How much does a 3x4 turnkey bath cost. Advantages of a compact bath

Own, even a small bath on the site country house or cottages significantly increases the level of home relaxation. With some free space adjoining territory, you can put a modern bath building that will decorate the household and become a favorite place for the owners and their guests. Many private developers use 3 by 4 bath projects, as this format is optimal for them.


Bath is a building with complex operational characteristics. For its construction, you need to choose a material that can withstand sudden changes in temperature and high humidity. In addition, under the influence high temperature and moisture, this material must remain safe and environmentally friendly. He should not highlight harmful substances and attract mold and mildew.

Of all the building materials that exist today, traditional wood is most suitable for the construction of bath complexes. With proper preparation and quality processing special protective equipment wood as a building material has such advantages:

    environmental friendliness;

    high resistance exposure to moisture and high temperatures;

    small weight;

    convenience use;

    vapor permeability;

    favorable microclimate indoors;

    low coefficient thermal conductivity.

In modern low-rise construction there are two main wood material- rounded or "wild" log and profiled timber.

Beam and log for a log house


It has a regular cylindrical shape, which is given to the material during processing on special machines. According to the type of harvesting, the rounded log is more like the wood that our ancestors used to build log cabins. The log is characterized by low damage to the structure of the tree, and is a fairly durable building material.

Log structures are put into operation not less than 6 months after the completion of construction. This is due to the shrinkage that gives log house. It is about 10%, which is a lot for a modern building.

A log bath does not need cladding, but the walls need to be caulked and sanded several times. With all this, baths made of rounded logs are very popular. main reason is a stylish authentic appearance such buildings. This material is often chosen for small structures - you don’t have to caulk so much, and the exterior will turn out to be very attractive and hide modest size. For example, the layout of the bath 4 by 4 is popular.


Profiled timber is a material with a given profile. It can be made from solid wood or from boards glued together. The first option is more environmentally friendly and cheaper - for a 3 by 4 bath, the turnkey price will be quite affordable, but the second one is of higher quality.

Thanks to rectangular shape timber walls from it are less deformed and are characterized by minimal shrinkage. Finishing and caulking are not needed for buildings made of profiled wood. Outwardly, they look very modern and original. Even a 2 by 3 bath will decorate the site.

On our website you can get acquainted with the most construction companies presented at the exhibition of houses "Low-rise Country".

Benefits of a 3x4 bath

The main advantage of such baths is saving space on the site and construction costs. At the same time, the layout of the 3x4 bath can be very comfortable and convenient. It is easy for a competent designer to fit all the necessary planning components into these dimensions. For this reason, there are not so few layouts for 3 by 4 baths.

Another plus is fast erection. In addition, it should be taken into account that small dimensions make it possible to purchase the most quality materials, and as a result, a very reliable and durable structure is obtained.

Location on the site

The bath complex must be properly placed. The rules for the location of buildings on the site are regulated at the legislative level. Compliance with the rules is, first of all, a guarantee of the safety of living in a household. In addition, if you have to sell a cottage, then everything that is built on the site must be registered. This means that an incorrectly erected bath may have to be dismantled.

The location of the bath is limited to the following requirements:

    8 m from the house(including the neighboring one);

    12 m from the well and any natural reservoir;

    3m from the site boundary neighbors.

On our website you can find contacts of construction companies that offer. You can directly communicate with representatives by visiting the exhibition of houses "Low-Rise Country".

Bath layout 3x4

The layout of the 3x4 bath, as in the case of large analogues, should include a set of mandatory components. Main premises bath complex:

    dressing room;

  • washing.

The following ratio of these rooms is recommended - 2/1/1.5. That is, the dressing room should be about 2 times larger than the steam room. The shower room should be one and a half times more spacious than the steam room. In larger buildings, this set of premises is supplemented private room recreation. In the plans of baths 3x3 and 3x4, you can take a little space in the dressing room for a compact recreation area. IN summer period function additional premises transferred to an open area - a terrace or a gazebo.

To build a good small bath it is not necessary to independently calculate the size of its premises. Anyway, the basis of construction will be architectural project, in which everything is already calculated. The main thing is to choose a reliable construction or architectural company and purchase a high-quality professional development of a bath complex. It makes no sense to pay for a new individual project. It is better to choose one of the ready-made standard projects, thus saving money and time. Yes, and taking into account the small area, it will not work to embody individuality in the arrangement of objects - if the layout of the bath 3 6 can already include variations, then in small houses everything is compact and basically the same.

Bath construction stage

The construction of the bath complex is carried out in almost the same order in which a residential building is being built. It consists of such stages:

    choice places Location on;

    choice project;

    Preparation construction site;

    bookmark foundation;

    erection log house;

    arrangement roofing;

    summing up communications;

    installation equipment;

    finishing work.

It should be noted that wood is lightweight. In addition, during operation, it almost does not react to ground vibrations. Therefore, log cabins are usually built on lightweight strip foundations.

The nuances of building a small bath

In small baths, special care must be taken to ensure fire safety, since the spaces in them are minimal, and the fire of the walls is extremely dangerous for the people inside. It is necessary to ensure that during the construction of the chimney, a protective metal box is installed at the place of its passage through the roof.

For the furnace itself, you need to choose a high-quality, well-fired brick. Fittings for the furnace must also be of high quality. The laying of the furnace can only be trusted by highly qualified stove-makers. It is advisable to protect the oven with ceramic or porcelain tiles. This will increase its safety, durability and ergonomics.

Another the most important nuance– arrangement ventilation system. It should not be at the top of the premises, as in the house, but at the bottom. This applies to any such buildings, regardless of size: for example, the layout of a 7 by 4 bath in terms of ventilation is no different. Everything that people wash off when they bathe and wash remains on the floor. bath rooms, therefore, it is better to “blow out” dirty air with particles of dirt and sweat with the help of lower ventilation. However, clean air must come from above. For this, an air supply system with standard placement is installed.

Project examples

A small bath can also look different. When choosing the best option, consider distinctive features typical bath complexes.

The project of a simple small bath

A compact log cabin for a bath from a 3x4 timber with a price in the range of 190-250 thousand rubles, depending on the materials used. The peculiarity of the project is that it involves the division of the entire area into 2 parts - a steam room and a dressing room. In this case, the dressing room is more spacious. It can accommodate more comfortable place for relax. But a shower room with a dressing room will also need to be equipped in the dressing room, and this is not an acceptable option for everyone. Such a location decision rooms will do and for a 2 by 4 bath, the layout of which will include the same elements in a proportionally compressed form.

Bath project with a terrace

In this project, the architects managed to fit 3 separate rooms and a terrace into the dimensions of the bath. The main advantage of this layout is the organization of the entrance to the steam room through the washing room. This technique made it possible to successfully distribute the usable area of ​​the complex. But the rest room here is quite tiny. It will be possible to change clothes and fold things in it. Rest between visits to the steam room will be possible only on the terrace.

The project of the optimal small bath

Everything about this project is planned standard scheme. Entrance to the steam room and washing room through the rest room. In this case, part of the washing room will serve as a dressing room. If you install a corner shower cabin in it, it will also be possible to leave all things here so that more space remains in the rest room.

Video description

Change finished bath 3 by 4 turnkey is shown in the following video:


The bath complex today is no longer a luxury, but a completely ordinary element of a private household, which allows you to organize a useful and pleasant vacation at any time. For owners of small plots, a turnkey 3x4 bath, the price of which varies between 150-300 thousand, is perfect option. It can be built in just a week, and in some cases in just one day, and then it will delight all family members for many years.

Every owner of a private house or country estate wants to have as many useful buildings as possible on his site, such as a garage, a place to relax with a barbecue, a pool and even a bathhouse. Why spend money on a vacation with friends or family when you can have a great vacation right on your site. Especially since modern technologies construction allow you to build a beautiful bath with your own hands and without extra costs. You can build it by frame technology and the result will exceed all expectations.


Best Option the frame bath will be a building with an area of ​​​​3x4 meters, which will allow you to equip not only a steam room, but also a small shower room and even a rest room. This building has its strengths, among which some can be distinguished.

  • She is economical. The construction will take relatively a small amount of building materials.
  • Simple foundation building. For such a building there is no need to build monolithic foundation, a columnar version will suffice.
  • Construction will take a little time. The construction technology is very simple, and even with self erection won't take away a large number time.
  • The structure of this type is reliable and durable. Due to the fact that few materials will be spent, it becomes possible to purchase them of a higher quality.
  • Communications can be laid directly in the walls. This will give the room a neat appearance.

  • Such a bath is environmentally friendly, as it is built only from natural materials.
  • The construction process can take place at any temperature and at any time of the year.
  • It is possible to perform both external and internal decoration with any materials.
  • The finished building will not need shrinkage.
  • Simple registration in the cadastral service. If there is a construction project, it can be quickly registered. In addition, official registration will help in the event of a sale of the site to get a high price for it.

When building such a bath, it is very important to provide for its thermal insulation and vapor barrier. Thermal insulation for a bathhouse is very important. For its arrangement in rooms of this type, you can use mineral wool or fiberglass, which have decent heat-retaining qualities.

The vapor barrier is also very important point which should not be overlooked. During the rainy and snowy season high humidity environment can penetrate the room, which will negatively affect its service life. Therefore, during the construction process, it is recommended to lay a layer of a special film or glassine between the sheathing and the insulation, which will resist the penetration of moisture into the room.

And it is also necessary to take into account that the quality and service life of the frame bath will largely depend on the choice of wood. It is better to prefer deciduous, aspen or linden varieties of trees. When buying, be sure to check the degree of drying of the boards. After all are designated for themselves positive points such a construction, as well as the basic materials taken into account and selected, you can proceed to the manufacture of the bath project. This stage is very important in the construction process.


A well-prepared project future bath 3 by 4 m in a country house or a personal plot is a huge plus and a big stage in the construction of a building. In such a room of relatively modest size, everything should be initially thought out to the smallest detail: where the stove will be located, the chimney, what ventilation will be, where to install the shower room, and how to bring all the necessary communications. If everything is correctly and correctly calculated, then all rooms can be made convenient and comfortable for relaxation.

Area example inner space baths are:

  • dressing room and dressing room - two by three meters;
  • the steam room itself - two by two meters;
  • a shower room, from which you can even equip a full-fledged bathroom, is one by two meters.

And also for a comfortable stay in all rooms and additional ventilation, you can equip windows in the rest room and shower room. Their optimal sizes will be 70 by 70 cm and 50 by 50 cm, respectively. The steam room itself can also be equipped small window. The preferred size will be the same 50 by 50 cm. The frame bath provides for the construction gable roof, under which it is possible to equip the attic. He will small size, but there you can store everything you need for a good rest.

And also such a bath can be equipped with a small veranda, on which to equip an additional place to relax. Taking into account the veranda, the size of the structure can be 4x3 meters.

It is possible for yourself to make a regular standard drawing, which you will have to rely on during construction. But do not forget that for further registration of this building in the cadastral service, you will have to develop detailed design documentation. Interior and interior decoration baths can be designed according to your preferences.

Even long-outdated things will fit here, such as wooden spoons, a samovar, bast shoes, brooms, which will bring the spirit of folk culture to your building.


Before starting the construction of a frame bath, it is imperative to decide what materials will be used in this case. The walls of the building are most often made of wood. It would be appropriate to use profiled or glued wooden beam. Dimensions 10 by 15 cm and 15 by 15 cm can be considered suitable for outdoor work. For internal construction, it is better to use the same timber 10 by 15 cm.

For thermal insulation of the room, the use of materials with a foil layer is well suited. They retain heat very well indoors. You can choose mineral wool with a layer of foil. The advantage of such material is also the absence of the need for vapor barrier equipment.

Lining - the most common material for inner lining premises. He is:

  • environmentally friendly;
  • durable;
  • cheap.

The entire structure of the bath, including the outer and inner parts, must form one common frame. Only in this case will the proper reliability of the premises be ensured. Good for this type of bath. columnar foundation. For its construction, you will need pipes or blocks mounted in concrete strip foundation. Although for its construction, you can also use cinder block or aerated concrete.

The choice of the furnace is determined only by the desire of the owner of the bath. Can be set to normal metal stove and overlay it with a brick or purchase more modern version- electric oven.

How to build?

After a detailed construction project was developed, all necessary materials, you can start building a bath with your own hands. The first stage of construction will be the arrangement of the foundation. If you build a columnar foundation, you will need nine blocks, which will form the basis of the structure. Work should be done in a certain sequence.

  • It is necessary to prepare a plot of land for construction, it is desirable that it be located on flat surface. This area is cleared, debris, grass, shrubs are removed.
  • Make markings for the foundation, equip the formwork.
  • Pour the foundation, and install pillars in the prepared places, which will serve as the basis for the entire structure.
  • Next, you need to leave the base for several days until it dries completely.

After that, you can proceed to the construction of the frame of the building. It is most often made from a wooden beam. It is necessary to pre-treat the material with an antiseptic so that it lasts much longer. Marking is carried out, the material must be laid on the outside of the building and attached with nails.

During work on tying the frame, it is imperative to use the building level.

After finishing the strapping, you can proceed to the arrangement of the walls. They are also made from a tree prepared in advance and treated with an antiseptic solution. The boards are attached very tightly to each other on the axis. It is important not to forget about door and window openings. Professionals recommend equipping a rack at the point where the frame is attached to the wall for greater structural strength. Wall construction should always start at corners to prevent sagging.

Having completed the construction of the walls, you can proceed to the arrangement of the roof of the bath. All work is carried out according to the standard scheme. It is necessary to provide excellent ventilation so that steam and condensate do not accumulate under the roof. Doors and windows can be mounted in the formed door and window openings. As front door you can prefer metal, and wooden ones are suitable for internal ones.

It should be noted that the door to the steam room should be made of thick wooden beams or tempered glass in order to keep the temperature in the room well.

Windows can be selected both wooden and metal-plastic. They can be made to order, choosing, for example, tinted, frosted or patterned glass.

After the construction of the foundation, walls and roof of the building, it is necessary to complete the external finishing of the frame bath. Here the choice of materials is unlimited and depends only on imagination and material resources owner. The following materials are well suited for exterior decoration:

  • tile;
  • plaster;
  • siding;
  • boards;
  • eurolining.

It is necessary to equip the walls with insulation and materials for waterproofing, then proceed to exterior finish any chosen material.

For finishing the bath inside, of course, lining is well suited. She represents natural material, environmentally friendly, not harmful to humans with strong temperature changes. In addition, it is very durable. Worth giving up interior decoration with the help of such popular today plastic panels. At strong heat they produce harmful chemicals and may even melt.

The floor is also best made from wooden planks. But do not cover them with paints or varnishes that do not withstand high temperatures.. It is necessary to polish well and simply treat with an antiseptic.

Successful examples and options

Today, there are many companies that are engaged in the manufacture of turnkey baths. Structural diagrams, calculation of materials of such structures can be used to create an idea own project. For example, a bathhouse on the site can be one-story with a small attic, you can equip the attic, which will serve as a guest room. But it is also possible to build two-story bath, having equipped a full-fledged recreation room on the second floor with a billiard table, a music center and a large TV.

Increasingly, land owners are thinking about how to build on their land wooden bath. And there are reasons for this. Few people would refuse the pleasure of taking a steam bath after a tiring day, taking a cool shower and relaxing on fresh air. Today, everyone can realize a long-standing idea about a bath, because there are many different schemes for building summer cottages.

Even if your site does not have large area, then for him you can choose optimal design baths from a bar measuring 3 x 4 meters. It is ideal for compact areas due to its rational layout and convenient operation. Due to its small size, this building will fit compactly in a small area along the fence or the corner of the yard.

Do-it-yourself bath construction according to standard projects

If you look at the projects offered by modern architectural and design companies, then among them you can find a lot beautiful options oversized objects. Surely, among them, owners of small household plots located in the suburbs will be able to find something interesting for themselves. As a rule, the layout of such baths is rather modest, because their small size does not allow them to fit everything that the owner would like to see.

Baths with dimensions of 3 x 3 and 3 x 4 meters are popular with buyers due to simple building technology and ease of assembly. Project documentation compiled in accordance with current rules and regulations wooden construction and contains an accurate estimate of materials indicating their quantity and economic costs. If desired, you can place an order for the construction of a bath for individual project, which will be arranged according to the client's preferences.

Construction project 3 x 3 meters

Baths with dimensions of 3 x 3 meters are great for small plots of land, so they fit perfectly into the landscape of a standard suburban area area of ​​6 acres. When building a country house, summer residents are trying to save on everything, so find spacious interior spaces extremely difficult. Therefore, it is quite logical that the rest room, as well as washing department will be compact.

The oversized bath interior design takes into account every little detail. Properly selected materials for interior decoration create an atmosphere of comfort and warmth. Typically used here aspen, cedar or linden. And although the steam room is pretty not large room, its area is sufficient to quickly pump steam, and this eliminates excessive fuel consumption.

Construction project 3 x 4 meters

When drawing up projects for baths with dimensions of 3 x 4 meters, a layout is selected from a profiled beam, which includes three mandatory rooms:

  • rest room;
  • washing;
  • pair section.

If desired, for such objects, you can choose interesting projects baths with a veranda, which can be decorated with aspen lining. The veranda is a useful addition, as it helps to visually increase the space of an already small room. This in turn creates more comfortable conditions for relax.

Baths from profile bar are more popular, unlike log cabins. This is explained by the fact that these objects are not subject to shrinkage, which allows them to start operating after the completion of construction.

How to calculate the area of ​​​​the room?

The internal layout of classic log baths does not provide for any frills and includes three mandatory rooms:

  • dressing room;
  • soap dish;
  • steam room.

In the last room necessarily erected a stone which supplies steam.

The process of installing a heater with your own hands is quite complicated and therefore must be carried out by a qualified stove-maker. It must be positioned in such a way that one of the sides is in contact with the wall of the dressing room, while simultaneously acting as a heating element in an adjacent room. For the heater, it is recommended to choose a place in the corner behind the door entering the compartment. Some buyers can install an additional heat source in the dressing room - a metal potbelly stove. In both cases, wood-fired fuel is used to heat the stoves.

According to the accepted rules, shelves are arranged in the steam room, choosing for them such an installation height that on them you could lie down to your full height and when standing up, do not touch the ceiling with your head. Most often, the main shelf is made in a non-removable form. The platform is stationary and is installed with a slight indentation relative to the upper level of the stones that form the heater. Therefore, when calculating the height of the ceiling, it is necessary to take into account the level of the shelves.

The layout of some baths may include wide benches where you can comfortably sit with your feet. Usually there are two shops - low and high. When calculating the optimal area of ​​the steam room, it is taken into account to create comfortable conditions for people taking bath procedures. In other words, the main guideline for calculating this indicator is the number of people who will be in the steam room at the same time.

Location on the site and the layout of the bath

Like any construction, building a bath with your own hands in without fail preceded holding necessary measurements and performing calculations. These processes should be given special attention to those owners who have to build a bath in a small area. The most suitable for this building is a place on a hill. This makes it possible to organize the water flow system so that they are naturally removed from the bath. The initial stage of building a bath with your own hands is the construction of a foundation, but before that it is necessary to draw up an exact scheme for summing up various communications and, in accordance with it, build a foundation for a bath.

Owners of small backyard territories can be offered a bath layout when communications from the main house are connected to it. This will help to significantly save space on the site. Another benefit of this solution is that costs can be reduced for the purchase and installation of engineering equipment:

  • sewerage;
  • lighting;
  • plumbing.

At the stage of planning the interior with your own hands, it is very important to manage as rationally as possible. useful space so that the dressing room and the washing compartment turn out to be quite spacious, their area was the same and was about 6 square meters. m.

It does not hurt to install a small vestibule at the entrance, which will help protect interiors from precipitation and other adverse effects external environment winter and off-season.

Given the small size in the bath, it makes sense to allocate about 9 square meters for a steam room. m. She must have square shape And low ceiling, which will speed up the process of warming up the room. It is also recommended to add a high threshold to the layout in order to reduce the outflow of steam and heat loss from the steam room. The wall of the steam room, which will be adjacent to the dressing room, is recommended to be made in a deaf version. The space along it is used for placement in several rows of shelves.

As mentioned above, a place in the corner behind the door is reserved for the heater, which is placed according to the scheme, which assumes that one of the sides adjoins the wall with a dressing room. This will simultaneously heat the adjacent room. In the wall opposite the entrance to the steam room, a window opening should be arranged, and wooden benches with accessories inherent in the bathing process should be installed along it.

Sometimes, in order to save money, the layout for a small bath includes only two rooms - a steam room and a dressing room. With such a layout scheme, the steam room serves as a washing room, and the dressing room serves at the same time as an entrance hall, a dressing room and a rest room. Then the furnace is taken out to the steam room, and fuel is loaded into it directly from the waiting room, which, within the framework of this layout option, performs the function of a furnace.

Built-in and free-standing bath

In each project for a bath, you can choose various options its location. For example, it can be built both as a building adjacent to the main house, and separately. standing structure. But regardless of the option chosen, it always turns out small and usually measures 3 x 3 or 3 x 4 square meters. m.

At the stage of project development for free-standing baths, various additions can be included in it in the form of a veranda, a pool. But all these ideas must be considered with reference to the available free territory. If this correlates with the views of the owner of the site, then we can consider a project in which the bathhouse and the garage are located under the same roof. Most often, buyers order bath projects with an attic, allowing you to use this room as a billiard room, study or bedroom. It can also serve as a guest house.

Of the minuses that they have separately standing baths, the main need can be called additional insulation. As for structures erected close to the main house, they require conduct insulation only in the steam room. Separate baths have to be insulated as a whole, creating a heat-shielding barrier in each room. An exception can only be a furnace, provided that it is erected outside the perimeter of the walls.

But with all the difficulties that arise in the process of improving a real bath, she has one undeniable advantage- this building is absolutely fireproof and does not pose any threat to the common house.

The process of building a small bath

During the construction of small baths, savings can be traced at almost every stage of work. This applies to both the construction of the foundation and the holding finishing works indoors. For the project small bath more often is chosen strip base lightweight construction. Serious cost savings can be achieved at the stage of purchasing building materials. Although the buildings being erected are oversized, most often the expected difficulties during the connection of rows of logs during their laying and the selection of suitable lumber do not arise.

Small baths provide an undeniable advantage to the owner, which is associated with the process of heating them. For such designs, equipment of minimum power is sufficient, which is much cheaper than traditional furnaces. Additional feature to save money, it opens when choosing the technical equipment of the bath. As a rule, the most primitive and easy-to-manage option is chosen here.


Baths 3 x 4 meters are very popular with many owners of summer cottages, primarily because of their compactness. Most often, owners think about building a bath when all other buildings have already been erected for a bath standard sizes there is no space left. Sauna 3 x 4 m for them it becomes literally a salvation, because it allows maximum efficiency use the remaining free space. Although the options for bath planning are limited for owners, they have the opportunity to save on operating costs, as well as during the construction of the bath.

The dimensions of the bath 3x4 meters are considered average. This is not quite a modest size, which can accommodate all the premises. Inside, 4-5 people will feel quite comfortable. At the same time, it will not work to dream up and resort to such delights as arranging a spacious rest room. You have to sacrifice something to create a cozy and comfortable room.

The layout of the premises of the bath 3x4

You need to start not with the traditional location of the rest room, but with the equipment of the steam room. It is necessary to allocate enough space for it so that a person of average height can freely lie down on the shelf. That is, it is about 2 meters. It is necessary to place a sunbed along the wall so that the recipients of the procedures can lie down on the bench without bending their legs. The length of the pair compartment is calculated at the discretion of the owner. Usually it is 1.5-2 meters. In this space, you can place a bunk bed, and, at the same time, there should be room for 1-2 people to stand at the entrance.

It is necessary to pay maximum attention to the interior decoration and layout. The condition for the location of several levels of sunbeds is considered the best option. The minimum width of each is from 40 to 50 cm. At the same time, the top shelf should always be a little wider.

Given the characteristics internal arrangement it is necessary to allocate from 1.8 to 2 meters for the steam room. The rest of the rooms are either divided in half, or a little more space is allocated for the washing department. Many do the opposite and donate space for a spacious lounge.

There are options for planning a bath 3x4 and with a second floor. But in this version, full-fledged premises cannot be made. The maximum that you can count on is the installation of a pair of chairs or, at all, the organization of a place to store bath accessories. You can additionally increase the area with an extension summer veranda. If desired and possible, the room is glazed, heating is carried out and used all year round. Given this, the roof of the bath with a veranda, in a 3x4 bath is not such a popular option.

Possible projects

In fact, even on small squares, you can design various options for the location of the premises. In order to “squeeze” the maximum out of the area, the entrance to the washing department is made immediately from the street, without a vestibule. But, in such cases, it is necessary to think about the manufacture of a reliable door frame and its additional insulation. It should be added that a bath with such a layout is used strictly for its intended purpose. There will be nowhere to sit and rest.

The disadvantage is compensated by a large room for a steam room and a washing department. Here you can adjust the size. The stove is located in the steam room. Not bad if it melts from the washing department. In relatively small spaces, it is necessary to make high-quality ventilation. In the steam room, this will be two exhaust openings, and in the washing department, there will be a window. Additional air supply will be provided by natural ventilation.

Another option is designed for connoisseurs of bathing art. Of the total area, half is given over to a rest room, where a small vestibule is located at the entrance as Auxiliary room. The washing room is replaced by a shower cabin. But this does not prohibit placing a couple of pedestals or benches for installing basins in a small space.

The steam room occupies a small space of 2–2.5 m / 2. This is quite enough for the adoption of procedures. At the same time, three people will feel quite comfortable on this square. In this layout, you can slightly adjust the space in the direction of increasing the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe steam room. This is done in the process of drafting a project, because it is impossible to radically change everything by starting the construction of a bathhouse.

What will we build from?

In this layout, the bath can be made of brick or materials derived from it. Blocks made of polystyrene or expanded clay proved to be excellent. They have a high degree of strength, low thermal conductivity and a sufficient resource that allows buildings to stand for a long time. Big sizes simplify the construction process. Baths from blocks can be built under the roof in almost a week.

Construction nuances

The blocks are light in weight, so laying a complex tape base can be abandoned. It will be enough pile-screw supports. Provided that at the construction site in the ground are The groundwater, durable and corrosion-protected piles will be most welcome.

At proper arrangement column base, laying it to the required depth and waterproofing with appropriate materials, such a foundation will also be reliable for a 3x4 meter bath built of blocks.

Considering the choice of foundation for a bath, it is necessary to take into account the type of furnace. On such dimensions, laying a heater is possible, therefore the basis for it must also be thought out in advance. At the same time, regardless of the arrangement option, it is better to make the foundation for the furnace as a single platform, filling it with a solid slab.


Block laying is identical to working with bricks. The process begins with the removal of corners. Then, along a stretched rope, the entire wall is laid. If necessary, after 4-5 rows, the walls are connected with reinforcement. In places of installation of doors and window frames, space is left. The upper jumper is made of a metal channel or reinforced concrete block.

Having raised the walls under the roof, fasteners are installed under the Mauerlat. At this stage, you need to stop and, having closed the contour of the box, leave it alone for a couple of months to shrink. Unlike brick, this will take less time. After the deadline, you can move on to solving other tasks.

Assembling the roof structure

There are no architectural frills here. It is also possible to design a shed roof in an original way, it is important to achieve the main thing - to reduce heat leakage through the roof. Warming and waterproofing of the attic space is carried out in accordance with all the rules. You can cover the roof with any material. Even when constructing gable roof total area will not exert a special load on the walls of the bath.

Wiring communications

Even at the planning stage of the premises, it is necessary to consider the supply of all communication lines. Sewerage and drainage are laid in the underground space. All lines must be additionally isolated. If the foundation is used pile or columnar, then you will also have to think about the arrangement of the basement, then close it and additionally insulate it. This will not only protect communications from the cold, but also reduce the likelihood of freezing floors in the bath.

Wall insulation

Although the blocks, in the production of which materials belonging to the heat-saving class (polystyrene or expanded clay) are used, do an excellent job, additional insulation of the walls of the bath, nevertheless, is necessary. This is usually done outside. The structure is sheathed with siding, and in the crate pre-assembled for these purposes, they are placed thermal insulation material.

From the inside, the walls are only sheathed with clapboard, having previously closed them with vapor and waterproofing. The films used for these purposes will protect the material from the circulation of vapors, the moisture from which has a destructive effect on any material. Laying a heat insulator will be required only in the steam room, where it is simply necessary to maintain a high temperature.

A bath measuring 3 by 4 meters from the outside may not seem too spacious. The illusion can be refuted by looking inside. Today, such dimensions are in high demand and are considered the most popular for families with an average income.

Increasingly, land owners are thinking about building a wooden bathhouse on their land. And there are reasons for this. Few people would refuse the pleasure of taking a steam bath after a tiring day, taking a cool shower and relaxing in the fresh air. Today, everyone can realize a long-standing idea about a bath, because there are many different schemes for building summer cottages.

Even if your site does not have a large area, then you can choose the best project for it. baths from a bar measuring 3 x 4 meters. It is ideal for compact areas due to its rational layout and convenient operation. Due to its small size, this building will fit compactly in a small area along the fence or the corner of the yard.

Construction of a bath standard projects do it yourself

If you look at the projects offered by modern architectural and design companies, then among them you can find many beautiful options for oversized objects. Surely, among them, owners of small household plots located in the suburbs will be able to find something interesting for themselves. As a rule, the layout of such baths is rather modest, because their small size does not allow them to fit everything that the owner would like to see.

Baths with dimensions of 3 x 3 and 3 x 4 meters are popular with buyers due to simple building technology and ease of assembly. Project documentation is drawn up taking into account the current norms and rules of wooden construction and contains an accurate estimate of materials, indicating their quantity and economic costs. If desired, you can place an order for the construction of a bath on an individual project, which will be arranged in accordance with the preferences of the client.

Construction project 3 x 3 meters

Baths measuring 3 x 3 meters are great for small plots of land, so they fit perfectly into the landscape of a standard summer cottage area of ​​6 acres. During the construction of a country house, summer residents are trying to save on everything, so it is extremely difficult to find spacious interior spaces here. Therefore, it is quite logical that both the rest room and the washing department will be compact.

The oversized bath interior design takes into account every little detail. Properly selected materials for interior decoration create an atmosphere of comfort and warmth. Typically used here aspen, cedar or linden. And although the steam room is a rather small room, its area is enough to quickly pump steam, and this eliminates excessive fuel consumption.

Construction project 3 x 4 meters

When drawing up projects for baths with dimensions of 3 x 4 meters, a layout is selected from a profiled beam, which includes three mandatory rooms:

  • rest room;
  • washing;
  • pair section.

If desired, for such objects, you can pick up interesting designs of baths with a veranda, which can be decorated with aspen clapboard. The veranda is a useful addition, as it helps to visually increase the space of an already small room. This, in turn, creates more comfortable conditions for recreation.

Baths from a profile bar are more popular, unlike log cabins. This is explained by the fact that these objects are not subject to shrinkage, which allows them to start operating after the completion of construction.

How to calculate the area of ​​​​the room?

The internal layout of classic log baths does not provide for any frills and includes three mandatory rooms:

  • dressing room;
  • soap dish;
  • steam room.

In the last room necessarily erected a stone which supplies steam.

The process of installing a heater with your own hands is quite complicated and therefore must be carried out by a qualified stove-maker. It must be positioned in such a way that one of the sides is in contact with the wall of the dressing room, while simultaneously acting as a heating element in an adjacent room. For the heater, it is recommended to choose a place in the corner behind the door entering the compartment. Some buyers can install an additional heat source in the dressing room - a metal potbelly stove. In both cases, wood-fired fuel is used to heat the stoves.

According to the accepted rules, shelves are arranged in the steam room, choosing for them such an installation height that on them you could lie down to your full height and when standing up, do not touch the ceiling with your head. Most often, the main shelf is made in a non-removable form. The platform is stationary and is installed with a slight indentation relative to the upper level of the stones that form the heater. Therefore, when calculating the height of the ceiling, it is necessary to take into account the level of the shelves.

The layout of some baths may include wide benches where you can comfortably sit with your feet. Usually there are two shops - low and high. When calculating the optimal area of ​​the steam room, it is taken into account to create comfortable conditions for people taking bath procedures. In other words, the main guideline for calculating this indicator is the number of people who will be in the steam room at the same time.

Location on the site and the layout of the bath

Like any construction, the construction of a bath with your own hands is necessarily preceded by taking the necessary measurements and performing calculations. These processes should be given special attention to those owners who have to build a bath in a small area. The most suitable for this building is a place on a hill. This makes it possible to organize the water flow system so that they are naturally removed from the bath. The initial stage of building a bath with your own hands is the construction of a foundation, but before that it is necessary to draw up an exact scheme for summing up various communications and, in accordance with it, build a foundation for a bath.

Owners of small backyard territories can be offered a bath layout when communications from the main house are connected to it. This will help to significantly save space on the site. Another benefit of this solution is that costs can be reduced for the purchase and installation of engineering equipment:

  • sewerage;
  • lighting;
  • plumbing.

At the stage of planning the internal premises with your own hands, it is very important to manage the usable space as rationally as possible so that the dressing room and the washing compartment turn out to be quite spacious, their area was the same and amounted to about 6 square meters. m.

It does not hurt to install a small vestibule at the entrance, which will help protect interiors from precipitation and other adverse environmental effects in winter and off-season.

Given the small size in the bath, it makes sense to allocate about 9 square meters for a steam room. m. It should have a square shape and a low ceiling, which will speed up the process of heating the room. It is also recommended to add a high threshold to the layout in order to reduce the outflow of steam and heat loss from the steam room. The wall of the steam room, which will be adjacent to the dressing room, is recommended to be made in a deaf version. The space along it is used for placement in several rows of shelves.

As mentioned above, a place in the corner behind the door is reserved for the heater, which is placed according to the scheme, which assumes that one of the sides adjoins the wall with a dressing room. This will simultaneously heat the adjacent room. In the wall opposite the entrance to the steam room, a window opening should be arranged, and wooden benches with accessories inherent in the bathing process should be installed along it.

Sometimes, in order to save money, the layout for a small bath includes only two rooms - a steam room and a dressing room. With such a layout scheme, the steam room serves as a washing room, and the dressing room serves at the same time as an entrance hall, a dressing room and a rest room. Then the furnace is taken out to the steam room, and fuel is loaded into it directly from the waiting room, which, within the framework of this layout option, performs the function of a furnace.

Built-in and free-standing bath

In each project for a bath, you can choose different options for its location. For example, it can be built both as a building adjacent to the main house, and as a separate structure. But regardless of the option chosen, it always turns out small and usually measures 3 x 3 or 3 x 4 square meters. m.

At the stage of project development for free-standing baths, various additions can be included in it in the form of a veranda, a pool. But all these ideas must be considered with reference to the available free territory. If this correlates with the views of the owner of the site, then we can consider a project in which the bathhouse and the garage are located under the same roof. Most often, buyers order bath projects with an attic, allowing you to use this room as a billiard room, study or bedroom. It can also serve as a guest house.

Of the minuses that free-standing baths have, the main one can be called the need for additional insulation. As for structures erected close to the main house, they require conduct insulation only in the steam room. Separate baths have to be insulated as a whole, creating a heat-shielding barrier in each room. An exception can only be a furnace, provided that it is erected outside the perimeter of the walls.

But with all the difficulties that arise in the process of improving a real bath, it has one indisputable advantage - this building is absolutely fireproof and does not pose any threat to the common house.

The process of building a small bath

During the construction of small baths, savings can be traced at almost every stage of work. This applies to both the construction of the foundation and the finishing work inside the premises. For a small bath project, most often strip base is selected lightweight construction. Serious cost savings can be achieved at the stage of purchasing building materials. Although the buildings being erected are oversized, most often the expected difficulties during the connection of rows of logs during their laying and the selection of suitable lumber do not arise.

Small baths provide an undeniable advantage to the owner, which is associated with the process of heating them. For such designs, equipment of minimum power is sufficient, which is much cheaper than traditional furnaces. An additional opportunity for savings opens up when choosing the technical equipment of the bath. As a rule, the most primitive and easy-to-manage option is chosen here.


Baths 3 x 4 meters are very popular with many owners of summer cottages, primarily because of their compactness. Most often, owners think about building a bath when all other buildings have already been erected and there is no room left for a bath of standard sizes. Sauna 3 x 4 m for them it becomes literally a salvation, because it allows you to use the remaining free space with maximum efficiency. Although the options for bath planning are limited for owners, they have the opportunity to save on operating costs, as well as during the construction of the bath.

Small baths and their arrangement inside

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