Lazy garden in classmates. Garden for moderately lazy gardeners

Laziness is allowed! These words perfectly reflect the cherished dream of any summer resident. But is it as unattainable as it seems at first glance? Believe me, reasonable laziness is not a hindrance to the beauty of the garden.

Garden for work or garden for relaxation? From a passionate collector of novelties or rare plants, from a business woman and an amateur fresh air The answers are, of course, different. But the one we decided to call will never let himself be confused, he knows for sure: The garden is for that and you need to relax in it! At the same time, you can collect rare ones, and keep a collection, be the mistress of a plantation - and all so that outdoor recreation surrounded by beautiful plants brings pleasure from the results achieved. And this is quite real, but with one small condition: you will comply 10 Golden Rules of a Lazy Gardener.

1. Give priority to recreation areas

When you immediately select for these purposes a corner that fully meets your interests and lifestyle. Once a cheerful company was enough for one, and a picnic in nature was a success. Now even an expensive garden stove will not be the key to a comfortable stay if there are no benefits of civilization nearby. From here new standard design- a complete outdoor recreation with all the amenities of an urban lifestyle. Large requests will most likely lead you to the decision to equip the garden with a well-equipped green kitchen-living room. Here you can quickly organize a feast, and easily clear the table, and relax on the garden swing sofas or in a deck chair listening to birdsong, and enjoy the play of fire in the hearth.

Round table, hidden under the roof, and comfortable chairs - perfect solution for the dining area.

Picturesque wall curtains can make the gazebo especially cozy and at the same time protect from annoying sunlight. Better than other fabrics, dense linen is suitable for such a useful decor.

Other interesting ideas arrangement you will find in the article.

Advice: organize the space so that not only there is enough space for a large company, but also there are nooks and crannies for solitude, and a well-established life does not violate unity with nature. It is not necessary to make the project expensive by using exclusive materials and equipment. Simple Solutions will work just as well.

Most importantly, do not forget that comfort has another component: maintenance and putting in order and everything that is on it should be as easy and convenient as the use itself.

2. Choose plants that are equally good for you and your garden

For example, if by nature you are not adapted to, plant large plants so that perennials cannot drown them out.

Gardeners with experience will rightly tell you that the secret to success in growing any plant is right choice locations and soil preparation. Say, peaty ones will have to be thoroughly worked on to make them suitable for tubular lilies, or. But they are also perfect for luxurious and charming spring windowsills, impressive in their article, delicious, blue, pleasing with the first berries of the season.

Advice: it is more practical and easier not to remake nature, but to select those species and varieties that you will probably be fine with.

  1. First of all, we decide where landings are needed, and carefully study the features of this place(soil, illumination, humidity regime, wind protection). Here the tips from the article will come in handy.
  2. Then choose a group of favorite plants(ornamental or fruit, deciduous or coniferous, annuals or perennials).
  3. And finally, from the available options, we make the final choice, preferring the “competitors” who, according to all criteria, fully suit the chosen corner. And only after that we go shopping.

3. Expand the area occupied by areas and paths, reducing the amount of flower beds and lawn

decorative paving provides physical comfort in any weather, emphasizes the elegance of planning solutions, brings a sense of order and reduces the amount of work to care for plants.

Advice: a hard surface of, road brick or wild brick is more practical than soft cover from, brick chips or screenings of rocks prone to overgrowing with weeds, demolition and absorption by the soil.

6. Be Observant and Respond to Challenges in Time

The reasonably lazy gardener loves order. It will be cheaper to spend 5 minutes pulling out a stem that suddenly raised its head from a flower garden, than weeding a lot of seedlings after the nettle seed clogs everything around. Late with weeding for a year - defeat the aggressor with bare hands it won’t work anymore, you’ll have to go out on it with a pitchfork.

Seedlings of flowers and newly planted young specimens of even quite reliable and hardy plants at first, they may require increased care. But the time and effort spent on initial stage, will more than pay off later, when the cultivated blades of grass stand up to their full height and switch to self-sufficiency. So while they're in childhood, keep them in sight and see if your wards have enough and if neighboring herbs offend them.

Among the plants recommended for gardens that are content with minimal care, there are many species that are actively settling by self-sowing. In some cases, this helps to quickly green up the site and therefore pleases, in others it creates difficulties when distribution is undesirable and the seedlings have to be weeded.

If you do not need extra plants, be vigilant and cut flower stalks with set seeds in time. For example, a spectacular telekia(which many take for elecampane), and even charming campanula lactiflora will annoy lovers of order with an abundance of importunate seedlings, firmly clinging with a thick root to cultivated garden soil.

A lazy gardener is often endowed with organizational talent by nature. Use it not only in your main job, but also in garden care. Let's say you're bored picking currants or trimming mustaches from strawberries. However, it is not excluded that when right approach to the point you will find volunteer assistants who will do this work for you, and, moreover, with great pleasure. Make the unloved work in the garden (collecting an overgrown perennial giant, uprooting or cutting down an old branch of an apple tree) an item entertainment program for invited guests. Just imagine with what enthusiasm, having received shovels in their hands, the male half of the company will pounce on a bush of rhubarb, Volzhanka or phlox, which it is time to share! Before you have time to look back, a giant, heavy lump will already lie at your feet.

The main thing is a cheerful mood, a reasonable amount of work, competent organization working space with convenient free access to the object (bed, tree, bush) and technical support according to the highest category (sharp and strong, for dividing and, light baskets and benches for harvesting, convenient or garden shears). It can even become a fun attraction - a speed competition with prizes for the winner. Raking rustling autumn trees is great fun for the children's part of the company. Whatever you're up to, don't forget the overalls and prizes for enthusiasts.

8. Remember: you have something to be proud of!

The lazy gardener has plenty of reasons to be proud. Let's start with the main thing: "It does not overload itself with work, and the garden is like from a picture!" Isn't that the best praise for effective garden management?

The secret is simple: with a reasonable approach, when you refuse in advance dubious projects and plants that are either too capricious or require a lot of work, you always win. Your
In the garden pleasing to the eye are giant pumpkins, and zucchini with compost heap Enough to give gifts to all the neighbors. Yes and highlights for your favorite garden it's not that hard to find. And even among familiar plants. But, of course, if you find a rare varietal novelty in the catalogs. Why not try the 'Orange' variety with orange round fruits instead of the banal white or green ones, or hang the zucchini on the picket fence, choosing the long-branched 'Spaghetti' varieties or the completely unusual 'Trombone'?

In this case, with the same standard agricultural technology, you are guaranteed a very solid harvest.

  • White, instead of a pretty “lit up” fiery red, is just as easy to care for, but it will give the effect of meeting with a completely new, unusual flower.
  • Curly will perfectly protect vacationers in the gazebo from the sun with thick beautiful foliage, and even feed! For decorative purposes more profitable varieties with contrasting yellow and purple beans against the background of the leaves, for example, ‘Gerda’ and ‘Violetta’. They also taste excellent - without fibers and parchment layer. Unripe beans (shoulder) are harvested along with grains of milky ripeness until frost.
  • Isn't it a reason for pride - a couple of giant ones? Many gardeners in their possessions simply feel sorry for the place for plants that require a large area. But if this is not a problem for you, in a sunny area, pumpkins will certainly delight you with a grand harvest that everyone will envy!
  • At the opposite pole, cute and touching crumbs, for example, varietal dwarf shrubs from among ('Admiration', 'Bogozam', 'Bonanza God', 'Kobold'), spirea('Little Princes', 'Goden Princes', 'Goldmound', 'Japaness Dwarf') and evergreen, they are reliable and will not let you down. Add the same tiny conifer curiosities and place the mini-composition with respect where it is convenient to approach it and appreciate the details, for example, near the porch.

It is not at all difficult to rid yourself of worries about a dying crop. Just reduce the number fruit-bearing bushes, trees and beds to a reasonable limit. Extra plantings are also not needed because cultivated plants that you did not have enough time and energy to process lose productivity, and over time turn into a hotbed of diseases and pests, infecting neighboring bushes.

All these plants are small in stature, and therefore they are "taken by number" in order to capture our attention. Early ephemeroids are not capricious: let them spread over the area - and the stunning hit of the spring season will stay at the peak of the rating from year to year. How to help resettlement?

  • Do not rake fallen leaves under trees and shrubs where primroses are planted. The accumulated leaf humus maintains soil fertility and protects plants from drought in summer and from freezing in winter.
  • In the fall, randomly plant a new batch of corms on the crocus lawn every year.
  • Try to delay the first mowing of the lawn until the leaves turn yellow. bulbous primroses, or use the trimmer to selectively mow the grass between them. Important: If cut early, next year's flowering will be weaker.
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Here you will learn how to make a garden with your own hands without the hassle and effort. A lazy and smart garden at the same time instead of endless weeding and watering from a watering can.

Every person who owns own dacha, I thought more than once about how, instead of hard work, constant weeding of the garden, digging up large plots of land, it is simple and easy to relax with family or friends.

Surprisingly, it's possible!

Choose a style

To begin with, let's decide on the style of our garden, which does not require a lot of effort and time.

The easiest and most convenient option is landscape style or country style. They do not require as much effort as, for example, an Italian garden.

For landscape style

It will only be necessary to decorate the garden with a large number of plants and create optimal flora so that the plants bloom without human help. That is, lawns and bushes are not needed, they will take a lot of time.

Country style

Unusual in that it is simple. Any materials that you thought you didn’t need for a long time will be applicable here to create such a garden with a place to relax.

On a note: The dacha must be guarded and supplied with water.

We take into account the peculiarities of the region and climate

Make a choice - which plant you need to plant based on what region and climate you have. It is they who will not force you to work and will allow you to rest, while they themselves will quietly grow.

A lazy garden means not to put up greenhouses, not to come up with any special buildings where it will be easier for plants to grow. A lazy garden is first of all your rest.

On a note: Some varieties of plants can only grow in a warm environment, that is, in a greenhouse. For a lazy garden, choose plants that are suitable for your climate.

  • Lawn. No lawn - this is contrary to the lazy garden. You don't have to constantly trim it. The lawn can be replaced with less growing grass and plants. For example: stonecrop, sedum, garden purslane.
  • weeds. The eternal problem of the summer resident is weeds. Constant weeding, etc. In order not to torment yourself with constant weeding, you need to use straw or sawdust. You can also not throw out the same weeded grass and spread it over the weeds, it will not allow them to grow and even fertilize the grass.
  • Watering. Now there are many ideas on how to water the garden without old hoses and watering cans that you have to compete with for half a day. For example, a drainage irrigation system is needed only when there is not enough water in the area. If there is enough moisture, then there will be dirt and dampness. Also, the drip irrigation system is very convenient, where the main point is the dropper pipe, which gives water to the roots of plants. Water is not wasted on the leaves, which eventually get sunburned.
  • Pots and boxes. Down with! Plants in such containers require special care, more moisture, constant transplants.
  • Close people. Do garden and garden work with your family and children. This is a common interest and communication, as well as the joy of spending time together.

Choose perennials, as they require no repotting or effort at all. They can serve as a garden decoration, different beautiful flower beds can be made from:

Vegetables and berries in a lazy vegetable garden

Fruit trees should not cover the sun to the beds where vegetables grow. Vegetables love warmth and are the easiest to grow in a lazy garden. For example: tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, cabbage, radishes and beets.

Crops such as beans, pumpkins, and corn grow rapidly. They can simply be mulched with straw in a thick layer after the first weeding.

On a note: the Hercules variety is ideal: it does not get sick and is resistant to pests.

We grow raspberries

Raspberries are a favorite delicacy of all gardeners. It has beneficial properties and vitamins. Raspberry is unpretentious.

It is quite easy to grow it, it gets used to low temperatures calmly. For a lazy garden, the method of planting raspberries in a hole is suitable, since trench landing takes a large number of time and effort.

pit landing method

For 2 weeks, we dig holes in advance and put fertilizers: manure, superphosphate, ash and potassium sulfate. Planting raspberries on sunny side autumn or spring. Then we mix everything with earth and fill it with water. After 2-3 weeks, we plant roots treated with clay mash.

On a note: take care that the roots do not spread throughout the site and dig an aluminum sheet up to 30 cm into the ground.

Top dressing should be carried out in the fall with the help of peat and saltpeter pour under the root. It is also necessary to periodically cut off damaged stems. Water only when top dressing.

Important: do not water often! Clean up the weeds! Otherwise, the plant may get sick.

Lazy vegetable garden using new technology

In addition to the methods of mulching and watering for the garden that we already know, there are smart tricky things. When planting seedlings nearby, they help each other, feeding and protecting each other. The closer you plant, the better.

Under the ground, all seedlings enrich each other. If you master each culture in detail, you can thereby help yourself.

Your soil should not be empty. In a free place, you can plant greens, radishes, dill, lettuce. In summer, this is a great addition to any meals and vitamins. In addition to enriching the soil for vegetables, planting greenery will enrich the soil itself.

In winter, seedlings need to be protected from frost. This can be done with the help of grass, sawdust, tops, and best of all straw. Even in the heat under the straw is humid.

The article is dedicated to the garden for the lazy. 6 acres is sacred for us, we are ready to bend our backs day and night on weekends, on vacation, and especially in retirement, for the sake of a dubious crop in terms of quantity and quality.

But the dacha should not be so much a reason for constant physical exertion and further lightness - what to do with a ton of apples or zucchini, the dacha should and must be a place for our rest and reasonable exercise so that we can stretch our muscles, relax our soul and body, doing the ground and planting with love and without much hassle. Here we will talk about such a garden for the lazy.

When I had a husband, and with him a dacha, I became a sharply enthusiastic business. I was always drawn to the ground, and therefore I began to dig in like a mole, to plant different plants everywhere and everywhere.

The knowledge was very scattered and chaotic, as I later realized - I chose the most wrong path that could be.

Yes, we harvested a bunch of zucchini, pumpkins, even tomatoes and strawberries, mullen pears and the same amount of sour winter apples from 8 acres, all in sores (the garden was old and neglected), but at what cost was it obtained? On May 1-9, we stood in the “sic” position all the days, digging beds, planting seeds and seedlings, warming, fertilizing and digging bushes. Then they spent the whole summer in the same “zyu” position, weeding weeds between lilies, in beds, peonies and currant bushes. Well, all the other delights such as aphids, white plaque on gooseberries and harvesting tons of foliage and rot in the fall, you also imagine yourself very well.

After 2 years, I realized: either I will send a dacha, or it will kill me. There was no rest - only hard physical labor. Therefore, a strong-willed decision was made the only right one: to redo what we already somehow managed to do. Laziness is the engine of progress, when the monkey became lazy, it turned into a man - this is my deep conviction.

Water supply for a lazy garden

One of the most time-consuming and difficult moments in the care. Carrying water hoses and watering cans to water every plant is hellish hell.

I work with my head, not just with my hands, so in winter we drew a diagram of the location of new beds, taking into account the lighting and the presence of trees, in the spring we stretched hoses along the perimeter of the site, from which we made bends (fittings) to attach a piece of a short watering hose in the right place , designed for watering 2-3 adjacent beds or bushes.

Under the bushes and trees, as well as in the center of the site, I stretched individual hoses, there was no problem dragging them slowly without water. So we solved the problem with watering. could organize drip irrigation but it was quite expensive for us at the time.

In order to have a constant supply of top dressing, in a light shade at the edge of the site, I put the old plastic barrel for 200 liters.

I throw all the weeds without seeds and mowed grass there, fill it with water, and then pour it over with this infused green manure their lazy beds, which I will discuss later. Nettle is best suited as a top dressing, it is the most “valuable” in terms of nutrients.

But dandelions and gout will work too. A lid should be attached to the barrel - ambre from rotting plant residues not very good.

Also 200 liter metal barrels stood on the edges of the roof, rainwater Using a Baby type pump, with a piece of hose and an electrician's carrier, I could easily water the peony bushes and flower beds around the house. The power supply of the site is something without which it is unthinkable modern life, I don’t even talk about those dachas where there is no light and water. And here you can find the plan for the gasification of St. Petersburg and get acquainted with it.

Beds for a lazy garden

The second thing that did not allow me to live in peace was that I was tired of digging every spring and then constantly trimming the beds. Also, I was not satisfied with the traditional width, at which I was forced to almost lie down in order to properly weed the center of the garden (I have an average height of 165 cm.).

Therefore, in the winter, we again - planned narrow beds-boxes based on Mittlider's, made them 3 m long and 1 m wide. They dug a shovel on a bayonet, maybe a little deeper.

In the Moscow region, the main type of soil is loam and clay, loam is fertile, but heavy, so we brought in black soil and mixed it with pure purchased loam. We used the excavated soil to level the site.

A black non-woven fabric was laid on the bottom and sides of the trench in 2 layers so that the rhizomes of weeds did not germinate (the entire area was covered in horsetail, nettle, goutweed and other evil spirits, which were not taken by any chemical).

From above they put boxes knocked down from wood 2.5 cm thick and 20 cm high. The size of the beds. They poured a mixture of peat, black soil, loam into the beds and got a wonderful fertile soil. An additional plus of such beds is that they are easy to care for and you can purposefully water and fertilize plants.

I covered the beds for the winter plastic wrap, in the spring they thawed first of all and already in April they were ready for sowing radishes and early greens, lettuce and planting seedlings of early tomatoes under lutrasil. For sowing seeds, I designed and manufactured a lazy planter, which saved me a lot of time.

High beds are also good because they are convenient to handle. In Europe, such beds - fashion trend and gardeners have been using them for a long time. Under the high beds, you can also adapt obsolete metal barrels.

All summer I threw off finely chopped twigs in them, extra grass, foliage, and in the spring, in such a still half-moist compost, she poured earth 30 centimeters high and planted cucumbers and peas - the crops turned out marvelous, and the whips hung down and covered unsightly barrels.

When planning the beds, consider how much and what you want to plant and are ready to eat. Once, for the sake of interest and for the sake of beauty, I planted bush zucchini along the fence - then I distributed it at work and to all the neighbors, they also refused))), when the distribution went on for the fifth time.

Grow climbing plants, yes and tall tomatoes conveniently vertically using the green coarse mesh. Landing and grid installation schemes are in the figure.

Beans and cowpeas grow 2.5 meters high, from one of the beds under the window I attached a net obliquely to the roof of the house - beans curly and blooming with red flowers - it was something grandiose, neighbors came to see us! I do not advise growing anything too heavy on the net, it will tear or the stakes will not withstand the load, but for beans, cucumbers and tomatoes it is ideal.

It is convenient to distribute tomato branches over it like a fan and tie them up, achieving uniform illumination of each brush, and if you make a slight slope of the net, this will help the plant to hold its weight.

In the Moscow region, thick-walled peppers bear fruit perfectly, ripen on the vine, only it is advisable to grow your own seedlings from February and use lutrasil from mid-late August.

As for plantings, we grew onions for a feather (you can buy a turnip at the market at any time, and a feather is ideal for salads and barbecue), radishes, different kinds lettuce - I also sowed it in flower beds - it grows beautifully.

Parsley, dill, some beets for tops, carrots for nibbling. All this - on three beds, alternating and overseeding according to seasonality and the extent of eating.

Pumpkins, zucchini and peas with corn are a mandatory program, there are a lot of peas, zucchini and pumpkins - 3 bushes, including zucchini, corn and sunflower - along the chain-link mesh.

One box-bed was occupied by peppers and eggplants, the other - beans - 3 meters long, and below - a row of stunted tomatoes. In general - just a little bit, so that work becomes a pleasure, not hard labor. We had a separate bed for strawberries, I planted garlic next to it, but no one touched the berry anyway - it’s in the box, and even under the mulch.

Mulching and caring for the lazy garden

To dig or not to dig is a question akin to being or not to be. I chose the golden mean for myself. In the spring, I loosen the earth in the beds-boxes, introducing fertilizers and compost. This is done with the most elementary rake and occasionally with a pitchfork. Easy, fast, simple - for one bed - 10 minutes at the most. I do not dig anywhere else and nothing worse from this began to grow.

For growing strawberries, I use black covering material. It is very convenient and functional. Weeds do not grow under the covering material, the berries lie on the material, do not rot, all the whiskers that need to be eliminated do not have time to hide and take root.

Every piece is in plain sight. Non-woven fabric perfectly passes water and fertilizers dissolved in it. It does not allow the earth to dry out even in the driest periods; you can’t run into a summer cottage during the week. I put it in 2 layers, in one it does not save from all weeds, the most malicious ones make their way.

If you don’t like the look of black covering material - lay straw on top - it will be just perfectly beautiful, as in the picture. Instead of straw, you can lay decorative chips, it is more expensive, but very beautiful.

For shrubs and trees, I also use a very simple and cheap method of mulching and weed protection - non-woven fabric plus cardboard. First, a black non-woven fabric 60 microns thick is laid with a radius of 1 meter, a couple of layers of cardboard are laid over it, as shown in the photo.

All this is spilled from a hose so that the cardboard is a little soaked and sticks to the ground, decorative chips or straw are laid on top, you can sprinkle it with earth, but again, weeds grow immediately, chips or straw are better from experience. In this case, I direct watering directly under the bush, I also apply fertilizers in the same way.

The soil under the cardboard is always loose and wet, the weeds rot and additionally feed the earth. I remove such a coating for the winter so that pests and mice do not hibernate in it.

Resting place for lazy gardeners

The most important thing for a lazy gardener to do is to arrange their vacation.

Be sure to select a zone on the site where you will fry kebabs, chat with friends, plant birch or spruce trees, forest lilies of the valley there, dig in the forest and bring juniper bizarre shape. This is our piece of soul, for the sake of which we will do everything else.

When I arrive at the dacha, I know that in the morning I will go out to drink on the veranda fragrant tea, and in the evening I will cook barbecue at the end of the site near the ravine with a stream. Be sure to make a good canopy over the barbecue so that not a single rain can interfere with your vacation plans.

I always have books at home, with a cup of hot tea, admiring the natural watering of plantings by nature, I calmly talk about what preparations I want to make this year and let the whole world wait!

By the way, what I wrote about today is hard physical labor, but by doing it once, you can save a lot of time, money and effort in the future, and will also please you with an excellent harvest and white envy of your neighbors. The next post will be about fruits and flowers in a lazy dacha.


Garden for the lazy without the hassle: the secrets of new technology

Labor on earth is considered hard and tiring. Anyone who has tried to dig up a couple of acres of land or weed them knows how difficult it is. I want to relax differently: nature, kebabs, birds sing, and let the vegetables grow on their own, with the minimum participation of the summer resident ... You will be surprised, but this is possible! Organize a lazy garden - and relax to the glory.

What should be a lazy smart garden

Lazy people make progress. They are not satisfied with the abundance of work with little result, they improve everything around, from tools to technology. Their goal is the same: just to work less. So humanity has acquired a different household appliances: washing machines, lawn mowers, chainsaws. This is how smart, lazy, efficient farming was invented.

So what should a lazy garden look like? Imagine, there is no longer a need to dig, hill, weed, and you have to water and fertilize much less often. The cost of mineral dressings, herbicides are minimized. Every year there is less and less work in the lazy garden, and the harvest only grows. How is this possible? Let's figure it out together.

The garden will not become smart without your participation. What should be done to exchange most of the work for rest, without losing in the harvest? Abandon technologies that are detrimental to the garden, and instead master useful, creative ones. What types of work are excluded in lazy gardens? Summer residents who want to live in harmony with nature:

  • do not dig the ground;
  • do not loosen it after the rain;
  • do not weed;
  • do not water the plants often;
  • do not use herbicides, poisons.

How is this possible? What will grow on undigged land, among weeds, in heat and drought? There will be no weeds, dense soil crust and heat, because organizing a garden for the lazy involves:

  • reduction of cultivated area;
  • mulching;
  • joint landings;
  • repeated crops;
  • planting green manure.

First, decide how many and what kind of gifts of the earth you would like to grow. Do not rush to answer: “There is more of everything!” A good harvest of any crop needs to be grown, harvested, processed, preserved.

This work is not for the lazy. If the result is worth the effort - go for it, but sow, plant vegetables that you really eat.

Experience shows that sometimes half of the crop and more remain in the ground.

In the garden for the lazy, it is convenient to grow crops that give quick and large shoots: beans, zucchini, cucumbers, pumpkins, potatoes, corn.

After the first weeding, the aisles are covered with a thick layer of organic mulch. To do this, you can use straw, grass, fallen leaves, wood chips, tree bark, needles and much more.

Under the mulch, coolness and moisture are retained, weed growth is difficult, and soil crust is not formed.

Plants grown through seedlings are good and easy to care for: cabbage, peppers, tomatoes. Before they land in early spring you can have time to grow green manure, such as oats: it will make the soil loose and give green mass for mulch.

Plants planted after oats quickly take root and grow. Closed with a layer of organic matter, they do not need weeding, loosening, and they rarely need to be watered.

Greens and small-seeded crops grow well in special "lazy" beds.

How to make beds for the lazy

The traditional garden is an alternation of rows and row spacing, which eventually turn into trampled paths. Look carefully at such a site: cultivated plants occupy a third of the area, no more.

In order not to waste energy on useless tillage, lazy gardeners create permanent beds. Their length can be any, ranging from 40 to 100 cm, as it is more convenient for the gardener.

An important condition: you must easily reach the middle of the bed without stepping on it.

It's great if you can fence lazy beds around the perimeter with your own hands. - boards, slate, metal are suitable for this, but if this is not possible, do not despair.

The main thing - remember that the beds should have a permanent place and you will only process them.

To drastically increase the yield of the beds, you can fill them with compost, if it is not there - find every opportunity to add organic matter to the soil: grow green manure before and after the main crops, mulch.

Lazy vegetable garden using new technology

A garden for the lazy is built on the ideas of the natural, natural farming. In addition to mulching and growing green manure on smart dacha joint plantings are used.

Vegetables growing side by side are able to help each other, feed and protect from enemies. Reasonable neighborhoods need to be carefully thought out, learning more about the preferences of each culture.

By mastering this technology, you can get more healthy vegetables from a smaller area.

One of the principles of natural farming teaches: the soil should not be empty. In nature, you will not find fertile land on which nothing grows. Not only the soil feeds the herbs growing on it, flowers, vegetables.

They also feed her with all their might. After collecting early harvest do not leave the garden bed unoccupied, plant dill, lettuce, chard, radish or radish on it.

In autumn, the table will be enriched with fresh herbs, and the garden bed will receive its portion of organic matter.

A dacha for the lazy should be distinguished by fertile soil. Find an opportunity to cover the garden before winter. Everything will do: vegetable tops, grass without seeds, fallen leaves, sawdust, straw. A good idea is to sow mustard, buckwheat, peas after harvest. Let the young shoots go under the snow, until spring your garden bed will not only rest, but also receive excellent nutrition!

Land rich in humus does not need deep digging. The lazy bed is loosened superficially, to a depth of no more than 5 cm. Best Tools for this - a flat cutter and a hoe. The fertile layer looks like a sponge, it is indented with passages of earthworms, channels left from the small roots of dead plants. Such soil is called structured, digging it only spoils it.

Beautiful garden for the lazy

A smart dacha should have a lazy garden: it starts with a lawn. In order for grass to grow under the trees instead of weeds, regular mowing is needed.

Plant lazy flower beds and flower beds with spectacular perennials - they become more attractive every year, and they require less maintenance. Trunk circles hide young trees in the first year under a black film or agrofibre.

Later, the gardener can turn the space under the tree into a small flower bed. A garden and a vegetable garden for the lazy is a creative business!


Ivan, 52 years old: They completely abandoned the garden in the country, they only went to rest. They gave him all their strength and time, and the harvest - for chickens to laugh at. I came across a book by Galina Kizima about a lazy garden. We made several beds in a lazy style, we fertilize with grass, vegetable peels, free fertilizer, but effective. We plant, care for less, and the harvest grows!

Tatyana, 37 years old: I am fond of smart, lazy farming. I read a lot about this from Nikolai Kurdyumov and Pavel Trannua. I especially like the effect of straw mulch on plants. It is humid under it even in the heat, when everything withers at the neighbors, my tomatoes, cucumbers and pumpkins are vigorous and green! I mulch everything, even the flower garden.

Vera, 42 years old: In September, they harvested potatoes, on the advice of a neighbor, they sowed oats and peas. By frost, greenery grew, about 12 cm, in winter it froze under the snow. The snow melted, they raked the tops from the site. Such a land under it is luxurious, loose, they didn’t even cultivate it, they sowed carrots and beets. Looking forward to a good harvest!


We create a lazy garden and a vegetable garden with our own hands - photos of unusual and practical solutions

Many of their novice summer residents are sure that they will rest on the garden plot, and the work of planting and caring for vegetables, trees and strawberries will not be burdensome and will only bring pleasure.

Only after a while it becomes clear how much effort is required to invest in the process of developing a summer cottage, in learning the secrets of planting vegetables and a garden. Meanwhile, there is a good way to make your work easier.

This method is called the "lazy garden", having mastered which you can think about rest.

Lazy garden - a smart garden, it allows you to make work easier and increase yields

What does "lazy garden" mean?

It has long been noticed that lazy people are often the engines of progress. smart garden also invented by lazy people.

As planned, lazy beds do not need to be dug up, then weeded, watered and fed too often.

Over time, the plants will be even more "independent", there will be less work with them, and the yield will increase. How to achieve such incredible results, we will tell below.

Differences from traditional beds

In order for the beds to "smart" and begin to bring a good harvest without much difficulty, they should be properly organized. We need to understand what methods of processing and feeding plants do not suit us. One of the methods to facilitate the care of plantings will be the arrangement of trellises. We also want to drop:

  • digging the earth;
  • loosening the soil after rain;
  • weeding;
  • too much frequent watering;
  • use of poisons.

So maybe? It is quite possible if you fulfill some requirements. The lazy garden suggests:

  • mulching;
  • re-sowing in one area;
  • complex landings;
  • the use of green manure;
  • reduction in the amount of land under cultivation.

Joint plantings horticultural crops for everyone's benefit

Choice of crops to grow

In a lazy garden, it is easiest to grow plants that give quick shoots: beans, zucchini, potatoes, pumpkins, corn, cucumbers.

Immediately after the first weeding between the rows of vegetables, you need to fill up a solid layer of mulch. In this quality, hay, autumn foliage, grass, needles, bark, wood chips are suitable.

Mulch retains maximum moisture under a thick layer, does not allow weeds to multiply, and prevents the formation of a dried crust on the soil.

In the same way, vegetables planted in the form of seedlings grow well. These are peppers, tomatoes, cabbage - all those that are usually planted in early spring. Greens and plants with small seeds also feel good on prepared beds.

Before planting, green manure should be planted - plants designed to prepare the soil for useful crops. We suggest using oats for this purpose. This crop loosens the soil, in addition, it will provide greenery for mulching. Vegetables planted after oats take root well and grow quickly.

Due to the layer of mulch, planted crops do not require frequent watering, they do not need weeding and loosening.

Mulching prevents the soil from drying out and protects against weeds

Garden organization rules

The beds for the lazy from the side bear little resemblance to traditional planting - you can see the differences in the photo. On ordinary beds, vegetables are planted in rows, and the aisles are densely trampled down over time. Look closely and you will see that in a traditional garden, only a third of the area is used for plants.

It is necessary to stop the practice of wasting energy and switch to the use of beds that are constantly placed in one place. Our landing should be of such a size that it is possible to reach the center of the site, being from its edge. That is, you do not need to walk between the rows.

In addition, the following conditions must be adhered to:

  1. It is desirable to equip lazy beds along the outer edges. You can use everything that is at hand - wood, brick, stones, pieces of slate and plastic. An indispensable condition: the beds must remain in the same place.
  2. It is possible to improve the yield with the help of compost, which is generously fed to the ground. This statement is also true for gardens. However, not everyone has the opportunity to use manure, then it makes sense to try to add as much organic matter to the ground as possible. For example, use siderates that are planted before and after cultivation. vegetable crops, mulch regularly. Green manure loosens the ground and is an excellent fertilizer
  3. The owner of smart beds does not forget to use organic fertilizers. This is an indisputable thesis - plants growing with fertilizers give the best harvest. At the same time, the beds require much less attention.
  4. Ideally, if you use compost instead of earth, with the addition of sawdust, straw, leaves to it to give the plants more nutrients. In order to start planting on compost, it must be distributed over the bed and sprinkled with a little earth. After about a month, planting can begin on the prepared site.

Raised beds are the key to success

It is better to grow salads, as well as vegetables, using a raised bed. Crops that require frequent attention are much more convenient to serve on such beds.

High beds heat up faster, which means that planting can be done early perpetual, in addition, the presence of a grid at the base will protect plants from the invasion of moles.

Read about the design of the beds: "Beautiful and right garden at the dacha with their own hands - photos, interesting ideas for decorating beds "

Should not be built big garden, its frame can be no more than 1.5 meters wide. In this case, you can cultivate the land, standing on the side of the landing. Besides:

Raised beds make it easier to care for and decorate the site.

Basic principles of "lazy" farming

One of the features of a lazy garden is the joint planting of plants. It has long been noticed that vegetables can not only coexist in the same garden, but help each other, contributing to a better harvest. For example, planting dill between crops with potatoes will help avoid invasion colorado potato beetle. There are other examples of the beneficial community of certain plants:

  • tomatoes go well with corn, carrots, onions;
  • carrots can be planted together with cabbage, onions, strawberries;
  • beans will bear fruit with cabbage, cucumbers and also with potatoes;
  • beans also go well with eggplant and peppers, helping to avoid the invasion of the Colorado potato beetle;
  • zucchini and pumpkin are best combined with corn, which will hide these vegetables from the scorching rays.

The next principle of organizing a lazy garden is to ensure that the soil is not empty. It turns out that not only plants are fed from the earth, but they themselves feed it during growth.

At the same time, the soil will receive a portion of organic matter, which will have a beneficial effect on the quality of future plantings.

The structured soil is indented by "catacombs" after earthworms. There is no point in disturbing the humus layer in such conditions. Further, it is only necessary to water the plantings as needed. Read about homemade tool to facilitate the care of the garden: "What can be done for the house and cottage with your own hands from logs, metal, boards and other remnants of materials."

Fokine flat cutter preserves soil structure - and it is easy to work with it

  1. In order for the soil to remain fertile, it must be well covered for the winter. For this purpose, you can use tops, autumn leaves, grass (if there are no seeds in it), straw or sawdust. You can also wrap the garden bed if you plant buckwheat, mustard or peas after harvesting. These crops will have time to germinate before the first snowfalls, and the new growth will cover the ground with itself, and then become good source organics.
  2. Another valuable tip for those who do not want to spend a lot of time caring for the beds. It is important that the tool is convenient and of high quality. This will greatly facilitate the work and allow you to use a hoe and hoe long years without making an annual replacement.
  3. Be sure to install a convenient irrigation system, this will save a lot of time and make the beds fertile. If the budget is limited, such a system can be built with your own hands - suitable drip method, as well as sprinkling.
  4. If watering the plants daily does not work, you can do this once or twice a week. It is only important to try to watering was plentiful. Mulched soil can retain moisture for a long time.

As you can see, a lazy vegetable garden is not a very difficult task if you approach it with some preparation.

Collect a solid harvest and do not bend your back from morning to evening on own site- under the power of any summer resident.

It is only important to rethink your attitude to such things as weeding, feeding plants, so as not to make mistakes and learn to enjoy relaxing in your own garden.


Beds for the "lazy": how to get a rich harvest

Caring for a garden and garden is a troublesome and time-consuming task. It used to be that it was necessary to dig beds in the garden in spring and autumn, current care trends garden plants do not require deep digging of the soil.

Percent manual labor when caring for a garden, it is unreasonably high, so gardeners get some relief when arranging high beds (beds for the "lazy"). This article is all about the arrangement of high beds (their size, selection of garden and ornamental crops).

Photo gallery and detailed video- to help beginners.

Garden for the "lazy": how to arrange beds

The lion's share of labor in growing vegetables falls on loosening the soil, weeding and harvesting. What unites all these works? They are very heavy, when growing vegetables according to classical pattern, you have to be in a bent, twisted state for a long time, which has a bad effect on human health.

Raised bed preparation

An excellent solution for a sore back is the equipment of high beds, when plants can be looked after without bending your back. Optimal size such beds are from 2.2 to 3.5 meters in length, with a width of 1 meter.

First, the beds are marked on the site, outlining their dimensions on the ground. Then, on the bayonet of the shovel, the mainland soil is plowed inside the outlined contours. The earth is removed, a non-woven material (in 2 layers) is laid at the bottom of the resulting trench, which will protect the future bed from weed germination.

Important! The non-woven material does not interfere with the flow of water and air access to the roots of plants.

A special box is installed on top of the beds, made of wood according to the size of the excavated beds, which is filled with fresh soil mixture with the addition leaf ground, sand, peat and black soil. Corner bars dig into the ground by 12-15 cm, after preparing the pits. The verticality of the walls of the beds during installation is constantly controlled by the level so that there are no bulges and distortions.

  • Plants planted in such a bed practically do not suffer from the dominance of weeds, they are easy to water and treat with chemicals from pests.
  • A ripening crop does not touch the ground, so vegetables and berries spoil less.
  • The soil around the beds does not need to be dug up, and the surface of the soil in the beds is easy to loosen.
  • It is very convenient to plant early crops in high beds - the beds thaw under the first rays of the sun, while the main soil on the site is still frost-bound.
  • You can easily install special arcs for a greenhouse in the box, it is convenient to cover the greenhouse with a film that will not fly off or tear. Early greens work great in high beds rejoicing in a rich harvest.

In addition to wood, the walls of a high bed can be made of stone, brick, plastic. In each household, unnecessary barrels, large plastic and metal containers can accumulate.

These bulky things can do an excellent job when growing zucchini, cucumbers, strawberries. To drain excess fluid at the bottom, it is worth making several holes.

The barrel is filled with branches, weeds, sprinkling a layer of weeds with a layer of nutrient soil, then filled almost to the top with nutrient soil. Plant cucumbers - a high yield is guaranteed.

In addition to cucumbers, strawberries grow well in barrels, which are planted in "pockets" on the sides of the barrel (preferably made of plastic). Berry whiskers hang down the walls of the barrel without touching the ground. Berries are not eaten by hedgehogs, slugs, they do not rot from contact with wet ground.

Raised bed irrigation system

How to water high beds?

Of course, you can leave the old hoses to water the garden from the high beds. But moving them around the site is completely inconvenient - high beds interfere. Therefore, it is useful to install an irrigation system, which will significantly save your time and reduce water consumption.

Irrigation hoses should be attached to the sides of high beds, so it is more convenient to water the plants. You can hear different opinions about the irrigation system - many gardeners complain about its high cost. You can purchase a system that has a low price, but is able to serve faithfully for more than a dozen years.

Advantages of bulk raised beds

You can create such a bed for very short term anywhere. It will take only a few hours to set up a garden according to new technology.

  • When preparing the soil, no special treatment of the soil added to the bed is required.
  • In high beds, there is an increased activity of beneficial microorganisms that are involved in soil preparation.
  • Beds help retain moisture and high temperature, which increases due to the greenhouse effect from the decay of plant residues.

Raised beds are easier to handle

  • Weeds grow around the beds without breaking through the 2 layers of non-woven fabric that line the beds from the inside. It is good to mulch the space between the beds with colored wood chips, gravel or decorative gravel so it is possible to reduce the number of weeds.
  • On high beds, you can do the work of caring for vegetables and ornamental plants much faster.
  • The bed has been serving for more than one year, so the initial costs of arranging the garden itself for the “lazy” and the irrigation system pay off in the first year.
  • The bed can be cared for from two sides, this will facilitate access to each plant, allow you to monitor the health of vegetable crops, and in case of infectious diseases, it will help to carry out timely processing.

For growing climbing plants - trellises

Climbing plants are ideally placed on plastic mesh trellises. So you can plant peas, beans, cucumbers, tall tomatoes. Vegetable plants climbing on a rugged plastic mesh with a large mesh, cling to the protrusions with their antennae, and the crop remains in high safety, because insects and animals do not reach it.

Advice! It is noted that when grown on a trellis, cucumbers are less susceptible to fungal diseases.

What can be done in the country in a couple of days, and even then after a full working week? This article is for those who love and want to enjoy the time spent in nature, and not with a chopper in their hands - for moderately lazy gardeners.

If it turns out that things in the garden do not argue, and rest really does not work. If you are not a frequent guest in the country, but you want your garden to bring a rich harvest in the fall, before lying imposingly in a hammock and being lazy, you should show interest in organizing in the garden and garden ideal conditions for growth, but without your continued involvement.

Where to start a garden for the lazy?

In order to save time for work and plenty of rest, we will apply a little ingenuity, and then we will build a garden for the lazy with love. So, the garden is beds, greenhouses, flower beds. For everything to grow and bear fruit create ideal conditions:

  • Let's think: is it really necessary to recklessly plant all six acres with boring vegetables, do we really need tons of potatoes, cabbage and tomatoes in the fall?
  • Every self-respecting lazy person will definitely come up with a place to relax, whether it is a barbecue area, beautiful lawn for acceptance sunbathing or game Zone for growing gardeners. And then, I would like to leave room for a beautiful flower bed (preferably from perennials, to deal with it every few years).
  • Remember that if there is no need to dig all the earth on the site, this does not need to be done. The soil should breathe, freely pass moisture, and not be open layers dried by the sun.
  • Having chosen and prepared a place for a garden, we will think about minimizing our precious labor in the garden.
  • You need to start with mulching the beds (unless, of course, the land on your site is initially not favorable). Suitable as mulch sawdust, withered leaves, cut grass, etc. The main advantage of mulch is that it protects the soil from burning out and reliably retains moisture. Therefore, if your visits to the dacha are limited to one or two times a week, it is better to cover the beds with an organic “blanket” in advance.

By the way, there is another great mulching material for a lazy garden- last year's seeds of lettuce, carrots, herbs, chard. In the spring, having prepared a place for planting the main crops, all the old seeds are mixed and scattered over the beds, then the earth is loosened and watered. Everything, mulching material, and at the same time delicious salad laid down! And when the time comes to plant the desired vegetables - the holes are made right among the green growing rug, the plants that interfere strongly will go to the table. The benefits of such a "live" mulch are enormous: a formed thick green mat protects plantings and the ground from strong wind, temperature fluctuations and excessive sun exposure. It keeps the bed in place, preventing it from spreading, and promotes the activation of the right bacteria, creating a favorable microclimate in the garden, which will undoubtedly increase the yield and reduce the time spent in constant weeding and watering. Why not a garden for the lazy? Organizing an irrigation system in a lazy garden Let's talk about the most important and most time-consuming laziness after a working week - about watering. In order not to drag hoses and watering cans around the garden, consider a drip irrigation system in the spring, and it is not necessary to buy a complete installation kit with sensors and filters at exorbitant prices. You can limit yourself to just hoses and a switch lever. So when you get to the garden on the weekend, you lazily organize the work of watering the garden, and you yourself will take care of more pleasant things. And if possible, it would be nice to connect the automation - then the garden itself will generally take care of watering, focusing on the state of soil moisture. Selection of garden tools We buy only what we need, in the right quantity and of the right quality. Here are the main principles of buying equipment for the garden. For example, before laying the lawn, it would be wise to think about the fact that after three weeks it will have to be cut regularly. We'll have to fork out for lawn mowing equipment. And it’s better if it is a high-quality and safe lawn mower that can quickly cut and collect mowed grass behind it without exhausting the owner of this lawn, but isn’t this the main thing in a lazy garden? Properly selected garden tools- a great help to the lazy gardener. Shovels, rakes, pitchforks, watering cans, buckets are selected so that they serve for more than a dozen years and, most importantly, are easy to use. Of course, plastic in gardening equipment is time and money down the drain, it’s better not to skimp and buy one, but a high-quality shovel.

What to plant in the garden for the lazy?

Here are a few important points when selecting plants for planting in the garden, so as to work less, and harvest a good one?

  1. First, when choosing varieties of vegetables, pay attention to those that are well-established and unpretentious and resistant to your climate.
  2. Secondly, you need to protect plantings from pests and diseases, for this you should not be lazy and plant defender plants that save plantings from harmful insects and improve the soil. These plants include some flowers familiar to everyone since childhood: nasturtiums, calendula, borago, etc.
  3. And, thirdly, the more garden crops are planted, the more time and effort they will take, so plant only those vegetables and plants that you really need.

And to make being in the garden a pleasure, hang a hammock between the trees and after a difficult horticultural work, do not forget to just lie down and enjoy a quiet summer evening under the chirping of birds. After all, that’s what a cottage is for!

Ecology of agriculture: In our modern fast-paced world, not everyone can find enough time to carefully care for the garden and vegetable garden in the country

In our modern fast-paced world, not everyone can find enough time to carefully care for the garden and garden in the country.

But everyone wants to spend the weekend at their dacha, in the circle of seven and friends, to take a break from city worries, to be, perhaps, alone. In such a situation, you need to make your country cottage area unusual and at the same time attractive without spending a lot of time on it - we will make a garden for the lazy. The advantage of such a garden for the lazy is that it does not take much time and effort to arrange and maintain it.

lazy garden layout

Before planning a garden for the lazy, we will choose a style that does not require a long time to design.

Garden and vegetable garden in Italian and Dutch styles require high costs strength and time.

A modern garden and a regular garden also require quite a lot of effort. We need to get as close to nature as possible, so we will arrange a garden and a vegetable garden for the lazy in a majestic landscape style or country style. Such styles suggest the presence in the garden and garden of plants that are as close as possible and characteristic of the local flora, growing independently and not requiring special care. Hedges that need to be cut periodically, carpet flower beds, lawns and flower beds that need to be watered often should not grow here.

Lazy combined bed

Plants such as rhododendron, mock orange, hydrangeas, which do not require a haircut and grow on their own, are suitable as living natural hedges.

Rules for a lazy garden

  • Give preference to large forms and perennials. Honeysuckle, lilac, mountain ash, shadberry - these are examples of plants that require little to no care. This can also be attributed coniferous trees. From the flowers, choose those that can grow in one place for years without requiring transplantation and seating.
  • Choose local crops for planting. In order not to dig up or cover heat-loving sissies for the winter, so as not to be afraid of frost and winds, it is best to use those plants that are familiar to your area - endemic. And even if you get something exotic, it is not a fact that the same thing will grow in your climate zone as in its homeland. All this extra costs forces and means, and in beautiful and amazing plants exists in any area.
  • The lawn is not for the lazy. Therefore, instead of lawn grass, which needs to be cut regularly, use low or creeping, ground cover plants. Sedum, saxifrage, purslane, various types of stonecrops are real finds for this purpose. Interesting clover lawn.
  • Away with the pots! Plants in boxes, containers, pots require careful care - in a small amount of soil, you need to constantly maintain the required level of moisture and nutrients. Do you need it?
  • Weeds fight! In order not to weed over and over again, free spaces are mulched (covered with straw, sawdust), you can sprinkle the paths with gravel, pebbles, crumbs. In no case do not remove the weeded grass from the garden: spread out in an even layer, it will not allow new weeds to rise, and when it dries and completely decomposes, it will fertilize the earth.
  • Water properly! In general, you need to water abundantly and not often - depending on the needs of various plants, of course. Today there are many various systems watering (drainage, drip), alternative running around with a watering can or pulling a hose. If all this is well thought out and prepared, you can save a lot of time.
  • Take care of the instrument! Gardening equipment and created to facilitate human labor. Let you have the whole range of necessary tools plus useful units for plowing, mowing and other work. Watering cans, buckets, small inventory, choose bright colors so that in case of loss it is easy to find on the site. And of course, equip a place for convenient storage all this.
  • Involve your loved ones and children in the work on the site - joint work brings you together, and shared duties allow you to turn the most difficult things into a common joyful event!

lazy lawn

For lawns, you can sow meadow clover, which does not require any care at all and looks beautiful, and among it are yarrow, flaxseed, field carnation, fescue, adonis, peonies and other field perennials. Such a lawn will look very attractive and decorative, and unlike a traditional garden lawn, it never needs to be mowed.

In the garden for the lazy, shrubs and trees are more suitable, which tolerate frosty winters well and do not require shelter. In addition, you need to choose varieties that do not grow and do not require regular pruning. In order for shrubs and trees to look attractive both in summer and in winter, you need to choose those that retain foliage for quite a long time for the winter. These are viburnum, mountain ash, euonymus, heather, cotoneaster, barberry and some other species. You can also plant evergreens and conifers, such as pine, spruce, fir, thuja, juniper, cypress.

If you decide to equip a garden for the lazy, then gazebos and garden benches it is necessary to arrange, taking into account the terrain and pave the areas around them with large cobblestones, gravel, pebbles or sand. Such a site will decorate very much vertical gardening. Once and for a long time to build gazebos, arches, pergolas and plant around perennial climbing plants maintenance-free, such as honeysuckle, hops, wild grapes, lemongrass.

Beds with minimal labor

Often a garden and a garden for the lazy are presented as a single whole. Therefore, the beds should be located in such places that they are not obscured by trees and shrubs. The layout will depend on the terrain. So in the lowlands you can plant vegetables that do not require a lot of sun - cabbage, beets, radishes. And in elevated areas, closer to the light - tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers.

You can plant vegetables on bordered beds various shapes and scatter them in islands across the meadow lawn.

The width of such beds is not more than a meter, but you can choose a round shape, oval. It will be beautiful and convenient to handle. In the center of such beds, you can plant weaving vegetables such as cucumber, pumpkins in a pyramid. To do this, put a support in the center, preferably metal in the form of an arc or lattice.

Lazy watering system

Pretty watering the vegetables tedious work, therefore, a garden for the lazy should also provide for a lazy watering system. The wick system can serve as such an example. A bucket is buried in the center of the round bed and filled with water. Wicks from cloth strips are lowered into the bucket, you can weave them into pigtails. One end is lowered into a bucket, and the other into a bed and sprinkled with earth. The bucket is covered with a lid, and the plants receive the necessary moisture through the wicks. For especially lazy summer residents, such wick watering is also a burden, because, from time to time, buckets must be filled with water.

You can do drip irrigation. Such irrigation systems are sold in stores, but you can get by with an ordinary hose, piercing it in the right places with an awl. The hose must be dug into the ground by 10 cm, branched into tees in different directions to the beds and connected to the water supply system. Open the faucet quite a bit, and while the water comes to the right place, it will have time to warm up. Such watering will not bother you at all, and, having arrived at the dacha, you just need to slightly open the tap and forget about its existence for the rest. True, such an irrigation system requires the presence of a permanent water supply system. published

Video tutorial: How to get a big harvest with a minimum of effort

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