Country house in loft style. Distinctive characteristics of the loft

Also in demand for construction aerated concrete blocks and brick.

Facade of a loft-style house: photo demonstration

The facade of the house is a clear proof of the taste, lifestyle of the owners and their commitment to a particular style. How can the facade of a country house made in the loft style look like? This is usually a simple, even careless or rough wall decoration, a roof in gray or brown tones, the use of plastic, composite panels, large surface glazing - windows almost the entire wall, reminiscent of scales window openings production building. Sometimes in the projects of loft-style houses in the photo, mirror panels are used that reflect light. And it is also minimalism and naturalness in the color design of the building.

Fabulous transformation: a loft-style house and its photo

As mentioned above, the loft style refers to the former industrial premises converted into a residential building. In our case, the architectural and construction company of Ilya Eliseev worked on the transformation of the building of the former dining camp site into a residential building in the loft style "Ignatiev House".

The style hints that even a completely redone room should not lose a reminder of its past. Therefore, the facade is designed in such a way that the concrete walls built back in Soviet time, combined with modern composite panels.

The loft is related to minimalism, they are united by the clarity of geometric shapes, the use of a flat roof structure, industrial modern materials, the presence of large windows. This can be seen by comparing the facades of loft-style houses with photos of country cottages, which were built using the style of minimalism.

Projects of houses and cottages in the loft style: materials

Loft is considered a fairly democratic style. The construction of houses in this direction involves the use variety of materials and modern technologies. However, the most popular and used materials in loft-style cottage projects are concrete, various types of bricks, glass, metal, and plastic. The use of wood is not excluded.

Who chooses loft-style cottage projects

Loft is considered to be a bohemian style and respectable businessmen. And this is not far from the truth. However, today, projects of loft-style houses and cottages are chosen not only by creative individuals, but also by young people who are successfully making a career, and even families with children. The unifying space of the house allows busy parents, without looking up from everyday vanity, to constantly watch their children.

Loft style houses are popular

The loft style was born from the development of industrial culture and became established as a popular trend in architecture. External simplicity, a single space, an abundance of light and volume, inherent in the style, conquered our compatriots. The architects of the construction company Ilya Eliseev are among the fans of this trend and create loft-style houses, photos of which you can see in the portfolio.

If you are looking for what a loft is, then you have probably already stumbled upon information about the history of this term or name. We read about the middle of the 20th century in New York and found out something about " upper part industrial building converted for housing. Of course, everything is so, “loft” is generally translated from English as “attic”.

But we will talk about a slightly different meaning of this word - about a loft in a country house.

One of the loft implementation options in a private house, loft area ~ 12 m2

A loft can be called a small semi-floor located above a part one-story house. Such a balcony inside the house, roughly speaking. It is also called "sleeping mezzanine" or simply "mezzanine floor".

It is difficult to explain in words, it is easier to show a few examples. So, in the picture above you see a frame kitchen-living room. This is cottage with a gable roof and a high ceiling in the living area. In the rest of the house, the ceiling has the usual height, and the same loft is located at the top.

Let's stand with our backs to the loft and look towards the windows:

The high ceiling in the kitchen-living room is a second light, and a loft is located above the camera

A high ceiling and similar high windows are commonly called. As if two floors without overlap, which gives a kind of wow effect, increases the volume of the room, makes it bright. And that brings us to a simple conclusion:

Loft is inextricably linked with the second light

Yes, in relation to the concept of a loft in a country house, you cannot do without a second light. At the same time, the opposite cannot be argued, because the second light without a loft is quite possible - no one is forcing you to do it.

What's the idea here? And everything is very simple: we have a house with a large living room, where such a high ceiling is very appropriate and beautiful. And a couple of bedrooms that don't need a lot of height. So why not put the space above the bedrooms to good use? So instead of a cold attic, you get a cozy loft. This is actual, as a rule, either in houses of a small area, or in houses with more complex architecture, where one part is high, and the other part is simple, one-story.

In general, sometimes the line between the loft and the second floor is quite thin, because if the house is large and there are many rooms, then there can be a living room with a high ceiling, and a full-fledged two-story part. For example, as in the house:

There is no longer a loft, but an ordinary (well, not even ordinary at all, in fact) two-story house with attic second floor and a kitchen-living room with a second light. This is an example to understand the difference, now let's get back to the lofts.

The loft is usually not enclosed by a wall

Distinctive feature loft - most often it is fenced simple railings rather than a blank wall. To illustrate this statement, let's return to Smolyachkovo again, although the photo is of an intermediate stage, but I think this is not so important:

I will show you one more example of a loft, although it is quite atypical, balancing on the verge of obtaining the right to be called the second floor :)

Again, a living room with a high ceiling = a second light, but oriented differently, in the middle of the house, the ceiling goes along the rafters and skylights are made, and a giant loft stretches over the rest of the house. Probably not the best good example, still extreme. Because usually a loft is needed only for ...

And why do you need a loft in the house?

In their "classic" form, lofts, like small "balconies" above the living room, are popular in guest houses and serve to accommodate extra beds.

Loft above the kitchen of the house in Vaskelovo, there will be a spiral staircase. Area ~20 m2

Simply put, guests are accommodated there :) Of course, use this extra space you can equip to your taste workplace, a library, a chill-out zone with hookahs and pillows (which, by the way, is planned in Vyborg), for which there is enough imagination.

It turns out that the loft kills two birds with one stone: it gives you a cool high ceiling in the living room and extra space.

How to get there?

For a loft, of course, you need a ladder.

It can be a compact solution in the form of an elegant spiral staircase, or a full-fledged staircase leading up directly from the living room or, for example, from the hallway.

Unfortunately, I have only three photos of the spiral staircase, and even then only in the process of installation:

The staircase is beautiful, but not the most comfortable, this is not suitable for a full-fledged second floor. But the loft is not the second floor, it is used in a completely different mode, and such a solution can be considered.

As you can see, everything is good at the top. And additional heating not provided on a regular loft, warm air rises from the living room.

A similar question was asked to the owner of a house with a loft, I will quote his response letter:

About the loft. With a normal heating and ventilation system (like mine, with a recuperator), there is no difference. By definition, it cannot be cold there - after all, it is very open to the total volume, and heat goes up according to the laws of physics. It goes very slowly, because. underfloor heating, not radiators - therefore, there is a very small difference in air temperature and the heat source (floor). It can be rather hot in summer. But again I repeat: if there is good ventilation, then there should be no problems. And the thermal insulation is 250 mm, i.e. the heat cannot penetrate the house. Neither through the walls-roof, nor through the air flow. The house is always the temperature you want. And everywhere the same.

Summary: at correct system heating-ventilation for free you get an extra 20 squares and sophistication in architecture. Excellent + for a children's, guest bedroom. The only thing is: if they yell downstairs, it’s impossible to sleep there. Yes, and run up the stairs - I am a principled opponent. But 1 time in the morning and 1 time in the evening, even I agree.

Instead of a conclusion

Is it worth making a loft in your house? You decide.

But if you want a one-story house with a truly beautiful living room, it's time to think about the second light. And where the second light, there is a loft;)

The loft architectural style can be called one of the most extraordinary. Therefore, he always attracts attention. creative people. This style is based on the principle of an innovative approach to the design of facades and interiors.

Loft style house project - photo

The starting point of this architectural direction is considered the middle of the 19th century. It was during this period that the rapid development of cities took place. Therefore, most of the old plants and factories were replaced with new ones and turned out to be unclaimed. Artists drew attention to the empty huge squares and adapted them for organizing exhibitions and cultural events. All this required the reconstruction of buildings and the redesign of their facades.

Characteristic features of the loft style:

  • large areas of internal premises;
  • concise design of facades and interiors;
  • clear lines and discreet colors;
  • the maximum possible use of space;
  • numerous light sources.

A loft-style building can be distinguished by a flat horizontal or slightly sloping roof, which is used as a recreation area. The walls are built of metal and concrete. Window openings are high and wide. Finishing materials are mainly metal, brick and stone. The color scheme is in gray and brown, close to natural tones.

To decorate the facade in the loft style, you can use most modern facing materials. The walls can be plastered and painted in a single color. You should also take care of the lighting of the facade.

This style is classified as the most democratic, therefore expensive and presentable. Decoration Materials won't be needed. Optimal choicefacing brick, concrete, plaster, flat metal facade panels monochromatic color. To emphasize individual elements of the building, it is possible to use high-quality wood. It can also be used for facing the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe facade.

They will need to be covered not only with a bioprotective solution, but also with a tinting composition that emphasizes the natural texture of the wood. Coloring is inappropriate for loft-style decoration, so the cost of preparing materials will be small.

Another option for designing facades is metal or plastic panels with a relief of strict geometric shapes. Such houses outwardly resemble stylish containers or small modern industrial buildings. This impression is enhanced if the house has a flat roof.

Facade finishing with rack systems

Rack systems are a relatively new finishing material on the Russian market. A distinctive feature of the facades lined with it is the visual absence of fastening elements. The finish looks like a solid wooden or metal sheet, assembled from vertically installed narrow and flat slats. Such a facade fully corresponds to the loft style, since character traits rack systems - simplicity and clarity of lines.

This finishing material can be used not only in the external decoration of the walls of the task, but also for filing roof overhangs. Flat roofs are often made with long ledges hanging over the porch. The lower surface of these overhangs is sheathed with the same panels as the walls.

Such facades look most advantageous in combination with glass. Therefore, window openings must be large enough. For decorating walls, various lighting, the body of which should be as simple and concise as the general appearance of the building. The main elements of rack systems are lamellas. This is the name of the flat wooden or metal slats that make up the facade cladding structure.

If you decide to use wood, you can significantly reduce the cost of facing the house. If you have a professional or semi-professional woodworking machine (for example, a thickness gauge), you can make your own required amount material - planken.

You can also cover the wood with a fire-bioprotective, and later with a tinting composition, on your own. All this will significantly reduce the cost of assembling and installing the rack system, which will fully meet the requirements of the loft style, one of the most democratic architectural trends.

Design features of metal rack facade systems

Metal rack systems are hinged ventilated structures, so they can be used for wall cladding made of any materials: foam and gas blocks, wood, concrete, brick. Such a facade is distinguished by reliability and ease of installation, but requires knowledge of the technology of its construction.

The main elements of the system are protective screens and bearing profiles (combs). The screens are flat massive panels consisting of metal laths (lamellae). The main feature of the design is that from the outside of the house it looks like a monolithic shield without a hint of the presence of any connecting or fasteners.

Technical characteristics of metal lamellas

Of the domestic manufacturers of rack systems, the most famous company is Albes. Most of the industrial buildings located in all regions of Russia are lined with its materials. Rack facade structures of this manufacturer are ideal for exterior decoration of loft-style residential buildings.

Assembly of metal screens

Manufacturers of slatted facades offer several types of slats:

  • with a closed joint;

  • with decorative groove;

  • leaning type with a decorative groove;

  • leaning type with a closed joint;

  • with increased rigidity.

From the point of view of heat engineering, ventilated facades are the most successful designs. In lath, as in other facing systems, the slot gap is provided not with the help of distances between the laths, but with the help of a gap between bearing wall and facing. The screens of rack systems are assembled in such a way that the lamellas fit snugly enough to each other. The strength of the connections is ensured by special locks that are present on both edges of each rail.

The slats are installed in the grooves of the combs so that each next rail forms a solid canvas with the previous one. Screen assembly is as easy as mounting and dismounting. Depending on the preferences of the homeowner, the horizontal or vertical direction of the slats can be chosen. But most often choose the first.

Metal rails are durable, but at the same time quite flexible material. Due to this feature, cladding structures are able to compensate for changes in the geometric shapes of the facade, which occur due to shrinkage of the building and seasonal ground movements.

Installation of a metal rack facade

The main elements of a hinged ventilated facade:

  • thermal insulation material;
  • vapor barrier film;
  • brackets for attaching frame racks (metal hangers for drywall are most often used);
  • frame racks;
  • finishing material.

The distance between the vapor barrier layer and the facing structure is called the ventilation gap. It is he who provides the removal of moisture from the walls of the building and the materials protecting them. Installation of a ventilated facade consists of several stages.

Example - unfinished wall

Step 1. Prepare the walls of the building for laying thermal insulation material. Remove the old cladding and strengthen the bearing surface with a cement-sand mortar.

Step 2 With a step of 60-80 cm, brackets are attached.

Step 3 Starting from the plinth, a heat insulator sheet is laid on the wall and fastened with special dowel-nails with a mushroom cap. To do this, a hole is drilled in the wall of the house, into which they drive fastener. For fixing a foam sheet or mineral wool 5 dowels are enough. One of them is installed in the middle, the rest - at the corner points.

Step 4 Lay on top of the insulation layer vapor barrier membrane, which is attached with a stapler and staples.

Step 5 Install vertical or horizontal racks of the frame. In this case, combs.

They are fixed in a horizontal direction at a distance of 100-120 cm from each other. The upper and lower combs should be installed at a distance of 10-15 cm from the edge of the walls.

Step 6 A set of rails is carried out, snapping each of them into the corresponding grooves of the combs.

To decorate the facade, you will need others finishing elements: external and internal corners, metal corners for closing the upper and lower edges of the cladding structure. These parts are fixed with galvanized self-tapping screws.

Video - Aluminum siding PREFA on the facade

For those homeowners for whom the issue of reducing the cost of finishing the facade in the loft style is relevant, there is a simple solution: self-manufacturing and installation facing panels from wooden slats. Moreover, these systems can be both monolithic and lattice. The latter are chosen if the building does not need insulation. Therefore, lattice systems are most in demand in regions with a warm climate.

The owner independently chooses all design parameters for finishing the facade: the width and thickness of the rails, the section of the bars for the frame, the brand protective composition for wood processing, tinting agent color.

When choosing the width of the rail, you can focus on the dimensions of the lamellas of metal rack systems. Therefore, the most successful width is 9-32 cm. The area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe walls should also be taken into account. The larger the facade, the wider the slats should be. Compliance with this rule will help to mount an aesthetically attractive and harmonious design.

To fasten the trim elements, you will need wood screws. If a light color is selected for tinting the rails, then the fasteners must be selected accordingly.

Can be used instead of screws adhesive compositions"Moment Joiner" or "Kleiberit PU-glue 501.0". When choosing, take into account such characteristics of the adhesive as moisture resistance and the ability to withstand high and low temperatures.

If it is decided to clad the walls of the house with monolithic wooden panels, the installation is carried out according to the principle of a ventilated facade, by analogy with metal systems. If the slats are at some distance from each other, the supporting profiles of the frame can be attached directly to the walls of the facade.

Rail fastening. If you pre-drill holes for self-tapping screws, then appearance facade will only benefit

Video - Metal facade panels

They started talking about the loft as a style in the 50s of the last century, and it originated a decade earlier, in the industrial areas of American metropolitan areas. The name of this style, which means "attic", appeared after the owners industrial enterprises they began to withdraw production outside the city, and rent out the empty buildings. The bohemian stratum of New York was the first to appreciate the potential of unsuitable for housing spaces. Very little time has passed, and relatively cheap, spacious, with high ceilings and good lighting the premises of the former factories were at the height of fashion.

The style did not linger in the former industrial workshops and workshops. It spread first to city apartments, and then to country cottages, becoming a new word in private housing construction. The production space still inspires architects and designers to the “attic” style, and loft-style houses delight their owners with elegant and stylish furnishings.

Modern loft interior

Country houses in loft style: exterior

Oddly enough, in the homeland of the loft, you can hardly find city apartments decorated in this style. For Americans, a loft is a characteristic of real estate (a former industrial plant, a warehouse, a printing house) that now houses an apartment, a restaurant, or an art gallery. In Europe, the style was creatively approached, developed and extended to private houses and apartments in ordinary residential buildings. Therefore, you do not have to buy an abandoned workshop, the atmosphere of style is easy to reproduce in any living space. External features loft houses are:

    The form. It seems that the house was assembled from a constructor - the architecture is dominated by clear geometric shapes and straight lines. The building is usually adorned with a flat roof.

    Window. The windows are reminiscent of the factory origin of the style. They are designed large (preferably panoramic, to the floor) in order to let in the maximum amount of sunlight. ok if there is wide window sill and a slatted window frame characteristic of industrial glazing.

Classic industrial style windows

    architectural elements. Projects of loft-style houses often include spacious terraces, garages, balconies, and lounge areas. They often protrude significantly beyond the facade and resemble the rational forms of factory structures.

    materials. Suitable for façade simple materials: stone, brick, wood. Concrete, metal and glass are indispensable components of the loft style. It is perfectly acceptable to use imitations natural materials, but it is better if they have an "aged" look.

    Details. What they usually try to make invisible - communication and ventilation systems, is allowed (and even encouraged) to be flaunted here. Metal "factory" stairs to the second or attic floor will become great solution, emphasizing the image and saving living space.

Modern project country cottage loft

Projects of country houses loft

Construction companies create a variety of industrial style projects for clients whose priority is concise design, lack of fuss and the ability to breathe deeply. Country house in loft style custom order often includes various styles, from minimalism to country. Often an old building becomes a loft, which is rebuilt, restored and turned into both spectacular and comfortable housing. During the construction, techniques are used that emphasize the industrial direction in the design of housing:

    materials. For construction and rebuilding, foam and gas blocks are often used - an economical way to enhance the style. Indispensable attributes are aged wood and concrete. The surface of the metal should have a matte appearance, without a bright metallic sheen, preferably with noticeable marks of patina or rust.

Distinctive features of a loft in an old mansion

    Colour. The basis for color solutions will be the color palette of the industrial premises: white and black, as well as shades of gray, blue, brown, red, khaki. Bright accents are allowed, but only in the form of small fragments.

    Details. A traditional rural house with a gable roof and a chimney will be transformed by panoramic windows, metal structures, corner bay windows and massive sliding doors. In the exterior, vertical siding looks good, emphasizing the simplicity of the design.

Country houses in loft style: interior

The concept of the classic (original) loft design is the absence of internal walls and partitions; living sector(excluding the bedroom, bathroom and utility rooms) is a large common space. Loft style decor wooden house should be planned at the design stage of the project; in finished housing, it may be difficult to dismantle interior partitions (if they are involved in ensuring structural rigidity).

Attic - the perfect place for a loft interior

Walls and interior partitions

Industrial style walls exemplify practicality and simplicity. Rough plaster is used for finishing, followed by painting. water-based paint cold shades. In the design of a dedicated wall (one or a maximum of two, so as not to overload the room), certain techniques are used:

    brick wall(old or modern) do not plaster.

    concrete walls you can also do not trim, walls of foam and gas blocks can be covered with rough, with roughness, plaster.

    Imitation of the wall surface. Are used decorative panels with effect natural stone, concrete or brick.

    Wallpaper do not use. An exception may be wallpaper with an imitation of a worn surface or brickwork.

The absence of interior partitions is an important style feature

This combination of wall materials and textures allows for zoning large room, which, ideally, should be viewed from the threshold. If space dividers are needed, use through shelving, a bar counter, furniture or, in extreme cases, glass partitions. Modern style, which is often called a neo-loft, does not allow the combination of all rooms. You are free to combine the living room, dining room and kitchen, separating the office (library). A large space can be zoned with screens or floor material.

On our website you can get acquainted with the most construction companies presented at the exhibition of houses "Low-rise Country".

Floor and ceiling

For a loft-style floor, the following materials are chosen:

    Concrete. Plain, polished or mosaic.

    Wood. Plank floor, covered with transparent varnish or parquet.

    Laminate with imitation wood.

    Ceramic tile . Suitable for kitchen and bathroom.

The wooden floor complements and softens the industrial look of the room.

Dividing an open-plan space is conveniently done with floor covering- deck laying parquet board was used in the living room, and tiles were laid in the kitchen area. In addition to tiles, it is permissible to use linoleum with a wood effect or porcelain stoneware in gray shades (under natural stone). For skirting boards choose the same color as for the walls, they must merge. To enliven the interior and give it contrast, you can choose bright carpets with a large pattern. A lint-free carpet with scuffs and graffiti will fit perfectly.

Ceilings (at least 3 m high) are designed to complement the impression of the style with open communications. On them you can often see floor beams, electrical wiring, pipes of the ventilation system. As an acceptable option, the loft-style ceiling is sheathed wooden planks or plastered in light colors.

Video description

About the features of the interior in the loft style in the following video:


    The form. The loft will appear more clearly if the windows have an arched (rounded top) shape, stained glass inserts and hinged sashes.

    Frame. The place of the double-glazed window is occupied by an aged wooden or aluminum frame, which should merge with the wall.

    Registration. They try not to close the windows as large as possible, similar to factory ones, with curtains; in extreme cases, choose light natural fabrics. Curtains can be successfully replaced with blinds of various types.

    Options. Large skylights or light wells that increase natural light will look stylish.

Blinds on the windows perfectly complement the loft-style cottage

On our website you can find contacts of construction companies that offer. You can directly communicate with representatives by visiting the exhibition of houses "Low-Rise Country".


For creating industrial style needed living space from 100 m 2. In such a spacious room, furniture is avoided close to the walls; between objects and walls leave space for passages. The features of furniture in the interior of the loft include:

    Choice. Furniture should attract attention, but not clutter up the room. Simple and functional items are chosen so that, if desired, they can be moved or folded, freeing up space.

    View. Instead of traditional cabinets, open double-sided shelving, niches in the walls or drawers on wheels that can be removed under the stairs are used.

Video description

About building a loft-style house in the following video:

    combination. A combination of modern items with vintage, worn (or artificially aged) items is welcome. Real industrial furniture of past eras looks especially good - chairs, tables and racks.

    Material. Monochromatic fabrics are suitable for upholstery: dense jacquard, tapestry, velor. Actively used leather, leatherette, suede.

Loft can look romantic and airy

Decor and household appliances

Since the industrial style is coolly mixed with minimalism, there can not be many decor items; design options are:

    Graffiti on one of the walls.

    Old posters and newspapers enclosed in simple wooden or metal frames.

    street signboards.

    Paintings, photographs and sculpture. The loft originated as a place for art galleries and exhibitions, so a few items will not damage suburban housing. contemporary art. A large picture can simply be leaned against the wall.

Kitchen wall decoration

A prerequisite for a loft house project is a large number of modern household appliances and electronics; the more it is, the better. It should be eye-catching, brightly decorated, with stainless or chrome steel details, glass surfaces and LEDs. You can safely decorate the studio:

    Stylish music center and a large plasma TV.

    fireplace. Both a traditional fireplace and an ultra-modern pendant or drop-shaped loft fireplace will do.

    household appliances. Equipping the kitchen with a stove and refrigerator of stainless steel, you can make it look like a restaurant block. So that the monochrome environment does not look boring, it is diluted with accents: a coffee machine and a food processor. A bright refrigerator, olive, black or orange, will also fit into the style.

Household appliances can become the centerpiece of the design


The lighting concept is also borrowed from industrial interiors. General lighting is combined with spot (directional) lighting of functional areas. To embody the loft style are used:

    Many modern ergonomic light sources.

    massive chandeliers. They play a part central element lighting in the living area or in the kitchen; choose chandeliers made of metal and glass.

    Street lights and industrial lamps.

    pendant lamps with height adjustment.

    Floor lamps . Well zoned space; suitable for large, adjustable objects and / or non-standard, in the form of a spotlight.

    Neon lights . Adds volume and works well for a small space.

Lighting in the interior of a loft-style house project

Room features

When decorating a country house, it is important not to forget that the style has a “harsh” industrial past, so certain requirements are imposed on each room and each residential area. The thoughtful negligence of a rough factory style requires painstaking work designer.


If the hallway is separated from the common space, then it usually has small size. The main thing that needs to be done during its design is to unload as much as possible, leaving the most necessary items. Light colors are used for decoration. The hallway is well lit, mirrors are installed; wardrobes are hidden in niches or made hidden.

Concrete floor and gray-blue siding in the hallway

Living room

The living area is located next to the main entrance; The following methods are used in its design:

    wall decoration. Classic Choice- raw concrete, bare brickwork (on one of the walls), rough plaster. Usage decorative plaster allows you to get the effect of patina, rusty metal or shabby walls.

    Floor. The best choice would be the floor of monolithic concrete or a pleasant wooden floor for bare feet.

    Furniture and Appliances . Availability required comfortable sofa, armchairs and coffee table. Upholstery can be leather, suede or cashmere, neutral (gray, beige or white) shades. Against the background of brickwork, a red or blue sofa looks no less expressive. The decoration of the living room will be home theater, plasma TV and professional audio system.

Bohemian style living area

    Design. If the ceilings are high enough, they make a second light or / and a mezzanine floor, on which it is convenient to equip the bedroom. The staircase to the mezzanine can be wooden or metal (stainless steel, with terrace board as steps).


The kitchen is conveniently located next to the living area. An elegant way to separate two zones will be a bar counter with a base made of metal frame and a natural (often intentionally aged) wood top. Other distinctive features of the loft kitchen are:

    Appliances. Refrigerator, stove, hood choose large, massive. They are complemented by stylish built-in appliances, crockery and small appliances displayed on a spacious desktop. Here you can also place an old unit, a coffee maker or a gray hair mixer of the last century.

Spacious kitchen-dining area in a loft-style country house

    Walls and floor. For facing the walls of the kitchen, decorative and clinker tiles are used for brick, mosaic (monochrome or mix). Tile big size will help highlight kitchen area. Communications are not hidden, but highlighted with color.

    Furniture. Comfortable, functional, stylized as industrial designs. Color can be any, material - wood, glass, plastic, chrome-plated metal.


In general, the design of the bedroom repeats the design of the living room - space, a minimum of furniture, a wardrobe of the simplest form, which should not be done in the entire wall. The emphasis of the room is on brick or concrete wall, near which the head of the bed is placed. An accent wall can also be made of wood by placing works of art on it. The nuances of the situation can be:

    Floor. The best solution is a wooden floor.

    Bed. A low bed of light wood, simple in shape, will fit into the style. Linen is chosen plain, from linen, satin or cotton.

    Decor. Suitable photos in simple framework, graffiti, mirrors, a large fan on the ceiling.

Thanks to the spaciousness and contrast of colors, the bedroom has a classic loft look.


In the design of the bathroom, several basic techniques are used:

    For floor and walls choose mosaic tiles one tone.

    To store towels and necessary things leave wooden bedside table wall to wall with integrated sink. For small things you can arrange niches in the walls.

    Hang over the sink round or square mirror unframed or in a simple metal frame.

    Bath is selected modern or antique, from cast iron; looks good shower cabin.

Bathroom, decorated in all the rules of style

Differences of the loft style from other modern trends

Modern trends in architecture and design of country houses allow (and even welcome) a mixture of styles, eclecticism. But if you want a clean, industrial style home, there are some obvious tricks that belong to others that you should avoid. modern trends. Loft should be distinguished from style:

    High tech. At first glance, a lot in common - the same open bearing structures and communications, chrome-plated lamps, asceticism in the choice of color. But if the loft transforms the past, then high-tech is directed to the future and the interior of the kitchen does not resemble a workshop or workshop, but a cabin spaceship. Hi-tech demonstrates more sophistication, gloss and craving for high technology.

Loft in a wooden house

    Constructivism and minimalism. Styles inextricably linked with the Russian avant-garde of the 1920s. It is also common for them to combine several zones in one room (studio apartment). Furniture and decor takes on the most simplified forms, beauty becomes utilitarian. There is often an experiment with the form, but there is no decorative effect and embellishment.

    neo-brutalism. It looks like a loft from the outside. Neo-brutalism also arose in the middle of the last century, and the space is also organized with the help of spacious rooms and exposed communications. Business card style - deliberate slovenliness, a combination of functional details with interior excesses that you will never find in a loft interior. For example, in a room with concrete or brick walls and rusty pipes a multi-tiered chandelier with crystal pendants, a luxurious sofa and numerous trinkets on the shelves feel quite good.

Loft living room corner

    Modern. Spacious rooms, panoramic (or just large) windows, modern appliances and - no open pipelines, electrical wiring and deliberately rough wall decoration. All kinds of materials, fabrics and color combinations to the taste of the owners give rise to a great variety style decisions modern European style.


Interest in this way of decorating a country house and interior, like a loft, is growing every year. The industrial style, slightly rough, but practical and comfortable, is suitable for those who appreciate a free life and a creative approach to solving problems.

The loft is associated with the city, urban environment. At first glance, it seems strange to want to create an “industrial” outside of it, but as examples show, an industrial-style country house can fit quite well into the surrounding landscape.

Sometimes an old mill or an abandoned winery gives an impetus to fantasy, and sometimes the owners consciously transfer their familiar and convenient image to the bosom of nature. After all, life does not stand still - many people like modern architectural forms that reflect the spirit of the new time.

This house looks like the real thing from the outside. production room fit for life. Complete harmony reigns in the interior: metal staircase, leading to the private area of ​​the owners, is painted in gray and crimson tones, the floor is “under the stone” and large open windows- typical signs of style.

This rustic cottage has been renovated from an old stable. Walls out natural stone emphasize historical character buildings and are an energy-saving factor, accumulating solar heat.

Country buildings are distinguished by high ceilings and many atypical ordinary apartment platforms, stairs, other "strange" structural elements. Therefore, they are often equipped with a second light, removing the central part of the ceiling span.

External features of the loft in the design of a country house

Such a building almost always strikes with its unexpectedness, it seems taken out of context, and betrays a consistent urbanist. Each building has its own individuality, none of them are alike. Nevertheless, some common features inherent in such an architecture can be distinguished.

    Rectangular geometric shapes, as if the house was assembled from a constructor. unexpected pipes, flat roofs, large finely barred windows.

    "Rough" finishing materials: brick, stone, metal, "aged" wood. More often it is an imitation, but if the basis is really old building, its walls are trying to keep in its original form.

    Cantilever structures extending beyond the facade - balconies, open terraces and platforms. They perform their functions, and at the same time give the house an original quirky look.

The interior decoration corresponds to the unusual appearance of the house. Absolutely simple furniture made of natural wood, plastered walls, metal lamps create a feeling of ease. The design is harmoniously complemented by rustic decor: a bright carpet, embroidered pillows, original panel on the wall. This created a non-trivial, and very cozy mix of modern and ethnic elements, combining the new with old traditions.

House in the style of "industrial" according to a special project

Perfect option when an old building is used for such a country house, which is restored and adapted for life, taking into account modern requirements. However, designers create many individual projects for customers who want to create something extraordinary. Often they mix the features of minimalism, loft and country in the most incredible combinations.

Very often, foam concrete and aerated concrete blocks are chosen for construction. It is economical, in addition, they are ideal for industrial use in suburban construction.

It has a characteristic industrial style color scheme, massive sliding doors, clear geometry of large elements. At the same time, the rural archetype with a gable roof and outer pipe fireplaces associate this design with country style.

Functionality and convenience - two "pillars" on which the loft stands

This direction is distinguished by a pronounced free attitude to the creation of its own "autonomous" space, only symbolically separated from the surrounding world. The owners equip it in the way that suits them, without taking into account the conventions and accepted canons.

It uses all the cutting-edge technical innovations:

    passive heating by natural light, used solar panels;

    big windows equip with special heat saving systems, special heat pumps are installed;

    recirculation systems provide energy savings by providing water and air heating.

External extensions - a garage, a terrace, a veranda are arranged as convenient, even if it violates the general proportions. The same principle is observed inside - a stove, a fireplace, heating pipes are not masked, but on the contrary, they give expressiveness to the design.

The interior of the house is not flashy, but noble and stylish

The exterior design of the building and the interior should match each other, only then there is a sense of integrity of the whole composition and the idea is preserved. Ideal options with a mansard roof, where bedrooms and an office are usually located. Sometimes it is a workshop, if the owner of the creative profession, or an observatory.

The ground floor traditionally houses the living room, dining room and utility rooms. Traditional loft materials: brick, wood and metal are used in different combinations. Their quantitative ratio is dictated by the preferences and personal tastes of the owners. There are two main directions:

    with a predominance of brick, wooden furniture and natural stone (or imitations);

    with the use of concrete, plaster, paint and an abundance of metal elements, including in furniture.

The design of this room evokes mixed feelings. Inside, a nostalgic interior was created, reminiscent of childhood spent in the village with my grandmother, but in a new, modern interpretation.

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