How to prune a currant bush. We carry out pruning of currants according to all the rules - this is the key to the harvest! How and when to cut currants

" Currant

Pruning currants - an agricultural technique that is necessary for the proper development of the fruit bush.

Understanding the goals, rules and subtleties of currant pruning, even novice gardeners will regularly receive good harvests.

Starting to cut should be aware of the purpose of this procedure. The cutting technique will vary depending on the tasks.

Currant pruning is carried out in order to:

  • form the correct shape of the bush;
  • clean the shrub from damaged and diseased branches;
  • to create the best conditions for feeding each branch;
  • rejuvenate an old bush.

The main formation of the bush falls on the first years of the life of the currant. From trim to young age will depend on its proper development and growth.

Sanitary pruning- removal of branches damaged by infections and pests will improve currants and increase productivity.

Rejuvenation pruning procedure allows you to save mature plant to increase its productivity.

Mistakes made with any type of pruning can lead to disease different nature, one-sided development of the bush and poor fruiting.


During a year allocate several periods for pruning currants. The procedure can be performed in spring, summer, autumn and even winter.

The choice of trimming time should be based not on the convenience of the gardener, but on the period of vegetative development of the plant.

Should I prune in the spring?

In early spring, fruit bushes are dormant. The vegetation has not yet begun, there is no active sap flow in the tissues. This is the best time for pruning a bush in the spring.

Timing is also affected weather. Spring pruning of currants should be started as soon as a stable positive temperature is established. It is important to pay attention to weather forecasts. If frost is expected, pruning should be postponed.

The gardener has little time to carry out the procedure in the spring. As soon as the buds begin to bloom en masse, the term spring pruning ended.

If you do not follow this rule:

  • slices will abundantly secrete juice, which will not allow wounds to heal quickly;
  • the risk of infection with fungal and bacterial infections increases;
  • the bush will hurt for a long time, instead of increasing the leaf mass and forming fruit inflorescences.

AT spring period any type of pruning can be done. Opportunities are limited by different climatic zones.

Sanitary pruning should be carried out in any type of climate. All broken and cracked branches are cut off. Partially removed shoots that are damaged by frost, sun, diseases.

Shaping and rejuvenating pruning are held during this period only in the northern regions. In all other cases, it is better to postpone these procedures for the fall.

Benefits of spring pruning:

  • the forces of the plant are directed to more promising branches, the amount of the crop increases, the size of the berries increases;
  • lighting is evenly distributed over the vegetative mass, the ripening of berries in the hands occurs almost simultaneously;
  • bush diseases are prevented;
  • stimulates the growth of shoots that will bear fruit next year.

Spring pruning allows you to increase the yield of the current season and lay the foundation for the next year.

How to prune berry bushes in spring:

Is it possible to prune branches in summer?

At the very beginning of summer, especially if the spring was long and cold, it is possible to carry out repeated sanitary pruning of currant bushes. At this time, all damaged branches are clearly visible.

In the spring, with dormant buds, it is not always possible to determine which shoot survived the winter well and which did not.

In summer, you need to cut dried shoots, as well as pinch green gains. On the branches that were left without tops, side shoots will begin to develop.

Pinching allows you to increase the number of flower buds. Reception is used on blackcurrant, on red and white is rarely carried out.

Some gardeners carry out thinning and shaping of currants in the summer. This pruning is applied as soon as all the berries are harvested in August.

Cutting a bush after harvest:

  • removal of branches older than five years;
  • pruning deformed, underdeveloped shoots;
  • destruction of diseased and weak branches.

These actions do not have an unambiguous assessment. On the one hand, the illumination and ventilation of fruit branches improves.

There is room for free development annual shoots. Young growth is timely protected from infections and pests.

On the other hand, the load on the bush increases. Pruning stimulates the formation of young shoots, at the same time, when the currant spends all its strength on the maturation of wood and preparation for winter.

The movement of juice during this period is still active, the wounds can remain wet for a long time. This is the gate for infections of a different nature.

Shoots that only begin to grow during this period will hardly have time to mature before the onset of cold weather. Their damage in winter is inevitable.

Clipping in the fall - what is it for?

Start pruning in autumn after the currant sheds the bulk of the leaves. The plant is preparing for winter, the movement of juices slows down. The selection of drops of juice on the cut indicates that autumn pruning start early.

Pruning should be completed two to three weeks before the cold weather. During this time, the wounds will have time to heal.

Benefits of autumn pruning:

  • longer period of work;
  • preparing the plant for winter;
  • assistance to young shoots in nutrition and active development;
  • incentive to education next spring a large number of replacement shoots;
  • bushes get rid of diseases and pests;
  • conditions are created for good fruiting next year.

On the autumn period in central regions account for carrying out shaping, rejuvenating pruning. At the same time, branches damaged during summer work with bushes are cut.

Pruning blackcurrant bushes in autumn:

in winter

Some gardeners are winter work by pruning November to mid February. This is possible subject to year-round access to the site. Sections are carried out on frozen branches.

During this period, the shrub is not threatened by infection and pest damage. Important condition- The currant bush should be strong and healthy.

It is impossible to say unequivocally when it is better to cut currants, in spring or autumn. Unlike gooseberries, whose buds begin to bloom early and complicate spring pruning, currants enter the growing season later.

If it is impossible to get to the site while the snow is lying, all pruning work with gooseberries has to be carried out in the fall. Currant makes it possible to find time for pruning in each season.

Currant pruning should be carried out annually. It is convenient to do the main work in the fall. In the spring, it remains to carry out sanitary pruning, which will correct the consequences of wintering the bush.

Technology and scheme

Depending on the purpose and type of currant applied different technology currant trimmings.

Why prune before planting?

Before cutting currants before planting, it is necessary to study the technique of forming a seedling.

Black currant

The annual currant bush has 2-4 branches. When planting, each branch should be cut strongly: two or three buds are left on the shoot. It is advisable to cut the branches to the outer bud, then next year a wide bush will form.

At the age of two and three years, the fruit shrub forms from 5 to 7 branches. Of these, only 3–5 of the strongest and most promising are left. To promote branching, the tops of the remaining shoots are cut into a pair of buds.

By the fourth year of life the fruit bush will be fully formed. In the future, it will only need maintenance pruning to maintain its shape.

red and white

In the first year of life in white and red currants, three or four buds are left on each shoot. This allows you to increase the number of increments in the next season.

In the second year 3-4 strong branches are left, the rest are removed. Pay attention to the even distribution of branches relative to each other.

Subsequently, cutting is carried out in such a way that so that two or three branches of each age remain on the bush. Pruning the seedling before planting should be carried out in accordance with the age of the plant.

When to rejuvenate an old shrub

Rejuvenation procedures are necessary blackcurrant, starting from the fifth year of growth, and red and white - from the eighth. It is better to carry out work in the fall.

With regular renewal of the bush, it is able to bear fruit for more than 20 years and bring good yields. When rejuvenating pruning, old branches are cut out, the laying of flower buds is stimulated.

There are four ways currant trimmings: on a ring, on a kidney, with translation and pinching.

Trimming on a ring applied when branches are completely removed. In the rejuvenation procedure, old, thick branches are cut out in this way. The shoot is cut off at the base. Large wounds from such a cut should be treated with antimicrobials and covered with garden pitch.

Pruning on the kidney allows not only to shorten the shoots, but also to control the development of branching. A method is used for partial pruning of branches. By pruning on a bud facing the center of the bush, you can stimulate its density.

A cut made on the outer kidney, on the contrary, will form shoots from the center. The second option improves the access of light to each kidney and provides ventilation for the currant.

Pinching stimulate the growth of new shoots, regulate the amount of the crop.

One of the main techniques of the anti-aging procedure for red and white species is currant pruning with transfer to strong branching. This is necessary on old, but still fruitful branches. The method is also used if part of the branch is damaged.

They find a strong lateral layer, with good fruiting potential. The entire branch after the fork is deleted. In this way, partial rejuvenation of the bush can be carried out.

If the bush is heavily neglected, anti-aging pruning should not be carried out at a time. The old bush may not survive the loss of a large percentage of the vegetative mass.

Large unproductive branches should be cut in stages with an interval of a year.

Pruning an old and neglected currant bush:

Unusual trimming methods

The simplest - for beginner gardeners

This method does not require the gardener to determine the age of the branches. Any branch that does not reach 15 cm at the end of the season must be removed.

If the bush is very thick, with this method, extra annual branches are removed.

Michurinskaya - for a good harvest

Some gardeners adhere to the principles of pruning "according to Michurin", especially when growing berries for sale. This method is used on large plantations of early-growing blackcurrant varieties.


  • all bushes grow and bear fruit without pruning for the first five years;
  • half of the bushes in planting at the age of 5 - 6 years are cut at the root and well fed;
  • a year later, about 20 of the grown shoots are left, the rest are removed;
  • a year later, the process is repeated with the remaining 50% of the bushes;
  • after mowing, the bushes are completely uprooted after two to three years, young plants take their place.

It's technology intensive cultivation, allowing get a third more yield.

The principle of pruning currants "according to Michurin" is used in large areas for early-growing varieties

Standard forms: how to shape currants in fashion?

Enthusiasm garden design also affected fruit trees. Currant is no exception: its standard forms come into fashion.

Not all currant varieties are suitable for creating a bole. Main criterion in the selection of varieties - the minimum formation of shoots from the bottom of the bush.

Stem formation technology step by step:

  • immediately after planting, a bole is formed, side branches are cut at a height of 20-40 cm from the ground;
  • two or three apical buds are left on the central shoot;
  • during the development of the crown, small tree form with summer pinches;
  • in the first year, the shoots are pinched, leaving two or three lower buds;
  • in the second year, you need to cut that part of each branch that is longer than 10 cm;
  • in the future, the branches are cut annually at a distance of 20 cm from the stem;
  • the stem is cleaned regularly.

The life span of currants in this form is 12-15 years. The plant looks very impressive, especially if red currants are shaped. It forms longer brushes of berries.

How to do autumn pruning

For pruning to be successful, correct sequence works.

In the autumn pruning scheme, two blocks can be distinguished. The first and third are carried out for all types of currants, the second - varies depending on the type of shrub.

Stage one: sanitary

Before cutting any currant, you need to clean the bush:

  • get rid of all broken and dry branches;
  • shoots are cut out, the wood of which has not had time to mature: if such shoots are not removed, in winter they will be damaged by frost;
  • cut off all deformed shoots;
  • remove branches that intertwine or grow towards the center of the bush;
  • destroy diseased branches: shoots affected by infection or pests should be burned;
  • if any branch has grown far from the center or lies on the ground, it must also be removed.

Stage two: anti-aging


When the cleaning is completed, they proceed to the removal of old blackcurrant branches. When cutting, remember that most big harvest bring shoots at the age of two and three years, the bulk of the berries are formed on the central buds.

Based on this:

  • on blackcurrant, branches older than 5 years should be cut;
  • if the bush is well formed and has more than 8 two-year-old shoots, branches older than three years old can be cut;
  • in annual shoots, a third of the length is cut off.

Removal of old low-yielding branches contributes to better development fruitful. Partial pruning promotes branching and more flowering buds in the next season.

In areas with sudden changes in temperature, it is better to postpone partial pruning of branches to spring. If the tops are at risk of frostbite, it is more profitable to leave them untouched for the winter.

red and white

red and white currant have a longer fruiting period. At the age of five to eight years, the yield of branches is high. Flower buds are massively formed on the tops of these types of currants.

Based on this:

  • all branches older than 8 years must be cut at ground level;
  • no more than 12 shoots are left on a properly formed bush;
  • tops are removed only if there is damage.

Stage three: support

At the end, if the bush is still thick, you can cut off excess branches. Trying to lighten the bush, you should remove extra branches from the center.

If there are enough fruitful branches, the shoots that have grown in the current year can be cut out.

How to care after

Pruning for currants is stressful for the plant. Especially for adult bushes, in which the regeneration process is weaker. After pruning, currants need to be fed.

Depending on the time of pruning, the bushes need different nutrients Oh.

After spring pruning, fertilize the shrub complex. Mineral supplements should contain trace elements of phosphorus, potassium, in equal amounts.

The proportion of nitrogen in spring top dressing increased. Experienced gardeners prepare fertilizers themselves, using superphosphate, potassium chloride, ammophoska, urea.

In autumn, currants do not need a lot of nitrogen; for better maturation of wood, more phosphorus and potassium are required.

In addition to minerals, currant needs organic. Black currant reacts especially well to biofertilizers. When using manure, it is necessary that it be rotted.

Organics will serve productively fruit bushes, if it is not just put in the root zone, but embedded in the soil. Cover with earth. When decomposed, manure and humus release a lot of nitrogen, so they should be applied in the spring.

Properly selected fertilizer contributes to the rapid healing of pruning wounds.

Proper pruning - this is an understanding of the nature of the plant and assistance in its development. A thorough approach to pruning is the key to a healthy, high-quality and large harvest.

Pruning currants in the fall for beginners is required to obtain good harvest, since the fruits appear mainly on young shoots that are no more than two years old. Old shoots have almost no berries, but slow down the growth of young ones. How to prune currant bushes?

What is autumn pruning for?

In the case of currants, the external aesthetic qualities of the plant do not matter, which is how they differ from a large number of other shrubs. Autumn pruning of currants helps to achieve the following:

  1. Significantly increase the level of productivity from one bush.
  2. Increase quality characteristics berries, as old shoots do not create obstacles for the growth of new ones.
  3. Increase the percentage of sun exposure: the blackcurrant crop is larger, the fruits are saturated with vitamins.
  4. Increase the period when the plant blooms and bears fruit by 20 years.
  5. Stimulate the flow of micro and macro elements, as well as vitamins to the stems where the fruits develop.

When deciding how to cut currants, it is worth considering that such a procedure is required not only for the plant itself, but also for the gardener, since the task of harvesting is simplified: the bush has a formed contour and small size.

Another reason for removing old shoots is that they can be infested with glass, the larvae of which begin to eat away the core of the shoot, which significantly weakens the bush. As a result, it is possible that such most dangerous disease like anthracnose.

Pruning blackcurrant bushes in autumn (video)

A simple pruning scheme for beginners: when to start, care after pruning

Regardless of the currant variety, it requires a lot of light to form tasty and large fruits, that is, pruning red currants in the fall, like black ones, has its own rules. The scheme will be as follows:

  1. The fundamental goal is to lighten the bush - to give the plant as much light as possible to the shoots inside the bush, if they are left. An adult bush at the age of 4-5 years consists of 6 large shoots or less that go from the base. However, their age should not be more than 5 years.
  2. Pruning blackcurrant in the fall, like other plants, begins at the base of the bush, that is, from the ground - all old shoots that are more than 5 years old are removed. Although they may have excellent external qualities and well-formed side shoots, over time their fruitfulness will decrease more and more.
  3. Zero shoots (which are obtained in this year) are removed. Such shoots are left only in the case of a large age of the plant, when it is assumed that they will bear fruit for a maximum of a couple of years. However, in this case, it is worth removing the bush completely, and cutting cuttings from good shoots. Another important advantage of pruning currants is the preparation of cuttings that can take root well before winter.
  4. Then you need to move higher along the main shoot - all intersecting lateral growths of the current and last year are removed. It is worth remembering the task: clarification of the bush is required. Do not save growths that are in doubt, as sunlight may not penetrate through them, which will eventually lead to poor yields.
  5. The shoot tip of the black currant is now removed - buds begin to form on it, which is a prerequisite for the harvest in the next year. However, there are exceptions here: the shoots have twisted leaves, this is mainly evidence of the presence of anthracnose; on the run there is a large number of thick buds - tick infection, in which case it is better to cut off the entire shoot; if the top is thin and green, then the shoot is removed, since it will not survive the winter anyway.

Some Tips

In autumn, after the crop has been harvested, unripe and infected with diseases or pests are removed. The shoot may require heavy pruning, but it is best to remove it completely.

Special attention given to branches with a hollow core. The back door inside them indicates the presence of a glass-box larva, which is a dangerous pest. Such branches should be removed and burned without regret.

A novice gardener, acquiring currant seedlings and placing them in the garden, is happy to watch how every year the bush becomes thicker and more powerful. While it is relatively young, the yield can be significant, but over time, if special measures are not taken, the bush will degrade, and the size and number of fruits will decrease.

Every novice gardener must understand that in order to achieve high yield currants, not only watering and fertilizing are important, but also rejuvenating pruning of currants in the fall, and for a shrub, unlike fruit trees, neither crown formation nor compliance with the ratio of the main (conductor) and secondary branches is required.

Autumn pruning of currant bushes is carried out to achieve the following results:

  • increase in productivity;
  • improving the quality of berries, their size and quantity;
  • period increase active life currant bush;
  • increasing the vital activity of the bush and optimizing nutrition by removing unnecessary, intersecting, broken and old shoots.

It is clear that pruning currants in the fall for beginners is an unusual and not entirely clear job. For proper pruning, you need to know for sure that berries appear in sufficient quantities only on young shoots up to two years old. Older shoots - bear fruit poorly, but take away vital resources from the bush, which slows down the growth of young shoots. When they do autumn pruning of currants, how to properly prune shrubs, what tools they use - this article will answer these and other questions.

The first thing that requires cutting currants in the fall for beginners is the acquisition of quality tools. Pruning tools must be sharp so that the cut surface is smooth without cracks or chips. The set of tools may be different, but it must have a high-quality pruner and a garden hacksaw with fine, well-sharpened teeth.

  1. Secateurs - a tool resembling scissors, but with powerful blades that easily cut branches up to 30 mm thick. Secateurs High Quality should not “bite” and cut wet paper without wrinkling.
  2. Hacksaw - used to work with shoots thicker than 30 mm. A garden saw differs from a wood saw, it is usually semi-circular in shape. In addition, the sharpening of the teeth is special. To obtain a neat cut, the garden hacksaw only works when moving “towards itself”.
  3. A pruner is similar in design to a pruner, but has long handles. With the help of a lopper, branches are cut in hard-to-reach places.
  4. Garden knife.
  5. Brush cutters are special tools for tending shrubs. They easily cut shoots up to 15 mm thick.

Brief description of the currant bush

Before learning how to prune currants in the fall for novice gardeners, you need to understand the device, the features of the development and fruiting of this plant.

Currant - perennial, which without proper care in a few years turns into a shapeless mass, stops bearing fruit and dies.

Only the optimal scheme for pruning currant bushes in the fall will rejuvenate the bush and restore its fertility. Knowing the device of the currant bush and pruning schemes, novice gardeners will be able to quite consciously and competently carry out autumn pruning, ennoble and rejuvenate the plant, which, in response to care, will provide bountiful harvest. A description of the plant and a scheme for pruning all types of currants in pictures can be found on the Internet.

Currant bush is a perennial plant that has many shoots. different ages. They appear annually from the ground, and die off after 15 years. Different varieties differ in growth, shape of the bush, the number of replacement shoots. The first replacement shoots begin to appear from the age of 4, and then annually, until the age of 50. The term of economic exploitation of fruit branches is 7-9 years for white, red and gold, and 5-7 years for black currant. Over time, the shoots are overgrown with fruit formations, on which fruiting occurs. The main harvest occurs at 3-5 years of life of each shoot.

The optimal time to start autumn pruning currants

When and how to prune currants in the fall is the most important question for beginner gardeners. Experts believe that the best time to start pruning currant bushes is late autumn, around the end of November, when sap flow is completely stopped and the plant is in a state of hibernation. Often amateur gardeners ask the question - when to prune currants in autumn or spring? Yes, pruning can be postponed until spring, given the rather early spillage of currants from hibernation. All work must be completed by the end of February. It is not recommended to prune a plant that has already awakened from hibernation.

Some experienced gardeners do not prune newly planted bushes for up to 2 years, but in this case, the autumn pruning of young currants consists in removing shoots that have fallen to the ground.

The process of pruning currant bushes contains a number of rules that must be strictly observed:

  1. As a result of pruning, shoots that block the access of sunlight to the inner shoots of the bushes should be removed. Experienced gardeners believe that a four-year-old shrub should have no more than 6 shoots. You should not spare the shoots and allow the currant bush to grow excessively.
  2. Shoots older than five years are removed without fail.
  3. Be sure to remove the lateral growths of the bush, to eliminate obstacles for the penetration of sunlight to the main fruit-bearing shoots.
  4. Weak shoots are removed without regret.
  5. If the tops of the bush are not infected with a tick, then they should not be removed. It is easy to identify infected kidneys - they are clearly visible and differ in size and rounded shape.
  6. It is necessary to remove broken, old and diseased branches. Usually these shoots are infested with pests, so it is recommended to burn them.

Step-by-step currant pruning for beginner gardeners

The sun is the basis of life on earth, and the more light the currant shoots receive, the larger and tastier the berries will be. Beginning gardeners often ask if it is possible to prune currants in the fall. You can answer simply - pruning is not only possible, but also necessary. After all, the plant can be affected by glass, which penetrates into the core of the shoot and hibernates there. If these infected branches are not removed, then with a high probability the most dangerous disease for currants, anthracnose, may appear.

Signs of diseases of currant bushes

On the tops of the shoots of a healthy currant bush, buds are formed - the basis of the next year's harvest. Before you properly prune currants in the fall, you need to pay attention to the tops of the shoots.

The tops of the shoots should be removed if the following signs appear on them:

  1. Twisted leaves - signal the defeat of anthracnose or aphids.
  2. There are many unnaturally thick buds on the top shoots. In 100% of cases, they contain a tick that has settled down to winter. In this case, you need to know how to process currants in the fall - pruning the entire shoot if there are many affected buds, or removing individual buds if there are a small number of them.
  3. If the tops are thin and green, then they are removed without regret, because they will inevitably die from low winter temperatures.

Two-year-old currant bushes produce more fruits on last year's shoots with the simultaneous formation of new basal shoots. Usually in the second year of a bush's life, experienced gardeners begin to shorten the shoots.

In principle, pruning and preparation of currants for winter in the fall is carried out according to the recommendations of experts and is carried out in a certain sequence:

  1. Pruning "zero shoots". "Zero shoot" is a shoot that has grown this year. Experienced gardeners recommend leaving no more than five strong shoots. Branches should be cut at the very base or even below ground level. Hemp is unacceptable, because. lead to decay and weakening of the bush.
  2. Shade pruning is one of the tasks that autumn pruning of raspberries and currants performs - improving the access of sunlight to each branch of the bush.
  3. Shortening the tops of the bush. Promotes the formation of lateral branches of different ages.
  4. Pruning diseased and old (over 4 years) branches. Shoots with signs of the disease are subject to mandatory removal, followed by burning. If such branches are not removed in time, the plant will begin to degrade and will inevitably die after a while.
  5. To stimulate the plant, all branches of the bush are shortened by 10 - 15 cm. Usually, after such stimulation, an active growth is observed for the next year.

Features of pruning young currants in the fall

After being placed on garden plot seedlings in the first year of their life should not do any pruning.

And even in the second year of the growing season, you should refrain from hard pruning. You can only remove the broken and lying on the ground branches. Of course, if diseased shoots are noticed, they must be removed immediately. This is where the pruning of young currants in the fall for beginners basically ends.

Features of pruning old currant bushes

The main goal for which the currant pruning scheme is intended in the fall is to rejuvenate the old bush to prolong its active life. The characteristics of the autumn pruning depend on the age of the plant. To thin out an old bush with diseased branches, sanitary autumn pruning of currants is performed step by step, as described above. Pruning diseased shoots will stop the spread of the disease and damage to neighboring bushes. Removed diseased branches should be burned immediately, otherwise the pests will return to healthy plants in the spring.

Proper pruning of an old currant bush in autumn will create certain form bush, convenient for harvesting and allowing sunlight to penetrate to each branch of the plant. Optimal shape- open bowl Beginning gardeners should learn and know how to properly prune currants in the fall, especially old bushes. After all, the fruiting of a currant branch does not exceed 5 years, and after this period they become a burden for the root system of the bush. Therefore, branches older than 5 years must be disposed of during anti-aging pruning.

All cultural fruit trees- Apple, cherry, pear and cherry trees need annual pruning. Currants, raspberries and other plants also need constant care and pruning, which stimulates growth, increases the size, number of fruits and yields. The activity of the plant grows due to the resulting imbalance - a powerful root system provides good nutrition optimal amount shoots and fruits. Therefore, pruning creates for the plant favorable conditions for the growth and formation of large and tasty fruits.

Growing a healthy currant bush that pleases with a harvest is backbreaking work.

Each variety needs specific care, mainly pruning.

Why cut currants

Pruning currant bushes is used not only to form a bush, but also to improve lighting, ventilation and increase productivity.

Harvest quality depends on proper pruning. useful berry. You need to start caring for a shrub from the moment of planting. From early care depends on the development of currants and growth rate. Pruning promotes the formation of strong shoots on which good ones will ripen. large berries.

If pruning is carried out incorrectly and out of time, then weak shoots are formed, many die without yielding a crop.

It is impossible to grow currant bushes without pruning at all. This is bad for the health of the plant. It becomes susceptible to pests, in particular, kidney mites. Pruning is preventive measure in pest control, helps to restore the strength of the shrub for proper development.

Timely pruning currant gives new planting material with which you can expand your currant plantation.

Of course, young seedlings need not only pruning. Along with this, soil loosening, fertilizer, irrigation and mulching are used. Such care increases the survival rate of seedlings, provides a good harvest.

Basic rules for pruning currants

Pruning is done according to different rules, depending on the target.

    Sanitary pruning is carried out to remove diseased and damaged branches. It helps thin out the crown, improve lighting.

    Form pruning helps shape right bush. Cut out unnecessary shoots.

    Rejuvenating pruning helps to renew the shrub, get rid of barren branches, stimulates the growth of new young shoots.

    Pinching is carried out in order to remove the top of the shoot.

Pruning currants in autumn

The main purpose of this pruning is to achieve better harvest. It is necessary to carry out the procedure so that branches of different ages remain on the shrub. Cut out all the shoots that cease to bear fruit and are older than six years.

Carry out autumn pruning every year after the leaves fall. In the first year after planting, all shoots above the third bud are cut off. After pruning, the bushes consist of 5-6 branches.

In the second year after planting, extra zero shoots are removed, leaving no more than 5 pieces. These are the future skeletal branches of the bush. The thicker the planting of the bushes, the less shoots we leave.

At the end of the third year, the formation of the bush ends. No more than 5 zero shoots are left, the rest are cut out. The tops of annual branches are shortened by 3 buds, and three-year-old shoots are also cut.

After the fifth year of planting currants, you need to rejuvenate the bushes. Old branches are removed at the root. The rest of the shoots are pruned according to age.

Proper pruning of currants in the fall increases its winter hardiness. Young branches accumulate enough nutrients for a good wintering.

How to prune currants in spring

In the spring, sanitary pruning of the bush is carried out. Forming pruning is postponed until autumn. In spring, frost-damaged branches, dry and twisted shoots growing inside the bush are cut out.

Pruning should be done before bud break and sap flow begins. The air temperature should not fall below zero.

You need to cut off all creeping shoots that grow at the bottom of the bush, as well as shoots that have appeared from the ground.

Why cut currants in summer

Blackcurrants are recommended to be pruned in summer before flowering. It promotes bookmarking more flower buds. In early July, the tips of the shoots need to be pinched. This technique contributes to a good harvest, early ripening of berries and good branching of the bush.

Pruning currant according to Michurin

Many gardeners take a completely different approach to growing currants. The Michurin Institute offers different rules for pruning blackcurrants.

1. In the first five years after planting, currant bushes are not pruned. Harvest from the second year of cultivation.

2. In the sixth year of cultivation, 50% of all bushes are cut at the root. The rest of the bushes are left to bear fruit.

3. In the seventh year, the remaining currant bushes are also cut off at the root. In other plants, pruning and thinning of the crown is carried out.

4. After such rejuvenation, the harvest is carried out for three more seasons. Next, all the bushes are uprooted.

This cultivation technology can only be used in industrial scale and large areas planting currants.

Sanitary blackcurrant pruning

Sanitary pruning is carried out only with sharp tools and files. It is impossible to break out the shoots, this leads to infection of the plant with fungal diseases.

When pruning, you need to remember that blackcurrant bears fruit on branches for three years, all other shoots can be safely removed.

When removing shoots under the root, you can not leave a stump, otherwise the bush is affected by rot.

You need to thin out a heavily thickened crown. With poor lighting and ventilation, the bush is attacked by pests, pollination is reduced, and yields are reduced.

Radical blackcurrant pruning

If the currant bushes have ceased to please the harvest, then it is imperative to carry out a radical pruning, which stimulates the growth of new shoots. It is the cheapest and effective method rejuvenate the bush.

Carry out such a cut better in spring or in autumn. Cut off all branches at a level of 3 cm above the ground. The soil under the bushes is well fertilized with humus. After such pruning, the bush will again begin to grow well next season, and in a year it will please high yield.

1. The laying of the crop in blackcurrant occurs on two-year-old branches. When pruning, you can safely remove all branches older than 4 years. You need to cut them to the ground.

2. Old branches differ from young ones in the color of the bark. The older the shoot, the darker the bark on it.

3. Too dense bushes are thinned out not immediately, but over several years.

4. To increase the yield, you need to pinch the tops of the shoots for six buds. Only 4 strong shoots are left each year.

5. After harvesting, you need to remove the hatched branches, making room for young shoots.

6. Do hybrid varieties fruiting is more intense in the first year, then you need to regularly remove the hatched shoots. In ordinary currant varieties, only part of the shoot is removed. Fruiting goes on the shoots of two years.

It is necessary to carry out pruning of blackcurrant not only taking into account the age of the shoots, but also focusing on varietal characteristics. Varieties with weak branching shoots need to pinch and shorten the branches by 1/3 of the length.

The yield of blackcurrant directly depends on the pruning. You can achieve abundant fruiting and rejuvenate the shrub by carrying out planned pruning of currants.

The sap flow of blackcurrants begins quite early, in March young leaves may already appear. Pruning a bush is carried out in two stages. Most the bush is pruned in the fall, then in the spring it remains only to carry out sanitary pruning and correct the identified shortcomings.

Autumn work in the garden, including pruning currants in autumn, are characterized by the preparation of plants for the winter period, which lays the success of a good harvest in the new season. Beginning gardeners do not always take into account the features of care, therefore, some crops have a decrease in fruiting.

A prime example is the currant. Unpretentious at first glance, the plant develops intensively after planting a young shoot, delighting the eyes of the owners with gaining power.

However, after a few years, you can notice a decrease in yield, while the bush becomes bulky and shapeless. This is due primarily to the lack of pruning.

Old dried branches interfere with the formation of new fruit-bearing shoots. With proper care, the currant bush prolongs the life cycle by 4-6 times, giving the owners bountiful harvest every new season.

crop berry bush required also to achieve the following results:

  • removal of branches affected by pests or fungus;
  • increase in the number and size of berries;
  • optimization of the nutrition process (so that old or weak shoots do not pull on valuable substances);
  • bush formation.

For beginner gardeners, this process may seem complicated, but it's actually quite easy to master the rules of cropping.

When to prune bushes?

Regardless of the variety of currant pruning should be done annually. The best period for the procedure is autumn, when the currant sheds foliage.

Autumn procedure has the following advantages:

  • sanitation (this is effective method control of diseases and insects);
  • the plant does not react so painfully to pruning, does not secrete juice;
  • the opportunity to form and rejuvenate garden culture.

held in the spring easy cleaning currants from frozen and broken shoots. Advantage spring procedure is to stimulate the growth of new shoots, which will begin to bear fruit in the next season.

It is best to prune before bud break, when the plant is dormant. Temperature indicators should be stable positive.

If these rules are neglected, then juice will be released from the cut points, which depletes the plant. It also increases the likelihood of infection with a fungus or other diseases. Instead of a full-fledged vegetative function, the currant will spend energy on recovery.

Proper pruning of blackcurrant is the key to a great harvest:

Before boarding

Currants should be planted about 3 weeks before the onset of frost.. From this moment, care begins, which favorably affects the formation of the plant.

Before planting a seedling you need to cut off the tops of all shoots. Leave 2-3 buds on each branch. Already after the first season, the bush will acquire an average of five new shoots.

For the purpose of rejuvenation

Rejuvenation of a 5-6 year old bush carried out in order to extend life cycle currants.

The procedure involves the complete removal of old branches under the very ground along with tops (young shoots growing from the base of the old pagon).

Simultaneously drooping and broken parts of the bush are cut off affected by diseases or pests. Tops are removed from last year's shoots, and 3-5 more promising ones are selected from new ones.

It is impossible to cut a branch near the kidney itself, this can destroy the entire process.

Unusual ways

There are several technologies for pruning currants. Novice gardeners are encouraged to try the Michurin method., which provides good yields on large plantations.

The essence of the method is the following rules:

  • after planting seedlings, currants are not pruned for 5 years;
  • after 5 years, half of the bushes are cut off at the root (in the future they need to be carefully fed);
  • even a year later, about 20 of the grown sprouts are left, the rest are removed;
  • a year later, similar actions are carried out with the other half of the bushes;
  • after uprooting old plants, the site is planted with new shoots.

It also happens that the bush is not yet so old, but the fruiting has declined sharply. In this case, it is advisable apply radical way pruning. It consists in the complete removal of pagons from the plant, not reaching the base of only 3 cm.

After processing the cut line with a garden pitch, richly enrich root system fertilizer and cover the stump with soil. Sometimes gardeners change the soil around the bush, diluting it before filling it with humus.

After harvest

Experienced gardeners have long used summer pruning, motivating their actions with the following advantages:

  • excess sunlight has a positive effect on the process of photosynthesis of young shoots;
  • the intensity of growth of internal branches is equal to the indicators of lateral processes, which forms nice shape bush;
  • the risk of fungal infections is reduced to zero.

Summer procedures should be abandoned if the plant has weakened growth.

How to properly prune blackcurrants in autumn: scheme and steps

In late autumn, before the onset of cold weather, the plant goes into a dormant state.

When planning the removal of branches, you should remember that some of them may be damaged in winter period. The work is easier to do if you follow a certain sequence.

Sanitary pruning (1st stage):

  • clean the plant from dry branches and leaves;
  • remove shoots that did not have time to ripen (in winter they will freeze);
  • cut off intertwining branches growing from the center and lying on the ground;
  • get rid of the affected and deformed processes.

Bush rejuvenation (2nd stage):

  • cut branches older than 5 years (black variety) and 8 years (red and white varieties);
  • shorten annual shoots by a third;
  • on a well-formed plant, pagons older than 3 years old can be cut.

Maintaining the bush (3rd stage): this species pruning is performed with excessive density.

As a rule, the central branches are removed to lighten the plant. With a sufficient number of fruit-bearing pagons, you can remove the shoots that have grown in the current season.

If the bush is running and has not been previously processed, do not thin it out much. The plant may not be able to cope with a large loss of shoots.

Features for white and red

Bushes of white and red currants are cut a little differently. than the black variety. Most the right time for the procedure is early spring or summer period after the end of fruiting.

Regarding the formation of the bush, the rules remain the same, but it is not necessary to pinch the tops of last year's shoots. Shortening branches of 2-3 years of age is also not worth it.

The life cycle of white and red currants is longer than that of the black variety. So Branches that have reached 7-8 years of age are considered old..

Old and pest-affected shoots, extra young shoots are subject to pruning. Ideally, 6-8 skeletal branches should remain after the procedure.

Processing, pruning and shaping a bush of red and white currants:

When caring for currants, it is important not to overdo it with the removal of pagons. Improper processing will not bring benefits, but it can destroy the plant.

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