List of enterprises of strategic importance. On the question of strategic enterprises and the state of the military-industrial complex of Russia

I.N. Demchuk - candidate of economics. Sci., Manager, Novosibirsk branch of NOMOS-BANK
N.V. Fadeikina - Doctor of Economics. Sciences, Professor, Rector of SIFBD

With the collapse of the USSR, about 75% of enterprises and organizations of the military-industrial complex of the defense industry went to Russia. By the end of the 1990s. The defense industry of Russia included more than 1.5 thousand enterprises and organizations with more than 3.5 million people working in them, that is, taking into account their family members, the problems of the defense industry affected the interests of almost 10% of the Russian population.

There are defense industry enterprises on the territory of most subjects of the Russian Federation, and some regions of the Russian Federation and more than 70 cities-factories, including closed administrative-territorial entities, are completely dependent on the work of the defense industry, since there are practically no other areas of labor application in them.

In the USSR, the defense industry developed as a priority compared to the civilian sector of the economy, which made it possible to equip defense plants, research institutes and design bureaus with the latest high-performance scientific and industrial equipment, to introduce and master the latest military and civilian technologies. The prestige of work and the level of its payment at defense enterprises and organizations made it possible to concentrate the most qualified and disciplined workers in the defense industry.

The role and significance of the defense industrial complex is determined not only by its main purpose - the creation of weapons and military equipment (WME) and equipping the Armed Forces and other troops with them. In recent years, the volume of military equipment production in the total output of the defense industry is less than 20%. Nevertheless, the defense industry still plays a crucial role in the development of a number of industries and sub-sectors - television, radio broadcasting and communications, optical instrumentation, electronics and other critical areas that have a significant impact on the socio-economic development of the country as a whole and largely determine the overall industrial and technological level of Russia, its status among the industrialized countries of the world.

Now the enterprises and organizations of the military-industrial complex are in a critical condition. The total volume of their marketable output continues to fall, and the volume of arms and military equipment production is also decreasing, including in the structure of exports.

Mobilization capacities are being lost, depreciation of fixed assets is increasing (reaching a total of 70%), the outflow of qualified scientists, engineers, workers and employees from the defense industry continues, defense industry; unique technologies that were once the pride of Russian science and technology are being lost.

The moral obsolescence of the technological structure with the growing general physical wear and tear of production and technological equipment creates a real danger that if there is no noticeable increase in the level of investment in reconstruction and technical re-equipment in the coming years, the Russian defense industry will not be able to provide the necessary output even at the technical level of the current generations of weapons and military equipment.

For a number of types of weapons and military equipment, the state defense order (GOZ) has become so insignificant that it ensures the utilization of production capacities by only 10–15% and is below the minimum acceptable level profitability. At the same time, high-tech production facilities are being lost, cooperation ties in the creation of the most important types of weapons and military equipment are falling apart: aircraft, ships, submarines, radar stations, command and control systems for troops and weapons, etc.

The need to reform the defense industry is due to:

- the ongoing military reform in the country, the reduction of the Armed Forces and the state defense order;
- the transition, under severe financial constraints, to selective state support for promising types of weapons and military equipment and the production of certain types of civilian products, a decrease in the number of priorities;
– re-profiling and modernization of the released capacities for the development and mass production of high-tech and competitive civilian products (primarily science-intensive);
- structural restructuring of the defense industry by creating viable industries and scientific teams in market conditions with the formation on their basis of widely diversified, stable intersectoral structures - vertically and horizontally integrated complexes;
- restructuring the defense industry by concentrating the development and production of weapons and military equipment at a limited number of enterprises;
- further corporatization of enterprises, the maintenance of which in state ownership is inappropriate;
- a significant excess of production capacities of defense enterprises and mobilization capacities, which make up a significant part of their fixed assets;
– the need to preserve and effectively use internationally competitive scientific potential as a basis for creating modern species materials and industries, as well as the possibility of increasing export deliveries of weapons and military equipment, which will ensure the economic growth of individual enterprises and the entire defense industry.

The interests of the country require that the production capacities and enterprises of the defense industry be brought into line with the needs of the expected demand for weapons and military equipment for the Russian Ministry of Defense, all law enforcement agencies and the implementation of international contracts, as well as the release of a civilian high-tech product for the domestic and foreign markets.

However, the state of the defense industry is still difficult, requiring more advanced anti-crisis management tools, new forms and methods of financial recovery.

It should be noted that the Federal Target Program (FTP) "Reforming and developing the military-industrial complex (2002-2006)" adopted by the Government of Russia in 2001 is primarily aimed at building vertically integrated structures (VIS) of industrial groups that allow to concentrate resources to solve specific problems. strategic goal at the same time, "the formation of a new image of the military-industrial complex" was proclaimed. However, the main guidelines have not been forgotten. state program armaments: the need to maintain mobilization capacities at the required level, create conditions for the sustainable development of the defense industry, as well as the development and production of competitive and high-tech military and civilian products. As a result of the implementation of this program, the deadline for which is running out, the construction of only five VIS has been fully completed (instead of the planned forty).

In 2006, as part of the implementation of the aforementioned FTP, the creation of seven to eight large VIS of the space industry is envisaged. The construction of a unified aircraft manufacturing holding in the country has been announced. According to the development director of JSC Tupolev, “there has never been anything like this in the global aircraft industry, the European super-holding Airbus and the American giant Boeing were created for three decades, but we pushed everything into two years.” The issue of creating international integrated structures is raised (for example, the problem of integrating the aviation complexes of Russia and Ukraine is discussed).

Practice shows that the organs state power often hasty and unreasonable decisions are made to create new IPOs (holdings). However, the regulatory and methodological framework governing the creation and operation of holdings has not yet been created; there are only some recommendations written in various ministries (departments, agencies).

The creation of VIS is also hampered by other factors:

– the state of affairs in the field of state registration of real estate objects and the results of intellectual activity of enterprises;
- insufficiency of financial resources for the registration of these objects in the manner prescribed by law, for conducting a high-quality audit, evaluation procedures (in order not only to find out the real financial and property condition of the enterprise, but also to take appropriate measures to improve it, or at least to form an objective current and forecast financial information so as not to mislead the owner and partners);
– high degree of equipment wear;
– low level of management;
- the presence on the balance sheet of defense industry enterprises of objects of the socio-cultural sphere;
– low level of capacity utilization;
- a conflict of interest between the future parent and subsidiaries, the latter's awareness of the scale of internal transformations that will lead to the restructuring of management systems and business processes;
– identification of signs of bankruptcy, including due to unpaid (or not paid on time) state defense order and overdue accounts payable to the budget, off-budget state funds, other creditors, etc.

Until 2000, the tasks of the state defense order were not financed in full. As a result, an account payable of the state customer to the contractor was formed. Measures taken by the government to pay off the debt of the state 1995 - 2000 (treasury tax exemptions, state treasury bills, promissory note credit, cash offsets) made it possible to practically pay off the debts of this period. Although the calculations do not take into account inflation, the problems associated with the restructuring of accounts payable to the federal and other budgets, state non-budgetary funds, the consequences of which and hundred????? (some subjects of the defense industry are still fulfilling their obligations to restructure this debt) not only the principal debt, but also penalties, fines, as well as interest on tax and investment tax credits.

Since 2000, the obligations of the budget to pay for work under the State Defense Order have been fulfilled in the amounts established by the relevant laws on the budget. However, in the previous few years, in order to maintain production volumes at a minimum technological level, the state allowed customers to conclude contracts with the condition of paying them next year. This led to the formation of accounts payable, which amounted (according to the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation) to about 1% of the total. Since 2005, this practice has been discontinued, the debt for these supplies was repaid in the first quarter. All other debts to defense industry enterprises for the performance of work under the state defense order lie on the conscience of the customer.

The Government of the Russian Federation, attaching particular importance to the problem of financial and economic stability of strategic enterprises and organizations fulfilling the state defense order, adopted a resolution on the procedure for restructuring the debt of organizations for taxes, fees, accrued penalties and fines to the federal budget, as well as insurance premiums to state off-budget funds. In addition, in order to implement Art. 191 of the Federal Law "On Insolvency (Bankruptcy)" and in pursuance of Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 18, 2005 No. 646-40 "On the procedure for restructuring the debt of organizations of the military-industrial complex - executors of the state defense order, included in the List of strategic enterprises and organizations, on taxes, dues, accrued penalties and fines to the federal budget, as well as on insurance premiums to state off-budget funds” (this resolution refers to secret documents) Federal agencies (for example, Rosprom) created working groups to prepare an opinion on the advisability of restructuring the debt of organizations and approved the procedure for preparing opinions on the feasibility of such restructuring, agreed with the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation.

Thus, the methods and forms of financial recovery of defense industry enterprises and other public sector entities are expanding, including through the use of one of the main tools of anti-crisis management - restructuring (in this case, obligations).

Methods for restructuring assets, capital, liabilities could be more effective when improving the mechanisms of public procurement and the formation and implementation of the state defense order.

The implementation of the State Defense Order is regulated by many regulatory and legislative acts: the Civil and Budget Codes; federal laws "On the State Defense Order" (dated December 27, 1995 No. 213-FZ, subject to amendments and additions made in 1997), "On the supply of products for federal state needs" (dated December 13, 1994 No. 60-FZ as amended on August 22, 2004), “On Technical Regulation” (No. 184-FZ of December 27, 2002); Decree of the President of the Russian Federation "Issues Federal Service under the Defense Order” (No. 56c dated January 21, 2005), which defines the powers of the named federal service (Rosoboronzakaz) in terms of control (supervision) over the placement and implementation of the state defense order, the activities of state customers and executors of the state defense order, the implementation of the pricing policy for the state defense order, for implementation of conservation and development measures strategic organizations OPK, etc.; Decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation “On the implementation of the Federal Law “On the supply of products for federal needs”” (dated June 26, 1995 No. 594 as amended on July 28, 2005), “On the rules for maintaining organizations fulfilling state orders at the expense of the federal budget , separate accounting of the results of financial and economic activity”(dated 19.01.98 No. 47 as amended on 20.02.02), “On approval of exemplary state contracts for the performance of research and development work on the state defense order” (dated 23.01.04 No. 41 as amended on August 22, 2005).

It is no secret that these regulations are not fully linked to each other, and most importantly, they do not correlate with the main law on the State Defense Order.

This is also recognized by the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia. According to V.N. Putilin, director of the Department of Economics and Defense and Security Programs, the current legal support for the State Defense Order, adopted back in 1995-1997, "requires immediate and unconditional improvement and refinement in accordance with the changed economic conditions" .

The regulatory support of public procurement needs to be improved. The main areas of improvement are the expansion of the practice of competitive placement of orders at all levels of cooperation between developers of weapons and military equipment, the holding of unified trades in weapons and military equipment general use. According to the results of inspections conducted by Rosoboronzakaz, it is noted that the provision on the agreement (joint establishment) of prices by state customers when placing orders for the same products from a single contractor is not implemented. As a result, there are facts of purchases of the same name products from one source by different customers at significantly different prices.

In addition, due to the constant increase in prices for gasoline, fuel oil, diesel fuel, the Armed Forces do not have enough funds for current expenses every year. For example, in 2005, the customer allocated more than 8 billion rubles from the federal budget, which made it possible to purchase oil products in the volumes approved by the State Defense Order and ensure the supply of the Armed Forces, other troops and bodies at the level necessary to fulfill their tasks.

The underfunding of the state defense order and military programs is due to the incorrect forecasting of prices for military products in terms of serial purchases and repairs of weapons and military equipment. This is also recognized by the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade. The Ministry, together with the Federal Tariff Service (FTS), worked on this issue and proposed expanding the list of weapons and military equipment, the price of which is subject to registration (for reference: at present, the FTS of Russia registers prices for about 15% of the entire range of weapons and military equipment, in monetary terms this is 45 %).

It is expected that in 2006 a new law on public procurement will enter into force, which will create adequate regulatory and legislative support for solving most of the above problems in the field of public procurement and the implementation of the SDO. In particular, the new regulatory framework for the state defense order should contain conditions for increasing the responsibility of the contractor-supplier and the state customer for the level of prices for products during the formation, placement and execution of the state defense order.

Pricing and pricing policy for the State Defense Order is one of the most painful issues related not only to the legislation on the budget, public procurement and the State Defense Order, but also to credit, depreciation and other areas of financial policy. “When deliveries under the state order, the price is so cut off that there can be no talk of any renewal of fixed assets, the introduction of new technologies. Enterprises under the start of the execution of the state order have to take loans from commercial banks with interest, which then drown the price of products,” says V. Barteniev, First Deputy Minister of Industry, Energy and Natural Resources of the Rostov Region. In his opinion, "it is necessary to create a guarantee mechanism to attract loans for defense industry enterprises under the state order" .

Summarizing the facts presented in the media, we can conclude that even for the equipment manufactured and delivered in accordance with the implementation of the State Defense Order to the army back in 2003, money was not received in full by the beginning of 2005. The cost of production is not indexed. And if they were indexed using deflators set by the level of depreciation of the consumer basket (12%), then this indexation satisfied few people. Indeed, even the increase in the cost of military equipment officially agreed with the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of the Russian Federation exceeds 25% (for example, the increase in the cost of rocket technology in 2003 amounted to 29%).

The situation is aggravated by the fact that the Ministry of Defense paid for the state defense order not at the beginning of the year, as it would be logical, but in the middle. In order to fulfill the defense order, defense industry enterprises were forced to take out bank loans, which led to additional expenses (at the price fixed in the state contract).

Many questions also arise regarding the decision-making system in which the draft state defense order is “forged”. One thing is gratifying that the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation is finally switching to the implementation of the scheme of a single customer for the State Defense Order (previously 52 units had the right to make purchases). The defense industry is also pleased with the fact that in 2006 the state defense order will increase by at least 25% and will amount to more than 236.7 billion rubles. (almost 60 billion rubles more than the state defense order for 2005). The money will be mainly directed to the purchase of the most important weapons systems, new military equipment, which determine the shape of the Russian arms system for the period up to 2015.

According to the estimates of the Russian Ministry of Economic Development, the planned funds are sufficient to carry out the main activities determined by the directive documents on military development. However, there is no talk about the start of large-scale deliveries of weapons and military equipment for the RF Ministry of Defense. In accordance with the current armament program and the draft state armament program being developed for 2007-2015. such deliveries are planned from 2010 .

For reference (data from the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation): Russia now occupies the 8th place in the world in terms of military spending; in 2004, the Russian Federation spent 19 billion dollars on weapons. In 2005, 573 billion rubles were allocated from the federal budget for military needs, which is 70 billion rubles. more than in 2004. Expenditures on national defense in 2006 are planned in the amount of 668 billion rubles, which is 184 billion rubles. more than in 2005. The state defense order in 2005 amounted to 187 billion rubles. (for comparison: in 2004 - 148, in 2003 - 113, 2002 - 80 billion rubles). The world leader in the SDO rating is the United States, in 2004 they spent $455 billion on weapons. Second place belongs to the UK ($47 billion). The list of countries that have significantly increased their military spending includes France, Germany, China, Japan and India.

In recent years, the structure of the state defense order has changed. In 2005, assignments for R&D accounted for 33.9% of the total volume of assignments for the State Defense Order under the state armament program, for purchases - 44.0% and for repairs - 22.1%. In 2006, tasks were redistributed in the following way: for R&D - 30.7%, for purchases - 48.8%, for repairs - 20.5%.

An increase in the volume, restructuring of the state defense order and a change in the pricing policy during its formation and implementation will undoubtedly improve the condition of many defense industry enterprises, but by no means all. The defense industry will have to get rid of part of the enterprises in order to ensure the maximum possible loading of the remaining ones. Some enterprises will be re-profiled or “set free to float”. The most powerful defense industry enterprises with scientific and production potential and producing competitive military products will operate within the framework of VIS (holdings). And it's inevitable.

Many defense industry people are inclined to think that the formation of VIS (holdings) is an end in itself, that they are created according to instructions from above, and not according to the final product, as it should be. And they act according to the principle: if you don’t build your own corporation (VIS), you will at best become the material for building someone else’s (by analogy with the famous phrase of Napoleon: “If you don’t want to feed your army, you will feed someone else’s”).

Indeed, there are too many defense industry enterprises in Russia today, and when creating integrated structures, some enterprises will seek to intercept a "piece of the pie" from others - the state defense order. It turns out that integration is a struggle for the market. The winners can be those who are still “afloat”, and not in a pre-bankruptcy state. Unfortunately, the latter are the majority.

The crisis in the military industry is hard to deny: despite the increase in funding for the state defense order in recent years, the production of military equipment and weapons has decreased by five times. Financing of the industry today is only 15%, and equipment wear has exceeded 70%.

In order to optimize the number of defense enterprises government bodies form a list of strategic enterprises. The table shows the ownership structure of these public sector enterprises (PSEs).

Structure of the GSE subsector “Strategic enterprises”*

Organizational and legal form of the enterprise


Number of enterprises


Corrected as of 27.03.06

3 enterprises were added (No. p / p: 60.1, 131.1, 401.1), 15 were excluded

General, including GSE subjects

The share of the state in the authorized capital of JSC (%):

The largest group. The number of joint-stock companies, the share of the state in the authorized capital of which is from 25 to 30%, is 228 enterprises

1st group – 25 – 50 %

2nd group– more than 50 but less than 100%

3rd group – 100 %

The group includes 8 concerns organized in the form of holding companies

* According to the List of strategic enterprises and strategic joint-stock companies(from Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 04.08.04 No. 1009 as amended by Decree of 03.27.06 No. 262).

Thus, slightly more than 1040 enterprises are classified as strategic, and most of them are joint-stock companies with a mixed structure of authorized capital.

What is a "strategic enterprise"?

The current legislation does not exactly answer this question.

Separate features (criteria) of strategic enterprises are specified in the Federal Law of December 21, 2001 No. 178-FZ “On the Privatization of State and Municipal Property”, which establishes that in order to implement a unified state policy in the field of privatization, the Government of the Russian Federation submits proposals to the President of Russia for approval on the formation of a list of strategic enterprises and joint-stock companies. The list should include federal state unitary enterprises and open joint-stock companies whose shares are in federal ownership and which carry out the production of products (works, services) of strategic importance for ensuring the defense capability and security of the state, protecting morality, health, rights and legitimate interests citizens.

In addition, Law No. 178-FZ contains the following provisions:

- in terms of the formation and implementation of the forecast plan (program) for the privatization of federal property, the law establishes that the shares of strategic joint-stock companies and strategic enterprises are included in the forecast plan after the President of the Russian Federation decides to reduce the degree of participation of the Russian Federation in the management of strategic joint-stock companies or to exclude the relevant enterprises from the number of SP (art. 7 of the law);
- in terms of methods of privatization of state and municipal property, the law determines that the privatization of property complexes of FSUE and federally owned shares of OJSC, the book value of fixed assets of which as of the last reporting date exceeds five million minimum wages, as well as property that meets other criteria established by the Government of the Russian Federation Federation, can be carried out by transforming a unitary enterprise into an open joint-stock company; at an auction (including a specialized one); through the sale outside the territory of the Russian Federation of state-owned shares of OJSC; by contributing, in accordance with the regulatory legal acts of the President of the Russian Federation, federal property as a contribution to the authorized capital of a strategic joint-stock company (Article 13 of the law);
- in terms of making state or municipal property as a contribution to the authorized capital of an OJSC, the law clarifies that, by decision, respectively, of the Government of the Russian Federation, a body executive power of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, a local self-government body, state or municipal property, as well as exclusive rights, may be made as a contribution to the authorized capital of an OJSC. At the same time, the share of JSC shares owned by the Russian Federation, a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, a municipality and acquired by the Russian Federation, a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, a municipality, respectively, in the total number of ordinary shares of this JSC cannot be less than 25% plus one share, unless otherwise established by the President RF in relation to strategic joint-stock companies (Article 25 of the law);
- in terms of the legal status of OJSCs, in respect of which a decision was made to use the "golden share" (special right), the law establishes that in order to ensure the country's defense capability and state security, protect morality, health, rights and legitimate interests of citizens of the Russian Federation, the Government of Russia and state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation may decide on the use of a special right (“golden share”) for the participation, respectively, of the Russian Federation and its constituent entities in the management of an OJSC; the decision to use the special right may be taken when privatizing the property complexes of unitary enterprises or when making a decision to exclude an JSC from the List of strategic joint-stock companies, regardless of the number of shares owned by the state. The Russian Federation and its subjects cannot simultaneously use the specified special right in relation to the same JSC. The constituent entities of the Russian Federation also cannot use a special right in relation to an open joint-stock company created by transforming a federal state unitary enterprise during the period when the shares of this company are in federal ownership (Article 38 of the law);
- in terms of the legal status of JSCs whose shares are owned by the Russian Federation, constituent entities of the Russian Federation or municipalities, it is determined that the sole executive body of an JSC included in the list of strategic JSCs is not entitled to make transactions related to the alienation of shares contributed in accordance with the decision of the Government of the Russian Federation in the authorized capital of the company, as well as transactions entailing the possibility of their alienation or transfer to trust management, without the consent of the Government of the Russian Federation or the authorized federal body executive power. A transaction made without such consent is void (Article 39 of the law).

Law No. 178-FZ correlates with the Federal Law on Unitary Enterprises of November 14, 2002 No. 161-FZ) in accordance with which FSUE (SUE, MUP) can be created (and are being created, as evidenced by changes in Presidential Decree No. 1009) if necessary:

– use of property, the privatization of which is prohibited, including property that is necessary to ensure the security of the Russian Federation;
- carrying out activities in order to solve social problems (including the sale of certain goods and services at minimum prices), as well as organizing and conducting procurement and commodity interventions to ensure the food security of the state;
– carrying out activities provided for by federal laws exclusively for SUEs;
– implementation of scientific and scientific and technical activities in industries related to ensuring the security of the Russian Federation;
– development and manufacture of certain types of products that are in the sphere of interests of the Russian Federation and ensure the security of the Russian Federation;
- production of certain types of products withdrawn from circulation or limited circulation.

A state-owned enterprise can be created in the following cases:

- if the predominant or significant part of the products manufactured, work performed, services provided is intended for federal state needs, the needs of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation or a municipality;
- the use of property, the privatization of which is prohibited, including property necessary to ensure the security of the Russian Federation, the operation of air, rail and water transport, the implementation of other strategic interests of the Russian Federation;
- the need to carry out activities for the production of goods, the performance of work, the provision of services sold at prices established by the state to solve social problems;
– the need to develop and manufacture certain types of products that ensure the security of the Russian Federation;
– the need to produce certain types of products withdrawn from circulation or limited circulation;
- the need to carry out certain subsidized activities and conduct unprofitable industries;
– the need to carry out activities provided for by federal laws exclusively for state-owned enterprises.

The above provisions of federal laws do not form a complete picture of what "strategic enterprises" are.

Some signs of strategic enterprises are given in the bankruptcy law (No. 127-FZ), they are illustrated in the figure.

Signs of strategic enterprises

The vagueness and stinginess of the definitions of strategic enterprises is compensated by the listing of their List in Decree No. 1009 of the President of the Russian Federation.

The list is defined in order to implement a unified state policy in the field of privatization and limit the participation of foreign capital in strategic industries.

As the head of Rosprom, B. Aleshin, noted (in an interview with a Vedomosti correspondent on July 19, 2005), the President “emphasized strategic enterprises in various sectors, including industry”; a special law should be adopted that will define strategic enterprises in which the participation of foreign capital will be limited (the level from which share purchase and sale transactions are considered by the executive authorities will be established, as well as other levels and actions performed within the established levels ). B. Aleshin added that this can be done in the same way as, for example, in the USA, where the President personally considers transactions for the sale of blocks of shares over 5% (for strategic enterprises); in addition, the role of each agency in the decision-making process should be defined).

Of interest are the results of the meeting of the Foreign Investment Coordinating Council (FIAC), established in 1994 to remove barriers to foreign capital. The meeting took place on October 17, 2005, and discussed the issues of access of the largest foreign companies to strategic deposits and strategic enterprises, which should be determined by special laws. The President of the Russian Federation instructed the Government to submit bills to the State Duma by November 1, 2005, clearly outlining the range of those enterprises and deposits that can be classified as strategically important, and, accordingly, access to foreign investment will either be completely prohibited or limited.

The order appeared not without the influence of the scandalous situation that has developed around the ban on Siemens to buy shares of Power Machines JSC, which is a public sector entity. However, the deadlines for submitting these bills to the Duma, especially those directly related to strategic enterprises, are clearly being delayed. Until now, the latest draft law has not even been submitted to the Government apparatus, since the two leading developers - the Ministry of Industry and Energy and the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade - cannot agree on key issues: should there be a closed list of strategic enterprises (and if so, can it be opened in the future? ) and what is the mechanism of access for foreigners (permissive, as the Ministry of Industry and Energy insists, or an individual approach to a particular enterprise is not ruled out).

Based on the results of the FIAC meeting, its members sent a letter to Prime Minister M. Fradkov, in which they proposed their own way of solving the problem of limited access of foreigners to strategic enterprises. First, they simply "welcome Russia's recent decision to establish more effective rules and procedures for identifying strategic ventures in which foreign investors are not eligible to participate." Secondly, the authors of the letter suggested “creating a system for analyzing situations on an individual basis, within which the state has the right to familiarize itself with potential foreign investments in strategic sectors, or to prohibit the conduct of relevant transactions if this is required by the interests of national security.”

Minister of Priority Resources Y. Trutnev attended the meeting of the FIAC. He noted that he already has three admission criteria foreign investors to the deposits. They are as follows: foreign investments are not allowed in the fields where defense facilities are located; it is forbidden to develop minerals that can be used for the production of modern weapons (for example, iron can be developed, but uranium cannot); in the oil and gas sector, foreign investments will be limited (no more than 49% in the authorized capital of mining companies) in those fields that are not yet developed, where the total volume of oil exceeds 150 million tons, and gas - 1 trillion m3.

Finally, investors received a closed list of criteria that will be included in the new version of the law "On Subsoil" and which Russian government unlikely to be reviewed. They were also satisfied with the fact that, in accordance with the criteria, they would not be allowed into those fields where they had not been allowed before and which they had not really counted on (there are no more than 5–6 such oil and gas fields on land, and as for the shelf , then here Yuri Trutnev promised to think again.

The solution to the issue of determining the criteria for classifying enterprises (FGUP and JSC) as strategic has been debated by the authorities and the community of public sector enterprises for more than 8 years: various regulatory legal acts have been proposed. For example, in 1999 President of the Russian Federation B. Yeltsin was presented with a draft Federal Law “On Approval of the List of Joint-Stock Companies Producing Products (Goods, Works, Services) of Strategic Importance for Ensuring the Security of the State, and on the Peculiarities of Disposing of Their Shares”.

The bill proposed to approve a list of joint-stock companies producing products of strategic importance for ensuring the security of the state, to establish the specifics of the disposal of their federally owned shares, and restrictions on the participation of foreign individuals and legal entities, as well as residents of the Russian Federation, having foreign individuals and legal entities as founders or affiliates, in the authorized capital of such companies.

The bill was rejected by the President. As noted in the conclusion to the draft law, the proposed approach to resolving the issues of disposing of federally owned shares of individual joint-stock companies is incorrect. Most of its provisions actually duplicate similar provisions of the Federal Law "On the Privatization of State Property and on the Fundamentals of Privatization of Municipal Property in the Russian Federation", which casts doubt on the advisability of adopting this bill. In addition, the conclusion noted that the draft law lacks a single criterion according to which certain joint-stock companies are classified as strategically significant.

After two and a half years, President of Russia V. Putin instructed the Government of the Russian Federation to submit for approval by March 1, 2002 a list of strategic enterprises (there was no reservation about the criteria). Recall that the list was refined and presented to the President only in 2004.

Out of 1,453 federal state unitary enterprises included in the forecast plan (program) for privatization of federal property for 2005, the privatization procedure was suspended or terminated for the indicated reasons in relation to 711 enterprises.

In pursuance of Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 591 dated May 9, 2004 and Decree No. 369 of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 20, 2004, the formation of Tactical Missiles Corporation OJSC was completed. In pursuance of Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 1481 dated November 29, 2004, the formation of OAO United Corporation Oboronprom was completed. In pursuance of Decrees of the President of the Russian Federation and resolutions of the Government of the Russian Federation, all Federal State Unitary Enterprises subject to contribution to the authorized capitals of JSC Concern Sozvezdie, JSC Radio Engineering Concern Vega, JSC Concern Okeanpribor, JSC Concern Morinformsistema-Agat ”, OJSC “Granit-Electron”.

Thus, the question of determining the criteria for classifying enterprises as strategic remains open. We need a normative act (law) that regulates the issues of determining the boundaries of this segment of the public sector and the specifics of the activities of strategic enterprises, including in terms of the implementation of the state defense order (SDO); restrictions in the field of privatization; carrying out activities in order to solve social problems (including the sale of certain goods and services at minimum prices); organizing and conducting procurement and commodity interventions to ensure the food security of the state; conducting scientific and scientific and technical activities in industries related to ensuring the security of the Russian Federation; development and manufacture of certain types of products that are in the sphere of interests of the Russian Federation and ensure the security of the Russian Federation; production of certain types of products withdrawn from circulation or limited in working capacity.

As for those strategic enterprises that are currently insolvent, but have mobilization capacities and unique resources (non-financial), in relation to them, the Russian Government should adopt a specific program of action for their restructuring, bankruptcy and liquidation.


1. Podberezkin A.I. White book of Russian special services [Electronic resource]. Access mode: .
2. A plan for the privatization of federal property for 2006–2008 was signed. [Electronic resource]. Access mode:
3. The debts of the state are now finished. Interview with the Director of the Department of Economics of Defense and Security Programs of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation V.N. Putilina // Izvestia. Jan 17, 2006
4. On the procedure for writing off debts on penalties and fines from organizations of strategic importance for the national security of the state or socio-economic significance, in respect of which decisions on the restructuring of debts on taxes and fees to the federal budget, as well as debts on accrued penalties and fines were made The Government of the Russian Federation (together with the “Rules for the preparation of materials for establishing special conditions for writing off restructured debts on penalties and fines from organizations of strategic importance for national security or socio-economic significance, in respect of which decisions on the restructuring of debts on taxes and fees to the federal budget , as well as debts on accrued penalties and fines were accepted by the Government of the Russian Federation"): Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 01.06.04 No. 259.
5. No competition - hence inflation: Interview with the Minister of Economic Development and Trade of the Russian Federation G.O. Gref magazine "Russian Newsweek", December 2005. [Electronic resource]. Access mode: .
6. Export potential of enterprises of the defense industry of the Southern Federal District [Electronic resource]. Access mode: .
7. The head of Rosprom, Boris Alyoshin, lacks people to quickly integrate the defense industries [Electronic resource]. Access mode: .
8. Smirnov K. Yesterday foreigners were finally given what they had been demanding for a long time // Kommersant. 2005. 18 Oct.
9. Burtsev V.V. State financial control methodology and organization. - M .: Information and implementation center "Marketing", 2000.

Inactive items are sorted for better perception.

List of strategic enterprises and strategic joint-stock companies
Decree of the President
Russian Federation
of August 4, 2004 N 1009
(as amended as of October 31, 2016)

N p / p Strategic Enterprises and their location

1 Vanguard, Sterlitamak, Republic of Bashkortostan

2 Emergency technical center of the Ministry of Atomic Energy of Russia, St. Petersburg

4 Administration of civil airports (aerodromes), Moscow

4_1 Aleksinsky chemical plant, Aleksin-1, Tula region

10_1 Amur Cartridge Plant "Vympel", Khabarovsk Territory

19 Basalt, Saratov

22 Biysk Oleum Plant, Altai Territory

26 Departmental security of the Ministry of Atomic Energy of Russia, Moscow

26_1 Departmental security of railway transport of the Russian Federation, Moscow

26_2 Verkhnyaya Salda State State Plant of Chemical Tanks, Verkhnyaya Salda, Sverdlovsk Region

29 Foreign Economic Association "Almazyuvelirexport", Moscow

37 Voskresensky State Aggregate Plant, Moscow Region

39 All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company, Moscow

40 All-Russian Research and Design Institute of Refractory Metals and Hard Alloys, Moscow

41 All-Russian Research Institute of Aviation Materials, Moscow

43 All-Russian Research Institute of Intersectoral Information - Federal Information and Analytical Center for the Defense Industry, Moscow

44 All-Russian Research Institute of Metrology named after D.I. Mendeleev, St. Petersburg

45 All-Russian Research Institute of Metrological Service, Moscow

46 All-Russian Research Institute of Optical and Physical Measurements, Moscow

48 All-Russian Research Institute of Flow Metering, Kazan

50 All-Russian Research Institute of Physical, Technical and Radio Engineering Measurements, Mendeleevo Settlement, Moscow Region

56 All-Russian Electrotechnical Institute named after V.I. Lenin, Moscow

58 Hydrographic enterprise, St. Petersburg

60 Main production and commercial department for serving the diplomatic corps under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, Moscow

61_1 Mining and chemical plant, Zheleznogorsk, Krasnoyarsk Territory

61_2 State Corporation for Air Traffic Management in the Russian Federation, Moscow

68 State Research and Production Enterprise "Krona", Vladimir

72 State enterprise electrography and micrography, Tula

75_1 State State Research and Testing Ground for Aviation Systems, Beloozersky Settlement, Moscow Region

78 State Research Institute of Aviation Systems, Moscow

79 State Research Institute of Civil Aviation, Moscow

85 State Research Institute of Organic Chemistry and Technology, Moscow

87 State Research Institute of Chemical Products, Kazan

90 State laser range "Rainbow", Raduzhny, Vladimir region

94th State Order of the Red Banner of Labor Research Institute of Chemical Reagents and Highly Pure chemical substances, Moscow city

107 Plant named after Morozov, settlement named after Morozov, Leningrad Region

108 Plant named after Y.M. Sverdlov, Dzerzhinsk, Nizhny Novgorod Region

120 Plant "Electromash", Nizhny Novgorod

131_1 Information Telegraph Agency of Russia (ITAR-TASS), Moscow

134 Kazan State State Gunpowder Plant

135 Kazan Plant of Precision Engineering

149 Kamensk chemical plant, Kamensk-Shakhtinsky, Rostov region

155 Mosfilm Cinema Concern

175_1 Coordinating Center for the creation of security and control systems "Atombezopasnost" of Rosatom, Sergiev Posad-7, Moscow Region

177 Space communications, Moscow

186 Kuibyshev Chemical Plant. Novosibirsk region

193_1 International Information Agency "Russia Today", Moscow

195 Interbranch Research Institute "Integral", Moscow

197 Morsviazsputnik, Moscow

206 Moscow Order of the October Revolution and the Red Banner of Labor Design Bureau "Electron"

208 Mytishchi Research Institute of Radio Measuring Instruments, Moscow Region

213 Scientific and Information Center "Planning. Economics. Management", Moscow

226 Research Institute "Geodesy", Krasnoarmeysk, Moscow Region

230 Research Institute "Kvant", Moscow

237_1 Research Institute Research and Production Association "Luch" of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Atomic Energy, Podolsk, Moscow Region

244 Research Institute of Applied Acoustics, Dubna, Moscow Region

254 Research Institute of Standardization and Unification, Moscow

259 F.V. Lukin Research Institute for Physical Problems, Moscow

264 Research Institute of Electromechanics, Istra, Moscow Region

272_1 Research Technological Institute named after A.P. Alexandrov, Sosnovy Bor, Leningrad Region

281 Research and Production Association of Mechanical Engineering, Reutov, Moscow Region

285 Research and Production Association of Electromechanics, Miass, Chelyabinsk Region

289_1 Research and production enterprise "Gamma", Moscow

297 Research and production enterprise "Progress", Omsk

306_2 Scientific, technical and certification center for comprehensive protection information, Moscow

308 Scientific and technical center "Atlas", Moscow

309 Scientific and technical center "Basis", Kaluga

312 Scientific and technical center "Informtechnika", Moscow

313 Scientific and technical center of the defense complex "Compass", Moscow

314 Scientific and technical center "Orion" of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation, Moscow

315 Scientific and technical center of legal information "System", Moscow

318 Scientific and technical center "Khimvest", Moscow

320 National fish resources, Moscow

326 Nizhny Tagil Institute for Metal Testing, Sverdlovsk Region

331 Novosibirsk Pilot Plant of Measuring Instruments, Chik Settlement, Novosibirsk Region

347 Orders of Lenin and the Order of the Red Banner of Labor Research Institute of Synthetic Rubber named after academician S.V. Lebedev, St. Petersburg

350th Order of the Red Banner of Labor Radio Research Institute, Moscow

370 Perm plant "Mashinostroitel"

370_1 Perm Powder Plant

373 Enterprise for property management abroad of the Office of the President of the Russian Federation, Moscow

374 Production association "Avangard", Safonovo, Smolensk region

382 Production association Krasnoyarsk chemical plant "Yenisei"

384 Production association "October", Kamensk-Uralsky
Sverdlovsk region

388 Production association "Strela", Orenburg

395 Rosmorport, Moscow

398 Russian television and radio broadcasting network, Moscow

404 Rostov-on-Don Research Institute of Radio Communications

407 Samara plant "Kommunar", settlement of Petra-Dubrava, Samara region

413 Saransk Mechanical Plant, Republic of Mordovia

421 Siberian State Order of the Red Banner of Labor Research Institute of Metrology, Novosibirsk

422 Siberian Research Institute of Aviation named after S.A. Chaplygin, Novosibirsk

426 Situation and Crisis Center of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Atomic Energy, Moscow

427 Smolensk production association "Analitpribor"

430 Specialized design bureau of radio-electronic equipment "Radel", Moscow

431 Specialized production association for ensuring emergency protection of enterprises "Metallurgbezopasnost", Moscow

441_1 Television technical center "Ostankino", Moscow

444_1 Tambov powder plant, Kotovsk, Tambov region

447 Construction Department N 30, Mezhgorye of the Republic of Bashkortostan

449 Ural Research Institute of Composite Materials, Perm

450 Ural Research Institute of Metrology, Yekaterinburg

468 Federal Center dual technologies Soyuz, Dzerzhinsky, Moscow Region

472 Center for Aeronautical Information of Civil Aviation, Moscow

473 Center for radio equipment and communications of civil aviation, Moscow

474_1 Central Research Laboratory of Industrial Innovative Technologies, Moscow

485 Zhukovsky Central Aerohydrodynamic Institute, Zhukovsky, Moscow Region

486 Central Institute of Aviation Motors named after P.I. Baranov, Moscow

491 Central Research Institute "Complex", Moscow

492 Central Research Institute of Structural Materials "Prometheus", St. Petersburg

495 Central Research Institute of Communications, Moscow

497 Central Research Institute of the Shipbuilding Industry "Center", Moscow

500 Central Research Institute of Chemistry and Mechanics, Moscow

501 I.P. Bardin Central Research Institute of Ferrous Metallurgy, Moscow

505 Central Order of the Red Banner of Labor Research Automobile and Automotive Institute "NAMI", Moscow

505_1 Chapaevsky Mechanical Plant, Samara Region

506 Chapaevsky Pilot Plant of Measuring Instruments, Samara Region

513 Zvezda Electromechanical Plant, Sergiev Posad, Moscow Region

515 Krylov State Research Center, St. Petersburg

516 Post of Russia, Moscow

2. Joint stock companies whose shares are in federal ownership and the participation of the Russian Federation in the management of which ensures the strategic interests, defense capability and security of the state, protection of morality, health, rights and legitimate interests of citizens of the Russian Federation.

Strategic joint-stock companies and their location Share of the state in the authorized capital of the joint-stock company, percent

9 Agency for Housing Mortgage Lending, Moscow 100

14 Joint Stock Company ALROSA (Public Joint Stock Company), Mirny, Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) 33,001

15 Joint stock company for oil transportation "Transneft", Moscow 75

41 Aeropribor - Voskhod, Moscow 38

42 Aeroflot - Russian Airlines, Moscow 50+1 share

45 VTB Bank (public joint stock company), St. Petersburg 42.83

87 Gazprom, Moscow 38.37

97_1 Leading center for the reproduction of farm animals, Bykovo village, Podolsky district, Moscow region 100

98 State Joint Stock Company "Oboronpromkompleks", Moscow 100

136 Zarubezhneft, Moscow 100

190 Concern "Granit-Electron", St. Petersburg 100

192 Concern "Morinformsystem - Agat", Moscow 100

193_1 Concern "Scientific and production association "Aurora", St. Petersburg 100

194 Concern "Oceanpribor", St. Petersburg 100

195 Almaz-Antey Aerospace Defense Concern, Moscow 100

196_2 Concern "Central Research Institute "Elektropribor", St. Petersburg 100

198_1 Corporation "Moscow Institute of Thermal Engineering" 100

199 Corporation "Roskhimzashchita", Tambov 100

200 Tactical Missiles Corporation, Korolev, Moscow Region 100

227 Sheremetyevo International Airport, Khimki, Moscow Region 0.00000005

246 Moscow Research and Production Complex Avionika 34.17

276_1 Research and production corporation "Uralvagonzavod" named after F.E. Dzerzhinsky, Nizhny Tagil, Sverdlovsk region 100

305_1 Oil company "Rosneft", Moscow 0.000000009

324_2 United Aircraft Corporation, Moscow 90.01

324_3 United Grain Company, Moscow 50 + 1 share

324_4 United Shipbuilding Corporation,
St. Petersburg 100

369 First Channel 51

81_1 Prioksky plant of non-ferrous metals, Kasimov, Ryazan region 100

385 Production Association "Crystal", Smolensk 100

400_1 "Rosneftegaz", Moscow 100

400_3 Rosgeologiya, Moscow 100

404 Russian railways, Moscow 100

449_1 System operator of the Unified Energy System, Moscow 100

452 Modern commercial fleet, St. Petersburg 75+1 share

481 Tekhpribor, St. Petersburg 25.5

490 Transinzhstroy, Moscow 38

513_1 Federal hydro-generating company - RusHydro, Krasnoyarsk 60.5

513_2 Federal Grid Company of the Unified Energy System, Moscow 0.00000000055

518_1 Russian networks, Moscow 85.31

528_2 Center for Shipbuilding and Ship Repair Technology, St. Petersburg 100

531 Cheboksary Research and Production Instrument-Making Enterprise "Elara" 49

551 INTER RAO UES, Moscow 0.00000000000087

552 Roskartografiya, Moscow 51

553 Goznak, St. Petersburg 100

February 28, 2019 , On state support of industrial enterprises implementing corporate programs to increase competitiveness Decree of February 23, 2019 No. 191. In order to increase the volume of exports of competitive industrial products within the framework of the federal project "Industrial Export" of the national project "International Cooperation and Export", the procedure for the formation and approval of a single list of organizations implementing corporate programs to increase competitiveness, which are manufacturers of federal and regional significance, has been determined. The procedure for concluding agreements on the implementation of corporate programs has also been established. Enterprises that have entered into agreements on the implementation of corporate programs will be able to access financing for export projects, including insurance of relevant export credits, and the opportunity to use a wide range of banking instruments.

February 27, 2019 , Trade regulation. Consumer rights Protection On the establishment of an additional requisite of a cash receipt for goods subject to mandatory labeling Decree of February 21, 2019 No. 174. In the "product code" variable of the cash receipt and the form strict accountability for goods for which a decision on mandatory labeling has been made, an identification code will be indicated that allows you to identify the goods or the code of the commodity nomenclature. The establishment of additional requisites is aimed at traceability and the formation of a transparent environment in the circulation of such goods.

February 26, 2019 , On changes in the procedure for using foreign satellite communication networks on the territory of Russia Decree of February 21, 2019 No. 175. Russian telecom operators using any foreign satellite system are subject to the requirements for the mandatory formation of the Russian segment of the foreign satellite system as part of a junction station with public communication networks and the passage of all traffic generated by subscriber stations in Russia through such a junction station.

February 26, 2019 , Counteracting drug addiction On improving control over the circulation of precursors of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances Decree of February 22, 2019 No. 182. Control is being established over the legal circulation of a number of substances used in the illicit manufacture of fentanyl, which are in free circulation on the territory of Russia and are not included in the list of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors subject to control.

February 26, 2019 , Older generation On the distribution of interbudgetary transfers for the creation of a system of long-term care for the elderly and disabled Order dated February 23, 2019 No. 277-r. Within the framework of the federal project "Older Generation" of the national project "Demography" it is planned to create a system of long-term care for the elderly and the disabled. Funds in the amount of 295 million rubles were distributed among 11 subjects of the Federation for the implementation of a pilot project to create a care system.

February 26, 2019 , Arctic activities On appropriations for scientific research "Transarctic-2019" Order dated February 23, 2019 No. 276-r. 868.75 million rubles are allocated from the reserve fund of the Government for organizing and conducting complex scientific research and state monitoring of the state and pollution of the environment in the Arctic using four research and scientific expedition ships of Roshydromet. Research "Transarctic-2019" is carried out in the context of the restoration of complex scientific research in the Arctic region, including the high-latitude Arctic. The purpose of the research is to improve the system of hydrometeorological safety of Russia's maritime activities in the Arctic to implement the scientific and practical interests of the state.

February 26, 2019 , Migration policy On approval of the plan for the implementation of the first stage of the Concept of State Migration Policy for 2019–2025 Order dated February 22, 2019 No. 265-r. The plan, in particular, provides for the development of draft federal laws and other regulatory legal acts aimed at solving the problems of state migration policy, analysis and preparation of proposals for further improvement of migration legislation, optimization of the procedure for providing public services and performing administrative procedures.

February 25, 2019 , Humanitarian relations with foreign countries (except for the CIS). Compatriots On the approval by the Government of the Russian Federation of the draft Agreement between the governments of Russia and Indonesia on the simplification of the visa regime for mutual trips of citizens Order dated February 22, 2019 No. 264-r. The purpose of the Agreement is to simplify the procedure for issuing short-term visas for citizens of the two countries on a reciprocal basis. The possibility of issuing multiple tourist visas for up to six months to citizens of Russia and Indonesia is envisaged.

February 25, 2019 , State policy in the field of research and development On the procedure for the development and implementation of complex scientific and technical programs and projects of a full innovation cycle Decree of February 19, 2019 No. 162. In order to form modern system management in the field of science, technology and innovation, increasing the investment attractiveness of research and development, the implementation plan of the Strategy for Scientific and Technological Development of Russia provides for the implementation of comprehensive scientific and technical programs for a full innovation cycle and complex scientific and technical projects for a full innovative cycle. The signed resolution establishes the procedure for the development, approval, implementation, adjustment and completion of such programs and projects.

February 25, 2019 , Literature and book publishing. Libraries On approval of the Regulations on the federal state information system"National e-library» Decree of February 20, 2019 No. 169. It is planned to include in the NEL electronic copies of 100% of Russian publications as legal deposit. Access to NEL documents will be provided to users only if there is a license agreement with the author or other copyright holder, subject to the decision of expert councils, and also in accordance with applicable law.

February 23, 2019 , Social support for certain categories of citizens On the issuance and distribution of state housing certificates in 2019 Order dated February 20, 2019 No. 252-r. As part of the state program "Providing affordable and comfortable housing and utilities for citizens of the Russian Federation." In 2019, it is planned to issue 7,151 state housing certificates for a total amount of 16.24 billion rubles.

February 22, 2019 , Telecommunications. Telecommunications On the establishment of the Center for Monitoring and Control of the Public Communications Network Decree of February 13, 2019 No. 136. The main goal of creating a Center for monitoring and managing a public communication network is to ensure the integrity, stability of operation and security of the public communication network in connection with the presence of potential threats information security, which may affect the operation of communication networks of telecom operators, the public communication network as a whole, as well as the Russian segment of the Internet.

February 22, 2019 , General issues of industrial policy On the ban on the admission of certain types of engineering goods originating from foreign countries for the provision of financial leasing services Decree of February 19, 2019 No. 159. The previously established ban on the admission of certain types of engineering goods originating from foreign countries has been extended to the provision of financial lease (leasing) services. This will protect the domestic market, support the development national economy, Russian commodity producers, will contribute to the stabilization of the financial situation, the additional loading of the production capacities of enterprises, the preservation of jobs, including in related industries.

February 22, 2019 , Pension provision On changes in the procedure for calculating the insurance period for the establishment of insurance pensions Decree of February 19, 2019 No. 160. In order to ensure the rights of self-employed citizens applying the special tax regime "Tax on professional income" to pension provision, the Rules for calculating and confirming the insurance period for establishing insurance pensions have been supplemented with new provisions that provide for the inclusion in the insurance period of periods of payment of insurance premiums by them for mandatory pension insurance and the features of the offset of these periods in the insurance experience are determined.

February 22, 2019 , Production, transportation, export of gas. LNG industry. Gasification On the powers of local governments to organize gas supply to the population Decree of February 21, 2019 No. 179. It is envisaged that local authorities will have to inform residents about the terms, procedure, conditions for connecting to gas distribution networks, about the forecast cost of gas, calculating the maximum gas demand of a settlement, and allocating land plots for locating gas supply facilities. The executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Federation will have to post draft gasification programs on their official websites for public discussions.

February 21, 2019 , Migration policy On the criteria for classifying subjects of the Federation as regions for the priority attraction of labor resources Decree of February 19, 2019 No. 161. Aimed at the formation of a unified approach when considering the issue of including the subjects of the Federation in the list of regions, attracting labor resources to which is a priority.


List of strategic organizations based on the criteria established by Part 6 of Article 1 of Law No. 213-FZ:

List of strategic organizations based on the following documents in the attached file ---

The composition of the table - No. p \ n, Abbreviated name, Full name, TIN, identifier (link to the document indicating the number of the subparagraph in the corresponding Appendix of the document)

— a list of strategic organizations approved by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of August 4, 2004 No. 1009 “On Approval of the List of Strategic Enterprises and Strategic Joint-Stock Companies” (excluding credit institutions)

1. Federal state unitary enterprises engaged in the production of products (works, services) of strategic importance for ensuring the defense capability and security of the state, protecting morality, health, rights and legitimate interests of citizens of the Russian Federation

N p / pTIN
1 Vanguard, Sterlitamak, Republic of Bashkortostan0268005588
2 Emergency technical center of the Ministry of Atomic Energy of Russia, St. Petersburg7802145892
4 Administration of civil airports (aerodromes), Moscow7714276906
4.1 Aleksin Chemical Combine, Aleksin-1, Tula Region7111003056
10.1 Amur Cartridge Plant "Vympel", Khabarovsk Territory2706000260
19 Basalt, Saratov6432003698
22 Biysk Oleum Plant, Altai Territory2204001528
26 Departmental security of the Ministry of Atomic Energy of Russia, Moscow7706289940
26.1 Departmental security of railway transport of the Russian Federation, Moscow7701330105
26.2 Verkhnesalda State State Plant of Chemical Tanks, Verkhnyaya Salda, Sverdlovsk Region6607007128
29 Foreign Economic Association "Almazyuvelirexport", Moscow7704047921
37 Voskresensky State Aggregate Plant, Moscow Region5005021250
39 All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company, Moscow7714072839
40 All-Russian Research and Design Institute of Refractory Metals and Hard Alloys, Moscow7726011284
41 All-Russian Research Institute of Aviation Materials, Moscow7701024933
43 All-Russian Research Institute of Interindustry Information - Federal Information and Analytical Center for the Defense Industry, Moscow7733020875
44 All-Russian Research Institute of Metrology named after D.I. Mendeleev, St. Petersburg7705410030
45 All-Russian Research Institute of Metrological Service, Moscow7736042404
46 All-Russian Research Institute of Optical and Physical Measurements, Moscow7702038456
48 All-Russian Research Institute of Flow Metering, Kazan1660007420
49 RUSNANO7728131587
50 All-Russian Research Institute of Physical, Technical and Radio Engineering Measurements, pos. Mendeleevo, Moscow region5044000102
56 All-Russian Electrotechnical Institute named after V.I. Lenin, Moscow7722026032
58 Hydrographic enterprise, St. Petersburg7812022096
60 Main production and commercial department for serving the diplomatic corps under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, Moscow7704010978
61.1 Mining and chemical plant, Zheleznogorsk, Krasnoyarsk Territory2452000401
61.2 State Corporation for Air Traffic Management in the Russian Federation, Moscow7734135124
68 State Research and Production Enterprise "Krona", Vladimir3327101250
72 State Enterprise of Electrography and Micrography, Tula7106014817
75.1 State State Research and Testing Ground for Aviation Systems, pos. Beloozersky, Moscow Region5005020218
78 State Research Institute of Aviation Systems, Moscow7714037739
79 State Research Institute of Civil Aviation, Moscow7712039709
85 State Research Institute of Organic Chemistry and Technology, Moscow7720074697
87 State Research Institute of Chemical Products, Kazan1656003409
90 State laser range "Rainbow", Raduzhny, Vladimir region3308000538
94 State Order of the Red Banner of Labor Research Institute of Chemical Reagents and Highly Pure Chemical Substances, Moscow7718013432
107 Plant named after Morozov, pos. named after Morozov, Leningrad Region4703009607
108 Plant named after Ya.M. Sverdlov, Dzerzhinsk, Nizhny Novgorod Region5249002485
120 Plant "Electromash", Nizhny Novgorod5263002110
131.1 Information Telegraph Agency of Russia (ITAR-TASS), Moscow7703082786
132 Research Center named after M.V. Keldysh, Moscow7711000836
134 1656025681
135 Kazan State State Gunpowder Plant1654001773
141 Kaliningrad Sea Fishing Port3900000390
149 Kamensk chemical plant, Kamensk-Shakhtinsky, Rostov region6147003562
155 Cinema Concern "Mosfilm"7729124656
175.1 Coordinating Center for the creation of security and control systems "Atombezopasnost" of Rosatom, Sergiev Posad - 7, Moscow Region5042009244
177 Space communications, Moscow7725027605
186 Kuibyshev chemical plant, Novosibirsk region5447101569
193.1 International Information Agency "Russia Today", Moscow7704853840
195 Interdisciplinary Research Institute "Integral", Moscow7722003814
197 Morsviazsputnik, Moscow7707074779
206 Moscow Order of the October Revolution and the Red Banner of Labor Design Bureau "Electron"7703004690
208 Mytishchi Research Institute of Radio Measuring Instruments, Moscow Region5029008940
213 Scientific and Information Center "Planning. Economics. Management", Moscow7709047202
216.1 Research and Testing Center for the Rocket and Space Industry, Peresvet, Moscow Region5042006211
226 Research Institute "Geodesy", Krasnoarmeysk, Moscow Region5023002050
230 Research Institute "Kvant", Moscow7711000890
237.1 Research Institute Research and Production Association "Luch" of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Atomic Energy, Podolsk, Moscow Region5036005308
244 Research Institute of Applied Acoustics, Dubna, Moscow Region5010007607
254 Research Institute for Standardization and Unification, Moscow7718016659
259 Research Institute of Physical Problems named after F.V. Lukina, Moscow7735043980
261 Research Institute of Chemistry and Technology of Polymers named after Academician V.A. Kargin with a pilot plant, Dzerzhinsk, Nizhny Novgorod region5249007028
264 Research Institute of Electromechanics, Istra, Moscow Region5017084537
272.1 Research Institute of Technology named after A.P. Alexandrova, Sosnovy Bor, Leningrad Region4714000067
281 Research and Production Association of Mechanical Engineering, Reutov, Moscow Region5012039795
285 Research and Production Association of Electromechanics, Miass, Chelyabinsk Region7415044181
289.1 Research and production enterprise "Gamma", Moscow7728044373
297 Research and production enterprise "Progress", Omsk5506010517
306.2 Scientific, Technical and Certification Center for Comprehensive Information Protection, Moscow7706031557
308 Scientific and technical center "Atlas", Moscow7715027275
309 Scientific and technical center "Basis", Kaluga4029016681
312 Scientific and technical center "Informtechnika", Moscow7708022075
313 Scientific and technical center of the defense complex "Compass", Moscow7733026852
314 Scientific and technical center "Orion" of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation, Moscow7715195512
315 Scientific and technical center of legal information "System", Moscow7701006532
318 Scientific and technical center "Khimvest", Moscow7720070371
320 National fish resources, Moscow7702252795
326 Nizhny Tagil Institute for Metal Testing, Sverdlovsk Region6668000472
331 Novosibirsk Pilot Plant of Measuring Instruments, pos. Chik of the Novosibirsk region5425100089
347 Order of Lenin and the Order of the Red Banner of Labor Research Institute of Synthetic Rubber named after academician S.V. Lebedeva, St. Petersburg7805005251
350 Order of the Red Banner of Labor Research Institute of Radio, Moscow7709025230
370 Perm plant "Mashinostroitel"5906075029
370.1 Perm Powder Plant5908006119
373 Enterprise for property management abroad of the Office of the President of the Russian Federation, Moscow7705122392
374 Production association "Avangard", Safonovo, Smolensk region6726504312
382 Production Association Krasnoyarsk Chemical Combine "Yenisei"2451000046
384 Production association "October", Kamensk-Uralsky, Sverdlovsk region6612001971
388 Production association "Strela", Orenburg5609061432
395 Rosmorport, Moscow7702352454
398 Russian television and radio broadcasting network, Moscow7717127211
401 Russian Research Center "Applied Chemistry", St. Petersburg7813046340
404 Rostov-on-Don Research Institute of Radio Communications6152001024
407 Samara plant "Kommunar", pos. Petra-Dubrava, Samara region6367080065
413 Saransk Mechanical Plant, Republic of Mordovia1325126777
421 Siberian State Order of the Red Banner of Labor Research Institute of Metrology, Novosibirsk5407110983
422 Siberian Research Institute of Aviation named after S.A. Chaplygin, Novosibirsk5401101598
426 Situation and Crisis Center of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Atomic Energy, Moscow7706187089
427 Smolensk Production Association "Analitpribor"6731002766
430 Specialized design bureau of radio-electronic equipment "Radel", Moscow7735048097
431 Specialized production association for ensuring emergency protection of enterprises "Metallurgbezopasnost", Moscow7717036797
441.1 Television technical center "Ostankino", Moscow7717022723
444.1 Tambov powder plant, Kotovsk, Tambov region6825000757
447 Construction Department N 30, Mezhgorye, Republic of Bashkortostan0279000119
449 Ural Research Institute of Composite Materials, Perm5906092190
450 Ural Research Institute of Metrology, Yekaterinburg6662003205
468 Federal Center for Dual Technologies "Soyuz", Dzerzhinsky, Moscow Region5027030450
472 Aeronautical Information Center for Civil Aviation, Moscow7733022054
473 Center for radio equipment and communication of civil aviation, Moscow7714045842
474 Center for the operation of ground-based space infrastructure facilities, Moscow7702044530
474.1 Central Research Laboratory of Industrial Innovative Technologies, Moscow5838009089
485 Central Aerohydrodynamic Institute named after Professor N.E. Zhukovsky, Zhukovsky, Moscow Region5013009056
486 Central Institute of Aviation Motors named after P.I. Baranova, Moscow7722016820
489 Central Research Institute "Delfin", Moscow5052009116
491 Central Research Institute "Complex", Moscow7718016715
492 Central Research Institute of Structural Materials "Prometheus", St. Petersburg7815021340
495 Central Research Institute of Communications, Moscow7720005291
497 Central Research Institute of the Shipbuilding Industry "Center", Moscow7703010598
500 Central Research Institute of Chemistry and Mechanics, Moscow7724073013
501 Central Research Institute of Ferrous Metallurgy named after I.P. Bardina, Moscow7701027596
505 Central Order of the Red Banner of Labor Research Automobile and Automotive Institute "NAMI", Moscow7711000924
505.1 Chapaevsky Mechanical Plant, Samara Region6330032690
506 Chapaevsky Pilot Plant of Measuring Instruments, Samara Region6330280371
513 Electromechanical plant "Zvezda", Sergiev Posad, Moscow region5042010458
515 Krylov State Research Center, St. Petersburg7810213747
516 Russian Post, Moscow7724261610

No. 72 State Enterprise of Electrography and Micrography, Tula (abbreviated name FSUE SE ELMI) — Terminated upon merger, date of liquidation: December 24, 2012, successor to FSUE "NIISU" TIN 7718016659.

No. 149 Kamensk Chemical Plant, Kamensk-Shakhtinsky, Rostov Region (abbreviated name FSUE "KAMENSKY CHEMICAL PLANT") - Ceased operations upon division, liquidation date: March 23, 2006, successors:
FKP "Kamensky Combine", Federal State Enterprise "Kamensky Combine" TIN6147025090;
- Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Kamenskhimkombinat", Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Kamenskhimkombinat" TIN 6147025083.

No. 186 Kuibyshev Chemical Plant, Novosibirsk Region (abbreviated name FSUE KUIBYSHEVSK CHEMICAL PLANT) — Ceased operations upon separation, liquidation date: June 15, 2006, successors:
- FKP "ANOSIT", Federal State Enterprise "ANOSIT", TIN 5452112527;
- Federal State Unitary Enterprise "KUIBYSHEVSK PLANT", Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Kuibyshev Plant" TIN 5452112534 ( ceased operations upon transformation, liquidation date: July 3, 2008, receiver JSC "KUIBYSHEVSK PLANT" TIN 5452114228)

No. 312 Scientific and Technical Center "Informtekhnika", Moscow (abbreviated name FSUE "NTC "INFORMTEKHNIKA") - Terminated upon merger, date of termination: April 29, 2015, successor to FSUE "NIISU" TIN 7718016659.

No. 491 Central Research Institute "Complex", Moscow (abbreviated name FSUE TsNII "Complex") - Terminated upon merger, Termination date: December 24, 2012, successor to FSUE "NIISU" TIN 7718016659.

2. Open joint stock companies whose shares are in federal ownership and the participation of the Russian Federation in the management of which ensures the strategic interests, defense capability and security of the state, protection of morality, health, rights and legitimate interests of citizens of the Russian Federation

N p / pStrategic joint-stock companies and their locationTIN
9 7729355614
14 Joint stock company "ALROSA" (closed joint stock company), Mirny, Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)1433000147
15 7706061801
16.1 Joint Stock Oil Company "Bashneft", Ufa0274051582
41 Aeropribor - Voskhod, Moscow7719021450
42 Aeroflot - Russian Airlines, Moscow7712040126
45 Bank for Foreign Trade, St. Petersburg7702070139
87 Gazprom, Moscow7736050003
97.1 Head center for the reproduction of farm animals, pos. Bykovo, Podolsky district of the Moscow region5074035409
98 7706052300
104.1 "State Rocket Center named after Academician V.P. Makeev", Miass, Chelyabinsk Region7415061109
136 Zarubezhneft, Moscow7701350084
190 7842335610
192 7720544208
193.1 Concern "Scientific and Production Association "Aurora", St. Petersburg7802463197
194 7813341546
195 Air Defense Concern "Almaz-Antey", Moscow7731084175
196.2 7813438763
198.1 Corporation "Moscow Institute of Thermal Engineering"7715842760
199 Roskhimzashchita Corporation, Tambov6829018032
199.1 Corporation "Strategic control points", Moscow7722775458
200 Tactical Missiles Corporation, Korolev, Moscow Region5099000013
227 Sheremetyevo International Airport, Khimki, Moscow Region7712094033
246 Moscow research and production complex "Avionics"7715003820
276.1 Research and Production Corporation "Uralvagonzavod" named after F.E. Dzerzhinsky, Nizhny Tagil, Sverdlovsk Region6623029538
305.1 7706107510
324.2 7708619320
324.3 United Grain Company, Moscow7708632345
324.4 7838395215
324.5 United Rocket and Space Corporation, Moscow7722692000
369 First channel7717039300
381.1 Prioksky plant of non-ferrous metals, Kasimov, Ryazan region6226006397
385 6731044928
400.1 Rosneftegaz, Moscow7715356431
400.1 Rosneftegaz, Moscow7705630445
400.3 Rosgeologiya, Moscow7724294887
404 7708503727
449.1 7705454461
452 Modern commercial fleet, St. Petersburg7702060116
481 Tekhpribor, St. Petersburg7810237177
490 Transinzhstroy, Moscow7701011412
513.1 Federal hydro-generating company - RusHydro, Krasnoyarsk2460066195
513.2 4716016979
518.1 Russian networks, Moscow7728662669
528.2 Center for Shipbuilding and Ship Repair Technology, St. Petersburg7805482938
531 Cheboksary Research and Production Instrument-Making Enterprise "Elara"2129017646
551 INTER RAO UES, Moscow2320109650
552. Roskartografiya, Moscow7722787661

— a closed list of strategic organizations approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 91-r dated January 23, 2003 (excluding credit institutions)

Application No. 1. List of open joint-stock companies in respect of which determination of the position of the shareholder - the Russian Federation on the appointment of a representative for voting at the general meeting of shareholders, the introduction of issues on the agenda of the general meeting of shareholders, the nomination of candidates for election to management bodies, the audit and counting commissions, the presentation of a request for holding an extraordinary general meeting of shareholders, convening an extraordinary general meeting of shareholders, voting on the agenda of the general meeting of shareholders, as well as coordination of directives to representatives of the Russian Federation and representatives of the interests of the Russian Federation on boards of directors (supervisory boards) is carried out by the Government of the Russian Federation, the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation or on his behalf, Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation

N p / pStrategic enterprises and their locationTIN
1 Aeroflot - Russian Airlines, Moscow7712040126
2 Agency for Housing Mortgage Lending, Moscow7729355614
3 Joint Stock Company "ALROSA", Mirny, Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)1433000147
5 Joint Stock Company for Oil Transportation "Transneft", Moscow7706061801
6 Vneshtorgbank, Moscow7702070139
7 Gazprom, Moscow7736050003
11 Sheremetyevo International Airport, Moscow7712094033
12 Oil company "Rosneft", Moscow7706107510
16 Modern commercial fleet, Moscow7702060116
20 Russian Railways, Moscow7708503727
22 Air Defense Concern "Almaz-Antey", Moscow7731084175
23 Tactical Missiles Corporation, Korolev, Moscow Region5099000013
25 Roskhimzashchita Corporation, Moscow6829018032
27 "Channel One", Moscow7717039300
28 "ROSNEFTEGAZ", Moscow7715356431
28 "ROSNEFTEGAZ", Moscow7705630445
29 "Zarubezhneft", Moscow7701350084
30 United Aircraft Corporation, Moscow7708619320
32 United Shipbuilding Corporation, St. Petersburg7838395215
34 Rosagroleasing, Moscow7704221591
35 Russian Agricultural Bank, Moscow7725114488
36 RusHydro, Krasnoyarsk2460066195
37 System operator of the Unified Energy System, Moscow7705454461
38 Federal Grid Company of the Unified Energy System, Moscow4716016979
39 Russian networks, Moscow7728662669
40 Open Joint Stock Company "United Grain Company", Moscow7708632345
41 Corporation "Moscow Institute of Thermal Engineering", Moscow7715842760
42 Open Joint Stock Company "Rosgeologiya", Moscow7724294887
43 Open Joint Stock Company for Intercity and International Telecommunications "Rostelecom", Moscow7707049388
44 "Russian hippodromes", Moscow7714873807
48 Roskartografiya, Moscow7722787661
49 RUSNANO, Moscow7728131587
50 Joint Stock Oil Company "Bashneft", Ufa, Republic of Bashkortostan0274051582
50 GLONASS, Moscow7703383783

Application number 2. The list of open joint-stock companies in respect of which the determination of the position of the shareholder - the Russian Federation on the issues of nominating candidates for election to management bodies, the audit and counting commissions, voting at general meetings of shareholders on the issues of their formation, as well as the coordination of directives to representatives of the Russian Federation and representatives of the interests of the Russian Federation Federation in the boards of directors (supervisory boards) for voting at meetings of the boards of directors (supervisory boards) on the formation of the sole executive body and the election (re-election) of the chairmen of the boards of directors (supervisory boards) is carried out by the Government of the Russian Federation, the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation or, on his behalf, a deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation

N p / pStrategic enterprises and their locationTIN
32.4 Concern "Okeanpribor", St. Petersburg7813341546
32.5 Concern "Morinformsistema-Agat", Moscow7720544208
32.8 Rosspirtprom, Moscow7730605160
32.9 "Scientific and production corporation "Uralvagonzavod" named after F.E. Dzerzhinsky", Nizhny Tagil, Sverdlovsk region6623029538
32.13 "Shipbuilding and Ship Repair Technology Center", St. Petersburg7805482938
32.14 "Concern" Research and Production Association "Aurora", St. Petersburg7802463197
32.17 State Joint Stock Company "Oboronpromkompleks", Moscow7706052300
32.18 Concern "Granit-Electron", St. Petersburg7842335610
32.19 Concern "Central Research Institute "Elektropribor", St. Petersburg7813438763
32.21 Prioksky plant of non-ferrous metals, Kasimov, Ryazan region6226006397
32.22 Production Association "Crystal", Smolensk6731044928
32.23 "Corporation "Strategic control points", Moscow7722775458
32.24 "United Rocket and Space Corporation", Moscow7722692000
34 Murmansk Shipping Company, Murmansk5190400250
37 Novorossiysk Commercial Sea Port, Novorossiysk, Krasnodar Territory2315004404
49 State Transport Leasing Company, Moscow7720261827
52 Transinzhstroy, Moscow7701011412
53 INTER RAO UES, Moscow2320109650
54 Head center for the reproduction of farm animals, pos. Bykovo, Moscow region5074035409

Formation of economic strategy in general terms, it can be defined as the process of developing goals for the development and functioning of an enterprise for a certain period of time, as well as ways to use funds to achieve the goal.

The choice of an economic strategy depends on many conditions: the forms of competition and the degree of its rigidity, the rate and nature of inflation, the economic policy of the government, comparative advantages in the world market and other so-called external factors, as well as internal factors related to the capabilities of the enterprise itself, i.e. e. its production and .

The process of forming the economic strategy of the enterprise includes:

  • formation of a common, basic strategy;
  • formation of a competitive strategy;
  • definition of functional strategies.

Types of enterprise strategies

Basic strategy - a strategy that is formed depending on changes in the external and internal environment; represents a general concept of the company's behavior at a given stage of its functioning.

Growth strategies are strategies that increase the size of the firm and require sufficient resources.

Strategies for stability - focus on existing areas and their support.

Survival strategies - an attempt to adapt to existing market conditions and abandon the old methods of management.

Reduction strategies - strategies used when the existence of the firm is threatened.

Defensive strategies - strategies that reflect the company's response to the actions of competitors and indirectly to the needs and behavior of the consumer.

Offensive strategies - strategies that require credit investments and, therefore, are more applicable to firms that have a sufficiently high financial potential and qualified personnel.

Strategies of the first type - strategies aimed at obtaining long-term profit, increasing the stability of the financial position of the company, its competitiveness over a relatively long period of time.

Strategies of the second type— strategies aimed at optimizing current financial performance, maximizing short-term profits, etc.

Competitive strategy

Basic strategy of the enterprise

Basic strategy is formed depending on changes in the external and internal environment, representing a general concept of the company's behavior at this stage of its functioning.

There are the following basic types of basic strategies.

Growth Strategies involve an increase in the size of the firm and require sufficient resources. These strategies include: concentrated growth strategies; integrated growth strategies; strategies for diversified growth and strengthening of market positions.

The main features of such strategies are:

  • diversification by absorbing less powerful competitors (conglomeration);
  • opening of new productions;
  • inter-firm cooperation and cooperation in order to control markets and resources;
  • foreign economic activity as an element of geographical expansion.

Strategies for stability - it is a focus on existing activities and their support. Stability strategies are formulated by firms in conditions when growth strategies are unacceptable due to external circumstances (a period of economic recession or increased intra-industry competition, etc.). Another important factor in the need for stabilization is the problem of loss of control and control over the activities of the company arising from the expansion and growth. The need to adjust goals and restructure the organizational structure forces the management to apply the tactics of maintaining the achieved growth rates. The main features of such strategies are:

  • transition to a new mode of resource use;
  • savings by reducing the costs associated with the need to conclude new contracts, the costs associated with market research, representation costs and similar types of costs;
  • strategic shifts towards strengthening management functions.

Survival strategies - it is an attempt to adapt to existing market conditions and abandon the old methods of management. Survival strategies are formulated by firms in the conditions of a clear idea of ​​their insignificant capabilities, rather low competitiveness and the need to ensure at least a minimal realization of their goals. These strategies include the “harvest” strategy, the cost reduction strategy, etc. The main features of such strategies are:

  • maintaining the technical level of production;
  • timely detection of crisis tendencies at the earliest stages;
  • redesign of production and other business processes;
  • retention of qualified specialists and prevention of mass layoffs.

Reduction strategies used in cases where the existence of the firm is threatened. They are characterized by the fact that the level of goals pursued is set lower than that achieved in the past. In this case, one can apply strategy liquidation and, if means and possibilities permit, view change strategy business. The main features of such strategies are:

  • refusal to produce unprofitable products, excess labor, poorly functioning distribution channels, etc.;
  • sale of part of the company's assets, as a rule, unprofitable;
  • carrying out the insolvency (bankruptcy) procedure.

Each type of general, basic strategies contains several options. The firm can independently choose a variant of the general strategy or apply various types of them in certain combinations.

The basic strategies of the firm are specified by developing competitive strategies.

Competitive strategy of the enterprise

- long-term measures of an offensive or defensive nature, designed to strengthen the position of the company, taking into account the factors of intense competition.

The formation of a specific strategy of the enterprise is aimed at achieving its competitive advantages.

In economic practice, there are four levels of competitiveness of enterprises. The first level of competitiveness can be attributed to small enterprises that have received a "niche" of the market. They see their task only in producing products of a certain type, clearly fulfilling the planned production plan, not worrying about any surprises for consumers and competitors. However, as soon as such an enterprise begins to grow, increase the scale of its production, then either it outgrows the “niche” of the market for which it originally worked and enters competition in another market segment, or the initial “niche” of the market develops into a growing market and becomes attractive to other manufacturers. In this case, care must be taken to obtain comparative advantages, to surpass the standards proposed by competitors in the field of quality, delivery accuracy, prices, production costs, service levels, etc. That's why the best option economic strategy for enterprises of this level is the constant search for more and more "niches" of the market. It is this approach that is the simplest form diversification of production and economic activities of enterprises, allows them to maintain their competitiveness and stay afloat.

The enterprises of the second level have received the name "following the leader". They strive to borrow as much as possible all those techniques, technologies and raw materials, methods of organizing production that the leading enterprises of the industry do. However, many of them inevitably find themselves in a situation where such stereotypes of business imperatives, based entirely on borrowing best practices, no longer work, do not add competitiveness to enterprises even with the slightest increase in intra-industry competition. Thus, they gradually evolve to the third level of competitiveness, at which the management system begins to actively influence production systems, contributes to their development and improvement. Success in the competitive struggle of enterprises of this level becomes not so much a function of production as a function of management (it depends on the quality, efficiency of management and organization of production in the broadest sense). Enterprises that have managed to achieve the fourth degree of competitiveness are ahead of the competition for many years. In fact, these are world-class companies known in all countries for their products of the highest quality.

Economist M. Porter identified three main strategies that are universal and applicable to any competitive force. It's a cost advantage, differentiation, focus.

Cost advantage creates greater freedom of choice of actions both in pricing policy and in determining the level of profitability.

Differentiation means the creation by a firm of a product or service with unique properties.

Focusing - it is a focus on one of the market segments, on a specific group of buyers, products or on a limited geographical sector of the market.

From the position of production efficiency, two types of economic strategies are distinguished (Fig. 1).

Rice. 1. Types of economic strategies from the standpoint of production efficiency

Strategies of the first type aimed at obtaining long-term profit, increasing the stability of the financial position of the company, its competitiveness over a relatively long period of time. These include:

  • minimization of production costs - profit growth occurs due to lower labor costs, the use of more productive equipment, more economical types of raw materials, economies of scale;
  • share expansion market - increasing the efficiency of production due to a higher share of newly created value (conditionally net products) in the total volume of sales, accelerating the turnover of the company's capital. The strategy involves achieving competitive advantages by improving the quality of products and the level of customer service, as well as reducing the costs associated with the sale of products;
  • innovative programming R&D — is focused on the creation and implementation of advanced technologies and the development of fundamentally new types of products of higher quality, which have no analogues on the market.

In practice, strategies of the first type are often intertwined: a firm that has entered the market with innovative products must eventually reduce production costs in order to increase market share.

Strategies of the second type are aimed at optimizing current financial performance, maximizing short-term profits. Among them are:

  • strategy maximization (artificial overestimation) of production costs - an increase in production costs (for example, as a result of rising prices for raw materials and materials) with weak intra-industry competition (for example, with high import duties) is included in the price and passed on to the consumer. The firm is not interested in reducing production costs;
  • simulation programming R&D — updating the assortment due to “cosmetic” improvements of products already on the market (packaging, color, design, etc.);
  • portfolio management strategy investments of capital - the purchase and sale of existing enterprises and assets of firms, the merger and absorption of some firms by others through operations with securities on the stock exchange are carried out. Given the strategy, there is a non-productive diversion of capital. The main focus is on optimizing the current financial performance of the company, stable payment of high dividends, and not on increasing the value of the company's shares.

Alternative is the most important distinguishing feature of the formation of strategies. The process of analysis of alternatives is associated with the classification and ranking of problems, comparison of actual data with forecast indicators, selection of the most significant factors and conditions for solving the tasks. The most famous methods of analysis of alternatives are: situational analysis; STEP analysis; SWOT analysis; GAP analysis.

The situational analysis technique is based on a consistent consideration of the elements of the external and internal environment and the assessment of their impact on the company's capabilities.

STEP-analysis is aimed at assessing significant changes and new trends in the external environment, as well as determining their significance for the company.

The essence of the SWOT analysis technique is to identify and evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the company and correlate them with the opportunities and threats of the market. The analysis is carried out in five functional areas - marketing, finance, production, personnel, organizational culture and image.

GAP analysis is an analysis of the strategic "gap", which allows you to determine the discrepancy between the desired and the real in the company's activities.

The choice of method depends on the stage of the life cycle of the company, the characteristics of the internal and external environment, the period for which the strategy is being developed, etc.

Strategies are specified in the company's plans for the production and sale of products, logistics, labor and personnel, production costs, finance, investment, and social development.

Russian firms are successfully mastering the experience of Western companies in the field of strategic planning. In 2008, two Russian companies at once - UralSib Corporation and Life Financial Group - were among the best strategically oriented companies in the world and were admitted to the Balanced Scorecard Hall of Fame, which includes such "masters" of world business as Canon , Dupont, Nordea, Motorola, Siemens, HSBC, LG Philips.

By the nature of interaction with the external environment There are two groups of competitive strategies strategies: defensive and offensive.

Competitive strategies of the firm can be divided into two groups: defensive and offensive.

Defensive strategies reflect the company's response to the actions of competitors and indirectly to the needs and behavior of the consumer.

offensive strategies usually require credit investments and, therefore, are more applicable to firms that have a sufficiently high financial potential and qualified personnel. Offensive strategies are usually growth strategies.

Functional strategy of the enterprise

Functional strategies are sets of measures and programs for individual functional areas and departments of an enterprise. They are of subordinate importance and are, in essence, resource programs that provide practical implementation general, basic strategy. The main areas of activity of the enterprise are production, marketing, research and development (R&D), finance, management. Hence the main components of the functional (economic) strategy.

The production strategy is focused on decisions about the required capacities, the placement of industrial equipment, the main elements of the production process. The R&D strategy summarizes the main ideas about a new product, from its initial development to market introduction.

The financial strategy develops the rules for the behavior of an enterprise in the money and securities market, selects the preferred forms and methods of lending and the use of financial resources.

The marketing strategy determines the trade and marketing activities of the enterprise, the factors for promoting goods and services on the market.

The personnel management strategy allows solving the problems of increasing the attractiveness of work, motivation, optimization of labor processes and the number of personnel.

It is important to consider the process of forming economic strategies from the standpoint of production efficiency.

In market conditions, in the presence of a competitive environment, the growth of production efficiency can be carried out mainly within the framework of such economic strategies that are aimed at obtaining long-term profits, at increasing the stability of the financial position of the enterprise and its competitiveness for a relatively long period of time.

An enterprise can ensure high profitability in the short term without resorting to increasing production efficiency, and ultimately at the cost of weakening its position in the competition in the future. And vice versa, for a relatively long period of time to ensure its competitiveness, to achieve higher cumulative profits (for several years, usually from 7 to 12), instead of looking for momentary benefits, an enterprise can only by increasing production efficiency on an ongoing basis.

Measures to improve the efficiency of production, its further intensification require, in the final analysis, the technical modernization of production, the introduction of the achievements of scientific and technical progress and an adequate restructuring of management systems and labor organization. And this, in turn, means a long period of capital turnover, cost recovery and obtaining, possibly, higher profits, but over a relatively long period of time. Such strategies, within the framework of which the expanded reproduction of capital is carried out, we will call strategies of the first type. But the implementation of strategies of this type is not only associated with large initial investments, but also leads to changes in the very conditions for the reproduction of individual capital, to which the management of enterprises is forced to react accordingly.

Strategies of the second type are aimed at optimizing current financial performance, at maximizing short-term profits by maneuvering the economic structure of the enterprise (its assets), artificially inflating product prices.

In market conditions, both types of economic strategies in enterprise management are intertwined and their separation is rather arbitrary. Therefore, for the dynamics of production efficiency, it is important not to strictly follow the management of an enterprise to one or another type of economic strategies, but, firstly, their correlation in intra-company management, and secondly, the compliance of the chosen strategy with the tasks of strengthening the competitiveness of the enterprise in the market, and therefore, with that technological way of life, economic specifics, those comparative advantages that a particular enterprise currently has.

Naturally, within the framework of each type of strategy, one can distinguish many different types of them, corresponding to the economic and production specifics of a given enterprise. The first type of strategy is:

  • strategy for minimizing production costs;
  • a strategy for increasing the share of the sales market controlled by the enterprise (“market share” strategy);
  • strategy for innovative R&D programming.

At minimization of production costs profit increases as a result of a decrease in the cost of advanced capital. The increase in production efficiency occurs as a result of a decrease in total labor costs, the use of more productive equipment in production, more economical types of raw materials and materials, an increase in the concentration of production, an increase in the serial production of products using equipment of a larger unit capacity (i.e. obtaining the so-called economies of scale production).

strategy aimed at expansion of the market share, contributes to increasing the efficiency of production due to a higher share of newly created value (conditionally - net products) in the total volume of sales, the growth rate of enterprises' turnover. The growth of the market share is directly related to the achievement of superiority over competitors. And this is largely due to the improvement of consumer qualities, the technical level of products, the quality of customer service, which favorably distinguish the products of this enterprise, with the implementation of its other comparative advantages. The implementation of this strategy can also help improve production efficiency by reducing unit costs for the sale of products (i.e., by reducing inventory, storage costs, etc.).

As part of innovative programming R&D, focused on the creation and production development of innovations, not only the creation and implementation of advanced technologies is carried out, but also the development of fundamentally new types of products, of higher quality and having no close analogues on the market. This strategy has a positive impact on the dynamics of production efficiency by both reducing costs (development of new technologies) and increasing the result. In market conditions, in order to successfully fight competitors, enterprises at high rates of scientific and technical progress are forced not only to adapt to the existing product structure, but often to radically change it, forming markets for new goods and services.

Naturally, in real economic practice, these types of strategies of the first type are closely intertwined. So, as the production of new products increases, their competitors master them, a pioneering enterprise in this market, in order to maintain or increase its market share, must take care of a more acceptable price level for consumers (under conditions of choice), and hence minimizing production costs.

Type II strategies include:

  • the strategy of maximizing (artificially inflating) production costs and shifting the growth of production costs to the consumer (CPM, from the English cost pass-along management),
  • simulation programming R&D;
  • strategy for manipulating the "portfolio of capital investments".

Strategy maximizing production costs is aimed at increasing profits through government or other subsidies in the absence of direct (intra-industry) price competition.

Under the CPM, an increase in production costs, for example, as a result of rising prices for raw materials and materials, and again with a weakening of intra-industry competition (for example, when introducing high tariffs on imports of finished goods), is directly included in the price of products, i.e. passed on to the consumer. Enterprises in an environment of high inflation and rapidly depreciating investments with long term payback, they try not to replace those types of resources, the prices of which have increased, or not to start the introduction of new resource-saving technologies, if this requires large capital investments. There is only an adjustment of selling prices with a constant level of production efficiency.

With R&D simulation programming, the economic result is achieved by updating the product range due to “cosmetic” improvements in products already on the market (packaging, design, color, etc.). It is possible to get short-term profit within the framework of such a strategy, but it is unlikely that it can ensure the competitiveness of the enterprise in the long term. Moreover, there will be no noticeable changes in the level and growth rate of production efficiency in this case, since the ratio of costs and results does not change. In essence, R&D simulation programming is one of the manifestations of the CPM strategy, but already in relation to a predominantly non-price form of competition.

The strategy of manipulating the "portfolio of capital investments", which includes the purchase and sale of existing enterprises and assets of firms, mergers and acquisitions of some firms by others through operations with securities on the stock exchange, negatively affects the dynamics of production efficiency due to unproductive diversion of capital: technical modernization of production capacities, the increase in capital investments in the development of production does not occur, and financial resources are used only to redistribute the existing production apparatus among the owners of the means of production. The main emphasis is on improving the current financial position of the enterprise, on increasing its ability to meet the needs of that part of shareholders who are primarily interested in receiving high dividends or playing on fluctuations in the share price, but not in a long-term increase in the value of the company's securities. .

The predominance of each type of strategy is determined by the action of a number of factors in the economic activity of enterprises.

The most important factor determining the ratio of the two types of economic strategies is the degree and main forms market competition. The so-called perfect price competition of producers within the same industry forces the management of the enterprise to look for ways to reduce production costs, to implement innovations that contribute to this. Thus, a high degree of intra-industry price competition is an important condition for improving production efficiency and diversifying economic activity.

However, under certain circumstances that distort the conditions of intra-industry competition (high inflation or barriers to imports, peculiarities of tax policy, etc.), enterprises may prefer another way of diversification: the sale or acquisition of existing enterprises and production capacities in other industries instead of creating new products.

Another important factor determining the dominance of one or another type of economic strategies is the ratio of the growth rate of the cost of labor and the active part of fixed capital, which directly replaces human labor. This ratio largely determines the extent to which the enterprise will carry out mechanization and automation of production, introduce new labor-saving equipment and technology. If wages increase at a faster rate than the value of the active part of the fixed capital, then management firms have more incentives to increase investment in new technology and technology, as this leads to an overall lower level of production costs.

The time factor is of great importance for the process of forming economic strategies in market conditions. In view of the relatively long period of fixed capital turnover, the existence of a significant lag in making a profit from investments in production equipment and the development of new products and technologies, the predominance of strategies of the first type implies, in addition to low inflation, a certain stability of the economic situation, a relatively low degree of risk of new investments.

An increase in the rate of inflation may force enterprises to refuse to invest in the development and implementation of large-scale projects for the restructuring of the production apparatus, since the real profit that can be received in a few years will be significantly reduced. Hence the desire of enterprises to invest in projects that pay off quickly, even to the detriment of increasing production efficiency, or even to take funds away from productive use. On the other hand, the depreciation of the securities of enterprises in relation to their assets or artificially inflating the price of shares on the stock exchange in comparison with the real value of assets makes operations in the fictitious capital market much more profitable (in terms of maximizing the current financial results of commercial activity) than the acquisition of existing enterprises. or creating new ones.

In connection with this factor, the ratio of the two types of economic strategies may also be influenced to a certain extent by the structure of companies' assets. Thus, a high share of equity capital in the assets of an enterprise can objectively force managers to focus on strategies of the second type, to obtain short-term profits. The economic policy of the government, the efficiency state regulation market.

IN modern conditions importance has state incentives for the structural restructuring of industry, ensuring an intensive intersectoral overflow of labor and capital, the predominant development of the latest industries (industrial policy with the allocation of priority sectors).

For a real increase in production efficiency, the interest of the management of enterprises in investing in the expanded reproduction of fixed capital, focusing on strategies of the first type, is not enough, just as it is not enough just to purchase equipment to get the final product. To do this, it is also necessary to organize the process of introducing and using production equipment, and the level and dynamics of production efficiency will depend on the quality of intra-company planning, on management systems and structures, forms of organization and stimulation of labor. The development and improvement of intra-company planning, in turn, depend on which type of economic strategies is dominant. With the dominance of strategies of the first type, development is carried out at a more intensive pace, it requires the involvement of an increasing amount of resources (primarily human resources), and with the predominance of strategies of the second type, development occurs at a slower pace.

Stages of development of the economic strategy of the enterprise

Each enterprise, regardless of the scope of its activities and the scale of production, must plan its activities. Planning - it is the process of forming goals, determining priorities, means and methods for achieving them. The planning process covers a number of areas. It begins with the definition of the mission of the enterprise and the goals of its functioning, taking into account the analysis of the external environment and resource provision, then long-term forecasts are developed, which serve as the basis for choosing economic strategies. Economic strategies in the short term, in turn, are specified in the plans of the enterprise in various areas of activity: marketing, production, finance, etc.

Strategic planning is focused on the highest level of management and aims to determine the development trends of various aspects of the enterprise, calculate and select the most favorable conditions his activities. A distinctive feature of strategic planning is its flexibility due to mobility. planned horizons, those. periods of time for which a forward-looking policy is developed. Various criteria are used to determine the planning horizon: product life cycle; a cycle of fundamental change in demand for manufactured products; the period of time necessary for the implementation of strategic goals, and so on. The planned horizon depends on the scale of the enterprise, its size.

As one of the tools of strategic planning, the practice of forming targeted production and marketing programs has received the greatest development. The resource orientation consists in the development of comprehensive plans, in accordance with which all types of resources are directed to achieve the final goals, contribute to the long-term commercial success of the enterprise. In this case, situational planning is used, in which the management of the enterprise is provided with several options for the plan. strategic development enterprises. These plans are characterized by different priorities in the allocation of resources and an uneven balance of risk and guaranteed benefits.

Analysis of the external environment

Being engaged in strategic planning, the enterprise must always take into account the influence of the external environment. Analyzing the external environment gives the business time to anticipate opportunities, plan for contingencies, develop an early warning system for possible threats, and develop strategies that can turn past threats into profitable opportunities. Threats and opportunities faced by an enterprise are usually divided into seven areas: economics, politics, market, technology, competition, international position and social behavior (Fig. 2).

Rice. 2. Environmental factors

Analysis of environmental factors, correct and complete understanding of the strengths and weaknesses enterprises allow you to make a sales forecast, which is the basis of all intra-company planning.

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