How many years does an indoor rose live. Where do roses grow? Can't repot a blooming rose? Or maybe

Perhaps, there are as many myths and legends about a single plant as about a rose - this flower appeared on earth many millions of years ago and is still very popular with flower growers all over the world. Roses were revered in ancient Persia, and in Greece, and in France, but in Russia this flower was considered a pagan symbol for a long time. The high decorative qualities of this plant are sung in songs, odes and treatises are dedicated to it, many ancient families place it on their coats of arms.

Legends about the rose flower: where and how did these plants appear

According to archaeologists, roses have existed for about 35 million years - this is how the finds of petrified plants date back.

The history of the rose flower began in ancient India: it was from there that the first mention of this plant has reached our days.

One of the treatises says that if a person brought a rose to the king, then according to the law he can ask the king for anything.

This manuscript does not say how the rose flower appeared, but there is a beautiful legend associated with it:

One day, in the opened rosebud, which consisted of 108 large and 1008 small petals, the most beautiful woman in the world appeared - Lakshmi. The guardian of the universe Vishnu, seeing her, kissed her and made her his wife.

According to this legend about the rose, Lakshmi became the goddess of beauty, and the plant itself became a symbol of divine mystery and a divine flower.

The first material confirmation of where roses appeared was found in the Altai barrows (5th-4th millennium BC) - they found silver coins with roses carved on them.

The rose was especially revered in Ancient Iran (Persia), and by the name of the rose - "gul" - this country was often called Gulistan.

There is a myth about rose flowers and the history of their origin here:

The Persian legend about the rose plant says: once the children of Flora came to Allah, complained about the eternally sleepy lotus and asked to appoint a new ruler instead of him; Allah appointed a white rose with sharp thorns as the ruler; seeing the new queen of flowers, the nightingale in delight pressed her chest so tightly that he injured himself, and the petals became pinkish.

The descendants of the ancient Persians came up with a new myth about the rose, according to which a white flower grew from drops of sweat from the prophet Mohammed:

When he ascended to heaven at night, a red rose appeared from the sweat drops of the Archangel Gabriel accompanying his ascent, and a yellow rose appeared from the sweat drops of the donkey that was under Mohammed.

Hence comes the respectful attitude of Muslims to the rose and their belief in the cleansing power of rose water.

Where did the rose come from: flower myths

The earliest depiction of roses in Europe are the frescoes of the Palace of Knossos in Crete, which date back to the 16th century. BC e. Around the same time, the rose was also widespread in Egypt. During the excavations of Egyptian tombs in 170 BC. e. wreaths of roses were discovered, which are so well preserved that it was even possible to establish their botanical appearance.

The ancient Greeks considered the rose a gift from the gods and believed that it appeared from the white foam that covered the body of Aphrodite, emerging from the sea at birth. Appreciating the new beautiful flower, the gods immediately sprinkled it with nectar, thanks to which the rose had the finest divine aroma. But the nectar did not make the flower immortal, because the evil forces envied its beauty.

The rose remained white until disaster struck. Aphrodite received word that her lover Adonis had been mortally wounded by a boar. Not understanding the path, the goddess of beauty ran to the scene of the tragedy. A few drops of her blood fell on the rose, and its petals turned from white to bright red.

Another myth about how red roses appeared says that Cupid gave this flower to the world. Once, during the feast of the gods, Cupid, fluttering, overturned a vessel with nectar, and this magical liquid gave the flowers a wonderful smell and dyed them red.

As you can see, each nation has its own legends about where the rose came from, and this adds to the attractiveness of the magnificent flower.

Legend where the name "rose" came from

If we talk about where the name "rose" came from, then the ancient Greeks are sure that it appeared thanks to the goddess Flora:

According to this myth about the rose, Flora managed to avoid meeting Cupid for quite some time, but he nevertheless overtook her and hit her with his arrow. Flora was inflamed with love, but now Cupid began to avoid her. In response, the goddess created a flower that would laugh and cry, combine sadness and joy. Seeing the flower, she wanted to dedicate it to her beloved and call it “Eros”, but she stumbled and said only “rose”, and since then everyone has called this flower a rose.

But this is not all versions!

Another legend about where the rose came from is also associated with Cupid:

Allegedly, the goddess of hunting, Diana, who was in love with him, once, in a fit of jealousy for the beautiful nymph Rosalia, killed her, injuring her with thorny thorn bushes. The grieved Cupid, having found the lifeless body of his beloved, began to cry, his tears fell on the thorns and turned into amazingly beautiful flowers - roses.

The ancient Greeks loved roses, these flowers were used to decorate dwellings, temples of numerous gods (and first of all, of course, Aphrodite) and public buildings, chariots and streets. They were worn on the head in the form of wreaths as a sign of mourning, they removed monuments and urns with ashes, as they believed that the smell of a rose would protect the remains from destruction and would be pleasing to the souls of the dead.

From Greece, the rose came to Rome, where it also became a favorite flower. The Romans cultivated roses for their petals. Petals were filled with aromatic pillows, added to perfumes, food, cosmetics, and on holidays they strewed floors with them. In ancient times, the technology for making aromatic oil from rose petals was already known.

After the fall of the Roman Empire, the rose was forgotten for a while, because it was considered by Christians to be a pagan symbol. In the Middle Ages, the popularity of roses returned and, as the paintings of the time testify, they even became part of the cult of the Virgin Mary. During prayer, the monks touched the rosary, made from dry rose hips.

How many varieties of roses are there

Numerous varieties of roses appeared at the end of the 18th century.

Few people know another interesting fact about roses: It turns out that even Napoleon was engaged in rose growing. He invested heavily in the cultivation of roses. His wife at the Château de Malmaison collected at that time best collection roses.

It is known that cultivated roses originated from wild flowers. The most common of these is the wild rose, or "dog rose", originally from Northern Europe. In the XTV century, the Crusaders brought Gallic and Damascus roses to Europe from the Middle East. They became the progenitors of, as they say now, old varieties.

And only in the XVIII century, Chinese roses came to France, and then to England. They differed by a longer flowering period.

The efforts of breeders at the end of XVIII - early XIX centuries have been aimed at breeding varieties with repeated flowering, and these efforts have been rewarded with a group of new varieties of roses, the so-called remontant (repeating flowering).

And from crossing remontant roses with tea roses and varieties of tea roses, roses were obtained from each other.

This group of roses with abundant long flowering, graceful terry fragrant flowers, distinguished by the richness of shades of color, has become very widespread and now occupies a leading position in the assortment.

Polyanthus roses with a lush inflorescence of small flowers were formed as a result of crossing with one of the undersized Chinese roses. From polyanthus and hybrid tea varieties, roses were obtained with large flowers in inflorescences.

Varieties of modern roses appear constantly. Breeders created a group of park (shrub) roses. Among them there are ground cover varieties, the care of which is minimal, moreover, many of them are rooted.

How many varieties of roses are there in the world? Currently, the world assortment of roses has about 25 thousand varieties and forms. And, despite how many varieties of roses are already cultivated, more and more new varieties are added to this number.

Roses have been held in high regard by all peoples since ancient times. The Romans considered roses a symbol of morality, the Greeks planted rose gardens around the temple of Aphrodite, the goddess of love and beauty, strewn the path of the newlyweds with rose petals. And rose water was one of the most common cosmetics.

Description of the rose plant and its photo

Here you can find a photo and description of a rose - one of the most beautiful flowers on the ground:

Roses are a separate genus of the Rosaceae family, which combines various types of cultivated (roses) and wild (rose hips) species.

The description of a rose flower cannot be unambiguous, because outwardly these plants are very different: they are erect or creeping multi-stemmed shrubs, from 0.3 to 2.5 m high, and some evergreen climbing species reach 10m. Woody stems and shoots are almost always covered with thorns of various sizes and shapes.

The only similarity in the description of the rose plant is the structure of their leaves: they are all complex, pinnate, in most species they consist of 5-7, sometimes 9-11 leaves.

Flowers of various colors, bisexual, solitary or collected in umbellate-paniculate inflorescences. In many garden species, they form on one-year-old wood. They bloom several times during the summer.

The fruits are nut-shaped, with a dense woody shell, ripen in August-September. They have from 3-5 to 100 or more seeds. Widely used in medicine.

Roses are distinguished by the shape of the bush, the aroma and color of the flowers. That is why they are used in a wide variety of plantings, combined with other plants, or gardens are created only from roses ().

Rose is a member of the Rosaceae family. To date, this genus includes about 400 species of wild roses, about 1000 subspecies and more than 30 thousand varieties. And every year there are more and more varieties and hybrids, and it becomes more and more difficult to classify them. This huge economy requires systematization, and this process is ongoing.

For many years there was confusion in the international rose community, as the standards adopted in each country differed significantly. For decades, work has been going on to compile a unified classification of roses, and in 1976 the World Federation of Rose Societies approved a unified classification of roses, which was based on their decorative and biological characteristics, and not on their origin.

Since then, of course, there have been changes, new varieties are added to the list, new groups are included.

Such a systematization is of practical importance not only for science, but also for every gardener: knowing which group a particular variety belongs to, the grower can find out what conditions the plant needs, where it is better to plant it and how to care for it.

Our garden plot is located 110 km from St. Petersburg, in the village of Mshinskoye.
My wife Polina Zakharovna and I are very fond of a variety of flowers and ornamental plants that grow in our garden along with fruit trees.

Every gardener strives to grow roses, even despite the difficulties of the northern climate for roses. Their beautiful flowering rewards all the hard work!
We have a lot of roses growing in our garden - about fifty bushes, and our collection continues to grow.

Varieties of roses tested in the Leningrad Region

We plan the purchase of specific varieties of roses with certain qualities in advance, and we try not to purchase “whatever” varieties. And as soon as a seedling of the desired variety comes across for sale, we buy it. Therefore, all roses living with us are desired and loved!

There are currently 35 varieties of roses growing in our garden. And the number of rose bushes on the site is only about 55 pieces. This is taking into account duplicates of some varieties, as well as with varieties unknown so far (we grew these bushes from cuttings cut from roses borrowed from our country neighbors).

Here is a list (unfortunately, incomplete) of the varieties of roses included in our collection at the end of 2012, by groups:
1. Varieties of hybrid tea roses: "Kaiser Farah", "Blue Queen", "Queen Elizabeth", "Blue Boy", "Shoken Blue", "Gold Bunny", "Red Gold", "Charles de Gaulle", " Kronenburg, Gloria Day, Dolce Vita, Margaret, Black Prince, Gaillard, Samme Holiday, Yellow Angel, Sachmo.
2. Varieties park roses: Ferdinand Pitchad, Westerland, Helga, Lichtkeningen Lucia.
3. Varieties of floribunda roses: "Samba", "Rumba", "King Arthur", "Blue Perfume", "Nina Weibol".
4. Varieties of climbing roses: "Simpati", "Flamentants", "New Down", "Rosarium Yutersen".
5. Variety of English roses: "William Shakespeare."

Rose care in the northern garden

All our roses bloom every year and winter satisfactorily.
We process rose bushes in spring and autumn blue vitriol. We scatter manure or compost in the garden before winter.

We do not cut our rose bushes before sheltering for the winter, but cut them only in the spring.
Before wintering, we pour a hillock of earth (30 cm high) under the roses and lay the spruce branches in one layer.
In the spring we cut the shoots from the bushes of overwintered roses. The lower part of the rose shoot, which was under the hillock of the earth in winter, usually does not freeze slightly.

The most unpretentious varieties of roses among those tested in the climatic conditions of our garden are the following:
- from hybrid tea roses: "Queen Elizabeth", "Gold Bunny", "Shocken Blue", "Black Prince";
- from floribunda roses: "Samba", "Rumba", "Nina Weibol", "Blue Perfume", "King Arthur";
- from park roses: "Helga", "Westerland", "Lichtkeningen Lucia", "Ferdinand Pitchad".
- from climbing roses: "Flamentanz", "New Down", "Rosarium Yutersen".

I studied information about a wonderful climbing rose called "Polka 91". And although I read that this variety does not grow well in our North-West, I still decided to purchase this rose. Therefore, I would like to have practical advice from gardeners site Gardenia. ru, having a positive experience of growing and wintering roses "Polka 91" in the northern regions.

Vladimir Protasovich Golubev (St. Petersburg)
gardenia. en Floriculture: Pleasure and Benefits

All about rose on the Gardenia website. en
garden world on the Gardenia website. en

How many years does a birch live

There are about 120 species of birch, 64 species are found in the forests of Russia. The average life expectancy of a birch is about a hundred years and depends on the living conditions. In principle, this is an unpretentious tree that can live well in any soil. The main thing is that the soil is moist, since the birch loves water and consumes up to 250 liters per day.

In Russian forests, birches live no more than 120 years, with the exception of iron birch, whose life expectancy is almost 400 years.

Even 100 years ago, birch was a rarer tree than it is now. It grew mainly along river banks and in forests in place of fallen coniferous trees. So she grew up in different places of the taiga. For more than 150 years, the birch did not linger in one place.

There is a birch and permanent places habitat. On the border of the forest near the Arctic Circle grows winding birch, in the Pamirs - Pamir birch with pink bark, in the Caucasus - Radde birch, also with pink bark, in Transbaikalia - black birch with shaggy bark.

Stone birch grows in the Far East. Its age is 3-4 times more than white birch and is 500 years old. Its trunk is more like an apple tree, the only difference is in the bark. The color of the bark does not look like either a birch or an apple tree. This is a pink-gray bark that lags behind the tree itself and hangs down in long strips.

Warty birch or drooping birch is widespread. It grows quite quickly, starting at the age of 10, it grows by 75-90 cm per year and lives 50-60 years.

Application in medicine

In folk medicine, everything that birch can give is used. Its juice is an excellent immunostimulating, cleansing and vitamin remedy. Bath brooms are made from branches and leaves, which, under the influence of hot air in the bath, release essential healing oils that have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin and the whole human body.

With many diseases, birch buds help well, because they contain essential oils, tannins, resins, grape sugar, flavonoids and ascorbic acid. It is a good antiseptic and expectorant, which is used to treat diseases of the respiratory system. In addition, they are used in the form of lotions or dressings for various soft tissue wounds.

Birch leaves have a bactericidal effect, help to cope with headaches, rheumatism, disorders of the nervous system. Decoctions and infusions are used in the treatment of the upper respiratory tract, arthritis, in gynecology and dermatovenereology.

These are far from all the diseases that birch treats.

Grow your own birch

Any gardener dreams of having a long-lived birch in his area. Growing it is easy. Seedlings can be purchased ready-made, it is desirable that they be with an earthy clod on the roots.

They dig a hole deep enough to put the mixture in. garden soil, humus, sand and peat.

If planting occurs in the spring, you can add complex fertilizer, in the fall - phosphorus-potassium in the amount of 200 grams. The distance between seedlings should be at least 4 meters, as the birch root system is actively developing and requires a lot of space.

You can grow birch from seeds that are sown in shallow pits and covered with a layer of humus. Before planting, they must be kept in the cold for a month, then dried at room temperature. Seeds are sown at the beginning of winter in already frozen soil or in early spring, immediately after the snow melts.

When growing this healing tree, it is important to pay attention to weed control, which can interfere with the development of the plant. Weed the soil regularly, but no deeper than 3 cm, so as not to damage the roots. In order to prevent fungi and various pests, the tree crown should be sprayed every year with fungicides and insecticidal preparations.

Having grown a birch on your site, you will be able to use its healing properties throughout your life. She will become indispensable assistant in the fight against many diseases. Due to its impressive life span, birch will be useful for more than one generation.

How many years do roses live Encyclopedia of roses

The longevity of roses depends on the climate; in a warm climate, heat-loving roses will live for a long time. As for me in Siberia, I have been growing Hansa rose for more than 25 years, I cut it every year, it has spread in different directions. Of course, such roses are roses on their roots, they give root suckers, spread in different directions. The roots of roses grow old and become woody, on average, it is believed that roses grow well and bloom for 7-8 years. Then they simply exist and eventually die, especially in the harsh climate of Russia, we do not have France, alas. To plant something for a long time and for the future ... The most that can be planted for a long time is rugosa and Canadian varieties, with a deepening to give root offspring. Or draw, or plant layering. Bushes will spread over time. Younger ones will bloom better, older ones worse, gradually the old roots must be removed, leaving newer ones. I observe roses in my climate - roses feel differently on different rootstocks, they get sick on multiflora and gradually die off. On canines in wet summers they get sick, in dry summers they feel great. Grows great on hybrid lax and corymbifera rose, no problem at all. Layered roses also need to have a good root to bloom well. Good flowering will be on well branched roots, especially on rosehip seedlings, as the root forms a well branched system with a central root. I watched the Hansa rose and the Canadian rose Martin Frobisher, they gave root offspring, the top of which I pinched at the beginning of summer when they reached a height of 20 cm, and in the middle of summer I pinched the tops of the shoots themselves, and such offspring formed a very good rich root system, these I gave the seedlings to rose lovers for an exchange, the seedlings actively developed and bloomed over the year and became good bushes. How often does it happen? They took the offspring, planted it, it has a weak root, this piece of wood builds up numerous roots, grows, blooms, and there is no active large flowering. Conclusion - you need strong branched roots or planting on a seedling well resistant to your climate rosehip buds of this variety.

Rose is the common name for all species and varieties of plants belonging to the genus Rosehip (lat. Rosa) and cultivated by man.

The rose got its Russian name thanks to the Latin word rosa, which sounds the same in many languages ​​of the world. The Latin name of the plant comes from the Greek rhedon meaning red. So they called one of the most ancient varieties of roses - Gallic, which really differs in red.

Rose - description, characteristics, photo

First described the rose ancient Greek philosopher and botanist Theofast. He also substantiated the scientific characteristics of wild and garden roses, and also outlined the main methods of agricultural technology and reproduction. As a result of the tireless work of breeders, today there are a great many roses that amaze with their beauty, obtained by crossing and long-term selection of several varieties of wild rose hips.

Depending on the variety, the form rose bush it happens:

  • sprawling,
  • creeping (ground cover),
  • narrow pyramidal,
  • drooping.

The height of the rose ranges from 20-30 cm for miniature varieties to 6 meters for long climbing roses cultivated in hot regions.

  • Miniature roses grow up to 25-35 cm;
  • The height of polyanthus roses is 30-45 cm (some varieties reach 60 cm);
  • Hybrid tea roses and floribunda roses are 30-90 cm high;
  • Climbing roses reach a length of 2.5 to 6 meters.

In some varieties of roses, the branches are bare, in others they are covered with small bristles. Prickly rose bushes may be densely dotted with short, straight spines or covered with large, curved spines.

Rose leaves can be leathery, dense, glossy or elongated, graceful, with a pointed tip. The color of the leaves is from light green to dark burgundy.

Rose flowers have a diameter of 1.8 to 18 cm, and the number of petals can be from 5 (in simple buds) to 128 in densely double ones. According to the number of petals, they distinguish:

  • Simple roses (maximum 7 petals per flower);
  • Semi-double roses (from 8 to 20 petals per flower);
  • Terry roses (more than 20 petals per flower);
  • Hustomahrovye roses (more than 60 petals in a flower).

The shape of the flower has several options: pompon (spherical), pitcher, round, flat, conical or goblet, cup-shaped, rosette, cruciform-rosette.

What color are roses?

The color scheme of roses abounds in every possible palette of shades, except for pure blue: there are red roses, scarlet, white, cream, apricot (peach), orange, yellow, pink, crimson, burgundy (dark red), dark purple, green , lilac, blue, black roses.

Below are the varieties of roses by color:

White roses: varieties Weise Wolke, Iceberg, Pascali, Avalanche, Frau Karl Druschki, Virgo, Margaret Merril, William And Catherine, Winchester Cathedral, Madame Hardy, Meifaissell, Kent, Panda Meidiland, Gourmet Popcorn, Alba.

Apricot (peach) roses: grades Grace, Caramella, Crown Princess Margareta, Charles Austin, Bengali, Rosemary Harkness, Bengali, Belvedere.

Lightpink roses: varieties New Dawn, Sebastian Kneipp, Schwanensee, Rokoko, Winchester Cathedral, Queen Elizabeth, The Fairy.

Pink and crimson roses: varieties Queen of Sweden, Alan Titchmarsh, Spirit of Freedom, Pink Robusta, Jasmina, Maxi Vita, Fortuna, Wedding Bells, Hansa Park, Amulett, Young Lycidas, Johan Wolfgang von Goethe, Louise Odier, Bonica, Terracota, Cameo.

yellow roses: varieties China Girl, Friesia, Lichtkonigin Lucia, Rugelda, Graham Thomas, Gold Spice, Golden Age, Landora, Arthur Bell, Golden Wedding.

Roses darkpurple colors: varieties Munstead Wood, Falstaff, Ascot, Astrid Grafin von Hardenberg.

Greens roses: varieties Green Ice, Lime Sublime, Greensleeves, Green Diamond, Unique Green Rose, Green Planet, St. Patrick's Day, Jade, Limbo, Melannie.

Brown roses: varieties Black Tea, Julia's Rose, Chocolate Ruffles, Estelle de Meilland, Leonidas, Coffee Break.

Lilac and purple roses: varieties Rhapsody in Blue, Burgundy Ice, Midnight Blue, Blue Nile, Veilchenblau.

black roses: varieties Barkarole, Black Magic, Black Baccara, Tradescant. (In fact, these roses are not black, but maroon. They appear black only in certain lighting conditions).

colorful roses

In addition to monochromatic varieties, there are many options. color combinations. Varieties of multi-colored roses:

  • Red and white roses (variety Stars and Stripes - Stars n'Stripes);
  • Orange-yellow roses (Hummingbird variety - Colibri);
  • Creamy pink-orange roses (variety Barock - Barock);
  • Golden yellow roses with pink edging (variety Talisman - Talisman);
  • Pink-cream-apricot roses (Chicago Peace variety - Chicago Peace);
  • Red-golden-cream roses with stripes and specks on the petals (variety Decor Harlequin - Décor Arlequin);
  • White-pink roses (variety First Lady - First Lady, Eden Rose 85 - Eden Rose 85);
  • Creamy yellow flowers with pink edging (Gloria Dei variety - Gloria Dei);
  • Crimson roses with a white and silver tint (Monica Bellucci variety - Monica Bellucci);
  • Terracotta roses with spots of cream shade (variety Paul Gauguin - Paul Gauguin);
  • Cream roses with cherry edging (Nostalgie);
  • Yellow roses with blushing edging (Pullman Orient Express - Pullman Orient Express);
  • Yellow-pink roses (Midsummer - Midsummer);
  • White roses with a yellow core (Pilgrim - Pilgrim);
  • Yellow-crimson striped roses (Broceliand - Broceliande).

Variety Stars n'Stripes

Variety Sunshine Babylon Eyes

Variety Pilgrim

Grade Monica Bellucci

Variety Chocolate Ruffles

There are also varieties of roses that change color during flowering:

  • Rose variety Sunmaid (Sunmade) changes color from yellow color to orange and red;
  • Rose variety Reine des Violette (Reine de Violette) changes color from purple to purple-lilac;
  • Rose Pur Caprice (Pur Caprice) has a golden red color, but over time becomes greenish;
  • Roses Greensleeves (Greensleeves) open pinkish-cream buds that change color to light green;
  • Rose Happy Chappy (Heppi Cheppi) changes color from orange to pink.

rose scent

Some varieties of roses have an unsurpassed, sophisticated aroma, ranging from the smell of the classic damask rose, citruses, fruits, and ending with subtle notes of spices and exotic incense. And other roses, on the contrary, have either a slight smell or no smell at all.

  • The aroma of raspberry exudes roses Prestige de Lyon, Grand Gala, Mainauduft, Madame Isaac Pereire;
  • The smell of anise has rose varieties Grisbi and Paul Ricard;
  • Rose varieties Caprice De Meilland, Sonia Meilland, Frederic Mistral, Goldelse, Eden Rose have a fruity aroma;
  • The smell exude roses New Dawn, Zephirine Drouhin;
  • The fragrance is spread by roses of the varieties Rustica, Madame Hardy, Duftwolke, Princess Alexandra of Kent, Jubilee Celebration, Golden Celebration, Well Being;
  • The aroma of hawthorn has roses of the Magic Meillandecor variety;
  • The scent of honey and almonds is diffused by Winchester Cathedral roses;
  • Liv Tyler rose has an apricot scent;
  • Meifaissell and Summer Song roses can boast a scent;
  • Aroma and banana exude Laurent Cabrol roses;
  • The aroma of cherries and melons is spread by Paul Bocuse roses;
  • Smell and have roses of Lady Emma Hamilton;
  • Notes of mango and lemon have rose Notre Dame du Rosaire;
  • The aroma of passion fruit exudes Rosemary Harkness,
  • Cinnamon and smells like Georges Denjean rose.

Where do roses grow?

The wild-growing species of roses, called wild rose, grows throughout Europe, Asia and North America. The very first garden roses appeared in Ancient Rome and Ancient Greece, and beautiful roses came to northern Europe only at the end of the 18th century, where they were brought from Asia. In the gardens of Russia, the rose appeared only at the end of the 19th century.

Rose is a thermophilic plant, therefore best results for its cultivation can be achieved in regions with a warm climate. Today, the leaders in growing and selling roses are countries such as Holland, Colombia, Ethiopia, Kenya, Ecuador.

Especially for regions with risky farming, many frost-resistant varieties have been bred that give excellent results if certain agrotechnical standards are observed. Therefore, in our time, a rose can be found in any part of the globe.

Modern classification roses is not based on their origin, which is often lost in the mists of time, but on the biological and decorative characteristics of a class or conditional group. The modern classification of roses was approved by the World Federation of Rose Societies (WFRS) in 1976. The latest version is published in Modern Roses XI. The World Encyclopedia of Roses. Academic Press. 2000.

  • Species (Sp) - Wild Roses
  • Old Garden Roses - Old garden roses
    • Alba (A) - Alba roses (A)
    • Ayrshire (Ayr) - Roses of Ayrshire (Ayr)
    • Bourbon & Climbing Bourbon (B & Cl B) - Bourbon roses and their climbers (B)
    • Boursalt (Bslt) - Roses Boursault (Bslt)
    • Centifolia (C) - Centifolia roses (centifolia roses) (C)
    • Damask (D) - Damask roses (D)
    • Hybrid Bracteata (HBc) - Rose Hybrids Bracteata (Bq)
    • Hybrid China & Climbing Hybrid China (HCh) - Chinese rose hybrids and their climbers
    • Hybrid Eglanteria (HEg) - Rose Hybrids Eglanteria (Eg)
    • Hybrid Foetida (HFt) - Hybrids of rose Thetis, or lutea (Ft)
    • Hybrid Gallica (HGal) - Hybrids of Gallica rose, or French rose (Gal)
    • Hybrid Multiflora (HMult) - Hybrids of rose multiflora (Mult)
    • Hybrid Perpetual (HP) - Hybrid rose remontant (Rem)
    • Hybrid Sempervirens (HSem) - Hybrids of rose Sempervirens (Sem)
    • Hybrid Setigera (HSet) - Rose Hybrids Setigera (Set)
    • Hybrid Spinosissima (HSpn) - Hybrids of the Spinosissima (Spin) rose, or hybrids of the pimpinellifolia rose (Hybrid Pimpinellifolia), or small-leaved roses.
    • Miscellaneous OGR (Misc. OGR) - A variety of old garden roses (Misk)
    • Moss & Climbing Moss (M & Cl M) - Moss Roses and their climbers (Moss)
    • Noisette (N) - Noisette roses (Noise)
    • Portland (P) - Portland roses (P)
    • Tea & Climbing Tea - Tea roses and their climbers
  • Modern Roses - Modern garden roses
    • Floribunda & Climbing Floribunda (F & Cl F) - Floribunda and their climbers (Fl)
    • Grandiflora & Climbing Grandiflora (Gr & Cl Gr) - Grandiflora and their climbers (Grand)
    • Hybrid Kordesii (HKor) - Hybrids of rose Kordes (Kor)
    • Hybrid Moyesii (HMoy) - Hybrids of rose Moyesii (Mo)
    • Hybrid Musk (HMsk) - Musk Rose Hybrids (Musk)
    • Hybrid Rugosa (HRg) - Hybrids of rose Rugosa (Rug)
    • Hybrid Wichurana (HWich)
    • Hybrid Tea and Climbing Hybrid Tea (HT & Cl HT) - Hybrid tea roses and their climbers (Chg)
    • Large-Flowered Climber (LCl)
    • Miniature (Min) - Miniature roses (Min)
    • Mini-Flora (MinFl) - Roses Miniflora (MinF), or Patio Roses - Patio
    • Polyantha (Pol) - Polyantha roses (Pol)
    • Shrub (S)

Types and varieties of roses, names and photos

The whole variety of roses includes over 3000 varieties and hybrids. Below is a brief description of some types and varieties of roses:

Rose hybrids Rugosa

This is a class of rose varieties that originate from the wrinkled rosehip. Rose inflorescences can be simple, semi-double and double. In some varieties, the number of petals reaches 180. Distinctive features of varieties of this class are high resistance to frost and the possibility of growing without winter shelter. Due to their unpretentiousness to growing conditions, Rugosa rose hybrids are the favorite varieties of park roses.

The best varieties of Rugosa roses:

  • the Rose Queen of the North

Bush up to 120 cm high with light green pointed leaves, single, sometimes repeated flowering. Terry-type flowers, intense pink with a purple hue, reach 7 cm in diameter. This variety of roses is especially popular in Russia, Finland, Norway and Estonia.

  • the Rose Parfum de l'Hay (Perfume de Lay)

Dense thorny shrub 120 to 150 cm high and wide, re-blooming. Semi-double flowers, up to 10 cm in diameter, are distinguished by carmine-red or cherry-scarlet color with yellow anthers and a pronounced aroma.

hybrid tea roses

Hybrid tea roses are a group of varieties bred on the basis of (fragrant roses) (lat. Rosa odorata). Most varieties are characterized by increased resistance to diseases and pests, but are significantly susceptible to freezing, therefore, in frosty winters, they require reliable shelter. Among the varietal diversity there are compact plants up to 50 cm high and medium-sized - up to 1 m. The branches are rigid, rose leaves are large, dark green. The tea rose color range starts with warm pink tones and ends in bright orange and maroon. The flowers are double or densely double, up to 14 cm in diameter, solitary or collected in inflorescences.

The most common varieties of hybrid tea roses:

  • rose Julia's Rose (Julias Rose)

An excellent option for cutting: a bush up to 80 cm high consists of upright shoots. Stunningly beautiful rose flowers with a diameter of 5-7 cm differ slightly elongated shape and coffee coloring with a creamy caramel tint.

  • the Rose Peace (Gloria Dei, Gioia)

Great shrub for vertical gardening large areas. In English, this rose is called Peace (Peace), in German it is called Gloria Dei (Gloria Dei), in Italian its name sounds like Gioia (Joya). A sprawling rose bush with a small number of thorns grows up to 2 meters, is unpretentious, lends itself well to breeding. Large, double, single flowers up to 13-15 cm in diameter are golden in color with a wide carmine edging of the petals.

Floribunda roses

This is a varietal group obtained by crossing polyanthus and tea roses. The group includes border varieties (up to 40 cm high), medium-sized (up to 80 cm), as well as tall varieties with a shoot length of more than 1 m. A distinctive feature of the group is bouquet flowering and semi-double flowers collected in luxurious brushes.

In connection with abundant flowering Floribunda rose varieties need quality soil and in large numbers top dressing. Roses overwinter well under cover and are moderate to highly resistant to rain, powdery mildew and black spot.

The best varieties of Floribunda roses:

  • rose Margaret Merril (Margaret Merril)

The bush is 70-150 cm high and up to 1.2 m wide. The flowers are semi-double, cup-shaped, at first they bloom singly, with repeated flowering they form brushes. In the temperate zone, rose flowers are distinguished by a soft pink color of the petals; in a hot climate, the inflorescences are pure white, with a pink middle. Aroma is spicy or reminiscent of rose oil.

  • rose varietiesRumba(Rumba)

It has a bright color with yellow, pink and orange hues. The height of the rose bush reaches 40-60 cm. The diameter of the flowers is 3-4 cm.

  • VarietyApricot Clementine(Epricot Clementine)

A variety with a bush height of 40 to 60 cm. Flowers 4-5 cm in diameter, pale apricot hue, with a slight aroma. The variety is unpretentious in care, frost-resistant.

  • floribunda rose variety Angela (Angela)

Vigorously growing powerful shrub up to 80 cm wide and up to 3.5-4 m high with separate flexible branches up to 6 m in length. This variety of rose is distinguished by continuous flowering throughout the season. The flowers are pale pink with a raspberry tint, do not fade and have a light fruity aroma.

  • the Rose queen elizabeth (Queen Elizabeth)

A vigorous bush up to 3 m tall is most common in southern Russia due to its unpretentiousness and long flowering period. Flowers up to 11 cm in diameter are collected in 3-15 pieces, they are distinguished by a pale pink color with a darker underside and a sweet aroma.

Roses Grandiflora

This is a group of varieties appearance reminiscent of tea roses, but with profuse flowering, like Floribunda. Plants are erect, practically do not bush, grow up to 2 m in height. Varieties distinguishes long flowering double flowers and high resistance to frost.

Popular varieties of Grandiflora roses:

  • rose Tchaikovski (Tchaikovsky)(named Maggie in Australia)

Differs in intensive growth and abundant flowering from mid-summer to late September. The height of the bush, depending on the region, is from 80 to 180 cm. Flowers with a diameter of up to 10 cm have a delicate cream color with an apricot or light yellow center.

  • the RoseLove(Love)

The rose has bright red flowers. The outer side of the petals is painted in silvery-white shades. Bush height 80 cm.

Shrubs (semi-climbing roses, shrubs)

Shrubs are a class of roses used in vertical and horizontal gardening. There are 3 informal groups within the class:

  • nostalgic scars(considered as a variety of scrubs and not officially classified as a separate group), including a group of English roses and some varieties of well-known German and French brands.

A well-known and popular variety of the group is the rose. Cuthbert Grant(Cuthbert Grant), a compact shrub growing up to 120 cm tall and up to 90 cm wide. Terry purple flowers are collected in neat brushes of 3-9 pieces. The variety is highly resistant to black spot, ash and rust.

  • ground cover scrubs(considered as a variety of scrubs and not officially classified as a separate group) form a group of varieties, which is divided into high and low creeping varieties, as well as small and large drooping ones.

An interesting variety of large drooping roses is the rose Sommermorgen(Sommermorgen), used to decorate borders, in container landings and for cutting. A bush up to 70 cm high and up to 1.5 m wide is strewn with small double flowers of light pink color up to 5 cm in diameter.

polyanthus roses

This species is the result of selective crossing of the many-flowered and chinese roses. The flowers of the plant are rather small (3-4 cm in diameter), collected in corymbose inflorescences. There are varieties of roses with ordinary and double flowers of pinkish, red and white tones, which have a pleasant aroma or absolutely no smell. Flowering is abundant and long - until the first frost. The height of a highly branched bush, depending on the cultivar, varies from 30 to 60 cm. Polyanthus roses grow well in open ground, and undersized specimens are often grown at home. The most popular varieties of polyanthus roses:

  • VarietyOrange triumph(Orange Triumph)

A lush rose bush with double flowers of a red-orange hue, having a diameter of 4-5 cm. This variety of roses is resistant to fungal infections.

  • Variety of polyanthus rosesThe Fairy (Ze Fae)

Pale pink buds. The height of the bush is 70 cm. The width is up to 1.2 m. Up to 10-40 buds with a diameter of 3-4 cm appear on each brush.

  • VarietyLittle White Pet (Little White Pet)

Very beautiful roses with white double flowers. The sprawling bush reaches a height of 80 cm. The diameter of the flowers is 4-5 cm.

miniature roses

Plants with low, from 15 to 50 cm, compact bushes, covered with single or clustered flowers. The color of flowers is quite multifaceted, many varieties exude a pleasant aroma. The flowering of miniature roses is plentiful and almost continuous until the very frost. Depending on the variety type, they are suitable for growing both in open ground and as a pot culture. Beautiful varieties miniature roses:

  • VarietyLittle Sunset(Little Sunset)

Miniature rose with small double flowers of bright yellow color with a red edging along the edge of the petals. Bush height 30-40 cm.

  • VarietyMandy (Mandy)

Great option for indoor growing. A dense bush 25-35 cm high is abundantly strewn with double flowers of scarlet color.

  • VarietyLavender meillandina (Lavender Meilandina)

Rose 40-50 cm high and up to 40 cm wide. The color of the buds is lilac-lilac, the diameter of the flowers is 4-6 cm.

Flower diameter 3-5 cm. Yellow buds. The height of the bush reaches 40-50 cm.

climbing roses

Plants with surprisingly flexible and very long stems from 3 to 6 meters, which are excellent for growing on a support. Among the varietal diversity, there are specimens with ordinary or lush double flowers of various colors and sizes. climbing rose deservedly considered queen garden landscape, perfect for vertical gardening, characterized by abundant flowering, not too demanding in care, responsive to competent and timely pruning. Flower growers are happy to grow the following varieties of climbing roses:

  • VarietySympathy (Sympathy)

Rose with large (up to 10 cm in diameter) purple double flowers. The stems reach 5 m in length, the plant is resistant to frost.

  • Indigoletta(Indigoletta)

Variety with unusually beautiful and fragrant flowers of a lilac-bluish hue. The plant tolerates frost well and is resistant to diseases.

  • climbing rosesHamburger Phoenix(Hamburger Phoenix)

Variety with crimson flowers, individual petals have white stripes. The height of the stems is 3-3.5 meters. The plant winters well in a harsh climate, little susceptible to disease.

Miniflora, or Patio Roses

Varieties of this species are undersized (from 40 to 55 cm), with abundant blooming flowers the most diverse colors - from snow-white and bright yellow to pale pink and rich scarlet. Compact bushes look great in container plantings, which makes the patio rose relevant in the design of private garden plots and urban lawns. Popular Patio Rose Varieties:

  • Grade Heidi Klum (Heidi Klum)

Compact bush with large (7-9 cm in diameter), very fragrant double flowers of bright purple color. The variety is characterized by abundant flowering.

  • Honey Bunch(Honey Bunch)

Highly beautiful rose pink-salmon color with a pleasant delicate aroma. The height of the bush varies from 45 to 60 cm. The width is 45 cm.

  • Angela Rippon(Angela Rippon)

It belongs to the group of miniature roses and to the patio group. Salmon pink flowers strong aroma. The height of the bush reaches 30 cm.

Useful properties of a rose

Rose is beautiful and amazing plant which is actively used in medicinal purposes. Rose petals are the focus of nutrients, they are harvested immediately after the opening of the buds.

Fresh rose petals contain a lot of trace elements and minerals useful for the human body:

  • essential oils;
  • vitamins of group B, C;
  • iron, calcium;
  • carotene;
  • flavonoids;
  • quartzite;
  • tannins.

Due to the unique chemical composition, rose petal infusion helps to cope with a number of unpleasant conditions:

  • treat skin diseases;
  • help relieve stress and nervous tension;
  • have a mild laxative effect;
  • relieve a migraine attack;
  • heal wounds.

Roses are one of the gardeners' favorite flowers. They are hardy and unsurpassedly beautiful.

An integral part of caring for them is their pruning and the formation of individual bushes. In general, this is not so difficult to do, but you need at least a minimum set of skills.

Roses: description

According to archaeologists and historians, this beautiful flower has a very respectable age- about 25 million years! It gained world fame about 5 thousand years ago and, despite such a serious age, it still captivates a person with its beauty and aroma.

This plant is symbol of beauty and purity, since ancient times, this plant has been used to make aromatic essential oil, queens and queens took baths with rose petals, medieval knights sang the magic flower, it was grown in the gardens of royal courts and monasteries. It is she who evokes associations with beauty, sophistication, luxury and harmony. Famous scientists and thinkers from ancient times did not stop trying to learn everything about the rose, to bring out new varieties and unique varieties. Here you can learn everything about roses from A to Z.

How to grow bushes?

These flowers have always been famous for their beauty, variety of colors and light and unobtrusive aroma. All this allowed them to freely win the hearts of all gardeners. The form of the structure of all groups of roses, which are very difficult to count, is one - this is a bush.


To decorate and refresh your garden, you can choose more than one variety and variety of this beautiful prickly flower, but as elsewhere, there are recognized leaders among all this colorful variety. All varieties are divided among themselves into wild, old and modern.

All of them are also divided into groups. Wild and old species bloom with delightful lush color, but only once, so many prefer modern varieties, as they perfectly combine the beauty and splendor of old varieties, but have not lost their magical aroma, and also delight the eye for a whole season.

Acquisition rules

How to choose a variety

Often, when buying roses, it is very rare to get detailed information about the variety from the seller. And to find out what kind of frost resistance this variety has, whether it is susceptible to diseases, how long it blooms, etc., you will have to do it yourself. So, so that after the purchase you will not be completely disappointed, try to buy roses in places where they will tell you in detail about any variety of roses and advise the most popular ones. So it is better to choose nurseries or botanical gardens.

How to plant roses

According to the rules, flowers of this genus can be planted in open ground in spring and autumn, but provided that the earth is not frozen and its temperature is about 10 ° C, not lower! In autumn don't plant too early a rose, this can harm her, so she will start to grow when planting, and our unpredictable weather and climatic features will simply kill her.

To plant this flower, it is necessary to use the so-called planting pits. How is it done? For lovers of this beautiful flower, experts recommend preparing pits in the fall, however, everyone forgets about this condition. If you also missed this moment, then do not despair, dig a hole 2 - 2.5 weeks before the planned planting date, this will allow the soil to settle. Remember that the depth of the pit will also depend on the type and quality of the soil, as well as the level of groundwater in your area. The depth of the landing pit should be calculated from the following conditions:

  1. Focus on the length of the roots of your rose;
  2. Add a couple more tens of cm to this figure;
  3. As a result, the average depth of the required pit will be about 1 m.

The next step in preparing the pit will be fertilizing it with manure, for a special sweep, about 2 buckets of earth are combined with 1 bucket of compost, 1 bucket of peat, a couple of glasses of ash, as well as a handful of fertilizer and 1 glass of dolomite flour. If your soil is too clayey, you need to add sand, if, on the contrary, it is too sandy, then clay is added.

Before planting this flower necessary prepare, namely, carefully inspect the entire bush and remove dead roots and processes with scissors. The shoot itself is cut off in front of the kidney, a little higher by half a centimeter, the cut itself is made at an angle of 45 °. If your plant already has new, young shoots of a light green color, then it is also recommended to remove them, but if they have already reached the top, then it is easiest to cut off the top completely.

Carefully inspect the root zone of the plant, remove all rot and additionally cut off roots that are too long, they will interfere with planting. Do not be afraid in place of the old shoots, new and young ones will grow!

Our permanent expert, leading researcher at NVNIISH, biologist, virologist Valery Bgashev answers readers' questions.

In Volgograd, the rose is widely used in the decoration of city flower beds. How many years does this flower live?

Angelina Primak, Volgograd.

I have been gardening for a long time - since the mid-60s. Then it was a big task for us to keep the rose in the ground. There are a number of varieties that were propagated in the 60-70s, and now no one grows them in nurseries. In order to identify the age of urban flower beds, one must have certain agronomic knowledge. Some plantings, by the way, are about 40 years old. The experience of our city testifies that a rose can grow for such a long time.

Last year, in August-September, I observed the third flowering of roses in Volzhsky. Among them, I met a remontant variety, which led to the conclusion that the flower bed was planted in the 70s. In Volzhsky, landscaping is well monitored, and the flower bed looked luxurious.

Previously, it was believed that the life limit of roses is 8-12 years. There are relevant standards in the renewal of flower beds. But life has shown in practice: if the grafting site (tillering node) is deepened 10-15 cm into the soil, this is not only good protection against frost, but also allows the bush to renew for 40 years.

Four years ago we brought seed potatoes from the Moscow region. We take good care of the plantings, but from year to year the yield decreases, the quality of the potatoes is getting worse. What's the matter?

Anatoly Titov, Raygorod.

Here we can talk about the so-called infectious degeneration of potatoes. Potatoes are very susceptible to viral infection. Infection occurs during the growing season, usually through insects or through microdamages through contact with diseased plants. From generation to generation, the infection is transmitted through seed tubers. Diseased plants have a depressed appearance, the leaves are small, wrinkled with a mosaic color and areas of dead tissue. The bushes dry out early, have small, deformed tubers with flaws in the pulp. Even if the initial seed material was healthy, then in our zone already in the third or fourth year there is a complete re-infection. The yield is reduced by 2-3 times. Viral degeneration and a decrease in potato yield can be avoided if healthy planting material is used and regularly updated. It is best to purchase seed potatoes in seed farms or scientific institutions, where they are tested for quality.

If you buy seeds on the market, it is preferable to take potatoes imported from the northern regions: there the process of re-infection is slow. If you are planting your own seeds, you should select tubers from the healthiest plants. If you select from a common heap, then take the best tubers. And in order for the potatoes to be used sparingly, the tubers should be divided into parts according to the number of eyes. In this case, after the next division of the tuber, the knife should be washed in a soapy solution, in which plant viruses will quickly collapse.

It is also useful for the prevention of fungal diseases to lower the tuber segments into a suspension of copper oxychloride for 10-20 minutes - 40 g per 10 liters of water. Such a simple technique will allow you to save the variety and increase the yield.

What are the benefits of figs?

Irina Potapova, Kumylzhensky district.

The tree on which the fruits of figs grow has many names: fig, fig, fig tree, fig tree, fig, wine berry.

It is advisable to eat no more than 5-10 fruits of dry figs per day for an adult in order to saturate the body with useful vitamins and minerals, proteins and carbohydrates. Especially a lot of it contains potassium (necessary for the work of the heart and blood vessels), iron (which contributes to the prevention of anemia).

Figs are long-lived trees that live for hundreds of years, while bearing fruit for 300-400 years. Fig fruits help to cope with dozens of diseases. Especially successfully in our time, figs are used as an antitussive and laxative. Figs contain a lot of tryptophan, which has the most beneficial effect on brain activity. He contributes normal operation nervous system under stress, improves sleep, provides a quick way out of depression.

I want to plant a nut in the country, but it is so sprawling, will there be enough space for it?

Petr Ilchenko, Traktorozavodsky district.

A large area is needed for a nut: the trees reach 25 m in height, respectively, the crown projection is quite extensive. Closely planted nuts can simply die.

Nuts feel great in the southern regions. Walnut and Manchurian have a fairly high winter hardiness. The walnut grows quickly, but begins to bear fruit after at least 4, maximum after 8 years. Grafted nuts grow better and are distinguished by precocity. The yield of nuts fluctuates: there is evidence that from a 20-year-old tree walnut about 80 kg of nuts are harvested annually. Nuts are self-fertile and almost always give a bountiful harvest.

Marina Zlobina.

Photo, from open Internet sources

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