When planting grapes, what fertilizers to apply. Fertilizers for grapes - timely help for bushes

If you are planting a grape seedling, fertilizer will be needed only at the very beginning of development. If we are talking about an adult grapevine, then in order to get good fruits, it will be necessary to fertilize it constantly. Let's figure out when the first feeding of a grape plant is needed and how to care for it in the future.

What do grapes need?

For active growth and abundant fruits, it is necessary to contain certain vitamins and microelements in the soil. Let's decide what exactly is required.

The more time passes from the moment of landing, the less useful substances remains in the ground. If fertilizing is not carried out in time, the land may become depleted, and the grapes will completely stop bearing fruit and growing.

But in this case, it is not enough just to feed the soil with a complex of vitamins; you need to know exactly what the fruits need to grow. this moment. This is why in viticulture it is so important to know what vitamins the plant needs and when to use them. So, grapes need the following microelements:

  • Nitrogen– it is necessary for normal plant growth, which is why it is most appropriate to add it at the beginning of the plant’s life – in the spring. In summer the element will lose its miraculous properties, and in autumn and winter it can be harmful to the plant. In order to deliver nitrogen to the grapes, you can use urea or ammonium nitrate.
  • Phosphorus– this element must be introduced a little later than nitrogen, as it helps the ripening of fruits and the development of inflorescences. That is why it is best to apply it in the summer.
  • Potassium– is necessary for grapes for the winter, as it accelerates the ripening of the vine and prepares the plant for winter.
  • Copper- will become a great assistant to prepare the vine for winter, such fertilizing will have a frost-resistant and drought-resistant effect.
  • Bor– such substances are necessary if the grapes are very bitter or sour. Boron will not only add sugar content, but also speed up the ripening process.
  • Zinc– will help to significantly increase the quality of fruits and, accordingly, there will be an increase in yield.

As an additional option, you can also use potassium magnesium, sulfur, etc. But, usually, the soil already contains these substances in sufficient quantities.

How to improve productivity?

We are constantly receiving letters in which amateur gardeners are worried that due to the cold summer this year there will be a poor harvest of potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers, and other vegetables. Last year we published TIPS on this matter. But unfortunately, many did not listen, but some still applied. Here is a report from our reader, we would like to recommend plant growth biostimulants that will help increase the yield by up to 50-70%.


Complex feeding

Bring in necessary elements You can add them to the soil separately or use a complex of vitamins and minerals. The main thing is to know the exact timing when it is necessary to introduce vitamins into the soil. There are many options for fertilizing grapes in stores. But sometimes only such fertilizers will not be enough for full growth. Most often, grapes also require manure. This component will improve not only the quality of the soil, but will also protect against excess moisture and stimulate growth for grapes. In addition, nitrogen becomes a conductor for microelements and vitamins. Manure supplies grapes with nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and other useful substances.

If for some reason it is impossible to use manure, you can replace it with compost, which is available in almost every household. So, in order to get compost, you need to take food waste, grass clippings, sawdust, animal droppings and organic waste. As a result, you will get compost that will be in no way inferior to regular manure.

Feeding time and dosage

As already described above, each fertilizer must be applied at a certain time, let's look at each period separately:

  1. In the spring, before opening the bushes after winter. Recipe: for 10 liters of water – 20 g of superphosphate, 10 g of ammonium nitrate and 5 g of potassium salt. This liquid should be enough for one bush. It is better to cook for each separately, so as not to make a mistake in the proportions.
  2. The previous feeding will need to be repeated a couple of weeks before flowering.
  3. Before the ripening process, the soil must be fed with superphosphate and potassium. Remember, at this stage, nitrogen can slow down growth and harm the plant, and therefore the solution must be prepared without it.
  4. After the bunches are collected, we must not forget about the soil; it also needs feeding. This time it's worth using potash fertilizers, in this case, your bushes will easily withstand cold and frost.

If you want to make the process more natural, then during spring procedure You can use slurry. In order for the process to be as successful as possible, distribute 1 kg of solution per 1 m2.

In order for the soil to be fully restored, it must be soaked with manure - once every three years. You can add ash, phosphate and ammonium there. So, this fertilizer must be distributed over the surface and after that everything must be carefully dug up. But remember that the feeding time strictly depends on the type of soil. If it is of the sandy loam type, then fertilizers should be applied once every two years, but if it is sandy - every year. Many people consider caring for grapes to be a very difficult task, and the plant itself is too finicky. But all he needs is timely feeding with microelements and vitamins.

Gardener secrets: delicious berries no problem

External fertilizer for grapes

Internal feeding for berries is not enough, it is necessary to use additional substances for better growth and fruit set in the future. It is worth noting that it comes rather as an addition to the root version and cannot completely replace it.

The first treatment should be carried out before the vines begin to bloom, the second occurs at the hour of the appearance of the berries, the third - at the beginning of their ripening, the fourth - after they become soft. also in this process It is worth knowing exactly when it is necessary to carry out processing.

It is best to choose a windless evening so that the wind cannot spread the composition to other plants. At correct implementation procedure, the fertilizer should settle in small droplets on the leaves. Later, the vitamins will be absorbed through the shoots on each leaf.

The advantage of this treatment is its relatively fast duration of action, as well as an excellent addition to root treatment. Phosphorus, nitrogen, potassium, boron, manganese, copper, zinc, etc. can be used for solutions. The time frame for such processing is limited, and therefore you should not carry out the procedure too often.
Grapes are a rather fastidious plant that requires the presence of vitamins at the right time. So, in order for the plant to grow well, bloom and bear fruit, it is necessary to constantly fertilize. First, it is necessary in the spring to accelerate growth, then in the summer - for normal flowering, in the fall - for faster ripening fruits, winter closes the processing period - for frost resistance. You can fertilize the vine in combination, so use it for the fastest results.

Natural fertilizer: wood ash

And a little about the author’s secrets

Have you ever experienced unbearable joint pain? And you know firsthand what it is:

  • inability to move easily and comfortably;
  • discomfort when going up and down stairs;
  • unpleasant crunching, clicking not of your own accord;
  • pain during or after exercise;
  • inflammation in the joints and swelling;
  • causeless and sometimes unbearable aching pain in the joints...

Now answer the question: are you satisfied with this? Can such pain be tolerated? How much money have you already wasted on ineffective treatment? That's right - it's time to end this! Do you agree? That is why we decided to publish an exclusive interview with Oleg Gazmanov, in which he revealed the secrets of getting rid of joint pain, arthritis and arthrosis.

Attention, TODAY only!

Proper feeding of grapes in spring is the key to a good harvest

Grapes require basic fertilizing, which is applied every few years, and additional fertilizing, applied annually in spring and autumn.

The need and timing of fertilizing grapes in spring

Every year, when harvesting, grapes take nutrients from the soil, without which they will not be able to develop normally and bear fruit in the future. If there is a lack of necessary substances, the bush becomes vulnerable to diseases and pests, the vine does not ripen well, and the ovaries crumble.

Additional fertilizing in the spring they apply according to the scheme, focusing on the stage of grape development:

  • First, the bush is at rest (mid-April);
  • The second - two weeks before the start of flowering, when the embryos of the brushes have just appeared (mid-May);
  • The third - after fruit set (late May - early June).

The main elements that grapes need are nitrogen - for the growth of the vine and leaves, phosphorus - for flowering and ripening, and potassium - for active ovary and increasing the plant's immunity. Grapes also need: copper, magnesium, zinc, sulfur, boron, iron.

The deficiency of one or another element can be determined by the state of the grape foliage and the composition of nutrient solutions can be adjusted. The following symptoms appear when there is a shortage:

  • nitrogen - the leaves are light green, the growth of the vine is slow;
  • potassium - border along the edge of the leaf Brown;
  • phosphorus - dark green leaves with brown spots, delayed flowering;
  • iron - yellowing sheet plate, while the veins remain green;
  • sulfur - the growing points of the vine die.

To fertilize grapes in the spring, you can apply organic matter, single-component and complex fertilizers, as well as use folk recipes for nutrient solutions.

How to fertilize grapes in spring: organic and chemical products

Fertilizer for grapes must be applied at the level of the main roots - this is one of the basic rules for feeding vines. This way the nutrients will be fully absorbed and will work for the benefit of the bush. Surface feeding stimulates the growth of additional roots, which can lead to a slowdown in grape development.

Methods of fertilizing

When planting a seedling, experienced winegrowers recommend digging a pipe through which you can later water and feed the grapes. Use asbestos or plastic pipes with a diameter of 10-12 cm. They are placed at a distance of 50-80 cm from the seedling (depending on the growth vigor of the variety) and deepened by at least 40 cm.

There is another way to properly feed grapes. At a distance of 50-80 cm from the bush along its entire diameter, you need to dig a trench 40-50 cm deep. Nutrient solutions are poured into this ditch, after which it is covered with earth.

It is important to remember that before each feeding, the grapes need to be watered abundantly.

Chemical solutions for spring feeding

The basic solution for spring feeding of grapes is a solution of two tablespoons of superphosphate, one tablespoon of ammonium nitrate and a teaspoon of potassium sulfate. All components are dissolved in 10 liters of non-cold (20-25 degrees Celsius) water. This amount of solution is consumed per grape bush, poured into a pipe or groove.

The first and second feeding of grapes in the spring is carried out with the solution described above. Ammonium nitrate should be excluded from the third feeding - nitrogen at this stage of development can cause increased growth of green mass to the detriment of the formation of bunches.

To feed grape bushes in the spring, you can use complex fertilizers containing all the elements in the required proportions, such as Aquarin, Mortar, Novofert. The preparations are dissolved in water according to the instructions and applied to the soil in the manner described above.

Using organic matter for spring feeding

Grapes respond well to the application of organic fertilizers to the soil. Organic matter can be used as a basic fertilizer or in combination with mineral fertilizers. It must be remembered that organic fertilizers can be applied only before flowering begins.

Rotted manure is applied under the bush in early spring, and embedded in the soil to a depth of 25-30 cm. It improves the structure of the soil, promotes the development of microflora, saturates the plant with nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. You can replace manure with compost made from mowed grass, ash, sawdust, and plant waste.

For liquid fertilizers In spring you can use slurry. One part of the manure is poured with two parts of water in a barrel, and left for 10 days. The fermented solution is diluted with water one to six and poured into the recess around the trunk at the rate of 10 liters per bush.

Effective as a top dressing chicken droppings. It is used in the form of a liquid infusion. To prepare, a liter of dry litter is filled with water (4 liters) and left to ferment for two weeks. Immediately before application, the slurry is diluted with water, bringing the volume to 10 liters. For each bush, use 0.5-1 liter of solution.

You can completely compensate for the potassium needs of grapes with the help of ash from sunflower husks. For root feeding, an extract from ash is prepared - two liters of the substance are poured with 8 liters of water and left for a day, stirring occasionally. A liter of the finished extract is diluted with a bucket of water and applied under each bush.

Foliar feeding of grapes in spring

Outside root feeding grapes complement the root, but do not replace it. Grape leaves quickly absorb micro and macroelements dissolved in water. The solution for spraying is prepared from the same components as for root feeding: urea or ammonium nitrate, superphosphate, potassium sulfate, with the addition of microelements - zinc, boron, copper, etc. Before use, add 50 g of sugar to the nutritional composition to slow down its evaporation from the foliage.

Solutions can be used complex fertilizers: Master, Florovit, Biopon - they are sold in any garden store. The dosage of preparations for foliar feeding is indicated in the instructions.

Among the folk recipes for foliar feeding of grapes, a herbal infusion with the addition of ash extract is popular. To prepare it, you need to fill the barrel halfway with cut grass, fill it to the top with water, and leave it to ferment for 10-14 days. To spray, add a liter of fermented infusion and 0.5 liters of ash extract to a bucket of water.

The first spraying is carried out until the appearance flower buds(in early May), the second - after flowering (in early June). The treatment is carried out in the evening or morning hours, when there are no aggressive sunlight. To prolong the effect of the solution, the grape bushes are irrigated every day clean water. The dried solution again acquires liquid form and is well absorbed by the plant.

Bottom line

In order for the yield of the grape bush to be maximum, fertilizers must be applied according to a schedule, adhering to the recommended doses. Can be used chemicals or resort to folk recipes- the choice is yours. The main thing is to provide the grapes with sufficient nutrition for growth and abundant fruiting.

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Grape feeding - root and foliar

Correct and timely feeding of grapes can increase yield several times, make plants stronger, resistant to many diseases and unpredictable weather conditions. Large, tasty berries can indeed be grown on own plot. The owner of the vineyard will need to take care and allocate some of his own time to implement the activities.

What nutrients does the vine need?

A well-known fact - the vineyard gives bountiful harvest on good fertile and fertilized lands. Over time, the nutrient content constantly decreases and there is a need to add additional fertilizers. Without fertilization, the soil becomes depleted, and the vine develops poorly - yields decrease, resistance to frost and drought decreases.

Many novice gardeners mistakenly think that complex mineral fertilizers, applied a couple of times per season is quite enough. The need for grapes various elements modified depending on the stage of development. You can achieve success if you figure out what substances grapes require. It is also necessary to know what impact they have on certain processes. IN mandatory it is necessary to feed the vine with the following fertilizers:

nitrogen- is an indispensable element when growing green mass (shoots, leaves). It is applied mainly in early spring, on initial stages growth. In summer, the need for nitrogen-containing fertilizers decreases, and in August it is not recommended to apply it at all. In simple words, rapid growth of greenery shifts the ripening time of wood, therefore, an immature vine may die in winter. , ammonium nitrate, ammonium sulfate - the most famous and common nitrogen fertilizers for grapes;

phosphorus- necessary for proper organization metabolic process occurring in plants. A sufficient amount of phosphorus at the time of the appearance of inflorescences and the formation of berries plays an important role;

potassium- ensures the transport of nutritional compounds inside the grapes. Large accumulations are observed in the vine, shoots, and leaves. Sufficient supply of potassium to the plant increases the accumulation of cell sap and reduces the evaporation of liquid, which is especially important on dry days. The element is needed when preparing plants for winter;

in the photo - fertilizing grapes

zinc- belongs to the category of microelements, which cannot be underestimated. The lack of the substance causes a violation of fertilization of inflorescences, paralysis of the ridges of clusters, increased oxidative processes, and disorganized growth balance;

boron- responsible for the movement of sugars and carbohydrate compounds. Its deficiency leads to poor fertilization. The element does not move freely throughout the plant; deficiency can be seen at growth points (death of main shoots, big number lateral branches, shortening of internodes);

copper- ensures metabolism in the plant; as a rule, the element is contained in sufficient quantities in the soil. The deficiency is easily compensated by spraying with Bordeaux mixture.

Stages of fertilizing

The first application of fertilizers is carried out in early spring, before buds open. Take 40-50 grams of ammonium nitrate, the same amount of superphosphate, 30 g of potassium salt per adult bush, dilute it in a bucket of water and feed the plant. For good and correct distribution of the solution with access to the roots, it is necessary to dig a hole (trench) 40-50 centimeters deep at a distance of at least half a meter. Fertilizer is poured there, then the hole is filled with soil.

in the photo - fertilizers for grapes
in the photo - preparing fertilizer for feeding grapes

Besides mineral complexes in the spring, root feeding of the vine, chicken droppings or manure can be carried out. It is not difficult to dilute chicken manure; you need to pour the product into any container, let it ferment for 10-15 days, then you can use it after diluting it with water in a ratio of 1:20. Manure can be used already rotted, when embedded in the ground, and diluted liquid state(prepared in the same way as chicken manure solution).

In the second half of May, when the soil has already warmed up sufficiently, temperature regime outdoors does not fall below +8ºС, an enhanced period of formation begins vegetative organs, the first rudiments of future grapes appear. The vine is preparing for the upcoming flowering - which means it’s time to feed the plant. The timing of fertilizing grapes may shift depending on the growing zone and varietal characteristics, therefore, the breeder independently determines the specific time for introducing fertilizers.

You can feed the bushes in May and June two weeks before flowering using superphosphate and nitrogen fertilizers together with potassium salt in a ratio of 50/40/35g. Fertilizing of flowering grapes is not carried out. 3-4 days after the second application of minerals, foliar feeding of grapes before flowering is carried out on the leaf, to improve the pollination process using preparations such as Humisol, Boric acid, Zinc sulfate, Potassium chloride, Humate, Reacom-R-Grapes. They help increase productivity, resistance to diseases, drought, and enhance the formation of bunches.

in the photo - root feeding of grapes

The third feeding of grapes is carried out after flowering, when the berries are formed. Only phosphorus-potassium fertilizers are used, excluding nitrogen fertilizers. To water one bush, dilute 40-50 grams of phosphorus and potassium fertilizers per 15 liters of water. At this time, it is recommended to carry out foliar feeding with microelements (boron, manganese, cobalt, zinc and others). Take 1 tbsp per bucket of water. potassium humate, 1 teaspoon of the drug Novosil, half a tsp. iodine, manganese on the tip of a knife, 60-70 grams baking soda, ½ tablespoon of boric acid, 15-20 g of Kemira-Lux and spray with the resulting solution. In addition to microelements, it is recommended to additionally apply fungicides against pests and diseases (Ridomil Gold, Tiovit Jet).

The main stages of fertilizing are outlined above, but this does not mean that no further fertilizers need to be applied. Depending on the condition of the plantings, increase or decrease the number of feedings and their quantity. Additionally, the grapes can be fed after harvesting. Do not forget, it is advisable to combine the application of fertilizers with watering the grapes

To obtain good harvest grapes, it is not enough to plant a seed or sprout and wait for a miracle. It is necessary to carefully take care of it, care for it and feed it. To achieve this, fertilizers are used to improve the quality of fruits, enhance crop growth and restore the soil itself.

Why are they needed and what are they?

For growth and development, plants need not only water and air, but also a lot of useful substances contained in the soil. However, the minerals in the soil are restored much more slowly than we would like, and therefore after several years of actively sowing the garden bed, the gardener may encounter an unpleasant phenomenon: a shrinking harvest and poor plant growth. To restore, it is necessary to leave the beds alone for several years or use additional nutrition.

Fertilizers perform important role in all garden culture, being “vitamins” for sprouts and soil.

  1. They accelerate the growth of plants and help them grow stronger and healthier;
  2. They help improve the health of crops, help fight against diseases and pests;
  3. Thanks to fertilizers, the soil receives a large supply of micro and macroelements. Thus, it has the opportunity to recover after harvest.

All fertilizers are divided into two large groups:

  1. Organic: these include humus, manure, bird droppings, silt, humus and other substances obtained from animal products or plant origin. They are rich in vitamins and minerals, but most have little appeal in life. Unpleasant smell and composition scare off many gardeners who prefer to use more “pretty” substances.
  2. Mineral: These include substances derived from rocks or left over from industry - nitrogen, limestone, sulfur, phosphorus, potassium and calcium. They can be found at any gardening center at a low price. There are mainly three types - nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium.

It is worth noting that both groups have certain advantages and disadvantages. For example, organic fertilizers are more balanced and bring several substances into the soil at once, but at the same time, manure can contain dangerous microorganisms that can infect the soil and fruits. Besides, organic fertilizers need preparation and a large number of may cause serious harm.

Mineral ones feed the earth with only one substance, but they are easier to control, and can also be supplemented with other fertilizers, carefully monitoring the behavior of the plants. However, an excess of minerals will also not be beneficial.

Tips on how to properly fertilize and feed grapes

How to improve productivity?

We are constantly receiving letters in which amateur gardeners are worried that due to the cold summer this year there will be a poor harvest of potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers, and other vegetables. Last year we published TIPS on this matter. But unfortunately, many did not listen, but some still applied. Here is a report from our reader, we would like to recommend plant growth biostimulants that will help increase the yield by up to 50-70%.


Importance of Phosphorus

Phosphorus is important element, necessary for the health of crops, in particular grapes. It is part of RNA and DNA, is a source of energy and is involved in metabolic, reproductive and other vital functions. important processes. Without this element, it is impossible to grow a full-fledged plant: its growth and development will stop, the seeds will not be able to take shape.

Signs of a substance deficiency include:

  1. Poor development of roots, they are not able to hold the plant and feed it, the stem literally “falls out” of the soil;
  2. The plant does not grow, begins to branch, development occurs not upward, but in breadth;
  3. The leaves become smaller, dry and wither, quickly fall off, the lowest ones may become covered with spots;
  4. You can often observe a change in color: the tops and leaves become deep green color, then become dark red with a purple tint.

Any of the signs is a serious signal of problems in the plants and requires quick and decisive action. The first step is to check what is causing such troubles. Simply put: where did the phosphorus go? There are several reasons for its disappearance:

  1. Incorrect application of mineral fertilizers, due to which the plant cannot absorb it;
  2. Lack of phosphorus replenishment or weak soil: If you don't feed the soil and constantly reseed it, the nutrients have nowhere to come from;
  3. The transition of phosphorus into compounds that the plant cannot absorb.

Determining the cause will help eliminate it.

Types of phosphate fertilizers

Depending on the problem or season phosphate fertilizers applied either in the fall to restore the soil after harvesting grapes, or in the spring to prepare it as much as possible before sowing. In the second case, quickly absorbed compounds are used, otherwise they will not have time to begin to act.

  1. Superphosphate: consists of phosphorus (up to 20%), sulfur and magnesium, is available in the form of granules or fine powder, is highly soluble in water and can be used in any soil and for complementary feeding diverse cultures, for example, grapes. Positive actions include increased resistance to diseases and frost, and increased yield. 100 grams of the substance are dissolved in 10 liters of water and watered over the vines, about half a liter for each. Can be used on any soil.
  2. Double superphosphate: contains a high concentration of phosphorus, up to 40%, which is why it is usually used in the fall to restore soil. It can also be used in spring and summer for feeding, but the dose must be halved. In autumn it is sprinkled around bushes and grapes.
  3. Precipitate: is a white or gray, contains up to 35% phosphorus. It is mainly used in spring during weeding. It does not dissolve in water, so it must be sprinkled directly onto the tilled soil. Particularly effective on acidic soils and gray soils.
  4. Thomas slag: contains up to 14% phosphorus, as well as iron, aluminum, manganese, molybdenum and other substances. Does not dissolve in water. Helps reduce soil acidity, often used together with nitrogen to neutralize the acidity of the latter. Effective on acidic soil, peat bogs and sandy areas.
  5. Ammonium hydrogen phosphate or daimmophos: it is applied as a seed fertilizer for many crops. Use in liquid form, dissolved in water, or mixed with soil, adding directly to the hole before planting plants. Fertilizer can be mixed with organic options, for example, with manure, but it must be taken into account that manure requires long-term aging, and the mixture will need to be diluted with water.
  6. Ammophos: consists of nitrogen and phosphorus. Can be used for complementary feeding of a variety of crops, including grapes. You need to spend about 20-30 grams per 1 square meter on it. m of soil. Complementary feeding is done in the fall after plowing the area or in the spring a few weeks before planting.
  7. Defluorinated phosphates: they are added to chernozem, turf and podzolic soils, the phosphate content reaches 32%.
  8. Fused magnesium phosphate: contains phosphorus (20%) and magnesium, suitable for sandy and sandy loam beds.
  9. Bone meal: organic compound, supplying phosphorus. Contains up to 35% of the latter. It can also be used for garden crops, and for house plants, it is well suited for many crops. The approximate consumption of the substance is 15-25 grams per 10 kg of land. Works well on acidic soils.
  10. Thermophosphates: phosphorus content reaches 34%. Fits acidic soils and is well absorbed by plants.
  11. Red phosphorus: effective together with microfertilizers. Brings up to 23% of the substance to the beds, suitable for use on podzolic soils.

Grape feed

Grapes have long been known as a perennial crop that produces not only aesthetically beautiful fruits and bindweed, but also delicious berries. Due to the fact that it constantly grows in one place, thereby seriously depleting the soil, it needs the strongest possible bait. It is necessary that the plant has access to all nutrients, especially minerals, otherwise it may get sick and stop bearing fruit.

As a top dressing, you can use both organic fertilizers (any available to you) and mineral ones. Peat, ash, manure and bird droppings are well suited; you can choose almost any of the mineral ones: potassium, nitrogen, phosphorus and others. Can be used both complex and single.

The use of phosphorus bait depends on the type to which the fertilizer belongs:

  1. Dry mixtures are usually added in the fall to carefully dug up soil or mixed with soil during planting.
  2. The solution is watered around the vine, being careful not to get on the roots.

For adult grapes, active complementary feeding in autumn and spring is enough; it is better to feed young ones once a month until they grow. In total, several baits should go through:

  1. When planting grapes, a little phosphorus is thrown into the hole, which is enough for 3-4 years of growth. No more is required. Then, every spring, it will be enough to water the grapes with a solution of fertilizers: they are applied in early spring, before the buds appear - water the vines or sprinkle them around.
  2. 2 weeks before flowering (at the beginning of summer) a second feeding is carried out. To do this, use 50 grams of mineral fertilizers (potassium, nitrogen and phosphorus), diluted in a bucket of water. The resulting mixture is poured under one bush, and organic fertilizers are added if necessary.
  3. Exactly the same fertilizing is applied before the grapes ripen. At this time, it is especially important to add phosphorus, as it is responsible for the formation of the crop.
  4. The last time you can apply phosphorus is after the grapes have been harvested and all work has been completed.


In any case, the main thing is not to overdo it. There is no need to sprinkle the grapes with phosphorus from top to root, but you shouldn’t give up bait either. By choosing the right “portion” size, you can ensure health and longevity for the culture.

And a little about the author’s secrets

Have you ever experienced unbearable joint pain? And you know firsthand what it is:

  • inability to move easily and comfortably;
  • discomfort when going up and down stairs;
  • unpleasant crunching, clicking not of your own accord;
  • pain during or after exercise;
  • inflammation in the joints and swelling;

To get the grapes on kitchen table was tasty and large, the clusters were numerous and heavy; the bushes need to be fertilized and fed throughout the season, with early spring and before preparing for wintering. At each stage, fertilizing performs a specific function. For fruits, the period after flowering and at the time of formation of fruits and clusters is especially important. At this time, grapes require substances and microelements that can satisfy the needs for fruit formation.

Flowering - important stage in the development of the vineyard, and after it fertilizing should be carried out

Grape growers use two methods for feeding: root and foliar. Both methods can be applied after the flowering period has ended (from mid-to-late June). In order for the “support” of grapes to be as effective as possible, it is necessary to analyze in more detail all the nuances of the procedure.

General information about the need to fertilize grapes

For active and healthy growth and fruiting, grapes need a large amount of various minerals and elements throughout the entire period of life. Grape bushes especially need “help” in the first years of their life. For this reason, it is recommended to actively fertilize and feed grapes when planting or transplanting. If during planting the soil was fertilized correctly, then in the first 3-4 years the active addition of mineral and organic elements not required. Later, an adult bush, having used up the available reserves of nutrients, will need periodic feeding if you want it to be healthy, actively develop and provide constant tasty and big harvest. It is worth understanding that the larger the bush, the more nutrients and moisture it consumes to ensure normal life. That is, mature, overgrown bushes are much more in need of replenishing the depleted soil with essential mineral elements and nutrients. The level of “help” depends on many factors:

  • grape sort;
  • climatic conditions;
  • soil fertility.

It is worth understanding that even in very fertile soil and at favorable conditions grapes may lack the full required amount of microelements. Over time, the amount of nutrients in the soil decreases, which requires additional measures to ensure that the grapes continue to produce a high-quality harvest.

Grapes require a large number of different microelements, and they need them to varying degrees depending on the vegetative stage, time of year and age. To “support” the bushes they are used various ways fertilizers and top dressing depending on the above factors, as well as based on what specific substances are planned to be added. It is necessary to approach very carefully the issue of choosing the timing for feeding one or another type of microelements and fertilizers. A one-time and simultaneous introduction of all known nutrients into the soil will lead to harmful consequences and may completely destroy the plant. It is worth studying in detail the characteristics of the growth and development of grapes, to know at what time, in what substances and in what quantities the grapes especially need feeding.

The opening of grapes in the spring is accompanied by the first feeding

Time frame for the procedure:

  1. Spring. Before opening the bushes after winter, it is necessary to water the bushes with a special solution. For 1 bush, potassium salt (5 grams), superphosphate (20 grams), ammonium nitrate (10 grams) are diluted in 10 liters of water. The following solution consistencies are also offered: per bucket of water - 65 grams of nitrophosphate, 5 grams of boric acid. Often simply manure is added as an alternative. Manure, well diluted in water (optimally 2 kg of manure per 10-12 liters of liquid) is poured under the bush, next to the trunk. You can use a solution with chicken droppings (40-50 grams per bucket of water). The droppings can be allowed to ferment for up to 14 days before being diluted with water.
  2. Before the start of the flowering period. The solution is prepared in the following consistency: 8 grams of potassium magnesia, 15 grams of ammonium nitrate per bucket of water. Consumption of one bucket per 1 square meter.
  3. After flowering, before the fruits begin to ripen, the soil is fertilized with superphosphate, as well as potassium fertilizers (without adding nitrogen-containing fertilizers). For 10 liters of water there are 20 grams of minerals.
  4. After the harvest. Potassium fertilizers are added. It is very good to pour the solution with chicken droppings.

Additionally, after harvesting (in autumn), superphosphate, ammonium sulfide and ash are added to the soil during digging. The frequency depends on the quality of the soil (necessarily once every three years).

Grapes should be fertilized before flowering begins.

Why do you need feeding?

Feeding grapes is necessary for the full growth and development of grapes throughout the entire period of life.

  • In spring, fertilizing allows you to accelerate and enhance the processes of growth and development of bushes, formation and development of shoots.
  • In summer, microelements make it possible to increase the volume and size of developing inflorescences, fruits and clusters. An improvement in the quality and taste of the crop is also achieved.
  • Autumn feeding helps strengthen the plant before winter. In addition, it serves as a reserve for spring period activation of plants.

In autumn, grapes accumulate useful substances for wintering

What substances do grapes need?

  • Phosphorus. Grapes need it most of all initial period flowering, activates metabolic processes in the plant. The addition of superphosphate allows you to speed up the process of formation of inflorescences, fruit set, and bunch ripening.
  • Copper (Bordeaux mixture). Enhances shoot growth, enhances their resistance to frost and drought.
  • Zinc. Allows you to significantly increase productivity. Promotes timely and high-quality completion of grape fertilization processes.
  • Nitrogen (urea (urea), ammonium nitrate, ammonium sulfate). Responsible for the development and growth of green mass (leaves and shoots). Optimal time application - the beginning of the grape growing season (spring). Harmful at the end of summer.
  • Potassium. Helps accelerate the ripening process of vines and fruits, enhances stability in “quiet” conditions winter period, as well as during dry periods. Potassium is responsible for the quality of cell sap, which increases the ability to receive other important substances and elements, reduces fluid loss. An alternative to the harmless potassium chloride is ash (potassium, phosphorus).
  • Boron ( boric acid). A substance that allows you to influence the sugar level in fruits and accelerate their ripening, is responsible for the movement of sugars and carbohydrates. Positively affects pollen formation. Very important for fruit formation.

In addition to the above microelements, grapes also really need calcium, iron, sulfur, magnesium, etc.

The soil contains and replenishes these elements in sufficient quantities, so their addition is done quite rarely. So, to replenish iron during planting, rusty nails and tin cans are added.

A wide variety of fertilizers are used to feed grapes:

  • one-component (superphosphate, ammonium nitrate, potassium salt, potassium chloride, etc.);
  • containing several elements simultaneously (ammophos, nitrophoska);
  • complex, containing many substances in certain proportions (Novosil, Rastvorin, Aquarin, Novofert, Florovit, Kemira).

In addition to microelements, one should not lose sight of the need to add manure to the soil, that is, fertilizer organic origin. It helps restore the soil, improve its properties in terms of water permeability and aeration, and is favorable for the development of microorganisms beneficial to the roots of grapes. Manure itself is a complex product containing most of the necessary microelements in moderate concentrations.

As an alternative or addition to manure, winegrowers actively use compost containing food waste, tops, droppings, manure, grass clippings, wood ash and other organic waste. You cannot use organic remains of the grapes themselves (bark, foliage).

Urea is applied in spring and early summer

Foliar feeding after flowering

In addition to the root method of fertilizers, fertilizing through leaves is often used as a means of replenishing plants with some useful substances. The leaves perfectly absorb soluble microelements along with moisture. Since the leaves very quickly absorb moisture and the substances they contain, they quickly enter the plant and begin to have a fruitful effect almost immediately; after a few days the effect is clearly observed. Speed ​​is the main advantage of foliar feeding. With the foliar method, almost everything nutrients are absorbed into the plant, which cannot be achieved by fertilizing the soil. Such features allow you to seriously save on the consumption of nutrients. Foliar feeding It is used several times a season: before the formation of flowers, after flowering, when the fruits ripen. This method allows you to solve several very important problems:

  • Strengthen plants before winter.
  • Prevents flowers from falling off.
  • Enlarge the ovaries.

An important requirement when preparing a solution for spraying grapes after flowering is not to add nitrogen-containing fertilizers. The solution is prepared in the following consistency: ash, phosphorus fertilizers, water. Many winegrowers recommend using the following composition: for 12 liters, take 1 tablespoon of potassium humate, 1 teaspoon of Novosil, 0.5 teaspoon of iodine, crystalline manganese on the tip of a knife, 5 grams of baking soda, 0.5 tablespoon of boric acid, 15 -20 grams of the drug Kemira-Lux.

As a solution, in addition to the huge variety industrial types, sold in stores, use ash diluted in water, mixed with a fermented infusion of various herbs.

Spraying is carried out using special sprayers. But many winegrowers (especially beginners), in the absence of such, use improvised means (buckets, jars, syringes, etc.). The spraying procedure is carried out in clear, windless weather in the morning or evening. In cloudy weather, you can do activities during the day, the main thing is that the plant does not get sunburned.

Ash mixed with a solution of herbs is an excellent fertilizer

Feeding after flowering

To fertilize the bushes after flowering you will need:

  • Shovel.
  • Bucket.
  • Chemical fertilizers: nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus, boric acid, ammonium nitrate, fungicide, superphosphate.
  • Manure, chicken droppings, water, ash.

Fertilizing of grapes is carried out by sequentially performing the following activities:

  • It is necessary to dig small depressions around the bushes (depth up to 40 cm). The distance from the trunk should not be less than 50 cm; experienced winegrowers determine the size and distance depending on the age of the grapes and their size. Often the recess is made in the form of a continuous trench around the circumference of the bush.
  • Often prepared for feeding special pipe(diameter 12-15 mm), which goes 0.5 meters into the ground while preparing the hole and planting bushes. 10-15 cm of pipe is left on the surface, which is positioned vertically with some deviation of the lower end towards the center of the recess, that is, towards the roots of the grapes. They pour into it necessary fertilizers with root feeding. But this method is not always effective; with an overgrown root system, it is better to use methods of adding fertilizers to additional recesses.
  • The fertilizer used is added to the prepared hole and thoroughly spilled with water. Fertilizing should be combined with watering in sufficient quantities. Moisture increases the efficiency of absorption of dissolved microelements by the root system.

For maximum effect It is recommended to use a comprehensive feeding method after the grapes bloom. It must combine both foliar and root methods. If the concentrations are maintained, making the right choice microelements and fertilizers, compliance with the requirements of the procedures themselves, the grapes will become stronger and will delight you with a large and tasty harvest. Do not forget about “supporting” the grapes at other times: before flowering and after harvest. Everything should be complete, balanced and balanced.

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