Roses: care and cultivation in the garden. Rules for growing roses in open ground

Roses are noble ornamental plants that have been valued for centuries. They are planted in palace gardens, parks and household plots, and love for the aroma, appearance, graceful beauty, especially appreciated by women. Thanks to its many virtues, many people want to plant a garden rose. Unfortunately, the advantages they offer us come at a price.

Roses are pretty demanding plants who are generously grateful for the efforts and means invested in caring for them. This is exquisite plants, whose wealth tempts each of us to find our favorite variety. In the article below, we will present proven varieties, what a rose looks like, care and cultivation in the garden so that it grows healthy, beautiful.

Growing garden roses

There are many varieties of roses in the world. Their classification covers 5 groups, which differ in terms of decorative parameters:

  • large-flowered;
  • multicolor;
  • park;
  • ground cover;
  • climbing.

You can also select a group of historical roses and wild ones.

A photo. lovely climbing roses

A photo. large-flowered roses

Choosing a place to land

First of all, you need to find out where it is better to plant roses on the site in order to provide them with the best soil and climatic conditions. More accurately optimal conditions described in the cultivation instructions for a particular variety. However, there are also general recommendations.

  1. Rose loves sunny places. At the same time, it is not necessary that it be lit all day, and constantly be under scorching rays sun, but in the shade the flowers will not bloom.
  2. The soil should be well permeable, fertile, preferably sandy.
  3. Plants require some space to ventilate their planting site, this will protect them from fungal diseases.
  4. Because of their seasonal decorativeness, they are best paired with evergreens that will provide a presentable green backdrop.

A photo. In a sunny place, roses will bloom profusely

When is the best time to plant roses?

As you know, many plants are best planted during the dormant period. When to plant roses in autumn or spring? This plant is best planted at the turn of October and November, but before the first frost. Another optimal time planting is the end of March - the beginning of April.

You can purchase ordinary seedlings with a normal root system and with a lump of substrate, which will allow you not to damage the roots when planting. Plants bought in pots are not as demanding in terms of planting time as traditional seedlings, they can be planted even in summer.

How to plant roses?

  1. We moisten the root block. At the bare root system, we cut the roots, significantly reducing them - up to 20 cm in length.
  2. We are preparing a hole - you can add fertile soil.
  3. We plant the plant, evenly distribute the roots, check its vertical position.
  4. Gradually sprinkle the plant with earth, water it, check its location and water it again. Repeat the steps several times until the hole is filled.
  5. We pour a mound that helps to keep water within reach of the roots.

How to prune roses?

Roses are best pruned in the spring, then we can assess how much damage is caused by winter frosts, if any. In addition, plants that are not pruned before winter tolerate low temperatures better.

Large-flowered and multi-colored varieties should be cut at a height of 20 cm above the ground, and the remaining varieties are cut as needed - removing frozen and diseased shoots.

How to prune a rose after flowering? You can also prune after flowering, removing dried flowers to encourage new blooms.

A photo. Trimming off faded flowers enhances flowering

Care, pest and disease control

Roses require a fertile substrate - so they must be fertilized, preferably twice a year - in early spring, and again when they bloom to ensure abundant flowering. There are many fertilizers for roses on the market, which affect not only abundant flowering, but also active growth, beautiful green color leaves. Healthy plants are less susceptible to disease.

Roses are most often affected by leaf rust and other fungal diseases. They are also often affected by aphids. Therefore, at the beginning of the growing season, it is advisable to spray them prophylactically with special chemicals, carefully observe and respond to any changes in the condition of the plants.

If it is a grafted variety, you need to regularly trim the rootstock - wild rose, which often appears at soil level, as it can drown out the grafted part.

Growing roses in the garden, video

Preparing roses for winter

This plant is sensitive to frost, so we must take care of it in winter. Before frost, the base of the bush should be especially well protected by covering this area with bark or other material for insulation. Grafted forms on stems, or climbing roses or large bushes, can be protected with agrofibre and straw "sheaves". They are not only effective in winter, but also quite attractive.

Rose varieties

There is a huge varietal diversity these plants. Consider the most popular varieties.

large-flowered roses

They have the highest decorative qualities. These are solitary magnificent flowers, blooming on a straight stem. Often varieties of large-flowered roses have a wonderful aroma.

The following large-flowered varieties are also known:

  • white and cream - "Pascal", "Mounte Shasta", "Papt John XXIII";
  • red - "Mr. Lincoln", "Dame de Coeur" (Lady of the Heart), "Papa Mayland";
  • two-color - "Kronenburg", "Neue Revue", "Die Welt";
  • purple - "Blue Moon", "Charles de Gaulle";
  • orange - "Flora Danica", "Ave Maria", "Lady";
  • yellow - "Mir", "Casanova", "Landora".

multicolor roses

Often used in home gardens and increasingly in urban greens. The flowers are smaller than the large-flowered species, but they are more numerous, forming massive clusters on the shoots. The flowers are often fragrant, bloom very profusely and repeat bloom.

Popular varieties:

The following multi-flowered varieties are also known:

  • white and creamy - "Swany", "Schneewittchen";
  • red - "Pushta", "Lily Marlene", "Nina Weibull";
  • orange - "Samba", "Rumba";
  • pink - "Queen Elizabeth", "Kalinka", Bonica 80;
  • yellow - Frisia, All Gold, Marselisborg.

ground cover roses

As the name suggests, they quickly cover the soil with shoots. This is a low, very stable group, does not freeze, does not get sick, does not require care. Roses are decorative, with abundant, slightly more subtle flowers that look very natural and charming.

Popular varieties are:

The following ground cover varieties are also known:

  • white - "Snow Ballet";
  • red - "Mercury 2000";
  • pink - Sommerwind, Veneda;
  • yellow - "Sommermond".

Ground cover roses are easier to care for, grow easily and require less attention than varieties of other groups. The plants are resistant to frost, so, unlike other garden roses, they do not need to be protected from it.

Bushes do not require heavy pruning - only diseased and damaged shoots should be removed every year in the spring - or wilted flowers should be removed (numerous coral fruits adorn the bush in autumn). In addition, they are usually more disease resistant than other varieties.

Landing. Seedlings are planted in spring or autumn in dug up soil, to which manure or compost (4-8 kg / m²) is added. You can also add fertilizer for roses (recommended by the manufacturer). Most varieties in the garden are planted at 4 pieces/m², but there are also stronger varieties that need 2 pieces/m² (for example, Max Graf, Weisse Immensee) and weaker varieties that should be planted at 5 -6 pieces / m² (for example, "Beautiful Fairy", "Fairy").

climbing roses

This group is growing faster and stronger. Climbing varieties require reliable support in the form of supports to which shoots are attached. These varieties often repeat flowering and are very fragrant.

Varieties worth noting:

The following popular climbing varieties are also known:

  • white - "Snow White", "Elf";
  • red - "Flammentanz", "Baikal", "Amadeus", "Dortmund";
  • pink - "New Dawn", "American Pillar";
  • yellow - "Golden rain", "Goldstern".

These varieties belong to the group that requires more time and patience. To get the effect of a flowering wall, sometimes you have to wait 3-4 years or even longer. Plants can climb a pergola or tree by clinging to the thorns, however, sometimes they need help in the form of a garter to a support.

Climbing varieties tend to have smaller flowers than large-flowered varieties, but newer varieties are also quite big flowers. Assortment in recent times has expanded significantly, so it’s easy to find an option in almost any color.

Climbing varieties are less demanding on soil and relatively resistant to frost, but more vulnerable to pest damage on leaves and shoots. Climbing varieties are best planted with an existing support such as a trellis or pergola. They can also be planted in a wooden pot with a trellis, in which they will be presented in a very elegant way.

It is very important to carry out the correct and timely pruning. For varieties that bloom once a season, pruning should be done only after the shoots have faded.

Hard-shooting Ramblers, characterized by smaller flowers, are pruned every year, removing the whitened shoots and the whole mass of thin, long branches growing at the base of the bush. To speed up the growth of the bush, we can cut only half of the two-year-old shoots that will fill in the gaps. Strong pruning in lower parts bush is especially necessary for some varieties (for example, "Dorothy Perkins"), because the plants are easily attacked by powdery mildew, a disease of roses that develops when the leaves remain wet for a long time.

Varieties of climbing roses that repeat bloom do not require as much pruning. It is enough to remove the oldest or too thin shoots that thicken the crown every 2 or 3 years. Frozen stems or damaged by diseases should be removed every spring.

park roses

This is the last group, which is also called cultivated dog roses. These varieties are bush-shaped, characterized by high resistance and low maintenance requirements. The flowers are very attractive, in groups or solitary, usually in warm colours. Very often used on open lawns or in urban areas.

The following varieties are distinguished in this group:

The following park varieties are also known:

  • white - "White Grootendorst";
  • red - "Grand Hotel", "Kordes Brillant";
  • pink - "Pink Grotendorst", "Rosary Yutersen";
  • yellow - "Lichtkönigin Lucia", "Westerland", "Persian yellow".

Roses are one of the most noble plants. Great care and planting requirements are paid off by its excellent appearance and pleasant aroma. For centuries, they have been used in gardens, where they have become a real decoration of the landscape.

The rose is the acknowledged and undisputed "queen of the garden". Despite such a high title of this beautiful flower, care for him is not at all difficult. If you are just planning to organize a rose garden in your garden, but do not know exactly how to grow roses, then in this article you will find answers to many of your questions.

There are a lot of types and varieties of roses and many of them have their own characteristics agricultural techniques that must be taken into account when growing. The basic rules of care are about the same - moderate watering, pruning, fertilizing, disease control, pests and shelter for the winter.

Growing climbing roses

How to grow floribunda roses

Planting and caring for ground cover roses

Planting and growing park roses

Rules for growing home roses

Learning to grow roses from cuttings

How to properly cover roses for the winter

The best varieties of climbing roses

The best varieties of floribunda roses

The floribunda rose was developed by crossing musk, polyanthus and hybrid tea roses. Like polyanthus, it is quite resistant to diseases and winter-hardy. Compared to hybrid tea, it has a longer flowering period, although it may be inferior to them in elegance.

However, this the best decoration garden: the peculiarity of this variety lies in the arrangement of flowers. They grow on the shoot not singly, but as a whole inflorescence (several dozen flowers each). It is easy to care for floribunda. Therefore, the floribunda rose is often grown to decorate parks and gardens, especially in group compositions.

The floribunda variety includes roses that have large inflorescences and an almost continuous flowering period. They are most similar to hybrid tea both in the shape of the flower and in the range of colors.

It is not for nothing that the rose is called the queen of flowers, because it pleasantly pleases the eye with lush flowers. bright inflorescences. At the same time, it is quite demanding on growing conditions. Rose care includes not only growing flowers in the garden, but also at home. Indoor roses, like garden varieties, require attention: regular watering, fertilizing and loosening the soil.

In this article, you will learn how to properly care for different types roses in the garden and in a city apartment, and photos and videos will help you quickly master the necessary skills.

Indoor rose: home care

Indoor roses are considered quite whimsical crops, and all measures to care for them should be taken responsibly. First, they need regular feeding and watering. Secondly, they need good lighting but not exposed to direct sunlight.

In addition, home culture care includes regular transplanting. Since this plant is quite actively developing, the flower needs to be transplanted into larger pots as it grows.


If you know how to properly care for room culture, and what features should be considered when growing, you can decorate your home with a lush and beautiful plant.

The main feature of indoor varieties is that they react negatively to sudden temperature fluctuations (Figure 1). In summer, the room should not be too hot, and in winter it is advisable to protect the plant from drafts. In addition, the plant will react negatively to cold water when watering.

Figure 1. Basic rules for the care of indoor varieties

After flowering, remove all dry flowers and buds. They have no decorative value, but they take away the juices necessary for growth from the plant. Great care must be taken when transplanting, as the roots of the plant are very sensitive and easily injured.

Fundamental rules

If you bought an indoor rose, try to provide her good care at home. No need to immediately transplant it into a new pot. The plant needs to adapt to a new home, so at first it is better for a flower to grow in an old pot.

Note: In order for the culture to quickly get used to a new place, it is better to put it on the south or southeast window sill.

Plants are responsive to spraying, so in the evening you can moisten the leaves of the plant boiled water room temperature. But in hot summer, such a procedure should be carried out with caution so as not to cause leaf burns.

Another obligatory step in care is top dressing. You can use a liquid solution of mullein for this purpose. During the flowering period, fertilizer is applied weekly, and at other times - once every two weeks.


The main problems in growing are related to the fact that this culture is quite demanding on the conditions of detention. For example, if a flower does not receive enough sunlight, it will stop growing and flowering. Therefore, you should try to put the pot in well-lit places, but exposure to direct sunlight should be moderate.

Besides, indoor roses often exposed to diseases and pests. These flowers are often infected with powdery mildew. To combat the disease, spraying with a soda solution (two teaspoons of soda per liter of water) is carried out. Spraying should be carried out very carefully so that the solution does not get on the soil. During processing, it is better to cover the soil. Also they often settle spider mite, to combat which special preparations are used - acaricides.


The flowering of indoor varieties largely depends on how regularly pruning will be done (Figure 2).

All diseased, dry or damaged branches and shoots are removed immediately. If they dried up due to illness, you can prevent the spread of the disease, and if the cause is not proper care- the plant will receive more nutrients for normal development.

Figure 2. Features of pruning indoor roses

After flowering is completed, all wilted buds and inflorescences are also removed. They take from the plant nutrients needed to recover from an active growing season.

Caring for roses in the spring in the country

For long flowering plants need proper care: regular pruning and top dressing, removal of wild growth from grafted plants, mulching and prevention against pests and diseases. One-year-old plants are especially carefully looked after, as this will later affect the quality of the flower.

Young seedlings must be formed so that in the future the bush is symmetrical. To do this, pinching is carried out after the appearance of the fourth sheet. In addition, in the first year after planting the bush, cut off all the buds as soon as they reach the size of a pea. This stimulates the formation of new stems and makes the bush symmetrical. In August, the formation is stopped and the bush is given the opportunity to bloom. Figure 3 shows the basic guidelines for pruning bushes.

Note: Without pinching the shoots and buds, the plant will bloom. This will weaken it and the bush will not grow well.

Pinching is not carried out on climbing, semi-climbing, ground cover and park varieties. However, this procedure is also necessary for adult cultures to limit growth. In order for the bush to bloom beautifully, young shoots must be cut off, drowning out the central part of the bush.

Figure 3. Recommendations for pruning rose bushes

Pruning is also an important step. Unlike wild, garden varieties, this procedure is carried out annually to stimulate growth and more abundant flowering.

There are several types of pruning:

  • Spring (main) helps to properly form a bush, stimulates abundant flowering and the formation of young shoots.
  • Summer performs the function of regulating flowering. In varieties that produce buds several times, after the first flowering period, all inflorescences are removed along with top stem. The cut is made over the second or third leaf with a well-developed bud. This saves juices and stimulates the formation of new shoots and leaves. Summer pruning is not carried out only for those varieties that bloom once and form beautiful fruits, or for those from which it is planned to collect seeds. In summer, extra stems are also cut off, drowning out the central part of the bush. During the last flowering, wilted buds are not removed, as this may cause unwanted autumn growth.
  • autumn do just before shelter for the winter. Remove all leaves, fruits and buds, and cut out all weak and diseased shoots.

In addition, there is a weak, medium and strong pruning. Relevant examples are shown in Figure 4. After winter, the flowers are re-examined and all dead parts are removed. After that, the main pruning begins. For this:

  1. Choose 4-5 strong and healthy shoots arranged symmetrically. All weak, subtle and muting are removed. The remaining branches are slightly shortened.
  2. Plants with flower buds located at the top of the stems are not pruned.
  3. For park species, only old and diseased stems are removed, and for climbing species, all shoots are removed, except for 5-6 annuals. But if there are too few of them, you can leave some of the old ones, shortening them by about half.
  4. Tea-hybrid and polyanthus are pruned heavily, leaving only 3-4 buds at the bottom.

Those plants that have not tolerated wintering well also need strong pruning. In general, the intensity depends on the variety and the strength of the growth of the bush.

For pruning, use only sharp secateurs. If the tool is blunt, it will crush and tear the stems. An infection can get into an uneven cut and the flower will die. The cut should be at an angle so that water flows from it, since stagnant liquid can become a focus for the development of infection. Before pruning, the tools are disinfected in a warm solution of potassium permanganate, and the cut is treated with garden pitch.

Figure 4. The main types of pruning: a - weak, b - medium, c - strong, d - removal of wild shoots at the root level

In grafted plants, wild shoots sometimes appear below the grafting site. You can identify it by the thorns and smaller leaves. Such shoots must be removed, as they can lead to the death of the plant. To do this, dig a little earth around the bush and remove the shoots at the level of the buds in the ground. If this is not done and pruned at ground level, wild buds will throw out several young shoots at once. See the video for general pruning guidelines.

In the spring, regular watering of the bushes begins. Young only planted seedlings are watered every two days, and already established ones - as the soil dries out (about once a week).

Note: The intensity of watering adult plants depends on the variety, weather and the ability of the soil to retain moisture.

It is especially important to regularly water during flowering and bud formation. If there is not enough liquid, the flowers will be small or begin to crumble. Do not use cold water for hot weather. From this, the roots lose their ability to absorb moisture and the plant experiences prolonged water starvation.

Note: It is advisable to water with melt or rain water, as it contains less mineral salts. In addition, these flowers tolerate rare but plentiful watering better. Frequent fluid injection small quantities provokes the formation of superficial roots, which are easily damaged by loosening and weaken the plant.

To properly water the culture, make a small hole around the bush and surround it with an earthen roller. Outwardly, the hole resembles a bowl and prevents water from flowing out during irrigation. For watering one bush, 10 liters of water will be enough. However, in the fall, the amount of water is gradually reduced, and then completely stopped. It is important to ensure that the liquid does not get on the flowers and leaves. In addition, it is better to water roses in the morning (Figure 5). You will learn more recommendations for watering from the video.

After each watering, the soil around the bush is loosened to a depth of 5 cm. This allows not only to remove weeds, but also to provide better access of air and water to the roots. The earth is loosened carefully so as not to accidentally damage the roots.

Upon completion of loosening and watering the soil, it is necessary to carry out mulching.

Figure 5 Proper watering rose bushes

During it, the soil around the cultivated bushes is covered with loose organic soil with a layer of no more than 8 cm. This manipulation has such positive features (Figure 6):

  • Allows you to save and prevent the loss of moisture in the soil during summer droughts;
  • The number of weeding and loosening is significantly reduced;
  • Protects plants from drying out and overheating during hot and windy weather;
  • Does not allow silting of the soil during heavy rains.

Shredded can be used as mulch. tree bark, straw, compost, peat or rotted manure. All these substances not only protect the soil, but also saturate it with useful elements.

Note: The use of grass or sawdust is not recommended, as they may contain weed seeds and pathogens.

As a rule, mulching is carried out in April or May, but sometimes the soil can be covered with mulch in the fall, but before the ground has cooled. Before mulching, be sure to remove all weeds. After the mulch has dried, it is mixed with top layer soil and mulch again.

Figure 6. Loosening and mulching horticultural crops

Roses respond very well to fertilizing. For example, you can use foliar fertilizers that are applied to the leaves by spraying. The positive effect is noticeable after a few hours. Through the use of this fertilizer improves general form and the flowers get bigger.

In the first year after planting, there is no need for additional feeding, provided that fertilizers were applied to the soil at planting. After pinching, it is desirable to add liquid organic fertilizers to the soil. In the future, they need to be fed annually. As a rule, mineral and organic fertilizers are applied alternately, 6-7 times a year.

Each element that is part of fertilizers has a positive effect:

  • Nitrogen accelerates the growth of leaves and stems;
  • Phosphorus accelerates flowering and strengthens the roots;
  • Potassium improves the quality of buds and flowers;
  • Magnesium, calcium and other micronutrients improve overall health.

Full mineral fertilizer is applied already in the spring, when shelter is removed from the roses for the winter. In summer, both mineral and organic fertilizers are applied. This will have a positive effect on flowering. In late summer and early autumn, reduce the amount of nitrogen to slow down growth before the winter period of vegetative dormancy. Common types of fertilizers are shown in Figure 7.

Roses - gentle garden plants, which do not tolerate frost well and need shelter for the winter.

Note: The most winter-hardy are park views. They can not be covered, but only spud with a layer of earth 20 cm high.

To increase winter hardiness, reduce the amount of watering in the fall, and nitrogen fertilizers replaced by phosphorus and potassium. In rainy weather, drainage grooves are dug around the bushes to drain excess fluid which can damage the roots.

Figure 7. Popular types of fertilizers (from left to right): liquid, organic and mineral

In order for roses to endure the winter well, with the onset of the first frosts, all young fragile shoots, buds and leaves are removed. If left alone, they will rot during the winter and become a source of disease. For additional prevention, the bushes are sprayed with a solution of Bordeaux mixture. Climbing and semi-climbing varieties are pinned to the ground, laying them on pine branches (Figure 8). Additionally, each bush is spudded to protect the roots from frost. Examples of shelters for roses are shown in Figure 9.

Note: Roses cover only after the onset of stable night frosts. Rare drops in temperature do not harm the bushes, but only increase their winter hardiness.

For high-quality shelter for the winter, an air-dry method is used:

  • Above each plant, a wire or wooden frame about half a meter high;
  • A layer of insulation (for example, roofing felt) is laid on top and on the side;
  • The top is covered with a layer of polyethylene film.

Figure 8. Shelters for climbing and semi-climbing varieties

In such a shelter, the plants will be reliably protected from the cold. The ends are left open and covered only after the temperature drops to minus 15 degrees.

It is possible to completely remove winter shelters only after the earth has completely warmed up and in the absence of night frosts. But you can’t open them too late, because fever under the film can lead to the death of plants.

For better adaptation, the opening is carried out gradually:

  • First, snow is removed from the film and drainage grooves are broken around the bushes to drain melt water;
  • After that, they begin to make short-term ventilation, slightly opening the end parts in warm weather;
  • Next, you should make a hole in the upper part of the shelter;
  • When the earth is completely thawed, it is loosened.

Figure 9. Options for winter shelters for rose bushes

After warming up the soil by 15-20 cm, they begin to gradually remove the shelter, first opening the ends, then upper part and sides. So that roses do not receive sunburn, removal of shelter is best done on cloudy days or in the late afternoon.

Open bushes must be shaded, and rooting is carried out only after the final warming up of the earth. After that, weak and diseased stems are removed, and they are also sprayed with a solution of Bordeaux liquid for prevention.

How to care for a room rose in a pot

Hybrid tea, remontant and polyanthus varieties are commonly used as indoor roses. In fact, these are the same garden varieties, but smaller.

As with growing in the garden, roses that are kept at home need proper care: good lighting, regular watering and top dressing. In addition, it is necessary to maintain an optimal temperature and humidity regime (Figure 10).

The soil

The soil in which an indoor rose is grown should be nutritious, but not heavy. It is important that air is constantly supplied to the roots of the plant, so the soil in the pot must be regularly loosened.

If you plan to transplant a flower into a new container, it is better to buy a special soil for indoor roses. Such a substrate is balanced in terms of the main components, and does not contain pest larvae or pathogens.


Indoor roses are very fond of sunlight. Therefore, they can be safely put on a well-lit southern windowsill. However, it should be borne in mind that in hot weather during the day, you can not spray the leaves of the plant, as this can cause burns to delicate tissues.

Figure 10. Caring for roses in a pot

In winter, the duration of daylight hours is artificially extended. To do this, fluorescent lamps are installed near the flower and left on so that the daylight hours are at least 12 hours.


Despite the love of good lighting, indoor varieties very sensitive to temperature. They do not like extreme heat and cold, therefore, in the room where the rose pot is located, it is necessary to maintain a moderate temperature (no more than +20 degrees).

During the dormant period, which lasts from October to February, the indicators are reduced to + 5 + 8 degrees. This is necessary so that the rose gets stronger and does not wake up ahead of time.

Air humidity

As well as temperature regime and exactingness to the soil, indoor roses are very responsive to air humidity. To do this, the leaves are sprayed with boiled water at room temperature (up to two times a day).

Spraying is carried out in the morning and in the evening so that the water that gets on the leaves does not cause burns. With special care, spraying is carried out in hot weather.

Chinese rose: home care

Chinese rose, or hibiscus, is ornamental shrub with beautiful flowers different shades. Despite the fact that the inflorescences wither in just a few days, the bush constantly forms many new buds, so the shrub blooms almost continuously. However, this feature will only be relevant if the hibiscus has been provided with optimal care.

The value of hibiscus is that it is considered one of the most unpretentious crops for the home. The main stages of care include:

  • Regular watering: it is necessary to ensure that the earth ball is always moderately moist. In summer, watering should be more intense, and in winter its frequency is reduced.
  • Liquid should not stagnate near the roots, so a layer of drainage must be laid on the bottom of the pot.
  • Support optimal level air humidity is provided by regular spraying. But you need to make sure that water does not get on the flower petals, otherwise they will begin to fall off.
  • Top dressing is applied every ten days during the flowering period, and reduced at the end of summer.

An adult plant needs to regularly cut old branches so that new shoots form on the bush. Every autumn, the shoots are shortened by a third of the length so that the plant can better endure the winter.

Climbing roses: care and cultivation

Cultivation and proper care of climbing roses will help you get a strong and healthy plant that will become a real decoration of the site.

Note: Thanks to flexible climbing stems and lush inflorescences, these varieties are often used to decorate fences, walls of buildings and arbors.

Care for climbing varieties includes a standard set of activities. Bushes need to be regularly watered and fed, as well as prevent diseases and pests. In addition, in the spring, all damaged and dry shoots are removed, and the bush is also slightly thinned out to provoke the growth of young shoots and the formation of flower buds.

Figure 11. Options for using climbing varieties for garden decoration

The main feature of growing and caring for climbing varieties is the installation of supports (Figure 11). You can use both special metal structures and any materials at hand. Climbing roses planted near old trees will look spectacular, which will gradually become covered with stems and buds.

Stem rose: planting, care and photo

The stock rose is the scientific name for the common mallow, which is often planted along fences or against house walls. This plant does not grow well in any soil, but some care, like other flower crops, still requires a stem rose (Figure 12).

Figure 12. Planting a stem rose on the site

During the flowering period, all wilted buds are removed from the stems, and the stems are shortened to a length of 30 cm. In addition, the stems must be tied to pegs, since when strong wind they may break. Watering mallow prefers moderate, but does not like acidic soils. If the soil on the site is fertile, fertilizing can be omitted. On poor soils, fertilizers are applied about a week before flowering. For the winter, the plant must be covered with dry leaves or spruce branches.

Floribunda rose: planting and care with a photo

Varieties of floribunda roses were bred by breeders. The plants are bushy, and the flowers are collected in large and medium-sized inflorescences.

Well-lit areas are most suitable for planting, but with light shade in the middle of the day. If the plant is intensively illuminated by the sun throughout the day, it will quickly fade. It is also not recommended to plant flowers in areas with strong drafts.

Flowers of this type very sensitive to watering. The most intensive watering is carried out during the awakening of the kidneys and after the end of the first wave of flowering, when new shoots begin to form on the bushes. In spring, combined fertilizers are applied to the soil, which help the plant to wake up faster. In addition, the soil must be regularly loosened and freed from weeds. The earth circle around the bush can be covered with mulch, which will prevent the soil from drying out and stop the growth of weeds. Rejuvenating pruning is carried out annually to stimulate the growth of new shoots. Despite the resistance to cold weather, floribunda roses are recommended to cover for the winter.

Rose mini mix: home care

Mini mix roses are attractive because small sizes they are long and abundant flowering, and the buds can be of a wide variety of shades (Figure 13).

Figure 12. Growing roses mini mix

Mini mix roses require fairly abundant watering, and the water should be separated and at room temperature. You can also spray the leaves with water at room temperature, and in winter you can completely replace watering with spraying.

In order for plants to bloom often and profusely, they need to provide good lighting. To do this, the flower is placed on the south or southeast window, and in winter the daylight hours are extended with fluorescent lamps.

Park roses: care and cultivation

Park times are most often grown in summer cottages. These are beautiful and relatively unpretentious flowers, which, however, require some care (Figure 14).

Note: It is necessary to plant park varieties at some distance from each other, so that the bushes can be conveniently maintained and sheltered for the winter.

Park varieties are watered quite intensively, especially in hot summers. However, care must be taken to ensure that the earthen ball does not dry out, but is not too wet. In addition, during the awakening of the kidneys, the plants are fed, and for the winter the branches are shortened and the bushes are covered with dry leaves or coniferous branches.

Tea rose: home care

Tea roses are resistant to adverse environmental factors. However, this condition only applies to varieties that are cultivated in the garden. Cultures that are grown at home are very finicky and require careful care.

Figure 14. Growing park roses

First, there must be enough light in the room and fresh air. For this it is best fit room with windows facing southeast or southwest. If you put a flower on the south window, too intense lighting will lead to rapid drying and falling of the buds. Comfortable temperature is +20+25 degrees. It is also necessary to ensure regular watering: the ground should be moist, but not wet. Therefore, when planting such a crop in a pot, be sure to lay a layer of drainage on the bottom. In addition, indoor tea varieties are regularly sprayed with boiled water at room temperature, avoiding moisture on the flowers.

Women who do not like beautiful flowers called roses probably do not exist. They are presented to both young girls and ladies different ages. Together with these wonderful flowers, they confess their love and give them for any holidays. From the petals of these beautiful creatures, various cosmetics for skin care. Roses are used to make culinary masterpieces. Rose petals are used in folk medicine.

If there is a desire to grow roses - these beautiful flowers on your site, then you must not only have the necessary skills, but also love roses, plus have great patience in caring for them. But roses, experiencing the love of the gardener, will certainly thank him with lush flowering and a wonderful aroma that fills his garden.

In order for roses to take root on the site and please their eyes for a long time long flowering you need to know the rules for caring for these popular plants. Therefore, we will consider in detail what needs to be done during the year for the good development of rose bushes, starting in spring.

There are such types of roses as:

  • park;
  • shrubs;
  • Climbing;
  • Tea-hybrid;
  • floribunda;
  • ground covers;
  • Canadian.

With such a rich choice, you can plant rose gardens that will take your breath away with delight.

Rose bushes are planted both in spring and autumn, it all depends on the region where the area prepared for planting roses is located. If the gardener lives in the Krasnodar Territory or middle lane Russia, then the bushes are planted during September and the first half of October.

During these periods, there is no longer heat and there is enough time and natural precipitation for the bushes to take root in a new place. If rose bushes are planted at the latitude of the Moscow region and to the south, then planting is done in the spring, starting from mid-April, when the sun warms well.

When choosing a place for planting bushes, care must be taken that the sun falls on them during the day. If it is not there, then the flowering of roses will not wait.

Stages of work:

  1. When the gardener decides on the landing site, then a pit 50x50 cm is dug out and not a lot of humus and peat is laid in it.
  2. The seedling is installed vertically in the pit, its roots are straightened in different directions and sprinkled with earth from all sides. After that, it is necessary to press the ground with your hands so that the voids go away, and the seedling sits firmly in the ground.
  3. After all the procedures, it is necessary to water the planted seedling. If at the same time the water washed away the soil, then it should be poured. Planted seedlings must be constantly watered, overdrying of the soil is unacceptable.

Before lowering a rose seedling into a prepared hole, damaged roots are removed from it, and too long ones are shortened. The place where the vaccination was made is buried 5 cm deep into the soil.

When planting rose bushes, it must be taken into account that over time their size will increase and therefore, when planting them along the path, it is necessary to retreat from the planted bush at least 70 cm.

You can propagate the bush in various ways:

  1. cuttings;
  2. The division of the old bush;
  3. layering;
  4. by vaccination;
  5. Root shoots, in the event that the rose is planted on its own roots.


This method of propagating a bush has its advantages. First of all, he will never have wild growth with which he will have to fight. For the cutting, a semi-woody shoot with three buds is taken. The lower cut is made oblique, at an angle of 45 degrees, the upper one is made straight to reduce the amount of moisture evaporating from the cutting cut.

The lower cut is processed with any root formation stimulator, a twig with leaves is removed, and upper leaves while being cut in half. After that, the cutting is planted in peat or sand, deepening the cutting by only a couple of centimeters and tilting it slightly to the side.

Covered with a jar or covered with a package. It is important to create greenhouse moist conditions. For its rooting, it is necessary that it be warm, not lower than 25 degrees Celsius, the humidity should be almost 100%, the sun's rays should not fall on the young plant.

Such a seedling can even be left to winter in the ground if it is planted in central Russia or in the south of our country. But for this, it, together with the jar, is completely buried in the ground and covered with special material.

How to grow a rose from cuttings in potatoes

By dividing the bush

Climbing roses and park roses reproduce with this species in the presence of their own root system. To do this, a bush is dug up and divided in such a way that in each separated part there is root system and a couple of branches. Then all parts are planted in the usual way and care for them is needed as for an ordinary seedling.


Ground cover and climbing varieties reproduce well in this way. To do this, in the spring they take a non-woody shoot, bend it to the ground, put it in a groove 10 cm deep, and pin it. Then you need to fill it with earth and water it. The top of such an escape should look out of the ground. After a year, the branch becomes a seedling and can be separated from the mother bush.


The grafting is done on rose hips grown either from seeds or cuttings. To do this, take a cutting or eye of the selected variety of rose. Vaccination time is mid-summer. They take a stock and clean the top of it, slightly split the vine, inserting a cutting there. Firmly adhesive plaster attached one to the other. If after a while the growth of the cutting began, then the vaccination was a success.

But it is best to immediately buy the rose variety you like in special garden centers. When choosing a seedling, it is necessary that it has three branches for development lush bush. Having healthy roots is a must! Leaves should not be dry.

Rose care is needed day after day, as removing weeds and loosening the soil is not only giving the rose garden a decent look, but also serves as a prerequisite for the cultivation of roses. Loosening begins in May and continues to loosen the ground around the bush until the end of summer.

Further loosening is stopped so as not to provoke the growth of new shoots. By loosening the soil, the root system receives more air and this stimulates the growth of new shoots on the bush. It is especially good to do this in hot summer after watering.

After prolonged rains, a crust forms on the surface of the soil, it blocks the access of oxygen to the root system of the plant. Therefore, during such periods, it is necessary to do additional loosening of the soil so that the bushes can grow and develop normally. But you need to know that loosening around the bush is carried out to a depth of no more than 10 cm, so as not to damage the small roots of the root system of the bush.

Mulching and fertilizing rose bushes

Mulching the soil around the bush is carried out in order to retain moisture in the soil and partially get rid of weeds. And if mulching is carried out using peat or rotted manure, then this will also serve additional fertilizer for a plant. Peat or other mulching material is laid out in a layer of up to ten centimeters. But all this must be done before the start of the dissolution of the buds on the bush.

After planting a rose in its first summer, the bush is fertilized three times. So because of biological features roses at different times need different feeding.

Greater efficiency is obtained by simultaneous fertilization with mineral and organic fertilizers. Since organic matter nourishes rose bushes, saturating it with nitrogen.

We must not forget that all top dressing must be done either after rain or after watering. This is done so that the root system does not burn when taking fertilizer on dry ground. If the grower decides to use dry fertilizers, they should never be poured into the center of the bush.

Fertilizers are sprinkled around the bush at a distance of about 20 cm, and after that it is necessary to water the plants again so that the fertilizers get into the soil. If the soil on the site is clayey, then top dressing is carried out less often, and if the soil is sandy, then top dressing should be carried out more often, since there is almost no organic matter in such soil.

When there is a long flowering period, roses do not need to be fed at all.

Rose bushes, like all plants, need watering. If you do not water, then the bushes lose their leaves and buds fade prematurely or do not bloom at all. Most of all, roses need water during the period of growth of the vegetative mass and until the end of the first flowering.

Watering do warm water in the amount of 10 liters. under each bush. Water is poured under each bush, into a trench specially designated for this, and not into the center of the bush. In hot sunny weather, when watering a rose bush, it is better not to splash water on the leaves when watering, as this can provoke the appearance of brown spots on foliage. This will be the result of burns.

Watering is done once a week, and if the degrees go off scale for 35 degrees of heat, then on such days roses will respond well to evening sprinkling - this is watering done in the evening with a hose not only under the bush, but also along the leaves of the bush. But this is only watered on hot days, when a shadow from the setting sun formed on the site.

How to grow roses in your garden - proper watering

If the bushes are watered daily and a little at a time, then such watering will not help the plant get drunk. Since it has a root system that goes into the depths of the earth by 2-3 meters.

It is important to remember that watering roses cold water it is impossible, because at the same time the rose bushes begin to hurt, their thin roots die off and after a while the plant begins to dehydrate.

There are also features in watering at the end of the season. At the beginning of autumn, watering is reduced, as it is necessary to give time for the shoots to ripen. Therefore, autumn precipitation is quite enough for watering roses. Only in a particularly hot September or in the Krasnodar Territory, watering should be done, but only in half the dose - 6 liters. under the bush once a week. Ripened shoots will be better able to endure wintering in the latitudes of Russia.

The care of roses also includes sheltering them for the winter. Since this is a heat-loving plant, a cold snap of up to -10 degrees can cause the death of the plant. Some advise to prune unripe shoots for the winter, and some prune in the spring only what has not survived the winter and has turned black.

To shelter roses, you can cover them with earth, peat or compost from above. All this can be diluted with pine sawdust. Covering material is prepared in advance and at the first cold snap they cover the bushes with them. The layer of covering material should be approximately 35-40 cm. If the area with rose bushes is located at the latitude of Moscow, then it is covered with lutrasil or spruce branches from above.

Everything that is prepared for warming roses must be dry, otherwise, when it gets cold, it will be covered with ice and it will be impossible to shelter roses for the winter.

The method of sheltering with lutrasil cannot be used on soils with close occurrence ground water or with swampy soil, because a greenhouse effect will occur and the roses will freeze in winter period. In the spring, when the weather settles above zero, the covering material is carefully removed, and the remnants of earth or peat are washed off with a bucket of water.

Spring is the time when the bush develops intensively from buds that have survived the long cold months of winter. If no cold weather is expected before sub-zero temperature, then the bushes should be dug out of the shelter for the winter. This is easy to do if you simply pour a bucket of water into the middle of the bush. The excess land that covered the bush in winter will go in different directions around the bush. It is better to do this on cloudy days so that the branches that were under the cover of snow and earth do not burn in the spring sun.

At this time, a new growth of branches begins, on which flower buds are laid and young leaves grow, depending on the variety, either light green or red. At the same time, the branches of the stock (rosehip) can sprout, they should be cut out so that the bush does not turn into an ordinary rosehip instead of a wonderful rose bush over time.

How to distinguish the shoots of wild rose? It is lighter in color and almost completely straight fast growing shoot, it grows to a height of about a meter in a couple of days, clogging the branches of a rose. To get rid of it, you should carefully dig a bush in the place where this wild shoot appeared from the ground and simply cut it off in the ground with a pruner or a sharp shovel. Let the cut dry for a couple of hours and dig this place.

It is also necessary to cut off all blackened shoots. These shoots are frozen and dormant buds that will grow in spring and summer do not exist on them. Therefore, the shoots are cut to a healthy place on the branch, and at the same time the last waiting bud should not be located inside the bush, but outside. This will help to avoid thickening the bush and form its shape correctly. Pruning should not be done in rainy weather, so as not to provoke rotting branches.

After spring pruning, bushes should be fed either with mullein infusion diluted 1 to 10 or with complete mineral fertilizer. This will help the bush grow branches and lay flower buds on them, which will delight with their flowering.

To prevent roses from getting sick, it is best to prevent the development of the disease. After all, the bush, when caring for it, is always in front of your eyes, and, noticing the onset of the disease or a small nest of pests, you need to cut off this part of the bush, and treat the remaining branches with the appropriate preparation.

Pests and diseases of roses

Even new hybrids that are resistant to most pests sometimes pick up various diseases rose bushes.

Among the beautiful, attractive flowers, the rose stands out. In order to grow this flower on your own, it is important to know about its care. Correct fit and the nuances matter a lot. Subject to certain recommendations, roses will delight you for a long time with their unique beauty.


First of all, you should pay attention to the place of planting flowers. A well-lit, wind-sheltered piece of land is best suited. Among the features of the plant, one can single out the fact that they are quite sensitive to sunlight and warmth.

South, southeast side will be an ideal place. You should consider the basic recommendations on how to grow roses.

Most auspicious time landings - spring. After all, roses are heat-loving plants. At a time when the soil warms up a little, they are engaged in planting. Roses are rarely planted in the fall. This is a big risk, because not all rose bushes will be able to take root before the moment when the cold comes.

Pay attention to the roots of the plant. Roots should not exceed 15-20 cm. If you notice damaged areas, or dried ones should be cut off.

The pit for planting the plant should be deep and wide enough. Then it is sprinkled with a layer of earth, abundantly watered with water. When watering, you must follow the rule: for one bush - one bucket of water. cover the roses nonwoven fabric. It will serve as protection from the spring sun rays.

Prepare the soil properly. It should be filled with mineral, organic fertilizers. The latter type includes manure, which acts as additional feeding. When fertilizing mineral fertilizers take into account the proportion: a maximum of 15-20 g per rose bush. Fertilizer should be evenly distributed, its excess will negatively affect the further flowering of roses.

Most often, the soil for planting is prepared in the autumn season. The depth of the pit is 1.2 m, its diameter is 0.5 m. It should be filled with branches, expanded clay, crushed stone, then earth with humus and mineral components should be laid. If planting occurs in the fall, prepare the site for a month.

Seedlings of the first two years, as you can see in the photo of roses in the garden, are best suited for planting. To stimulate their growth, the tops should be cut off periodically.

The optimal landing interval is 0.5-1 m. Although this recommendation can be neglected, depending on individual preferences and the goal. In particular, large spray roses look nice alone. You should seat them, adhering to a certain distance.

If we are talking about planting small bushes, then the distance is 60-70 cm. Most often, such bushes are planted in order to create borders near paths, or flower beds.

Climbing roses are among the single flowers. They grow quickly, so a certain distance should be observed when planting them. To create a "wall" use this type of roses. When transplanting flowers, be as careful as possible, do not damage the root part, or roots.


In order to observe beautiful roses in the country, you should properly care for them. This is loosening the soil, proper feeding, disease control and other important processes for saving a flower.

Top dressing plays a significant role in the development of roses. The first procedure is carried out in spring time, the second - in the middle of summer. At the end of this period, do not feed to avoid the appearance of shoots.

Can pick up necessary complex maintaining balance and measure. After all, exceeding the norm will entail unpredictable results. At best, you will get improved plant growth, at worst, they will stop growing completely.

Alternate every 2-3 years manure, compost for fertilizer.

Water in the morning or evening once a week. The soil around the bush should be loosened so that the earth is saturated with oxygen.

Pruning occurs in the spring before the buds begin to awaken. Sick, weak stems should be removed. Apply for this process weak and strong pruning. Use a sharp tool to minimize the risk of damage, wounds to the bark.

At a time when colds come, it is worth considering shelter. Allocate certain types roses that are able to survive cold, adverse conditions without shelter. According to experienced gardeners it still needs to be applied. Start this process in early November.

Avoid excessive wrapping of plants, covering with spruce branches. Because of this, the roses will die. Use peat for cover, or just loose earth. The layer should not exceed 10-15 cm.

In one season, it is necessary to spray the roses with special products about three times. This will protect the plant from fungal diseases, pests, or rust.


There are many varieties of roses, their list is constantly growing. According to statistical studies, the number of varieties increases by 200 annually. For landscaping in decorative purposes use park and garden roses.

Do not require shelter, endure winter time years with minimum protection park grade roses. For example, needle, or gray varieties. To hardy roses Damascus, white, French varieties can be attributed.

Garden roses are bred in a selective way. In order to grow such flowers, agricultural technology is used. These are delicate flowers that require protection in the cold season. Their number at the moment is about 20,000. Moss, Kordesa, miniature, semi-climbing varieties are among the most popular types.


Roses are considered one of the most beautiful and fragrant flowers. In order to grow such flower waterfalls, you must follow certain recommendations, properly care for the plants. This applies to site selection, feeding, and other important processes.

At proper cultivation, your flower bed will be rich in these noble bushes.

Photo of roses in the garden

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