Gardenia care at home. Gardenia leaves turn black but do not fall

Gardenia - evergreen shrub family Rubiaceae. Homeland gardenia - tropical and subtropical regions of Africa and Asia. AT vivo the plant reaches 1.5 meters in height. The leaves are oval, with pointed tips, dense, leathery, shiny, their length is up to 10 cm. The flowers are large, white or cream color, 7-10 cm in diameter, very fragrant, shaped like roses. Flowers can be double or non-double. Flowering is observed in summer and autumn. After flowering, fruits ripen - berries.

indoor gardenia

AT room conditions grown gardenia jasmine - shrub plant, 45-50 cm high, with glossy green leaves (up to 10 cm in length). The shape of the leaves is broadly lanceolate. There are plants with single flowers or corymbose inflorescences, consisting of 4-6 flowers. The flowers are white (double and semi-double), 5-7 cm in diameter, with a pleasant aroma.

Home care

How to care for gardenia at home? Everything is very simple! It is enough to comply with the conditions listed below.

Lighting. Gardenia needs a very bright place. In the heat of summer, it is better to shade the plant from direct sunlight so that there are no leaf burns.

Temperature regime. Gardenia is a heat-loving plant, does not tolerate temperature changes. Optimum temperature in summer - about 20-22 ° C, in winter time 16-18 ° C is enough, while it is necessary to protect the gardenia from drafts and hypothermia of the root system.

Watering. Water gardenia at home with warm and soft water, it is better to use filtered water or boiled rainwater. It is impossible to allow drying and waterlogging of the earthen coma, the water from the pan must be drained. In spring and summer, abundant watering is necessary, in winter - moderate. Gardenia leaves need frequent spraying. At the same time, it is undesirable for water to fall on flowers and buds. It is better to spray the air around the plant, you can also put the pot on a pallet with moistened pebbles, or moss.

top dressing. In the period from March to August, gardenia is fed once every 2 weeks with complex fertilizers for flowering plants (for example, Uniflor-buton or Pocon). Also during the period active growth it is recommended to apply preparations containing iron (iron chelate), it is enough to apply them 2 times (in March and June).

In March-April, gardenia needs a dormant period of 4-6 weeks. At this time, watering should be reduced to achieve proper bud development.

In the spring, when the growth of shoots begins, the gardenia needs to be cut to form lush bush. During the flowering period, faded inflorescences must be removed.


If the air in the gardenia room is too dry, then pests may appear on the plant:, and. As a result of damage, gardenia stops blooming (loses buds and flowers), grows poorly, its leaves may begin to turn yellow and fall off.

To destroy pests, the plant is sprayed (, inta-vir, fitoverm, decis). If there are a lot of pests, then the treatment should be repeated after a week.

To prevent the appearance of pests, it is necessary to maintain high humidity.

Diseases and problems

Why doesn't gardenia bloom? In the absence of light and nutrients gardenia leaves become pale, the plant grows poorly and does not bloom. It is necessary to rearrange the pot to a bright place, to feed the gardenia during the period of active growth (spring-summer).

Why do gardenia leaves turn yellow? There may be several reasons for this:

  • When the soil is alkalized in gardenia, interveinal chlorosis (yellowing of the leaves) is observed. To avoid this, you need to transplant gardenia into sour or replace upper layer soil on a new one (with an acidic reaction).
  • Also, yellowing of the foliage may be due to watering too hard or cold water. To reduce the hardness of the water, you can soften it with a filter. Another way to soften water is to add to it a small amount citric acid.
  • The same problem can be caused by excessive moisture in the soil in winter.

Why do gardenia leaves turn black? This may occur as a result of a breach temperature conditions. Gardenia should not be kept in a draft. Also, blackening of the leaves can occur in summer and autumn due to abundant watering. In this case, it is necessary to reduce the amount of water when watering the flower.

Why does gardenia dry out? Why does gardenia wither or fall off? If the room is cold (below 15 ° C), the plant may wilt, lose leaves, buds and flowers. Leaves can also fall off with insufficient or excessively abundant watering (the soil should be slightly moist all the time), as well as when watering with cold water. Also, do not leave the gardenia in a draft.


At home, gardenia is propagated by cuttings. For these purposes, cuttings 10 cm long are cut at the end of winter or at the beginning of spring. The cuttings can be rooted in water with a root formation stimulator (epin, root, heteroauxin) or in the soil. When rooting in the soil, the tip of the cutting is dipped in root stimulant powder and planted in soil consisting of coniferous earth, peat and sand, then covered with a glass cap or film. Cuttings should be regularly sprayed, ventilated. Rooting gardenia - the process is quite long, should take place at a temperature of 22-25 ° C.


The plant is transplanted in the spring 1 time in 2 years. Needed for gardenia acidic soil with a pH level of 4.5-5.5. Ideal soil mixture of turf, coniferous, leaf ground, peat and sand (1:1:1:1:1). You can purchase a soil mixture designed for. In the pot it is necessary to provide good drainage.

Plant Life Gardenia.

ADVICE: When you brought a gardenia from the store, you do not need to transplant the plant immediately. The shrub needs to adapt to new conditions. Immediately place the pot on a permanent "place of residence" - exactly on the windowsill where the gardenia will live.

This plant really does not like moving, moving, transplanting, so it is better to immediately find for it permanent place. Transplant gardenia into another pot a few days after purchase. when the flower is already getting used to the new home (you can find out how to transplant gardenia at home).


Gardenia is a tropical plant, which means it loves heat very much and needs sufficient lighting. The light should come to the pot throughout the day. Therefore, it is better to choose a southern or western window sill for keeping the plant.

In winter, the plant may not have enough light, so it is often necessary to provide the southern beauty with additional light, attracting for this artificial lamps.Locate artificial sources lighting at a distance of 60-70 cm from the pot.

In the summer midday heat, gardenias require protection from direct sunlight. To provide this protection, shade the window light fabric or translucent paper. This measure will help save delicate flowers and plant leaves.

It is not necessary to turn the plant pot over, as many do, trying to provide sufficient lighting for the entire bush. Gardenia does not like permutations, including a simple flip around its axis of the pot. The shrub can react very violently to such a turning over: it can also throw off leaves and flowers.


The plant is thermophilic, so you will have to maintain the temperature in the room that is optimal for it. In summer, tropical shrubs are suitable for maintenance at + 22-24 degrees, and in winter period- at +18-20 degrees.

The temperature of the soil must match the temperature of the air. Especially important is the optimal temperature regime during the flowering period of the plant.

Air humidity

For a tropical plant, high humidity air. Especially important this moment during the period of setting buds: high humidity will provide an abundant amount of the latter. The lack of moisture in the air can lead to the fall of the buds, their grinding, deformation, and the loss of the plant's decorative effect.

To provide optimal humidity, before blooming buds and after flowering, the plant must be sprayed. As soon as the buds open, spraying must be stopped., since water drops can leave ugly spots on the petals. In summer, spraying must be carried out several times a day, in winter - once a day is enough.

For spraying, it is better to purchase a sprayer with the smallest holes - this way not even drops will fall on the plant, but just mist. The air humidification procedure is recommended to be carried out in the morning and evening hours - but not too late, since the leaves must dry completely before darkness comes.


The plant needs a sufficiently moist substrate. Watering is done on top of the soil. If after watering excess water escaped into the pan, it must be removed after 20 minutes. The soil in the pot should always be slightly moist: do not allow either waterlogging or drying out of the substrate.

It is recommended to dissolve a few grains of citric acid in water for irrigation, or to introduce natural lemon juice (2 drops / grains per liter). This will soften the water and make it optimally acidic.

The plant will feel best if you place wet expanded clay or sphagnum on the bottom of the pot - this natural drainage will provide the plant with optimal moisture.

The soil

Gardenia loves soil with a fairly high acidity.- it is necessary to provide the plant with just such a substrate. It is recommended to change the soil in a pot every couple of years in the spring before the active growth of the flower begins. During the flowering period, changing the substrate in the hill is prohibited, as this can lead to bud drop.

At the bottom of the pot, under a layer of soil, there must be good drainage from expanded clay or sphagnum: such a layer will provide the plant optimal level moisture. Gardenia should not be grown in soil with a high lime content.

The following soil composition is ideal in this case:

  • leaf ground - 1 part;
  • coniferous substrate - 1 part;
  • sod land- 1 part;
  • peat - 1 part;
  • river coarse sand - 1 part.

You can mix a similar composition yourself, or purchase already prepared soil for azaleas.

Details on what soil is suitable for gardenia, what to look for when choosing a soil, can be found in.

top dressing

To provide your home gardenia with all the minerals it needs, it is best to use liquid fertilizers. If you buy a ready-made complex, then choose one that does not contain calcium - this mineral is contraindicated for gardenia, it has a bad effect on the growth and development of this plant.

Feeding frequency - once every two weeks. At the same time, pay attention to the well-being of the flower and the symptoms that sometimes appear on its leaves and petals.

Yes, if visible yellow spots on the foliage, it means that the plant has a need for trace elements, especially iron (read about why gardenias turn black, turn yellow and fall off and how to help the plant, read). If such a symptom is found, mineral supplement should be carried out more often - once every 7-8 days.

Ready for feeding mineral compositions for orchids and azaleas. To provide the plant with all the necessary substances, you need to prepare the nutrient composition in full concentration, and not in half, as indicated on almost all fertilizer packages.

In addition to ready-made complex fertilizers, gardenia can also be fed using home methods. So, you can buy a substance such as actiferrin in a pharmacy and dilute it with a tablespoon in a glass pure water. The resulting solution should be watered once every two weeks.

What can be done to accelerate growth?

To home gardenia grew more actively, increased its splendor and decorativeness, it is necessary to cut the flower from time to time. Pruning is done after the shrub has faded- that is, in the fall.

IMPORTANT: To give new strength to the plant, you should deal with weak, thickened shoots - they need to be shortened by about half.

If young shoots are plucked during the growing season, the shrub will grow more magnificently, and will also bloom more profusely. Use the healthy and strong stems left after pruning to propagate gardenia - ready planting material should not disappear.

Transplanting to a new pot


This procedure allows you to extend the flowering period of the plant, make it more abundant.. In addition, properly performed pruning will allow the shrub to grow more lush and compact.

Pruning is carried out in the fall after the gardenia blooms. Remove half weak and thickened shoots. If, during the growing season, young shoots are periodically pinched, the gardenia will grow more magnificent, and it will be better to bloom.


So, we have considered all the features of caring for tropical beauty gardenia. As you can see, caring for this capricious plant is not so simple - but the magnificent decorative effect and delicious aroma will be able to thank the grower for his work.

Jasmine gardenia is another tropical plant that amateur flower growers have chosen. Undoubtedly, it is very beautiful flower, attention to it is justified. But at the same time, the reputation of a capricious picky has been entrenched in him, so this plant scares off many.

Not everyone dares to buy it in flower shop. But on own experience, I can say that finding an approach to gardenia is not so difficult, the main thing is to know some features successful care for her.

In its natural form, gardenias grow in tropical and subtropical climates. These are the countries of America (Central and South), Africa, Black Sea coast Caucasus, Asia, etc. AT wild nature it can be seen in the form of evergreen shrubs or compact trees, their height does not exceed two meters.

AT indoor floriculture the species Gardenia jasminoides, jasmine-shaped gardenia, has found distribution, it comes from Japan and China. It has hard, leathery, elongated foliage with pronounced veins and a characteristic sheen. Flowers are terry, with a pronounced pleasant aroma, solitary.

The color is mostly white or cream with various shades. Outwardly, they look like camellia or magnolia flowers, they bloom quickly and also fade quickly. Blooms profusely (at proper care) from about March to October. All the charm of gardenia can be seen in the photo. This is indoor flower Truly a decoration for any interior.

Basic requirements of gardenia:

  • Soil with hyperacidity;
  • temperature constancy;
  • Moderately moist soil;
  • Good lighting;
  • High humidity;
  • Permanent place during education flower buds;
  • Heat (+18-22 degrees);
  • Watering with warm settled water.

gardenia care


Not at all easy to create for this beauty optimal conditions lighting. The duration and splendor of flowering gardenia depends on the degree of illumination. Bright light is required for this tropical plant almost 24 hours a day.

It would seem that there is plenty of light on the southern window, but bright direct sunlight can harm it. It's too dark on the north window sill. Therefore, the eastern and western window sills will be the best option.

In the warm season, the most important thing for capricious gardenia is the warmth of the sun without direct exposure to hot rays, drafts are also unacceptable. In winter, it is extremely dangerous for her to change her location. You can’t even open a flower pot - it may not bloom at all.


In different seasons, gardenia requires different temperature. So, in the warm season, for normal development and flowering, she needs warmth, which is about +22 degrees.

In the cold months, she is in a dormant phase, and then begins to intensively lay buds for future flowering, here she needs a more moderate temperature - this is 16-21 degrees. At higher temperatures, some vital processes are inhibited.

At the same time, the temperature of the soil and air should be approximately equal, the root system of this plant is afraid of hypothermia. Sudden temperature fluctuations will negatively affect future flowering. A couple of sharp jumps - and a capricious flower will refuse to bloom at all.

Humidity and watering

Growing gardenia involves close attention to water balance. At the same time, different periods of plant life and different seasons require their own regime. This is what "spoiled" the reputation of this beautiful indoor flower.

During intensive growth and development, gardenia requires abundant watering, but only after the topsoil dries. In autumn and spring, it is watered every 2-3 days, also after the surface of the earth has dried. In winter cold watering is reduced to a minimum.

The plant is also extremely demanding on the quality of water. Water intended for irrigation should be at room temperature, preferably even a little warm, and always well settled or purified. Rain water will do.

Highly good result will add to water lemon juice or acids, because gardenia loves soil with high acidity. However, keep in mind that excess acid will also negatively affect the condition of the flower.

The leaves may turn yellowish and shrink in size. A few drops of juice (a couple of citric acid crystals) per liter of water are quite enough.

No less importance should be given to the humidity of the air in the room where the plant is placed. High humidity is especially important at the time of the formation of flower buds. Spraying should be daily, but as soon as the buds begin to bloom, they are stopped.

Drops of water, falling on the delicate snow-white petals, will leave ugly yellow spots. At this time, it is useful to put a small container of water next to the gardenia, so you humidify the air and do not damage the decorative qualities of the flowers.

top dressing

During a period of intensive growth, regular feeding is vital for gardenia. Fits normal complex fertilizers designed for flowering plants, which are sold in any flower shop. But keep in mind that for this plant, the norms indicated on the package should be halved.

During the period of bud formation and flowering, the acidity of the soil should be slightly lower than usual, so preparations with high content gland. It is necessary to bring them into the ground twice in each of these periods.

How to transplant gardenia

Gardenia transplantation is carried out only when absolutely necessary - this capricious person does not tolerate being disturbed for no particular reason. The roots of the flower are too thin and fragile, they are easily damaged.

If it is already necessary to transplant the plant, then carry out a light pruning of the roots, they will recover very soon, and the procedure will provoke an increase in the root system.

Fill the container prepared for transplanting by a third with drainage. Then fill it to the top with ready-made azalea soil - it's easy to find in a flower shop. Do not plant gardenia in limestone soil - it will die. It grows only in acidic soil, the pH level of which is 4.0-5.5.

If the opportunity to buy ready ground No, you can make your own. Just mix equal parts of coniferous, leafy, soddy soil, peat and sand.

Pruning gardenia jasmine

To maintain decorativeness, the evergreen gardenia bush requires periodic pruning. Dried flowers and weak, improperly growing twigs should be regularly removed. The bush is constantly growing and needs regular thinning of the crown. If your plant does not have enough splendor, pinch the tops of the branches.

Gardenia - propagate at home

Jasmine gardenia can be propagated in two ways: by seeds and cuttings. Unfortunately, it will not work to propagate this plant by seeds at home - this is very difficult process and the results are often disappointing.

It is much easier to apply cuttings. To do this, you need segments of young gardenia shoots about 10 cm long, the easiest way to get them is by pruning. Cuttings root equally well in soil and water. The ideal time for breeding is from December to March.

To root the cuttings in water, dilute the root growth stimulator in it - this will help you speed up the process. The easiest way to root cuttings of gardenia is in a mixture of peat and sphagnum. To do this, plant them in the ground, water well and cover with a transparent cap.

The only condition for the growth of roots is the constancy of the temperature of the earth and environment. It should be around 24 degrees. Under these conditions, after a month, your plant will noticeably increase in size.

Transplant young plant in a permanent pot should be no earlier than the seedling reaches a height of 10 cm. When transplanting, handle the young gardenia carefully, try not to damage the fragile roots. The soil should be exactly the same as for an adult flower.

Do not neglect the formation of the crown of the future bush - occasionally pinch the tops of the shoots and remove the branches growing inside the bush.

Possible problems and pests of jasmine gardenia

Falling flower buds:

  • incorrect watering, which led to the drying of the earth;
  • keeping the flower in the cold (less than +16 degrees);
  • watering with cold water;
  • lack of light;
  • rearranging the planter with the plant at the time of budding (flowering).

Yellowing and dropping of leaves:

  • watering with cold or not settled water;
  • the plant is in a cold place.

Foliage turned pale

Already formed buds do not bloom:

  • lack of light;
  • the earth is not acidic enough.

The leaves have yellow stains:

  • the soil must be acidified;
  • chlorosis disease.

Growth retardation:

  • pests. This is most often a shield, spider mite or aphids.

In the fight against dangerous insects Insecticide preparations help well, apply them once a week according to the instructions on the label.

Pests are easy to spot with the naked eye. visual inspection flower. Gray dots on the surface of the foliage indicate the presence of thrips, cobwebs and twisted leaves indicate a spider mite.

If aphids attacked the flower, then a slight stickiness can be felt on the foliage and flowers. Dark- brown spots rounded shape on the leaves - these are traces of the activity of the scab.

Gardenia is an evergreen shrub of the Rubiaceae family. Homeland gardenia - tropical and subtropical regions of Africa and Asia. Under natural conditions, the plant reaches a height of 1.5 meters. The leaves are oval, with pointed tips, dense, leathery, shiny, their length is up to 10 cm. The flowers are large, white or cream-colored, 7-10 cm in diameter, very fragrant, reminiscent of roses in shape. Flowers can be double or non-double. Flowering is observed in summer and autumn. After flowering, fruits ripen - berries. In fact negative experience in the cultivation of this flower, only those who are not sufficiently aware of the needs and rules for caring for the plant acquire. In order for indoor gardenia to please you with its beauty, caring for it at home, propagating a flower, its preferences must be considered in great detail, and then apply the knowledge gained in practice.

Types of gardenia

The two most popular types of gardenia are Jasmine (Gardenia Jasminoides in Latin) and Tahitian (Gardenia Taitensis in Latin).

  • Gardenia Jasmine. In Russia, it is also called "Cape Jasmine". Only this variety of gardenia is now grown indoors, where it grows up to half a meter high, while in nature it can stretch up to almost two meters. It's incredible beautiful plant, which has a charming aroma, which can only be compared with the smell of a rose. The flowers of the jasmine gardenia are located singly, but they are also collected in inflorescences of 5-6 pieces. Her stems are bare, smooth to the touch. The leaves of this gardenia are oval, 6-8 cm each, with pointed tips. It blooms from July to October.

  • Gardenia Tahitian. As the name suggests, this species is native to Tahiti. This is very large view gardenia, in nature reaches a height of 6-7 meters. The leaves are very large, densely green in color, leathery, almost 30 cm long, their shape is oval. The flowers are also huge - their diameter is up to 20 cm, they have a pleasant aroma and stay on the bush for several days. It is very difficult to predict the flowering time of the Tahitian gardenia, since it blooms spontaneously, with a combination of favorable external conditions.

Optimal temperature for gardenia

This plant needs enough heat throughout the year. In summer and spring, it should be kept at a temperature of 20-25 ° C, and in winter - 17-19 ° C. The temperature in the room where the gardenia is kept should not be allowed to fall below 15 degrees. It is necessary to control not only the air temperature, but also the soil - if the ground is too cold, the buds will not begin to form. To prevent this, it is necessary to water it with warm water.

Indoor gardenia is very difficult to tolerate sudden changes in temperature. During the period of bud development, it is necessary to provide the plant high humidity air. To do this, it is recommended to put the pot in a pan with wet expanded clay, while water should not be allowed to come into contact with the bottom of the pot.

soil for gardenia

Do not allow the presence of lime in the ground. The following substrate is prepared in equal proportions: soddy land, coniferous, leafy, peat and sand. Can buy ready mix suitable soil for azaleas.

Reproduction of gardenia

Gardenia can be propagated by seeds. This process long and laborious, having its own difficulties. Even if everything goes well, and the seeds sprout, the plant will be able to bloom only after a few years. Therefore, among flower growers, a more convenient and easy way plant propagation using apical semi-lignified cuttings. Cuttings can be cut in February or March. You need to make a straight cut. The soil for planting the cutting consists of sand and peat (1: 1). Before planting, the cutting should be lowered for a while into a weak solution of potassium permanganate. A planted cutting needs a mini-greenhouse. To do this, it can be covered with a transparent film or glass jar. Root formation occurs faster if the temperature regime is around 25 ° C, regular ventilation and periodic moistening are observed. The cutting will take root in 3-4 weeks. Before planting in the "adult" soil (which was mentioned above), it is advisable to dip the "newborn" root in a growth stimulator powder.

gardenia transplant

Soil for gardenia should consist of equal parts sand, turf, coniferous, peat and leafy soil. A decent drainage layer is required. We have already talked about acidity. If for some reason you cannot make up the soil mixture yourself, buy soil for azaleas in the store. Gardenia transplant is carried out in early spring or after flowering, and only when absolutely necessary. For young plants, such a need exists once a year, for adults - once every three years. If you are doing everything right. It is undesirable to transplant a newly purchased gardenia immediately, wait a couple of weeks. If you bought the plant in bloom, wait until the flowering process is complete before transplanting the gardenia. In order not to cause unnecessary inconvenience to the capricious flower, transfer it to a new pot with drainage and add it to the pot required amount soil.

Watering gardenia

This is capricious plant requires regular watering. Water should be used at room temperature. If watered very cold, the leaves of the flower turn yellow and become small. Flower growers are advised to take rain water. During growth, you need to water the flower intensively. However, care must be taken to ensure that water does not stagnate on the soil.

In autumn, watering is recommended to be reduced, but it is unacceptable to overdry the soil. In order for mineral supplements to be well absorbed, acidic soil is needed, so once every 30 days it is necessary to pour a slightly acidic solution of citric acid. The acidity of the soil is checked with litmus paper. To do this, take a pinch of earth, fill it with water, drain the liquid, and test the soil.

When forming buds, there should be maximum air humidity. As the buds open and flowers appear, you need to spray so that water does not get on the delicate petals. Otherwise, the flowers will appear brown spots and the flower will die.

gardenia fertilizer

Wishing to watch flowering bush during spring and summer, you need to take care of the nutrition of the plant. Florists recommend feeding twice a month using fertilizers for flowering plants.

After buying a flower, it is not recommended to feed it for 6 months. In a store or nursery, the plant was heavily fed. In order not to overfeed and destroy it, you can fertilize it by spraying the leaves with a highly diluted solution (dilute 1:10 doses according to the instructions). When chlorosis appears, ferovit and iron chelate are additionally added to the feeding.

Diseases and pests of gardenia

Gardenia is often attacked by pests such as aphids, spider mites, scale insects, thrips. The plant begins to grow poorly, loses its flowers and buds. The appeared brown spots of gardenia indicate the defeat of the plant by the scab. Thrips form grayish dots on the upper side of the leaf. The aphid infects the buds and the tops of the shoots, which can be seen from the sticky secretions that have appeared on the plant. The appearance of cobwebs under the leaves and, as a result, the drying of the leaves indicates that the gardenia was attacked by a spider mite. If the above listed pests are detected, it is recommended to spray the plant with an agent from the group of insecticides - chemicals to kill plant pests. Such drugs can be: intavir; fitoverm; actellik; decis. In mild cases, one spray is sufficient. With strong pest aggression, the plant will have to be treated three times with an interval of 7-10 days. Gardenia disease can occur due to improper care behind the plant.

pruning gardenia

To form an ornamental bush, gardenia must be cut after flowering or before transplanting. Usually shoots are shortened by half. During active growth, pinch the tops of new shoots. Thus, stimulation is made for the appearance of new lateral processes. If you do not cut the bush, then next year flowering will be rare, the crown is ugly and uneven.

If gardenia appeared on the home windowsill, care should be constant and attentive. The plant is quite demanding on growing conditions. At the slightest change in the situation or the parameters of the content, it reacts sharply.

After the purchase

A newly acquired gardenia should not be disturbed. She needs time to recover from the stress associated with transportation, change of location.

The adaptation period usually lasts 2-3 weeks, no more. Might have been bought in a store. flowering plant then it is important to let the gardenia bloom. However, things don't always go smoothly. It often happens that upon arrival home, gardenia drops buds.

Thus, she reacts to a change of residence, transportation, relocation. After 3 weeks or after the end of flowering, exotic beauty should be transplanted. The transplant is connected with the fact that the soil in which it was sold has almost no useful substances.

IMPORTANT! Without changing the soil, the flower will soon wither and turn yellow due to a lack of nutrients.


Gardenia certainly prefers light, so it would be good to put it in a bright place. But upon contact with scorching sunlight, burns occur on the leaves.

On hot days bright sun needs to be shaded. The best option there will be window sills on the west or east side.

In the cold season, a south window is suitable. Gardenia does not accept movement, especially during the budding period. This is fraught with dropping buds.


Indoor gardenia is a heat-loving plant that does not tolerate cold and drafts. Comfortable indoor air parameters in summer: +22-24°С, in winter: +18-20°С. These parameters are especially important during the flowering period. Room temperature must match the temperature of the soil. Therefore, you should not have flower pot on stone window sills or near heating appliances.


The exotic beauty hails from a tropical climate where it is hot and humid. Exactly Humidity, for the plant plays a key role. Without this parameter, it is pointless to hope for lush flowering, because it is the presence of moisture in the air that contributes to the formation and development of flower ovaries. Even being in the budding stage, it will easily shed future flowers or be deformed when the air is dry in the room. You will learn about what to do if your exotic pet does not bloom.

To increase the humidity in the room you need:

  1. put a pallet with wet sand or expanded clay;
  2. place an aquarium or fountain nearby;
  3. use a household humidifier;
  4. spray water from a spray bottle.



An important and always exciting stage in the life of a plant. It should be approached seriously, actions should be carried out carefully. Because gardenia has a rather fragile root system . Of course, before transplanting, you need to purchase or prepare a high-quality substrate yourself, as well as choose a reliable pot.

What kind of pot do you need?

As a material for a flowerpot, it is preferable to choose ceramics or plastic. It's more comfortable and quality materials. You should also pay attention to the presence of drainage holes. If they don't exist, then do it. Flower capacity should not be too deep and large.


Jasmine gardenia, like most plants, does not tolerate transplantation well. This process should be performed 1 time in 2-3 years, as the root system grows. Young individuals should be transplanted annually. The process of soil renewal is usually performed in early spring, always after flowering.

  1. It is good to water the soil and allow time to stand for easier extraction of the exotic from the container.
  2. Then take out the plant.
  3. At the bottom of the new pot, put expanded clay granules in a layer of about 4-5 cm.
  4. Pour part of the earth over the drainage.
  5. Place a flower in a pot with a lump of soil.
  6. Sprinkle on the sides and top with fresh substrate.
  7. Moisturize. You can add a couple of drops of Kornevin or Epin to the water to stimulate root growth.

You can learn more about gardenia transplants in this video:

Photo of an indoor flower

Check out the photo to see what it looks like exotic plant:

Problems and diseases

For non-professionals, caring for a plant is a rather difficult task. After all, if the available parameters do not correspond to the required ones, a number of gardenia health problems arise.

  • the appearance of dry foliage is a sign of an incorrectly done transplant, unsuitable soil, the irrigation system is broken;
  • the fall of the buds signals the hypothermia of the flower, excess moisture, moving the pot during flowering, low humidity air;
  • the appearance of former spots on the leaves indicates the development of the disease chlorosis;
  • if the leaves turn black and fall off, then there is a problem with the roots, a bay is possible, also dry air in the room, lack of nutrients, spider mite infection;
  • if the foliage turns yellow - this is evidence of a low temperature in the room, lack of fluid, improperly selected soil, watering with hard water.

We wrote in more detail about problems with leaflets in

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