Actara for indoor plants. Aktara from the Colorado potato beetle: reviews Aktara watering under the root of trees

Aktara - is an insecticide of the group of neonicotinoids with a fast broad spectrum of action. Works great for many pests. After processing the plants, the pests stop “dining” on them after half an hour. And a day later, they are completely removed back home. Moreover, the tool is effective not only for soil application, but also for spraying. Absorbed through the roots, the insecticide enters the leaves, and then no weather conditions can wash it out. The remedy is effective for 5-7 weeks.

The active substance of Actara is thiamethoxam. The chemical is produced in the form of water-dispersible granules packed in 4 g, a suspension concentrate of 250 ml in liquid form in liter canisters and 9 ml bottles.

Insecticide used to kill aphids currant bushes, colorado potato beetle on potato, aphids, scale insects, thrips, false scale insects and whiteflies in flowering plants.

Aktara instructions for use

Work on the destruction of pests should begin as soon as they notice at least one insect. It is necessary to prepare the working fluid only on the street in order to exclude the inhalation of the drug.

As a rule, the mother liquor is initially prepared by dissolving the entire contents of the chemperparat package in a liter of water in a container of a slightly larger volume.

But to prepare a working solution, you should take a certain amount of stock solution (150-200/250/600 ml for potatoes, currants and indoor plants respectively), dilute with 5 liters of water and then fill the sprayer.

The serviceability of the unit is checked before spraying. Processing of plants is carried out exclusively in calm good weather morning or evening, when the sun sets, making sure that the drug does not fall on neighboring crops. If the weather forecast is bad and it may rain within an hour, spraying is left until better times.

Instructions for use of insecticide actara: consumption rate

Consider the rate of consumption of two concentrations of the drug.

Instructions for use of Actara VDG for indoor plants and vegetables (with a concentration of thiamethoxam 250 g/kg)

When using the drug in this form and concentration, the duration of protection when spraying is 14-28 days, and when soil treatment is 1.5-2 months.

Actara for indoor plants helps against soil flies and fungal mosquitoes. You just need to treat the plants with soil watering, making a solution of 1 g / 10 l of water.

To eliminate aphids, false scales, thrips, scale insects, plants are repeatedly treated under the root 0.3-0.4 m high with a solution concentration of 8 g / 10 l of water. Spraying agent is diluted in the same way.

To get rid of potatoes from the Colorado potato beetle, you need 1.2 g of a chemical reagent per 10 liters of water. In this case, both a single treatment and spraying during the growing season are carried out. It will take 14 days until the pests completely disappear.

To save currant bushes from aphids, double treatment of the bushes is carried out, diluting 2 g per 10 liters of water. And the first time - before the buds bloom, the second - when the harvest is harvested.

As for ornamental flower crops, when aphids and scale insects appear, spraying with an insecticide is carried out, diluting it in a proportion of 8 g for every 10 liters of water. They do the same when fighting whiteflies, thrips or false shields.

Instructions for use of liquid actara (with a concentration of 240g / l. thiamethoxam)

Unlike the granular form of the drug, this one protects plants from pests for approximately 7-28 days. The duration depends on the weather, pest and method of use.

Potato protection from is achieved by spraying the bushes with a solution prepared at the rate of 0.6 ml/100 m 2 . You will have to wait 3 weeks for the full effect of the drug.

You can eliminate aphids on currant bushes by treating the bushes twice: spraying before the buds bloom with a solution prepared in a ratio of 2 ml / 10 l of water (it will take two months to wait for the result) and spraying after picking the berries, using a solution of the same concentration.

To eliminate pests (such as soil flies, fungal gnats) on houseplants in pots, it is necessary to water the flowers under the root, preparing a solution in a ratio of 1 ml / 10 liters of water. You can destroy the whitefly, scale insect, aphids, false shield, thrips in the same way.

The benefits of the drug

Actara has a lot of advantages:

  • has great biological activity;
  • resistant to various weather;
  • a small dose is sufficient for action;
  • Actara is also used for orchids;
  • there is no addiction, which allows you to use the drug an unlimited number of times;
  • acts very quickly, so it can be used in emergency cases;
  • with root application, the effect of the drug lasts about 2 months;
  • has a wide spectrum of action;
  • effective against many pests;
  • can be applied directly to the soil;

The poisonousness of the drug

According to the clinical trials the researchers found that Aktara is distributed in plants exclusively along the stem and foliage. The presence of the chemical reagent in the fruits was not detected, which indicates a high hygiene safety at vegetable crops.

At the same time, the drug is toxic when taken orally, so it is important to prevent the insecticide from entering the stomach or respiratory tract. In case of poisoning, symptoms such as a decrease in motor activity and the occurrence of seizures are observed.

The drug is very toxic to bees. For birds, fish, earthworms and various aquatic microorganisms, the toxicity of the drug is of medium magnitude.


Aktara can be used simultaneously with many other insecticides, growth regulators, fungicides, pesticides.

Do not mix Aktara with alkaline agents.

To protect yourself from unforeseen situations, you should check the compatibility of chemicals in advance.

According to the instructions, the chemical preparation can be stored for 4 years from the date of manufacture in a place inaccessible to moisture, sunlight at a temperature of -10C - +35ºC.

How to breed Aktara for irrigation - video

28.10.2017 3 213

Aktara, instructions for use - how to properly dilute and use

The drug Aktara - instructions for use can tell you a lot. Therefore, you should carefully read and find out in which cases it is used, how to properly breed. What crops can be sprayed and when, how many treatments are needed. Let's see what it is and for which trees it is suitable?

Aktara, instructions for use, drug properties

The drug Aktara, the instruction for the use of which classifies the agent as an insecticide of the neonicotinoid class - thiamethoxam. Preparations of this group affect the nervous system of insect pests, paralyzing the respiratory and digestive functions. The agent enters the body of insects through the outer shells and the digestive tract.

Aktara is produced in ampoules, the use of which is more convenient than another form - granules. However, both one and the other type of the drug is popular with summer residents. The drug is effective against most pests of horticultural, horticultural and indoor crops. Instructions for use recommends using it to destroy the following insects:

  • mealybugs
  • mushroom mosquitoes
  • colorado potato beetle
  • soil bugs and their larvae
  • onion and carrot flies
  • thrips
  • scale insects
  • codling moths, leafhoppers and suckers and many others

The agent effectively destroys the stages of insects that feed on plants, since if it enters the digestive tract of pests, it penetrates better into the nervous tissues.

    Aktar has several advantages:
  1. The drug works equally well when applied to the leaves of the plant and watered with a solution under the root.
  2. The active substance Aktara penetrates into the vascular system of the plant, and is distributed only in the vegetative parts. In fruits, ovaries and inflorescences, toxins are not found.
  3. The active compound of the drug does not lose its effectiveness under the action of sunlight, high temperatures, as it penetrates into the intercellular space of plants. He is not afraid of precipitation, even during rains, the concentration of thiamethoxam remains at its original level.
  4. Actara's action lasts up to 4 weeks when applied to leaf blades, and up to 8 when applied to the soil, which allows you to protect plants on long term and reduce the number of treatments per season

The declared advantages and properties of the preparations are valid if Aktara is used correctly. Before using it, it is recommended to carefully study the instructions.

Insecticide application

To start using Aktara, the instructions for use must be studied in detail. It describes the basic rules on how to apply Aktara insecticide for individual crops, at what dosage and frequency to treat plants.

The granular form of Aktara is recommended to be diluted in slightly warmed water, the temperature of which should be at + 25 ْС. If this indicator is lower, the granules will not dissolve. The concentration of the working solution will be insufficient to destroy pests.

The standard dilution rate for Aktara granular is 2 packs of 4 g each per 10-liter bucket of water. The solution is used for spraying garden and horticultural crops, as well as for watering under the root. The resulting volume is spent on 10 square meters

The instruction for indoor plants recommends taking the product in a slightly smaller volume, since the consumption working fluid will be small. A little less than 1 gram of the product is dissolved in 1 liter of water. In order not to be mistaken with the concentration of the solution, the powder should be poured out of the package onto a sheet of paper and divided by 5 equal parts. Then pack each part in a separate bag, and then use the solution obtained from the portion for 25 pots.

The described breeding rates are suitable for the destruction of aphids, whiteflies, scale insects and false scale insects, thrips, various kinds worms. For insecticide-resistant pests, such as fungal mosquitoes and soil beetle larvae, Aktara's instructions for use recommend using it in reduced dosages. 1 g / 10 l of water, the working solution is used for irrigation, spending 1 l / 1 sq.m.

According to the instructions, liquid Aktara is used to destroy the Colorado potato beetle, however, the drug is effective against all pests with the exception of spider mites. It must be bred depending on the name of the crop to be processed and the pests present. So, to process onions during the summer of flies, a 1.2 ml ampoule is diluted in 3 liters of water. And for the treatment of roses from thrips, a more concentrated solution is required - an ampoule for 0.75 liters of water.

Aktara, instructions for use and safety measures during work

When working with Aktara, the instructions for use provide for compliance with standard safety measures. Despite the relatively low toxicity to humans, the drug is dangerous for various representatives of the fauna.

So, it is not recommended to use Aktar's solution for spraying pollinating plants if bees are bred in the area. The recommended protective zone for bees is 4-5 km. For earthworms and insects that do not feed on foliage and roots of treated plants, Aktara is not dangerous, but only if the instructions for use are followed.

It is not advisable to eat fruits and parts of plants within 2-3 weeks after spraying with Actara. When using a working solution for irrigation of crops, the waiting period is slightly longer - from 1.5 to 2 months.

It is not allowed to store Aktara together with food and drinking water, when it enters the human digestive tract, the insecticide causes acute poisoning, accompanied by convulsions of varying intensity. The victim is shown gastric lavage and intake of sorbents. Treatment is symptomatic.

Before using the Aktara insecticide, you should carefully study the manufacturer's instructions, which outline the main points for using the product. Their understanding will help to avoid mistakes and guaranteed to destroy pests.

Aktara instructions for use to which is presented in this article, is a new generation insecticide, characterized by speed and efficiency. It is used for processing various kinds cultures. The main property of the drug is protection against pests. A product is used for spraying adult shrubs and trees, as well as for treating vegetable seedlings before planting in the ground. The drug is effective, as shown reviews, and is used widely and everywhere.

The tool is effective against hundreds of types of pests. At the same time, in addition to protecting against insects, the drug contributes to the development of the plant. Consider ways and instructions for use "Actara".


Aktara is a contact-intestinal insecticide, a representative of the Neonicotidoids group. The drug is produced in Switzerland. Available in several forms:

  1. tablets,
  2. granules,
  3. soluble cream powder
  4. suspension in glass or plastic containers different volumes.

The active substance dissolves at a temperature of +25 degrees, does not burn, but melts at a temperature of +140 and above.

Functions and Properties

Actara helps:

  • protect the plant from various pests,
  • improve the quality of leaves and shoots.

Depending on the method of application, it is valid for 1-2 months after treatment.

Processing can be done at various weather conditions and anytime, there's no difference when to process:

  • heat;
  • wind;
  • humidity.

Thiamethoxam - the active substance of the drug - decomposes well in the soil, dissolves in water and is absorbed by the plant from the ground. Thanks to these properties, the insecticide can be used both for spraying vegetative parts and for tillage. A complex preparation can be used to fully control the process of reproduction of various pests throughout the season.


Insecticide Aktara can be used in horticulture and agriculture. It fights many different insect pests:

  • Colorado and May beetle;
  • codling moth;
  • thrips;
  • whitefly;
  • soil fly and others.

The tool can be used to process:

  • cereals;
  • vegetables and seedlings;
  • fruit trees;
  • decorative flower crops;
  • berry bushes.

Akara will practically do no harm:

  • birds;
  • earthworms;
  • aquatic organisms.

The insecticide is poisonous to pollinating insects:

  • hornets;
  • bees.

For humans and mammals, the level of toxicity is medium.

Watch the video! Aktara Effective insecticide: description, characteristics, price

Operating principle

Thiamethoxam is the main active ingredient of Aktara. Its concentration is 250g/kg or 240g/l. Even hiding insects can destroy this remedy.

Processing is carried out under various weather conditions. The agent is absorbed:

  • into the leaves through the skin when spraying, then its effect will last up to 4 weeks;
  • absorbed by the roots from the soil, then when watering, the substance will spread throughout the entire vascular system of the plant, and the effect will last up to 2 months.

Important! Aktara does not harm vegetable, fruit and berry plants.

They do not accumulate harmful toxic masses, and insects do not develop resistance and addiction to this agent. The main thing - correct use insecticide as directed.

The action of the drug begins within 30 minutes after contact with the pest. The insect eats parts of the plant that are processed by Aktara. Active substances, getting inside, begin their action in digestive system by inhibiting receptors. Due to this, the pests stop eating the leaves of the plant. After that, the nervous system of the insect is paralyzed, because of which it dies within a day.

Advantages and disadvantages

All insecticidal preparations have strong and weak sides, and Aktara too. Consider all the pros and cons of using this tool.

Positive sides:


  • dangerous for bees, wasps and hornets;
  • the finished solution cannot be stored;
  • it is better to alternate with other insecticides.

Instructions for use

As soon as the first signs of the presence of pests or their larvae appear, insecticide treatment should be carried out immediately. For this you need to know correct method preparation and processing of plants.

Solution preparation

It is more convenient to first prepare the mother solution, and then the working one. The stock solution is prepared as follows:

  • take a container of 1.5-2l;
  • pour 1 liter of water;
  • dissolve the contents of the package (4g) in it.

The working solution is already prepared directly in the sprayer according to the instructions on the package.

  • First, 250 ml of water is poured into the sprayer:
    • for potatoes add 150-200 ml of stock solution;
    • for currants - 250 ml;
    • if it is necessary to process flower cultures - 600 ml.
  • Then water is finished to a total volume of 5 liters, the tank is twisted and shaken.
  • The working solution can be used.

Watch the video! How to breed aktara for watering and spraying houseplants

Application for different crops

For different types of crops, there are certain processing rules and consumption rates. There are only two ways to use it:

  • spraying;
  • watering.

It is watered until the soil is deeply moistened, and sprayed until the leaves and shoots are completely wetted.

Processing by type:

Seedling processing

The drug "Aktara" can be used for processing seed material and seedlings.

  • For processing potatoes, the tubers should be spread evenly on the film;
  • Sprayed with a working solution of 6 g in 0.3 l of water, the tubers are mixed;
  • Processed potatoes should be planted immediately and should not be stored.

Advice! In a similar way, you can process onion heads and slices. garlic .

You can use this insecticide in order to treat seedlings:

  • Dilute 1.4 g of the drug in 1 liter of water;
  • Soak the roots of the plant in the solution for 2 hours;
  • Do this procedure 12 hours before disembarkation;
  • This amount of working solution should be enough for 200 plants.


Aktara is compatible with other widely used means for the treatment of horticultural and agricultural crops, as well as with growth regulators ("Zircon", "Epin" and others).

Important! With substances that give an alkaline reaction, this remedy cannot be combined.

It is better to check the compatibility of different drugs just before mixing.


The drug is universal and will help to effectively deal with many different pests. The drug has several analogues, in which the main active ingredient is thiamethoxam. These are the means:

  • "Adamant";
  • "Tiara";
  • "Ephoria";
  • "Doctor";
  • "Cruiser";
  • Voliam Flexi.

Precautionary measures

Aktara is a moderately hazardous substance, has a 3rd class of toxicity.

Precautions to be observed when working with this insecticide:

  1. To prepare the working solution, wear a protective suit, rubber gloves, goggles and a respirator;
  2. Do not eat, drink or smoke while processing plants;
  3. After processing, wash your hands with soap and rinse your mouth, change clothes;
  4. Do not process crops near water bodies;
  5. Store the drug should be at a temperature of -10 to +30 in a dry dark place;
  6. Indoor plants are best handled outdoors or in a well-ventilated area;
  7. Do not treat plants during flowering.

If the insecticide gets on the skin, remove it with a soft cloth or cotton. In case of contact with eyes, rinse thoroughly clean water within 15 min.

In case of Aktara poisoning, the following symptoms may appear:

  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • weakness.

As soon as the symptoms appear, you should call a doctor and inform what treatment was carried out and when. If the victim is conscious, he should take 3-5 tbsp. l crushed activated carbon and a glass warm water. Better to try to induce vomiting. But, in no case should you induce vomiting if the person is unconscious.

Aktara is a fast-acting insecticide with high efficiency. If it is used correctly, then you can get rid of various pests, while not harming human health.

Watch the video! AKTARA systemic insecticides - long-term protection against aphids, mites, caterpillars

Every summer resident wants his garden to be completely protected from various diseases and pests. After all, this is what often causes a decrease or complete death of the crop. Today we will talk about a tool called "Aktara". The instructions for use say that this systemic insecticide, which perfectly fights with any pests, insects and their larvae throughout the season. You do not have to often process the garden, the processing takes place in the spring, but it lasts until the fall. This is the main advantage of this tool.


No matter how carefully we take care of our plants, whether it be indoor flowers or beds with vegetables, insects do not sleep and do not doze off. Just turned away - they are already mercilessly eating the most beautiful branches, leaving you without hope for beautiful flowers and a rich harvest. It was to help the gardener that a tool called "Aktara" was released. Instructions for use says that this is the most modern and effective drug to combat all known pests, regardless of when and in what quantity they appeared.

This is a systemic drug that combines systemic and contact action. This is what allows us to say that the most effective drug is Aktara. Instructions for use contain information about insects, from which this product perfectly protects. Below we will give these data so that you can know in which cases the drug can be used.

Insecticide properties

Due to the systemic action, the preparation "Aktara" can be used with almost no restrictions for insect control. Instructions for use explains this versatility by the fact that the product has an intestinal effect, that is, it kills insects that have managed to eat a piece of the green part. But in addition to this, the drug also has a contact effect, that is, it destroys insects that are located on plants in order to feast on them.

The drug "Aktara" instantly penetrates into the shoots, leaves and roots of plants. It dissolves instantly, without leaving a trace and smell. The tool is very effective both when spraying and when applied to the soil. All this makes it extremely convenient and therefore popular among gardeners.

The drug "Aktara" provides long-term protection against several pests at the same time. At the same time, the consumption rate of the solution is very small, which is very important if you have large sown areas that need to be processed. Frequent treatments are not required, as the duration of the residual effect is very high. What else is good drug "Aktara"? Instructions for use for fruit trees report its high activity in all weather conditions. That is, you do not have to worry that the drug will decompose from high temperature or sunlight. The rain won't wash it away high humidity will not reduce efficiency in any way.

Active substance

However, before treating your garden, everyone probably wants to know what exactly gets on the plant, that the drug tends to penetrate into the plant tissues and accumulate in them. On the one hand, this is good, throughout the season the plant will be toxic to pests, on the other hand, is it not harmful to our health. Clinical studies confirm that the active substance called thiamethoxam is toxic to humans only in the form of a powder or solution. In the tissues of the plant, the drug accumulates in such small doses that it does not pose any threat to humans. Therefore, the fruits can be eaten without fear, but nevertheless, it is worth following the recommended treatment regimen and dosage.

When processing plants, after 20 hours, the effect of the drug "Aktara" fully manifests itself. Instructions for use for fruit trees emphasizes that the drug reaches the top of an adult plant 3 days after treatment. The effect of the drug begins to be noticeable approximately 30 minutes after treatment. Insect pests are still alive, but they already stop eating because their digestive system is paralyzed.

Duration of exposure

We have already said that the drug acts for a long time. It really is. That is why the Aktara plant protection product is becoming more and more popular. Reviews say that so far there has not been such available funds, which would allow you to maintain protection for half the season. It should be noted that there are several ways to use the drug. We will talk about this a little later, but for now we note that when spraying, the residual effect lasts 15-28 days. When applied to the soil, this time increases significantly, protection extends already for 60 days. Thus, it is enough to make only two treatments per day in order to get a clean garden without pests as a result.

We must stop for a very important point, too frequent repeated treatments can cause insects to become addicted to the active substance of the drug. So far, such moments have not been noted in practice, perhaps because Aktara is not very common yet. Reviews of gardeners note that the spring application of the drug to the soil and repeated spraying allows you to completely forget about pests. However, it is recommended to alternate the drug with other chemicals. The preparation is very well compatible with all fungicides and other insecticides. The only exceptions are solutions, which include soap, lime and Bordeaux mixture.

Instructions for use for home use

It should be noted that the preparation "Aktara" for indoor plants is successfully used. It is effective against aphids and scale insects, false scale insects, thrips and whiteflies, mealybugs, Colorado potato beetles and wireworms. The only thing to remember is that the drug is completely useless in the fight against ticks. For spraying, it is necessary to prepare a solution, for this, 4 g of the drug must be dissolved in 5 liters of water. To spill the pots, you need to prepare a more gentle solution, for this, take 1 g of the drug and dissolve it in 10 liters of water. If you have few indoor plants, then you can make less solution, 10 liters is the dosage for 250 pots. With a very strong defeat, you need to combine spraying with watering. This is how Aktara is used for indoor plants.

Application in the garden

Slightly different dosages for gardening. You will need to dissolve 2 g of the drug in 10 liters of water. This solution can be watered the soil. If you want to spray, you need to do more saturated solution, approximately 4 g per 10 liters of water. "Aktara" for trees is a real find. So quickly and easily you can save the crop fruit trees from various pests.

Consumption rate

It depends on which plants you will be processing. For potato fields, it is enough to dilute 1.2 g in 10 liters of water and spray during the growing season. To process currants, it is necessary to dilute 2 g per 10 liters of water. In this case, you need to repeat the treatment, the first before flowering, and the second after harvesting. For the processing of decorative, flower crops, a solution of 8 g per 10 liters of water is made. Why else do gardeners decide to use Aktara? The price of this tool is quite affordable, only 80 rubles for a package weighing 4 g.

Precautionary measures

This is a moderately hazardous drug and you must take some precautions when working with it. Be sure to use a respirator, goggles and rubber gloves. Do not drink, smoke or eat while processing plants. After all work is completed, you must immediately change clothes and rinse your mouth, wash your hands and face. If the treatment was carried out indoors, you must immediately open all windows and ventilate. The remaining solution is disposed of by burning together with the container. It is impossible to throw out the remains of solution in reservoirs. Keep the drug and its solution in a place inaccessible to children and animals.

What to do in case of drug poisoning

For changing folk remedies today come reliable, effective drugs, such as Aktara. Their price is quite low, which is why they are purchased so willingly. However, if security measures are violated, you may experience symptoms of poisoning. This may be weakness and sweating, rapid breathing, reduced motor activity, convulsions.

In this case, it is necessary to ensure the flow fresh air drink at least a liter of water and induce vomiting. Accept Activated carbon and see a doctor immediately.


We introduced you to modern drug under the name "Actara". You already know how to breed and use it, it remains to say a few words about storage. Its shelf life is quite large, 4 years, so you can immediately purchase a large package, and then use it a little. In this case, it is recommended to either immediately divide the package into separate bags and sign how many grams are in each, or use pharmacy scales. Store the product tightly packed in paper, in a dry and cool place.

) from unique properties. detailed instructions to the insecticide Aktara testifies to the wide possibilities of its application. At the same time, one should not forget about caution and those environmental aspects that inevitably arise when working with insecticides, including Aktara. The use of any chemical should be dictated by a real need and requires strict adherence to the instructions.

Aktara insecticide is produced by the well-known Swiss agricultural company Syngenta. It is produced in two forms intended for the preparation of a solution - a powder and a concentrated suspension (ampoule, bottle). A similar Swiss-made chemical is also contained in the liquid preparation Insector (trading house "Vashe Khozyaistvo") and solid briquette sticks Doctor (firm "Green Pharmacy Gardener").

Deadly for bees

Aktara is a wonderful drug with many advantages, and yet a number of restrictions are imposed on it in European countries due to its high toxicity to bees and bumblebees. Moreover, the chemical penetrates into internal environment plants and can be transferred to pollen and nectar even a month after treatment. This is why the extended instruction strongly recommends:

It is more acceptable to use after flowering or in closed room-greenhouse conditions.

Critical for earthworms

serious Scientific research life of ground earthworms shows that the moderate use of Aktara reduces their number by a third, and the abuse of insecticide - by about two thirds (out of ten worms and their cocoons, 6-7 pieces die).

Beneficial predatory bugs, as well as fish and some other aquatic life, are also at risk. There is preliminary evidence that there is a risk to birds.

The active ingredient of the insecticide Aktara

At the heart of Aktara is thiamethoxam - a compound from the category of neonicotinoids. These are artificial analogues of the natural nicotine alkaloid. Other types of neonicotinoids are presented in such popular preparations as Prestige, Confidor, Iskra Zolotaya, Apaches and other novelties of the 21st century. Chemicals disrupt work quickly and deadly nervous system many insects.

Thiamethoxam (like other neonicotinoids) after watering or spraying in a matter of hours through the roots and foliage penetrates into the vascular tissues of the plant and is retained there for at least two weeks. In the grassy parts, it can remain for a month or even longer. Does not accumulate in tubers, bulbs and fruits.

Objects of attack of a chemical preparation - a list of pests

Detailed instructions recommend using Aktara against the Colorado potato beetle, wireworm, thrips, scale insects, pear suckers, apple flower beetles, mealybugs, psyllids, flies, grape leafhoppers, pea weevils, herbivorous bugs, soil flies. An hour later, the insects stop eating, and a day later (scale insects a little later) die.

The insecticide has moderate activity against the greenhouse whitefly; practically no effect on her eggs. It is not used in the fight against spider and other mites, slugs, ants, raspberry beetle and strawberry weevil.

It perfectly removes any aphids and cabbage caterpillars, but it is environmentally safer to deal with these pests with the help of biological products - Fitoverma, Akarina,. We use Aktara as a last resort - if it rains often, and the aphids are very stuck.

Advantages of Aktara insecticide

  1. It is not dangerous for humans and other mammals, for butterflies and moths, as well as for beneficial predatory mites.
  2. Does not evaporate from the surface, does not pass into volatile gaseous forms - therefore, there is no danger of inhaling the chemical. In addition, the useful concentration on the foliage is not reduced.
  3. It is effective both in heat and in cold, and at temperature extremes, and under the sun's rays.
  4. It does not wash off with rain, even if it has passed after a couple of hours.
  5. Thanks to the penetrating action, there is no need to spray the leaves from below.
  6. It is absorbed by both leaves and roots; per day spreads throughout the plant (except for fruits).
  7. Protection lasts at least 2-3 weeks after spraying and 1.5-2 months after watering (for potted crops - up to 3 months).
  8. Has no smell.
  9. There is good compatibility in mixtures with other insecticides and fungicides (except sulfur, copper, lime, Bordeaux mixture).

The use of the chemical drug Aktara

Potato protection

It is convenient for an ordinary gardener to use Aktara against his voracious larvae, regardless of their age. It is used at any stage of the dispersal of the pest, which dies very quickly. There is no need to abundantly pour over the bushes: half a bucket of solution is enough for one hundred square meters (with a good sprayer). The drug is not afraid of rain, and protection lasts for about a month; usually once is enough. Then, before digging potatoes for food, you need to wait 2-3 weeks.

From a bag of powder (4 grams), 3 and a half buckets of solution are obtained for seven acres of potato plantings. This is 1.2 grams per 10 liters (per 2 acres). liquid drug diluted at the rate of 1.2 ml per bucket. Long-term use in one area can lead to addiction of pests and their resistance to insecticide.

If you make the concentration stronger (6 grams per bucket), then you can carry out pre-plant spraying of seed tubers and soil in the planting furrows. This will protect the potatoes from the wireworm and Colorado potato beetle for the entire season. Digging of the crop is carried out no earlier than 2 months later. The method is effective, but harmful to earthworms.

Saving cabbage seedlings

If cabbage seedlings are shed with Aktara's solution a couple of days before planting in the ground, then this will then protect young immature plants from cruciferous fleas and larvae cabbage fly. The concentration is made solid - 6 grams of powder (or 6 ml of suspension) per bucket of water. Distribute 1 liter per square meter greenhouse area, cassettes or pots.

Onion on a turnip

(if the pest was seen in previous years) onion beds are sprayed twice - at the time of cherry blossoms and again after half a month. Or the treatment is carried out when larvae are found at the root neck. Dose - 3 grams (or 3 ml) per 5 liters of water. green feather it is better not to take from these sites.

Tomatoes and cucumbers

On the greenhouse cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers, eggplants are sometimes attacked by whitefly or thrips. On the initial stage resettlement of the whitefly, double spraying with Aktara can stop or restrain the pest. Against thrips, it will help even more effectively. It is important that the fruits can be eaten safely after 3 days. The concentration of the solution is 1.5 grams (1.5 ml) per bucket. Spray from 1 to 3 liters per 10 square meters.

Potted plants and seedlings

A very effective insecticide in the fight against malicious insect pests of indoor plants (and seedlings): scale insects, thrips, mealybugs, whiteflies, aphids. It is most useful to simultaneously sprinkle (1 gram or 1 ml diluted in a liter of water) and pour (1 gram or 1 ml per 10 liters of water). Even stubborn scale insects fall off within a week. Watering also helps against soil flies. The effect lasts 2-3 months. The tool does not have bad smell, not harmful to children and pets (if the solution is not poured into the aquarium).

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