How to build a roof with three gables. How to make an unusual roof for a house? "Roof for Angels"

  • AT modern construction there are roofs of a wide variety of types., Among them, multi-gable roofs are distinguished by special originality, and neither the complexity of the design nor high price can't stop wanting to complete their build in such an interesting way.

    Three-gable roof truss system, however, it is often used in private construction. Its design combines both types of rafters - hanging and layered. That is why the project of such a roof, in particular, the sections of the bars, the step of their installation, the need for a device additional elements for rigidity of a design and accuracy of execution.

    Three-gable roof - what is it

    Multi-gable roofs are suitable for houses that have a square or polygonal horizontal section according to the plan. They are characterized by the presence of various extensions. different heights, attic rooms in the attic, which require special side lighting. Among the main differences of such a roof is the presence of both a valley, ribs, grooves, gables.

    Three-fronted is a mixed construction of two types of roofs: hip and ordinary gable. The construction is durable and reliable and extraordinary. Not new in essence, when used modern materials for the roof, it takes on a completely different, original look.

    The whole building or its separate extension can have a three-fronted one, which gives the whole structure a non-standard look. Such a roof will help to highlight in an original way top floor building, terrace, veranda or its entrance area. Very with three gables to cover the winter garden space. The use of glass and the unusual shape give elegance and some mystery to the structure.

    Design features

    The main load-bearing elements in a three-front type design include:

    • rafters;
    • special skating runs;
    • puffs, in large quantities;
    • floor beams;
    • racks,
    • Mauerlat.

    The last component plays important role in the redistribution of all the loads experienced by the roof on the walls of the house. The rafters in the upper part are connected by a run made of bars or boards connected to each other. In certain cases, additional intermediate runs may be necessary.

    When you need to take into account that the length of the diagonal rafters is longer than the slanting ones and, perhaps, they will have to be increased.

    The main difficulty, how to properly assemble the truss system, is in the arrangement of the node, where the slanting elements are joined to one end of the ridge, and the diagonal ones to the other. At these nodes, three rafters are joined at the same time. It is important that the perpendicularity of the central rafters of all slopes and the ridge beam is observed.

    After the installation is completed, you need to take care of the waterproofing device. The insulation must be laid in a direction perpendicular to the slope. fits with a slight overlap. special attention requires waterproofing of the roof valley, since it is in these areas that moisture accumulates, coming down from the roof. The other steps are:

    • crate device, often from bars,
    • laying thermal insulation and, of course,
    • roofing material.

    Rafter system installation technology

    The next step after performing the calculation, that is:

    • sizes of all elements,
    • calculation of climatic loads (snow, wind, etc.),
    • sections and lengths of rafters and others go directly to installation work.

    Along the perimeter of the load-bearing walls, a Mauerlat is installed - the base on which the rafters with three gables are installed. It is a rigidly connected frame laid on top of concrete brick walls. As fasteners, galvanized metal studs are most often used - they are fixed in a reinforced belt.

    Diagonal bars, as a rule, are reinforced using sprigs for this. They are attached to the Mauerlat by performing special sawing, or metal plates, brackets and corners are used for this purpose, based in each case on a specific type of rafter.

    At the top point, the rafters are connected in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe ridge. The latter can be made of timber or formed by the top two boards of the crate.

    Three-fronted roof on the example of a balcony exit device

    Such a design is actually a joint of gable roofs at an angle of 90⁰. Wherein hanging rafters balcony structures, based on the element of the upper trim and the run, seem to be wedged into the layered rafters of the building.

    Cutting the rafters in this design in practice turns out to be labor-intensive and quite difficult to perform. For this reason, it is recommended to assemble with metal fasteners, say, corners or plates. They provide a more rigid connection, and thereby strengthen the system. As you know, cuttings, spike nests, etc. weaken the elements of the roof.

    At this method connections of structural elements naturally solves the problem associated with building up rafters and their joining, crossing beams and other issues, as well as the issue of mating roofing elements power frame from wood.

The support for laying layered rafters can be not only the bearing walls of a low-rise building of different heights or subrafter structures that replace them. Installation of the main elements of the pitched roof frame can be carried out on the end walls. They are constructed from foam concrete blocks, lumber, logs, bricks in the form of most often triangles, less often pentagons.

This construction method differs from standard schemes. To implement it, you need to clearly know how the rafter system is built with gables, what rules should be followed when building it.

The most common in low-rise construction roof frame construction technology consists in laying rafters on load-bearing walls that differ in height. Instead of solid inner wall in the middle of the attic, a "frame" of timber can be installed. It consists of racks resting on a bed, a ridge run installed on top and struts that provide structural rigidity.

However, both of these methods significantly reduce the possibilities for planning the attic space, which zealous owners are increasingly seeking to equip as a bedroom, billiard room, etc.

In order not to clutter up the future attic with racks, arches and partitions, you can simply use the end walls of the building as supporting structures. They will serve as a support for the ridge run.

Ways of fastening the ridge beam

Run - support beam for the top of the rafters, which determines the fracture of the pitched roof, its ridge edge. It is performed with a horizontally laid log, board or beam. In the case of a frame device based on gables, the run is installed in three ways:

  • With immuring into the gable wall. In this case, niches are formed in the end walls at the height of the installation of the purlin, in which the edges of the purlin wrapped with waterproofing are placed.
  • With a through crossing of the pediment. According to this scheme, in the end walls form through holes through which the edges of the run go beyond the structure from the outside.
  • Mounted on brackets. Practically folk way, according to which, at the height of the run, galvanized brackets are attached to the gables, on which the edges of the run beam are supported. The method is used mainly in the construction of light roofs for country houses.

The first option does not involve hermetically sealing the edge of the beam in masonry or brickwork. The wall material and wood should not be in direct contact, so as not to cause premature decay of the truss system. Therefore, the run is made 2–5 cm shorter than the size of the overlapped span plus the depth of both recesses.

At the bottom of the niche chosen in the pediment, an oiled or bitumen-impregnated wooden gasket from the trimming of the board is laid. The edges of the beam are sawn at an angle of about 55 - 60º. Similarly, increase the area of ​​the butt wooden element to optimize wood drying and air exchange.

Before mounting the ridge beam, a mandatory treatment with an antiseptic composition is carried out. Then the parts located in the niche are wrapped in a roll waterproofing material. Any suitable water-repellent material is used as a winding waterproofing for the edges of the run, from roofing material to a polymer membrane.

In the second option, with the crossing of the gable walls with a run, preparation for laying and waterproofing the beam is carried out in a similar way. The advantage of this scheme is that due to the removal of the consoles from the walls, the running beam is significantly unloaded.

The force acting on the console outside the house will bend them downward, bulging the central part of the beam upward. A considerable weight of a long wooden element, traditionally directed downwards, will resist the aforementioned phenomenon. Due to the opposition of two oppositely directed forces ridge run will not bulge to either side.

Variants of truss structures along the gables

The use of gables as supports allows you to abandon the numerous structural elements placed within the attic or attic space. There is no need to build not at all cheap internal load-bearing walls, it is significantly reduced, and with small spans, the number of vertical supports is reduced to zero.

The construction of a three-fronted T-shaped roof is most often carried out according to the scheme with the support of the girders on the gable walls, because. when performing work in the usual way the design is unnecessarily complex. The device and installation of numerous struts and truss trusses slows down the pace of construction. And when erecting a roof, it is categorically not recommended to reduce the speed so as not to “get” during the rainy season.

Note that when erecting roofs with spans over 6 m, the structure, simplified by abandoning a number of supporting parts, will still have to be complicated. Ridge beams are unnecessarily massive. In addition to the fact that special equipment is required to lift them to the installation site and installation, there is a risk of too much deflection in the middle of a heavy run.

The list of standard solutions for covering large spans with gable-supported beams includes:

  • The construction of a load-bearing wall in a box with the installation of a support or a trussed truss on it. The wall is built across the direction of the run.
  • The division of the ridge beam into two parts with the installation of a support post or construction truss under the junction.
  • Installation of jibs with support in the gable walls.

If the span does not exceed 7–8 m, then it is permissible to use braces or capitals on the gable walls under the edges of the long element to unload the ridge beam. They will take on some of the load and decorate the interior.

Another effective way unloading a too long ridge beam consists in installing additional girders, resting on the gable in the same way, but on the side and below the roof slope. The implementation of such a method prompts the thought: are rafters now needed in the roof device scheme? After all, the crate for installing the coating can be attached directly to the runs.

Perhaps, for structures without insulation, you can easily do without rafters. In the history of construction there are such solutions, for example, built on males log houses roofless roofs. Their likeness is now erected over houses with foam concrete or brick gables.

However, in the case of an insulated mansard roof, some imitation of rafter legs will still have to be installed, because thermal insulation needs to be organized natural ventilation. To do this, perpendicular to the girders, it is enough to install a bar with side dimensions of 40 × 50 or 50 × 50 mm in increments of 0.7 to 1.2 m. It does not need to resist loads, it should simply form ventilation ducts.

The choice of material for the ridge run

It is clear that the main constructive element The gable roof frame is a ridge run. He perceives the main load and transfers it to the gable walls. Therefore, all calculations for the construction of a truss system of this type are carried out specifically for him.

For the device of the purlin is suitable:

  • Bar. It is used in case of overlapping a span up to 6 m. When using longer elements, it is necessary to install additional support legs and braces.
  • Log. The forest is acquired based on the design dimensions of the run with a margin for end processing. The logs are not completely hemmed into two ropes, but only at the points of contact with the gable walls and with the rafters.
  • Glued beam. Suitable for spans over 6 m. has impressive strength and resistance to bending, much greater than that of a solid wooden beam.

The cross section of the material is selected by calculation, taking into account the wind and snow load. First, the values ​​of the bending moments M are determined, expressed in kg×cm. If the run is made up of several beams, then the bending moment is found for the most curved part of the composite run.

When the result of the calculation of the bending moment becomes known, you can proceed to the selection of the material section for the run device. To do this, either the height or the width of the beam is arbitrarily set, and the calculations are made according to the formulas given by us in the graphic applications.

The result obtained during the calculations must be checked for limit value deflection, which should not exceed 1/200 of the total length of the ridge beam. If the result satisfies technical requirements, then a check is made for the limiting internal stress that appears inside the beam during its deflection.

If the “margin” of safety for both limiting states turned out to be quite large, you can reduce the height or width of the bar. It is possible that as a result of repeated calculations, it will be possible to significantly save on material. If the calculated deflection is greater than the technical limit, then the material dimensions for the purlin need to be increased and calculated until a perfect result is obtained.

If a log is used for the construction of a ridge beam, then it should be remembered that the bearing capacity of the wood that has retained its structure is much higher than that of sawn timber due to the fact that its natural fibers are not damaged. Calculations are then made according to a formula focused on calculating the characteristics of a solid scaffold.

Using a log to cover large spans, you can visually minimize the deflection in one of the old ways used by the builders of large-scale log towers. Logs used for the device ceiling beams, they carved in the form of a rocker, creating in the middle of the log a kind of small arch. The edges were hemmed from above to support the overall thickness of the element.

Rocker-shaped heavy logs sagged in the middle during operation, as a result they turned into impeccably smooth floor elements. Today, the described technique has also found application. It is used when pouring prestressed concrete beams, just a slight bend is almost imperceptible, especially if the structure has already stood for several years.

An example of the construction of a three-front structure

Consider an example of building a roof with three gables, one of which will be lower than its paired counterparts located opposite each other. This is a very common design country houses with a large bay window covered with its own pitched roof.

The conjugation of the bay window slopes with the main slopes forms two valleys, for the construction of which double boards are used. Because an attic device is planned, only one central post will be installed, which is required to support the run located below, attached to the end of the main ridge beam.

This node in conventional three-gable roofs with girders at the same height is not reinforced by a rack unnecessarily. An element directed perpendicular to the main ridge beam in such situations is installed on a galvanized metal bracket or on a support bar nailed to the main beam.

Beams mounted in half-span belong to the category auxiliary elements. They are dismantled before finishing the attic. For the manufacture of temporary supports, a board 50 × 150 mm is suitable. The central stationary rack will be quite solidly loaded, therefore, a beam of 100 × 150 mm is used for its manufacture.

It should be noted that even one powerful support for unloading a three-fronted structure is not enough. In addition, the diagonal rafters of the valleys will also rely on it through the bay window run. Therefore, the central pillar is reinforced with a strut resting against the branch of the run and against the Mauerlat of the internal load-bearing wall. The layout of the attic should be carried out with a reference to the indicated circumstance.

The T-shaped structure is fixed to the gables on steel brackets, which must be fixed in advance in the right place, taking into account the design height. The brackets are installed so that the roof frame is above the gable line by about half the thickness of the rafters.

After the frame is constructed, extensions will be attached to the ends of the extreme rafter legs, some of which lie on a brick pediment, and some form a pediment overhang. Before installing the outriggers - shortened rafter legs, attached according to the scheme of the transverse frontal stop, roofing material or similar rolled waterproofing is laid on the gables.

A brief algorithm for constructing a T-shaped roof is as follows:

  • Installing a Mauerlat around the perimeter of the future roof. In the construction of the base for the installation of the truss system in our example, a beam of 100 × 150 mm is used.
  • Installation of floor beams. They are made from a bar 100 × 150 mm or a board 50 × 150 mm placed on the edge. The extreme beams are installed first, between which the cord is stretched. After checking their position and fastening, the installation of ordinary beams is carried out with a step of 60 - 80 cm.
  • For the convenience of working on fixed beams, a board is freely laid.
  • Installation of the main support according to the design data. It is fixed using metal corners or wooden overlays sewn on both sides.
  • Installation of auxiliary pillars in the middle of the two parts of the main span and in the middle of the branch of the T-shaped roof.
  • Installation of brackets for laying runs.
  • Laying of running beams with fixation in brackets. The fastening of the branch run is carried out using metal gear parts or a support bar.
  • Quality control of installation runs. It is carried out with the help of a stretched lace, a plumb line and building level. If necessary, the position of the structural elements is adjusted.
  • Production and installation of ordinary solid rafters.
  • Fabrication and installation of a diagonal rafter, sewn from a pair of boards.
  • Production and installation of sprockets - shortened rafters that form the slopes of the valleys.
  • The junction point of the diagonal rafter legs with the branch run of the T-shaped roof is reinforced by installing a strut,

At the end, at the point of attachment of the diagonal rafters, another shortened one is installed. rafter leg, laid from the main run to the underlying beam. It should be strictly parallel to the rafters of the main roof slopes. For its fitting on the spot, adjacent rafters are connected with a cord, which will help to make accurate markings.

After that, the removal is placed along the gables, and then the crate is mounted on the finished truss system for fixing the coating.

Video about the construction of roof frames along the gables

A video detailing the nuances of construction gable roof above the box with aerated concrete gables:

Construction of the roof over the workshop:

The truss structure of the house with three gables:

construction roof frames along the gables is carried out easier and faster than the device of similar roofs with frame end walls. However, the costs will be slightly higher. It should be remembered that if the run is attached to the pediment with a window opening, then there must be at least six rows between its top line and the place where the ridge beam is fixed. reinforced masonry or a concrete lintel must be installed.

- one of the most common options for arranging the roof of a building.

Simplicity of design, ease of calculations and the absence of complex elements make a gable roof the most reliable and successful for use.

The presence of two planes equal area or having a spread in the angle of inclination and a shift in the axis of the ridge simplify the removal of precipitation, have fewer problem areas, dangerous places of accumulation of snow or water.

The composition of such a roof includes two slopes with the same or different angle slope and roof area, and two gables (gable walls) - sections on the end sides of the roof that do not belong to the truss system and slopes and are built from a different material.

You can read how to make a gable roof yourself.

A pediment is a continuation of the end wall of a building that covers the attic from the ceiling to the connection with the roof slopes.

Usually the gable wall is built from the same material as the walls, but sometimes a different type is used - for example, the walls are made of bricks, and the gable is made of wooden beams, boards, etc. The reasons for the use of other materials are most often the later construction of the pediment under finished roof, saving building materials or other considerations.

The shape of the gable wall can be very different, it is determined by the type and configuration of the roof. Architects distinguish the following types of gable roof gable devices:

  • Triangular. The most common type, found everywhere. Most often it has the shape of an isosceles triangle, but with an asymmetrical shape of the slopes, the pediment repeats the outlines cross section attic in the form of an isosceles triangle.
  • Semicircular or arched. It is used in the construction of buildings with an arched roof shape that does not have a pronounced ridge and is a smooth pairing of two slopes into one arc. Rarely used in modern construction, was common in the era of classicism.
  • Unraveled. Has protruding parts on the plane, widely used in the old days in the Baroque era.
  • Trapezoidal. Triangular genus with cut top, the roof is flat.
  • Torn. It has a gap in the upper part, in which an ornament was installed (most often a statue or a stucco heraldic element).

The list of types used can be continued for a long time, but it does not make sense - only a few options are currently in use.. The main type is triangular, its variety is often found - a pentagonal pediment. It is obtained with roofs with broken slopes.

Gable roof pediment: photo

When to erect a gable - before or after the construction of the roof?

For materials like brick, cinder block, etc. most good option- construction of a gable wall before the construction of the roof. Work with such materials in the cramped attic complicated and cause a lot of inconvenience.

Wherein, it is important to correctly calculate the area and shape of the future pediment so as not to go beyond the design calculations. However, it is quite possible to erect a pediment after the arrangement of the roof.

Such a situation can arise if it is necessary to quickly close the building from rains, or in the absence of a clear plan for the construction of the roof: sometimes the angle of inclination of the slopes is determined by eye and the purely aesthetic preferences of the owner become the selection criteria.

This option has its advantages.: the pediment immediately contacts the truss system and has a support while the pediment, erected in the first place, is section of wall, not fortified by any means and in need of support in case of strong winds.

Most of the decorations on the pediments play the role of an additional reinforcing element, which, along with the decorative function, performs the function of mechanical reinforcement. Final Choice the order of erection of the truss system and the pediment determined mainly by the materials used for the pediment and the circumstances of constructionweather conditions, an urgent need interior decoration etc.

The opinions of experts on this issue are diametrically opposed.- some argue that you first need a finished pediment, others unequivocally advise you to build a roof first. Therefore, one can definitely consider both options equal.

You can find out about the types of rafter system.

The order of installation of gables

How to calculate area and dimensions

The need to calculate the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe pediment may arise when determining the amount of construction or finishing materials for its construction.

The calculation of the area and size of the gable is based on geometry and is based on the project data of the house.

How to calculate the gable area gable roofs we we can find out according to the formula The area of ​​a triangle is the product of the base times the height divided in half., where the width of the end wall of the house serves as the base, height - the height of the roof from the ceiling to the ridge.

If the height is unknown, but there is a wall width and , then you can determine the height by multiplying the width of the end (gable) wall by the tangent of the angle of inclination, determined from the Bradis tables. Most often, the height of the future roof is known in advance, so complex calculations are rarely necessary.

When designing a house, it is important to calculate the load on the foundation, because the weight of brick or cinder block gables makes serious adjustments to the load distribution. Therefore, all dimensions are most often calculated at the stage of project development.

Calculation of the pediment

What materials are gable walls made of?

The best solution is to build a pediment from the same materials as the walls.. I.e, brick walls- brick gable, log walls - log gable, etc. At the same time, such a preference is made mainly for aesthetic reasons, for the perception of the integrity of the building, greater accuracy and composure of the building.

However, often a different material is chosen for the pediment, which is due to the desire reduce the load on the walls and foundation, simplify the construction and insulation of the gable. For example, frame type has a significantly lower weight, it can be easily erected both before and after the construction of the roof, it has excellent heat-retaining properties, in addition - it is much cheaper than any other.

Such properties make frame gable most commonly used in construction. One way or another, all considerations regarding the choice of material have their pros and cons.

The main options are:

  • Brick(cinder block, aerated concrete blocks etc.) pediment.
  • Wooden, lumber, log type.
  • frame type of construction, the lightest and with a lot of finishes.

The final choice of material is made by the owner himself based on these specific conditions and features of the building.

Brick variant

wooden version

Gable roof truss system: francon and tying methods

There are two options: with wood or brick. Let's consider them in more detail.

wooden gable

It is often, in fact, sheathed with an extreme row of rafters. If it is made of timber or logs, then its shape exactly repeats the outlines of the rafters, and the pediment is connected by a crate to the truss system.

It must be remembered that timber or log - heavy materials that do not allow the construction of a gable after the construction of the roof. But frame version it is more convenient for work after the construction of the roof, since the boards are an easily processed material with a low weight, and it is quite possible to work on site.

Usually a wooden pediment is not considered as independent element , it can be built in parallel with the truss system, since it does not require the presence of a solution or other "wet" binders. In addition, simultaneous construction allows a more precise fit of parts and elements of rafters and gables to each other.

Wooden way of tying

Installation of a wooden pedestal

brick gable

Requires priority construction. There are cases of subsequent filling of the end section of the roof with bricks, but these are just special cases that occurred due to circumstances. On the finished gable wall must be laid cross beams who carry . To do this, its edges must be even in order to prevent distortion of the roof cut.

Laying is carried out along a stretched cord, one end of which is attached to the rail and denotes top point skate. The other end of the cord is attached to the bottom point. The top is equipped with a recess for ridge beam, the same recess is made in the base under the Mauerlat.

At large area slopes use additional intermediate bars, located in the middle of the slopes and being a support for the rafters in the middle. The subsequent installation of rafters and battens firmly binds everything bearing bars between themselves and strengthens the pediment, protecting it from wind and other loads.

Stone way of tying

Installation of a stone pediment

Gable wall insulation

gable wall is important when planning to use the attic for housing or for a long stay for other purposes - a workshop, an office, etc.

wooden and frame types they themselves are good heat insulators, and the frame one already has a layer of insulation inside the sandwich.

There are two methods of insulation - inside and outside. From the point of view of convenience and safety of work, insulation inside is preferable.

But from the point of view of physics, it will be more efficient to produce insulation from the outside, since in this case the dew point is moved outside the wall and moisture has the ability to escape into the atmosphere, and not inside the house or the insulation layer.

There are a lot of heaters that work well in such conditions:

  • glass wool;
  • mineral wool;
  • Styrofoam;
  • Penoplex.

These and similar materials successfully fulfill their task. For sheathing outside, siding or other sheathing materials can be used.


The pediment of the building, being a support for the truss system, at the same time partially increases the load on it due to the effect of wind. Therefore, its construction should be carried out with an understanding of all loads and ways to compensate for them., otherwise there will be excessive pressure on the truss system, which can lead to deformations of the roof.

All work must be carried out after consultation with experienced builders, and structural elements must have a margin of safety.

Useful video

In this video you can see how you can make a roof gable, in a fairly economical way:

In contact with

Roof - essential element architectural appearance of the cottage. With the help of an unusual roof, a house with the simplest facade can be stylized as an ancient castle or a Martian colony. In our material, we not only show how such roofs can look like, but also talk about their basis - truss systems.

Shed roofs

Such a roof gives the house an elegant minimalist style. Usually it is used in houses built in nature: this allows the designer to "play" with the surrounding terrain. The roof harmoniously fits into the sea, mountain and even steppe landscape. Against the backdrop of the lawn, it also looks beautiful. But in the cramped cottage village, houses with a "one-sided" will look unsightly, especially if there are mansions with high complex roofs nearby.

A shed roof looks spectacular when its angle of inclination is in the range of 25-40 degrees: the roof line, as it were, crosses out the horizon. If the house is surrounded by slender trees, then an oblique cut creates an accent among the vertical trunks.

The sloping roof does not create such an accent. A very steep, 45 degrees or more, looks interesting, but has a small usable area. This is the law: the steeper the roof, the lower its profitability. However, shed roofs are quite common. And they are not always conspicuous, disguised as a gable roof. On the same house, sometimes two shed roofs are made. And this reception is quite justified: it is a good alternative to the mansard roof. It is easier to perform and cheaper.

In general, the design pitched roof easier than multi-slope. But this rule only applies to small roofs when the overlapped span does not exceed 4 meters. The main design solutions are shown here in this diagram:

Please note that in these figures the maximum span covered by the rafters is six meters. But in practice, even blocking 6 meters is a real problem if additional props cannot be installed. For the manufacture of such long and powerful rafters, standard boards from the market will not work. We need glued beams with a large cross section. These are quite expensive parts that are made to order.

Let's take a closer look at the above photos.

Glued beams are clearly visible here, which are located along the slope (painted dark brown). Across them, boards with a section of 50x150 are placed on the edge. On these boards - already along the slope - bars with a section of 50x75 mm are laid. And only to them is a crate made of a board 25-30 mm thick, on which is mounted roofing. Carrier system turned out to be four layers. This amount of lumber would be enough to make a truss system for gable roof. For the shed roof of the house in the forest, a different design of the truss system was used.

Here, five girders of glued beams are laid across the slope. Each run is located horizontally, and the angle of inclination of the roof is set by the height difference between the runs. Rafters made of standard boards with a section of 50x150 are laid on the runs along the slope. But the boards obviously had to be increased in length, so each rafter is double.

Splice them in this way.

On such rafters, you can lay a crate of 50x75 timber and attach to it roofing material. But this is the case if the roof is not insulated.

If insulation is laid between the rafters, then a superdiffusion membrane is stretched over them. There must be a ventilated gap above the membrane. It is formed with the help of slats, 2-4 cm thick, which are nailed to the rafters from above along the slope. In fact, the membrane is pressed against the rafters by these rails. Only after that, across the slope, it is possible to fix the crate for mounting the roofing material.

This diagram clearly shows the formation of a ventilation gap.

As seen, roof structure a house in the forest also required the use of expensive glued beams. And it took a huge amount of wood to make spliced ​​and doubled rafters! Much easier things are in a house with two pitched roofs.

The overlapped spans clearly do not exceed 6 meters. This means that the rafters can be made from boards purchased on the market with a section of 50x150mm. The presence of attics under the roofs allows you to install rafter legs there. These are additional supports for the rafters, which enhance their bearing capacity. The lower roof is very easy to assemble. A Mauerlat assembled from two boards is laid on the lower wall. The rafters are sawn to ensure a good fit to the Mauerlat, and are mounted on brackets.

The top edge of the roof is level with attic floor second floor. This is a good design solution. The rafters pass through the wall and are attached to a beam laid directly on the ceiling. This knot is reliable and durable. But to make it airtight, consider one nuance: flowing down the wall rainwater should not seep under the roof.

If the wall is built of brick or similar material, then you need to make an apron in the masonry, under which an ebb for rainwater will be installed.

Manufacturers vinyl siding also provided for the possibility of creating such nodes. To do this, they complete their systems with special drain strips. True, experienced installers prefer to insure in such cases with the help of good old metal drainage systems.

Such an adjunction of the roof to the wall allows you to perform an external insulation system. That's what we see in the photo.

The top roof looks like the rafters are stacked right into brickwork walls. But that would not be very reliable. Rafters are always attached to the Mauerlat. And the effect of "drowned" rafters into the wall was obtained through the use of a "wet facade".

As you can see, the rafters are made of standard 6-meter boards with a section of 50x150. A crate is nailed across the rafters, to which a metal corrugated board is attached. The installers had to tinker only with the extreme rafters that form the overhang of the roof. These rafters are supported on cantilever beams. They are in the same plane with the rafters, but at the same time perpendicular to them. This can be achieved with the help of gashes in half a tree on the beams and on the penultimate rafter. Schematically it can be shown like this.


To shed roof turned out to be simple and inexpensive, two conditions are required:

- span no more than 6 meters;
- the presence of attic space for the installation of rafter legs.

If the overlapped space has a width of more than 6 meters, then unit cost truss system will grow two or more times. It is worth constructing such a roof only as an architectural refinement.

Four gables

It is difficult to find an exact name for this roof. When viewed from above, it resembles a wind rose. She has two crossed skates and four valleys (a valley is an inner corner, a hollow between the slopes). But from the ground, what catches the eye first of all is that the house has four pediments. That is, each facade is crowned with a triangle.

The silhouette of the house turns out to be emphatically symmetrical, the numerous edges of the roof give it an openwork and somewhat pompous look. Such a roof is appropriate on a structure that should dominate the field of view. Sometimes, with the help of four gables, completely unprepossessing houses and even baths “save” the image.

Four symmetrical pediments are much easier to design for a bathhouse or a country house than for a full-fledged house. This is because such a roof requires a square at the base. But it is not so easy when planning a floor to fit all the necessary premises into a square. Therefore, roofs with 4 gables are sometimes made asymmetrical. As, for example, in this wonderful project, which was called "The Abode of Angels" (author - D. Shilnikov).

First, consider the symmetrical version, as a simpler one. It is nothing more than four "fused" gable roofs. Under them, there is a living space in the form of an attic. Otherwise, why build such a voluminous structure?

The simplest and most proven design of the mansard roof looks like this.

The plane of the attic ceiling is formed from horizontal puffs between the rafters. They, together with the rafters, form a triangle and give the necessary rigidity to the structure. The walls of the attic are formed by vertical supports. They don't play a big role in improving bearing capacity, and additional struts are installed next to them. They are clearly visible here.

These, even if small, struts stiffen the connections between the rafters and the Mauerlat. The point is that they form equilateral triangle, and this figure, as you know, will retain its shape even if there are articulated links in the corners.

It remains to consider the valleys - the nodes in which the four parts of the roof grow together. The design has been worked out for a long time, and there is no need to reinvent the wheel. The base of the valley is a reinforced beam. It, as a rule, is assembled from two boards prepared for rafters or from a powerful bar.

The rafters, which must rest against the valley, are sawn in place and attached to the beam using brackets. On the valley, something like a gutter is formed from two boards laid flat. Metal ebbs are attached to these boards, and it turns out like this.

And here is another version of the valley device - with the help of shaped elements.

The design of the valley should be chosen based on what the roofing will be. Manufacturers of some roofing systems produce special components. But in any case, the sealing of the valley must be approached very carefully. This is exactly the case when it is better to overdo it. Endova - the most weakness on a sloping roof.

"Roof for Angels"

And now let's pay attention to the asymmetrical roof with four gables. It is based on a four-pitched hip roof. The hip is called outer corner between roof slopes. Hip roofs are quite common due to their simplicity and reliability.

Here is a simple diagram hip roof.

And here is a photograph from the construction site where the "Resident of Angels" is being built.

The contours of the hip roof are clearly visible. Valma is the same valley, only inside out. Made from reinforced beam. Rafters cut to size are attached to it at an angle using brackets. When four hip roof slopes in general terms formed, "birdhouses" are attached to them. This is sometimes called the volumes formed by small gable outbuildings.

The "birdhouse" has two ramps. One is in the plane of the slope of the main hip roof. The second slope of the "birdhouse" is joined to another slope of the hip roof through the valley. We have already considered its design.

The whimsical curves of the roof create unusual shapes not only in the exterior of the building, but also in the interior of the attic floor.

What are the pros and cons of roofs with four gables?

They are attractive appearance but will be quite expensive. It requires the work of very skilled roofers. It is better to cover such roofs with piece tiles (natural, polymer or bituminous), when using sheet materials, there will be a lot of scraps.

A large number of valleys increases the risk of leaks. asymmetrical roof The "Abodes of the Angels" is more reliable than a symmetrical roof with four valleys. This is due to the fact that at the base of the roof of the "Abode of Angels" - hip design, and the length of the valleys is less.

Next time we will look at truss systems for different types buildings: stone, frame and wooden. And, of course, we will deal with very extravagant forms. Do not miss!

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