Where to get strength when life energy is at zero. Human energy, or where to get vitality

When it comes to important tasks, whether it's studying at a university, completing a significant project, or just a current job, we often talk about knowledge, skills, motivation, and productivity, but we underestimate energy reserves. However, even the most educated and motivated people fail to get things done if they lack energy.

Where to get strength, if they are running out, and where to recharge your internal "batteries" - "Easy Useful" will tell.

Secret #1: Reduce Stress

The more tasks and areas of responsibility we have, the more excitement and stress. Studies show that there is a direct relationship between stress and fatigue, as experiences literally suck energy out of us.

When you're under stress, breaks, rest, and even sleep fail to rejuvenate you, and you return to work just as tired. Of course, productivity in such cases is reduced. So, if stress cannot be compensated by rest, then the solution is to minimize the amount of stress in your life. Sources of tension and unrest can be unfinished projects or "toxic" people in your environment.

Every time you are worried about something, consider whether it is even worth spending time on this person or this situation. It may be wiser to forego projects, side jobs, or even relationships if they deprive you of the strength you need to do more important things.

Secret #2: Get enough sleep

If you sleep little or poorly, you will feel tired all day. Mood swings, inability to focus on work or study are just some of the consequences of lack of sleep.

How many hours do you need to sleep? They say that eight, but in fact it is individual for everyone: someone needs six, and someone needs all nine. Most likely, you yourself know your minimum that you need to get a good night's sleep.

But what if, even after a busy day, you have difficulty falling asleep, and then wake up several times and cannot fall asleep again? To prevent this from happening, try to improve sleep:

  • go to bed and get up at the same time;
  • do not drink coffee, tea and other tonic drinks in the afternoon, and even better - give them up completely;
  • 2 hours before bedtime, put aside gadgets and turn off the TV;
  • sleep in a cool, well-ventilated room;
  • master meditation techniques and learn to clear your mind of thoughts that keep you awake.

Secret #3: Exercise

Regular physical activity, whether it's exercising, playing volleyball with friends or jogging in the morning, improves mood, improves health and energizes. People who lead an active lifestyle have better heart and lung function and more efficient oxygenation of the blood, which gives the feeling of "wings behind the back." Conversely, constant oxygen starvation leads to apathy and loss of strength. In addition, exercise and other types of physical activity help to discipline yourself, which is also one of the components of success.

If you still can’t motivate yourself to exercise or run, start with walking or cycling. Choose any type of activity, the main thing is to do it regularly, at least half an hour a day. Over time, this will become a habit, and you will see positive results.

Secret #4: Eat Right

Food gives us energy, but sweets and fast food cause a jump in blood sugar: first you feel a surge of energy, and then apathy and drowsiness. At the same time, a diet consisting of convenience foods and other unhealthy foods is poor in vitamins, which will sooner or later lead to a decrease in immunity and a deterioration in well-being.

Pay attention to what you eat and replace unhealthy foods with healthy ones. For example, greens contain antioxidants and provide energy, while protein-rich foods such as beans, nuts or mushrooms help stabilize blood sugar levels and give the body “fuel” for several hours ahead. As a result, you stay full longer, keep working and think about the case, and not about the fact that it would be good to chew something.

Secret #5: Do what you love

It's hard to stay enthusiastic and full of energy if you're doing an unpleasant job. And vice versa, there will always be strength for your favorite business. Does it make sense to give precious years of life to a job you hate, even if the salary suits you? Now there are many opportunities to try yourself in different areas and with no less salary.

True success lies in doing what you love. Find your life's work and give it your all. Overcome difficulties while maintaining faith in your strengths.

If you have a worthy goal, do everything so that you have enough energy to achieve it. Get rid of stressors, get enough sleep, exercise, eat healthy food and do what you love. And then your “battery” will always be 100% charged!

18.03.2015 23

Is it possible to be always happy?

This is the letter I received from a student: “I really want to always be happy. Is it possible? No matter how I tried different diets, I still lack energy. I started doing yoga. The first two months there was a take-off, but then everything returned - a constant decline in strength and no desire to continue classes. On the advice of his wife, he went around healers and psychics, but it was either worse or better for a short time. How to overcome apathy and where to get energy?

And this is what I answered: “Thank you for your questions, which are relevant for every person. For lack of energy is the first sign of approaching misfortunes and illnesses. Ayurveda says that if a person advances in the spiritual life, then this should be seen by two signs:

1. A person becomes happier and happier every day.

2. His relationships with other people are improving.

If these signs are not observed, then no matter how good spiritual or religious practice a person does, it means that he is degrading.

True happiness comes from giving, from sacrifice, because we can only feel love when we give. A selfish, greedy, envious person cannot love, and hardly anyone will love him and want to communicate with him. Therefore, he cannot be happy. And we can give a lot if we do not depend on this world. The less attachment we have in this world, the more we are able to give, and therefore the more we can love. If the willingness to take, to receive more than the willingness to give, then you are dependent.

The receiver depends, the giver does not depend.

One Kabbalah teacher told me that the main goal of this teaching is to make a person an altruist and rid him of selfishness.

In Ayurveda, the most ancient medical system, which strikes with its depth and wisdom, it is stated that self-interest and envy lie at the root of all diseases and suffering, since these qualities increase selfishness, self-centeredness, and greed.

And what happens to an organ or a cell that does not want to work for the whole organism, but only to receive and consume the resources of the organism? Such organs become cancerous, and if the body does not get rid of them, then it dies. So the Universe as a whole seeks to get rid of cancer cells - selfish people, or even civilization as a whole, in the first place, ceasing to give them energy. Enlightened Aryans pointed out in their canons that civilizations perish not as a result of wars, natural disasters, etc., but because everyone begins to think only about himself, only about taking, not giving.

And the main principle of harmony is the exchange of energies.

Only he opens the hearts of people to love and makes the world happy. The ancient hermit healers of Vadya said that a person is a cellular universe, and if he does not live in harmony with it, then he will not be happy. Modern authorities in psychology and medicine confirm this. Professor Stanislav Grof: "The cause of all crises on earth is the insatiable desire to pursue linear (selfish) goals."

Peter Russell: "In order to overcome the global crisis of civilization, which is based on the crisis of consciousness, we need to free ourselves from the self-centered, materialistic mode of consciousness that gives rise to all problems."

spiritual homeostasis. Selfishness, self-interest are dangerous because they destroy homeostasis. Paracelsus defined homeostasis as a state of complete harmony between the inner and outer worlds.

In order for homeostasis to be present, a living being must release energy. If energy is not released, then the living being begins to depend on the environment. The main principle of independence from the world is the release of energy by a living being. Homeostasis begins on the spiritual plane and extends to the physical and chemical. In order for a spiritual homeostasis to exist, we must not depend on the world. After all, the more I depend on the world in any area, the faster I will be destroyed by the changes of this world. Primitive man could die quickly from drought, temperature changes. It has long been noted that the first to die in critical situations, for example, in concentration camps, left alone with nature, etc., are selfish, aggressive people. Nothing seems to work on yogis who are not attached to anything in this world. They can sleep on nails, and the snow around them melts.

In Stalin's times, there was a decree to shoot, first of all, believers and clergy, because in some strange way they not only did not die in the hellish conditions of concentration camps, but also took care of other prisoners and radiated radiance and bliss until the last minutes of their lives. Thus, we must stop being a consumer, we must give much more. But if we give on the physical, emotional, etc. levels, we ourselves must take somewhere. And we can take energy only at the divine level, where it is present in unlimited quantities. This purest Higher spiritual energy passes through us if we do not suppress the feeling of love, we feel that the feeling of love should control us, that we are secondary, if we can keep this feeling, even if we lose the human (money, prestige, loved one, etc.). d.). Through the feeling of unconditional love, the main energy that is spent on everything comes to us. Food gives us energy on the outer plane, but takes it away on the inner plane. Note that people who fast periodically are much more energetic than someone who eats a lot. So when we get sick, we stop eating. This whole world with its constant stresses, as well as food, non-spiritual communication, promiscuous sex, worries - take energy, and fasting, solitude give energy.

But the greatest reception of energies comes through a continuous feeling of love.

Therefore, one of the first rules of health is to love the world with all its shortcomings, yourself (whatever I am), my destiny in all situations, in any life situations. One teacher of Kabbalah, commenting on the commandment "Thou shalt not kill", explained that the commandments are interpreted at seven levels. At the first level, this commandment implies do not kill a person, at the highest, seventh level, do not kill love in the soul. For this is the main sin - the rejection of love and the renunciation of unity with God. Therefore, make every effort to get rid of selfishness and self-interest. Set before yourself the goal of life - the acquisition of Divine love, because from the goal we take energy, and only in itself a strong desire for Divine love fills us with higher energy. Please note that our civilization lives under the motto: "Consume, consume, consume!". At the same time, the number of happy and healthy people is decreasing every day.

Problems at the state and interstate level are growing every day. And neither new medicines, nor various methods from the How to Become Happy and Healthy series, nor many public organizations help. The number of people suffering from "chronic fatigue syndrome" is increasing every day. And how could it be otherwise? After all, the enlightened sages of all spiritual schools, modern progressive scientists say: everything that comes from a false ego, from selfish motives, even if outwardly it looks like a good deed, leads to destruction and suffering. And everything that comes from the soul, that is, from the feeling of Unconditional Love, leads to bliss, health and complete harmony of the individual and his environment.

Understanding and accepting this, start living as if you are the Embodiment of Unconditional Love. Replace blame with gratitude. Questions of the mind: "What can I get from this person, society?" replace with “What can I give to others? How can I bring happiness into their lives? How can I fill them with love?" Stop focusing on yourself and your problems. Remember the statement of the Sufi sages: "Hell is a place where there is no one around whom we can help." And then you will feel how a huge energy flows through you, filling you and those around you with Bliss and harmony. You will notice that your visits to doctors, psychologists, psychics and healers are drastically reduced. On the contrary, when they meet with you, they heal themselves, discover new abilities, and most importantly, they are filled with the energy of Divine love, incomprehensible to many of them. Try it, you won't regret it! When we receive subtle energy.

We receive subtle energy when:

- we are starving;

- perform breathing exercises;

- we retire;

- we take a vow of silence for a while;

- we walk (or just stay) along the seashore, in the mountains, contemplate the beautiful landscapes of nature;

- we are engaged in disinterested creativity;

- we praise a worthy person for his sublime qualities and deeds;

- laugh, rejoice, smile from the heart;

- selflessly help someone;

- show modesty;

- we pray before eating;

- we eat foods full of prana (vital energy) - natural cereals, cereals, ghee, honey, fruits, vegetables;

- we sleep from 9-10 pm, until two in the morning (At other times, the nervous system does not rest, no matter how much we sleep);

– we get a session of a good massage from a harmonious personality, or we do self-massage;

- we douse ourselves with cold water, especially in the mornings and the most powerful effect if we stand barefoot on the ground at the same time;

- we donate our time, money;

We accept injustice. First of all, because we see the Divine will behind everything;

Everyone has their own opinion, and most people consider themselves to be always right. Loss of energy is caused by:

- despondency, dissatisfaction with fate, regret about the past and fear, rejection of the future;

Anger and irritation;

- setting and pursuing selfish goals;

- aimless existence;

- binge eating;

- uncontrolled wandering of the mind, inability to concentrate;

- when we eat fried or old food, food prepared by a person in anger or other negative emotions, when using a microwave oven; products containing preservatives, chemical additives grown in artificial conditions using chemical fertilizers;

- eating food devoid of prana - coffee, black tea, white sugar, white flour, meat, alcohol;

- food in a hurry and on the go;

- smoking;

- empty talk, especially if we criticize or condemn someone at the same time;

– incorrect breathing, for example, too frequent and deep;

- being under the direct rays of the Sun, from 12 to 4 days, especially in the desert;

- promiscuity, sex without desire and especially without love for a partner;

– excessive sleep, sleep after 7 am, lack of sleep;

- tension of the mind and body;

- greed and greed.

Eastern psychology consists of 50% pranayama - the theory and practice of certain breathing techniques that allow a person to be always filled with vitality (Prana). According to modern enlightened yoga teachers, we can gain Prana through:

1. earth element: eating natural food, living in nature, contemplating trees, walking barefoot on the ground. I recently spoke with a very famous Ayurvedic doctor with a doctorate in medicine. He argued that if a person begins to live in nature, away from big cities, which force them to ride the subway, walk on asphalt, then such a person quickly restores immunity and begins to live a healthy life.

2. water element: Drink water from wells or streams. Swim in a river or sea. Avoid drinking caffeinated drinks, alcohol, and sugary sodas.

3. fire element: being in the sun and eating food containing sunlight.

4. air element: this is the most important element of obtaining Prana through the inhalation of clean air, especially in the mountains, in the forest and on the seashore. Smoking and being in crowded places deprives a person of prana.

5. Ether element: cultivating positive thinking, kindness, good mood. And this level is considered basic. For even if a person lives in nature and eats properly, but at the same time walks irritated and angry, then, on the contrary, an excess of Prana will destroy him even faster. On the other hand, a harmonious person, that is, a good-natured, fearless person, can last quite a long time in the city if he is forced to live there. But even such a person needs to monitor nutrition and periodically “break out” into nature.

In cities, the source of prana are churches, temples, monasteries.

Black color absorbs light, white color reflects it.

It seems to be a simple truth that has long been known to everyone, but if you think about it, it has a deep philosophical meaning. Everyone associates light with something pure, giving energy, happiness and health. For example, the Sun - without it, life would either stop on Earth, or would turn into hell. In many spiritual and religious schools, one of the main attributes of God is light: in Kabbalah, Islam, some Hindu movements, and others. People who experienced clinical death said that the highest reality is a light full of love. But even without various philosophical reasoning, please think about who we call the Sun? A person from whom a lot of light and goodness comes, who is not selfish by nature. Among the saints, even with the naked eye, many have seen a halo, a radiance over the head of the Greedy, envious, selfish by nature, no one will ever call the Light or the Sun. Rather, it is so gloomy, blacker than clouds. From the position of health, when a healer from God sees your subtle body, then he says about the affected or diseased organs: you have a black spot here, the liver is black, which already implies that it is sick. Everyone must have heard about the existence of black holes in the Universe. Much, of course, still needs to be explored, but one of the indicators of a black hole is obvious - it is some kind of energy substance that only absorbs everything and it is impossible to get out of it. A kind of cancerous organ, a cell on the body of the Universe. What are cancer cells? Medical research shows that cancer cells do not come from outside - they are the body's own cells, which until some time served as organs of the body and performed the task of ensuring the life of the body. But at a certain moment, they change their worldview and behavior, begin to implement the idea of ​​refusing to serve the organs, actively multiply, violate morphological boundaries, establish their “strongholds” (metastases) everywhere and eat healthy cells. A cancerous tumor grows very fast and needs oxygen. But breathing is a collaborative process, and cancer cells operate on the principle of gross selfishness, so they do not have enough oxygen. Then the tumor passes to an autonomous, more primitive form of respiration - fermentation. In this case, each cell can "wander" and breathe independently, separately from the body. All this ends with the fact that a cancerous tumor destroys the body, and eventually dies with it. But in the beginning, cancer cells were very successful - they grew and multiplied much faster and better than healthy cells. Selfishness and independence - by and large, this is the path "to nowhere." The philosophy “I don't give a damn about other cells”, “I am who I am”, “the whole world should serve and please me” is the worldview of a cancer cell. Therefore, every second we have a choice - to shine on the world, to bring good and happiness to others with our lives, to smile, to take care of others, to serve disinterestedly, to sacrifice, to restrain lower impulses, to see a Teacher in every person, in every situation to see the Divine providence that created this a situation in order to teach us something, to thank .. Or to make claims, be offended, complain, envy, walk with a wedge-shaped expression on your face, immerse yourself in your problems, in earning money in order to spend them on sense gratification, show aggression. In this case, no matter how much money a person has, he will be unhappy and gloomy. And every day there will be less and less energy. And in order to take it somewhere, artificial stimulants will be needed: coffee, cigarettes, alcohol, nightclubs, showdown with someone. All this gives rise at first, but in the end leads to complete destruction. A simple regular question to yourself: do I light the world or absorb light, can quickly change the course of our thoughts and therefore actions. And quickly turn our life into a beautiful bright glow full of love. And then the questions of where to get the energy no longer arise.

The presence of human energy is a necessary element of life.

Energy is a word borrowed from Greek and means action, activity.

This is some state, feeling of activity, vitality, strength, both spiritual and physical. You can feel energy as a set of qualities of interaction with the outside world and yourself. You can feel it as a certain vibration of a certain characteristic, such a state of body and soul that allows a person to easily cope with life situations.

Or does not match if the energy is not enough. And then there is a feeling that the surrounding world is stronger, that it is impossible to do anything, or it is very difficult, costly to do it.

Indeed, we imagine an energetic person as filled with strength, liveliness, and activity. Cheerful, contact and successful, moving. An energetic person interacts with the world that surrounds him, feeling his strength, his capabilities, and using them for his own good.

Conversely, a person who has little energy is retarded, tired, unsociable, often not quite healthy. He does not strive for success or his successes are insignificant. He does not believe in himself, he depends on the environment, weather, situations, cannot resist any external influence. It's more static. He lacks the energy to interact with the environment on an equal footing.

Why can one person be active and energetic, while another cannot use the same energy?

Energy, or life force, comes from different sources:

1. genetic source - a certain set of energy characteristics that are transmitted from parents and older ancestors, according to the family lineage. (For example, many in the family are choleric, or vice versa, very calm);
2. physiological - what is inherent in DNA from birth, the program of cells and organs (congenital diseases, the strength of organs);
3. physical - the energy of movement (natural potential);
4. emotional - the energy of feelings and thoughts;
5. social source - the energy of the environment, the society in which we are brought up and live;
6. natural - the environment in which we live - water, heat, food, air;
7. spiritual source - the laws and energy of space and earth ...

The average person cannot influence some of these sources.
But there are areas where we can change the quantity and quality of incoming energy.

Known areas are nutrition, exercise, impact on the energy of the body through classical medicine or non-traditional methods, a change in social environment, a change in thoughts and feelings.

Despite the fact that these sources of energy are available to us, there may be a feeling of uncontrollability, since there are many areas and, as they say, you can’t keep track of everything.

But let's define what energy is for a particular person.

Energy determines the state of a person. How he feels and what he can do.
An energetic person feels light and ready for action.
A non-energetic person feels bad and cannot act, or he does everything with difficulty.
That is, energy is a certain state, a person's self-perception.

It doesn't matter where the energy comes from. It is important what kind of energy as a result is at the disposal of a person, that is, what reaches him, what happens when this energy becomes a tool of a person.

Note that many people take energy for granted, and not only do not know how to manage it, but do not even admit such a possibility. The weather affects the state and a person is not able to change it. Conflict or other stress - and a person has lost the ability to adequately respond. Not something he ate or did not sleep enough - the body responds with a violation of harmony.

Although each source of energy endows it with its own qualities and characteristics, a person also influences the energy consumed, giving it certain characteristics and quality. But he does it mostly unconsciously.

The body reads the vibrations of weather changes, and we already have a program in the subconscious that we need to lie down during this period. We unknowingly support this program. Thus, we manage energy - we lowered its level in order to wait out uncomfortable weather.

Stressful situation - the subconscious gives out a portion of energy to solve the problem in the form of adrenaline. And we choose - consciously or not - how to apply this energy. React with aggression, direct to self-flagellation or to find a solution. That is, we give it some direction and content.
We ate something wrong, we live in an uncomfortable mode for us - again, consciously or not, we choose how to use natural energy - for our own good or to our detriment.

That is, the question is conscious energy management, about understanding - what is useful for us and enhances energy, and what is harmful and reduces the energy level.

It would seem that everything is elementary. Use what adds energy and discard what lowers it.
But here our subconscious programs get in the way, which we received from childhood, through life experience or subtracted from smart sources - as it should, as it should be, and as others do to make it good.
A very clever trap. Because each of us is an individual unique with its own genetic, physiological and other characteristics. And what is good for one does not guarantee that it will also be good for another.
However, we are more inclined to believe someone than to listen to our feelings and experiences.

Now the question of energy management is as follows - How do I know what is good for me and what is bad for me?

Our body can answer this question.

Our body is a device for life in the material world - for movement, food or pleasure. It is the body that needs energy to live on earth. It is the body that knows best what sources of energy are most suitable for it to live in the material world, to feel strength and health, to act.

Want to know which energy sources you use?

Think about and write down 10 to 30 things that bring joy to your life.
It can be movement, food, sleep, hobbies, success, communication with loved ones, friends, anything.
This is what gives you pleasure.
Pay attention to what really brings joy, and not to what you think should bring.

This is how you energize. It is these actions that bring you a boost of energy.

Of course, this is just the tip of the iceberg and energy management is a slightly more complex process. But already this hint will help you to be filled with additional energy consciously as often as you want it and how it is useful for you.

How can you access the energy of life more right now?

Write your comments and questions - they will set the direction of articles and practical exercises about managing a person's vital energy.

I wish you a fulfilling life!
Your Coach of Mental Balance

Intellectual and psychological stress without interruption, a frantic pace of life that does not coincide with the pace of a normal person, stress, household chores ... And it is not surprising that most people feel like squeezed lemons and wonder where to get strength and energy for life. It is quite possible to find it.

Energy Thieves

Before you understand where to get energy for life, you should realize what is stealing it. Our life often consists of energy thieves. Here are some of the most "talented" criminals:
  1. Lie. The more often we lie, the less creative energy we have;
  2. Unfinished business. If we leave something unfinished, it sucks all the life force out of us. Unfulfilled promises and debts that you do not plan to return steal energy;
  3. Distrust and fear. It just takes a lot of energy. This also includes experiences and negative emotions, as well as the love of winding oneself up;
  4. Attempts to prove their case, quarrels and conflicts on this basis;
  5. Talk about nothing, gossip;
  6. Grievances. We are offended by ourselves and thereby steal energy from ourselves. Forgive others and do not be demanding of them;
  7. Sleep deprivation and bad habits. No comments;
  8. Promiscuity and sex without love. In bed, we exchange the energy of our feelings, and if they are not there, there is no exchange.
And now let's talk about where to get strength and energy for life.


But only with those who bring you positive emotions. Minimize contact with whiners, energy vampires of various types, brawlers and those who destroy your faith in yourself. Look for friendship with those who live on the positive and love to work on themselves. Try to live positively yourself and set an example for your family;

Eat right

Health is also energy. Proper nutrition is not only the rejection of junk food, soda, snacks, fast food and alcohol, but also the use of fresh and freshly prepared foods, proper heat treatment (minimal or steamed is better. Baking is also suitable) and the right combination of carbohydrates, protein and fats . It is better to take vitamins from pharmaceutical products too;

Contact with nature

Yes, we are sorely lacking in nature. Therefore, instead of a club, bar and TV on the weekend, it is better to choose a forest or a lake outside the city. Water gives especially a lot of energy and takes away negativity with fatigue. Weekend hikes are also good. If you do not want to go with family or friends, go alone and be alone with the forest. And most importantly, do not turn communication with nature into a drinking bout: this will only take away your strength. Contacts with nature include communication with animals, as well as work in the country. Pets generously share their energy with you, so take it and enjoy!

Sports and physical education

Let's not talk about how useful it is. That's just the main thing: this is health, and health is energy. Exercise also helps the body release endorphins. It is also a source of energy. The main thing is to find an activity that you really like. Those who exercise regularly know that energy is increased after exercise.

Plan all your activities

This will not add energy, but you will know exactly what to do, so you will not rush about uselessly, wasting your strength on God knows what. In addition, this way you will find time to relax. Write plans for tomorrow and rejoice when you can accomplish everything. Well, do not forget to reward yourself: the positive also adds energy. This also includes the daily routine. Less energy will be wasted if you make your workspace comfortable, with enough air and light.


Enough hours. Sometimes incredible advice is given like going to bed at 10 and waking up at 5-6 o'clock. It's not realistic, but without the right amount of sleep, you definitely won't gain energy. Figure out how much sleep you really need and stick to that amount.

Relaxation, meditation and yoga

15 minutes of meditation a day is enough, and yoga can also be practiced in a sports club where you go to fitness or to the gym. Just know that this is one of the best ways to add energy to yourself;

Make your list

A list of 10-30 things that bring joy to your life. It doesn't matter what it is: food, movement, sleep, walks, rest, communication. Write down what really brings joy, and should not, according to your mother. May you have at least five sources of joy per day.

Do not get energy artificially

We are talking about energy drinks and coffee. This is just an illusion of a surge of energy and depletion of the body in fact. In addition, energy drinks are very harmful. There is much more energy in fresh juices and herbs, for example, echinacea, rhodiola rosea, ginseng or aloe.

take a walk

This is not only air, a pleasant physical activity, but also a sea of ​​​​impressions, and also a natural antidepressant, and depression is one of the main thieves of energy. It is best to walk slowly and enjoy all the experiences.

Spiritual Level

We also need spiritual energy. Its sources are:
  • Thoughts. The most powerful source of energy. And if there are more negative thoughts, then energy is taken away from us, and if there are more positive thoughts, it is added;
  • Feelings. Like thoughts, your energy potential can increase or destroy you;
  • Emotions. No less powerful in this sense than thoughts and feelings.
There is an important point here. Do not force yourself to think positively and do not hide negative feelings and emotions. The easiest way is to throw them out once and make room for something better.

You should not live on a false positive, it also takes energy. Positive thinking (if you don't have it) takes a long time to learn. It’s worth starting simply with the perception of things as they are, without any coloring. Over time, you will perceive everything in a more positive way.

Everyone lacks energy. To fix this, do not waste your energy on trifles, do not abuse negative emotions, junk food and alcohol, and also please yourself daily. Positive only gives energy, not takes it away.

Where to get the energy to live well, many people ask themselves this question. How many brilliant ideas did not come true and how many goals were not achieved for one single reason - lack of energy.

What does a lack of vital energy lead to?

Physical fatigue, frequent ailments, depressed depressed mood, a secluded lifestyle, unwillingness to act and start important business, avoidance of society and communication with other people - this is a small list of the most common consequences of a lack of vital energy and strength.

Energy for a person is like gasoline for a car. No matter what the latest model of the car is, no matter how powerful the engine is, but, you see, without gasoline, the car will not move a centimeter.

The same is true with a person. No matter how talented and knowledgeable he was, but if there is no strength, then dreams remain dreams, and goals are never achieved.

However, many people often overlook this detail, mistakenly looking for the reasons for their inaction and failures in the lack of motivation, laziness, etc.

We will talk about where to get the energy to rush at maximum speed towards your goals and dreams, while feeling full of strength, energy and motivation in this article.

Applying these tips in practice, you will significantly improve your physical condition, restore strength, feel a surge of new energy and motivation.

1. Maintain your circadian rhythm.

When a person is in tune with natural cycles, he feels strength, inner harmony. Therefore, it is important to get up at 5-6 o'clock in the morning and go to bed no later than 22:00. Then a person gets enough sleep, quickly restores strength and feels full of energy.

2. Do any sport.

To keep your body in good shape, you need to give complex systematic loads to your body. Swimming solves these issues very well.

3. Take care of the organization of your workspace.

Since a person devotes most of his time to work, it is very important to properly organize your workplace. The room in which a person works must be well ventilated and contain a lot of sunlight. This contributes to a better saturation of the body with oxygen and a good mood of a person.

4. Feed yourself with positive emotions.

Smile and laugh more often. Laughter improves blood circulation and fills you with positive energy.

5. Reduce, and best of all, reduce to 0 the amount of coffee and various energy drinks consumed. They only create the illusion of a surge of strength, but in fact they greatly deplete the body.

6. Take more walks in the fresh air.

Slow conscious walking has a very beneficial effect on the energy state of a person. During such walks, a person removes the accumulated negative energy and nourishes his body with new strength and pure energy.

7. Stick to the right daily routine.

Planning your working day will allow you to get away from chaos and confusion, which will help you avoid wasting energy.

8. Take care of a balanced healthy diet.

Eat more fresh vegetables and fruits. Drink plenty of pure water, namely water, not tea, juice and other drinks. Don't overeat. Eat fractionally and in small portions, as the body spends a huge amount of energy on digesting food.

9. Dream big and get inspired.

Connect with people who inspire and motivate you. Set your desired true goals, dream and do not limit yourself. This will provide you with positive motivation, additional strength and purpose.

10. Develop a positive mindset.

A person's thinking can fill him with strength and energy, can contribute to the achievement of his goals, or, on the contrary, can be a debilitating factor.

Thoughts like "I can't", "I can't do it", "I'm a failure", etc. deprive and constrain your actions. Keep track of your thoughts, and if you come across a limiting belief, then replace it with a positive statement. This will give you strength and confidence in yourself.

11. Do breathing practices.

Breathing is a powerful yet simple way to influence our lives.

Understanding the structure of breathing and knowing SOME SECRETS, in addition to being a powerful tool for development, can also provide us with an effective way to restore vitality and improve well-being.

Not so long ago, I was lucky to meet Vladimir Trifonov, an expert in the field of human system development. For more than 6 years he has professionally helped people improve themselves, achieve: success in personal growth, harmony and prosperity in life. Conducts trainings, master classes, consults on the topics of personal effectiveness and human well-being.

Thanks to his many years of experience, Vladimir has created a unique technique.

It is called "Breath of Life" - this is a technique for quickly restoring strength, health and functioning of the internal organs of a person without the use of medicines. The uniqueness of the technique lies in its simplicity and the use of natural processes for restoring health and vitality.

In the course of communication with Vladimir, I found out that for several years he had been looking for an effective solution to the problem - how to lead an active lifestyle, achieve your goals and at the same time be constantly in a great mood, filled with vitality and health.

Studying different methods of increasing vitality, he practiced and experimented a lot. As a result, a simple and effective technique was born "Breath of Life", which allows you to restore your vitality in a short time and get rid of the above problems.

Vladimir held a special master class in which he demonstrates this technique. The master class is called "Breath of Life" A technique for quickly restoring strength, health and functioning of the internal organs of a person without the use of medications.

This is more than 1.5 hours of practical step-by-step information on how to access an inexhaustible source of vital energy, which can be used completely free of charge and at any time of the day.

Whatever you do, you can restore your strength, increase your energy tone and strengthen your health. You can also restore your internal organs and prolong your life.

Where to get vital energy?

Armed with this assistant, you will never again have problems with:

Lack of strength.

Lack of vitality.

Decreased motivation.

An ever growing sense of disappointment.

Deterioration of health.

Sudden mood swings.

Excruciatingly long stay in a depressed, depressive state.

Bouts of self-doubt.

The emergence of feelings of inferiority.

Influxes of irresistible laziness and drowsiness.

You can learn more about the Breath of Life technique:

Follow all these tips, and the question of where to get energy will no longer arise before you.

Be healthy, full of strength and happy!

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