Why is the earth in a flower pot covered with white bloom and mold? Partial replacement of soil for indoor plants Why loosen the soil in flower pots.

Olga Duda
Synopsis of the GCD "Care for indoor plants and their first feeding"

Integration of educational regions: work, safety, communication, socialization, reading fiction, health, physical culture

Software content.

To form in children an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bmethods plant care and their sequence.

Clarify preschoolers' knowledge of names indoor plants in accordance with the requirements of the program.

To work out the method of loosening that is not sufficiently mastered by children.

Introduce children to a new species plant care - fertilizer(top dressing) soil, inform some rules for fertilizing (water solution fertilizer once a week after watering, the amount solution depends on the size of the plant).

Continue to educate preschoolers cognitive interest in plants desire to observe and care for them.

Enter into children's dictionary the words: fertilizer, top dressing.

Preparation for directly educational activities

The teacher, together with the attendants, places on the tables plants(for each child; for large plants will look after two or three children, prepares equipment for care(aprons, oilcloths, sticks for loosening, rags, bowls of water, spray guns, scissors, watering cans). A basin and a large watering can are placed near the tables. On the teacher's desk is a bottle of solution fertilizers and cups with solution, full and filled to half (covered with a napkin).

The course of directly educational activities

I. Organizational moment.

The teacher invites the children to the tables, which are placed indoor plants and everything to care for them.

Guys, guess riddle:

And drink and breathe

But he doesn't walk.

The kids guess it's plant.

II. Conversation about indoor plants.

How did you guess that this plant? What parts does plants?

The teacher exposes models on the magnetic board that characterize the main parts plants: root, stem, leaf, bud, flower. Children name these parts.

Guys, with what parts plant drinks? (root - watering, leaf - spraying) A breathes plant with what parts? (leaf, root)

Look, children

In our group on the window

In the green in the country

In painted pots

The flowers have grown.

What kind plants you know? Let's play. I will ask questions about plants and you answer.

Which plants biggest leaves? And the smallest ones? Which of our plant blooms in winter? Which plants the tip of the young leaf is wrapped like a snail? (At the fern) What is the name of plant, which smells not only flowers, but also leaves? (Geranium)(And other questions, subject to availability plants in a group according to program requirements)

Children call houseplants.

Well done boys! Do you like our plants? To the plants were beautiful people need to take care of them. How to care for indoor plants?

(Plants are being watered, sprayed, large leaves are wiped with a damp cloth, dust is brushed off the fluffy leaves with a brush, the earth is loosened in pots).

Children, today we will take care of indoor plants. Examine them carefully and tell me which plants need watering? What are their names?

The teacher explains how to determine what plant needs watering(you can touch it with your fingers - the earth is dry or wet).

What is the name of plants that need to be washed?

Which of them require spraying?

Which flowers need to loosen the ground in pots?

Physical culture pause "Flowers". Development of general motor skills, creative imagination.

The teacher invites the children to stand so as not to interfere with each other.

Squat down and imagine that you are little flowers. The flower to which I will approach and which "poly" from the watering can, will start « grow» - Slowly rise and pull your arms up.

The teacher approaches each of the children in turn. Children slowly rise and stretch their hands up.

The sun shines on the leaves. The leaves reach for the sun. Like this.

The teacher shows how to rotate the palms of the outstretched arms. Children repeat the movements.

Show what happens if you do not water the flowers in time. They will droop. Like this.

The teacher shows how to relax and drop your hands down.

Guys, before you start work, please put on aprons.

Pay attention to the inventory that we have prepared with the attendants. What do we have?

Children call (watering cans, sticks for loosening, oilcloths, rags, bowls of water, spray guns, brushes, scissors).

Now please choose plant that you will be caring for, transfer it to a separate table (large plants the teacher transfers, inspect it again carefully, take the necessary equipment and place it on your desk.

III. Labor by houseplant care.

Guys, because everyone plants require loosening the earth in pots, I suggest loosening the earth first. Tell me why you need to loosen the earth? (So ​​that the water can pass well and that the roots can breathe)

How to loosen the earth in flower pots? Why chopsticks? (so as not to hurt the roots)

How to properly loosen? Show me Alena.

The child completes the task, the teacher holds the pot obliquely so that all children can see.

Alena is doing the right thing? That's right, closer to the stem it loosens shallowly, and further from the stem - a little deeper.

Children, loosen the earth and you are in your pots plants.

The teacher monitors the correctness and accuracy of the assignment.

Guys, how should I wash plants? (Large leaves are wiped with a damp cloth, plants with small leaves put in a basin, cover the ground with oilcloth so as not to wash it out and water it from a large watering can)

Guys, many plants love moisture, since their homeland is the humid jungle. Therefore, they must often be sprayed with water from a spray bottle, because we wash plants only once a week. But not all plants can be sprayed. Remember what plants can not be sprayed? (Plants, on the leaves of which there are villi)

Name these plants. (Violet, geranium) How to clean the dust from the leaves of these plants? (Gently brush off the dust with a brush)

Children, take a good look at your plants, choose the right way to clean the leaves from dust and get to work.

Children perform the task, the teacher monitors the correctness of its implementation, helps, tells the children the sequence of actions.

Guys, have you noticed any changes in the appearance of our plants? (Geranium has new leaves, balsam has buds)

Spring begins, it became much lighter, our plants grow faster. In order for them to grow and bloom better, they need to be fertilized, feed. There is a special fertilizer for this. (shows to children). It is sold in flower shops. Plants are fed once a week after watering solution fertilizer is better absorbed into the soil.

There are cups on my table. fertilizer solution: some cups are full, others solution half filled glass. If a plant large - you need to take a full glass if smaller plant, then you need a glass in which half is poured solution.

Think about which cup you need to take and pour fertilizer over yours. plant.

The teacher controls the activities of the children, helps them with advice, notes those who have successfully completed the task.

Well done boys. Now clean up your jobs, eh take the plants there where they stood at the beginning of the lesson. (The teacher helps the children)

IV. Summary of the lesson.

Children, what have we learned today? (feed the plants)

What are they for? feed(fertilize? (So ​​that they grow and bloom better)

What kind of soil should fertilizer fall on - dry or wet? (On damp, wet soil, fertilize after watering)

How much fertilizer should be poured into a pot with plant? (Pour half a glass or a whole glass depending on the size plants)

today you fed the plants, and then this work will be performed by duty officers once a week. Now you all have to watch plants to see the changes in them after top dressing. At home, tell your moms what you learned today. Take care of at home plants as well like in kindergarten.

How to properly care for indoor plants

Target: familiarity with the rules for caring for indoor plants
To instill an interest in floriculture.
Introduce children to the rules for caring for indoor plants.
Description: This material can be used by elementary school teachers, teachers of preschool or additional education in lessons and classes.

The life of indoor plants is completely dependent on care. Heat, light, water, nutrition, fresh air… This is not a complete list of their needs. Here are some tips that will help you organize the care of indoor plants.

How to water indoor plants.

Determine the need for watering by clicking on the pot. A pot with dry soil makes a ringing sound, with wet soil it makes a dull sound. Check the ground to the touch - it should be slightly damp, not sticking to your fingers.
Water with soft water (the most useful for irrigation is rain and melted snow water) at room temperature or 2-3 degrees higher.
If using tap water, let it sit overnight.
Water every 1-2 days in spring and summer. Watering is done in the evening, in extreme heat and in the morning, and in autumn and winter - only in the morning. Water the plant more abundantly in summer than in winter.
When watering, give the plant enough water to soak the entire earthen ball. It is harmful to water the plants often and little by little: the water does not wet the entire earthen coma, and the roots in the depths of the pot remain dry.
Pour water into the pot in several steps until it pours into the pan. If after that it is not absorbed within an hour, then it must be drained.
In a dark and dry room, water more often than in a cool and damp one.
Make sure that when watering, the spout of the watering can touches the edge of the pot, do not pour water with a strong stream.
Water plants in a small pot more often than in a large one.
Water flowering plants more often than non-flowering ones.
Plants that have suffered from extreme dryness or excessive watering should be watered little by little to restore the root system.
Plants with drooping leaves (gloxinia, saintpaulia, primrose) water very carefully so that drops of water do not fall on the leaves, and do not spray them.
Drought-resistant plants (aloe, agaves, cacti) water less often than balsam, begonia, arum, monstera.
Immerse a pot with cyperus, calla, azalea for better growth in water.
Water cyclamen only in the pan.
Don't flood the plants. Roots need not only water, but also air. Constantly waterlogged soil for most plants is detrimental.

How to provide indoor plants with light.

Light-loving plants keep on the window or near it.
Place shade-tolerant plants some distance from windows.
In winter, move the plants as close to the window as possible so that the leaves get more light.
Don't move plants from a shady spot directly to a sunny window sill or outdoors, accustom it to brighter light gradually.
Shade the plants from the midday summer sun, from which young leaves will suffer first of all.
Beautifully flowering plants are especially demanding on light; direct sunlight is needed for blooming flowers.

How to provide indoor plants with fresh air.

Ventilate without drafts. Tropical plants are especially afraid of them. Do not place them between an open window and a door.
So that air and moisture would be like the roots, the earth in the flower pot was loosened with a wooden stick with a blunt end so as not to damage the roots. The frequency of loosening depends on the quality of the soil: clay loosened more often than sandy.
The soil was loosened only when wet. If it is dry, the roots can be damaged. Do not loosen the earth immediately after watering - it will stick to the stick.

How to maintain the required humidity.

In winter, many plants suffer from dry indoor air. The exception is cacti.
To increase air humidity between plants, place containers of water, use double pots or a pebble tray. An effective way to humidify the air is spraying from a spray bottle.
Spray the plants with warm water in the morning from all sides so that their leaves are covered with a layer of small droplets and dry by night. During spraying, direct sunlight should not fall on the plant.
Spraying not only increases the humidity of the air near the plants, but also cleans the leaves from dust and red spider mite infestation.
When using a pebble tray, do not place the plants too close to each other to avoid gray rot.

How to create the necessary temperature conditions for indoor plants.

The temperature for indoor plants should be even, without drops. Falls for them are a great danger, especially in winter. The only exceptions are cacti and other succulents, which have adapted in nature to high daytime temperatures and cold nights.
Ventilate the room regularly, trying to avoid drafts. In winter, when airing, move the plants away from the window.
Insulate the windows, put a board 1-2 cm thick under the pots with plants.
Measure the temperature in different areas of the window (top, middle, bottom) and on the windowsill. Write down the evidence.
Place the plants according to their heat requirements. Those who need moderately warm air, hang in the middle of the window. Place others on the windowsill on the side or in the middle, closer or further from the glass.
Watch the development of plants. They themselves will tell you which place suits them best.

How to provide indoor plants with the necessary mineral nutrition.

Fertilizers have a beneficial effect only when all other conditions of life are favorable for plants.
From May to September, fertilize with mineral fertilizers once every two weeks.
Do not apply mineral fertilizers if the plants are sick, dormant, or just transplanted. Start fertilizing 2-3 weeks after transplanting, when the plant is well established in the new pot.
Fertilize blooming plants after the buds appear and continue to fertilize, strictly following the instructions, until the end of flowering. Actively growing, fast-growing plants, as well as abundantly flowering plants, feed more often than slow-growing ones.

Loosening the soil is one of the important agricultural practices for caring for plants. There are both opponents of loosening and its defenders. Everyone decides this issue in accordance with their views. Before taking one side or another, you need to figure out how much loosening is necessary for the proper development of plants. We will tell in the article why loosen the soil, how to do it correctly.

Why you need to loosen the soil in the garden or in flower pots

Loosening is of great benefit, allowing you to improve the structure of the soil, increase the yield. Consider all the advantages of this method of care:

Terms and methods of loosening

Loosening is carried out in the following terms:

  • before planting or sowing seeds;
  • after planting plants or sowing seeds, usually after 1-1.5 weeks for the plants to take root;
  • before and after watering, fertilizing or heavy rain, how moisture is absorbed (usually the next day);
  • loosening of row spacing is carried out as weeds and crusts appear on the soil.

The loosening technique is directly related to the types of soil, the characteristics of the planted plants, as well as the stages of their development. ". There are the following methods.

It is carried out in preparation for planting plants with powerful and long roots, especially on heavy infertile soil, often with the introduction of sand and fertilizers. Loosening is carried out to a depth of 35 cm to 50 cm. In this case, the top layer of soil is removed, the lower layers are dug up and loosened, and then the removed soil is returned to its place and is also carefully loosened.

Tip #1When deep loosening in spring, pay attention that the upper frozen layers do not fall down, at a depth they will not melt soon and will absorb the heat needed by young plants.

Loosening the subsoil

It is used in preparing the soil for planting. At the same time, the top layer of soil is thrown aside, the subsoil layer is loosened and sprinkled with the top layer located in the neighborhood, breaking all the lumps and thus loosening the entire intended area.

Please note - it is impossible to allow a gap in time between pre-planting preparatory loosening of the soil and planting seeds or seedlings, because there will be a loss of moisture from the top layer.

Fine loosening of the surface crust

It is used to improve gas exchange and destroy the crust. In spring, deeper loosening is carried out - 7-10 cm, and in summer it is shallower (3-6) so that the earth does not dry out. Carefully loosen the aisles when growing plants from small seeds or with short roots, so as not to harm the plantings.

Heavy soils need to be loosened frequently, while light soils can be worked less frequently. It is believed that each timely loosening is similar to two full-fledged irrigations, since it retains soil moisture.

Soil loosening tools and equipment

There are a variety of devices for tillage by loosening: manual, mechanical, electric. Please note that they are comfortable, ergonomic, reliable, made of durable material, such as special tool steel.

Tip #2 It is advisable to purchase hand rippers with bright colored handles so that they are clearly visible on the soil if they are accidentally forgotten.

For loosening, the following tools are used:

  • Hoe;
  • Rake;
  • flat cutter;
  • Manual rippers;
  • garden forks;
  • Baking shovel;
  • Rotary hoes;
  • Cultivators manual, electric and mechanical;
  • Harrows of various configurations.

Tools for work are selected, focusing on the required capture depth and row spacing. The soil should dry out from moisture and dew, so the best time to work is the beginning of the day, when there is no strong heat.

Tools are selected depending on the depth of loosening and the width of the rows, the soil must dry out from moisture

The earth is well loosened, removing the crust, and leveled. With deeper loosening, no large lumps and lumps of earth should remain on the surface, they are carefully broken, the soil is also leveled. Heavy soil is easier to loosen with a flat cutter.

Tip #3The earth should not stick to the tool when loosening, you should wait until the moisture is better absorbed.

Features of loosening the soil when growing vegetables

Loosening is necessary for any type of plant. It is not always used only in those places that are covered with a layer of mulching material. The depth of loosening, first of all, depends on the depth of the roots and their placement.

Rules for loosening beds with vegetables

The loosening depth (in cm) for vegetables is shown in the table:

Loosening the earth near berry bushes

The depth of loosening of the cultivated soil in the rows of shrubs is 4-8 cm, depending on the length and location of the roots, and 10-15 cm in the row-spacing. It is carried out after rains, when weeds appear, several times a season.

Loosening the trunk circles of currants, gooseberries is carried out carefully and shallowly (3-4 cm), since the roots are near the surface. Regular loosening causes them to sink into the underlying layers of the soil.

Trunk circles of trees

Unmulched circles under the trees need loosening, which is carried out up to 3-6 times per season, a depth of 7-15 cm (depending on the occurrence of the roots). Heavy soil is loosened more often, and in dry weather - after each rain to retain moisture.

Trunk circles can be loosened with a hoe

Loosening and mulching grapes

  • The first loosening by 10-14 cm is carried out after the shoots are tied up, then the soil is mulched.
  • In the future, over the summer, several loosenings are carried out during the compaction of the earth.

A garden fork is used, piercing the mulch layer, however, without turning the soil layer. If roofing material or film is used as mulch, the material is moved aside for the time of loosening. If the mulch layer is thick - up to 10-12 cm, loosening can be omitted.

Loosening flower beds with flowers and perennials

Perennials need to loosen the soil from early spring, when it only thaws and dries a little. Spend it until such time, until the plants in a row close. Plants with long roots and perennials are loosened by 7-12 cm, with small roots and annuals - by 3-6 cm.

Tip #4 By autumn, many perennials form a large number of surface roots, so as not to damage them, it is better not to loosen the soil, but to mulch it.

Caring for potted plants

In all potted plants, it is necessary to loosen the upper layers of the earth after watering, when the earth shakes (usually the next day). Depth - no more than 1-1.5 cm. Use special hand tools or an ordinary table fork. Loosening is carried out carefully, mainly at the wall of the container, so as not to disturb the root system.

Loosening in the greenhouse is carried out every 1.5-2 weeks, starting a week after planting the seedlings, and the ground is also slightly loosened, hilling the plants if necessary after each watering. In terms of loosening depth, they follow basically the same rules as when growing vegetables in open ground.

Answers to current questions

Question number 1. What is more correct - to loosen or mulch plantings?

Both methods are equally applicable for the full care of plants, and have their pros and cons.

Question number 2. Is it possible to deal with the soil crust before germination by other methods than loosening and mulching?

If there is water on the site, it is possible to water the beds with sprinkling with a fine spray before emergence of seedlings, preventing the crust from drying out. And after germination, carry out fine loosening.

Question number 3. How to loosen beds with carrots, it takes a very long time to sprout, and when loosening, crops can be damaged?

For beds with tight seeds, there is a rule of processing "blindly". When planting, more fast-growing seeds are mixed with such seeds - radish, lettuce, radish. They represent rows. Loosening and weeding can be carried out, focusing on these "beacons".

Question number 4. Do I need to loosen the soil under the mulch?

This depends on the type of mulching material used and the condition of the soil. Under the mulch, a crust does not form, but if the soil is still compacted, then it should be loosened or pierced with a pitchfork.

Gardener's review of loosening

On my small plot I grow various vegetables, herbs, there is a little bit of everything. I always believed that loosening is a very important element of care, like watering. Without it, the earth is quickly compacted, becomes like a stone, and the plants wither, develop poorly. Therefore, I immediately made it a rule for myself - not to start the beds and loosen them after precipitation and watering so that a crust does not form.

Here, too, there are some tricks - you must definitely wait for the soil to dry out, but not dry out completely. Then start loosening it. With regular care, moisture is well preserved and watering will already be required much less. I like to work with such a tool as a flat cutter, but this, of course, is a personal choice for everyone.

Different vegetables require different attitudes. For example, beds with tomatoes, cucumbers, cabbage at the very beginning of plant development can be loosened deeper, and then, as they grow, you will have to reduce the depth and move away from the stem so as not to damage the roots. And the root crops, on the contrary, are first loosened by 3-5 cm, and then we increase the depth as they grow. Such simple rules help keep the soil in a loose state, and the plants grow better on it, and the harvest is happy! ".

How to avoid mistakes when loosening?

Mistake #1. Sometimes gardeners carry out preplant loosening of the soil, and seeds are planted in prepared beds after a few days, moisture loss occurs.

Plant seeds or seedlings immediately after pre-plant loosening of beds to preserve soil moisture.

Mistake #2. Loosening after rain is carried out too early, when the earth is not yet dry enough.

Wait until the soil is dry enough. If there is still moist soil on the tools, loosening is not carried out.

Transplanting sooner or later is necessary for all indoor plants. But in the case of giants, indoor large-sized, it is not carried out as long as possible, since this is not an easy task. And rarely, what adult plants need an annual transplant, not having time to master all the soil in pots. In years when transplantation is not carried out, it is almost always recommended to perform a mandatory procedure - a partial replacement of the soil. The topsoil is replaced both for hygiene purposes and to maintain the normal state of the substrate.

Partial soil replacement for indoor plants. © Jennifer

Partial soil replacement is a simple procedure that does not require any special skills or knowledge to replace the top layer of the substrate in pots with indoor plants.

Partial soil replacement is needed in several cases:

  1. when the plant is transplanted not annually, but with a frequency of 1 time in 2-3 years or less, instead of transplanting, the contaminated topsoil is replaced at the optimal time;
  2. for large-sized plants that are grown in concrete or stone flower beds, as well as containers that are too heavy to transport or move, replacing the transplant itself with this procedure;
  3. if the soil turns sour, polluted, covered with mold, compacted too often and the top layer needs to be replaced to ensure normal air and water permeability;
  4. if the plant is infested with pests or diseases, the lesions are severe, it has lost leaves, after treatment with fungicides or insecticides, replacing the top level of the substrate reduces the risk of a recurrence of the problem, allows you to remove contamination and sources of diseases from the substrate;
  5. if the plant's roots come out on top of the pot, but the plant has not yet filled the substrate and there is no need for transplantation (or it is not possible to carry it out), the contaminated soil is partially removed and a higher layer of earth covering the roots is added.

Replacing the top layer of the substrate is traditionally recommended to be carried out at the same time as plant transplantation, but early spring or the end of winter are by no means the only time for such a procedure. In fact, partial soil replacement can be carried out any time it is needed. If it replaces a transplant, then it’s true - from the end of February until May. But if replacement is needed to urgently improve the condition of the substrate, is associated with hygienic, preventive purposes, then it can be carried out at any time, except for winter, and preferably at the stage of active plant growth.

The classic approach to replacing the soil instead of transplanting has led to another misconception, according to which partial replacement is carried out only once a year, like the transplant itself, for young or actively growing crops. For most small plants, this is really the best option. But if we are talking about indoor giants, which are difficult or impossible to transplant at all, then the soil must be replaced at least 2 times a year. After all, the soil for these plants is not completely changed, and in order for the procedure to have even a minimal effect, it will be necessary to change the top layer of soil in a pot once every six months. In this case, the replacement is carried out in spring and autumn. When replacing the top layer for hygienic or preventive purposes, it is carried out as many times as necessary, but not more than 1 time in 3 months.

The soil in a pot with a houseplant needs to be replaced. © Nikki Tilley

How much soil can be removed and replaced is always determined individually. The maximum amount of removed substrate that can be removed from the pots is a quarter of the entire soil. But it is always better to focus on a specific plant. The golden rule for replacing topsoil in potted potted plants is to remove only contaminated soil before the plant roots begin to set. Since contact with the rhizome must be avoided (even the slightest), sometimes we are talking about a very thin layer of soil.

The procedure can only be carried out on a dry substrate. For plants that prefer stable moisture, allow the top 3-4 cm of soil to dry out. But in any case, it is undesirable to take out a wet substrate and several days should pass after watering.

There is nothing difficult in the process of replacing the top layer of the substrate. But you should be very careful and attentive, act carefully to eliminate the risk of touching the roots.

The procedure for changing the top layer of potting soil consists of several steps:

  1. The container with the plant is transferred to a flat, smooth surface covered with an insulating film on top, or a tub, container, flower girl is surrounded by film and paper so as to avoid contamination of the floor surface.
  2. Dry leaves are removed from the culture, the crown is examined, if necessary, sanitary cleaning is carried out, cutting off dry and damaged shoots.
  3. Leaves are cleaned from dust and dirt with a soft sponge or textile napkin (if possible).
  4. If the soil is compacted, a crust has formed on it, water permeability is impaired, with a fork or any convenient tool for working with indoor plants, the soil is slightly loosened without touching the roots.
  5. The soil is carefully raked first along the edge of the pot or container, carefully removing a few centimeters of soil around the circumference or perimeter of the container.
  6. Having removed the substrate from the edge, they carefully move towards the shoots of the plant, deep into the pot. First, all visible contaminated areas are removed, and then all available soil, which can be removed without touching the roots.
  7. After removing all the soil, a fresh substrate is poured on top, suitable for this plant. The soil level in pots and containers is left unchanged, except when the roots of the plant were bare from above: for this procedure, the roots are covered with a substrate so that at least 5 mm of soil layer is formed on top (optimally - 1-1.5 cm).
  8. After carefully cleaning the container, removing dirt, the plants are rearranged on pallets and watered. If the soil sags heavily, it is slightly topped up.

Adding new soil to the pot after its partial replacement. © Alexis

Plants for which a topsoil change has been carried out are resumed normal care immediately. Unlike transplantation, there is no need to adapt or reduce watering, limiting top dressing (of course, if such measures are not due to the health of the green pet). For plants that compensate for the lack of transplanting in this way, stopping top dressing can lead to nutrient deficiencies. Mandatory, regular top dressing can compensate for the lack of fertility of the rest of the substrate. If the transplant has not been carried out for a very long time, then it is advisable to increase the concentration of fertilizers or add long-acting fertilizers to the freshly created layer.

To see or receive a beautiful piece of land in a dream is a harbinger of a happy family life.

Well-groomed land with beautiful gardens in a dream is a sign of great family happiness.

Land covered with greenery or moss in a dream - to money or a profitable marriage.

The barren land is dreamed of by those who face failure and bitter loss.

If you dream that the land is sown with wheat, then your hard hard work will help you get rich.

Kissing or eating the earth in a dream means humiliation and loss.

Vegetables growing on the ground are a sign of grief and trouble.

To see a fertile, black earth area means your opportunities that you miss due to laziness or weakness of character. Sometimes such a dream warns of excessive gullibility. The larger the plot of land that you see in a dream, the more wealth, joy and happiness awaits you in life.

If you dream that you are desperately digging the ground, then you should moderate your selfish appetites so that you do not regret it later.

Plowing, sowing, fertilizing, planting seeds in the ground in a dream means profit and prosperity. For those who marry, such a dream predicts a strong family and healthy children.

Wet earth turned into slurry predicts illness. If you get dirty with it, then expect shame and contention. See interpretation: slurry, dirt.

Measuring a plot of land in a dream is a sign of contention with relatives. Measuring a plot of land in a dream portends that your situation will be desperate and your loved ones will feel sorry for you. Put markings on the ground - to divorce or division.

To see the dug up earth - sometimes to a funeral. Especially if you see it under the window of your house or near the house of your loved ones.

The torn earth is dreamed of by those whose life is not arranged. Such a dream does not portend them an early well-being.

If rods, sticks, pieces of wire stick out of the ground, then expect a delay in solving your case. In addition, you have enemies who are trying in every possible way to harm you. And this dream also means that you have messed up a lot in your life. Try to correct errors if possible.

Seeing the earth from a ship in a dream is a sign of imminent success that will follow long experiences and quests.

If you see a foreign country, then soon you will be made an interesting offer related to the trip.

The earth opened up under your feet in a dream - a sign that you will collapse in business and in love. Such a dream predicts long suffering, disappointment and humiliation. See interpretation: earthquake.

Getting bogged down in marshy ground in a dream means that your business will stall. If you are lucky in a dream and you get out of the swamp, then fate will generously reward you for your hard work. See interpretation: swamp.

Seeing diggers in a dream means that enemies are waiting for your death.

Lying on the ground in a dream is a sign of the disorder of your life and the collapse of plans for the future. After such a dream, it may well be that you will lose your livelihood.

If you dream that the earth has failed before your eyes, or you see an earth failure in a dream, then your plans will fail completely, troubles or misfortunes await you. It is said that such a dream predicts good luck to those who owe money or are going on a journey, since he promises the first that they will not have to pay debts, and the other that their journey will be successful.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

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