Planting calendar for August of the year. History of selection of the best varieties and hybrids of petunia

As of date 01.08.2017 V 12:00 The moon is in phase "Waxing Moon". This 9 lunar day in the lunar calendar. Moon in zodiac sign Scorpio ♏. Illumination percentage Moon is 67%. Sunrise Moon at 15:18, and sunset V --:--.

Chronology of lunar days

  • 9th lunar day from 14:12 07/31/2017 to 15:18 08/01/2017
  • 10th lunar day from 15:18 08/01/2017 until the next day

The influence of the Moon on planting and caring for plants according to the lunar calendar of the gardener and gardener August 1, 2017

Moon in the zodiac sign Scorpio (+)

Moon in a sign Scorpion. it is a fertile sign, second in fertility after Cancer. When sown and planted under this sign, plants quickly sprout and develop a strong stem and powerful root system.

Gives bountiful harvest, which is well stored, large fruits with a pronounced taste and smell. There are many seeds, they high quality and are stored normally.

The plants are quite hardy, resistant to diseases, but susceptible to infection that penetrates through open wounds.

Favorable in Scorpio:

  • soaking seeds;
  • sowing, planting seedlings for long-term storage and seeds;
  • the sign of Scorpio gives resistance to diseases of annual, perennial, bulbous plants, vegetable and pumpkin (melon, zucchini, cucumbers, squash, pumpkin), root vegetables (carrots, parsley, radishes, beets, celery), potatoes, and especially nightshades (eggplant, peppers, tomatoes);
  • sowing and planting spicy, floral, medicinal herbs and plants, especially those with stings, thorns, spines or sharp leaves and fruits, as well as climbing ones, climbing plants and grains;
  • grafting, watering, fertilizing with organic and mineral fertilizers.


  • weeding, plowing, loosening, spraying and fumigation against pests and diseases;
  • mowing lawns, because the grass will grow back slowly;
  • laying compost;
  • cleaning for long-term storage of tops;
  • harvesting leaves medicinal plants;
  • procurement of grown products for future use: canning, pickling, pickling cabbage, drying, preparing juices and wine.

It is possible to sow and plant crops in Scorpio:

  • vegetable: peanuts, eggplants, melons, legumes, daikon, zucchini, cabbage (white, kohlrabi, red, cauliflower), potatoes, onions (bamboo, lettuce, leek, chives), chard, carrots, cucumbers, parsnips, squash, peppers ( sweet and bitter), radish, radish, beets, tomato, Jerusalem artichoke, pumpkin, garlic;
  • spicy greens: artichoke, basil, mustard, coriander, watercress, mint, parsley, celery, dill, horseradish, chicory, spinach;
  • fruits and berries: apricot, grapes, cherry, pear, strawberry, raspberry, gooseberry, peach, plum, currant, apple tree;
  • field: corn, alfalfa, oats, wheat, rye, sorghum, sunflower, barley;
  • flowers: dahlia, gladiolus, hyacinth, iris, crocuses, lilies;
  • indoor plants: cap-shaped aloe, whip-shaped aporocactus, Sylvester's ginurahamecerius, spiny horned grass, dragon tree, snow-white datura, desert cacti, Berger's prickly pear, variegated stapelia, oleander, Faucaria, Peruvian cereus, Gruson's echinocactus.

Not favorable in Scorpio:

  • transplants, root division, propagation of bulbous and corm plants, because possible rotting of the root system;
  • pruning, otherwise disinfection of wounds is necessary;
  • digging up potatoes, they will be watery and will turn dark during storage bad taste;
  • bakery.

9 lunar day (+)

August 1, 2017 at 12:00 - 9 lunar day. characterized by vigorous plant growth. All juices move from the roots to the stem, filling with juices, vitality and plant energy. This is a favorable day for all gardening work.

  • processing, loosening the soil, planting and replanting crops that produce above-ground fruits;
  • fertilizing and grafting of plants;
  • pruning, cuttings, preparation for rooting and rooting of strawberry mustaches;
  • pinching and picking plants, thinning seedlings and collecting seeds (seeds collected on this day will give vigorous shoots and excellent harvest);
  • watering and fertilizing with mineral fertilizers;
  • fruit collection.
  • trim fruit trees, since pruning on this day can lead to their death.

Waxing Moon (+)

The moon is in phase Waxing Moon. circulation vitality and plant juices, the activity of the biofield is directed from the roots upward, from the center to the periphery. This is the period of most intensive development aboveground parts plants.

The seed planted at this time receives a program for more active growth upward, intensive development of above-ground biomass. By pruning plants during this period, we awaken dormant buds and new shoots quickly grow from them. It is important to know the measure when pruning, otherwise the plant may bleed juice and die.

On the waxing Moon it is favorable:

  • sowing, planting and replanting green, leafy, fruit and melons;
  • planting and replanting fruit trees, berry bushes and strawberries;
  • tillage, watering and mineral supplements, rooting cuttings;
  • graft.

It is not favorable on the waxing Moon:

  • Budding. At this time, the roots react little to damage, but the survival rate and vitality of the root system are reduced, so plants planted and replanted during this period must be constantly monitored.

Influence of the day of the week (+)

Day of the week - Tuesday, this day is under the protection of Mars, so it is full of energy. Good luck awaits strong, strong-willed people in whom energy is in full swing.

If you develop vigorous activity on this day, success awaits you. However, on Tuesday it can be difficult to concentrate and choose the right path to solve problems. But if you have thought about everything in advance, then go ahead, without a shadow of a doubt!

This is the right day for heavy work in the garden and garden. The energy you expended will be easily and quickly restored, and the plants will thank you.

23.07.2017 10 676

Lunar sowing calendar for August 2017 for gardeners and gardeners

Summer is ending, but for summer residents, the lunar sowing calendar for August 2017 gardener and gardener is still relevant, because you need to know when to remove onions, garlic from the garden, pumpkin, pick apples, raspberries, dig in potatoes, and also make preparations for the winter, so that they are well stored and do not spoil. Many will be interested in when it is possible to re-sow greens and other crops for autumn and winter cultivation, so as not to make mistakes and complete the work on time, read the article carefully...

When is the best time to harvest in August according to the lunar calendar?

The most important task of owners of personal plots in the last summer month - August - is not to miss the moment when many crops ripen, and to harvest on time. The lunar sowing calendar for August 2017 tells us that it is better to harvest on August 1, 2, 5, 13, 15–18, 27–30. In addition, attention should be paid to preparing planting material for next year.

At the very beginning of the month, attention should be paid to such a procedure as sowing greenery for autumn harvest. In this case we are talking about planting lettuce, dill, etc. The first days are the ideal time to plant tomatoes and form vines of cucumbers.

In the garden it is the right time for planting cuttings of perennials. Days from 4 to 6 can be devoted to pinching apple trees, pears and others garden trees and bushes. This is a good time to plant garden strawberry bushes.

On August 7, the Full Moon, according to the lunar calendar, working in the garden is not recommended.
We will also tell you when to dig potatoes according to the lunar calendar. Lucky days are the numbers from 8th to 10th. During the same period, it is recommended to harvest onions, sow parsley, plant ornamental plants- peonies, lilies. For those who prefer greenhouse conditions, time to sow cucumbers in the greenhouse.

According to the lunar calendar, it is best to dig up root crops on the 14th and 15th. On these days it is worth starting sowing winter variety radishes. During this period, take time to feed the plants with organic matter. The lunar sowing calendar for August 2017 recommends planting perennials in flower beds and cultivating them garden plants from pests and diseases.

It is better to devote three days - from August 16 to 19 - to such a task as harvesting garden trees. This is a good time to sow deciduous plants decorative look.

The 20th, 21st and 22nd of August are unlucky days for working in the garden. August 21 – New Moon. This day and the two neighboring ones are unlucky for gardening - the Moon in this phase affects plants negative impact.

harvesting according to the lunar calendar - in the photo

It is recommended to devote the last ten days of August, starting from the 23rd, to vigorous activity in your personal plot. An excellent time to harvest beets according to the lunar calendar, carrots and other root vegetables. A good period for replanting perennials and preparing soil for berry bushes, such as raspberries. The end of the month is suitable for processing cultivated plants from insects and infections, feeding them for a successful winter.

Don't forget that the last month of summer is the ideal time to prepare for the winter. At this time, good housewives make, place, and prepare fruits for future use. It’s not in vain that you have been working on your plot since the first days of spring.

Favorable landing days and calendar for August 2017

Every month has favorable and unfavorable favorable days for carrying out gardening work. Thus, unfavorable days in August 2017 for work on the site are August 6–8 (Full Moon day) and the period from August 20 to 22 (New Moon day 21). During these days, any activity in the garden should be stopped, since the night light in these phases has a very negative effect on plants, shrubs and trees.

As for successful days for harvesting and other manipulations with it, study favorable days in August 2017 using the following table:

table of favorable days in August - in the photo

For fruit and berry crops August also has its own favorable days:

favorable gardening days in August - pictured

The lunar sowing calendar for August 2017 will tell inexperienced plot owners when it is best to feed plants and what fertilizers should be used, when to properly prune bushes, lay compost and perform other agricultural work:

  • organic fertilizers are best applied in the following numbers: 9–10, 13–14, 17–18;
  • For mineral fertilizers favorable days: 4–5, 26–27, 31;
  • digging, loosening the soil and performing other actions with it is optimal on August 8, 11–12, 15–16, 19–20;
  • Favorable days for spreading compost: 17–18;
  • It is better to prune branches from August 11 to August 19;
  • Assign pest control to the numbers: 16, 19–20;
  • It is optimal to water the plants on days such as: 9–10, 17–18, 26–27;
  • It will be correct to graft cuttings on August 4–5, 26–27, 31;
  • For thinning plants, it is better to choose the 16th, 19th and 20th days of August.

Lunar sowing calendar for August 2017

Lunar sowing calendar for August - pictured

When to collect medicinal herbs according to the calendar?

August is an intermediate month in such a matter as the preparation of medicinal herbs. It is in this summer month that the collection of herbs, stems and inflorescences ends (which is typical summer period), and the supply of roots, fruits and seeds begins, where useful substances have accumulated closer to autumn.

As a rule, it’s not too late to take the time to collect herbs such as lingonberries, capitol, oregano, incredibly useful St. John's wort, sweet clover, wormwood, medicinal chamomile, indispensable for colds, celandine and others.

August is an intermediate month for medicinal herbs such as immortelle, valerian, elecampane, cinquefoil erecta, dandelion, etc.

The collection of such medicinal herbs as horse chestnut, hops, rowan and hawthorn fruits, viburnum, etc. These same plants continue to be collected with the onset of autumn.

The list of plants that should be collected exclusively in August is not at all rich. In this case we are talking about common anise, caraway seeds, meadow greenweed and eryngium.

When procuring medicinal plants in August, experts recommend adhering to the following simple rules:

➤ It’s better to do the collection two days after the full moon. People who know a lot about plants claim that it is during this period that they have special healing powers;

➤ plants should only be collected on a sunny, non-rainy day; otherwise, they should be stored long term they won't. This must be done after the morning dew has disappeared;

➤ for collection, you should select only healthy fruits or other parts without mechanical or pathogenic damage;

➤ Do not harvest herbs growing near an industrial area.

Hello, my dear readers!

For those of you who adhere to the recommendations of the lunar sowing calendar and plan your work at the dacha in accordance with the phases of the Moon, its location in various signs of the Zodiac and other factors of its influence on plants, I suggest that you first familiarize yourself with. Recommendations of the lunar sowing calendar for each day, features of the influence of the Moon on plants for each date can be found in the right column of our blog.

August is the end of summer. Decreasing average daily temperature air, the days are becoming much shorter, the nights are already cool - this is how you can briefly characterize the features of the last summer month. I am writing these lines with slight sadness and sadness, because unnoticed in dacha worries The first two summer months flew by and bustle. And you always don’t want to part with the long-awaited and so desired summer.

But from the lyrics let’s move on to the prose of our dacha problems and concerns in August, which by no means closes the dacha season, but marks a new qualitative step in the development of everything flora on our backyard. In August, we begin to receive significant returns in the form of rich harvests from vegetable and fruit crops, which needs to be collected in a timely manner, stored, and planned.

It is only difficult for an uninitiated person to understand from the outside, what else can you do in the garden in August? And we, summer residents, know for sure that there is no less business at this time than in the spring months. Especially if we take into account such an important factor that the last month of summer is quite treacherous: in many regions it is characterized by sharp changes in day and night temperatures, which is not good for plants. This type of weather contributes to a significant slowdown in the development of heat-loving crops, a decrease in their fruiting, the emergence of plant diseases and the massive development of pests.

In August, in addition to the current planned plant care work, you need to have time to harvest the crop in a timely manner, take care of its safety, and prepare vegetables and fruits for future use. winter table, provide reliable protection plants from diseases and pests, begin preparing the site for the new season. Immediately after the end of the harvest, all plant debris must be destroyed in each bed (not thrown away, but burned). We must always remember that cleanliness is the key to the health of our “plant pets”.

In this article, I do not set myself the goal of listing the entire range of work on a personal plot (dacha), but I only want to focus on the main activities that need to be completed in August.

They're coming optimal timing harvesting potatoes, mass fruiting, squash, they are beginning to delight with their fruits, legumes(I'm just talking about the most common ones vegetable crops ah), for now we are selectively collecting most of the root crops.

Require our average and late dates ripening, perennial vegetable and root crops, late conveyor crops of deciduous and spice crops(regular watering, fertilizing, hilling, protection from pests).

At the beginning of the month, we find time to select a site (a well-lit and warmed place in compliance with crop rotation requirements) and prepare the soil for winter garlic - we dig it, apply organic and mineral fertilizers, and lime if necessary.

Taking care of increasing soil fertility, we sow green manure plants in the freed up areas: phacelia, white mustard, oilseed radish, lupine and some others.

In August, it is not too late to sow early-ripening crops (including), which will have time to produce their harvest before the onset of cold weather. Preparing the ground for autumn and winter crops garden crops.

Vegetable crops that ripen only in the fall constantly require care: watering, loosening, weeding, fertilizing, pest control and disease prevention.

So that in a timely manner and at the most favorable days To carry out work in the garden and in the garden and ensure the full development of plants, it is worth planning it carefully and taking into account the recommendations lunar sowing calendar for August 2017 compiled by our popular astrologer Tatiana Borsch.

Favorable days for sowing (planting) plants in August 2017

Favorable days for carrying out agricultural work in August 2017

Best regards, Sergey Mozgovykh

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The time has come for harvesting and caring for plantings, so the lunar calendar for August 2019 is relevant for gardeners and gardeners by day with recommendations on what is favorable and what not to do.

With the arrival of the last month of summer, it is noticeable that the days are getting shorter, the heat is subsiding, and the nights are cooler.

When the fruiting of cucumbers ends, you can make pickles for the winter. Tomatoes and peppers are beginning to ripen. Pinch the tops of tomatoes to prevent them from picking up nutrients in the emerging fruits. Make sure that the tomato does not develop late blight. Feed tomatoes and cucumbers with mineral and organic fertilizers, and ensure they are watered. Onions and garlic are being harvested. Gardeners sow early ripening greens and radishes. Green manures are sown in the vacant spaces in the garden after harvesting: phacelia, white mustard, rye. They begin to dig up early potatoes.

Of course, it is advisable when carrying out work in the garden to take into account favorable days according to the lunar sowing calendar 2018, but you shouldn’t work blindly on it; you also need to take into account climatic conditions, planting dates and weather on the day of work.

Work at the dacha in August

The main work at the end of summer is: harvesting, preparing the garden for winter, canning.

  1. Harvesting berries, root vegetables, vegetables and fruits (currants, cherries, plums, apples, pears, potatoes, carrots, beets, cabbage, onions, garlic and more.
  2. Grafting of fruit trees
  3. Propagation of fruit crops by cuttings (red and black currants)
  4. Destruction of shoots and weeds
  5. Treating gardens and vegetable gardens against pests
  6. Caring for flowers, collecting seeds
  7. Preparation of cellars and fruit storages

Lunar sowing calendar for August 2019

August 1st. Waxing moon in the sign of Scorpio. Work with flowers, depending on the climate, you can dig up tulip and hyacinth bulbs, propagate clematis with cuttings and layering, plant seedlings of petunias, marigolds, and sow calendula seeds.

August 2. Rast. l. in Sagittarius. You can plant tomato seedlings for growing indoors. A good time for hilling tomatoes. A favorable day in August 2019 to sow early ripening vegetable crops for greens. You can apply organic fertilizers and top dressing.

August 3. Rast. l. in Sagittarius. On strawberries and wild strawberries, remove the mustache, old leaves, and flower stalks. It is good to carry out weeding, watering and loosening, as well as preventive disinfection. Cut down the shoots of fruit trees (plum, cherry), cut out the shoots fruit bushes(gooseberries, raspberries), leave only those offspring that you will replant next year.

August 4th. Rast.l. in Capricorn. Today it is not recommended to engage in sowing and planting.

August 5th. Rast.l. in Capricorn. A favorable day for harvesting fruits and vegetables. Preserve.

August 6. Rast.l. in Capricorn. You can remove garlic if the leaves have turned yellow, and onions for turnips if the tops have turned yellow and died. Dig up daffodil and tulip bulbs. Do your homework, harvest vegetables and fruits. In strawberry beds after harvesting, remove unnecessary tendrils and old leaves. Prepare the mustache for future plantings. Carry out watering, loosening and preventive disinfection. After picking the raspberries, remove the fruiting stems. Remove overgrown fruit trees and shrubs.

August 7. Full moon in the sign of Aquarius. Unfavorable lunar day for sowing and planting. Rest.

August 8. Decreasing l. in Aquarius. Hill up and loosen the soil. Sow greens, turnip seeds for a fall harvest, plant cauliflower seedlings, sow cucumber seeds for autumn growing in a greenhouse or on a windowsill.

August 9. Desc. l. in Pisces. There is no need to plant anything. Work in the garden today - mow the grass under the trees and in the rows, destroy the egg-laying pests. Loosen and hill up the soil.

August 10. Desc. l. in Pisces. You can start harvesting potatoes early varieties. It is good to harvest root vegetables and do home canning.

August 11. Desc. l in Aries. A good day for any endeavors. It is good to harvest the crop and store it. Dry the herbs and medicinal herbs. Do some canning.

August 12. Desc. l in Aries. Continue harvesting eggplants, tomatoes, peppers, zucchini, zucchini, squash, cauliflower and early cabbage, onions on turnips.

August 13. Desc. l in Aries. Today, do not get involved in pruning plants or removing the growth of fruit trees and shrubs. Harvest the harvest, and in the evening you can dry it, salt it, and make jam.

August 14. Desc. l. in Taurus. The day is right for earthworks, processing and digging up root crops, for harvesting. Water eggplants, peppers, tomatoes, cucumbers, cabbage. It is not recommended to prune plants.

August 15. Desc. l. in Taurus. Harvest the harvest. You can sow winter radish. A suitable day for feeding.

August 16. Desc. l. in Gemini. Harvest cucumbers, zucchini, peas and beans. Treat the flowers. It is recommended to apply organic fertilizers when transplanting strawberries, planting green cuttings of berry bushes.

August 17. Desc. l. in Gemini. It's good to work with today climbing plants. A suitable day for pruning branches and shoots, hilling and loosening.

August 18. Desc. l. in Cancer. A favorable lunar day in August 2019 for any homemade preparations, canning and for preparing the garden for winter. Hill up, destroy weeds, loosen, water and fertilize.

August 19. Desc. l. in Cancer. Water if necessary. You can work with any plants. A good day for harvesting and preparations. Transplant strawberries (strawberries) with the application of fertilizers, harvesting cabbage and onions onto turnips. A favorable day for physical work.

August 20. Desc. l. in the sign of Leo. Unfavorable day in August 2019 for working with plants.

August 22. Waxing moon in Virgo. Clean up the garden and vegetable garden. The day is not suitable for working with plants.

August 23. Rast. l. in Virgo. Plant tomato seedlings for growing indoors. Start fertilizing and applying organic fertilizers ( white cabbage, Brussels sprouts, celery). Harvest and start canning.

August 24. Rast. l. in Libra. If the weather is good, you can harvest the crop early potatoes. Work in the garden, mow the grass under the trees, destroy egg-laying pests.

August 25. Rast. l. in Libra. Favorable time according to the lunar calendar of the gardener and gardener for cultivating the land. Loosen the soil, mow the grass, and destroy the weeds. Cut off faded flowers in flower beds and collect flower seeds. Preparations and canning.

26 August. Rast. l. in Scorpio. Harvest root crops. Remove vegetables and fruits for long-term storage.

August 27. Rast. l. in Scorpio. In the garden, hill up and loosen the soil. Collect flower seeds, cutting flowers after blooming. You can sow seeds of biennial flowers.

August 28. Rast. l. in Scorpio. A suitable day for cutting roses and planting cuttings of fruit bushes. A favorable day for sowing seeds of biennial flowers. You can water and control pests.

August 29. Rast. moon in Sagittarius. You can propagate currants, gooseberries, and blackberries by layering, plant cuttings of trees and shrubs for rooting. Start watering in the evening.

August 30. Rast. moon in Sagittarius. A good time to deal with garlic and onions. Sow seeds from biennial flowers. It is recommended to plant green cuttings of shrubs for rooting.

August 31st. Rast. moon in Capricorn. You can water and apply mineral fertilizers. Sow cauliflower and sorrel seeds. Summer sowing can be done onions for feathers, lettuce, spinach, radishes. Water the potatoes depending on the weather (they should be watered 3-5 times per season). Dig for root vegetables.

Lunar calendar of agricultural work for August 2019

Fertilizer application:

  • organic - 9, 10, 13,14, 17, 18
  • Mineral - 4, 5, 26, 27, 31

Best time to complete the work:

Plowing, cultivation, hilling, loosening 8, 11, 12, 15, 16, 19, 20

August will come and establish its own rules.

The gardener's main task in August is to stop the growth of the current year's shoots in length. The formation of the apical bud and ripening of the shoots will better prepare the plant for winter. To stop the growth processes of shoots, the following measures are carried out: remove mulch from trunk circle, simple potassium and phosphate fertilizers, pinch the tops of young growing shoots and reduce watering. Don't deposit nitrogen fertilizers, as this may cause a second wave of shoot growth.
Upon completion of the raspberry harvest, fruit-bearing and damaged branches are cut out. Young shoots that have grown over the summer should be shortened and the growth tips cut off - this will give their wood the opportunity to ripen and prepare for the upcoming cold weather.
Vegetables also need our care in August - loosening and fertilizing. Potato tops should be mowed 2 weeks before you plan to start “digging potatoes” - the tubers will ripen better.
August is the time for abundant fruiting of tomatoes and peppers. At this time, the tops of the tomatoes need to be removed, leaving a couple of leaves above the top brush. This will speed up the ripening of the set fruits.
When caring for flowers in August, the first priority is rejuvenating division and replanting of perennials. Getting ready to plant bulbous flowers. Beds and ridges are made for them in advance. On clay soils add sand and compost for digging. If necessary, lime the soil.

Folk signs about the weather in August:
The August night is long, the water is cold...
August is skipping towards autumn.
In August, winter begins to fight with summer.

Based on one interesting folk sign, together with you we will try to compose one, one of the main tasks of which is to help plan the work of the upcoming 2018 gardening season.

Thematic tables-selections from the main, universal gardener calendar:

ATTENTION! Our gardener's lunar calendar is kept Moscow time. (The calendar can be used throughout Russia, taking into account the difference with local time *)

Lunar calendar

Gardening work, plant care activities

from 01 August 2018 00:00 (Wed)
to 01 August 2018 13:54 (Wed)

Waning Moon in Pisces

Favorable time for re-sowing radishes. Watering and fertilizing tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, cucumbers, pumpkins, zucchini, squash, physalis, cabbage. Feeding fruit trees (apple trees, pears, plums, cherries). Dividing and replanting faded perennial flowers.
Collection of berries, vegetables and apples. Harvesting onions as soon as the feathers begin to turn yellow and fall off; harvest winter garlic. Convenient time for drying and freezing; preparation of juices and wines. Good period for pickling ( favorable daysFor ).
Preparation of containers and storage areas for crops.
(We still have a blog: , entry only from lunar calendar)

August 1 (19.07 old style) - Makrinin’s day (Makrida)
“Makrida is wet, then autumn is wet, Macrida is dry, and so is autumn.”

from 01 August 2018 13:54 (Wed)
to 03 August 2018 22:51 (Fri)

Waning Moon in Aries

Pinching Brussels sprouts, pumpkin lashes. Removing old leaves, shoots and inflorescences on tomatoes, cucumbers, zucchini, peppers, eggplants. Harvesting and drying onions grown from sets and garlic sets grown from bulbs. Fertilizing late cabbage.
Continuation of the fight against weeds and ground pests. Removing fruit-bearing raspberry shoots; overgrown apple and pear trees; strawberry mustache. Applying compost or half-rotted manure with old sawdust under fruit trees. Clearing the land of plant residues. Collection of fruits and vegetables for long-term storage, canning.

August 2 (20.07 old style) - Elijah’s Day (Ilya the Prophet)
"From Ilya's day the night is long and the water is cold"

from 03 August 2018 22:51 (Fri)
to 06 August 2018 04:31 (Mon)
Watering and fertilizing vegetable crops with organic fertilizers. Favorable days for harvesting root vegetables, onions, and winter garlic. Continued weed control. Cleaning strawberry plantations from dried and yellowing leaves. Removing root and standard shoots from fruit trees. Pinching raspberries to form side shoots. Checking supports for fruit-bearing trees and installing additional supports. Collecting organic matter for subsequent refilling of greenhouses and greenhouses. Collection and preparation of roots of medicinal plants: large burdock, common dandelion, snakeweed, chicory, valerian, elecampane, golden root.
from 06 August 2018 04:31 (Mon)
to 08 August 2018 07:01 (Wed)

Waning Moon in Gemini

It is better not to plant or transplant.
Preparing beds and planting holes, weeding, spraying against pests and diseases. Digging up non-wintering perennial bulbous flowers. Application of dry fertilizers for indoor flowers. Spreading compost, half-rotted manure and old sawdust under trees, bushes and on ridges. Carrying out formative and rejuvenating pruning of currants and gooseberries, cutting out fruit-bearing raspberry shoots. Removal of diseased and unproductive trees and shrubs. Bending the branches of slate trees to the ground and pinning them with hooks. Removing and burning trapping belts. Preparation of cuttings for winter and spring grafting. Harvesting crops for long-term storage, as well as seeds and root crops for testes. Harvesting potatoes, carrots, beets, radishes for storage.

August 7 (25.07 old style) - Anna Winter Pointer
"Light and warm weather portends cold winter, and if it's raining- winter is snowy and warm"

from 08 August 2018 07:01 (Wed)
to August 10, 2018 03:05 (Fri)

Waning Moon in the sign of Cancer

Digging the soil, forming ridges, spreading compost, half-rotted manure and old sawdust. Harvesting root crops. Cleaning and burning waste on site. Collection of sea buckthorn, chokeberry and red rowan for canning and apples for processing. Digging up anemones, dahlias and other non-wintering plants perennial plants. Planting bulbous flowers.
from August 10, 2018 03:05 (Fri)
to August 12, 2018 06:59 (Sun)


It is not recommended to plant, replant, or carry out any work with plants. Unfavorable days for pickling, pickling cucumbers and tomatoes. Any kind of housekeeping work or working with soil is possible.

August 11, 2018 12:58 msk beginning of the lunar month: until August 10, 2018 7:17 Moon in the sign of Cancer, then in the sign of Leo

On this new moon it will also happen
private solar eclipse , the maximum phase of the eclipse will begin August 11, 2018 at 12:47 MSK, eclipse it will be possible to observe in the north of Canada, Greenland in the Scandinavian countries, in Russia - in the northern and middle latitudes of Central Russia, throughout Siberia and Far East , northeastern Kazakhstan, Mongolia and China

from August 12, 2018 06:59 (Sun)
to August 14, 2018 07:57 (Tue)

Waxing Moon in Virgo

Dividing and replanting perennial flowers: peonies, irises, lilies of the valley, primroses, etc. Collection of vegetables and berries and their processing. Application of organic fertilizers for shrubs and strawberries. Composting or burning tops. Preparation of planting holes for autumn planting fruit trees and berry bushes. Currants need to be cut off thin annual shoots, leaving 4-5 strong, pinching the tops.
from August 14, 2018 07:57 (Tue)
to 16 August 2018 11:54 (Thu)

Waxing Moon in the sign of Libra

Unfavorable time for watering and liquid fertilizers. A favorable time for sowing watercress, arugula, spinach, and chervil to produce late greens.
A favorable period for planting, fertilizing, dividing and replanting perennial flowers and medicinal plants. Planting new strawberry plantations. Treatment of strawberries against weevils. Hilling petiole celery and leeks, mulching plantings. Hilling up the root collar of dahlias to protect against early frosts. Cutting out fruit-bearing raspberry branches. Preparing planting holes for autumn planting of trees and shrubs. Application of mineral fertilizers for flowers.
(15 - 17 August - in Russian folk signs associated with the phase of the moon, the most favorable days months For)

August 15 (02.08 old style) - Stepan Senoval
“Like Stepan Senoval, so is September. In the next four days, we noted the weather for October, November, December and January.”

from August 16, 2018 11:54 (Thu)
to 18 August 2018 19:45 (Sat)

Waxing Moon in the sign of Scorpio

Digging the soil, forming ridges, spreading compost, half-rotted manure and old sawdust under trees, bushes and on the beds. Complete or partial removal of soil from greenhouses and greenhouses. Filling greenhouses and greenhouses with organic residues. It is possible to plant cloves or sets of winter garlic and bulbous plants. Possible time for planting and replanting any plants. Planting tulip bulbs.
Favorable days for pickling and canning

(About favorable days: on favorable days everything goes most successfully, but this does not mean that, for example, pickling or fermentation cannot be carried out on other days - do as you wish, the only thing is, do not plan to work on unfavorable days of the lunar calendar - the likelihood of mistakes on these days is very high)
from August 18, 2018 19:45 (Sat)
to August 21, 2018 07:00 (Tue)

Waxing Moon in Sagittarius

Collection of flowers and leaves of medicinal plants; collection of seeds and root crops for testes. Collecting fruits for quick consumption, but not for long-term storage. Sowing winter grain crops, including as green fertilizers. Collection of plant residues for greenhouses and greenhouses. Processing storage facilities for vegetables. Application of mineral fertilizers to the soil.

August 19 (06.08 art style) - Transfiguration. Apple Spas.
“As is the day on the Second Savior, so is the Intercession (October 1/14).
A dry day on Apple Spas foretells a dry autumn, a wet day foretells a wet one, and a clear day foretells a harsh winter. As is the second Saviour, so is January."

from August 21, 2018 07:00 (Tue)
to 23 August 2018 19:55 (Thu)

Waxing Moon in the sign of Capricorn

Favorable time for sowing watercress, spinach, chervil, Chinese cabbage(leaf early ripening) in greenhouses and open ground for autumn use. It is possible to divide and replant rhizomes of peonies, irises and other perennials. Fertilizing fruit and berry crops with phosphorus-potassium fertilizers and root fertilizing of late vegetable crops
Planting and replanting plants overwintering in open ground. Collection of organic matter for fueling greenhouses and greenhouses. Planting trees, shrubs and perennials flower plants cuttings. Treatment of cucumbers in greenhouses against fungal, bacterial diseases and pests. Harvesting: It is better to consume everything harvested fresh.

August 23 (10.08 style) - Lavrenty.
"If there is extreme heat or heavy rains, it will be so long - all autumn"

from August 23, 2018 19:55 (Thu)
to 24 August 2018 19:08 (Fri)

Waxing Moon in the sign of Aquarius

Unfavorable days for watering and root feeding. Loosening the soil, preparing beds, planting holes, thinning out seedlings, trimming strawberry tendrils. Checking the supports under fruit-bearing trees. Over remontant strawberries install film shelters to prolong fruiting. It is very good to harvest for long-term storage, seeds and root crops for seed plants. Collecting organic matter for subsequent refilling of greenhouses and greenhouses. Preparing the cellars for the new season: airing, whitewashing and spraying with lime, fumigating with sulfur bombs.
from August 24, 2018 19:08 (Fri)
to August 27, 2018 20:15 (Mon)


It is not recommended to plant, replant, prune, shoot or pinch anything. Unfavorable days for salting. (You should not salt, for example, cucumbers or tomatoes during the full moon.) You can loosen and mulch the soil. Collection of flowers, leaves and herbs of medicinal and spicy plants. You can start installing film shelters over remontant strawberries. Processing and cleaning of vacated land. Application of organic and mineral fertilizers, liming can be carried out.
August 26, 2018 14:56 Moscow time - astronomical full moon (mid-lunar month - until August 26, 2018 8:32 am Moon in the sign of Aquarius, then in the sign of Pisces)
from August 27, 2018 20:15 (Mon)
to 28 August 2018 19:35 (Tue)

Waning Moon in Pisces

Watering and fertilizing with phosphorus-potassium fertilizers. Weed control. Land cultivation. Transplanting perennial flowers. Collection of medicinal and spicy plants. Continuing to collect the next batches of berries and vegetables for quick processing. Good time for pickling ( favorable days For according to the zodiac position of the Moon), canning, drying and freezing. Preparation of containers and storage areas for crops.
from August 28, 2018 19:35 (Tue)
to August 31, 2018 04:30 (Fri)

Waning Moon in Aries

Carrying out formative and rejuvenating pruning of raspberries, currants, gooseberries, honeysuckle. Best time for applying compost or half-rotted manure with old sawdust under fruit trees. Preparing beds, weeding, spraying against pests and diseases. Hilling up the root collar of dahlias to protect against frost. Digging up non-wintering perennial flowers. Trimming the stems of faded perennial flowers. Harvesting autumn apples for processing and short-term storage. The best time to harvest potatoes, carrots, beets, and radishes for storage (the crop harvested at this time will be stored very well). Collection of sea buckthorn, chokeberry and red rowan and their preservation.

August 29 (16.08 art style) - Khlebny Spas.
“They note the weather by the timing of the birds’ departure: If the crane flies to the third Savior, then there will be frost on Pokrov”

from August 31, 2018 04:30 (Fri)
to 31 August 2018 23:59 (Fri)

Waning Moon in Taurus

Digging the soil and forming ridges. Control of pests that live in the ground. Rooting of tree and bush seedlings goes well. A favorable period for sanitary pruning of trees and shrubs. Mulching raspberries with bark, sawdust, and half-rotted manure. Digging, dividing and replanting perennial flowers: lilies, irises, delphiniums and peonies, small-bulbous. Harvesting root vegetables for long-term storage. Favorable time for harvesting potatoes and root crops.
Work on the gardener's lunar calendar table for August 2018 was completed on 07/05/2018

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