Victoria berry: useful properties. What is the difference between strawberries and victoria

Strawberry Victoria: garden strawberry, cultivation, planting and care. Victoria is the name of garden strawberries or strawberries. This variety is considered the most common and in demand, as it has an amazing taste and quality. Knowing how to grow a crop, you can get ripe and juicy fruits in large quantities.

Secrets of growing Victoria strawberries

For growing Victoria, prepare compost, mulch material and heteroauxin. It is recommended to choose a place for planting depending on the climatic conditions of the region where it will be grown. In an area with little snowy winters, the plant is best planted in the spring. This will allow the bushes to get stronger for summer season. If you want to get the first fruits in a year, it is better to plant Victoria in late July or early August. Thanks to this solution, the plants will be able to fully develop for another 2 months.

For Victoria, a well-lit area with light, slightly acidic soil is perfect. The best option if potatoes, tomatoes or bell pepper. It is recommended to prepare the soil for planting 7-14 days in advance. If the crop will be planted in early spring, then the place must be prepared in the fall.

Video: preparing the beds before planting strawberries

The selected area needs to be dug up, weed roots removed from it and different insects. If this is not done, then it will not be possible to avoid the attack of pests. After the manipulations, it is necessary to improve the structure of the soil. You need to add 2-3 kg of fertilizer to the soil and pour the same amount of sand.

Planting Victoria in Springtime

To receive good harvest strawberries are better to give preference to the remontant variety. This type of culture is characterized by rapid fruit formation (2-3 weeks). Victoria is a heat-loving plant, so it must be protected from freezing of above-ground areas, especially in the absence of snow.

Strawberries reproduce through whiskers, which grow abundantly in plants by the second half of summer. The best quality for planting are 2-3 crops that have grown next to the mother plant. For breeding Victoria, it is better to use children from 2-year-old crops.

It is recommended to plant strawberries in even rows, the distance between which should be approximately 65-75 cm. This will ensure comfort when weeding and watering plants. There should be a distance of 25-35 cm between crops. Each bush with a formed root system is placed in a hole, 3-7 cm deep. It is imperative to water the crop after planting. This can be done both before falling asleep with earth, and after that.

Video: how to plant strawberries

Proper feeding of strawberries

After the end of the growing season, strawberries need additional soil enrichment. But fertilizer for Victoria should be done in moderation. With excessive fertilizing, the berries will not be very tasty, gray spots may appear on them.

For strawberries, it is very important to choose the right balance of nutrition. With an insufficient amount of top dressing, the fruits may lose their taste, and the leaves may lose their fresh color. In the first year after planting, Victoria has enough of those fertilizers that were applied at the beginning of growth. From the 2nd year, you need to add to the soil:

  • saltpeter;
  • superphosphate;
  • potassium.

Each component should be taken at 50 g per 1 m². After receiving the first harvest, it is necessary to repeat the enrichment of the soil in the same proportions. For the feeding process, it is better to choose the time after the rains or to water the strawberries abundantly on your own.

To enrich the soil where the plants are located, fertilizers are often used:

  • "Fufanon";
  • "Ordan";
  • "Abiga Peak".

Gumi-omi is considered an effective top dressing.

Video: Strawberry Feeding Secrets

Mulching Victoria

Mulching strawberries plays an important role in the process of growing strawberries. Mulch helps retain moisture in the soil. It does not allow weeds to climb to the surface of the soil. The earth is filled with nutrients and becomes very loose. Under a layer of mulch are formed earthworms, due to which the structure of the earth is significantly improved.

The best option for mulch is needles. With the help of such raw materials are blocked various diseases and stop the development of pests. In the absence of coniferous material, dry leaves, straw or grass can be used.

Video: mulching strawberries

Care Secrets

When the Victoria strawberries fade, it needs to be mulched. For such a process, moss or straw is used. The second mulching is recommended in September. For the procedure, grain production waste or peat is used. The mulch layer is about 6-7 cm. Required condition successful mulching - saving crop leaves from covering material.

When the crop is harvested, it is required to loosen the soil around the bush. Also experienced gardeners recommend spud each plant. To maintain productivity, the beds should be systematically weeded. For this process, you can use mini-hoes and garden rippers.

How to water the crop?

Strawberry Victoria is considered quite demanding for watering. If it is not always possible to irrigate the crop, then work should be carried out to save the level of moisture in the soil. To do this, you need to loosen the ground, cover the beds with snow, remove weeds in a timely manner and carry out mulching.

Usually strawberries should be watered 8-10 times a season. Thanks to this, you will be able to get a good harvest. For irrigation, a garden watering can without a nozzle is used, gently supplying moisture directly under the root of the crop.

Video: how to water strawberries

Preparing for winter

In the first half of August, it is required to cut off old and dry leaves. Such stress will be beneficial for strawberries and will help increase yields. For this process, it is recommended to use a sharp pruner or scissors. Cutting only required sheet plate, leaving small protruding stems. Be sure to remove all of Victoria's mustache. Removal of weeds is not recommended with the root, because such raw materials will become good fertilizer for next season.

To protect plants from frost, it is better if they are covered with snow. If in your region there are no such precipitations or there are too few of them, then it is recommended to cover the beds with branches coniferous trees, tops, straw or dry leaves.

Experienced summer residents are advised to use spruce branches for such purposes. good option shelters are considered to be agrotex or spandbond, which is stretched over metal arcs.

How to get big fruits?

How to grow large Victoria fruits? For this, timely and high-quality fertilizer is of great importance. For a good harvest, top dressing is used bird droppings. 10 liters of substance is required to fill in 30 liters of water. The solution must be infused for 3-5 days. Then the liquid must be diluted with water (1:20) and poured with the contents between the rows of Victoria. Before the fruits ripen, the grooves can be moistened with fertilizer. boric acid and zinc sulfate.

Video: how to get a big strawberry crop

Proper and timely care of Victoria strawberries allows you to get good and high-quality fruits.

Harvest strawberries in the photo

Now it is difficult to imagine that the world's main berry crop appeared in the history of horticulture not so long ago and quite by accident. Not surprisingly, there is still confusion in the names. They call it either strawberries, or strawberries, or Victoria. What is the difference between strawberries and strawberries, not everyone knows, we offer to figure it out.

Historical documents accurately indicate that the European city of Paris is the place where garden strawberries appeared, and two types of strawberries from America are considered the ancestors of modern strawberries.

The first thing that distinguishes strawberries from strawberries and victoria is the history and homeland of their origin. At the beginning of this story, in 1624, several specimens of the virgin strawberry (Fragaria virginiana Dush.) were brought to the Royal Botanical Gardens in Paris. natural form these plants grew in the forests of North America and attracted the attention of botanists with their unusually fragrant, juicy and sweet dark red fruits. Unfortunately, the size of these fruits was quite small.

Ninety years later, several plants of Chilean strawberry - Fragaria chiloensis Dush - were brought from Chile to expand the collection and planted nearby. This species differed significantly large fruits, but their taste was more sour compared to virgin strawberries.

Spontaneous crossing occurred, passed on to offspring good combination best qualities of dissimilar species - large-fruited and sweet taste of berries - and so, by chance, appeared the new kind- Victoria or garden strawberry (Fragaria ananassa Dush.).

The difference between strawberries and strawberries becomes even more visible upon further consideration of the genetic selection of crops. Strawberry, according to the exact botanical classification, it is correct to call the type of nutmeg strawberry (Fragaria moschata Dush.). This species grows naturally in Europe. He received the botanical name "nutmeg" for the pronounced strong nutmeg aroma of berries, and vernacular name strawberries for the fact that the shape of the berries are very similar to balls.

What is the difference between strawberries and strawberries is now clear, but the story does not end there, as the work of breeders continued. AT European countries the species was domesticated, it was conducted breeding work, and several commercial grades have been developed. But since strawberry plants are dioecious, a significant part of the usable planting area must be occupied by those that do not produce berries. male plants, which is extremely disadvantageous. The appearance of monoecious garden strawberry plants with large fruits began to quickly displace real strawberries from gardens, but the familiar name has remained in use to this day.

In Russia, the first garden strawberries appeared at the end of the 18th century. One of the most widespread varieties was the English variety Victoria, so in our country we still sometimes collectively call all garden strawberries so collectively.

Description of the plant of garden strawberries and victoria: mustaches, leaves, fruits (berries) with photo and video

In botany, the description of strawberries and victoria boils down to the fact that they are perennial, which reproduces vegetatively by means of modified shoots- mustache. Indeed, when favorable soil and microclimatic conditions are created, the life span of a garden strawberry plant surrounded by rooted daughter rosettes can theoretically be considered infinite. But in our harsh conditions of acute lack of heat and excess moisture in the autumn-winter period, the real life of plants is only 6-8 years.

In this description of garden strawberries with a photo, you can learn basic information about the culture that will help you organize the right one for it in your backyard.

The fruit of the garden strawberry is formed as a result of flowering and pollination. This is a fleshy berry with testicles sunk into the pulp. Berries of garden strawberries can have a mass of 5 to 100 grams. Painted in bright orange, pink, crimson and red colors. The active period of preparation for fruiting takes 2 years. In total, the yield is maintained for 5 years. The period when the plant produces a full-fledged crop of garden strawberries is even shorter. With many years of growth of the bush in one place, surrounded by rooted rosettes, the soil is quickly depleted, accumulate viral infections and genetic mutations that weaken plants.

The period of justified exploitation of the Victoria berry and garden strawberry (when the harvest compensates for your labor and material costs for care) was previously considered no more than 3-4 years, and now for many new varieties of foreign selection it is 1-2 years.

Botanists refer to strawberries evergreens. Indeed, the death of old leaves and the growth of new ones occurs continuously, so the bush always looks green. Strawberries hibernate in a leafy state. The leaves of garden strawberries formed in autumn remain green and continue to photosynthesize in spring. Leaf mass and horns - thick shortened shoots - are depository organs nutrients. This means that for a successful overwintering it is very important to build up and maintain a healthy and full-fledged leaf mass by the fall.

Garden strawberries grow mustaches throughout the growing season. To form a full-fledged crop, they must be removed. On the bushes intended for obtaining planting material, flower stalks are removed.

See what garden strawberries look like in the photo, which shows flowers, fruits in the form of berries and a mustache:

photo of strawberry blossoms
photo of strawberry flowers

Garden strawberries in the photo
Fruit garden strawberry on the picture

Garden strawberries grow mustaches in the photo
Mustache of garden strawberries in the photo

The root system of strawberries is fibrous. The main number of roots is located in the soil layer no deeper than 25 cm, from which we conclude that it is difficult for plants to obtain moisture from the lower layers. Therefore, when hot, dry weather sets in, strawberries need regular watering.

Secrets of technology and agricultural technology for growing garden strawberries (with video)

The agricultural technology of garden strawberries is quite simple, but since the plants originate from the southern latitudes, science has found that optimum temperature soil for the growth and good functioning of the roots is about 26 degrees Celsius (for reference - in the non-chernozem zone, the temperature at a soil depth of 10 cm in the summer months reaches only 12-18 degrees). For this reason, strawberries do not tolerate damp cold soils. Due to the fact that the soil temperature is much lower than the optimum all season, the functioning of the roots is difficult and the strawberry needs very fertile soils with a high content of readily available nutrients, responds well to all measures to increase the soil temperature (mulching), loves regular top dressing, including including foliar ones - the leaves are sprayed directly with an aqueous solution with nutrients.

The secrets of growing garden strawberries are based on the fact that biological feature culture is stretching, and the exposure of the rhizome begins. With age, this greatly weakens the plants and worsens overwintering. In order to prevent the fact that with age the bush sticks out of the soil, and the roots at the base cork and die, the most important agrotechnical measure for caring for strawberries should be called organic mulching of the bare base of the bush.

Based on this modern technology cultivation of garden strawberries in order to obtain a crop in industrial volumes.

Mulching is carried out several times a season: in the spring - to nourish the plants and protect the soil from drying out, in the summer - when the berries ripen, dry mulch will keep them from rotting, and in the fall, a layer of mulch will help to winter better. The best mulching materials are peat, humus and straw. Here it is appropriate to envy the English gardeners. They will definitely never forget, without which they cannot get excellent harvests strawberries. Indeed, in English, strawberries are called straw berries (strawberry; straw - straw + berry - berry).

Knowing from history that the progenitors of garden strawberries are species originating from the warm regions of the American continent, we make a reasonable conclusion that the culture is very warm and light-loving. This is important when choosing a place to stay. Strawberry bushes mulched on the site.

Well, how does she winter in our conditions? Indeed, in the absence of snow, the stems-horns die at a temperature of minus 10 degrees, and the roots at minus 8. But with a good condition of the leaf apparatus that creates a natural shelter for the buds located inside, and the presence of snow cover 5-10 cm thick, strawberries are quite capable of withstanding a decrease temperatures down to minus 30 degrees. Once again we confirm the conclusion that healthy leaves for the winter should not be cut in any case.

Since plants originate from southern latitudes, then optimal conditions for their development are formed in the conditions of " short day» (daylight hours no more than 12-13 hours). In our northern regions, the combination of "short day" conditions and enough high temperature soil and air, necessary for the growth of the root system and leaves, falls on the month of May and the period of late July - early August. It is for this reason that they are most important for strawberries and are considered best timing landings, and optimal timing fertilizing with organic and mineral fertilizers.

The length of daylight is very important not only for vegetative growth. To an even greater extent, it is important for the formation of flower buds - the laying of peduncles. According to the generally accepted classification, all modern varieties of garden strawberries are divided into two main groups - ordinary (non-repairable) and remontant varieties. The division is based on the difference in the biology of the formation of peduncles.

Ordinary varieties begin to lay flower stalks in conditions of high temperature and "short day" once during the growing season. In our climate zone such conditions develop in the period from the second half of July to mid-August.

For the final formation and receiving an impulse to develop flower buds, a period of exposure to low positive temperatures is also necessary. In our conditions, this is the period of overwintering of plants under snow cover. Further, the flowering of ordinary varieties occurs in an extended period from mid to late May, and the ripening of berries - from mid June to early August. Due to such a significant difference in terms, the group of ordinary varieties is further subdivided into early, medium and late-ripening varieties. The difference in terms of mass maturity of berries between neighboring groups is 7-12 days.

Watch all the secrets of growing garden strawberries in the video, which demonstrates agricultural techniques:

Selection of productive varieties of garden strawberries

In the more than 150-year history of garden strawberry cultivation, breeders could not reconcile themselves to the idea that strawberries only bear fruit once a season. Hard work was carried out on the selection of garden strawberries: the search and selection of plants that, according to certain individual genetic characteristics, had the ability to form flower stalks in the conditions of “long daylight hours” and switch to flowering without the necessary period of exposure to low positive temperatures. As a result of the selection of just such forms, strawberry varieties were obtained that are able to bloom and bear fruit several times during the growing season. They began to be called remontant, that is, re-blooming.

The first obtained remontant varieties formed flower stalks under the conditions of a "short day" and then again under the conditions of a "long day" in June. During the growing season, they have clearly expressed two waves of flowering and fruiting. Until now, in the literature they are often called not remontants, but long-day ones.

So far, enough big number varieties (and hybrids, too), which lay flower stalks continuously during the growing season, regardless of the length of the day. These are the real ones productive varieties garden strawberries of the latest generation with remontant properties, in the scientific literature they are often called neutral day varieties.

Typically, plants remontant varieties morphologically different from plants of ordinary varieties. The vast majority of remontant varieties are medium-sized and slightly leafy plants. Bushes form no more than 3-4 horns. The root system is more developed than above-ground part, and presented a large number long active suction roots. Flowering and first fruiting in remontant varieties begins along with the usual early ripe varieties, and then continues under the conditions open ground until the end of September.

The selection has led to the fact that productive genetically remontant varieties are not programmed to accumulate a supply of nutrients in the horns and large leaf mass for a good overwintering.

Vegetative reproduction with the help of whiskers is either very weakly expressed or completely absent. All the nutrients of the plant are spent mainly on the laying of flower stalks and fruiting. For this reason, the vast majority of remontant varieties have a significantly shorter production period compared to conventional varieties. At the most favorable conditions This period of selection was able to bring up to 2 years.

Watch the garden strawberries in the video, which demonstrates all the qualities of this berry culture:

Highly interesting story about the name and appearance on our household plots Victoria strawberries, as it is called in everyday life by everyone who breeds this wonderful berry. But botanists protest - only those plants whose peduncles are dioecious, that is, with both male and female types of flowering, can be called strawberries. In our gardens, for the most part, large-fruited garden strawberries grow, since there is a male pollinator in the flower itself, which is why the flowers of the berry are so large and expressive.

Someone thinks that berry bushes so they were named after the Queen of Britain, Victoria, but the name stuck, and gave its name to many varieties and varieties of this delicious and fragrant berry.

Some suggest that ancient sailors brought plants from Holland, but in any case, any strawberry-flavored berry is still called Victoria.

Variety Description

Home positive trait varieties, not without reason, consider unpretentiousness to growing conditions and large fragrant berries. Great taste is also listed among its advantages, but that's not all - it is practically not susceptible to fungal infections. viral diseases. And if the bushes began to hurt, then the reason, most likely, lies in the wrong agricultural practices or a bad climate.

In the photo - Victoria strawberries:

Strawberry Victoria

The variety belongs to remontant varieties of berries, but can bear fruit only once during the summer season. You may also be interested in information on how to apply

The variety is characterized by several distinctive parameters:

  • Bright red fruits with tender and pulp pink shade, the seeds are very small;
  • The shape of the berries is correct, somewhat reminiscent of an inverted trapezoid, each berry can reach a weight of up to 12 grams;
  • Dense and non-wrinkling fruits, perfectly tolerate transportation over long distances;
  • The variety perfectly tolerates bad climatic conditions, temperature changes, an abundance of humidity;
  • Not affected powdery mildew and can resist harmful insects- weevil, nematode or tick. But how much boric acid is needed to spray strawberries, and how good this remedy is, is indicated

Berry bushes are compact, but during the summer you can collect up to 1 kg of berries from each bush.

On the video - a description of the Victoria berry variety:

How and when to plant

Landing can be both in early spring and early autumn. If it is planned to plant planting material in the spring, then site preparation should be carried out from the fall, until the onset of stable frosts:

If your site has a close proximity ground water, and in a rainy summer, the water stands in the ridges, then it should be planted on the ridges, whether the equipment is specially high beds. Well, if the site is dry, then you can land in the usual way.

A word about proper posture

  • Before planting bushes, a layer is poured into each hole. fertile soil, the whole earth is mixed, spilled with water and planted planting material;
  • The distance between the ridges should be at least 60 cm, and between plants up to 35;
  • After planting, each plant should have a side so that after watering the water does not spread, but concentrates at the roots;
  • For better survival and nutrient retention, the ground around strawberries is mulched with straw, mowed grass or sawdust.

Some gardeners plant bushes under the film material - holes are cut crosswise, and strawberries are planted in it. This method helps to block the weeds, they do not germinate and do not take away nutrients from the young plant.

On video - proper fit strawberries:

It is better to choose a sunny and low-wind place, and the soil should be light and not waterlogged, since the roots are located shallow, almost on the surface. There is a special requirement for saturating the site with a nutrient composition, while the plant itself is getting stronger, gaining flower stalks, it needs a lot of nutrients. But how to treat strawberries with iodine, and how effective this remedy is, is indicated

Ridges should be prepared in advance, about a month and a half before the planting date of young plants. It is recommended to add to the wells potash fertilizers, superphosphate 10 gr. (about a teaspoon), or ammonium nitrate up to 1 tbsp. spoons under each bush.

It is better to choose a cloudy day for planting so that the sun does not burn the young plants. Or spend landing work in the evening, when the sun is no longer so bright.

You may also be interested in how to plant strawberries in a tube horizontally, and what results can be achieved.

You can buy Victoria bushes ready for planting on the market, but you can also prepare mustache planting material yourself, which are formed after fruiting. The first 2 mustaches should be taken, the subsequent ones will be weakened and will not be able to next year make a good harvest.

Pay attention to the location of the heart, or growth point - it should always protrude above the soil surface, otherwise the plant will die and will not be able to develop further.

But in order to wait for the harvest, the strawberry plantation needs to be properly looked after.

How to care

So that ripening berries do not touch the ground, it is best to lay out protective material near the bushes - special non-woven, straw or grass. Then you don’t have to wash the crop from sand and earth for a long time, moreover, this method will protect the plants from weeds. But is it necessary to mow strawberries after harvesting, and how to do it correctly, is indicated

To receive high yield, strawberry plantation should be periodically fed:

  • I do the first feeding in early spring, after harvesting old leaves and shallow loosening with ammonium nitrate or nitroammophos, 10 g each. on a bucket of water; But how to process strawberries in the spring ammonia, and what results can be achieved, this will help to understand
  • Before flowering, plants are fed with infusions of mullein or horse manure, sprinkled with ash or treated with a solution of boric acid, 10 gr. to increase the ovaries on the receptacle;
  • The last top dressing falls on the period of the end of the harvest. During this period, the bushes will lay the flower stalks of the next year, so nutrition should be comprehensive; But how the fight against aphids on strawberries is carried out, and what means are the most effective, it is indicated
  • It is also necessary to periodically remove the mustache from the fruiting plant, this method will help him save strength for growing large berries;
  • The plantation should be watered, especially abundantly in a dry summer, without moisture, the plants will dry, and there is no need to talk about any harvest.

On the video - how to care for strawberries:

Regular weeding and updating the plantation with new bushes will also help to grow a decent crop. After 2-3 years of life, the bushes become old, and it is simply pointless to expect a good harvest from them, so they should be updated every 3-4 years. It will also be useful to learn how to get ants out of strawberries in the garden, and what means are the most effective, indicated

In those ancient times, when botanists were not yet subject to the desire to classify all the vegetation growing on Earth, there lived either a shrub or strawberry grass. She was known as fragaria, which in Latin meant "fragrant". Over time, it was divided into species such as nutmeg strawberries (Fragaria moschata), oriental (Fragaria orientalis) and forest strawberries (Fragaria colliana). At the same time, dioecious strawberries, i.e., those with female and male flowers located on different bushes called a strawberry . Round form berries of this species and gave her the name: club - ball - nodule - strawberry.

Excursion into history

Somewhere in early XVII in. from the eastern part of North America, meadow strawberries, later called virgin strawberries (Fragaria virginiana), were brought to Europe. A century later, the Frenchman A. Frezieu brought to Europe from Chile several bushes of hitherto unknown strawberries (Fragaria chiloensis) with sweet fragrant berries light pink. One of the bushes was donated to the Parisian botanical garden, where he crossed with a species of virgin strawberry. As a result of such crossing, one appeared that is well known to us from our personal plots and is mistakenly called Victoria. The name "Victoria" has taken root and acquired meaning for all cultivated strawberries.

Thus, not every strawberry is a strawberry, not every strawberry is a Victoria, but the beautiful Victoria herself is a strawberry, as well as any other, in fact, a strawberry. In fact, Victoria is a strawberry variety named after an English monarchical person. It was one of the first brought to Russia at the end of the 18th century, and therefore acquired the meaning of a common noun. In fact, over two thousand are isolated within the species of these varieties! Among them are Alexandria, Baron Solimacher, Yellow Wonder, Lord, Victoria, Zenga Zengana, Bagota, Red Gauntlet, Festivalnaya.

The Victoria variety is cold hardy and resistant to pests and other diseases. Plants are decorated with wide leaves of deep green color, form large and strong bushes. The berries are large, sweet, fragrant, bright red.

Victoria (strawberry) bears fruit with a frequency of 1 time per year. On the territory of Russia, it is widely distributed in the southern part, cultivated in household plots and in horticultural farms for a long time.

Due to its rich taste, it is actively used in cooking, and the ability to retain useful substances for a long time has become the reason for popularity among hostesses during the conservation period.

Soil preparation

Start by preparing the ground. Seedlings should be planted in previously dug up soil. For planting plants choose a flat area, preferably with a slight slope to the west. The site should not be blown by the winds, otherwise in winter there will be little snow on the garden bed, and the plants themselves will freeze in the spring.

Victoria (strawberry): breeding secrets

For the ripening of berries on the bushes, as well as to avoid their decay, seedlings are recommended to be planted in rows at a distance from each other. You can mark the beds with a rope attached to pegs on both sides, so that the beds will be even and neat. Holes are made along the rope, in which selected sockets are planted. For convenient plant care and picking berries, planting is done in a ridge 10-15 cm high.

Experts recommend breeding Victoria in May, and not in August, when a flowering rosette is planted in the ground.

In order to receive large berries in summer, it is necessary to select rosettes with large inflorescences. You don't need to use empty flowers.

The socket is dug out with a clod of earth in order not to damage the root system of the plant. Thanks to this, the plant does not get sick and takes root faster in a new place. The first two or three rosettes from the mother plant are among the highest quality for propagation.

Strawberry Victoria: a description of plant care

Victoria (strawberry-strawberry) loves watering very much, it is necessary to water it at least 10 times during the season. To get a good harvest, beds with seedlings need care and processing, namely the removal of weeds during the weeding process.

It is better to mulch the earth around the bushes with straw, sawdust or wood shavings. This technique will keep the berries from contamination and infection with gray rot. Be sure to loosen the soil around the plants, to produce hilling if their root system is bare. Strawberry care consists in digging and planting rosettes with large inflorescences, throwing out unsuitable rosettes with a small inflorescence, no inflorescence or rosettes with a stiff root. Following the recommendations experienced gardeners, every year you and your family will rejoice bountiful harvest homemade fragrant strawberries!

The Victoria Berry was named after Her Majesty the Queen. It is considered the first strawberry that settled in gardens and orchards. Its fruits are unusually fragrant and tasty. Strawberry Victoria is a berry that contains a lot of nutrients.

Doctors' opinions

Some experts claim that this berry strengthens the immune system and the walls of blood vessels. They give it antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties, the ability to suppress and prevent the flu from developing. The iodine present in it only increases its value. Strawberry Victoria is a berry that can lower sugar, and therefore everyone can eat it. But if you eat too much at one time, an allergic reaction may occur. Because of this, it is given to children in small quantities. By nature, it is endowed with a diuretic property. Soothes the liver, and the content of salicylic acid in it has a beneficial effect on the joints. It is recommended for anemia to compensate for iron deficiency. Therefore, doctors advise eating these berries and stocking up on vitamins for the winter.

Place to land

Land for planting is prepared in autumn or mid-June. The place is selected sunny, even. The site should be blown by the wind, but not much. Otherwise, in winter, the snow will not cover the bushes, and they will freeze. The beds should be located from north to south or from south to north, whichever is more convenient for you. Strawberry Victoria is an undemanding berry, but some technologies must be observed when planting it. Land preparation includes digging and forming a ridge with fertilizer application. Fertilizers are: ammonium nitrate- 20 g, potassium chloride - 20 g, superphosphate - 25 g, humus - 6 kg. All this is evenly placed on one meter of the earth. If the presence of groundwater is close to the surface, the ridge must be high, otherwise the roots of the plant may rot. In the absence of groundwater - low. Planting Victoria is a painstaking task that requires accuracy. Bushes should be placed strictly in a row with a distance of half a meter between them. Such a distance is advantageous in that if one bush is affected by a disease, the others will not become infected, and wind blowing is maintained. Bushes are planted twice a year: in spring and at the end of summer.

seedling material

Seedling material can be acquired in the nursery. It will give full information about the selected variety and its features. But if a berry is already growing on the site, you can plant it yourself. Strawberry Victoria gives a large number of processes. These processes are called whiskers. For seedlings, take the first mustache from the mother bush. The process is a rosette with a developed and rooted root system. It is better to take mustaches from bushes that are already two years old. Such plants perfectly combine the development of further roots and fruiting, which is difficult for peers. Dig up a young bush carefully so as not to damage the roots. It is better to dig the whole clod of earth around the roots. Plant immediately, in a prepared and moistened hole. At the end of the work, the beds are watered.

Strawberry Victoria is an unpretentious berry. With minimal care, he pays with great gratitude. Twice a year it is covered with mulch, before flowering and after harvest. They feed the same number of times, it is possible to combine these works. When the roots are exposed or in very dry weather, the soil around the bushes is loosened. In case of severe drought, regular watering is necessary.

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