The best ecological houses in the world. Alternative housing: eco-friendly house

Ecology of consumption. Estate: It is no coincidence that an eco-house is called a thermal fortress. It does not require a heating system or air conditioning, there are no drafts, and the cold is not felt, since the temperature difference between room air and internal surfaces enclosing structures is insignificant.

It is no coincidence that an eco-house is called a thermal fortress. It does not require a heating system or air conditioners, there are no drafts, and the cold is not felt, since the temperature difference between the room air and the internal surfaces of the enclosing structures is negligible.

An eco-house is an individual or semi-detached house with a plot of land, which is radically resource-saving and low-waste, healthy and comfortable, non-aggressive towards natural environment. This is achieved mainly by the use of autonomous or small collective engineering systems life support and rational building design of the house. What is important is that it possesses these qualities not only as an individual, but also systemically - with all the utility and production systems that serve it. Eco-housing is the key to the future.


Natural surroundings. The house is “correctly” integrated into the surrounding landscape, that is, it takes into account natural phenomena (sunrise, sunset, etc.).

Energy efficiency. Use of energy-saving household appliances and engineering systems.

Minimal energy losses. Application of new construction technologies, improved thermal insulation. Improving the ventilation system, which usually loses 1/3 of the heat.

Use of complex engineering systems with a unified control system. The use of modern high-tech products, as well as products using natural elements - solar panels, heat pumps etc.

Reduced level of safety of the impact of devices and utility networks on the inhabitants of the house.

Application of a new heating concept, in which the leading role is played by the thermal control system. Use of “free” heat sources (solar heat, heat from household appliances, etc.).

Ecological style of interior elements and household appliances. Possibility of subsequent processing of materials.


Passive solar technology is a long-established way of designing and constructing buildings and has been used by people for thousands of years to maximize the benefits of solar radiation. The operation of a solar collector is based on the greenhouse effect: the absorbed thermal radiation of the sun significantly exceeds the return thermal radiation of the collector.

There are two types of solar collectors - flat and vacuum.

In a vacuum, the greenhouse effect is enhanced by the fact that the reverse thermal radiation of the collector cannot pass through the vacuum, just like in the vacuum flask of a household thermos. As a result, a vacuum collector, unlike a flat one, heats the coolant to high temperature even in frost, which is decisive factor in favor of his choice for our country. But in winter, with short daylight hours and cloudiness, the amount of heat generated by the solar collector is significantly reduced.

Eco-house architecture


From the point of view of environmental friendliness, the most attractive for an eco-house can be considered slabs made from stone wool. They have the following advantages:

Non-toxic and non-carcinogenic, unlike, for example, material such as asbestos fiber;

Basalt fiber does not break, splinter or fray like fiberglass;

Non-hygroscopic (water absorption is no more than 1.5%) with simultaneous good vapor permeability;

Over time, stone wool slabs do not shrink in volume, unlike glass wool or slag wool slabs;

The material is not susceptible to fungi and insects;

Non-flammable and heat-resistant - stone wool slabs can withstand temperatures up to 1000 °C.

The most important condition for maintaining the thermal contour of a building is the presence of supply and exhaust ventilation with a heat recuperator (heat exchanger).

Operating principle: outside cold air enters a counterflow heat exchanger, in which it moves through pipes washed from the outside warm air, coming from the house in the opposite direction. As a result, at the exit from the heat exchanger, street air tends to acquire room temperature, and the latter, on the contrary, tends to reach street temperature before leaving the heat exchanger. This solves the problem of sufficiently intensive air exchange in the house without heat loss.

In Russia, where the climate is more severe than, for example, in European countries, a ground one should be added to the main recuperator. Its feasibility has been proven by the fact that in some Western eco-houses the use of a ground recuperator made it possible to abandon the need for air conditioning. The soil temperature at a depth of 8 m is more constant and is about 8-12 °C. Therefore, it is necessary to bury the recuperator exactly at this depth so that the street air, passing through the ground, strives to take on the appropriate temperature, regardless of the time of year. It may be either July heat or January frost outside, but the house will always receive Fresh air, whose optimal temperature is about 17 °C.


The heat transfer resistance coefficient of windows must be at least 1.5 °C m2/W - this is another necessary condition thermal tightness of the eco-house.

The requirements for windows are as follows:

The profile design must have low thermal conductivity and not have “cold bridges”; three-chamber or five-chamber profiles with a thickness of 62-130 mm are preferred;

Windows with large area glazing should face south;

To reduce heat loss through windows in winter, it is better to close them at night with shutters, roller shutters or blackout curtains.

Wooden windows with double-glazed windows(three low-emissivity glasses, inter-glass chambers filled with krypton). The double-glazed window must have thermal insulation with a heat transfer resistance coefficient of 2 °C m2/W.

Insulation of an eco-house


All internal heated rooms of an eco-house must be so thermally insulated from the external environment that heat loss per year is less than the amount of heat that can be received per year from the sun and accumulated in the house.


The roof, like the foundation, determines the longevity of the house. It protects walls and foundations from precipitation and provides thermal protection interior spaces. The roof can serve as a place to place solar energy elements - solar collectors for heating air, water, solar batteries for converting solar energy into electrical energy. A significant amount of water can be collected from the roof surface for irrigation and other technical needs.

Depending on your desire, you can use a combined roof (insulated roof, used for the attic floor) and a cold roof, which is traditionally used in the construction of houses in Russia for ordinary one-story and ordinary two-story house(from straw, reeds, half-logs, boards).


The foundation is the basis for the durability of an eco-house. The choice of foundation design and its depth are determined depending on the type of soil, the weight of the house structure and location groundwater. The following types of foundations are traditionally used: columnar, strip, small block foundations. It is better to choose a foundation based on local traditions.

To increase the durability of the foundation and protect it from groundwater, rain and melt water seeping from the surface of the earth, a drainage system is arranged around the foundation.

Insulated vestibule with additional insulated sliding door


Internal and external insulated doors must be installed in the vestibule. The vestibule can be made heated or unheated. To increase thermal insulation, it is advisable to provide an additional sliding thermally efficient door.


To build an eco-house, you can use all building materials that are not prohibited by sanitary and hygienic standards. It is necessary to maintain the final parameters of the house and its structure described above.

However, there are certain preferences for materials that are recommended to be used when building an eco-house, and methods for their production.

Preferable is the maximum use of building materials from local raw materials extracted on site, and the manufacture of building materials on the same site. construction site. In order to achieve the required quality, and therefore the necessary parameters that make an ordinary house an eco-house, materials are manufactured using specially created mini-equipment ( high tech in the production of building materials minimum costs during manufacture). This mini equipment can be used without overhaul for 10 construction seasons when stored under a canopy in winter.


The implementation of the Ecohouse project and the subsequent large-scale use of the technologies incorporated in it should solve the most current tasks of our time: providing Russian residents with comfortable housing, built and operated on the basis of resource and energy saving technologies using local materials, and greening the domestic sector.

It is no coincidence that a house with the described properties is called a thermal fortress. In a mild climate, neither a heating system nor air conditioning is needed, there are no drafts, and the cold is not felt, since the difference in temperature between the room air and the internal surfaces of the enclosing structures is negligibly small. The house is heated by the heat generated by household appliances, the bodies of the inhabitants - owners and pets, as well as solar energy. Since there are no air dryers in the building heating devices, the microclimate can be compared with the beneficial summer weather somewhere in the resorts of mountainous Switzerland. This has a beneficial effect, for example, on those who suffer from allergies.

Many components of the passive house concept are quite feasible in Russia. Thus, when reconstructing housing stock, technologies are already being successfully used to improve the energy efficiency of buildings. This is the insulation of facades using modern thermal insulation materials, the use of forced ventilation schemes and modern window systems. True, the practical implementation of energy-saving technologies is not cheap at first. However, as calculations show, large capital costs are quickly recouped due to low operating costs. That is, investing in energy-saving solutions can be considered a long-term and very reliable investment.

It is necessary to understand: building a comfortable, healthy ecological home today is not at all a utopia, but a necessary reality. published

Ecology of consumption. Estate: Autonomous ecological housing, fully equipped efficient systems provision, is able to “maintain” itself independently. And without causing harm to the environment. Let's try to figure out whether it is possible to build an eco-house with your own hands exclusively from natural building materials - clay, sand, straw, wood.

Autonomous ecological housing, fully equipped with effective support systems, is capable of “maintaining” itself. And without causing harm to the environment. Let's try to figure out whether it is possible to build an eco-house with your own hands exclusively from natural building materials - clay, sand, straw, wood.

Construction of an eco-house: dream or reality

Interest in the construction of eco-houses is growing every day - projects that previously seemed fantastic are being brought to life and showing amazing results. Some principles of eco-friendly housing are familiar to anyone who has lived or vacationed in a village. To this day, outside the city, houses are built from rounded logs, timber, bricks - that is, natural materials that do not contain harmful artificial impurities.

Scheme of a two-story residential building using the technology " double beam» - walls, internal floors, ceilings are made of two layers of wood (profiled dry pine timber)

Advanced villagers and summer residents have long installed septic tanks and biological stations– compact modern waste processing systems. Household plums decompose naturally, then the solid sediment is used as fertilizer, and the liquid is purified (up to 98%) and put into secondary use - for watering the garden or vegetable garden, maintaining the territory.

System diagram biological treatment water with two chambers (aerobic and anaerobic) and a filtration field. After purification, the liquid enters the ground

Of course, with the heating system everything is different: as before, the main source of heat is either an electric (gas, gasoline, coal) boiler or a stove, which is heated in the old fashioned way with wood. In environmentally friendly systems, the use of natural fuel (gas, coal, firewood, petroleum products) is excluded.

The following are recognized as optimal sources of energy and heat:

  • hydrodynamic heat generator with cavitator;
  • system on solar powered;
  • wind home generators;
  • biogas plants (for farms).

The functioning of energy supply, heating and waste recycling systems is combined, and the result is full autonomous maintenance of the house without any pollution of the atmosphere or soil.

An interesting design solution is the partial construction of a house “in the ground.” Part of the building is protected and insulated in a natural way, the only downside is the mandatory artificial lighting underground part

The second stage is to determine the nuances of building an eco-house. Thermal insulation of a house plays an important role - the more efficient the natural protection system is, the less energy will be spent on heating. To increase the thermal insulation properties, several techniques are used, for example:

  • strengthening thermal protection in areas with “cold bridges”;
  • construction of a multi-layer wall structure (up to 4 layers with gaps filled with mineral insulation, waste from the cellulose or cotton industry);
  • additional insulation foundation and basement.

Interesting architectural solution for the northern regions - division of space into “winter” and “summer”. As you know, our ancestors also had a winter hut (with a Russian stove) and a summer one, which was not heated.

A lot of energy goes into keeping light bulbs running, so you should maximize natural light. To do this, one wall of the main room can be made glass using triple glazing With wooden frames and shockproof glass.

Option of a house with circular glazing. During daylight hours, almost all rooms of the building are illuminated naturally - through glass walls built around the perimeter

The airtightness of the house will be extreme, so it is worth thinking about ventilation. The more useful qualities are incorporated during construction, the less energy will be required to provide the residential area with heat, light, and clean water.

The solar collector is mounted on the roof of a separate building, specially built to house the water heating system. Hot and cold water enters the house through an underground pipeline

It is irrational to install wind generators in regions with forest plantations or other protection from the wind, however, on the seashores, reservoirs, in the steppes and mountains, they justify the installation costs.

The operation of the solar collector and wind generator can be combined using a hybrid controller that distributes the received energy to points of consumption or directs it to storage devices

Before constructing a country house or village house made of timber or logs, it is necessary to consider the arrangement of a heat-insulating layer.

Adobe houses can have different number of storeys, wall or roof configurations, and sizes. Because of the clay plaster, it is sometimes difficult to guess that the main building material is “straw” brick

Pros and cons of straw bale

The first thing worth noting is the availability of the main building material. It is obtained as a result of growing and processing agricultural crops (legumes, grains, hemp, flax, etc.). Grains, inflorescences, and seeds go into further processing, and the stems with the remains of leaves are dried and sent to feed livestock. Straw is also suitable for making rustic decor.

Adobe bricks (adobe) are often prepared independently: a mixture of clay, plant fibers, manure and lime is placed in molds resembling boxes without a bottom, compacted and allowed to dry for 7-10 days, turning in different directions

To store the material, it is necessary to build a large barn with a strong insulated roof, a dry microclimate and good natural ventilation. Mats also made from straw (preferably rye, since that’s what mice don’t like) are used as natural insulation.

Construction of foundation and frame

While the material is “ripening”, the foundation can be prepared. It is equipped according to the usual scheme for a frame house. Experts recommend a lightweight belt version because the bales are light in weight. For the foundation, a shallow pit is dug, formwork is knocked together from boards around the perimeter and filled with a thick mixture of clay and sand. By the way, straw is sometimes added to the foundation of the house.

Until the clay sets, metal reinforcement is fixed in the corners and along the walls for future strapping. Then, when the foundation is stronger, a frame is assembled from wooden beams (15 cm x 15 cm). First of all, fix the corner posts, then the auxiliary supports for the walls. Horizontal elements are added to the vertical elements - boards or bars of smaller cross-section.

If the device is planned ground floor, it is necessary to deepen the foundation to at least 45 cm, and during construction, waterproof the basement

Straw bale tying

The blocks are stacked alternately, in rows, according to the principle brickwork. The seams between the rows are caulked. Each block is secured with a metal rod and strapping. After filling the entire frame, shingles are made diagonally with thin boards to give the walls more stability. The roof is installed at the very end, using conventional technology.

Before using straw bales, double check their quality: good material has a nice golden color and the smell of dried grass, dry to the touch

The resulting seams and gaps are sealed with adobe mixture. If protection from rodents is necessary, the walls around the entire perimeter are covered metal mesh with a small cell. Sometimes a second layer of thinner straw mats is laid out for insulation. Outer part thatched hut is plastered lime mixture(2.5-3 cm thick) and decorated with white or colored paint. Ultramarine, umber, violet cobalt, red lead and chromium oxide are used as colors.

Final stage - interior decoration, simultaneously with which the building and the adjacent area are equipped with life support systems.

Technology for constructing a building from wood and clay

Firewood, which is perceived by everyone as a traditional but obsolete type of fuel, can be used differently - as a material for building walls. For the technology of constructing buildings from logs in Russia they came up with an interesting name - “clay churn”, and in America, where it is also known this method construction, it is called Cordwood. If the house is supplied with firewood smart system energy saving, then it can be safely classified as environmentally friendly and non-polluting.

Collective construction of a round building using the “clay chock” technology: each layer of firewood is leveled, the chocks protrude slightly from the clay mortar

As a finishing layer, plaster is used, also made from natural ingredients. To soften the structure of the finishing solution, manure is added to the clay - a natural antiseptic.

The clay mortar hardens for at least one and a half months - during the entire period the walls must be kept dry. To do this, a large canopy is erected over the building body. As the clay dries, it will crack, so it is necessary to regularly cover the cracks and monitor the integrity of the structure.

Recommendations for beginning builders

If you decide to buy a house made of logs, start preparing the wood about a year before the start of construction. It must be dried for at least 10 months so that the structure does not deform in the future. For small country house an area of ​​40 m² will require about 30 m³ of wood. It is better to take not round logs, which can crack along the fibers during the laying process, but chopped firewood, freed from the bark. The length of the blanks is 50-60 cm.

The same length of logs can be easily achieved using a bench saw, but some people can easily cope with the task by placing the logs on regular sawhorses. On one side they make an emphasis, on the other, at a certain distance, they make a mark - along it they make a cut.

The procedure for building a house:

  • device strip foundation;
  • assembly of the frame (with a circular laying principle it is not needed);
  • step-by-step laying of a “woodpile” with openings for windows and doors;
  • pause for clay maturation (at least 2 months);
  • roof construction;
  • plastering and interior finishing.

When building walls you can use traditional technologies. For example, timber is used for corner trim. To ensure that the firewood lies evenly, a large shield is placed vertically on one side - it acts as a limiter. To increase the horizontal stability of the structure, it is recommended to lay barbed wire after every 4 rows.

Video on building ecological houses

Thematic videos will help you understand the nuances of building eco-houses.

Video review of eco-friendly houses:

Film about construction adobe house in the northern ecovillage:

Do-it-yourself clay pot technology

As you can see, it is quite possible to build a house using one of the well-known eco-technologies on your own. You can start not with a residential building, but with a small one utility room, summer kitchen or country decor. Try to apply the principles of creating an energy-efficient home - it will be a small step into the future and a wonderful one. personal experience. published

The ecology of the house in our time leaves much to be desired. After all, many finishing materials contain toxic substances. Components harmful to humans are added to dishes, household chemicals, and fabrics. Besides, Appliances emit negative radiation, and the air is polluted with all kinds of gases. How to create a healthy atmosphere in your home? This is exactly what will be discussed further.

Ecology at home

At home modern man spends most of his time. Therefore, everyone wants their home to be not only comfortable, but also safe. As studies have shown, in many apartments air environment much more polluted than outside the window. In order to reduce the content of harmful substances in the air, doctors advise ventilating your living space at least twice a day.

The ecology of a home depends not only on the air, but also on finishing materials, the raw materials from which furniture is made, radiation from household appliances and many other factors. Mold and mildew under wall finishing, as well as dust, contain a large number of harmful bacteria. Wiring done incorrectly, along with big amount household appliances generate electromagnetic radiation, which is many times greater than permissible. Many surrounding objects can serve as sources of radiation. Yes and tap water not of high quality. Contains harmful elements such as iron, chlorine and mineral salts.

The ecology of the home requires materials that do not contain toxic substances. Furniture made from natural raw materials, without chemical impurities. You need to get rid of old furniture. It can serve as a source of bacteriological contamination.

To create a safe home, it is important to use air and water purifiers. They will help you put your house in order. The problem of the ecology of a residential premises also depends on the area where it is located. Housing must have a good sound insulation and noise absorption system. An environmentally friendly home environment has a positive effect on the health of the entire family.

Safe materials for construction

Materials are very important to create a safe home. Today's market offers huge selection building materials, which are divided into two groups. This:

  • completely environmentally friendly;
  • environmentally friendly conditionally.

Environmentally friendly materials include wood, cork, stone, natural drying oil, leather, bamboo, straw, etc. If natural raw materials are mixed with non-natural substances, then it is considered that it has partially or completely lost its properties.

Wood is a natural material. Houses made from such raw materials have a special microclimate and a wonderful aroma. But the tree is often subject to rot and pests. Moss, fungus or mold may appear on it. Therefore, wood cannot be used to build a house without special treatment that will protect it from biological destruction. After processing, it will become conditionally environmentally friendly.

Stone is the most durable and reliable material. Despite this, it is capable of accumulating radiation. It should be tested for background radiation before use.

Conditionally environmentally friendly raw materials are produced from natural materials. It is characterized by high technical performance and does not cause harm to health. These are ceramic blocks and bricks, and these materials are made from clay without the use of chemical components. They are durable and highly resistant to negative environmental influences.

Aerated concrete block is a type cellular concrete. It is a stone made from cement. On the outside it has evenly distributed pores. The material is light and durable. Has good soundproofing abilities.

Another conditional environmentally friendly material is the tile. It is made of clay. Natural. It is a very expensive and heavy building material. Its installation requires special skill.

Environmentally friendly materials, of course, are important for building a house, but do not forget about the finishing of the premises. Here you also need to use natural building materials.

Safe floors

Floors in the house are not always safe for health. They can be made of low-quality material that releases toxic elements. Floors in the house should be made of:

  • wood;
  • traffic jams;
  • laminate class E1;
  • linoleum from natural raw materials;
  • parquet

As a rule, despite the naturalness of the material, wood or parquet is often varnished so that the floor has a beautiful appearance and is durable. You should not save money here, but choose high-quality varnish from well-known manufacturers.

If linoleum is used for flooring, it must have a certificate of hygienic compliance, which indicates the emission class and material. E1 class has a minimum amount of formaldehyde and is the safest. Classes of linoleum E2 and E3 are used only in non-residential premises.

Laminate can be used to cover the floor. It is made from 80% paper and wood chips. The remainder consists of synthetic resins. Despite the natural raw materials, the laminate is coated with resins containing formaldehyde. Coating with acrylic resins. Formaldehyde in the laminate should not exceed 0.12 mg per 1 m3.

Wall decoration

For wall decoration, ordinary paper or non-woven wallpaper made from pressed paper are considered the safest. Vinyl wallpapers are considered toxic. They are not recommended for use in residential premises.

If you use paint to decorate the walls, then you should not buy the first one you come across. The product intended for surface painting may contain hazardous substances, lead pigments, and highly volatile solvents. Inhaling these substances is hazardous to health. Harmful to humans and they contain volatile compounds. Alkyd paints are considered the most harmful.

Wall insulation

In addition to decorative wall decoration, insulation inside the house plays an important role. Expanded polystyrene in this case is unsafe. Releases carcinogenic substances - styrene.

The safest are insulation made from fiberglass, polyurethane foam, ecowool, cotton, flax, moss and other natural materials. They have excellent penetration, heat and sound insulation.

Which windows should you choose?

Despite the fact that many manufacturers indicate safety plastic windows, some residents report a deterioration in their health after their installation. The harm of plastic windows is obvious, because the polyvinyl chloride from which they are made is a toxic component. During the manufacturing process, polyvinyl chloride is mixed with harmless chemicals, as a result of which it loses its activity, and the toxicity of windows becomes minimal. There is also lead in the windows, but in minimal quantities.

Plastic double-glazed windows have a negative effect on air exchange. Their tightness increases the dust content in the house and prevents vapors from escaping. In the summer, for the same reason, a musty smell may form in the room.

Experts note that negative impact only windows have an effect on the body Bad quality, made of cheap plastic. Well-known companies are constantly improving their products, so their double-glazed windows are practically safe for health.

The most the best option for the ecology of the house are windows with wooden frames. They are environmentally friendly. They do not emit harmful substances and are durable.

in the house

Home ecology is impossible without cleansing the airspace. Plants help purify the air and improve the energy of living spaces. In this situation, they are indispensable houseplants. Absorbing carbon dioxide, they enrich the air with oxygen. Such plants include chlorophytum, sansevieria, ivy, pelargonium, dracaena, ficus, anthurium and others. They are more efficient than many household appliances. One large plant is used per 10 square meters of area, and one small plant per five square meters.

There are plants that not only purify the air, but also disinfect it, since their leaves contain essential oils (geranium, myrtle, bay tree, lemon).

You can use an air purifier to clean the air. It cleans the air of dust and toxic substances, disinfects and ionizes it.

Household chemicals

The safety of household chemicals plays an important role in the ecology of a residential building. Most products used for home cleaning are unsafe for health and contain cationic and anionic surfactants. They are often used in detergents, so preference should be given to non-ionic surfactants. The percentage of cationic or anionic surfactants should not exceed five.

If environmental friendliness comes first in the house, then when purchasing household chemicals, pay attention to products containing natural substances. You can also wash dishes with natural soap, soda or mustard.

Washing powders should be chosen that are phosphate-free and contain zeolites, which have replaced phosphates and are considered harmless. Enzymes and polymers are also added to environmentally friendly powders. They are used to get rid of stains on clothes.

Equipment in everyday life

Complete ecology in everyday life cannot be achieved until electromagnetic waves that negatively affect health are neutralized. They destroy cell structure, affect the nervous system and muscle tissue, cause insomnia, disruption of the gastrointestinal system.

As a rule, most electrical appliances are located in the kitchen. Many of them emit electromagnetic radiation. These are microwave ovens, electric stoves, refrigerators that do not create frost. To prevent radiation from having a negative impact on people, it is necessary to place household appliances in the right way. Their impact should not affect areas where people spend a lot of time.

It is recommended to place sockets as close to the floor as possible. Warm electric floors should not be used in the nursery or under the bed. Household appliances must be unplugged from the outlet, as even in standby mode they emit electromagnetic waves.

What can be said about such a phenomenon as the dangers of microwave ovens? Myth or reality of their negative impact on humans? Experts say that the microwave oven emits non-ionizing waves that do not have a radioactive effect. Magnetic radiation from a microwave is indeed present, and quite strong, but during cooking. It is believed that at this moment you should be at arm's length from the device. Then the radiation will not have a negative effect.

When cooking does it matter whether microwave ovens are harmful? Myth or reality is their harmful effect on food? Scientific research showed that microwave does not change the structure of products and does not make dishes carcinogenic. After all, it allows you to cook unfried food without the use of oil. Microwave food cooks quickly, therefore requires less cooking and retains more useful substances. Danger of this device more a myth than a reality.

In addition to the microwave oven, they often use an electric kettle, a multicooker, a TV, a toaster, a computer, a coffee maker and other appliances. When they are turned on simultaneously, there is a possibility of one electrostatic magnetic field to another. If it is impossible to completely abandon household appliances, then their use should be reduced to a minimum. It is necessary to promptly change the filters on the air conditioner, otherwise it can be hazardous to health and release toxins and serve as a source of various infections.

TV is a gift from civilization. But in addition to the pleasure of watching it, you can also get magnetic radiation. To minimize the negative impact of the device, you need to spend no more than three hours in front of the screen and be at a safe distance from it.

Do not place household appliances in places where you sleep and rest. You should not sleep next to equipment; the distance to it should be at least three meters. There is no need to allow one magnetic field to overlap another, since in these places the radiation will be twice as strong.

Rules of ecological life

When creating a safe home, you should not skimp on repairs. As a rule, cheap materials for finishing a room often contain toxic substances. Wallpaper, like other materials, must be of high quality and meet safety standards. They must have special markings indicating that the product has been certified.

For your home you need to choose furniture from natural wood, since plastic, chipboard and synthetics are often distinguished harmful substances. You shouldn't skimp on household appliances. Large manufacturers make sure that their equipment is safe and does not cause harm to health.

To make your home environmentally friendly, you need to carry out wet cleaning frequently. A lot of dust accumulates in living spaces. Wet cleaning purifies the air, prevents the proliferation of dust mites and mold spores.

Humidifiers and ionizers should be used to purify the air. In summer when the air conditioner is on, and in winter when central heating the air in the house becomes dry. These devices humidify the air space and create a healthy atmosphere.

All household appliances must be unplugged. You should not place equipment in places where you sleep and rest, and its use should be kept to a minimum.

To make a safe home, you need to carry out environmental assessment housing. It will detect not only fungus, but also radiation, electromagnetic radiation, and the presence of toxic gases.

An eco-friendly residential building is one where people are attentive to their health, try to minimize the presence of negative factors and improve the quality of their life.

Building environmentally friendly houses is not just a fashion trend, but taking care of your health. IN Lately our ecology is too polluted due to industrial complexes, therefore, eco-housing was created for those who want to live in harmony with nature and themselves. Today the owners country houses They try to use natural and natural materials, this allows you to significantly save money on energy resources and get a safe home.

Eco-friendly house

Ecological housing involves the use of only natural materials. Architects and doctors assure that such housing can improve not only the state of health, but also prolong life. life cycle person. Natural materials include:

  • wood, bamboo, reed, straw;
  • cork, wool, felt, leather;
  • sand, stone;
  • silk and cotton;
  • natural drying oil, glue and rubber.

The process of building environmentally friendly houses consists of:

  • rational and efficient use of water, energy and other resources;
  • reducing waste and reducing its impact on the environment;
  • use of local building materials;
  • use the power of nature: solar collector, wind energy, biofuels;
  • using some materials twice.

The main component of such a structure is energy consumption, which is achieved through:

  • complete insulation of the entire structure to minimize heat loss;
  • safety temperature regime and creation of air exchange processes (ventilation, air conditioning);
  • creation of low-temperature heating using heat pumps;
  • reducing power consumption by installing energy-efficient lighting.

What materials are green construction made from?

Today, it is possible to build ecological housing from many materials. For example, the following are successfully used: logs, straw, adobe, clay, clean compacted earth or earth in bags. At first glance, all these eco-friendly materials seem unreliable, but the right technology construction, the house turns out to be strong and durable. Let's look at each material in more detail.

Construction of a house from logs

From a distance, the walls of a log house resemble stone ones, but if you examine the structure from a close distance, it becomes clear that the house is made of wood. The construction process takes place by laying logs, fastened together with lime-cement mortar. The material used is soft tree species, such as cedar or pine. These rocks have high resistance to expansion or contraction, and are also capable of providing high thermal and sound insulation. Building a house from logs is not so easy, it will require use self made, but if the structure is built correctly, it will meet all your expectations.

Building a house from straw

Most skeptics will immediately say that straw is not the most best material What can you use to build an eco-house? However, compressed straw in bags can be used to build a durable structure with excellent insulating properties. The construction process involves laying compressed straw on a masonry foundation, which is secured with wooden posts. External surface lined with lime or soil plaster, which is not capable of allowing air to pass through. This will allow the walls to breathe and prevent moisture from appearing in the straw. As a result, you get an environmentally friendly house made of straw, which has high fire-resistant qualities.

Expert advice! To protect your home from rodent attacks, use a fine metal mesh. For construction, it is best to use rye straw, because... Rodents don't like it.

Building a house from straw and clay

This type of construction is also popular and reliable. The construction process involves mixing clay with sand and straw. The frame is erected and the walls are built using adjustable formwork. The inside is plastered, and the outside is insulated with straw or reed. Due to this, the design is lightweight and has high thermal insulation characteristics.

Rammed earth construction

In addition to the environmental friendliness of the material, such a house is fireproof, durable, reliable, and most importantly, resistant to attack by various insects. Such designs from environmentally friendly pure materials have gained great popularity in warm and dry places such as Australia. The construction process is that the walls are erected from blocks of pressed and moist soil. You can build such a house on your own, or seek the help of specialists. In any case, such a design will be reliable and will last for decades.

Construction of an eco-house from bags of pressed earth

In order to make an eco-house, you only need ordinary soil and polypropylene bags. This type of building is the cheapest. The construction process involves filling wet soil into bags that are compacted tightly. The use of bags makes it possible to build such complex designs, such as domed, round buildings and even underground structures.

How to choose the right site for an eco-house?

If you are determined to live in clean house, you should select correct area. Experts advise paying attention to the following points:

  • total area land plot must meet all necessary requirements;
  • there should be nothing nearby that can pollute the environment: railway, airport, industrial enterprises;
  • the site should not be in a shady area, there should be a lot of sun;
  • mandatory presence of reservoirs;

Eco-house project

Eco-friendly housing consists of several important points, which are an integral part of the project of the whole house. The house project consists of:

  • The foundation, as a rule, is made of pile-boring or monolithic slab. Work on its construction can be carried out at any time of the year.
  • Material for walls. The materials often used are wood (spruce, pine, larch). Eco-concrete, aerated concrete, foam concrete, as well as ceramic bricks are used as wall dividers;
  • Interfloor ceilings are erected from wood or monolith;
  • The facade part is lined with: block house, lining, facing brick or clinker tiles;
  • The insulating material is made of mineral wool or expanded clay;
  • The roof is made of cement-sand or ceramic tiles;
  • Windows are made of wood or PVC; in this case, PVC is absolutely safe for health and does not emit harmful substances;
  • The flooring is used from ordinary floorboards, laminate, ceramic tiles or linoleum made from PVC;
  • Interior decoration involves the use of textile or floral wallpaper, tiles or plaster for painting;
  • The ceiling is finished with water-based paint;
  • For furniture, rattan or wood products are used. For wooden furniture the following species are used: beech, pine or oak;
  • Textile design is made of bamboo, linen or cotton;

Decorative elements. For decoration, indoor plants are used, as well as any objects made of wood, leather, or fabric. As you can see, an ecological house is aimed at preserving nature and improving the health of its owners.

A house made of eco-materials is now a panacea for rising heating tariffs, and living in it is much more pleasant than in its stone counterpart. You can build it yourself without specific construction skills or outside help. There are several options for constructing such houses, they depend on the chosen material.

What materials can you use to build an eco-house?

On a private plot, you can build housing from available materials, so some begin construction literally from earth and other readily available materials. Let's look at the most common construction materials that can be purchased for pennies.


Wooden houses are again in demand. For their construction they use fallen trees, waste obtained from a sawmill. Externally, such houses look like stone, but upon closer inspection it immediately becomes clear that they are made of logs.

The logs are stacked on top of each other, similar to how firewood is stored under a canopy for kindling a fireplace. They are held together with concrete or clay mortar. If the logs have a diameter of 30-90 cm, then they can be used for the construction of frameless structures or using a frame. Recently, the cement mortar that binds the logs has been replaced with adobe mixture.

Rammed earth

This is ancient technology. The process of forming building materials from an earthen base is not much different from its ancient counterpart.

To obtain the necessary earthen materials, you need to mix clay, gravel, concrete and moist soil. All these components yield a compressed hard material, which perfectly regulates the temperature of the building. It can provide warmth in cold weather and coolness in warm weather. This structure is termite-resistant, durable and fireproof. It costs “a penny”, since the land is freely available under your feet.

The construction of an earthen building takes place without large columns of dust, as happens when using stone materials and cement. Now rammed earth is not so popular, but in some countries houses are still built from it.


When first considering it as a reliable building material, one gets the impression that this is the worst option, but in practice it turns out that straw pressed into bags has excellent strength and high thermal insulation properties. It can be used for the construction load-bearing walls and used in a harness with vertical bars.

Compressed straw is laid on top of the stone foundation. Packages with the main building material are fastened together using flexible bamboo poles or wooden posts.

The outer part of the thatched building is treated with soil or lime plaster. Both of these coatings have good air conductivity, thereby preventing the accumulation of moisture inside the building and preventing its dampness.


It is used as thermal insulation and main construction material. This plant is natural and non-toxic. For the construction of buildings, bone concrete is used, which consists of hemp fire, cement (lime), water and sand. The low density of the resulting material makes it lightweight, but at the same time gives it good thermal insulation properties, thanks to which you can significantly save on heating costs. The resulting hemp material allows air to pass through, but retains moisture, so mold and harmful bacteria do not form on its surface.

Bags of earth

To build such a house, you need to stock up on numerous polypropylene bags, and to fill them, use the soil under your feet.

The process of obtaining building material consists of filling bags with wet soil and then compacting them. When laying stuffed bags, the material is tied with two rows of wire. If under construction high building, then it is better to provide a platform on which the bags will be stuffed so as not to lift them up. Damp earth is not easy to weigh.

Earthbags are used for housing construction where the soil contains a small amount of clay. It is optimal to use them to construct rounded building decoration elements, such as domes. From the outside, you can cover them with earth and plant grass or flowers; this is an unusual and warm home.


It is made from clay, sand and straw. The mixture is formed into cubic shapes. When hardened, these bricks are very strong and durable - they can be used to make any kind of construction. The material is very warm and resistant to weather disasters and even fire. A house built using it is inexpensive and environmentally friendly.

Glass bottles

They are durable and durable material, some might argue that they are easy to break, but this is not the case. Subject to the proportions of cement mortar binding them and correct location bottles in a row can achieve a durable residential structure.

There are several subtleties when constructing a glass structure. The bottles are still hollow and there is air in them, so in cold regions, if the bottoms look outward, then they need to be insulated from the inside. Such buildings are rarely used for housing; they are increasingly used for household and household buildings.

A building made of multi-colored bottles will be a real decoration of the site; it looks like a three-dimensional mosaic.

Building an eco-house from logs with your own hands

It consists of several stages:

Foundation devices

Houses made from logs are often made in a round shape. A strip or point foundation is laid under them (). First, they dig a shallow ditch, then make air cushion from crushed stone. If a point foundation is used, holes are dug around the perimeter of the proposed building and filled with concrete.

If the building is round, then there is no need for a frame; cement bonding perfectly recreates monolithic structure. In the case of building a building with corners, it is necessary to provide a frame of beams, between which the building material will be laid.

You need to stock up on logs in advance and prepare them: the prepared logs are freed from bark and dried. This is necessary so that the walls of the building are not subject to shrinkage. It is better if all the logs are from the same type of wood.

The solution can be made of cement or clay construction mixture. It is prepared from clay and sand, which are taken in equal parts. Straw, sawdust or hay are added to them - they are used for reinforcement. To obtain homogeneity of the mixture, it needs to be kneaded for a long time.

First, part of the mortar is laid out on the foundation, and then logs are laid on it (see also). The solution is poured between them and leveled. Instead, a clay mixture is sometimes used. The edges of the logs should protrude slightly from the edge of the wall being created. You need to immediately think about the location of windows and doors and leave openings for them when building walls.

Sometimes, for better thermal insulation, only the outer and inner walls are cemented, and the space between them and the wooden blocks is filled with sawdust or straw. As soon as the walls are erected, they need to be covered with a roof to prevent moisture from getting inside the structure. If the material for it has not yet been purchased, then you can install a temporary version. The walls dry out completely after six months, so this type of house is not suitable for cold climates.

Home roofing and finishing

To make the structure completely environmentally friendly, the roof can be made of reeds or tied straw.

Such a house does not need external decoration, but if its owner is not satisfied with protruding lumps, then he can lath the walls and level the walls, and then plaster them.

Do-it-yourself energy-passive cheap eco-houses (video)

From the video below you can see how the new eco-friendly houses differ from their stone counterparts. The owner of the site talks about his original round house, built of straw, which withstands natural disasters. The unusualness of the house also lies in the fact that it was built in an unusual way: first the foundation was poured, and then the roof was covered, and after that the walls were built. The roof was completed first due to the need to cover the main building material, which does not tolerate moisture.

The foundation of the house is inexpensive, since it is not made as wide and deep as for stone houses. You can save even more on it if you use ordinary glass bottles, they will fill some space and due to this, less cement mortar will be used on the foundation. And the durability and thermal insulation of bottles is much greater than that of the same brick. Straw five times better than wood and brick keeps the room warm.

Ecology and economy are the main advantages of straw construction, which have been confirmed for several years. It is noteworthy that from such a fragile material as straw you can even build multi-story houses. In the following video you can see an overview of the modern eco-house that the family built with their own efforts:

Eco-housing is gaining momentum, and many people, having viewed their new projects, now doubt the construction of stone houses. After all, an eco-house can completely replace full-fledged housing, and besides, save a lot on construction and operation. All of the above options for eco-houses have good thermal conductivity and reliably protect from precipitation and wind. They are most often chosen by innovators who are several steps ahead of others and are thinking about their environmentally friendly future.

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