoid trouble, you must comply with the following conditions:

  • thoroughly clean areas after harvest from residual vegetation
  • timely weeding of weeds and thinning out seedlings
  • loosen the soil so that a crust does not form, under which conditions are created for the growth of bacteria
  • treat seeds with manganese in a timely manner - this will ensure healthy germination and obtain uninfected ripe fruits
  • it is necessary to change the place of planting, it is better to plant beets after beans
  • like all vegetables, beets also love sunny areas in the garden
  • plants of the same variety should be planted close to each other, distinguishing the first-year periods from subsequent ones

In addition, the safety of fruits depends on compliance proper cleaning within a time frame acceptable for the given culture. Each specific variety ripens at a specific time.

Sugar beet is a root crop from the amaranth family. It’s probably difficult to find a person who doesn’t like sweet beets, or who doesn’t value them for their beneficial properties. Indeed, it is true that it has so many useful properties that it can already be prescribed as medicinal product. What types of beets are there? This issue is worth discussing.

Beetroot is a very healthy vegetable.

History of appearance

As a species, sugar beets have been known to mankind since ancient times; archaeologists often find fossilized seeds of this crop during excavations. This fruit was first recognized in the Mediterranean and Asia. Nowadays the roots of the plant and the fruit itself are eaten. But in ancient times, leaves were eaten. But the root was used for medicinal purposes in those days. Later, traders brought beets to Europe, where they were also able to appreciate all the beneficial properties of this vegetable.

Beet varieties for fodder were developed in Germany in the 16th century, but table and sugar varieties were produced later.

Interesting fact. In some ancient countries, such as Persia, ancient Rome and Türkiye, this root vegetable was a symbol of quarrels. True, this did not stop them from eating it.

Fodder beet is one of the first types

Today, most countries grow types of sugar beet. Selectors in Europe were involved in breeding such species. About what's in beets a large number of sucrose, originally became known to the scientist Marggraf. Napoleon also made a lot of efforts to speed up the process of breeding new sugar beets. He wanted to destroy England's sugar trade. To this end, he even announced a prize to anyone who would find a technology that would produce sugar from sweet root vegetables.

Yet extracting sugar from sugar beets has long been an expensive process. Sugar was even more expensive than honey for a long time, and in Russia it was eaten as an expensive delicacy.

Sugar beets are a source of high quality sugar

Nowadays, only the best varieties of beets are used for sugar production.

Useful properties of sugar beets

The beneficial properties of this plant are countless. It is used for:

  • blood diseases;
  • hearts;
  • liver.

Beets are rich in vitamins C, A and group B. They contain a lot of zinc, magnesium, manganese, zinc, iron, copper!

Sugar beet:

  • improves memory;
  • enriches the blood with iron;
  • reduces the growth of cancer cells;
  • fights cholesterol.

And this is not the entire list of medicinal qualities. Cosmetologists recommend drinking juice for healthy facial skin. Also, some girls use root vegetables to maintain a slim figure.

Types of sugar beets

There are wild sugar beets and cultivated ones. Wild sugar has a thin root and is not eaten. We are more familiar with beets (aka beets), which gardeners grow on their plots. Its root is thick, round or cylindrical.

Sugar beets are a two-year-old root crop.

Has a rich Green colour leaves. The fruit is elongated, cylindrical in shape and light yellow (close to white) in color. Due to the amount of sucrose, this root vegetable is used to make sugar. Thanks to this property, it got its name. Sugar beets are often used to feed animals.

Types of beets - root vegetables of different colors

But sugar beet varieties are used to produce more than just sugar. Alcohol, and even yeast, as well as other products are made from it. It is used to make jam and moonshine. It is useful for diseases of the blood, heart and gastrointestinal tract.

Growing sweet beets

Sugar beets love sunlight and moisture. Therefore, if you are planning to grow sugar beets, you should remember about regular watering and weed control. Like any other plant, white beets require care and, if necessary, treatment for diseases. The soil should be loose and rich in useful microelements. It’s worth thinking about this in advance, and it wouldn’t hurt to fertilize the soil before planting beet seeds. You need to know that if you plan to actively grow this crop, then you should not devote the entire garden to it; the seeds are well accepted and give a 100% yield. It is worth allocating 20% ​​of the plot for it, this will be enough for animal feed. This is done so that the earth has time to recover. Next time it will be possible to plant a crop in this area in 3-4 years. If you want to get a harvest, then do not plant in the area where legumes, cereals, flax previously grew... They take useful microelements from the ground and greatly deplete the soil.

Beetroot can be grown by sowing and through seedlings

The soil for planting this crop is prepared in the fall. The soil should be fertilized and plowed before sowing the seeds.

Since beets are a cold-resistant plant, you can plant the seeds in prepared soil only when the ground warms up to +6 degrees. It is better to choose a sunny day for this. The seeds are sown in rows, the distance between the rows is 40-70 cm (as is more convenient for you). If the weather is favorable to you, the seed will sprout in a week and a half. Loosen the soil, water and fertilize it, remove weeds, and make sure there are no pests.

Beetroot produces good yields

When leaving in conditions open ground the harvest will ripen in mid to late September.

Growing sugar beets in Siberia in open ground conditions

Siberia has a rather harsh climate. Even in summer there can be very cold nights here, and late frosts are not excluded. But even in such a harsh climate, sugar beets can be grown here. For this the most The best way is the use of seedlings. Plant the seeds in pots at home and wait for the seed to sprout. It is best to use selected cultivated seeds.

The Incomparable variety gives excellent yields in Siberia

To obtain good harvest In the open ground conditions of Siberia, it is necessary to choose cold-resistant species. The best beet varieties such as Pablo, Cylinder, and Incomparable will suit you. If you take good care of your seedlings, you can be sure that you will get the best harvest.

Beet varieties

Sugar is usually divided into 3 groups:

  • crop group – mainly table beets;
  • sugar group - single-germ;
  • the yield-sugar group is the most popular beet varieties for consumption.

The productive group includes varieties for open ground that bring big harvest. The fruits themselves contain a small to medium amount of sugar.

Beet seeds different types very similar - buy them in specialized stores

The sugar group is distinguished by varieties rich in large amounts of sugar. True, this group is not very productive and is practically not grown at home.

The yield-sugar group includes varieties with a high sugar content and differ high yield.

What are the best varieties of sugar group?

Biysk single-seeded

Refers to a fruitful and sugary species. It has a high sugar content (up to 25%) and good tolerance to low temperatures.

Beet variety Biyskaya


Good early ripening variety. It easily tolerates cold. It has a round, small shape. The fruit is red, juicy and sweet. This variety is productive and can be easily stored for long periods of time.


This variety grows to quite considerable sizes. One fruit can weigh up to one and a half kilograms of net weight. Has a slightly oval shape. Has good resistance to various diseases kind. Gives a good harvest.

Beet variety Crystal


This is an average fruit in terms of ripening time. The surface is dark burgundy, just like the flesh, it has no rings. Juicy sweet variety, easily suitable for a vegetable garden at a summer cottage. Unpretentious. Weight reaches up to half a kilogram per piece.

Red ball

Dark red round, very sweet pulp. The seed of this plant germinates early, as this beet is cold-resistant. Belongs to the productive group. The weight of one root crop is from 200 to 500 grams.


This is a mid-season root crop that has a round shape. With time of ripening, the flesh acquires a dark burgundy color. It is very tasty, sugary, but not cloying, and has no rings. It is valued because it is well stored in winter.

Beet variety Mulatka


This variety was developed by Dutch breeders. The root vegetable has an oval shape, ripens quickly and can be stored for a long time. Gives a good harvest and has excellent taste. Suitable for growing in garden plots.


It has a round shape. The flesh is red, very juicy. Gives an excellent harvest. This hybrid variety was recently released. Stores well in winter. Ripens early.


The fruit has a round shape. It does not grow large in size, 200 g per root crop, unlike its other relatives, which reach 500 g. The pulp is dark red, juicy and tasty. This plant ripens early, within 80 days. This variety gives a good harvest and is resistant to various diseases of the species.

Popular varieties of table beets

Single shoot

Single sprout - early variety sugar subgroup. With proper care, the seed sprouts quickly and it will take no more than 80 days to fully ripen. It has a round shape burgundy color. But single-sprouted beets do not require thinning of seedlings.

Egyptian flat

It has a round, flattened shape. The ripening period reaches up to 120 days. Tolerates heat well. Suitable for southern regions. The fruits remain fresh all winter. It has reddish-pink flesh. In terms of taste, this fruit is tender and tasty.


The most capricious root vegetable. Requires abundant watering, thinning of beds, and periodic feeding. It has a dark red color, a cylindrical shape, and a pronounced sweetish-luscious taste. Ripens mid-early.

The most popular type of red beet. It has a medium early ripening, 100-120 days. Externally, these two varieties are also similar; they both have a cylindrical shape and similar taste. Weighs no more than 350 g. This beet retains its beneficial properties even in winter period time.

Beet variety Cylinder


Based on the name, it has a cylindrical shape with smooth curves. This is the most popular variety, liked by gardeners, as it is weakly susceptible to diseases. Thanks to its sweet taste, this fruit is easily eaten, added to borscht and salads, and not only the root vegetable is used in salads, but also the leaves of this beet. Housewives use it in canning.

Application of sugar beet

Sugar beets are a two-year-old root crop. Since this plant contains a lot of sucrose, it is used to make sugar. Such sugar is more valuable than its counterpart from sugar cane.

In addition to the fact that beets are used to make borscht, salads and jam, cookies are made from it.

Doctors recommend eating the root vegetable for people suffering from anemia. Long-term consumption of pulp improves the body's immune resistance. Even a sore throat can be cured with the juice. To do this, take a glass of squeezed juice and add a tablespoon of honey to it. Mix the resulting solution thoroughly and gargle with it. This procedure should be performed up to six times a day. The juice is recommended even for bronchitis, pneumonia, and kidney disease. But, nevertheless, beets, along with positive properties, also have negative sides. It is not recommended to eat it for people who have urolithiasis.

Beets can be consumed in a variety of ways

Farmers use the crop in agriculture. Along with fodder, they give it to livestock and birds for food. Birds, thanks to such nutritious food, quickly gain weight.

Beets have virtually waste-free production. After processing, molasses remains, and from it alcohol, glycerin, citric acid, other products.

Beetroot vegetable gardens near Moscow no longer a guest, but a full-fledged hostess. She feels great, bears fruit generously, treats and treats everyone. But why do some gardeners grow wonderful harvests of this vegetable, while others get something completely different from what they expect? It probably has to do with the choice of variety. For those who decide to grow new variety with certain characteristics, they should carefully and seriously consider what exactly they want to get as a result. After all, beets have different ripening periods, colors, shapes, and not all are even used in the same way. So, we choose beets for the Moscow region.

Useful qualities of table beets

The appearance of beets garden crops coincides with the beginning of our era. The sweet root vegetable was widespread in the Mediterranean, Babylon, Ancient Greece. Beetroot came to Kievan Rus in the 10th century and since then our table has been unthinkable without it.

Beets were so revered in ancient times for their benefits and beauty that they were given as a gift to the gods.

Borscht and vinaigrette are impossible without beets; there is even a separate dish “dedicated” to it - beetroot soup. And the famous “herring under a fur coat”? Rare New Year's celebration can do without this original and popular dish. Moreover, cooks and housewives are unanimous in their opinion: the top layer in classic version This culinary masterpiece must contain beets - and only beets!

Beets are tasty due to their fairly high sugar content (in some varieties up to 10–15%). In addition, it is very useful and serves as a natural cure for many ailments. Beets help fight even such serious illnesses as Alzheimer's disease and osteoporosis.

Another beneficial property of the red root vegetable is becoming increasingly relevant in our time, when ecological problems are coming to the fore, and industrial pollution of water and air has already become a reality in many regions. Beets have the ability to cleanse the human body, remove heavy metals and radionuclides from it.

And if you consider that it also helps to increase hemoglobin in the blood and normalize blood pressure, then we can safely and without exaggeration call it medicinal plant. But, like all other vegetables, beets will bring benefits only when they are grown in compliance with all agricultural standards.

Beetroot has medicinal properties: it removes heavy metals and radionuclides from the body, increases hemoglobin and normalizes blood pressure.

It is no secret that many vegetable producers are guilty of excessive use of fertilizers and growth stimulants in pursuit of beautiful and early harvest. Therefore, you can be completely confident in the benefits of beets if you grow them with your own hands.

Video: growing beets from planting to harvesting

How to choose the right variety

Residents of the Moscow region, as well as other regions of Russia, devote a significant part of their plots to beet beds. It grows in Central region excellent and without shelter, it is not afraid of rain and cold weather as much as, say, cucumbers, tomatoes or sweet peppers. Beets are also not very susceptible to diseases. So growing this crop in household plots near Moscow is a pleasure.

But sometimes you can hear complaints: our beets don’t grow, we don’t get what we want. They sowed it for early salads, but it sits in the ground and doesn’t grow. They put it in the cellar for the winter - it either rotted or withered. And in borscht it is tasteless, and the color is pale. There are usually two reasons for such problems: either the wrong variety was purchased, or seeds collected from F1 hybrids were sown. So what varieties of beets should be chosen for the Moscow region so that the harvest pleases with its abundance, taste, and lasts until spring?

To get a rich beet harvest, you need to choose the variety responsibly

Unfortunately, it is not always possible to get everything at once. Early varieties that quickly and quickly produce young root crops already in July are unsuitable for winter storage, and those that lie well until spring usually ripen later and contain less sugar. Therefore, to be with healthy root vegetables all year round , it is better to plant both early-ripening and mid-ripening varieties. The State Register of Breeding Achievements contains almost no late beet varieties recommended for cultivation in the Moscow region. Since this is a long-day plant, autumn weather middle zone

have a rather negative effect on fruit ripening. Therefore, preference is given to varieties that gain the bulk in the warm summer months.

  • Thus, the following varieties are popular in the Moscow region in terms of ripening time:
  • early ones, which ripen 50–80 days after germination and bear fruit for about a month;

mid-season, which need about 3–3.5 months to form a root crop, and their growing season continues almost until the first frost.

Video: the best varieties of beets In the last century, a few beet varieties were popular: Bordeaux 237, Gribovskaya flat, Odnorostkovaya, Podzimnyaya, Egyptian flat. Without a doubt, worthy and honored representatives of culture. But if we look at the State Register of Breeding Achievements now, we will see that from the nineties of the last century to the present time, new beet varieties and hybrids appear almost every year. This is not surprising: beets are irreplaceable as protection against adverse environmental factors, and everyone is aware of this larger number

of people. Therefore, the demand for new and improved varieties of this valuable crop is growing.

I am glad that in our “age of fast food” the popularity of beets and dishes made from them is not falling, but growing

Review of beet varieties zoned for the Moscow region

Those who want to enjoy young root vegetables already in July should take a closer look at these varieties of early ripening beets.

  • Early ripening varieties Akela. Medium early, very popular, loved by gardeners for its excellent characteristics: good taste
  • , round root vegetables (300–350 g) of intense dark color without pronounced rings, widely used in cooking, suitable for long-term storage. The yield is about 5 kg per square meter. m. The resistance of the variety to unfavorable growing conditions is noted.
  • Babybit. The new Dutch variety, registered in 2014, is quickly gaining popularity. Very early ripening, one of the best for growing in bunches. Also suitable for canning and culinary processing. The weight of the root crop is from 200 to 350 g, the yield is about 5–5.5 kg per square meter. m. It is distinguished by a small leaf rosette. Bicores. Sweet, tasty, consistently produces(up to 6 kg per sq. m). Though early date ripening, but suitable for winter storage, tolerates transportation well. Contains a lot of sugars - up to 18%, and is distinguished by bright red flesh.
  • Boltardi. A wonderful variety from the famous Swiss company Syngenta AG. It is resistant to flowering, that is, even in cold summers it will not produce plants that shoot flower shoots. The root crop is round, medium in size, smooth, the flesh is dark red, with faint rings. Weight 160–367 g. Suitable for both storage and culinary processing immediately after collection.
  • The vinaigrette. Forms rich color purple fruits, weighing from 180 to 250 g. Productivity is high, up to 7 kg per square meter. m. Sweet, universal use, you can can it, freeze it, and store it in the cellar until spring. And, of course, it will make a wonderful vinaigrette.
  • Pomegranate juice. It has flat-rounded red roots, the rings are weakly expressed. Weight from 170 to 360 g, yield up to 6 kg per square meter. m. Tasters rate the taste as excellent; the use of root vegetables is the widest. Valuable for its high sugar content (up to 14%).
  • Summer resident. A very productive early variety, ideal for those who like round, not dark shade roots. The pulp is red, dense, the mass of the root crop is about 250–340 g. The yield is high: up to 7 kg per square meter. m.
  • Karina. One of the earliest, not subject to long-term storage. The bright red, tasty root vegetables of this variety are quite large - up to 400 g, and are good for collecting in bunches. The sugar content is high: up to 15%, so Karina is one of the sweetest varieties.
  • Kozak. A productive variety (up to 7 kg per sq. m.) with cylindrical dark red root crops. It is stored in the cellar until spring, but the shelf life is still slightly worse than that of round-fruited varieties.
  • Red ruby. Feature of the variety: suitable for making juices, sweet, beautiful bright red color. Can be used for preparing various dishes, freezing, canning. The maximum yield is impressive: up to 10 kg per square meter. m, although the root vegetables are medium in size, ideal for cooking.
  • Libero. Dutch variety, recommended for processing and production early products, yield up to 6.5 kg per square meter. m. It is characterized by a reduced ability to form arrows. It forms even, uniformly sized root crops of good taste, so it can be grown in greenhouses as an early crop for commercial purposes.
  • Mona. It is a medium-early, single-sprout variety, which is a big advantage when growing: it significantly saves time and effort in thinning out seedlings. Root vegetables of excellent taste, with tender and juicy pulp, weighing up to 330 g; they are harvested up to 6 kg per square meter. m. It is very popular among gardeners as an early crop; among other advantages, they note the shallow immersion of root crops in the soil and the fact that they are easily pulled out when harvested.
  • Nochowski. Polish variety. Resistant to flowering, productive (up to 7.5 kg per sq. m). It has excellent taste, juiciness and delicate consistency of the pulp. Due to these qualities it is widely used in Food Industry: Juices and baby food are made from it. Root vegetables can reach a weight of 400 g, but do not acquire any hardness.
  • Thekla. Mid-early variety with rounded large fruits, but high yield (up to 10 kg per sq. m). Excellent for canning and cooking; it tolerates storage well.

Photo gallery: early ripening beet varieties

Libero - Dutch non-shooting variety Akela - one of the sweetest varieties, sugar content up to 16% Despite its early ripening, the Dachnitsa variety is suitable for winter storage Kozak - an excellent choice for lovers of cylindrical beets The Babybit variety is widely used in cooking, but cannot be stored for long Thekla is also suitable for winter preparations, and for fresh storage until spring Sweet fruits of the Vinaigrette variety are universally used, including for vinaigrette

Mid-season varieties

There are much more mid-ripening beet varieties than early ones. Their common qualities are good shelf life and versatility in the use of root vegetables. In addition, many vegetable growers claim that such varieties have denser flesh and a richer taste. Among them there are many single-growth plants, which is also an advantage when growing. The most productive, tasty and in demand among gardening lovers are the following varieties of beets with an average ripening period:

  • Bonel. Dutch variety, has many positive qualities: high-yielding, tasty, contains up to 12% sugar. On the cut it is dark red in color, the rings are not pronounced.
  • Single-seeded Bordeaux. The main advantage: does not require thinning. Round, smooth root vegetables have a very pleasant taste. Gives up to 6 kg per sq. m landings.
  • Bravo. Notable for both generous harvests and excellent taste. The sugar content is more than 14. Also valuable for its resistance to diseases and pests. The mass of root crops sometimes reaches 800 g, but they are pulled out of the soil without effort, they are not hard and there is no ringing.
  • Detroit ruby. Perhaps more popular and more common variety can not found. Valued for good yield (up to 8 kg) and pleasant taste. The roots are round, dark red, and have rings. Unpretentious to growing conditions.
  • Lark. The creator of this variety notes the increased ability of Larka beets to cleanse the human body of harmful substances. In addition, the variety is productive, tasty, and does not succumb to flowering after the cold of May and June.
  • Cylinder. Belongs to people's favorites due to its excellent taste and original form. It can reach a weight of 600 g. The yields are remarkable, up to 10 kg per square meter. m, unpretentiousness to growing conditions is noted.

New varieties await recognition and love:

  • Crimson ball. Wonderful and very beautiful variety, looks great both in a bun and in a salad. Large fruits: up to 400 g, but not hard. Looks very attractive thanks to its round, even shape and rich, but not dark color. Yields up to 7 kg per sq. m.
  • Crimson cylinder. The shape of the root vegetable is clear from the name, the color is purple and rich. The taste is pleasant, the yield is impressive: up to 10 kg per square meter. m. Resistant to changes in temperature and humidity. Grows well in light soils with a high sand content.
  • Lady. A very productive, tasty and easy-to-eat variety. Sweet, ideal for making salads and baking. The mass of the root crop can reach 220 g per square meter. m harvest up to 7 kg.
  • Burgundy star. Variety 2017. Judging by the declared qualities, the variety is promising: excellent taste, shelf life, high yield (8 kg per sq. m).
  • Boyarina. Suitable for processing and freezing, very tasty, sweet, yields about 6 kg per square meter. m landings. The rings on the cut are almost invisible.
  • Varvara. The newest mid-late variety, registered in 2017. Champion in sugar content among mid-season varieties (16%) and yield - up to 12 kg per square meter. m. The advantages of the variety do not end there. It is single-sprouting; the roots are characterized by a beautiful red color without rings. Perfect for making preserves and juices. It has every chance to firmly win the favor of beet growers in the Moscow region.
  • Dasha. High yield combined with excellent taste. Beautiful, rather large (up to 370 g) root vegetables do not have rings. Noted high ability adapt to unfavorable growing conditions. Gives yields up to 7 kg per square meter. m.
  • Zhukovchanka. A sweet and productive variety, perfect for preparing a variety of dishes. Weight of root crops up to 360 g. Resistant to diseases and adverse environmental factors.
  • Lyubava. One-two-seeded variety. Sweet, tasty, fruitful. The pulp is a beautiful red color, easy to cook, and contains a lot of sugar (12%).
  • Marishka. Dense root vegetables are very tasty and store well. Gives yields up to 9 kg per square meter. m.
  • Monica. Single-seeded, universal purpose, yield up to 6 kg per square meter. m. The flesh is purple, the rings are almost invisible.
  • Monopoly. High-yielding, excellent taste, red, dense flesh. It tolerates short-term drying of the soil well.
  • Nastenka. New, registered in 2017. Has every chance of becoming popular. The variety is notable for its generous yield (up to 9 kg per sq. m), single growth, beautiful appearance and excellent taste of root crops. Resistant to diseases.
  • Rocket. It has a lot of advantages: it is undemanding to the composition of the soil, resistant to cold weather initial period growth, which allows root crops not to shoot. Suitable for lovers of varieties with rich pulp purple. This beet can even be harvested by mechanization; in addition, it tolerates transportation well.
  • Russian borsh. A relatively new variety (2014) with very tasty red root vegetables, uniform in size. The maximum harvest is 9 kg per square meter. m.
  • Slav. This variety combines good yield (up to 6 kg) with a pleasant taste and versatility of use.

Photo gallery: mid-season beet varieties

The Crimson Ball variety is suitable for growing in regions with long cold periods during the summer. Barynya produces root crops weighing up to 250 g, and the yield per meter of beds reaches 8 kg. Detroit is the champion of popularity among beet varieties. The Monica variety is single-seeded, which eliminates the need for thinning crops. Purple root crops. Roket varieties can reach a weight of 250 grams. Slavyanka beets store well and are very tasty in dishes.

In addition to the varieties described above, the following deserve attention:

  • Valya;
  • Vitamin;
  • Donna;
  • Demeter;
  • Creole;
  • Mashenka;
  • Mulatto;
  • Russian single-seeded;
  • Dark-skinned;
  • Black Widow;
  • Ethiopian.

All of them are also zoned for the Moscow region and produce stable yields from 5 to 8 kg per square meter. m, therefore they can attract the attention of gardeners and become the favorite varieties for many of them.

Beet hybrids

In addition to table beet varieties, hybrids have also been bred, the distinctive sign of which is the symbol F1. These root crops show the most best qualities“parent” plants from which they were obtained, but seeds cannot be collected from them. The offspring of hybrids do not retain the positive characteristics of the original plant. If you sow the seeds collected from them, the harvest will be of poor quality. F1 seeds must be purchased anew from the manufacturer every year.

The market can provide us with the following beet hybrids:

  • Belushi. Early ripening, not subject to winter storage. Good for juices and dishes. Tender, tasty, resistant to bloom and disease.
  • Bettollo. Mid-season, pleasant taste, productive Dutch hybrid.
  • Bohan. Medium ripening, has purple flesh, root weight is about 300 g. Sweet, yield up to 6 kg per square meter. m.
  • Vodan. For an early ripening hybrid, it is perfectly stored (up to six months). Immune to diseases. Root vegetables grow up to 400 g, but do not lose their excellent taste. From sq. m you can collect up to 8 kg of this wonderful beet.
  • Pablo. One of the leaders in popularity. It is resistant to both diseases and pests, unpretentious, not labor-intensive - not a hybrid, but a dream. The weight of root vegetables ranges from 150–180 g, for which housewives especially value them, because not everyone likes large beets. It is loved by gardeners for its excellent keeping quality, smooth, beautiful root crops, excellent taste, and widespread use in cooking.
  • Rhonda. Forms tender root crops with a high sugar content, is productive, grows and develops well on any soil.
  • Subeto. Medium ripening period, higher than standard yield, resistant to diseases, does not require special care.
  • Action. Early, but stores well, the roots are very beautiful and even. round, bright red. Yields reach 10 kg per square meter. m.

Photo gallery: hybrid beet varieties

Like all early hybrids, Belushi has very tasty, tender pulp. Root crops of the Vodan variety are stored for a long time without losing their taste. Currently, the Pablo F1 hybrid is one of the leaders in the seed market. Sweet tubers of the Ronda variety develop well on any soil

Beets are one of the popular vegetable crops, there are many varieties of it. Varieties are classified according to ripening time, flesh color, and fruit shape. In central Russia, gardeners traditionally grow early varieties beets in open ground. However, some fans also prefer to plant late-ripening vegetables in order to stock up on harvest for the winter.

Which beet variety is preferable for planting in open ground?

The correct choice of beds for growing this crop guarantees a good harvest, but the variety of vegetable should be selected in accordance with weather conditions and further use of the tubers. The table below shows the best varieties for growing in central Russia.



Ripening period

Root vegetable small size, the weight of each round tuber does not exceed 220 g. The pulp is tender, dark red in color. The taste is pleasant, however, this type of beet does not accumulate large amounts of natural sugars

Summer residents harvest the first harvest of this early-ripening variety in late June or early July.

Red ball improved

This type of beet is characterized by even and smooth fruits, their weight varies from 150 to 250 g. The pulp is dark red, juicy and sweet. There are almost no rings, in addition, vegetables cook quickly

The harvest of the described variety of crop occurs in July, it is considered early ripening

Cold resistant 19

The variety is intended for cultivation in cold regions, is resistant to low temperatures and retains its taste perfectly even in bad weather conditions.

The shape of the fruit is flattened, the weight varies from 180 to 250 g. The pulp is dark red, moderately sweet, and produces a lot of juice. Because of this quality, the crop is not stored for a long time and is consumed immediately after harvest.

Early ripening beets ripen, on average, 75 days from the moment of emergence, depending on weather conditions. So, the first harvest can be harvested at the end of July

An unpretentious and productive variety. The weight of individual tubers reaches 500 g, the flesh is rich burgundy color and sweet. Fruits should be stored in a cool, dry place

Mid-season beets ripen in 85 days, harvesting occurs in August and September

The fruits are spherical in shape and can be stored for a long time in suitable conditions. The tubers contain a sufficient amount of sugar, the flesh is burgundy, tender and sweet. The weight of each root vegetable varies from 200 to 300 g

These beets are harvested in late August or early September.


The root crops are cylindrical in shape, their length reaches 30 cm. The mass of the tubers varies from 450 to 600 g. The taste of the dark red pulp is delicate and specific. The harvest can be stored throughout the winter

This beet variety is harvested no earlier than September.

Fodder beet variety is grown to provide food for farm animals. The root crop is oval or cylindrical, the mass of the tubers depends on weather conditions and soil fertility

Fodder beet harvesting occurs at the end of September

Which beet variety is best to choose for central Russia, as well as the Urals? If you want to get a good harvest of tubers, then plant exclusively early-ripening varieties of the crop. Planting occurs in early November or early spring. However, such beets will not accumulate a lot of natural sugars; their taste will be rather average.

Mid-season beet varieties are also suitable for planting in open ground; the seeds are prepared for placement in the soil in early May. A good harvest can be harvested in late August or early September; ripe pulp is characterized by excellent taste and delicate aroma. Late varieties of beets are chosen by those gardeners who value large root crops and stock them up for the winter.. They are planted in mid-May, and tuber harvesting lasts until October. The advantages of this type of crop are not only large, sweet vegetables, but also the ability to store them throughout the winter and spring.

Early ripening beet varieties for central Russia and the Urals

Early beets ripen on average 60 days after germination. The rate of formation can be affected by factors such as weather conditions, the presence or absence of sufficient quantities nutrients in the soil, compliance with the rules of crop care. The advantage of such varieties is the rapid yield of a harvest rich in vitamins. Among the disadvantages of early beets, the following qualities can be noted:

  • low sugar content;
  • inability to store tubers for longer than 2 months;
  • small tuber size.

Choosing a beet variety (video)

A type of beet like "Libero" Suitable for processing and obtaining early bunch products. It is resistant to most garden diseases; seeds are sown in April. Bushes, the height of which does not exceed 30 cm, are demanding of light and timely watering; it is best to arrange beds in a sunny place. At temperatures from 15 to 23 °C, plants develop well and form tubers, which are collected in mid-summer and used to make juices and soups.

Beet varieties "Red Ball Improved" known for its high yield and rapid formation of tubers. This variety is also resistant to low temperatures and drought.

Among all early ripening varieties"Red Ball Improved" is distinguished by a sufficient content of sugars, vitamins and microelements. These root vegetables are used to make salads, cook soups, and prepare homemade preserves. The crop is sown in May or September, depending on the gardener’s goals; the finished crop is harvested from late August to mid-September. The bushes grow strong, up to 40 cm high. The plants are resistant to excessive flowering and most garden diseases.

Beet varieties "Cold-resistant 19" Suitable for use in winter. This variety differs from others in its pronounced cold resistance, suitability for long-term storage and home cooking. Seeds can be sown before winter or in early May in spring. Caring for plants is simple, it consists of timely watering, fertilizing and loosening the soil; thinning medium-sized bushes is not required. In addition, they are resistant to garden diseases and tolerate summer cold weather well.

Advantages of mid-season and late beet varieties

Undemanding hybrids that accumulate a maximum of vitamins are valued by gardeners for their excellent taste and the ability to use the crop for various purposes.

Varieties such as “Bordeaux 237” and “Mulatto” are famous for the following advantages:

  • sugary pulp;
  • fruit size - up to 500 g;
  • long shelf life.

How to plant beets (video)

Mid-season beet varieties are demanding of sunlight and moisture in the soil, however, they can easily withstand temperature changes and drought. Sowing of seeds usually occurs in May. Medium-sized bushes feel great in open ground, with proper care summer residents collect bountiful harvest, which is suitable for making soups and homemade preparations.

When planting a late variety of beets "Cylinder" you need to rely on the weather forecast. If the autumn turns out to be warm and without early frosts, then gardeners will reap a rich harvest of large root vegetables. Sowing of seeds occurs in mid-May, when the soil is sufficiently warm. Mature bushes are strong and resistant to excessive flowering and garden diseases.

The taste of late beets is exceptionally pleasant, which is why it is used to prepare traditional borscht and is also stored for future use. The shelf life of fruits is on average 7 months.

What are the benefits of fodder beet?

The fodder variety of the crop, like the others, belongs to the goosefoot family. This technical plants, which are intended for animal nutrition. The tubers are dense and rich in vitamins necessary for the normal development of the body of cows, goats, and sheep. You can plant seeds as early as April; caring for the bushes is simple and consists of watering the plants and basic feeding them with nutrients. The soil should not be allowed to dry out.

Beet variety "Lada" gives a good harvest at the end of September or beginning of October, after which it is immediately stored for further feeding of domestic animals.

How to grow large beets (video)

Beetroot is a source of essential vitamins and nutrients; it is traditionally added to soups, and delicious juices are prepared from tubers. In addition, some crop varieties are necessary to provide winter food for farm animals; farmers especially value these vegetables.

Beets are a very healthy root vegetable. It is used in various fields. For example, some are used for cooking, others for feeding animals, and others for producing sugar. The range today is quite wide. And often novice summer residents have problems choosing a specific variety of this vegetable. This article will tell you which beet varieties are the best.

Before considering the best varieties of beets, it is worth understanding what types of this red vegetable exist. It will be much easier to accept correct solution and purchase ideally suitable variety seeds for planting.

So, they highlight the following types beets:

Which variety should I choose for an open area?

IN greenhouse conditions Growing beets is a pleasure. However, not all farmers can boast of having a greenhouse. You have to plant the seeds in the open plot of land. Here we must take into account that there are different varieties beets for open ground, which in turn are combined into groups depending on the ripening period of the tubers.

Long-lasting beet varieties

When planning to plant beets on a plot of land, many summer residents are interested in which varieties are best stored in winter and which ones quickly deteriorate. Much here is determined by the period during which the root crop ripens. Therefore, it makes sense to take a closer look at the classification of vegetables by ripening time.

Based on early ripening, all beet varieties are divided into the following groups:

  1. Late ripening. The growing season for this group of vegetables is the longest. It is 135-140 days. Farmers most often give preference to such species as Renova, Cylinder and Odnosprotkovaya. These varieties are ideal for storage. In addition, these representatives are recognized as the most delicious. They contain a large amount of nutrients. A particularly good variety of beetroot is Odnoroskova, which is distinguished by its high yield and large fruits of dark burgundy color. Each specimen weighs 60 grams. The pulp is juicy and tender. Ripening occurs in 130 days. Late-ripening beet varieties are much more suitable for winter storage than mid-ripening ones. Average harvested Can be stored in a cellar or on a balcony for up to 7 months.

Productive varieties of crops

In addition to the ripening time, it is worth paying attention to the yield when choosing a variety of seeds for planting. When thinking about which beet variety is best to plant in order to get a rich and high-quality harvest, it makes sense to consider the following options:

Although productive varieties of red beets are distinguished by their excellent ability to bear fruit, they still require the creation of certain conditions and proper care.

Without this, yields can be significantly reduced. Beets prefer fertile sandy loam soil. Feeding with ash and potassium is useful. You should also regularly loosen the soil between the rows, clear out seedlings and remove weeds. Watering is also important. Irrigation should be moderate. You cannot overwater the sprouts. It is better to monitor the condition of the soil and carry out the watering procedure when necessary. To obtain a bountiful harvest, experts recommend planting seeds in a substrate in which pumpkin, zucchini, potatoes, onions or cucumbers previously grew.

Varieties without rings on the flesh

The color of beets usually ranges from crimson to dark purple. Most varieties have pronounced light rings, which are visible when cutting the root crop. However, options without rings are much more highly valued, since they are considered the most delicious and healthy.

According to experienced farmers, the best varieties of beets without light rings are:

What are the best varieties that should be planted on the site at the moment?

It should be noted that when buying sweet beet seeds: the best varieties for each summer resident will be different. It depends on the purpose of cultivation, climatic conditions, taste preferences farmer and a number of other factors. Despite the wide range, at the moment the Dutch varieties of beets are the most popular and are recognized as the most delicious. They also produce a stable harvest. And root vegetables are characterized by their one-dimensionality.

Rubidus and Dnero are the best Dutch varieties beets, which are characterized by the fruits of the correct round shape. The color of the vegetable is uniform. The seeds of these species are usually sown in the spring. At the same time, they are sown quite densely and covered with special material. And in mid-May they carry out a pick-up.

Conclusion about beet varieties

There are different varieties of beets, all of them are classified into groups depending on the ripening period, taste, and color of the pulp.

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