Installation of wooden partitions. We build interior partitions with our own hands How to properly make wooden walls in a house

Internal partitions are walls that do not perform a load-bearing function and serve only to separate rooms. Partitions in wooden house usually built from wood so as not to disturb the overall style of the building. But this is not important if design solution interior design allows you to construct them from any materials, such as, for example, plasterboard or aerated concrete.

Requirements for partitions in a private house

All walls in the house are divided into load-bearing, self-supporting, enclosing and partitions. Load-bearing walls must be strong and reliable, since other architectural elements rest on them. Self-supporting ones rest on the foundation and support their own weight. The boundary wall can be load-bearing or self-supporting. It should not only be durable, but also insulated.

Partitions, unlike the above types of walls, rest on the ceilings and do not bear any load. Their strength and reliability indicators are subject to less stringent requirements. However, these designs must have certain characteristics.

    The partitions must be sufficient light. The lighter their weight, the less pressure on the foundation and floors, and this is reflected in the economic efficiency of the entire building.

    Partitions must be thin. The thinner the dividing internal walls, the more the living space of the house is saved.

    When calculating partitions, it is necessary to take into account that furniture will be hung on them and Appliances. Therefore they must be strong.

    Partitions act as dividing structures, which should provide the premises with a sufficient level soundproofing.

    Partitions in rooms with high humidity and sudden changes in temperature must be constructed from materials that are not exposed to negative impact these factors. If they are built from wood, then it is imperative to use effective protective impregnations.

    Partitions in the house must be high fire resistance.

    It is very important to consider the need for laying electrical wires in the body of the septum or along it.

On our website you can find contacts construction companies who offer interior remodeling services. You can communicate directly with representatives by visiting the “Low-Rise Country” exhibition of houses.

What materials are they made of?

Various building materials are used to construct internal partitions. The most commonly used materials are brick, porous concrete or plasterboard.


Brick partitions are characterized by high strength. You can mount any shelves and brackets on them without fear that they will not stay on the wall. In addition, brick walls are a good sound insulator. So that they do not weigh down the building so much, not ordinary solid brick is used, but its porous analogue. But partitions in a house made of timber are quite rarely constructed from ceramics. The fact is that even porous brick is too heavy for wooden building. In addition, a brick wall requires painstaking leveling of the surface before finishing.

Aerated concrete and foam concrete

Cellular concrete blocks are available in various sizes. There are also special products for laying partitions. They have a small thickness and minimal weight. But this also has its drawbacks - when hanging heavy interior elements, you need to use special dowels. Another important nuance - cellular concrete hygroscopic, and without additional protection it cannot be used to separate rooms with high humidity.


This is the cheapest and easiest to use material. For the construction of partitions it is installed metal carcass, which is then sheathed on both sides with thick sheets of plasterboard. The difficulty of operating such structures is their low resistance mechanical stress. You cannot install shelves and equipment on the drywall itself. True, you can attach heavy elements directly to a metal frame.

When enough strong impact plasterboard wall cracks, resulting in the need to replace damaged sheets.

Gypsolite slabs

Material made of gypsum and silicone with a tongue-and-groove connection system. Practical partitions with a smooth surface are very quickly erected from gypsum slabs. You can’t just hang heavy objects on them either, but in terms of the degree of resistance to mechanical stress, this material is more attractive than ordinary drywall.

Partitions in a house made of timber

The density of the partitions should not exceed the density of the load-bearing walls, otherwise they will be too heavy relative to total mass building. At the same time, the timber from which the walls of log houses are built belongs to lightweight building materials. Traditional brick and not even very heavy aerated concrete partitions It is not recommended to build in wooden houses. They can be erected from plasterboard or tongue-and-groove slabs. But the most best option- these are timber or frame partitions. IN technical rooms You can install plank (panel) partitions.

Partitions made of timber

Timber partitions allow you to maintain the harmony of the interior of the log house. They are built from material with a small thickness. But the height of the timber for the partitions should be the same as the material for the external walls. This is necessary in order to facilitate the process of constructing partitions and increase the aesthetics of the interior of the premises.

The main advantages of timber structures:



    good sound insulation.

However, it is worth noting that all the advantageous characteristics timber walls are reduced due to the presence of openings in them. An important advantage of timber partitions is their appearance, in which there is no need for additional decoration with finishing materials.

Such partitions are erected in the same way as the outer walls of a log house. The basis of the internal dividing walls are floor beams. During the construction process, it is necessary to remember that the timber in the finished log house shrinks. This applies to both the material for the building frame and the wood for the interior walls. It is more convenient to erect partitions simultaneously with load-bearing walls. But if you are not sure that the timber for the walls and for the partitions has the same shrinkage coefficient, it is better to install the partitions after the house has completely shrinked.

The amount of timber and the type of connection between the partition and the wall is determined by the designer or builders. To protect the wood as much as possible from moisture, the bottom row of the partition is laid from moisture-resistant aspen or larch. In addition, the bottom row is insulated from a vapor-permeable film.

Finished timber partitions are sanded and coated protective compounds along with the main walls. You can safely mount them on partitions made of timber heavy shelves and fastening systems for household appliances.

Frame partitions

This is a more economical and quickly erected option. Such partitions consist of a frame and cladding. The frame is constructed from vertical posts and horizontal ties made of timber or unplaned boards. You can use a metal frame as for drywall. The frame is secured with hardware to the surface of the floor, load-bearing walls and ceiling. Ready frame filled from the inside with any heat-insulating sheet material that will provide the wall with sufficient sound insulation. Mineral wool is most often used. The structure is sewn up with boards, timber or other material suitable for the interior design of the house under construction. The rigidity and strength of the frame partition remains unchanged regardless of the number of technical and door openings.

Despite the fact that partitions are made of timber or frame technology are erected quickly and using simple tools; this work should only be trusted to qualified specialists. When working with wood materials shrinkage processes, which depend on many factors, must be taken into account. In addition, only a professional can securely fasten all elements wooden structure without damaging them.

Video description

Arrangement of a frame partition in a log house made of timber or logs

Plank partitions

A type of wooden non-load-bearing interior wall. A plank partition differs from a timber partition in thickness, sound insulation and strength, as well as price. Typically, plank partitions are installed in utility and technical rooms, where it is not necessary to maintain an ideal design.

This option has the principle of a frame partition. Boards installed vertically or horizontally, depending on the characteristics of the room, are used as a frame. Frame boards sewn up with planed boards.

On our website you can get acquainted with the most popular projects timber houses from construction companies represented at the exhibition of Low-Rise Country houses.


A cottage made of timber is an eco-friendly and comfortable housing in all respects. Interior walls in a wooden house should not disturb the harmony of the log house premises. However, they should not be too expensive. In houses designed like a classic log house, it is better to install timber partitions. If the cottage is planned in modern style, it can be used to create dividing walls with a smooth surface to provide designers with the opportunity to create an original, stylish interior.

More recently, plank partitions covered with shingles and plastered on the outside were used in construction. They were reliable and durable structures. Nowadays they are used extremely rarely, since the technology is labor-intensive and expensive. Modern wooden partitions in a wooden house are more economical and simple.

Flammable products are rarely used in urban construction today. It is prohibited to use them in large administrative and residential buildings, although they do not spontaneously ignite. Partitions in a wooden house are used in individual and low-rise housing construction. They are installed only after the house has completely settled.

The advantage of using wood is that after construction a lot of high quality waste remains.

Frame partitions made of wood

The structure contains a frame made of timber, sheathed different materials and having filler inside. Sound insulation is placed inside the cavity, and a vapor barrier is added for rooms with high humidity. In this case, the sheathing and frame should be treated with antifungal and water-repellent agents. In contrast, they are not load-bearing, although shelves, flower pots and other interior elements can be hung on them.

Home frame type made from the same materials as the walls. Only the timber inside can be used with less cross section, since it does not bear the load.

The general structural basis of the building creates the same deformations from temperature and humidity. As a result, shrinkage will be uniform, and cracks will not form at the joints. It is also advisable to use fire retardants and insect repellents on wood.

Features of frame manufacturing

The frame is made of dry timber with a cross-section of 5x5 cm or 5x10 cm, and the distance between the posts depends on the size of the sheathing sheets. For example, for drywall it is 60 cm. The gap between the sheathing allows you to place sheets of glass or mineral wool inside. These materials are preferred because they are cheap and mice do not live in them. To avoid finishing with wallpaper or painting, you can line the partitions in a wooden house with clapboard (photo below).

In log houses, the internal walls are made of logs or solid timber, although lightweight structures are cheaper and are just as widely used. For concrete or brick houses It is preferable to use a galvanized metal profile as a frame inside the partition.

Plank partitions

The design is a shield made of 2-3 layers of boards, knocked down at an angle of 90º. It is inserted into the grooves of the timber frame. To prevent the partition from deforming when the house shrinks, gaps of 1 cm are left between the panel, ceiling and walls.

The boards are plastered. To do this, they are pre-upholstered with shingles. The wire is laid in a layer of plaster, and a strip of asbestos is placed under it. Products require a large number of wood, and the process of their creation is labor-intensive.

Installation of partitions in a wooden house

For installation, first of all, materials and tools are required. They should be prepared in advance.

Materials and tools

For the construction of frame partitions, the following materials are required:

    square or rectangular beam;

    sheathing material;


    vapor barrier;

  • fastener

The following tools are used:

  • screwdriver;


    level, plumb line, tape measure;

  • Preparing the base for the partition

    It is not difficult to make a partition in a wooden house, but it should be taken into account that it is heavy and the base must be strong. It cannot be built on a regular floor, since the surface may sag. Therefore, a log should be located below for safety. Better to install additional wall on the subfloor when all the lower beams are in sight, and adding another one is not a problem. It is quite possible that an additional base in the form of concrete or brick pillars will have to be installed under the floor. The arrangement of interior partitions should be taken into account in the design of the house. Then there will be no need for rework in the future. On the second floor, the load will be transferred to the floor beams; it is advisable to make the structure as light as possible.

    The most common material for sheathing is plasterboard, which is quite light and cheap. A frame made of bent profile can be installed under it, which will also reduce the weight of the structure.

    The use of plywood also makes it possible to create lightweight design With attractive looking natural wood. Its use is only permissible in dry rooms. It is possible to use moisture-resistant plywood, but it will cost much more. The material is becoming increasingly popular and is also used for flooring. Partitions in a wooden house often require the installation of a door frame, the space under which should be reinforced.


    Before installation, markings are first made. Using a plumb line and level, a line is struck on the walls, floor and ceiling and guide bars are installed. Their fastening depends on the base material. The head of the fastening element is hidden in the tree. First, the outer racks are installed, and the horizontal elements are attached to them. After this, intermediate vertical bars are placed along a horizontally stretched thread. A continuous thermal insulation gasket is placed everywhere between the frame and the base.

    Construction of a partition

    Making a partition in a wooden house with your own hands is not so difficult. Sheathing made of boards or chipboard can withstand loads of up to 30 kg. If something significant is supposed to be hung on it (boiler, TV, shelves), the structure in this place is reinforced with horizontal mortgages made of similar timber. The crossbars are fastened using self-tapping screws and angles. The installation locations of the crossbars correspond to the joints between the sheathing sheets.

    Wooden partitions in a wooden house are filled with soundproofing boards or mats with an allowance so that there are no gaps. The quality of sound absorption depends on the density of the installation. To protect the frame from moisture that can get from the room, they pull it over it. vapor barrier membrane at both sides. It should be positioned so that water vapor escapes from internal space and didn't get in from the outside.

    For electrical wiring in partitions, it is best to lay it in a metal hose, and use non-combustible materials as socket boxes. You can also place electrical wiring in a heat-resistant corrugation. Openings are cut under it in bars or soundproofing slabs. On the other side, the frame is also covered with sheathing sheets similar to the first.

    Frame finishing

    The frame is covered with plasterboard, plastic panels, plywood, MDF, clapboard. Interior partitions in a wooden house are often made from the same material as tongue-and-groove boards that are well suited for this.

    Wood finishing improves the indoor microclimate. Every year new materials for wall cladding go on sale, which at the same time finishing coatings and give the room an elegant look.


    Wooden partitions in a wooden house provide advantages in terms of creating uniform deformations from temperature and humidity. Their finishing is chosen at your discretion in order to obtain harmonious combination with interior.

Wood is a noble material that deserves special attention By choosing wooden partitions, in the future you will have a wide field for maneuvering and changing the layout of the room. The ease of installation is remarkable. In addition, this is a bet on the environment. It is known that a house cannot be made in complete harmony with environment, even in passive houses elements that are not 100% safe are used. However, wood is a different matter; making partitions from it seems especially tempting.

Walls and partitions

Before you install interior partitions made of wood, it’s worth figuring out what it is and how they differ from other types of walls. There are three main varieties.

  1. A load-bearing wall is the main wall of a building, which is a vertical plane that limits or divides the interior of the building. It can be made of brick, concrete, wood. The wall transfers loads from building elements such as the roof, floors and balconies to the foundation and other building elements. Load-bearing elements are the main walls of the building. In a wooden house they are made of timber or logs.
  2. A non-load-bearing wall does not serve as a support for the floors and roof, but only bears its own weight, resting on the foundation. Such products are used in some to impart rigidity.
  3. Partition - a type of internal wall of a building. It separates the premises of the building, but does not represent a structural element and does not have load-bearing properties. Removing the partition does not disrupt the structure of the building. Partitions are made of brick, hollow blocks, wood. Also applicable building systems, which include plasterboard boards that are attached to a frame made of wooden bars or a metal profile. The soundproofing material of such systems is most often mineral wool.

Interior partitions made of wood can be installed in a house built from any material, but in a wooden one, for example, log house or a frame-panel house, they are installed due to structural necessity.

To put it mildly, it is unreasonable to install a brick partition in such houses - the heavy weight will have a detrimental effect on the entire building.

Types of wooden partitions

Partitions are distinguished by type of construction. Before installing partitions in a wooden house with your own hands, you should take into account that they must have certain characteristics.

  • lightness - should not create excessive load;
  • strength and rigidity of the structure;
  • have acceptable sound and heat insulation.

The partition, at a minimum, should not break the floor/ceiling or fall under the weight wall cabinet or collapse after the open door.

Wooden interior partitions, regardless of design, are made from high-quality, well-dried wood, treated with antiseptic and other impregnations that extend the “life” of the wood.

Of all the variety of ways to install partitions in a wooden house , Three groups can be distinguished.

  1. Frame ones are very light, they can be placed in any desired place. This is convenient both during construction and when remodeling a building. Their light weight is especially important when renovating an old house, when the load-bearing capacity of the floors is not known. Without unnecessary expert design work required for construction brick walls, you can make a wooden partition and organize the space at your discretion. TO frame types This also includes partitions made of plasterboard.
  2. Panel boards - made of two or three layers of boards laid in a bandage, due to which quarters are formed along the edges, which are used during installation. Quite a heavy design. So, with a thickness of 6 cm and a width of 60 cm, the weight of a shield with a height of 2.5 m is about 80 kg.
  3. Frameless are, in fact, partitions made of boards , placed vertically end-to-end or using a tongue and groove. They are attached to harnesses fixed to the floor/ceiling. In this case, the lower harness is called the “bed”, and the upper one is called the “nozzle”.

You can make a partition yourself using any of the three listed methods if you wish.

Making a partition

Interior partitions in frame house can be performed almost immediately after its installation, but in newly built houses of other types (brick, log, etc.) it is better to wait for some time until they settle. When starting to make partitions, you should prepare your tools. Basically this is a standard carpentry kit:

  • hammer;
  • wood hacksaw;
  • a set of chisels, a carpenter's knife, a screwdriver;
  • level, plumb line, ruler, tape measure, tapping cord, pencil;
  • electric jigsaw, screwdriver, electric drill.

Frame interior partitions are most widely used in frame houses due to their uniform design and similar material. However, this type of partition is used with no less success in houses made of logs and bricks.

To make interior partitions efficiently, you should mark the room. A line is drawn on the floor, in those places where partitions are planned to be made. Then, using a plumb line, it is transferred to the ceiling and connected along the walls. This will be the border (contour) of the future wall.

Frame construction

The main skeleton is built from timber with a cross section of 60*90 mm. The standard pitch of vertical bars is 60 cm for gypsum plasterboard and 62.5 cm for OSB boards. They are attached between the bed and the nozzle, made of 60*110 mm timber. Cross members are installed between the vertical posts to provide rigidity to the entire structure. Horizontal bars (cross members) are mounted in a checkerboard pattern, creating a kind of honeycomb. Frame partitions in a wooden house can be sheathed with plasterboard or OSB boards. The plates are positioned vertically and are fastened with corrosion-resistant self-tapping screws. The gaps between the slabs are sealed accordingly.

Door frame installed between two vertical posts. A horizontal crossbar of the same cross-section is attached above the top, between it and ceiling beam a bar of appropriate length is installed. These additions will add rigidity to the doorway, and the wooden frame partition will not rattle when opening/closing the doors.

When one side of the frame is sheathed, the space between the posts is filled with insulating material. The acoustic comfort indoors depends on its quality. After laying sound insulation (most often from mineral wool), you can equip the other side of the wall.

Installation of panel partitions

In a wooden house it can be made from panels. On the floor, according to the previously applied markings, beams are nailed, between which the shields will be installed. The same beams are duplicated on the ceiling. The panels are installed in the resulting grooves and fastened together with nails/screws. It is best to use factory-made shields, since it is difficult to achieve high quality at home.

IN Lately they are quite rare. Considering the large weight of such partitions and high sound transmission, it is better to install them on joists. It is not practical to install them as internal partitions in a frame house (too heavy).

The door frame is nailed to the panels. The space above it is filled with a shield of the appropriate size (ready-made or specially cut). The box should be the same thickness as the finished wall. If you cover gypsum boards with gypsum boards, you essentially get a plasterboard partition that can be finished in any convenient way.

Installation of frameless partitions

How to make the most basic partition from wood? It's simple, just build it. Boards with a thickness of 40 - 50 mm are installed vertically one next to the other. At the bottom they are attached to a groove formed by two bars nailed to a pre-installed board. The upper edge rests on a triangular strip, nailed in advance, is pressed against a second one of the same kind and nailed.

It is advisable to take boards with a selected quarter, this will make it easier to connect them together and, thereby, avoid through gaps. The door frame is attached to the boards with self-tapping screws, the groove at the threshold is closed with a strip.

Partitions made of plasterboard in a wooden house can be made on a frame made of a metal profile 10 cm wide. A profile frame is made according to the same principle as a wooden one.

Interesting production wooden frame can be seen in the video:

Frame interior partitions are the most popular. Their installation is possible in any home; the relative simplicity of operation and lightness of construction are captivating. But do not neglect other methods. Each of them has proven itself with positive side. In any case, what to make partitions from in a wooden house is up to the owner to decide.

08.01.2016 1 Comment

Any house can be subject to changes, reconstruction, and redevelopment throughout its entire lifespan. This may occur due to a change of owners or a change in family composition. The problem can affect houses of any design, including wooden buildings. The article will tell you how to make partitions in a wooden house.

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general information

The partition should be made after the house has settled. She is considered self-supporting structure and its main purpose is the formation interior design or rooms. It should be characterized by good sound insulation and thermal conductivity. Internal partitions do not fulfill global design purposes; no special load is placed on them. They are not always included in the house design.

Building codes prohibit the use internal partitions as a support for floors. A partition built outside the plan must be able to be easily disassembled and dismantled. The developer, the owner of the house will be interested in the problem of what to make partitions from in a wooden house.

Partition material

There are many options for the material, but you should immediately exclude the use of brick, cinder block and other building stone. First of all, it's pointless. Secondly, to build such a powerful partition, a foundation will be needed. In our case it is unlikely to exist. The materials for partitions in a wooden house are varied. There are a number of typical options:

  1. Wooden, standard partitions . This type is the most convenient, reliable and functional. These partitions will perfectly decorate your home and give it coziness. Wooden partitions are durable; they can be used to mount wall ceilings, hang shelves, cabinets, and racks. This structure can be plastered or subjected to decorative processing. Such a wall is easily exposed fire treatment and anti-rotting agents, which is very desirable.
  2. Plasterboard partitions. They are economical, lightweight and not expensive. These partitions are quickly erected and form seamless surfaces. Drywall has good soundproofing properties and fire resistance. The free space inside the wall can be used for electrical wiring and other engineering communications. The material is environmentally friendly.
  3. Frame-panel partitions. This is the most popular and practical type of design. For production, a 50×50 mm beam is required. For increased sound insulation, timber 50×100 mm is used. You can apply the profile. This structure can be sheathed with plasterboard or plywood. Not the best the best option- Fiberboard.
  4. Solid partitions. They have a very heavy structure and are made of boards. If the boards are more than 50 mm thick, additional support in the form of a log will be needed. It will compensate for the weight of the partition. The boards are mounted vertically, in prepared grooves - top and bottom. The cross-section of the structure has the letter “P”. Leave a gap of no more than 2 centimeters at the top in case of subsidence. The boards can be sheathed or decorated with stain and varnish.
  5. Glass partitions. There are many available options designs glass partitions And sliding doors. They can also be used on the veranda or terrace. With their help, you can easily and quickly change the parameters of the room.
  6. Designer partitions. When constructing them, the principle of the space of options works; this is an opportunity creative person show off your design skills. The material can be wood, plastic, metallic profile, chipboard, paper. This is an excellent opportunity to separate part of the room and use partitions. Designer partitions include forged and fabric partitions.

What kind of partitions are there in a wooden house if it has more than one floor? In this case, we must proceed from bearing capacity the ceiling on which the partition will rest. In this situation, the principle works - the lighter, the better. A strength calculation will be required. Even if the ceilings can withstand the partition, they can bend and change the geometry of the structure. Additional support or reinforcing structure will be required.

Basic requirements and wishes for the device

The main requirement for any building structure- safety. It must be securely fastened to exclude the possibility of falling or destruction. All fasteners should, if possible, be removable. This will make your work easier if you decide to rearrange or remodel. It is advisable to use low-flammable materials as much as possible and pay a lot of attention to fire safety. The material for partitions must be environmentally friendly, moisture-resistant, and aesthetically pleasing.

How to make partitions in a wooden house

Installation of frame partitions

Their installation begins with laying a horizontal beam on the floor. The dimensions of the timber must correspond to the dimensions of the future partition. Then the vertical stand is secured to the wall using nails or self-tapping screws. The lower end rests against the edge of the horizontal beam. The next step is to determine the point on the ceiling where the edge of the ceiling plumb line will be located. For this task you will need a plumb bob.

After installing the horizontal elements, install the vertical ones. The standard distance between them is 55 centimeters. But this is not a dogma, we must take into account design features material and the overall size of the wall, its height. Nowadays, aluminum building profiles are actively used as a frame. The docking itself is carried out in the middle of the racks. Plasterboard sheets, plywood, and fiberboard are used as cladding. Here the hygroscopicity of the material is taken into account. The space between the cladding inside the frame is filled with a noise-insulating substance - foam plastic or mineral wool.

The first stage is marking the lines of our partition. A plumb line is great for this. Then the design of the guides is prepared. Two bars located parallel are attached to the board. Nails or screws (screws) are used as fasteners. The distance between the guides should be equal to the thickness of the future wall. If the boards are cut correctly and inserted into the guides, only the outermost one can be fastened.

The rest will be deprived of the opportunity to move freely. When constructing interior partitions in a wooden house, the future wall can be sheathed with plywood, fiberboard or chipboard sheets. You can carry out a major version by covering them with shingles and plastering them. Then the structure must have an additional lag that will support the heavier structure.

Installation of plasterboard walls

How to properly make interior partitions in a wooden house from plasterboard? The main advantage of drywall when performing this task is its ability to level the walls. The work can be completed very quickly. It is important to take into account that a wooden house almost always shrinks. This should not affect or destroy the drywall. Work begins with marking, drawing a line future wall on the ceiling. Then they project it onto the floor using a plumb line.

The frame is made using aluminum profile. Wooden beams are used less often, although the design is cheaper and more environmentally friendly. For direct installation plasterboard sheets It must be taken into account that the structure will move a little. If the sheets are mounted tightly end to end, they will collapse. It is necessary to leave small gaps to compensate for expansion due to temperature and humidity. The following can be used as a base for installation:

  • wooden walls,
  • wooden slats,
  • wooden beams,
  • wood sheathing,
  • wood frame,
  • the wooden wall itself or the floors.

There are several methods for attaching the drywall itself to the lath. To do this you will need dowels, a screwdriver, self-tapping screws, a file, electric or mechanical drill. A beam with a cross section of 50×100 mm or 50×74 mm will serve as slats. Optimal place for fastening - the middle of the rail or bar. The best gap between the screws is 15 cm. The fasteners should be slightly buried in the drywall. Ideally, joints should be sealed with adhesive reinforcing film. If the dimensions of the joints are more than 3 mm, then they should be puttied and then sealed with reinforcing tape.

When installing wall partitions made of glass and other materials, all of the above principles are used. And the installation of designer partitions depends only on the structure itself and is developed directly by the designer or architect.

By making partitions in a wooden house with your own hands, you can perfectly demonstrate your abilities and construction talents. These works are easy to perform with minor installation skills and abilities. The main thing is ingenuity, logical thinking, observance of the simplest building regulations. If you make mistakes, it won’t be difficult to redo and correct them. Well, there shouldn’t be any consequences other than waste on damaged material.

Construction of a partition in a wooden house: video instructions

The video shows what nuances should be taken into account when constructing partitions in a wooden house.

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A wooden log house is a complex of load-bearing walls made of logs, which form external and sometimes 1-2 internal enclosing structures. If the purpose of the building is a residential building, you will need to install interior fences inside that will divide the space into residential areas.

Features of fencing

Partition in wooden log house can be installed only after the house has completely settled, when the risk of its deformation and destruction as a result of this process is reduced. Usually, the building is allowed to rest for 1-2 years after assembly, after which installation can begin. internal parts layouts. The structure is not load-bearing; it only bears its own weight, and therefore does not require a reinforced frame or a separate foundation.

The main difference between a partition and a wall is that the former can be easily dismantled without damaging the floor and ceiling if the owners decide to change the layout and place the fence in a different location.

Qualities that interior fencing should have:

  • Lightness of material and design;
  • Environmental safety, which is very important when choosing material for fencing residential areas in a wooden house;
  • Thermal insulation;
  • Noise protection from neighboring rooms;
  • The partition must cope with hanging some household appliances, furniture. This should be taken into account in advance when choosing the design and cladding material.

In most cases, interior fencing can be installed independently without the involvement of specialists.


What type of interior fence to choose:

    Frame partitions in a log house are the most common and most accessible view interior fences that you can install yourself. They consist of a wooden frame, insulation and sheathing. Their main feature is the variety of possible installation configurations. Frame fencing can divide space into zones different shapes. During redevelopment, the structure can be easily disassembled and moved to another location for further service.

    Carpentry (panel) wooden partitions for a log house are just as suitable as frame ones. They represent ready-made panels, which need to be installed on the frame guides. Partitions often do not require additional finishing; they can be varnished or colored composite materials with drawing. Their disadvantage is low sound insulation, although this parameter can be adjusted when ordering, purchasing or manufacturing, choosing the option that suits you according to its characteristics.

    The cost of a carpentry partition depends on the type of structure and materials used and starts from 250 rubles/m2 to 1500 rubles/m2 or more.

    Solid partitions without a frame are attached to the ceiling and floor guides using the nail method or screwed with screws. To disassemble such a structure, you will have to remove all fasteners of individual boards or panels.

Do-it-yourself partition in a log house

When carrying out construction independently, there is no desire to resort to the services of specialists in such a matter as installing partitions in a log house wooden house. Let's look at the method of constructing each type of enclosing structure.

Frame construction

For assembly you will need the following materials and tools:

  • Beam for the frame. Its width can be 60-100 mm, depending on the desired size of sound insulation and the type of insulation chosen. The height of the bar is within 40-50 mm.
  • Slats - spacers can be smaller in size than bars for the frame. Their purpose is to maintain the rigidity of the structure and fix the insulation.
  • Vapor barrier material, if such a layer is not provided in the insulation.
  • Thermal insulation. Ideal for residential use slab materials: mineral wool, penoplex, basalt.
  • For fastening - self-tapping screws, a screwdriver, maybe nails and a hammer, if the material being fixed allows their use.

Stages of work:

  1. The location of the partition is marked and the lower trim is installed. To do this, the block is attached to the floor with self-tapping screws. It is immediately necessary to provide for the location of doorways.
  2. The upper belt is attached strictly above the lower trim in the same way, but there is no need to leave a gap under the opening.
  3. Installation of vertical racks. It is convenient to start from the opening and install the timber in increments not exceeding the width of the insulation board. Fastening with self-tapping screws or on corners to the top and bottom harness. Side racks attached directly to the wall.
  4. Now you need to make a doorway. The side posts are already installed, you need to attach the top jumper.
  5. The spacers are inserted just above the middle of the height and secured with self-tapping screws. You can do it differently: measure the room and assemble a frame on the floor, then lift it and attach it to the ceiling and wall.
  6. Now you can sheathe one side of the wall so that the installed insulation takes its place during installation. It is advisable to stretch a membrane or film over the frame, which will protect the heat insulator from moisture. This issue is considered especially relevant when fencing kitchens and bathrooms. The film can be stapled to the frame posts. The partition is sheathed on top of the vapor barrier sheet materials(MDF, gypsum board) or board, clapboard. The joints of the elements should be in the middle vertical stand. When one side is ready, we place insulation boards inside the frame. They need to be installed in such a way that there are no gaps in the insulation to improve the sound absorption effect.
  7. Covering the second side according to the same principle: vapor barrier, cladding.

This type of fence can be installed in any house: brick, concrete, stone, frame.

Carpentry partitions

Panel screens can be purchased ready-made or made yourself. In the first case, you can significantly save time on assembling the product and its subsequent finishing, but you will not be able to save money. It is better to do the independent production and installation of panels before laying the finished floor, so that the structure can be fixed to the joists. How to make a partition in a log house yourself:

  1. Dimensions are taken future design. The length is divided into several parts that need to be made. The easiest way is to make a shield from boards. It can be double or triple (according to the number of plank rows). To do this, using the principle of a frame partition, a lintel is made from a block, onto which smooth boards are placed on both sides, between which insulation with foil can be laid: it can slightly dampen noise and retain heat inside the room. Instead of foil, you can use regular insulation material(mineral wool, penoplex). The shield can be single, then the boards are assembled end to end and along the bottom and top edge guide rails are nailed.
  2. You need to make grooves on the ceiling and on the joists (along the floor) to hold the shields. To do this, the bars are nailed or screwed in 2 rows, the distance between which is equal to the thickness of the partition or the width of the shield together with the retaining outer slats.
  3. Shields are inserted into the grooves.

Joinery structures can reach the ceiling or be 50-60 cm below its level. These could be found in houses built in the 20th century in rooms with high ceilings such as dormitories and administrative offices of ordinary employees.

Panel carpentry and frame partitions are similar in design if the former are made of 2 or 3 rows of boards.

Frameless design

At its core, frameless fencing is similar to panel fencing:

  • 1) Guide bars are nailed to the ceiling and floor;
  • 2) To the ceiling and floor beam boards are attached and covered with plasterboard or other panel or finishing material.

Such a partition cannot have insulation. Instead of boards, plastic or composite panels can be chosen.

Other options

Partitions can be not only static, but also movable. Making them yourself can be troublesome and costly, but if you understand the technology of their work experienced master will be able to cope with this task quite well.

Movable screens are sold complete with guides and all fasteners, so it is advisable to purchase a ready-made system. What types of these structures are there:

  • In non-threshold systems, the canvas moves parallel along the ceiling profile;
  • In rail-mounted panels, partitions move along two rails on the floor and ceiling;
  • Folding canvases fold like an accordion, moving along the ceiling and floor profiles.

Each system contains instructions according to which the movable fence is installed. This is convenient to install in several cases:

  • For zoning large rooms;
  • To differentiate between a kitchen and a room in a studio apartment;
  • To delimit space in one-room apartments.

Sliding partition panels will be useful in cases where it is necessary to visually delimit space. There is no talk of any sound insulation or heat retention.

If you want to independently make a sliding partition in a wooden house from a log house, it is worth repeating the principle of operation ready-made systems and make appropriate floor and ceiling profiles, make canvases. Fasteners and roller mechanisms still have to buy it.

The main thing to consider

Static and sliding partitions for a log house can be made and installed independently, lightweight structures will optimally fit into rooms with wooden walls and floors. In addition, structures are easily attached to wood and adhere well to it.

The main thing to remember: maintaining verticality and dimensional accuracy is the key successful work. If the ceiling and floor guides are not attached parallel to each other, a slight distortion will form in the fence. Mobile systems are especially sensitive to accuracy. If the profiles are attached non-parallel, the blades simply will not move or the process will be difficult.

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