Varieties of geraniums grown from seeds. Secrets of growing pelargonium from seeds (photo): we grow geraniums on the windowsill

Soil preparation

IMPORTANT: Pelargonium prefers light nutritious soil that allows water and air to pass well to the roots of the plant. To germinate seeds, you can use ready-made store-bought soil or make it yourself.

There are several options:

  1. mix equal proportions of peat, sand, humus and compost;
  2. join two parts garden soil with one part of peat and sand;
  3. dilute the peat with perlite in a ratio of 1: 1.

Before sowing seeds, the prepared substrate must be disinfected. to avoid further infection of pelargonium. To do this, it is calcined for several minutes in the oven.

For soil treatment, ready-made fungicides can be used. High Quality or manganese. Then the landing should be postponed for one day.

To grow pelargonium quickly and without problems, you need to select and prepare planting material. When selecting seeds, it is necessary to pay attention Special attention for the following signs:

If the planting material has all these qualities, then it can be purchased. Do not choose seeds that have the following characteristics:

  • small;
  • flattened;
  • deformed;
  • covered with spots of different colors.

Seeds of some types of pelargonium, especially ivy, do not germinate for 2-3 months. It is necessary to remember this and not stop caring for the crops.

To minimize the germination time, a scarification procedure is carried out.. It consists in removing part of the shell of the seed to provide access nutrients. This requires:

  1. Use fine or medium grit sandpaper. It will help to remove the surface layer without traumatic breaks.
  2. Slowly rub the seed 2-3 times on the sandpaper with rotational movements.

How to plant? For planting seeds and successful cultivation seedlings at home will need a greenhouse. It can be a regular seedling box that is covered plastic bag, food tray with a transparent lid or cut in the middle plastic bottle. To allow air access, small holes must be made in the film or lid.

Sowing at home:

Place boxes with crops in a warm room, where the temperature is kept around 22-24 ° C. Watering the seeds is necessary as the soil dries up..

We grow in peat tablets

How to grow from at home in peat tablets? Take medium sized tablets. Arrange them in a deep container and soak in warm water so that they increase in size by about 6 times. Place the grain in a special recess and lightly cover with peat from the tablet. After that, cover the container with a film or glass and put in a warm place. The first shoots will appear after a week and a half.

Watch a video about sowing pelargonium seeds in peat tablets:

Choosing the "right" pot

Small compact pots or trays 3 cm deep are suitable for germinating pelargonium. You can buy containers in special stores or make your own.

For growing use boxes or pots. The pot in which the flower will be located is selected according to the size of the root system. Transplantation is done only when the plant becomes crowded(you can find out more about how to transplant and root pelargonium). It is advisable to use clay pots. They are well breathable and absorb moisture. You can use plastic pots, but they do not allow air to pass through and can lead to stagnation of excess water. This can lead to rotting of the roots and.

If it is possible to prepare the substrate for growing on your own, then it should be used. AT purchased soil seedlings appear later, seedlings are weaker, the bush forms thin or excessively thick stems, the flowering of the plant is poor.

Favorable conditions for growing pelargonium from seeds:

Pelargonium seeds germinate within 2-14 days from the moment of planting. Terry varieties with germination can be delayed up to 1 month.

We water correctly

Improper watering can cause disease and even death of young plants.

Helpful Hints:

  • Do not over-moisten the soil. This leads to a black leg - a disease that develops rapidly and destroys seedlings. To avoid this, it is necessary to make a drainage layer and holes for draining excess water in the planting containers.
  • Irrigation required. Saplings are watered as the soil dries up, trying not to flood them. After picking in separate containers, the plants are watered no more than twice a week. In winter, the frequency of watering is reduced to once every seven days.

Pelargonium is fed for the first time two weeks after picking. To do this, use fertilizers for flowering plants with a rich content of potassium and phosphorus. The frequency of top dressing is once every two weeks. In winter, feeding is stopped. You can find out more about how to feed pelargonium.

Watch a video about watering and feeding pelargonium seedlings from seeds:


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Pelargonium from seeds at home is easy to grow. The main thing is to follow all the rules and conditions for such a plant. This flower is also known as geranium. Caring for her is very simple, but this plant will decorate any room, garden, balcony, etc.

How to germinate pelargonium seeds

Growing from geranium seeds depends largely on preparatory phase, it is necessary to choose the right seed, soil, arrange a miniature greenhouse. It must be remembered that zone-type geraniums are best suited for the seed germination method. The rest can also be bred this way, but it is best to use a different method.

First of all, you need to deal with planting material. To avoid various difficulties and mistakes, it must be properly prepared. When choosing seeds, it is necessary to pay attention to such factors:

  1. Hue. If the seeds are of high quality, then their color should be dark Brown, but slight deviation is allowed.
  2. The form. In fully formed and developed seeds, the shape is oblong, and small depressions are located on the sides.
  3. Dimensions. The size of the planting material is small.
  4. outer layer. Geranium seeds have a rather dense leathery shell.

If the planting material has all these qualities, then you can safely use it for germination. But if flattening, small deformations, spots on the seeds appear, then you should not expect germination.

Before planting, the seed must undergo special preparation. This is due to the fact that the top layer of geranium seeds is very dense, which prevents them from germinating. Sometimes you have to wait a very long time for sprouts to appear, but the seeds never germinate. The reason in this case is that the seeds were processed incorrectly.

Before placing them in the ground, it is necessary to carry out a scarification procedure, i.e. remove the thick film. To do this, it is recommended to use the usual sandpaper. Thanks to her, it turns out to remove only the upper layer, but at the same time there are no deep cracks and gaps. Each seed is supposed to be processed separately, it is enough to rub just a few times.

The preparation stage also includes the choice of soil. The mixture should be nutritious, but light. It must pass air and water to the root system of the flower. You can buy ready-made substrates in the store or cook it yourself. In the latter case, there are several options. First, you can mix perlite and peat in parts. Secondly, it is recommended to take 2 parts of sand and peat. Thirdly, you can use a different composition: mix humus, sand, compost and peat in equal volumes. Before use, the substrate is disinfected. To do this, put it in the oven for a few minutes. You can also use additional fungicides.

It is best to plant the seeds in February or March, this is the ideal time. It is necessary to place them in the ground, sprinkle with a little substrate and spray abundantly with water from a spray bottle. The air temperature should be approximately + 21 ... + 22ºС. To make seedlings appear faster, the seeds can be soaked in ordinary clean water at room temperature. Keep them like this for no more than 3 hours. When the seeds are placed in the ground, cover the container with cling film or glass. As soon as the leaves begin to appear on the stem, you can completely remove such a device.

Different types of pelargonium and aspects of their germination

Royal pelargonium is considered capricious, so when growing such a flower, it is often necessary to pay attention to it. Homeland is South America, unlike other subspecies. This type of geranium is planted at the beginning of winter. Do not allow direct drafts and sunlight. This variety prefers high humidity. For planting, it is necessary to select a light type of soil, which must be constantly maintained in a slightly damp state. The temperature in the room where the royal pelargonium is located should be at least 20ºС. For the first time shoots can be seen in about 3 weeks. As soon as they appear, it is necessary to put the container with sprouts in a room where the temperature is not less than 15ºС. These varieties include Fairy Queen, Dirwood Angel Eyes, Charmy Electro, Ansbrock Beauty, etc.

As for the ampelous geranium, it will also be possible to breed it with seeds. Homeland is the southern part of the African continent. The plant is also considered quite capricious, but if you pay a lot of attention to it, then the flowering will not only be beautiful, but also very lush. Due to this, ampelous varieties of pelargonium are very popular in the design of verandas, playgrounds. open type, hanging flower beds. Shoots can grow up to 1 m in length. It is necessary to place the fruits of the flower in the soil, which is pre-moistened. Then everything goes according to standard technology. Ampelous varieties of geraniums are very capricious in terms of growing plants from seeds, so many people prefer to use cuttings.

Pelargonium zonal also usually grows in wild nature on the territory of South Africa. These varieties are easily propagated through seeds. Germination technology is standard. Zonal pelargonium includes rosaceous, tulip-shaped, star-shaped, clove and other varieties.

Pelargonium of the ivy type is distinguished by the flexibility of the stem, which is why it begins to curl. Shoots in length can be up to 1 m. Such varieties are great when you need to decorate balconies, verandas, make hanging soda. The germination technique is typical, but the main thing is to maintain soil moisture and a certain air temperature. It is best to sow at the beginning of winter, but it will be possible to do this until mid-spring.

How to care for pelargonium after germination

How to grow pelargonium from seeds is a mystery to many people. Everyone is accustomed to immediately purchase finished flower in a pot, and then take care of him so that he is strong, healthy and beautiful. Geranium requires timely watering, loosening the soil, top dressing, pinching and more.

Common mistake many beginner gardeners is that they over-moisten the soil. This leads to the development of such a disease as a black leg. It develops rapidly and destroys all landings. To prevent such a problem, it is necessary to monitor the frequency of watering, the rate of drying of the soil, and also make a drainage layer and special holes at the bottom of the pot.

Irrigation is very important. Seedlings should be watered as they dry out. You can't overfill them. When a pick is carried out, after which they are located in different containers, it is recommended to water no more than 2 times a week. AT winter time the frequency of watering should be reduced - no more than 1 time per week. The next day after watering, it is always necessary to loosen upper layer soil in a pot.

Another important condition is the application of fertilizer, since it will be difficult for the plant to do without top dressing. The first time it is necessary to fertilize 2 weeks after the pick. This is perfect for any complex fertilizer high in phosphorus and potassium. For example, it is recommended to use the Agricol composition. Fertilizer is supposed to be applied 2 times a month. In winter, the procedure is not carried out.

Growing geraniums from seeds involves proper lighting. Young seedlings need enough light. It is recommended to put the pots on the windows on the west or east side. If you have to put a container with seedlings on the south side, then you must first darken the window from direct sunlight, which can damage delicate foliage even in winter. During active growth and development of pelargonium shoots, a minimum of 16 hours of lighting is required. If there is not enough light of natural origin, then in the evening it is necessary to build additional lighting. Perfect option- phytolamps, then you can get by with ordinary sodium and fluorescent ones. In the summer, it is recommended to take pots with such flowers to the garden, balcony, terrace.

Concerning temperature regime, then in the room where the geranium is located, it should be approximately + 20 ... + 25Cº. In winter, an adult and mature flower is able to survive a short-term decrease in temperature to + 10Cº. But for young plants it will be fatal.

Picking and pinching are very important. In order for each flower to have a sufficiently developed root system, grown seedlings must be transplanted into new containers. Picking should be carried out after 2-3 true leaves appear on them. The diameter of the containers should be approximately 10 cm. It is best to take tall, but narrow containers. If you want the seedlings to stretch, then they are allowed to deepen a little into the ground.

For the bush to have nice shape and was not excessively elongated, it is necessary to regularly carry out the pinching procedure. For the first time, it is supposed to be done after the 5th true leaf appears. Then pruning must be done in spring and autumn - all weak shoots must be cut off. It is recommended to stop molding the bush 1.5 months before the flowering period begins.

Diseases and pests

When growing pelargonium, difficulties may arise. For example, there are the following problems with foliage:

As for growth problems, the symptoms are as follows:

  1. Slow growth - lack of room for roots in the pot, pest infestation, incorrect soil acidity.
  2. Simultaneous scarcity of growth of the entire flower and yellowing of the foliage. The reason may be a lack of nitrogen.
  3. Long-legged - there was no pinching or excessive watering and frequent feeding.
  4. Spindle type growth - lack of sunlight;


Growing geraniums from seeds at home is really easy. You only need to create right conditions for the growth and development of this plant. And then it will delight with a healthy rich shade of foliage and frequent flowering. Germinating seeds is not difficult at all, even a beginner can handle it.

Hello, dear friends! Despite the fact that most of us consider pelargonium (geranium) a houseplant, it nevertheless grows and develops beautifully in flower beds. It can be planted in window boxes, decorate a balcony or veranda with it.

Before telling you about, let's take a closer look at this plant. The most common garden pelargonium, or zonal. Her bush is upright, from 15 to 50 centimeters high, the leaves are round, small, dark or light green, may have a dark ring along the edge or without a ring.

Flowers can be simple, as well as double or semi-double, collected in spherical inflorescences. The color of the flowers can be very diverse: pink with different shades, carmine, red, salmon, white.

Pelargonium flowers look very elegant, having two different colors - white with red or pink. In open ground, in flowerbeds and flowerbeds, pelargonium blooms from May to September. For the winter, the plant must be dug up and stored in a bright, cool place.

Growing pelargonium from seeds

In January - February, in room conditions, carry out sowing of pelargonium seeds for seedlings. soil mix should easily pass water and have a pH of at least six.

It is best to buy a ready-made nutrient soil mixture. You need to make shallow grooves in the soil, evenly place the seeds in them and sprinkle them a little with earth. It is necessary to water the crops as the soil dries out, trying to avoid excess moisture.

With an excess of moisture, the seeds rot, and seedlings quickly die from various root rots. Under room conditions, crops should be covered with film or glass to maintain the necessary humidity and a microclimate favorable for seedlings. The boxes should be placed in a bright place in the room, where the air temperature is 22 - 24 degrees.

Under such conditions, after 3-6 days, the seeds germinate. When the cotyledons appear, the film or glass can be removed and the temperature reduced to 18 - 20 degrees.

The place for the growth of seedlings should be very well lit, otherwise, they will quickly stretch out and may die. When two true leaves appear on the seedlings, the seedlings should be planted in small pots (8 - 10 centimeters in diameter). If, due to lack of light, the pelargonium seedlings are a little stretched out, it is better to dig them into the soil by 1 - 2 centimeters.

In this case, they will grow additional lateral roots and the seedlings will get stronger. 14 days after the picking, the pelargonium begins to be fed. First you need to give organic liquid fertilizers, for example, Agricola-Fantasy (1 teaspoon per half liter of water).

Further, every 8 to 10 days, you need to repeat top dressing using Effekton for Flowers and Agricola for Flowering Plants fertilizers, according to the instructions. Pelargonium loves a dry climate more than dampness, so it should not be planted in damp places. This plant also blooms well in partial shade, where its flowers are larger.

True, flowering is less plentiful than in the sun. Pelargonium seedlings are planted in open ground in the second and third decade of May. Seedlings can be placed on the loggia or on the balcony even earlier, while providing protection from frost.

In order for pelargonium to grow and bloom well, it needs nutritious and loose soil. Of course, it’s hard to think of anything better than a ready-made special soil mixture for pelargoniums.

If it is not possible to purchase such a mixture, then a complex complete fertilizer, for example, nitrophoska or granular "Agricola for flowering plants", following the instructions. In flower beds, pelargonium is planted according to a scheme of 20x20 or 15x15 centimeters. In small containers, plants are planted even closer together and 2 to 3 centimeters deeper than they grew in seedling pots.

This is again done for the formation of additional roots by the plant. In autumn, pelargonium blooms for a rather long time, tolerates cooling down to minus 3 degrees. If you want to prolong the flowering of your pelargonium, you need to dig up your favorite plant and plant it in a pot.

If the earthen ball with roots is quite large, then the flowering of such a plant practically does not stop. On a bright window, with created suitable conditions, pelargonium will bloom for another two to three months. If you decide to spend growing pelargonium from seed, then of course you need to try to choose the right seeds for these plants and choose the right varieties.

1 Pelargonium from seeds: cultivation and preparation ^

Related videoOn the video - pelargonium from seedsClick on Play to view

In order for the seeds to sprout, you need to properly prepare the soil. The basic rule is that it should be loose, allowing moisture and air to pass through to the plant. Many gardeners recommend adding humus, peat and leaves before planting.

And here the best soil considered a mixture of sand, earth and peat in proportions of 1:2:1. Before "releasing" the seeds, they should be treated with a means such as Fitosporin-M or any other fungicide. This procedure is very importance, since young plants are very susceptible to such a well-known disease as the "black leg", and it is this solution that can fight the infection.

In addition, there is another way to speed up the development of seeds: using fine sandpaper, gently wipe the seed shell. Seeds prepared in this way will give green sprouts in just a week.

2How is the seed of the plant collected? ^

Related VideoVideo Planting SeedsClick on Play to Watch

Since the cost of a flower is quite high, many people prefer to collect seeds in the fall in order to plant them later. True, novice gardeners do not know exactly how to collect seeds, and therefore complain about their poor germination.

In fact, if you correctly approached the care of the plant, and they were also pollinated by a natural or artificial method, in 90% of cases it can be said that the flower will sprout. Naturally, for this you need to create everything the necessary conditions. Take a box, fill it with a substrate, pour the planting material into the center and sprinkle it with a small (up to 5 mm) layer of sand.

After that, water and cover with a film or glass. At the same time, every day you need to remove the coating, wipe the glass or change the film, checking the condition of the seedlings - only in this case, pelargonium from seeds will be able to delight you with its beautiful flowers.

3 How to properly care for the plant? ^

Related videosOn the video - care for pelargoniumClick on Play to watch

Naturally, the selection and preparation of the soil - milestone, but you will get healthy and strong plants only if, in the process of growth, you take care of the seeds first, then the flowers. As soon as shoots have appeared, put the seed container in a bright place, because young shoots need sunlight.

If you forget about this item, the sprouts will be weak, prone to diseases. As soon as the seedlings grow a little, get stronger, try to protect them from direct sunlight, and constantly loosen and water the soil in the box. As soon as a few leaves appear on the sprouts, you can safely dive seedlings and transplant them into pots. But it is possible to plant plants in the ground only after May 20, since frosts can harm the flowers.

Naturally, we must not forget to feed the plants. Undoubtedly, it is better if you purchase special fertilizers for pelargoniums, but it is not a fact that they will be at hand at the right time.

Therefore, we introduce the usual complex mineral fertilizers or nitrophoska into the soil, correctly following the instructions on the package so as not to "burn" the flower. Pelargonium flower beds and flower beds are very beautiful.

The main thing is not to plant seedlings too close to each other - it is better to leave a distance of 15 cm so that the root system develops normally. If you want to grow ornamental plants in pots, then you do not need to plant a lot of seedlings in one container - there should be a distance of 7 between them -10 cm. In autumn, the flower develops quite normally, pleases with its brightness for a long time, and can even tolerate frosts down to -3 ° C.

And with the onset of cold weather, just transplant them back into the pot and grow them at home. If the root part of the pelargonium is large enough, and the roots themselves are healthy, the flower may bloom for several more months..And knowing how to grow pelargonium from seeds, you can collect them again after the plant has faded and, following the rules you already know, plant again without acquiring rather expensive seeds. Pelargonium is used as a decorative flowering pot culture, and as well as ampelous plant, for balconies and open ground.


For the normal growth of pelargonium, heat and good lighting. In late spring - early summer, the plant should be taken out to Fresh air shaded from direct sunlight.


If there is not enough lighting, then pelargonium, as a rule, reduces its flowering, its leaves and flowers lose their brightness. If the plant is indoors behind glass, then direct sunlight is harmful, they can cause a burn, but outdoors under the open sun, pelargonium easily tolerates them. In winter, the plant needs illumination with fluorescent lamps or phytolamps.


Optimum temperature: 8-12°C. In summer - room temperature. In winter, the temperature is +8..+10.


Pelargonium requires regular and abundant watering in spring and summer and moderate watering in winter, because with a weak vegetation root system easy to pour. Pelargoniums do not require spraying and washing the leaves.

It belongs to the category of those plants that are better to dry than waterlogged. All pelargoniums have the ability to accumulate water, so they are considered dry-resistant. When watering, it is necessary to ensure the drainage of excess water to prevent waterlogging.

If the pelargonium receives more water than it needs, then its leaves and flowers change their appearance. With excessive watering, even if the foliage is good, it may not bloom.

The soil

To grow pelargoniums, the soil must be nutritious.. For this, a mixture of equal parts garden soil, peat and sand. The same soil is suitable for sowing geranium seeds. When grown in gardens, geraniums prefer well-drained soils.

In autumn, geraniums are dug up and transferred to a pot. When growing pelargonium in pots, good drainage is required to avoid stagnant water in the roots.

Periodically, the soil in pots must be loosened, this provides air access to the roots and prevents root decay. Pelargonium can be grown in pots or boxes. The size of the pots is selected according to the size of the root system.

The pot should not be too large - in this case it is not possible to control the growth of the plant and form the desired height. In small pots, pelargonium blooms better, the flowers will be more beautiful and bright, and in spacious pots the bush develops well, but blooms worse.

For young bushes pick up a pot small size, since the roots of geraniums are small. Flower pots they change to large ones only when the old plant is already clearly cramped. If the pot is large, you can plant two or three cuttings in it.

Pots for pelargoniums can be plastic or baked clay, but in plastic pots the soil dries out more slowly, so it is more likely to undergo root rot, while clay pots pass moisture and air well. The optimal pot diameter for one plant is 12-14 cm and 22-25 cm for three or more plants in one pot.

The height of the pot is 10-15 cm. smaller pot, the more compact the plant (this is especially true for geraniums grown from seeds).


Strengthening branching, the formation of a bush and crown of pelargoniums is achieved by pinching. Pinching is done on 8-10 leaves if the plant is grown from cuttings, and on 6-8 leaves if pelargonium is grown from seeds. Pinching removes the growing point.

In some cases, re-pinching is required. There are two ways to form a bush. If, after pinching, new shoots began to grow not from the rhizome, but from the sinuses top leaves, they must be removed.

Leave only axillary shoots below the top pair of leaves. Or in another way - give these top axillary shoots grow up and after two or three pairs of leaves pinch again. Pelargoniums are pinched in February-March.

Growing specific pelargoniums

Although pinching increases branching and therefore increases the number of flowers, it delays flowering.


In late February - early March, when pelargonium wakes up, during this period in the spring it is necessary to form a crown, for which old and large stems are cut off, leaving 2-5 buds on each shoot. Cut stems are used for cuttings.

Pruning and cuttings in December-January are undesirable, as this is the most difficult period in the life of the plant.. Pruning in autumn leads to the appearance of young, frail growth, which weakens the plant and it can die during the winter.

Usually, pelargoniums in rooms grow intensively in winter, forming discolored elongated shoots that must be cut out in early spring. To receive good bush the plant is useful to take out in the summer in the open air. Pruning, as well as pinching, delays flowering.

top dressing

Pelargonium responds very positively to mineral and organic top dressing . During the period of active growth, fertilizing with mineral mixtures or liquid fertilizers should be applied.

During the flowering period, fertilizers containing more phosphorus and potassium than nitrogen are used. Such fertilizers stimulate flowering. If you need to get abundant greenery, then apply fertilizers with a high nitrogen content.

Top dressing is carried out once a week from late spring to early autumn. If pelargonium was transplanted into a new land mixture, then usually top dressing begins three months after transplantation, when the land is depleted.



Pelargonium grown from seeds blooms much more abundantly than the one that is propagated by cuttings. Up to 30 inflorescences can bloom simultaneously on a plant. Such pelargoniums are more resistant to low air humidity, they get sick less.

Pelargoniums are sown in January-February in seedling pots or bowls.. The land for sowing is preliminarily shed with boiling water and a dark solution of potassium permanganate.

Seeds are laid out on moist ground, lightly covered with seedling soil and sprayed with a growth stimulator. The bowl is covered with glass or film. Crops must be kept evenly moistened.

Water carefully so that the seeds do not go deep, otherwise they will not germinate. Seedling bowls with emerging seedlings must be aired daily by lifting the glass or film and removing condensate.

Seed germination time is 7-14 days, temperature fluctuations beyond 20-24 degrees are undesirable. When 2-4 true leaves appear on the seedlings, the seedlings dive.

At the same time, to prevent the formation of stem rot, it is necessary to plant plants at the same depth at which they grew before. Seedlings are grown at a temperature of 16-18 degrees in a bright room, moderately fertilized. After 6-8 weeks, the plants are transplanted into another pot.

Flowering occurs in mid-summer.


But most often, pelargonium is propagated by cuttings.. This is the most fast way receive FLOWERING PLANT. In addition, seeds obtained from hybrid geraniums do not exactly reproduce all the qualities of parental forms.

Therefore, cuttings are used much more often, which guarantees the safety of the variety, in addition, plants begin to bloom soon after rooting. When planting seeds, the period before flowering is longer. Cuttings are rooted in February-March and July-August.

The choice of the propagation period by cuttings is due to the fact that the rooting of cuttings deteriorates at air temperatures above 25 degrees (in cold summers, it can be propagated during the entire growing season). It is best to renew pelargonium by cutting off the apical shoot for rooting with 2-3 leaves and a length of 5-7 cm.

Pelargonium (geranium). Care and reproduction (ForumHouseTV)

After pruning, the cuttings are dried in the shade for a day, to prevent the cuttings from rotting, the cut is dipped in crushed coal, and then planted in light mix, deepening them by 2-3 cm and kept at a temperature of 20-22 degrees. The soil mixture must contain at least one third or one quarter sand.

Previously, the land mixture is scalded with boiling water and poured with a dark solution of potassium permanganate. The first watering is plentiful, then it is rarely watered and not sprayed, as excessive moisture can cause the cuttings to rot.

Unlike most plants, pelargonium cuttings planted for rooting do not need to be covered, this has a negative effect. Rooting cuttings occurs in about a month.

It is best to root cuttings in plastic cups 0.2 l. Transplantation into a 9-11 cm pot is carried out in the presence of roots around the entire perimeter of the cup. Plants grown from cuttings cut in March will bloom in mid-summer, cut in August will bloom in spring.


Young pelargoniums should be transplanted annually or every two years.. Do this in the spring before growth begins. The pot should be small, otherwise leafy shoots will develop strongly and the plant will not bloom.

If pelargonium is planted in balcony boxes (after spring frosts), then the distance between them is 20-25 cm. If pelargoniums grew in the garden, they are dug up in the fall and transferred to a pot.

If it is not possible to replant plants, then you can replace the top layer of the earth annually without replanting the plant itself. In the third year of life, it is better to replace plants with young ones grown from cuttings. Cuttings rooted in August are left for the winter without transshipment.

In March-April, they are transferred to 9-11 cm pots. If pelargonium grew in the garden, in the fall, before the onset of frost, it is brought into the house. The roots of the plant are shortened and placed in a pot with good drainage. The tops of the shoots of the plants are cut off.

Pests and diseases With a lack of light, with excessive air humidity and excessive watering, pelargoniums may rot the root neck and roots, pests may appear - aphids and whiteflies. To avoid this, geraniums need to provide favorable conditions content (light, coolness in winter with rare watering). In pelargoniums, when plants are transferred from open ground or from a balcony to a house, leaves may turn yellow.

After acclimatization in new conditions, the yellowing of the leaves stops. Yellowing of the leaves is possible if the conditions for winter maintenance are not observed, as well as with a frequent fungal disease- rust. With rust, pelargonium leaves become covered with yellowing spots, and then dry out.

Currently, there are drugs that protect plants from fungal and bacterial infections. Pelargonium disease - lodging of seedlings is caused by fungi that infect the roots and bases of the stems of seedlings, plants fall. To prevent lodging of seedlings, the seeds must be sown in sterilized soil and not waterlogged.


Yellowing lower leaves. Reason: If the leaves remain elastic or only the edges dry, the reason is a lack of moisture. If the leaves are sluggish or rot, it's an excess of moisture.

In both cases, the leaves may fall off. Reddening of the edges of the leaves. Reason: Too low temperature.

In the future, use sterilized soil and avoid waterlogging it. This is a disease of stem cuttings, the base of the cutting turns black due to fungal infection. Such a cutting is immediately removed.

The cause of black leg disease is waterlogging of the soil or its compaction, which prevents drainage. Sterilized soil must be used to prevent blackleg disease.

Cause: Edema is a non-contagious disease associated with waterlogging of the soil. Reduce watering. Gray mold on leaves. Cause: Gray rot caused by the fungus Botrytis; occurs when the soil becomes too wet.

Contagious disease - remove affected leaves, treat systemic fungicide better ventilate the room and reduce watering The absence of flowers on Pelargonium home. Cause: If the plant looks healthy, then the likely cause is too warm air in winter. Pelargoniums are quite resistant to pests, but sometimes they are also affected by mites, aphids, weevils and whiteflies.

Ticks, weevils, gray rot it is destroyed by fungicides, and aphids and whiteflies are afraid of permethrin-containing preparations. Ticks can be destroyed by washing the leaves (especially carefully from the underside) with an infusion of tobacco or pharmacy chamomile with green soap. After 2-3 hours, wash the leaves again with water.

It is especially difficult to deal with the whitefly. In this case, the treatment of the plant should be carried out every three days. All spraying should be carried out outside the living quarters. Pelargonium is very unpretentious, but at the same time beautiful plant!Links to material:

Pelargonium, or simply geranium, is one of the most popular among lovers of home and garden plants. And this is not at all surprising, because it is a pleasure to grow it: it has wonderful decorative properties and very low maintenance. Knowing some of the rules and features of geraniums, even an inexperienced grower will cope with its reproduction.

Geranium - perennial or annual plant belonging to the geranium family, which has more than 400 species and forms. Her homeland is hot South Africa, but pelargonium grows almost throughout the Northern Hemisphere, in regions with temperate climate and mountainous subtropical regions. In Europe, it appeared in the 15-16th century, and immediately fell in love with flower lovers. The name "geranium" comes from the Greek word "geranos", which means crane.

It should be noted that this beautiful plant is grown not only in decorative purposes. It has many useful properties: able to neutralize toxins and harmful substances, relieve headaches, as well as stop bleeding and heal wounds. Geranium is recommended to be kept in rooms where hypertensive patients live, as well as people suffering from disorders. nervous system and insomnia.

In the old days, pelargonium was endowed not only with healing, but also mystical properties. It was believed that this plant repels snakes, so it was planted around houses in those places where reptiles are found in large quantities. In addition, fragrant sachets are often made from pink geranium flowers and placed next to wearable things - in order to protect oneself from the evil eye, and at the same time scare away moths. But cat lovers with this plant should be careful. As you know, cats love to eat home flowers, and pelargonium leaves contain toxic substances that are extremely dangerous for animals.


Geranium is a low herbaceous plant or a shrub with a branched root system (except for species that grow in the mountains - their root looks like a rod). The structure and color of the leaves different types also different from each other - they can be green, grayish, bluish or even red, whole, with small or pronounced cuts, and in many varieties the leaves are covered with hairs.

Pelargonium flowers are quite large, have a blue, white, purple or purple hue, are collected in inflorescences that look like a brush. The fruits in which the seeds ripen (this happens at the end of summer and the beginning of autumn) are box-shaped, with long wings - after ripening, they twist, scattering the seeds.

Reproduction of room geranium

Before growing indoor geraniums, you should know a few important rules:

  • the best place for a pot is a well-lit window sill, as the plant loves sunlight very much;
  • in winter, it is better to keep the flower in a cool room, but the temperature should not be below 10 ° C;
  • in order to increase the number of shoots and inflorescences, the plant should be pinched and dried flowers removed;
  • almost all types of pelargonium need to be trimmed regularly;
  • with sufficient nutrition and lighting, the flower can bloom throughout the year.

Growing from seed

Seeds - photo

Best of all, red, white, fragrant, as well as ampelous pelargonium grows best in room conditions. Before you start planting, you should make sure that the seeds are cleared of a hard leathery shell. Otherwise, they will need to be well processed with sandpaper. Experienced flower growers do not name the exact time for planting, since with sufficient lighting, seedlings can grow in autumn and winter, but optimal time the period from November to April is considered.

  1. Before sowing, the seeds should be prepared in a certain way: treated with zircon or epinin, and soaked for three hours, no more, in water at room temperature.

  2. Take containers or boxes that are filled with a mixture of turf with sand and peat (2: 1: 1) or a peat-perlite mixture (1: 1) - this is the substrate that is best suited for growing seedlings.

    Prepared pots with soil

  3. Spread the seeds at a distance of at least five centimeters, sprinkle a little and cover with polyethylene or glass. The soil is constantly sprayed from a spray bottle with pre-settled water at room temperature and make sure that it does not dry out.
  4. If the temperature and humidity regime are observed correctly, sprouts will appear in two weeks.

  5. Transplantation is carried out when 2-4 sprouts appear on the seedlings. It is very important not to miss this moment, as the roots will intertwine, and it will be very difficult to transplant. Pots must be at least 10 cm.

Care for indoor geraniums

Despite the fact that the geranium loves moisture, it should not be in standing water, so a layer of expanded clay should be poured into the bottom of the pot. Plants should be watered with a watering can with a narrow spout. As soon as 6-7 leaves appear on the plant, it must be pinched to stop its growth and “awaken” the lateral buds. On cloudy days, pelargonium must be provided additional lighting. In summer, it is better to take it outside and put it in a place protected from direct contact. ultraviolet rays(the plant loves warm, dry air).

You need to fertilize the flower once every two weeks, starting from the end of March until November, using liquid fertilizers for this. In addition, top dressing can be prepared independently: for this, a liter of water is taken, to which a drop of iodine is added. You need to take 50 ml of this solution, and carefully water the plant with it so that the liquid does not fall on the roots, but on the walls of the pot. Geranium does not need spraying.

Pelargonium is susceptible to a number of diseases, so plants should be regularly inspected for the appearance of characteristic features. It can be yellowed leaves, reddened leaves, mold gray color or falling leaves. Usually the cause of such phenomena is too low a temperature in the room or an excess of moisture. The most dangerous disease for geraniums (especially for young shoots) is called the "black leg". In this case, the base of the stem begins to darken in the plant - unfortunately, radical methods there is no fight against this phenomenon, so infected specimens will have to be destroyed.

Propagation of garden geraniums

When choosing a place to grow garden geraniums, it is very important to consider the characteristics of the variety. Most plants prefer sunny or semi-shaded places, but there are some that can only grow near bodies of water. So, in dry, sunny places, red-brown, Georgian and large-flowered species grow well, in the shade - Balkan pelargonium, in wet and shaded areas - Himalayan, marsh and meadow. The soil should be slightly acidic or neutral and sufficiently fertile.

Multiply garden geranium can be both seeds and vegetatively. The first is quite laborious; in addition, in this case, the varietal characteristics of the plant are not always preserved. In addition, it is quite difficult to collect seeds, and some species do not form them at all. So that the seeds do not scatter around the site, experienced gardeners arrive in the following way: they make small canvas bags into which the unripe fruits of the plant are placed, and they are well fixed - if the fruit bursts, the seeds will be in a kind of trap. It should also be borne in mind that plants that are propagated using seeds bloom only the next year.

To plant geraniums, seedlings can be grown from seeds in the same way as in the case of room geranium, then transplant them into open ground, or simply sow them into peat-fertilized soil.

It is important that the landing site is large enough, as geraniums tend to grow strongly. It is also worth considering that heat-loving plant varieties do not like direct sunlight (they can severely burn the leaves), so a lacy shade is best for them - for example, under the crowns of trees. Planting sprouts or sowing seeds is best in spring or late summer.

garden geranium care

The rules for caring for garden pelargonium are quite simple, and are as follows:

Diseases and pests

Pelargonium is practically not damaged by pests, since strong aroma its leaves repel insects. The only exception is spider mite, which can be eliminated with soap solution or an insecticide. As for diseases, most often they appear if the geranium grows in cold, too humid places. The most common plant diseases include:

Beautiful geranium - easy to care for, unpretentious plant that will appeal to both beginners and experienced florist. It can be planted on a balcony, in a garden, in flower beds or at home - in any case, its bright flowers and thick leaves will become a real decoration.

Beautiful sunny flower- geranium (pelargonium)

Video - Care for geraniums at home

Pelargonium from seeds at home can be grown not only by specialists. To decorate magnificently flowering plants window sills or house fronts, you just need to know how to grow geraniums from seeds. It is this way of reproduction that gives especially healthy and beautiful specimens.

It is not difficult to grow pelargonium from seeds, knowing the basic rules. Geranium seeds can be bought at the store, and if you propagate the kind that is already growing at home, then after the flowers have bloomed, they must be left alone so that they form fruits. Before collecting pelargonium seeds, they are allowed to fully mature. Then we collect the ripened seeds and examine them. Large specimens of dark brown color are suitable for sowing, some of them may be matte or slightly different shades, but there should be no spots.

Oblong brown seeds with depressions on the sides are covered with a very dense skin. So that it does not delay germination, planting material is specially prepared. The seeds are scraped with a knife or stroked several times on both sides with fine sandpaper, making it easier for the future sprout. Then they are soaked for several hours with warm water (some flower growers before that stand the seeds for 20-30 minutes in a solution of potassium permanganate or "Epin"), then dried.

Soil Requirements

Growing pelargonium from seeds occurs in loose nutrient soil with low acidity. Geranium grows wonderfully in breathable, moist soil that does not retain excess water. You can buy it at the store or make it yourself to avoid excessive mineralization. It may consist of sod land and peat with sand, a good mixture would be peat with perlite.

Before planting a geranium (its seeds), the earth must be disinfected. To do this, it is enough to hold it in a preheated oven for 20 minutes or pour over a hot solution of potassium permanganate. Some advise using fungicides. It is advisable to plant a day after the procedure.

To grow geraniums at home, seeds use small (no deeper than 3 cm) wide dishes with drainage holes. A layer of expanded clay is placed at the bottom, and soil is placed on top. Moisturize before planting.

Seed sowing technology

Planting geraniums with prepared seeds can be carried out all year round, but it is best to do this from February to April - so it turns out to wait for flowering sooner. You do not need to plant geraniums too often. Between the seeds, leave from 2 to 4 cm so that the roots do not intertwine. Seeds are laid out on a damp surface of the soil, slightly pressed with your fingers, sprinkled with loose soil on top (its layer should be no more than 1 cm thick). Then the surface is moistened with a spray bottle, covered with a transparent lid, glass or plastic wrap to create a greenhouse effect.

The seeds planted in this way are placed in a warm room with an air temperature of + 22 ... + 24 ° C. Illumination at this stage does not matter. Care of crops consists in airing and moistening, it is important to monitor the temperature level.

Different types of pelargonium require different time for germination. Zonal geraniums can germinate in a week, and sprouts will have to wait at least 3 weeks. Immediately after the emergence of seedlings, the film is removed, and the dishes are exposed to light.

Seedling care

Growing geraniums from seeds at home involves quite traditional care: seedlings must be kept in comfortable conditions, water and fertilize regularly. For irrigation, settled (soft and clean) water at room temperature is used. Watered with a watering can with a long spout, moistening the ground, not the plants - geraniums do not like spraying and any contact of leaves with water. They do this approximately 2 times a week, but a more accurate schedule determines the rate of drying of the top layer of the earth.

Starting from the age of two weeks of seedlings, it is recommended to feed mineral fertilizers containing potassium and phosphorus. You can sometimes water with a solution of iodine. Top dressing is carried out after 2-3 weeks simultaneously with watering.

It is important to monitor the friability of the soil: it must be carefully loosened between waterings so that the roots receive right amount air, and excess water did not accumulate.

Temperature and lighting

Geranium does not require special conditions of detention, it is satisfied with the air temperature in a wide range from +20 to +30 °C, in winter it should not fall below +10 ... +15 °C. Seedlings grown from seeds are best kept on a windowsill on the east or west side. She needs a daylight hours of at least 16 hours, but direct sunlight can burn tender leaves, so the plants will have to be slightly shaded on the south side.

In the spring, young plants are planted outside, but even there, in order for the geranium to bloom more magnificently, it is advisable to keep it in partial shade.

Pick and pinch

Growing pelargonium from seeds requires mandatory picking after the appearance of 2-3 true leaves. This is necessary for the full development of the root system. Each plant is carefully removed from the common dish and transplanted into separate pots or tall cups with a diameter of 10 cm.

The basic requirements for the soil are the same: friability, nutritional value, weak acidity.

At the bottom, a drainage layer must be arranged. Further, the plants are cared for as adults. You need to repot when the pot becomes cramped. It is better to transplant from the beginning of spring, when growth is activated.

To form a beautiful ornamental plant, it is usually recommended to pinch after every 5-8 leaves (depending on the type and variety). Need to do it with clean hands or tools, it is desirable to treat the cut point with activated (charcoal) charcoal. Pelargonium should be lush, but breathable and translucent.

Video "Growing geraniums from seeds"

From this video you will learn how to grow pelargonium from seeds yourself.

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